08 TogetherChapter 120 free porn video

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Flashback – Masha and Louise – Protest March

It was quite exciting being with the other women as we marched toward City Hall and chanted slogans. Things were going well until we reached City Hall and the police came out. The Sgt. whom I recognized from the other night had a bullhorn and announced, “Your march is illegal because you do not have a permit. Disband or we will arrest you.”

The women began to shout, “Hell no, we won’t go!” I joined them.

Louise grabbed my arm and said, “Masha we need to leave because if we get arrested they will take Linda from me.”

I looked at Louise and noted she was frantic so I said, “Okay Louise, we will leave for Linda’s sake.”

We turned, began to leave and realized that the police had taken up a position behind us. The other women marchers charged the police in front while Louise and I tried to escape through the rear of the crowd. The police stopped us and one of them said, “You’re not going anywhere except to jail.”

Louise began to cry, the police officer roughly grabbed Louise (which was uncalled for) and I took over. I quickly put him on his rear and stated, “We are just trying to leave. We did not know marching was illegal without a permit.”

Unfortunately, this incited the other police officers to charge me. They were armed with batons and I had nothing. The other women realized what was happening, turned and attacked the officers who began to beat them with the batons. I became enraged and began to kick their rears using my Krav Maga skills. Finally the nice police officer came up and ordered, “Masha, stop fighting us - now.”

I informed him, “I will not cease until the other officers stop beating the women with their batons.”

He prevailed upon the other officers to stop so I prevailed upon the women to stop. Now things were at a standstill. The Sgt. came up and ordered, “Arrest all of them, especially that one.” He pointed at me.

I complained, “I was just protecting the women your officers were beating.”

The Sgt. ordered, “Save your breath for the judge.”

They took all of us into the police station, which was adjacent to City Hall, and began to process us. Louise whispered to me, “Masha, I hope that Linda is okay.”

I noticed something and put her mind at ease, “Michael is here and is holding Linda so I’m sure that he will take care of her.”

Michael and Linda waved, then they left the station. Louise sighed and said, “I never figured this would happen, who knew there was a law against marches.”

I frowned and confessed, “Louise this is partially my fault because I was swept away in the excitement of the moment.”

Louise replied, “I did see the television stations broadcasting this, perhaps they will help.”

I began to help some of the women who were injured by the officers batons and the Sgt. scolded, “Ma’am what are you doing?”

I glared at him and replied, “I’m rendering aid to these women that your officers beat with their batons.”

The Sgt. developed a questioning look on his face and questioned, “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

Louise replied for me, “You should know her - she’s the one who helped you catch the rapists!”

He said, “No wonder I recognize you. What the hell were you doing today?”

I replied, “We were exercising our right to complain about how this police department didn’t catch the rapists for more than twenty years. That’s ... That’s ... That’s a travesty of justice.”

One of the ladies stood and announced, “Don’t worry ladies. I’m a lawyer and we’re going to sue the hell out of this police department and city. By the time we’re through with them they will never make this mistake again.”

The women began to cheer and the Sgt. complained, “Are you trying to start another riot?”

I walked up to him and counter complained, “We never started a riot. We participated in a peaceful march until your officers over reacted and began to beat the women with their batons.”

The lawyer stated, “It’s an obvious case of police brutality and I can’t wait to grant interviews with the television stations. Not only did the police fail to catch the rapists, they beat the women who had been assaulted by the rapists. I bet this makes national news!”

A man walked up and identified himself, “I’m the mayor and I’m here to personally apologize for what just happened.”

The women began to complain, “Aren’t you late – he’s always late – we don’t accept your apology.”

The lawyer replied, “They are right - it’s too late for an apology. Your police force beat defenseless women with their batons.”

He pointed at me and stated, “Don’t blame me, she’s the one who started it when she attacked the officers.”

The lawyer defended me, “Get your head out of the sand! This is the woman who’s been doing the job your police department should have been doing. Just in case you don’t recognize her, she’s the one who stopped the teenage gang of bus attackers and she just helped your police force capture the rape gang. Instead of blaming her, you should be giving her an award.”

The mayor recanted, “I’m sorry I didn’t know that. Please forgive me Ms.”

The other women began to complain again, “Of course you didn’t – you couldn’t see your nose in a mirror! Yes she does deserve an award.”

I smiled and stated, “I would just like re-instatement of the 24 hour police protection in front of my house that I was promised by the base commander.”

The mayor looked a little sick and said, “Don’t tell me, your name is Maria Reynolds.”

I affirmed, “That is correct.”

He looked at the Sgt. and asked, “Why hasn’t this police department continued to provide the round the clock protection as we agreed with the base commander?”

The Sgt. replied, “Well, we needed the manpower for other operations.”

The mayor said, “That’s unacceptable.” Then he looked at me and said, “I hope that you don’t tell the base commander about this...”

I interrupted, “ ... I plan on informing him today and ask him if he can provide Military Police to protect my house and family.”

He turned to the Sgt. and ordered, “Sgt. release all these women immediately.”

The lawyer stated, “Don’t think this is going to save your ass. The first thing I’m doing is talking to the television stations and then filing lawsuits.”

Louise and I walked out of the police station and were accosted by the television stations. I said, “I have nothing to say, other than I plan on teaching free Krav Maga classes to the women of this city.”

Louise said, “I have a few things I would like to say.” She gave a huge interview to the television station and mentioned her Auntie Masha many times. It was all I could do to keep from blushing.

When Louise was finished, I noticed Michael in the parking lot, holding Linda. I grabbed Louise’s arm and moved toward him.

He said, “I didn’t think you two would be released so soon.”

Linda cooed and reached for Louise. Louise took Linda and announced, “We had a lawyer in our group and she put the fear of God into the mayor and the police.”

Michael suggested, “Well, perhaps we can finish shopping for your furniture.”

We returned to the furniture store and purchased Louise’s new furniture...

Flashback – Ben – On the mission

I was thankful as hell the towelheads didn’t have NV gear since it made this mission, which was still dangerous, move from impossible to practical. I slipped into the night after a great sendoff by the other Marines and began to scan the area around me. I noticed a few flickers of light in a few of the buildings. I determined they were candles, so I worked my way toward them. One of the problems was keeping the fucking noise down while I walked since the ground was littered with pieces of destroyed buildings. Much of the debris was from our artillery, but some was from the fucking earthquakes and it all made nasty crunching noises under my boots. I finally figured out a solution so I sat down, pulled my only pair of spare socks out of my pack and slide them on over my boots. I stood up and began to walk and while I wasn’t totally quiet, it was much better.

I approached the first house, if you could even call it that because it was more like a collection of walls with a shitty roof on top of it that I was sure wouldn’t keep out any rain (not that we got much rain here). There were holes in the wall that functioned as windows but had no glass in them, just some shitty assed blankets or rugs covering the ‘window holes’. I stopped outside, listened and sure as hell didn’t like what I heard.

I heard a man grunting and a girl crying. I slowly and carefully moved the blanket covering the window hole and was pissed as hell when I saw a full grown man on top of a young teenage girl. My first instinct was to shoot the fucker and end his miserable life, but I knew that would alert every other towelhead in the area. So I slowly slipped into the hovel of a room, pulled my Ka-Bar, slipped up behind him and slit the mother fucker’s throat. The young girl quickly covered herself and looked scared until I showed her the American flag on my uniform. Then came the problem: How to tell her to head to the hospital with her robes open. We moved to the window, I pointed to the hospital, opened my jacket and made sure she understood. She smiled at me, hugged my hand and I watched her head out of the hovel toward the hospital holding her robe open. I hoped like hell Jack or the other Marines didn’t shoot her.

I searched the rest of the room, found an AK, took one of my frag grenades, pulled the pin and set the AK on top of it holding the handle down. Then I slipped out the other side of the hovel and headed toward the next flicker of light.

Flashback – Jack – At the hospital

I was almost asleep when one of the Marines knocked on the door and said, “Sgt. you need to see this.”

I jumped out of bed, kicked Tod’s bed and said, “Come on.”

He woke up and followed me out of the room, I asked, “What the hell did you see.”

The Cpl. answered, “Sgt., there is a young girl walking toward the hospital - she has her robes open.”

I put on my NV gear, looked and swore, “Well, I’ll be damned, it looks like Banzai’s mission is working.”

I announced in my command voice to the rest of the night watch, “Make sure you don’t shoot her.” Then I added, “Someone wake up the doctor and nurses and tell them they have a patient coming in.”

Lieutenant George finally showed up and asked, “Sgt. Reynolds, what’s going on.”

I replied, “We have the first freed captive from Banzai’s mission coming in. Do we have a terp (interpreter) here?”

Lieutenant George ordered, “Someone go wake up the terp.”

The doctors and nurses showed up and I said, “We have a young girl, possibly early teens coming in to the hospital. Banzai rescued her from the towelhead rapists so she going to need some medical care.”

That lit a fire under their asses! They wanted to meet her outside the hospital but I cautioned, “That’s not going to happen, however you can meet her at the door.”

The met her at the door and she smiled when she saw the nurses. One of them picked her up and they hauled ass to the examination room they set up earlier.

The terp showed up and I cautioned, “That girl has been through more hell than you could imagine. If you traumatize her anymore I will throw your ass out of the window.”

He assured me he understood, knocked on the door to the room, a nurse came out and told him he couldn’t enter at this time because they were examining the girl...

Flashback – Ben – On the mission

I was happy with how the first rescue worked, even though it scared the shit out of the girl when I slit the bastard’s throat. I didn’t hear any weapons fire so I figured she made it to the hospital fine.

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Это история повествует о том, как отношения с моей женой переросли в безумную похоть.Ее зовут Кира. Рыженькая,голубоглазая,среднего телосложения девушка.Мы познакомились еще будучи подростками.Мы практически сразу начали встречаться,и также быстро оказались,в одной постели,а точнее лестничной клетке подъезда.Она была у меня первой.Потому как она все ловко делала,было сразу понятно,что опыт у нее есть и меня это ни чуть не смущало.До нее,у меня был разве что петтинг и оральный секс с...

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22 Vayathu Vibachaariyai Matter Adithen 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana Coimbatore vibachaariyai eppadi sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Tharshan, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathe ilai athanaal naan ethavathu vibachaariyai sex seiyalam endru mudivu seithen. Ithai naan yar idamum sola kudathu endru irunthen, en endraal en thirumanam nadakum pozhuthu ethavathu prachanai vara pogirathu endru nanban idam kuda ithai patri sola kudathu endru irunthen. Oru lodge...

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Say CheeseChapter 3

I pulled into the garage and went inside. We hurried upstairs and I told him I’m going to take another quick shower. I went to my room and undressed while Tyler stood in my bedroom door and watched me. The fun is starting already! As soon as I was naked I went over and took his hand and pulled him down the hall to the bathroom. I turned the water on to let it warm up and then I turned back to Tyler and started to undress him. He grinned when he realized what I had in mind and started...

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BangingBeauties Carmen Caliente Gets Dicked In The Pink and Fingered In The Stink

PervCity pornstars are always horny for a good hard fuck, but you’ve never met a girl who goes to such rough extremes until insatiable blonde Latina Carmen Caliente is bouncing on your big dick and begging you to finger bang her stink. When you get nasty and rough, Carmen gets insanely horny to orgasm, and from that point, you’re in danger. There is no stopping this chica until your prick is drowning her with a cumshot facial. Do you love filthy ass rimming, sloppy ball sucking, and...

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A Genny Story Birthday Girl

Hello All, I hope everyone had a great Summer. I have been trying towrite a new story for a while now and nothing was happening. Then as withmost things just when you relax and let life happen, good things comeyour way.A Genny Story... Birthday GirlI am Genny.I had a birthday last week, 10/10. On the calendar they refer to the weekend as"Columbus Day", but everyone knows that's just code speak for "Genny'sBirthday". New York even had a parade. Wasn't that nice? Melly and Idecided to avoid the...

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I Was Sitting in the Bar on a Monday NightChapter 3

“We’re almost there. When I stop are you going to get out and run away?” “Probably.” “Why? Are you still scared to be happy?” “I’m not scared. I’m scarred!” I smiled at the small joke. “Right. Look Mick, I can offer you a place in life where you will be cared for. You can come home each night and be with someone. You know how much you hate to do things by yourself.” “What? What makes you think that?” “Remember? I am smart and sneaky.” “I think you need to explain this to me.” “You go...

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DTF Tinder Date BitchBoi Gay

Things have been weird this week. A girl asked me out for a date but I declined. I'm not entirely sure why, she just didn't seem like my type. The weird thing is that I've been crazy horny these days, jerking off daily. I'm also getting more into rougher porn; maybe it's just a phase. I haven't been out to the club since that fateful night. I swear it was all a bad dream, at least that's what I tell myself. Not going to the club makes meeting girls difficult... but then again, I haven't been...

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PrettyDirty Cadence Lux Against My Religion

Cadence Lux is a devout Jehovah’s Witness, but it will take a miracle to save anyone’s soul today. Her tingling vagina is distracting her from proselytizing, but luckily she knocks on Dr. Ryan McLane’s door, who happens to be a gynecologist. When the concerned doctor offers to examine her vagina, she figures it must be God’s will. He diagnoses her condition as stemming from pent up energy in her vagina creating a disturbance, and prescribes a treatment of stimulation to...

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Super FluChapter 20

Junior slowed to a stop on the crest of a hill. From where he sat he could see a long ways in either direction. Dark wasn't too far away, and he decided they would just camp here for the night. Looking for a motel was useless, and he wanted to be where he had a decent chance of seeing any trouble long before it arrived. The lack of movement and sudden silence began to waken Sarah and Shelley. Junior opened the door and motioned Cole up beside him. He explained to the other man how he wanted...

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Dream a Little Dream of Me Supernatural FAnfiction

There's a knock at the door. Sam heaves a sigh and slams the clamshell of his laptop closed. He makes it to the knob in a few long strides. His disappointment is apparent when he opens the door and sees her standing there. "Hey, Sam," she says in her haughty accent. She walks past him into the room without invitation. That's how she is. She takes. Whatever she wants. He stares after her, watching her take in the cheap furnishings. The cheeky Brit's audacity is unsurprising. Yet, as...

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EyesChapter 19 The Plans and Proposals

The next morning, June's kitchen was the center of attention as she fed the younger twins before they went off to school. The older twins ate and were going to be off checking on medical school admission. Agnes and Dad came by in Agnes' Expedition to pick up Nettie and wonder of wonders Grandpa was with them. Pretty amazing that both Dad and Grandpa were going out to a naturist camp. Wait till I tell the girls. When all the noise quieted down, I said that I wanted to replace my car. Even...

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My Frist Time with a guy

After having alot of fun with a few girls i really wanted something new! One day i was young and really horny (like most young guys)I was hanging out with a friend we were both playing guitar and messing around. When my buddy asked me if he could tell me something. He told me he was gay and i looked at him and said so what lol. He told me he wanted to play with me which got me hard. I said that would be fun so we went up to my bed room. When he got in my room he got nude in a sec he is handsome...

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Gambling My Wife and Black Business Partner part 6

CJ has another plan up his sleeve as my young wife is out of it and now helpless to resist anything that can be done to her. The trip back to the Edgewater hotel is short as the Porsche comes to a halt in the parking garage level that is next to the the hotels topless bar. Several men are standing by their cars as they come to a stop.. CJ has gotten out opened her door and motioned for the men to come over, he has undone her seat belt. She is definitely out of it and has no idea where...

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DominoesChapter 9 Spring 19892 Karen

"It's Karen Parker, remember me?" asked the voice on the other end of the line. We had never spoken on the phone before, but I recognized her voice even though it was reserved, not barking orders like I remembered from the day we played in the mixed doubles tournament. "Oh, sure, how are you?" I responded quickly, thinking of the nickname, 'Miss Legs' Marcie had given Karen. "I still have your racket," she mused, letting her voice fall like she was just waking up from a blissful...

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MomsTeachSex Audrey Noir Ember Stone Practice With Mom

Audrey Noir is happy to help her stepson Logan Long with a personal problem. He asks for guidance, and Audrey eventually agrees. Logan pulls her forward and buries his face in her hairy pussy, lapping with his soft tongue as Audrey runs her fingers through his hair and moans. They’re almost caught when Logan’s stepsister Ember Stone returns home, but that doesn’t stop them picking up where they left a little more quietly. Peeling off his stepmom’s clothes, Logan brings...

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After a day and several stops, she finally got on the bus for Hollywood. Butterflies filled her stomach, mingled with worries about her parents finding out and getting mad. All those faded when early the next morning she pulled into the bus terminal in Hollywood. Julia had never seen a big city before, and the sight of it took her breath away. Driving through the streets leading in, she felt overwhelmed. When she finally got off the bus and entered the busy terminal, she began to feel...

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Pay Raise Time Cammys First Raise

"Boss, can I talk to you?" I looked up, it was Cameron Nhite. Cameron is a college sophmore who had come to work for me last October, shortly after the current school year had begun. I pushed myself back from my computer desk and swivelled my chair to face her. "Close the door and take a seat Cammy." She turned back to the door and I let my eyes rove up and down her ripe, petite young body. 'Was it finally time?' I thought to myself, watching her movements. She was wearing a bright...

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An unexpecting incredible desire

I had never been fucked before, that is to say, I have never had another man inside me. I have had a few “experiences” before, mostly when I was younger, but they were all oral. Wonderful, new and exciting, but all just oral sex. I had always wondered what it would be like, to have a cock inside me, to be fucked and pounded into. To have a man fill my ass with his seed. The chance had just never presented itself. Until I met Miguel. Miguel made no mistake about it, he called himself a “top” and...

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Project PrometheusChapter 14

Alex looked over the hologram of the plans for the dome in front of him. Though a lot had been done in these past two weeks, there was still more to do. Since the night of the Artucian’s entry into the Unified Systems Alliance, both them and the crew of the Perseus had been working around the clock. Salvaging the wrecks of the Dead Snows was well under way, as was the rebuild of the dome behind him. One of the first things to be done was to clear away all the ice surrounding the dome. Once...

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The office boy

Every day he came to her office and delivered the mail. She noticed he was always looking at her sexy bustline. Today when he came she unbuttoned her blouse so he could see more of her larger tits. He kept looking as he slowly placed the mail on her desk. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. Do you like to see my tits she asked him. His face turned red and he nodded he did. ‘Close the door.’ He walked over and shut the door and locked it. He came back to her and she unbuttoned her blouse...

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New York Switch Part 2

NEW YORK SWITCH CHAPTER 2 I knew the morning would come when my owner would come to me, the one who had Serena abducted and brought here for training. That morning, I knew that today was the day, I'd finally get to meet the one that wanted me as his trained, submissive slave girl. I missed the freedom I had before, the freedom of being able to move around freely, to eat what I wanted, do what I wanted, I missed my male body more than ever. My chastity belt had been taken off the...

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The Forest Nymphs

According to folklore, every full moon a pair of nymphs with voracious sexual appetites came out to play, looking for an unsuspecting man they can sexually devour. Many men went into the Wakefield Forest on a full moon, but they said they were not accosted by nymphs, so it remained just that; folklore. Wyatt grew up on a farm not too far from the forest. He knew all about the legend and how the townsfolk like to pretend it was true. This was especially true when visitors who visited the town...

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Both Sides of a Cuckold My Filthy Whore of an Ex

Around 10 years ago, I was involved with a woman - let's call her "Carol". Carol and I were together for three years. The sex was incredible, the best I've ever had before or since. In less than a year, we were living together in an apartment. We worked opposite shifts, mostly, although there were times our hours coincided, and we of course had weekends.Now, to be honest, Carol had... issues. She had pretty serious emotional problems. Realistically, I should have left her long before, but I...

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New Years Eve Party

December 31st. New Year’s Eve. The day to look back at the year full of mistakes and to look into the future feor success. But tonight wasn’t about that for me. It was about throwing the most lavish New Year’s party there ever was. It was going to be a night to remember honestly. My name is Jordan Alexander Thompson. I’m the owner of the biggest clothing brand in the world; King Alexander. I have a store in every major city and country across the globe. With the opening of King Alexander, I...

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