A Sense Of Symmetry Pt. 09 free porn video

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Anna and Sean spent the weekend fighting over their new toys. Dani and Jason spent it worrying. ‘Mommy, why you look so sad?’ Anna asked her.

‘I’m just thinking about some things that make me feel sad,’ Dani replied.

Anna sat beside her. ‘I’m sad, too.’

‘Why are you sad?’ Dani asked.

”Cause. Mommy, is Sean my brother now?’


‘Will he still be my brother if he lives with his other mommy?’

‘If you still want him to be, then yes, I think so.’


‘What, Anna?’

‘Why don’t Sean want to live here now?’

Dani looked down at the little girl. Anna looked like she was about to cry. ‘He does want to live here, babe,’ Dani said. ‘But he misses his other mommy, too.’

‘Maybe she can live here, too!’ Anna said.

‘I don’t think so, sweetheart.’ The thought of sharing a house with Julie Ryan was too horrible to contemplate.

‘Then what can we do?’ Anna asked.

‘Well, like we’ve told you, Daddy and I are going to talk to a judge who will decide if Sean should live with us or with his other mommy.’

Anna considered this. ‘What if the judge makes a bad choice?’

‘I hope he won’t,’ Dani replied.

‘Me, too,’ said Anna. ‘Hey! Sean! That’s my race car!’

Anna ran off to defend her toys, and Dani closed her eyes. ‘Heavenly Father,’ she prayed silently, ‘I know it’s supposed to be Your will, not mine, but I can’t help it. I don’t want Julie to get Sean! I don’t know why You took Ben away, but Ben wanted me to have Sean, and it wouldn’t be right if Julie got him. Lord, please help us through this, and please don’t take Sean away from us. Amen.’

She opened her eyes just in time to see Anna whack Sean over the head with the disputed race car. Both kids spent the rest of the afternoon in their rooms.

* * *

Jason worked overtime again that night, but when he came home at three thirty the next morning, Dani was still awake. ‘You need to get some sleep,’ Jason told her. ‘You shouldn’t be up this early.’

‘I haven’t been to bed,’ Dani replied.

Jason looked concerned. ‘Dani, you’re going to make yourself sick,’ he said. ‘You can’t keep staying up like this.’

‘I can’t help it, Jason,’ Dani said. ‘When I go to bed, all I do is either toss and turn, or have nightmares. The way things are going, I won’t get a decent night’s sleep till after the hearing. Maybe not even then, if Julie gets custody.’

‘She won’t,’ Jason said. ‘God wouldn’t do that to us, would He?’

‘The Lord works in mysterious ways,’ Dani said. ‘Maybe for some reason, He means for Julie to raise her son. It isn’t up to us to know what the Lord’s going to do or why. That doesn’t prohibit us from getting ticked off at Him if we don’t like His decision, though.’

‘But we don’t know for sure what’s going to happen,’ Jason said.

‘Of course we don’t,’ Dani agreed, although she was pretty sure she did know. ‘But I’d rather consider the worst-case scenario and be pleasantly surprised than just think about the best possibility and be disappointed.’

‘You’re a pessimist.’

‘I’m a realist. I just have a bad feeling about this whole thing.’

‘I know you and your feelings, Dani. But I also know that your feelings aren’t right a hundred percent of the time. This might be one of the times when they’re wrong.’

‘I hope so,’ Dani said.

‘I know so,’ Jason replied. ‘You coming to bed?’

‘In a few minutes.’

‘Dani, you’ve been down here all night!’ Jason said, exasperated. ‘Even if you can’t sleep, at least come to bed with me.’

‘All right.’

Jason fell asleep as soon as he lay down. Dani lay awake, staring at the window. After an hour and a half, she gave up and got out of bed. It wasn’t that she wanted to go through a day with no sleep, but she would manage.

At church that day, Dani asked for prayer that the Sheridans would be able to keep Sean. ‘Don’t you think he belongs with his mother, if she’s able to care for him?’ the pastor asked after the service.

‘I don’t think she is able to care for him,’ Dani said. ‘She’s a drug addict, and she abandoned him after he was born. His father had custody, and his father wanted us to raise him.’

‘Dani, people can change,’ the pastor said gently. ‘Didn’t you tell me that Sean’s father once used drugs also?’

‘Yes,’ Dani admitted. ‘But he went through rehab before he asked for custody, and he stayed clean.’

‘Don’t you think it’s possible that Sean’s mother could have done the same thing? Dani, I’m sorry. I know how much you and Jason love that little boy. We all love him, too. But if his mother is capable now, he should be with her.’

‘Excuse me. I think Melanie’s crying.’ Dani had to walk away before she lost her temper. She didn’t think slapping the pastor’s face would help her case any.

* * *

Martin Franklin had taken Monday off to give himself a four-day weekend. He had made an appointment with the Sheridans on Tuesday, which meant that Dani spent Monday in a bad mood. ‘I know you’re getting worked up about this case,’ Jason said to her, ‘but you don’t need to take it out on me and the kids.’

‘I’m sorry, Jason,’ Dani sighed. ‘I’ll try to calm down. But what if Martin tells us there’s nothing we can do?’

‘Dani, he won’t tell us that!’

‘Don’t yell at me!’

‘Well, you don’t listen when I just talk. Damn it, Dani, all you talk about lately is losing Sean. I don’t want to hear it anymore. We aren’t going to lose Sean!’

‘Jason, quiet down,’ Dani said, lowering her own voice. ‘The kids will hear you.’

‘Mommy, Daddy, why are you yelling?’ Anna asked, as though on cue.

‘It’s okay, Anna,’ Jason said.

‘You mad?’ Sean asked.

‘Not at each other,’ Dani said. ‘There’s just something that’s making us kind of sad, and sometimes when people get sad, they get mad, too.’

‘Don’t be mad,’ Sean said. ‘We be good, right, Anna?’

Dani smiled. ‘Sweetheart, we aren’t mad at you kids, either. We’re not really mad at a person, just at something that might happen.’

‘Can we go outside?’ asked Anna, apparently dismissing her parents’ argument.

‘Sure,’ Dani sighed. ‘Let’s get your snowsuits on.’

‘I’ll help Sean, and you help Anna,’ Jason suggested.

‘Thanks,’ Dani said.

After the kids were bundled up and sent outdoors, Jason said, ‘I’m sorry I yelled at you. It’s just, you can tell me all you want that ignoring something doesn’t make it go away, but I keep hoping that this custody thing will go away. I really love Sean, Dani. I almost feel like he’s my own son. The thought of him being taken away from us just about kills me.’

‘Me, too,’ Dani said. ‘You and I just have different ways of dealing with things. You pretend a problem doesn’t exist, and I talk it to death.’

‘I think we need to find a middle ground,’ Jason said. ‘I’ll ignore it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and you talk it to death on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.’

‘What about Sundays?’

‘We’ll fight.’

That night, Jason went to work, promising not to work overtime. Dani got the kids to bed with almost no argument, then went downstairs to watch TV. She was half hoping to fall asleep and have another one of her Ben dreams, but she stayed awake through the ten o’clock news. When the news was over, Dani went upstairs to bed, expecting to lie awake as she had been. To her surprise, the next time she opened her eyes, the sun was up, Jason was asleep beside her, and it was eight in the morning.

* * *

Jason and Dani left the kids with Leah while they went to Martin’s office for what Martin called a ‘strategy session.’ ‘You two and Julie each have advantages and disadvantages as parents for Sean,’ he explained. ‘Our goal is for the judge to decide that you two have more advantages than Julie.’

‘So what do you see as o
ur advantages?’ Jason asked.

‘Well, the two big ones are that you’re a two-parent family, and Sean’s custodial parent appointed you as Sean’s guardians.’

‘And Julie abandoned Sean,’ Jason said.

‘That isn’t one of our advantages,’ Dani corrected. ‘That’s one of Julie’s disadvantages.’

‘Exactly,’ Martin said. ‘The judge will be weighing you as individuals, not so much comparing you to each other. He might say to himself, the Sheridans will be good parents to Sean, and Julie won’t be a good parent, but he won’t say, the Sheridans will be better parents than Julie. But another way of putting what you just said, Jason, is that you and Dani took Sean in when asked to, instead of refusing. That way, the focus is on an advantage you have, but the judge will be reminded that Julie did abandon Sean.’

‘This whole thing is going to be a lot of double talk, isn’t it,’ Jason said.

‘Pretty much,’ Martin said. ‘That’s why you’ve got me. The judge and lawyers take care of the double talk. All you need to worry about is telling the truth. And I do mean the truth. If Julie’s lawyer asks you if you have any doubts about the adoption, you’d better say yes if that’s the way you feel. Lying isn’t going to help our case, even if no one else knew it was a lie.’

Martin set a paper in front of them. ‘This is a copy of the custody agreement between Ben and Julie,’ he said. ‘It states that Ben had sole custody of Sean, and Julie had visitation rights for weekends and holidays, which you already knew. It also states that Julie can only exercise her visitation when she has a stable home. That means, for example, that if she’s staying with her parents for a few days, or crashing on a friend’s couch for the weekend, she can’t see Sean. And another condition of her visitation is that she cannot use any kind of drugs or alcohol, except prescription medication, when Sean’s with her or immediately before the visit, and that she has to submit to a drug test at the request of the social worker who was involved in the case, Ben, or any other adult with a vested interest in Sean’s welfare. That would be a regular caregiver, the court, or any of Sean’s grandparents. What we would like to see happen next week is Ben’s name being replaced by yours in this agreement.’

‘That gives us custody,’ Dani said. ‘What about the adoption?’

‘That’s a different issue,’ Martin said, ‘and to be honest, I don’t have much hope for it. Adoption would involve having Julie’s parental rights terminated completely, and I don’t see that happening. We know Julie wouldn’t sign over her rights voluntarily, and I don’t think, from what I know of her background and her current circumstances, that there would be any legal ground for the court to terminate her rights. I think right now, we should concentrate on your being awarded custody, and drop the adoption idea for the time being.’

‘So the best-case scenario is that we’d have sole custody?’ Jason said.

‘Right. And even though Julie might have visitation, she never took advantage of the right when Ben was alive, so she might not now either.’

‘What’s the worst case?’ Dani asked. Jason glared at her, but she ignored him.

‘The worst case,’ Martin said, ‘is that Julie will be awarded sole custody. In that case, you might not even be allowed visitation rights, since you’re not immediate family.’

‘Martin, that isn’t very encouraging,’ Jason said.

‘You didn’t hire me to encourage you. My job is to try to make the best-case scenario become reality. Keep in mind, too, that there are plenty of options in between. There could be some kind of joint custody arrangement.’

‘So all we can do is tell the truth at the hearing, and pray in the meantime,’ Dani said.

‘There is one more thing,’ Martin said. ‘Talk to your family and close friends. Ask them to attend the hearing. If it comes to it, I may be able to use them as character witnesses for you. If nothing else, having them there will give you some moral support.’

* * *

The first thing Dani and Jason did when they returned to Leah’s was to ask if Leah and Ken would be willing to attend the hearing. ‘Of course we’ll be there,’ Leah said. ‘You know how we feel about making sure the better parent has custody.’ Ken’s daughter Samantha was from his first marriage. Samantha’s mother had not been a fit parent, and it had taken a long battle before Ken finally won custody.

‘I just hope Mom and Dad will come,’ Jason said.

‘Why wouldn’t they?’ Ken said. ‘They backed me all the way. It’s the same situation.’

‘They’re both home,’ Leah added. ‘Go talk to them. We can keep the kids a little longer.’

Carl and Susan were having lunch when Jason and Dani got there. They continued eating while they listened to the explanation of what Dani and Jason needed from them. ‘I don’t think so,’ Susan said when they were done talking.’

‘What do you mean, you don’t think so?’ Jason demanded. ‘You’ll back up Ken, but not me?’

‘It isn’t the same thing,’ Susan said. ‘Ken is Samantha’s father. Ben was the boy’s father. That’s all well and good, each of them was a better parent than the mother. But you aren’t the boy’s parents. If his mother is fit, he should be with her. I think you should have a right to see him once in a while, but he belongs with his mother.’

‘Thanks for nothing.’ Jason walked out.

Dani turned to Susan, furious. ‘If ‘the boy’s’ mother were fit, he would have been with her in the first place. If ‘the boy’s’ mother were fit, someone would have known how to get in touch with her when Ben died. ‘The boy’ has been living with us for three months, and he doesn’t even remember his mother because he hasn’t seen her since before he was a year old. You say you consider Sean part of the family, but obviously that’s bullshit, because now, when it really matters, you don’t think he belongs with us!’

Susan stood up. ‘You can’t talk to me like that! You had better treat me with some respect!’

‘I will treat you with respect when you deserve it,’ Dani said coldly. She left to join Jason.

Ken and Leah were sympathetic, but refused to take sides. ‘I don’t understand Mom’s thinking,’ Ken said, ‘but it’s her decision. We’ll still be there, and I’m sure Steve and Robin will be, too.’

‘I know,’ Jason said. ‘But it would be nice to have some support from our parents.’

This wasn’t the first time Jason’s parents had let him down in some way. Dani had learned early in their marriage not to try to comfort him at times like this, it only made him angrier. He had to work through it by himself, reminding himself that it was his parents’ own problems, not anything about him, that made them act this way. For that reason, Dani was grateful that the three kids slept through the drive home. Their silence gave Jason the time he needed to calm down. ‘My parents just won’t know what they’re missing,’ he announced to Dani as he helped her get the kids out of the van.

‘What do you mean?’ Dani asked.

They carried Sean and Melanie into the house, then Jason went back outside to get Anna. ‘I mean,’ Jason said as he gently lay Anna on the couch, ‘they won’t know what they’re missing with their grandchildren. If they don’t care enough about Sean to come to the hearing, then they don’t need to see their grandkids.’

‘Jason, you don’t-‘ Dani stopped herself. Maybe Jason didn’t really mean it, but, at this moment, he thought he did. She didn’t want to start another argument with him. Lord knew they’d been having too many of those lately.

Luckily, Jason hadn’t heard her. ‘I’m going to give Steve a call and make sure he and Robin will be there.’

‘I know they will be,’ Dani said. ‘They’re always there for us. Look how they helped us out when you and I were separated.’

‘I know. I just want to make sure, and to let them know when it will be.’

While Jason made the call, Dani carried each child upstairs to their room. Melanie and Sean slept t
hrough the entire process. Anna stayed asleep right up until Dani put her down on her bed. Then she opened her eyes. ‘I don’t need a nap!’ she said indignantly.

Dani sighed. ‘All right, you don’t need a nap. You slept all the way home from Auntie Leah’s, so I guess you’ll be okay. But you still need your rest time.’ Since Anna had stopped taking regular naps, her ‘rest time’ had become more of a benefit for Dani and Jason than for Anna herself.

‘Can I watch a CVR in your room?’ asked Anna, meaning a videotape.

‘I guess so. Just keep it quiet so you don’t wake Sean or your sister. Do you need help starting the tape?’

‘No, I can do it.’ She went into Dani and Jason’s room and started the VCR. When Dani went back downstairs, Anna was happily curled up on her parents’ bed, playing with a Barbie doll and watching The Jungle Book.

Jason had just hung up the phone. ‘Steve agrees that Mom’s full of shit,’ he said. ‘He and Robin will be there next week. Are you going to call your parents?’

‘They’re at work,’ Dani said. ‘And we know they’ll be there anyway.’

‘Yeah. Your parents never let you down. You’re their precious little baby.’

Dani turned away from him. ‘You’re mad at your parents, not at me,’ she said. ‘It is not my fault that your parents refused to help us, and I do not appreciate your being sarcastic with me.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Jason said. He walked around in front of her. ‘Forgive me?’ Dani didn’t answer. ‘Please?’ Jason said. When Dani still didn’t answer, he knelt and clasped his hands. ‘I’m begging you to forgive me. Do you want me to kiss your feet, too?’

‘No, but you can kiss my-‘ Dani stopped, then, as Jason leered at her, finished, ‘-lips.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Jason said again. ‘You’re right. I’m not mad at you.’

‘It’ll be all right,’ Dani said. ‘Won’t it?’

‘You tell me,’ Jason said. ‘You’re the one with the dreams and feelings and whatever. What does your spectral buddy have to say?’

‘I haven’t dreamed about Ben since Christmas night,’ Dani replied. ‘He told me then that he couldn’t offer any more help.’

‘Great. Even a dead guy’s letting us down.’

‘That isn’t it, Jason.’

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry a million times. Will that cover me for the rest of the day?’

‘I’m not trying to fight with you,’ Dani said.

‘I’m not mad,’ Jason said, smiling. ‘I didn’t mean to sound mad, if I did. Of course everything will be all right. It has to be.’

‘Why does it have to be?’

‘Because if this was a story, Julie’d be the wicked witch. And everyone knows the wicked witch always bites it in the end.’

* * *

‘Of course we’ll be there,’ Dani’s mother told her. ‘Well, I will, anyway. You know how your father is. He supports you in this, but he’s not the type to sit through something like a court hearing.’

‘Thanks, Mom,’ Dani said.

‘Mommy, can I talk to Grammy?’ Anna asked.

Dani handed the phone to her daughter. ‘Grammy, Sean gonna go away,’ was the first thing Anna said.

‘Anna, that isn’t true!’ Dani exclaimed. She had thought Anna had been out of hearing when she and Jason had discussed the custody case, but apparently the little girl had heard more than Dani had realized.

‘Yes, it is,’ Anna insisted. ‘Sean wants to live with his mommy, and she’s gonna take him away. Sean said. His daddy told him. Bye, Grammy.’

Anna handed the phone back to Dani. ‘What did she mean when she said Sean’s daddy told him?’ Lynn asked. ‘She wasn’t talking about Jason, was she?’

‘No,’ Dani said. ‘She means Ben.’

There was silence on Lynn’s end of the phone, then she said slowly, ‘Dani, Sean does understand that Ben’s dead, doesn’t he?’

‘He’s been having dreams about Ben,’ Dani explained. ‘He always says Ben tells him things in the dreams. I guess that must be true, because some of the things Sean’s told me are things he couldn’t know any other way.’

‘You don’t really believe that, do you?’

‘For someone who’s spent the last twenty-some years listening to me tell you about feelings I had that turned out to be true, you’re being pretty skeptical.’

‘You never told me you had a dead person talking to you in dreams,’ her mother pointed out.

‘Well, I’m telling you that now,’ Dani replied. ‘I’ve been having dreams about Ben, too. And he’s been giving me advice and predictions about this whole situation. And I do believe that it’s really him, and I don’t belong in the mental hospital.’

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Our night with Alf and Bronwyn had been great fun. I had been apprehensive at first but Bronwyn turned out to be a great fuck. I was hoping for more. It was only a couple of weeks later when Bronwyn rang Ruth and suggested we come over to their house for dinner. It was me who was excited this time and Ruth started to tease me. Apparently Bronwyn had told her what a great time she had with me. I know I had a good time. Ruth pretended to be jealous but I was well aware that she had enjoyed the...

3 years ago
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Marooned on Gronk

Chapter 1 The Major just couldn't see a thing. The cockpit was a blinding orange even the flight visors struggling to diminish its brilliant intensity. The bird rocked around like a bronco pitching and banking the major wrestling with the controls. For the first time in her distinguished career she had doubts that she was up to it. A space shuttle was still just a glorified glider even now after so many years in use; you just couldn't put it down anywhere. The nervous shouts of the...

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The Photographer

Chris was someone I had first ‘met’ on the chat section of XHamster. And here I was now stepping into his flat in London. Just the two of us.Our initial chat interaction had expanded into further lengthy chats, followed by numerous e-mail exchanges. We seemed to hit it off on-line and swapped stories, lifestyles, pictures and praise for the content on each others Profile Page on the site, We had many common interests and each loved the substance of the vids, pics and stories posted by the...

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The Jeff and Ellie Archives Episodes 3 4

Ellie is really quite stunning. She hasn't started getting any real women-like curves yet, but despite her always complaining about having "a boy's body" she is very feminine. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes and even though she's only about 5 foot 2 she has the build of a taller girl. Her legs are thin and super long. She does a lot of sports and you can tell since her legs are really toned. She has a small bum but it's nice and round. Her tummy is completely flat now (this time...

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Me nd y unt

I've had dreams many times drkav my aunt that when I was 18 years old she had a 40 for me was perfect. Pretty breasts mmm what a nice rump butt immediately lift you horny when you see it.I used every moment when you sleep with them to look at bathrobe after showering. Even a few times when we were poking themselves when they shower. Of course that saw only the silhouette did not want to take any risks but me and that I was enough to thrill and go running into my room to handjob.At a celebration...

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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 15 a Fine Selection of Holes

They surrounded me. Oh, how unfair. I'll never get away ... I'm surrounded. Such torture, such agony. When surrounded by naked redheaded twins it's best to give in and succumb to their demands. Simone knew exactly how to make me last forever. "Grab that side, Ship. Lift and slide him onto the deck. Spread his legs ... Ooo too far ... yeah, like that. Let me introduce you to our National Anthem." Sim wormed her way between my legs. "Now, watch, Ship. There will be a lab and an exam...

2 years ago
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RebelChapter 27 The Majors Daughter

"I'm cold," she said, dragging her heavy skirt to my bed roll, "make room." She climbed in beside me, a small warm body, and pulled her expensive, make-do blanket across both of us. She squirmed nearer, getting her knees behind mine. "You're nice and warm. I thought you'd be." She smelled good; I knew I did not. "You know better than this," I whispered. "You can't sleep with me. Your father would skin me." "I won't tell him," she whispered back, shrugging her shoulders,...

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Caught Mum with a Black Cock Part 2

Caught Mum With a Black Cock.Part Two.When Julie fucked herself to orgasm she didn’t realise that she was being watched by a young black man who saw her earlier going to the side of the house. When he saw a beautiful young blond peeking through the window he wondered why. But he knew the answer when he heard the same noise coming from inside the garage. What he didn’t know was who the fuck this bitch was and where did she come from. Just as he was about to confront her he was stopped in his...

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She didnt know that I knew PART 9

EI felt him move away and sit next to her on the bed. They both began kissing as I continued collecting the earlier deposited semen. Once my mouth was full, I looked up at her, yet she was lip-locked with lover-boy. She sensed my mouth’s absence from her cunt, broke the kiss and looked down at me.“All full?” she asked, adding her beautiful smile.I nodded, since my mouth was almost overflowing. “Then come sit beside me” she said, still beaming her smile and patting the bed on the her other side...

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Valentine's Day Blizzardbythehumpman©The snow was coming down pretty hard all night and into the next day, the next day being Valentines Day. My mother got the phone call early that morning that my father would not be able to make it homes due to the storm. My mother also blew my plans out of the water when she told me it would not be safe for me to take my girlfriend out either.A little about me and my mother, my mother's name is Amy, she is blonde, five foot seven, her legs are long and...

2 years ago
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Fingerbating and the Beta Path

For me, masturbation has become a way of life. Its my religion and i am a very observant worshipper. I come to the altar of porn at least twice a day and worship by wanking my little baby penis as i lust over pornography on several screens. As my relationship with porn grows, i enjoy taking on new fetsishes and ways of masturbating. Recently i have gotten very deep into small penis humiliation and have learned to better accept my tiny penis. As part of this acceptance I have realized what a...

3 years ago
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DanicaPart 1B

Zoraster paused in his writing when he sensed Celes' arrival. He looked up at the old woman with a mocking smile, "Ah, Celes, are you enjoying your current task?" Celes' lip twitched, "I'm doin' what ye're tellin' me to. The lil' thief'll be kept clean an' ready fer whatever yer punishin' 'er with that day." "Danica is quite beautiful, is she not? You have quite a good view in your work, I'm sure." Celes' eyes hardened, "I'm not for carin' about that. I'm doin' as...

2 years ago
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Just a Few More

The woman I knew as “Mistress Rebecca” helped me into the back seat of the van and then put a blindfold over my eyes. She wrapped the seatbelt around my shoulders and waist, and then I heard her get into the driver’s seat. There was soft jazz music on the stereo. She didn’t say anything. We drove for what seemed like an hour. We turned off the main road and Mistress Rebecca said, “It’s going to be bumpy for a while.”Finally, we stopped. I heard her say "Hi” to someone outside. The...

4 years ago
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the night we changed part 3

part 3It took me a while to realize what had happened. I felt my body aching, my legs hurt like hell and my head was filled with utter confusion. "Did I enjoy this? How could I?", I thought. "He hurt me. He hurt me like nobody ever had before. And I enjoyed this?" For a while I wrestled with myself, trying to get a grasp on what just happened and how I felt about it.Mike took off my entire headgear and I saw him kneeling next to me." you are doing wonderfully. I never expected you to be this...

2 years ago
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Pulaski Square

Chapter One: Jaivon Johnson As I crossed the square from the Casimir Inn, on the south side of Pulaski Square, to the General’s Café on the north side, I shuddered as the big brute of a landscaper, Caleb, rose up from a flowerbed and glowered at me. He too? Would he too make me bend to his will as if by right?—not that I deserved better. But then I saw that he was looking beyond me, at Miz. Muriel standin’ at the service door of the hotel. Lookin’ at her like he’d like to eat her up. Still not...

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Movie Night 32

Story Summary - The night continues for Chad and his hot, young daughter. Previous Chapter Summary – Samantha enjoyed her daddy’s Popsicle. Note - This is a work of fiction. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only. The author does not condone any sexual activity with persons...

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wide tells sister

Page 1My wife Linda has always been very close to her older sister, Stacey. There isn't much the two of them wouldn't discuss, and quite recently Linda has begun to include details of our sex-life in their discussions - with what turned out to be very interesting and erotic consequences. This account will be quite long, so please bear with me.Linda is a voluptuous 32-year-old green-eyed blonde, standing about 5'6". She is of medium build, with shapely legs and a very delectable 36D pair of...

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Training of his wife

I was sitting in the mobile trailer office, when Mike Votey knocked on the door and asked if he could speak with me. "Sure Mike come on it." "John, Mine if I eat in here, it's really hot outside. The guys said if it's all right with you, we will eat in shifts, as long as you don't mine the company. We would like to eat in here?" This was a common practice when it was hot outside. It worked in everyone's favor. I had a crew working all of the time and they got to eat in my...

4 years ago
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Saved from the rain

It was astormy old night and I was driving home from work. The rain was teaming off the windscreen and I was out in the countryside watching the lines in the middle of the road to keep my position on the road. I was going well listening to my favourite drive home programme on the radio. I went round the next corner and a tree had fallen across the road. I had nowhere to go so I hit it. This left me in the sticks away from anywhere with a smashed car. I got out of my car and was soaked almost...

Straight Sex
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God of LoveChapter 39 Climbing

The next day, Lucas woke up in the morning excited. Today would be a great day, he thought. Yesterday was a great day. He approached May and helped her with her problem. He also managed to get closely involved with a schoolmate. Clovis left May’s apartment yesterday with the tail between his legs. She had done a good job of persuading him. After that, she followed him to retrieve Amy, and Lucas simply went home to sleep. He didn’t need to do anything else, May was able to handle the rest,...

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Pete was sixty and just got out of the hospital. Sara was his in home nurse. She lived there to take care of him while he got better. She was just eighteen but a very good nurse. She had fed him his breakfast and was getting ready to give his bed bath. She had his pajamas off and he was naked and she put a towel under him and brought in the pan of warm water and the nice liquid soap. She had him all bathed and got to his cock and balls and as she washed them he got hard. He had a nice thick...

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NightfallChapter 16

The first words that flew out of her mouth were not so flattering. "You just don't give up, do you?" Devlin got up, his grey eyes sparkling and approached her grinning. "Never". "I'm sorry but I can't deal with this right now". She tried to push him away but it was like trying to move a rock. "A migraine?", he asked sounding concerned. "Yes", she admitted. And you're making it worse, she thought. "Let me take care of you", he said and she almost cried. Damn him! Why did...

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Danny Part 3

DANNY Part Three by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And about how he and his buds handle his problems with the school bully when he dresses up as a girl in the annual Halloween costume contest, how he and his family deal with his having breasts, and how he deals with getting turned on by his...

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Foster home 4 Fun at the lake

Introduction: This is the forth chapter in my Foster Care series as our heroin continues to struggle to believe if this is a good home for her or not. Judge for yourself. Besides the homes with the neglectful foster parents that exist there is an even worse alternative, at least in my eyes, that thank God I only had to experience it once. That home is called a group home. A group home is run like a business with the adults coming on and off duty like in any job. A group home is where they can...

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The Sexhole Jane

Jane looked in the mirror. Her corset was buttoned correctly, her pussy was shaved, and she had her cat mask on, since the rules said to. She grinned. After weeks of waiting, she had finally gotten her dream job: a cum dump.Jane's sister had told her about a place in the city, only a few blocks from Jane's apartment building, that hired women aged seventeen and older to have sex with anyone who was willing to pay. Jane didn't know if it was completely legal, but that didn't stop her from...

1 year ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 35 Nancy

Captain Foster believed my lies, patted my back and made me a corporal again. I got out of Morristown as fast as I could and back to staging ambushes. It became slow work as a winter storm and extra cold weather blanketed the countryside. We spilt up, went to seek whatever shelter we could find and promised to get back to work the next time the creeks were flowing. I headed for Trenton, despite the long cold ride, since I knew I would find a warm welcome in one or another bed there and might...

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Closet Guy

I have a thing for older women, more specifically, older married women. It started when I was sixteen and it continues to this day, some twenty odd years later. I guess it's fair to say that I got an early start sexually. I was playing "doctor" with the girl next door when I was eleven and just before my twelfth birthday I accidentally got to see my parents making love. It was only natural that the next time Kay and I played doctor that I had to show her what I'd seen and even though I...

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Interlude 0577

Five They are chatting through email one evening. ‘Do you want to have some fun?’ he asks. Uh … certainly. This whole experience has been fun. However, she admits it to herself it has been kind of blurry, what has been real and what she has imagined in her dreams. Wonder what he has in mind this time. ‘OK, I think.’ ‘Do you trust me?’ ‘I guess so.’ ‘No … do you trust me?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Will you submit to me?’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Will you submit to me?’ ‘I guess, depends upon what you...

4 years ago
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Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act - Part 3bylinkznut©She was a little less than graceful, bending over the sofa in high heels with her hands still bound. And she felt far less than ladylike with her face buried in the sofa cushions, her hands tied behind her, and her ass sticking up so prominently for all to see.It wasn't long before she felt Adam stepping up behind her and pressing his cock against her pussy. She'd been certain that, given her present position, he was going to spank her. She actually found...

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School hero at girls sleepover

I was pretty popular at collage. I'm Nineteen years old and stand Six foot nine inches tall my name is Jagger Tomlinson and love geeky stuff like SIFi Movies. Chapter 1 .The invite I got to my locker just before the bell rang I was deep in though think back to this Sunday at church I noticed a petty red head sat not far from me I look at her legs and ass as she stood up and sat down."" I hadn't noticed her before but other girls I like we're always there I like them to as they too had long red...

Group Sex
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One night

I wake to you lying beside me. I hear you breathing, slow and deep. I remember with a smile our time earlier in the day. My memories begin to awaken my desires for you. However, I am famished, and I imagine you will be as well when you wake. I put on some clothes and start to make some dinner. It’s approximately an hour before sunset. My plan had been time to have dinner so we could watch the sunset over the beach across from us. So far, it looks like we’ll make it. While the food is cooking, I...

Straight Sex
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A Hot Affair With My Friend8217s Hot Mom

Hello, everyone. I’m Sid. A regular viewer of ISS. Any aunties or anybody could write to me at my email id This is a true and genuine experience of mine.I plead apology if this story is disturbing to any of you.This is a sex story of how I got an unexpected chance to enjoy my friend’s sexy big titted mom. Before that let me tell you a little about me.I am an IT professional from Mumbai. I’m 26 years of age. 5’11 feet high and yeah,I have a six pack body.I was interested in the elderly woman...

2 years ago
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Bird SongChapter 5 The nightmare begins

07:28am, 24 July The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, swept into the room to chair the meeting of the emergency COBRA committee. The committee's name, while sounding impressive, was quite simply derived from the name of the room in which it met. The room was the Cabinet Office, Briefing Room, A - so COBRA. The room itself was actually quite Spartan, the tables and chairs old, battered and stained and the large clocks that showed the time in different places around the world cheap, but...

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Our first time pleasure

I remember the first time we touched each other. Our lips touched, and then our tongues You were nervous. But gradually our tongues met and we kissed slowly for the first time, tongues and touching. I felt your arse, such a gorgeous arse and God, I wanted you.I remember the first time we touched each other properly when we felt inside clothes for the first time. My finger touched you, so wet and excited for the first time and then you held me for the first time slowly sliding you hand up and...

First Time
4 years ago
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Young Lust

This is a story related to me by a friend who assured me it was true..... I had been planning this surprise for my mum and dad for some time, more so to celebrate my mum's 50Th birthday than any thing else. I knew that my mum had always wanted to go to the Caribbean but had never really been able to afford it, so it seemed only natural that when I came by a little good fortunethat I treated them to a week's vacation. There was only one hitch and that was my younger brother. I should...

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Last of Their KindChapter 6

Her time with just the power couple and their servants ended a couple days later with the arrival of the oldest son. Karissa had one more night with Carla, and none with Larry despite his begging and frustrated glances. It had been the most fun day at the ski resort. Karissa’s remarkable progress had her shushing down one of the longer and more difficult slopes. At its end, exhilarated, she finally asked Hanna if there might be some streams and waterfalls from the snow melt. “We’re here to...

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Might As Well Be Swing

Steve called me at three that afternoon. “John,” he said, “Lucy and I are going to a swing party tonight. Would you like to join us?” I’ve always loved the big bands, both the original sound like Duke Ellington and the 90s revival of swing. So needless to say, I agreed to it. “The only thing is that they tend not to let single men into the hall, but I asked them and they’re going to bend the rule for you.” Why the hell would they not let single men to see a band play? I wondered. But rules were...

Group Sex
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Liv This is the true story of the time during and after my 2 year anniversary with my girlfriend Liv, and hopefully more to come. Anyway, this is 100% true. Hope you like it. We were both home from college on Christmas break, not returning until the end of January. If you’re wondering, we both went to the same college. Conveniently, this was just in time for our 2 year anniversary. We started dating in high school, when she was a senior and I was a junior. We met in our French class when we...

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From FBaller to TGirlie Part 1

From F-Baller to T-Girlie With a familiar thump and a few stumbled steps down the stairs Henry Jacobs knew his son Marc was up and heading down to the kitchen for breakfast. Being "Up" And "Awake" were two entirely different things for Marc. Normally this being Monday morning, 'awake' was still not going to be happening till Marc's third class of the day. Unless the news that Henry was going to give him woke the boy up. Which it should. The 18 year old stumbled into the kitchen,...

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Losing Virginity To My Servant

Hi! This is Sima again. This story is about how I lost my virginity to our servant Mahesh. I was 18 at that time. I had a boyfriend and I had kissed him a few times but never went beyond that. We had a servant named Mahesh. He was around 21. He had a good body but I was never attracted to him. But I liked to dress provocatively at home just to make him look at me. It made me feel good. But I never thought I’ll ever let him touch me. I used to wear tight shirts, short skirts, and transparent...

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