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It was the run-up to the Summer Ball at the Green Lake Yacht Club when it started. Tony and I were in the changing room showering after our morning’s water-skiing. I was shaken out of my daydream by Tony’s voice.

‘Going to the Summer Ball, Alec? You know the Ski club gets an allocation of tickets.’

‘Yeah, I know. But who to ask?’


There was silence for a while, and then we both spoke at once. ‘Julie Trask!’ More silence for a long moment as we realised we planned to ask the same girl, but Tony and I had been friends since first grade and neither of us wanted to hurt the other.

‘We can’t both ask her ,’ said Tony.

I started to agree, then had an idea. ‘Why not?’ I said. ‘Let’s finish off here, and go and find her. I think she does a Thursday afternoon in the gift shop during the summer. We’ll go together, tell her we both want to ask her, and let her choose. I promise I won’t break your neck if she chooses you.’

‘And if she already has a partner?’

‘Plan B,’ I said, laughing. ‘We panic!’

Half an hour later, we found Julie in the gift shop. She smiled to see us. Well, that was encouraging, no immediate rejection.

‘Hi, guys! Come to buy something?’

‘Not exactly, Julie. We wanted to ask if you were planning on going to the Summer Ball at the Yacht Club?’

‘Yes, I am,’ she said. ‘And?’

‘We both wanted to ask you to be our partner. That is, if you haven’t already been asked. We thought it fair if we both came, and whoever loses out asks someone else.’

She gazed at us for a long moment, then frowned. ‘You’re asking me to choose between you? That’s not fair, guys. If either one of you had come and asked me, I’d have said yes. Now, you want me to hurt one of you.’ She shook her head, then laughed suddenly.

‘I think I have a solution. You two are both powerboat types, aren’t you? Water skiers?’

‘Yeah, I guess,’ I said, and Tony nodded agreement.

‘Do either of you know anything about dinghy sailing?’

We looked at each other, and then at Julie, who was smiling broadly. Uh-oh, I thought.

‘No,’ said Tony.

‘Pointy end is the front, same like a powerboat, but it needs wind instead of horsepower,’ I said, ‘and that’s about my lot.’

‘Alec just about sums it up for me, too, Julie,’ said Tony. ‘So what’s on your mind?’

‘It’s Thursday now. The Summer Ball is a week Sunday, but on the day before there’s an open dinghy race, a fun event. It’s a handicap, and most of the dinghies in the club are eligible. Borrow a dinghy, enter the open race, and whoever finishes highest, he’ll be my partner. So, what do you say?’

Tony and I looked at each other. He shrugged. ‘Seems fair. Okay with you?’

‘I guess. Okay, we’ll do it!’

‘Thanks, guys,’ said Julie. ‘I’m glad it’s going to be one of you two. I’ve turned a couple of previous offers down, hoping someone nice would ask me, but I didn’t expect two at once. Good luck, both of you. I suggest your next stop is the Yacht Club, get your entries in now.’

Charlie Thompson, the Competition Secretary at the Yacht Club laughed long and loud when we told him why we were entering the race. He shook his head while he entered our names on the list of entries.

‘Either of you got a dinghy to race?’

We shook our heads, and he nodded.

‘Do you mind if I tell the guys why you’re entering? I suspect one or two will be prepared to lend you a boat for the race, given the reason.’

‘Why not,’ I said, laughing. ‘The worst that can happen is we’ll die of embarrassment.’

‘Tell you what,’ said Charlie, ‘one of you can borrow my Laser for the race. You’ll still need to get someone to show you how to sail it, but at least you’ll know what you’re racing in.’ He took a dime from his pocket and poised it to throw. ‘Tony? Call it?’


Charlie flipped the coin and we all watched as it fell, spun, rolled a little, and fell. Heads. Oh, well.

‘Sorry, Alec. You’ll need to borrow a boat from someone else.’ He glanced out of the window, and nodded his head towards the outside. ‘The answer might just be going past. Beth Allan. She has a Laser she might lend. That way, you’ll both be in the same class of boat, so the race between you will be even even if you finish last and second-last.’

‘Okay, Charlie,’ I said. ‘Hint taken. Tony? Catch you later, okay?’ and I hurried out to see if I could catch Beth.

Beth Allan. Little, mousy, Beth Allan. Honor student, a classmate since sixth grade, bright, intelligent, but self-effacing to an extreme. Everyone’s friend, no-one’s girlfriend, but one of the best dinghy sailors in the Club, a regular event winner. She was ambling along towards the car park, hands in her shorts pockets, head down, as usual. I felt a sudden twinge of sympathy.

‘Beth?’ I called, and she turned, surprised, smiling slightly when she saw it was me.

‘Hi, Alec. You wanted me?’ There was an undertone in her voice that I didn’t recognise.

‘I want to ask a favour,’ I said.

‘Which is?’

‘I’ve entered the open dinghy race next Saturday, but I haven’t got a boat. Charlie said you might lend me your Laser. So, any chance of it?’

She stared at me for a long moment. ‘You, Alec? You’ve entered the open dinghy race? You, an avowed powerboat man? Whatever for?’ There was astonishment and curiosity combined in her voice, in her look.

I shrugged. ‘Tony and I both asked Julie Trask to be our partner for the Summer Ball, and she said she’d go with whoever finished highest in the open race. Charlie is lending his own Laser to Tony, and he spotted you going past and suggested I ask you, because that way, we’re racing the same class of boat, so the race will be fair, even if we’re the last two to finish.’ I shrugged. ‘So, Beth, pretty please, may I borrow your Laser for the race?’

‘Do you even know how to sail a dinghy?’ said Beth.

I grimaced and shrugged. ‘No, I guess not.’

‘Let me see if I have this straight, okay? Not only do you need to borrow a dinghy, but you also need instruction on how to sail the thing? Is that right?’

‘Yup. That’s it in a nutshell, Beth. So can I borrow the Laser or not? Because if I can’t, I need to find someone else with a boat I can borrow.’

She gazed at me for a long, long moment. ‘You’re serious about this?’

‘I guess.’

‘Meet me at the basin tomorrow, nine o’clock. We can use my brother’s fourteen-footer. Jeff won’t mind, since he’s in Europe on honeymoon. It’s a nice stable boat. Not a racing boat, but it has everything we need to get you started, and there’s room enough for two. Time enough for the Laser when you can sail Jeff’s boat.’

It was my turn to stare. Beth’s head came up and she frowned. ‘Well?’ she demanded.

I grinned. ‘Aye-aye, ma’am!’ I saluted, and Beth laughed, transforming her usual solemn look for a moment, before it returned. ‘Nine o’clock at the basin. Thanks, Beth, you’re an angel!’

‘More likely a fool,’ I thought I heard her say, before she turned away towards the car park. She looked back. ‘Nine o’clock, or it’s off!’

I gazed after her. Oh, well, that was my Friday lie-in off the agenda.

I was on time, but Beth was there before me. Shorts, a cotton sweater, sneakers, and a life vest, another in her hand. She handed it to me.

‘Put that on. I know you can swim, I’ve watched you in the high school competitions often enough, but it’s easy to get hit by a boom coming over, or hit your head if you slip and I don’t want you to drown.’

I bit back the quip I was about to make and took the life vest. A quick adjustment on the straps and Beth pronounced herself satisfied.

‘Okay, I have Jeff’s boat tied up near the bait shop. It’s quieter there, we won’t get in anybody’s way, and I can find out how much you know about dinghies.’

Which wasn’t a lot. Almost any boat has s
imilarities to others. A — usually — sharp bow, a — usually — blunter stern, and a rudder to steer with. I was more used to wheel steering on powerboats, but I grasped the dinghy essentials soon enough. When it came to rigging and sails, there I was in uncharted waters, if you’ll pardon the expression. It took a while, and remembering that ‘sheet’ meant a rope, not a sail, took a while longer.

Eventually, after an hour or so, Beth pronounced herself satisfied for the moment, and we climbed aboard. The breeze was light, but Beth hoisted only the jib and out we went.

It was magical. I was so used to powerboats that the much more intimate interface between a sailing boat and its environment almost awed me. The usually solemn Beth came alive, and even when she was reprimanding me, there was a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eye. Thursday went by in a flash, Friday too. Saturday and Sunday were family days, but we were out on the water again on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday was different. Wednesday, Beth let me try her Laser. Not a new boat, by any means, but she kept it in superb condition. Wednesday, my bubble burst, as I learned how much different it was sailing a single-place out-and-out racing boat. Beth had borrowed an outboard motor and fitted it to Jeff’s dinghy, so that she could track me without having to look after her own sails at the same time. Not only track me, but, carefully keeping downwind, call out advice, instruction, and the occasional derogatory reprimand. Her sense of humor was refreshing, and I was thoroughly enjoying myself, even as I ended up in the water for the zillionth time.

If Wednesday was bad, Thursday was even worse, but on Friday, it all came together and I was able to tackle the course Beth set me successfully, without making any serious blunders, without falling in the water.

‘You’re as ready as I can make you, given the time we had,’ said Beth as we packed up on the Friday afternoon. ‘The race is at ten tomorrow morning, and it will be all over by eleven. You’ll know if you’re going to be Julie’s date or not,’ she added. The solemn, unsmiling Beth was back. I preferred the other Beth, the one she became out on the lake, but I said nothing. I said nothing, because I was thinking about the following day, and not just about the race.

We’d seen Tony out on the water as Beth educated me in dinghy sailing. Tony’s tutor was an older Club member called Chuck Owens, and Beth remarked that in a Laser race, she worried about Owens more than the other competitors.

‘We’ve both won, both lost. I think the score is about five-four to Chuck, but I’ll beat him again, I know I will. Tony is getting some good teaching.’

‘It can’t be better than mine, Beth. No way,’ I said, and she gave me a half smile.

‘See you in the morning, Alec,’ she said, and she was away.

‘See ya, Beth,’ I murmured.

Saturday dawned bright and dry, with a promise of heat. The breeze was a little fresher, but not enough to worry me. Beth had her Laser ready for me, and I excused myself for a moment and went over to Tony. I stuck my mitt out and we shook hands.

‘May the best man win,’ I said.

Julie was there, looking gorgeous, and gave us both a kiss on the cheek and a good luck hug. I went back to where Beth waited.

‘This is it, Alec. Don’t forget what I taught you. At least, not until after the race. Okay?’

‘Thanks, Beth. I owe you.’

She shook her head. ‘You owe me nothing, Alec. I enjoyed it. After college I think I’ll see if any of the sailing schools need an instructor.’

‘You’re a natural, Beth, an absolute natural. You should walk it.’

‘Yeah, maybe. Okay, Alec, good luck, and I’ll see you at eleven. Don’t break my boat, will you?’

‘No way, Beth. Thanks, thanks a lot.’

She nodded, but didn’t say anything else, avoiding my eye, and gave the boat a push as I cast off. She was standing there, looking after me, as I made my way out to join the twenty or so other boats at the start. Beth had given me some tips about racing, but the essence was, don’t get in anyone’s way, make sure you round the buoys on the correct side, and have fun. I was pretty confident about the last bit, less so on the rest, but I was determined to make my best shot at it.

Both Tony and I got a reasonable start, about the middle of the field, and there was nothing between us for about the first forty-five minutes of the hour’s race. We weren’t doing too badly, about seventh and eighth, the faster boats with more experienced sailors having left us astern. That didn’t matter, my task was to beat Tony and as the hour approached I was leading him by about four boat lengths approaching the final buoy. We’d had the last lap signal as we’d crossed the finish line last time around, so I knew this was it.

Approaching the last buoy I was thinking about the week just gone. About Beth. Her animation, her unexpected quick wit, her simple joy just in being out on the water. The final buoy was getting close and as I started the turn I let the wind spill from the sail for a moment, before hauling on the sheet and getting back on course, just half a length behind Tony as he crossed the line.

Back on the dock Tony gave me a high five, grinning like a fool, a smiling Julie holding his hand.

‘You had it, buddy,’ said Tony. ‘What happened?’

‘I guess it was the excitement getting to me. You won, so fair’s fair. You two have fun at the ball, okay?’

‘We will. Okay, Julie?’

‘Just a moment, Tony. I want a quick word with Alec. Catch you up, you get us some coffee, okay?’

Tony went off, whistling, and Julie turned to me, smiling. ‘Nice one, Alec. Maybe the best man lost.’ She held my eye for a moment. ‘Ask her, Alec, ask her now, before anyone else does. As of two minutes ago she doesn’t have a partner for the Ball.’ She stretched up, gave me a light kiss on the lips and went after Tony. I stared after her for a moment, bemused, and then turned to where Beth was waiting.

She glared at me. ‘You could have won, you know?’

I nodded. ‘I know.’

‘So, what happened?’

I smiled at her. ‘I realised that there was another prize I wanted more than a date with Julie.’

Beth snorted. ‘Such as?’

‘Elizabeth Allan,’ I said, holding her eye. ‘Will you be my partner for the Yacht Club Summer Ball?’ Then I held my breath.

She stared at me, then flushed a deep red. ‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘I will.’

‘Good.’ I took her hand. ‘Let’s go get a coffee.’

She stopped, but didn’t let go of my hand, bringing me to a halt. ‘No, not at the moment.’ She gave me a wry smile. ‘I need something to wear tomorrow, so I need to be somewhere else. The Ball starts at seven. Will you pick me up from home at six forty-five, say?’

I nodded. ‘I’ll be there.’ I grinned. ‘I’d better make sure my car is clean!’

‘You do that!’ She squeezed my hand, gave me a radiant smile, and she was away, hurrying. I followed her towards the car park at a slower pace, a smile on my face, and a content within me.

The car was clean, my shirt was new, and my tux still fitted me. I knocked on the door of the Allan residence at precisely six forty-five. Beth’s mom opened the door. She was all dressed up, too.

‘Alec! Right on time. Come in, Cinderella won’t be but a moment.’

‘Thank you Mrs Allan. Do I take it you’re going to the ball as well?’

‘You do. Joe and me, we haven’t missed one in twenty years.’ Upstairs, a door closed, and we heard the clack of heels. Mrs Allan smiled at me. ‘I think Cinderella approaches. Will you have her home by midnight, please, Alec?’

‘Of course.’

She smiled, but said nothing more, and we both watched as Beth came down. To say that the ugly duckling had become a swan is the stuff of cliché, but it was apt. Why I’d ever thought of Beth as skinny or mousy was beyond me now. The dark-brown hair that was usually swept back in a pony tail was done up in
a very adult roll at her nape. The slender body — slender, not skinny – that was usually hidden by shapeless sweaters was clad in an ivory ball gown, long, flowing. She wore a shawl across her shoulders, and carried a tiny evening purse. Normally Beth wore not a trace of make-up, but her face was subtly assisted by cosmetics, mostly her eyes and lips, and she looked as nervous as a kitten in a pack of dogs.

‘Cleans up good, doesn’t she?’ said Mrs Allan in an undertone, but I could hear the pride in her voice.

‘She’s beautiful,’ I murmured, moving forward to Beth, who’d paused, nervous, hesitant. I held out the corsage I’d brought to her. ‘For you.’ I smiled. ‘You look lovely.’

She looked down at the corsage, to avoid my eyes, I think, then turned to her mother.’Mom? How do I do this?’

‘Come here, sweetheart.’

A few minutes later we were on our way, Beth beside me in my now gleaming old Ford station wagon, and a few minutes after that I eased the Ford into a vacant parking bay, and into the Ball we went.

I don’t remember much about that evening, not in detail. I just know that I enjoyed every moment of it. We shared a table with Tony and Julie. Tony hadn’t even recognised Beth at first, to his great embarrassment, but Beth forgave him.

‘I didn’t even recognise myself in the mirror, Tony, so what chance did you have?’ she said, squeezing his fingers.

‘Still, I made a big boo-boo, Beth. So you’re an angel to let me down this easy.’ Tony bent and kissed her hand and Julie tugged at his jacket.

‘Hey, Romeo, you’re with me, remember?’ she said, with a wink for Beth, and the awkward moment was gone. The four of us had a great time. I couldn’t remember when I’d danced so much, but I was glad Mom had insisted on me having dance lessons, because dancing with Beth was wonderful.

Later in the evening I danced with Julie while Tony danced with Beth.

‘She looks lovely, Alec. Pleased you asked her?’ Julie’s eyes were bright with laughter.

‘Yes, I am. Very. When we were out on the lake, when Beth was teaching me to sail, I realised I didn’t know Beth Allan, that the Beth I thought I knew was an illusion. The Beth I’m with tonight is magic, a witch.’

Julie laughed. ‘You realise you’re falling in love with her, don’t you?’

‘Maybe I am. It wouldn’t be hard.’

‘Well good luck to both of you,’ said Julie, applauding as the number finished. I led her back to the table, glancing at my watch. Eleven forty-five. I was reluctant to spoil the moment but it was Beth who spoke first.

‘Alec, I promised Mom I’d be home by midnight.She and Dad left about five minutes ago.’ She made a face. ‘I don’t really want to go, but I promised.’

‘That’s okay. I told her I’d have you home by twelve. I think we might be a couple of minutes late, but that’s all. Shall we?’

We said our goodbyes to Tony and Julie, and our other friends, and went out to my car. It took a few minutes to extricate it from the haphazardly parked cars around it, but we managed, and I drove Beth home. Five past twelve.

Outside her home, I set the parking brake and killed the motor. A figure peered from the house window, saw us, and disappeared again.

‘Mom,’ said Beth. ‘We’re okay for a few minutes, now she knows I’m home safe.’

‘Good. Beth?’


‘I don’t want tonight to be a once-only thing. I’d like to go on seeing you, if I can.’

‘You mean, for regular dates? I’d like that,’ she said, her tone soft. ‘I was scared tonight, scared I’d make a fool of myself, trip, or something, but it was lovely. I’m really pleased you asked me.’

‘Tomorrow?’ I said.

‘What about tomorrow?’

‘I think I still need sailing lessons, don’t you? I know I’ve been a powerboat freak, but I think it was partly that I didn’t realise how magical a sailboat can be. I want to know more, so will you teach me?’

‘I’d love to, but can we make it Tuesday? I need to do some overdue chores around the house. Mom’s been very patient, but I can see the gleam in her eye,’ said Beth, laughing.

‘Of course. I don’t want to monopolise all of your time.’ I laughed. ‘Just most of it!’

Beth giggled. ‘Suits me,’ she said. ‘Now, though, I think I’d better get myself indoors. Shall I meet you at the Yacht Club on Tuesday?’

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My Transformed Wife

"Sometimes I wish I just had a dick," my wife said, wincing and squeezing her heating pad into her abdomen. She said this at least once a month, when her period would bring on two or three days worth of cramps and bloating. I grinned and rubbed her stomach, "If you had one, you would just spend all your time playing with it and peeing standing up." She giggled and squeezed my cock through my pants, "That doesn't sound so bad."We never said anything beyond this, but from the first time she had...

3 years ago
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The Damme meets the Stallion2nd part

For the origin of the family 'dynamic' of the 5 sisters and their attitudes toward men, we need only go back in the 1930's and 40's to an isolated farm. Almost all the able bodied men have left, women have taken the man's place in the farms and factories. Women are also training to ferry planes to both coasts as production ramps up. The radio broadcasts and newspapers are mostly stories of war and stock market crashes. No strangers to depression and scarcity then, war rationing is back like a...

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Dick Potion 9

Your name is Matt. You are a 21 year old college chemistry dropout living back at home with his 2 sisters and mother, your dad left when you were too young to remember and you've never met him. Your younger sister, Mikayla, is 18, just finished high school and is preparing to head off to college. Even being related, it's hard for you not to admire her supple young body, her voluptuos D-cup tits and juicy teenage ass always on full display as she prances around the house in short shorts and a...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 29

The housewives and cheerleaders piled into Jackie and Ella’s cars and drove to Jessica’s, where they pulled up at the same time as Jessica’s SUV. Marie waved to them from the passenger seat, and when the garage door slid open and Jessica pulled in, the ladies filed into the garage to greet them.In the back seat of the SUV was an enormous trunk, which Jessica recruited a group including Jackie, Kelly, Kat, and Samantha to carry inside. They sat the thing down on the living room floor and stood...

1 year ago
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A toy boy story Chapter 1

My name is Terry and this is how it began. When I was 18 I was in a car accident. As well as cuts and scratches I had a broken arm. After a couple of months the doctor told me to join a gym and exercise it to get the strength back. Six months later I had become a gym junkie going nightly during the week and also mornings on weekends. I loved grunting and groaning and the results were plain to see. Also at this time I got a job in an accounting firm as a sort of dogsbody. I was trained but I...

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Kirk Creek

Henry was the boy who lived on the farm a few miles from our own. He was 19 and I was 17 when I moved to my father's farm with him and his wife. One blistering summer afternoon when I was exploring the woods that stretched as far as the eye could see behind our farm. I happened upon the creek just as he was getting out of the water. He nodded in greeting and I nodded back. Henry had eyes as green as the grass he was standing on. His hair was dark and curly. His handsome face was covered in a...

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The Haunting of Palmer Mansion Chapters 5 to 10

Chapter 5 “Danny, you in here?” Brittney poked her head into the library. “I’m here.” Daniel looked up from his book. He sat in an old upholstered chair. One leg dangled and swung listlessly over the chair’s floral-print arm. “Just reading.” “Man, it’s impossible to find anyone in this house.” Brittney walked into the room and sat down facing her brother. She smiled at him and brushed her long, brown hair behind her shoulders. Her modest, floral print dress almost matched the chair she...

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Finding my sisters toys

First, I'll explain what little back story there is. For some reason, possibly because I've wanted to do exactly what I ended up doing, when the house I share with my mother, younger sister and two far younger twin brothers, I will occasionally search my sisters room for sex toys. I don't know why really, I'd always sort of told myself that I was just curious if she had them or not. So every now and then I'd search her room a little, looking under her bed or at the back of her underwear...

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At the ConferenceChapter 2

One year to the day they announced Buckle had sold the company. The new company took control almost immediately and my new employer was a large insurance company branching out into the domestic market. A year later, they offered me a redundancy package I really couldn’t refuse. Buckle had obviously done his bit as promised and I left work with a package that was half descent. Quite honestly, I didn’t have to work anymore and at forty-seven years old, I was glad. With paying up our mortgage,...

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Camping at the beach

Steven and I went to the shower block after a surf, just after lunch. While I was in my shower, I could see on the roof, the reflexion of Steven in his. I didn't think much, until I saw his hand start to stroke his cock. Steven and I went to the shower block after a surf, just after lunch. While I was in my shower, I could see on the roof, the reflexion of Steven in his. I didn't think much, until I saw his hand start to stroke his cock. I watched for a minute or so, and then told Steven to...

1 year ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 31

I was tired and jet lagged and just dumped my stuff and went to sleep when we arrived at our home outside London. In the morning, I fired off an email to let Jeff know I had arrived safely. He apparently thought it required no response, because he didn’t reply. We visited with friends, made plans to attend parties and relaxed around the pool for the first few days. I wasn’t quite so relaxed. I sent off a few chatty emails to let Jeff know what I was doing, but he didn’t reply to any of...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 10

"There there, no need for tears - it's only for a week." The Senator smiled fondly down at the dusky-skinned naked slave who wept silently as she pressed her head against his leg. He leaned down and stroked Guljana's soft blonde mane. Such a delightful creature! He dropped a tiny mint candy on the floor and watched her pick it up with her tongue. If she looked at him now with those large dark liquid eyes, he would have relented. But she was too untrained to travel. "As promised, I have...

3 years ago
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Maries Big Mistake Case No 111989

                               Marie’s Big Mistake:  Case No. 11-198-9                                        By Will [email protected]        Marie sat in the back seat of the Dismay city police car, the tears were running down her face as she stared out into the dark.  The blue and red lights on the roof of the car sliced through the blackness of the night and flashed ominously on her parent’s house.  Outside the car her mom and dad were pleading with the officers not to take her, but...

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Quickie Knock Me Up

These are quick audios where I try to limit the dialogue to a few chosen words - with the exception of some filler words like: "yes", "fuck", "oh god" etc...This audio will mainly contain the words:"Knock Me Up"You really shouldn't want to put a baby in me, should you?If you want to know at exactly what point you should "knock me up" - be primed and ready with that baby batter at 3:22. By - Lush in Lace

Quickie Sex
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Glory hole discovery

I discovered glory holes when I was 19 years old when I was a student at a Midwestern university. That summer, I stayed near campus to take a couple of extra classes and work. Stereotypically, I was "young, dumb and full of cum."After getting out of work late one night, I was too horned up to sleep and I was bored with the handful of porn magazines and videotapes I had (this was the 80's). There was an adult bookstore off the highway about a half an hour away. I had never been in one before,...

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Margos Own Story 5 Sean

The next time I met Sean was in the gym on an upper deck of the ship - a day at sea. Arthur was running outside on the very top deck - not a gym person - and Betty managed to stay shapely without exercising at all. Although we'd all managed to tell our life stories, minus many secrets, at the dinner table, Sean and I managed to strike up a conversation while we used the two treadmills and later, the stationary bikes. My gym clothes show off my figure pretty well. Sean is no slouch either -...

4 years ago
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Sex in KL

The jet lag was taking its toll, I would be sleeping one minute and awake the other. I had just landed in KL airport after a long 11 hour flight. I so needed some sleep. Then there were the little details of standing through immigration without falling asleep, finding the Hotel counter so that they could take to the damn hotel, before I could sleep. I had a 18 hour transit in KL before I came to India. I was coming home after a long 3 years. Thankfully the immigration was a breeze, and I had to...

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MILF White Pussy is the Best Blacken

Moving to a white neighbor was kind of odd for me. Being a 22-year-old black man and all. My mom wanted to get away from the ghetto life we once lived. She divorced my dad after a 7 year affair he recently told her. She needed a new life and so a girlfriend of hers who happens to be white, invited us to move in with her until my mom got back on her feet.My mom was a strong woman. She has been very proud of all my achievements, especially when I was in school. She was a nice looking lady at...

2 years ago
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Separation Anxiety

Even though I know I'm going to miss her while she's gone, I was also excited about the prospects of flirting online again with JS. Nothing was ever going to happen in real life, neither one of us would let that happen, but the sexual chemistry for a good on-line flirt is there (or so I hope).I guess my mind got caught up thinking about her sexually, after she and Suzie joked about her breast exam by a male Doctor. There was some silly reference to men and boobs – and she had some big ones. ...

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Educating Harry Ch 19

This chapter is essentially, all about Harry and Susan as their relationship develops to a new level and a new understanding. Lois and Carol return, briefly, and give Diane the chance to add two and two together. ‘So who else went to Byron,’ asked Aunt Diane, ‘was it just you and Al with Garry and Emma?’ ‘No, there were two others, Lynn, who is Al’s new girlfriend, plus Freddy, Al’s sister.’ ‘Odd name for a young woman,’ ‘Short for Alfreda, she reminded me of you.’ ‘Why do you say that?’ ...

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My Life Pt 4 The Big Game

Part 4 out of ? I woke up to the movement of my sister climbing over me. I grabbed her and rolled over her so i was on top of her, and gave her a passionate kiss. "hey there big boy" she said "hey sexy" i replied "i am planning on doing something today that may make you a little jealous" i said "what are you going to do" she asked puzzled at my statement "you will know it when you see it" i said "Ok" she said as she got up to get a shower for the day It...

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Moms Joins the 10 Club rewrite

Moms Joins the 10+ Club rewrite This story is about domination/submission, it include cheating wives and them humiliating their husbands this story is not for everyone so please if this is not your thing dont waste time writing about how terrible my characters are. Pam was an average housewife, 41 years old dirty blond shoulder length hair. She had 42D breasts with large nipples which were super sensitive. Her ass was still tight even if she had put on 15 extra pounds. She still could turn...

3 years ago
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Dig a Pony

I was checking my Facebook homepage one evening after dinner when I received a PM from Bill Jackson, a neighbor who lived a few houses down on our street. He asked if I had heard that Tyler Robinson had been shot to death earlier in the day! I live in a quiet gated community where the biggest problem we ever have is someone sneaking through the gate before it closes all the way. Shootings simply don’t happen. I immediately asked Bill if he had heard any particulars to the story. It seems that...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Shalina Devine Cherry Kiss Sweaty and Stinky Feet

One of the major problems of people who exercise every day is having sweaty and stinky feet. However, this kind of scent is what turns on the beautiful hottie, Cherry Kiss. She can’t help but feel naughty when she sees the sexy blonde, Shalina Devine, working out in the ring. Unable to contain her lust for the slim cutie with big tits, Cherry approaches her and engages in a naughty conversation. The aggressive maiden in a ponytail takes off Shalina’s shoes to have a better look at...

2 years ago
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Friend or Foe

I was laying around the house one day when i was just about 2 weeks afterI had turned 13. I had invited one of my friends to come over for a few days.Hewas 13 already, and soon to turn 14 in about 3 months. It was summer time,and my parents were away on some trip about 50-100 miles away. They were goingto be gone for about 1 week. I can take care of myself, I'm not the type thatlooks for, and always gets into trouble. But little did I know, that was aboutto change. About a few days ago, i had...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 687

These are compliments of John A Dear Airlines, Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place. Replace all the female flight attendants with YOUNG, good-looking strippers! What the hell!! They don’t even serve food any more, so what’s the loss? The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a “party atmosphere” going in the cabin. And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women. Because of the...

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My Friend8217s Mom 8211 An Incident From Srilanka

Hi guys, I am Varashan from Srilanka. This is a true incident happened to me when I was 18 years old. Coming to the story. I’m from a middle class family where my father is a government official & my mom a housewife. I lived for 15 years in one place & with my father’s transfer I had to move to a new house, which was actually near my school. I was really sad to miss my friends whom I knew from the day I was born. So I didn’t like to move though I had to move. SO in about 3 days in my place it...

3 years ago
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Wendy8217s Kinkiest Sexual Experience

I’ll start by describing myself. I’m 5′ 5,” 145 lbs., with Brown hair, Green eyes. I measure 44-34-38 ( I can be described as Rubinesque ). My breasts are huge as you can tell and they are very sensitive. I have above average body hair. I keep my pussy hair well trimmed, although I sometimes let it, as well as the hair under my arms grow. I love the sight of a women with lots of hair under her arms. My Kinkiest sex experience involves a women I met at work named Kim. She...

4 years ago
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The Price Of Vengance

"I want him dead for what he did for me. Simple as that." "'Simple as that'? Are you sure you're willing to pay the price we ask?" "Anything. There must be some way to put an end to him." Up until a couple of years before that fateful night Carla Greer had been a rising star in the FBI. Gratuating at the top of her class and in charge of numerous high-profile cases she was set to attain great things in her career, and with her fiancee and fellow FBI agent her life couldn't have been more...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 268

Laura raced to the telephone the moment she got inside the door at home. She was going to call Sara at work, but first she checked her home voice mail. Surely Sara had left her a message there, especially after the message Laura had left on Sara's answering machine the previous evening from Dallas, after Ada had departed. And Sara had left a message, the third one in the queue. Unfortunately, it was not what Laura had hoped for. Sara was very somber. She spoke slowly and very softly. Her...

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To the recipient of this envelope: CONGRATULATIONS We are pleased to inform you that you are one of the lucky few to be granted access to the VIP program. Just put on that badge on a visible area and you will be privy to access to VIP service to all our business locations as well as our partners at the UPCA. We at GlobeX and the many other conglomerates of the United Partners of the Corporatocracy of America welcome you to take advantage as a VIP member and rate our products and service...

Mind Control
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Sinful CyndiChapter 4

It was Friday night, but Cyndi and I stayed in. I got some expensive champagne at the liquor store on Mom and Dad's charge card. Cyndi stayed home and got ready for a long evening of subtle drinking and talking and afterwards, some incredible balling. She looked gorgeous. Cyndi had put on her best make-up, and she had a certain glow about her. She was very eager to spend some time with her older brother. We lay down on Mom and Dad's bed, stretched out sensuously with our champagne glasses....

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Free For All FarmgirlChapter 3

Debby lay panting before the stark-naked, muscular young man, her nude body quivering on the sun-drenched bed of straw, her legs parted and rubbery, her insides relaxed and melting. Her orgasm had been intense, exhausting her. She'd never come so powerfully, her spasming crotch being sucked relentlessly by the man's hot mouth. Mike sat back on his heels between her legs, stroking his massively thick, ten-inch cock and looking at her. "You're so sexy and pretty, farmgirl. Every part of...

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Blondie part 2

Introduction: this is part 2 which i wrote to follow up and continue the part 1 story. of course i did add some to part one while i proof read it. still i hope you will enjoy them . Blondie part 2 by me It has been a couple of years since Blondie and her son started having sex with each other. During that time they have experimented with just about everything they could think of. Also during this time, Dagwood had run off with one of his secretaries. Blondie got a divorce and her and her...

2 years ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 23 Fire of Vengeance

As we left the conference room, a siren pierced the air. Thankfully it was muffled by the closed door. Outside a fire truck was moving down the road, chains on the tires helping it to move faster than what normally would have been safe. Like Mr. Johnson and the secretary, I stepped outside to watch it pass. Over the tree line, I saw heavy black smoke. My heart fell. It was just about where my house was... Panic started pumping adrenaline through me. The fire truck slowed down and turned...

4 years ago
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Bang Bang With Invisibility Gayab Incest Angle 8211 Part I

I am always the heart and soul of parties, picnics and get together events. I crack jokes, organize games and pull out shy people from their shells. I mimic, make fun of our lecturers and even the most irritable lecturers at the receiving end find it amusing and would burst out laughing. So, on that particular morning everyone was surprised that I sat in a corner seat and was looking out of the window morosely, as all my friends were shouting, singing and having a good time. Our collage had...

1 year ago
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Jackson in HRPGWorld 3 A Sticky Starting ScrapChapter 2

A blue splodge jumped out into the centre of the path and wobbled like an oversized plate of jelly. Of course, he should have known. Obviously it was going to be a blue slime. It was always a fucking blue slime. The blue blob bobbed and quivered. Protoplasm erupted out of the top and formed into the shape of a sexy young woman with humongous, jiggling boobies. Jackson's mouth fell open. He'd fought blue slimes before. They were bouncing teardrops with googly eyes that looked like...

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Cave Trap Part 3

Although the storm wasn’t the onset of an early monsoon season, the rain continued throughout the night and the winds abated little. Craig and Miri’s stranded yacht, the ‘Queen Of Jade’ held secure at three points. Never the less, she lifted and fell with the continuous motion of the waves. The couple rewarded Jack for his good-natured acceptance of their sex trap with a sumptuous evening meal. Craig fried shrimp and laid it over a bed of rice with ‘Komatsuna’, (a local mustard spinach),...

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