Great Shift (The Origin) free porn video

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* Warning, this story uses the events that happened on Sept. 11, 2001 as a loose model in trying to give a feel of the carnage that'd happens during a massive calamity. If you feel this depiction is too traumatizing in bringing up memories, or if you have PTSD issues, you may not want to read ths story.* The Great Shift (Origins) I like many have enjoyed many a story of the fun and mayhem of that fateful day that the world was turned on it's ear, and many a men had to learn to wipe from front to back. To the best of my memory there has been no true explanation for the phenomenon. It is my hope that this will provide one possible scenario, and maybe a (little) fun to boot. Melvin Davidson Mel with Missy I guess since I'm now officially considered the man of the house, I'm to go first. What you will be reading is a chronicle of the events that created what is now the Davidson family. Our story begins on July 20,2022 at 9:12 AM, just like the billions of others that were directly affected by The Great Shift as it's come to be called. I'd just finished making and eating breakfast for my little girl Kimmy and I, her real name is Kimberly. It was already turning out to be a gorgeous Saturday morning, so I thought I'd change her diaper, dress her in the cute little Dora the Explorer dress I'd just bought for her, put her in the stroller for some mommy and daughter time with her on a nice walk. My name had been up to that point Melissa Walters. Already confused since I just introduced myself as the man of the house? Don't worry, confusion has became the word of the day for billions of people suddenly finding themselves as a different race, ethnicity, age, and yes even gender. According to the report, my Kimmy and I were two of the 3/8's of the world's population that was shifted from their birth bodies into another person's body. Kimmy and I had been out of our appartment maybe 20 minutes when I casually noticed two young men that looked to be students from our local university walking towards us. Little did I know how intregal those two young men would come to be a part of my life. Had they also known how that was to be, they'd most likely turned the other way running. What really caught my attention though was how suddenly the sky had taken on a pink hue to it. That happened just before the dizziness and unconciousness occurred. When this happened, Kimmy and I had just tured onto Lewis Avenue during our walk. When I regained conciousness somewhere around 15 minutes later, by what I later deduced from looking at my Minnie Mouse watch on my arm. If any of you are parents, especially to a two year old baby, you'll understand my next reactions. What I immediately noticed upon regaining conciousness was I didn't see Kimmy or her stroller, secondly I saw that somehow I was no longer on Lewis Avenue but on Pennington Street some three blocks away. Lastly, it became very obvious due to no longer wearing my favorite blue sundress instead I was wearing a man's business suit. Due to no longer seeing anything ressembling my breast, I could only suspect that they'd somehow been replaced by something less feminine different in the pants I was wearing. In the terrified primal instinct any mother can relate to, my first priority was finding my baby. Since I'd lost conciouness on Lewis Avenue, despite the Twilight Zone situation I found myself in, I had one focus of my being; which was getting back to Lewis Avenue and find out what had happened to my little girl. It took the better part of 20 minutes navigating through mayhem and carnage that resulted in what had happened. Something of this magnitude not been seen in over 20 years. Upon reaching the spot I'd lost conciousness at, I didn't see either the stroller or Kimmy. I did see what looked like one of the two young students, that I remembered seeing approaching Kimmy and I before passing out. I frantically ran up to him and asked if he'd seen Kimmy or the stroller, with a dazed look he answered in what sounded like some dialect of an African language. I began frantically questioning bystanders to see if they noticed a stroller. I did find one person recall seeing a pretty young blonde haired lady pushing a stroller towards what I deduced towards the street that I live on. The person I talked to also remembered seeing the two male students that had passed out in close proximity to the blonde haired lady. When seeing the one student regain conciousness, he was talking baby talk and began walking down Lewis Avenue. I didn't realize until later the significance of that memory of the person I was talking to. It'd most likely had been Kimmy that was shifted into that young man. My main thought though was to catch up with that woman, the woman I'd been just minutes earlier was pushing the baby carriage. After walking for some time I had no luck seeing neither woman or baby carriage, then the thought occurred to me that maybe the woman looked in my purse to discover my address. I began heading to my apartment just in time to see the woman enter my apartment building. I had to run in and catch her, then remembered the only way to get into the building is to have a magnetic security badge. After waiting a few minutes in hopes that Max, the Building Supervisor picked up she wasn't me and put her out, but it didn't seem that was going to be the case. Apparently she'd made it pass Max, and since my apartment number was on my ID, she may be on her way to my apartment. I had to get into the building somehow, then I saw Mr. Casey, a neighbor, drive up in his ugly green Porshe. The building had an electric garage door that led to the underground garage. The door takes forever to close, maybe I can slip into the building that way and take the garage elevator up to the third floor where my apartment was. As it turned out, my plan worked flawlessly. When the elevator door opened I saw the woman along with Kimmy, looking like she was trying to determine which door led to my apartment. Out of fear, delayed shock what'd happened to me plus many more emotions that were assailing me simutaniously, I shouted a couple of profanities and told the woman to stop where she was. Once establishing who each other were, I was agreeable in letting these two into my apartment. I mean after all what was I to do, one of the male students was currently wearing my face and the other male student was sitting in my daughter's stroller in her two year old body. I had the woman that was me just a short time ago, give me the keys to the apartment to let us in. It was a twist of positive fate that these two found my apartment, I wasn't about to let them walk out my front door. We began to decide what we'd call each other until this goofy experience righted itself; I became Mel, the guy that was now me since she'd been David as a guy became Dee, and her little friend went from being Kevin to Kay. Poor Kay had already experienced the many downsides of being a baby, a poopy diaper. I of course changed her diaper. Once ghanging Kay's diaper I took her into the living room to sit her in front of the TV to watch the unfolding news as I the first of several more meals. While I was cooking a knock came from the door, I told a very reluctant Dee to answer it since I was busy. Of all people that had to show up, was my best friend Carly. Imagine Dee's surprise when a very pretty red head put her in a bear hug upon opening the door. That was when I walked into the living room. It took a little convincing for Carly to believe that I'd been changed into a man. It was even harder for her to grasp that two male university students were now in my previous body along with my wo year old daughter's body. Carly shared that she and her husband was spared being shifted, but their son Jonathan instead of being 17 was an 11 year old black boy. After the four of us had talked as we ate our meal, with I'm sure a very embarrassed Kay having to sit in my daughter's high chair so she could eat as well as interact with the conversation. After the meal Carly went back home to be with her guys, I went to log onto the website the two previous guys had told me about designed to connect with shifted family members. The (girls) went into the living room to catch up on the news. After going to the site in connecting with people you knew, I came up empty. I did find out what they started refering to this event as, "The Great Shift". From the (girls) watching the news they'd discovered the scientist had no clue as to what caused it. After awhile of talking to Dee I noticed Kay was sound asleep in the high chair. I carried her into the bedroom that Kimmy and I shared, and put her in the baby bed. Dee was a little concerned and a little amused to see his friend being laid in a baby bed in knowing Kay was going to throw a fit, which she didn't. As I laid Kay down, poor Dee was so embarrassed to mention needing to use the bathroom. Once that I told her it wasn't rocket science for girls peeing. Explaining the wiping thing, and assuring her it was ok to see what had been my genitals just earlier in the day. After Dee surviving peeing, she and I went into the living room for coffee. Dee shared her amazing story of what had been her life as David Collins, and some of Kevin Thompson's life. Both of these young men had gone through so much, it was amazing they turned out to be such gentlemen. We heard Kay awaken, she was standing up in bed with a saggy diaper. That was when Dee was introduced to the world of diaper changing. Once we got Kay lined out, we brought her into the living room while the adults made diner. I was very impressed that Dee could cook so well, of couse he had to raising younger siblings according to Dee's sharing David's life story. I felt so bad for Dee and Kay during dinner, both had been your average red blooded university guys, with both having girfriends. Needless to say until this situation righted itself, neither would see their relationships being the same with their ladies. After we all had a very nice dinner, of course none of us were very hungry with everything that had happened that day. Dee helped me clear the dinner dishes, along with her changing Kay's diaper while I loaded the dishwasher. Kay refused to sleep in one of Kimmy's night gowns, but did agree to being covered with Kimmy's Princess Ariel blanket. I showed Dee the sofa bed, which she opted to sleep in her clothes. I went to the bathroom,to whether it was out of my own curiosity or being overwhelmed by such a powerful hormone as testosterone, I experienced my first male erection and orgasm. After I had cleaned up and deciding since I no longer could wear my gowns, I chose to sleep in the boxer shorts I'd inherited. A week went by and it was getting to be painfully obvious, as ironic as it was, due to being cleaned and changed Kimmy was the cleanest of us all. I made a deal with Dee if she broke down and showered, so would I. It's funny, I didn't find out until later that Dee explored her new equipment briefly before being disturbed by yours truly while showering. Since it is my nature in being somewhat of a smartass, I asked her if I'd interupted anything. She with no small amount of blushing, adamantly denied I had. I on the other hand, no pun intended, was ready to experience the joys of being male again at first chance. A little over a week later Dee was to experience, the not too thrilling joy, of being female. I know she must've felt like dying as I calmed her down when she awoke with blood between her legs. I taught her how to clean herself, insert a tampon, and use a panty liner. Over the course of the months to come, I was to never find out what had happened to my Kimmy. What did happen over that time, was Kay adopting Kimmy's name due to an apartment rental situation, Dee adopting my name of Melisa Walters, thanks to my wealth, that I finally told my new pseudo family about,I inherited. I paid for a fake ID for myself allowing me to become Melvin Davidson. I marryied Melissa Walters along with adopting her little 3 year old daughter Kimberly Walters. As many learned that were shifted, who they were no longer applies to who they are now. Hopefully the world will eventually return to normal, that is if it was ever normal in the first place. Melissa Walters Davidson Missy with Mel It's hard to believe that in slightly less than 7 weeks from now, it'll be the first anniversary of "The Great Shift". The world has gotten back to something that kinda looks like normal. There's been a lot of changes, like with me for instance. I've gone through four names in the last year; I started out as David Collins, then briefly was Dee, I finally settled into being the new Melissa Walters, then shortly after when Mel got his new fake ID, which made him officially Melvin Davidson. I soon became Melissa Davidson since by that time I was posing as his wife in and out of the bed. Remembering when Kevin and I decided to go downtown for a breakfast a year ago, I had no idea that it'd be one of my last actions as a man. I wonder what Shelly, my last girlfriend, would think if she saw me now? She'd probley be envious of my boobs. That is if Shelly is even Shelly now, for all I know she could be a little Asian man driving a cab in Queens. A lot of water went under the bridge evolving me from David Collins to Melissa Davidson. It's kinda funny looking back now, right after the Great Shift occured I was apologetic using bathroom in what had been Melissa's body. Then there was my first period when I was still Dee. I'm actually putting the cart before the horse, let me back up. My new life started at 9:12 AM on July 20, 2022 like 3/8 of the world's population. I'd been working part time sales as a student employee, and I'd gotten my first comission check. So I wanted to celebrate. I got my buddy and room mate out of bed Saturday morning to catch the bus downtown for breakfast. We'd just gotten off the bus walking up the street to the cafe, when I saw the hottest chick I'd ever seen in my life. I know I already had a girlfriend, what can I say I was guy then. Granted, the chick looked a little older than me. She was pushing her baby girl in a stroller when Kevin rudely interupted my lusting to have me look at the weird pink tinged sky. That was immediately followed by dizziness and unconciousness. I'd looked at my cell phone just before that happened to see it was about 9:10 AM. When I came to, along with looking down the street instead of up the street, having fell and scraping my arm, I found myself next to a baby stroller, I'd also grew a set of boobs. Along now being a chick, I began screaming like a chick. I mean seriously dudes don't have boobs. As I was able to regain my composure to a small degree, I began noticing other things. The reason I was looking down the street was, somehow I'd become the hot babe I'd just seen just 10 minutes before. That was according according to the little watch that was now on my little wrist. The stroller with the kid in it was now next to me, with the baby girl that was in it also regaining conciousness. The other thing I quickly learned, according to the fireman that was rendering first aid. Along with the scrapped up arm I now possessed, I didn't see Kevin or my previous body anywhere. Could they've already have come to and run off somewhere? How dare Kevin to just run off like that! As it turned out the only place that Kevin went to, was into the stroller next to me. He'd been shifted into the baby girl's body. Upon Kevin and I having a major freak out moment, I eventually found the woman's purse. I found out I was now in the body of a Melissa Walters. According to the pediactric reciept in the purse, the little girl was a two year old Kimberly Walters. The address was an apartment building a couple of blocks away. Upon dealing with the embarrassment of being in a sun dress and pushing a baby carriage with Kevin now being the little girl in the carriage, we made it to the apartment. After some reservation we entered the building, being allowed to go up to the the apartment with the woman's ID by a kindly middle aged door man. I was majorly creeped out, I could feel the old coot leering at my ass as Kevin and I got on the elevator. Once on the third floor we were approached in a not too kind way, by the previous owner of the body I now wore. Of course she was now a very handsome black haired guy in maybe his early thirties. The three of us went into his... her... apartment. I didn't realize at the time, but it would come to be mine as well Kevin's home as well. I also would come to deal with toileting and showering as a female, not to mention the dreaded periods. I was to also to develop a friendship with a very hot looking red head chick, that'd been Missy's BFF, as Melissa was called, for years. As much as I absolutely detested having boobs and a vagina between my legs, my heart went out to Melissa which had begun going by Mel. This is due to never discovering what'd happened to her little girl's conciousness. Then there was Kevin, or Kay as she began to be called before eventually adopting the little girl's name of Kimberly. By Kevin aka Kimberly being two years old, her life became being the recipient of diaper changes when she either pooped or peed, sitting in high chairs, and just being generally treated like a baby girl. In time due to Mel's; guidance, empathy, patience I learned to do my own hygiene. I also learned to do the new Kimmy's hygiene as well. Not to mention; acting, talking, and walking like any other woman in her 20's. After month's of Mel being affected by testosterone, me being affected by estrogen, I guess it was inevitable to share a bed with each other. We learned that it was very doubtful that the victims of "The Great Shift" would ever have the experience of being in their birth bodies again, so then what? By that time, Mel and I had been having very frequent passionate sex with each other. So it was decided to become a family. Mel became Melvin Davidson, I was his wife Melissa Davidson, and by time, Kimmy was our three year old little girl. If I don't have my period next month, our family may be destined to start becoming larger. After Kimmy's journal, you dear reader will get a detailed account of the early days, weeks, and months of our evolution as individuals and as a family. Kimberly Davidson Finally, it's the kid's turn. I'm having mommy help write this due to my coordination, being in this body, hasn't developed enough to write this. That, and my hands and fingers are too small for the keyboard. You've already heard mommy's account of us going from being David Collins and Kevin Thompson to Melissa and Kimberly Walters / Davidson. My account will be pretty close, only it will come from a 2'6" perspective. The first thing right off the bat, I knew it was not going to be fun for me. When mommy and I went from where we regained conciousness to the apartment, I thought that I was having a little gas. That gas turned into being a squishy diaper. As much as I was mortified, daddy changed my diaper since I couldn't do it mysef. Since daddy had been in mommy's body no more than an hour before, he changed me when he learned about my problem. It didn't take long to realize if I was to interact with mommy, daddy, Aunt Carly, that was daddy's best friend when he was still a woman, now she's become daddy's and mommy's best friend. Every so often I get left over at Aunt Carly's house so that she and her husband can babysit me when mommy and daddy goes out. It's either that or having the 16 year old neighbor girl, Maggie babysit so I can listen to her talk dirty to her boyfriend on the phone when mommy and daddy leaves. I guess I don't mind when she does it, I remember when my girlfriend Vicky would talk dirty to me when I was still an adult and male. Even that got boring after awhile, not having balls or a penis, or even estrogen production as a female for sometime to come, I'm not even able to get horny. I take it in stride when mommy and I are out shopping, there will be well meaning ladies compliment mommy on the pretty little girl that she'd given birth to. I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but in fairness it wasn't easy for Dave letting his maleness go to become female, in all ways if you know what I mean. Once when mommy and daddy thought I was asleep in my baby bed, I even saw mommy give daddy a BJ. At some point I'll be old enough in not having to wear the disgustingly cute little rompers and dresses has me wear when we go out. I've at least grown enough to where I'm now wearing pull ups instead of diapers, I rarely pee pee myself, except maybe every so often before mommy gets me up out of my baby bed. In time I know I'll be able to start preschool, kindergarten, and finally grade shool and high school. Talking about deja vu ! It's going to be so weird though, boys, prom gowns, first I have to graduate to sleeping in a big girl's bed, and not having to wear pull ups. I sometime wonder, why did I agree to go have that stupid breakfast with Dave that morning. Oh well it's water under the bridge. If I hadn't, I could've ended up in Maria the 50 something year old Mexican lady's body, that cleaned the offices in the student lounge. I guess this is where I turn the story over to the accounts of that crazy day that landed; the orginal Melissa in jocky shorts, Dave in dresses and high heels, and me into diapers. I hope you enjoy the read. 1.The Event: Kevin & Vicky with David & Shelly Kevin Thompson and David Collins had not known the other even existed before 2 1/2 years ago when they began Adam's University. When they were assigned dorm rooms with each other, it was like two long lost brothers reunited. The young men were inseparable, even the girls they dated learned quicky that they were going to have to befriend each other's girlfriends. On the beautiful warm morning of July 20th, 2022, the young men decided to take a break from the rigors of the Summer Semester they'd both decided to take to hurry their graduation from A.U. "So Dave, where do you want to grab breakfast?" "Kevin, why don't we catch the metro down town and eat at that new pancake place." "Works for me dude, put you shoes on and get your sorry ass moving." The guys were engaged in their usual pass time of who could tell the dirtiest jokes when their bus came to a stop at the corner just down from "The Round Plate Breakfast Nook". "Hey Kevin, look coming down the street." "What?" "The hot babe, man!" "Can you be more specific, there's quite a few hot chicks out this morning. Did you see the cute redhead that passed by when we got off the bus?" "I'm talking about the gorgeous blonde in the blue dress." "Dude, she's pushing a baby carrage, are you serious! She's probley got an old man that'd kick your ass for having the thoughts that I know you're having right now?" Melissa and Kimberly Walters "Kevin haven't you ever heard of a MILF? " "Dave you are not right. Shelly was right when she called you a horny toad last week. Dave, do you see that...?" "What, you see another red head chick?" "No man look at the sky, I didn't notice that when we got off the bus. I've never seen the sky being a pink tint before. What do you think, it's some sort of pollution?" Dave watching the blonde girl with the baby carriage as she came closer, noticing she had what appeared to have a very cute little girl of maybe two years old. The little girl had to have been her daughter, she looked just like her mom. As cute as the mother was, which she could not have been no more that 29, Dave looked up to see what his friend was talking about. "What the heck...?" Kevin said as he was beginning to not feel right."Dave, have you ever seen any such sh... Ungh, I feel funny. It feels like..." "Kevin I'm not feeling too well either, it's like. Kevin... dude I think I'm going to pass..." What the two friends hadn't noticed due to their own concern of their own health and well being; is that there were people all up and down the street, the next block, the next city, along with every city on the face of the Earth were beginning to pass out. Out of the billions of people on the planet, almost half of the people will be experiencing the same loss of conciousness as the two friends. This of course happen to include the beautiful blonde MILF that Dave had just been lusting over. The loss of conciousness even included the blonde's little two year old daughter, which slumped over in her stroller. Ten minutes later. "Ungg, what the heck happened? Oh yeah, I was just just about to comment to Dave about the funky looking pink tint the sky had. Then... wait... Dave..! What the heck is it with my voice, it sounds like I just huffed some helium? I wished my vision would clear up, wait it seems to be clearing up a little. Somebody must have caught me and sat me in a chair. What they'd do, put a protective bar around me? Then Kevin began to get a clearer perspective with each passing second that he was gaining conciousness. One of the things that he noticed was that laid out on the sidewalk in front of him, was the cute blonde that Dave had just been checking out. Just as Kevin processed who the body was in front of him, the blonde beauty began regaining her conciousness as well. This was not all Kevin began processing. "Noooo, no, no, no, it's impossible..I'm now in the stroller, I can't be... Dave!!!" As the blonde had finally gained enough conciousness to make any utterances. "Kevin, what the heck happened..? Ohh my head, I wished my vision would clear up. Wait, everything is beginning to clear a little. What the heck happened to my voice..? Let me see if I can even stand. Did a paramedic do CPR on me, it feels like something is stretched across my chest?" As Dave reagained the entirity of his vison he noticed two things immediately; a strand of long blonde hair fell across his face, and upon lifting his head he was looking face to face at a kid in a stroller."What the.... my hair is brown not blonde and it sure isn't this long, the kid in the stroller!!" Simultanously while looking down at his breasts along with reaching up to to his throat see if there was something physically wrong in having him speak in such a high voice, reality began to come into focus. "No..... no, no, no this can't be, this can not be possible. Kevin..!!!" By condition of 22 years in reponding when your name was called, the little girl in the stroller in her new little voice. "Yes, who is it, who's calling my name?" The blonde slowly getting up on one knee, then working her feet underneath her to begin standing upright loooked at the little girl with an uncomprensible expression on her face. Through pants of absolute terror, the blonde asks. "Little girl did you just call my name..?" As the little baby girl was almost as if in a daze, was visually assessing her new body. With great effort responded to the question. "No miss, I'm yelling for my friend Dave." In a very slow, barely audible voice, "I'm Dave." Just as the two friends were doing everything they could do to keep from going into complete shock, a car careened just pass them crashing into a street sign no more than 15 feet away. Almosty deamily the two friends began looking around not just seeing the one car crash, but seeing what looked to be an epidemic of car crashes. In the distance multiple sirens could be heard. In a state that bordered on shock, the pretty young blonde haired woman looked down at the baby girl. "You said your name was Kevin, do you go to Adam's University?" As the small child kept looking from her left hand to her right hand, while slowly turning each over as to see the palm and back of her hand in an almost mechanical fashion. After a pause, the little girl replied in an eery monotoned voice. "Yes ma'am, I'm a law student, as hard as it may be to believe. I came into town with my buddy Dave for breakfast and this happened..." The blonde woman beginning to weep uncontrolably. "Kevin you dope, it's me Dave.... what the heck happened to us? What the heck is going on!?" Screams and uncontolled crying began to be heard from mulitple people all up and down the street. Then they saw a police swat vehicle blaring out something as it was coming towards their direction. "Ladies and gentleman, there has been an unpresidented event that we have yet to identify as the cause. Please remain calm, we do not believe it is the result of a terrorist attack. We asked that you move inward towards the nearest building you can find and remain there. There is a mass activation of every fire department and EMS service within the city. If you feel you have been affected by this event, health care providers will get to you in a timely fashion. We repeat, remain calm and help will get to you soon. Again, please move towards the nearest building for your safety by preventing possibly being hit by drivers that have been impaired by this tragedy." Just as everyone else the by all appearances, the mother and daughter couple began slowly moving inward away from the curb. As if by instinct, the mother reached to grab the handle of the stroller to pull along with herself as she made her way to the nearest buiding. "This has to be a dream, this can't be happening...!" Almost in unison, the child in the stroller was in a full meltdown herself. "This can't be.... crap like this can't really happen. Please, help me, please..!!" Sadly this same scenario was being played out as far as the eye could see down the street that the distraught mother and daughter were on. After the better part of an hour with both of their throats sore from crying, a fireman came up on them. "Ma'am have you and your little girl been affected?" Angrily the blonde verbally lashed out at the firefighter. "Well what do you think!! I don't normally break down into hysterics!!" "I'm sorry ma'am it's hard to tell who's been affected by this and who hasn't, everyone seems to be panicked at the moment. May I ask your your name?" "My name is David Collins, I'm a law student at Adam's University." Then the little girl in the stroller, recovering from crying, composed herself to ask. "Dave is that really you, it's me Kevin.." With an obvious sympathetic look from the firefighter that could not have imagined just short couple of hours ago. In a consoling voice the fireman asked, "And what might your name be sweety?" If anyone would have seen the reaction of this adorable little girl at the beginning of the morning and then now, they'd been in absolute shocked. "Sweety my ass dude! My name is Kevin Thompson!" With a look of horror and shock, the pretty blonde mother said, " Kevin, nooo, it is you...!?" With eyes that were so puffy and redden they practically looked as if they were in danger of swelling shut, along with trembling lower lip, the little girl in the stroller replied. "Y,,, yes.... Dave is that really you?" "Yeah dude." Mercifully the fireman interjected to try and break the absolute horror and dismay that the former male buddies were experiencing. "I just want both of you to know that you two are not the only one that seems to have been transferred into another gender as a result of this event. I was just talking to a young Asian boy of maybe 7 years old that until just recently, had been a middle aged waitress at one of the local diners in this area." The blonde mother appearing individual could'nt help but be curious. "Then you were transferred as well?" "No ma'am, I mean sir, there seems to be many that this did't happen to. I'm not sure there is even a rhyme or reason as to why it happened to some but not others. What I did get over my radio just recently, is that there's a special website has been established called "". It's a registry of a sort. If you can get online, which the net is overwhelmed so I've been told. When you can get to this site, type in your birth name, your age, and your birth date and whoever is now inhabiting your old body, will leave a posting of how to get into touch with them." "My buddy and I were just looking at this lady and her daughter, our bodies should just be.... over there... What happened to our bodies, if we're in their bodies....?" With great reluctance the fireman adressed the young woman's quandry. "I don't think it was an even swap, there's people just down the street that said when they lost conciousness they were a good three blocks over. Let me ask this, does the person you are now have any ID?" Kevin realizing that being he was now nothing more than a baby girl figured the fireman was talking to his buddy. The blonde glanced around quickly noticing a purse lying near by. "Wait I see a purse, let me see if it's this woman's." As it turned out it was, the name read Melissa Walters. Upon further rummaging through the nurse, a pediactric appointment was made for Kimberly Walters. "Oh great Kevin, it seems like I'm now Missy, and you're Kimmy. Our present names are Melissa and Kimberly Walters." The fireman began noticing a pretty nasty scrape on the young woan's forearm. "I'm noticing you have pretty nasty scrape on your forearm miss, er I mean..." Dave not wanting to put the fireman in any more awkwardness than he already must be feeling. "Forget it, do you have anything in the med bag that you can do for it?" "Yes I still have some antibiotic ointment, tape and gauze, let me get that covered so you don't get an infection on top of everything else. I guess what you just looked at was a driver's license or something..?" "Yes it's her, or was her, driver's license." "Does it have an address?" "Yes, it's 1014 Scott Avenue. That's just a few blocks from here." "I've been telling people to go to the address on their new ID card if they happen to have one, maybe the original person that inhabitated your body will make their way to where they live. I can't stay around, there's still tons of people that needs help, good luck you two. For what it's worth, I'm sorry this happened to you two." With that the fireman was off to render care to many more in need on that morning. Almost as in a trance Dave just staired at the woman's ID. "Well Kevin what do we do? "That sounded like a plan the fireman suggested." "That's a few blocks, I don't see how you're going to walk a few blocks." "We don't even know that I can walk yet in this body. As much as it galls me to say this, you may have to either push me in this stroller or pack me." "Dude it's a few blocks, you're staying in the stroller." With that, the two friends began what was going to be a very long walk that included a tremendous amount of self conciousness in passing every person on the way there. To compound the problem, it seemed that Melissa Walters liked frilly dresses. This is my apartment!: The one saving grace on the five block trek and pushing a stroller to boot, at least Melissa was smart enough not to go on any lengthly walks in high heels. Even though the shoes were low heeled, they still were not designed for comfort. The two friends finally made it to 1014 Scott Avenue. "Finally!!, this is the place, the license said she lived in apartment 317 B. Great!, it means she lived on the third floor. I hope there's an elevator." "Dave, dude you've been cursing under your breath for the last block..." "Well let's see, why would I do that!? I just wanted to go down town with my best bud for some breakfast. Instead, I spend the morning pushing a baby stroller across town in a sun dress." Craning his head back to look up at his friend, Kevin in his usual sarcastic humor responded to Dave's lamenting. " And I guess I have nothing to complain about sitting in the stroller with a hot chick pushing me around!?" "Hey watch the hot chick crap shrimp!" With that, and realizing the absurd sitation that they found themselves in, the friends both broke down in much needed hysterical laughter. Once regaining some composure, Dave looked down at his friend." I guess we should go inside and see if there is an elevator." "Oh Dave..." "Yeah?" "We have another problem..." "Seriously... what now..!?" "We've been so wrapped in everything that's been happening, we forgot one very important thing." "What...?" "Dude.... I'm about two years old. A couple of blocks back I thought I had gas, it turned out to be a lot more squishy than gas." "You've got to be kidding me !?" "Man I would not even kid about this, it's even embarrassing telling you. The thing is, my butt is really beginning to itch..." "Alright, I found some keys in this chick's purse. Maybe it'll get us into her apartment, and we can deal with your situation then." As the two entered the lobby of the building, they were greeted by a thin middle aged man that looked to be in his late 50's. "Miss Wslters, I'm so glad to see you and Kimmy. Were either of you affected by the craziness that's going on?" Dave caught off guard by the well meaning concern of this gentleman answered the best he could. "It is crazy out there for sure. We got back as soon as we could, speaking of I need to get.... Kimmy upstairs." With a friendly smile the door man responded, "Yes ma'am I understand. I'm just glad to see you two girls are ok." Once the elevator door closed Kevin with a wicked smile couldn't resist a good natured dig to his friend. "It is so nice to see you're alright Miss Walters." Looking dourly down at his smartassed friend. "Shut it Kimmy, don't you have a bottle, paci or something..?" Upon the door opened the two noticed the upper floors were as nicely decorated as the lobby, apparently Melissa Walters had some money. Another thing they noticed was the apartment seemed to go into an ascending order. Once the friends were about halfway down the hallway, they heard the elevator door open again along with hearing a very angry male voice. "Hey you, get away from my daughter this instant!" Upon turning around there could be no mistake that who the very well built handsome looking man was directing his menacing wrath at. Feeling feeling very vulnerable Dave weakly replied, "Sir are you the boyfriend or husband to this woman. Or maybe the father to this child?" Upon catching up with the two females. "No!, I'm Kimmy's mother." "You're Melissa Walters..?" "I was a couple of hours ago. How did you come by my daughter?" It was Dave that spoke up. "I don't know if you remember the two guys that was walking towards you when the event happened, but we were the two guys." "No I'm sorry, well maybe kinda. I was most likely precoccupied with Kimmy, enjoying how pretty the morning was." There was a reply from the stroller. "That's why we were down town, is to have breakfast." With a shocked look on his face, the man replied, "Kimmy, you're talking !! What am I saying, you're not Kimmy. Why did you come to my apartment?" Again the little tyke in the stroller, that no more than a couple of hours had been Kevin Thompson spoke up. "We just figured that whoever that you'd been transferred into, if you could, you'd return to your apartment." The early thirty something, nice looking guy contemplated briefly. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense." Looking towards Dave. "Well I guess since you have my keys, you may as well let us into my apartment. No funny stuff though.... what am I saying, strike that. One too many dates with jerks." Upon the trio entering the apartment, Dave and Kevin were immediately impressed. Dave let out an appreciatve long whistle. "Very nice place you have Ms. Walters." "Thank you. A couple of months ago when I got my new job I promised Kimmy that we were going to move into a nice apartment. With that the poor guy's eye's began watering. After going over and getting some klennex and composing himself, he began to speak again. "Pease sit down, the sofa is very comfortable. Given the current circumstance, when I was in high school some of my friends called me Mel. Until hopefully this thing place's us back into our original bodies, just call me Mel." Dave in thinking about it, concluded maybe he, she... had a point." I guess it would cut down a little of the awkwardness. I guess since my name is, was, Dave, maybe it'd be better if you just call me "D". " With a wry smile then man said, "As in Dee?" "Yeah I guess so, no insult meant but it'd be awkward if you were to start calling me Missy." Then Kevin piped in. "What about me, you going to call me Kevvy or something?" With a mischievous smile forming on, Dee's, face. "We could just call you 'K', as in 'Kay'." "I'm not sure if I'm ok with that, Dee...?" In a response that, Mel, had not over the last couple of hours smiled. "I can see you two are very close. Well let's face it, until we get our rightful bodies back, you two are now females and I'm a male." Kay looked towards Dee and said, "Dee, you remember me telling you I had a little problem, it's worse now I think it's come out the other end as well." "What's your friend talking about?" "He's, she's had an accident." "Have you ever changed a diaper?" "No, that's not my specialty" The guy looking actually in some ways, very matronly. "Kay, I hope you don't mind me offering, but I can change your diaper. I know how, and I do know the territory down there." Upon swallowing an awful lot of pride, Kay relented. "Ok, if I waited on him... her, I may be waiting awhile." Upon standing up Mel stated, "After I change Kay, why don't I go into the kitchen to make us something to eat. It's already coming up on noon, have either of you eaten?" In thinking about it, Dee relized that.... her stomach was beginning to growl. "Ok, that'd be great. Thank you so much." While lifting Kay out of the stroller Mel, looked at Dee. "I have some sausage, eggs, and bread in the kitchen. I'll make some scrabled eggs, sausage, and toast when I get her changed, I meant." Dee trying to lessen the awkwardness some for Mel, smiled and said." I get what you mean, sounds like a plan." Upon bringing a very embarrassed Kay back into the living room and setting her on the floor, Mel went into the kitchen to begin some brunch. "Mel do you mind if I turn on your TV, maybe there's some new news." "Sure Dee, go ahead. let me know if anyone has found a person acting like a two year old." In feeling sad for this person's fear and overwhelming grief. "Sure Mel, will do." At that time there was a knock on the door. "Dee I know you may feel a little odd, but could you answer the door. Hopefully it may be some news regarding Kimmy." Carly With more than a little reluctance, Dee agreed. Upon opening the door, there was the most awesome looking redhead that he'd ever seen. Before Dee could even say anything the redhead lunged forward to take Dee in a very heart felt embrace. Dee was overwhelmed by being grabbed so warmly by such a hot looking stranger, not counting the weirdness she felt as this woman's boobs were smashing what now had become her own boobs. Mel came into the living room just as the redhaired lady had released her bear hug on Dee. "Carly, I'm over here." Throughly confused the lady asks, "Who are you? How do you know me" "Carly I was shifted like a lot of other people, it's me, Melissa." At that time the redhead's jaw hit the floor. "No... no, there is no way." Pointing towards the pretty blonde to her left. "This is Missy, I know her, she's my closest girl friend." Sadly the blonde replies, "He's right Carly, I'm not Missy, he is." Stooping down to the little girl, and picking her up "Oh my gosh, what is poor Kimmy going to do?" "Carly all of us have been transferred, even Kimmy." Looking at the sweet little girl she just picked up. " Ohh no, not Kimmy to!!" After putting the talking baby down the poor red haired lady walked over to the couch, and slowly sat down speechless. The handsome looking man walked over and sat next to her. With a tear forming in the strange man's eye, "It's been a crazy morning Carly, I still have no idea where Kimmy was transferred to." With a look of shock turning to sympathy. "Missy, is that really you in there..?" "Yes Carly, sniff, I lost my baby girl.." With some reluctance Carly leaned over to the crying man. "Missy I'm so sorry." After a few minutes the gentleman regained composure of himself. "Look we were just getting ready to have breakfast, lunch, whatever it is. I made some coffee as well, would you like to join us?" Slowly speaking, "Yes I suppose so. So Missy you're a man, who are you two?" With a moment of silence, The gentleman spoke up. "They're two gentlemen that Kimmy and I were walking toward when the event happened." With a small amount of stuttering,"both of you were men? What were your names?" The baby girl spoke first. "Kevin Thompson, I was a 22 year old law student at Adam's University." Then the blonde girl spoke up, "my name was David Collins, I was a 23 year old law student at the same university. Kevin was my room mate and best friend." After a while chatting and getting to know Missy's house guests while Mel popped in out of the living room while cooking, Mel finaly came in with the statement Carly and Mel's guest had been waiting for."Come on to the table, the meal whatever you want to call it is getting cold. Carly, go and sit with those two and I'll bring your coffee in." As much as Kay hated it, he let Dee put him in the high chair. The redhaired lady looking at Kay, "You're letting her put you in a high chair?" With her head lowered somewhat the baby girl answered, "It kind looks like that's the only way I'd be able to see and talk to you all." Carly watching the man that just yesterday had been her BFF come over to bring her coffee, replied to the little girl, "I guess that kinda makes sense sweety." Mel beginning to pick at his food while taking a drink of his own coffee asks, "Carly, it looks like you were spared the transfer. How about the rest of your bunch?" "Kent is still Kent, but Jonathan is now an eleven year old African American boy." Mel looking at Dee, "Kent is her husband, Jonathan was their 16 year old son. Jonathan was able to find his way back home? "Yes, the little eleven year old boy lived just down the street about four blocks. What are you guys going to do?" "Dee and Kay was telling me about a fireman that treated a scrape on Dee's arm, that there is a website called Maybe after we eat, these two can check out the news while I try to get onto the internet. What I hear with everything thats happening the internet is blown up." "Yeah I tried to log on earlier and it was a no go." Looking at the man at the other end of the table, "I need to get back with my guys, such as they are. Missy if you need anything at all just call me." After pausing, and pointing towards Dee "Strike that, you know how jealous Kent is, have her call me." As Missy's friend got up to leave, Missy with some degree of awkwardness got up to hug her friend good-bye. After 30 minutes on the internet, Mel logged off. Heavy hearted, Mel walked into the living room where her two guest were. "Did you two hear anything on the news?" "The World Media Network reported that the scientist are at loss as to what caused this. They're supposed to be sending up high altitude balloons to check out the upper atmosphere. They seem to think it was in the air." "When I was on the net, it said this thing happened world wide. I can't see how it's in the air." "I don't know. There was incident after incident of people crying and screaming. Some were transferred people, some I think lost loved ones from auto accidents that this caused. I found out what they're calling this thing before I got so depressed and turned the TV off." "What are they calling it?" Kay spoke up then, "They're calling it The Great Shift." Dee asked Mel if she had learned anything on the net regarding Kimmy as he helped bring the dishes into the kitchen to put in the dishwasher." Thanks for asking Dee, no I didn't. I did manage to contact the police while I was making us something to eat." "Oh?" "From what the officer told me, that they've already discovered some individuals that were not able to speak or had very limited vocabulary. They suspected that it may be infants or toddlers that were transferred, or as it's called now, shifted. The officer said they were segregating those individuals and bringing in nursing staff to attend to them. He gave me a special number to call when they went online in trying to match these people to family and significant others." "When are they going online?" "He said probley in the next couple of days, so I guess we wait until then. Let's go back into the living room to see what Kay would like to do to pass the time." When the two adults went back into the living room they saw Kay her laying on the floor sound asleep. Mel couldn't help but smile. "Your friend may still be an adult mentally, but he's still in the body of my little girl which always lays down for a nap at this time of the day. I'll put her in bed where she can sleep better." "You have a bed for her?" "Yes in my room, or what used to be my room. This crazy situation is playing havoc with my identity." "Trust me, I know what you mean. I terribly hate to ask this Mel." "What?" "I'm really beginning to need to use the bathroom, do you mind?" "Of course not silly, I've already had to go myself, talking about a weird experience!" Mel gently lifted the little girl off the floor and packed her in what was Melissa and Kimberly Walter's bedroom." Dee immediately saw where Mel was taking his friend to sleep, a baby bed. With a mixture of concern and amusement Dee asked, "a baby bed, really?" "Dee, Kimmy rolled in her sleep. I'm going to assume that since your friend is now in her body, it's possible the same will be true for him. I definately don't want her, him, rolling of the bed and getting hurt." "Good point, I don't think he's going to like it when he wakes up though." "Oh you have to use the bathroom, it's right through that door on the other side of the room. Oh Dee, I hate to mention this but I don't want a UTI when I return to my body. Be sure to wipe front to back when your through." With a flush of embarrassment Dee thanked Mel. Now, if he could figure out how this new urinating experience is even going to work. It's just peeing for Pete's sake, how hard could it be."Thank you Mel, I promise I won't look." "Good luck with that, get in there before I have to show you where my panty drawer is for some dry panties!" Upon closing the door Dee looked down at the cammode thinking just this morning that going just meant unzipping, pull it out, aim, and let it rip. Now, it's going to be a little more complicated. The urge was getting bad at this point, so turning around pulling up the dress, and pulling down the panties he was wearing and sat down on the seat. The peeing was more like dumping out a bowl of water than draining a tank with a hose, but the relief was the same. Unraveling some toilet paper, he prepaired to clean as was instructed. In looking at what was now his bush, he still not could not fully begin to process the fact that he had a reciever of intercourse instead of the deliverer of intercourse. He shuddered at even the thought. He understood the whole need of using toilet paper. Urinating was definately a much messier proposition for women than men. Now relieved, panties pulled up, dress smoothed down, hands washed, he returned to the bedroom where he saw Mel still looking down at Kay. "You alright?" Trying to discreetly remove a tear from his eye. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Did everything come out ok?" Sarcastically Dee responded, "Funny, you and Kevin.... Kay, would make a great stand up comedy team." "Sorry, let's go back into the living room so we don't wake her." "Want some coffee?" "Sure." "I saw you put one sugar and cream in, right? Sit on the couch, might as well make yourself at home, in some ways it is." "To answer you, yes one of each." Upon returning to the living room giving Dee her coffee, Mel sat beside her so they could share the coffee table. "So, what is the Kevin and David story?" Kay awoke just a little before 4 pm in the evening. Upon opening her eyes Kay was momentarilly confused as why she was not waking up in her dorm room. Where was she? Why was there wooden bars on the side of her bed? Then everything came rushing back to her. "What the heck.... bars on my bed..? Oh crap that's right, please don't tell me I'm in a baby be.. Upon standing up, with the railing of the bed up to his chest, a realization struck Kay. "Oh great, a saggy diaper. Well it's not going to be changed by itself. Hello, anyone here?" Within a minute, both Mel and Dee walked into the room. With a bright red flushed face, Kay very embarrased asked, "Mel I am so sorry to ask you this, but I have a problem." "Kinda figured you might Kay, I've told Dee that I was going to train her in how to change your diapers. There may be a time I won't be here, but she will. So, I told her she's going to have to learn, make sense?" Reluctantly Kay agreed. It was a toss up as to enjoyed the situation less, Dee or Kay. Once the two had survived Kay's diaper change, Kay was carried into the living room to watch TV, while the adults prepared dinner. Mel looking at Dee while eating. "Dee I'm impressed, you actually do quite good at cooking." "As I said while Kay was sleeping, I had to learn to cook from 18, right after mom and dad died in the wreck, to when I started Adam's University at 20." Looking over at Kay in her high chair Mel commented to her, "Dee told me a little of your story." Looking a little exasperated, Kay repied, "Really Dave, did you have to mention all of that!?" To try to save Dee from too much hot water Mel replied. "I think it's quite impressive, both of you are exceptional men, er make that people." Kay retorted, "hopefully it will be men again soon. I'm already over people looking at my butt. It's one thing to have my girlfriend seeing my butt while we're, well you know.." Oh my gosh Vicky, I wonder how she is doing!?" Dee looking towards his friend, "I thought about Shelly as well, but let's see how this will end. Hopefully it'll end soon. If so, I don't ever want Shelly to know that I was sporting my own set of boobs. No insult meant Mel." Smiling Mel replied, "no apology needed. I can't imagine how embarrassing this must be, your male ego must be screaming." With that all three laughed and finished their meal. Finally a much needed bed time came for Mel and her two guests. "I'm glad you two agreed to my invitation and spend the night here." Dee replying, "well it wasn't like we had anywhere to go, our dormitory is male only. Neither Kay nor I could pass the muster at the moment." "Well I'm glad you both agreed to stay here. Kay I know you're not crazy about your bed, but Kimmy was bad about rolling. You may have inherited that from her body. I figure better safe than sorry, the last thing you need is roll off the bed and be injured." "I guess that makes sense, as much as I hate to agree. Where is Dee going to sleep?" "The sofa lets out into a bed." As the trio were preparing for bed, Kay refused to be dressed in one of Kimmy's one pieces opting to just sleep in a diaper alone. It was still embrassing to be covered with Kimmy's unicorn blanket. Mel offered Dee something to sleep in as well, needless to say a nightgown was off the table but did settle on a pair of PJ's that belonged to Melissa. Even though they definately were on the pink feminine side. The next morning set the stage for what was to come for the morning after that, and several more. To culminate in a week having gone by. The only change was that Mel became more depressed in not achieving anything regarding Kimmy, when she called the special number she was given by the first police officer. She did continue to monitor without any success. Finally after a week it was Mel that said a tide must be turned after neither he nor Dee had bathed for the entire time they had been in their present bodies. Finally on the seventh morning while Kay was still asleep in her baby bed, Mel confronted Dee. "Dee I understand you not wanting to bathe, I'm in the same boat. It's bad enough having to use the bathroom. Speaking of bathroom, even with Kay not able to prevent using the bathroom on herself, she's even smelling better than we are. I'm getting more depressed by you letting my body go to crap. I'll make a deal with you, you go and bathe first then I promise I will go next." "Won't you feel kinda weird having me rubbing all over your body?" "Dee!!, I've got a penis now, I can't feel much more weird." "Point taken. Is Kay still asleep?" "Yes, I checked on her just before I came into the living room to wake you up. If she does wake up while you're showering, I'll change her and get her some breakfast started. If she wakes up while I'm in the bathroom, you can do the same." "When you got me those white shorts and purple top a couple of days ago, I saw some black slacks and maybe a top?" "Yes, you now where my panties are, and wear a bra would you!?" "Like I know how to put one of those stupid things on!" "I'm sure you removed several of them when you were a man." "Yes, and it it was on someone else." "Ok, I'll help you with it then." "What!?" "Dee I know what that body looks like. I let you change clothes in private a couple of days ago, but just in case that we may be in these bodies for another week" "Or longer..." "Or longer, you're going to have to learn to put on a bra. We've been held up in this apartment since that Great Shift thing happened. At some point we're going to have to venture out, the supplies are getting low." "Ok Mel you win, just to let you know I'm not crazy about it." "Get some clothes and go take your shower, I'm not doing cart wheels either." Upon getting some clothes, including panties and bra Dee went on to face the inevitable. There was a full mirror in the bathroom, she had not seen herself completely nude. A couple of days ago when Mel told her she had to get another outfit on, she dressed as quick as she could not looking at her body no more than she had to. The last thing she wanted Mel to think is that she was a pervert. Now here she was in all her glory, or maybe she should say Melissa's glory. After setting the temperature in the shower, she stepped in to the tub. Everything was fine until she rubbed across her nipples while washing her breasts. "Oh my gosh! Wow, that was amazing, by seeing how prevous girlfriends responded when I played with their boobs I kinda figured they liked it. I had no idea how awesome it'd feel, it even caused something to happen down there! I really shouldn't, maybe just one feel down there." Little did Dee know what she was getting herself in for when she found her clitoris. "Gasp..!, ohhh, that is frigging amazing!!" With that she inserted two of her fingers inside while rubbing the nipples." Dee involuntarily clamped onto her fingers with muscles that were completely alien to her."Mmmm, ohhh, Oh crap need to stop this now! Get back to business." With great restraint Dee hurriedly finished showering, put on the robe that Mel had given her, and walked back into the bedroom. "Do you feel better?" "Yes, I was beginning to get offensive to my own self." "Kay finished breakfast, so I put her in front of the TV. Now go over and sit on the bed, wrap the robe around your waist, and let it fall from your shoulders and boobies." "Did you have to put it like that!?" "Hey, they are what they are." Upon Mel handing Dee the bra, " Now here, some girls just clasp it from the back, but you are nowhere that dextrous yet. So wrap the bra under your boobies with the clasp put towards the front." Dee reluctantly put the bra aroud her waist and grabbed both ends of the bra closure. "Like This?" "Yes girlfriend now hook the clasp." "You seem to be enjoying this way too much." "You're a good sport you can handle it. Now twist the clasp to the back and your cups should be in the front." "Hey what do you know I got this." "All you have to do is put your arms through the straps and put the girls in the cups and you'll be ready to get dressed." "Thanks Mel, little did I know last week that I'd be having someone teach me how to put a bra on." "Your welcome, now I just need to ask you something." "Sure what is it?" "Did you play with yourself in the shower?" Dee's eyes flew wide open, and of course she lied. "What!!, of course not. I was just going in there to take a shower!" "Girl you have more of a restraint than me." "Do you really have to do the call me a girl thing?" "I'm sorry. I've already had more fun with you than I should've. I'll be watching TV with Kay." After a few minutes and wrestling to figure out how to put on clothes with all the buttons backwards, Dee walks into the living room. "Ok mister, it's your turn. See two can play that game." Mel with a chuckle got up to go into the bathroom for a shower." Fair's fair, I deserved that." Mel walking back into the living room after his shower wrapped in a blanket, began the conversation with Dee and Kay. " I threw the clothes I've been wearing in the washer, then after they get dried we have some decisions to make. We have to do some serious talking. The groceries are almost gone, and I'm just trying to make do with one outfit. When I saw you guys in the hallway last week, I came up here through the garage. The guy that greeted you two when you came into the building was more than a door man, he's also the Building Superintendent. Thankfully he's more than happy to give Melissa Walters a lot of lattitude, but I'm sure he'd be a stickler if there was another person starting to live here." "Oh no, like you.." "Yes like me ironically. He only sees you two Missy and Kimmy Walters, but me is another matter." "Do you have any ideas in how we're going to deal with it?" "Yes I do, but I'm not sure how you're going to feel about it." "Okay... I'm already wearing a bra, how bad can it be?" "Like you're going to have to start being Missy Walters bad." "What!?, I can't become you... I'm a man for Pete's sake!" "And that's why you're wearing a bra right? Look, I want you to continue to stay here, for nothing else so I'll know where mine and Kimmy's body is. I've also come to like both of you. If you pretend to be me you can tell him I'm your new boyfriend, and that I'm living with you now." "Can't we just try to avoid him? "No because rent is coming up soon. I rent just like everyone else in this bilding." "Are you, or am I going to be able to afford rent?" "Dee, you were very open and candid about you and Kay. I guess I need to be candid with you two. I am in fact a business consultant, but my parents died when I was very young. When I turned 21 I became very rich." "Why aren't you in some penthouse then? " Looking down at the little girl that asked the question. "Because Kay, I wanted to have Kimmy grow up as a normal little girl and not a rich princess." "I guess that makes sense, but Mel I don't know how to act like a woman!" "You make a good point there, I cringe watching you waklk." "What's wrong with my walking?" "You walk like a guy. Here's what I'm thinking, you and I arm in arm will walk up to Max. That's his name. You give him your credit card, Melissa Walters credit card, and tell him you want to pay this coming month's rent. Then we're going to use my car..." "You have a car?" "Actually it's a Mercedes SUV. Hey, I'm a mom ok? Anyway, then we're going to get me a couple changes of clothes and some groceries." "I don't like it, but it sounds like it may be the only way to go. So, once we get back then what?" "You learn to be Missy Walters, and Kay from now on you get to be Kimmy Walters." Surprised in being dragged into this goofy plan. " Why do I have to be a part of this charade?" "Because you're Missy's baby girl." After giving some thought to all of this elaborate planning, Missy looks at the man in the blanket. "Mel, we don't know how long we're going to have to deal with this situation we could be shifted back tonight." "That's exactly it, we don't know how long we're going to be like this. If we're like this for awhile, you're going to have to get accustomed to being female." "Perish the thought, but I guess you're right." As it turned out Mel's plan did work without a hitch. Mel got a couple more outfits, even though the store clerk must've thought Mel was the most flaming gay person he'd ever seen. Then the trio headed to the grocery store, in which Kay was probley the most embarrassed she been so far since this whole Great Shift ordeal began. She kept her head down the whole time while she was made to ride in the shopping cart. The two adults tried their best to make the shopping trip as quick and painless as possible for Kay. Once back at the apartment and the grocies were put away, the trio relaxed in the living room. Mel looked over at Dee. and said. "Are you ready for your training?" "Not really, but ok. Speaking of training, Mel you're going to need some pointers in manning up. Did you see how the clothing store clerk was looking at you?" "Yes I did, and you're right. You need to teach me how to be a man, and I'll teach you how to start acting like a proper young lady." Kay looking up at the two adults asked. "Who's going to teach me how to be a baby?" "Dee looking at her friend. "You just need to look cute, and not do any talking while we're out." Mel said before their mutual training began. " I'm going to become Mel Davis. Dee you need to start answering to Missy or Melissa Walters, and Kay you need to start being Kimberly or Kimmy Walters." With a very long sigh, Missy Walters replied. " Alright then, I just so hope that this is not going to last much longer." The conversation was interupted by a knock on the door. Out of habit Mel asked "Yes, who is it. "It's Carly." Mel opened the door with a broad smile, "where you been girl? I haven't heard anything from you all week." "We've been having issues with Jonathan, he's not adjusting well to the change." Carly looking down at the little baby girl, giving her a kiss on top of the head before anyone could think or react. "Hello Kimmy girl, how's Aunt Carly's little cutey pea?" Mel cleared his throat as Kay could only sit awkwardly in complete shock and embarrassment. "Carly, remember, that's not our original Kimmy." Carly with her cheecks flushed in embarrassment, "I am so sorry, Kay isn't it?" The new Missy chimed in, "actually Carly Mel, Kimmy and I were just talking about that. Mel suggests that the three of us need to try and take on the identity of the previous owner of our present bodies." "Why's that? Everyone knows that the world is upside down at the moment. You have old men acting like little girls, you have housewives acting like thug rappers, and babies talking like street walkers." Mel entered the coversation,"Csrly, for one thing you know how Max is. I also told everyone that due to my finances possibly being messed up by me not being Melissa Walters anymore, we might not should rock the boat. For the short term since Max wouldn't be able to understand, Dee is now going to become Missy Walters." Carly pausing briefly to think, "you know this is not going to work. Carly looking over at the new Missy, "she may look like you, but she's not you. Geesh Missy!, she walks like a man! No insult meant to you Dee." Dee replies, "none taken Carly, but you see Mel's reasoning? I'm not crazy in trying to start actiing like a woman. I know Kay isn't crazy about becoming Kimmy and acting like a baby girl. Mel and I talked, we have a pretty good situation here and it would not be a good ideal to blow it." Then Mel entered the conversation, "not to mention I asked these two about their possessions where they'd lived at as Dave and Kevin. They said they had a fairly decent TV, a fair stereo, Keving had a couple of collecter comic books but not a great value, and Dave only had some pictures that were of importance. Of course he said he'd uploaded all his pictures onto the cloud so they're safe. Basically speaking they have nothing really to go back to, not to mention they lived in an all male dorm. As it is it's doubtful they'd currently be allowed to live there." Carly considering her next question, but had to ask."Ok Mel you didn't even know these two before this past week, are you sure you can trust them?" Mel smiling as his long time BFF, "yes Carly the are good people, from what they've told me they were gentlemen when they were men. Not to mention, I'm hoping soon this thing will be over with everyone reverting back to their original bodies. I want to make sure I know where mine and Kimmy's body are at all times." "Ok Mel I get your mindset, but really do you really think you could teach this new Melisa Waters to be able to act like the old one?" "I think I can, at least close enough to get by. Missy is going to teach me how to be more manly, and I'm going to teach her how to be a proper young woman." After sitting silent for a few second, Carly stated "ok good luck, you'll need it." "Do you want to stay for dinner, Missy actually cooks quite well?" "No thanks dear, I have to get back to my guys. It sounds like you're going to be busy. Oh by the way, one of the reasons I came over is that there's supposed to be a special briefing on the TV in about an hour regarding this Great Shift thing. The way it sounds you'll not want to miss it. As Mel, Carly and the new Missy stands up and begins to walk to the door Mel reaches over to hug his long time friend. "Bye, and please tell your guys my thoughts are with you guys." Carly now having to look up at her friend, which last week when they hugged they were both 5"3" . "I will Mel, I guess I need to get used to hugging the new Missy as well. Bye Kimmy, Aunt Carly will see you soon." With that Mel lets his friend out into the hall, then turns to Missy. "Ok Melissa Walters, you ready for your lessons to be Melissa Walters?" Smiling the new Missy, "I guess I may as well be. I'm sure I'm as anxious about this as you learning to become Melvin. As Mel and Missy were about to go into the bedroom to begin their training, Kimmy said. "don't forget, Aunt Carly said that news briefing will be on in an hour." "Ok Kimmy you are our official time keeper, ok sweety?" Kimmy wasn't thrilled by the "sweety" response but she figured she may have to get used to it, like having her diaper changed. Which thankfully she thought hadnt't been for a couple of hours now. "Ok Mel." As Mel was about to offer another critique of Missy's walking stride, they heard Kimmy yell from the living room." Hey you two, the special bulletin is about to come on." *Live from World News Broadcasting* A handsome anchorman was sitting cross from a heavy set black woman looking to be her early thirties,"We have with us Professor Tyler Gordon, Dr. Gordon am I to understand there has been new information on this Great Shift thing?" "Yes Walt, as we've learned 3/8 of the world's population was effected by this event. I'm sure many of you were expecting me to be a short balding man in my mid 50's, a week ago you'd got that. We live in a diferent world now. How did this happen to our world? Is it temporary, and why did it happen to me you may be asking? Immediately after the event, samples were taken of the atmosphere to see if it may have been a terrorist attack. It didn't take long to conclude it was an attack, but we made use of the air samples. There are some positives, then there are some negatives. The positive; it was an agent that caused this. The agent was simular to a hallucinagenic drug the CIA was using during the Cold War of the 1960's. Mind you, it's not the same but there is a slight molecular similarity. As with the research the CIA was doing, they were trying to achieve Remote Viewing, a psychic phenomenon where it'd be possible to spy on the enemy telepathically without the enemy even being aware. This agent looks to be a much more evolved sophisticated version of that drug. In each of us there is a region of the brain called the limbic area, which is essentially where our conciousness and a great portion of our memory is stored. This drug manages to both have the brain transmit and be in a recieving mode to to get new conciousness and memory data, We're not sure how, quantum entanglement has even been suggested. So here's the negative; we are basically at a loss to even begin understanding the mechanics of this drug. We may determine next month, next year, or we may never understand how it does what it does." The interviewer interupted the young woman at that point. "So Professor Gordon, there is a real possibility there may be no correcting this tragedy." "I am heavy hearted in saying, that may be true. I do not want to give anyone any false hope, just know we are doing our utmost in trying to understand and possibly correct this event." In a final question the interviewer asks. "Professor, why was it that some people were effected and others not?" "This is a theory mind you, but it's concluded that 3/8's of us have latent DNA that made us suseptible to the effects of this drug. At this time, I'm sorry to say this is our complete knowledge of this tragedy." Closing the interview expresses this sentiment. "And a tragedy it is Professor Tyler Gordon for billions of people wordwide. It has just been given to me that there is a population of people shifted that is not able to speak or walk, and if they can it is at a level that's developmentally equivalent to someone that is a toddler. If you've lost a very small child as a result of the Great Shift, it is strongly suggested that you notify your local law enforcement. The Great Shift effect seems to only allow for a certain distance of a few square blocks of the shifting effect. So again, notify your local law enforcement if you've had very small loved ones shifted. This is Kent Miller for World News Broadcasting." With that the scene is transferred to the station where a young boy of about 13 closes the bulletin. "Thank you Kent, I'm Alisha Perry, we'll be right back." Both Mel and Missy sat in stunned sicence while Kimmy actually did begin to cry like a baby. Over the next week Melvin learned several things about being a man, as Missy learned how to sit, how not to sit, and how to walk in flats. Mel also spent a good amount of time teaching Missy how to speak differently, in a more feminine manner. The training was interupted by a blood curdleing scream at 7:30 in the morning coming from the living room. Upon entering the room, the first thing Mel noticed was Missy standing up beside the sofa bed with the inner thigh seam of the the PJ's Missy was wearing saturated in blood. The only thing Mel could say was, "crap!" With a mornful look and bordering on hypventilation Missy asks, "please Mel tell me this isn't what I think it is!" Mel walking over to Missy and gently took her hand. "It's going to be ok, come in the bedroom with me and I'll show you what to do. I have a period kit in the bathroom." Missy sobbing and her chest heaving from crying so hard. "A period kit is what I call my; tampon, panty liner, and Midol box." "I can't believe I'm having a frigging period!" Having guided Missy through the bedroom where an awake and alarmed Missy was, and into the bathroom Mel assures Missy he'd be right back."Here, let me put a towel on the cammode seat so you can sit while I quickly get Kimmy taken care of." Having changed Kimmy's diaper and into a little green dress with a unicorn on it, followed by putting Kimmy in front of the TV he returned. "Ok I got Kimmy lined out, now let's get you taken care of. Ok, Take off your pajama bottoms and panties." "What !?" "You want to sit in blood soaked PJ's or feel better?" As Missy stood up and reluctantly lowering her PJ's and panties."Ok, I can't believe I'm going through this!" "Missy I'm sure you're not the only one now having to deal with this; that could not have imagined having to prior to a little over a week ago." Mel got a wash cloth and ran it under warm water in the lavatory, and gave it to Missy to clean herself. "Here, get yourself clean, then it'll be step two." Step two began as soon as Missy had given Mel bqck the wash cloth."Ok that at least will get the stickiness of dried blood off of you, let me get the kit." Missy's mouth dropped open as Mel produced a tampon and began unwrapping it. "Wait Mel, isn't there another option!?" "Don't worry it will not hurt." "That's not what I'm worried about, it's where it has to go." "Well it won't work if it goes anywhere else. Just take a deep breath, spread your lips and slide the cardboard tube a little ways into you." Missy holding the tube looking at it being completely dumbfounded. "You can do it Missy, just take a deep breath and do as I said." After pushing the plunger and putting the tampon in place and removing the tube as Mel instructed, Missy in a weak voice. "Ok I did it, now what?" "If it makes you feel any better, you've got the icky part done. Let me go and check on Kimmy and let her know we're almost done, and breakfast will be coming soon. Then I'll bring you something to wear." After a couple of minutes Mel returned with a top, bra, panties, and some black slacks."Ok, so you're going to do your own bra. Now watch me how to put a liner in your panties, simple stuff, take the liner out of the package, pull the adhesive strip off, put the adhesive side into the panty crotch. There, your ready to put you panties on now.. Do you think you can put your own bra on?" Missy weakly answered, "Yes. Why are you helping us?" "Until I find out where my original Missy went, you two are the only ones I've got to take care of. Also, without you guys I'd be a complete basket case by now." Standing up in nothing but her panties hugged Mel. "Does this mean we have to get married now?" Mel busting out in laughter, "not before breakfast." Upon Missy's entering the living room, a very concerned Kimmy asked Missy."Are you ok?" "Yeah, wait until another 11 hears and you'll understand." A suddenly aware of the entire picture. "Ohh, I can hardly wait." Mel came to Missy with some juice, and I little pill. "Here take this." "What is it?" It's your Midol, you'll be getting some cramps soon. I'm surprised you haven't already. The mood swing should hit you soon also." "How fun." Over the next three days Missy got very good at doing her own menstral care, althogh she hated it every time. During the three days it was everything she could do to not scream at either Mel or Kimming for just breathing. "I want to say I appreciate you guys for dealing with me for the last three days." "I know I told you both that I was raised by my Aunt until I was 21. I dealt my aunt so much grief during my first period, so you actually did pretty well." "How often am I to expect this?" "Every 28 days, like clockwork." Over the next 28 days things fell pretty much into routine. Within a couple of weeks Mel felt that Missy was ready to begin more community trips. After breakfast one morning, which Missy cooked. Actually she'd been cooking most of the meals of late, stating it made her feel less of a free loader. It was at least a little something to pay back the hospitality that had been shown to her and her friend. While Kimmy was holding her doll, something that she decided she needed to start doing if she was going to have to start acting like a little girl, Mel motioned Missy into the dining room to talk. "Hey Missy, I have a surpise for you." "What's that Mel?" "I talked to Carly yesterday." "Yeah I know, I was the one that called. A good thing to, Kent answered the phone." "Why do think I had you make the call, Kent usualy always takes the calls." "The guy is that insecure!?" "You know how pretty Carly is, yeah he is that insecure." "Wow, men can be such jerks at times." "Hey, I ressemble that remark." "Yeah, well you're different. You know, with you having been a woman yourself, along with you on becoming a little more mannish you'd be a good catch for some lucky girl." Mel smiling. "I didn't know you noticed you little stinker" Missy replied as her face turned red, "you know what I mean. What was it you wanted to tell me about Carly?" "Oh yeah, sorry I was just thinking. Anyway, Carly said that she and Kent need to have us over for dinner next week." "What!? What did you tell her?" "I told her I'd talk it over with you, but it'd sounded like a great idea." "What would we do about Kimmy? Where would we get a baby sitter? Why would it be a great idea for us to have dinner with Carly and her husband?" "As for a babysitter, I have a phone number of a girl in the apartment. Her name is Maggy, she's a very sweet and copetent 16 year old. As for why it'd be a good idea for dinner, look Carly knows about us and she hasn't told Kent. It'd look like Carly is wanting you and your new boyfriend over." "Let me guess, that boyfriend would be you?" "Carly and I figured if I were to do some male bonding with Kent, then when I'd call over and Carly would answer that'd be great. If Kent answered, I'd just say I wanted to call my new buddy to go have a beer or something." "So basically it's covering your ass to talk to Carly? I guess I do owe it to you." "No, I don't want you do it for that reason alone. Face it Missy, now being female you need to do some female bonding also. I couldn't think of a better person than Carly to befriend." "Yeah I suppose so, but what if she just thinks I have an alterior motive?" "Well I can tell you Carly is not lesbian, not even bisexual. Even if that thought did cross your mind, you can forget it. Besides, I told her that you and I were becoming romantic." "You did what !?" "I said Carly is not bisexual, I didn't say anything about me." "You were into women and men!?" "How do you think I found out about Carly, it came close to costing us our friendship." "Look the most we'd have to do aside from be ourselves, you've gotten the mannerisms down pretty good, you've learned most of the nuances of female speech, you even close your legs while sitting now." "I have to say you have caught on pretty well acting like aguy as well." "The one thing I still need to practice with you, is you putting on your makeup yourself." "I haven't even been wearing any makeup." "Yes, but that's going to change. Beginning this evening you're going to get dolled up." "Mel.... I don't know about all of this." "Please, since the Great Shift Carly and I went from talking every day to maybe seeing her once a week." "If it means that much to you in getting a way to be able to talk to her more..?" "Yes you know how close David and Kevin were." "Alright, but what if Kent catches on? Maybe he'd think it weird that we weren't acting like a couple." "So, we act like a couple. I'd hold your hand, maybe even throw in a kiss or two." "You'd kiss me!?" "What, you think I'm that ugly!?" "No I think you're very handsome, but I don't make it a habit of kissing guys." "Because you're a guy right?" "Right." "Sweety in case you don't know it, guys don't have periods." "Ok, but only a peck. Then only if it's neccessary." "Gotcha. Now let's go play with some makeup." "You're inpossible. We need to tell Kimmy about the babysitter though, you want to do it or me?" "It'd probly go over better from you Missy." "Ok, let's go. I want you to know this rent is getting pretty expensive." "Hush, you'll have fun!" Upon Mel's and Missy's entry to the living room laying on her belly completely enraptured with watching Frozen. "Hey you." Kimmy pausing the movie and walking over to Mel and Missy that had just sat on the sofa. "Do you want to talk?" "It looks that obvious?" "You and Mel were talking in the dinning room for a long time, not to mention you two weren't talking barely above a whisper." Missy couldn't help but smile at her little friend. What a crazy world to live all of a sudden, her best buddy Kevin now this beautiful blonde hair blue eyed two feet 6 inch little angel girl in her pretty little pink ruffled dress. "I guess you busted us. You remember Mel's friend Carly?" "Yes the pretty red haired lady." "You know she was Mel's best friend, like we are." "I know." "Carly has a very jealous husband, and it wouldn't be a good idea if Mel called." Kimmy remained silent for a moment, "no I guess it wouldn't." "It kinda makes Mel sad, because Carly and Mel used to talk almost every day. Now that Missy is a man, they've only talked to each other a couple of times since "The Great Shift"." "Mel and I figured that if I went over with Mel to Carly's house so he could meet Kent which is Carly's husband, maybe become friends with Kent, then if Mel called and Carly's husband answered the phone Mel could just say he called Carly's husband to get together for a beer or something." "Oh, and if Carly answered the two of them could just talk?" "Yes, you got it." "When are you and Mel going over there? Do they have any kids I could talk to or play with?" "Well Mel and I were invited to dinner next week. As far as kids, they have one boy that is much older than you are now" "You want me to stay here by myself then?" "Kimmy if we did that we may get into trouble for abandoning a minor, which is what you are considered now." "Then how are you going to the dinner?" "Mel has the name of a baby sitter she got for Kimmy, when the original Kimmy was in that body. She's a young 16 year old girl that lives in the apartment building." "You want a 16 year old girl to babysit me..?" "Yeah, that's pretty much the sum of it." "Ok." "Ok!?" "I figured this may happen. Look, you two have seen my butt, why not a 16 year old girl. I'm through being embarrassed, I'm a little baby girl now. I poop and pee my diaper, I just have to get over it." "Are you ok?" "As much as ok as I can be with things as they are." Mel looked at Kimmy with such empathy and love."Come here you. You're not my original Kimmy, but in the short time you two have been here I've come to love you." With that Mel picked Kimmy up off the floor and gave her a big hug. Initially Kimmy was freaking out and crying, Missy took her in the bedroom to find out what was wrong. Kimmy asked Missy this question, " who does Maggie look like to you?" With a sudden awareness of why Kimmy was upset. "Oh my gosh, she looks a lot like Vicky! I'm so sorry, Mel and I will cancel with Carly and Kent." "No, go ahead. I'm going have to come to terms that I no longer have Kevin's equipment between my legs. Can you imagine Vicky, or for that matter any other woman being interested in me now, a two year old little girl? I'll be fine, besides Maggie isn't Vicky she's a 16 year old little... make that big girl to me. Go, go with Mel, have a good time." In a low voice whispered to her long time friend, "you rock dude." With a lot of sarcasm Kimmy replies, "previous dude." Mel and Maggie looks concerned at Missy as she packs Kimmy back into the living room. Mel asks Missy, "is Kimmy ok?" Missy lying her ass off,"she was just scared of mommy leaving." Maggie smiling and reaching over to take Kimmy from Missy's arms. "Aw Kimmy, you and Miss Maggie are going to have so much fun. As they say Miss Missy, these are the terrible 2's." Missy looking for a good save to the situation, "that must be it Maggie. We promise we won't be late." To play the charade up even more, Missy looks at Kimmy and says, "sweety mommy will be back in a little while, you be a good girl for Miss Maggie." The current Missy gave Maggie instructions for Kimmy, without Maggie even blinking an eye as to anything being any different from the last time she babysat for Miss Walker. "Maggie sweety, there's food and drinks in the fridge. Kimmy will probley be ready for bed between 9 annd 10. Give her a bath, and no boys over here." "I know the drill Miss Walker, you two have fun tonight. Just between us girls, Mr. Mel is very handsome, good catch." Mel just smiled thinking maybe he should've cued Missy in that she had a very relaxed relationship with the young girl when she still wore Melissa Walker's clothes. Almost an hour of traveling out of the city, and into an upper middle class surberb. Mel, looking over at his nicely dressed passenger wearin a beautiful white satin dress with lace overlay along with open toed white flats, assured her that she had become very proficient in being quite lady like. Mel even talked Missy into going to the salon to get her hair fixed. "Mel, does my hair look ok?" "Missy, trust me you look awesome. Kent will not even begin to imagine that you're not Missy Walters. Now relax, you're beginning to sound like a woman." "Very funny, mister. Melissa emphasizing the "mister" for effect. Within a minute Carly had opened the door. Immediately she gave Missy the traditional female hug. It took Melissa a little while to understand that hug, but upon Carly's bear hug of her that first time, having your boobs being squeezed from another woman's boobs just don't feel right. Carly giving Missy an appreciative smile. "You look awesome girl friend, you just got your hair done didn't you." With a hint of embarrassment Melissa replied. "Yes, it was Mel's idea." "Well sweety you know the guys want to keep their women pretty." The three of them heard Kent yelling from inside the house. "Carly are you going to keep them in the foyer, or are you going to invite them in?" "Be right there honey." Carly leaned over whispering conspiratorially to Melissa. "As soon as I get the two guys introduced, I'm going to ask you to help me in the kitchen so they can start bonding." Melissa feeling like that any minute Rod Sterling was going to pop out with a Twilight Zone introduction. Often times David Collins had wondered about the mysterious huddling that women did, always out of earshot of their guys. Now here she was as Missy Walters in a very beautiful feminine dress going to be dragged into the same female huddle. The only response that Missy knew to do was whisper back. "Gotcha." With that the two ladies took lead being followed by Mel."Sweety you know Missy, she needs no introduction." Kent With an appraising look at Melissa that unnerved her to a degree, she just continue to smile, as Carly introduced Kent to her friend's, new man. "Kent, this is Missy's new main squeeze." Kent walking over and giving Mel one of those bone crushing male handshakes. "So good to finally meet you Mel, has Missy been making an honest man out of you?" Melissa was all to aware that since the Great shift the world had turned upside down, but in this topsy turvey new world everything that had been told her when she was a man was being altered to fit her new female world. Mel sheepishly looking towards Melissa. "Kent you know how it is dude, when you get a class babe you trim your feathers a little." With that the sandy haired robust man, which most of that was the result of most likely drinking a little too much beer while cutting the grass, let out out a boistrous laugh. "You know dude, I think I like you already. Well come on in and find you a seat on the couch. Kent and Carly Springer's home was nicely furnished. The den was sunken, which gave it an extra feel of classiness. Over to one end of the den was the mandatory wide screen TV. Thinking the best way to a man's heart for a woman is through his stomach, but the best way to a man's heart from another man, is compliment his TV. "Nice TV Kent." "Yeah, my little sugar booty got that or me last Christmas so I could watch the Super Bowl." Rolling her eyes slightly, Carly responded. "Sugar booty is Kent's pet name for me, mine for him is ass." With a jovial chuckle Kent continued. "You have to keep these women on their toes. Do you like sports Mel?" Feeling a little defensive Mel knew he had to come up with something quick since he knew a little to nothing about sports."You know Kent, I've watched a little bit of American sports, but due to my dad being in the military and stationed in the England area, I was raised up on Cricket." With a look that bordered slightly on diappointment. "You don't say..That must've been interesting." Looking at Carly Kent told her. "Carly, babe why don't you get Mel and I a beer. You do drink beer don't you Mel?" Feeling it was a challenge to redeem himself to Kent, Mel replied. "Sure Kent, I'll have a beer." Carly changed her view to look at Melissa. "Great, Missy and I will get you guys a beer while Missy and I catch up." Melissa reluctantly followed Carly into the kitchen, while walking in that direction she could overhear Kent's conversation with Mel."You know I don't think man will ever completely understand the fairer sex, they can talk all morning to each other on the phone and have to catch up later that evening." Missy and Carly girl talking Once Carly had gotten the guys a couple of beers and pretzles, she returned to the kitchen to visit and get to know the Missy 2.0. "Well... what do you think about my knight in shining armor?" "Honestly...?" "Well of course girl." With a slight processing of being called "girl" by a female, or in thinking about it, another female. "He's a little bit on the sexist side isn't he?" With a giggle Carly looks into the face that had been her friend for years, but now is practically a complete stranger. "Honey, you're going to notice a whole bunch of things with men that you most likely didn't notice when you were one yourself.Here there's no sense in standing up by the sink, we have a breakfast nook over here in the corner." As the two ladies seated themselves Csrly stated, "I'm impressed you did that very well, Mel has really been working with you." "What do you mean?" "You smoothed your dress very lady like before you sat. Your speech inflections are spot on. Body language is good. My guess though is that Mel chose that dress." "No, actually I did." With a mixture of being impressed and surprised Carly stated. "Interesting, you may end up being a natural as a female." "I doubt that, Mel has been grilling me amost from sun up until sun down. Of course in fairness, I have been doing a lot of training with him as well. I'm not saying I was a macho kinda dude, but I had the male thing down." "Mel told me both you and Kimmy had girlfriends." "Yeah that's been almost two months ago, and a half a life time. Kevin's girlfriend was name Vicky. I felt so bad for Kimmy when we left. The girl that Mel had me use due to Mel having used her before as Missy looked a lot like Kimmy's girlfriend when she was Kevin. I think about Shelly, but I'm not even aware that she was a shifted person or not. For all I know she may be a male Chinese waiter somewhere. "Missy I'd think Kimmy being as young as she is now, shouldn't have too much of a sex issue. Now you, are you having any issues?" "Carly I'm a little out of my league, I know girls most likely do have sex talks. I guess not that much different from the guys, except maybe not as course." Smiling, Carla could see she had a lot of educating with this one."You'd be surprised my dear. Has either of you begun to flirt with the other yet?" Being shocked almost speechless, Missy sputtered. "Carly, that's pretty personal stuff. If you must know though, no we haven't been jumping each other's bones!" "You know that sometimes when he goes to the bathroom he jerks it, in case you weren't aware." After a few seconds of not even beginning to know how to respond, Missy finally speaks. "Exactly how would you know this?" "He told me. You know what else he told me?" With a little trepidation, but she had to know for some reason, Missy asks. "Ok I may end up regretting this, but what else?" "Mel did tell you he was bisexual as Missy didn't he?" "Yes, he mentioned it." "He told me he was having some of the weirdest feelings." "Feelings...?" "He said he was getting turned on looking at your ass." At this point Missy was almost in overload, but she couldn't help but be intrigued for some reason." He did not, you're messing with me now Carly! This was his ass no more than a couple of months ago." After giving her husband a report of dinner being in the next 15 minutes and bringing the guys a couple more beers, Carly returned to her's and Missy's conversation." Missy, when you think of yourself do you think of David or Missy?" After a couple a minute of thinking, Missy began to have a very odd expression on her face. "Carly.... this is freaking me out." "I'm sorry Missy, I've been very rude. This is the way the original Missy and I talked. I need to start keeping in mind that even with a vagina now, you'r not entirely female." Very slowly Missy responds, "Carly to answer your last question, I've been thinking of myself more and more as Missy, as a female." "I had a suspicion that that may happen. Look sweety, you have tons of estrogen that has been running through your system for the better of two months. I'm not exprecting an answer, but have you caught yourself looking at any erections that Mel has had in the last couple of months? If you have, again no answer is required. You can bet with Mel having testosterone running through his system, he's been thinking a lot about sex. You should know this having been a male yourself at one time." On that note the bell went off on the oven signalling the ladies that they needed to get dinner out to the guys. "Kent smiling sheepishly at Carly and Missy. "Well did you ladies come up with a workable plan to knock us guys off in our sleep?" Smiling Carly responded."You'll not get off that easy sir, first you have some torture to be put through." With a serious look Kent asked Carly, "did you call your sister to see how Jonathan was?" "No Missy and I got wrapped in chatting, I'll give her a call after dinner to see if everything is alright." Missy asked in concern. "How has Jonathan been handling his shift?" "It's been a little bit of a challenge, we transferred him into a different school so nobody knew him except the person he is now." "How is he doing in school academically?" "Oh that, he's doing fine. We wasn't happy going back to junior high, but as you can imagine he's at the top of the class. He says all the other kids are really nice to him. He even said some of the girls were flirting with him." Kent began to chime in. "I know it's been hard him now being a different race and being five years younger, but from what I've been hearing on the TV it could've been worse." Mel continuing to try and butter up to Kent. "So I've heard. I've heard about young people suddenly being old, healthy people all of a sudden having some sort of disability." With a mischievous grin, that's a cue from one man to another that he was getting ready to be an ass. "Oh wait until you hear this my new friend, I've heard about men finding themselves in women's bodies. Can you imagine having to sit and pee for the rest of your life, dealing with periods and menopause?" Indignantly Carly replies. "Well as you can see from Missy and I it doesn't kill you!" Mel and Missy decides to just let husband and wife lead that converstion with each other. Besides Missy af5ter her and Carly's kitchen chat she had much more to think about than Kent's sexism. Later in the evening after several love pats on Carly's butt, and a couple borderline PG kisses between Carly and Kent, Kent felt obligated to let his new buddy know it was alright to show a little public display of affection. "Mel mind you it's not my business, but if you two plan on staying a couple you need to become more romantic than a NASCAR race. I saw you two hold hands maybe 3 minutes since you've been here. As you could see with Carly and me, this isn't a no kissing home." Mel doing his best to do a manly good natured chuckle replied to his host's chiding." Oh I know, you should see us at the apartment, after we get Kimmy in bed we turn into a couple of animals." With a mischievous grin, Kent continues. "well you know turtles are considered animals." Carly sensing Missy's discomfort. "Oh Kent just because we're a couple of sex fiends with each other, doesn't mean they have to be." "Oh I know sugar booty, call me a romantic but it'd be nice to see them do one couple like kiss." Seeing that Kent was not one to admit defeat easily, Melissa was ready to take action that'd shut down Kent's chiding. Missy walked up to Mel, putting her arms up around Mel's neck. She really hadn't truly appreciated the heigth difference until this time, Mel must be around 6'2", and she was now maybe 5'3. "Ok lover boy, let's show him what you got." A surprised Mel leaned down to kiss Missy with only a slightly more passionate kiss than a brother would give. Missy at this time decided what the heck in for a penny, in for a pound. Wasn't about to give up the embrace too soon. "No sweety, I said let's show him what we really got." Taking cue, gave Missy a definant PG kiss. Only to be surprised when he felt Missy's tongue running across his lips during the kiss. Mel decided what the heck, he allowed his mouth to open slightly which resulted and a full blown French kiss. After their kiss had ended, Mel turned to Kent. "See I told you when the girls were in the kitchen that I had a hot little momma." Kent grinning ear to ear." My friend I agree you do have a hot momma, mind you not as hot as Carly though." With that the couples had a good laugh, with no further chiding from Kent for the remainder of the evening. As Carly was hugging Missy goodnight, whispered in her ear."What got into you girl? You keep that up Mel is going to end up playing hide the sausage with you." Melissa just smiled and waved goodnight to her hosts. It'd been 15 minutes since Mel and Missy had backed out of Kent's and Carly's driveway without a word spoken between the two. Which makes a very odd night even more odd. In the couple of months that the two had shared a roof along with Kimmy, there had always been open conversation between the three. Often times it was between Missy and Kimmy due to their long time friendship when they were still David and Kevin. During the times that Kimmy had been put down for her nap, or at night after her bath and put into bed, Mel and Missy would enjoy conversations that had evolved into deeper and deeper chats. Now here they were sharing some very awkward silence. Finally it was Mel that broke the silence. "So what did you girls talk about while you were in the kitchen?" Missy couldn't help but giggling. "What!?" "You've really become a guy haven't you? That question has been asked by guys for many years. To answer your question though, Carly said you'd done a very good job in feminizing me. She also said I'd done a pretty good job in masculinizing you." "Well that's a relief, that was it?" "She said she had done some considerations regarding us." "Oh..?" "She was curious how I was dealing with all of the estrogen running through my system, and how you were doing with the testosterone running through yours." "I'm not having any problems, aside from the shaving thing." "Are you sure, nothing else?" "Yep, how about you?" "Aside from the fact of bleeding to death three weeks ago?" "Oh come on Missy it wasn't that bad." "Ok, maybe I'm exaturating just a little bit." Another few minutes go by with silence until once again Mell breaks the silence. "Ok, what was with the kiss!?" "Mel you said we may have to give each other a friendly peck." With a broad grin, "Missy that was no peck, you checked my tonsils with your tongue." "Well you know I told you about my uncle and aunt that took care of us briefly after my folks died. My uncle was a pushy man, I just wanted to shut Kent's pushiness down." "Tickling my tonsils with your tongue?" "You had your tongue in my mouth as well." Before Mel could respond, they had reached the apartment. A trip up the elevator, report was recieved from Maggie. Checking on Kimmy, the two went into the living room and sat on the sofa. Just as Mel was going to turn the TV on, he put the remote down and looked directly into Missy's eyes. "Carly told you didn't she?" "That you'd been checking out my ass, yes." Mel wasn't one to blush, but at this point he was blushing."I'm sorry Missy, I guess the testosterone is having more of an effect than I admitted." Missy stated very slowly and softly. "I guess I've been effected more than I admitted to with the estrogen" "Why..?" "After talking to Carly it dawned on me." "What dawned on you?" "In the morning I always notice your erections." "You've been checking out my erections!?" "I was curious about something. Sometimes the erection would be gone after you took your morning pee. When that happened your shorts were always dry in the front, other times your erection would be gone and the shorts had a wet spot in the front." "I can't believe you've been checking out my erections." "I can't believe you've been jerking." "So that means one thing then." With that Melvin leaned over and took Missy in his arms and gave the same kiss that they'd shared earlier at Kent's and Carly's. "You kissed me!" "Yes Missy I did." With that Missy leaned into Mel to be kissed again. Before she knew what was happening Mel had scooped her up in his arms and was walking towards the bedroom. "Mel no, we'll wake Missy up." The two worked together and pulled out the sofa bed that Missy had been sleeping on since moving into the apartment. Mel held Missy in his arms kissing her deeply, Lowered her onto the mattress. Missy's head was swimming, she commented. "Mel, we, we're going to.." "Have sex, that's my hope Missy." Missy had already gone past the point of stopping." That's my hope to Mel." Mel was amazing, why wouldn't he be he knew every magic spot on her body. Before either of them knew what was happening they were ripping each other's clothes off. "Missy before I go on, are you ready for the grand finale?" "I'll be honest, I'm a little scared." "I promise it won't hurt, my, I mean your cherry has been popped many years ago. I will be very slow and ease into you very easy." With a gulp Missy answered, "Ok." With a tenderness that Missy had never experienced before as a man, Mel brings her close to him. "Trust me Missy, I understand the feeling you're having. I will be very gentle and slow with this. I want you relish every second of this as much as I will, will you trust me?" Although in knowing, which in consideration was obvious, Mel was indeed a very special man. A man that over the last couple of months she'd come to see; as a friend, a confidant, someone of compassion and honesty, now as someone of passion that she was going to experience. With that she looked up into his face outlined by the faint light of the darkened living room, waiting for his kiss. A kiss that in some respect she feels that that should be wrong, but her heart, mind, and body screams as very right. "Mel, take me into your arms and make love to me." Melissa somewhat mentally cringed and how cheesy the words sounded that came out of her mouth, but it was exactly what Mel was needing to hear. After a very deep passionate kiss, Mel gave this instruction. "Babe, roll onto your back and spread your legs." Without hestitation or a word spoken, Missy complied. Mel positioned himself on her left outstretched leg, lowering his hand to her very wet female love orifice." I am going to massage you down there alright?" All that Missy was able to utter was, "alright sweety." Gently parting her love lips Mel knew exactly where his focus needed to be. He began to gently massage the little nub that was the equivilant of the male's penis head, the clitoris. Although Missy knew already that in sensitivity, the tip of the penis she once had, was in no way as sensitive as this wonderous new equipment she now possessed. "Ohh Mel, I had no idea. It didn't even feel this good when I was doing it to myself. Mel smiled to himself at Missy's confession that she's been masturbating as well. Upon stopping his focus of attention on her most sensitive of spots, he entered two of his fingers into her vaginal canal. Missy felt the involutary tightening of muscles that only had recently been at her disposal."Oh my gosh, that is so weird!" Mel thinking he'd done something wrong. "What, did I do something wrong!?" "Ohh no, it felt really right. I just never had those feelins before." With a little chuckle from Mel, "oh the best is yet to come. Missy do you trust me?" "Mel, over the last couple of months I've come to love your honesty, decency, and generosity so very much. Of course I trust you." "I need you to spread your legs more for me then." Although the part of her that had once been male screamed no, every other part of her was ready to comply. "Ok sweety." Even using such words of endearment seemed odd , but that was not going to stop Missy from enjoying the experience this man was about to introduce her to. Slowly, very gingerly, Mel positioned himself between her legs for an easy penetration. When Missy felt the tip of his penis pushing apart the lips that was the outside of her love canal and the begining of that canal. Missy could not refuse the impulse to thrust her inner pelvis up to meet Mel's entry into her. "Oh my Mel, I can not believe how wonderful this feels." "I have to say it feels a lot better than I could ever have imagined from this end as well." With a very soft kiss to Missy's lips. "Now shhh, just relax and enjoy the ride Missy." With a very slow impaling and withdrawing, Mel's pace began to become faster and more urgent." Missy, I think, I, I, I think I'm going to.." With that Mel unloaded more semen into Mel than he thought possible. While Missy was experiencing an orgasm that was in no way possible to explain to a male in terms he could even begin to comprehend. Not only was it involving the exquist contraction happening in her vagina, it also included her nipples, not to mention the entirety of her being. Both lovers were expressing their blissfulness with primal grunts and whimpers. Once they both orgasmed, Melvin continue to rest on top of Missy until he felt his penis no longer able to maintain enough rigidity to allow his manhood to stay in her. After experiencing what was the equivilent of the male post orgasm fuzzies, Mel asked. "Any regrets?" "Maybe that it didn't last long enough." With a smile and rolling off the edge of the sofa bed, Mel picked Missy up like she weighed nothing and began heading toward what has been his bed. "Mel, what are you doing !?" "I thought I'd relocate us to a more accomadating environment." "Silly, it's an environment that we'd wake Kimmy up in." Missy mentally cringed a little in no sooner had Missy said that, she was struck how girly that'd must've sounded. Apparently either Mel didn't catch it, or decided to not say anything about it. "Good point, so are you ok with round two on the sofa bed?" "Maybe round three.." Once laying comfortably back on the sofa bed, Mel was not returning to being fit for duty as fast as Missy would've liked. "Hmm, it looks like you may need some help." "Missy you're not going to do that are you!" "No I'm no where ready for that chapter, yet. I am ready to do this though." With that she grabbed his shaft and began carressing and pumping it with her hand to where he was as hard as a brick." Over the next hour the couple had expended close to two months of sexual frustration. At five am Missy woke with a start. "Mel, what time is it!?" "Looking at the illuminate hands on his watch, "It's almost six." "You need to get up and go into your room before Kimmy wakes up." "I hate to leave good company, but maybe you're right." At 7:45 Missy heard Kimmy begin to stir, followed by her cute little voice, "Hello anyone awake, there's a kid in need here." Missy, slipping her gown on that she'd finally broke down and was comfortable enough to start wearing last week, to take care of Kimmy's dirty diaper. Upon breakfast Kimmy kept eyeing both Mel and Missy with a smile. Finally Missy couldn't stand it anymore."Young lady, do we have horns growing out of us or something?" Unable to suppress a giggle, "No I'm just wondering when you two are going to break down and tell me." Looking up innocently from his laptop, Mel asked."Tell you what Kimmy?" Mel had a morning ritual of going to the website of "" in hope against hope, that someone may have come across a very juvenile individual saying their name was Kimmy. Kimmy had begun calling Mel daddy and Melissa mommy so that she wouldn't be as apt to goof up and say something wrong. "First, mommy comes and changed me reeking of sex, then daddy you walk past us going to the bathroom reeking of sex. I may be a baby, but I still do remember the smell of sex when I smell it." After a momentary amount of blushing, Missy responds." I think she's busted us Mel." "look you two are adults, which is more than I can say about me anymore. That's why if you've been noticing, I've begun to play with the orginal Missy's dolls and toys." Mel spoke up then. "Yes I did notice, I almost yelled at you for it. Then I thought, you must be bored out of your mind being a child, so why not let you break the monotony playing with her toys? Not to mention, we've all been putting in a major effort to appear normal in very adnormal times" "So you don't mind then?" "Not if you don't mind Missy's and my changed relationship?" "Does that mean we're all going to be sharing the same bedroom now?" With a smile Mel looks over at Melissa," I don't know if mommy even wants to." With a mischievous grin, Missy replies. "Well... the bed would most likely be more comforatble than the sofa bed." With a hurt look Mel reacts." So, I'm just a bed to you?" Missy giggling, "that and a great piece of ass." Mel smiling, "Missy, the kids!" With that everyone broke into laughter. Having survived her second period, Missy was beginning to learn the art of managing monthly periods. She was actually kinda glad to have had her second period in considering Mel and her having had unprotected sex a couple of days before. The months began to roll by, before the three of them knew it. Carly and Missy developed a good friendship, as well as Kent and Mel. Mel was able to use some contacts via Melissa to arrange for some very legal fake ID papers, so he officially became Kevin Davidson. Kimmy is now 3 years old, and no longer in diapers. As a matter of fact, she's even wearing big girl panties now. Then to top it off last night, Mel told Missy that Kent would agree to be his Best Man if Carly agreed to be Melissa's Maid of Honor. That of course become an official proposal. With a wedding scheduled at the beginning of Fall, exactly a year and two months after the day that changed all of their lives, July 20, 2022, the day of the Great Shift. The End "The only constant in the universe is change." Carl Sagan

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

1 year ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

2 years ago
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

1 year ago
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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...

2 years ago
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

4 years ago
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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

2 years ago
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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anthea

My name is Anthony and I am twenty-two years old. I have extra-long dark hair and darker eyes. I tie my hair into a ponytail and have a close trimmed beard. I look handsome and enjoy keeping myself in shape. I am a lucky guy as I have a very sexy girlfriend who is two years older than me. Zoe and I met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off right away. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her small beautiful mouth sits beneath a cute button nose. All in all, Zoe is a goddess and I love...

3 years ago
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Great Shift A Changed Morning

An alarm blared from a white iPhone, encased in a decorative rose protection cover that sat on a nightstand as light streamed through the singular window of the two-story house. Contained on the bed next to the nightstand was what looked to be a small girl, no older then five who gently rubbed her eyes as she got up and smacked the alarm off. Mary sighed as she threw her short legs off the side of the bed and yawned, stretching her arms as she looked around her room. She had only...

4 years ago
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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

3 years ago
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A Fathers RevengeChapter 2 The Deceptions Origin

March 17, 1991: Teresa Magavio and her 3 best friends had taken a much-needed vacation from their university classwork and headed off to Panama City for spring break. Teresa, Jill, Mary, and Tammy were all about to graduate from the Auburn University school of architecture and begin their professional lives. All of them had been looking to relax, work on their tans, and maybe enjoy a bit of harmless romance along the way. Since arriving on Friday evening, the ladies had spent 2 days on the...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

3 years ago
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The BarlowsThea

Three months later, the sound of laughter made Thea Barton look up. The now twenty year -old blond-headed beauty was in the living room reading when she heard it. Recognizing the voice of Uncle Dan, she smiled as she waited to see whom he was going to be with. When the laughter grew louder, she smiled. Ah, yes! It was Irene, her now very good friend! Uncle Dan seemed to prefer her to the others. Her being married seemed to make no difference to all concerned parties. Thea smiled to herself,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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A Day in the Life of Dr Smithers

Clayton Smithers was really glad he had listened to his mother when she told him he should become a doctor. Mom had always told him it would be a lot of work but worth it in money and prestige. She had been only part right. Hardly any work had been required, just learning the jargon and technical terms by studying books and papers written by psychiatrists who had taken the hard route to obtaining their degrees. Clayton Smithers had taken the easy route, buying his degree from the best diploma...

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites

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