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Ch. 1 Progressive Dinners

Following is a story of fact and fiction. The initial progressive dinner took place exactly as presented. What happened afterward is pure fiction, but fiction couched in the context of the social network that grew as described and existed for several years. This chapter is almost completely background, developing the main characters with little sexual content. If you must have the latter, read chapter 2 first and then this chapter.


It was an unusual set of circumstances that brought us together. It was the right time, the 70’s. It was the right place, a new development somewhat isolated from others in the community. The right opportunity, many in the development were of similar ages, 30’s and professionally connected through their industry, defense. Few were locals. Some were military (officers), others were civil servants while the rest were contractors. Most had kids the same age in a nearby elementary school. It was the kids that brought us together.

The kids met and formed friendships in school with others from the neighborhood. One thing led to another and before long parents met parents and a social network formed that lasted for several years until circumstances and opportunities caused the group to slowly dissolve as one-by-one its families moved out of the area. While it lasted though, it was a unique environment for kids and their parents, alike.

Early on some of the more outgoing wives organized a progressive dinner to be an icebreaker among the men [it was a time and circumstances that caused most (all?) of the wives to be stay-at-home moms]. If a single event could be identified as the catalyst for the social network to gel it would be that initial progressive dinner. Planned for New Year’s Eve, it snowed heavily in the afternoon after having done so off and on several days. The snow and ice pack caused the schools and most businesses to close. Everyone, kids and adults alike, gathered at a large, long hill in the back of the development with sleds, toboggans, inner tubes, and large aluminum and plastic dishes. It was one block from our home.

Some of the husbands had the foresight to bring something to keep them warm while on the hill. None of wives had planned to stay out as long as they did and so, as the afternoon wore on and temperatures dropped they would ask for sips to bind them over until the dinner began. Depending upon their personal tastes [refreshment preferences] they approached whoever was packing for a sip regardless of who they were [or were not]. I brought Benedictine, a strong licorice-flavored elixir that does a good job warming the insides. Not many were familiar with it, which left more for me.

By the time the sun went down pre-New Year’s Eve celebrations and spirits were in high gear. It was also time for me to go home and prepare the hor d’oeuvres, the first course of the evening. Since my wife was one of the organizers we staked claim to entertain first so we would be free to enjoy the rest of the evening.

One of the wives was notorious for always being late. With that in mind and fully expecting her to arrive late we told Marilyn the starting time was 5PM at our house. Everyone else was told the start time was 6PM, including her husband. He knew of the subterfuge but on that day he was on the hill with the rest of the neighbors. Forgetting what had been planned he told her he would meet her at our house. Sure enough, at 5PM sharp there was a knock at the front door. I had only returned moments before. Having spent hours on the hill I was cold and wet, the Benedictine notwithstanding. I started by removing all my clothes, leaving them heaped in a puddle in the foyer and was padding around the kitchen in my underwear prepping the food for assembly when the knock came. Fortified with Benedictine and in a hurry, I answered the door. There stood Marilyn decked out for the festivities. Nonplussed, she came in and followed me to kitchen. After getting her a glass of her favorite [I don’t recall what] she made herself comfortable at the kitchen table and started her usual inane chatter, drawing me into it as I put together a checkerboard of caviar and smoked salmon on crackers as if her being fully dressed and well turned out while I was wet and undressed was normal.

[More than 30 years later one of the evening’s participants reminisced on the spectacular presentation of the salmon and caviar, and Marilyn arriving early and catching me in my underwear. It is testament to the uniqueness of the evening.]

My youngest came in cold and wet. All she wanted was to jump in a hot bath. She came into the kitchen with red cheeks and a runny nose while dripping snow and ice melt on the floor shouting, ‘Hi, Daddy!’ She stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Marilyn. Looking back and forth between the two of us, Marilyn sitting in her finery and me in my skivvies. Shocked, she responded to Marilyn’s greeting with, ‘What are you doing here?’ It was an awkward moment for all. She vividly remembers it to this day.

As the first hostess of the evening my wife came back early to layout plates, glasses and the accoutrements needed for a cocktail party before going to transform herself from Nanook of the North to a stylish, 30-something housewife hostess. To my surprise she thought nothing of the Marilyn and me scene in the kitchen. When she returned moments before the other guests arrived, it was my turn to get cleaned up and dressed. Marilyn never stopped, she simply shifted focus to her new audience and continued talking [and saying nothing].

With few exceptions, everyone came directly from the hill, cold and wet. In the next hour everyone got warm and even more convivial. Then it was off to the next house and course. All transportation was on foot. It was a special night, cold, crystal clear, full moon and bright stars, with friends and neighbors strolling down the middle of the snow-covered road holding simultaneous conversations and occasionally singing seasonal songs. The composition of the group changed slightly after each course for the host and hostess of the next course to sprint ahead to prepare their homes for the guests soon to arrive. Alcohol was consumed with as much gusto as food causing the mood and antics of the group to become more raucous with every trip.

By the time midnight arrived everyone was everyone else’s best and closest friend. Men and women alike sought out others to hug, kiss and wish each other well, some more aggressively than others. By 1AM the last course served, everyone was full and content. It was time to call it a night. The walk home was short and the air colder but, at that point no one cared.

The kernel of the social network forged that night changed shape and size as time wore on to include more neighbors and like-minded friends that didn’t live in our community. Subsets formed around mutual interests but always there was a grand gathering every couple of months where all members coalesced into a single larger group to reinforce the sense of community. At some point the nature of these grand gatherings became thematic. My memory isn’t clear on when it actually began but I’ll assign responsibility to my wife, always the organizer.

The first theme was medieval. While in college she prepared a research paper on cuisines appropriate to that period complete with menus. It was mostly roasted wild game and overcooked stews with little seasoning. She prepared a meal that followed her research as closely as possible but jacked up to make it edible to a contemporary pallet. Prior to each course she explained what was included and why, and how it should have been prepared to be authentic to the period before telling them what she had done to make it more appealing.

While the meal was just acceptable the history behind it made it interesting. Of course, the group’s sense of humor made a bigger deal of it than warranted causing a good time to be had by all. The liquor, w
ine and beer before, during and after contributed a great deal to the evening’s success.

Over time and with successive grand group gatherings true friendships were made and relationships with and among neighbors and acquaintances strengthened causing the thematic evenings to be well attended. While not everyone was enthralled with every theme all participated in good spirits. Slowly, factions formed to include like-minded couples of which one really got into the thematic scene. To accommodate that interest and what followed it met more frequently than the plenary sessions. We found ourselves in that group of six couples.

Before continuing I need to digress a bit to explain my wife. Her role in the group(s) is pivotal to this story and, instead of springing her behavior and personality on you, it is necessary to give you some of her history. She comes from a large Italian-American family with many aunts, uncles and cousins. She is third generation American and uncharacteristically an only child. An only child in a large, yet close and extended family, she is also the youngest of her generation, the only one to complete college, one of few to marry someone not of Italian descent, and the only one to move out of the area. Any of these qualifiers could have been the basis for a debilitating neurosis for the rest of her family. In spite of her background she is surprisingly normal, at least by my measure. Of all the influences on her while growing up I’m convinced her years at an out-of-town college had the greatest effect on making her who she is today.

Thrust into an environment where there wasn’t someone in the ‘family’ looking over her shoulder at her every move she rebelled, big time [she started rebelling in high school but family and social pressures kept a lid on it]. Joining and aggressively participating in every politically active group on campus she became a professional malcontent. You may recall this period as the sexual revolution of the 60’s and the make love not war mindset of that generation. She fit right in.

Bra burning, tie-died clothing and drug experimentation were de rigor. She tried not shaving her legs and armpits but gave that up after finding less enlightened men [boys?] didn’t appreciate her liberation manifested that way. She came to college a virgin and left a seasoned veteran. She tried everything that the human body and libido can conceive, and came away sexually liberated with broad tastes and clearly understanding her and men’s preferences. She started off wanting to become a teacher, shifted to political science and graduated with a BA in history. She claimed it gave her perspective she didn’t have but intuitively felt it was needed in a more rapidly changing world. I was less philosophical. I earned a BS in economics at a different school.

By now President Johnson had ramped up the US involvement in Southeast Asian politics making my being drafted and joining the war a certainty unless I took drastic action. I applied to law school and received a deferment. That’s were I met the love of my life, Rosemary. She didn’t agree with that assessment in the beginning. She was amused that a WASP [for those of you politically correct, that stands for white, Anglo-Saxon protestant] would be interested in a nice Italian girl like her.

Of course, she had dated [and slept] with every color and stripe of ethnicity found on college campuses at the time and was not without some experience with people of my color and stripe. But, I was the first that was interested in her for more than just a fuck and her politics. She later told me she never dated someone without bedding him or her early on. From her frame of reference, sleeping with someone on a first or second date was expected. I waited and held off her advances for more than a month before fucking her. At the time she was vastly more experienced than I, and it might therefore be more appropriate to say she fucked me on that first encounter. Truth be told, she used me as her personal fuck toy for at least a month before I started asserting myself. To this day we approach our lovemaking as a test of wills to see who will prevail. When fucking others she’s usually dominant.

We struggled through law school together. After the first year her curriculum took her down a trial law path [read: adversarial and advocacy] while mine reflected a predisposition for detail. I became a contract lawyer. In hindsight, this was very fortuitous, we wouldn’t find ourselves competing. We both graduated in the upper third of our classes. Neither of us made Law Review. We took associate positions in respectable and well established practices in our hometowns. Busy and eager to get ourselves on partnership tracks we worked ridiculous hours leaving no time to see each other, or any other for that matter.

We spent a lot of time on long distance [this was before PCs and email, and text messaging], and less writing letters. The latter took too much time and we had precious little of that.

While neither of us had proclaimed our love for the other we had been monogamous since starting our second year at school.

[I can say with surety that I only had sex with her during that time. Rosemary made the same claim but her sexual appetite was, and is prodigious enough susch that I have often wondered just how monogamous she was back then. No matter, I knew she loved me deeply, and still does.]

We never explicitly discussed having a shared future. It was just assumed we would raise a family together. No mention of marriage was ever made due to her rabid adherence to the feminist dogma of the time. Before starting the third year of school we took the obligatory trips to visit each other’s parents. To a much greater degree Rosemary’s parents and cousins pestered her, and to a lesser extent, me about our intentions toward each other. By this time Rosemary was the only one of her generation in her family not married with children. They dismissed our claim of never having discussed marriage. Their constant heckling drove us out of her parent’s house to seek solace in her apartment before going to meet my parents. We received much the same treatment there. We left early and drove to my apartment for a few days of solitude and sexual exploration, exploration in the sense of how many organisms can one have in a 24-hour period? It was necessary to rerun the experiment several times before drawing any conclusions. Depleted and our love for each other renewed [yes, by then we talked in those terms], Rosemary flew home.

Two more years passed with our struggles and separation before we confronted our lives and each other to make decisions that would profoundly affect our futures. Both our careers and relationship were too important to abandon requiring us to find a solution that could accommodate both. The solution was for me to join corporate American as in-house counsel for a moderately sized company in Rosemary’s hometown where she could continue her long, upward climb to a partnership in her firm as a trial attorney.

We took the opportunity this consolidation of interests provided to marry. While little changed on the outside it had a profound effect on the minutiae in our lives. Where we wouldn’t have given a moment’s thought deciding or doing something before we now found ourselves first reviewing it in our minds to determine if it was in both our best interests before proceeding. At one level of analysis, we were conceding control of ourselves to the other. Once realized, this didn’t go down well with either of us but least of all, Rosemary.

We settled in a community populated with young professionals, like ourselves. We did all the suburban yuppy [a term coined at that time] things: barbeques, weekend evening cookouts, cards [duplicate bridge was big then, probably still is], wine and cheese parties, fondue parties [it was all the rage then], and such. Occasionally several of the men would play golf or go to a professional ballgame or race leaving more women than men at the weekly gath
erings. That was my first exposure to the sexual appetites of married women. On those occasions I would receive more than my share of unattached [for the evening] women’s attentions. Initially flattered, my ego caused me to return their favors and before long found myself in deep shit with my wife. It was at that time that it dawned on me that she was keeping me on a close rein. I don’t think she was jealous or insecure in our marriage. Rather, she didn’t want us to become the object of rumors, innuendo and ridicule. She had a very public, professional reputation to maintain and wanted to avoid all possibility of scandal. There was an upside to her interventions. She was sexually insatiable for the remainder of the weekend and into the following week when my rein drew tight.

After a while it dawned on me what was happening. I plead guilty to hitting on women even when their husbands were nearby just to get great sex from my wife. Being the veteran in bed, on those occasions she would roll out some rarely used tricks and tools to make sure that her sex was the hottest and most desirable around. She rarely disappointed.

[Years later that I found out she would occasional go off the reservation herself during that period in our lives but only away from the neighborhood and our friends. Now older (and wiser?) I realize hers was a good strategy. I had more great sex than I could handle and she had all the sex she wanted.]

After a few years living the American Dream two events changed everything. First, Rosemary was made a full partner in her firm. In the legal community she had garnered a reputation for being well prepared and taking no prisoners. She was her most comfortable in the courtroom and used it as if she was on stage. She would unabashedly use her femininity to beguile the men on the jury and her sincerity to evoke sympathy from the women. She is an attractive woman and when in battledress was extremely conservative in her presentation not wanting to alienate jury women. In short, she was formidable. Fortunately for me, her colleagues, and our friends that persona evaporated when she walked out of the courtroom.

She enjoyed her new status for six months before the second event occurred. She became pregnant with our first child. She tried to live the feminist’s dream of having and doing it all. She pulled it off during that pregnancy. She won every case while showing. It’s hard for someone to assume an adversarial posture against a pregnant woman glowing from her condition.

She had her family to help with the baby during the day and charged ahead with her career taking on assistants, paras and aspiring partner attorneys to do the legwork, and after hour’s research and prep. This worked well until she became pregnant with child number two. And so it went until number three came along at which point we had to reassess our lives and the direction we wanted it to take.

After much soul-searching Rosemary conceded that the family needed a stay-at-home mother. This was a momentous decision on her part. It caused her to turn away from ten years of hard work and start a new career. If that wasn’t enough our home was bursting at the seams with three small children. With that realization we knew we would have to move and move soon. This started another round of considering the alternatives that was inconclusive until I came up with a novel solution [its not always Rosemary that has the good ideas]: we move to a different part of the country and start fresh with a new home, surroundings, and friends. The idea of starting with a clean sheet of paper but being older and hopefully wiser to take the greatest advantage of the opportunities it presented was very appealing. Some much so that that is what we did.

To make it happen required me to get a new position. None available within my company I started an external job search. After three months an opportunity presented itself that seemed to meet all our requirements. The headhunting firm that hooked my future employer and me up did a good job negotiating on my behalf. I got a good increase in salary while moving to a part of the country where the cost of living was substantially less than where we were currently living. Being somewhat of a large fish in a small pond, I signed on as General Counsel and VP for a defense contractor that was opening a new division in the area we were to relocate to.

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It's been weeks since I (Ross) have heard any word from my wife, Emily, since she's refused to speak to me because I accidentally said Rachel's name instead of hers during the ceremony. I get up this seemingly normal day the way I usually: have breakfast, watch some cartoons, and then shower. It got to be around noon or so, I decide to go over to Monica's and see what she and everyone else are up to. I get over there and just walk in like I usually do, but there was no one there. "Hello?" I...

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“Take off all your clothes.” Even though I’ve seen Helen repeat this scene hundreds of times, I still marvel at her ability to make people do anything she tells them. Yes, anything she tells them. Why just today she had three sexy looking guys in the office and not one of them was over 21. They knew only one of them was going to get a chance to test for a juicy supporting role in a major Hollywood studio film. And the other two? They get to go back to being waiters, bar tenders, parking lot...

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It all starts when john goes to bens house to stay the night. John arrives at bens house and they are watching tv and ben says to john my neck is sore can you massage it for me? john says ya shure and so he starts they get to talking and ben askes john if he wants to get it done now and john says ya ok. So john lays down and gets a full massage and then bens says don't you find it hot in here john says ya i do then ben says well take of your pants you can just wear your boxers. so he does. as...

3 years ago
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Your friend was getting a divorce, she had come to stay with us since she had nowhere to go. I thought it was interesting since she looked very much like you, it was almost like she could be your sister. Same body type, she might be slightly heavier, but both of you had big breast, nice big butts, and nice happy smiley face. We had a spare room next to our bedroom that she got to stay in. We had a very active sex life and would make love at least once a day, but more often a couple of times....

2 years ago
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Carol was a good friend and she had huge tits and had them from a young age. She also would do anything I asked and one day my brother, Tim wanted to see her tits so I told Carol to show them to him.  Our parents worked so we had a lot of evening just to ourselves. Her globes were so firm and my brother's eyes got big looking at them. I told him to sit by her and touch those big hooters. He ran his hands over them and the nipples got hard. I had Carol arch her back and told him to kiss each...

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Who use to be your father is now my man and all your family wealth out of which I used to request you to support my financial needs as a best friend is now all mine, going this way you are my step daughter but you know I am too young to be a mom so I thought a different arrangement you will be our slave and me and your father will be your mistress and master, don’t bother about your father I have already made him disown you entirely even from the family wealth and gift you to me as my slave now...

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Who use to be your father is now my man and all your family wealth for which I used to rely on you to support my financial needs as a best friend is now all mine, going this way you are now my step daughter but you know I am too young to be a mom so I thought a different arrangement you will be our slave and me and your father will be your mistress and master, don’t bother about your father I have already discussed with him and he has disowned you from the family and its wealth and left you...

1 year ago
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Purely Scientific Part 2

Daniel awoke to the sound of his alarm. It blared a track by Vampire Weekend, a song that he had once liked but now just associated with the mornings. Sighing, he pulled the duvet off of himself and was met with the familiar sight of his morning wood trapped in his boxers and he was suddenly reminded of the night before, how his duvet had been pulled back just like this but his dick was out and harder than it had ever been. Daniel, of course, got rid of it by masturbating but he remained hard...

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Uncivilized Part One

There was no longer time for interests and feelings. No more time to “find ones self”. There would be nobody to find in the next five generations if humans did not begin to rebuild, not just their homes, but their numbers as well. Most humans understood this, most did not fight the collective need to survive. But enough incidents, and mindless acts of independence in a world that now depended on interdependence lead to the need for order, and so chains, and restraints entered human society...

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To be or not to be A Cuckolded question

Stella was 43 years old, five foot 10 inches tall around 180 lbs, not slim by any means and often joked the bulk of her weight was in her 38C breasts especially after raising her two sons, John and Jamie. She was married to Jim a 45 year old loving man, five foot four tall and with an extra few lbs, he called his love handles. Jim’s one drawback was his sexual equipment only five and a half inches when erect to the max. Oh of course Stella never complained but secretly she fantasised often of a...

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No Mercy

Tonight is the night.  It has to be.  Anticipation drew in her soul tight.Celeste stared through the statue’s eyes at the crumbling red brick below.  Spanish moss clumped at her cracked toes, early morning fog saturating what she could see of the air in her peripheral vision.  Molded in place, she had all her senses and none of her muscularity.  It’d been three hundred years.  Three hundred years since the night that witch found her in bed with her husband.  Paul the stone mason, just another...

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Photo Shoot

"Arch your back and stick out those tits. I need you girls to look sexy if I am going to put you in the porn magazine. Sara, pinch your nipples and get them hard. That is what men want to see and that sells magazines. Men like tits, ass and cunts. So look sexy and show off those sexy bodies for the camera." The four girls were naked standing on the beach getting pictures for the next porn mag. They had nice big tits and round asses and shaved pussies. They were great looking sex objects and the...

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Changing Her Mind

Heather's head was still swimming a little as her eyes opened. As she blinked see looked around and didn't recognize the room. Fortunately, she thought, she was laying down. After a moment she tried to get up, only to find here self strapped to whatever she was laying on. As she moved her arms and legs find they were strapped down. As she considered this she now noticed that she was clad in only here blue bra and matching panties. Now, she slowly started to panic. Did some bondage go wrong with...

Mind Control
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Some things never change

Some things never change By Trainmaster Synopsis: A geeky tenacious boy, leading a Boy Scout troop on a 50-mile hike, turns into a beautiful poised young lady when the Genderwave overtakes them on the trail. Her (former) father becomes the emotional lightning rod for everyone on the hike, and finds out that changes of sex aren't as important as the things that don't change. My son Stuart was a lanky kid with a heart of gold and a determination to be successful at all he did. The...

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Introduction: Wife and lover caught cheating. He get her lovers ass and them them I have always read these stories about a guy coming home and finding another man between her legs, fucking the hell out of her, He always walks away after thinking to himself that he would like to kill them both. He always manages to watch her and him have an orgasm. No. Thats not me and I acted like I felt I should. I just stared at his white buttocks humping up and down. I could see his cock pumping into my...

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In the Vineyard Ch 05

Miles drove well above the speed limit once he got on the interstate. He hated to risk the ticket, but he didn’t want to lose time. Fifteen minutes into the drive, he called Ana’s home number. No answer. He tried the cell number. The voicemail came on immediately, she must have the phone turned off. He drove even faster, starting to get worried. Ana walked into the bookstore. Tonight’s act was a string quartet playing classical music. She had hoped for something livelier. She ordered a glass...

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Single once more

Story until nowI had caught Sue cheating with Al, one of my employees. She had been warned not to do so. I had packed her off back to her mum and dad’s place in the east. Since then there had been little contact with her but I had spoken to the kids and Sue’s father at least once a week. He had told me that Sue was living it up. Going out each night and returning home late and usually quite drunk. He was concerned about the welfare of our baby that she carried and had told her so. She simply...

Wife Lovers
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My Sexy Wife With My Haryanvi Friend 8211 Part 2

Please read part 1 and continue. Send me your sexy feedback on . Ranveer’s face had a disappointed look now. I guess he resented my presence. I saw that he still had his erection and was super horny. He waited for a while so that Sunita would reappear but it wasn’t to happen. After a while, he got bored and left the office again. Sunita just waved him goodbye. I too had lunch and joined the office. Now my cocktease wife was free at home. As the office hours was about to finish I checked...

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An Attachment Is Made Ch 03

Part 3 — Please Sally walked down the road to the station in the morning. She sighed. It hadn’t been that bad. She could cope, it was only for a month after all, or so the guard had said, but how was she going to juggle this — this what? How should she de­scribe it — juggle this new obligation with being with Jerry? Jerry would sus­pect she was seeing someone else… and she was—actually. Well that was one way to dump him, if she did want to, especially now. She thought about the guard and his...

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Voyeuristic Nooner

Just recently I responded to an ad on Craigslist for a casual encounter with woman at her downtown office. It was the first time I had ever responded to an ad for consensual sex, but having now been divorced for three years while at the same time throwing myself completely into my career, I realized that I had ignored my sexual desires to be with a woman. I wanted to truly fuck a complete stranger to get my juices flowing again, and the ad provided an outlet for that. This woman said she...

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 1

Chapter OneXena’s heart was so full of hate and bitterness. She thought it must surely burst. Her hate was directed at Princess Venetia who had humbled her and had her displayed naked to her former citizens in a cage. Xena’s bitterness was directed against her former citizens. They had once held her in awe. Worshipped her, almost. Now that she had fallen and was powerless, they had instantly turned against her. As she made two long circuits of the city, they mocked her, they derided her, they...

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Coming Home The Confrontation

Part 3 of the series, I highly recommend you read the other two.I awoke the next morning to a amazing smell of freshly cooked breakfast. I rubbed my eyes to clear the blurry vision that I had and sat up. I noticed a scribbled note on the coffee table next to the couch, I picked it up and it read:"Made you breakfast before I left for work, I'll be back around 3 or so - Samantha," I smiled at put the note back on the table.I walked into the kitchen to see my breakfast, still fresh from the pan. I...

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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 14 The Hearing

When we were back in our room, getting ready for our respective dinners, Evan asked me about Caleb. I didn't see any reason to lie. "I've known him for a while now. We met online, playing a video game. Eventually, we became friends. I was going to be in his part of the country on business, so I asked him if he'd like to go to dinner and he said yes." "We dated for a few months, did the long distance thing, but neither one of us was happy. I was downright miserable, in fact. Turns out...

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Return to EdenChapter 35

"You know, in a way it's the Holy Grail," Meiersdottir told her husband. "Immortality. And real immortality, not just the bogus crap all those spiritualists peddle back home. Isn't there an allure? Wouldn't there be?" She'd spent the early evening giving him, as much as her memory allowed, a word-for-word recounting of her talk with Joe. The idea had clung strongly in her mind. "My granny knew so much," she'd told him. "I still remember talking to her about stuff when I was in my...

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A Sissy Sexercise Fantasy

I stopped going to the gym about six months ago, when money got tight and I had to find ways to reduce my expenses. I usually don't get to the gym much in the spring or summer months anyway, so it was an easy expense to cut. I hate going into the office all sweaty, so I avoid working out in the mornings, and the last thing I want to do at the end of a day is trade one dark, windowless space for another.Of course, as the holiday weekend passed and the summer heat began to beat down, I found the...

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My First EverythingChapter 38

By the next day, I had gotten myself calmed down to the point where I could act reasonably normal in school. I was surprised with how calm Karen was being. At lunch, I discovered the reason for this. Denise had assured her that she had heard of the Coke treatment for "accidents" from her brother's girlfriend over a year ago. Apparently, hearing it from Denise, had done the trick. I asked her when she was expecting her period. She had to think for a minute before she said it was due at any...

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Obsession Lust and Perversion Chapter 191

They landed at a private airport located on Maui. Colin had arranged for a limo to take them to their residence for the week. When they got their luggage loaded, they departed. Jeff said bye and put his things in a car that Colin had arranged with the local Ford dealer. When he got to his hotel, much to his surprise, Colin had leased him penthouse suite. It was beautiful and luxurious. He knew he would have a wonderful week. Right now he wished that he had a wife to share this...

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Casey goes to Miami Beach Part2

Angelia could not sleep that night. She thought constantly about having sex with Amy and Casey. She had never witnessed such a sexy thing as the two hot girls having sex with each other. Her husband Ryan snored loudly beside her in bed. He sounded like a freight train. She played with herself as she thought about the two girls who rented the suite across and down from her. She wanted them badly. She stimulated herself to orgasm as she imagined them all making out. She cried out as she...

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Aus Marc wird Marcy 5

Marc wollte Widerstand leisten, aber ein kleiner Ruck von Petra am Halsband gen?gte, und schon musste Marc weiterstolpern, um nicht das Gleichgewicht zu verlieren. Die Zwangsjacke erlaubte nicht die geringste Gegenwehr; sie war ?hnlich wie ein Body, sa? aber durch die spezielle Konstruktion so gut, dass er den beiden Frauen v?llig ausgeliefert war. Oben in der K?che sah er auf dem K?chentisch einen Katalog. Marc sah genauer hin: das Titelbild zeigte einen offenbar gemalten Tr...

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The Postman

Susan Radlett waved her husband off to work and sat down to finish her coffee and smoke her first cigarette. She was fifty now and had not worked herself for five years spending most of her time visiting friends and gadding around town. The phone rang: " Hello Ma'am Postie here sorry to interrupt will you be needing my services this morning?" "Yes I will let yourself in the back garden I will be waiting in the shed, and make sure your not seen." Susan opened the patio doors and walked down her...

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Episode 52 Jenny and her Dream Dog

Dream-timeJenny didn’t usually remember her dreams when she awoke next to her boring husband John – but this one was special. Jenny rolled over trying to suck some life into his limp prick – but the warm bed and with two fingers exploring her warm, wet cunt she fell back into a deep sleep:Jenny was jogging along the nude beach, her faithful Great Dane Toby trotting beside her – head raised to crotch height, breathing in her musky cuntal perfume. The pale blue bikini bottoms were soaking wet –...

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