The a ion of Susie Wells
- 4 years ago
- 68
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Introduction: The conclusion of the tale The affair at Emilys house set off a chain of events that was entirely predictable. Emilys father moved out and filed for divorce citing unreasonable behaviour, but fortunately for me the allegations against Louise were mild, and did not concern that night as I guess he just wanted the whole thing over with the minimum of fuss.
However, it did mean that the house had to be sold and this proved to be the
end of the line for me and Emily as they moved up north where Louise had got herself a new job.
If I was honest, things were never the same again between Emily and my self after I made love with Louise we never spoke about it and neither did Louise who quickly found a new partner anyway.
Emily and I kept seeing each other until they left but the real fire had gone out of the relationship and the promises to keep in touch were hollow and soon forgotten on both sides. Emily was the first girl I ever loved and Life had taught me one of her harshest lessons as I would be forever linked with her estrangement from her father.
Christmas that year was strange as well. It was the anniversary of where this had all begun and although the usual rituals were observed, it just felt all wrong. Susie was still going out with Jason and everything seemed to be going well for them as far as I could tell but our conversation seemed stilted.
I was sure that Susie did not know about me, Emily and Louise, as we had all sworn to secrecy so the whole thing seemed really odd. When my younger brother suggested we play sardines as per usual, I looked across at Susie who flashed me a quick smile. It was over in an instant but somehow it was the only genuine thing that had happened in my personal relationships for months so I happily agreed to take part.
It was my turn to hide first and I chose the study where I had first touched Susie a year before. She quickly found me while Rick ran around letting off steam with Annie searching half heartedly behind him.
You guessed I whispered to Susie.
It wasnt too difficult she giggled. Look, I have something to say, well a couple of things really and its a bit difficult Susie said in a more serious tone.
Go ahead, only make it quick before Rick and Annie find us.
Things arent too good between me and Jason she replied. Oh, whats the use, I just cant get you out of my head.
Like Kylie Minogue, I laughed.
Oh, shut the fuck up and be serious she hissed.
The other thing is, a long time ago I told Annie about us. I didnt tell her everything at the time but the problem is that I got a bit wasted on cider last weekend and it all sort of came out.
Oh fuckity fuck I sighed. Can my life get any worse.
I think shes cool about it but I wish Id kept my mouth shut groaned Susie.
At that moment the door opened heralding the arrival of Rick who as usual had timed his intervention at the most perfectly inconvenient moment, quickly followed by Annie which made it Annies turn to hide next.
Once again Rick shot off looking in such unlikely places it made you wonder whether his brain was wired the same as everybody else. Susie popped into the bathroom and I went in the opposite direction to Rick, starting in my bedroom down one wing of the house where I planned to search in a leisurely fashion letting my brother find Annie eventually.
I flicked on my light and flopped on to the bed in that typical Christmas afternoon torpor where you feel like youve eaten as much as you normally do in a week in a single day. I lay there for a short while, staring at the light and only dimly aware of the ongoing search when I noticed the curtains twitch at the long windows. I silently rolled of the bed and grabbed through the curtain material, hearing Annie squeal with surprise on the other side.
How did you know I was hiding here?
You should learn to keep still I replied.
So you can touch me up?. Annie looked at me coyly from under her eyelids.
I was speechless and aware I was probably as red as a beetroot.
Well, actually no, because youre still too young I replied at last, looking at Annies still immature figure with only a hint of growing breasts.
You didnt think Susie was too young she said defiantly with more than a hint of brattiness.
Yeah well Susie was older than you and a bit more grown up, both physically and in her attitude
It was Annies turn to go red, as she was at the age where to be thought childish was a horror only slightly preferable to death, but before she could think of an answer Rick burst into the room.
It was now Susies turn to hide and with a sense of d? vu I guessed that she would choose my parents room. Annie was keeping a close eye on me though so there was no chance of avoiding attention and as I slipped into the darkness she followed me while I searched around for Susie, finding her crouched behind the bed.
Susie noticed that Annie had followed me into the room and could barely contain her annoyance.
You could have left us to talk for a bit she snapped.
Oh, sorry to intrude on you and your boyfriend said Annie sarcastically, I wonder what Jason would think, or Mum and Dad for that matter.
You promised to keep quiet hissed Susie
Well dont be so nasty then replied Annie.
Look, stop it the pair of you I said, trying to make the peace, why did you follow me Annie?.
Annie fidgeted in the dark and didnt answer.
I expect youre curious to know what its all about, I whispered in a kinder tone, taking her hand in mine.
I could hear Annies breath coming a bit quicker and Susies too.
A few moments later, Rick found us but everyone was bored of the game and spilled downstairs. Mum had laid out a buffet supper for everyone and we grabbed a few bits and headed back upstairs to my room, leaving Rick and everyone else downstairs.
I could hear Dad making some comment about us being unsociable but I think everyone else was relishing the chance to enjoy a quiet drink without our noise.
So Annie, what do you want to know? I started.
Stop teasing her said Susie.
Im serious I replied. Annie followed me into the room because she is curious about us.
Look, nothing has happened for some time said Susie blushing.
Stop playing around Susie. It was you who said that you cant get me out of your head.
You arrogant bastard she hissed.
Yes, but Im fed up of being pissed about. You cant just drop me and then hope to pick me up again because youre not happy with Jason all of a sudden.
Annie sat there looking slightly embarrassed by our argument.
I know it was my idea that we finished began Susie.
Right but you want to start it all again now I said, so whats the problem.
I didnt tell Annie anything and now shes curious, shes at that age I continued.
Susie was looking distinctly uncomfortable and rolled away to get up and go downstairs but I caught hold of her arm.
Let me go, youre hurting she said.
Im hardly touching you I replied pulling her to me, kissing her roughly.
What do you think youre doing she gasped.
Susie struggled somewhat half heartedly and then gave herself up to my kisses, my tongue urgently locked with hers.
Annies eyes were virtually out on stalks as I took her older sister in my arms, my hands roving over her ripe young teen body.
Oh God, nobody makes me feel the way you do whispered Susie as I started to kiss her neck, letting my tongue trace down into the valley between her firm young breasts as I undid her blouse. Annies presence was forgotten as I removed Susies blouse and unclasped her bra at the back letting her tits spill into the open with a youthful bounce. I gently cupped Susies breasts in my hands, letting my thumbs roll round her stiffening nipples, making her moan gently.
That feels so good, dont stop whispered Susie as I continued running my thumbs round the swollen teats and licking at their tips with my tongue.
I caught sight of Annie out of the corner of my eye shifting position to get a better view as I pressed Susies tits together, letting my tongue alternate between one and the other before sliding my hands down her body to caress her shapely thigh.
This just felt natural as Susie helped me slide off her skirt and panties, like we had never been apart. I started to remove my shirt and Susie was there, caressing my chest and shoulders, taking my nipples into her mouth as her hands slid down to unbuckle my belt. I was soon naked and rolled Susie on top of me into the 69 position.
I could feel Susies hand gently squeezing and stroking my erect cock, her sweet breath teasing me before the head was engulfed in the warm suction of her mouth.
I prised the lips of Susies pussy apart so I could gaze into its pink wet depths and trace my fingers around the outer labia, moving deeper to brush against her engorged clit, eliciting yet more moans and a fierce suction around my cock.
As I plunged my tongue inside her hot hole and wormed it in as far as it would go, Susie raised her head and took my whole shaft inside her mouth. The sensation was incredible and I let out an involuntary cry as her head slid back and forth on my aching dick, her hand gently cupping my full balls. We continued like this for some time as Susie expertly kept me on the edge while I pleasured her pussy with my tongue, her orgasms rising in intensity until she ground her pussy into my face, covering it with her musky juices.
I gently lifted her off me and rolled on top of her, lining up my cock with her snatch.
Annies eyes were glued to the action, her dress hiked up to the waist and her hand busily stroking herself between her legs.
I made sure she could see every detail as I rubbed my cock up and down Susies wet, tight slit before I slid my length inside her sister.
Susie moaned and grabbed hold of me as I moved in and out of her slick love tube, bumping against her clit at the end of each stroke, using my fingers to gently massage her tits and tweak her nipples. I could feel her pussy tighten around my shaft as her orgasm and mine approached.
Uh, oh, ngng, yes, wailed Susie burying her head in my shoulder and digging her fingers into my back as she came in a rush. The feeling of her twat was incredible as it milked my cock, sending me into overdrive as I filled her insides with my sticky white juice.
That was incredible I whispered to Susie who merely smiled and drew me to her in a long, lingering kiss.
Annie had her hand in her panties frantically rubbing herself, her breath coming in short, sharp bursts until she collapsed, glassy eyed, next to us on the bed.
I looked at my younger cousin closely for the first time. Annie was not as naturally pretty as Susie but she was an attractive girl who played a lot of sports, giving her a lithe, strong figure although she did not have much in the way of shape yet. She was already taller than Susie and it made me tingle with lusty anticipation how she might turn out.
At that moment there was a call from downstairs and we hurriedly got dressed again before going down for yet more food before the evening wound down.
As I went to bed on Christmas night I couldnt help feeling that the day had gone better than I would have ever dreamed it would, and while my waking thoughts were filled with Susie, the darker thoughts that come with the onset of sleep were of Annie.
The following day we made the usual journey to my cousins place to spend Boxing Day with them. There was a slight change to tradition this year in that my Uncle and Aunt had an open house for the neighbours to come in, have a drink and generally have a bit of a party. Jason came over but it was clear to me now that Susie and he were near the end of their relationship as Susie spent more time talking to me while Jason was far more interested in talking computer games with a couple of the guys down the road.
When will you tell him its over I said to Susie.
Oh, not over Christmas, I couldnt do that she replied. When we get back to school next term it will be a bit easier.
So what exactly went wrong?.
Well, its a bit difficult to explain. Hes great fun to be with said Susie twiddling her hair between her fingers but hes not a great lover, I mean its all over too quickly.
Everyone needs to learn I said gently.
I know, but like I said, when I was with him all I could think of was you and the way you make me feel. I am dying for you to shove your cock in me now.
I looked into her eyes and noticed a wicked expression I hadnt seen before. Susie had certainly grown up this last year.
Nothing has really changed. I said evenly. We still have to keep this a secret.
I know she said. Look, I know this sounds terrible but what if we just got together when we need each other. Susie bit her bottom lip and looked at me anxiously.
I let the idea hang there for a while before nodding with a grin on my face.
Bastard she said but with no rancour and we headed off into the throng of people milling round the drinks table.
I felt a strange sense of relief at this outturn of events even though I knew that we had to be careful, especially now Annie was in on our little secret.
The rest of the day passed away pleasantly enough and by the early evening most of the neighbours had gone home. Jason hung around talking to Susie and looked like he meant to stay around for a while, but he left too when he got a text from someone and made his excuses. We all helped clear away and then Susie and I headed off upstairs and put some music on and were quickly followed by Annie. We cant have been in there more than a few minutes before Rita knocked on the door and came straight in asking if we wanted to get anything to eat. There was nothing going on at all but it reminded me of just how careful we needed to be.
Are you two going to do it again asked Annie excitedly when Rita had left.
Why dont you just broadcast it to the neighbourhood said Susie sarcastically.
No-one can hear said Annie. It was just so cool yesterday.
We have to be careful Annie I added. We could get in a shitload of trouble if anyone finds out and Im relying on you to be really discreet.
As I hoped, Annie took this new responsibility seriously and solemnly promised not to tell a soul but her excitement gave away her true desires.
I felt Susies hand in my lap and watched as she unzipped my trousers and pulled my cock into the open.
Watch and learn she instructed her young sister and proceeded to kiss my cock all over, pointing out the sensitive head and frenulum and pulling gently on the shaft until I was fully erect. Susie then moved her mouth slowly on to my cock, instructing Annie on technique between mouthfuls, using quick strokes of her tongue to drive me crazy with lust. I was wondering where the hell this was going when Susie asked Annie if she wanted to try.
I dont want to suck it said Annie wrinkling her nose but was quite happy for Susie to take her hand and wrap it around my throbbing shaft. Susie kept her hand on top of Annies as she worked her hand up and down the shaft jacking me off. This was just the most incredible experience as Susie and Annie quickened the pace, squeezing my turgid member gently until I could feel the cum rising from my balls. Annie let out a little shriek as the first jet of spunk shot from the head of my cock and covered her hand, quickly followed by more of my hot, sticky juice running down in torrents as they both pumped at my wilting cock.
Susie raised her fingers to her mouth and sucked the come from each one in turn and offered some to Annie.
Go on she said. It tastes good.
Annie didnt look sure but eventually she tentatively put out her tongue to taste her sisters fingers, glistening with my come and broke into a wide grin.
End of lesson one said Susie giggling. Come on we better get downstairs or well be missed.
I hurriedly pulled my trousers back up and followed the two girls to spend the rest of the evening with the family, hardly believing what had just happened.
All too soon the evening came to an end and as we all filed out to go home I couldnt help wondering what the next year would bring.
I didnt see Susie or Annie for a while after that as we had already planned to spend New Year with my Grandmother, and soon after that we were all back at school.
Susie was as good as her word and broke up with Jason almost immediately and fortunately there didnt seem to be any lasting pain on either side. Jason is a good guy and I didnt want him to drop out of our little group. As is the way of teen relationships he soon hooked up with another girl in his class and Susie started seeing some guy from the year above her on a casual basis.
As for me, I started dating Angela from the local Youth Club who I had known for ages and everything seemed to settle into a routine. It was fantastic in one sense as Angela and I were great friends and it was nice not to live in constant fear of discovery, or constantly lie to people and hide my true feelings, but in another sense I felt much like Susie did with Jason I guess. There was no edge to the relationship, no danger, no torrid passion or willingness to just let it rip and have great sex and not give a flying fuck what anyone thought.
I kept in touch with Susie on line, and during the early Spring break I drove across to see her with Angela, and make up a foursome with Susie and Rob who was her latest boyfriend. It was all quite innocent and we took advantage of some unexpectedly good weather to go down to the river and mess about in a small motor boat that belonged to Robs father.
It was strange seeing Susie in that way but I was slowly getting used to this odd kind of relationship and we had a lot of fun doing tight turns in the boat and nearly tipping the thing over, before heading out to a small island in the middle of the river to set out a small picnic and heat some soup on a stove we had brought with us. All too soon it was getting dark and chilly as it was still early in the year and we headed back to shore in the boat. I didnt realise how cold and stiff I was until I got out at the shore so we all headed into Robs place to warm up a bit.
Rob got everyone some coffee in the kitchen while the three of us sat around chatting in the living room, gradually warming up. Angela got up to go to the bathroom and we didnt think anything of it but a few minutes and no coffee later I went out to the kitchen to see what was going on.
As I got to the door I could se Rob through the door with his hands busy under Angelas jumper. At first I was pretty pissed off although I could see the sheer hypocrisy of such anger and soon Susie joined me at the door.
Dirty little bastard she whispered giggling. Last night he was telling me I was the only one for him.
Bit of a fucking cheek if you ask me I replied. Theyve only known each other a few hours.
Imagine their faces if they came in and we were fucking on the sofa. Susie was almost beside herself with mirth now. Dont be so serious about it. I think the French would say we have been hoisted by our own petard.
I started to laugh as well and we had to retreat to the living room to avoid being heard.
Presently, Rob and Angela joined us in the living room looking suitably embarrassed but Susie and I had found it quite a turn on and were aching to be alone ourselves. Unfortunately there was no chance of that as I had to get Angela home and Rob was not driving yet so after we had finished the coffee we set off.
There was silence in the car when we set off and I suspected that Angela had seen or heard us behind the door.
I saw you and Rob in the kitchen I said evenly.
Oh, yeah Im sorry about that.
Angela looked flushed and having broken the ice so to speak I decided to go for it.
I found it quite a turn on actually.
Angela looked amazed and disgusted all at the same time.
You bloody pervert she started.
I had to laugh which made her even more confused. Come on Angela, at least explain what Im doing wrong. Its taken me three months and I only got to feel your tits last week whereas hes in your bra in a matter of hours.
He is very attentive unlike you, somehow your mind always seems to be somewhere else.
Come on, weve known each other for ages I replied.
Maybe thats the problem she said. We are just too comfortable.
Hmmm, so what can we do to spice it up.
Angela looked thoughtful but without waiting for an answer I took a quick left down a narrow lane that led to a car park where couples often went. There was no-one there as even though it was fully dark by this time, it was still early in the evening and I stopped the car.
Just what do you think you are doing said Angela although she looked more uncertain than she sounded.
Spicing things up I said as I leant across and unfastened her seat belt running my hands over the swell of her generous breasts inside her jumper.
For a moment Angela looked like she might slap me round the face but she was obviously excited by this unexpected turn of events and kissed me passionately as I pulled her to me.
As I kissed Angela and ran my hands under her jumper I found myself looking at her in a different light. Her shoulder length brown wavy hair framed an attractive face with hazel eyes and a clear complexion. She was of average height but slim with a nice pair of tits and a pronounced flair at the hips that I found incredibly sexy as she lay there.
We reclined the seats as far as we were able and I worked her jumper up so I could see her full breasts straining under her bra. Angela reached behind her back to undo it and I freed her tits from their confinement and began to gently caress the firm globes, bringing her large, brown nipples to erection.
Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of something and all of a sudden the car was surrounded by doggers who appeared like wraiths out of the night.
Shit! I exclaimed.
Angela now looked up and noticed them. Can they get in she said quickly.
No, both doors are locked.
Then let them watch she said with a sly smile on her face. I thought you were into voyeurism.
I reached up to switch off the courtesy light.
Leave it on Angela exclaimed theres no point if they cant see.
This was new territory for me but I went back to caressing Angelas tits and tried to ignore the faces at the window. Angela removed her jumper and bra completely and was lying there pushing her breasts together sexily while I licked at her nipples. She was really getting into this, moaning and writhing, really putting on a show.
I began to kiss down her body, using my hands to undo the belt of her jeans. Angela raised her cute ass and allowed me to slide them down and off her, kicking off her shoes as she did so before she spread her legs allowing my fingers to caress her pussy through her panties. The car was surrounded now but this just excited her even more and that was getting through to me as well as I could feel the dampness of her slit. I slid my thumbs inside the waistband of her panties and pulled them off exposing her damp oyster to everyones gaze and then used my fingers to gently prise the outer lips apart so that they could look right into her sweet, pink teen hole.
Angela was moaning as I wetted my finger and ran it up and down her tight slit, slowly working my finger in deeper to caress her clit, before using two fingers to slowly fuck her pussy, feeling it get wetter and wetter as my fingers slurped in and out. Angelas breath was coming in quick gasps as she neared her orgasm and sensing this I increased the pace of my fingering until she came with an almighty shriek and covered my fingers with her boiling, pungent love juice.
She now positioned herself on top of me, freeing my jeans to get my erect cock into the open and then sat astride me. I could see nothing apart from the rise and fall of Angelas breasts as she pressed them against my face but the feeling of my cock being engulfed by the warm wetness of her tight love tube was incredible. She leant back slightly allowing my hands the freedom to cup her tits and pull gently at her big, erect nipples while I allowed her to control the tempo, feeling her pussy grip me, rising and falling on my cock with a steady motion. The men at the window urged her to lean forward again so they could see my dick buried in her soft pussy and she obliged, wiggling her tight ass at them. I reached round behind her and spread the crack of her ass so that they could see her little puckered hole.
Ooh you kinky bugger she said.
Do you want me to fuck your ass then
Ive never done that before she gasped as she continued to impale herself on my blood gorged pole.
I grasped her ass and pumped her up and down driving my cock deep into her body, feeling her juices run down my shaft as she came again noisily.
Angela climbed off me and turned herself around which was no easy task in the confined space so that she faced the front of the car with her butt pointed towards me. I shifted position and lined my cock up with her virgin asshole and rubbed the tip, well lubricated with her juices, against her puckered hole, feeling her relax as I slowly fed my cock into her, relishing the tightness of her pristine anus as the head sank into the soft flesh.
I could see that Angela was face to face with the staring guys as I fucked her ass for the first time, her tits swinging as I sank my length into her. I could see her reflection in the windscreen, eyes closed and running her tongue over her lips, playing to the gallery and wondered how I hadnt unlocked this side of her personality before. I could feel my orgasm approaching as I fucked her hot tight hole and my cock started to spasm. Angela thrust backwards burying my dick to the hilt in her ass as I filled her with my spunk, frigging herself wildly until she came again.
OK, lets go she said as soon as she had recovered her breath.
I quickly adjusted the seat back as she rolled off me and fired up the engine. The doggers melted back into the darkness as quickly as they had arrived which I was grateful for as we quickly made our way out of the car park and towards home.
We drove in near silence for a few minutes, letting the enormity of what we had done sink in.
Well, that certainly spiced things up a bit laughed Angela nervously.
Sure did I replied, my head still reeling from the events of the last hour.
Fancy doing it again soon she said with feigned coolness.
I dont know about that, it could be a bit dodgy, you never know how these people will react.
No sense of adventure she snorted
There was no easy answer to that and I didnt want to start an argument so I changed the subject.
Coming out tonight?
No, I have an assignment that has to be done by next Monday and Ive hardly started it she sighed.
This reminded me of work that I really needed to catch up on but had kept putting aside so we agreed to meet the following weekend at the youth club.
Thus began one of the most exciting relationships of my life and there were soon no secrets between Angela and myself. She told me all about her previous boyfriends, how she lost her virginity in the back of a van and her secret fantasies that she wanted to act out. When I told her about Susie and Emily she nearly choked on the pizza she was eating.
Oh my God, that is wild she squealed. Youve fucked your cousin.
Yeah but that is strictly between us I replied.
Of course Angela replied. Are you sure youre not bullshitting me about Emilys mum though?.
No, straight up thats how it happened, but it screwed the relationship big time in the end.
What made Susie go all lezzie on Emily then? she asked.
I dont know, I think she just wanted to calm her down because Emily was so nervous and one thing led to another.
You are something else laughed Angela.
I havent quite finished yet I said. Susies little sister gave me a hand job at Christmas.
Angelas eyes widened. You perv.
Id like to see you and Susie together I said.
I bet you would she punched me playfully but there was a strange look in her eyes.
Im probably going over to Susies for her birthday in a few weeks, Im sure she wont mind if you come.
Yeah, sounds fun she replied.
OK then, Ill check out what shes doing and make a date.
Can we call in at the car park on the way home? said Angela coyly.
I dont see why not I said.
Brilliant and er, if you fuck Susie again can I watch?. Angela went red.
Well thats up to Susie in part. Id prefer it if you joined in.
I moved quickly, but not quickly enough to avoid the cushion that whacked me round the side of the head.
You are impossible she said laughing. I think you are a bad influence on me she said primly but the smile at the corner of her mouth gave the game away as I rolled on top of her and we kissed passionately.
Later that evening I was talking on line with Susie who was still going out with Rob and enjoying a similar renaissance in their relationship.
What are you doing for your birthday this year? I asked.
Nothing special, we were thinking of hanging out and going for a meal at the new Indian in town she replied.
Mind if we tag along?
No, it will be great to see you again said Susie. Im glad everythings working out for you.
For you too I said. Catch you later.
Everything was arranged and on Susies birthday we went round to her house in the afternoon. Rita was in a bit of a panic as we arrived.
I need to go out shopping she said. Susie has just called to say that Robs dads car has broken down so she wont be here for a while. Annie has gone to tennis practice and left her house keys here so I cant go out.
We can stay in I offered.
Oh that would be wonderful thank you said Rita gratefully and grabbed her car keys and handbag before hurrying out the door.
Sorry about this I said to Angela.
Oh, its no problem she said as we settled down in the living room and switched on the TV without really paying much attention to it.
About ten minutes later we heard Annie cycling up the drive and opening the garage to put her bike away and I went to the front door to let her in.
Oh its you, wheres Mum? she asked a little startled.
Gone shopping so I said Id hang around to let you in.
I forgot my keys again, I bet Mum was cross she said.
She seemed a bit panicky but not too bad I replied looking my younger cousin up and down.
Annie looked like a wet dream in her tennis gear. Her little tits were becoming more pronounced and were clearly outlined under her white t-shirt, slightly dampened by perspiration while her long legs were perfectly complemented by the tiny little tennis skirt she had on, tapering down to her short white socks and trainers.
Hi Annie said Angela as she came to the door.
Hi she replied. Im going to get a Coke, do you fancy one?.
Sure we both said and Annie disappeared into the kitchen.
Hmm, I could see why you would fancy her said Angela. So Mr Romeo, are you going to try and seduce your little virgin cousin?.
You should know better than to throw down a challenge like that I said laughing as Annie came back into the room and threw herself into an armchair, draping her legs over the arm.
So, hows my gorgeous young cousin I said to Annie. You look so hot in that tennis gear.
Annie went red, looking nervously at Angela. Dont make fun of me she said. I dont think Angela is impressed.
On the contrary, she can see why I think youre hot I replied. I think its time for another lesson.
You havent told her have you? gasped Annie. Who is the one who cant keep a secret?.
I crossed to where Annie was sitting and ran my fingers up her bare leg.
Last time you made me come and now its your turn I whispered.
Annie put her hand on mine.
Im embarrassed she said.
Dont be, Angela doesnt mind.
I leant forward and kissed Annie on the lips, gently at first and then with more urgency, sliding my tongue out to seek her mouth. Much to my surprise Annie was not fazed by this quick approach at all, opening her mouth and letting my tongue entwine with hers as my fingers continued their quest up and down her shapely leg, gradually moving on to the sensitive area of her inner thigh.
Angela was now sitting across from us looking intently and enjoying the show.
My lips left Annies and started to nibble and caress at her neck causing her to shiver in delicious anticipation.
Oh thats nice she murmured, spreading her legs in the chair in a clear invitation to rub her pussy.
I was in no hurry though and resumed my kissing while my fingers continued their delicate tracing on her thigh and my free hand journeyed over her taut young body to cup her budding breast. Annies nipple hardened under my circling thumb, making her gasp as she tugged on her t- shirt, pulling it out of the skirt so that I could raise it over her head and unclip her bra freeing her lovely small firm tits. I kissed down Annies body taking one of her nipples in my mouth and sucking it in, teasing the tip with my tongue, sending a shudder through her nubile young body.
Ahhh, yes she moaned as I alternated my tongue between one nipple and the other, my fingers returning to her inner thigh but much closer to the heat of her virgin pussy.
Annies breath was coming quicker and my cock was rock hard at the sight before me as I moved my fingers up to trace over her panties and the sweet innocent slit that lay beneath causing her to rotate her pelvis and drive the material into her dampness. My excitement overtook me as I unclipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor and slowly removed her panties revealing her juicy young cunt to my gaze. Annies pussy was gorgeous, a rose pink gash, framed by fleshy outer lips and the lightest covering of downy, brown pubic hair. I let my fingers brush through the silky tresses, rubbing gently at her outer lips, seeing them unfurl like a flower to reveal its hidden depths.
Annie was moaning now as I parted her outer labia and wiggled my tongue into her virgin hole to lap at her sweet nectar. My fingers worked their way up and my thumb gently circled her exposed clitoris sending her into paroxysms of ecstasy as her juices flooded my mouth.
I stood up and removed my shirt and jeans, looking at Annie beneath me. She reached up to pull my erect cock out of my boxers and greedily sucked it into her mouth, so unlike the hesitant girl of a few months ago, lapping at the head with her tongue and using her hand to pump my rock hard shaft.
Oh yes I moaned as she tried to get as much of my throbbing dick into her mouth as she could, sucking noisily at the end. Annie pulled me towards her and I could now finger her lovely slit while she sucked me off, the tightness of her mouth giving me the most incredible sensations. Reluctantly, Annie at last came up for air and offered her mouth to be kissed again. I thrust my tongue into her mouth, pushing her backwards into the chair and spread her willing thighs with my hands, lining up my cock with her virgin hole.
I rubbed the tip of my swollen glans up and down her sweet slit to lubricate it and stimulate her love button before gently pushing forward and easing the head into her tight tunnel. The feeling was incredible as her little hole was gently stretched by my stiff cock until I felt myself barred by her virginity. I looked into Annies eyes and moved in and out gently, getting her used to the feeling of being fucked before thrusting deeper and deflowering my twelve year old cousin.
Annie whimpered gently as I took her cherry and dug her finger nails into my back as I moved my prick back and forth. Angela had stripped below the waist and was pushing three fingers into her wet pussy as suddenly Susie and Rob came through the back door and into the living room.
There was not time for anyone to cover up nor was it really necessary as Susie took in the scene and dropped to her knees to take Robs prick into her mouth. Rob looked liked a guy who had just won the lottery as Susie sucked on his rapidly hardening cock while he watched me nailing her younger sister while my girlfriend frigged herself off at the sight.
Susie invited Angela to share Robs cock as well so he was soon getting a delicious blow job from the pair of them while I moved my cock steadily in and out of Annies hot cunny as it spilled its fragrant juices over my thick shaft. Annie gasped beneath me, pulling me deep inside her and we stayed locked for a while with her legs wrapped around my waist until she released me.
I withdrew my cock to the tip and then slowly inserted it into her dripping cunt, repeating the action a number of times, holding her on the edge and making her beg me to fuck her. I looked up and noticed that Rob, Susie and Angela had stripped off completely and Rob was fucking Susie lustily from behind while Angela cradled his balls. Angela noticed me watching and with a sly look on her face she reached underneath Susie to caress her breasts and tweak he full nipples, rolling them between her thumb and forefinger.
This sight turned me on incredibly and I thrust faster and faster into Annie until I could feel my come rising in my balls. At the last moment I withdrew, showering her face and belly with my hot seed.
Angela and Susie were kissing each other deeply with Angela now positioned in front of Susie getting a good hard finger fucking from my cousin while Rob pounded Susie from behind. They presently changed positions and now Rob thrust his stiff cock into Angela while Susie grabbed her head and thrust it between her legs where Angela got her first taste of hot pussy. I was getting hard again despite having come so recently and taking Annie by the hand we joined the other three. Rob was fucking Angela deep and hard making her moan but this was muffled as her tongue was buried in Susies hot snatch, flicking at her clit and making my cousin moan.
Rob withdrew his cock from Angela and now positioned Annie in the same way, easing his well lubricated prick into her tight puss. Angela raised her head from Susies snatch and guided my now fully erect pikestaff into her waiting love pit.
Susie moaned and grabbed at my back as I drove deep inside her body, everything becoming a blur as I moved between fucking Susie, Angela and Annie while Rob was doing much the same. At last I came again deep inside Angela and as soon as I had withdrawn, Susie was there, lapping up my come from my girlfriends twat.
Annie has one last lesson Susie announced and taking her sisters hand moved her back to the armchair and seated her in it, parting her tender young thighs. Susie looked at her little sisters pussy and gently parted the damp rose petals of her outer lips before applying her soothing tongue to her sisters swollen clitoris.
Annie moaned as Susie ministered to her with her tongue while her hands sought out her firm young breasts and her fingers gently tweaked and pulled at her prominent nipples. This final lesson soon had Annie writhing with a pleasure she would not have dreamed of trying even a few moments before. Susies tongue snaked inside her sisters pussy with short, urgent strokes, switching between stimulating her clit, flicking round her inner labia and penetrating her love tube. Annies moans grew in intensity, and she ground her pussy into Susies face until she orgasmed noisily, grasping the back of Susies head to hold her in a rapturous embrace.
Susie kissed her sister deeply and then swapping positions, encouraged Annies fingers and tongue to service her needs. Annie was nervous at first but felt she could do little else but pleasure her sister after the attention she had received and was soon diving her sweet tongue in and out of Susies tight hole. Susie kept whispering reassurances as Annie gained in confidence, using her fingers as well as her tongue to ravage Susies clit and tweak at her nipples. Susies orgasm was not long in coming and she covered Annies face in her sweet sex juices.
As we recovered we heard a car enter the drive, and grabbing our clothes ran upstairs to get dressed before Rita came in.
Are you lot going out or what called Rita from the bottom of the stairs.
Were just going out now replied Susie as we all piled down the stairs and into my car.
We had a great evening and a good meal and afterwards I dropped off Rob at his place and Susie at hers.
Do you want to drop into the car park? I asked Angela with a grin.
You must be joking she laughed, Im all shagged out literally and figuratively.
As I dropped Angela off at home I wondered how long this could possibly last and amazingly it lasted until the following summer when Angela and I left to go to Uni. Rob went the year after and Susie the year after that. We still keep in touch but life has turned a new page for each of us now and perhaps some things are best left as memories.
Susie looked over Peter’s shoulder, her legs still round his waist his cock still buried inside her. Her grip on him tightened as she saw Harry descending into the pool. Her eyes were fixed on his cock, it looked just like some of the ones she’d seen on the porn sites, it was bigger than Peter’s, not much longer but definitely thicker, the shaft curving upwards to a bulbous head that looked almost the size of her tiny fist. The thing that startled her more however was that Harry was completely...
As usual my Aunt Rita, Uncle Pete and their daughters Susie and Annie came over to our place on Christmas afternoon to spend the day with us, exchange presents, eat, drink, eat some more – I’m sure you know the drill. I really had never noticed Susie in that way before, she was three years younger than me, a pretty little girl but just that – a little girl, so nobody was more surprised than me to see that puberty had taken hold since I’d last seen her and I was now confronted by a very...
However, it did mean that the house had to be sold and this proved to be the end of the line for me and Emily as they moved up north where Louise had got herself a new job. If I was honest, things were never the same again between Emily and my self after I made love with Louise – we never spoke about it and neither did Louise who quickly found a new partner anyway. Emily and I kept seeing each other until they left but the real fire had gone out of the relationship and the promises...
Introduction: The tale continues… Although I didnt know it at the time, Joe and Samanthas wedding was the last opportunity I would have to meet Susie for several months, although we continued to chat regularly across the net. Neither of us regretted our lovemaking and a lot of the talk was about what we would do when we met each other again, our fantasies becoming ever more lurid the longer time went on. We also spent a lot of time chatting in a group that mainly consisted of me, Susie, Emily,...
In late September when I was thinking we wouldn’t see each other again until Christmas we got a lucky break. Uncle Pete had won the Salesman of the Quarter award from the Company he worked for and was being treated to an all expenses paid trip to Rome with Rita. As the girls were back at school there was no way he could pack them off to relatives and Rita asked whether I could stay with them over the weekend, not to babysit exactly but just to help look after things. ‘You must have...
Slippery Suzie part 5 - GNO: The Next Day (Susie, Liz & Shane) FF-MFM Susie tried to be quiet and not disturb Amanda and Liz as she climbed out of the bed. A smile was plastered to her face as she looked down at the two naked women, one her best friend and the other her younger sister, as they slept with their arms still wrapped around each other. It had been a pretty wild night and for Susie yet another night of firsts which was becoming more and more the norm. She...
Susan – we call her Susie most of the time – is my daughter, although she is my adopted daughter. I have a real daughter as well, her name is Courtney and she is 21. She attends university and does not life with my wife and me. Susie is a few months past 18 and we adopted our treasured angel after Kristy and I discovered that we could not have any more children. A friend of ours, who works for Child Services, informed us of a 1-year old who was direly in need of a home. One look at Susie's...
“Come on Susie we talked about this, you agreed it would be fun.”“Yes well talking and doing are two different things, l’m nervous, l’ve never done anything like this before.”“You agreed we should spice things up a bit, we don’t want to get bored with each other.”“So you are bored with me then,” she said accusingly, “what are you saying, that you fancy someone else, that tart that works in the office perhaps, she looks like an easy lay with her false boobs and short skirts.”“Don’t be silly...
(Author’s Message: The organization and people mentioned in this story are purely figments of the author’s imagination. No such organization and no such people are truly meant or actually exist.) PROLOGUE: They were all at the breakfast table, Earl, Mandy and Little Susie were seated and Susie, who’d gotten it read for them, was only then sitting down. Earl was drinking from his coffee cup and talking softly with Little Susie, when Mandy spoke up: ‘Mommie, Daddy, how did you two meet?’ Earl...
Introduction: Susie heads back to work for more fun with Jake and Kerry Slippery Susie – Part 3 – Back at Work (Susie, Kerry & Jake) MFM Only 15 minutes had passed for Susie before her sister walked in the front door. Shane had spent the time away from the living room. Susie was not sure if it was guilt or he did not think he could stop himself from having another quickie with his sister-in-law. Either way, it left the two sisters alone when Liz finally arrived. Liz was surprised but happy to...
Slippery Susie - Part 3 - Back at Work (Susie, Kerry & Jake) MFMOnly 15 minutes had passed for Susie before her sister walked in thefront door. Shane had spent the time away from the living room. Susiewas not sure if it was guilt or he did not think he could stop himselffrom having another quickie with his sister-in-law. Either way, it leftthe two sisters alone when Liz finally arrived. Liz was surprised buthappy to see her sister. She immediately asked if something was wrongand Susie...
Slippery Susie - Part 3 - Back at Work (Susie, Kerry & Jake) MFMFrom: *Michael St.Croix* ([email protected])Sent: Tue 3/04/08 1:00 PMTo: [email protected] 15 minutes had passed for Susie before her sister walked in thefront door. Shane had spent the time away from the living room. Susiewas not sure if it was guilt or he did not think he could stop himselffrom having another quickie with his sister-in-law. Either way, it leftthe two sisters alone when...
I've written before about Sherry and Susie, 2 girls who used to live with me. Both girls were BBWs and both were sexually amazing, in their own ways. Sherry was my girlfriend at the time, she was 22, short and plump, about 5'2" tall, with short brown hair, and brown eyes. She had nice 40D tits and was very pretty, especially when she smiled, which was most of the time. Sherry was very friendly, but not particularly adventurous sexually, and she had not had a lot of partners. She was kind of...
Only 15 minutes had passed for Susie before her sister walked in the front door. Shane had spent the time away from the living room. Susie was not sure if it was guilt or he did not think he could stop himself from having another quickie with his sister-in-law. Either way, it left the two sisters alone when Liz finally arrived. Liz was surprised but happy to see her sister. She immediately asked if something was wrong and Susie assured her that everything was fine and that she just...
As you can tell from my other stories, I love big girls and sluts. I write about some of the slutty things my past and present girlfriends do or have done. One time, for a few months, 2 of them became friends which was pretty scary! But it turned out pretty cool.I was living in a 2 bedroom apartment with my girlfriend Sherry, a sweet, VERY pretty, BBW. Sherry was plump, with short brown hair, and 40D tits. Sherry's big talent was she was a squirter, she squirted lots of juice when she came, and...
Introduction: Susies adventures begin with an unexprected threesome with her make co-workers. This tale was written by a friend at Literotica, enjoy ! Slippery Susie by RedHairedandFriendly The sound of the shower running told Mike that his wife was up and readying herself for work. He glanced at the clock, noting the time was fast approaching eight p.m. and Susie would be in a hurry to get herself ready as well as grab a bite to eat. He got up from the couch and made a quick trip to the...
Slippery Susie by RedHairedandFriendly© The sound of the shower running told Mike that his wife was up and readying herself for work. He glanced at the clock, noting the time was fast approaching eight p.m. and Susie would be in a hurry to get herself ready as well as grab a bite to eat. He got up from the couch and made a quick trip to the kitchen where he fixed her a bowl of chili and a cold glass of tea. By the time he was setting her supper on the table, his wife was walking...
An amazing story written by an online friend about my sexy wife Susie, her adventures are just starting ! Slippery Susie by RedHairedandFriendly © Author's Note: This story was inspired by a request from michael_stcroix that he posted on the Story Ideas Forum, found on Lit's bulletin boards. This is not his reality; this is a fantasy. This is a cheating wife story and if that offends you, don't read any further. It was my pleasure to write it for...
This tale was written by a friend at Literotica, enjoy !Slippery Susieby RedHairedandFriendly©The sound of the shower running told Mike that his wife was up andreadying herself for work. He glanced at the clock, noting the time wasfast approaching eight p.m. and Susie would be in a hurry to get herselfready as well as grab a bite to eat. He got up from the couch and made aquick trip to the kitchen where he fixed her a bowl of chili and a coldglass of tea. By the time he was setting her supper...
This tale was written by a friend at Literotica, enjoy !Slippery Susieby RedHairedandFriendly©The sound of the shower running told Mike that his wife was up andreadying herself for work. He glanced at the clock, noting the time wasfast approaching eight p.m. and Susie would be in a hurry to get herselfready as well as grab a bite to eat. He got up from the couch and made aquick trip to the kitchen where he fixed her a bowl of chili and a coldglass of tea. By the time he was setting her supper...
"Hi, Brian," she called out as she crossed the street, "What 'cha doin'?" "Hi, Susie," I replied as I turned to face her. "I'm going to the garage to enjoy a little privacy." Susan Quentin was a year younger than I. I had known her all her life or at least since her parents had moved in across the street from us when she was a toddler. We were friends, but nothing more. "Yeah, right," she sneered, "You're going in there to play with your willy, aren't you?" "That's...
This story follows Slippery Susie Part one, a new author continues Susie's adventures.Slippery Susie - Part Two (Susie & Shane) MFEmotions bombarded Susie as she approached the men's locker room door.There was a little guilt because she had cheated on her husband for thefirst time with her two coworkers, but that emotion was easily drownedout by the raw sexual energy she was feeling. She had never felt soerotic or alive. She knew that she had crossed an invisible line, a linethat separated...
You've probably never heard of Susan Wills. For, indeed, in the past ten years or so she's kept a very low profile. In spite of having had sex with over 1,500 men from coast to coast. None of these guys knew, or know, her real name, either. They knew her by her self-imposed nickname, Ms. Susie Cream Cheese. She'd tell the men, when they naturally inquired about her odd name, "I'm the girl who's easy to spread! Just like cream cheese. Only a lot tastier!" And spread her they did, over...
Introduction: Susies adventures continue with a new author ! Slippery Susie – Part Two (Susie & Shane) MF Emotions bombarded Susie as she approached the mens locker room door. There was a little guilt because she had cheated on her husband for the first time with her two coworkers, but that emotion was easily drowned out by the raw sexual energy she was feeling. She had never felt so erotic or alive. She knew that she had crossed an invisible line, a line that separated fantasy from reality....
This story is a sequel to my story ‘A story-tribute to Susie,’ where I write about how I really, really want to fuck XHamster user soeager2. While being in Boise for two weeks on company business, I tried to make time as often as I could to get together for some hot times. Susie had some limited availability and we could only spend the most of two Friday afternoons together. She also came by the office all dressed up so we could sneak off to a nearby hotel for a lunch-time fling at a nearby...
This story is a sequel to my story "A story-tribute to Susie," where I write about how I really, really want to fuck XHamster user soeager2.While being in Boise for two weeks on company business, I tried to make time as often as I could to get together for some hot times. Susie had some limited availability and we could only spend the most of two Friday afternoons together. She also came by the office all dressed up so we could sneak off to a nearby hotel for a lunch-time fling at a nearby...
Slippery Susie - Part Two (Susie & Shane) MFEmotions bombarded Susie as she approached the men's locker room door.There was a little guilt because she had cheated on her husband for thefirst time with her two coworkers, but that emotion was easily drownedout by the raw sexual energy she was feeling. She had never felt soerotic or alive. She knew that she had crossed an invisible line, a linethat separated fantasy from reality. Once that line was crossed, shealso realized there was no going...
Slippery Susie - Part Two (Susie & Shane) MFby wile_e_coyote_mn1Emotions bombarded Susie as she approached the men's locker room door.There was a little guilt because she had cheated on her husband for thefirst time with her two coworkers, but that emotion was easily drownedout by the raw sexual energy she was feeling. She had never felt soerotic or alive. She knew that she had crossed an invisible line, a linethat separated fantasy from reality. Once that line was crossed, shealso realized...
Susie Green was a trophy wife. Her husband liked showing her off like she was a prize. Suzie was much younger than Joseph, who was sixty. He would shower Susie with gifts and special treats.Joseph would have his friends over on Thursday nights and have his wife wear revealing clothes to make his friends jealous. He liked her to prance around in the sexy outfits.The guys would whistle at Suzie, and Joseph would have her serve his friends. Some of them would pat her bottom, and they would...
Group SexThe Saga of Susie (m-teen+/F, wife, nc, voy, b**st)By Anonymous (No address provided)***My pretty wife, Susie, was ****d by three black men and a dog. It was humiliating and disgusting, and we wanted nothing but to forget it and keep the knowledge from our community. We knew that we'd be ostracized if our neighbors ever found out. What we didn't know was that Lonny; a 14-year-old neighbor k** had seen the whole thing. And now Lonny wants Susie for his pleasure or he's threatening to tell...
Emotions bombarded Susie as she approached the men's locker room door. There was a little guilt because she had cheated on her husband for the first time with her two coworkers, but that emotion was easily drowned out by the raw sexual energy she was feeling. She had never felt so erotic or alive. She knew that she had crossed an invisible line, a line that separated fantasy from reality. Once that line was crossed, she also realized there was no going back. She could not take back...
My wife and I live in a large apartment building just out of town. Its a great big old house which was converted into 10 different apartments. The area is lovely and we are lucky enough to have a big, shared garden out back that we are free to use whenever we wish. Susie is a real gem. She's a dark blonde, 5'6,125lbs and has an amazing pair of 34F breasts. Her skin is smooth and lightly tanned, and her curves are perfect in every way. She's real fun to be around. Confident and flirty, and...
Cheating WifesSlippery Susie part 4 - Girls Night Out (Susie, Amanda & Liz)I'm glad you decided to come with us, Liz,” Susie said as she headed towards her friend Amanda’s house. “Girls Night Out with Amanda are always, uh, unique.”“Yeah, I think I just needed a little break,” Liz said. Liz had been a little surprised when Susie picked her up. She had seen her sister dress a little risque before, but she looked down right slutty tonight. Susie was wearing a very tight fitting red tank top and obviously...
Part one inst necessary to read this, but it includes some minor details, and its rather short, so go read it and then this, unless you don't want to, or already have. Susie was shaking, and letting out soft, sweet moans. Her breathing was steady and slow. The buzzing metal butt plug in her ass was giving out a steady low buzz, causing a deepening tickle in Susie's now wet; red hot; pulsating pussy. It had been almost three minutes, or maybe four, since she orgasm-ed without permission...
The next day.Susie had put some blankets on the floor at the foot of her bed where I slept for the night. She told me that if I really wanted to be dominated by her we would have to do it properly. Of course I accepted, after the events of the previous night I felt unbelievably lucky to have met somebody like Susie. She took my perversions and fetishes in her stride, even taking great pride in fulfilling my fantasies of degradation and humiliation.I was awoken the next morning by Susie...
I'm glad you decided to come with us, Liz,” Susie said as she headed towards her friend Amanda’s house. “Girls Night Out with Amanda are always, uh, unique.” “Yeah, I think I just needed a little break,” Liz said. Liz had been a little surprised when Susie picked her up. She had seen her sister dress a little risque before, but she looked down right slutty tonight. Susie was wearing a very tight fitting red tank top and obviously she was not wearing a bra despite the fact that she had...
"Oh, Susie, yes... right there.. Mmmhhh... oh yes, yes, that's it.. harder.. deeper! Oh god, fuck me Susie!""Heh...""W-what?""Nothing.. just thinking.. we've known each other years and never tried this.. why'd it come up all of a sudden?""Oh god, I don't even remember. Just fuck me, no slacking!"Chapter One : Why?Jenny was in no mood today. Woken abruptly at 6 this morning, and by her step-dad, Jeffrey, of all people! He'd probably just come in to perv' on her and woken her by mistake, the...
LesbianSusie Prologue: Hit by Reality "Shit! This cannot be right, can it?" I was reading through my first payment statement from Big Nameless Fucking Bank Inc. for my college loan and was not at all happy. Since I am now the proud possessor of a degree in finance and economics, you'd think that I would have known that my living expenses plus this loan payment would be more than the starting salary of the job I accepted. I had envisioned working at a large bank (like the one that I...
HumorSUSIE CATCHES HER FATHER IN THE ACTCHAPTER 2David and his daughter Susie lay on the bed, their naked bodies snuggled together like spoons, for a full five minutes while they caught their breath and the shock of what they had done had begun to fade. David checked the clock, and sat up."We have to get dressed, sweetheart. Mom will be home soon, and we have to have supper ready! Hurry!"Ten minutes later, they walked into the kitchen at the same time. Susie had dressed in baggy shorts and one...
IncestThis is a totally fictional story about a new hot wife, Susie, and the rest of the typical words about the characters, etc.. She is a lovely wife, enjoys sexual adventures, and more, so stay tuned, she might go more places than the adult motel represented here. Susie's Hot Adult Motel Adventure Begins- Chapter 1Although we had spent a couple of weekend nights at this adult motel, this was the first time I was able to convince my sexy wife to venture to the pool area. The pool was enclosed, and...
Susie woke up knowing that it was Saturday. She woke up feeling wonderful. She woke up feeling totally sexually sated and fulfilled. She turned her head and saw her father still sawing logs. She raised up and looked over him but immediately saw that her mother was already gone. She lay back down and grinned to herself.What a night! She had actually slept the night in her parents' bed! With her parents! Omigod! She had had the most incredible sex with both her mother and father! She...
IncestEven though it was mid summer and past the prime graduation party season, we got invited to the High School graduation party for my boss’s oldest son, Eric. We both thought this would be a good chance for her to scope out some local boys, although we agreed that she should try to steer clear of Eric as I wanted to avoid any complications there. The party was scheduled for a Saturday afternoon, so we started getting ready late that morning. Since they had a big pool (naturally), swimming...
I met Susie in high school and we dated a few times, but never had sex. Not that I didn't want to. She was a cute 5'5" tomboy type with perky B-cup tits (saw her in a bikini a few times), but for various reasons, things never got serious. We both went to different colleges after high school and I didn't see her again until I graduated from college and started the first job of my career. I was home visiting my family and I ran into her at one of our old hangouts. We started dating again and...
I am Susie O’Connell and Howard provided this story about what happened after his ‘first time’ with Colleen.a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My name is Howard Duncan. This story is about part of my 20th birthday present from Colleen. She and I made love for the first time at Corey Daniels’ father’s guest house. Afterwards we cuddled, naked, in the hot tub. More Sex ‘You know, I’m really hungry.’ she told me. ‘Me too,’ I responded. ‘Should we eat here or go out?’ ‘It’s kind of late to go out...
It was mid-winter in the 22nd year of my marriage to Susan. Late on a Friday night the two of us were sitting up and watching a late-night show. I was really watching Susie and deciding that she had to change. In my mind I started listing the things that I wanted to be different about her. I wanted her thinner and in better shape. I wanted her hair done differently in a sexier style. I wanted her to be more enthusiastic about sex and to dress the part, at home and in public. I wanted her to be...
TrueSusie tutors AbeFor Susie and ChrisSusie made another trip to the front door, her third in the past twenty minutes. She was anxiously anticipating the arrival of a new tutoring student, a young black male named Abe. She was using her connections with the schools to help students who showed promise, but were having some difficulties in certain areas. Maybe he missed the bus, maybe he was skipping out on his lessons.Susie straightens her dress, making sure the front was unbuttoned to expose just...
I hadn't planned this at all. I hadn't planned to fall in love with a twelve-year old girl, let alone my daughter's best friend. I hadn't planned to be the first one to give her an orgasm, the first to penetrate her, the first to introduce her to all the mysteries of love. But it happened. The day after I deflowered Wendy, I bought three dozen condoms, and we'd used them all by the time she announced that her mom had put her on birth control and we no longer needed them. Dispensing with...
My name is Susie. I am 18 and my boyfriend, Corey is 20. During a ‘skinny dipping’ party I teased some of the guys with my private parts and an orgy followed during which I let some of the guys put their cocks in me. Corey was upset about that and asked me for my ‘troth’ and I agreed. This meant that our parents would arrange for our marriage. Both sets of parents met at Corey’s father’s mansion to work out the details. It got late and Corey’s father invited us to stay over. My parents used...
SUSIE CATCHES HER FATHER IN THE ACTCHAPTER 3After the mind-blowing experience of having his sixteen year old daughter Susie suck his dick and swallow his cum, David was in a combined state of semi-shock, ecstasy, sexual fulfillment, guilt and fear. What if someone found out? What if he and Susie couldn't control their lust?He and his daughter were laying naked on her bedroom, surrounded by her stuffed animals. When he saw that Susie had dozed off, he gently put her underneath her covers,...
IncestAs I said earlier, Susie and I discussed a multitude of different things as we finished our lunch.I could tell that Susie was still in a fairly high state of arousal as we went and paid our bill before making our way back to the car.I suddenly thought just what a luck lad I was, 18, fairly well-off financially and with a gorgeous little 16 year old schoolgirl holding my hand. Not only was this gorgeous little girl a schoolgirl - she was wearing her school uniform, proper school knickers...
FetishAfter the last romp with her grandparents, Susie rested for a few weeks. Her grandparents left her alone and went out with their friends. Susie knew they were swingers. They often had sex parties where Susie would spy on them. She was fascinated with how much sex they had.Their friends sometimes would bring their family to the wild parties. Susie had seen other people who were her age engaging in the sex parties. They brought their grandchildren into their fun. Susie wondered how it would...
Incest“The good news,” I said. “And stop getting us all wet.” “That's what you get for making me run out. Well, the good news is they're not filled up. The bad news is, they only have one room. The good news is, it has two king beds. And the bad news is, I think they're charging us special 'torrential rainstorm and every other motel in the area is booked' rates.” “I say let's go for it,” my wife Susan said. “It's getting late, and if we wait we'll end up spending the night in the...
When I was 22 or so I worked as a repairman for a well known company. I would drive a company truck and make service calls at people's homes. At the time I had long hair and kind of had the surfer look, though we were nowhere near the beach. But girls liked it! So I got a call to a house, kind of a trashy part of town, and as I arrive, the husband and wife are leaving with their oldest daughter to a softball game. They say the babysitter knows the problem and will tell me where it is. So I meet...
A little background: Eddie, a friend of mine, and I take alternate shifts at a security office. The office is usually quiet, we just have to be there, be responsible, watch the monitors, that sort of thing. At night no one ever visits.Well, no one except Eddie's wife Susie. She's half-Chinese, very attractive, very outgoing, and with a mouth and attitude like a Marine on shore leave! She'd had quite an upbringing in this Navy town and was quite the handful for her Chinese father, a...
It was late on a Friday evening, and my family and I had just finished watching a movie on television. My wife Sandy and I were on the couch with our daughter Susan (or Susie as I most often referred to her) planted safely between us. At 18, Susie was certainly no longer a little girl, but still loved to snuggle every bit as much as she did as a c***d. I was more than willing to give into her desires as I loved my daughter dearly, and always wanted to make her happy.My Wife said aloud as the...
Susie woke up the next day and was sandwiched between her grandmother and grandfather. They'd had sex all night long. Susie's pussy was sore from having sex with her grandfather. His cock was as long as her arm and quite thick.Her grandmother ate Susie's pussy all night long. The sheets were soaked from the cum that dripped from their bodies. Susie was exhausted and just thinking about the naughty night they had. Grandmother woke up and smiled at her granddaughter.“Hi sweetie, granny...
IncestSusan was sitting on her couch in a silk bathrobe that conformed to her gorgeous body when she got the call. All he said was 'It's your turn for the chair, Susie. Be there in an hour.' Susan was quick to get off the couch and head to her closest. Her lower regions heating up in anticipation. She pulled out her special trunk, the one she kept for him. She pulled off her bathrobe revealing her firm B-Cup breasts, smooth flat stomach, athletic tight ass cheeks, and her soft creamy complextion. She...
Susie Lege was home from college. Her parents were away on an extended vacation. They suggested to their daughter she stay with her grandparents. They were more than happy to entertain their granddaughter for the summer. They had a pool and were near the beach.Susie had been with her grandparents for several weeks. When her grandparents were out, she would swim and sunbathe in the nude. She loved to do laps and frolic in the cool water. She loved how free she felt in the water. Her nipples were...