Dont Judge A Book By Its Cover And Other Lessons Learned (2nd In The Golden Series) free porn video

When a second girl drank my piss I was a little less surprised than I was the first time around. There were a couple of reasons for this apart from the obvious of previously having an old girl friend drink my piss in as act of atonement. The second girl who ended up drinking my piss was actually the third one that I spoken to over the course of a few months who was willing to try. So when it happened I already had a sense that it was just a matter of time and circumstance, but still the build up and anticipation was exhilarating
About sixteen years ago I moved to Toronto and I was living by myself in an apartment just north of the Danforth. For those unfamiliar with Toronto, the Danforth is a major street that runs east from downtown and goes through a traditionally Greek neighborhood. It’s a great strip for all kinds of restaurants and pubs. Also for those unfamiliar with Toronto for some reason ‘the’ commonly precedes Danforth when referring to this street. I’m not sure why, but it does.
Anyway, I didn’t know too many people in town when I first arrived and as much for something to do as for company, I started calling a dating line that was a forerunner to internet dating services. Successful calls usually went in one of two directions. Either I would end up meeting for a drink or we would get each other off over the phone. Sometimes there would be both, but it was an exception to meet someone that I’d already had phone sex with. While I’m sure there were some who just liked to phone fuck, I think for others the idea of meeting a stranger that they’ve already gotten off with was probably just a little too daunting.
Meeting off of the phone was always a bit of crap shoot too, because even with the self descriptions provided they were still blind dates. I really was only lied to about appearance once and that girl came clean just ahead of our date – we still met. Aside from that, no matter how honest a description was given, when it comes to looks so much is subjective, especially faces. Certainly there are people in this world that can be universally agreed to be physically attractive, but for a great swath of humanity there’s considerable room for personal tastes and what I’ll call the intangibles. I think the more women that I met off the line the more I focused on intangibles, and the more I focused on such things the more successful dates likely became. It’s not like I discarded physical attraction as part of my criteria and I couldn’t comment on what sort of objective concessions those I met were prepared to make, but a certain focus on certain objectives provided their own undeniable motivations.
Typically I tried to arrange meetings in a pub near my place. I had a couple reasons for this: I’m lazy and if things didn’t work out at least my place was just around the corner, and while I never stood anyone up, about ten percent of my dates were no shows. Besides, I think some of the women preferred meeting away from their neighborhoods in order to mitigate the risk of exposing a local hangout to a potential stalker. If no shows were an issue for me when meeting, the acquisition of a stalker seemed to be both the biggest and the more serious problem faced by that women.
The first woman that I spoke to about drinking my piss was a women that I’d just met on a date from the phone line. She was one of the exceptional women who I’d gotten off with over the phone, in limitless detail, who was still also into meeting. Though I’d never spoken to her about piss ahead of our meeting there were plenty of other themes that we touched on including fucking her ass in the ally around back of the bar.
I was in my early thirties and she was several years older in her late thirties. She was a petite 5′ 3′, blue eyed blond with over-sized facial features. This baseline description could an be built upon to describe a vision of erotic beauty, unfortunately for me I lacked that blueprint. Despite her clear willingness, maybe even an over willingness, in this case I wasn’t attracted to her at all.
Considering past conversations and the premise of our meeting, I unconvincingly told her at the end of date that I had a good time, but that I didn’t like sleeping with someone on the first date. Seriously, I can’t believe how lame I am at fabricating a plausible excuse on the spot. It really wasn’t even on the spot either, because I was trying to come up with something pretty much since the moment that she arrived. She did take the let down gracefully though, but when we when outside to hail her a taxi she said that before she left that she wanted a kiss. Not just a quick kiss, but a good one. To me if that’s what it took to end the date on a positive note, then I was fine it.
She wanted a little more privacy than crowded Danforth sidewalk and so did I, so we walked around the corner and by the ally behind a store called the Lucky Spot we kissed.
While I’ve often heard women talk and fixate on the quality of kiss, it’s not usually my focus or a big point of anticipation when I think of being with someone. I like kissing enough, but for me it’s usually more of a happy precursor or gateway to the more hardcore carnal drug of my imagination. This kiss though was incredible and attraction aside she had my cock stating to fill with blood. I’m not sure if it was her sloppy mouth, the effort that she made or the culmination of things, but if there was a little more privacy or if I had a few more beers I would have put her up against the wall and fucked her right there.
My brain was beginning to reconsidering my plans with her, but attraction aside, I had a feeling that she could be a post coital hassle. She’d spoken so bitterly of past relationships and their ongoing effects that I couldn’t help but see a theme of difficulty in her relationships. While I certainly could see the fun in taking her home with me, I just couldn’t help but feel that I would have been risking some unpredictable entanglements. I’m not always that sage or that cautious, so there really must have been some obvious signs that I was reading.
As a bit of a distraction, having just left the bar, I really needed to take a piss and aside from having a girl suck my pissing cock, I also happen to like when a girl holds my cock for me while I piss. So I told her that I needed to go and I asked her if she would like to take my cock out for me and hold it while I piss. She quite happily agreed and went straight to taking my cock out. She did struggle and fumble little getting it out, but the whole process of a girl fishing my cock out is thoroughly enjoyable to me. It’s a nice feeling to have someone hold your cock while you piss too. It’s mildly stimulating in a certain way that’s both soothing and erotic, especially when the piss is particularly strong relief.
The girl’s who’ve held my cock while I’ve pissed have always seemed so clinically absorbed in the curious process of managing a pissing cock that I haven’t always been able to make a determination on their level of arousal. She, however, was clearly enjoying it. She was slowly stroking my cock while I pissed and cupping and lightly squeezing my balls with her other hand. I never had a girl get her face so close to my cock while I pissed before, well other than the ex who suck it. When she wasn’t studying my pissing cock she’d stare up into my eyes like she was a horny slut happily miking my cum, except it just so happened to be my piss. I asked her as I was finishing if she liked it, to which she said replied with a breathy ‘yes’ and a squeeze of my shaft. I just had to put a couple of my fingers on the tip of my cock and wipe off the last dribbling drops of piss and offered my fingers to her accepting mouth. She sucked and licked my fingers like an audition. Then she asked if she could give my cock a kiss before it was put it away? ‘Ok,’ I said ‘but just a kiss’. Holding my cock toward her mouth, she ever so slightly parted her lips and kissed my piss moisten cock. If her earlier kiss was great this was better. Her mouth wasn’t open near enough to take in my cock, but just enough to maximize the touch of her lips over the surface of the head of my cock, It was a slow series of about five or six soft and moist gentle kisses to my cock. Then holding my cock she smiled and said ‘thank you’.
With second thoughts I glanced around the ally and it was just too busy and still too bright out to consider fucking her right there. I don’t mind fucking or playing in a place where there’s a risk of being seen or getting caught, but this place was just too residential and high traffic. Before we would have been finished there probably would have been a crowd of kids watching us like Wild Kingdom came to the neighborhood.
I was really considering bringing her home, but what I really wanted to do was jerk off in her mouth and then put her in a taxi. I just couldn’t figure out how to make such a one-sided proposition on the spot. In lieu of unloading in her mouth I showed uncharacteristic resolve and put my cock away. We walked back to the street and I put her in a cab and I walked home. I jerked off thinking about the alternate reality. I imagined looking her in her eyes and asking if she’d like to ride home with the taste of my cum in her mouth?
She called me when she got home and we were both extremely horny. A little too late I asked if she would have liked to have sucked my cock in the ally and driven home with her tongue and throat coated with my sperm? I wasn’t surprised to hear that she would have loved to. When I asked she also said that she was turned on when I put my piss covered fingers into her mouth. ‘Would you have liked it if I had asked to have pissed in you mouth before your ride home’ I asked? ‘Oh yes, I would have done it, I wish you’d asked’ she said. Sigh!
Over the next few times we talked, we made plans to meet at a park not far from my place. Among the plans we made, I told her that every time I jerked off with her I would fill a section of an ice cube tray with my load. I would then bring the trays with me and serve my spermsicles to her in a glass to chill my piss. Kind of fucking weird I admit, but the thought of this little lady cabbing across town, so she could drink my piss and a couple of weeks worth of my sperm had me dizzy with anticipation.
Then one night on the phone with her, while in the process of producing another specialty ice cube, she asked me if I thought she was hot looking. I don’t think I’ve ever lied to a girl when it came to compliments. Normally there’s always something that impresses me that I can easily offer up, but unfortunately I wasn’t ready with anything for her. Not exactly in such words, but other than mentioning her sloppy mouth having a certain cum and piss guzzling appeal and the petiteness of her ass and how tight it would feel stretched around my cock, I really wasn’t prepared with what she needed to hear. It was like stumbling in the job interview process when it seemed that the job was all yours.
We were doing quite well when focusing on our plans, but beyond telling her about what a fun little ass fucking, cock sucking, cum and piss bucket she was going to be for me, I missed a really key element of what she needed needed to hear. As a guy I would have no problem if a woman were attracted to me only for how horny I made them feel, but clearly she didn’t appreciate my attraction to her being so limited to her ‘intangibles’. I lost her there and I couldn’t get her back.
In consolation though I came to understand then that there were girls out there who would be willingly drink my piss, I just needed to ask the right girl.

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