Stelleranne 1947 free porn video

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Stell grew up in a obscure region of the country living in a community that rarely saw outsiders. By chance the occasional farmer from the next town might turn up but it was pretty much an isolated affair where she was. The bank of Terrence houses that lined the quiet tree filled, hedge rowed streets had most amenities the normal homes of the era had but there was a war on and needless to say fear was always a companion of night and day, week in and week out for the village population.
Fortunately there would have been no military advantage to any invasion or gains in any proportion for anyone if the country had lost its fight to keep freedom. Stell was in her twenties and just as physically developed as most of the other young women in the village, something which seemed to be a family trait in the region. Her hair was long and Auburn which framed very graceful features in the face. Her skin was sort of pale but not milky white with freckles on her face and shoulders. The shoulders were graceful and proportionally right for her frame size, slightly broad, but they had to be as they supported firm, well shaped, juicy 36D breast that sat pert above a tight abdomen which curved into a small athletic 32 waist which panned out onto size 34 hips with a bum shaped by years of bicycling perfectly honed into a cute, tight rounded feature any super model or movie star would have sold their soul for but not only had the bicycle played a part in shaping her rear, it had also made the muscles in her long shapely thighs more pronounced in a very feminine manner, this blessing was also shared by her calves which sat above slim ankles and size 6 feet which boasted well shaped long slender toes.
Stellaranne was young, hot, ripe and sexy, hidden in a rural country village. She and her friends never knew or considered that their blessed female forms would change their lives one day for better and or worse. The young men that were still at home, as most had went off to fight for their country looked forward to the day they would be considered old enough to fight for queen and country, but in the meanwhile went about their rural duties of farming and looking after business around the village, not really that interested in the local female populace.
One day the wireless broadcast news that the opposing enemy forces were in retreat and the Americans had just unleashed a new weapon, that was guaranteed to end hostilities, over Hiroshima. Many of the villagers had gathered at the front of the butchers , being it was the only shop to blast out news from the BBC all day, to listen to reports of this terrible new weapon and how it would affect the war campaign. They heard that squadrons of American fighters and bombers would be in the air over the island along with the Royal Air Force to ensure the safety of the realm as there were still raids by enemy fighters going on. Stell and her friends would sometimes picnic to take their minds off the war in the fields or on one of the many hills or secret bays. On clear days they could see the com trails of the bombers headed to their targets or the drone of Spitfires, Hurricanes, Mustangs and P-40s screaming by at low level under radar headed for the French coast.
They all would try to imagine what the men flying these machines looked like and more over their physiques. Being a young woman during this time was just as hormonal as any other period in history. They never could have imagined though they were about to get first had experience as the war department had threw a dart and identified their village an good place to have a battle ready squadron of American airmen stationed nearby.
The first sniff of what was about to develop was when a military jeep drove through the village high street at a pace just above a fast walking speed with the 4 occupants taking photos and looking around the various nooks and crannies the village layout offered. The jeep stopped just outside the local newsagents and a large man step out onto the paving and just stood looking up and down the street then at all the surrounding shops near. His driver and two other men, one of whom was an tall well built black man with stars on his collar. Most of the locals that were out shopping that day either stopped or slowed down to have a look at these military figures in just as much curiosity as they had in the village.
After about 10 minutes of silent observation all the men got back in the jeep and drove off toward the outskirts. Stell and two of her friends had left one of their many picnic excursions and started walking back toward the village when the jeep with the Americans passed slowly by them. All three girls stared at the soldiers and especially the black General. They had seen posters of white soldiers and heard rumours of black men but never seen one in the flesh before and of such high ranking. All three girls giggles once the vehicle had passed but it was Stell who blurted out how handsome and intriguing she had found the black soldier to be.
A month and few weeks passed before the first convoy of military troop carriers arrived and paraded through the village. There was at least 30 big lorries with loads of well built American Air Corp soldiers aboard, equipment and strange looking portable out buildings etc, etc. Many of the villagers had line the high street to watch as many cheered and waved. Stell and her friends had formed a group nearer the middle of the street and as the vehicles roared past, threw kisses and waved frantically at the soldiers. The near the end of the procession 3 lorries full of black soldiers came into view of the group of young women. Neither side wasted time in wolf whistles or frantic waving of their arms and hands.
All the girls chatted with excitement after the last vehicle had drove past and the last waves and kisses were blown by both groups, each one had chosen at least seven to twelve young soldiers they wanted to see again at some point but Stell and her closest friends had gone one step further and with a twinkle in their eye and a wink at each other they knew the others in their inner circle had also chosen which ones they were going to have orgasms with. Stells inner circle consisted of four out of the nine girls that always hung out together and had grew up on the eastern side of the village.
After perhaps a few weeks of setting outside the village and sporadic meetings with the population the leaders of the soldiers decided the best way to break the ice would be to throw a dance and invite the entire village along. This was exciting news for the female population, they could not of been hornier for the men in uniforms. Most of the other villagers looked forward to the free food which included booze and something call Barbeque. Either case it was free, it was American and there was a promise of plenty. The party started early afternoon with the sweet enticing smell of the Barbeque being cooked and music being blasted all over the camp.
Stell and her friends turned up 2 hours after it started and immediately started checking out the male populace of young fit virile men with a really nice accent and a intriguing way of talking about things.
One of Stells friends was the first to notice the black air corps men walking to the big tent and nudged all the other girls around her. They were gorgeously tall and their bodies were very fit as one could see the bulging muscles under their uniforms but more to the point&hellip,.the huge bulges in their trousers All the girls could manage were excited glances at one another and giggles, some licked their lips whilst many of the others suddenly had a issue with wet crouches in their knickers..
The party lasted well into the early hours of the next day and many friendships were made. Even the black soldiers had manage to woe some of the women and made plans to meet again. Steel had met Damian. He was ground crew and had been in the military some 3 years. At 25 years old he was her senior by 5 years&hellip,Perfect Stell had thought. He was 63 and weighed in at a muscular 20st, with the hardest 6 pact abdomen she had had the pleasure to dance leaning against. She had purposely danced slightly dirty with him even though he had been the perfect gentleman all evening despite her inner thighs rubbing hard against his bulging cock tucked away in his trousers. She had done all she could to get some kind of sexual response from the handsome black man from the Midwest of the United States but his cool distemper and calm, laid back style had caused her two earth shattering orgasms in his arms whilst they danced. She had never felt anything like it in her life and now knew she had to loose her virginity at all cost to this black god.
Over the following weeks many things came to past both good and bad. None of it seem to include the black soldiers who for some reason never strayed far off the camp site. The would be seen in the village time to time, never by themselves, always in groups of three or more and always far more polite and helpful than any of the other white soldiers. Many of the villagers liked them better than their white counter parts. Stelleranne and Damian were fast becoming an item but not openly. One evening at the weekend some many moons since their arrival Stell decided that she was ready to blossom into fully fledged womanhood and Damian was going to be the man to take her there.
It all started with an invite to a picnic in one of Stells secret places were she and her friends would sometimes go to picnic, think and enjoy being girlie with one another. Stellaranne Elliot-Hughes had made her mind up and her plans were in full swing. Poor Damian knew nothing of how lucky he was about to become tonight but fortunately he had a two day pass out of camp. Stell took Damian to the private little bay nearer the seaside of the village. They had been walking and talking so much that Damian never noticed how far they had walked and how isolated they were. Stell had told her parents she was staying over a friends house that weekend. They trusted her and never questioned their daughters movements. She had taken extra blankets and had told Damian to bring his sleeping bag with over night goodies as she was going to take him to one of her friends home were they could stay until the next day. There was a abandoned farm bungalow in the bay, left there when old man Henry passed on without any relatives to inherit the place. Stellaranne opened the door and the stale smell of a house unused waffled throughout the air. Stell set about building a fire in the disused fireplace to keep them warm. No one would even see the smoke from the chimney as the place was too far off the beaten track and sat too far away from anything to be noticed&hellip,.even with a smoking chimney.
She took some food out of her bag and unrolled the blankets from her other bag she had made Damian carry. As soon as the fire was going strong and the warmth from the flames started to heat up the room she took off her cardigan and went over to Damian to straddle his lap. This took him by surprise especially when this gorgeous flamed haired woman with those huge boobs, which were now pressing against his muscular chest, planted a big wet kiss full on his lips. She sucked on his bottom lip before nibbling at his upper whilst his moustache tickled her nose. His breath was minty, he thought hers was sweet and fresh as well. She pressed her lips against his and he parted hers letting his tongue taste as it invaded her mouth gently. His hands now came up to hold her waist and she responded by slowly and deliberately grinding her hips on his ever increasing bulge in his trousers. The same bulge that made her shiver all over the very first time was now making her vagina so wet and hungry that she really was not sure what she was suppose to do next to quench that burning desire, that hunger, that wanton need that consumed her groin. Damian on the other hand knew exactly what she needed and was determined to ride this sexy little vixen to the early morning light.
His hands slowly moved from her waist up her body causing goose pimples to cover every expose inch of her milky skin, sending earth shattering waves of pleasure shooting throughout her body from head to toe. The effects were electrifying and Stelleranne came hard and long whilst the man she desired more than anything led her on a journey of no return&hellip,. She was on her way to becoming a woman&hellip, fully fledged and deeply in love. This was her future she was in the arms of and she realised that the moment her third orgasm nearly ended as the fourth took hold and exploded like a Atomic bomb. His hands were now massaging her swollen boobs and masterfully undoing her blouse. Stellaranne breathing was heavy, short panting by now. The fire roared and its warming radiant heat poured out into the room causing shadows from the furniture to dance like ballerinas against the walls. Damians hands were strong, large and warm to her cool soft flesh. Her head was spinning with thoughts far away floating on Xanadu. His lips touched her soft neck with a gentle kiss and she nuzzled her head close to his&hellip,.. Her love ever growing for her black American god. She stood up and undone the buttons at the back of her knee length patterned dress allowing it to fall gracefully to the floor. She started to step out of her cotton slip when Damian leaned forward and took it by the helm, slowly letting his hands move underneath to touch her legs just below the back of her knees and gently move upward to her thighs. She was a standing lump of wobbly jelly by the time his warm hands reached her knickers which were now drenched and sopping wet in the crouch with expectation. He looked deep into her 3D blue eyes as he hooked a finger inside the top of her cotton knickers each side and slowly began to pull them down. Stelleranne closed her eyes and savoured the feeling of her smalls being removed by this man. She definitely had never experienced this and it was the most liberating and exhilarating moment she could have imagined up to this point in her country life. Her nipples strained against the bra she wore and her firm juicy boobs begged to be released and sucked on&hellip,.. She wanted Damian to take all of her in every way she had always dreamed of. As her knickers fell to her ankles and the cool rush of air hit her exposed vaginal lips the fifth Orgasm ranged out from deep within her. Her knees buckled and she was headed for the floor had it not been for Damian scooping her in his muscular arms and carrying her to the bed where his sleeping bag lay ready.
Gently he lay her on the sleeping bag as he positioned himself one leg between hers. Her petty coat was pushed up around her waist and added to the magnitude of sensations now flooding her mind but when Damians tongue reached her naval as he kissed her body from her neck southward and swirled around the outside of it before pushing in and wiggling&hellip,she nearly jumped off the bed had he had not been half on top of her. She screamed with pleasure and in the throws of number 6… Each orgasm longer and stronger than the last yet different Her breathing turned to panting. His tongue now invaded the hairs above her most secret place as his strong hands held her thighs open. This was new&hellip, she knew nothing of this type of behaviour but lust made her want more&hellip, much more. His tongue slide between her vaginal lips and he blew warm breathes all around her pussy, the effects were amazing and immediate, number 7 hit her like a freight train at full pelt&hellip,. Thunderously strong and longer than any previous but that was before he started sucking and pulling on her clitoris which his tongue now danced around in small circles with ever increasing pressure. Number 8 was volatile cause as each pubic hair gave way to his movements&hellip,each one sending vibrations deep within her throbbing pussy.
Stellarannes mouth was dry but she never noticed as Damian now began to kiss a path back up her body until he reached her bra. He softly slid his hand under and around her back until he reached the clasp holding it fastened and in one snap of his fingers her breast were liberated, the nipples immediately stood at attention and went hard, just as his mouth covered the left one. Damian took his time and savoured this vixens charm whilst his hands gently rubbed and massaged up and down her arms, over her shoulders, up the side of her face and pulled her hair to one side causing her head to turn into the mattress where he held it just like his muscular body held hers down as he positioned his 12 inch rock hard throbbing dick against the entrance to her honey pot. She beggingly whispered to his ear to be gentle&hellip, telling him she was now frightened but wanted him so much. She winced and screamed as he pushed into her virgin hole. The massive girth of his member easily tearing her hymen and stretching it all in one.
His massive 20st body held her whilst one of his strong large hands hold both her arms outstretched and wrist together above her head as the other held one of her thighs open and down as he ploughed his throbbing monstrous member with intent deeper. Number 9 rocketed through her entire frame like machine gun fire through a paper target. Their bodies rocked in rhythm as sweat poured from every pore of both creating a unique blend of musky perfumed chemistry bespoke to Damian and Stellaranne. It was heady and highly intoxicating which drove Damian all night non stop as Stellaranne began to ride her man back after getting over the initial shock of womanhood.
She allowed her black soldier to show her positions she had never ever heard of, enjoying every inch of his black steel and musky odour, even the feel of his skin was totally different than anything she had ever known. He was hers and no war was going to change that and as the night turned to blue early morning light and the fire began to die in the fireplace she lay in Damians arms recounting her childhood and how in the night she had transform to woman with purpose. She knew two of her other friends had taken the plunge that very night too with black American soldiers they had fallen for but she knew none of their experiences would exactly the same although they would have joined an elite club of white foreign women with one thing in common. Sleep came quickly just as the morning. Both woke to the drone of bombers flying toward France over head. Stellaranne went to the fireplace and stoked the coals throwing more kindling and logs on as Damian wrapped himself in the sleeping bag and went outside to fetch water from the well. They enjoyed a fine English breakfast put together by Stell but provided by Damian. The Coffee was a welcomed luxury although he had bought enough for her to take back to her folks as well as other provisions. She was grateful he was so thoughtful. They spent the rest of the morning sitting relaxing on a hill near the bungalow looking out over the channel side by side with her head resting on his shoulder.
Stellaranne was a full fledged woman now. He raised up and took her by the hand leading her back into the bungalow and onto the bed after throwing a large log on the fire. He kissed her lips, she could not remember where she had lost count but another orgasm electrified and tore through her body from head to toe&hellip, his dick stood at attention under the cover of the bag which he had unzipped to make a blanket of sorts. She was fascinated by his manhood and amazed at its size and girth. This thing had made her a woman, it had been inside her for the greater portion of the night past&hellip, It was amazingly long and stood up with a slight curvature and even though it was foreign to her knowledge of things&hellip,she knew it well. Well enough for her to stare at it&hellip,well enough to reach out without fear with trembling hands and touch it. Damian leaned back on his elbows as Steallanne touched his throbbing dick. He knew this country girl had never seen a dick before except probably on some new born baby which might have been community news as she may have been lucky enough to change its nappy by knowing its mother.
Her head leant forward so she could get a better look a closer look at this object but Damians manly musk intoxicated her senses and she found herself wanting to lick on it. Damian gently put his hand on the back of her head which made her lean forward closer to his huge dick until she was close enough to reach out with her tongue and gently flick it across the pulsating head which was barely touching her lips.
It tasted manly she thought, wanting to explore his member even more now but she was surprised when he flopped back on the bed and let out a deep and sort of satisfying groan as her tongue ran across it over and over again. This pleased Stelleranne beyond belief so she then opened her mouth and engulfed the entire head licking and naturally sucking. The effect was immediate, Damian moaned loudly and threw his head from side to side. Stelleranne felt a weird kind of control over her black lover but more than that another intensifying orgasm released itself from deep in her body and rocketed forward. She now suck harder and her head with Damians guidance bobbed up and down taking more and more of his dick into her mouth each time until she could smell his balls and their sack touched the tip of her nose each time. She increased her speed and soon she could taste his pre-cum leaking. It seemed the right thing to do but she she held his throbbing hard dick in one hand and wanked at it until Damian was moaning like he had been shot. Then without warning she felt his hot seed shoot down her throat as his dick exploded in a massive orgasm of its own. His seed was salty and sweet all at once but she like it and swallow as fast as she could as his member throbbed and shot copious amounts of hot jism down her throat whilst he held her head and forcing his dick to stay in her mouth which was hurting from accommodating this monstrous phallus.
His dick pulsated for what seemed an eternity thought Stelleranne and added to her amazement it stayed hard after the last drop was suck down her eager throat. Immediately Damian rolled her onto the bed onto her belly and mounted her from behind. He drove his dick hard and deep this time making her grasp the bed and dig her nails in as her body exploded with its first ever multiple orgasms. She could feel every vein, every muscle, every hot breathe on the back of her neck but things went from amazing to phenomenal when Damian reached round her waist and his fingers found her clitoris and the other hand grabbed a breast and started tweaking its nipple. She could not help herself when her body began to buck and rock like a made bull bronco. She was truly under his spell and he under hers. A greater portion of the even passed whilst they made love, fucked and sucked. It was late evening before Stelleranne was able to move and get up. She was sore and very tired, drained of energy beyond belief but totally in love and more woman than she could have possibly imagined. In those hours that passed whilst she loved her future husband to be, she conceived his seed and when the war would eventually end, Damian would come for his family and settle into the small community as a respected member. They would live happy for many years to come and see the world change and their family grow but most of all Stelleranne would not be able to get enough of fucking her American.

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Driving along the Tennessee state highway, I was trying to keep the Jeep on the road while looking for my turn. I looked at the map again while trying to figure out where I was. Seeing a gas station ahead, I pulled off and went in to ask the attendant if he knew how to get to the cabin I was searching for on the mountain. He basically told me I was a blind idiot, but he did it in a very polite way. But eventually he told me I had passed my turn about a mile back up the highway. Thanking him I...

2 years ago
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My wifes best friend

The other night i came home to find my wifes best friend sandy in the house with out my wife there. i though that was quite odd but not unsual for her to be there but not by herself. So i asked where my wife was oh she said she had to go to the grocery store to pick some stuff. I said oh okay no problem. I noticed that she had been drinking some wine. We started talking i asked her about her husband bill. She said oh hes at work like usual working long hours this time of year. I told her that...

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Salvation Ch 19 The Trustees Inspection

Since then there had been a steady trickle of patients, all in need of his special treatments and along with them had came their parents and guardians, eager to learn the many techniques and treatments with which to keep the children clean and full of vitality. Samuel had been judicious in the use of the income that his clients had provided him. He had needed staff, but he'd recruited them with care, offering them low wages in return for opportunities that were seldom afforded by other...

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Wont let them win

"Yea you like that don't you bitch!" Jeff moaned as pulled Melissa's long blonde hair back, forcing her to look in the mirror across the room. Melissa let out a yelp and could only whimper as Jeff continued to pound her from behind, her large heavy tits heaving violently. Jeff looked across the room at the full length mirror and gave his reflection a smirk. Jeff loved dominating women, this particular woman was no different. Jeff couldn't even remember her name, they had met at a bar...

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Bhabi Ki Pyari Bhen K Saath Enjoy Kiya

Hii dear firiend my self sunny m firom himachal….. But now liv in chandigarh and ropar because of my job.. M engineer I m 25 year old Dekhne me average hu ye to nahi bolu ga ki bhut jada handsome he hu but itna bolu ga k mere sath ladki jaldi set ho jati h…. Mere dick ka size 6′ hai or kafi mota hai bse maine kbhi maapa nahi hai. Ye to meri into the now mai apni sex partner k bare me btata hu jiske uper ye story h. Uska naam sheena hai ( name changed) she is also firom himachal. Vo meri bhabi...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 11

[Tennessee] The next morning saw the four of us having breakfast together. We used our smaller SUV and all of us went into town and met up with the people gathered there. I had almost fifty people. Amos would oversee the eight including him who were watching the north and south approaches into Henderson. Arnold was in charge to my west. We would take the rest south and swing around to Whitesville and hunt for the group that might be between us at that point. Jim Bob had come through...

2 years ago
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Careful what you ask for

"Ok" I told him quietly. "I'll do it"He smiled "Great – GUYS GET IN HERE""What? NO! Just you – you can't expect me to have sex with all of these guys" I yelled as four more black guys filed in the office behind me, blocking my exit."What I expect" He explained slowly as he came around the desk "is for you to shut up, open your legs and do as you're fucking told"There was definitely no way out for me now, the office door closed behind the last man and the walls were lined with huge, leering men,...

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Who I Am The Mental Mess That is Me

So let’s see; you want to get to know me.  That’s great, so would I.  To say that I’ve spent a lifetime of self-seeking would be an understatement.  I have one side of me that my family knows, let’s say his name is Victor.  He’s the good Christian boy that made his parents proud.  He followed the rules, made good grades growing up, and saved himself for marriage.  Next, you have my other side, let’s say his name is Caleb.  For every yin, there is yang as they say and Caleb is definitely the...

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Pool Party Gangbang with my GF

Hey guys, as a lot of you know I a stripper here in Las Vegas. I know a lot of you have been dying for another story from me. Sorry, I've been lazy but here is a good one that recently happened.I get invited to A LOT of pool parties out here, prolly cause I'm a slut and I usually end up fucking at least a few guys at most of them lol ;) Anyway, in July I got invited to yet another at a house where there were a few guys I had hooked up with before. I invited my friend Amber to come along. She's...

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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 03 Turning the tables Part 1

“Don’t move or I cut you. Put down the gun.” Troy was very confused and stood frozen for a moment. The voice was clearly behind him and very close. He started to turn very slowly to not alarm her, but then ducked and spun in the opposite direction. He blindly swept his leg out, hoping to catch his attacker. His instincts were right and he connected with a pair of shins. He watched as this woman fell to the side, banging her head hard against the wall. Troy caught his balance, stood up and...

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Caught Girlfriend cheating with My Mother

You did not misread that and I did not see it wrong. How could I? I was only watching the entire damn thing unfold before my eyes. I guess it couldn't be helped, I wasn't direct enough about my feelings, but for the love of God she was such a shy girl, how was I supposed to know she had it in her to even do something like this, let alone with my mom?!If I had to be honest I think it all began a few weeks back. I had actually finally got up the courage to bring up the "big question" during one...

1 year ago
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Accidental WerewolfChapter 18

Raven was conscious again, once again not remembering when she’d fallen asleep. Her tongue went to her teeth, hoping not to find the sharp predator’s points. But she had not awoken from her living nightmare. Her tongue found a bit of food from earlier, triggering her memory. After her tryst with the men in black, she’d been rewarded with a large meal. The creepy quiet men in lab coats laid out a range of options, unsure what this creature would want to eat. Well-done hamburger? Raw meat on...

3 years ago
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It Finally Happened

By: Tomboy7 Hi guys, Tomboy here. I am a Male. 25 years living in Mumbai. Please feel free to leave comments on my mail id. Let’s start with the story: Over the past year I had reconnected with an Aunt I had a falling out with. She had come to visit, and we hit it off again. We would text all the time, and talk on the phone like once a week. We would often go out to party, and usually flirt back and forth. She was a decent looking woman for being 35 (I was 23 by the way) she had black hair...

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How about a massage baby

This is a story when my husband gave me a little treat one morning. It’s always nice to be delighted in lots of little ways. The hum drum of life can get rather boring. It’s always nice to feel loved. This is what happened. It was early morning and I had just woke up and went to brush my teeth and wash my face. I was still tired and went back to the bed, but was just resting and not sleeping. My husband was downstairs and then came into our room. “How about a massage?” “Sure, that sounds...

Love Stories
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Ma Bani Meri Beti Ki Maa

Hello readers, this is Nazeer from Tumakuru. The following story is completely about Love between mom and son, it happen in Mumbai but now we are shifted to Tumakuru Karnataka. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedback to Hi friends mera naam Nazeer hai ab meri umar 23 sall hai. Mai Tumkur,karnataka ka rehnewala hun. Mere gharpe meri ma mai aur 3 saalki beti rehthi hai. Papa ki death hoke 6 saal hogaye. Maa ka naam Zareen hai Umar 42 Size 36-26-38. Meri mom jab mere papa mare...

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Arcade Ass

Arcade AssIt was lunch time, the time when lots of good looking, working men show up at the arcades seeking pleasure. I drove up US 19 to some of my usual haunts to see what might be available. The first place I passed seemed to have an empty lot, so I kept moving. The second place had some cars, but not a whole lot. That is good since when the parking lot is too full, all of the booths might all be occupied and in use.I paid my five bucks and walked back to the arcade. I had to piss, but the...

2 years ago
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July 2016 First Black

I am trying to write this in chronological order. I may not remember everyone of her encounters. She chatted with Rick several times over the weekend and he said the his friend was really anxious to meet her. He would be in town Tuesday. He would not tell her anything about the guy which actually excited. Told her he would get a report and she better be good. He told her to wear the slutty dress she wore in Vegas along with the slut anklet and nothing underneath. So we were set up to meet him...

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On My OwnChapter 15

On the way back to the far side of the park, I called the auto parts store to get the fuel pump for the Daniels car. I also ordered the other stuff to tune and service it. I asked about the shaft and housing and they said they could get it, but it would not be available until tomorrow. I told them to order it for me, along with the service materials for the car. I pleaded, "Could you bring me the fuel pump and the other goodies. Tell the gate guard that I'm at the Daniels and Kelly places....

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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 17

He opened the door to a bedroom and went in. The bed was made, but he didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the room, as he went to the closet. He saw Will’s suitcase on the floor, next to three or four left shoes and hanging clothes that were for a man. He turned and realized the room looked spare and only partly furnished. He left and found another bedroom. That closet had her robe in it ... and something else that was odd. Clothes he had seen Will wear were hanging up in the closet....

2 years ago
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Broken Birds Part 14 Harem Night

Harem Night Beth’s announcement shocked them. Michael had always exuded strength, confidence and control. They now knew he was as broken as them. Rafaela looked at Rachael. “I think we have been very selfish,” she said sadly. Rachael nodded in shame. All looked to Alice. “It’s a form of PTSD though he’s in control,” she turned to Beth, “Tell me about his nightmares.” Beth told them the little she knew. Her father had killed many times, his call sign, “Terminator”. On his...

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Incident at a porn theater

Incident at a Porno Theaterby Mitzi36B©They pushed through the swinging door and stood at the back of the theater waiting for their eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness. The only light came from that reflected by the screen. It showed a long-haired, full-breasted girl on her knees between two guys. All three were naked, the men fully erect as the girl alternated sucking first one cock then the other while using her free hand to stroke the other.Typical porno scene, thought Sheila, glancing at...

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Blue Lagoon Book IChapter 3

It took over two hours for the two kids to make it back to their beach camp. Kathy could not avoid looking at his bare buttocks as they hiked. On occasion, when they were going up an incline, she was presented good views of his scrotum which would swing free as he lifted a leg over a rock or fallen branch. From her angle, that was pretty much all she saw and began to understand why some people called them 'balls.' She had heard that more than once by her friend, Nancy, who was baby sitting...

4 years ago
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3 Guys 1 Virgin part 1

My first story, please give me feedback. September 23rd 2010 Dear diary, I lost my virginity yesterday to a guy I meet last year named Brandon. We had met through a mutual friend last year and he has been trying to fuck me ever since then. After a little hesitation and persuasion, I finally decided to meet him at his place( it was technically his aunt’s place but she was gone on vacation). When I got there, there were 2 other guys sitting on the couch who he called his ‘play brothers’. Not...

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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 25 Dumb As Soup

Fara had arrived at the Detention Centre, just south of the Thames at the old Oval Cricket Ground, for her interview with Jim. She had found the prospect daunting at first but she had agreed because she felt responsible to some extent for having encouraged Jim. At the same time, she knew that she had not controlled him as well as she now knew she might have done. “It’s just through here, Miss Dangerfield,” a uniformed officer of the Detention and Rehabilitation Service shepherded Fara along...

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After the WarChapter 24 Savoy

The General's companion looked about the age his granddaughter would be. She was also very clearly uneducated, and a bit lost in such sumptuous surroundings as the Savoy dining room. She compensated for this by chattering very loudly about her daily life as a worker in the Ford factory on London's eastern edge. Eventually the General lost his patience with her, and said in an ominously quiet voice, "Polly, please be silent for a few minutes." The girl stared at him, but wisely did not...

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The GiftedChapter 17 Running

Jimmy rolled and fired two quick rounds and caught one of the men coming towards him with the Uzi blazing away. The bullets caught the man under the chin, picking the man up and flinging him back into one of the many slot machines as alarms blared madly throughout the entire building. Samantha lay under Jimmy groaning, her left shoulder and back hurting from the five rounds that had hit her. She opened her eyes and saw Cindy and Davy laying a few feet away. Davy's head was against the wall...

1 year ago
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Maid fucked

The MaidFriday evening, as part of my cleaning business I arrived at a large residence. You opened the door and welcomed me. You then went off to your desk and back to your work. Meanwhile I took my coat off and got all my cleaning things out. I finished cleaning your bathrooms, hallway and started cleaning the rooms. I walked into the living room in my maid outfit and began cleaning and dusting off the bookshelves. You peaked at me from other room without me noticing as the clicking...

3 years ago
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The Beginnings of True Pain Pet Toilet and Sissy Slaves

The Beginnings of True Pain, Pet, Toilet, and Sissy SlavesRodney’s StoryThe Pain SlutTold in POV of Mistress Ruri~-~He had always been an average guy.  He hadn’t had many friends growing up only caring about his work.  Not many girls would go out with me since He never really took time to get to know them well.  He never had time to go out with friends or family since he was always working on a new book.  But it doesn’t matter anymore.  See, one day his life changed forever.  He became a group...

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Playing Doctor Ch 01

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Sandy Craig is a busy young woman. Her life is all about her work as a reconstructive surgeon and medical partnership. She doesn’t have time for a personal life, much less love. Keven Braddock is a well-to-do artist on the rise...

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Gay Euro Trip Part Three

I arrived in Dublin on the day of Halloween ready to get wild. The previous 3 nights of my trip, I had failed to find any guys worth fooling around with. Ever since my threesome in the train with 2 euro hunks, I was craving more meat in my mouth. I knew of a gay bathhouse that was having it's annual Halloween party. I dropped my bags off at the hostel, got into my costume, and headed out to get lucky. I was dressed as a Priest because it was the only costume I could make out of my luggage....

2 years ago
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My English student from Japan

This is a true story, all of the names except mine have been changed.I recently got certified to teach English as a second language. While I'm looking for a job overseas I am tutoring some foreign students at one of the local colleges. Sometimes we meet in groups and sometimes one on one. Sometimes on campus and sometimes out on the town. One evening I was meeting with Yumi; I had been attracted to Yumi from the first time I met her, but I never thought anything would come of it. I've...

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Meri Virgin Padosan Ki Chut

Hello friends, mera name kapil hai, Mai punjab ka rehne wala hu, meri age 19 hai aur mai height 6 feet hai, chalo ab story pe ate hai, mere padose me ek new family ayi,ek uncle ek aunty and unki 2 ladkiaa dono bhut innocent and sunder thi ek ka name mnisha and ek pooja ek ladka tha shyd 10 year ka hoga.New the hmare shahr me is liye shahr ka kush ni pta tha, unka hamare ghar me ana jana jiada ho gya, uncle and papa v bhut close friend bn gye, jab v kisi cheej ki jrurat hoti unko vo hmee bol...

1 year ago
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8 March 2008Chapter 5

Brad slowly opened the door and Abby hesitantly peered through the opening. “Finally, it took you long enough!” Britney remarked. Ben and the others looked on for any hint of expression from Abby. “Well, so how did you do honey? Don’t keep us in suspense,” Vicky added. Abby couldn’t hide her excitement any longer. As she brought her hands from behind her back, she broke with the biggest smile and shrieked, “I’m going to Toronto!” Amber and Britney jumped up and down for joy, their breasts...

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That Fateful Morning

I really don’t know what came over me that dreadful Sunday Monday morning. I lay in bed around 6:30am having woken up from a reasonable sleep, I felt totally at peace with everything, I had nothing to do that day at all. I turn a glance at my Girlfriend Clarissa. I realise how fortunate I am to have her in my life, I have known her for only a matter of weeks now, but she has moved in with me as she had issues with her parents. I lay there admiring her beauty; her soft brown hair flowing over...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 8 Cochin

There was something vaguely familiar about the man sitting opposite Mimi and me in the landau, but for the life of me I could not think what it was. The carriage made its way along narrow streets, through a hubbub of people; sellers bawling their wares, buyers haggling at street-side, open-fronted, shops and those infernal, sacred Indian cows, neither having any regard for the passing vehicular traffic. The fellow sat opposite me leaned forward. “I neglected to properly introduce myself,...

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English Girl Gets a Surprise

Sitting at her desk, the neat pile on the corner much too big, Hayley absently slipped another sweet into her mouth.  That was going to get her in trouble, she was already over her daily limit (a new rule), but part of her was craving a good, hard spanking.  Hell, it had been twenty eight days, she was craving everything.  At times she felt like she’d gotten used to the crazy, towering, gut-twisting need.  At other times, late at night or after she’d just edged, she’d be breathless with need,...

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It Started With My Birthday

It Started With My Birthday I was having a ball. Well, surrounded by three beautiful girls on my birthday, all a little high on some killer cocktails, at a club in San Francisco, which male wouldn't be on a high. My girlfriend Kelly had two of her college friends visiting and inevitably I was invited to hang out and be their chaperone - especially today, on my birthday. It worked well as her friends were staying in downtown, not too from where we had our apartment. Kelly and I had...

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