Winter Of My Discontent free porn video

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Introduction: A last night with ones true love. Im not really sure how to start my story. Is it too cliché, of me to say, It was a dark and stormy night? Or should I give some backstory first? Im trying to finally write out the worst single day of my life and I cant even figure out how to start. Fuck it, Ill give some background.

I had met Summer my sophomore year of high school, when she came in as a freshman. Ill be honest, at first she kinda annoyed me. Definitely the preachy type, though that might have had to do with the fact that her father was a pastor of one of our local churches.

I dont really remember how it happened, but Summer ended up falling in with my crowd in school. See, I wasnt part of any one real clique. I was more that weird puzzle piece that somehow brought and held a bunch of different groups of people together. I always found that to be a little ironic since Im such an introvert.

Sophomore year was pretty rough for me in the love department, I fell hard for someone who seemed to take great pleasure from both the attention I was giving, and the idea of toying with my heart. Summer watched from afar as I was constantly manipulated nearly to the point of breaking. It wasnt until April that things profoundly changed for us.

See, after months of leading me on, it came out that my crush was secretly dating someone already. As you can imagine, I was completely devastated. Summer though came to my rescueshe suggested we hang out, go to a movie to get my mind off of things.

Ill admit, I didnt have any real strong desire to hang out with Summer. Granted at that moment I was way more interested in crawling in a hole and dying, but some part of me said fuck it and I took Summer up on her offer.
I feel horrible that I cant remember what movie we saw. I do know it was some cheesy over the top comedy that was probably more a waste of our time and money than it was worth it, but that didnt matter. For the few short hours of the movie, I forgot about my problems.

When we got out of the theater, the night was as clear as it had been in months so we decided to get out of the city and do a little star gazing. Id only had my license for two months and I had a pretty strict curfew, but this was something I needed.

We made it to the hills outside of town and together gazed upon the stars from a blanket while just talking. It was hours and hours, but it was just so blissful and such a serene setting that we managed to fall asleep together.

Our phones blowing up shortly after midnight is the only thing that kept us from sleeping until the sunrise. Summers dad was obviously worried and my parents were furious that I wasnt home. The drive back into town was awkward for us, mostly because something that was supposed to be a distraction had taken an unexpected turn. When we woke up to our phones we had been holding hands. I couldnt tell you when it had happened, nor could she, but neither of us knew what to think.

We arrived back at Summers house well after 1 in the morning. To my surprise her dad wasnt waiting up for us, he trusted Summer to come back home as he directed her to, and of course she did. I got out of the car too just in case he actually was up, I wanted to apologize for the transgression after all. When we got to Summers door, things were more awkward than ever. I sheepishly said goodbye, and just as Summer opened the door she stopped, darted over to me and gave me a very quick kiss on the lips before darting back inside.

I would later find out that was her first kiss, but wow, I had never felt sparks like that before. I always thought that feeling sparks when you kiss was another one of those dumb cliché,s about love people always like to throw out for no good reasonbut boy was I wrong.

Summer didnt hang out with us at school that next Monday. In fact, it was the Friday nearly two weeks later before I had even seen her again. It wasnt a chance encounter though when I finally did. She sought me out to ask if we could talk after school. I agreed, and a few hours later we were walking through a park talking.

She told me how it took her a week to even process what had happened that night, it simply didnt make sense to her how she was feeling, and especially how the kiss affected her. I had to admit to her that I was basically in the same boat as well, still confused over my unrequited love and of course trying to sort out what happened with Summer and why I felt those sparks fly.

Summer had felt it too, and it confused and scared her. She didnt really know what she wanted, she wasnt sure she wanted to date or anything, but she definitely felt a connection unlike any she had experienced. The real problem though was talking to her father about it.

I would later come to learn that Summer was very open with her dad about everything, there were no secrets between them, and that made her confusion even more challenging, because she felt like she was letting him down as she tried to process. As soon as she told me that she told her father, I knew nothing could happen.

Lets face it, he was a pretty prominent pastor in our small town, and Im not the type of person that any pastor would want his daughter to be in a relationship with. I could think of at least 300 guys in our school that would get his blessing before I would. Of course Summer would reveal that I was right about that, but only at first apparently. Her dad knew he taught her to love, and he found himself questioning why he should stand in the way of her doing exactly what he had taught. Apparently after praying about it, her dad gave her permission to see where things went.

I reacted oddly to this as I wasnt really sure how to take it. Id never really considered Summer as someone I could date, but here was this opportunity in front of me, and there was a definite connection. I asked for time to think it over, and a week later we went on our first real date.

We dated throughout high school, and I got to know her dad pretty well in that time and he wasnt what I had typically associated with churchy types, which was nice. When it came time for me to graduate and go off to college, we made a very fateful decision to break up for a year.

She still had senior year left to complete, and I was starting college several hours away. Wed never had any relationship but each other, and so we decided to take a break to try and experience new things. Yeah, that didnt work out so well. I made friends like crazy in college, but no one was sparking my interest like Summer did. Even though she went out on several dates, Summers candle still burned for me.

I went home at Halloween for Summers 18th birthday. It was fun and all, but my heart ached the entire time because of the friend wall we had put up. She texted me after the weekend about how agonizing it was for her too.

So thats the background that brings us to the real story. It was the weekend of my 19th birthday and it had been a whirlwind already. I didnt have any classes that Friday, and even though I couldnt make it, Summers dad came up to visit and we had lunch. He had some conference to go to as well, but he came up early just so we could spend some time together. He also wanted to confirm what I had already figured out, that Summer was miserable being apart from me, and I her. Summer would be coming to spend the weekend visiting me later that night once she was done with school and basketball practice.

So as I said, it was a dark and stormy night. Not the thunder and lightning and pouring down rain like cats and dogs type of storm, but the cold, freezing fog type of storm with snow so thick you couldnt see five inches in front of your face type of stormy night.

The storm had come out of nowhere. Weather reports that morning hadnt even called for snow. While the snow passed over my college town rather quickly, it barreled along the freeway that Summer would be taking to visit.

It was half past eight before I got the call that would change my life forever. Im sure youve guessed by now that it was Summers dad calling me saying that she had gone off the road into a ditch, and that Summer had been transported to the university medical center in critical condition.

I bundled up, going outside to start to dig my car out to get to the hospital as quick as I could. My car was completely iced over and without a second thought I ran two miles in the freezing cold, nearly falling on my ass several times (and doing so once or twice as well).

Lungs nearly frozen and gasping for air I arrived at the hospital and looked for Summers dad. I looked for twenty minutes and tried to find anyone who could help me find my Summer. Finally coming out from the secured doors leading into the trauma wings, he looked somber and shook his head.

Something shattered in the car when she went off the road and shredded through her stomach, gall bladder, and her pancreas. Doctors said the damage is to extensive so theyve opted not to do surgery. Shes only got a little bit to live.

I thought I had to be in a fantasy world, that Id fallen down the rabbit hole. Maybe I died from one of the falls on my way to the hospital because at that moment I went completely numb, this couldnt be happening to me.

I couldnt help but break into tears and he pulled me into his arms to give me a strong hug that I needed at that moment.

She asked me to go get a few things, but she really wants to see you. Ill be back in thirty. He let me go and directed me where to go so I could get to her.

Summers room was about half lit up when I walked in, my face a mess from the tears that had fallen my entire journey down the hospital corridors until I reached her. To my surprise, when I got to her room she looked quite calm, but managed a sad smile when she saw my face.

As I approached she started shaking her head and crying again. Im so sorry, she kept on saying over and over, and I kept on trying to assure her she had nothing to be sorry for. I leaned over the rail of her bed and held her in an embrace in a silence only broken by either of our sniffles and cries.

I dont know how long had passed before her dad finally returned, but a faint knock on the door got both our attentions. He looked a little flustered, but smiled to his soon to be departing daughter and handed her a large paper bag. I backed off as she looked through it and actually smiled. Suddenly a small box came out.

With tears in her eyes she asked, Will you marry me? I want to spend my last moments together with you.

I was shocked, but immediately said yes. I imagine she wanted to consummate the marriage if we could toobeing a pastors daughter shed kept to her vow of waiting until marriage, and her dad would later tell me that she wanted her final experiences to be making love to me for the first time.

The hastiest wedding plan I could imagine came together. A veil for her, a pair of nurses to act as witnesses, and a smart phone with wedding music from YouTube later and we were in business.

Yes, the pleasantries were skipped, not knowing how much time shed really have as the pain medication dosage kept on being upped, her dad went almost to the most important lines.

Do you Amy Renee Snow, take Summer Olivia Jessup to be your lawfully wedded wife?

I do, I said, trying to brush my hair out of my eyes.

Do you Summer Olivia Jessup, take Amy Renee Snow to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Probably the only tear of happiness that evening fell from her eye as she said, I do.

For someone who was about to die, Summer was absolutely beaming as her eyes darted between her father and me.

Then by the power invested in me by God and the great state of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you…

He stopped. I knew the words he was looking for were spouses for life. Choking up and with tears streaming down his face he only managed to get out, you may now kiss the bride.

I leaned over the bed rails to kiss Summer, and not unlike that first little quick kiss the sparks, the passion still remained. I didnt care how awkward it felt trying to bend over the railing of the bed. Im not even really sure if the kiss was long or short, I just remember seeing her still smiling contented face as we broke apart and she glanced up to her still sobbing father.

With her left arm she motioned him in and he leaned in to hug her as well. I backed off for the moment to let them have their time together. Of all the painful things I remember from that night, his wail as she said in her usual sweet softness, thank you daddy, is near the top of still shiver inducing moments.

Finally as I was just looking out the window he came up behind me and gave me a hug and quietly whispered, Welcome to the family.

I put my hand over his, nodding quietly as I tried not to look at him for fear of breaking down again.

The nurses who paid witness came up behind us. If you can give us a few minutes, the doctors sent down orders for us to complete and then you can have the rest of the night to yourselves.

In a trance I just nodded and headed out of the room and just sat down on the floor in the hallway since no chairs were available outside the room.

Her dad–my father-in-law, came out behind me and just walked off, knowing that he had likely just said goodbye to his daughter for the last time with her alive.

In the brightly lit hospital hallway, it seemed like an eternity as I waited for the nurses to finish up whatever preparations they had to do. After what felt like a lifetime they came out and said, Shes ready for you. Press the emergency button if you need anything, or come and find us when…

She didnt need to finish, we both knew what she was going to say. I gulped and nodded and headed back into the room of my best friend and partner in crime.

The nurses had set some little led candle lights up around the room and dimmed the lighting. It was sterilely romantic, but the only thing that mattered was the beaming Summer. I walked over to her with the obvious grimace on my face.

Hi, she said with no hint of pain or sadness.

Hi, I whispered back, trying to hold in the floodgates that were threatening to overwhelm me.

They put the rails down, and changed my gown around so it opens from the front now. You would have thought she was in for routine blood tests the way she spoke. I stepped up to her as she reached her hand out. I grabbed it and she guided me to the gown. Nervously I started unbuttoning the flimsy clasps and pulled back.

As part of our agreement and her desires to hold true to what she had grown up with, I had never seen her truly naked. Like me she was skinny with small breasts, and similarly topped with small pink nipples.

Even though I wanted to concentrate on seeing my loves beautiful body for the first time, my glance trailed down just a few inches to where most of her torso was wrapped in bandages and gauze, making her look kind of like a mummy.

Hey! she said rather sharply, bringing my attention back to her. Ive shown you mine, I think its time for you to show me yours.

Silly childish humor. Oh how I was going to miss that from her, but the point was well taken. I reached down and pulled the sweatshirt I ran over to the hospital in off, revealing the plain white t-shirt I was wearing when I got the call.

The t-shirt was quickly shed too and before I knew it my hands were behind my back unhooking my bra. I dropped it slowly revealing myself to her for the first time.

Ive always known it Amy, but this just reminds me how beautiful Ive always thought you were.

I blushed and leaned in to kiss her once more, our left breasts brushing against each other momentarily, sending a new unexpected spark through my body. Even as I could feel her tongue exploring my mouth I pulled back only to kiss down her neck and past her collarbone. My mouth trailed over the top of her breast before my lips brushed against her erect nipple, which I quickly devoured with my mouth. As my tongue flicked the nub she let out a gasp and I immediately pulled back concerned.

She laughed at the look of concern that I was sure was on my face. It felt good silly. They have me on an increasing morphine drip. All I can really feel is pleasure.

I smiled in response to her and nodded. As I started to bend over she shook her head at me and motioned lower. I got the message and reached down, pulling aside more of the gown to reveal her whole body.

I must have looked like a kid opening her Christmas presents as I slowly pulled the gown away to reveal her pussy to me for the first time. I wish I could say it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, but I cant really. Despite the fact that Id dated a girl and been in love with a girl for several years now, I never really considered myself a lesbian. I didnt love girls, I loved Summer. I didnt look at lesbian porn or anything (or porn at all really), other women didnt do it for me, it was really my relationship with this special person that mattered to me.

However my feelings on the subject though, I knew what I wanted right then and there was to provide her with pleasure, so I crawled up on the end of the bed and crawled in between her legs.

I looked at it in more detail up close, admiring the tuft of wispy blonde hair that she kept above it. Taking a deep breath, I nervously brought my mouth down to it and started to lick.

Another gasp escaped Summers lips, but this time I didnt stop. I couldnt stop really. I hadnt known what to expect but Summer tasted absolutely delicious to me. I laugh as I type that, but its true. I dont know if other women taste good as well, but at that moment my tongue wanted nothing more than to lap up the sweetness of the love of my life.

So thats exactly what I did. Even as I felt Summer squirm underneath me my tongue kept exploring and getting to discover every contour of her pussy that I would never get to experience again after this night. I memorized every little detail that I could with my tongue as my mouth worshiped my best friend.

I quickly figured out where her clit was with my tongue and after a while started to turn my focus to the little pleasure nub, eliciting more gasps of pleasure from my beautiful girl. I teased and tormented the girl for just a little bit (at least I think I did, I kinda got a feeling of how things reacted when I played with my own).

Finally I wanted to hear it so I really clamped my mouth around it to get her off. It didnt take long. Id like to say it was because my first time going down on someone was really skilled, but I knew it was more likely because of the drugs running through her body heightening her pleasure senses.

The moment I was waiting for arrived as I heard her pant and cry out in pleasure. If her dads wail was the most painful sound I heard all night, this was the most pleasurable sound. I wanted to look up and watch her reaction but a bigger part of me just wanted to stay down on her and enjoy the sweetness of her girlcum.

Ever had a moment where time stopped? Like something seemed to last an eternity, but you also wanted it to last that eternity? Thats where I was. As she convulsed through her first orgasm (I think. At least it was her first one from another person), I just kept lapping up her sweet fluids.

It was several long minutes before her breathing started to return to normal and her body started to relax. I pulled back and looked up at her exhausted but very smiley face.

That was so intense, thank you.

For you my love, anything, I replied back.

Still glowing she said, Look in the bag over there. I had my dad get something for us.

I climbed down from the bed and went over to the bag and opened it.

I cant return that favor for you right now, but I think that it could be interesting.

I pulled out a package containing a hot-pink strap-on and stared at her incredulously.

You made your dad, the pastor, buy a strap-on?

She laughed at that. He wasnt going to refuse me on my deathbed.

As you can probably imagine, that didnt make me any more at ease. Summers outrageous (especially for a preachers kid) humor was always one of the things I loved most about her, but even this just seemed above and beyond.

I want you to ride me and make out with me for a while.

Who was I to deny her request. Surprisingly the box was rather easy to open and I pulled out the toy just shaking my head.

Moving back to her, I fumbled around for a few minutes trying to figure out how to get the harness around her torso while she was confined to the bed. When I finally succeeded, I stepped back to admire the bizarre look of a girl in a hospital bed with a hot-pink dildo sticking straight up.

There was nothing left for me to do but finish stripping myself to join her. I quickly shed my jeans and dropped my panties.

Oh, youre clean shaven. Give me a twirl love.

Again, who could refuse as I spun to show myself off for her completely.

Youre so beautiful Amy, she said sweetly before her smile twisted and she added, Now get on my dick and kiss me.

We both busted up laughing at the same time to the absurd statement from the most innocent girl I had ever known.

Yes maam, I replied while still laughing and crawled up on the bed. I positioned myself over her and reached down. I knew I was wet, but I imagined that this was going to be awkward, losing my virginity to the rubber phallus.

I started to lower myself onto it, holding it at the entrance of my pussy as some of my juices started to transfer to it. Slowly I impaled myself on it, feeling the pain as it busted through my hymen. I kept on going as it opened me up, noticing that Summer was watching me with rapt attention.

When I bottomed out on the cock I took a deep breath and leaned forward a little as I moved to place my hands on either side of her shoulders. I leaned down awkwardly to kiss Summer again, her juices still coating my tongue. She didnt seem to care about that. Her left hand moved up and started fondling my breasts, her right hand unmoving as it had been for a while now. She was shutting down, but I promised myself I wouldnt cry.

After several minutes of kissing I finally felt adjusted to the strap-on in my pussy and started to move up and down on it. Im sure I could make this super erotic, but I dont even really remember the feeling in my body as I rode my love, I just remember the sparks as we made out.

Five, ten, twenty minutes, an hour? I dont know how long had passed before she finally hinted she wanted me to stop kissing. I pulled back confused but she just smiled.

I want to watch you cum.

I nodded to her and smiled and sat up a little bit more. Her left hand moved to caress my leg as I started riding the cock harder. My hand moved down to grab hers and help guide her in massaging my own clit. She seemed a bit nervous but got into it as I got lost in the pleasure starting to flood my body. Another small eternity as her fingers caressed against my pussy before I felt my body undulating and spasming around the strap-on buried deep inside.

When I finally calmed down she just said softly, That was beautiful.

I climbed up off of her slowly, my body shaking and rather drained.

I suppose I should take this off you now, itd be rather awkward to just have you wearing it when someone inevitably comes in.

She nodded in response and I removed it. As I moved past her she reached out and pulled me close and brought her fingers to my pussy once more, this time inserting them for a moment before pulling out and tasting my own fluids.

Summer let out a soft mhmmm sound as she tasted me but let me get back to cleaning up after us. I pulled her gown back over her properly and put my shirt and panties back on.

Come lay with me, she said, and once again I couldnt refuse.

Just like that first night we laid together, hand in hand. We cuddled together, and drained physically and emotionally my eyelids got heavy and we fell asleep together.

That was the last time I saw Summer alive. I woke up around ten the next morning and I was alone in the hospital room, Summer was gone.

I packed up my stuff and finished dressing alone and confused. When I finally exited the room Summers dad was waiting for me.

We finally did it, we slept together until sunrise, I was told.

Lots of stuff happened after that, the funeral, meeting the family, lots of crying. I took time off from school to recover, but Ive never moved on, my heart is and always will be Summers.

–Amy Renee Jessup.

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Winter At Beech Mountain

You won’t find guys like me in the phone book. I work off referrals from the women who have been on my table. I’m in the underground world of Erotic Massage. It is a taboo subject among most professional therapists. I was taught many years ago to give my client what ever she desired, within reason. From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist: It was mid-winter here in western North Carolina and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places same faces had given me the ‘itch’ to travel. My...

3 years ago
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Winter At Beech Mountain

You won't find guys like me in the phone book. I work off referrals from the women who have been on my table. I'm in the underground world of Erotic Massage. It is a taboo subject among most professional therapists. I was taught many years ago to give my client what ever she desired, within reason. From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist:It was mid-winter here in western North Carolina and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places same faces had given me the 'itch' to travel. My...

2 years ago
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Winter Wonders

Howling and creaking filled the room as the cold winter wind played hide and seek around the snow covered forest cottage. He was glad he had a full supply of food on hand because the odds of freezing while he was on his own was high. He lit a match and started a blazing fire to cook his supper. He basked in the light of the fire and listened for the pops and crackles of the wood which almost covered the soft crunching of footsteps in the snow. At first he thought it was the familiar padding of...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Winter Fun

Any resemblance to actual people or occurrences is purely coincidental. This is a piece of Fiction! Winter Fun By Lisa Elizabeth The months of January and February are the coldest and snowiest here in the Midwestern US. So there was no surprise when we awoke one Friday morning in February to hear that school was closed. It was snowing and blowing, and the weatherman was predicting six more inches of snow. "Ye-a-a-a-a!!!" both my sister Janet and I said at the same time....

4 years ago
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Winter Break

Winter Break Part 1 ?Now, unzip my jeans, take out my cock and suck me off? he said, ?Otherwise I?m going to drag your dressed-up ass into the hallway and lock you out.? I didn?t have a choice??..right? That?s how my winter break started. Well, actually, let me back up a bit. I had met Mike the year before. We were randomly paired as roommates our freshman year at the university. While from different parts of the country, we hit it off and decided to room together again...

4 years ago
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Winter In The Forest

HI FRIENDS HERE IS RAJ AGAIN WITH NEW STORY OF MY FRIEND IN WHICH HE HAS FUCK HIS MOM IN WINTER IN FOREST PLEASE SEND ME YOUR COMMENTS AT ALSO SEND ME YOUR PROBLEMS TO FIND YOUR LOVE He sighed as he looked out the door of his camp-hut, and saw the snowflakes begin to swirl down in the fort’s open square and parade ground. It was a cold, dark and foreboding day deep in the Teutoberg forest along the German frontier, and Vespasian’s Roman legions had been having a hard time of it recently,...

3 years ago
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Winter of the DriveIn

It was 1968, and Cheryl and I had been best friends since third grade. We had done everything together it seems. Sleepovers, experimenting with make-up, we even had our first periods a month apart. The only thing she got first was boobs. Of course, now that we were both 18, she was a buxom brunette and I was still a willowy blonde.But that did not get in the way of our being friends. We even double-dated once we turned 16. Depending on who the boyfriend was at the time and which one of them had...

3 years ago
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WinteringChapter 3

Bill Meyers was back in his routine since he had come back California. His going to his two car dealerships to see if he needed to do anything and golfing were now the highpoints of his week. He still thought about Traci and what might have been but he had accepted that it never will be. While he had somewhat put the relationship he had with her behind him, there were the memories he had of her that would not be forgotten. At work he continued his practice of periodically visiting all of the...

4 years ago
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Winters Dawning Charitys Holiday to Remember

On worlds where these ways and paths converge, communities arise, each as unique as the beings who dwell there; the community of Stars Rift is no exception. It notorious above all others as a place of commerce and of hedonism run rampant; with almost no constraints on what can be done, bought, sold, traded or taken by force of arms. People of many species, worlds, trades and the like are to be found. Ten times as many deals being forged and ten more time the same of betrayals, plots, and...

5 years ago
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Winter Wonderland

Friday Afternoon: Winter Break “Oh god, not again!” James said in frustration, as he notices that the PS network is down yet again. “What’s wrong?” his sister Sam asked while walking into the living room, and looking in the movie case bending over in front of him. He glanced at her then did a double take as he noticed that she was just wearing a tank top and her tiny black lacy thong panties, which were so small they barely covered her pussy. She had a strange habit of wearing skimpy or vary...

3 years ago
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Winter Blessing

Note. This is an idea I started playing with over 30 years ago when I was an undergraduate, after I met my first transsexual in a supermarket round the corner from the slum bedsit where I was living at the time. Winters Blessings By Trish It was in 1996 when I was finally freed from nosy social workers, guardian's and boarding school. Having been orphaned in my mid teens I was technically classed as in care but I was never in the system as such, I was not from a broken family or...

4 years ago
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Winter Wonderland

He stood in the kitchen looking out the window at the large snow flakes falling upon the already covered back yard. The trees were coated and looked like those one might see on a Currier and Ives Christmas card. They had been calling for snow and it must have started during the night to have this much on the ground. As he took a sip from his coffee cup he was glad to be inside with nothing to do today. He had already started a fire in both fire places and was well fixed for wood with two...

2 years ago
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Winter At Beech Mountain

I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer, they moved back north to stay cool and be near food and water. I would be like the caribou-- 'migrate' to where some real money was this time of year-- to the nearby ski resorts in our snow covered mountains. I called my brother who lived at Elk Park ,N C ; only a driver and 4 iron from Beech Mountain ,...

4 years ago
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Winter Wonder Sex Why Yes

Winter, ‘Wonder’ & Sex? Why Yes! Every year for the past ten, my husband and I have had the pleasure of spending our January anniversary in the mountains of Georgia. Del and I are a quite fond of winter weather. Every year we rent the same log cabin for a week-end. Usually the same couple goes with us each year but, our 2010 trip was different. Our dear friends were unable to go due to work. We decided to invite Mark and Anna. They were our neighbors, we had just known them a year, but we often...

4 years ago
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Winter Storm

Joanna is a shy, young student at the junior college. She signed up for one of my classes this past Fall and I have come to know her rather well. Earlier today, I found a message on the department answering machine. ‘Dr. Storm, could you drop by tonight? I am having difficulty with one of the problems you assigned, and maybe you could help me with it.’ Well, she lives on The Rez, and her house is on the route I take to my place. I’ll stop by and see what I can do.   It is cold. A winter...

2 years ago
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winter storm

It was a cold winter day,snow as flying,and the four too five inches of snow we were suppose to get turned into feet of snow. I had cleaned out our driveway twice now so mom could get in when she got out of work. Ann had just got home from school and was almost an hour later than normal. She said the roads were horrible and the snow plows were having trouble keeping up with all the snow. Mom usually gets home around 5p.m. and it was now 6 and I was begining to worry. I was watching the news...

3 years ago
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winter storm

It was a cold winter day,snow as flying,and the four too five inches of snow we were suppose to get turned into feet of snow. I had cleaned out our driveway twice now so mom could get in when she got out of work. Ann had just got home from school and was almost an hour later than normal. She said the roads were horrible and the snow plows were having trouble keeping up with all the snow. Mom usually gets home around 5p.m. and it was now 6 and I was begining to worry. I was watching the news...

3 years ago
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Winter Wonders

Howling and creaking filled the room as the cold winter wind played hide and seek around the snow covered forest cottage. He was glad he had a full supply of food on hand because the odds of freezing while he was on his own was high. He lit a match and started a blazing fire to cook his supper. He basked in the light of the fire and listened for the pops and crackles of the wood which almost covered the soft crunching of footsteps in the snow.  At first he thought it was the familiar padding of...

3 years ago
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Winter in Siberia

Winter in Siberia gets rather boring. But, come Christmas time the townsfolk that are under twenty gather together. We meet at the top of old man Boris’ hill. The idea is to run down the steep hill as fast as you can, the problem is gravity. You see gravity has this way of toppling you and you fall head over heels down the hill. Fortunately, this is winter in Siberia so the hill is covered in snow.We break into groups according to age group. Toddlers to fourth grade, fifth grade to twelve years...

First Time
4 years ago
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Winter in Sweden Part 13

Chapter 28 – Farewell on WednesdayBackpacks are ready, shoes are worn, all tears are cried. Ole says: „Let’s plan for winter or summer next year to spend our holidays together. Not Oestersund, not Cambridge. In summer we can visit Sardinia or in Winter the Alpes. And we should Skpe much more often than we did yet“. That promise we all agree and we find different ideas where to meet and where to go. We leave the house and go to the station. A lot of hot kisses are given but finally the boys...

2 years ago
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Winter Solstice

"It's so good to see you." My friend Cherry throws her arms around me. "It's going to be so much fun catching up with you." "Yes it will. I'm so happy you invited me for the holidays. It was either spending Christmas with you and Gary or home alone with my fish." "I know dear. Christmas has been rough on you since your mother passed." She gives me a sympathetic look. "And we've been trying to meet up for ages. I'm so happy you're here," she squeaks and hugs me again. "Is that all your...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Winter Wonderland Ch2

Winter Wonderland Ch.2 Sunday Evening: Third day of winter vacation Ever since the shocking but yet orgasmic time Sam and James had the evening before, the siblings have been better in each others company than they have ever been before. It’s like all shame, embarrassment, sexual stress just disappeared over night. After doing the chores that their father had asked James to do, they spent the day hanging out, playing video games, watching TV, and sneaking a kiss when their mother wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Winter Wonderland Ch1

Winter Wonderland Chapter 1 Hi my name is James, and this is a story of my sister and myself and how our relationship changed. It all started about 4 years ago I was 17 and my sister Sam was 15. I was just waking up on our last day of school before winter break. Like every morning I woke with a huge boner, so like most guys I took care of it, got up did a stretch and got ready to take a shower. The bathroom that I use is a joining bathroom that my sister and I share. From what I can saw she...

2 years ago
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winter storm

It was a cold winter day,snow as flying,and the four too five inches of snow we were suppose to get turned into feet of snow. I had cleaned out our driveway twice now so mom could get in when she got out of work. Ann had just got home from school and was almost an hour later than normal. She said the roads were horrible and the snow plows were having trouble keeping up with all the snow.Mom usually gets home around 5p.m. and it was now 6 and I was begining to worry. I was watching the news when...

2 years ago
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winter storm

It was a cold winter day,snow as flying,and the four too five inches of snow we were suppose to get turned into feet of snow. I had cleaned out our driveway twice now so mom could get in when she got out of work. Ann had just got home from school and was almost an hour later than normal. She said the roads were horrible and the snow plows were having trouble keeping up with all the snow.Mom usually gets home around 5p.m. and it was now 6 and I was begining to worry. I was watching the news when...

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Winter Break Part II

WINTER BREAK PART II BY CCNC Twenty minutes later Mike and I were loaded into his SUV and on the road for the 3-hour drive to the beach. Neither one of us had said much since I finished my "show." Finally, shaking his head, Mike said "I can't believe you are a crossdresser. I mean there have definitely been stranger things that came out of California than a guy like me that likes to wear women's clothes. But, you! - Mr. Straight-laced Southern Boy! ??.How did you get...

3 years ago
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Winter Is The Season Of Endings

Winter Is The Season Of Endings By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Fly On By, Sweet Angel The information was good. Angel liked it when the information was good. He welcomed this mission as a change of pace, a visit to his merciful side. Angel had thought he had lost any chance at being compassionate over the last few years. The targets were going down, and he intended that they would go down hard, but he could reserve the final stroke unless they forced his hand. He found himself...

4 years ago
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Winter Nights Drunk With Friend 8211 Part I

Haven’t we always wanted to do it with someone we k now and trust? Sometimes with your best friend (or friends)! You find it weird? I don’t! I have tried it with many of my friends. One particular friend has been my favorite all through these years. This incident has happened, a couple of years ago. Me and my friend, Ravi (name changed! Obviously) and another friend had some college group submission. So we were working at Ravi’s house. It must be around late October or November, the time when...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Winter Wonder Sex Why Yes

Winter, "Wonder" & Sex? Why Yes!Every year for the past ten, my husband and I have had the pleasure of spending our January anniversary in the mountains of Georgia. Del and I are a quite fond of winter weather. Every year we rent the same log cabin for a week-end. Usually the same couple goes with us each year but, our 2010 trip was different. Our dear friends were unable to go due to work. We decided to invite Mark and Anna. They were our neighbors; we had just known them a year, but we often...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Winter Storm

Joanna is a shy, young student at the junior college. She signed up for one of my classes this past Fall and I have come to know her rather well. Earlier today, I found a message on the department answering machine. "Dr. Storm, could you drop by tonight? I am having difficulty with one of the problems you assigned, and maybe you could help me with it." Well, she lives on The Rez, and her house is on the route I take to my place. I'll stop by and see what I can do.   It is...

First Time
4 years ago
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Winter Vacation

There are eight of us. There is my wife Lauren and three of her sorority sisters and me (I’m Al) and three of my fraternity brothers. We all graduated within a year of each other and we all got married within a couple of years after college. We have been fast friends ever since. Every winter we all go on vacation together. We have been to exotic islands, rented houses large enough for all of us on some of the best beaches we can find but this year we had decided to do a winter vacation in a...

2 years ago
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Winter Pleasures

Pamela Perez was enjoying a quiet, winter night at her home in Denver. Outside, the white snow was falling, the wind was very cold, and the temperature was 25 degrees. While she read a hot romance novel, she received what seems to be a handwritten note from Kevin. She read the note, which Kevin invited her for a romantic winter weekend. After she read the note, she packed her things including some sexy lingerie and plenty of massage oil, candles, etc. She got into her car and drove over to...

2 years ago
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Winter Vacation

It seemed to Marion that Chuck was more than usually grumpy at the thought of their winter vacation. “Oh, come on, Chuck--it’s a week in the Dominican. Why so glum?” Chuck continued to paw through some shirts and underwear and stuffed some clothing in his suitcase. “Airport security, cramped planes, customs, strange languages, and people we don’t know...why would anyone want to put themselves through that. I’d be happy if you just went by yourself. All I do is read in the room and get blitzed...

2 years ago
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Winter Walk

On Sunday, I went for a walk in the woods. The thin, crusty snow crunched under my feet as I walked, hands deep in my pockets, the icy wind making my eyes water, the young bare trees around me offering little protection. The occasional oak murmured loudly as all its dead leaves were rattled by the wind. I imagined walking with you, listening to you talk, the rapid staccato rhythm of your words. "So, yesterday I took a U-bolt, and stuck one end through the rear-brakes hole and nutted it on,"...

1 year ago
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Winter Work

Jimmy Carver invested his reduncy pay off in a Ski chalet business with his son and his parner the young couple had been skiing for a number of years and decided to give up the world of finance and start a ski chalet and summer trek and mountain biking business. Jimmy started his working life as a chef and had advised on cooking for guests and setting up a working kitchen and arranging menus for guests. The 1st chalet they were buying had problems and the Chalet that they had really wanted came...

First Time
4 years ago
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WinteringChapter 2

Carrying Traci into the bedroom, Bill Meyer couldn’t help but feel like a teenager who was going to lose his virginity. The anticipation of making love with this beautiful woman was something that he was eagerly looking forward to doing. He already had an erection that put him into a state of readiness. She must have felt the same anticipation because she told him that his carrying her was making her feel like a bride on the night of her marriage. Bill placed Traci down on her bed and...

2 years ago
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WinteringChapter 4

After de-boarding the cruise ship and renting a car Bill Meyer drove to check out the Florida locations his friends had recommended that he winter at. Bill found two locations, possibly three that interested him. There was one large community in central Florida that he considered but after seeing on the internet that it had a very high STD rate, he decided to take a pass on wintering there0. Having now a good feel for some areas, he decided it was time to head back north. He needed to check...

2 years ago
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Winters A Bitch

Winter's a Bitch! - Lexi Hawke - Thank you for taking the time to read my story. As with many of my stories, there was an event that happened that the story is built around. This story belongs to my friend, Winter (not her real name). I also inserted myself into the storyteller since he was just an anonymous Craigslist poster (and Winter did not like the story told from her point of view. Maybe someday, I will post the story I wrote with her being the storyteller.) I did take some...

3 years ago
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WinteringChapter 5

Bill Meyer was a little excited as he started his drive down to Florida to see what that part of the country had to offer. He was heading there because it was time for him to do his ‘wintering.’ He was using that term ‘wintering’ synonymously with vacationing. Last year he met some interesting women in Arizona and hoped his time this year in Florida would be just as interesting. He could do without being accused of rape as he had been in Arizona, which had him pack a nanny cam along with his...

4 years ago
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WinteringChapter 6

It didn’t look like much had changed thought Bill Meyer as he parked his car in the garage of his townhome. While he had a nice time doing his ‘Wintering” in Florida this year, it felt good to be home. On the drive back he gave some thought as to where he would do what he termed ‘Wintering’ next and came to the conclusion that there was no need to wait for the fall of the year to do some vacationing. Going out to the west coast was a strong possibility because of Maggie being there as he did...

2 years ago
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Winter Flame

Christmas, 2015. Canada had an exceptionally cold holiday season that year. The Scarlet family, however, spent it as they always did: in the relative warmth of their large log house. In the evening, everyone in the family was gathered together around the tree in the living room, opening their presents, even some extended family. That is, everyone except for seventeen year old Cora. Cora Scarlet was also spending this Christmas as she always had. Alone in her bedroom. For the last three years,...


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