- 4 years ago
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Anna and Sean spent the weekend fighting over their new toys. Dani and Jason spent it worrying. ‘Mommy, why you look so sad?’ Anna asked her.
‘I’m just thinking about some things that make me feel sad,’ Dani replied.
Anna sat beside her. ‘I’m sad, too.’
‘Why are you sad?’ Dani asked.
”Cause. Mommy, is Sean my brother now?’
‘Will he still be my brother if he lives with his other mommy?’
‘If you still want him to be, then yes, I think so.’
‘What, Anna?’
‘Why don’t Sean want to live here now?’
Dani looked down at the little girl. Anna looked like she was about to cry. ‘He does want to live here, babe,’ Dani said. ‘But he misses his other mommy, too.’
‘Maybe she can live here, too!’ Anna said.
‘I don’t think so, sweetheart.’ The thought of sharing a house with Julie Ryan was too horrible to contemplate.
‘Then what can we do?’ Anna asked.
‘Well, like we’ve told you, Daddy and I are going to talk to a judge who will decide if Sean should live with us or with his other mommy.’
Anna considered this. ‘What if the judge makes a bad choice?’
‘I hope he won’t,’ Dani replied.
‘Me, too,’ said Anna. ‘Hey! Sean! That’s my race car!’
Anna ran off to defend her toys, and Dani closed her eyes. ‘Heavenly Father,’ she prayed silently, ‘I know it’s supposed to be Your will, not mine, but I can’t help it. I don’t want Julie to get Sean! I don’t know why You took Ben away, but Ben wanted me to have Sean, and it wouldn’t be right if Julie got him. Lord, please help us through this, and please don’t take Sean away from us. Amen.’
She opened her eyes just in time to see Anna whack Sean over the head with the disputed race car. Both kids spent the rest of the afternoon in their rooms.
* * *
Jason worked overtime again that night, but when he came home at three thirty the next morning, Dani was still awake. ‘You need to get some sleep,’ Jason told her. ‘You shouldn’t be up this early.’
‘I haven’t been to bed,’ Dani replied.
Jason looked concerned. ‘Dani, you’re going to make yourself sick,’ he said. ‘You can’t keep staying up like this.’
‘I can’t help it, Jason,’ Dani said. ‘When I go to bed, all I do is either toss and turn, or have nightmares. The way things are going, I won’t get a decent night’s sleep till after the hearing. Maybe not even then, if Julie gets custody.’
‘She won’t,’ Jason said. ‘God wouldn’t do that to us, would He?’
‘The Lord works in mysterious ways,’ Dani said. ‘Maybe for some reason, He means for Julie to raise her son. It isn’t up to us to know what the Lord’s going to do or why. That doesn’t prohibit us from getting ticked off at Him if we don’t like His decision, though.’
‘But we don’t know for sure what’s going to happen,’ Jason said.
‘Of course we don’t,’ Dani agreed, although she was pretty sure she did know. ‘But I’d rather consider the worst-case scenario and be pleasantly surprised than just think about the best possibility and be disappointed.’
‘You’re a pessimist.’
‘I’m a realist. I just have a bad feeling about this whole thing.’
‘I know you and your feelings, Dani. But I also know that your feelings aren’t right a hundred percent of the time. This might be one of the times when they’re wrong.’
‘I hope so,’ Dani said.
‘I know so,’ Jason replied. ‘You coming to bed?’
‘In a few minutes.’
‘Dani, you’ve been down here all night!’ Jason said, exasperated. ‘Even if you can’t sleep, at least come to bed with me.’
‘All right.’
Jason fell asleep as soon as he lay down. Dani lay awake, staring at the window. After an hour and a half, she gave up and got out of bed. It wasn’t that she wanted to go through a day with no sleep, but she would manage.
At church that day, Dani asked for prayer that the Sheridans would be able to keep Sean. ‘Don’t you think he belongs with his mother, if she’s able to care for him?’ the pastor asked after the service.
‘I don’t think she is able to care for him,’ Dani said. ‘She’s a drug addict, and she abandoned him after he was born. His father had custody, and his father wanted us to raise him.’
‘Dani, people can change,’ the pastor said gently. ‘Didn’t you tell me that Sean’s father once used drugs also?’
‘Yes,’ Dani admitted. ‘But he went through rehab before he asked for custody, and he stayed clean.’
‘Don’t you think it’s possible that Sean’s mother could have done the same thing? Dani, I’m sorry. I know how much you and Jason love that little boy. We all love him, too. But if his mother is capable now, he should be with her.’
‘Excuse me. I think Melanie’s crying.’ Dani had to walk away before she lost her temper. She didn’t think slapping the pastor’s face would help her case any.
* * *
Martin Franklin had taken Monday off to give himself a four-day weekend. He had made an appointment with the Sheridans on Tuesday, which meant that Dani spent Monday in a bad mood. ‘I know you’re getting worked up about this case,’ Jason said to her, ‘but you don’t need to take it out on me and the kids.’
‘I’m sorry, Jason,’ Dani sighed. ‘I’ll try to calm down. But what if Martin tells us there’s nothing we can do?’
‘Dani, he won’t tell us that!’
‘Don’t yell at me!’
‘Well, you don’t listen when I just talk. Damn it, Dani, all you talk about lately is losing Sean. I don’t want to hear it anymore. We aren’t going to lose Sean!’
‘Jason, quiet down,’ Dani said, lowering her own voice. ‘The kids will hear you.’
‘Mommy, Daddy, why are you yelling?’ Anna asked, as though on cue.
‘It’s okay, Anna,’ Jason said.
‘You mad?’ Sean asked.
‘Not at each other,’ Dani said. ‘There’s just something that’s making us kind of sad, and sometimes when people get sad, they get mad, too.’
‘Don’t be mad,’ Sean said. ‘We be good, right, Anna?’
Dani smiled. ‘Sweetheart, we aren’t mad at you kids, either. We’re not really mad at a person, just at something that might happen.’
‘Can we go outside?’ asked Anna, apparently dismissing her parents’ argument.
‘Sure,’ Dani sighed. ‘Let’s get your snowsuits on.’
‘I’ll help Sean, and you help Anna,’ Jason suggested.
‘Thanks,’ Dani said.
After the kids were bundled up and sent outdoors, Jason said, ‘I’m sorry I yelled at you. It’s just, you can tell me all you want that ignoring something doesn’t make it go away, but I keep hoping that this custody thing will go away. I really love Sean, Dani. I almost feel like he’s my own son. The thought of him being taken away from us just about kills me.’
‘Me, too,’ Dani said. ‘You and I just have different ways of dealing with things. You pretend a problem doesn’t exist, and I talk it to death.’
‘I think we need to find a middle ground,’ Jason said. ‘I’ll ignore it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and you talk it to death on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.’
‘What about Sundays?’
‘We’ll fight.’
That night, Jason went to work, promising not to work overtime. Dani got the kids to bed with almost no argument, then went downstairs to watch TV. She was half hoping to fall asleep and have another one of her Ben dreams, but she stayed awake through the ten o’clock news. When the news was over, Dani went upstairs to bed, expecting to lie awake as she had been. To her surprise, the next time she opened her eyes, the sun was up, Jason was asleep beside her, and it was eight in the morning.
* * *
Jason and Dani left the kids with Leah while they went to Martin’s office for what Martin called a ‘strategy session.’ ‘You two and Julie each have advantages and disadvantages as parents for Sean,’ he explained. ‘Our goal is for the judge to decide that you two have more advantages than Julie.’
‘So what do you see as o
ur advantages?’ Jason asked.
‘Well, the two big ones are that you’re a two-parent family, and Sean’s custodial parent appointed you as Sean’s guardians.’
‘And Julie abandoned Sean,’ Jason said.
‘That isn’t one of our advantages,’ Dani corrected. ‘That’s one of Julie’s disadvantages.’
‘Exactly,’ Martin said. ‘The judge will be weighing you as individuals, not so much comparing you to each other. He might say to himself, the Sheridans will be good parents to Sean, and Julie won’t be a good parent, but he won’t say, the Sheridans will be better parents than Julie. But another way of putting what you just said, Jason, is that you and Dani took Sean in when asked to, instead of refusing. That way, the focus is on an advantage you have, but the judge will be reminded that Julie did abandon Sean.’
‘This whole thing is going to be a lot of double talk, isn’t it,’ Jason said.
‘Pretty much,’ Martin said. ‘That’s why you’ve got me. The judge and lawyers take care of the double talk. All you need to worry about is telling the truth. And I do mean the truth. If Julie’s lawyer asks you if you have any doubts about the adoption, you’d better say yes if that’s the way you feel. Lying isn’t going to help our case, even if no one else knew it was a lie.’
Martin set a paper in front of them. ‘This is a copy of the custody agreement between Ben and Julie,’ he said. ‘It states that Ben had sole custody of Sean, and Julie had visitation rights for weekends and holidays, which you already knew. It also states that Julie can only exercise her visitation when she has a stable home. That means, for example, that if she’s staying with her parents for a few days, or crashing on a friend’s couch for the weekend, she can’t see Sean. And another condition of her visitation is that she cannot use any kind of drugs or alcohol, except prescription medication, when Sean’s with her or immediately before the visit, and that she has to submit to a drug test at the request of the social worker who was involved in the case, Ben, or any other adult with a vested interest in Sean’s welfare. That would be a regular caregiver, the court, or any of Sean’s grandparents. What we would like to see happen next week is Ben’s name being replaced by yours in this agreement.’
‘That gives us custody,’ Dani said. ‘What about the adoption?’
‘That’s a different issue,’ Martin said, ‘and to be honest, I don’t have much hope for it. Adoption would involve having Julie’s parental rights terminated completely, and I don’t see that happening. We know Julie wouldn’t sign over her rights voluntarily, and I don’t think, from what I know of her background and her current circumstances, that there would be any legal ground for the court to terminate her rights. I think right now, we should concentrate on your being awarded custody, and drop the adoption idea for the time being.’
‘So the best-case scenario is that we’d have sole custody?’ Jason said.
‘Right. And even though Julie might have visitation, she never took advantage of the right when Ben was alive, so she might not now either.’
‘What’s the worst case?’ Dani asked. Jason glared at her, but she ignored him.
‘The worst case,’ Martin said, ‘is that Julie will be awarded sole custody. In that case, you might not even be allowed visitation rights, since you’re not immediate family.’
‘Martin, that isn’t very encouraging,’ Jason said.
‘You didn’t hire me to encourage you. My job is to try to make the best-case scenario become reality. Keep in mind, too, that there are plenty of options in between. There could be some kind of joint custody arrangement.’
‘So all we can do is tell the truth at the hearing, and pray in the meantime,’ Dani said.
‘There is one more thing,’ Martin said. ‘Talk to your family and close friends. Ask them to attend the hearing. If it comes to it, I may be able to use them as character witnesses for you. If nothing else, having them there will give you some moral support.’
* * *
The first thing Dani and Jason did when they returned to Leah’s was to ask if Leah and Ken would be willing to attend the hearing. ‘Of course we’ll be there,’ Leah said. ‘You know how we feel about making sure the better parent has custody.’ Ken’s daughter Samantha was from his first marriage. Samantha’s mother had not been a fit parent, and it had taken a long battle before Ken finally won custody.
‘I just hope Mom and Dad will come,’ Jason said.
‘Why wouldn’t they?’ Ken said. ‘They backed me all the way. It’s the same situation.’
‘They’re both home,’ Leah added. ‘Go talk to them. We can keep the kids a little longer.’
Carl and Susan were having lunch when Jason and Dani got there. They continued eating while they listened to the explanation of what Dani and Jason needed from them. ‘I don’t think so,’ Susan said when they were done talking.’
‘What do you mean, you don’t think so?’ Jason demanded. ‘You’ll back up Ken, but not me?’
‘It isn’t the same thing,’ Susan said. ‘Ken is Samantha’s father. Ben was the boy’s father. That’s all well and good, each of them was a better parent than the mother. But you aren’t the boy’s parents. If his mother is fit, he should be with her. I think you should have a right to see him once in a while, but he belongs with his mother.’
‘Thanks for nothing.’ Jason walked out.
Dani turned to Susan, furious. ‘If ‘the boy’s’ mother were fit, he would have been with her in the first place. If ‘the boy’s’ mother were fit, someone would have known how to get in touch with her when Ben died. ‘The boy’ has been living with us for three months, and he doesn’t even remember his mother because he hasn’t seen her since before he was a year old. You say you consider Sean part of the family, but obviously that’s bullshit, because now, when it really matters, you don’t think he belongs with us!’
Susan stood up. ‘You can’t talk to me like that! You had better treat me with some respect!’
‘I will treat you with respect when you deserve it,’ Dani said coldly. She left to join Jason.
Ken and Leah were sympathetic, but refused to take sides. ‘I don’t understand Mom’s thinking,’ Ken said, ‘but it’s her decision. We’ll still be there, and I’m sure Steve and Robin will be, too.’
‘I know,’ Jason said. ‘But it would be nice to have some support from our parents.’
This wasn’t the first time Jason’s parents had let him down in some way. Dani had learned early in their marriage not to try to comfort him at times like this, it only made him angrier. He had to work through it by himself, reminding himself that it was his parents’ own problems, not anything about him, that made them act this way. For that reason, Dani was grateful that the three kids slept through the drive home. Their silence gave Jason the time he needed to calm down. ‘My parents just won’t know what they’re missing,’ he announced to Dani as he helped her get the kids out of the van.
‘What do you mean?’ Dani asked.
They carried Sean and Melanie into the house, then Jason went back outside to get Anna. ‘I mean,’ Jason said as he gently lay Anna on the couch, ‘they won’t know what they’re missing with their grandchildren. If they don’t care enough about Sean to come to the hearing, then they don’t need to see their grandkids.’
‘Jason, you don’t-‘ Dani stopped herself. Maybe Jason didn’t really mean it, but, at this moment, he thought he did. She didn’t want to start another argument with him. Lord knew they’d been having too many of those lately.
Luckily, Jason hadn’t heard her. ‘I’m going to give Steve a call and make sure he and Robin will be there.’
‘I know they will be,’ Dani said. ‘They’re always there for us. Look how they helped us out when you and I were separated.’
‘I know. I just want to make sure, and to let them know when it will be.’
While Jason made the call, Dani carried each child upstairs to their room. Melanie and Sean slept t
hrough the entire process. Anna stayed asleep right up until Dani put her down on her bed. Then she opened her eyes. ‘I don’t need a nap!’ she said indignantly.
Dani sighed. ‘All right, you don’t need a nap. You slept all the way home from Auntie Leah’s, so I guess you’ll be okay. But you still need your rest time.’ Since Anna had stopped taking regular naps, her ‘rest time’ had become more of a benefit for Dani and Jason than for Anna herself.
‘Can I watch a CVR in your room?’ asked Anna, meaning a videotape.
‘I guess so. Just keep it quiet so you don’t wake Sean or your sister. Do you need help starting the tape?’
‘No, I can do it.’ She went into Dani and Jason’s room and started the VCR. When Dani went back downstairs, Anna was happily curled up on her parents’ bed, playing with a Barbie doll and watching The Jungle Book.
Jason had just hung up the phone. ‘Steve agrees that Mom’s full of shit,’ he said. ‘He and Robin will be there next week. Are you going to call your parents?’
‘They’re at work,’ Dani said. ‘And we know they’ll be there anyway.’
‘Yeah. Your parents never let you down. You’re their precious little baby.’
Dani turned away from him. ‘You’re mad at your parents, not at me,’ she said. ‘It is not my fault that your parents refused to help us, and I do not appreciate your being sarcastic with me.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Jason said. He walked around in front of her. ‘Forgive me?’ Dani didn’t answer. ‘Please?’ Jason said. When Dani still didn’t answer, he knelt and clasped his hands. ‘I’m begging you to forgive me. Do you want me to kiss your feet, too?’
‘No, but you can kiss my-‘ Dani stopped, then, as Jason leered at her, finished, ‘-lips.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Jason said again. ‘You’re right. I’m not mad at you.’
‘It’ll be all right,’ Dani said. ‘Won’t it?’
‘You tell me,’ Jason said. ‘You’re the one with the dreams and feelings and whatever. What does your spectral buddy have to say?’
‘I haven’t dreamed about Ben since Christmas night,’ Dani replied. ‘He told me then that he couldn’t offer any more help.’
‘Great. Even a dead guy’s letting us down.’
‘That isn’t it, Jason.’
‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry a million times. Will that cover me for the rest of the day?’
‘I’m not trying to fight with you,’ Dani said.
‘I’m not mad,’ Jason said, smiling. ‘I didn’t mean to sound mad, if I did. Of course everything will be all right. It has to be.’
‘Why does it have to be?’
‘Because if this was a story, Julie’d be the wicked witch. And everyone knows the wicked witch always bites it in the end.’
* * *
‘Of course we’ll be there,’ Dani’s mother told her. ‘Well, I will, anyway. You know how your father is. He supports you in this, but he’s not the type to sit through something like a court hearing.’
‘Thanks, Mom,’ Dani said.
‘Mommy, can I talk to Grammy?’ Anna asked.
Dani handed the phone to her daughter. ‘Grammy, Sean gonna go away,’ was the first thing Anna said.
‘Anna, that isn’t true!’ Dani exclaimed. She had thought Anna had been out of hearing when she and Jason had discussed the custody case, but apparently the little girl had heard more than Dani had realized.
‘Yes, it is,’ Anna insisted. ‘Sean wants to live with his mommy, and she’s gonna take him away. Sean said. His daddy told him. Bye, Grammy.’
Anna handed the phone back to Dani. ‘What did she mean when she said Sean’s daddy told him?’ Lynn asked. ‘She wasn’t talking about Jason, was she?’
‘No,’ Dani said. ‘She means Ben.’
There was silence on Lynn’s end of the phone, then she said slowly, ‘Dani, Sean does understand that Ben’s dead, doesn’t he?’
‘He’s been having dreams about Ben,’ Dani explained. ‘He always says Ben tells him things in the dreams. I guess that must be true, because some of the things Sean’s told me are things he couldn’t know any other way.’
‘You don’t really believe that, do you?’
‘For someone who’s spent the last twenty-some years listening to me tell you about feelings I had that turned out to be true, you’re being pretty skeptical.’
‘You never told me you had a dead person talking to you in dreams,’ her mother pointed out.
‘Well, I’m telling you that now,’ Dani replied. ‘I’ve been having dreams about Ben, too. And he’s been giving me advice and predictions about this whole situation. And I do believe that it’s really him, and I don’t belong in the mental hospital.’
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IncestWell over the years my friend and I have seen each other a lot even though he never wanted to speak of our indecent I had made a few comment from time to time. and recently his wife has given in and sucking his cock on birthdays and some holidays but just yesterday we had planed hanging out go out to lunch like we do once or twice a month. As I park the car at the front of his house my phone was ringing and it was him he said he just stepped out of the shower and he left the front door open to...
It was a hot day in Maine and I awakened hot and sweaty, my nightgown was wet throughout and was bunched up around my waist, Robert my boyfriend at the time was watching me as I slept. “Its so hot just like Florida” I whispered to Robert. “come on, we can cool off In the shower” Robert followed me into the bathroom, I looked into the mirror watching Roberts face as I pulled my nightgown over my head, The fresh cool breeze wrapping around my body caused my nipples to harden, I could see...
IncestOnce inside they walked straight to the bar and poured some shots as they took in the room... it was dark, and only about 7 or 8 people there, other than employees. The girl on stage was a blonde with small breasts, but a bouncy round ass... and there were 4 guys sitting at front of the stage that she would crawl around in front of, and it was clear she had their full attention when she removed her bottoms and strutted around nude. Mary took her shots and told Bradley "I can't believe I'm...
The ship must have gone trans-light, so far they had not spaced anyone. Roy and everyone else had been left behind in one of the destroyers cargo holds. As Cara walked by Partner he saw something his four-legged friend has never done, he flashed his formidable teeth and growled deeply at the Saresii woman. From his animal, he received emotions of confusion and anger towards Cara. She hissed at Partner. “Shut up, stupid beast.” Then she walked out the door. Partner had always liked Cara,...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
Edited by Master Ken Note: This takes place three weeks after the Best Buy Incident, following Veronica Beckam and her obsession. Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 "Oh, Veronica!" Marshal, my husband, gasped as he pumped away at my pussy. "I'm gonna cum!" "Yes, yes, I'm coming too!" I lied, squeezing my pussy down on his cock, and shrieking loudly. I could feel my husband's cum spilling inside me, warm, thick, disappointing. "That was great, sugar," he moaned, kissing me on the...
Good things cum in small packages, and 18yr old small package Ava Dior certainly is something good the JJay can cum in. Now believe it or not, this is Ava’s first white boy and she’s just a bit excited, and nervous, to slip her hat over this white boys cock today. “I feel like I have the weight of the entire white world on my shoulders”, declares JJay as we get to know Ava a bit better. It’s during the makeup and interview we reveal that this is actually her second...
xmoviesforyouMike came home a little earlier than usual that day and walked into the house. He realized that the house was empty, so he headed to his bedroom. Up the stairs, he went.As he approached the door, he could hear labored breathing. He noticed the door wasn't pulled shut all the way, so he gently nudged the door. As it cracked open enough for him to see inside his jaw dropped and his dick hardened in his pants. He saw his wife on all fours on the bed, roughly fucking her pussy with her big dildo....
ToysHappy EndingsbyIrishRose1215©My life had not gone as I had accepted it to. I didn’t have that dream life that women plan out when they are little girls. Sure, I had gotten married and had a c***d. But I had gotten married too young and though my husband and I never spilt up we aren’t happy with each other now. He hasn’t had sex with me in about a year now. I know he’s cheating on me, but I just don’t have the energy to start a fight with him. I really don’t care anyway; I gave up on him a long...
"What are we going to do with that girl," a very frustrated Marie Downs asked her husband, "she's eighteen years old and still can't stop touching herself in public!?!" "Don't look at me, dear," Ed Downs replied quickly, "if you wanna say something to her, go ahead, but leave me out of it!!!" "Some help you are," Marie said with exasperation, "your daughter's behaving like a monkey in the zoo and all you can do is say keep me out of it, what kind of father are you anyway!?!" "The kind that...
》Little Author's Note《 This story heavily uses the score system and a ton of variables so make sure to Start Game to enjoy the full experience. In this fantasy story you'll meet all sorts of characters that you'll be able to customize so as the story progresses go to Customization and change the names of the characters to whatever you want but also you'll collect items and level up your character so keep track of the Score tab to see your stats and other important stuff. That's about it,...
FantasyThis is a direct continuation from Part 2, which I recommend you read if you have not already. -phenylalanine Tegan assessed the dildo again and then at the vessel of spunk. The most semen she had ingested in one sitting was eleven, the night she visited the glory hole, and that was in small increments as she served each man. This was spunk from thirty different guys who’d probably cum at least twice, gathered in a container that had been sitting around going cold and coagulating. She...
Introduction: a young, rich girl makes a deal with the devil Chloe Leto wiped the frost off her window as she peeked out into the world. The snow fell onto the ground in pillowy white blankets which blended perfectly with the white fences which held the horses, they all looked wild. Her black stallion, Sarchedon, shook his head savagely as he snorted and pawed at the snow. She grinned as she watched him. Something struck one of her windows, and she looked down to see Cody throwing pebbles. He...
"nothing just got out of the shower ;p" "lol i was just about to get in :)" "hope you think about me while ur in there ;)" "oh i will :)" "lol ok have fun text me when u get out" "ok :)" No one is home. I just noticed. and its a friday night and I'm here doing nothing. "hey wanna come over no one is home and I'm bored out of my mind!" about 10 mins later he texted back. "feel all alone without me :)?" "yes :0" "lol ok i'll be over in a...
After Jay and Karen had finished eating lunch together in the school cafeteria on Tuesday afternoon, they went off in separate directions. Karen had a class at one end of the campus, and Jay had to report to Mrs. Wells' office for a work conference at the other end. Before they parted, Karen told Jay which pots to warm up for supper, since she had a late class and wouldn't be home until after seven. Jay went straight to Mrs. Wells' office and knocked on the door. The work conferences were...
Tania was used to living a life on the move, going to all the exotic places the world had to offer and seeing the sights. Her job demanded alot out of her, and she was paid pretty well for the long hours she put into it. She had checked into a hotel while she was in Africa for a couple of weeks. She was to attend a long and tirsome convention, but after that was done, she'd have plenty of time to herself. She looked forward to relaxing and enjoying a bit of the country. It was her firm's way of...
“What do you want for your birthday?” she asked.“I don’t know, I don’t really need anything,” I replied.“I didn’t ask what you NEED, I asked what you WANT.”“I hadn’t really thought much about it, to be honest with you.”“What about sex; you always want more sex?”“No, you pretty much do everything I like.”“What do you mean, “pretty much” – what haven’t we done?”“Well, I’ve always wanted you to have such an intense orgasm while you’re sitting on my face that it would excite me enough to come,...
Oral SexHi, as you all know that I am really attracted to aunties and mature ladies. If you haven’t read my first story please read it before reading how I was seducing my neighbor. So after the first incident, I became bolder. I understood that mature women too want younger boys. I started scanning for mature women near me. I found Neelima aunty, who happened to be my neighbor and my mom’s friend. Neelima aunty was around 38 years in age. Her husband was in an MNC and was mostly out of the station....
Kira was on her way to the gym for a late night swim since she had nothing better to do at home. This meant that she had to sneak into the school in order to do so but it didn't really matter to her. Kira stood at 5' 7" and weighed only 105lbs with shoulder length blond hair and light green eyes that always held a mischievous glint. Her skin was fairly tanned from all the nude sunbathing she did with a perky c-cup tits topped with strawberry nipples. She had nicely round ass that many guys...
LesbianChapter 1 I grew up in a pretty successful family. My parents were both doctors, though they did not share the same practice, and my grandparents were mostly doctors and lawyers with a college professor thrown in. I'm an only child and have three cousins, Sheila, she's three years older but my favorite, we've been close since I was little, then there's Morgan, he's somewhat older, now in his thirties, and there's Rebecca, she's also a few years older, working on her master's in marine...
***********************The following story is a work of erotic fiction intended for entertainmentpurposes only. It includes scenes of racial humiliation sex between adolescent peers. This story is not intended to be read by minors or anybody else who may be unduly influenced by its contents. Anyone who believes that they might be offended by the nature of this story should find some other form of entertainment. This story will take a slave route (between whites and blacks of early America)and...
Eventhough this is written in the third person, and my name isn’t Alana, this is a true story. I decided to write this after Castlequeen’s thread about writing a true story. This is the first part of my experience with this man one day. Alana saw a man matching Master Mark’s description approaching the tube station. He was rather plain looking and was not as handsome as she had expected. He had already seen a picture of Alana, but she had never received one from him. She knew it was him...
Joe leaned down to pet Rex, who was jumping around the boy very excited. "Go on Rex, breakfast!" said Joe, and the dog knew what to do. He darted into Stew's ass cheeks and started licking, and the boy started moaning. "Alright you little shit, you aren't gonna be the only one with a tongue up your ass," Joe said before turning around and grabbing the back of his little boys head and shoving in between his enormous hairy ass cheeks. Joe had thicker and more hair all over his body than...
Jeff waited at reception for the Doctor to call his name. It was already 20 minutes passed his appointment time and it was only 9am. Jeff read a magazine about tiny homes while time ticked away. "Jeff . Jeff Bellingham " he heard his name being called. He looked up and saw a petite woman in a blue dress with big red wavy hair, spectacles and high heels. His felt his cock stir. Doctor Ali looked up in to Jeff's eyes and smiled. "Come in to my office" Ali smiled. " The tests all came back normal"...
Present – Ben, Thom and Mira – At the hospital parking lot Thom laughs at my comment about how both Mira and Ira bother me with their insistence on being with me at all times. Then he teases, “I’m surprised at the change in Mira, I thought that she wanted to have your baby.” I glare at Thom and answer, “She scared the hell out of me! I thought she might be pregnant with my baby but I had no idea how it could have happened. I’m so thankful that the DNA test put that mess to rest.” Thom...
“Truman is the ultimate media sensation, truly.” - Peoples Magazine “So influential among people of all ages, he could shape the world into a better place.” - New York Times “You could make a religion out of this!” - An online fan “I touch myself every time I watch Truman and pretend he’s having sex with me ever since I had my first period!” - College student on campus who has shared too much. “The simple matter of fact is this. For a majority of the world, Truman is life. Truman is love....
It started with a phone call when I was at work. The well spoken and educated voice at the other end asked if I would be available to visit that evening at 7pm. ‘Where?’ I asked. ‘Holiday Inn, Maidenhead’. ‘Sure, I charge £60.00 an hour plus travelling expenses’. She asked me what I looked like and a little about my experience. She then told me she wanted some deep tissue and some relaxation massage to finish off. We agreed the price and she arranged to meet me in reception and told me to wear...
Saturday night Ana asked me to go outside for dinner and some drinks. My sweet wife then confessed me she was really horny and wanted to catch a nice huge black cock to satisfy herself. I could watch if I wanted… After having dinner at a nice restaurant, we went into a dance club.Once inside I had a few dances with my loving Anita and then I went to the bar for some drinks.By the time I got back to our table, Ana was off dancing with a black guy…I watched them and noticed him running his hand...
Hey, just thought I would post my first story to give a little insight to who I am. I grew up near the U.S.-Mexico border and am ½ Mexican Hispanic and ½ Anglo (white). Having a Mexican mom, I was raised to appreciate Mexican culture but unlike some multi-cultural k**s, I didn’t learn Spanish fluently…I guess enough to get by though. My mom hated that but oh well.I visited Nogales Senora across on the Mexican side on and off during my c***dhood and teen years. As a young adult, I was fearless...
“Yeah, I know what they are. I think there might be one at a rest stop or an adult store,” I answered confidently. “When I was traveling with my husband, we stopped at a rest stop and I saw a hole on the wall of the bathroom stall. I asked my husband and he just got annoyed that I asked about it. So, I looked it up and a bunch of porn videos came up. Looks like the girls were having a good time sucking on a stranger's cock. It really turned me on, since then it has been one of my dirty...
The alarm goes off on your cellphone promptly at six in the morning just like it does every morning. And as normal you have a massive erection between your legs. As with every morning you have several options at your disposal.
FantasyLife is wonderful when you start receiving things and from you, readers have received a lot of positive responses for the earlier narration that got posted. I agree to some feedbacks on its length but I couldn’t help myself from detailing about what transpired between two enriched souls that night and have thus decided to pen down more about that night. I know most of you who read found it really intriguing and am really happy with praises with which you have showered me. This is a part wise...
Introduction: There are at least 12 chapters to this story. Each ratchets the story up one more notch. If you like them, comment, and Ill keep them coming. I have written 12 chapters to this story so far. It is something of a family affair, and we get to learn about tons of new, extreme experiences from the perspectives of four different family members. The incest in this chapter is light, but most subsequent chapters will be way racier. Just setting the stage here, but I think youll like the...
You are walking along, you feel a presence, a person quickly comes up behind you and c*********'s you. You pass out but you catch a glimpse of his green army officer hat.You wake up several hours later chained to a rack naked. Two identical women come out with a cart filled with cosmetics. First they take this special soap that when it touches your skin it makes your skin very sensitive and a sensation of pleasure takes over at the slightest touch, then the two women grab nail polish and paint...
August Taylor is walking jerk off material. Her big fake tits and puffy DSL’s are there to get every cock in the room rock hard. This horny slut shows off her body with the sole purpose of letting the people at home see what a perfect fuck dolls she is. Her tight shaved pussy is dripping with excitement as she struts up to her dick for the day. She crawls to him and opens her mouth. With no hesitations he starts to pound his rock hard dick in and out of the cum dumpsters throat. August...
xmoviesforyouMondli used to visit Kajsa 3 or 4 times in a week and everyone knew for what reason he is there. Actually Mondli told it to his closest friends the next day after they did it first time. Ayize also realized this weird relationship between his teenager son and Kajsa. He asked Mondli what they are doing and Mondli told him that she believes in stupid things that if she let him know white people, he won't have misjudges about whites anymore but he only fucks her till his balls get dry and stupid...
He looked down at his ticket, seeing that his train would be the next. He folded the ticket gently as he looked around the train station and wondered how long it had been since he was home. He thought back to the last Christmas he spent with his family before he left for college and a better life. That was three years ago. He straightened his work suit from his new banking job and marvelled at the success he had gained over the past term. He was well on his way to a life of luxury and...
Dr. Tercer heard his office door open. The two women he had been expecting where here. They would be pivotal for his experiments. He got up from his desk and approached the two ladies.There was a tall red head, she had a very cute face and a button nose. She was kind of boney, lanky and she was at least six feet tall. He knew she was quite intelligent and interested in his experiments and had been following his work for a while. He decided to address her first. "Hello, Catherine. We've...