Harry Potter Ron Blackmailed to fuck
- 3 years ago
- 41
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Introduction: Ron/Hermione , Ron/Pansy She looked at him from the green satin armchair next to the window. His handsome body was hit by the faintest rays of the moonlight, but she didnt need her eyes to see him through the dark. She knew where his muscles and his bones were, she knew where he liked to be touched when they had sex, she knew what made him moan. Above all she knew what made him come, spilling his hot seed inside of her.
What Pansy Parkinson didnt know was how to moan and come herself. Shed had sex with Draco Malfoy for too long to be turned on by his rude and rough hands which touched her body without much grace, claiming every inch of her flesh as if it was his property. She screamed, oh yes, she screamed a lot, but never from pleasure. Sometimes, when he bit her bony hips a bit too eagerly, her eyes had filled with tears that threatened to stream down her cheeks and ruin her perfect make up. Like that first time he had taken her. Like that moment that he had taken her virginity.
The blond Slytherin wasnt gentle, taking her wherever he wanted and whenever he felt like it. An empty classroom, the Slytherin common room, the dungeons, the corridors, the Room of Requirement. Every place was perfect if the wicked boy wanted to get some sex, and every moment was simply perfect to him, even if she had to go to class or if she had her period. She felt she couldnt complain about anything, like her body seemed to be made only for giving him pleasure.
Pansy shivered and looked out of the window, to the starry night sky. At the beginning it hadnt been like that, had it? She couldnt remember. She was so used to having a possessive and rude Draco at her side that she couldnt recall if he had ever been gentle to her. How had he stolen her heart? He was rich and handsome, and so she didnt need much to fall for him. She thought that love was not important, she thought that all she needed was to be touched by him, to feel his hands and his lips on her naked body, to be filled by him.
She was wrong. Oh! How badly she was wrong! Now she wanted all the kisses and hugs and caresses that she thought she didnt need. She felt like she could die if Draco turned on his back another time after they had sex, panting and smiling and obstinately looking away. It was as if he didnt care that her beautiful, petite body was next to him between his wet sheets. As if he became numb all of a sudden to her graces, and all he wanted was to sleep, and snore, and never turn to smile at her.
Why did she care so much? Pansy didnt know. She had been raised in a family where the only love was that for power and richness, where her father and her mother never even looked at each other. Where they had taught her to stay close to Draco Malfoy to please him and share everything with him, just to link their two families together one day. Maybe she was sick of all that. Maybe she just needed to be treated like the girl she was and not like a piece of meat.
She glared furiously at the sleeping figure of Draco, and for a moment the thought of pushing him out of bed and hexing him crossed her mind, causing a mischievous smirk to appear on her face. But she was in his dorm, it would have got her in trouble if she did anything different than what she was supposed to do: walking out of the male dorm silently, glancing at the sleeping figures of Nott, Goyle and Zabini laying on the couches of the Common Room and finally entering her dorm just to sleep in her cold sheets, between the beds of Millicent Bulstrode and Daphne Greengrass.
No. She couldnt go to sleep. Not at that time, not with all the rage she had in her. She needed to grab something and throw it miles away, to scream and swear about Draco Malfoy. That little spoiled brat, Malfoy , she thought bitterly.
She picked up her dressing gown and wrapped the silky material around her bony hips, tying it loosely around her waist. She crossed the dorm with quick and silent steps, not even turning to glance one last time at the boy who was the cause of her grief. Pansy walked down the stairs with a flutter of her dressing gown, her chin up in the air as she walked past the Portrait Hole. She didnt know where she was going. She didnt care. Even if Filch caught her wandering in the corridors at that hour of the night, she wouldnt have cared much. Her head was filled with anger and her eyes were filled with bitter tears, that she couldnt let fall down.
Pansy shivered in the cold night air. The dungeons were frozen, and the fact that they were dug right under the lake didnt help the temperature at all. For a moment she missed the warm blankets on Dracos bed, hot and wet with their sweat and bodily fluids. She shook her head forcefully, as if to send the thought away. She was mad at Draco, she wanted to never talk to him again. Or until the next morning at least.
The floor was iced. She bit her bottom lip, and for a moment cursed the fact that she hadnt worn anything on her feet. Her pedicured toes were turning blue from the cold and she wondered if she could have lost them, for they were hard and they hurt her every time she took a step. But she didnt even think about turning back, yet. Hate you, Draco Malfoy, she hissed into the darkness of the castle.
Then, as if someone had been listening, a noise answered her. She stopped, standing still, petrified and frozen from the fear and from the cold. There was someone close to her. Someone that made a soft and rhythmic noise, someone that grunted and moaned. Pansys heart started to increase its pace. She grabbed her wand in her pocket, the temptation of pulling it out and lighting the place where she was standing almost overcame her, and then she noticed it. A thin and delicate light was coming from a half closed door, the beaming light hitting a portrait whose owner was complaining loudly to nobody at all.
Every night, almost every night, an old wizard with a pointy hat was murmuring. When Pansy passed next to him, he looked at her and raised his voice a little. Tell them at least to close that damn door. People here want to sleep.
Pansy glanced at him, then she turned her head curiously towards the door. It was a classroom, one of the classrooms that shed had some lessons in, in her first, or something like that, not a place that she could recall to be anything in particular. She peered through the doorway, holding her breath as if she was afraid that someone might have heard her soft respire.
The classroom was nothing different from the other hundreds of classes there were in the school. Desks and chairs crowded the room, and a black board was hung on the wall. What there was in that place that didnt fit the surroundings was candles. Floating, lit candles that were standing in midair, and gave a soft, warm orange appearance to the classroom. They seemed to fly without a goal, but they gave the impression that they preferred a certain place of the class, close to the right wall. As Pansy pulled the door open a bit more, she understood why they were floating in that place. She understood, and her heart started to beat furiously in her chest.
Some of the desks had been moved together to form a bigger surface. On those tables two people were enjoying themselves as if they had an excess of hormones mixed up with endless horniness. To Pansys great surprise those two people were the ones that she had thought would reach their marriages as pure as their mothers had done, for they were Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.
Pansys first impulse was to walk into the classroom or at least go and get someone to show that person the passion that two of the prefects were consuming in a classroom in the middle of the night. A smirk appeared on her face, and for a moment she forgot everything, from Draco Malfoy, to the fact that she was cold, to the fact that she angry. The two of them would have been a lovely way to vent her feelings.
She stepped back, her brain thinking hard about who she might want to call in a moment like this, she was going to damage the perfect Hermione Granger and her lover. She had to call someone important. McGonagall will do , she thought.
But when Hermione Granger let out a hushed cry, and Ron Weasley grunted with her, Pansy, against her will, found herself stuck back to the door. Her eyes were following the scene that was going in front of her, her nipples pressed against the door through her nightgown, her inner folds becoming sensitive. She couldnt help admitting to herself that they knew what they were doing.
Hermione was lying on the desks. She was naked, except for her Gryffindor tie, that in the orange light matched perfectly with her brownish skin. Her hands were wandering on her belly and her breasts, her nails brushing her skin with convulsed movements. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair fell all over her shoulders in a way that was much more sensual than it did in the classroom. Pansy found herself staring at her body. She wasnt as skinny as her or as most of the girls were, but Pansy couldnt help finding that soft fleshiness attractive.
Ron was standing at the base of the desk, his hands keeping her legs apart, and his eyes seemed glued to her breasts as they bumped up and down. He was moving rhythmically in and out of her, his face concentrating on her graces and on the effort of giving her as much pleasure as she was giving him.
His body was covered in sweat and his muscles darted on his abdomen every time he pushed inside of her, his penis disappearing in her wet, warm folds deeper every time. His hands slid down her calves and thighs up to her waist and then he gripped her hips.
Finally, he let out a grunt, tensing up his muscles, as he collapsed on her body. She cried out as well, something incomprehensible, and her body tensed up as well, her head back, her eyes closed and her cheeks flushed. Pansy knew that she had reached her orgasm with him. They stayed like that for what seemed like ages, and Pansy seemed frozen under the charm that their union had cast on her. They were perfect, they had come together and they were perfectly satisfied. Why it couldnt be like that with her and Draco?
Hermione hugged Ron, who had his head on her breasts. She neared her lips to his ear and muttered something. They both laughed, and Hermione even blushed a little, then she nibbled at his ear with her teeth, her hands slid down his back until she reached his rear end. Her fingers slipped in between her cheeks and Ron struggled a little when she inserted the tip of her finger in his anus.
Pansy bit her bottom lip and sucked in her breath. She mechanically brought a hand to her folds and started to caress her clitoris, still warm and lubricated with her and Dracos moisture. Her breaths started to come in short puffs as she spied on the lovers and gave herself pleasure at the same time.
Ron was still struggling a little as Hermiones finger wandered a bit too deep into him. He grunted and freed himself from her sweaty limbs, looking at her beautiful body in the candle light.
That was not fair, Miss Granger, he murmured so quietly that Pansy almost didnt hear it.
Hermione smiled, she brought a finger to her lips and bit it. Her cheeks, flushed with pleasure, gave her the appearance of a misbehaving child. Ron smiled at her, and Pansy couldnt help noticing how lovely his smile was.
He bent down again on top of her body, kissing her fiercely on her lips. She brought her hands to his hair, entangling them in his rebel locks. He let her lips go, his mouth kissing its way to her jaw. He bit her playfully, and she giggled. He cupped her breasts with his hands and slowly he slid down her body, his mouth sucking and kissing and biting every single inch of her skin.
He pushed her breasts up, taking her nipples between his lips. Hermione moaned, evidently the fire was building once again inside of her, and Pansy didnt have any difficulties to understand why. Her owns fingers were busy pleasuring herself, and the view of Ron covered with nothing but sweat was making her shiver with bliss.
Ron let go of her breasts and kissed his way down to her belly, showering her navel with his tongue, pushing at it with force, so that every time his tongue entered it Hermione would scream with pleasure. He cupped her bottom cheeks and raised her rear end from the desk. He kneeled in front of her looked at her secret, lust shining in his eyes.
Hermione held her breath. She was sucking her index finger between her lips, while one of her hands was gripping at the edge of the desk. Ron cast her a glance, and she wetted her lips with her tongue. The red-haired boy smiled and, without notice, he attacked her inner folds with his tongue.
Hermione curved her back, her breasts up in the air as she tried to push her secret against Rons face. She started screaming and moaning and tensing up again on the desk.
Pansy couldnt see much, but she was sure that Ron was caressing her folds with his tongue in the most sensual way. Sometimes a dart of white was visible between his ruby lips and she knew that he was using his teeth as well. At those points, Hermione cried out louder, the soft and delicate pain mixing up with the immense pleasure. Every time she screamed he smiled, satisfied with himself.
Pansys eyes were starting to look at the scene through a lustful veil, her pupils dilated with pleasure. She felt her legs failing her, and she had to grip the wall to stop herself from falling.
Hermione came with soft screams, hushed by her fingers in her mouth. Her inner folds convulsed against Rons tongue, but he didnt stop until Hermione straightened up and took his head in her hands, bringing him up to her. Their bodies started to slide one against the other in a sensual way as she kissed him and brought her legs around his waist.
Pansy came too. In silence, against the cold wall of the corridor. She panted softly, trying to steady herself on her trembling legs. For a moment she was horrified by the fact that it had taken such a degrading thing as to spy over Harry Potters sidekicks while they were making love to make her come, but slowly that thought was pushed at the back of her brain, and another feeling filled her mind.
She was jealous. She was jealous of Hermione Granger. She envied the fact that her boyfriend gave so much attention on her body, just to make her come over and over again. She felt a new destructive wave of evilness invading her mind as she recomposed herself and took a deep breath. She wanted to be in Hermione Grangers place. Just for once in her life, she wanted to be there, on those desks, in her place.
She heard a giggle coming from the classroom, so she turned to look at what was going on in the alcove. Hermione and Ron were now on their feet, and they were looking for their clothes, which were lying all over the floor. Hermione bent to put on her socks and Ron pinched her bottom cheek jokingly, she straightened up and turned to look at him, and he pulled her to him again.
Pansy stepped back, the jealousy fogging her sight for a moment. She was sure that they would have gone on like that for hours, and she didnt want to see that thing again. She wrapped herself in her dressing gown and started to walk away, walking past the portrait that was still complaining about the light.
She smirked in the darkness. She was so lucky that Hermione Granger was the good girl and model pupil of the school, because it would be so easy to steal what she had. Even if just for a night.
Ron looked at Hermione through the steams of his cauldron. She was flushed due the hotness from the flames under the cauldron. Her hair was curling up because of the vapour, but to his eyes she was as beautiful as always. Hermione looked up and their eyes met. She smiled softly and he smiled back. He still couldnt believe that she was his, and only his.
–turning blue, Ron. Harrys voice reached the red-haired boy as if it came from another place and another time. Ron turned slowly towards his friend, wearing the dumbest of his smiles.
Harry raised his eyebrows, but with a quick glance at Hermione he understood. Did you hear a word I said? he asked his friend, faking an annoyed tone. Or were you too busy concentrated on Hermione?
Ron flushed slightly. Blue, he said, you said that its turning blue.
Harry nodded, crossing his arms on his chest. And?
Ron, said Ron dreamily. You said Ron.
Harry shook his head. I meant, and what does this mean?
Ron looked at his best friend with a look that lacked understanding. What?
The potion should be green, snorted Harry, throwing up his hands, have you stirred it as I told you to do when I went to collect the other ingredients?
Stir. Potion. Green. Blue . Why didnt those words sound new to Ron?
Ron, sighed Harry, for Merlins beard. Just for an hour a week, cant you keep Hermione out of your thoughts?
Ron let out a laugh. Ill try, mate, he conceded, you should listen to your tone. Its almost as if you are pleading with me.
I am, replied Harry. This is the third time that weve gotten a potion wrong. Slughorn will give us another Troll.
Yeah, I know, said Ron, who couldnt have cared less. He sat down at his desk and leaned his head on his arms, half closing his eyes in a tired gesture.
Harry glanced at him as he stirred the potion. Did you sleep even an hour last night? he asked his friend.
Ron shook his head. I was with Hermione, he replied. How could I have slept?
Harry looked at his other friend, who was brewing her potions with Justin Finch-Fletchley. She seemed to be getting everything right as always, she didnt seem to have just gotten back from a night of fun. He smiled, Hermione would have done anything Ron asked her, but on the condition that she got enough sleep so she would still be able to pay attention in class. Evidently though, she needed much less sleep than Ron to be as active as normal.
You should give up a night with her every now and then, suggested Harry, turning back to look at Ron.
Rubbish, murmured Ron sleepily.
Then you need to find someone else as a partner in Potions, snapped Harry.
Ron ignored him, he was sure he was joking. Or maybe not, but Harry would never start to look for another partner. Of course if Harry wanted to be paired with Draco Malfoy or anybody else, Ron could always be with Hermione herself. He smiled, staying close to her, even at Potions, was something that he would love to do.
Your potion isnt exactly the colour it should be, Potter, said Professor Slughorn as he collected a phial of their liquid.
Harry replied with something, but Ron didnt care, the thought of working with Hermione was filling his head like a perfume that could fill his nose and intoxicate him.
Class dismissed, said Professor Slughorn somewhere through the steam, his huge figure almost hidden in the fog of the classroom.
Harry started to collect his things, and before he could even grab his polished cauldron Hermione was at their side, smiling brightly at Ron.
Not so difficult, was it? she said in her knowing tone, which made Harry roll his eyes.
No, not at all, replied Ron, smiling back at her. Right, Harry?
Harry grunted something, but he preferred to walk quickly out of the classroom and catch up with Ginny in the Great Hall rather than discuss the last potion they had brewed with the two lovers. He gave a dismissive goodbye and walked out of the classroom.
Ron and Hermione walked out a few minutes behind him, one next to the other. Their hands brushing slightly at their sides, their mouths curved in knowing smiles.
What do you have to do tonight? asked Ron, his voice low.
Hermione smiled softly. Study, naturally, she replied. Why? she asked, faking ignorance.
Ron let out a laugh. Because I had something on my mind, you know just–
I need to talk to you, someone interrupted them.
Ron and Hermione stopped in their tracks, their heads turned together towards the owner of the voice, a petite, brunette girl in Slytherin robes that answered to the name of Pansy Parkinson. She was standing next to the door, her arms folded across her chest as if she was trying to assume the coolest position she could. Her cold, black eyes were fixed on Ron.
I need to talk to you, she repeated, her voice low and sensual, her eyelashes fluttering.
Hermione took Rons hand. We are very busy now, Parkinson, she snapped, come back when you have something intelligent to tell us.
Pansy smirked, a smirk worthy of a Malfoy. Im not talking to you, she hissed dangerously. Im talking to your boyfriend.
Ron raised his chin. Well, Hermione is right, he replied curtly. We have things to do.
Pansy laughed, her laugh the trill of thousands of frozen bells. I would let you go, but you see, Im being very merciful to give you this chance to talk with me, Weasley. You dont want to waste this opportunity.
What the hell are you talking about, Parkinson? asked Ron, a look of impatience and misunderstanding on his face.
Do you love her? Pansy asked Ron bluntly, and for a moment her voice seemed even more aggressive.
Ron raised his eyebrows. Of course I do, he replied, clasping Hermiones hand so it closed around his own with force.
Then you better let me talk to you, hissed Pansy.
Ron cast the Slytherin girl a glare, then he turned towards Hermione.
No, said Hermione forcefully before he could even open his mouth. No, no, no. Im not letting you go alone with her.
Ron smiled, he was happy to hear such force in her voice. Hermione, what are you worrying about? Itll be some stupid Slytherin joke as always, maybe shell ask me to let their Quidditch team win next Sunday. He cupped her cheeks. Ill catch up with you in the Great Hall in a few minutes, he said. Keep some roast beef for me.
Hermione smiled, she stretched her neck towards him and they shared a chaste kiss. When they broke apart Hermione glared at Pansy, and was surprised to find that she had looked away. She turned and walked slowly towards the Great Hall, leaving a deadly silence behind her.
When she was out of sight, Pansy snapped, Follow me, in a tone that didnt leave room for any reply.
She guided him towards a classroom not far from the dungeons, right in front of a portrait of a wizard that was sleeping undisturbed. She let Ron in and closed the door behind them. As soon as Ron looked around he recognized the classroom as the one he had chosen with Hermione for their rendezvous. Was that just a coincidence?
Pansy sat on a desk, her legs swinging back and forward as if she were a child. I know your little secret, she said in a low, sensual voice.
Ron crossed his arms over his chest. He gulped softly, trying hard to pretend he didnt have a clue what she was talking about. I dont know what you are saying, he eventually hissed.
Oh, I think you do, purred Pansy, it would be terrible if you didnt remember yesterday evening, wouldnt it?
Rons head started to buzz. How was it possible that she knew something? She couldnt have possibly bumped into them as they were busy, they would have heard her, wouldnt they? And they had locked the door, hadnt they? He couldnt remember, Hermione had asked him to close the door. He closed it, right?
What do you mean? he asked coldly.
Pansy jumped down from the desk, landing gracefully in front of Ron. I mean you and Miss Hermione Granger, she said, circling Ron and getting to the spot where they had been lying the night before. You and her on these desks, she said touching them. She was lying down and you were standing by her bottom. You worked your way down her body, just with your tongue and you pinching at her boobs and–
Ron closed the distance that divided them and pushed Pansy towards the wall, pinning her arms with his hands.
Pansy smirked. And you taking her up against the wall, she whispered, I didnt see it, but Im sure you did.
What the hell is your problem, Parkinson? asked Ron with rage, his mouth close to her ear. You need to spy on others private moments to satisfy yourself?
Pansys face screwed with fury, she pushed at Ron and freed herself, then before he could see it, she slapped his face. Dont you dare saying something like that ever again, Weasley, she hissed, her cheeks on fire.
Ron placed a hand on the spot that was turning red on his cheek, and, unexpectedly, he sneered. Touched a soft spot, did I? he asked.
Pansy growled. I was going to offer a way out of this situation, but evidently you dont want it, she smoothed her robes. I bet that Professor McGonagall will be very interested to hear what her model student is up to late at night. Will they send her away? I hope so. She turned on her heels and walked away, a bitter smirk on her face.
Ron swore. He crossed the classroom and stood right in front of the door, blocking her way with his body.
Ill scream if you dont let me go, she said calmly.
Ron narrowed his eyes. You said that you were going to offer me a way out, he snapped. Whats that?
Pansy smirked. You love her so much, she murmured mockingly. You have to do something for me and then Ill keep my mouth shut.
Ron raised his chin. What? Be your slave for a month? Do your homework? he asked bitterly.
I dont need a slave and I would have asked Granger if I wanted someone to do my homework, replied Pansy calmly. No, I want something else from you.
Ron sniffed the air like a dog. Which is?
Pansy brought a hand up, and she started to play with his tie. Ron followed her hand as if he was afraid that she would cut his throat with her nails. I want you to take me, she whispered so softly that Ron thought, or rather had hoped, that he could fool himself.
What? he asked, without wanting to believe his ears. He looked at her cold eyes, and he thought that he would have preferred to be her slave for a month rather than sleep with her.
I want you to take me, she repeated loudly. She raised her chin. I want you to take me the way you take her, your little Mudblood.
Dont call Hermione that, he snapped, trying to ignore the fact that she had just asked him to have sex with her.
Pansy moved her fringe away from her eyes with a graceful movement, her hand was skinny and white, but also perfectly manicured. Ill call her what she is, she answered calmly, so?
So what? asked Ron, still avoiding talking about her request.
Are you accepting? she purred like a cat.
Ron looked away, his face dark. You are not right in the head, he replied, shaking his head. I love Hermione.
Pansy shrugged a shoulder. And Im not telling you to not love her, she whispered in her lustful voice.
Youre asking me to betray her, replied Ron curtly.
Pansy let out a trilling laugh. You can say that Im asking her to share, then. She would definitely accept if she had the possibility to save herself from a public humiliation, she replied, calmly. Anyway, you dont have to tell her, if you dont want to.
Are you mad? he asked and he seemed to really believe it. If Hermione knows that you and I had done anything like this, shed leave me without thinking twice. And I dont want to lose her, he said in a heartbreaking voice.
Pansy laughed again. Then dont tell her anything, she said sensibly.
Ron shook his head, snorting. Why do you want to make love to me? he asked, and as he said it he blushed.
She wetted her lips, just like Hermione had done the night before. She looked like a big cat that was preparing to jump. No, she corrected him, not love, Weasley. Sex. Just sex.
Ron leaned against the door. Isnt Malfoy satisfying your needs? he asked her slowly.
Pansy darkened again. That is none of your business, she replied icily.
It must be to do with that, or why else would you come here and ask me something like that? asked Ron calmly.
Pansy glared at him, and if a glance could kill, Ron would certainly be dead by now. I want to try something new, she replied curtly.
And nobody else is eager to offer their services? asked Ron. He made his eyes run down her body. Youre not that horrible, you know. Goyle? Flint?
What about Zabini? she snapped. No, I want to make Draco feel awful, and I want to experiment with what sent your girlfriend into bliss last night. I want to feel what she felt. She narrowed her eyes. I want to have sex with you.
Ron rolled his eyes. No, he replied curtly. I will never betray Hermione.
Thats so touching, she mocked, bringing her hands to her cheeks. Then be ready to leave this school forever, with her, naturally.
She took a step towards the door, shed decided to duck and walk under Rons arm, but he moved it down. Youre mad, I want you to know it, he hissed angrily. What do you want?
Ive already told you, she replied gleefully.
He shook his head, grunting. Ask me something else, he answered rudely.
I dont need anything else, she replied, smirking.
I cant give you this, he said, desperation in his voice.
She shrugged her shoulders elegantly. Then you better enjoy your last minutes in this school, she said sweetly.
She ducked again and this time Ron didnt block her way. She took a deep breath and started to walk towards McGonagalls office. Her head was a mixture of rage and delusion, her heart wrapped in a thick curtain of revenge.
Okay, called Ron after her.
She stopped, turning her head to offer him her better profile. Okay, what? she asked in her silky voice.
Okay, Ill do it, he replied, walking towards her.
She felt her heart beating furiously in her chest. She was going to take him, to take him away from Hermione Granger. She felt like a child on Christmas morning.
Meet me tonight, she replied, giving him her back once again. At midnight, in that classroom. If you dont come Ill make sure that you and your girlfriend are sent away from the school before tomorrow evening.
At that she walked away, leaving a crestfallen Ron behind.
Ron kicked one of the couches in the common room. He couldnt recall a moment of his life when he had felt more betrayed or more frustrated. He was angry with himself for the fact that he hadnt locked the door last night, and for the fact that he had agreed to have sex with Pansy Parkinson. And naturally, he was angry with Pansy for the fact that she had blackmailed him. Why didnt she ask him for money or for enslavement? He would have preferred either of those instead of lying to Hermione.
He shook his head, thinking again of what he had told Hermione. Im too tired tonight, maybe tomorrow? Was that the first time that hed had to find an excuse? Yes, naturally it was. What was Hermione thinking? Hed been strange since he had come back from his talk with Pansy Parkinson. She must have got the sense that there was something wrong. What was she thinking? Hopefully not whats about to happen , thought Ron.
He walked towards the portrait hole and stepped out into the darkness of the corridor. It was the first time that he had walked out of there at that time of the night without Hermione, and for a moment he wanted to go back inside and take her with him. He didnt want to go meet Pansy Parkinson, he didnt want to have sex with her. And Pansy shouldnt want to have sex with him either. Shes lost her mind , thought Ron, shaking his head.
He walked through the corridors like a sleepwalker would do. His feet knew the way too well for his brain to have to guide them. He passed the Great Hall and turned towards the dungeons. The classroom he had to reach was the one he had been in with Hermione the night before, and for the first time the thought of taking Pansy in the same place made him sick.
He reached the classroom too quickly in his opinion. He remembered when he had walked there with Hermione, their walk interrupted by kisses and laughter every now and then, and in those moments their secret place seemed so far away from them. Now nothing interrupted Rons walk to the room, and he got there at the very moment in which distant bells were tolling midnight.
As he walked into the classroom, the first thing he did was to stare in front of him at the spectacle that was on the other side of the classroom. Candles were floating, just like the night before. The desks had been moved together to form a wider surface, just like the night before, and there was a girl in there with him, just like the night before. The only thing that wasnt right was that the girl was dressed in Slytherin colours, that her hair was combed in a straight, lucent, pageboy cut, that her eyes were black like coal and that her body was bony and skinny. The only thing that wasnt right was that the girl wasnt Hermione Granger.
The second thing Ron did was to lock the door behind him, he wouldnt have committed the same mistake twice. He didnt shine with brilliance, but he wasnt like Crabbe had been. The third thing he did was to walk slowly towards Pansy and sit on a desk a few feet from where she was sitting, her legs dangling just inches from the ground, just like that afternoon.
You came, she purred in her low voice. I thought you were lying. She laughed her trilling laugh. No, she continued, Gryffindors dont lie.
Ron felt the urge to hex her. No, he replied, the opposite of Slytherins.
Pansy fluttered her eyelashes. I guess so, she said. She bent back on the desk, leaning on her arms, and looked at Ron with a smile. Just out of curiosity, what did you tell her?
Ron stiffened, his face darkened even more than before. None of your business, he hissed.
Pansy laughed. No, she replied, I guess not. She brought a finger to her mouth and sucked it without breaking the eye-contact she had with Ron. So? she asked. Shall we get started?
Ron took a deep breath, but he didnt move.
Pansy pouted. What are you reluctant about, Weasley? Im even prettier than that ugly Mudblood girlfriend of yours, you should thank me, she said.
Rons blue eyes flashed with something like rage as he threw himself at her. He grabbed her upper arms firmly, sending her back and head banging against the desk. She moaned in pain, her sight fogging for a moment.
I told you, hissed Ron, his hot, fragrant breath only inches away from her nose, not to call her that.
Pansy gritted her teeth, he was hurting her, but he was finally close to her. So close that she could smell his scent, so close that she could feel his breath tickling her forehead. So close that she hadnt to do much to lean forward a bit and kiss him.
For a moment Ron was caught off guard. His eyes opened wide and his hands loosened their grip on her. He felt like he had lost. He felt like he had lost Hermione forever. Pansy moaned against his lips, and he felt her tongue and her teeth busying at his lips. She was leaning forward even more, her arms slowly making their way around his back and her tongue finally winning over the resistance of his lips.
It is done , he thought, I cant go back. Tonight Im hers.
As if he had been charmed, he gave in. He let his hands slide down her upper arms, then follow the curves of her sides, and come to rest on her bony hips. She was sharp and angular in all of the places Hermione was fleshy and soft. Even her breasts, that were now pressing with insistence into his chest, were pointed.
He felt her ravenous tongue tasting his mouth, and he tasted hers. She tasted of citrus, he of vanilla. One was sweet, the other sour. One good, the other bad. One the victim, the other guilty. But which was which?
Rons hands started to wander south, down to her skirt. Here they stopped to play a little with her waistband. He made them slide even lower on her and when he reached the hem of her skirt, he started to come back up. He slid his fingers on her bare skin under the material, rolling her skirt up as he did so. When he reached her bottom he sucked in his breath, gaining a giggle from her.
He moved his head away a little, looking into her eyes for the first time since theyd started kissing. Her eyes were even blacker than usual. Her body was screaming for more, and the sooner he gave it to her, the better it was for them.
You arent wearing your knickers, he whispered, surprised.
She grabbed his hair and came up to kiss him. I knew I wouldnt need them, she moaned into his mouth. Come on, she urged him.
Ron leaned forward over her for the second time. His hands were now grasping at her breasts through the material of her shirt. He caressed her nipples and she moaned again in his mouth.
Slowly, he released her lips and backed a little, but this time he didnt even look into her eyes. He followed the line of her neck down to her breasts, with his eyes and with his hands. His big hands massaged her little breasts with wanton. He reached for the line of buttons that kept the two parts of her shirt together and pulled it apart, sending buttons all over the floor and exposing a generous part of her chest and her black, expensive, lacing bra.
She sucked in her breath, and when he pulled her bra down under her breasts and attacked her nipples with his lips, teeth and tongue, just like she had seen him doing the night before on Hermione, she let out a small strangled cry of satisfaction and arousal.
He cupped her breasts perfectly in his hands and, if he opened his mouth wide, he would have been able to take one in almost entirely. He took her right nipple between his teeth, biting it delicately, and Pansy moaned under his body. He smiled against her skin. Pansy Parkinson, the Slytherin ice queen was melting under his body.
Ron opened her shirt wide and, pulling up her petite body in his arms, he made the shirt slide down her back, exposing her perfect, pale shoulders. She raised her back and unclasped her bra, sending it onto the floor next to her shirt and buttons.
She pushed up on her arms and sat up. Ron was standing there, leaning towards her, his flushed face inches away from hers. Your turn, she grumbled in his ear as her hands went to his tie.
She untied the knot, and then made her manicured fingers slide over his chest, removing each button from its hole. He had tried to make that process as quick as possible with her, however she wanted to take as much time as she could. She pushed his shirt to her own on the floor, and his tie encountered the same fate.
Pansy took a moment to look at him. He was tall and a bit skinnier than she would have desired him to be, but he had muscles in the right places, and he knew how to use his hands and his tongue. All she had to know now was how well he could use his use his member, and she was eager to discover that.
She slid her hands down his chest, it was warm and smooth, like that of a man who hadnt yet completely said goodbye to his adolescence. She reached for his crotch and was disappointed to find it flat, when she was sure that she was already dripping wet.
Is it me? she asked, all her sarcasm and coldness gone, only a slight desperation left in her voice. Or are you restraining yourself?
Ron didnt answer, he just moved her hand away and bent once again over her, making her lie on the desk. He kissed her jaw, biting and sucking at her white skin like he would with a creamy ice-cream. Then his mouth left her face for her neck, and shoulder, and collarbone, and cleavage, and then he was on her belly, licking her navel as if his life depended on it.
Finally he grabbed at her skirt and pulled it up, up and up. Until it was just a thin piece of material around her waist. Her pubic area was now offering him a nice spectacle. Her black hair was already glistering with bodily fluids and she shivered when the cold air of the dungeons brushed over her folds.
Her skin was so white, and her hips so small compared to those of Hermione. She was so skinny that she seemed almost ill. Did Malfoy like her that way? Ron shivered. He hoped that it was natural, and that she didnt starve herself for anyone. He shook his head, was he caring for her?
He looked at her, and found that she was staring back at him, waiting impatiently for him to do something. He curved his lips in a sensual smile and, keeping his eyes on hers, he kneeled in front of her until his face was just inches away from her wet folds.
As soon as his hands went to cup her bottom cheeks and his face dived into her warm secret, she threw her head back and moaned, feeling a warm excitement spreading from her low abdomen to every limb of her body.
Ron brushed his tongue down the length of her folds. Then, carefully, took her clitoris between his teeth and massaged it with his lips. He brought his hands to her folds, opening her small vagina as best as he could, inserting his tongue and distractedly even his nose. His fingers slid in there as well, one after the other, in and out, slowly and quickly.
Pansy took some sharp breaths, her body thrashing on the desks. Her legs closed around his head, bringing him even closer to her. Rons tongue dived into her secret, and he pressed his thumb on her clit at the same time. Eventually Pansys inner walls convulsed against his tongue in a desperate way, electricity shooting through her body. Pansy climaxed with a little cry that Ron hoped nobody had heard. When she had trembled and shivered for enough time, he stood up, moving her legs away from his neck.
Pansys breath was still coming out in short puffs when Ron threw himself on her for the umpteenth time. His hands on her small breasts, his mouth on hers. He massaged her nipples with his right hand, and with his left he traced the corners of her body. He reached down between her legs and she moaned again, fire building once more inside of her.
Please, she groaned into his mouth.
Ron backed his head a little. What? he asked, kissing her jaw. I didnt know- He kissed her collarbone. -that I would ever hear- He pushed her breasts up, just like he used to do with Hermione. -Pansy Parkinson plead. He kissed her breasts.
Fuck you, Weasley, she murmured with neither mirth nor resentment, her eyes half-closed with lust. She reached out her hand and seized the hem of his trousers, making him come closer to her. She smiled a little when she felt the bulge of his crotch.
She caressed his cock through the fabric and he whimpered. It as if he wanted her to free it and at the same time he wanted to run away, too ashamed of the fact that he was enjoying the little adventure he was having with Pansy. However, she didnt want to let him go. She busied her fingers on his zip, and stopped only when his hand joined hers.
He took her hands in his own, his mouth still working on her breasts. He didnt look up at her, but she knew that he didnt want to stop her, he just wanted to let her know that he was there. She freed herself from his hand without much difficulty, and eased his trousers down his legs. The bulge was now plainly visible through his boxers and she felt a wave of satisfaction from knowing that she was having such an arousing effect on him.
She pulled him to her, her legs swinging at his sides, he let go of her breasts and looked down as she freed his erection. She stopped for a moment, looking at his cock with a mixture of surprise and attraction. It was different from Dracos, she didnt like comparisons, but she couldnt help thinking that that member would have had a totally different effect on her.
Pansy stretched a hand in front of her to wrap around his length and return his service. Her fingers were cold and made Ron shiver with both pleasure and iciness. She pushed on the desk and slid slowly down the table kneeling in front of him. One of her hands on his cock, the other on his balls.
Ron looked down at her and gulped a bit too louder than he had intended. Pansy smiled and planted some light kisses all over his length. Ron gulped again. She opened her mouth and took it all in to her, making it disappear into her wet and warm entrance. Ron threw back his head and gripped the desk to support his legs that were becoming weaker with every second that passed.
Pansys tongue licked the tip of his cock every time it was about to exit her cavity, and she made it duel with Rons member as if it was his tongue instead.
Ron moaned. He let go of the desk and grabbed Pansys hair, rolling her locks around his fingers. He pushed her thin face against his cock and at the same time he pushed with his abdomen. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, until he felt his cock ready to explode in her mouth. He bit his bottom lip and held his breath. He slid his hands down her neck and he seized her shoulders, pulling her onto her feet.
He kissed her, tasting his most secret scent in her mouth. His hands went down on her breasts again and he pinched at them before pushing her back on the desk. Her back banged against the table as a soft pain spread from her shoulder blades to the rest of her body. However she didnt have time to complain because, before she could even imagine what Ron was going to do, he opened up her legs and positioned himself at her entrance. He raised his eyes to her face, and watched her as he pushed into her folds. She lay back, moaning in pleasure, her hands went to her breasts and belly and she started caressing herself whilst Ron pumped inside of her.
He was holding her legs apart near his shoulders, her trembling limbs supported by his hands wrapped around her ankles. He was thrusting inside of her like he would have done with Hermione, only her vagina was smaller and wrapped around his cock like a glove too small for a hand. It almost hurt him.
Ron let go of one of her ankles, and brought his hand down between her legs. He stroked the sensitive spot he had already worked on before, pushing at it with his thumb. Pansy trembled, her breasts bouncing slightly, her face in bliss. She let out a few small cries. Then she placed her free leg around Rons hip, pulling him even closer so that he fully penetrated her.
Seeing her face screwed up with her impending orgasm, Ron increased the speed that he pumped into her. He liked the sight of her breasts as they moved up and down, as well as her face as she shut her eyes and opened her mouth to take sharp breaths and let out moans and cries of pleasure.
Pansy let out a small cry and Ron felt her walls wring around his cock, wavering from her climax. That was too much, even for him. He grunted and spilled his white semen into her as he stopped his pumping and closed his eyes.
He collapsed on top of her, yet he was still inside her body. His hands inches away from her face, his chest pressing against her breasts, her tiny skirt pressing on both of their stomachs. Rons cheek was lying against Pansys neck, so that their breath came out as one. Their ribs clashing against each other every time that they inhaled. Their bodies sweaty, naked and hot.
Then, to Rons great surprise, Pansys hands went to his hair and she started to caress it. She leaned her cheek towards his head and kissed Ron. A chaste, lovely kiss. Ron slid out of Pansy and rolled onto his side, catching his breath and cooling his down.
The desks were uncomfortable to lay on, but both Ron and Pansy still had wobbly legs, and couldnt imagine getting up from there without falling back down.
Finally, Pansy pushed on the table and sat up. Ron could see her thin and sweaty back, flushed and bruised from the force with which he had sent her onto the table. She let out one of her trilling laughs as she smoothed her hair.
Ron frowned. Are you happy? he asked her, and found he was still a bit breathless.
Pansy jumped down from the desk, she turned to look at him and smirked. Very happy indeed, she replied in her low voice.
Ron pushed his elbows on the desk and watched her as she tried to divide her clothes from his. You have to keep your word and not tell anybody what youve seen, replied Ron in the way he would talk to her every day, not as if theyve just had sex.
Pansy picked up her shirt and placed it on the table, and then she started to pick up her buttons. I havent promised anything, Weasley, she said truthfully.
Ron jumped to his feet and steadied herself. He seized her by the wrists, pulling her to her feet and making the buttons falling back on the floor. Well, you promise now, then, he said icily, the fear in his eyes didnt reach his voice.
Pansy snorted and struggled to free herself, but she couldnt do anything against him. He was deadly serious. Okay, I swear, she said nonchalantly.
What? barked Ron.
I swear that I wont tell anybody that Ive seen you and your Mudblood girlfriend shag in this classroom, she said, faking an innocent expression.
And youll also swear that you wont tell anybody about tonight, said Ron, shaking her softly and ignoring the fact that she had offended Hermione again.
Pansy pouted. Why not? We had a great time, didnt we? she asked, smiling sensually to him.
Ron let her go and walked away. He picked up his boxers and his trousers and started to get dressed. He had to get away from her as soon as possible, she was right and he had enjoyed that night, but he didnt want to let her know that.
I swear, said Pansy. She picked up her buttons again and placed them next to the shirt, whispering a repairing spell. I wouldnt want to let anyone to know, anyway, she added icily.
Ron put his shirt back on. Great, he answered curtly. Me neither.
Pansy rolled her skirt back down and put her shirt on over her bra, caringly making it pass under her tie. Then, as she fastened the last of her buttons, another one of her trilling laughs reached Rons ears and captured his attention.
What? he asked, knotting his tie.
Im delighted, she answered, putting on her shoes, cant I laugh?
Now was Rons turn to smirk. Is sex with Malfoy so bad? he asked mischievously.
Pansys face become serious all of a sudden. She seemed like a waxwork statue. Her delight evidently gone. Im not pleased because you can satisfy me and Draco cant. Sex with Draco is perfect, she lied. Im pleased because yesterday I was jealous of Hermione Granger, but now I dont envy her anymore.
Ron took a deep breath, his blue eyes became almost black. Why? he asked coldly.
Because Ive had her boyfriend too. Even if I thought that he was perfect, Id have discovered that I was wrong, she purred.
Ron glared at her, his face dark.
Oh, dont worry, she said, you were great tonight.
Then what is it? he asked impatiently.
You betrayed her, she purred, youre not perfect.
Pansy Parkinson turned on her heels and walked away. She was smiling contently to herself as she left Ron behind. She was sure that the morning after, he wouldnt be able to look his girlfriend in the eyes. Now she didnt envy Hermione Granger anymore.
Chapter 3 October had descended on Hogwarts and along came with it the rainy weather, which only dampened Ron’s bad mood even further. Ron’s year so far had been particularly bad. Ron’s grades had so far been terrible, barely scrapping a pass or even failing some subjects. Harry however had been excelling in his subjects, especially potions, which he was somehow getting top grade in, much to Ron’s dismay. Ron had managed to get onto the Quidditch team too, but so far was playing awful,...
"Oooooooh." The second floor bathroom was the sound of moaning alright, but not that of its usual occupant, the ghost of a former student known as Moaning Myrtle. Her mouth was otherwise occupied, being wrapped around the thoroughly stiff cock of Ron Weasley, who was providing the soundtrack instead. As hard as it usually was to keep a secret around Hogwarts, Ron so far had managed to keep his little trysts quiet. The prior year, he had been looking for Harry, when instead he found a very...
I first Read this story 3 days ago here on this page but it was not completed, so my OCD kicked in and i looked for the rest. So i am in no way a writer and this is not my story, however i though it would be nice to post it here for those like me who go crazy with unfinished workl can sleep easy. I hope you all enjoy it as much as i did.Thanks you OldWolf who is the first person i see post it and from what i can see is the original writer.Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his...
Harry can feel himself smile reassuringly, "How can I help?"Cho's heart skips a beat as she sees Harry's smile, one so loving, so compassionate, so unlike the bastard who had made her publicly humiliate herself. "I was wondering if you would mind me not sleeping with you tonight."Harry chuckles and says, "Tonks talk got through huh?"Surprisingly, Cho doesn't take offence at Harry's laughter nor his question. "To a degree, at the minimum it got me thinking. I need to process this more...
Part 9 and there was Three Harry woke feeling his wives, wives I have two wives, he smiled, laying next him, his eyes closed. Hermione snuggled up to him, her leg over his, Ginny on his other side pressing into him, their heads on his chest and shoulder, their breasts against him, he could feel their breaths on his skin, their heart beats, Hermiones wetness on his thigh, Ginnys hand gently holding his erect manhood. He laid there thinking of how his life had turned around it the last years. ...
This is a fanfic of 'Charmed' and Harry Potter, the characters are owned by their respective owners. Harry Potter gets 'Charmed' By Eric Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were trapped in Snape's Office after hours. Snape was at the door blocking their escape! "I know you're in there, Potter!" he said happily, gloating. "At last I have you red handed, Mr. Perfect Porter! This time not even Dumbledore will keep me from punishing you all!" He started to open the...
Warning Spoilers, If you haven't read all the books. The following story may contain spoilers. The story may also not be suitable for younger readers. You have been warned. Any complaints will be ignored. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I am only playing in the world created by J.K. Rowling. No money is being made. Title: "Harry Potter and How I Became a Unicorn Mare" By: Not Telling. |_| Ever hear the phrase, "Try walking A Mile In My Shoes, and then judge the choices I...
Harry Potter sighed as he contemplated his bleak future. He was sitting on his bed in the boy’s dormitory in Gryffindor tower, hugging his legs against his chest and resting his forehead on his knees. He sighed again, lifted his head and looked at his carved, four-poster bed which was hung with rich, red, velvet curtains. He wondered whether he was seeing it for the last time. Harry was certain that he was going to be expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for engaging in a...
Chapter 1 – In the Beginning Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy Harry Potter’s fifth year of education was one of the most difficult times of his young life. Publicly slighted by both the Ministry of Magic and the influential magical media, Harry had been called a liar, attention-seeker and...
“Where am I?” Harry thought to himself as he picked up his school uniform and began to get dressed. As Harry continued to think, he realized that his last thoughts were from his 6th period potions with Professor Snape, the greasy-haired head of Slytherine, who hated him more than anyone at Hogwarts. As Harry began to think more, looking very puzzled as he scratched his messy brown hair, “Something had to have happened in potions class…” As Harry thought more and more he reached down to...
PART III "You are in danger, Harry Potter, but from yourself." Confined inside the Slytherin dungeons, curled up on the black leather couch, dressed in a green and silver coloured uniform was Heather Potter, now a Slytherin, apparently. It was the worst possible thing that the curse of the Emerald Witch could have done to her. To become a member of the house she had resented for so many years was not only sickening but it upset her greatly. She felt as if she was...
Something had happened, but Harry wasn't sure what yet. Mr. Weasley had come and got him from the Dursley's and was just explaining to him about getting the tickets to the Quidditch World Cup when they had entered the Weasley house. As soon as they had entered Harry had heard raised voices followed by a slap then seconds later a groan and a thud as someone had fallen to the floor. As he reached the stairs he was met by Hermione, moving fast and obviously crying. She pushed past Harry and...
Daily Prophet HeadlinesNovember 1st, 1981You Know Who Dead! James Potter Killed, wife, son surviveDark Lord’s body found at sceneMultiple Deaths reported throughout Wizarding World December 31st, 1981Albus Dumbledore Announces RetirementWill step down from Headmaster Position effective the end of the School Year September 1st, 1996Harry Potter starts Hogwarts‘Boy Who Survived’ Hopes to Join Gryffindor HouseExclusive Interview!July 31st, 2003Harry Potter Announces His Lady PotterCho Chang will...
HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA PART TWO (THE CONCLUSION) This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. PART TWO Back in Ancient Runes, Harrys distracted for several minutes before he can bring...
PART II "There, look!" "Where?" "Next to Ron Weasley of course!" "Wearing the glasses? It can't be!" "Did you see what he looks like now?" "Yeah I know, creepy isn't it?" Whispers followed Harry from the moment he left the abandoned girls lavatory three weeks before. He is still a girl. People queuing outside classrooms stood on tiptoe to get a look at him, or doubled back to pass him in the corridors again, staring, gaping at the new female Harry. He wished they wouldn't but at...
I'm a Harry Potter Fans but i love aslo extreme sexual fantasy about Potter universe. This story contain Character of JK Rowling Book two last thing before you read this first i'm not English Native Speaker so be easy on me... maybe soe part of my text are all wrong grammaticaly but i think it's still easy to understand Second, this story Contains Harcore Porn like Scat for this one chapter and many other sexual deviance so don't read it if you don't like extreme shit Finally This is...
(All things in relation to J.K. Rowlings' Harry Potter series are of course copyrighted to their rightful owners, this work is simply one of a fan of the series, and all of the characters, and most of the events are taken from the book series, which I accept no credit for.) This story takes place in an alternate universe, parallel to the one J.K. Rowlings' has continued with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Therefore, anything in the first 4 books has already happened, but...
Ramona Flowers Presents J.K. Rowling?s HARRY POTTER In The Curse of the Emerald Witch PART I The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy?s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled...
The Leaky Cauldron was a bustling hub of activity during the day. Witches and Wizards used the old pub as a means to reach Diagon Alley. It was also a popular place to grab a quick bite to eat.Generally, the Leaky Cauldron was open until midnight. The upstairs functioned as an inn for weary travelers, though it didn’t see much use these days. Since the death of Voldemort, Britain still didn’t receive many international visitors. The rooms were left empty as their was no one to fill them.On this...
PART V *Gasp!* Heather quickly sat upright in her bed, panting heavily. She was completely drenched in sweat from head to toe. The amulet beneath her night dress was glowing brighter than ever, pulsing and pounding like a beating heart against her chest. She placed her hand on her chest as she tried to catch up with her breath. For a moment she thought she was hyperventilating. Then, she thought she was dying. "Oh no," gasped Heather. "No, no, no!" She thought she'd never get...
This was the first story I ever wrote in 2011. I posted it on XNXX under the writer's name VoldemortSlave. It was way before I started to do fakes and wrote stuff in here. I realized that the chapters I wrote back then have been posted on many sites for fanfiction stories. I decided I should probably post it back here for people to enjoy and add to it if they want. I made 11 chapters back then so this version should update fast at first. I still want to write stuff for my Celeb Handler story so...
Mind ControlBill had decided to have another wedding since his first to Fleur had gone so badly with the Death Eaters attacking and ruining the function. So here he was. If only he could find his bride now. Night was falling and he was practically itching to take his wife to bed..but where in Merlin was she? He looked around to find his beautiful redhead sister Ginny sitting nearby in one of the wedding tents talking with Hermione Granger and walked towards them. His sister had grown into quite the...
The burrow was filled with numerous relatives and friends of the weasley family, all in bright wedding attire. Everyone was happily socialising and why not? The boy who lived had defeated the dark lord Voldemort and there was peace in the magical world.Bill had decided to have another wedding since his first to Fleur had gone so badly with the Death Eaters attacking and ruining the function. So here he was. If only he could find his bride now. Night was falling and he was practically itching to...
“Close your mouth, William. You look like a fool.”“Sorry, Fleur.” Her husband Bill grinned at her sheepishly before looking back around. “But it’s just—veela!”“Oui, veela,” she said, sighing. “I know.”Fleur had been excited to invite the extended Weasley family to accompany her on her trip to visit her grandmother at the veela conclave in France. She hadn’t expected it to be much of a problem. Even the members of the family that had barely been able to speak to her without drooling had gotten...
"nagini!" said valdamort in parsletounge. "make yourself known." a huge python slithered out of a hole in the floor and rapped itself around the back of valdamort's chair. " are you ready for our little indever my sweet." he said. nagini nodded, flicking her tounge . aloud sound like the backfireing of a car echoed through the room and wormtail appeared, his decreped form bent in a low bow. " master i have returned with good news." he said. " good then i won't have...
Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...
Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...
Harry awoke with a gasp, his body ached but he was surprised to find he was on silk sheets, which wouldn't have surprised him half as much, if he wasn't expecting not to wake up at all. Voldemort cast the killing curse at him, it should have destroyed both himself and the horcrux living within him. Perhaps this is the afterlife he thought to himself, if it was it was a drab one at that. Dark curtains partially covered a large dusty window which let in a trickle of light for Harry to see...
He was amaze by what he was seeing. Ginny Weasly was resting on her back on the side of Harry's bed. Her head was lying down the corner and Harry Potter was fucking her throat like he never think it was possible. Ginny's face was coated with slip and even some puke... Maybe because Harry was letting her only take 10 second of air for any minute of facial rape. He was gag fucking her for at least 30 minutes, getting strength each time he allow her to breath. Malfoy was amaze by the way Ginny...
Introduction: Harry Potters 6th year at Hogwarts becomes a little more exciting. NOTE – This is supposed to take place at the beginning of the Sixth Book. A few things are changed, more prominently the beginning. Ill do my best to get all the details correct! Enjoy. Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked – Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents deaths and the other horrible things he...
The Golden, Enchanted Bells rang loud and clear throughout the City of London. All who heard it, Noble and commoner alike, knew what those Bells ringing meant. James Potter, The Magical King, Protector of the Magical United kingdom, High Scion of England, Scotland and Ireland, was dead. Lily Evans did not seem to care as the 32 year old Witch sipped her coffee and observed the events from the small cafe she sat outside of. The common born cried and wailed in the streets while the nobles and...
Chapter Twenty-Six – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part One – Morning Wood Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, inc, magic, spank, unif The Second Task of the Triwizard Cup had gone exceedingly well for Harry Potter; not only did he manage to score extremely well; he was able to take advantage of three very attractive and unconscious girls. ...
Introduction: Ron quickly comes up with a plan to hide his failure from the Dark Lord as Harry prepares to raid Gringotts. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 7 part 2 Ron stood in horror as he felt his mask fly away, revealing his face to Harry. Ron saw Harry standing in shock and mouth the word, Ron as he saw Dobby return and take Harrys hand in his own. Seeing Bellatrixs antique silver knife on...
Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked - Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents' deaths and the other horrible things he had seen throughout the last 6 years in the Wizarding world had began to occur more often; around three times a night. Groping his bedside table for his glasses, Harry swept them on and muttered 'Lumos'. A small orb of light appeared at the tip of his...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: ncon, exhib, grope, spank, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 2 – Clothing Optional by Avatrek ([email protected]) Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were on a very important mission. A mission which had taken them back in time to...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: Mf, mf, exhib, f-solo, grope, magic, spank, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 5 – Classes Begin Part 1 by Avatrek ([email protected]) It had been a very tumultuous first day of Hogwarts for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna. Harry and Hermione had spent their first night...
Elizabeth felt a pair of calloused hands roam her body and she moaned. Merlin, the lad had magical hands. They knew how to touch her and where. They then cupped her swinging breasts and she groaned. She was on her hands and knees with Harry in back of her thrusting in and out of her gushing cunt.“Mmmm, Harry” she moaned.“Yes professor?” Harry asked.“Harry, you know you should call me Elizabeth during your tutoring sessions” Elizabeth chided gently.“Sorry, Elizabeth” Harry said.“No problem...
sorry about not writing as much. I found this on my hardrive from when I was infatuated with Harry Potter. For my b-day on Sept. 5th, I'm releasing this harry potter Complete Works special. This was posted already under my other aliases. constructive feedback only, no dissing me out. I apologize in advance for grammar. Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He...
Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires – Chapter 1 - Camping Introduction: Harry Potter discovers the Spell book of Desires in his fourth year at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. I didn't write this i found it on the internet and wanted to share it with you Harry was having the best time...
Introduction: After hearing of Harry and Hermiones exploits, Cho takes matters into her own hands. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 2 A fortnight had passed since Harry and Hermiones session and Harry had thought of nothing else since. With the pressure of losing his virginity lifted, Harry felt a lot more confident around the girls and a lot happier then hed ever been. Both Harry and Hermione...
EPILOGUE Harry lay face down, listening to the silence. He was perfectly alone. Nobody was watching. Nobody else was there. He was not perfectly sure that he was there himself. A long time later, or maybe no time at all, it came to him that he must exist. He was more than a disembodied thought because he was lying, definitely lying, on some surface. Therefore, he had a sense of touch, and the thing against which he lay existed too. Almost as soon as he had reached this...
"Well, I guess I could ask you the same question, but they’ve invited us along in a few hours. Let’s just see what they’re up to then," Harry said with a grin. "Besides, we had a go right after we left them Saturday night. At least maybe they’ve managed to keep their hands off each other the whole week." Then the grin slid off his face, "Ron, do you think we should tell them, about us I mean?" "I can’t just walk up to Hermione and say ‘by the way, I went down on Harry after I shagged...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 1 – In The Beginning by Avatrek ([email protected]) Harry Potters fifth year of education was one of the most difficult times of his young life. Publicly slighted by both the Ministry of Magic and the...
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" Hermione screamed as she dove off of Harry. He absently noticed that her hand was still covered with her own spittle and his pre-cum. "Please, don't stop on my account," Gryffindor's ghost implored. "Continue. Pretend I'm not here." "Is that..." began Hermione as she crouched in the corner while clutching her half-opened blouse in front of her. "Is that Godric Gryffindor?" "See that?" Gryffindor said to Harry. "She didn't take a kip...
There was no stopping the rumours about Harry sex life. The fact that he had fucked Pansy and then Cho spread across the school like wild fire, especially as Cho was heart broken. As Harry had suspected Hermione wasn’t too happy with him sleeping with Pansy just one day after he had been with her. But as he hardly saw her anymore he couldn’t tell any greater difference in her mood. Hermione wasn’t her old self at all, she didn’t even volunteer information in class ymorymore. Harry had never...
Chapter 5 November descended upon Hogwarts and along with it came even rain and even a few flakes of snow. It was the final week of November and there was only a fortnight left before the Christmas holidays started. Ron began to feel his bad mood coming again. A month had passed since his fun with Lavender and they had been dating ever since. Though the sex was incredible, they did not really share much in common and Ron had started to lust after his true love; Hermione once more. ‘If...
The following week was rough on everyone as the Dr.'s Granger had to get used to their little girl now being married at the age of fifteen, but also for Harry and Hermione for pretty much the same reason. Dan spent several hours the first couple of days with Emma in the study talking to the portrait of Danielle Granger, who had been the last Lady Granger, painted 300 years earlier, and filling her in on as much family and world history as they could. Dan assured her he would dig through the...
Chapter 2 A fortnight had passed since Harry and Hermione’s session and Harry had thought of nothing else since. With the pressure of losing his virginity lifted, Harry felt a lot more confident around the girls and a lot happier then he’d ever been. Both Harry and Hermione were desperate for an opportunity for round 2 to happen but with the immense work-load that was piled on the 6th years, both were too busy to hook up again. Harry’s cock was aching for some more action and little did he...
Harry went from his room and into the Library "Hermione What should we do to the ones who Betrayed us?" Harry asks as he enters. Hermione Looks up from the Huge book in front of her. "Well we can get a Piece out in the paper. We can name all names. And we should contact the twins." She says. Harry Replies," Well I already sent Fumbledore a nice tainted box of Lemon Drops. I surpose we can use this Rita Skeeter for our Mud raking." "Harry what do you mean tainted Lemon Drops?" She...
Chapter Thirty – The Twins Come of Age Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, mmf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, magic, orgy, preg, spank, voy As March wound down and April approached, the school was abuzz from the latest sex scandal involving Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and nearly half of the school. So prodigious were the circumstances of the abnormally...
Gabrielle Delacour graduated with top marks out of her year, and she could pretty much have any job in the world. And not because of the fact she was a pretty face either. The eighteen year old Veela princess had golden blonde hair, a soft complexion with soulful blue eyes. Her sizeable breasts squeezed into a tasteful white blouse, which came down to the plaid skirt she wore. She wore white stockings over her long legs which stretched down for miles.The Veela Princess could have any job she...
Part 6 Ron couldn't believe the sight in front of him. The confusion and worry over Harry's disappearance had caused him to forget all about the reward Hermione had promised him. His excitement growing Ron felt his cock begin to rise at the prospect of what he was about to do with Hermione. Ron was still a little bit confused however. 'What's that bottle your holding?' Ron asked curiously. 'It's lubrication, if your going to have anal sex with me then your going to need...
Chapter Five – The Train Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, rape, x-gang, first, unif, voy The Spellbook of Desires was once again in Harry Potter’s grasp; having lost it for nearly two weeks, he was relieved to have finally regained it. Harry was so relieved because he knew it would be his single best companion, other than Hermione and Ron, during the...
Harry potter was taking a walk thinking about how crappy his life is. The dursleys have ruined his life for the first eleven years and the past five summers. He is so ready to leave their house, but he still has two more years left till he is a legal aged wizard. Then there is voldemort, who killed his parents, and has tried to kill him at least once a year since he turned eleven. Then last year he heard the damnable prophecy about him and voldemort. "Why is my life so screwed up!?" the 15...
PART IV For a moment, nothing happened and the full feeling was freed from her mind. She thought she had beaten The Emerald Curse. Suddenly, the amulet chain tightened and began to squeeze tightly on her throat. She tried to pull it off as it dug into her skin but it was much too strong. She trashed about the place, gasping for air, wrenching and choking. "The old man must DIE!" screamed Alys. "Arrrrrgh!" croaked Heather, pleading for Alys to stop. She started to feel woozy and...
Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...
Wyldbrdmn25 Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He had received a work planner from Hermione, a Play witch from Fred and George, Ginny had sent him some personal nude photos of herself (Hermione helped her out with those) and some condoms from Ron which had a note attached to it. "I don’t need a niece just yet," signed Ron With Dumbledore dead, Harry was...
(All events that are in this story take place during the 6th book, “The Half Blood Prince. Also, it is during the first term of school about October time.) Harry awoke with a start. He had been having nightmares about Voldemort again. He found himself to be sweating so he got up and decided to go down to common room to cool off for a bit before going back to sleep. Just as he was about to enter the common room from the dorms, he heard two people arguing. He looked round the corner and saw...