Office Slave: Chapter 2 - Security free porn video

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"Oh no you won't need them. Just your shoes and coat!" Toby said pointing at the coat stand. She looked at him reluctantly.

"Go on! Put your coat on!" Toby shouted firmly. And like a naughty school girl Rachel shuffled over to the coat stand. She took extra care to make sure her coat was done up tight. Lucky that she had put on her long black coat that morning she thought. Meaning all of her modesty was covered.

Meanwhile, Toby quickly grabbed everything up and made sure no evidence was left behind. He also grabbed everything for the presentation tomorrow as they wouldn't be coming back into the office in the morning.

"Go on! Walk in front of me! And no funny business." Toby warned as they waited for the lift.

Soon the lift doors pinged open and Rachel was pushed inside. Toby looked at her in the mirror. Rachel looked very elegant in her long coat, with her smooth pale legs contrasting seductively with the black material. Rachel backed into the corner, but as the doors slid shut, Toby stepped right up to her. She felt the flaps of her coat parting and the hard metal of the gun rubbed against her womanhood. She squealed as the cold metal touched her warm, blood filled labias. She was pinned to the wall and as the lift started to descend, Toby leaned in and kissed her. With a gun pressed to her vagina she had no choice but to kiss back.

Toby loved the feel of her soft lips brushing against his. It was so pleasurable to feel the warm breath coming out of her mouth and into his and to feel her slender figure in front of him. It was heaven for him but hell for Rachel. Eventually the lift pinged and the door opened and Toby had to let her go. As they stepped out of the lift Rachel instinctively turned right to leave the office.

"Rach stop!" Her lip quivered as Toby abbreviated her name. He couldn’t help laughing.

"I'll call you whatever I want! I can call you slut, bitch, whore or even slave if I want to and there's nothing you can do about it!" The last word made a particular impression on her. Up until now Rachel thought her horror would end soon. Now she had an inkling that Toby might be planning for it to last a bit longer than that.

Toby left that thought to stew in her mind. He wasn't going to let that secret out just yet.

"Anyway slut, we're not going that way." And Toby grabbed her arm, pulling her in the opposite direction. He pressed the gun into her side as they went. It was only a short walk. After one right turn and a 15 metre walk down the corridor they reached a door. Toby knocked and then used a swipe card.

"Isn't this the security room?" Rachel asked.

"It is. Now in you go!" Toby said.

"But how come your card works?" She said inquisitively.

"You'll find out soon enough. Now get in!" Toby said shoving her in the back. Rachel stumbled forward and entered and as she struggled to keep her balance she heard the door click ominously behind her.

Rachel looked around the room. Along the left hand wall was a long desk running the full length of the room with a mass of monitors on it all hooked up to different security cameras. On the far wall was a coffee machine, a coke machine and a snack machine. And along the right hand wall was a row of softer chairs and a sofa. Sat on the sofa was an enormous security guard. He stood up as they entered.

"Alright brother?" The security guard said.

"Alright Vinnie" Toby replied as they hugged and patted each other on the back. While they were doing this Rachel looked at the TVs. She saw the screen showing the office where it had all happened. Had that camera recorded everything? If only she could get the tape she thought. The two men pulled apart.

"You got the tape for me?" Toby said, as if reading her mind. He could see her face drop as Vinnie handed him a CD. "Thanks, Vinnie I’ll be back in half an hour.”

“W...where are you going?” Rachel asked.

“I’m just going to save this and the pictures on my personal computer. Then I’m going to destroy this copy, wouldn’t want anyone seeing what’s on it would we?” He teased staring at her. “Don’t worry Vinnie will keep you company!”

He then stepped up to her and whispered in her ear. "Do whatever he asks you to! Or I'll blow your brains out when I get back!" And with that he left closing the door firmly behind him.

Rachel looked at Vinnie nervously. He was huge. He must have been 6 foot 6. That made him an entire foot taller than her. His arms were bulging through his uniform. He could snap her like a twig if he wanted to. She suddenly felt even more conscious that she just had a coat on.

"Alright sweet cheeks" Vinnie said in his thick Jamaican accent. "Why don't you take that coat off and bring your white ass over here and give me a lap dance. And he sat back down on the sofa.”

Rachel saw her chance. As he sat down she ran to the door and pulled as hard as she could. But it didn't budge. She looked desperately for a button to release the door. Any second she expected to feel two massive hands close around her. But they didn't come. All she heard was Vinnie's booming laugh behind her. She turned to see he hadn't moved.

"You need a card to get out babe" he said pointing at a black card slot just to the right of the door. "And guess what Toby just walked off with the only one." He said chuckling again.

Rachel realised it wasn't Toby's card that had got them in. It was Vinnie's.

"So it looks like you’re in here with me till he gets back.” Vinnie joked. “Now where's my lap dance? Make sure you wiggle that white ass good and sexy"

Rachel sighed and turned and started to unbuckle her coat as she stepped towards him, then as she was above him. She let it drop to the floor.

Vinnie sat up a lot straighter, he had not expected her to be completely naked underneath. "Woah bitch. You are fine. Just stand there and let me take a good luck at you!" And he leant back and just stared her up and down.

Rachel knew she was attractive and she was used to guys staring at her. But never before had she felt so much like a piece of meat. Once he had finished looking. Vinnie grabbed her arm and yanked her towards him.

"Now for my lap dance bitch!"

So Rachel straddled him and started to gyrate her hips. She started by sitting down on his lap and leaning back and running her hands from her hips, across her flat stomach and over her breasts lifting them up and letting them fall back down so that they bounced seductively in front of him. She then ran her hands round her neck and through her hair, before leaning forward, allowing him a better view of her amazing rack. Then she pressed her body against his and slid her body upwards until she was standing with her breasts directly in front of his face. He made a biting motion at one of her nipples; causing Rachel to jump back in fear. She didn't think he'd actually bite her nipple off. But she wasn't sure. She then turned away from him and bent over running her hands down her legs, until her hands were round her ankles. This meant that her arse was poking out towards him and he could see how round and perfect it was.

It also gave Vinnie a great view of her vagina. She held it there for a minute; then jumped as Vinnie's massive hand came down on her right arse cheek. It was agony, his hand covered her whole arse cheek and she was already in a lot of pain after the plundering her arse had already undergone from Toby.

She wiped away a tear; before turning so as not to give him access to her arse again. She ran her hands along his legs and up over his chest and down his arms. She could feel the bulge of his muscles through his uniform. Even both her hands would only cover half his bicep. He even tensed them at her touch just to show her how strong he was. It was actually quite nice and Rachel couldn't help being fascinated and slightly aroused by his massive muscles.

However she lost concentration and was jerked back into the real world by Vinnie's massive hands closing on her still stinging arse cheeks and pulling her towards him.

She felt his mouth close around her nipple and start to suck on it. He gently applied pressure with his lips squeezing it, whilst his tongue licked the end.

He clearly knew what he was doing and Rachel actually started to enjoy herself. She felt her nipple harden at his attentions. He wasn't biting, and even when he started to use his teeth, he didn’t bite; he just gently nibbled on it. Rachel gasped at the feel of his sharp teeth gripping her hard nipple. However this one was a gasp of pleasure.

Despite the situation, the combination of his muscles and his skill was turning her on. She could feel a certain warmth spreading between her thighs and through her whole body. She started to grind her body against him, pressing her groin against his. She could feel his hard on pressing through his trousers against her cunt and she began to moan in pleasure. He also started to moan as her weight pressed on his member.

Vinnie was so turned on. He wanted to fuck this dirty white girl. So he gripped Rachel's arse again and picked her up like she was a feather, before dropping her on the sofa.

"Don't move bitch!" He ordered. And now it was Rachel's turn to get a strip tease. Vinnie ripped off his jacket and shirt to give Rachel a sight of his perfect body. She just wanted to reach out and run her hands over his dark skin. His perfect six pack, his pecs that he could bounce at will. And his arms...

How much she wanted to be gripped in those arms, to be held close to this perfect specimen of a man and have him embrace her and then feel his tongue on her nipples again. The thoughts made her warm inside, and in particular between her legs.

Then once his trousers were removed her arousal heightened even further. His cock was massive. It must have been 12 inches and unbelievably thick.

All she could now think of was the idea of his thick rod sliding in and out of her. Fucking her to intense orgasm.

The thought aroused her so much that without thinking she had slid a finger inside her pussy and started to pleasure herself.

"So you like black cock then? You filthy white whore!" Vinnie smirked, a wicked grin across his face. And he wrenched her hand away from her pussy. He then pulled both arms behind Rachel's back.

Rachel whimpered in pain. She thought her shoulders were going to be wrenched out of their sockets and her wrists were going to snap.

"You're not supposed to be enjoying yourself.” Vinnie hissed. Then he pulled some handcuffs from his belt and all the pleasurable thoughts vanished.

"I've always wanted to use these" he said and slapped them round Rachel's wrists.

He stood so that he was towering over her, his cock at the same height as her face. Now his enormous black dick looked like a weapon of torture, not a device of pleasure. Rachel looked at it in terrified anticipation as Vinnie pushed her onto her back. She was helpless as he placed his hands round her calves and pulled her legs around him as he knelt on the sofa, and positioned his enormous dick at the edge of her vagina.

Rachel breathed in deeply, in anticipation of being penetrated by this monster. However she soon exhaled in a gasp of pain as the enormous cock was pushed inside her. Her muscles throbbed as they were stretched like never before.

Vinnie grunted as he tried to force his dick as far inside her as possible. But he was too large and couldn't even get the whole of his bellend in before having to pull out. He then pressed again.

Rachel screamed as the giant cock pulled her muscles away from each other. She couldn't decide which hurt more, being raped in the ass or this.

She begged him to stop and ease her pain but Vinnie wasn't letting up this time. He pressed against the helpless woman below him. Gripping her hips and using his arms to pull her onto him, until his bellend was inside her and his cock started to follow.

Rachel's screams turned into a very different sound as his shaft slid along the walls of her pussy; rubbing along every nerve ending, his thick rod pressing against them; spreading heat through them. His monstrous dick pushed deeper, touching areas that had never been reached before.

Rachel groaned at these new feelings. She couldn't stop herself she started to enjoy it. She stared up at his muscly chest and savoured how she felt in his big strong arms. God he was hot. Her muscles started to clench around his thick cock and they both started to grunt and moan in pleasure.

Vinnie grabbed her breast and started to squeeze it between his massive hands as he continued to fuck her.

Rachel’s nipples hardened beneath his grip, further showing her arousal. She began to moan in pleasure as his cock glided in and out of her wet snatch. His base pressed constantly against her clit, igniting it. She couldn't help it; she started to orgasm screaming in pleasure as he fucked her and squeezed her breast.

Then she was jolted back to reality as he slapped her breast causing it to bounce uncontrollably. She gasped at the sudden violence.

"You're not supposed to be enjoying it, bitch" Vinnie shouted

But as she looked up at him through the tears; Rachel could tell by the glint in his eye that he was enjoying the effect he was having on her.

He continued to slide his cock in and out of her. Rachel bit her lip, trying to hold back another orgasm; or at least not show it; for she could still feel her muscles betraying her and clenching around his cock, causing the pleasure to continue to flood through her. She gripped his cock harder and harder and she felt Vinnie starting to tense up.

He then winked at her and started to up his pace, fucking her faster and faster. And she couldn't stop herself moaning now. And he started to moan too. They moaned in unison each time his cock slammed into her. And soon she could feel his juices squirting inside her and soaking her pussy. The orgasms rushed through the both of them and she felt his weight collapse on top of her.

They lay there for ages recovering.

"Well you two look like you were having fun" Toby said, laughing from the corner of the room by the door.

Vinnie and Rachel had been so lost in what they were doing; they hadn't heard him come in. Vinnie jumped to his feet and looked at Toby guiltily.

This caused Toby to wonder if that meant that he hadn't been punishing her. Although with the size of his dick he didn't know how that was possible. The handcuffs were a good sign, but they were both definitely orgasming when he had entered. He would have to check the tapes and see.

"Sorry boss. Didn't hear you come in. I got a bit carried away" Vinnie said, almost sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it Vinnie. You’re allowed to enjoy yourself. She was your fuck slut to do whatever you wanted to."

"You on the other hand!" Toby said dragging Rachel to her feet by her hair and slapping her across the cheek. "Who said you could orgasm?" he asked slapping her arse as well. Tears welled up in her eyes; the joys of fucking Vinnie had quickly evaporated.

Toby then took the keys off Vinnie and undid the handcuffs. And as he bent down he saw Vinnie's cum dribbling down her thighs.

“You're disgusting! Clean yourself up!” He said throwing a box of tissues at her.

Rachel looked mortified. She knew it wasn’t her fault but she still felt humiliated for being scolded for having cum running down her legs She cleaned up the juices, her face going redder and redder.

Toby turned to Vinnie. "I'll need the video of this room too Vin."

A look of disappointment spread across his face. "I was hoping to keep it boss."

"Oh don't worry. I just need it to take a copy. I'll give it back to you tomorrow."

Vinnie seemed satisfied and rummaged around with the machine and pulled out the tape and handed it over.

Toby then turned to Rachel, and shoved her tissues in a bin bag to burn later along with the things from upstairs.

"Right slut. Put your coat on! Let's go. Watching you fuck like that has got me very turned on. Let's get you home so I can fuck you myself."

Rachel bent to pick up her coat, dreading what the rest of the evening had in store and then started to shuffle towards the door. She winced with every movement. Maybe Vinnie had done his job well.


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 Although the desert sands stretch farBeyond the silent, pale horizon,Their immensity is as nothingTo the new-born damselfly.For fear and anguish are to her unknown,Above the desert’s vastness all alone.- The Canticle of Menkeret. We are captives; bound and almost blind, Jaano and I, and virtually helpless. Our captors are not unknown to me; they are the minions of Darrakhai. A beastly, half human breed, fit for nothing else it seems, than to do the bidding of their cruel masters; coldly and...

Group Sex
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Masters Sissy Slave Chapter 7 A new game

Chapter 7 - A new game Again awaking in the morning in a simple straitjacket, Masters control was now so strong that I considered a straitjacket simple! In Masters arms I felt a huge sign of relief that my evening was over but again I had to resolve myself to the fact that this was my life now. My body was screaming in pain, the torture inflicted on my gorgeous breasts was beyond what I had ever imagined. It must have been a sign of my diminishing mind and need to please master that...

2 years ago
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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 11 12

Mistress Liz Michael and Molly and Milton Mistress Liz- D tells me that he wants to talk to me before I start. D- What the fuck is up with you? I know that you have been a little down so what gives? Liz- I think I am just going through the motions. What you need is a hard session. I know I just need to find the time and someone maybe a bottom boy that I can whip and fuck hard. I can’t do it with Michael maybe one of the new once. He tells me to take Milton but don’t kill him. Michael and...

4 years ago
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Office Slave Chapter 4 Showing Rachel Her Place

Rachel handed over the keys and saw Toby slide them into his jacket and as he pulled his hand out the gun came with it. Rachel looked at it with trepidation remembering what it had just done to her and worried about what it might still do to her. She sighed and pulled herself together, knowing the best course of action right now was to keep Toby happy. She opened the car door and exited the car, feeling the presence of the gun pointing at her spine the whole time. She rummaged in her...

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The men could hear the roaring engine long time before they could actually see the car. The road meandered through an isolated mountain area and the nearest neighbors were many miles away. Finally they watched the Range Rover take the last turn and drive up towards the hunting lodge. The dogs began to bark but were quickly silenced by their owners. It was Friday late afternoon and the heat was intense. The car stopped in front of the group of men and out stepped a very large and completely...

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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 13 14

Andre it’s been 3 weeks since I began my training and I have learned a lot. Today is the day that I must learn to submit I already know that it not for me. I have learned how to weld a whip turns out I am good even D has said so. I have also have learned to fuck with without cumming fast and how to fuck an ass as well as a pussy so now it’s my turn to submit. I have packed on some muscle and I look good I am healthy for the first time in my life. I go to the dungeon that D told me to meet...

4 years ago
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ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER FOUR =================================== KEY: M+/f, teen, slave, rough, blowjob, anal, sex slave, humil, DP, cum, swallowing, facial Comments? E-mail: [email protected] The next morning (day 3), I walk into the kitchen and find Erika making breakfast. She is in a black bra and lace thong. I walk in the kitchen and slap her ass, hard. I pull down her thong and spread her legs. I unzip my pants and grab her hair. I shove my cock right in...

1 year ago
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My Dear Sweet Slave Chapter 2

‘I don’t want to get up, this bed is so warm…’ Feeling like he was coming out of anesthesia, Isaac could hear activity in the background of his apartment, but he didn’t have the strength to open his eyes, especially after how hard he had “worked” the night before. ‘I don’t hear my alarm going off and I don’t have to take a piss, thereby proving that I don’t have to get out of bed.’ He pulled up the blankets over his face, but even while covered, he could smell something...

3 years ago
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The Slave Girl Chapter 8

Chapter 7"I catch you if you fall." The corporal promised expansively. Then extended himself to humour. "I also catch you if you run."They did not run.In the cell their arms and wrists were freed. In their barred confinement their irons became more practical. They had little need to walk. From one side of their prison was only three or four dragging steps, the rest of them was free. If they stood still they could enjoy a false sensation of liberty. But this reflection was grim. It meant that,...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 23 and Ends It

Gretchen led Nina to the middle of the floor, and had her stand with her legs spread and her arms behind her neck. She was a beautiful sight, with her heels and stockings accenting her legs, and the sheen of the oil drawing attention to the rest of her magnificent body. One of the other slaves stepped up and handed Gretchen a crop, which Gretchen slapped against her own thigh to draw the attention of the women in the room. A circle of naked women soon stood around them, and Gretchen prepared...

2 years ago
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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 14 Bidding for Claudia

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 6

Monday, 12 days later It was almost two weeks later and Brenda kept daydreaming about Mistress J. She wondered if she would ever get a chance to see slave suzi's video. She really wanted to. Brenda was distracted from any thought of Mistress J when she received a text. "Slave, we're going to Las Vegas on Friday, returning on the Sunday afternoon. You will meet me at the American Airlines ticket counter at 10:00 AM sharp. I'll tell you what you may bring on Thursday." The text made Brenda's...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 10

Saturday Evening By 7:00 they had finished their room service dinner. Master had showered and dressed, Brenda was nude. Brenda didn't eat much, she couldn't stop thinking about what might happen tonight. They were going home tomorrow so she knew that she whatever happened tonight she would be wearing the white dress. The only thing she was sure of is they weren't going out to dinner. She thought Master was probably going to take her into the casino for more gambling. It was fun showing off in...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 8

Friday Evening Brenda held her Master's arm as they walked through the casino. She noticed people looking at them. She felt wonderful wearing her new clothes. The tight dress over the garter belt and stockings made her feel sophisticated, feminine and sexy all at the same time. She imagined men looking at her back-seam stockings and it made her sway her hips a little more while she walked. She was so happy her Master had made this evening happen. Brenda was surprised when Master guided her...

4 years ago
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The Slave Girl Chapter 4

Chapter 4"You´ll wear a strip of white, and we want it pretty on you." He gave them his sardonic grin. "Believe it or not, some men pay more for a cunt they can´t see than for one they can."It was like the stewardess on a airline demonstrating the oxygen mask. Amrah mounted the platform, her chains almost silent on the plush, and proceeded to work a feminine miracle upon her loveliness with a swathe of virgin white, potent against the black on which she stood. She was loving every moment."You...

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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 13 Seeing Claudia

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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slaver or collecter Anna becomes a slave

A few weeks go by, we are all packed and headed for the airport. Omar's private jet taxis over to us, the door opens and the ladder comes down,we go inside. Anna is wondering who we know who has their own jet. Hours and hours later we are landing in Dubai. The limo picks us up then a hour later we are at Omar’s palace. Omar comes out and escorts us into his living room, there sits Sasha and Jane in their burkas. Omar introduces everyone, then says Anna it is so nice to meet you, I...

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The Slave Girl Chapter 2

The Slave GirlChapter 2Her fall from the immaculate had been so great that she rejected middle class scruples about her body. If her breasts and vagina were weapons she would use them. After Achmed had loosed her from the bars, tended her needs and left her chained alone for the night, Miss Corey Gibson sat nakedly on her wooden bunk and ruefully reviewed her second ****. **** was not the right word. Butt all the other terms she could think of seemed equally inadequate."You like me fuck you...

1 year ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 12

Mistress J leaned against the back of the oversized bath tub. Brenda lay between her legs, her back against Mistress J's big tits. The hot, oil scented water caressed and soothed their skin. Mistress J used a washcloth to gently stroke and soak Brenda's shoulders, neck and tits. Brenda could feel Mistress J's pussy against the small of her back. Brenda thought she could feel the clit ring touching the skin. She felt totally relaxed, enjoying the feeling of the warm water and Mistress J's...

2 years ago
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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 15 Setting Up My Young Nephew With Kat

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various others. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 7 8 Revised

Master Rob Judy and Daisy Master Rob- I had Vanessa give these two some reading material while I was at the house. Judy-16 virgin from Florida sold to us by her step-father, who taught her how to suck his cock. Daisy-16 country girl I know they like to fuck nice tits big 40 B. Daisy- Damn Master Rob is cute I wonder if he will fuck us now I need some good dick they won’t let me get myself off. Judy-I hope he doesn’t beat me some of the girls in the hall were really beat up and that big mouth...

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Masters Sissy Slave Chapter 4 Love

Chapter 4 Love It took a full day to recover from the previous evening. After I had passed out Master had clearly taken me down and fitted me into the latex sheet that I was currently resting in. I had awoken in the morning expecting Master to untie me and let me prepare for the day. Thankfully he recognised the rest that I needed and as I lay there slowly I begun to feel the lasting effects of last nights session. My body was aching and stung everywhere, none more so than my...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 9

Saturday Morning "Good Morning slave." Her Master's voice woke Brenda from a deep slumber. It took her a minute to remember where she was. It started coming back to her, naked in a king size bed with her Master, Las Vegas, Caesar's Palace, dinner, show, playing craps. Her eyes popped open when she thought of how she had exposed herself in the casino and the hallway. When she thought of how her Master fucked her on the balcony she relaxed, and stretched. "Mmm... Good Morning Master," she...

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fuck slaversquos Day of Punishment Chapter 1

fuck slave had been doing a terrible job of pleasing me, her Master. I was trying to be patient, since she had never had a Master before, but after 2 weeks I had had enough. she finally called and said that we could meet Saturday at 3pm. I told her to be naked, have the ankle and wrist cuffs on and the highest heels she had. she was to be on her knees by the end of the coffee table that was in front of the door. she was not to move or speak until I told her too. I hung up and told myself at...

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Training a Young SlaveChapter 2 Connie Becomes Entertaining

Over the next few months, slave Connie became a very good slave for Master Jim and Mistress Dora. She was becoming a good cook, kept the house neat and clean, and performed all of her other duties well. She had even come to enjoy her subservient situation as a sexual slave. She happily submitted to the many ways her masters used her body. Slave Connie loved being fucked in her pussy, ass, and even her mouth. She could take Master Jim’s cock deep into her throat and swallow his scum without...

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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 6 Trixie

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 7 Linsey

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 41 A Night at the Club

Nina’s assistant passed a call to her early in the afternoon. “It’s your husband”, she said. Nina picked up the phone and answered, “Hello, my love. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “I don’t have a lot of time because I have to hit the road if I’m going to get there. Call your Mistress and tell her you’re not available tonight. Tonight, you’re with me.” Nina couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice. “I’ve missed you so much. Are you going to be home for a while?” “Unfortunately, no....

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 42 Wendy Comes to Play

The next morning, when Nina returned from her run, she found Scott packing his suitcase in their bedroom. She gave him a quick kiss then pulled off her running clothes and headed for the shower. She showered very quickly, wanting to have a few more minutes with Scott before he left. She didn’t notice Scott watching her as she got dressed, once again in her allowed slave outfit, meaning easy access to her charms and few buttons to undo. She was checking her appearance in the mirror when Scott...

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