Punishment 120
- 4 years ago
- 375
- 0
January 3, 2018
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written January 4-5]
Ah, the resumption of school after a winter break. One good thing: most diary days should require much less writing.
Mom dropped Civia at her school and Meka drove the Sprinter to Central for what would be Lana’s first day in classes here. I wondered if she would be in any of my classes; I knew she would be in the same homeroom with Heather, Brit, and me. My answer arrived about five minutes into our 1st Bell class, as Lana was escorted into our Geography class.
The office aide said, “Please excuse the interruption, Mr. Pavletic. Lana Webster is a new student here. She’ll be here through the end of the school year. I’m told she knows some of the students in this class, and that they can help her pass between classes.”
Mr. Pavletic nodded at the aide, then said to Lana, Were you in a geography class at your last school?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You might require some time to catch up depending upon what you were covering last quarter, as, more than for a lot of classes, geography is taught in very different ways across school districts. Whom do you know here?” When she pointed the five of us out, he shook his head and said, “I should have known. Do you play soccer, too?” She shook her head, so he said, “Take that empty seat by Gracey.” Then he asked Gracey, “Would you and your friends be willing to see how much of what we did last quarter she’s had? Though it happens every year, post-winter-break transfers are tough on high-school students because of the differences across districts.”
We all nodded. I wondered at the time what additional changes Lana’s presence in our lives would make. It turned out that at least one of us was in each class of hers but one, and that one was immediately after lunch, so one of us could lead her to it. The entire set of LTG freshmen was in the same gym class during the floating period, which moved from 2nd Bell on Monday through each period until it was in 6th Bell on Friday. On Wednesdays, it was our class before lunch. Lana was in it, too.
Brett introduced her to Coach, although the rest of us tagged along.
Coach asked, “I don’t suppose you play soccer.”
“No, ma’am.”
“Please, call me ‘Coach.’ ‘Ma’am’ sounds far too hoity-toity for gym class. Do you play any sport?”
“No, Ma ... No, Coach, but I jog for exercise.”
“So, a few laps around the gym wouldn’t leave you breathless?”
“No, Coach.”
“Gather ‘round!” Once our classmates joined us by Coach, she said, “This is Lana Webster, a new student. She’ll be leading us on our three laps of the gym.” She looked at Lana and said, “Easy, but not too easy. You can start from here.”
When we were halfway around on the first lap, we all heard Coach yell out, “Franklin! Fall back ten spots and maintain that position.”
After laps, Coach said, “We’re starting the quarter with volleyball.”
Rhee, Gracey, and I let out various forms of “Yay,” as it’s our favorite gym sport. We are not pros at it by any means, but it is a team sport and, to play it well, it requires some of the same skills that soccer requires, such as body control, physical coordination, and endurance.
When the five of us were trying to figure out our 2nd-quarter schedules, Rhee, Gracey, and I talked to Coach about how the gym classes were run here. We did not know before then, as we did not need to take gym in the 1st quarter because we were playing a varsity sport. We particularly wanted to know if volleyball was in the mix and how she ran that one. When she said that she ran volleyball as if it were the varsity sport, with all the official rules and play design, we were relieved. We wanted that, as too many gym teachers just teach skills and do not bother with the stricter design criteria of the sanctioned sport, such as our 8th-grade gym teacher. Ugh.
Rhee loves it because she gets to spike the ball, and she’s good at it, at least for a high-school gym class. Because of that, she often gets the opposite hitter position, which is the position most often set up for a smash. I like volleyball because it has a position, setter, that is very similar to my offensive sweeper position in that it is the playmaker position. If we had not taken up soccer at age 9, and if there were any such thing as little-league volleyball for girls in Elkton, we might have taken that up, either instead of or in addition to soccer. Gracey, has no particular preference, although she likes blocking. Since she has some serious elevation ability, she is reasonably good at it. What can I say? We like physical competition. Unfortunately, girls’ volleyball is a fall sport, so we could not have gone for the team even had we been good enough.
Of course, with this being the first day of the quarter, we did not get to play, instead getting refreshers on/introductions to various skills. Coach did have those of us that already knew the skills well help teach knots of beginners or semi-beginners.
We cornered Coach at the end of gym and asked her about lacrosse, to which she frowned as she replied, “I’ve seen some sticks here. Lacrosse would be good because we could do initial learning inside and, on nice days, do some game-type practice. Wow, I haven’t played that in ... a long time. I liked it, but I was already crazy about soccer before it came up in gym.”
On the way to lunch, Lana asked, “Why did Coach have that guy drop back?”
Cera replied, “That’s Franklin ... I forget his last name. He’s a perv. He was following you closely so he could watch your ass.”
“Ewwww. So, I should watch out for him?”
“As far as I know, he’s never ... touched anyone, but you might want to be more aware when he’s around.”
“Got it.”
The entire LTG was present for lunch. When Lana asked her about it, Rachel replied that Seamus liked what Brit had done with her nails.
As she turned to face Brit, Rachel added, “My mom really liked it, too; she called it brilliant. I’ve also gotten a lot of compliments from classmates. Thanks a lot for doing that for me. Please let me know if I can do anything for you.”
“I might, but I get a lot out of doing that, so it’s not like it’s a hardship to do a favor for my friends.”
Wednesday is weights day, and Dad ran Lana through the various machines/stations; Liya recorded her starting values for future comparisons. To help explain, Liya, with Brit’s okay, showed Lana Brit’s history, showing how she had added weight at every station since we began doing this a month ago. Not much weight, but she is getting stronger.
Celeste and Meka joined us for dinner, and one of the reasons they were present was so that we girls could ask for an extra competition night.
Sandy asked, “When?”
“MLK Day. We need much of a day of prep, so it must be a day with no school. With our weekends getting overfull, it had to be a school holiday.”
“You don’t want to simply move one of the Thursdays?”
“No. School will be in session for Celeste, and she has Thursdays set aside to have some fun during the school week.”
“You don’t have to convince me. I’d be fine having the competition on two nights every week. I was simply curious about your rationale.”
[Of course, dealing with that reminded me that in all the madness of a crazy weekend and then trying to get caught up in the diary, I again forgot to mention the competition parameters for the week. Even though I am playing catch-up, I do not permit myself to insert stuff in the appropriate place in the diary if I forget about it. That was a decision I made many months ago during another hectic period because I wanted my mental state to be relatively clear and forgetting relatively minor things due to losing track during periods of stress and or gobs of activity certainly highlights forgetting less-critical bits of information.]
Competition parameters for 31 December – 6 January: One, and only one, clothing item, covering all naughty bits.
While I was writing diary entries, the rest of the Go5 were in the GL room and I heard the sewing machine going. Celeste confirmed that Andressa would be joining us tomorrow.
January 4, 2018
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written January 5]
I did most of my homework received today in my 4th Bell study hall. Upon getting home from the shortened workout at the pitch and our group shower, I did the little homework I had gotten in 6th and 7th Bells, then, finally, finished the diary accounts through the 3rd while the other girls did their homework.
Because I had had little time this week to ponder an outfit for today, I pulled out the eye-wateringly bright fuchsia T-shirt dress that all my sisters had encouraged me to buy and which Liya made me buy in a smaller size so as to, as she said, “make sure the dress shows off your charms.” It did that, molding to most of my body tightly. Who needs to breathe? She had also raised the hem at least four inches. I would have to wear a minimal panty with it were I to wear it in public as sitting would threaten to expose my bare pussy. I had not much else handy that met this week’s parameters. Of course, with that sewing machine going yesterday, I suspected that at least one of my sisters and/or Meka was going to be nearly naked in her one clothing item, although it wound up that only Rhee was anywhere near naked.
Liya rocked a tight, short, T-shirt dress in royal blue. She had folded the hem up and tacked it into the dress so that it got shorter as it went from front to back, leaving a lovely slice of her ass exposed, but fully covering her in front. I recognized Gracey’s clothing item, which, like the one Liya was wearing, we got on our last trip to Armoire d’Amour, a yellowy-green sheath of sorts, but with a deep slit in front that exposed the inner third or more of each breast and her navel.
Liya had made Heather a sheath out of the remnants of the black sheet from which she had made the tops for us blondes that Brit had painted. Since she used only one thickness of the sheet, it was somewhat see-through ... throughout, and it covered her only from the tops of her titties to a few inches below her crotch. It was cinched at the waist and there was a slit in the hem in the middle of each leg – both front and back. The flap this created in front covered her crotch. The slits in back exposed individual wedges of each cheek.
Rhee was wearing something at which I goggled when she tried it on at Armoire d’Amour. It was a weird thing, something like a long turtleneck sweater thing without shoulders or sleeves in a deep red that was designed to cover the front from chin to mid-thigh but leave everything behind bare from neck about to her crack. It had two long ties of about an inch in width from which one could make a bow at the top of the back and let the ties hang nearly to the butt. I goggled again, as Liya had had the bright idea for Rhee to wear it backward, such that her front was bare from her neck to just below her belly button ... except for those ties hanging down her body, crossing over her nipples and then, for tonight, tacked to the inside of the bottom portion of the thing. Liya had used body tape to ensure that the ties did not expose her nipples. Except for the couple of inch-wide strips, her bounteous boobs were on display.
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========= GRACE?S VERY HARD LESSONS ================By Dark Avenger. Copyright 2006. Email comments to darkavenger at tokyo.com** PROLOGUE : 7 days ago: ASKING FOR PERMISSION TO CUM?Sir, may I cum now please?? said Grace politely, over the phone. Her lips were pursed, and her eyes half-closed, as she struggled to maintain her composure, with the insane vibrations hammering her pussy non-stop for the last ten minutes, the twelfth time that day since she stepped into the office. She felt like...
Blonde MILF Lilly James stops by director Mark Wood’s new place to welcome him to the neighborhood. What Mark doesn’t know is that the busty vixen has something else on her mind. Lilly takes off her overcoat to reveal her buxom, lingerie-clad body, and then reaches over to grope Mark’s meat. Mark moans as she whips out his big cock and stuffs it into her salivating mouth. A nasty, slobbering blowjob leads to intense slit slamming. Lilly bends over on the couch as Mark fucks...
xmoviesforyouMy concubines laughed and gave me a hug before Bethany and Tina dragged Meiko away for a whispered conversation. I turned back to Donna and Lindsay. "I hope you are feeling happier now," I said to Lindsay. "Donna keeps telling me she loves you unconditionally." Lindsay smiled and leaned down to put her arms around Donna's neck. Lindsay was already the tallest of the female concubines, but the three-inch heels she was wearing made her nearly a foot taller than her mistress. "Oh yes!"...
The first few calls were horrible. My voice trembled and cracked, even though I had a written script in front of me for each one and I had practiced them. I even had prepared answers for any possible questions. Or so, I thought. But nothing could prepare me for the awkward silences, the soft laugh, or a nervous cough. I could tell what I was asking and telling them was for many, way beyond their experiences or imaginations. But I got through them. Not all at once, but gradually and it...
Granny’s New Friend By BossDaddyA few years ago, my grandfather had a heart attack and died leaving my 75-year-old grandmother all alone. She was in good health for someone her age but the family decided she should move into a nursery home so she would have friends her own age and keep active. My brother, sister and myself all live busy lives and we live on the other side of the state from her nursery home. When we went to visit her, she looked great. She was happy and healthy and we felt good...
A FAVOUR FOR MUM It was my summer vacation three years ago. I had just returned from my second year at Manchester University where I was studying for a BSc in Computer Science. I was totally broke - in debt in fact - and couldn't afford even to think about going on holiday. This left me no option but to return home to Mum and out house in North London. There was only Mum and me; Dad had left when I was five; his secretary suddenly more appealing than his wife and small son. Still Mum...
All told, we must have watched that movie at least six times. Each time it was played we saw some new detail we'd missed the last time, a certain look Charlotte gave at a certain point, or a certain hand gesture, a sparkle in my eye. It was wonderful. None of us were getting tired of watching it either, which was odd, considering it was only a few minutes long—five at the most. Somewhere in the replays however, we looked up and saw that Mick and Janine were gone. We hadn't even noticed...
" ... and as I have a very personal interest in this case," the radiant, red-haired queen announced, her voice echoing off the pristine stone walls with regal authority, "I must dismiss myself from this chair. Instead, the Golden Goddess will sit in judgment." Elaine stepped up; Queen and Justice exchanged a brief ceremonial kiss as Alana stepped down from the bench. Sibilius remained, however, so the Bard Geoffrey, who had also begun to rise, as he usually chaired with Elaine, quickly...
Karen tipped the water from the kettle into the teapot, thinking of a way to tell her mother the news. She didn't want to be a virgin anymore, and she didn't like men. She was a lesbian. She'd always known it, but was never brave enough to approach a woman about it, but now she believed that telling her mother would be the best option. She'd understand, at least she hoped she would. Her mother must have realized that she never had a boyfriend, and hardly ever talked about men or sex. As she...
"Mummy I've definitely decided I'm going to marry Oliver" came breathlessly down the telephone. "Darling this is a bit premature isn't it, last time I was talking to you were still undecided". "I know Mummy but he's so compliant now I only have to give him a maintenance punishment once every 2 weeks and I followed your advice about caning him if he came before me and it has worked wonderfully well, 10 hard strokes of the cane, a week in the spare room with no sex, as much...
SpankingYou and your brother, Mike were really excited for this weekend because your parents don't usually leave you alone. They also left you in charge because you are the oldest. Mike was always your best buddy and you always ganged up on your sister to have the majority whenever there was a decision to make. Emma , your sister didn't seem excited for the weekend maybe because she knew she will never choose what to do and had to obey to you. Your parents left early and you and Mike are still sleeping...
BDSMJonas was sitting in a saddle and the horse under him shifted slightly to give him a better position. He looked around in confusion. He was hot, dirty and thirsty. He looked down at himself and saw his duster opened to display three pistol grips. He knew of at least three more pistols that were strapped to his body plus two more holstered on the saddle along with his rifle. In addition to the fire power arrayed about his person, Jonas was aware of several knives strapped to his body. Three...
It's late at night, Sunny is totally exhausted from her long day and it's time for her to relax. She took a nice, long warm soothing shower. The warm water easing her tired aching body. She retreats to her bedroom and toweling herself dry, I look out the window, noticing a full, silver moon. Its soft glow shining down making the night almost like day. I decide to open my window to share my evening with the warm summer wind. As she stood there, naked, letting the warm air finish drying her,...
Prolog: The Nobel Prize speech I can't giveOlivia giggled as I lifted her breast to my mouth like a microphone."Majesties, Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen. I accept the Nobel Prize in physics for my invention of a time machine. My friend Olivia Smallwood is the reason I invented it. After she sent me the rejection letter from the Barton Institute of Technology, I knew I would someday have to go back in time to undo her decision; the 'we changed our minds, you're admitted' letter arrived two...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMeeting a female exhibitionist Part 1It was summer, a hot day, I was walking down the path of a park dressed in shorts and t-shirt, my cock half hard in my shorts, I am a flasher so I was looking for women to wank in front of.As I passed by the k**dies playground, I stopped dead, through the bushes I could see a young woman aged about 18 sitting on a bench, she had her skirt raised up, she was not wearing panties and she was fingering her cunt vigorously, moaning with pleasure. My cock hardened...