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Author’s Caution: This story contains the frequent use of graphic anglo-saxonisms. I won’t apologize for that since it’s the essence of the story. However, if you are among the faint of heart or you find these words offensive to you, I suggest you find another story.


Chapter One: Mr. Happy

‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’ I yelled at the meter girl.

‘What does it look like? I’m writing you a ticket for overtime parking.’ she replied calmly without looking up from her pad.

‘Jesus H. Fucking Christ … what do you do … just wait around out here until the fuckin’ meter runs out so you can write me a ticket?’ I blasted again.

‘Nope, but if I had the time … I’d give it some serious thought.’ she snapped back.

‘Fuck me. You must be a real fuckin’ prize in your household. I snarled.

‘Look, Mr. Matheson,’ she said looking up at me. ‘I’m tired of your foul mouth and abusive behavior. I’ve been real tolerant up ’till now, but I’ve had enough. I’m reporting you to the Police for Harassment.

‘You fat pig!’ I yelled. ‘Go ahead. You’ll find them down at the donut shop stuffin’ Long Johns in their mouth and listening to their fuckin’ arteries harden.’ With that snappy send off, I yanked the door of my Range Rover open and slammed it shut after me. I started it up and peeled away from the curb. I got about a kilometer down the road before I realized I needed gas. It was one of the reasons I had come to town, so I pulled into the Shell Station and filled the tank.

As I pulled out of the Self-Serve, I heard a siren blip and checked the rear view mirror in time to see a RCMP car with light bar ablaze tucked up under my bumper. I pulled over to the first open spot on the curb and I’m sure steam was coming out of my ears. I reached into my jacket for my wallet, pulled out my Drivers License, then reached into the glove box and took out my registration. I pushed the button on the armrest and lowered the driver’s side window in anticipation of the arrival of a constable.

‘Good afternoon, Mr. Matheson. May I see your license and registration please?’ he asked politely.

I handed them over wordlessly, but I was seething inside. The stupid little cunt had turned me in and I was already plotting my revenge.

‘Mr. Matheson, I understand you had a conversation with Ms. Wallington a few minutes ago.’ he said.

‘Yah, so what?’ I replied with a snarl.

‘She says you were abusive and threatening. You realize that is an offence sir?’ I’ll give him this … he was maintaining his full load of politeness in spite of my attitude.

‘Bullshit! I swore at her and she deserved it. I did not threaten the cunt.’ I didn’t bother to soften my presentation.

‘Mr. Matheson, you can’t abuse and mistreat public officials. It’s against the law. They have protection against people like you.’ He was still maintaining his cool. I gave him a couple of more ticks in the ‘under control’ column.

‘Look, officer, she’s nothing but a fat bureaucrat hired because her old man is on the fuckin’ town council. She couldn’t fuckin’ rake leaves for a living if it wasn’t for that.’ I wasn’t giving any quarter at this point.

‘Mr. Matheson, is it your mission in life to piss off every single person in this town?’ he asked as he started to get a little aggravated.

‘Nope … just the assholes and she’s one of them.’ I spat.

‘She’s just doing the job she was hired to do.’ he replied, regaining some of his composure.

‘Look Wing Commander … the last time I was in town I didn’t have a Loonie in my pocket and since that’s the only thing the meter takes, I had to go get some change. By the time I got back, the fuckin’ bitch was writing me a ticket. And you wonder what I think she’s a useless cunt?’ I was back to full blast again.

‘Maybe nobody cuts you any slack because they don’t have a very high opinion of you. Have you considered that?’ he asked.

‘I don’t give a fiddler’s fuck what anybody in this shithole town thinks. Now are you going to arrest me or write me some ticket or what?’

‘Frankly, Mr. Matheson, I wish I could get you into involuntary therapy, but I don’t have enough evidence. In the meantime, I suggest you stay out of everyone’s way. Right now, you don’t have any friends and any more complaints like the one Ms. Wallington filed will get you some detention time and probably more. Do you understand?’ he asked forcefully.

‘Yah … yah … I know … I got ’till sundown to get outta town. Fuck me. What a bunch of bullshit.’ I was already running the window up and putting the truck in gear. I stopped for a second to make sure I had my turn signal on and obeying whatever rules of the road my boiling hot brain could remember. I pulled slowly away from the curb and the cruiser pulled out after me and followed me down the street for a couple of blocks before he peeled off and disappeared. Just another lovely fuckin’ day in my perfect fuckin’ life.

Chapter Two: Shit Happens

I haven’t always been like this, you know. I used to be a nice guy. I had a nice job and a nice house in the suburbs and a nice wife and two nice kids and two nice cars, all that perfect family shit. I worked in the ‘Big Smoke’, aka Toronto. I had a pretty good office with a window that had a partial view of the lake and a private parking spot. I worked for Primexal, a national electrical hardware manufacturer and I was Product Development Manager. It was decent job that usually required us to find new developments at our competitors and make our own version of them. I think we spent about fifty cents on our own ideas and god knows how many millions on stealing other people’s.

My name is Geoffrey Matheson and my wife is, or was, Joyce Matheson. We have two kids. Rick is 28 and has a wife and three kids of his own and last I heard, he was in Europe somewhere working for an engineering outfit in the oil and gas pipeline business. Kirsten is 24 and is still single, but living with some fuckup in a hippy commune somewhere in B.C. I haven’t talked to her in about a year. I’m kind of what they call estranged from the kids. But that’s not what caused me to become what I am today. What caused that happened on a Sunday afternoon two years and four months ago.

My wife had gone back to work several years ago when the kids were old enough to look after themselves and she wanted something more to do than vacuum and laundry. I couldn’t complain. It would bring some more income into the house and we could use it for luxuries like vacations or maybe even a cottage near Georgian Bay. She had done very well with an insurance outfit and had risen to middle management and I was quite impressed with how far she had come in a fairly short period.

One day, she came home from work and said the company was sending her and about a dozen of her other female managers to a retreat for a week. She said it was one of those touchy-feely self actualization things that big companies with too much money do to make sure they look like they are politically correct. A fuckin’ waste of time I thought, but I nodded my head and said all the right things and I could tell she was looking forward to it, so what the hell, let ’em spend their money if that’s what they think will make them look good.

She left on Monday morning and was due back on Sunday afternoon. She and two of her fellow office friends had taken her car to somewhere north of Barrie to a retreat or resort, I wasn’t clear on which. She left a phone number for emergencies, but nothing came up that I couldn’t handle, so I never needed it. Sunday afternoon I was in the basement tinkering with an old Sunbeam toaster that I was hoping I could resurrect when I heard the garage door go up. I tidied up the bench, turned off the light and headed upstairs.

When I got there, Joyce wasn’t in the kitchen and as I turned up the hall, she came out of the back bedroom, still wearing her sneaker
s. She never wore sneakers in the house.

‘Hi. How was the retreat?’ I asked walking toward her to embrace her. Unexpectedly, she held out her hands to ward me off and I noticed she was as white as a sheet.

‘Joyce … what’s wrong. You look terrible.’ I said with a knot in my stomach.

‘Geoff … we have to talk. Let’s go into the kitchen. I need a glass of water.’ she said in a serious voice, but at no time looking right at me.

‘Joyce … are you all right? What’s the trouble?’ I was getting quite worried because I had never seen her like this before.

Joyce poured herself a glass of water and sat at the kitchen table, still not looking at me. I sat down opposite to her and waited for her to tell me what she obviously wanted to tell me.

‘Geoff … something happened to me this week. Something very important. I’m not sure how to explain it, but it has changed my life.’ she began slowly.

‘Joyce …’ She stopped me before I got started.

‘Geoff … please let me do this. Please don’t interrupt. It’s hard enough to explain it to myself much less to you.’ She was speaking in a low and obviously nervous tone. I knew immediately that this wasn’t going to be good news.

‘Geoff, I learned that I need to change my life if I want to be someone that I’m happy with. If I want to be a whole person. I can’t do that the way my life is now. I have to make a complete break from that.’ She paused and then for the first time, she looked directly at me. ‘Geoff, I want a divorce. I need a divorce. I have to make a clean break.’

‘What?’ I must have raised my voice because she jumped and he eyes went wide. She looked frightened.

‘What the hell are talking about Joyce? A divorce? Why? What possible reason could you have for wanting a divorce?’ I said with an intense interest in her answer.

‘I don’t think you’ll understand it, Geoff. I’m sure you won’t. It isn’t anything you did or didn’t do. It’s about me. It’s about me trying to be a more complete person.’ At least she was looking at me now.

‘What the hell does that mean? Have you got a boyfriend or some guy on the side? Have you?’ I demanded.

‘How could you think such a thing? I have never cheated on you and I never would! This is about my … needs.’ She was beginning to sound a bit indignant and a bit more forceful.

‘Your needs?’ I said in a raised voice. ‘Your needs? What about my needs? What about thirty one years of marriage? What about our children? Do your needs mean more than that?’ I could tell I was getting louder and more aggressive as this continued. I tried to get a better hold on myself. I needed to get to the root of this

‘I knew you wouldn’t understand. It doesn’t change anything, Geoff. I will file for divorce tomorrow. I’ll get my things and leave now. I’ll be gone in a couple of hours. I’ll have my lawyer contact your lawyer. I assume you’ll use Scott Olsen?’ she asked in an almost conversational tone.

‘Just like that. You’re going to walk out of here and piss away a thirty one year marriage just like that for no good reason. Are you on drugs, Joyce? Have you been drinking?’ I was getting angry now and I was losing control of my temper and my ability to think rationally.

‘You wouldn’t understand? I won’t waste my time trying to explain it.’ she said in a dismissive tone.

‘Well you fuckin’ well better explain it Joyce. If you think I’m going to go quietly while you just prance out the door you’ve got another think coming.’ Now I was really steamed.

‘There’s no need for that kind of language, Geoff.’ She lectured.

‘Fuck you, Joyce. I’m just getting started. What the fuck did you and that pack of broads do at that camp?’ I demanded. ‘You’re not leaving here until I get a complete, unvarnished version of just what the fuck you did for six days that would bring this idiot idea about!’

‘I refuse to discuss this with you when you are in this state. I will not be talked to like that. It won’t change anything. If you want to talk to me, talk to my lawyer, Claire LaPointe.’ she stated in an imperious tone.

‘Since when did you have your own lawyer, Joyce … or have you been planning this for some time?’ I shouted.

‘That’s none of your concern and no I haven’t been planning this at all. It just happened this week.’ she stated more calmly.

‘So that’s it then. You throw a thirty one year marriage out the window after some Swami in corduroys gives you a little feel-good speech? You must be out of your mind. No one with any sense would believe any of this. What the hell did you do up there that would make you want to commit suicide with our marriage?’ I was speaking as calmly but as forcefully as I could manage.

‘You wouldn’t understand, but he was able to get in touch with the real me. He got me to see that I could be so much more, but I had to break away from all the things that were holding me back.’ she said calmly.

I’d never heard such utter horseshit in all my days, but I still needed to keep this conversation going if I was going to get to the bottom of this mystery.

‘And just how did he do that? How did he get in touch with the real you? Hypnotism? Drugs? There must have been something he used to have something this enormous take place.’ I continued.

Joyce didn’t say anything for a moment. Finally: ‘We did a bit of hash to get to our inner selves.’ she said in a meek voice.

‘Well isn’t that just ducky! He drugs you and you think the world has changed. Tell me Joyce, how many of the others came back today and told their husbands they were divorcing them?’

‘I don’t know.’ She was still in a quiet, defensive tone.

‘Bullshit! You women talk to each other about everything. Don’t try and kid me.’ I stated forcefully.

‘Possibly one other.’ she finally admitted.

‘Well, well, isn’t that fascinating. How come the other ten didn’t go along with the deal, Joyce? Maybe the hash didn’t turn their brains into Cream of Wheat like it did to yours.’ I snapped.

‘There’s no need to talk like that. I was completely aware of what was going on. I just accepted the reality of his beliefs more completely that the others did.’

‘God Joyce, I never thought you were that stupid, but I guess I was wrong.’ I said getting up and going to the fridge for a beer.

‘I’m not stupid! I’m smarter than any of the others! I could see what he was getting at I knew what it could mean to me.’ she said in an angry voice.

I just shook my head in wonder and I stood by the counter and looked down at her. The beer tasted shitty and I put it on the counter. I was in turmoil and I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t think of what I could say that would save our marriage and so I said just that to her.

‘Is there nothing I can say that will save our marriage?’ I asked quietly.

She looked up at me and I could see tears forming in her eyes. ‘I’m sorry, Geoff. I’ve made up my mind.’

And that was the end of it. I picked up my car keys and walked out of the house without a word.

Chapter Three: More Shit, Different Day

The next months were the worst of my life and they turned me into what I am today, a very angry, uncompromising middle-aged man. I no longer gave a damn what anyone thought or wanted or anything else. I showed up for work and did my eight hours and went home to an empty house. I put the house up for sale the same week Joyce filed for divorce and sold it within the first three weeks. My lawyer, Scotty Olson, told me to put the money in a separate account and then helped me minimize the damage Joyce might do to me. It was the usual divorce stuff, cut off the credit cards and bank cards, move my stuff out of the safety deposit box and protect my RRSP’s.

When Scotty found out who Joyce’s lawyer was, he called me right away.

‘Geoff, this woman is a vulture with no morals. She will try and grab everything you have and still want half the remain
s. She is one vicious bitch with a very bad reputation from a male point of view. I can’t represent you against her, she’ll eat me alive. I suggest you get a hold of Mark Moskovitch and have him represent you. At least he will help minimize the bleeding.’ he said with regret. ‘Good luck, Geoff … you’ll need it.’ he finished.

Truer words were never spoken. Claire LaPointe came after me like I was Jack the Ripper and had beaten Joyce every day of our marriage. I don’t think vicious was quite strong enough to describe the attitude she took toward me and Mark. I had thought of contesting the divorce just to fuck Joyce around, but Mark talked me out of it and I’m glad he did. We got the settlement worked out on paper and I finally surrendered. I’m sure Joyce got more than 50%, but I didn’t have the stomach for a fight, despite my anger.

I ended up with a fat legal bill and my share of the house did little more that get me a cheap condo in Guelph. The only smart thing I did was Mark’s insistence that I get Joyce to sign off that the settlement was final and irrevocable. She couldn’t come after me for any more later on. She had a good paying job and since she had no cause for the divorce, at least I didn’t have any support payments. I had disclosed everything I thought, but no matter, it was over and done. I had not seen Joyce once during the divorce proceedings and in fact I hadn’t seen her since the Sunday I walked out of our house.

Chapter Four: Cashing In and Moving On

Strange things can happen at strange times. Just before the divorce was final, I was contacted by a big American company whose name everyone would recognize. Some years ago, on my own time, I had invented and actually built a prototype of a little electrical device that would sense subtle changes in temperature and actuate other electric systems in response. It didn’t sound like much, but on a hunch, I patented it on my own. I had not used any company resources or worked on it during company time, so I had no compunction about registering the patent in my own name. I got my patent and then completely forgot about it. It had not been declared as part of my assets when the divorce was in process because the paperwork wasn’t in my safety deposit box, it was in a shoebox in my bedroom cupboard. I can only assume Joyce had forgotten about it too.

It turned out the American company had developed a new device for some completely different application, but when they went to patent their invention, they ran into my design and it was a roadblock they couldn’t get around. They contacted me and asked if they could negotiate a purchase and I said sure, but talk to Scotty Olson, my lawyer and we would work out a deal. Scotty loved ‘cuttin’ deals’ and he was good at it. I had hoped I could sell for at least a hundred grand but Scotty had other ideas. When all was said and done, Scotty got me $5.5 Million paid out over ten years. Scotty’s cut was 10% and the rest was mine. We agreed not to sign any formal paperwork until the divorce was final, but the first day of my return to single status was the day I was set for life.

I would never have to work another day if I didn’t want to and considering how I felt about things those days, it was probably just as well. I quit my job and went back to my apartment-condo for some contemplation on my future. I was pretty sure I was going to leave the province and I had a sense that I wanted to be in the west. Two months later, I sold the condo in Guelph, making a small profit and headed to the West Coast in my brand new Range Rover, The Prince Philip edition. I took more than a week driving to B.C. because I wanted to see some of the country and I didn’t want to be rushed. I wasn’t feeling great, but I was a little more in control of my emotions. I had resolved my marriage and it was now part of my history. I was still angry, but I couldn’t pin down exactly what or who I was angry with. Joyce? Her stupid employer who thought up that encounter session? Ransid Bagashit or whatever that Swami’s name was? Claire LaPointe? Ontario Divorce Law? The answer was probably all of the above.

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Adele was very proud of herself. She couldn't have been any happier than when she looked into the mirror that afternoon and saw the new coat her husband had bought for her. It was a beautiful mink and though he really couldn't afford it on his salary it was something he wanted to do for her. She brushed her red hair back over the collar of the coat and studied herself. "You're beautiful in it," her husband said. "I know that," she replied. "But we really can't afford it,...

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Book 8 ZaraChapter 14

Connor glanced at Al "you look much better then the last time I saw you" he said sitting down on the bed next to her, Allora put her foot against his hip and shoved, sending Connor flying off the bed and onto the floor "no one asked you to sit down on the bed I'm in Breeton" she snapped, Connor picked himself up off the floor "I might remind you Al it's my bed your in" Bitsy sitting next to Zara winked at her "this should be fun to watch" she said silently, Zara grinned back. Allora...

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Hail My King

Hail My King- My Masculine, Virile, Absolute Ruler, You are full of strength and worthy of ecstatic adoration. I am Your servant, Your devout servant Whom You have conquered with Your nipple And belly kisses And I am Yours always. In eternity. My navel, center of my femininity, Is Your delicate flower, Your supple May rose in blossom Whose mission is to send the message that I am Your property, Your exclusive territory and that I am pregnant with Your love and Your child. Your...

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Mom took black cock

I’ve been reading sex stories for sometime now and have always been interested in stories concerning a cheating wife or mother. I think I’m interested in the subject because when I was 18 I saw my own mother having sex wit my best friend’s father. I have always wanted to tell my brothers about this or anyone for that matter but never have. Since witnessing my cheating mother our relationship has been in the dumps. She can’t figure out why we aren’t close anymore and they seem to think I have...

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The Valley Clan Saga Part 1Chapter 3 An Earth First Medical Emergency

When I arrived on the other side I realized why there was someone to latch on to my hand and make sure I kept walking. When I went through the “portal” I was startled by the change of everything around me. The natural reaction was to stop in my tracks. If you stopped the pad wouldn’t activate for the next person. The marine kept me moving. The marine on the other side was very friendly and my women were in a group out of the way. The Marine led my group to the back of the compartment. They...

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Fullfilled Fantasies Part I

“Open your mouth,” she sternly directs me. I feel her straddling my back as I lay prone on my stomach. I look at the alarm clock. 6:33 a.m. I’m completely nude, somehow unaware that she has managed to tie my now spread legs and arms to the four posts of our king sized bed. I sleep naked so that part is not a surprise, but how she's managed to strap me down without my waking, I shall never know. Either way, I am completely unable to move other than getting to my hands and needs in an ‘all fours’...

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Me And Mrs Craddock

“Have a nice time, dear!” my mother called out as I left the house.Not for the first time I wondered what she’d think if she knew what kind of ‘nice time’ I was hoping for. For the past few months I’d had many very nice times with her good friend Mrs Hotter, an affair which had ended when we were caught in the act by her son, Tommy.However, Mrs Hotter had given me to understand that Mrs Craddock, two doors down from her, might appreciate a visit. Her words were etched on my mind: “She gets...

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Playing With The Boobs Of My Sister

I am a 20 years old Indian boy. My name is Ananta Basu. My home town in India is Calcutta. My father, Nanigopal Basu is a suucessful lawer at Calcutta. My mom, Aruna Basu is a singer and ateacher. I have one sister too. Rubina, my pretty sister is 25 years old. She lives with her husband at Delhi. My father (‘Baba’ in bengali) is 50 and my mom (‘ma’ in bengali) is 44. Rubina and I are the most precious things to my parents. They love us more than themselves. Naturally, they were very sad when...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e6 Simone Butt 27 pig lover

Series 8, Episode 6: Simone Butt (27), from Bristol We open with an establishing shot of an impressive, modern brick and glass façade of a six-story office block on a busy street. Very clean, under a clear blue sky. We can see a figure approaching along the pavement, a slim lady with blonde hair. She’s wearing ripped blue jeans and a tight t-shirt, and her nice round boobs bounce on every step. It’s our Polish princess, Petra – and this week there’s no sign of her lovely Labrador. She...

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The Mothers Day Party

It made so much sense. Four women friends, all submissive masochists who had spanked each other often enough, but none had ever experienced being caned, but wanted to be.Kathy was forty-three years old, her girlfriend Lisa was forty-four years old, Jill was forty-four years old and her chummy mummy girlfriend, who everyone called Mom, was sixty years old. They had been friends for many years, even Mom. Whilst Mom wasn’t really their mum but a chummy mummy, and although almost a generation older...

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American Slut goes gambling

My boyfriend, Bob, and his friend, Jeff, always threw poker parties on the weekends with some of their guy friends. Girlfriends were almost always required to stay at home, being it was supposed to be a guys night out. Being the rule about females at the party, I was completely shocked when Bob asked me to tag along to a poker event. He knew that my parents were both headed out of the country for Missonary work with their church, leaving myself and brother in the care of my aunt. I still...

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Hot Tub Time Machine Sexy Racquel Darrian VS Butc

Hot Tub Time Machine: Beauty and the Butch Starring: Racquel Darrian and Lily CadeLily lay in bed trying to sleep. She tossed and turned restlessly, wearing only a pair of white briefs. The traffic outside her window was louder than usual. The freeway construction was making life pretty unbearable. It sounded like two freeways were merging because that’s pretty much what was happening.She gave up, stacked her pillow against the bed’s backboard and had a smoke. Lily had been watching the comedy...

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Shy Guy

It had been a good workout, and I was sweaty, and looking forward to a hotshower. I peeled off my clothes and threw them into my locker, and walkednaked to the shower room, my towel slung over my shoulder. Once there,though, I had a rude shock. The hot water was broken. So I took a quickcold rinse, and headed for the sauna.Once inside, I leaned back and let the hot moisture carress my body. I hadchosen a seat directly opposite the only other person there: a blond k**who couldn't have been...

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Love in the dark in the park

We had only been married a few months. Although it was a second marriage for each of us, and even though we were in our 40’s, the flames of passion still burned hot! She had a teen aged daughter at home and I had a teen aged son, so sometimes we had to “get away” when the “fire” started burning too hot. After all, we WERE newlyweds! The city we lived in was having its big yearly summer festival, and we attended one of the events. We were having fun, but like I said, we were newlyweds. She...

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Daddy It Hurts

It wasn't the first time we had an argument, but it was the first time we had a problem because I was going out with a boy. I was standing in front of the sink washing the dishes since daddy had cooked for us, and he was getting ready to go out with his friends. I had just got home from school when we decided to cook and have dinner together. I just had the time to take off my jeans and switch for a more comfortable pair of cotton shorts, but I kept on the buttoned-down white shirt I liked....

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Opening the BoxChapter 1

Justin wasn't sure why he decided to take Mrs. Benmore up on the invitation. He hesitated outside No.34 and looked back at the party next door. It was still in full swing with a group of guys he knew making a lot of noise by the gate. Evidently they were seeing off someone because he could hear the reving of some car engine. He didn't much like parties anyhow. He went along because he was trying to fit in and do what the other guys did. He still felt an outsider, shy, and found meeting new...

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Twin troubles

Twin troubles CBA [The present] 'Arg that's so uncomfortable!' Jayson thought as he once again had the desire to pick the thong out of his ass again. He just wasn't used to it anymore, it had been years since he had worn women's clothing for an entire day. But then he saw the woman he was waiting for, the undeclared love of his life Cindy MacLean. He waved when they made eye contact and a smiling Cindy waved back and started making her way towards him. "Hey, Jayson you look...

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How relation changes

hi, this is true story abut me and my mom. I m rohit 22Yrs normal looking guy and my mom Geeta 44yrs very attarctive n goodluking.this is my true story that happend when i was in 12th class n i used to saty home after my 12th exams. evrything was fine in our family butthe only thing that used to disturb us was the drinking habbit of my dad he used to drink daily and than fight with my mom and this thing i have been watching from my childhood and whenevr my parents used to fight mom used to come...

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The CureChapter 28

We thoroughly enjoyed the shipboard facilities on the journey. I also checked in with the ship’s Healer as requested by Cassire, though he reported no one on board required the services of a Cure. Still it was pleasant to finally be reaching Arconia to view one of the great artefacts of known civilisation, the Spire. The Spire is a space elevator, in that one end is attached to the surface of the planet Arconia on the equator, the other end is attached to a huge space station in orbit. Up...

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Every Night

A giant thanks to my second pair of eyes from Across the Pond, Irfon. *** Emily smiled as she heard her bedroom door squeak as it opened under his touch. She couldn’t hear, but she imagined the slow light steps as he neared the bed. His breath wasn’t ragged, as it had been the first few times he’d secreted into her room late at night. She let out a shaky sigh before the covers were slowly pulled down to uncover her waiting body. It seemed like every nerve ending was screaming to feel his...

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Tara 5 BoasChapter 13

The ball finally wound down near midnight. Trae got to go home, being able to teleport has its advantages. He told Justine he would drop some more personal affects off for her in a couple of days, after they checked out the Guild Hall and she had somewhere to store them. In the meantime, she was to stay at the Palace. Duchess Melody informed Ayden that Ryne would be staying with her for the foreseeable future since he wished to attend the University. Ayden was fine with this, as he hadn’t...

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By: Vapidvector I recieved a phone call at work the day before my birthday a couple of years ago and it was my wife, Joy, informing me that she had a surprise in store for my birthday and to be sure to hurry home after work so we could get started. When I got home she had several suitcases packed and sitting by the door, ready to go. "Hurry and take your shower and get dressed. Mike and Laura will be here any minute," she informed me. "What's going on? Where are we going?" I...

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The Plan3

Roger sat in his room, watching the sports channel, and sipping on his second gin and tonic. The fight he was watching was a one sided affair. He was amazed the referee let it continue. The tall slender black man round after round pounded unmercifully on his shorter opponent. By round eight it was obvious the shorter man would need a knock out to win and since he had not landed one solid punch the entire fight Roger doubted that would happen. As the eighth round ended, he heard a car...

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Lovely Shy Wife To High End Escort Part 5

I was just in my panty and sat comfortably in the bed.I called the manager near, he came near and sat on the sofa opposite to me. I told him the truth that I am not any film star.I don’t know why I told him all, but I felt good to tell him everything. I told the guy who negotiated me for a night with the negros is not my manager and he is my husband. Manager listening to this was in shock, by that time some room boy came in and the manager told me that he has come to relax and eat my pussy.I...

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Cucked Athena Palomino Athena Gets Some Cock Therapy

Trophy wife Athena Palomino has had enough of her limp dick of a husband. Not only is he injured but he can’t even keep that cock of his hard for her young tight pussy. Athena needs a real cock and eyes the physical therapist’s hard dick in his work scrubs. She grabs Ramon’s hand and puts it into her panties. Athena really is super wet and needs satisfied. Maybe fucking in front of her Husband will help get his blood flowing. Ramon is willing to do anything to help his patient...

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Education of the SistersChapter 2 Confessions fears and Sita

One morning Gita, after receiving her daily shot of cum in her choot was lying next to me cuddling my lund, kissing and sucking it. I said, "Gita, tell me about yourself, your family and your first contact with sex and how matters developed till date. This is what she said, "I live in two small rooms adjacent to each other with my mother and my sisters Sita, Ritu and my brother Dipu. Sita and Dipu are twins and fourteen years old. Ritu is one year younger to them. My father died two years...

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Desparate For Sex

Hi ISS readers this is Ravi from Kolkata. I have posted a number of stories in this site. My mail id is One of my friends has mailed me his story and wanted me to publish his story. His name is Lalit. Hi I am Lalit. I am writing my true story, which happened when my age was 18 years old. First let me tell about my family. My family consists of my father, my mother, my elder sister and me. My father are two brothers my father and my uncle Jiban. Uncle was assist station manager in Balasore...

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JudgementsChapter 48

Perched on the top step of the garden in the surprisingly warm sunshine, Hope wrapped her hands around her cup and watched as Marcus worked his way through his exercises. "Morning, Hopey-Dopey." Shawna settled onto the step beside her, clutching at her own cup. "Hopey-Dopey?" Hope didn't look away from where Marcus was flowing through his familiar sequences. "What would you prefer? Pipsqueak?" "Hopey-Dopey will do," she conceded, as graciously as she could. "Does he do this...

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Help My Fiances a NymphomaniacChapter 3

"What time do you have to be at work?" I asked Jasper, who laughed at me. "Friend, when I decided on this plan, I traded shifts with a mate on the force to get us both the hours that we needed. He wanted next Monday off, I wanted today. The brass doesn't give a toss as long as their arses are covered. So, I'm off-duty, lad." "All fucking day. Sweet. And you, Connie?" I asked her. "Pedro's? No trouble from my boss Pedro. I was fucking him for a good while, which was part of my...

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Things Ive done

I love bragging about my fun 'corrupting' older men....let me know what you think :-)This afternoon I was on the train. A man in his business clothes, looked about 50, sat on the seat facing me. I had a short skirt on so i slowly pulled it up and spread my legs a bit so he could see between my legs. He was staring out the window bored so took a couple of minutes to notice. I LOVE the look on his face when he did. He couldn't take his eyes off my pussy. I could see the bulge in his pants getting...

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He stopped her in the hall on the way to Jason’s room and Cali could tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t happy with her. She had seen him coming, and even though every part of her screamed run, she knew better than to try. He grabbed her shoulder, his large hand engulfing her flesh, his fingers digging into her skin as he pushed her up against the wall and leaned in close. She had to fight with her body to keep from going into panic mode, struggling to stay relaxed as the adrenaline...

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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 18

"I accept the summons from my most esteemed and wise Master." Master Kyllos shimmered into view. Jollis hesitated perhaps a half-breath when he saw his mentor's grave face. Yet he bowed perfectly as protocol demanded. "Your humble apprentice is here to serve." Kyllos hesitated. This was something he never did. Jollis was alert at once that something was seriously wrong. "Wanderer," said the elder in a firm voice. "I must assume that you know nothing of what has happened. I hope...

1 year ago
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Wife isnt at all shy anymore

My wife Katie is absolutely blonde - 5'9" tall - very slim and very leggy, with the most perfectly fit bottom you've ever seen. But the incredible bonus is that most stick-insect models of her build would have no bust at all, she, on the other hand, has a pair of breasts to die for. They are 36C and perfectly proportioned (Heidi Klum style). You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself... To cut...

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Found and Feminized

Part I: Ed ducked out of the hallway of Telmore high as the busy chaos of a transition wore down, anxious to enjoy the next 45 minutes of alone time before he would be needed again. A high school might not seem like an appropriate place for a total masturbation addict like Ed to work, but the large blocks of free time gave him an appropriate venue to indulge in his favorite hobby several times a day. Its not like he was thinking about the students or anything! No what got Ed off, and...

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The Erotic Christmas Wish

It was just a game. They played every time they were together. Christa always started it. They drank and went in a circle answering the question, ‘what is your one erotic wish?’ The answers were different each time, and Joanne always hated answering. She usually gave a lame answer that everyone knew wasn’t true. Christa and the girls always thought it was because she was somewhat of a prude. The truth was, Joanne was afraid if she voiced it, it might come true. Since it was a holiday they’d...

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