Daniel And Eric (Part One) free porn video

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Introduction: Okay… so its my first story, please dont judge too harshly. Its about a new vampire, Daniel, who has been sent to a safe house for humans and vampires called The Den just until he can gain control of himself. There he meets Eric… okay, so I hope you like it. Sorry about any spelling mistakes. Depending on how this one goes and if I have time I might write more (: I had lost track of time. I knew it was the early hours of the morning, that much I knew, but it had been hours, maybe even days, since I had last been outside. It was hard to keep track in this place. The ongoing music, the flashing lights, the smell of sweat, fear and lust as both vampire and human danced, their bodies writhing and rubbing together… you began loose track of things, reality became a blur.
I hadnt been a vampire for long, two or three years maybe, and my thirst or lust was not yet under complete control, nor were my impulsive actions, which could often lead to disputes among the older ones. As a result of my lack of control I had been placed here by the Elders Council, a group of vampires who were almost classed a royalty. It was the Elders who had thrown me in here, a nightclub run by vampires, and I was to stay here until I had gained control. To some it was a place to come and have fun, socialize and meet up with friends, for others – mainly humans – it was a new strange place full of beautiful people.
In short, it was a place where vampires usually came to find their Human… their pet, if you will. I had questioned whether or not it was legal, and after witnessing my first killing I had come to the conclusion that no, it probably was not.
The nightclub didnt have a name, the vampires often referred to it as The Den, although I was an outcast among vampires, I was just seen as the kid who got into trouble, rarely included in any of their conversations.

Mary, a fiery red head vampire with golden eyes strutted towards the bar, attracting all human and vampire, male and female attention. She was slim with curves in all the right places, she had a sweet smile, and a kind but hot tempered personality, she was nice to you if you were nice to her, but piss her off and she wouldnt even think twice about snapping your neck. To me she was a friend, she had taken me in when I first arrived at The Den.
Ah, mon cheri, she said as she approached the bar, her lips curved into a seductive smile as she battered her long eyelashes. Still no luck?
I shook my head, reaching down into one of the refrigerators to pull out a bottle of blood. I put it into the microwave as to warm it and turned my attention to the man standing next to her, he seemed almost dazed.
Is he okay? I asked Mary.
She shrugged as though the man was none of her concern. The two had been together for almost a year, even though Mary had a vampire life partner who probably loved her more than life itself, she still experimented with humans. To her humans were just blood bags with genitals, they were disposable.
The blond man stood next to her was named John, his blue eyes seemed glazed over and he was looking around, his panicked expression becoming more and more apparent.
Should I give him something? I asked her.
She shook her head before quickly taking his face between her hands and pressing her lips to his, her hand moving down to cup the bulge in his tight pants, their kiss was long and intimate and for a second I wondered whether or not I should perhaps look away. But she released him and whispered something in his ear, he nodded, bowed and then walked off without another word.
Youll find the right person soon, honey, she told me, hopping up onto a bar stool as though nothing had just happened. No one had taken any notice of them, the dancing had resumed, and over the pounding dance music small moans and cries could be heard.
I sighed, setting her bottle of blood down in front of her. I hope so.
Oh, look at you! Youre beautiful, who wouldnt want to be yours? It takes time, but you will find someone. Why not entertain yourself with a human until Mr Right comes along?
I grinned, feeling colour rise in my cheeks. I had to admit it, since I had become a vampire my physical appearance had somewhat improved. My hair, straight and dark had become more shiny, framing my face, my eyes had taken on a red glimmer although in the right light looked a vivid green, as for my lips, they had become full and a rich red, a contrast to my pale flawless skin. I had attracted attention of the newly changed females who had been sent to The Den, but girls werent my thing… another reason for me not to fit in. I was gay, and although vampires were a race that would never be classed as homophobic, it was hard to see which were straight and which werent. Besides, I wasnt one for making the first move. I was the shy, submissive sort.
Im not interested in humans, I said, craning my neck to look a the dancing humans in front of me. Look at them all… they all seem so breakable. What the point of it? Youre half way into fucking them and then they break.
Marys laugh was seductive as she leaned over, her full breasts almost hanging out of her low-cut summer dress. Theyre much more sturdy than they appear to be, I assure you. Although youre right to some extent, there are so much more things you are able to do with a vampire, she whispered, waving to her mate, Dante. Dante was a dark, brooding sort of fellow. The type of guy who locks himself in his room writing poetry and listening to sad music, he rarely speaks but whenever he does he makes girls practically swoon. You can tell hed be a great fuck just by looking at him.
Mary giggled as she hopped off her stood, grabbing her bottle of blood. Goodnight, Daniel, she said cheerfully, Im off to make love to my beautiful husband! And with that she was gone, running towards him in a blur.
I chuckled, turning around to stock the shelves with fresh glasses. The dance floor was busy, all the tables were occupied by couples and groups, everyone was busy having fun I doubted anyone would need me for a while.

I took my time stocking shelves, thinking over what Mary had said to me. I hoped she was right, I doubted I would be able to go on another year without a decent fuck, and having to resort to a human would have been a little more than embarrassing.
My last sexual experience had been with a shy, sweet guy when I was human. I had met him in a coffee shop and had asked if he would like to join me in having a few pints in the bar up the road. He had obliged and not long after we were fucking in the toilet cubicle of the small bar.
He had been a great ass fuck, as soon as the head of my erect cock popped into his tight hole I thought I was about to cum right there and then. Somehow I had managed to control myself. He had to bite his arm as to avoid screaming out in ecstasy. Not long after we were out of the bar, laughing together as we ran hand in hand to my small apartment not far away. We fucked long into the night, crying out each others name as we were hit with orgasm after orgasm, no doubt our cries were heard by my neighbours. We fell asleep holding each other, warm and content. Yet when I woke up he had left, the place he had been sleeping was cold. I never saw him after that but it was almost impossible to think about that night without getting a hard on.
Hey, cutie. When youre done daydreaming Ill have a Vodka and Coke, a voice called from near the bar. Cute ass, by the way.
I turned quickly, I had finished stocking shelves a while ago, I had mainly been stood rethinking my last fuck. I was blushing as I turned to face the guy in front of me.
The voice was that of a males, he was sat at the bar, confidence and dominance practically radiating from him as he flashed me a smile and sent a wink my way.
I nodded, blushing and served the man his drink without any questions, expecting him to take his drink and walk away without even a thank you. I appeared to be wrong, the man remained where he was, watching me with a small grin on his face.
He was attractive… oh God, he was attractive. His eyes were dark and secretive, his hair just a shade lighter than mine was straight and thick, sweeping across his face, framing his gorgeous cheekbones. Like just about every vampire, his skin looked pale and smooth to touch, his lips were full and red and always had that cocky half grin. Just sitting down I could tell he was tall, he was thin, although I was sure there would be muscles under his dark blue v-neck. He seemed overly comfortable, almost arrogant.

Are y-you going to drink that? I said, my voice barely a murmur, after ten minutes of him waiting to take a small sip.
He looked down at his drink as though he had forgotten it was there in the first place. He shrugged. Probably not. I just need a reason for being here.
I nodded. There are plenty reasons over there, I told him, jerking my chin in the direction of a group of human girls who had obviously taken a liking to him, each were scantly dressed.
Them? he looked over lazily, his expression almost bored. Oh, please. Look at them for fuck sake. Theyre… flimsy. Besides, he continued looking up at me, his crooked grin returning, They wouldnt know how to handle me.
No? I said, folding my arms across my chest and leaning against the bar.
Nope. I doubt they have much experience, and as for stamina… maybe two or three hours. And… I want something thatll last.
I nodded, finally understanding. The guy wasnt talking about a human pet that he could play with for a few hours, no, he was talking about a potential life partner.
How old are you? he asked. You seem kinda young.
I raised my eyebrows. And what makes you say that?
He chuckled, leaning closer. The way you hold yourself, the defensive stance, the timid way you speak… your gaze is downcast, youre obviously a submissive. Submissives are usually younger.
Im twenty-three. I was turned when I had just turned twenty-one, I told him, almost embarrassed he had managed to figure me out so quickly.
Awwh! He clasped his hands together, laughing. Twenty-three! Youre still a baby.
I rolled my eyes, this was the general reaction, only less admiring. To most I was seen as a burden.
Well how old are you? I questioned.
One-hundred and fourteen, he said still laughing. He shrugged, Not that old, I know… but cmon, Im at least triple digits. And with that he burst into another fit of giggles.
I couldnt help but smile.
The dancers were still busy grinding and groping. A girl in a pair of thongs and a loose knit top was giving her vampire a lap dance at the closest table as a louder song came one, filling the club with screeching guitars, drums and screams. No one looked ready to come to the bar yet.
The vampire in front of me stopped laughing and looked up at me, his playful grin still there. I love this music! he declared.
Yeah? I never took you you for the loud, screamy music type of guy I told him. I looked down at him glass that had somehow become empty… odd, I hadnt seen him drink it. Should I get you another reason for being here? I asked.
No… he said, his voice now quiet. You can come and dance with me though.
My stomach flipped, he was asking me to dance with him… and by dance he meant go over to the dance floor with him and do what the rest of them over there were doing grinding and groping.
I swallowed. I-I cant. I mean, Id like to, but I cant, my shift isnt over. If my boss catches me hes probably gonna extend the amount of time I have to spend here. Or…or reduce my wages or some crap.
He looked at me, his dark eyes seemed to go right through me. Do you want to dance with me? he asked,
I nodded.
He grinned, hopping down from his stool and walking over to open the hatch and step behind the bar, his movements graceful and fluent. Great, he said, taking my hand.
Im not allowed, I told him desperately as he dragged me out from behind the bar and towards the crowd of moving bodies.
Sure you are. I have authority here, youre fine. Besides, no one even wants serving. He was right about that.
The large nightclub had three floors, the first was this: a large open room with flashing lights, loud music and a bar to intoxicate the human pets. Upstairs was a relaxing room with bean bags, comfy chairs and large TVs and beds, it was usually where couples went to fuck… there was something about being watched, being in public, that was always a big turn on for most of us here. The third floor was a place I had never visited, although according to Mary it was a place of punishment, a place where human pets and submissive vampires were punished. The thought of it made me shiver, it had always been described as big, cold and sterile. It sounded like a morgue.

We hadnt been on the dance floor for long when he finally did it. His hands had a firm hold on my hips as our bodies pressed together, our crotches grinding against one anothers. My arms had reached up to wrap around his neck, resting on his shoulders and crossing at the wrists as they tangled in his soft hair.
Tell me your name, he called over an Asking Alexandria song.
My name? I leaned up to speak into his ear, my cheek brushing against his. Daniel.
Daniel, I heard him repeat.
I nodded, taking the opportunity to press myself closer to him.
Eric, he told me, his hand moved up and cup my cheek as he leaned away for a second, his eyes searching into mine.
For a moment I was lost, I didnt know how to act or what to say, and so I stood, I stood listening to the song and peoples moans of both pleasure and pain and I waited. And that was when it happened, that was when he pressed his lips securely to mine. It took my breath away for a second, everything seemed to go quiet, all of the writhing bodies seemed to evaporate around me. It was just me and him. Daniel and Eric.
Then it was as though someone had flipped a switch and everything had come to life. The music seemed louder, everything was so clear and fast. Eric tensed up and I had to remind myself to move otherwise he was going to loose interest. Move! Fucking move! My brain cried, ordering my hands to run through his hair, therefore pulling him closer. I shivered as his tongue traced my lips and began to ease them open, his hips pressed against mine and I gasped as his need became evident. I relaxed as our tongues met, it was warm and sweet and I felt nothing but security as his other hand moved down to tightly grip my ass. His presence was intoxicating, I had never understood why the vampires and human act like they did when in a situation like this, so hungry and animal-like, but now, with Erics fangs softly grazing my lower lip and his growing member pressed against mine… it took all of my effort not to rip his clothes off right there.
He took my bottom lip into his mouth and suckled on it before biting down hard, his fangs piercing the skin. I moaned in surprise, shaking as a guttural sound escaped from deep within him and he bit harder. His tongue quickly flickered over the small cuts he had made, his pupils quickly dilated as he got a quick taste of blood before his saliva had managed to increase the already quickened healing process.
You taste wonderful, he told me, his hand moving from my ass to my crotch. Without warning he cupped me and began massaging, his forehead pressed against mine, his cool sweet breath on my face as his crooked grin reappeared. It was too much, I didnt know how to handle it anymore, the pleasure was building up and I couldnt even find the strength to tell him to pause for a second.
The music changed to an Escape The Fate song as another moan escaped me and my knees gave way. Eric grabbed me effortlessly and dragged me over to a secluded area, it was far more private with two black armchairs and a white coffee table in between them. I was slightly shocked when my mind conjured up an image of Eric throwing me roughly onto the table, ripping my clothes off and shoving himself inside of me with one quick deep thrust. I felt myself harden even more, my balls throbbing. The way my body responded was what shocked me even more, the thought of being fucked painfully hard by a stranger was tuning me on even more. Only Eric wasnt a stranger, or at least he didnt feel like one.
He sat down side-ways on one of the armchairs and flung his long slim legs over the armrest, leaning back against the other. He grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him, chuckling probably at my expression as I landed onto his lap, his bulge pressing against my backside.
He kissed my cheek once before be began stroking the hair back from my face, his eyes looking deep into mine.
My groin yearned for his touch, the thought of his perfect full lips wrapped around my shaft, his tongue caressing the head of my cock… the sound as I thrust into him and it hit the back of his throat. The thought of cumming into his mouth and deep into his throat, to see him swallow my load and then lick my cock clean… it made my breath ragged.
He propped himself up on his elbow, his fingers teasingly tracing invisible patterns along the inside of my thigh and up to my crotch and then back down again. He cocked his head to the side as he spoke quietly, Am I going too fast?
I shook my head, Definitely not. Not fast enough…
He smiled, Good.
I couldnt control myself any longer, I took his face in my hands and I kissed him, kissed him as though my life depended on it. It was probably the wrong thing to do, I was the submissive one and the was the dominant one, two important roles played in the vampire world. Every couple had one of each. If my impulsive actions angered him he didnt show it, instead he came back with just as much force, his tongue caressing mine, probing my mouth as his hand, once again, cupped me. With a startled moan I fell onto him, clinging onto his v-neck as the massaging increased.
His breathing was heavy as his hand slid inside my jeans and underwear, his long slender fingers finally wrapping around my shaft.
God… youre huge, his voice was barely a whisper, filled with overwhelming desire and hunger.
My cheeks were tinged with a light pink as he continued, our lips would often brush against each others as I clinged to his v-neck. He cradled me, brushing the hair from my face and making soft Shush-ing noises whenever my moans increased in volume a little too much, he didnt seem mad though, just happy and slightly amused.

Having fun, Eric? it was a new voice, male… not too old. I gasped, I knew my cheeks would be a bright red, no doubt they would get redder if I turned to face the man.
Eric chuckled, his strokes did not falter though, they remained the same slow, almost torturous pace as he greeted his friend. Oh, lots of fun. This is my friend, Daniel. Daniel this is my old friend, Shaun.
I didnt look over my shoulder at the man named Shaun, too ashamed. Eric was still rubbing and I was afraid what might happen if I moved or talked, afraid I would loose control.
Its very nice to meet you, Daniel, Shaun said politely, his tone friendly as I heard him walk towards the other armchair and sit down.
I still wasnt able to answer him.
Erics grip on my cock tightened, suddenly there was a pain I hadnt felt in a long time, the feeling caused my to bury my head deeper into his chest, letting out a small muffled cry as my hands balled into fists.
Baby, say hello to my friend, Erics voice was endearing, if his grip had not been so hard I probably would have dismissed the threatening undertone.
Hello, my voice was strained. I cleared my throat, Hello Shaun. Its nice to meet you.
I could hear the smile in Erics voice as his grip loosened and he began to rub my cock gently, his fingers were caring and soft as he spoke, almost as though they were petting it better. Good boy. Shaun, its been a while. How have you and Audrey been?
Eric delved into deep conversation with Shaun, I paid little attention to it as my main focus was not to cum all over Erics arm in front of one of his friends. I was unable to keep in the small moans as Erics touch sent waves of pleasure surging through my body, I buried my face into his chest, inhaling his sweet scent. It was beyond embarrassing and usually I would have walked away, regardless of whether or not I was receiving a hand job. But with Eric… it was different. His presence alone was intoxicating.
Finally finally! – Shaun left and once again we were alone, my first thought was whether or not I was about to get told off for my behaviour, but instead Eric praised me.
Good boy, he repeated, it was weird what the phrase did to me, I felt happy. Good boy, Daniel. Its understandable that you would be nervous, youve never done this before. Its okay.
I shivered, his voice was soft and quiet and for a moment I felt the overwhelming security again, I was safe, I was with Eric and so, therefore, nothing bad would happen. Eric would make things okay.
Grinning, he lifted my from his lap and seated me upright on the armchair, tugging my jeans down without any hesitation whatsoever.
Eric! I protested, although made no attempt to cover myself from him.
What? Cmon, like they care! he said, gesturing to the crowd of dancing vampires and their pets. Besides, Ive been wanting to do this since I saw you talking to your redhead friend. Dont tell me youre going to deny me my one wish… His tone was still playful as he pulled his v-neck over his head and tossed it to the floor, revealing a nice set of abs I longed to stroke. He unbuttoned his skinny jeans as he knelt on the floor between my legs, muttering something about an erection in skinnies being awfully uncomfortable.
Once again his fingers wrapped around me, I closed my eyes, letting out a low moan as his lips wrapped around the head of my cock. I felt as though I was about to loose control, my balls throbbing as they tightened, the familiar heated feeling at the base of my cock. Eric chuckled, sending vibrations down my shaft, I cried out and squeezed my eyes shut.
Please… Eric please! Stop teasing me, I c-cant take it any longer! I almost shouted out as the warm wetness of his tongue trailed from the bottom of the underside of my cock all the way up to the head. He finally gave in to my plea and fit me into his mouth, his head bobbed up and down as his lips wrapped tighter, taking more of me each time until he had made his way to the hilt.
I was unable to keep myself from making tiny thrusts, crying out for more and I gripped a handful of his soft hair. Eric made the occasional muffled moan and I would reach down and caress him for a minute.
It was wonderful when it came, the orgasm sending me into a wave of ecstasy as I pumped load after load down Erics throat. He was unable to refrain from thrusting harder into him, becoming even more joyful when his muffled moans turned into breathless gagging. He pulled back, my cum still in his mouth and now running down his chin as he took deep breaths. He swallowed what was left in his mouth and licked his lips clean before finally pressing his lips against mine.
You, I told him as he chuckled against my mouth, Are just a big tease.
He playfully apologised as he licked any remaining cum from my cock and the armchair, he was still topless but he didnt seem to mind.
I was pulling on my pants while trying to shield myself from the dancing crowd, thankful for the loud music that was blasting out of the speakers when Eric bent down and looked into my eyes again.
Would you like to help me? he asked.
Help you? I questioned as he nodded slowly, taking my hands in his. What… what do you mean?
I mean… would you like to come back to my room with me and help me?
Ohh. The penny had dropped. I nodded, my grip on his hands tightening.
Are you sure? he asked, his eyes darkening, his expression slightly grim. I… I dont know if I could control myself with you. I might not be gentle, Daniel.
My body is yours, I told him, surprised at how confident my voice sounded. Do what you want to me.
He gave me a look I couldnt quite figure out before he grabbed me by the arm, my jeans barely done up, his top still on the floor, and dragged me past the dancing crowd. We ran at inhumane speeds over to the far corner of the large room and down a corridor. I had never been down here before, my sleeping quarters had been somewhat uncomfortable, for me a bed was a luxury. The corridor was dark, the walls covered in modern paintings, it seemed to go on forever until finally we came to some doors. I shoved his key into one of them and unlocked the door in less than a second, his hands shaking as he pushed me inside. I stumbled over my own feet and fell onto the floor, landing oddly and hurting my wrist. It healed quickly, a bruised wrist could wait, Eric and his cock was my main thought.
Erics room was small and light, the lamps glowed softly. In the corner stood a large flat screen TV and opposite was a plush golden couch, the rest of the room was filled with desks and small drawers cluttered with photos or pieces of paper or candles.
He wasted no time, quickly stepping over me and towards another room, he clicked his fingers, his voice loud and intimidating, Come, he said before vanishing into the room. I crawled after him, kicking off my shoes and pulling my grey t-shirt over my head, discarding it on the floor. He was stood in the middle of the room beside a large comfy-looking bed, his expression blank. He clicked his fingers again, the sound cracked through the air, sharp and quick.
Crawl to me, he ordered, his voice was soft, but there was no mistaking the quiet deadly undertone. I did as he said, arching my back as I crawled, my ass in the air. I got to his feet and stopped, bowing my head slightly.
In one quick motion he tore off my jeans, throwing them to the floor along with my underpants, I knelt naked at his feet, almost quivering as his hands began to roam my body. They started at my shoulders and slid down to my back, from their they carried on and finally gripped my firm ass, everywhere he touched felt like live wire, everything was so raw. He knelt down behind me his face hovering just above my asshole, I moaned loudly, my whole body shaking as I felt a stream of his warm spit land over my tight hole. He rubbed it around with his middle finger before he slowly slid it inside of me, the warm spit allowing it in with ease.
He went knuckle deep, allowing me just a second to adjust before quickly shoving his index finger in there, once both were knuckle deep he began making circular motions, stretching me as wide as he could. After pulling them slowly out he let another stream of warm spit cover my ass, I couldnt help but moan.
He moved back to standing in front of me, dragging me up by my hair and face to face with his now fully erect cock. Some time during the stretching he had removed his skinny jeans, and, God, was I glad. His cock was impressive in both length and girth and I was suddenly apprehensive about having him pound my ass with it.
Unless you want this to hurt then youre going to have to get it wet. Im out of lube, baby, he told me apologetically, stroking the hair back from my face soothingly.
Nodding, I did as he told me, letting a hot string of my own spit to fall down on to his head, after three long strings I rubbed it down. I had been wanting this all night the feel of his cock in my hands. It was good, the way his hand ran through my hair, the way he bit his lip as though trying to hold something in, the way his breathing quickened… they were things I had missed about sex in general.
I could feel his spit between my ass-cheeks, every time I moved it felt wonderfully warm and slippery. It wasnt long before his cock was sufficiently wet and I had begun to temporarily run out of spit, he grabbed my by the top of my arms and bent me over, pushing my face onto the bed, my feet still on the thick cream carpet. I felt one last string of his spit against my hole before he eased himself in.
My hands balled into fists, grabbing the sheets on his bed as the head of his thick cock popped I, he gave me barely a second to adjust to his size before thrusting the rest of himself in in one quick, long motion. I cried out in pain, it felt raw and wrong, as though if he continued he would surely tear something.
Its okay, baby, he murmured to me, his hands moving comfortingly along my back, then moving to grab my hips as he began thrusting into me with enough force to move the bed.
I felt myself harden again, it hurt, damn did it hurt, but it was the way my ass stretched around his huge cock that turned me on the most, the way it felt as though he could tear me badly if he wanted to. He continued thrusting, the thrusts were hard but at a medium pace, I knew he could go faster if he wanted.
My face was buried in his duvet and so my cries were muffled, I never knew how pleasurable pain could be.
Daniel… can I-can I speed up? he asked, his voice strained. It was obvious he would be cumming soon, filling my ass with streams of his hot, thick seed.
I nodded, preparing myself for what was about to come.
One of his hands moved to take a vice-like hold of my wrists, binding them together above my head, his other hand moving to hold my back, his nails digging into my pale flesh.
Arch your back for me, he demanded.
I obliged, gasping, as the movement stretched my hole even more, sending a sharp pain shooting through me, followed by a quick burst of pleasure.
His thrusts began to increase in speed, each stroke went right up to the hilt and soon the sound of my ass slapping against his hips along with my cries were all that could be heard.
I arched my back further and managed to tighten my ass muscles for him, oddly happy when I heard his moans of pleasure from it.
Mm… fuck, baby, youre so tight! Eric told me, his voice even more strained than last time as his thrusts continued to increase in speed, I knew he could go faster if he wanted to though.
Eric… I panted, raising my head up off the bed, I could feel his cock pulsing already and I knew what would soon happen. I also knew what would happen once I finished my sentence, his thrusts would quicken even more and it would hurt. But only for a short while, I knew he didnt have much longer left. Eric, fuck me! Fuck my ass harder, I want you. Oh God, harder! Yes… yes, fuck yes, thats it. Harder!
Eric had thrown me to the floor, he had me pinned down under him in less than a second and was pounding my ass as hard as he possibly could, the ground underneath us was beginning to shake. When he was no longer able to go faster he brought his hand down on my backside with a sharp thwack! I cried out as loud as I could as he repeated the action, leaving red marks all over my ass.
Eric! Eric yes! Cum inside me, Eric. Fill me with it! Please, oh, I need it so bad! I moaned as he drilled me against the floor.
Baby, youre so fucking tight! Ugh fuck, Im cumming! He called out, barely a second before his hot cum filled me, soothing the pains his cock had caused. He cried out and collapsed against me, his teeth sinking into my shoulder as his cock pulsed inside of me and he quivered with pleasure. His thrusts began to slow, and finally we were just two slumped bodies on the floor, holding onto one another as we shook. He stayed inside of me while we spooned on the floor, his cum slowly leaking from my ass and onto the floor, I reached around on more than one occasion, dipped my fingers into the small puddle and sucked it up, Eric seemed to find this amusing, I just found that it tasted nice.
I had fallen into a dream-like state. It wasnt sleep, I knew that, but still, I wasnt fully aware of Eric lifting me into his bed and putting the covers around me.
I woke feeling sore and not one-hundred per cent sure of my exact location, but I felt Erics arm around me and it all came flooding back… the bar, the dance, the blow job… Shaun… I quickly extinguished the memory of Shaun by occupying myself with Eric.
I turned around and lay facing him, his eyes were closed but I knew he wouldnt be asleep, vampires couldnt sleep. Just try and feel as warm and content as they could.
I kissed his nose. Hey, I whispered softly.
His crooked grin appeared before he opened his eyes, when he finally did open them he looked happy and alert. Hey! he whispered playfully, his eyes widening, making me smile. Does it hurt?
I shrugged, stroking his stomach, It doesnt really matter.
He sighed happily before quickly brushing his lips against mine. Under the covers our fingers entwined, making my smile widen, Eric leaned back and closed his eyes again as I buried my face against his bare chest.
Since I had been turned, Eric was the one good thing that had happened to me, I closed me eyes as we both purred softly, hoping that this was just the start of a very good thing.

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Eric or Erica

Recently, matty7853 and I got chatting about past lovers, and he asked if I had been with any transgender girls or femboys. I told him I had, and gave some details about a certain xHamster encounter some of you may recall (and who, I hope, will contact me again one day). He then asked about the two femboys I had been with, and it seems that my response was too wordy for xHam’s chat system. So, instead, I’ve decided to post it as a story - for Matty’s enjoyment and for yours. This takes the...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 36 Interlude Boneyard

Swybar lounged in the comfortable chair behind the conference table aboard the Red Dragon. Soon the requested supplies would arrive and make him a very dangerous man. The table was laid out with a light dinner. Both of his associates had joined him and both of them had been very respectful and lauded his genius. Swybar loved it when others realized just how smart and resourceful he was. Even the disguised Kermac treated him like an equal, as it was proper. He was no fool however and knew...

3 years ago
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Britney And Eric Are Horny Handfuls

POV: JoanI watched Britney get off the bed and to the door. "Hi, Daddy," she greeted him, before hugging him."Britney, you're naked," he whined, backing away."You had sex with her, Eric, you fucking horndog.""Are you still mad?" he asked, as she brought him in there with us."No, I'm not, but if I ever find out that you two pulled this shit again," I mentioned, before she had him sit on the bed next to me. "You will hurt me, got it?""Yes, I'm sorry, Joan."I kissed him, and as I did, I grabbed...

4 years ago
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Eric has a Redhaired Conundrum Part 2 of 2

“You are allowed pets in your apartment?” Eric’s father asked as he emerged from the bathroom.Eric, seated with his mother at the table, frowned and asked, “What are you talking about? What pet?”“There is a small black and furry creature crawling around behind your toilet,” Father grunted. “Must be a rat.”“Oh my God. You have rats?” his mother exclaimed.Eric smirked. “I don’t have rats. Dad is just making it up.”“Just because you don’t see rats, it does not mean that there are no rats,” Father...

Straight Sex
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Taking Lyndsi tandem written by Eric Lyndsi

This really cute and hot friend and I were having a conversation that turned way too naughty for people who are married, but not to each other. And finally he asked me to tell him my most exciting first-time with a new lover fantasy. Of course I got all blushy and couldn't. So I asked him and so did he. So I asked if he would write it and email or post here. And he did, but being a man (and OMG he is...) he glossed over the good parts. So I added my perspective and sent it back to him. I don't...

2 years ago
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Daniel Goes First Part 1

21 year old Daniel stood obediently as he listened to 42 year old Jennifer, his girlfriend of some months now, say to her friend Carol on the phone. “Yes Carol, Daniel has been so rude to me this morning and there really is nothing more for it, so I am going to spank him. I am just ringing as you and Jonathan are due come over in a while and I thought it best to delay by an hour.” After a question from Carol, Jennifer continued, “I know an hour sounds a long time but I really am so annoyed...

1 year ago
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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 5 Commander Ebor Letsgos Office Interlude

The commander stood at the window of his spacious office overlooking the lake and jungle with his hands clasped behind his back watching a group of cadets struggling with a heavy wooden log. They had to carry it over an obstacle course and only by working together could this task be achieved. This ancient time tested exercise promoted team work, group coordination and leadership. This exercise had been used by Navy trainers even before the Galactic Ascent on good old Earth. Of course it...

3 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart 6 Sir Eric Roberts of Atlantia

"Master?" Sir Eric Nicolas Roberts, Viscount of Atlantia, sighed, then mumbled, "Hmm?". "Is the Queen's castle much further?" His Excellency opened his eyes and looked down from his horse at his squire walking besides him. "Do you see it yet Squire?" "No Master, I do not," he said just before he clumsily stumbled. "Are you tired boy?" "No, not tired ... My left shoe has a hole in it, Master, and I keep getting pebbles in it." "Hop up here, then," Eric...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 7 American Spirit

The ‘American Spirit’ was nothing I expected a space ship to look from the inside. It was more like a luxurious villa, complete with garden, swimming pool and green lawn. We stepped through a glass sliding door under a blue sky with a single yellow sun and on the green plant surface he called grass, was a table with umbrella and a few garden chairs. Rolling hills with forests in the distance. “All simulated of course,” Alex explained. “The walls are actually only 30 meters from us, but I...

4 years ago
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Daniel Wolf reedited Part 5

All participants are over 18 years old Chapter 8 Part V This had been a long day, It had been all we could do not to drop everything and just fall on the floor and screw like the town dogs. But we had refrained since we didn't really want the city elders to die of embarrassment. But now as the door closed between them and us clothes began to fly. At first it seemed that the clothes that were flying belonged to Marlu. Daniel was almost frozen in time as he watched Marlu disrobe. As each...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 1 Alone

The last thing I remembered was the stinging prick into my neck and then a nauseating spinning sensation that dragged me into nothingness. I was supposed to perform an Orbital assault jump as part of the final challenge and to win the Reagan trophy for the Devastator. My friends and I equipped with heavy battle suits had boarded a Drop ship. Strapped into the drop rack, my suit malfunctioned and nothing worked. At first I believed I was dead, but I felt still nauseas and I opened my eyes....

2 years ago
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Daniel Goes First Part 2

Jennifer looked at her friend who scrunched her face up, bit her lip, and then looked at the floor. No resistance from her then thought Jennifer. Well well. 42 years old and about to be spanked, after all the things she had said in the kitchen. How about that then she thought?   Marion sat on the same chair Jennifer had occupied a few moments ago and ordered Carol to stand by her side.   “Undo your skirt and take it off and your knickers please” Marion said so matter of factly anyone would...

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Daniel Goes First Part 2

Jennifer looked at her friend who scrunched her face up, bit her lip, and then looked at the floor. No resistance from her then thought Jennifer. Well well. 42 years old and about to be spanked, after all the things she had said in the kitchen. How about that then she thought?  Marion sat on the same chair Jennifer had occupied a few moments ago and ordered Carol to stand by her side.   “Undo your skirt and take it off and your knickers please” Marion said so matter of factly anyone...

2 years ago
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Daniel and Me Alone

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, I drifted through a park on the other side of town. There was a pick up basketball game going, I stopped and watched for a while. The guys playing, one team wearing t-shirts the other team no shirts. It was humid and the boys were ringing with moisture by the time I arrived, I sat under a tree near some other guys and girls. As the guys played, you could tell that some had skills and others were promising. I got caught up in the game and lost sense of those...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Authors note: For those who read a story that I wrote that sounds similar to how this comes. This story has a different ending. This story is not as detailed as some of my others, but it is a bit of fun. ------------------------------------------------ Daniel one of the school toughs walked through the halls like he owned them. Daniel wasn't the biggest boy at the school, but he was the toughest. He wore jeans, a t-shirt with a rock band graphic, athletic socks, sneakers and a bad...

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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 5

Chapter 5The InvitationWhen Daniel and Adrian arrived at the dinner party all the other quests had already arrived. They were socializing enjoying a drink and looking at the extensive art collection of the middle aged couple. The host couple, Donna and Tom Radford was smartly dressed and each was rather beautiful in their own way.Donna was a brunette and wore a form fitting dress which accented her slim body. Donna smiled with a twinkle in her eye as she greeted both Adrian and Daniel. The...

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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 2

Chapter 2The PartyAt the end of their successful meeting Serge invited Adrian and of course Daniel to a party at the home of his employer for that evening. It was an event with a large number of people invited from the arts and business community artists, buyers and supporters of the arts and some musicians and a few from the theatre community. Adrian and Daniel arrived together and Daniel looked spectacular with his new hair style and wearing one of the new outfits which were purchased that...

1 year ago
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Daniel Lies

21 year Daniel watched as Jeff argued with his wife Beverley. Daniel didn’t argue with Jennifer though but stood very quietly knowing that quite soon he will be told to follow his 42 year old girlfriend to the spare room where he will be put across her lap and have his bare bottom spanked. Very hard.  He watched as the husband and wife had a real slanging match. Both in their 40’s and have been married for years. Jeff hadn’t wanted to see the film anyway. It was a love story. No action. Daniel...

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Daniel Lies

21 year Daniel watched as Jeff argued with his wife Beverley. Daniel didn’t argue with Jennifer though but stood very quietly knowing that quite soon he will be told to follow his 42 year old girlfriend to the spare room where he will be put across her lap and have his bare bottom spanked. Very hard. He watched as the husband and wife had a real slanging match. Both in their 40’s and have been married for years. Jeff hadn’t wanted to see the film anyway. It was a love story. No action....

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Eric and Donna Save the Last Dance For Me

The Adventures of Eric and Donna: Save the Last Dance For Me! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eric's life-long friend Steve bounded down the outside cellar stairs towards Eric's basement, the default hang out for all of Eric's friends since elementary school. As was the custom, he walked in without bothering to knock, jumped over the back of the sofa, and landed on the cushion next to Eric. As was also their custom, he referred to Eric...

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The Seduction and Enslavement of Young Innocent Eric

The Seduction and Enslavement of Young, Innocent Eric: The Path to Total Control I knew what I was thinking was evil. But still, I couldn't convince myselfit would be wrong, not with the excitement, sexual and otherwise, that I feltwhen I thought about it. Marion, my office assistant of nearly five yearshad just died prematurely from cancer. She had been a single, overprotective motherof a shy 16-year boy named Eric. They had had no other relatives, eventhe father, if he was even known, was...

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Daniel Rupert and Justin

    The Castle was nearly deserted. They had completed the last day of filming on the last of the ?Boy Wizard? films. It was over. The place was quiet except for the grunts and moans coming from dark corner of the awesome old fortress.  The moans came from female star Emma, the grunts from a naked sweaty Rupert who was fucking the shit out of her. He slammed his huge red haired dick into her stretched pussy, his pale muscular ass globes gleaming in the moonlight pouring through a high narrow...

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Daniel aka Danni A Little Cheer Story

Foreword: I thought I'd attempt to write a cheerleader themed story. Although I've seen cheerleading happen at football (soccer) matches, I don't think it's very big in the UK, however I've seen that there are UK-based sites/suppliers, so it is a thing for sure. So, I'm coming at it from a position of relative ignorance, please take that into account if you will. I'm not versed in the cultural significances that it may hold to the US reader, or the realities. My naivety may be a good or...

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1.01 Eric and Nicole: 1.02 Eric, Nicole, Harness Preparation: 1.03 Nicole, Harness, Bidet, Vaginal Preparation: 1.04 Eric, Harness, Bidet, Rectal Preparation: 1.05 Nicole, A Silicone Love Affair: 1.06 Eric, A Silicone Love Affair: 1.07 Nicole, Harness, The Girl, Fisting: 1.08 Eric, Harness, The Boy, Mating: 1.01 Eric and Nicole: Eric and Nicole are anti Gay and Lesbian activists. They also campaigned for the closing of adult businesses that sell sexual oriented material,...

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Daniel Effeminate College Student

Chapter 1The BeginningDaniel, an Italian boy in his late teens is starting a fine arts program at a college in the US. He had been awarded a full scholarship as part of an exchange program with the international arts community. He arrives before classes begin and has to stay in a hotel at his expense as the residence on campus in not available for a week. He is happy to be there as this is freedom for the boy as he can now begin to express his true desires to be gay and effeminate. At home it...

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Donnie And Eric

"Oh, fuck James, Donnie, fill up my glass," I whined, putting it out."Gwen, I know you're hurting," Donne pointed out, slanting the bottle down and pouring the wine. "I'm just saying, don't go nuts.""I'm not going nuts, I'm getting drunk, there's a huge difference, Donnie," I groaned before turning my head. "You get me right, Eric?""He kind of has a point. We're on our third bottle now, and you've drunk most of the first two," Eric reminded me, rubbing my arm.Then they both...

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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 6

Chapter 6The CruiseDaniel and Fabio arrived at the cruise ship at four o'clock just in time to get to the suite and get settled away just as their luggage arrived. It was a comfortable room on the port side with a balcony. They were informed that there was always a happy hour in the bars on the ship from 4 to 7 each evening. Supper was served in two seating's the early at 6:00 and then a later one at 8:00 PM. As they were dressed for the happy hour and were assigned the early sitting they...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 4

Chapter 4More to LearnSunday morning around 11:00 Daniel awoke from a long well deserved and needed sleep. He was lying back thinking about the previous evening and trying to recollect what had transpired. He remembered in the afternoon going to the pool and meeting Campbell with the huge cock showing in his Speedos and Arthur the cute boy of East Indian heritage. Later he went to the party at their apartment and was chatting and socializing with their friends mostly gay guys who were super...

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Eric has a Redhaired Conundrum

(Not quite) the beginning...“Ooh! Oh, fuck, baby! Like that! Yeah! Harder! Uhr! Oh, god! Oh, god! C’mon, baby! Fuck me! Like that! Yeah! Uhr-uhn! Huhrr! Oh, shit! Fuck!”Eric sat quietly on the sofa across from the television, unable to find a comfortable position on the beaten cushions. With his fingers interlocked on his lap, he melted against the cushy, round arm of the old sofa, keeping a wide gap between him and Millie seated by the opposite arm.Every few minutes, he shifted his eyes to the...

Straight Sex
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Daniels Fantasy

At home doing a break from school, my folks neighbor Mister Henry, found out that I let guys take me for sex. He took full advantage of this knowledge by having me at first service him and then his nephew and other guys he knew. I was over at Mister Henry's and had just finished an all day session with him and one of his so called 'cousins'. The both of them had taken me separately and then together, having me suck one while the other rode my butt. I was tired and exhausted when Mister Henry...

2 years ago
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ERIC Eric had just turned 14 in June. As with most 14 year old males, Eric was small and thin, a boy growing into a man's body. Confused about who he was and what he had changed into. Puberty does that to young males. He liked girls but was he was very confused. One of his best friends was Joey, or as she preferred to be called now Mary Jo. Again puberty does that. Confusion reigned in the lad's life. Eric lived at home with his parents. His mother was a homemaker, his dad...

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Daniel Gary and I

(This story is true, just the names, places and times are changed to keep from exposing the participants other then me from embarrassment.) I knelt before Daniel as he stood over me glaring down with a wicked smile on his lips...his words were like a knife as he spoke '...undo my zipper and kiss my dick like it's made of sugar and honey. My be you'll even get to suck some of it's honey out before and after I fuck you, now get busy...' Even tho tears were forming in my eyes my heart skipped with...

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Eric Shelly and Tim Foot Fetish Trio

It is late evening; Eric approaches the hotel room door, key in hand, and opens it into a lit room with Shelly passed out on the bed. An empty bottle of wine and a glass are on the night stand; Shelly is half under the covers with her legs sticking out and her shod feet hanging over the edge of the bed.“Holy fuck!” Eric says under his breathEric ducks back out of the room, closing the door gently, and retrieves his cell fone from his pocket. He dials Jim on the phone and says, in hushed...

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Daniel in the Lions Den

Daniel In The Lions Den                          By  dale10     Across the desk from me sat one of the three or four most famous young movie actors in the world. The desk served several purposes, one of which was to hide my painful hard-on from intimidating the client too soon. Oh, he would be intimidated all right, but not right off. Start things slowly. He was not directly across the desk. His chair was placed back about five feet in a circle of carefully adjusted lighting. By having him...

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Daniels Passion

One day, just before lunch, I was headed for my third period class when Daniel took hold of my left elbow and pushed me into a stairwell. The other students passed by us as if nothing was going on at all. Daniel leaned into me as I tried to back away and whispered '...now you know why I'm here...You need to come and go with me now and satisfy my needs before I get mad...here give me your hand...' Without my approval Daniel took hold of my right hand and pulled it to his crotch. Daniel was...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 8 Command Seat

The Attack came totally unexpected. The scanner operator of the American Dream was watching GalNews about the space battle between Dai, Nogoll and Union forces like everyone else on the bridge and thus missed the fast approaching contact. I was still sitting in the Command chair, while the main viewer showed high definition recordings of the space battle of Union Fleet against the Dai and the Nogoll. Titanic fists shock the yacht so violently that Calia Lethra, Alex and everyone else...

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EmergenceChapter 2 Sir Eric Roberts of Atlantia

“Master?” Sir Eric Nicolas Roberts, Viscount of Atlantia, sighed, then mumbled, “Hmm?” “Is the Queen’s castle much further?” His Excellency opened his eyes and looked down from his horse at his fourteen-year-old squire James walking beside him. “Do you see it yet, squire?” “No, Master, I do not,” he said just before he clumsily stumbled. “Are you tired, boy?” “No, not tired. My left shoe has a hole in it, Master, and I keep getting pebbles in it.” Eric commanded, “Hop up here,...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 5 Grandfather

Mr.Flensburger was now gone for a week and we had a new teacher. Mr. Walters was his name and he was much different to the jovial and gentle Mr. Flensburger. He was stern and had a no nonsense approach. This Monday morning, right by the main doors I saw Yngve Lofdahl waiting for me. He had a busted; bleeding lip and his left eye was swelling. Like me he was wearing a fur vest over a linen tunic that reached halfway to the knees, linen breeches and boots. Usually he always looked like he wore...

2 years ago
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How about Eric

"How about Eric?" she offered.  My girlfriend, Michelle (sometimes just "Chelle") and I were lying in bed, our sweat and other fluids drying and our heartbeats slowly returning to normal after a pretty adventurous little romp together. This particular evening of youthful exploration had "climaxed" with me sliding a vibrator that we had been using during foreplay into her ass while I was already inside of her, simulating double penetration. We'd never done this before but we had been trying more...

Group Sex
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Daniels Birthday Gift

I had been taken to an abandoned building by Charlie, Bruce and Daniel, I feared that they would ravish me against my will, as I was not allowed to go my way. Through conversation I found that I was to be Daniels' birthday gift, Bruce and Charlie made it excruciating clear that Daniel would have his way with me first... Daniel lifted my buns and spit into his hand and smeared the substance over my bung hole. Bruce positioned my head over his crotch and cautioned '...bite me and you want have...

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Lynn and Eric

Introduction: Incest fun between a brother and sister Lynn and Eric My best friend, Eric, had a sister, Lynn, with whom he had incest. They played a game called Get Your Rocks Off whereas she would lie beside him and they would mutually masturbate each other until orgasm. Of course, being a young girl, she wasnt able to have a real one, and my friend hadnt been producing sperm at the time, so it was just to make each other feel good. Well, as time progressed, the siblings became more daring...

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Daniel Wolf Part 6

Chapter 10 Hours later Daniel and the rest of his Cadre entered the clearing to find the Moses Family. Mal the head of the family did as Will had said and began his tale leaving nothing out. Daniel read the note Will had left. Three of the soldiers nearest to the girls size gave them extra pants and shirts. Corporal Chivey was assigned to escort them back to Fox Wood. He picked two men and departed with the family. He also had been given orders to conract the potion Mistress to test the...

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Blind Date For Eric

The small apartment was quiet as Eric settled down to an evening of television. He was looking forward to a night to himself after a long week of teaching at the Wood County Police Academy. His specialty was self-defense, but he taught all aspects of police work. It had been an especially tough week where things went wrong when they shouldn’t have and things didn’t get done when they should have. All in all, he was tired and sore and didn’t want to be bothered for a few days. Flipping through...

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Eric and Vanessa Chapter One Rainy Sunday Night Fun

Eric took a sip of the hot tea from the mug that he held. His handswrapped around them as though the warmth seeping through the ceramic would drive away the slight chill and damp drifting in the open window of his home office, on the second floor of the house. The late-August rainstorm had been soaking the earth since the late morning but instead of the smell of the earth and of new growth that he had so enjoyed earlier in the year, now the rains brought the smell of autumn and of leaves...

3 years ago
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Lynn and Eric

My best friend, Eric, had a sister, Lynn, with whom he had incest. They played a game called “Get Your Rocks Off” whereas she would lie beside him and they would mutually masturbate each other until orgasm. Of course, being a young girl, she wasn’t able to have a real one, and my friend hadn’t been producing sperm at the time, so it was just to make each other feel good. Well, as time progressed, the siblings became more daring and he was beginning to produce semen. He got to where he was...

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Eric Helps Out

I'd first like to say a big thanks to the person that gave me this idea for my story. Although I can't remember their name for the life of me, I have borrowed some ideas and situations from their original. It was from a story I read a while ago. I can't find the story now and if anyone has a clue as to who it was, please let me know so I can give them proper credit. [email protected] This story deals with adult situations and subject matter. If you are not of age, do not...

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Sharing my Wife A Weekened with Eric and Ginger

This story is a continuation of, "Sharing my Wife: An Evening with Ginger and Eric" We didn’t get a chance to see Eric and Ginger over the next couple weeks, but whenever we made love, we still fantasized, pretending we were with them. We were both hot for this other couple. Michelle didn’t ever expect to ever be able to carry it any further than we had at dinner, but I had other ideas if Ginger was still willing. Michelle’s fantasizing and my anticipation made for some very hot lovemaking...

Wife Lovers
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Daniel and Ashley Jack and Lauren

Daniel and Ashley were an ordinary couple. Daniel was around 5”11, average weight, nice length cock and not that muscular. Ashley was 5”5 with D cup breasts, a bit thicker than Daniel. They also loved Exhibitionism. They would drive about with Ashley half naked, sometimes completely naked if she was feeling horny, masturbating and leaving her big natural breasts on show for people to glance at as they drove past in the night. This night was different, this was going to be their most exciting...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Eric Agent of Allies

Eric: Agent of Allies An Axis and Allies Story by Chrissy and Caleb Jones Part One: Somewhere in the Atlantic... by Chrissy Eric sat at the main ops of the Allies base somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic. It was a quiet day and he had spent it going through some reports whilst listening to serene classical music. He thought back to those few months ago when Chrissy, his 1st Officer had left on extended holiday. He wished she would return. Then she could fill out these...

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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 14

Chapter 14Back HomeDaniel arrived to catch his flight at the airport accompanied by Terry. Fabio and Harris arrived also at the same time. They surprised him with a gift if a First Class ticket for his flight home. Fabio was not flying back with Daniel as he was continuing his vacation with Harris. All three of his new friends wished him well and suggested that he look in the private lounge for business and first class passengers. They all hugged and said they would stay in touch.Daniel was...

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Erics Problem Adult Friends 11

Eric and I had worked for the same company for 10 years and hadsurvived several retrenchments, down-sizings, and reductions in force,probably because we were very good at our jobs. Company politics beingwhat they were, only our competence kept us employed, because we weren'tattached to any of the power cliques that seemed to determine companypolicy. In short, we were too low on the totem pole to be chummy with theexecutives who decided the future of the company. We were both field...

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Daniel And Me Alone2

'Daniel,' I gasped 'I can't take you, you are too big, you'll cause me to bleed,' I pleaded. Daniel tried to kiss my face again as I turned away and stuck his tongue in my ear. 'Don't you worry bitch, I'm not gonna hurt your tight little boi pussy.' 'From here on, I don't want nobody fucking this pussy but me, you hear!' 'Yes, Yes sir,' I whimpered. Daniel whispered in my ear 'when we fucking, you call me baby and daddy. We'll get along just find if you do that, let me hear you.' Sobering...

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Eric has his tonsils removed

Author unknown.One by one, these c***dren from the ward were taken to the bathroom for a bath in the order they were being operated on and really thick nappies applied so that their legs were spread apart like a frog from the thicknesses between their legs. While they were in the bathroom, their beds were made with clean sheets so that they were clean for theatre. The c***dren came back on the trolley without gowns on and were placed in bed and covered up. It was Eric's turn to be taken into...

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Daniel and Madelyn

Daniel is one of my good friends and we were planning on hanging out. He informed me that his girlfriend, Madelyn would be at his house as well. I didn't mind it because I had know her since I was born. Madelyn was a short skinny girl who's in competition cheerleading. She was barely a B cup with a small but very cute bubble butt. Just by looking at her, you know any hole you put your dick in, it was going to be super tight. Daniel was your regular guy who I knew from past experience had a...

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