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I know, it’s my first time posting here and it’s a story where they don’t even kiss, so go figure. Probably belongs on some kind of ‘Twilight Zone’ type of site but I don’t know of any. I still like it though.


Karen knew she should not stop for the hitchhiker. It was just not a good idea for her to do that, but she did anyway. She just had to. It was pouring rain, almost a deluge and none of the three cars a head of her even slowed down for the drenched, soggy looking man. So, she honked her horn and moved over to the shoulder and backed up a little as he ran up to her minivan.

‘Much obliged,’ he said with a thick Texas accent, shaking off the water as he tried to slide into the front seat.

‘Don’t worry about getting it wet,’ she added as he slid a knapsack into the back.

‘Name’s Tom,’ he said as he fastened the seatbelt and shut the door. He finally had a chance to look at his savior. She was in a wheel chair in the van and she had hand controls. ‘You sure are a brave woman stopping for a hitchhiker.’

‘I’ve always been like this,’ she smiled. ‘Not even this has stopped me.’

‘Well, I sure do appreciate it. Been out here a while and it is pretty nasty.’

‘Where are you headed?’ she asked trying to keep her eyes on the road.

‘Nova Scotia,’ he replied. ”Bout as far away from what happened as I can get I guess.’

‘You’re not in trouble with the police are you?’ she asked a bit nervously.

‘Nope, had one problem and took care of it. Nothing you need to worry about. Just had my world turned upside down, that’s all. If I make you nervous, just say so and I’ll get out, but no, I’ve never harmed anyone, anyone at all except by accident.’

‘No, that’s OK. I’m headed to Albany. I can take you that far anyway.’

‘Sounds good to me.’

They drove in silence for about half an hour as the rain slowly started to let up.

‘You haven’t asked me what happened,’ she said. ‘Everyone else has.’

‘One of the rules of being a good hitchhiker is that you don’t ask too many questions. If the driver feels like talking, you listen, if not, then you keep your mouth shut unless they want you talk. I always try and be a good hitcher.’

‘I was eighteen,’ she began, ‘and my boy friend Zak was nineteen. Just went to the movies, don’t even remember what we saw. Nothing to drink or anything and on the way home got hit by a drunk driver. Zak died and they kept telling me I was lucky. Sure didn’t seem like it to me. I’ll never walk again. I just kept believing that God works in mysterious ways. Sounds corny I guess, but I believe He has a plan for everyone, including me and this is just part of it. Don’t know what it could be but I just decided to make the most of it and do the best I can so I went right on living. Going to become a teacher.’

‘My guess is a pretty good one at that.’

‘I sure hope so. Can’t just sit around feeling sorry for myself. That just won’t work.’

She paused.

‘I was the drunk driver,’ he said a moment later. ‘I had a few too many and my wife and two daughters were in the car when I hit a tree. I lived and they died. They were my life,’ and he almost started to cry. ‘Sorry, but you’re one of the very few people I’ve ever told.’ The rain started to let up. ‘I wish I had your faith. Not sure there is a God or that he has a plan of any kind.’

‘Trust me, I know He does,’ she replied sincerely. ‘God always has a plan for us.’

Right about then he thought she was just one of the bravest people he had ever met. ‘I’m glad it works for you.’

The rain eased up and then stopped all together as they got closer to Albany.

There was a truck stop just off the interstate outside of town. He put some gas in the van for her. ‘I’ll bet one of these truckers is heading east,’ he told her.

‘I’m sure someone will give you a ride,’ she smiled at him as the sun started to shine. ‘I really hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for. I know I have. Just remember, God does have a plan.’

With that, he grabbed his knapsack from the back of the van, waved and took off for the parking area where the trucks were idling.

Three and a Half Years Later

It was a warm spring day, the kind that makes you want to rush outside and just do something, anything at all anything other than be cooped up in a stuffy class room with thirty other students who were already looking forward to graduation two weeks down the road.

The class let out and everyone made their way outside, including Karen. The other students knew her by then and mostly just took her for granted. She knew where all the wheel chair ramps, elevators and wheel chair accessible bathrooms were by then. It was her last class of the day and she was in no hurry to go back to her lonely apartment. Taking her time, she rolled along the campus sidewalks, taking the long way back to her minivan, hoping to meet a few friends and checking her voice mail to see if there were any messages — there weren’t.

At last, she was back at the van. A tall, vaguely familiar looking man in a brown cowboy hat and faded jeans was standing near it. She reached for her cell phone in case she needed to call the police, but as there were a number of other people around, she didn’t think it necessary. Besides, there really was something familiar about him.

‘Howdy,’ he smiled at her.

‘Do I know you?’

‘Not exactly,’ he replied. ‘Three and half years ago, on your first trip here, you picked me up in the rain outside Buffalo.’

‘Now I remember,’ she said. Now she was nervous. What could he possibly want after all this time?

‘I’ve come to repay your kindness,’ he answered.

‘It really isn’t necessary. It was raining and I was actually glad I had some company. You helped me concentrate.’

‘Actually, it’s necessary for me. Something I’ve got to do, something wonderful.’ His eyes and face almost lit up and she half believed him. ‘Don’t mean to frighten you and certainly not harm you or anything. Hell, I never did that before, never. Just made the one mistake you know about and almost made another that you don’t. I found my answers just like you said I would and now I’ve got to do something really wonderful for someone and I’ve picked you.’

‘Why me?’ she asked. ‘Why not someone else from wherever it is you’re from?’

‘If it hadn’t been for you telling me to trust that God has a plan, I never would have found out what it is. I would have died after I left you, just made my way out to Nova Scotia and taken a long swim until I drowned. Instead, I found something else, something really wonderful. I’d tell you what it is, but heck, you’d never believe me. You’d think I was a crazy person or something and maybe I am a little bit.’

He could tell she was a bit reluctant and nervous about the encounter and he really couldn’t blame her at all. ‘Tell you what. It’s a really nice day so why don’t you and I just find a spot to sit in the sun and I’ll try and explain what’s going on and what I need to do and if you think I’m a crazy son of gun, then you have my word that I’ll leave you alone and never bother you again.’

‘OK, I guess,’ she half agreed. She had trusted him once before under much more dangerous circumstance. Now they were out in the open with other students all around them. She pointed to an open courtyard and she aimed her wheel chair in the direction.

‘So, how did you find me after all this time?’

‘I suppose I just could have asked around for a pretty young woman in a wheel chair. Aren’t too many here I guess.’

‘You could have, but then I could have changed schools too.’

‘Could have but didn’t, did you? Nope. I was told you were here.’ He paused as they entered the courtyard. ‘You see, after I left you, I continued to wander around for a bit and I did make it all the way east, out where you just can’t go east any more. I really was going t
o just start swimming and not stop until I died. Figured that was the only way to escape what had happened. I was pretty stupid, I guess. Anyway, met some people and spent a lot of time with them. They showed me who I could be and what I could do and what I could become. In order for all that to happen, I got to do something really nice for someone. I picked you and said what I wanted to do for you and they just told me where you were and told me to do it.’

‘And what is it that you’re going to do for me?’

‘You get to close your eyes for just a moment and make a wish. I get to make it happen.’

‘No one can make that happen.’

‘You ain’t closed your eyes yet and besides, you did say something to me about God working in mysterious ways and having a plan for us, didn’t you? Don’t tell me you don’t believe all that now.’

‘Honestly, not any more. I just don’t.’

‘Now, ain’t this a hoot? There I was, havin’ no faith at all and you believing and now here we are three and half years later and I’m the one that believes and you’re the one that don’t. How about that?’

‘I’m sorry but after all this time and a lot of other things, I just don’t believe that He can do what the doctors have said is impossible and I really don’t believe you’re God either.’

‘Well, you are right about one thing. I sure ain’t God, nope, not at all. Can’t say as I’ve even seen Him even. Not somebody or something you can see anyway. You just know. As for the other part of what you said, well, you just have no idea at all what He can do once He makes up His mind to do it. Sometimes He needs a little help and sometimes He just delegates the whole shebang.’

‘And he’s delegated you?’ she asked. ‘You sure don’t look or sound like a doctor to me.’

‘Never said I was.’ He paused. ‘Tell you what. Let me tell you a couple of things you probably don’t think I know about you. I know that when you were six years old, you and your older brother Gary stole a couple of apples from Mrs. Taylor’s porch and ran over to the park and ate them and when you were confronted by your mother a couple of hours later, your brother tried to lie his way out of it but you fessed up and admitted. The next day, he gave you a black eye as result, but you returned the favor and gave him a bloody nose and even broke it. You both figured you were even and you’re still close. He was the first one there after your accident and the first one to give blood that day too.’

‘He really liked Zak too,’ she said. ‘We were all such good friends.’

‘Somethin’ else nobody knows but you and Him. How about the time when you were fourteen and ran away from home for all of what was it, six hours one day? Took the bus into Columbus did you and just wander around for a couple of hours, then decided it wasn’t to your liking and then took the bus back in time for dinner. Nobody even knew you were gone, did they, not even your brother.’

That was something nobody knew.

‘That’s really scary,’ she said.

‘Nothing to be afraid about,’ he said, ‘nothing at all. What happened to you was not supposed to happen. You were supposed to get thrown through the windshield like you did but you somehow landed a little bit too wrong. Now I get to make up for it.’

‘How can you possibly do that?’

He smiled. ‘You know, I just don’t know. I just got to decide to make it happen and it will happen. How about that?’

‘Just like that?’

‘Yep, just like that, but first you got to believe. If you don’t, it won’t happen. Just like those Wright Brothers at Kittyhawk. If they hadn’t believed, it never would have happened.’

‘Their plane would have flown,’ she said.

‘Maybe, but if they hadn’t believed, they never would have done all that work to get it to fly in the first place. Just like you. You’ve got to believe to make it happen. Then, when it starts, you’ll have a lot of work to do.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You think that if I suddenly said you could walk that you actually could? Your leg muscles aren’t up to it and they’ve actually forgotten how to work together to make you walk. Nope, it won’t happen over night, not at all.’

‘I haven’t thought about that lately,’ she agreed. ‘I guess you’re right.’

He nodded. ‘First though, you still got to close your eyes and make a wish.’

She did and wished she could walk down the aisle at her graduation. She kept her eyes closed for a moment and when she opened them, he was gone. Startled, she wheeled her chair around and almost ran over a friend of hers. ‘Did you see him?’ she asked. ‘Where did he go?’

‘Who, Karen? I didn’t see anyone, anyone at all.’

‘I was talking to a guy, just now, in a cowboy hat and jeans. He asked me to close my eyes and I did but only for a second and now he’s gone.’

‘Karen, I didn’t see anyone. I’ve been walking on this sidewalk and I’ve had you in view for oh, a minute or two and I didn’t see anyone, especially not some guy in a cowboy hat, not here in Albany of all places. Are you sure you’re all right.’

‘Positive. Look, I was talking to him, right here,’ she insisted.

‘If you say so.’

They chatted for another minute or two and then Karen made her way to her minivan, drove to her apartment building and wheeled into her two-bedroom apartment.

Inside, she realized that whoever he was he was just another disappointment for her. How could he possibly do what doctors insisted could not be done for her?

She wheeled into the kitchen and accidentally hit her knee on one of the cabinets. ‘Damn that hurts,’ she said out loud. Then she realized something. ‘It really does hurt!’ Nothing below her waist had hurt for almost five years. She pinched her leg and felt it. It too hurt. It was truly amazing. She could actually feel her legs and toes! It was the most wonderful sensation she had ever felt.

‘Let’s see if I can wiggle my toes,’ she said. ‘Damn, how do I do this?’ No matter how hard she tried, no matter what she said or did, nothing moved. After half an hour, she gave up. ‘At least I can feel my legs,’ she said. ‘Better than nothing.’

The next morning, she was pleasantly surprised to find that she could still feel her legs and this time, after a few minutes, she was able to wiggle her toes. ‘Maybe this is happening slowly,’ she said.

As she went about her day of classes, she looked constantly for the man in the cowboy hat and didn’t see him until after her last class where he was once again, standing by her mini van.

‘Thank you,’ she said.

‘Ain’t done nothin’ yet,’ he replied.

‘You disappeared yesterday,’ she said moving closer. ‘My friend said she never saw you either.’

‘I blend into the back ground.’

‘So, what are you really?’

‘Can’t say as I know really. ‘Sides, don’t know that you’re ready for the answer either.’

‘Will I really be able to walk down the aisle in two weeks?’

‘What do you think?’ he asked her.

‘I really hope so. I really, really hope so.’

‘You got to believe first. You got to believe and act as if it really will happen.’

‘I know it. I know I will.’

‘Good, ’cause I got me a ticket to your graduation and I intend to see it. Never saw anyone graduate from college myself. Not much a one for pomp and circumstance but I guess it has its place.’

‘You must have graduated from highschool, didn’t you?’

‘Oh, sure I did, back in Galveston Texas. I barely got through though. Not the best student in the world but was real good with my hands. Became a cabinetmaker of all things, working in wood. I did all right for myself and my family until….’

‘And how are you living now? Are you getting by?’

‘Don’t need much money now,’ he laughed. ‘As they say, ‘God provides’.’

‘Karen, are you all right?’

She spun around to see another friend behind her. ‘Were you talking to yourself? That’s not a good sign.’

She spun back a
round and he was gone. ‘No, I’m OK, really, I’m OK.’

‘You look a bit tired,’ said the friend.

‘Yes, maybe I am. Finals start next week, you know.’

Over the next few days, she slowly improved. One day, she could move her ankle, the next, her knees. Three days after seeing him, she stood up on her own for the first time.

‘This is truly amazing,’ exclaimed her doctor five days later during a routine visit. ‘I’ve never seen anything like it. It almost looks as if you’re having spontaneous regeneration of your nerve tissue. Are you doing anything different?’

‘Talking to God maybe,’ she thought but did not say.

‘I need you to start some physical therapy right away,’ he said. ‘Come back tomorrow and we’ll get you going.’

‘Count on it,’ she said. ‘I’m going to walk down the aisle for graduation next week.’

The doctor shook his head not believing but the next day, even he began to wonder. She was improving almost hourly. A day later, she took her first steps in four and a half years. A day later, she made it slowly half way down a hall and back. On her very last day of class, two days before the ceremony, she walked into class on crutches instead of the wheel chair. Most just barely noticed her but the few that did were completely taken by surprise.

One of the people who was most surprised was Jeff, a modestly handsome young man who had once taken an interest in her. He tried to talk to her after class that day.

‘I’m sorry,’ she explained walking away from him, ‘but you left me saying something about not being able to deal with a handicapped person and wondering how we could have sex with me like that. I mean, if that was all you were thinking about with me then I guess it’s just as well you did dump me.’

‘It wasn’t like that,’ he complained.

‘No? Then what was it like? Do you even know? I did almost everything for you and what did you ever do for me? Did you ever take me to the doctor’s office? How about go grocery shopping for me? Take the van in when it needed work? Nope, not a damned thing. Well, all that will be coming to an end. I’ll be walking soon and then I really won’t need you, at least not for any of that.’

‘I loved you.’

‘You don’t even know what the word means. I was just your poor little crippled girlfriend, someone you could show off to get sympathy for and maybe something on the side from some other young woman. Sorry, but never again.’

She made her way back to her van, and then to the doctor who was still amazed at her progress and then finally back to her apartment.

‘Howdy,’ smiled Tom as she entered. ‘Hope you don’t mind me being here.’

‘Of course not,’ she beamed. ‘How can I possibly mind you being here after all you’ve done for me? I really am going to walk down the aisle Saturday morning.’

‘You sure are,’ he agreed.

‘Nobody believes this, nobody at all.’

‘I know, but I also know that you believe and that’s what most important, more important than what anyone else thinks or cares.’

‘Including Jeff?’

‘Of course,’ he laughed. ‘Young fellers like him and I can be a bit dense, you know. Don’t always think straight.’

‘Goes for women too,’ she agreed. ‘Should I take him back?’

‘He ain’t ready yet, I reckon. You ain’t the woman for him and he sure ain’t the man for you either. Besides, you ain’t sure who you are yet. Lot of changes comin’ for you now, what with you’re walkin’ again.’

‘I told my parents,’ she began, ‘and my brother. They’ll be here tomorrow,’ she smiled. He nodded. ‘They can’t believe it either but they will, they will,’ she beamed.

‘Don’t know quite what to think, do they?’

‘No, they don’t and neither do I honestly.’ She sighed and sat down. ‘I had everything all planned out about what I was going to do after graduation. Now it’s all changed.’

‘Why?’ he asked. ‘You were going to teach handicapped children in Columbus. You’ve got a job lined up there to start in the fall. No reason why you can’t. You just won’t be wheeling around in your chair that’s all. You’ll still remember what it’s like though. You’ll never forget it, never and that will make you a better person. You can be a big help to those kids ’cause you’ll know what it’s like to be laughed at and made fun of and ignored by the other kids, even if you only lived it for a few years where some of them will live it for their entire lives. You will still know it forever.’

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Pam slept on the drive home and I ended up drinking about four red bulls to keep me awake as I pointed the car in the direction of the city where lived. To tell you the truth I don’t remember the drive home. Just at one point I was pulling into our garage. We didn’t discuss the weekend. Not even the non-sexual parts. It was as if, out of sight out of mind seemed to be the rule for the day. At one point I asked her. “Are we going to talk about what happened?” “No.” “Why not?” “Because I’m...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Nina Elle MILF Life Crisis

When Xander’s MILFy stepmom Nina Elle interrupted his black metal band’s practice time to announce dinner, he shooed her away whilst frustrated from needing a new singer. Nina then got an idea in her head – she would audition and show em what she’s made of! The boys were STUNNED when she arrived to try outs in full corpse paint, and that she SCREAMED HER FUCKING FACE OFF! She’s sucked a lot of cock – you open your throat the same way, it’s very similar....

2 years ago
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Sinful Sitha Aunt 8211 Part 2

Hello ISS readers. This is Aman(name changed) again. I am here with the second part of the story. Those who don’t know me, I am from Bangalore, but I am doing my degree in Mysore. Let me tell you about myself. To be honest, I am a very skinny guy with a fair color. Height of 5’10. My dick size is not like other guys, it’s just 6 inch and 2 and half inch thick. The story is about my neighbor aunty whom I got very lustful the moment I saw her.. Coming to the story, After having a great fuckin...

3 years ago
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Blown hard

She stepped out of the shadows and Bumfelt almost shit himself. "Detective," she said, her face briefly visible in the light from the cigarette that she drew on. "Jesus, lady!" exclaimed the Detective, regaining his composure, fumbling for the keys to his car. "You want to get a drink?" she said, stepping into the weak light of a failing street light. "You look like a man who's had a hard day at the office and someone who could use a drink." Bumfelt looked her up and down. She looked good....

4 years ago
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Sex With My Sister Rashmi

Hi myself is ravi from bangalore… I am a trainer in bangalore. I have normal body with cock size 6 inch.. K I will come to story. Basically we r from a village.. I have a cousin sister rashmi. I and rashmi were very close . She is in bangalore doing her studies. One day I went to her house . She welcomed heartly because we met after two years. Her mother father sister welcomed me. We talked so much.. From our childhood we had the habit of saying I love you.. So I said I love you to rashmi and I...

4 years ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 11 Capturing The New Pets

Jim and his pets planned the capture of Courtney and Melissa carefully. It was assumed both targeted girls would be out and about on a Friday evening. Their capture would occur after dark that night at a neighborhood park. Trina and Cindy would each call the girl they had recommended and have her meet them at the park. They would be told they were to see something neat that Trina and Cindy had found while on vacation. Friday morning came. Jim brought his pets their clothes and had them...

3 years ago
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My First Sex Experience

Hello,sexy girls and boys. This is my first story on this site but i am reading sexy stories since two i decided to share my first sex experience i hope you all will like i am gonna introduce myself i am jit from Punjab i am of 19 years old and i am of six feet and having brown eyes and black brown hairs which are my intretive point.i have 7 inch dick.i have crazz of making muscular body so i had join gym one year before and i got very good shape and hard body but having so...

2 years ago
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Spying on my Neighbor 05

The next week was a blur. It didn’t take long for me to convince my parents I was helping my neighbor with chores around her yard and house for some extra money. In their eyes, this explained why I had been spending so much time over at my neighbor’s house. They didn’t mind either. They figured it would teach me responsibility. So here I am my last summer before I go off to college and I am already getting the best education I could imagine. My sexy neighbor is teaching me about all kinds of...

2 years ago
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tales of taboo

“Doing laundry, Billy. Got anything that needs washing?” “Mom, ya ever hear of knocking?” “Relax, okay? You haven’t got anything I haven’t seen before.” “What if I was...doing something private in here?” “You mean jerking off?” “Mom!” “Yeah, I know you do that i've seen the strains on your sheets. You got anything for me?” She gestures with the basket as she says this. “Yeah, hang on...” Billy walked over to the corner, bending over to pick up a pile of laundry. As...

3 years ago
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Chat between my friends mom

Convinced my friends mom to give me her phone is what happened next:Me: Hello ma'amher: hello EugeneMe: Is Jhon(her son) home?her: No, he went out with some friends, hell be gone for a whileMe: Do you know when he might be back?her: No, he didnt tell me when he'l be backMe: Ok, can i come over?her: hes not home!Me; yes i know, can i still come over?her: ummm, sure. i dont mind...------I go to her house and we hag out and talk on the couch------...Me: Why is he never at home?her:...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 265

Say thanks to Joe Smart for the following: 2018 Darwin Awards _priceless Nominee No. 1 (San Jose Mercury News): An unidentified man, using a shotgun like a club to break a former girlfriend’s windshield, accidentally shot himself to death when the gun discharged, blowing a hole in his gut. Nominee No. 2 (Kalamazoo Gazette): James Burns, 34, a mechanic from Alamo MI, was killed in March as he was trying to repair what police describe as a “farm-type truck.” Burns got a friend to drive the...

3 years ago
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Seducing The Tutor 8211 Part 2

Hello, readers! I am back to complete my story where I seduced my tutor into fucking me. After having put me on the bed, he climbed over and pulled my legs apart for my naked pink pussy to be staring directly at him. He just stood on his knees in between my legs, touching his erection again and again. I was lying on the bed waiting for him to enter me. He looked up to see my face and laughed when he saw how badly I wanted him inside me. He asked me to beg him to fuck me and I was getting more...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 6

The four of us wandered slowly over to the Union just after eight o'clock; we had learned from experience not to turn up too early to a concert. The bands were never on stage before nine, often later, and drinking too much beer while waiting for them to appear meant that you were queuing for the loos during the concert itself. Steeleye Span had no warm up act, so some of their earlier recorded work was playing on the speakers. It was a much less imposing stage set-up than for Pink Floyd,...

2 years ago
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Getting to Third BaseChapter 8

In the weeks and months that followed, Patti and I were inseparable -- or, at least, as inseparable as a couple can be when one partner is on the road exactly half the time, and is working nights while his partner works days, even when he's at home. But we worked around it. I gave Patti a key to my house in the close-in Baltimore 'burbs, and during Oriole home stands she would go there after work on days she didn't come to the ballpark to watch us play. Even when she came to the games,...

4 years ago
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Field WorkChapter 2

That first evening we grilled steaks. "First night is meat night," the professor said. "I freeze them and wrap them and put them into an insulated bag. And they're still good that evening. Never try to carry fresh meat in the field otherwise." They seemed delicious. We stuffed ourselves, banked the ashes and turned in. When I got up in the morning the shadows were long and there were three aborigines standing a few meters away, casting long shadows in the rising sun. "G'day,"...

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Thats very neighbourly of youpart two

For the first time he actually heard her speak, 'come up when you're ready theres beer and wine in the fridge. Daniel had to calm himself first making sure it wasn't a joke or a wind up. Steady his nerves steel himself for whatever was going to happen. Worst case scenario an unexpected cock up his ass and a smile on hubbys face, best case scenario anything but the latter.'Nah fuck it, I've been in worse situations no need to steady myself'. Dan the fucking man the legend in his own...

4 years ago
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accept it cuckold double

Beeing in a hotel, after we woke up, we cuddled for a while, and I wanted to start our new relationship, but the last night memory was wery present. I was kissing A like I was trying to wash off all my thought. And she enjoyed it alot. She came 2 times before she asked me to go downstairs to grab something to eat.I went and while I was still in the elevator, I couldn't figure one thing. She was a virgin yet, she did not bleed. was was going on. I made some sandwitches and wend back in our room....

3 years ago
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chudakarh family 3 Part1

By Salman Hay ISS readers friends again salman or ISS publishers ka thanx k unho ny meri dono story release ki or ap sub friends ka thanx jino ny pasand ki or apni mails send kar k meri hosala afzai ki.aj mai ap ko apni 3sre Real story sunany ja raha hun jis mai mai ny sana or sobia ki elder sister ko choda hospital mai or un ki do cousan ki bhi choudahi ki. To dosto let start apny hath lund mai ly lo or girls apny boobs or bur ko masalana start kar do yeh baat us time ki hai jub saba k...

1 year ago
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Chance meeting

She could see him from across the room, he was standing there leaning up against the bar looking her way every now and then trying not to let her see him watching her. She couldn’t help but wondering what was running thru this mans mind. Did he feel the things she felt when she gazed upon his eyes. She looked away just for a moment and he was gone, she could think of nothing else but walking around to see if maybe by chance he was still there. Just when she thought she had looked every place...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Emma Starletto Sexy Scavenger Hunt

Emma Starletto and her stepbrother Nathan Bronson have been fighting since their parents got married, and Emma’s mom Dava Foxx is sick of it. She tells the kids that she’d almost rather see them fuck than fight and that they need to get along. Stalking away, Dava returns and hands Emma a piece of paper with a scavenger hunt on it. She says that if the two haven’t worked together and finished it by the time she gets home, they’ll both be grounded. Emma and Nathan look at...

3 years ago
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He Owns Me

Sir, pats His lap and I slide over onto it. He holds me in His arms, kisses me and whispers in my ear to undress and stand before Him naked. I do as He asks and feel a wetness develop between my legs at the sound of His whisper. As my clothes come off so does the invisible yet heavy opaque mask I wear everyday. I stand before Him naked and transparent. He has my collar in His hands and I look into His eyes while falling to my knees. As I place my hands behind my back and bow, He slips the...

3 years ago
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One Look

With a simple sultry look, she has you melting in your seat. She takes a step towards you, gripping the bottom of her shirt and staring into your eyes. You are glued to your seat, waiting for her. She rips the shirt off, freeing her breasts from the confines of the shirt. She takes one more step, and suddenly she’s close enough to taste. You reach up with one hand, grab her soft breast, and try to bring it to your mouth. She stops you, this is her play time. It is then you notice that the bulge...

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ExxxtraSmall Maya Bijou Mini Muslim Makes A Deal

Maya Bijou is a tiny muslim girl who was moving into a new home. Her family hired two big dopey movers to help her with the process. Every other minute they were goofing off or going through her stuff. They stumbled across a box of her panties and started to imagine what she would look like when not dressed so religiously. Maya overheard their conversation and began to confront them about it. They were super apologetic, and Maya also pleaded with them to not tell her parents about the racy...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 16 One Thing After Another

January, 1985, Chicago, Illinois When we arrived in Chicago, I drove Kathy to her apartment, and then headed home. I greeted the girls and went to my office to print out the paper that I’d written at Bethany’s. I wrote a bit in my journal, and then headed down to the basement for a sauna. It was the weekend, but with all our friends gone, and only my housemates around, I decided on the weekday rules and turned the sign the correct way to reflect that decision. I had been in the sauna for...

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If Only Part 2

OK, quick recap to our story before I go on:*went to bed after watching Weird Science on TV (glad to know someone else knows what it was), and you have to admit, some of us single guys and girls have always wanted to have a woman like that at one time or another*woke up next morning to find this beautiful redhead Irish girl waking me up*”accidentally” spilled water on the front of her nightgown ;)*watched her, in secret, shower and lusted to myself over her naked body*finally made up my mind...

1 year ago
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PerfectFuckingStrangers Kay Carter 31603

Kay Carter is stressing out because her client wants the house sold today! If she doesn’t get that sale then her client will move on to a different agent. So Kay does what she always does to relieve the stress in her life, she busts out her sex toy and starts playing with her pussy right there in the house she’s supposed to sell. Unknown to her, someone just so happens to stop by to check the house out and catches her in the act. Kay is so embarrassed, but this man understands the...

3 years ago
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The Benefit Dinner with Katy Perry

I’ve lived in LA for the past three years now as an aspiring screenwriter. Things have gone okay so far, mostly landing a few assistant director and second AD jobs and as of right now one of my screenplays is being considered for purchase by a major studio. But believe it or not, the highlight of my time in LA was last weekend, at a benefit dinner…I don’t want to bore you with details, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. Having worked on quite a few movie sets I had made friends with a lot...

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Tale of Darth TremarChapter 8 Endgame

Cyprixxia Outer Rim Brigia Kaesar moved through the corridors of Cyprixxia, not hurrying. He could feel his prey up ahead, and so he hunted, seeking the paths that would lead him there. He emerged into what seemed to be a large holding pen. He saw three emitters, meaning the shields would be triple layered when active, and with a flash of insight he knew they were in the Terenatek holding pens. “Where are you pets, Darth Tremar,” Kaesar called into the gloom. “Sadly we were forced to leave...

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TammyPart 3

I was having trouble sleeping anyway. Sunday night, knowing that Jenna was going to talk to Tammy the next day, I really had trouble. I knew it was probably futile--but I also knew it was probably my last shot at getting Tammy back. So, I slept fitfully. When I woke up for the thousandth time, at four-thirty in the morning, I gave up. I got out of bed, made myself a bagel and coffee, and decided to go for a walk. In downtown Burnham, there was a supermarket. Behind the supermarket was a...

1 year ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 24

Mary was beside herself with happiness. Everything, simply everything was going so well. No longer did she find herself fretting about her future. The daylight hours sped by in anticipation of the night. When she found a handful of dainty, yellow daisy-like blooms tucked against the rock canyon wall just down the trail to Jenny's corral she searched the small lean-to at the side of the cabin for anything that might hold water and flowers. An old rusty tin lay discarded in a corner. Her step...

2 years ago
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Best Friends Girl

?Well, what do you think?? Jay asked.?About Amy???No, about the chili fries.  Of course about Amy!??I like her.?  Greg watched the retreating form of Amy, his best friend Jay’s new girlfriend, as she weaved her way between the crowded tables to the bar to order them another round.  She was tall, curvy, and (Jay was right) had a great ass.  All positives as far as Greg was concerned.  ?Yeah, I like her a lot.??You’re staring right at her ass.  How about the rest of her?  You know, the part they...

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Rob I Have Sex On The TrainWritten by Bigro

Sex on the trainThis story takes place over 20 years agoMy girlfriend Michelle has very long dark brown hair brown eyes she is 5'10 150 and has 38D's 28 inch waist 40 hips very beautiful face. We met in high school we even lost our virginity to each other.Here is what happened on this fateful night Michelle and I were watching Risky Business on VHS starring Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. When the movie came to the scene where Tom and Rebecca having sex on the L train Michelle whispered...

2 years ago
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Road Side Service

She got up late so I was still in my night clothes which consisted of a pair of light hip hugger underpants that came up over my bottom just a little. I had on a spaghetti string belly shirt, and since I wasn’t going to be getting out of the car anyway, I saw no reason to get dressed. I had about 10 miles to go to reach my apartment, when my car started making a strange noise and I noticed smoke or something coming from under the hood. I was startled and was on the verge of...

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The Super Bet

Chapter 1 "Well, it looks like we got ourselves a Super Bowl!" Tom said to me, as we sat in my living room. Tom was Tom Jacobsen, my next-door neighbor. We were watching the final minutes of the NFC Championship game, as the Carolina Panthers were closing out their impressive victory over the Philadelphia Eagles. The Panthers played in Charlotte, which is where I lived. So, the city was going to go nuts at the Panthers being in the Bowl-and Tom had been a Panthers fan since the team had...

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Full House Motherly AdviceChapter 11

DJ Tanner had lost her virginity to her Aunt Becky. The older woman had fucked her to multiple orgasms using a strap-on dildo. DJ had never experienced the sensations that flooded her body during that fuck. Until today, she had never really experienced an orgasm. So far she must have had at least eight, but she wasn't sure about the number. She had lost count very early in her sexual encounter with her Aunt. But now her Aunt was suggesting that she get a real fuck from a real cock. At...

1 year ago
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I present to you (previously known as, a porn site under the network which has the same name. Tube Cup is a site that you know for a fact will never run out of content for you to enjoy! So why am I saying that this place will never run out of content? It has to do with the fact that you’ll literally find millions upon millions of videos on here that will never cease to entertain you. Seriously, you’ve come to a place that will just never run dry, no matter how much time...

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How Did That Get There

HOW DID THAT GET THERE? By O2BeLisa We were both on the edge of having it made. Big time. Of course it was a sharp edge, one which could cut either way, but nonetheless we had hope, and some reason, to believe that we both would succeed. By "we" I mean Betty Clark, my wife of three years, and I, born Thomas Clark, called by my nickname Tommy by the time Betty and I met. We were both in our early twenties, young to be on the edge of big time, but too...

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My Arranged Marriage With My Nephew 8211 Part 4

Continuing with where I left, We exchanged garlands in front of everyone. Everybody started coming one after the other to pose for photographs with us. I was blushing most of the time. My children came and wished for us. I was a bit uncomfortable to stand beside my nephew at that age in front of my children. My friends too came and stood beside me for photographs. They wished us. They whispered in my ears that am very lucky to marry my young nephew. They also told my nephew that he’s very lucky...

2 years ago
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The Taylor family 6

Sunday morning came and once more the girls slept late behind a closed door.Standing at the door to the garage meanwhile, Ann watched with a wan smile as her husband backed his big sedan out. He had his clubs in the trunk of the car and was on his way out to the course to meet some friends for a few rounds of golf, not expecting to return until some time late in the afternoon.Quite frankly, Ann was just happy to see him go, knowing that something really special was due to happen once she and...

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