Dancin' free porn video

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The beat of the bass guitar, the drum pounding, the rhythm of the musicpulsed as though at one with Sandy's body. She closed her eyes. Holding a hotiron away form her and the ironing board Sandy spread her knees squatting asshe swayed, her hips rolling from side to side. One, two, three to the beatshe bounced her bottom. Sandy stood, smiled and pressed the next sleeve ofJack's shirt. She felt a bit randy today. Dancing made her feel nasty, goodnasty. Passions flushed warm in her sex. She squatted and swayed again.

Today, alone in the world of her mind she felt those sexy randy urges pulsinginside her, keeping beat with the music. The dancing helped pacify them, andyet at the same time added fire to the urges and desires. Sandy methodicallyunbuttoned her blouse. It was hot at the ironing board. She swayed about. Ironin hand she squatted slightly spreading her hips swaying her bottom about tothe beat. She felt nasty and in that she sensed a fulfilling,no, good, no, better, it felt great in some fashion.

Sandy rasped the tune with a smile. The beat ended. The next song began.

Smiling Sandy stopped for a moment to finish the shirt. This was not helping.Unplugging the iron Sandy walked to the bedroom. Her son slept quietly. Sheplowed thru the back of her top drawer.

"Yes!" She removed the small egg shaped device. Another drawer found a newbattery and her tightest jeans. Quickly she replaced the battery and slippedthe egg into her sex. It was a struggle since the birth of J.J. to get intothese jeans but with an exhale Sandy zipped them shut. The egg would not slipout now. She flipped the switch to 'ON' and left the room. Buzzzzz……..

"Oh… yes…" She staggered catching her balance with the wall.The egg was working its magic… and she would not turn it off until thebattery and her passions were completely spent. Sandy struggled to continueher chores. Standing to the sink she began washing the morning dishes. Deepinside tickled, then twinged, her tummy convulsed.

"God… yes…" She clutched her hips with both hands as the firstwave of orgasm crashed upon her being. Sandy bent at the waist grabbing holdof the counter as wave after wave of orgasm raced thru her pussy, convulsingdeep inside, spreading wonderfully upward thru her center. Her legs buckled.She fell to her knees… on the floor Sandy grasped her breasts.

"Yes…oh, yes…" She rolled her nipples firmly between her fingersas another wave of pleasure overwhelmed her being. Nearly fifteen minutes passedbefore Sandy's sex and the batteries subsided enough for her regain control.She stood on very shaky legs, squishing inside as she stood to the kitchensink a smile widening across her lips.

"God Bless Ever Ready!" She swished the cloth about the bottom of the lastbowl. The beat of the music caught her attention again. She began to sway withthe beat. The days weren't so boring or so very long.

Ding Dong, the door bell rang. Sandy fussed straightening her clothes asshe answered the door.

"Oh, hello." It was the man from down stairs. They had become good friendover the past year. He would stop by every few days and play with Sandy's youngson. He and J.J. would sit in the middle of the floor playing with Legos whileSandy chattered going on about this or that. It helped pass the time. She hadtold Jack about her guest when he had first introduced himself as their neighbordownstairs. Jack had never really met Stan mostly because they worked differentschedules. Nor had he minded the frequent visits. Sandy had always kept thingsfriendly and Stan had never crossed the line of propriety with a young marriedlady.

"Come in, J.J. is asleep." Sandy went back to the kitchen sink. An occasionalbuzz caught her breath. She still had the egg inside and though the batterieswere dead enough her motion created a bit more power, like shaking a spentflash light. Sandy smiled at the situation.

"So, what are you doing today?"

"I just stopped in to see you and J.J." The beat resumed. Sandy stood tothe countertop as they visited. She swayed a bit, just a bit as she listened.

"You've got a nice swing there." Stan commented. Sandy blushed.

"Sorry. I wasn't thinking." Sandy stood tall, her face flushing slightly.

"No, seriously, you move well. It has a touch of sensuality to it." Sandyturned about.
"Continue, Please."

Sandy swayed a bit more. They talked. She paused, squatted rotating herhips to the music.

"Like that?" She teased.

"Yes. Ever try anything else, like dancing in a club."

"No. Who would want to see an old married lady like me?"

"Anybody would. You're good… and pretty too."

"So what's next? What would someone dancing like that do next?" Sandy askedas she moved about the kitchen to the beat her back to Stan.

"Put your hands on your hips when you make that move then continue up yoursides to your breasts."

Sandy did as he suggested still facing away.

"Then let your fingers pirouette around the nipples."

"Yes." Sandy turned to face her instructor, tracing small circles thru thefabric of her blouse and bras.

"Then they unbutton their blouse slowly… to the beat." Sandy undidthe first three buttons… then the last. She squatted spreading her legs,caressing her thighs, then sliding her hands along her tummy to her breast.She slipped the blouse over her shoulders… it fluttered to the floor.Her finger tips pirouetted about each nipple now fully erect and rock hard.

"And then?" Sandy taunted.

"Then the Levis would go…" Stan caught his breath. Sandy unbuttonedher pants… slowly sliding the zipper downward. She paused. J.J. wasstirring.

"Not your lucky day." Sandy zipped her pants before J.J. appeared. Sandyblushed at her brazenness. What was she doing??!

"Sorry. I mean, I didn't mean to… you know." Sandy blushed as shebuttoned her blouse.

"Not to worry, Sandy. I enjoyed the show. Maybe another day…" J.J.wandered in rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"You really could dance if you wanted to." Stan took J.J. to the play room.

"Next time…." Sandy trailed off pondering what it might be like todance in front of people… on stage. She smiled returning to her chores.

That night Jack, intent on some football game or another, noticed the gentlesway of Sandy's hips as she went about her chores. It intrigued him. She hada genuine sensuality about the motion. They had never gone to a strip cluband to the best of his knowledge had never even seen a stripper. Sandy movedbetter than any he had seen.

"Why don't you take it off with the beat?" Jack suggested hopefully. Shesmiled and began to move like Stan had directed. "Oh, yeah." He could feelhis manhood taking rise as she reached the last button. Sandy took off herblouse tossing it squarely at Jack. He jumped up. Sandy ran to the bedroomsquealing. Jack took her up on the chase. It was some of the most passionatesex they had shared in months.

Sandy began to dance for Jack once in a while. It was fun. They both foundit exciting and stimulating. She never got passed her blouse and skirt or jeansbefore they ended up in a passionate twisted bunch somewhere, on the floor,the bed, and once on the dinning table. It was a great addition to their sexlife.

' Next time" arrived for Stan about a month later.This time Sandy let her pants drop beneath her. She was so randy she couldnot contain her passions. Her soaked panties stuck to her sex as she dancedin front of Stan.

"And?" Sandy puzzled at the question.


"Are you going to stop there?"

"Yes. I enjoy dancing for you… but that needs to be where I drawthe line."

"Are you going to take the rest off?"

"I don't think so… not right now. I mean, no. Jack is the only oneto see me completely naked. And I think I want to keep it like that for now." Shecould see the disappointment in Stan's face, but he respected her stand justthe same.

"Next month's Super Bowl. I am having Sam, Dennis, Ben, and Dave over forthe game. I wanna get a babysitter for the game. Can you fix a few dips andthings for the game?" Jack asked his palms beginning to sweat as he ponderedthe next question.

"Sure. Deena can watch the kids for the afternoon."

"I want you to dance at half time… you know, like you do with me."

"No. That's for you, us, and no one else." She said flatly.

"Awe come on. Please. I mean it is so sexy. You could do a kind of waitressFrench Maid costume and then dance at half time. I really want you to, please?" Jackpleaded. Sandy stopped in her tracks staring directly at her husband.

"You want me to act like some randy tart… taking my clothes off foryour friend's entertainment? Are you nuts?"

"Exactly!" Jack was missing the point shooting at him in her eyes and tone.

"And do you want me fuck them too?"

"No." He had not given it a thought actually. He sat stunned staring blanklyat the floor.

"No… but you want them to see Me… and want to fuck Me…" Sheleft to room. "So what's in it for me? I want something out this if I'm gonnagive you what you want."

"What do you want?" Jack asked without a clue of what that might be.

"I want a hundred dollars to spend… and tips… and I'm gonnafuck one of them during the second half. If you want me to act like a randytart then you gotta pay the price. And nothing for you till after the gameeither… I expect tips thru the whole damn game." Sandy came back intothe room sure that this would be the end of it. She was really steamed.

"I'll talk to the guys… I… I… I… am just notsure about this though. I mean I don't necessarily want you with another guy… andsome of them are married too."

"Put up or shut up." Sandy left the room angry at the entire situation… hoping… sure,but not sure about the result of her challenge. It would be the end of it…


"Remember the deal you proposed?" Jack asked in the quiet of the night asthey lay next to each other nearly a week later.

"What deal?" Sandy asked nearly asleep.

"For the Super Bowl party?"

Sandy caught her breath instantly awake.

"Yes." She said dryly.

"Well." Jack fell silent. Sandy knew what was coming.

"Spit it out, damn it." She said flatly.

"Well… I don't want you having sex with anyone… but the guys… no… "I" reallywant you to dance at half time. I told them how sexy you are." He shifted uncomfortablyunder the covers.

"I told you the deal." She didn't want to fuck one of them either and thatwas her ace, her trump card to squash the whole thing.

"Sam and Dennis can't make it… but some of the guys at work wantedto come over." Unfamiliarity was Jack's trump card and he was pushing it. Surelyshe would not fuck a total stranger… and so he was trying to get herto just dance as a compromise to a total stranger.

"Really. You tell everyone our business?" She quipped.

"No." He whispered embarrassed at her accusation.

"But you want them to see my business." She rolled over to look directlyat him.

"No… not really. Just dance. You know… blouse and skirt… nothingmore."

"Okay. You know the deal. I dance, and nothing more. Not… I get tofuck one of them during the fourth quarter, when the game is on the line."

"Why can't you just do the dance and leave it at that?" Jack quipped a bitfrustrated and angry.

"Because I don't want to strip for your friends."

"But you want to fuck them."

"No. Do you want me too?"


"Then drop this." It fell silent. They drifted off into a restless angeredsleep.

Jack looked at Sandy across from the breakfast table. She was feeding theyoungest.

"Alright. You win. $100, tips… and you can fuck whoever you want." Jackfussed with his shoes as he spoke.

"You really want this?"

"Yeah. I think you're the sexist women I've ever seen dance. I really wantyou to do this… just not the other thing."

"Okay, and not the other thing? Too bad. We'll have a drawing before thegame. Better still, do one of those football pools, you know, where you buya square with a score on it and the closest one to that score at the end ofthe third quarter is mine." Sandy scowled at Jack hoping still that he wasgoing to renege his request.

"Sure a football pool will work if you have to… to… you know…" Jackfinished tying the other shoe.

"I don't have to do any of this. It's your request and you remember that!And just to my bra and panties." Sandy mused aloud.

"No. Drop the bra too… but that's it… unless…" Jackfaded in thought, fear, and embarrassment.

"No, just to my bra and panties." She said insistently. "And YOU won't getanything till after the game… what's that three weeks? So, suck it upbuster!"

Sandy was twenty-eight, married four years with one small child. She waspretty though not the typical model, more like the girl next door, the oneYOU know. She was not a petite size 4 nor had she ever been. Sandy had keptherself in reasonably good physical condition for a stay at home mother. Herhips were broad, but not fat. Her shoulders were stout, but not hefty. Herbreasts, well her breasts were something special, large, round, and firm; notthe mushy soft globs that many large breasted women have, but firm and tightlike an over filled water balloon… and natural. Sandy's nipples wereas big as a man's ring finger, hard when aroused standing almost three quartersof an inch tall. Her areolas were dark, pronounced adding wonderful definitionby contrast to her nearly perfectly shaped breasts.

She had learned pubic grooming early, before marriage. Sandy kept her moundneatly trimmed for her and Jack. It was like shaving her underarms or stylingand cutting her hair. It was simply part of grooming herself.

Her complexion was dark. She tanned so very nicely. In the light her hairshimmered in gorgeous auburn tones. Sandy's eyes were like wonder pools ofdark chocolate. They could flash or glitter in an instant.

Sandy swayed about the washing machine. Though it felt a bit different nowfor she was lost in imagination, pondering up coming events. She strode tothe bedroom mirror and stripped to her bra and panties.

"No. This just looks like underwear. I may have to do this but I'm not gonnalook like I just pealed off to get into the shower. I'm going to get somethingbetter... much better." Sandy dressed going about her day.

At 2 PM Sandy loaded J.J. into the car seat and set off to the store. Shebegan at Victoria's Secrets. There she did find a bra she liked. It was pink,cut low clasping at the front. The fabric was shiny with a baroque lace pattern.Though she felt completely endowed, ample in the chest, she did notice theaccents of the pushup. She appeared much fuller and by adjusting their locationshe could change the visual effect. Cool. She decided that with this she wasnot going to lose her bra at the game.

But the panties… nothing… They all seemed to fit too… well,loose. Finally she found something in pink at Wal-Mart. It was a high Frenchcut panties with lycra like stretch fitting. It felt like a second snug skinand though the baroque lace was not an exact match to the bra it was very close.

The Blue Boutique had a silly little French Maid outfit in red. Sandy triedit on.

"Yes. This with a garter and hose… White knit with the seam at theback." The outfit seemed right. Sandy felt a bit embarrassed at the excitementbuilding within. "I'm not supposed to want to do thisdamn it." She looked at herself in the fitting room mirror. "But I do… Ireally do." She confessed quietly to herself. Sandy decided to hide the costumeuntil game day.

The next afternoon Sandy called Stan.

"Today is your lucky day. Can you come up?"

"My lucky day?"

"Because I'm going to dance for you…. I've got something I want toshow you. Yes. Now…"

J.J. was taking his nap as Stan walked in. The music was playing. Sandyhad moved the furniture about the living room creating enough room for herto dance… and one single chair sat available for her audience. Stansat down. Sandy kept direct eye contact with him as she began to sway. Shedid as he had instructed… as she had done often since that first time.Her blouse soon lay at his feet. Soon after the next song began Sandy laidher skirt upon the blouse. Her new attire had not gone without Stan's notice.

"Do you like my new bra?" Sandy asked with a smile.

"Sure. It is very nice." Sandy reached the clasp… flick… sheblushed. Her cheeks crimson as she laid her new bra at his feet. Sandy dancedon sensuously swaying her hips. As the songs changed Sandy's finger tips danceda pirouette about her nipples her eyes never leaving Stan's.

The beat began. She swayed slowly. "Do you like my new panties?" Stan chockedon his answer.

"Yes." It was to much of a whisper to be heard really. Sandy swayed methodicallydepositing them too at Stan's feet. She stopped dancing.

"Now I've got nothing left to show you." Sandy blushed at her situation.

"Wow!!" Stan stood to Sandy.

"No. I'm not ready for that… yet. I have to perform on Super BowlSunday for Jack and the guys. After that… if you want… we can… youknow…if you want."

"You sure?"

"Yes. But I wanted you to see me first… all of me… this way… beforeanyone else. Okay?"

"You bet." Stan sat back down a bit puzzled. "Perform?" Sandy dressed beforeexplaining things to Stan.

"Can anyone come to the party?"

"I would prefer that you didn't… I don't want to ask Jack. Besides,I will dance again for you… just like now… and then you can… wecan… Because I want to… fuck you too." After Super Bowl… andher fucking the 'winner' of the pool it wouldn't matter so much if she didone for her, just her. Sandy blushed at her blunt speech. "But for now I wantyou to help me dance, practice for the big day."


Sandy put her clothes back on and began again… Stan watching, lusting,suggesting, and Sandy obliging, practicing, and improving her sensuality-herstage sexuality.

Game Day

Sandy sat at the kitchen table with the newspaper, the spread and the oddswere plainly listed. She stared at the paper, reading – not reading – musingabout things, today… all of today… emptiness gazing blankly.

"How many are coming?" She asked Jack as he entered the room.

"Are you really gonna do this? The pool, I mean." Jack asked still miffedabout it.

"That was part of the deal." Sandy sat with a large posted board dividedinto to vertical and horizontal grids. One team she listed on top and the otherteam written neatly to the side. Sandy sat entering scores guided by the newspaperin front of her.

"You agreed to it. You can still cancel the deal. I don't have to stay here,you know. I can always visit Penny until later."

"Eight or ten. I am not sure really." Jack sat down with a thud.

"They know the rules, right? No one get to stay for half time unless theybuy at least one square, right?" Sandy stopped to look at Jack. "Right?"

"Yeah. They know."

"And you? You have your $100?" Sandy asked frankly. "Time to pay up, Jack." Jackopened his wallet tossing the bill in front of her. Sandy posted the pool atthe entry with a small jar, the buy-in, and a marker to write their names.

It was noon. She had another two and a half hours to finish the deli plateand dips. They had arranged the TV area to accommodate her performance as wellas Jack's guests.

2:30 PM. It was time for Sandy to dress. Jack had yet to see her costume.Sandy closed the door behind her as she entered their bedroom. She took timeto freshen up, wash herself with a damp cloth, powder, and perfume, make-upand stuff. She changed taking special care with each piece of her outfit. Shestood to the mirror. Sandy liked the sexy image staring back at her. She heardvoices… two or three had already arrived. It was ' Game Day 'and she was ready… kind of. Anxious about dancing, stripping, for strangers… andthen to pool too.

"Here goes girl…" Taking a deep breath Sandy opened the door.

"Who wants a beer?" She asked striding to the center of the room… infront of the pre-game TV nonsense.

"Wow." Blurted one, the other man gasped. "I'll take one." Sandy smiledat Jack who stood with his mouth gaping wide. She strode to the entry. Nothing.

"Jack don't forget the game pool." She touted walking to the kitchen.

"That's right! Where's the pool, Jack?" One of them asked.

"In the entry." Jack said with a noticeable lack of enthusiasm. Both wentto the entry. They paused reading:

$20 buy-in. One square each until everyone has a square thenyou may buy as many as you wish at $20 each. Those not participatingmust leave before half-time.

The pool was 10x10 marked off at scores ofthrees and sevens. That was easy. Forty dollars found the jar as each man madehis fist pick. Sandy did not expect to sell all the squares but she did hopefor a majority.

One by one they arrived… eight…ten… eleven by gametime. The board was better than half sold before the game began. Sandy wasbusy. Busy with roaming hands, beer, chips, deli's, and more roaming hands.It had become too much to fend off by game time… she just left theirhands to their adventure, besides Sandy felt her body responding to the attentions.Her pussy was warm and damp at kick-off. She took her leave to freshen up fromthe pre-game.

She looked at the pool, then at the money. The pool was nearly sold out.She picked it up and began counting. $980… and the $100 from Jack… andseveral tips tucked into her costume… She smiled. Somebody was goingto get the fucking of his life! She vowed to herself as she walked to the kitchen.

Half Time

With the end of the first half a cheer rose from the front room… andnot for the game. It was time… her time. Sandy's felt cold, anxious,scared, nearing panic. Her hands were damp, clammy, and stiff. Her legs felta bit wobbly as she heard chairs being moved about the room. Jack cued thetape. Sandy felt stunned at the first sounds of music. She knew what was next.Her. She was to perform… to strip for these guys. She gasped for air,clinching her hands into fists and then stretching the fingers she walked intothe room. It was silent except for the music. Every eye was upon her. She closedher eyes tightly as she began to move. Sandy closed her mind to those abouther struggling to feel, to absorb, to hide in the beat of the music. She pulledher hair upward off her shoulders as she rotated her hips. She began to bein the music. Sandy opened her eyes as she began to dance to the first twoguys. Slowly her hands caressed her breasts, her tummy and hips. She was beginningto feel that randy twinge deep inside, a wanton sexuality building from herpassions within. She had plenty of time. It was half time at the super bowl… theTV ads were not going to be missed. She danced slowly, sensuously to each manbefore the first button fell away. At the center of the floor Sandy removedthe tiny French Maid costume. Pausing briefly as the next song cued Sandy dancedto each man. Then her garter belt…. She had each of the two men buyingthe most squares remove one of her white knit hose.

"It's up to you what they see now." Sandy whispered into Jack's ear. "Undothe front clasp of my bra if that is what you want." She danced away… andreturning to her husband at the beginning of the next and final song…

Jack hesitated. His hands trembled. The clasp slipped away. Sandy's breastsswung free. She returned to the center of the floor dropping the bra in frontof Jack. She danced… allowing each man to suck her breasts… andin turn grope her twat. Then in front of Jack she stopped, picked her bra andwalked to the bed room denying him a single touch.

Sandy returned to the room. Many more dollars lay on the coffee table aboutthe chips and dips. Sandy gathered them as well as the bits of her costumefrom about the room. The game began. She waited on the guys in just her braand panties… after all they had paid well for the privileged.

The end of the third quarter found several of the guys at the entry examiningthe pool. 'JACK' was the winner. A loud voice proclaimed his luck for everyoneelse.

"Well… It's up to you, Jack. You can watch the game or collect yourprize… but you will miss the forth quarter."

"Not that good a game! Do you mind, Jack?" Jack asked politely… butthen just exactly how does one ask politely of the host – Is it alrightif I spent the next hour fucking your wife.

"You won… it's your choice." Jack sat into the chair concentratingall the harder on the TV.

"Yes!" Jack pumped his hand as he walk towards Sandy. She smiled. Her mouthwas dry. It was pay-off time. She took him by the hand walking him to the sparebedroom. She had taken time to fix in up, a few candles, a soft fragrance,and her sexiest nighty… a full length flowing black gown, shear at thewaist, with an opaque 'V' from the pubis to her shoulders, and a lace appliqué atthe bodice.

"Take a quick shower while I change." She showed Jack the bathroom and arobe. "I'll meet you in a minute." Sandy slipped into the nightgown while theshower ran. It stopped. She gave Jack a minute then stepped into the bedroom.

He entered behind her. Sandy turned about, a soft kiss, another… Gentlybut firmly he pressed her back to the door. Jack's hand cupped her breast.She flinched but only briefly. He held her firmly as he caressed and exploredher breasts. She caught her breath as her pussy flushed from damp to wet. Herpassion built as she began to undo his belt. Slowly she undressed Jack as theykissed. She knelt to his cock. Slowly she began to lap at his manhood. Sandyslipped it into her mouth… licking about its firmness… slippingdeeper and deeper into her throat until the fullness of his manhood was buriedto his balls deep in Sandy's throat.

She stood slowly pulling the night-gown above her head. She stood nakedhis eyes feasting upon her body. Sandy lay upon the bed taking Jack by thehand…

"Fuck me… Fuck my hot pussy…" She pleaded softly. Jack didnot need another invitation laying into her sex Sandy guided his cock intoher wet waiting twat. It felt hot firm satisfying in her wanton pussy. Jackbegan to work his cock in and out of her. Sandy met his passion with hers.

"Yes!" She paused… "Fuck my ass… I want you to cum in my ass." Sandypushed Jack away. He was close and she knew it. She rolled to her knees presentingher bottom to him. Jack pressed gently at her anus. Slowly it slipped inside. "Yes….Oh, yes… fuck my ass." Jack began to oblige. Jack grasped her breastas he rode her from behind. Sandy rolled the other nipple hard.

Jack grunted… "Yes… Yes… cum in my ass." Jack archedhis back burying his cock deeper inside her bottom… filling it withhis hot cum. Sandy waited until he was ready to withdraw himself.

"Lay still now." She laid him on his back washing his cock with a warm washcloth she had brought in with her. Sandy began to work his cock slowly… itbegan to recover… "Good. My pussy needs more." Sandy placed his firmingmanhood at the wet vulva slowly sitting onto his shaft. "Oh, yes. That feelsso good." She worked her pussy, her clit on his cock…"

"Yes… Yes… I'm cumming…I'm cumming." Sandy gruntedtoo loudly for Jack's comfort. She bucked wildly and noisily as she lost herselfin each wave of orgasm. Jack came in a convulsing grunt. "Yes… cum inmy pussy… fuck my pussy."

The game was over as Sandy in her black nightgown escorted Jack from thebedroom.

"Best damn game ever!" They all commented to Jack… and seemed rathergracious to Sandy. "You gonna do the NBA Playoffs too?"

"Sure. Wouldn't miss it!" Sandy smiled as they helped her clean up the cans,plates, and other stuff about the TV room.

"Looking forward to it." One of the guys said as he left. Jack seemed abit miffed… but then HE had opened the door to this.

The next day Sandy made good her promise to Stan and herself. Sandy enjoyedevery second of it. Not just the dancing, which was a huge rush, but fuckingStan, which she did entirely for herself. She felt nasty, fulfilled, raunchy,satisfied enjoying every second.


"Look at the card I picked up today." Jack said tossing it across the table.

"Genesis." Sandy turned the card in her fingers. It was a picture of a womanin leathers with a bull whip. "Agents?" She asked.

"I picked it up at the auto body shop next door to where they are fixingthe car. You'd never know it from the look of the place but they train andplace exotic dancers. Marvin said the picture is the guy's wife." Jack satin the kitchen chair.

"Bet not too many people throw his cards away." Jack laughed. Sandy fingeredthe card slowly thinking, considering the card in her hand. Jack left the room.

"I've never seen one." Sandy said inquisitively… "An exotic dancer,I mean."

"Really? then again you're a woman, so why would you?" Jack chuckled.

"Honest. In fact I've never even been to a male show." Sandy smiled at hergenerally conservative life. "Have you?"

"Now that's a question! Yes. I've been a few times with the guys. I can'tafford to go really. By the time you've been there awhile it costs some realmoney. I mean a buck or two or three per song… in a three song set.It doesn't take long to really add up." Jack was more concerned about her reactionto his going to see the 'strippers' than the cost.

The week passed uneventfully. Sandy never threw the card out. She thoughtabout things rather carefully. She had danced for Jack's friends and Stan.That had been fun, though quite nerve racking, truth be told. She enjoyed that… andthe money she had made... well, that was interesting too. She thought aboutit. It was the sensuality, the fun of being nasty that she liked not just theidea of money, though she did not deny that part of things either. On TuesdaySandy asked to go out.

"I want to go to a bar… you know where the exotic dancers are, realprofessionals not like the stuff we do or that thing you had me do for SuperBowl."

"Why?" asked Jack. Sandy stepped over the question ignoring it completely.

"Well I know of a nice enough pool bar where they have dancers." Jack said.

"Good. I asked Deena to coming over and watch the kids for the evening.Do they have dinner too?"

"Not usually. We can stop somewhere on the way."

It was dark, smoky and noisy. Jack held the door as Sandy stepping inside.There were a few, three or four ladies in booths around the club. Three mensat at tables surrounding the stage. Jack and Sandy sat next to a pool table.Jack dropped coins in the slot and racked the table. A woman appeared as themusic started. She bumped, ground, dipped and unbuttoned her blouse. A turnand the blouse came off. Pasties covered her nipples. She danced with the beat… two,three, five dollars appeared at the table. Sandy watched closely. The womanshed her skimpy skirt. At the next song more money appeared on the tables… thewoman made every effort to expose her intimate parts thru the thin fabric… moremoney appeared. Sandy counted the money quickly as it disappeared. She pokedat her pool ball. It didn't drop in the pocket. At the end of the third songthe woman left the stage. She took her money and her break. Sandy finishedthe game.

"Is that all there is to exotic dancing?" She asked quietly.

"Well. This is a fairly nice place. There are private clubs that are reallyclassy joints and dives too. Why?"

"Let's see a dive because I've never been to one."

"Sure." Jack paid for the drinks as they left.

"This is a dive." Jack opened the door. It was smoky, noisy, and dark… anddirty. There were very few tables and one run down pool table. The stage wastiny and poorly lit. The woman was doing pretty much the same dance as theother… and money was appearing on the table, though not as much andthe men were dirtier, but it was there none the less.

Sandy watched intently as they sipped their drinks. "And a private club?"

"They are more expensive, cover charges and all." Jack said. "More likea cabaret joint."

It was on the ride home that Sandy let the why out. "I called this Genesisagency out of curiosity. He said experience was not necessary. I made an appointment.Do you mind?" Sandy asked holding her breath.

Jack's heart stopped instantly. His wife on stage? A thousand images ranthrough his mind in that instant. His wife on stage? He considered… whata turn on!

"No! Not at all. I am just surprised, really surprised. I mean you… thisis so… just… NOT you." Jack stammered.

"I know." Sandy's heart was in her throat. A very large part of her hadhoped that Jack would demand her to stop such a thing.

Sandy stopped, glanced at Jack. "I'm not sure I can either but I'm gonnatry."


"Next Tuesday… at eleven." Sandy spoke quietly. "Can you take me?I think I need to know that it's okay… and that you'll be there." Sandy'svoice was almost a whisper.

"Sure." Jack said understanding not a bit of anything.

At eleven o'clock Jack pulled up in front of the Genesis Agency. It wasinconspicuous at a glance. Sandy tugged at the car door handle.

"You ready for this?" Jack asked.

"No. Not at all. I want to hide." Sandy's voice trembled.

"Your choice. Get back in and we'll be on our way." Sandy stepped from thecar.

"No. I'm gonna do this… for me." She closed the door taking threequick steps to the front door.

"Hello. My name is Sandy. I have an appointment at eleven." The receptionisthanded the usual form the Sandy.

"Please fill this out and have a seat. I'll let them know you're here." Shestood leaving the room for only a minute. "They'll be right with you."

Sandy filled out a standard employment application. It was dismal to seethe lack of experience in much of anything. She looked about. The others wereso young, so petite, so… she fought the urge to run out the door.

"Hello." A woman in her forties spoke as she took Sandy's application. "Haveyou ever danced before?"

"No." The urge to escape welled up inside her again.

"Did you bring an audition tape?"

"No. I didn't know." Sandy choked on her embarrassment.

"That's okay we have several available. Come this way." Sandy stood followingthe Lady to a dance room. It had a stretching bar, mirrors, and wooden floor.It felt cold. Sandy's nipples tightened at the chill.

"Sit. Don will be right in. I'll just get a tape ready."

The waiting was almost more than Sandy could tolerate. Between nerves andembarrassment she regretted the folly of the moment. She stood to leave justas Don walked into the room.

"Okay. So you've never done this before..." He perused her application quickly. "Yousure you want to do this?"

"No. I'm not sure. But then I won't know until I try either." Sandy saidtruthfully.

"Cue the tape." Don spoke to the mirror. The music started. "Let's see whatyou've got."

Sandy began to sway with the beat. She was familiar with the music for thatshe was grateful. A bump of the hip and rustle of her shirt and a few buttonsSandy lay her blouse open. A turn, another bump and she unzipped the skirtallowing it to fall to the floor. She stepped out of it not missing a beat.She wiggled about dancing like she had learned from Stan. Her hardened nipplesprotruding upwards against the soft tricot bra she had on, her lycra-lace pantiesclinging to her supple form. The music stopped… so did Sandy.

"And…" Don motioned for more.


"Dear, take off the rest of you clothes." The Lady said. "If you won't doit here you won't do it on stage."

It wasn't the nudity really that stopped her so short. She was not emotionallyprepared to dance naked, not here, not now.

"I didn't see any of the girls doing that last night." Sandy stammered attemptingto cover herself with her arms.

"Some of our clients require nude dancers. All of our Ladies take a shift." TheLady said.

"Do you want to do this or not?" Don said flatly.

"Cue the tape." Sandy whispered. The music began. She dipped, turned andwith a flick undid her bra. It slipped away. Her breasts giggled. Instinctivelyshe covered… then moved on. Another turn and her lycra-lace pantieslay next to her skirt. She moved to the music, embarrassed, cold and naked.It stopped. She stopped. Don looked inquisitively at Sandy then at the Lady.

"Shave the muff and have her report on Thursday." Don turned to Sandy. "Itwill take a bit of conditioning. You've a few pounds here and there so watchthe diet. You'll be fine in a few weeks."

Jack left as Sandy gathered up her clothing. "What time Thursday?" She beganto get dressed.

"About 4 PM. You'll be doing aerobics with the rest of the Ladies to burnthose pounds and tone some muscle. And we'll start working on your routine.See you then."

Sandy walked out into the warm sunshine. Jack sat waiting. It had been almostthirty minutes. Sandy sat into the car.

"Well?" Jack said turning the ignition key.

"I start on aerobics Thursday at 4. They hired me." She giggled.

"Great." Jack exclaimed.

"But… I had to strip." Sandy said embarrassed.

"That's what they do, Sandy." Jack said.

"I know. But I had to strip… naked, completely naked."

"And… you did?" Jack asked stunned.

"Yeah, sure. I had to in order to get the job. They have several clientsthat require nude dancers." Sandy's head sagged a bit. "And everyone get aturn at that."

"But you look good naked." Jack said bolstering his wife.

"I have to shave my… you know… my pussy... bald I guess." Sandysaid quietly

"Yeah! Alright!!" Jack exclaimed surprising Sandy with his enthusiasm. "Cool!"

It took a full month of aerobics and diet to get to where Sandy was ready.The instructor handed a note to Sandy after workout.

Report to the Bottoms Up club at 6:00 PM tomorrow.

It was her first gig. She was excited… andscared to death! Sandy could barely contain herself as she handed the noteto Jack. He read it out loud.

"Are you ready for this?" Jack looked inquisitively at his wife.

"I'm scared to death. It is what I have been training for. Are you ready… forme to go to work doing this?"

"I'm not sure now that it is here? But… well… I guess we'llboth find out tomorrow."

The Bottoms Up club was a dive. Sandy was disappointed. The dressing roomwas cold, dark, and dirty. The guys… all three of them… weredrunk. One was playing pool, the other was sitting at the bar trying to maketime with the bar maid, and the last was sitting at the stage waiting for HER.Sandy dressed in silence. Cindy, one of the girls she had met at aerobics wasjust leaving.

"Hi. It was really dead today. Hope it's better for you tonight." Cindyquipped.

"This is my first time… on stage. I'm scared to death. Look." Sandyheld her hand out for Cindy to see. It trembled. It was cold, clammy and stickyfrom perspiration.

"Here, let me help you." Cindy tied the bow at the side of Sandy's thong.She wore a smaller one underneath. "Tell you what. I'll sit at the bar andhave a drink through your first set. If you get into trouble I'll be thereto help out. Okay?"

"That'll be great. My husband will be here later, but he's taking care ofmy son at the moment. A familiar face will be nice. Thanks." Sandy said relieved.

"That's your cue." The song began as Cindy stepped out of the dressing room.

Sandy followed. She began her routine. It was different than that of herSuper Bowl debut. She had developed it with the help of the instructor at Genesis.She was in a simple plaid 'A' line skirt and white blouse, a thong for showand a matching bra. It provided a good three song set, leaving her in a tootight thong and pasties at the half way stage of the last song.

By the end of the first song she had shed her blouse. Cindy nodded her approvalas the next song began. By the end of that song Sandy had shed her skirt. Cindysmiled sipping her drink. The third song of the set began. Sandy lost the outerthong and her bra just as they had practiced. Cindy tipped her glass. Sandysmiled at the approval. By the end of the third song Sandy stood bare-chestedwith only two small pasties covering her nipples… and too tight thongdefining the edges of her sex. Cindy sat through another few sets before leaving.

Jack arrived about 8PM. Sandy blushed as he waved timidly sitting away fromthe stage. They had agreed to that. Sandy felt uneasy as the bra came off.Her breasts swayed freely. The thong was next. Sandy mellowed with anxiousembarrassment having her husband watching her strip in front of… nearlyno one. Sandy smiled taking her break.

"Hi. So what do you think?" Jack asked quietly as Sandy sat down next tohim.

"It's embarrassing having you watch me. This is a dive… and a deaddive at that." Sandy mused.

"Do you want me to leave?" Jack asked honestly.

Sandy paused. "No. If I do this, we do it together or not at all." Sandytouched his hand in reassurance. "This is a lot more work than you might think.I'm bushed."

They chatted about stuff… the stuff days are made of. "That's mycue. Break's over. Stay awhile, please." Sandy asked standing to leave.

"Sure. I'll be glad to." Jack said cheerfully.

Sandy danced most of night to a few drunks… and fewer tips. The crowdsstarted to pick up about 9:30 PM. Jack left about 9. Sandy was tired by thetime the tips began to keep pace with the beat of the music. She was catchingthe drift of exotic dance. Dance to the tippers… strip to those payingto see her stuff…. And she could strut her stuff! The tips began topick up. That first night was a learning, trying experience.

By the end of the first month she had developed a small following of guysthat came in just to watch her strut. Business was up, for her and the pub.Sandy learned to satisfy her sensuality validated with her dance.

Genesis moved her up to a nicer club… more girls… better conditions… bettertips… etc. Sandy was enjoying herself. Jack attended when he could butusually he was taking care of J.J. It had been almost three months since thatfirst interview.

Party Dancing

Don handed Sandy, Suzy, and Tina an address with their pay stubs. "It'sa company party, some big deal closing. Take good care of this guy. He's payingbig money for you three."

A private party. What was that exactly? Sandy was not sure, except thatshe had a command performance Saturday night with two of the other girls.

"So what should I do?" Sandy asked quietly of Suzy, one of the other girlsassigned to the Party.

"Do? Defend yourself." Suzy quipped. "These guys can get really aggressivewhen there is no 'stage' about."

"No stage. And where are we going to dance?"

"Where ever they want us to."

"What costume are you going to use?" Sandy asked as she waited for Suzyto dress after her work out.

Suzy giggled. "No costume Dear. This is buck naked."

"Oh." Sandy got quiet. She knew they had gigs like this… and nowshe had drawn her turn. Sandy's mind turned to Jack. She had to tell him. How?She wasn't really afraid of it, just concerned. They had resolved any issueswith respect to her dancing weeks ago. Yet this was different, naked, private,no stage. It raised concerns in her mind too.

It was 9PM before the Party began. Suzy, Sandy, and Tina stood quietly behinda simple curtain. There was no particular dressing room. Sandy peered aroundthe curtain.

"What is that? Tape on the floor… they don't expect that to keepanyone off us do they?" Sandy asked quietly.

"No. They are counting on it not doing anything at all. They expect us toput out." Tina said flatly. "And I'm gonna. There is big money to be made atthese Party gigs."

"Not me!" Cried Suzy. "I'll do my part but I hate being pawed and gropedby every drunk with a dick!"

"You're loss… that 's more for Sandy and I." Tina chirped.

"Me?" Whispered Sandy silently to herself.

By the end of the first set Suzy stood naked gathering up her tips. Generous?Yes. Suzy walked towards the curtain. Next it was Tina. She worked the crowdpicking out the best tippers to give a bit of an extra show. Sandy walked outto the last set. She danced about loosing bits of her costume on cue as shehad practiced. At the end of the second song she stood in bra and panties.The next song made her very nervous. She turned flicking the clasp of her bra.Her breasts swung free, no pasties to cover her. Another turn and the pantiesfell away, not even her natural muff hair to hide her sex. She danced naked.At the end Sandy gathered her tips… her clothes had completely disappeared.There would be nothing to hide under for the rest of the night.

After an hour of dancing and drinking Tina began allowing the best tippersto cuddle and caress her breasts. Suzy did not. Sandy followed Tina's lead.By eleven o'clock Sandy was horny, half drunk and naked. Men delivering a goodtip got to suck her nipples. Bigger tippers diddled her sex. She wanted. Herbody was responding aggressively to the stimulation. Her sex was wonton, wet,hot for a man… and with the liquor she did not care much which man.Sandy quaked nearing orgasm as one man massaged her clit. It was near 1 AMwhen Suzy left. Tina had disappeared nearly an hour earlier.

Sandy swayed her hips to the beat a man fondling her tits. "Yes." She groaned.He picked her up repositing her on her back at the buffet table. Sandy's legswidened as his cock found her sopping sex.

"Yes! Fuck me. Fuck my pussy." Sandy grunted loudly raspy with unbridledpassions. A line was forming about the table. He… they… somesix or eight men watched as he obliged her. Sandy grunted cumming and beggingfor more. Someone took his place at her sex. Her soft shiny sticky shorn sexfull of cock Sandy drifted off sweet unconsciousness barely aware of the pulsingcock inside her. She awoke to her pussy lost in waves of ecstasy, cumming wildly… anda pile of money at the table. Sandy sensed a horrible feeling of use… withwry a smile. She dressed quietly. It was 3:30 AM as Sandy made her way fromthe Party.

She like this! The money was great… and to her embarrassment thatsense of 'use' seemed to be more one of gratification. Sandy giggled as shedressed for home. Jack would be worried. Sandy called from her cell. He seemedsleepy and relieved to hear from her. Sandy felt tired… ready for bed.She needed rest and the comfort of her man and family.

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My pornstar wife

This is the story of myself and wife rittu, we are a happy married couple and love each other. I often used to make film on our self fucking each other. Iused to fuck my wife in all positions.she often used to suck my cock and take my cum inside her.my wife intially was shy on filming her but used to enjoy later and we used to watch our film together.my wife rittu is little on a heavy side with size 36-32-36. But she looks very sexy in a sarre. One day i saw an ad in the paper requiring a...

3 years ago
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A Wiry Dream

You're laying face down on a padded horizontal platform that extends from your forehead down to your hips. It is suspended a few feet off the floor by a chain at each corner and you are strapped securely to it by wide straps across your hips, the small of your back and one directly behind your breasts. Those lovely breasts are hanging through two perfectly placed holes in the platform. Your legs are hanging off the end and bent double around a spreader bar with your ankles strapped to your...

1 year ago
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Spending a while in Shawns bed

I started going to the gym, after my sweet Anita insisted so much.My wife said I needed to get fit for the summer.Since the first day I went there, I noticed that Shawn stared at me from time to time. He was a huge black muscled man in his late thirties and the most handsome guy in the gym.Soon we became good friends, starting to talk as we trained.One Saturday morning he did not come and I found it strange.So, after finishing my usual work out there, I sent him a message. “I missed you today...

4 years ago
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Sharing Cock with my GirlfriendTrue StoryPleae C

Sharing Cock with my Girlfriend- (True Story)-Please CommentWhen I was about 11 years old an older boy from the neighborhood and I used to spend lots of time talking about girls, pussy, fucking and looking a Club or Hustler Magazine . He was about 15 and heavy so he took a lot of ribbing but we became close. We would pull out our cocks wghenever we were alone and look at the girls posing and talk about what we'd like to do to them. I loved hearing his fantasies and loved watching him stroke his...

2 years ago
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Sexy Housemaid Anjali 8211 Part 1

“Sir, my son.. they have my son..” said Anjali one day when she came to work for Raju, sobbing hysterically. He had heard what happened. Her son was arrested on drug possession charges and was now remanded in the local police station. Anjali had been working as a housemaid for nearly 12 years, ever since the untimely death of her husband Ramesh. She had a son, Appu, a boy of thirteen and she lived with her husband’s parents. Her financial situation was tough and she struggled to make a...

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TheTrainingofO Alex Harper Pretty Pale and Pliant

Bound on a square black table with skin as white as snow, Alex Harper is positioned on her back with a red ball-gag between her teeth. Her wrists are tied firmly to the table with rope above her head. Wrapped around the end of her long legs are several loops of rope binding her ankles together and to the ceiling making her look like a sexy backwards “L”. Mogul fingers her asshole and flogs her bare ass and pussy then brings an assortment of insertable toys of diverse material. First...

3 years ago
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Morning LightChapter 32

Shelly had an exhausting day with her cousin and her two kids. They were three and five and full of energy. She had planned to stay the night but by the end of the day, she wanted to go home and relax. Her cousin was disappointed but understood. When Shelly pulled up to her house, there were two cars in the driveway. She recognized one as belonging to Ralph Jenkins, a biology teacher at school. He had been over on a number of occasions to visit with her mom and dad. However, Shelly wasn't...

1 year ago
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Finished Off

By James X Pendergrass Copyright 2013 All Rights ReservedDisclaimer:  To me, and many other people, it’s an exciting fantasy, nothing more.  Some people engage in this sort of lifestyle and I offer no judgment on their character.  However, I believe that no man should subject himself to the fictitious female character(s) in this story.  That said, enjoy!Part I – When I thought I Finished him offHello, my name is Miss Nicola. I'm 23 years old and I abuse men for a living. If you’re expecting...

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Mom Son at the Theater Together

My son and I had always been close and we felt very comfortable with hugs, kisses and being in close proximity physically. Josh would even hold my hand when we walked together or put his arm around me when we were sitting on the sofa. Nothing about this was sexual, at least not for me. In retrospect, I don't know if Josh had any amorous feelings or not. The first time Josh and I had more than a normal Mother and Son experience began when he was home on a visit from college. He was having...

4 years ago
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Mr Sanderson

Mikey Sanderson was my favourite wrestler since the first time I started to watch wrestling on TV.He had a real Bear Daddy look to him. I meet him one night at the Hilton Hotel in Edmonton, Canada.The sauna was good and hot when he came in wearing his green speedo swim suit.My eyes were clued to the outline from his huge cock that was showing through the speedo." Hi there my name is Colt "" Hi Colt I am Mike Sanderson "I play stupid making sure that I don't let him know who he really is.We...

2 years ago
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Twice LuckyChapter 41

Sunday, Carl and Diane returned from their cruise on the Love Boat. The couple acted like any other recently married pair, they were all lovey-dovey and touchy-feely. Jake gave them both big hugs to the startlement of Carl. The girls excitedly grabbed their mom and dragged the new Mrs. McClelland into the house as Jake helped unload the car. He did not even want to imagine what the conversation was like in the house. For his part, Carl’s conversation was almost normal as he filled Jake in on...

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A Sleepy Girl a Toy and Three Big Orgasms

She’s laying on her side, just starting to fall asleep while we’re watching a movie. Her breathing is starting to slow and become steady. I wrap my arm around her chest and pull her in tight. I start giving her soft kisses on her neck and nibble her ear. She moans softly and pushes into me even further. I grab her breast over her shirt. I lightly pinch her nipple and She moans again. A little louder this time. I keep grabbing her breasts and pinch her nipples a little harder...

3 years ago
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I was lying in my room when my mom came and told me that she was going out for shopping, and told me that maid will be coming to clean the room. Now let me tell you about that lady, her name was KIRAN and she was in her mid-30’s, with fully grown body. As she was there in our house for past 4 years, so I didn’t had any bad intention for her. She came around 1 pm in the afternoon. I was sleeping in my bed so I was not able to hear her voice. She was banging the door for a while then suddenly my...

2 years ago
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My Younger Sister DrKani 8211 Part II

Hi, Ram here, i hope you might have liked my first part with my cute sister Kani, those who had not read please read my first part story. Now am going to write about the next part i.e. after that night what happened? As we end up when power came. I had a good sleep & i woke up at 10am, when i saw beside me my sister Kani was not there, i thought even she might be sleeping, but she woke & had bath, was in nice dress. She mostly loves to wear leggings & kurta tops, on that day morning she was in...

2 years ago
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Baby Jenny Part 6

Baby Jenny Part 6 After dinner Mary and Beverly took me to the bedroom and they put me into a clean nappy, it was triple thick. Next a pink plastic rumba panty with lots of frills on the seat and legs openings was put on me. I was put into my sleepwear for the night. it was a pink mink romper . Mary and Beverly soon had me in the delicious feeling garment. It had full length sleeves ending in mittens and with footed legs and a hood covering my head I felt so snug. I was led to...

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forced Submission

Okay I would like to give a little bit of background information for this. This girl told me she was lesbian, but was curious about being submissive to a man. She asked me to write a story about it. I had been drinking when I wrote so not best short story, but it will do. On the bright side, the girl that wanted the story enjoy it. Let's see if you guys do also. We would be at my house, you would be wearing something sexy not thinking anything about it. You would be getting me turned on...

1 year ago
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Oedipus at home

On the drive back from the train station...Driving home was completely silent for 45 minutes. 18 year old Danny watched his mom Diana drive with a subtle smile on his face. Waiting."Danny." she finally started."Yes mom?""You are not to touch me like that... any more." she hesitates at the end. Sounds lame even to herself."What so now you don't like it when I stick things up your big cute butt?" he teases.She blushes and says, "It is not that... I mean it is that. No... I don't want you to do...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 27

"Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate this," I said as the car rolled to a stop. "Just remember this in a few months when you get your license and I ask you to take Traci somewhere." I looked blank. "Traci, Traci who?" I started to open the door. "It's a long walk to Robbie's from here." "Oh, Traci! My beautiful, talented, loving sister. Why didn't you say so?" I grinned as I stepped out of the car. The raindrop hit right in the center of my head. I looked up and a second drop...

3 years ago
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Silent Auction Night and I am a Prize

The bidding on Ashley was over. She always goes for a premium price. She’s 38. I’m 52. So now I was the last one to be auctioned off. The men were able to see me but I could not see them. Nor could they see one another. Privacy is what made this fundraiser work. The women knew that they would be expected to do a fashion show in a private hotel room at a 5-star resort in our lingerie or in a bikini. For that, our club would raise a lot of money for the local SPCA.The master of ceremonies asked...

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A Fair Trade

My name’s Chip Campanelli. I’m a retired repair shop supervisor for a major airline. My wife and I invested wisely (her wisdom, my income) and by the time we were 49 years old, I was eligible for a 30 year pension and we had investments worth 2.8 million dollars. Our happy retirement lasted all of eight months before she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was well advanced and she died five months later. At least she got to see London and Paris and Rome and Zurich and Venice. She loved...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Andi Rose Anal

So does Andi Rose like ANAL now? “Consider me converted” are the sweet words uttered by this absolute goddess of perfection after Jake annihilated her asshole in the anal pounding of the year at ExCoGi. Where do I begin? Really? Where do I fucking begin? Let’s start at the END. Her rear end that is because I’m speechless at the magnificent performance this girl turned out and turned out with style. Honey, most porn stars who’ve been taking it up the ass awhile now...

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Favorite Fucking Fantasies Walking In Rain

I feel so lucky to live where I do, five minutes after leaving my house and I’m in the countryside, fields, woods and the hills, I love to spend an hour or two just wandering about, I don’t usually see many people, the occasional dog walker or ramblers,that’s about it, and in the winter, like now, very few of either.It had been cold for what seemed like months, if it wasn’t cold it would be raining,so when i looked out the window this morning and saw a patch of blue sky it seemed perfect...

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At the gym

I'd been going to the gym for about two months. After having done my workout I'd had a shower and was getting dressed, as I had all my clothes on I was just putting my shirt on when Adam came in to the locker room, we made short talk, football, weather etc. As I put my arms through my shirt he came close to me and said "You married?", I replied that I was.As I was lacing up my boots he came from out of the shower and with just a towel around him he stood a couple of feet away. I noticed how...

3 years ago
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My extremely hairy family

I found out all of this information because I had began talking to the nearest of these women as she was sitting next to my table, and I had noticed that the top she was wearing was sleeveless and very see-through, so much so that I could see her long armpit hair and the hairs on her tits & nipples and as she was wearing a micro mini skirt and sitting with her legs apart, I could easily see her hairy legs, thighs and very hairy pussy. As I was talking to them I got the most amazing erection...

1 year ago
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Best way to loose virginity

This is really a true story, this was happened 2 yrs back, when I was 18 years old guy I went to water park for releasing all my tension for the past month, I was accompanied by my friend, but on the day when we are about to leave for the park, he met with some work and he can't go, I was very sad, but I was so frustrated that I wanted to go, I decided to go. The crowd was very good there hope u understand what I want to say. I enjoyed the rides for about 2 hrs. After that the wave pool has...

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Rimming The Hard

"So, bet you didn't expect the night to turn out like this." Jessica smiled at me wickedly, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you that you met me today?""Yeah, that would be a fucking 11.""Thought so." She shook her head. "And look at you, eating one girl's ass out then going home with her roommate to eat her ass, too. You know, if you were a girl, people would call you a slut."I gave a tight smile, still feeling a little guilty about doing this behind Chloe's back. But I couldn't not go...

4 years ago
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Chai Ke Saath Choot Ka Maza

Hi friendssss main ajay agra se phir se ek baar nayi kahani ke saath this is my 4th story my email id is koi bhi bhabhi aunty ya ladki sex chat ya chudai karna chahti ho toh mail me on dis id sirf agra ke liye. Toh story start hoti mere dadi ke naye ghar se meri dadi ka naya ghar ban raha tha waha dinbhar kaam chalta tha ek floor complete tha dusra bann raha tha toh raat mein main wahi sota tha akele kyunki neeche waley floor mein hum samaan shift kar chuke the kyunki neeche wala floor pehle...

1 year ago
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Shopping with a Twist

We couldn’t have timed it more perfectly. An hour before closing time on a very rainy evening and the shop was deserted. The only member of staff – a pretty, blonde, leggy girl in her early thirties – looked bored, but hadn’t shown the slightest interest in helping us. We selected several sets – all black with gold trim – and made our way to the counter. “May I try these on please?” you ask of the girl. Glancing up from her “O.K.”magazine the assistant smiles. “Of course. Let me give you a...

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