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My name is Charles Dickredy and I have lived in the Norfolk Broads, in the year of our lord of eighteen thirty eight, for all of my seventeen years. I know not why I relate this story of love and lust to you simply because of the hurt and trauma that it has caused me, except perhaps, so that others may avoid the pitfalls of kindness and of falling in love with beautiful rich women.  Not that one chooses who they fall in love with, of course.

I come from a community of simple folk. My father was a blacksmith and my mother, a seamstress. We had a modest little cottage in a small community and as a family we made enough money to survive, though, our staple diet consisted largely of bread and oats.

My father was always a kind man, always helping those in need when they most needed help. My mother had cause to be a little more cautious; especially after the beatings she received from a wealthy householder that lived not a hundred feet away from the house where she was born. She ran away from home at the age of sixteen and from her job as a kitchen maid. In an attempt to make ends meet she taught herself to sew, and was pretty chuffed with herself to be regarded as an excellent seamstress in later life. It was less than a year after meeting my father that I happened along. Financially, I must have been a burden, but I was loved.

My father’s kindness was instilled in me from an early age and it is with a heavy heart that I remember those fateful days. It started when I helped a man in need escape across the waters by lending them food and a small rowing boat. It didn’t help out of kindness as such, more out of being a little scared of him when I found him sleeping in the barn. It was soon after, that my parents were accused of helping an escaped prisoner and were judged, incorrectly, to have acted against the law. It was only days later that they were hanged, in public, for all to see, including me.

I should have spoken aloud, confessed that it was I that did it and not my parents, but my mouth was shut tight with the horror of what was happening. My eyes could see the truth quite clearly despite being shut tight when the rope tightened around my parent’s necks. A kind woman, a friend of my mother, gathered my sobbing face and weak body and pressed me tightly into her dress. She refused to let me watch the scene unfold before me.

I don’t really know what I thought after the event. I thought I had no-one left in this world; my mother a single child and my father had only one sister that lived some distance away and I knew not where. There were no grandparents left to look after me and so I believed that my life would be in my hands alone, as difficult as that would have been with the death of my parents pressing ever inwards and suffocating every smile that was to appear on my lips. Needless to say, I didn’t smile much.

And so it was with shock that I was sent to live with my Aunt Bessie. I believed that I owned nothing more than the clothes I stood up in, yet I was told, by a well-dressed gent wearing a shiny top hat, that I would have monies due to me from the house. I remember nodding but knew nothing of what he meant. I think he mentioned two hundred pounds. At the time I didn’t know what a pound was and so I shrugged my shoulders and nodded enthusiastically. At seventeen years of age my education was simple, do my chores and watch my dad work so that I could learn from him. The latter was now out of the question and the former had fallen by the wayside; at least for the moment. Though I am sure my Aunt will fill my days with work for me to carry out.

I expected Aunt Bessie to live a simple life, just like I did, so you can imagine my surprise when I was marched up a gravel path to a mansion that stood head and shoulders above any nearby trees. My surprise was even greater when I saw a girl standing next to my Aunt in the doorway of the house.  As I approached, I lowered my head, not daring to look my Aunt in the eye in case she saw in them, the truth of what happened to my parents. At forty-seven years of age, Aunt Bessie sported a full breasted frontage and one that any sensible man or boy would be careful to avoid getting caught up in.

I did glance at the girl standing next to her. I did notice her shiny black shoes and her long blue dress; trimmed with white lace and edging. A lace trim circled around her neck and big blue bow seemed to extend from her back and wrap itself around her. Her brown hair was neatly made into ringlets held together with white braided bows.

She looked beautiful and she looked down at me like no-one had ever looked down on me before.

“Come here, boy. I can only imagine what you have been through, come now, you’re living here with us now, Alletse and I.”

I looked up at my Aunt with her hands outstretched and a broad welcoming smile on her face; complete opposite to the scowl that was fixed on Alletse’s face. I quickly ran into my Aunt’s arms and was greeted with warmth and belonging. Yet I knew neither of them and wondered what possessed them to take me into their care in the first place; a pauper and good for nothing young man.

Aunt Bessie passed me to a man wearing a black suit that took my one bag of belongings. Over my shoulder I saw Aunt Bessie talk to the kind man that brought me to this place but I couldn’t hear their conversation as I was ushered inside by a firm hand upon my back.  A smile appeared on Aunt Bessie’s face and a white envelope passed between them. I surmised that she was pleased to look after her brother’s only son.


The house was huge. For the first two days, I found myself lost at just about every corner of every corridor; not knowing which way to turn next or what direction to proceed in. I daren’t go outside for fear of never returning. The thick woodland that surrounded the mansion would have gobbled me up for good. Fields extended forever in all directions apart from the one direction that contained the path that led from a well-used road.

Initially, I avoided Alletse as much as I could. She wasn’t very talkative and when we did find ourselves in each other’s company our verbal exchange was short and sweet; to the point of being insipid. It must have been hard for her to be the only daughter of such a wealthy Aunt and it must have been a burden to have to aspire to so much.

When I did pass Alletse’s bedroom door, which only ever happened when I took a certain route to my own bedroom, I often used to stop and press my ear to the door. I often heard whimpering sounds and light moans issue from inside. I knew nothing of what might cause her to utter such sounds, though I wanted to find out. One night, I stood guard in the corridor to see if anyone left, but no one did.

I found out, through one of the maids that I had befriended, that Alletse felt threatened by my presence.

“She’s right royally scared of you master,” she told me.

I never realised that Alletse felt that way about me and I couldn’t understand why she would be afraid in the first place. I made a plan to find out a little more about Alletse despite being cautious of her, yet I started to warm to her. She was older than me but she had nice mannerisms that appealed to me. The way she skipped down the corridors when no one was looking, the way she tilted her head to one side when Aunt Bessie scolded her; which was rare as she was so perfect, according to Aunt Bessie that is.

It must have taken a few months before Alletse spoke to me without being disdainful. Yet, things did change and more recently we have been getting on like a house on fire. She eventually seemed to like me and we even spent time walking the gardens and grounds of the estate; arm-in-arm.  When she dressed for dinner, she was always very elegant and I admit that on more than one occasion, my heart would pound incessantly as she approached the small dining room. I often stood in the doorway so that I could catch a whiff of her fragrance as she flew past me to greet Aunt Bessie.

One evening, she even let me walk her to her bedroom. I wanted to ask her about the noises that came from her room or perhaps peek inside and set eyes on whatever it was that made them. Alletse stopped suddenly and announced that she was thankful for me walking with her, but that she needed to retire. She was so close to me I thought she was going to kiss me. I backed away and before I knew it I was walking away to my own room. I looked back briefly to find that Alletse was gone. I contemplated turning around and putting my ear to her door, but I was tired myself and sleep seemed the only sensible option.

One day, while sitting in the library with Alletse reading some literature, I found myself looking at one of the few picture books containing line drawings of all the most popular plant species; although I was being taught to read by a governess that was appointed to educate me. I quickly gave up trying to read books in front of Alletse; I did it once and she laughed at me for pronouncing words incorrectly and too slowly. But, while sitting there on this sunny afternoon, a thought occurred to me. One that I could not purge from my head and one that had to be announced out loud.

“What kind of name is Alletse?”

“Why do you ask?”

“It’s strange, that’s all.”

“Well, you’re name is strange too.”

“Mine’s not strange, Charles is my father’s first name and I’m proud of my family name.”

“Dickredy. Dick-ready. Dickus-Readius if you could speak Latin, which you can’t of course,” she chided.

“Well, you’re a spoilt little brat and not worthy of being my cousin,” I shouted back.

Alletse started to cry, small sobs at first before the floodgates opened. I looked at her not knowing why she reacted that way, and then the barrage of explanation left her mouth so quickly that I felt ashamed.

“I’m adopted. I’m not your Aunt Bessie’s daughter. I’m not your cousin. My parents have died too and I’m just as alone as you.”

I felt a great conflict in my heart. I had not meant to cause Alletse’s memories to surface so dramatically; similar memories to the ones that I had hidden so deeply; memories that were perhaps, best forgotten. I put my arm around her and pulled her head close to mine; burying it in my shoulder. I hugged her close to me and I could feel her chest heave on mine as she sobbed. I started to feel strange, like I was having an experience that I had never had before. I felt that part of me was not me. I felt my member move in my trousers and with dread I started to push Alletse away from me. She resisted and clung to me ever harder as she sobbed.

I was later to find out that those tears were born of crocodiles, yet they seemed real at the time. So real in fact that she had instilled in me desires that I didn’t know existed. Alletse sobbed so hard that I could do nothing but feel her chest squash against me. The closeness of her body caused my very own John Thomas to extend and dent the front of her dress and press against her upper thigh. I was horrified. Though, I didn’t see a horrified look on her face as she slowly leant back from me. Her sobbing all but stopped as she looked at me and then down at my trousers to the area where things were – expanding.

I closed my eyes and wished the moment would pass; that everything would get back to normal. Alletse finally looked me in the eye. I was expecting her to scream, shout loudly and run away with her hands flailing in the air, and I knew then that I would be in deep trouble with Aunt Bessie. But she did neither of those things.

Alletse took her hand from around my waist and lowered it. I watched her do it. I watched her cup her hand and press it into my groin. I felt her hand on my private parts and I was rendered speechless; completely caught out by her brazenness. By the time she squeezed me tightly and traced her hand down my length, I had closed my mouth. Seconds later it was open again as her kiss surprised me. It was quickly followed by her tongue; pressing urgently into my mouth.

I couldn’t help but respond. My mind was somewhere else; I wasn’t concentrating on what I should have done or what I now felt that I should do. My mind was telling me to back away, apologise to Alletse and make a hasty retreat. My body rooted me to the spot, willing for me to find out more about that tingling sensation in my groin. I relished the feel of her hand as it squeezed at my growing member. Her kisses swallowed my embarrassment and prevented me from saying anything inappropriately crass.

And then I heard the same moans I had heard during my elicit nighttime listening sessions outside her door, only this time they were being breathed into my mouth as she stroked my most precious John Thomas.

I suddenly felt alarmed. I was holding Alletse’s waist with both hands and I felt that something was not right. It was something I no longer had control of. My breathing was intense and I started gasping just like Alletse. I felt something rise in me and then I heard her words pierce my ears.

“Come for me.”

I didn’t quite know what she meant, but at that moment my breeches filled with a liquid and much relief flooded through me. I suddenly felt like a stop cock had released the pressure in my groin and I more or less slumped into her arms.

Alletse grinned.

“Looks like Charles has made a mess in his underwear and trousers. What if Aunt Bessie finds out?”

My hands suddenly covered my groin in the hope of stopping the fluids leaking out but they just soaked into my undergarments.

Alletse could see my discomfort, my embarrassment and my predicament. It was all too evidently written on my face.

“Come with me, we’ll get you cleaned up so that Aunt Bessie doesn’t need to know.”

I followed her, “where are we going?”

“My room, come quickly.”

I shook my head but followed Alletse nevertheless. We ran up the stairs; she ran faster than me as I was afraid of leaking anything onto Aunt Bessie’s best carpets.

We quickly rounded the corner and rushed into Alletse’s room.

“Come on, get those trousers off quickly.”

I unbuckled them and slipped them down without thinking, forgetting to take off my shoes. I had to backtrack and pull them back up to take my shoes off. I then handed Alletse the trousers.

“And your underpants.”

“My underpants?”

“Yes silly, they all have to be washed.”

I took them off and wiped my John Thomas with them before bundling them into the same pile. She carried them away in her hands.

Alletse left me standing in the middle of her room, half naked, while she rushed to the bathroom.

At last, I thought, I had time to look around her room; explore her boudoir a little. Alletse hadn’t been gone long and I was caught looking at some items on her bedside table when she entered the room. I shot upright when I heard her cough and turned rapidly towards the sound.

I didn’t expect Alletse to be standing before me, naked; her breasts full and topped with a glowing red nipple and pink areola. Her body svelte and yet rounded where it counted. I couldn’t help but stare at the almost indiscernible blonde bush that nestled between her thighs.

“Take the rest of your clothes off,” she whispered as she pulled at the bottom of my shirt.

I unbuttoned it and she lifted it from my body. I was soon standing there, as naked as her. I felt my cock twitch at the sight of her walking backwards towards her bed. She beckoned me and I followed. When I reached her, I once more felt her hot hand on my bare cock. She stroked it a couple of times and I could feel it respond to her touch. It wasn’t long before it was stiff and erect, like something that was alien to me.

Alletse slipped her bottom onto the bed and pulled my cock with her. Her legs opened and came to rest either side of my body. She was panting heavily and never took her eyes from the monster between my legs. She pulled me closer to her; concentrating on positioning my cock between her thighs. She pushed the tip into her and I felt a soft wetness engulf it.

“Push it in there,” she whispered, though more firmly this time.

I pushed forward and felt my cock disappear into her. It was a surreal feeling and a sight I will never forget. I was panting as much as she was. I felt a rush of hot excitement flow through me and I wondered whether Alletse felt the same.

“Pull it out and push it back in,” she told me.

I did as I was told. It was the most wonderful feeling I had ever felt. I instinctively grabbed Alletse around the waist and before I knew it we had entered into a secret tryst that had us pounding our bodies together.

Alletse started moaning and I knew those sounds. The noises she made increased in both intensity and frequency and at one point she let out a scream.

“Am I hurting you?” I said, almost stopping mid-stroke.

“No, no, just push it in me,” she reassured me.

I pushed my cock into her as hard as I dared and it wasn’t long before I felt the pressure that I couldn’t resist build inside me.

“It’s happening again,” I squeaked, “I’m going to make a mess.”

“Not yet,” grunted Alletse, “not yet, but pull out if you have to.”

I stayed where I was, pushing my cock into her as much as I could. I started to concentrate on anything but the feeling that was building in my groin. Alletse started to tell me that she was feeling the same but to keep my cock where it was. I pushed it inside her as much as I could, in and out, in and out.

Alletse started panting and repeating the word ‘Yes’ over and over until she arched her back; burying her head in the bedclothes and lifting her bottom completely off the bed. I kept pushing my cock into her until I could take no more. I had not heard so many blasphemous words from anyone, let alone a young lady.

With Alletse physically shaking on the bed I pulled my cock from her lovely warm and wet opening and let my liquid squirt over her lower body. I started to shout out loud myself which caused Alletse to look up into my eyes and then down at the mess I was making.

Her broad grin was welcoming and I no longer dreaded the thought of acting the way I did. I smiled back at her before we both started laughing.

“You’ve made a mess on me now!” she said, raising her eyebrows.

Alletse slipped off the bed and kissed me full on the lips as she made her way to the bathroom. She returned with a soft white towel and proceeded to wipe my liquids from her beautiful skin before she cleaned my cock.

“Come, lay with me,” she motioned me onto the bed beside her. We started to cuddle and our arms slipped around our waists. We kissed. We fell asleep.

Alletse awoke with a start. It was one of the maids rapping her knuckles on the wooden door and beckoning her. She pushed me from the bed and told me to hide in the adjoining bathroom. She gathered a tunic and answered the door. She later told me that dinner would be served in twenty minutes sharp.

Alletse let me borrow one of her tunics to scamper back to my room and change, ready for dinner. Before I left, she grabbed the hem of her tunic and while sitting on the bed lifted it up to her waist.

“You see this,” she said, pointing to her blonde bush, “I’m going to have to teach you how to lick this.”

“Lick it?” I questioned.

Alletse nodded, and with a wide grin across her face, stood up and pushed me through the door and into the corridor.

Dinner was surreal. For the first time, Alletse and I sat there with Aunt Bessie, in total silence. Not daring to say anything in case it came out wrong and not daring to cast eyes on each other in case our bodily parts responded. It wouldn’t do to upset Aunt Bessie, not at dinner.

The following weeks and months disappeared in a haze of sexual exploitation. She did teach me to lick her pussy, as she called it, and she licked my cock too. Even to the point of swallowing the liquid that came from its end.  She seemed to enjoy it and I could see why, because, I have to say, that her pussy, tasted as equally delicious to me. I couldn’t get enough of it. We must have spent a great deal of our time in each other’s company and every night we would sneak into one of our rooms and enjoy our bodily fluids. Our life in that mansion seemed to centre on us pleasuring each other. My reading lessons became a chore that I could well do without; after all, it stopped us having sex. She once told me that my cock was the most wonderful thing that she had ever set eyes on, felt and taken inside her. I told her that her whole body felt the same to me.

I don’t know what Alletse thought about us, as a couple, but I was deeply in love with her.

I couldn’t bear to be apart from her and so it was that she dealt a great blow to me when she announced, quite straightforward and without any outward sign of emotion that she was leaving to be educated at college.

I wanted to go with her but she and Aunt Bessie assured me that that would not be possible.

The next couple of weeks were the hardest I had ever spent in the presence of my beautiful Alletse; though the experience was bittersweet at times. I wanted to be with her all the time, but it would have made the parting much harder.



My heart broke when the day came. Alletse was actually leaving to attend one of the best teaching institutions in the country; a good many miles from this place. It seemed her father had provided for her education and on top of that, she was about to inherit a fortune.

And so it was that I stood on the steps of the house as Alletse approached the coach. I couldn’t leave her go without-


Without telling her how much she meant to me.

I ran down the steps, offered my hand to help her step into the coach. I waited until she sat down and made herself comfortable.

“Alletse-” I paused, partly scared of what I was about to divulge and partly proud of the fact that she had given me the confidence to tell her so. “-You mean so much to me and I-” I hesitated once more and took a deep breath. “-I love you.”

“Oh my dear Charles,” she replied, her face tilting to one side. “This is not love, Charles. But it was a wonderful experience for both of us, don’t you think.”

No, I thought to myself, I obviously don’t think.

If my heart was already broken by the fact that she was leaving, then it had just been blown apart by dynamite and thrown to the four winds. Her words didn’t just hurt. They killed me. I could do nothing but watch; eyes wide and mouth open as the coach pulled away; waiting for Alletse’s stare to turn away from me.

My world fell apart at that precise moment and I felt lower than low; lower than the time I said nothing when my parents were accused and sentenced so brutally.

I turned and looked up into Aunt Bessie’s eyes as she watched me stand and suffer in silence before she turned to go inside.



A few days after Alletse left, Aunt Bessie ordered me to the grand dining room and one that I had not been in since I arrived. It was always locked and from the outside the windows were always covered with thick black cloth; the sort of cloth that light would be afraid of; turning away before it became entangled in its blackness.

Inside, the room looked gloomy. Old. Decrepit. A place where ghosts would think twice before entering. Candlesticks adorned the table which was laid in a silver service and plates that failed to glisten because of the sheer amount of dust that had settled on them. It felt weird for Aunt Bessie to have summoned me to this godforsaken room.

Aunt Bessie proceeded to tell me her story, about her lover that never was, the marriage that never happened, the daughter and son she never had. She told me about this house, this room and the loss of love that she had felt to this very day. I felt her pain but it offered little consolation.

“I know how you must feel, Charles,” she started, “I know you hurt, and I want you to know that there is comfort for you, here in this house.”

I nodded but I wasn’t listening. I shook my head. Anger engulfed me.

“Comfort? Here? Really?”

Aunt Bessie moved closer to me, one hand rested on my shoulder.

“I know how close Alletse and you became. I know, and I want you to know that everything will be all right. It will take time, but it will be all right.”

My eyes opened a little wider at the thought of what Alletse might have told my Aunt. Not all the sordid details, surely.

“In time, someone will love you with as much strength that you will love them.”

I wasn’t convinced. In fact I wasn’t anything at all. I was numb. In my anger at Alletse for so brutally discarding me like she did, I picked up the only lit candle in the room and threw it across the floor.

Aunt Bessie sighed before pulling on a nearby cord to call her butler.

I was almost blinded by even the dim light as I ran from that dismal dining room, leaving Aunt Bessie behind me.

On the day Alletse left, I was told that I had two more years before I too would attend a college.

Somehow, I couldn’t wait.

Three weeks later, Aunt Bessie took in another waif of a girl. I smiled at her as I stood on the steps next to Aunt Bessie to await her approach. She was younger than me, a little plumper than Alletse but she seemed far friendlier.

I took it upon myself to offer her companionship, belonging and compassion from the outset.

After all, who knows where first impressions may lead?



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I have no idea for how long I just listened to my brother moaning and groaning. Every now and then he would moan out my name or just sister. Sometimes I would hear him say about me sucking his cock, my big tits or just how good of a fuck I am. Listening to my brother was really turning me on. Without even realizing it, I had slid one hand down my bikini bottom and I was already fingering my wet pussy. My other hand was instinctively playing with my tits. I knocked on the door, “Mark,...

2 years ago
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Great Aunt Mary

I was about 16 when my mother’s aunt, Mary, was suddenly widowed. She must have been in her late sixties by then. My mother felt responsible for her so the whole family made sure that everything was okay for her and that she had no problems. She was an intelligent woman and still very lively. She would ask me to go to the house to fix minor things around her place that needed some attention. One day, she phoned mother and asked if I could pop over and help her move her late husband’s rocking...

2 years ago
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Great Shift A New Day Dawns

The Great Shift: A New Day Dawns By The Rebel I swear to you that this story is true; it's a real life tale of good and evil, of shame and redemption. It's Jared's story. I will tell it to you as I heard it long ago on that long night under the stars. Jared at 24, a good-looking guy, tall and sandy haired, all the women for miles around near swooned when they see his bronze muscles. Jared was living with Linda Day his fianc?e and live-in girlfriend when all this took place. She w...

4 years ago
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Great Fuck With Sexy Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello, I am Rahul 45 year old from Bombay visiting my sister Rima 43 year old at her home at Bangalore as my wife (Sudha) was at her parent place and my sister husband (Mayur) at UK. I am fair, 6 feet tall with very strong body and my sister is 5.7 fell,very fair with a figure of 38 32 34 and she really maintain her curvy figure well and looking very sexy. We both have a happy and full sexual life individually but as we were alone at her house and her hubby was at UK since 2 year we both...

3 years ago
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Great Cockspectations My Fluctuating Feminine Fortunes Part 1

Great Cockspectations or My Feminine Fortunes By Felicity Curlington Chapter 1: The Road To Girlyhood It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Both combined, it was the sexiest of times. It all started when I went to lunch with Casey Hunt. Casey was a woman that I worked with at Johnson Enterprises. She was a willowy beauty with sparkling eyes and long ringlet tresses. She was definitely the office 'hottie.' So imagine my surprise when she asked me, a skinny nobody...

1 year ago
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Great Mom Pt 11

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had finished my work for the day so I decided to relax and watch some TV. My sons and my daughter were all out with friends, I was alone at home. I had been relaxing for about two hours when my brother came to my door; he had my boss with him. I let them in and went back to sectional to relax; I hadn't changed my clothes yet. "Hey Katie, I ran into your boss while I was out at lunch. Alex and I ended up having lunch together and we had a long talk...

2 years ago
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Great Mom Pt 5

I put my hand's on my daughters shoulders, "Psst, Tiffany, what are you doing?" I whispered into her ear. Tiffany turned around; bright red embarrassed that I had caught her watching her brother. "Nothing mom!" She hissed back at me. I played dumb, "seems like something has your attention in your brother's room. Let me take a peak." "No! Wait it was nothing...I um...wanted to see if Hunter...was um...awake yet." my daughter quickly responded in a low voice. Tiffany tried to...

3 years ago
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Great Lengths

Great Lengths By Mistress X I need to tell you my name since it is unlikely that in the course of this story that anyone else will. My name is Perry Hanson and I was invisible. I was one of those guys that go through life never being noticed; I doubt anyone in my entire high school, including my teachers, knew my name. My only exceptional feature was my money, I came from one of the wealthiest families in America but no one was really familiar enough with me to know that. The only...

4 years ago
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Great Night Out

Hi all readers of ISS, I am Sameer, 30 from Bangalore, Well thanks for all your mails of appreciation and I am so happy that i could satisfy two housewife’s who were really desperate for sex .one woman’s hubby was traveling a lot and others hubby was in abroad for some time… thanks for trusting me ladies.The experience which I had in recently at the end of winter was with a HR manager of a company . One Friday I took an off from work and went to try out my luck in another company. I reached the...

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Great White Dope

We have all heard the cliché's, 'Good things happen to those who do good things', 'Play it forward', 'Bread cast upon the waters comes back tenfold', 'God does not always pay on Sundays', etc. Bullshit, life is more like 'No Good Deed goes Unpunished.' Of course that was not my thought when a grungy biker looking guy approached me late one night as I was putting the nozzle away from a well-worn pick-up truck, after filling up with gas. "Hey buddy, can you help a scrambler...

1 year ago
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Great Party

I had just graduated high school and was preparing for a life out in the real world. My best friend Mike had just left for and I was getting bored. After finishing my shift at the local burger place ( a temporary job I had picked up for the summer.) Another buddy of mine named Frank stopped by and asked if I would like to go to a party later on that night, I of course was more than ready to go. That night after showering and changing I made my way over to Franks place. His parents were pretty...

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Great Mom Pt3

Ryan and Hunter had leaned back on the sectional, their hands behind their heads. I knew they were enjoying having their mom on her knees jacking them off. I wanted more than just to jack them off and I was going to get it. I began to fondle their balls as I to talked to them. "I have something to tell the both of you." Mmm yeah, what is it mom" Hunter moaned to me. "Hunter, Ryan I found that fucking magazine and the picture of me in it!" I squeezed their balls hard, just enough to give...

5 years ago
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Great Reluctant Cuckold story room mate steals g

After I graduated from college, I moved in a new apartment and shortly afterwards met my girlfriend Becky. I'm not a very attractive guy, so I was incredibly lucky to have managed to get her. At the time, Becky was twenty-five and a total knockout. She had a cute button nose, a killer smile, and long, dark brunette hair, which she usually put in a pony-tail. She worked out a lot, and her body showed it. She had a small, tight butt and a slim, defined torso. Her breasts were a large C cup, full...

3 years ago
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Great car Mate A tale of Tea Biscuits and som

I’ve told you about my fuck buddy and our first adventure with another guy, here is a tale of a very unusual dogging experience up at Wisley.We arrived quite late one night and parked up in the cafe car park, both of us climbed into the back and started to kiss and cuddle as you do, I’m quiet keen to start removing her clothes as well as mine! I’m down to my underpants and she is now just in her basque and stockings I’ve loosen her shoulder straps and sucking on her firm tits and tonguing her...

4 years ago
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Great Time With My Best Friend Divya

Hi guys, this is the first writing of erotic literature in my life. Hope you will have some good time by reading this real incident. Let me tell about myself. This is Bala from Chennai. I have completed my graduation and got a job here itself. I am a normal looking guy and talkative (making fun always). This happened exactly one year before. I and my best friend Divya were friends from the very first day of my job. We were a gang of 6 people. But 4 peoples got better jobs and they went their...

3 years ago
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Great Shift The Best Day

Great Shift: The Best Day By Morpheus It was the best day of my life and I was almost ready to burst from pure happiness. Never before had I even imagined that I could be so happy, that anything could be so perfect. Or that I would have the perfect someone to spend the rest of my life with. Just a short while earlier, I had married my beloved Keith, in the most beautiful ceremony that I could have imagined. It was fairly small as neither of us had any family, though there...

2 years ago
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Great Sex With Light Thin Servant

Hi to all and I have been a regular reader of indiansexstories especially the maid servant accounts. Why? Because maids make me hornier and I was always attracted to older females and after being seduced by a maid in my young age love to seduce and have sex with them. I am a matured man and still love fucking maids as its simple and they mostly have drunk husbands or have some other problem and so are servants and sometimes you can have great sex with them. Important thing is don’t treat them...

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Great Hotel Service

Great Hotel ServiceMy wife and I are both keen travellers in our early thirties and have just returned from a fantastic holiday in Croatia for two weeks where we visited a lot of beautiful resorts and famous historical cities.Apart from having a fantastic time, the holiday was pretty uneventful and offered the usual sun, sea, and great food that we are used to. However one of the days on the holiday did offer up something a little different.Towards the end of our trip we travelled to Split...

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Great enjoyment in late night bus

I m 28, 5’8″ guy working somewhere in Ahmedabad, the biggest city of Gujarat. Now, let me describe the REAL incident that took place just before 2 days. I have heard many times and even read many times in this web-site about various incidents of sexual encounters in bus or train. But till date, I was thinking that all was fake and just fictitious. But after this incident, my view have been changed a lot. Now, without boring you any further, let me describe the story. Infact, it was 2 holidays...

1 year ago
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Great night with mom and dad Part 3 Fuck Fest

100% fiction! Well I'm back to tell you my great visit to mom. When we got there I sat down in a chair and mom checked in. She came over and said "do ya have your dick ready" I didn't know what she meant so I just nodded my head yes. Now we called in to the room. I waited outside while she got checked I could hear faint moaning and "you like that" which I didn't mind because moms just a horny person and probably fucking the gynecologist. So a couple minutes later I heard "come in here" boy so I...

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Greatest Sex Scene Ever Switch Hitters

I think everyone has had it happen with at least one movie. Perhaps the movie had a message to it and you really found yourself relating to the story and characters, maybe it just made you think, and I believe this is the kind of experience most people have with a film. Sometimes though it is something stronger than that. Sometimes the things you see on the screen are as though provoking as to be life altering, and it does not have to be immediate either, sometimes it can take...

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Greatest EROTIC Female stars

I don’t Like watching Porn – But I like see Passion and Lust on screen So this is an EDITED LIST of ………… Greatest EROTIC Female stars.If us search these names ……… these Ladies will not let ya downThank u to my fren ……… ShitJustGotRealLegendary Women (Min. 10 Years, 24 Titles Per Year)=============================================================Nina Hartley - 30 Years - 1,027 TitlesKatja Kassin - 11 Years - 704 TitlesSharon Mitchell - 34 Years - 700 Titles - RETIREDJada Fire - (Ebony) 16 Years...

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Great Four Way To Stay In Shape

I've been an avid jogger since I was young. Was just always my preferred way to keep body and mind healthy; And it served me well during my years in high school track. I'm not some kind of buff studmuffin or such; But I have tried to stay in decent shape, So the miles that are starting to add up don't show. Just celebrated my 39th birthday in December; And, of course, everyone says it - But I feel a young 39. In fact; I've never felt better since my wife and I recently moved, And I made some...

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Great sex at the health club

Intro: This is a true story, so don’t expect any exaggerations like foot long cocks or a gallon of cum!! It details how I met Ron and we progressed our “everything goes” sexual relationship. Enjoy!! I first met Ron at the health club I go to regularly. He was apparently a new member as I had never seen him before. Turns out we live not far apart in the same town. This would prove convenient in the future!! We’re both fairly lean and fit. He’s a few years older than I am. The locker room at...

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Great ending to a cookout

My wife and i had a friend of mine over for a cookout one hot summer day. We had a great meal and restired inside that evening to watch some DVD’s. He and I wore shorts and a t-shirt while my wife wore a yellow t and flowered flowing skirt. We all sat and watched a regular DVD and drank quite alot of mixed drinks until my wife was really bombed, giggling and having a great time. I asked what did they want to watch next and my wife said ‘well something exciting’ She got more drinks and I put a...

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Great date night

I had met a beautiful hot lady who and I were very compatible- as she loved dressing in sexy shoes, stockings, and dresses and no other undergarments. She loved to meet at dimly lit bars at happy hour where we could get a table and drink and have fore play – looking for a third —she really wanted a male – and yes so did I. One evening as we were both hot we both found a wonderful well built athletic looking black man — she approached Frank and started a conversation– she really worked on him –...

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Great Start for a New Year

One of my longtime fantasies has been to be sandwiched between a couple. My imagination surfed between two situations: in one I fancied myself in the middle of a man and a woman, at other times between two men. In the former, I imagined myself down on all fours, eating pussy while getting fucked. In the latter male version, I would be sucking cock. Either alternative could get me hot, because they both included getting fucked, my favorite pastime. For years it was only a fantasy. I didn’t think...

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great body

Fiction or truth you decide. My Story.This happened in the late 70s. I was working on the ferries, every other Saturday night we had a layover of 6 hours. We would go & have a drink in different cabins. This night I was with Max we went into a cabin with lots of stewards & ABs & two stewardess they had been drinking for at least an hour before we got there. No seats left so we sat on the floor facing one of the girls Lucy. She seemed a bit tipsy, her skirt had ridden up showing her...

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Great Hotel Service

My wife and I are both keen travellers in our early thirties and have just returned from a fantastic holiday in Croatia for two weeks where we visited a lot of beautiful resorts and famous historical cities.Apart from having a fantastic time, the holiday was pretty uneventful and offered the usual sun, sea, and great food that we are used to. However one of the days on the holiday did offer up something a little different.Towards the end of our trip we travelled to Dubrovnik where we had...

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Great date night

I had met a beautiful hot lady who and I were very compatible- as she loved dressing in sexy shoes, stockings, and dresses and no other undergarments. She loved to meet at dimly lit bars at happy hour where we could get a table and drink and have fore play - looking for a third ---she really wanted a male - and yes so did I. One evening as we were both hot we both found a wonderful well built athletic looking black man -- she approached Frank and started a conversation-- she really worked on...

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Great Pumpkin Fucker

I had worked every year at the Roscoe Farm since I was 18 to make some extra money. I had worked the past summer helping with the corn and helping around the farm. It was no surprise they called and ask for me to work during the pumpkin season. Mr Roscoe was going to be away for 5 weeks at a rehab center to help with his alcoholism and they wanted me to run the farm until he got back.Mrs. Roscoe was a nice lady but had no idea how to run the farm and left everything to her husband. They invited...

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Great Sex with a BBC

Every since I was in my teens I have always had this fantasy about having a black lover. Even then, I watched porn of huge black guys fucking white girls and was so aroused and fascinated by these interracial couplings, the contrast between the shiny black body of the stud and the milky white body of the girl coupling with pure lust. I know in real life it's not always like that, but it still fascinates me and gets me very wet and horny.The opportunity to turn this fantasy into reality came...

5 years ago
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Great Tribal Incest Saga 8211 Part 3

Queen Sujata tired of great sex with her son/hubby King Adil, desperately needed air. But her son who had fucked her like a man was lying on top of his mother’s erotic body like he owned the most beautiful thing in the world. Sujata was really happy about the virility of her son. But deep down she was guilty that she was fucked by her own son. Sujata excused herself and turned over, her back facing her son Adil. King Adil was still horny. He moved close to his mother on the bed throwing his...

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Great Start for a New Year

One of my longtime fantasies has been to be sandwiched between a couple. My imagination surfed between two situations: in one I fancied myself in the middle of a man and a woman, at other times between two men. In the former, I imagined myself down on all fours, eating pussy while getting fucked. In the latter male version, I would be sucking cock. Either alternative could get me hot, because they both included getting fucked, my favorite pastime. For years it was only a fantasy. I didn’t think...

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Great Sex With Hot Girl Keerthi From Office

Hi everyone, this is Bala again with another experience with my FWB (Friends with benefits) Keerthi. Thank you so much everyone who read my . And many readers gave their feedback to my story which led me to narrate my another experience. Let me give a short note of myself. I am a perfect looking guy from Chennai and making it more perfect by doing heavy workouts in the gym nowadays. The heroine of this story is Keerthi. She is one of the hot girls in our office. She has a great figure. I always...

5 years ago
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Great Days

I love being in Kerala, I have to tell many but I’m only telling you all what that happens after my husband have left to Singapore. Until he comes back I should be here in Kerala or back to Mumbai (he told me do what I like)Anyway after he have gone, I was alone on the upstairs. I’m staying upstairs in Jenna’s house and she with c***dren is staying down. Day after he have gone I slept downstairs in the living room’s couch because I have gone to drop my hubby to the railway station late night in...

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Great fuck with my sexy stepmum

This story was posted elsewhere A couple days ago my brother and dad won a holiday for two for a whole week. 2 days in my stepmum asked if I wanted to go to the beach so I said sure in the car she was telling me that she saw me jacking off ( which I was) in the toilet so I said what?? No that's wrong... And she said joey you know jacking off really turns me on, we still have another 5 or 6 days left together... If you want we could do something else together. So I said like what? She replied"...

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Great Day With Aunty 8211 Part 1

Myself Karthik, I am a great fan of ISS, been reading jerking of for a lot of stories on here, I am 6 ft 22 yo average looking guy with a few extra pounds and this story is about me and my aunty dimple(name changed for privacy) this is my first story guys so please don’t mind… Let me come to the story my aunty she is divorced and her figure is 34 28 34, when I was in my school days I used to go play with her son and we used to have fun at their house and I dint have any kinda intentions on her...

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Great Fuck With Sexy Sister 8211 Part 1

I am Rahul from Mumbai. I am married, 45 year old, fair skin , 6 feet tall with very strong body. I have my business here. Now a days my wife went to her parent house as her mother was not well n she need to look after her for few days. We have a nice sexual life and I was really missing her as I was alone at Mumbai. I called her regular and asking her about her return but she told me the situation at her parent house and I agreed for her stay. She might be required few week stay. She told me...

3 years ago
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Great party sex

Kathy and I had flirted for quite a while. She was 19, brown hair and blue eyes. She was about 5'8" and really stacked. She had a great pair of tits. She would often rub them against me as we sat at a Cafeteria table studying for Biology. You know the move, when they lean over to see something and rub their boobs against your arm. She worked a work study job in the library. I would often visit her and chat, but I never made a move because she had a boyfriend. One night a mutual friend Jen had a...

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Great Time With Neighbour 8211 Part I

Hi all, I am Deep, aged 26 years and this is my experience with my neighbour. She has a great shape. 5.6 inches of pure white flawless skin, a thin waist (25), shapely breasts (35) and great hips. I have a lovely neighbour who is 38 years old, but has a figure that you can kill for. I was always very close to her and went to their home a lot of times for various works. Our relationship started to get closer and closer. I discussed most things with her, like college, friends, family etc. She was...

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Great Shift Life at the Zou

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I think the Great Shift was meant to happen in 1999. I, however, am not all that great at remembering things I didn't much care about 12 years ago, so I wrote this story as if it happened in the present day. Hope you can all still enjoy it! It started off like any other day on the Mizzou campus. Well, the morning might have been a bit colder, but otherwise, fairly normal. That's why I figure it must've been science or aliens or something. It definitely wasn't an...

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Great Fun With My Naughty Bhabhi

Hi all the ISS surfers, I am a new reader of these stories but I in no time read a bunch of stories here especially in Incest which made to share one of my own experiences before moving to the story I would like to introduce myself. This is Aditya nick name used of 21 from Old Delhi with fair colour, college boy body, blue eyes and 5.11 feet height. We are five members in our family-Dad, Mom, Bro, Me and my Bhabhi. Since, this is my first attempt so if there would be any mistakes please...

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Great ending to a cookout

My wife and i had a friend of mine over for a cookout one hot summer day. We had a great meal and restired inside that evening to watch some DVD's. He and I wore shorts and a t-shirt while my wife wore a yellow t and flowered flowing skirt. We all sat and watched a regular DVD and drank quite alot of mixed drinks until my wife was really bombed, giggling and having a great time. I asked what did they want to watch next and my wife said "well something exciting" She got more drinks and I put a...

4 years ago
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Great ending for a cookout

My wife and I invited one of my friends over one Saturday afternoon for a cookout. He had been depressed over a lost love for a while. We thought he might enjoy a good meal. We had a great meal and even consumed quite a few cold ones to loosen us up. After relaxing in the sun, a lot of conversation and more drinking, we retired inside to watch some DVDs. He and I were wearing shorts and t-shirts while my wife wore a yellow t-shirt and a flowered flowing summer skirt. She looked wonderful and...

Group Sex

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