Punishment 120
- 4 years ago
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Phil spent the rest of the day with Marc Edmonds. Edmonds’ grandfather had been one of the initial investors in Lambswool back in the 1950s and Edmonds held an abiding love of the man and, although the family had long divested itself of the stock, Lambswool Studios.
“My grandmother worked here,” Edmonds explained as the pair ate in the canteen. “Grandpa was 30 years old when he moved out here. He made his money in oil after World War II. Grandma was an aspiring actress and, as she tells it, her aspirations didn’t offset an appalling lack of talent.”
Phil chuckled. He could see his grandmother telling the story.
“When I was a kid, my parents travelled a lot,” Edmonds continued. “My father inherited his father’s oil business so he was gone a lot. That meant I spent a lot of time with both sets of grandparents. I was 16 when a big company bought us out. You know how that goes. I’ve read a lot about Barton Holdings in the past few months. Except the oil company didn’t handle the takeover the way your family would have. Everyone affiliated with Edmonds Petroleum was let go within a year. It didn’t matter if they were a month from a pension or if they did their job better than the person brought in to replace them. If you knew my father, they fired you. I guess they didn’t want divided loyalties because my father was among the first pushed aside.”
“I’m sorry,” Phil said.
“They promised him a vice presidency in one of their subsidiaries,” Edmonds continued. “They didn’t want him around our Houston office because that would be awkward. Someone else was in charge. They moved him to Galveston and we packed up and moved with him. I was going into my sophomore year of high school and I was not pleased. We no more than got settled into Galveston and they found a reason to let him go.”
“Like I did with the people today,” Phil said, frowning slightly.
“I view that differently,” Edmonds said with a shrug. “I mean, I was a teenager so I don’t have the whole story but I’ve heard enough of it to draw my own conclusions. They wanted Edmonds but they didn’t want him. They couldn’t have one without the other. I’m not sure how much you know about oil production or Texas in general, but Galveston is on the Gulf. A lot of their drilling is offshore. A week or two after my dad took over there, one of the rigs caught fire and six or seven men were hurt pretty badly. Dad didn’t even have a chance to go over the safety records to see if he could find a cause before the environmentalists went crazy.
“The fire caused a pipeline leak and a lot of crude was spilled into the Gulf. I’m not saying the environmental groups were wrong to be upset. I think they were upset at the wrong people. It took six months for the company to conclude its investigation and, at the end, they let my dad and several others go. Dad already felt like hell because people were hurt and because of the spill. This sort of drove him over the edge. We stayed in Galveston for the rest of the school year. My mother and father divorced and I came to live with my grandparents. My grandfather had been opposed to the sale of the company in the first place but he did what he could to help my folks out. In the end, it didn’t matter. My dad was broken. He couldn’t find another upper-level management job. My mom enjoyed the money more than the companionship, I guess. The sale of Edmonds had left us well-off but not nearly as well-off as she thought we should be. She left him and Dad hit the bottle pretty hard. He pretty well stayed in the bottle for the next 10 years.”
“Damn,” Phil said, shaking his head.
“In a way, you’re lucky,” Edmonds said. “Today, it’s a lot easier to discern someone’s intentions. I mean, Christ, a simple background check costs $20 but it gives you a list of addresses and phone numbers for whoever you’re looking at. A few phone calls and you know all about the person. That is, if they don’t post their entire life on a social media site on their own.”
“And if you miss something, the media will do their best to ferret it out,” Phil added.
“In your case, yeah,” Edmonds agreed. “My family wasn’t considered extremely wealthy, not by Texas oil standards. Still, Grandpa had enough cash to invest in a few things. Lambswool was one of them. He didn’t hold a major stake or anything but he got a kick out of telling the folks back home he owned part of a movie studio.”
“I was telling Hailey the other day that a lot of Lambswool’s investors own stock for that very reason,” Phil agreed. He found himself liking Marc Edmonds, despite the fact that Phil had very little use for attorneys – Hailey’s father excepted. “You still feel a connection to this place, though. I could tell it from the way you spoke about it last fall.”
“I worked here in various capacities from the time I was a kid,” Edmonds said. “My first paying job was handing out towels in the men’s room. That was my grandfather’s mantra: You start small and work your way up. I think that was a lesson he forgot to teach my father so he made sure he taught it to me. I worked the security booth out front while I was in college. I stayed out here with them after high school and went to UCLA. When it was time for law school, my grandfather sold the stock here to help me pay for it. I didn’t know until I’d finished. He loved this place but the stock was the most valuable thing in his portfolio so he sold it. He was tickled when I got hired in the legal department here. That was back in the good old days.”
“You’ve been here since 1994, is that right?” Phil asked.
“I finished law school in ‘92,” Edmonds confirmed. “I got a job working with one of the agencies here in town.”
“Agencies?” Phil asked.
“We have several large law firms in the city that do nothing but represent actors, singers and athletes,” Edmonds explained. “That was my first job. I worked for one of the bigger firms in the city. It was a terrible job. I finished top of my class in law school and the best job I could find was putting together contracts for some D-list celebrities.”
“So you didn’t actually represent the actors?” Phil asked. He had no idea how the system worked. That was why there were lawyers.
“Nope,” Edmonds said with a small smile. “It’s probably a pretty good thing. I had met some of the TV personalities that used to do shows here. That was before we branched out to features in the 1990s. Most of them were pretty decent people. I guess it was a different generation. The TV stars from the 1970s and 1980s didn’t advertise their drug habits or marital infidelities.”
“The only real media that focused on those things back then were the tabloids,” Phil pointed out. “Now, celebrity dysfunction is a cottage industry.”
“True,” Edmonds said. “Still, the people back then just seemed, I don’t know, more authentic. Maybe it was because I was a kid. I still have an autographed baseball cap from Steve Sellers. Do you remember that private detective show he was on?”
Phil shook his head. The show had been off the air for almost 15 years by the time he was born. Most recently, the guy played a crime boss on a network television show.
“He was so nice,” Edmonds said as he drifted down memory lane. “I used to sneak on the set of ‘Paradise Resort.’ That was considered a risqué show because all the women were bikinis. I was must have been 10 or 11 when Anna Stahl caught me. I thought she was going to kill me. The set was closed, you know, because they didn’t want a bunch of pervs showing up and trying to take pictures of her. Instead, she just laughed and got me on the approved list. She also gave me one of her calendars for Christmas. My mother had a fit when she saw it.”
Phil couldn’t picture the matronly actress from another network show that was geared to teenagers being a sex symbol but he smiled politely.
“So, yeah,” Edmonds said with a grin. “I guess you could say I feel a connection to this place.”
Phil nodded his head in agreement.
“That’s why I’d like to name you CEO in September,” Phil said.
“CEO?” Edmonds asked, this time shaking his head. “Phil, I have no idea of how to run a movie studio.”
“So you’ve never sat down and thought about how you’d do things differently if you were in charge?” Phil asked.
“Well, sure,” Edmonds admitted. “Anyone who has worked anywhere has thought that but not to the point where I can say I’d actually be able to do any of the things I’ve thought of.”
“I’ve done a great deal of research on Lambswool in the past few months,” Phil said. “I’ve determined Lewis Steinmetz’s biggest flaw. You know he worked here for close to 20 years before he moved up to CEO.”
Edmonds nodded. He had known Lewis Steinmetz since the mid-1980s when the man was just a casting director at the studio.
“He spent so much time theorizing about how he’d do things that he had no clue what to do when the theory didn’t meet the reality,” Phil said. “The times have changed. You’ve seen that. Shows that were considered sexy in the 1980s would be considered blasé now. Lewis wanted Lambswool to be edgy. He wanted to be on the cusp of the industry’s next wave. The problem is that we don’t have the capital to take those risks. ‘Iconoclast’ is edgy for a television show but it will be three or four more years before the industry responds to the audience ‘Iconoclast’ has developed. By that time, our show will be history. I think we can both agree to that.”
“Reluctantly, but yes,” Edmonds said. “Many people tried to point out the flaws in Lewis’s logic. We knew going in that we had no real way to pay for the show. Lewis seemed to think that the money would take care of itself.”
“His problem is that he involved himself solely on the TV side,” Phil said. “He didn’t have a grasp on what was happening on the feature film side. I honestly think it took him by surprise when he found out that the shit we’ve been putting out for the past two or three years wasn’t making money.”
“It did,” Edmonds confirmed. “But that still doesn’t make me qualified to run a studio.”
“You see the big picture,” Phil said. “And most importantly, you’ve never lied to me. Sure, you’ve told me a lot of stuff I didn’t want to hear but you never once glossed over the facts. When I had a question, you answered it or you directed me to someone who would answer it. The reason I kept Lewis on was to make him pay for his sins – greed, arrogance. But I also kept him on so I could replace him eventually. Just as importantly, you’re willing to make the hard decisions. Look, let’s be realistic. I’m entering my junior year of college. I am not old enough to drink or rent a car. No one is going to take me seriously – unless I force them to take me seriously. I have neither the time nor the inclination to handle this right now.
“I will continue to hold the reins for another six weeks but eventually I’m going to have to let them go. I would prefer someone I trust take them up but if I have to go outside and bring someone else in I suppose I will. But that money will have to come from projects that deserve to be completed. We will have to move all of our independent films off the books. We won’t be able to finance any more documentaries like the one on the Civil War a few years ago that got us back on the map in Hollywood. I know the filmmaker wants to do another on the Korean War in a year or two and he’d like to do it here. But if I have to continue to pay Lewis Steinmetz and someone else, it’s not going to happen. It also means that ‘Iconoclast’ will be done without even a movie to wrap up the storylines. I don’t want to see that happen.”
“Nor do I,” Edmonds said. “Not to be mercenary but I would expect a salary increase if I’m going to take on more responsibility.”
“And you’ll get one,” Phil said. “It won’t be $45 million a year but I would be willing to offer you a percentage of stock equal to what your grandfather owned. I believed he owned 3 percent.”
“Stock options in a company that loses money aren’t very enticing,” Edmonds pointed out.
“That is the fatal flaw in my proposal,” Phil admitted. “But I don’t see much hope of Lambswool surviving 10 more years if I don’t have you or someone like you at the helm.”
“I’d like some time to think it over,” Edmonds said.
“I understand,” Phil replied. “I will give you a call in a couple of weeks. If you have questions, you can reach me anytime you want.”
It was almost time to leave for their dinner reservations by the time Phil made his way back to the hotel. He and Marc Edmonds had visited with the few executives left at Lambswool to explain their revised duties and met with Lewis Steinmetz to prioritize projects already moving forward.
He had ridden back to the hotel in silence as he pondered what in the hell he would do if Marc Edmonds decided to remain at the head of the legal department.
Hailey was already back by the time Phil walked into the room. She was bustling around trying to find space to store all of the purchases she’d made that day.
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Introduction: Silks first play party. She learns a lot… Ok first thing is first… I figured out how to sort of get a table of contents in here. I will post then right here before each story… For this first one Ill put everyone up till now. After Ill just put the last few so you know youre in order. Here goes. They may be out of order on the site as well… Also if you want me to let you know when I update send me an email. I make a list of my fans and send them updates as to when I post new stuff…...
************************************************************************************************ 01. Learning the Lifestyle Pt1 02. Learning the Lifestyle Pt2 03. Learning the Lifestyle Pt3 04. Learning the Lifestyle Pt4 05. Learning the Lifestyle Pt5 06. Learning the Lifestyle Pt6 07. Learning the Lifestyle Pt7 08. Learning the Lifestyle Pt8 09. Learning the Lifestyle Pt9 10. A Night out Dancing 11. Sunday 12. And So It Begins 13. The Party Pt1 14. The Party Pt2 15. Feeling...
Learning By Experience is a work of fiction. All situations and characters are fictional. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. It is a copyrighted work by Caitlin Rose. It may be archived at any site that does not charge a fee for access. Please obtain permission from the author before archiving. All other rights are reserved. This work contains descriptions of crossdressing and some mild sexual situations. If you think you might be offended, go...
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Ariarisha Michaela Feyalisa Zerleen was born three years, or two dizyntk cyankas, to the day of the crash that had stranded Feya and Michael. Feya saw this as a sign that her mother was watching over her and her child. She therefore gave her new daughter her mother's name, Ariarisha. However, while Feya's mother was known as Risha to her friends and family, Feya and Michael would usually call their daughter Aria. Aria was indeed a hybrid of her parent's two races. She had Dizyntk ears and...
Learning through the Night This story may be reposted anywhere as long as proper credit is given, you inform me of where it?s being posted, and I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. Learning through the NightBy Sbbe (Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) com) Thanks to ZebI recommend you read his story before mine for background(Thanks for the Wedding Night story and encouragement)(http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=4001) Amy sobbed into the...
My name is Donna, and you already know me if you read "Learning How - Part One." Then you know about how I was a young girl and gave myself to my employer while babysitting and became his little whore. I know some of you asked to hear more about my adventures, so here it is! Anyhow, after Ron broke my cherry, we had regular sex a couple of times each week, and I was making real money from him at twenty bucks a pop. I was so naive, thinking that I was doing well financially for that...
The beds at the cabin were smaller than the one at the apartment but Phil didn’t mind. It just meant Hailey had to snuggle closer to him – which she didn’t mind in the slightest. She reveled in the closeness as she felt Phil come awake. His erection was pressed between her butt cheeks and his hand nestled between her bountiful breasts. She felt his warm breath on her neck and it caused her to shiver. “You OK?” Phil wondered. “I’m great,” Hailey said. She wasn’t joking. She felt wonderful,...
An education is a wonderful thing. Higher education is even better. But those who choose to give back and teach others who are learning, that is the most wonderful. Meg had graduated as salutatorian in high school. She was all about books and school functions when in high school. Oh sure she dated, but her dates were more on the order of an escort to a function, nothing serious at all. When she entered college she was not a virgin, but the only reason she was not was her need to know about...
Learning From a Movie----------Amanda, my Uncle Tim's daughter, and her brother Aiden, had only been here just over a week before I really had time to talk to Amanda. While we had spent some quality time in the shower to get 'acquainted', the remainder of her time had been spent showing her the ropes of the farms operations. Learning the feeding and exercise routines for the horses was perhaps the most taxing for someone that had not been around horses much. She was a quick learner however, and...
Learning to Spell Chapter 4 - A Total Eclipse of Reality By GirlyCheerBoy[at]gmail.com It had been almost eleven weeks since Kaitie had been "born" into her new life. Every day was a reminder of how things had changed so drastically, literally over night. Sarah was immensely helpful in her time of need during this adjustment - when she needed it. It wasn't but a few days that all of the girls, who began to meet weekly at the very least, noticed that it was hard to remember certain...
Learning Her Pl ace By: DonnerTie He had found her cold and shivering. Her coat he noticed was much too short and skimpy, revealing much of her bare skin beneath. He watched her try and entice any man that passed. Lifting her skirt or presenting her backside. When he pulled up in his car she appeared friendly enough. Happy to finally have a potential client the girl approached his cars window. He surmised she had run away from her home or perhaps been abandoned for no collar was around her...
The new slave did not yet fully know her purpose. She sat on the floor writingto her diary while her master was watching his football game. She wasn't interestedin football, but she liked to keep him company. She was glad he never madeher watch the games or try to get into them, and she did realize that he foundhis pleasure in her so much more interesting in other ways. She felt his eyes on her, even though she did not lift hers to meet his gaze.He was studying her as she tried to concentrate,...
Learning the Ropes By Deputy Duffy People call me, Deputy Duffy. I work for the Vermont State Police. I onlygot this job because my father is the sheriff. (I don't like "cops" that much,either.) I've been working for many years and have had my share of adventures,but I guess I should start at the beginning. After I graduated from high school (I went to an all boys boarding school),my father sent me, kicking and screaming, to the police academy to follow inhis footsteps. (I wanted to be a rock...
The last day of the week dawned rainy and far chillier than June weather should be. Phil took one look at the gloomy weather and burrowed deeper under the covers. Hailey wished she could do the same but she had a report due for Beth that afternoon. Phil was still awake and reached out to caress her bottom as she pulled on her underwear. “This is one of those days when you should be allowed to stay in bed,” Phil told her. “Every day should be that way,” Hailey replied. “I love just lolling...
As much as I love to come, and as often as I masturbate, there was something that was still a mystery about the process until recently. I watched Rick jacking off one night, and I suddenly realized that men always shoot out something when they come, and women generally do not. I had heard that it was possible for women to expel fluid, or "squirt," but I didn't really believe it. I did some research on the phenomenon of female ejaculation, or squirting, and I learned a few things. I was...
There I was, on my elbows and knees, my ass high in the air and my hard-on straining the thin-skin covering it as it throbbed for release. A butt plug was imbedded inside my rectum and I was licking Mrs. Perkins’, my new ‘Mommies', very wet and gapping pussy. Another woman was behind me, pulling and pushing on the butt plug yet her identity was a secret, due to the leather half-hood covering my eyes. NOW, the woman behind me was sliding under my hips and taking my length into her hot, wet...
Learn to Relax By Ricky The business world is a rough place, you have to be ruthless and efficient to make it there. I was the man in charge, macho, indispensable, powerful and at my desk from dawn to dusk. There was no time for family, my wife left me years ago, and frankly I didn't miss her much. I had never wanted for sex, women used me and I used them, we got off and got out of each other's lives. Then I learned the meaning of "downsizing" and found I was not as...
Wondering how he seemed to know, she answered, “Reed and I slept together when we could before I totally ended it with Neil. Reed made no secret about it either. He would kiss me just when he knew Neil would catch us. Once he had me straddling his lap kissing me when Neil caught us. My father aided in this too. Neil got really jealous and I tried to get him to believe that Reed was doing it to piss him off. No one knew that Neil could get violent though. Finally one night after he caught Reed...
As I wrapped my lips around Mr. Perkins' cock, Mrs. Perkins withdrew her strap-on from the depths of my bowels. I stayed in Happy Baby as I sucked Mr. Perkins and Mrs. Perkins leaned down and took my semi-hard penis into her sexy and sensuous mouth."That's it, Sweetie" said Mr. Perkins. "Get Daddy nice and hard...."I think that Mrs. Perkins was expertly sucking me to provide me with a very pleasant feeling as I sucked my first real cock. And it was working. My penis was getting harder, inside...
I stand there, naked and anxious as he examines me. My arms are behind my back, as I have been trained. He cups my breasts one at a time, first gently then harder until I fear I may wince. I try to slow my breathing. He feels the weight of my large breast in his hands, kisses each one, then moves and pinches my very erect nipples. He rubs his rough hands down my body to my waist. I am still as I feel his gaze wash over my body. I know he sees I have shaved my pussy as instructed and I want so...
Oral SexPhil’s respite from the worries in Los Angeles lasted until Monday morning. True to her word, Hailey found a way to keep his mind focused on other matters throughout Saturday and Sunday (as well as early Monday morning before work). She was grinning happily as they crossed the street holding hands. Phil felt his phone buzz and extracted it from his suit jacket. He didn’t recognize the number but the area code was familiar. He just couldn’t remember from where. “Where is the 212 area code?”...