The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire
- 2 years ago
- 115
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The evening wasn't going as planned, but that was a good thing. It was supposed to just be drinks after work but it had turned into dinner and now they were still lingering in the restaurant hours later.
David looked around the little steakhouse. The couple at the last remaining table was putting on their coats. He sighed. "This has been so much fun but I guess we're going to have to call it a night," he said, returning his gaze to the table-mate.
The young woman looked around, surprised for a moment. "Oh, wow. What time is it?" She dug into her purse for her phone.
David smiled, "Nearly ten, I think." Neither of them had touched their phones since sitting down. There'd been no need.
David had not expected much from this meeting. The dating app scene had proved to be a drag. Everyone was so casual and so determined to be cool and aloof about it all. David knew he was guilty of it too. Don't seem desperate, don't be creepy, talk yourself up just the right amount.
He watched her check messages now. Her barely-contained auburn curls caught the soft lights of the restaurant so nicely.
A moment later he realized she was giving him a little grin, looking up at him from her phone. She'd caught him staring at her. He smiled and just shrugged.
The bill was already paid and the waiters were giving them the eye. There were no more excuses; it was time to leave and part ways. This was their first meeting, it was supposed to be just for drinks after all and had already gone further than planned.
David stood and grabbed her coat, holding it for her. She gave him the same smile and let him help her with it.
When they had planned this, it had been such a polite and staid negotiation. She'd begun as "TrafficCone91". He was "Glider007". They'd communicated through the app. She worked downtown where there were a lot of choices and he wouldn't have much trouble getting off a little early on Friday so they'd agreed to meet near her work.
No flirting or seduction, just an agreement to meet.
He found her at the restaurant bar she chose. She looked just like her profile picture. That big auburn hair had been like a beacon. She'd still been in her coat when he arrived. They greeted each other and took stools at a high bar-side table. He had a chance to get a good look at her as she took her coat off. She was in navy dress slacks and a form-fitting dark gray sweater. The sweater was a vee neck and she wore a white turtleneck under it. She had a lean figure but seemed broad through the shoulders.
David was pretty sure she gave him a good once over as well as he settled in. The high stools weren't his favorite and it took him a moment to climb aboard and get his feet secured on the railing.
At only 5'4" he tried very hard not to be self-conscious of his height. According to her profile, "TrafficCone91" was 5'9". His own black hair had a natural wave and he'd been wearing it down to his collar in back recently. He thought it looked too debonair to be called a mullet.
Past the initial greeting and after ordering drinks he asked, "So, why TrafficCone?"
She puffed through her lips and answered, "Isn't it obvious?" Then she grabbed a handful of her hair on each side and pulled it down and away from her head. "I look like a traffic cone!"
"Oh, but I like it! Your hair is what first got my attention on your profile."
And the night had progressed from there. After such a dull set of digital exchanges, it was a surprise to both of them how well they clicked. When they decided to move from the bar down to a real table and have dinner, they took the opportunity to exchange cell numbers.
But now the night was over. Looking around at the tasteful garland and small clusters of Christmas lights in the restaurant as they meandered to the exit, David felt a little wistful. He knew better than to try to invite her to his place or anything... but he wished he could.
They were both in for a shock when they stepped outside. They stared at what greeted them for several long seconds and then Linda said, "Shit. What the hell?" There was no humor at all in her voice.
The downtown street was a winter wonderland. Big, lazy flakes fell steadily from the sky. Streetlights and Christmas decorations created glowing halos in the air. Both looked up at the steakhouse's awning, blinking at the fat cornice that had built up over the sidewalk.
She turned to him. "Did you know it was snowing?" There was an unhappy edge in her voice
He shook his head. "No. Didn't have clue. We weren't supposed to get anything till morning, were we?"
"That's what I thought too." She zipped her coat up higher and pulled up her collar. It was a good coat but had no hood. She had no hat and was wearing sensible but light shoes. "I am screwed!" she said mournfully.
"Not used to driving in snow?" he asked.
"I didn't drive!" she was agitated now. "I'd be just fine in my Subaru but I took the bus today."
"Oh," he said.
She looked at him. "This time of night the bus only comes once an hour and I've got blocks and blocks to walk." She kicked at some of the snow. "It's nearly six inches already."
There was a pregnant pause. He put a hand on her shoulder and said, "No problem, I can give you a ride home. My 4Runner's just over in that garage there." He pointed across the street.
She looked at him for a few moments. Any sensible woman has to be careful in this world. On the other hand, regardless of how very real the dangers were, it was also easy to exaggerate them. She'd gotten nothing but a good, comfortable feeling from David all night. She'd enjoyed herself just as much as he had.
Bus and freeze her tits off (or more likely run the literal risk of losing toes), try her luck with Uber or trust this fireplug of a man. He was short but Linda had definitely noticed how he carried himself. David moved with a smooth steadiness that had fascinated her all night. She couldn't believe how much she had enjoyed watching him cut his steak. The way his shoulders shifted and the sure grip of his surprisingly broad but shapely hands with neatly trimmed nails. She'd even asked him if he was a woodworker or sculptor or something but he'd just laughed. Claimed he could just manage to drive a nail straight but she still wondered.
She knew then that she didn't have to give it any more thought. She'd trust herself to those hands. "Okay, Prince Charming. Take me to your chariot."
The parking garage was nearly empty. Linda berated herself for letting time get away from her so badly. Even without the snow, getting herself home at this time of night would have been a bit nerve-racking.
They piled into the SUV. Linda noted that it was tidy inside, though not very new.
"Where to?" he asked.
The streets were snow-packed but there was no traffic to speak of. They wended their way out of downtown and were soon in one of the old turn-of-the-century neighborhoods. Elm and sycamore-lined the streets, bare branches reaching overhead. Snow was sticking thickly to them now and falling flakes still swirled through the air.
The houses here were all along hills above the street, set well back. Most were brick with high, gabled attic spaces and big front porches. Scattered among these old matronly homes were old cracker-box designs on smaller lots. And occasionally, there were looming edifices of aluminum siding were older homes had been scraped and replaced.
Many of the homes were festooned with Christmas lights. David bent over the steering wheel, staring. "It's beautiful."
"I love this neighborhood." She answered. They sat in silence a bit longer as they crunched down the road. "About two more blocks."
She guided him to a spot of pristine white in front of one of the tall, old brick houses. There was a simple string of red, white and green lights along the porch and a beautiful tree shining in the front window.
David had decided he would kiss Linda. He was certain they would see each other again and he wanted to start breaking the ice more. Also, he wanted to feel her lips on his.
But before he could make his move, her hand gripped his thigh. He tried not to show that it caused that funny twinge in his groin. "How about you come in, David? Help me start a fire."
He raised his eyebrows. That was the closest thing to a double-entendre either had offered all night. Belatedly, David realized that as pleasant as the evening had been, there'd been no flirting. It had felt intimate without suggesting anything sexual... even though he was very much attracted to this woman.
Linda found she still didn't want the night to end. She'd thought about it and found a hundred reason not to invite this man in but none of them had matched her simple urge to be with him.
"That sounds nice," he said.
They shooshed their way up the stairs, Linda searching for her keys. "I do have one confession to make. This is my parent's house."
"Oh," he said, stamping snow from his boots. He couldn't quite keep the disappointment out of his voice.
She just grinned at him. "But the good news is, they're in Arizona for the winter. I've got the place to myself." She unlocked the door.
The old house had a tiny vestibule with a row of coat-hooks and an inner door. "Could you take off your shoes? Don't want to track snow everywhere," she said. She started shrugging out of her coat and he followed suit.
The airlock-like room was smaller than a bathroom stall. They bumped shoulders and elbows and butts many times as they removed their coats and shoes. Linda hung their outer-ware and opened the inner door.
The front room was bathed in soft light from the tree. The carpet was warm and thick under David's stocking feet. "This is nice," he commented.
"The house was originally my grandmother's," Linda said, moving into the room. "My parents only moved in about four years ago. We all wanted to keep the house in the family."
David saw the big fireplace. It was raised a foot or two off the floor, a brick ledge large enough to sit on separating it from the rest of the room. The mantle had a string of gold Christmas lights strung along it. "So your grandmother is...?"
"Oh, she's still kicking." Linda grinned. "She's in a retirement home now but she's doing well there. After pop-pop passed away, she had a couple rough years but she's around other people now and seems happy."
They stood close. David rested an arm along her back. She let him pull her a little closer. "You any good at building fires?" she asked.
"Sure, all you need is the right kind of wood." He felt her shake with quiet laughter. Then she pointed to a crate next to the fire place.
"Well, there's kindling and some newspaper there. The rest of the wood's on the back porch." She let her arm trail along low on his back as she moved away toward the kitchen. "If you get started with the fire, I'll make us some hot chocolate. Real stuff on the stove with milk. I think I have marshmallows too."
He watched her go, certain she was swaying more than necessary. The dress slacks weren't terribly flattering but David had a pretty good imagination and liked what he saw. Perhaps on the boyish side but quite lively.
Then he made himself stop before it got creepy and looked around the room. A long-legged, old-fashioned couch sat against the wall opposite from the fireplace. He saw that the wall the couch sat against was actually a staircase. Bunting and lights entwined the banister.
He knelt by the fireplace and looked the situation over. Lady wanted him to build the fire, he'd build the fire.
A couple of minutes later he joined her in the kitchen. "You said the wood is on the back porch?"
She was slowly stirring a saucepan of what would soon be hot chocolate. She pointed to a door at the back of the kitchen. "Right through there. It's a covered porch and the wood is right by the door."
David grabbed a small armful of split logs and was back inside quickly. Linda chose that moment to pull her sweater up over her head and wiggle out of it. She tossed it onto a kitchen chair and gave him a look as she ran her hands through her hair. "That's better." She smiled.
"Yeah," David answered. The soft material of the turtleneck clung to her small breasts. David licked his lips unconsciously. She was clearly not wearing a bra; the high swell of each mound showed prominently as did each tiny nipple.
Linda didn't comment on the fact that he had stopped in his tracks or that he was staring at her breasts. Instead, she reached to the back of a counter while asking, "Want some creme de menthe in the chocolate?"
"That'd be great," he said, belatedly meeting her eyes. He gestured with his armload. "Fire should be ready in just a sec."
"Good," she said, satisfied grin on her face. She placed some mugs on the cook-top next to the simmering pan and resumed slowly stirring the brew.
A few minutes later he lit the newspaper and kindling. Bending low, he gently blew on the nascent flames. He sensed movement behind him and then a steaming mug was set beside him on the elevated hearth. Linda knelt close, resting her arm on his back. Very low on his back, in fact.
She watched him for a moment, not for the first time that night noticing the thickness of his lips. "Sorry, we don't have a bellows. Keep meaning to get one but I don't get around to making a fire very often."
"No problem," he said, glancing at her. "Looks like this will work."
She moved away to sit on the floor with her back against the couch, watching him work. She was feeling very warm all over. She sipped the chocolate and watched David's ass, though his jeans weren't nearly tight enough for her taste. The way his hair hung past his face and let flickering firelight filter through was very primal looking though.
Once the bigger logs began to catch, David grabbed his mug and joined her leaning against the couch. "Sorry," she said. "I know this couch isn't very comfortable. Gran would throw a fit if we got rid of it though."
The couch was a wood-frame design with the cushions set inside the frame meaning they were leaning against a narrow wooden rail. In truth, it was uncomfortable but David answered, "It'll do."
They sat quietly, watching the flames build and sipping drinks. "This is good chocolate," he commented.
She said only "mm-hmm" in response but she also rested her hand on his thigh and leaned closer. He sighed and let his head rest on her shoulder for a few minutes.
He gestured at the fire, "The right side isn't catching very well." He left his drink under the couch and crawled across the floor, grabbing a poker. He was going to move some wood around but Linda followed him and unexpectedly bent herself over his back. He froze and she pressed her lips to her ear. She whispered, "I think these pants are getting in the way, don't you?" The sensation of her lips against his ear as she spoke each word made his heart pound.
As did her fast little fingers as they worked on his snap and fly. She chuckled as she pulled his pants down to his knees. She laughed a little harder as he shifted back and forth as she worked them off the rest of the way while he knelt awkwardly.
When they were finally off, she tossed them aside. She indulged herself in one smooth caress of the briefs clinging to his backside. "There we go. Now the show's worth watching."
She settled back against the couch, still chuckling to herself as she watched David work with the fire. Yes, the view was much better.
David put the poker aside and stood. He turned around. Linda eyed him challengingly and boldly let her gaze drop to the front of his briefs. She frowned slightly; the shadow and cotton conspired to hide the subject of her curiosity.
David really liked the way Linda was looking at him. Any question of where the night was leading was gone now. While standing there between the flames in the hearth and the fire of her gaze, he stripped his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. His hair ended up cascading over his eyes but he left it there.
Linda watched him step close and kneel before her. She watched raptly as he lifted one of those broad hands and ran his fingers through her thick hair. He held her face tightly but when his lips touched hers, it was gentle as the snowfall.
The kiss was brief. He drew back a fraction and looked into her eyes. She grinned and like him, ran her hand into his glossy locks. She pulled him closer again, her mouth not quite closed.
David rested his free hand against the couch and leaned into Linda. Her other hand reached for his ass, pulling him close. She giggled into his mouth and wiggled her hand under his waistband, feeling the hard warmth and hair.
When they came up for air his hands scrambled to the hem of her turtleneck. He began to pull it off over her head but the narrow neck slowed the process.
While she was stuck with her hands in the air and half smothered by the shirt, he just stopped and stared at her. Her breasts were such delightful morsels. High and round, tiny pink nipples pointing right at him.
She finally freed herself from the shirt and blew hair out of her eyes. David's intent gaze excited her and made her blush. Her breasts tightened even more, throbbing almost visibly.
And then in a blink, David's lush lips were pressed around a tit and his tongue ground against her excited nipple.
"Oh god," she said, putting her hands on his shoulders but not to push him away. Her legs squirmed and her eyes fluttered as he sought to inhale her whole.
When he switched breasts, his hands went down to her waistband and started pulling her slacks down. Linda hunched to let them free. They bunched around her knees for a while because David didn't want to leave her tit.
She wanted to feel his lips on hers again. She grabbed him by ear and hair and forced his head up to hers. Their open mouths locked together and both held their breath as they sank into one another.
This time, Linda went to the front of David's briefs and found the massive lump there. Both moaned as she gripped it hard. It felt alive in her hand. He was so hard for her it made her giddy.
She fought up against him and urged him to lie back on the floor. The fire burned high now and he was lit by the dancing yellow light.
She delighted in the pure maleness of his form in the flickering firelight. She lightly ran a hand through the thick, dark hair covering his chest and stomach.
David watched her in turn. Her small breasts hung beneath her slim form, glistening from their time with his mouth. Very eager now, her hand slid down his body and under his waistband. When she took hold of him, her nostrils flared. He groaned and gripped her leg, his feet tense on the floor.
With her hand finally wrapped flesh-to-flesh around his burning cock, she bent to his lips and sucked his tongue nearly out of his mouth.
Their hearts were pounding. He grabbed her chest and squeezed her soft plums. She ran her hand the length of his manhood, lube from the tip spreading wetly under her hand.
Gasping, she released their kiss and stared down at her hand. Impatiently she shifted down his body and levered his briefs out of the way. She made a quiet noise of frustration and moved down to his legs, gripped his shorts with both hands and yanked them off.
David's thick cock thudded against his stomach. Linda stared at it a moment before taking it in both hands and holding it upright. Her own sex had gone slick and was now dripping.
Linda was not a fan of giving head but loved to handle cocks. David's sturdy member was beautiful. Its length was perhaps not great but it was a very, very solid piece of meat with a gorgeous purple head.
She swallowed hard. "Do you have condoms?" she asked hoarsely.
She could almost feel the blood drain from him for a moment. "Shit. Well, yeah but in the car."
She gave him an unreadable smile as she weighed his nutsack. She let him stew for a bit before finally saying, "Lucky for you I am just as prepared as I am sexy." She jumped to her feet and in a trice was racing up the stairs.
David watched her pale legs flashing behind the banister. "Wow, babe. Killer legs."
She was gone for perhaps a minute. When she reappeared at the top of the stairs, she had a thick comforter over her shoulder. David watched her lightly stampede down. She dropped the comforter in front of the fire and posed in the flickering light.
Davide laughed. She had a strip of condoms tucked in her panties, hanging like a tail over her backside.
Before she could drop back to the floor, he halted her with a firm grip on her thigh. Then he grabbed the tops of her panties and slowly drew them down her lean thighs, past her slightly knobby knees and shapely calves. The foil strip dropped to the floor and she flicked the shorts away with one toe.
David ran his hand up one long leg and never hesitated until his fingers were buried in her soft amber pubes.
Linda stumbled, falling into David. He took her, briefly supporting her with his shoulder before rolling her onto her back onto the floor. By chance, her hips came to rest on the half-wadded comforter.
Now he rose on his knees over her, his cock protruding heavily. Without thinking, she spread her legs wide for him. She brushed the fur of her mound, about to spread herself for him but he pulled her hand away and bent low between her thighs. "No, let me."
Oh my god, those hands. Linda would never in her life find the words to describe what happened over the next ten minutes. Her pussy had never been treated to such a thorough, intimate and skilled going over in her life.
Every move David made was gentle but over time he opened her up and delved into her folds so completely that Linda felt turned inside out. His lips and tongue found every part of her, delving deep and teasing the surface and treating her little joy-pearl like a hockey puck. And his fingers...
What was it about this man's hands? Everything they did was mesmerizing. He had her splayed open and mindless with pleasure in no time. Even when he worked all four fingers of that big hand all the way in, it should have been way too much but it just wasn't. Her body was putty for him to shape.
At no point did he tease her or slow down but somehow, he avoided triggering her orgasm for all that time. It felt so good but she didn't quite crash over the edge. It just kept getting better and better.
Finally, with just two fingers teasing her G-spot and his mouth gnawing on her entire upper mound, she arched her back, clung to his hair and gritted her teeth around a scream as she came all over him.
Linda went limp. She lay panting, trying to catch her breath. "Holy fuck, that was unbelievable."
David rose, kneeling between her legs. "You taste fantastic. I could eat you out all night."
Through slitted eyelids, she peered along her body at him. He had one hand on her hip, his thumb caressing her furry mound. His other hand gently stroked his fat cock. Instantly, she was electrified by the sight, by the thought of David inside her.
A little clumsily, she struggled upright. Eyes bright, she took hold of his manhood just to feel its heat again. "No," she said quaintly. "I need this in me. Now." She looked around a moment and found the condoms.
Her hands were shaking, a combination of the aftermath of her climax and excitement. She used her teeth to rip open the foil and fumbled the latex disk free. She bent close, inhaling his scent. She ran her hand over the bulbous head, working the slick pre-cum all over his glans.
David leaned back on his arms and luxuriated in her near worship of his organ. He watched her center the rolled rubber at the tip.
It was a struggle. David was so thick, his helmet solidly engorged. "Is it going to fit?" she asked, worried. "Can you even use regular sized condoms?"
Just that question made Davids cock throb. He laughed softly. "Regulars will fit, though I usually buy magnums. They're more comfortable."
Linda worked carefully, coaxing the elastic with both hands. She felt like cheering when she got it past his flair without ripping it. She quickly unfurled it the rest of the way down his shaft.
She spit on her hand and slicked down the condom. She could feel his warmth begin to push through the latex. When she started to climb across his body he stopped her with a hand on her chest. "No, please, let me. We can fuck any way you want later but this first time, I want to spread you open myself."
He continued to push her back until she was laying down again. She realized she was still putty in his hands as he positioned her hips on the pile of down.
David moved in close, his clad member lying across her soft mons. Staring her in the eyes, he ran his hands down her body. Starting with a brief caress to her cheeks, he grazed her shoulders and then briefly caught her hard nipples. She watched those wonderful hands gently claw down her flat stomach, a finger teasing her navel. She squirmed.
When his hands came to rest at her hips, he used his thumbs to gently open her labia. He stared unabashedly down into her sex. "We're going to make each other very happy."
He shifted his hips back and notched the fat knob of his cock against her center. She wondered for a moment how he would take her.
David took her with a confident, firm and controlled thrust. He didn't stop until his balls were flush to her ass.
"OOOOhhh! my god." Linda grabbed her hair. "FFFffffuck you feel so big! So good in my pussy."
David stayed bottomed out inside her, breathing deep. He took her by her thighs, shifting her closer, raising her hips. Her tightness convulsed around him.
He pushed her off a couple inches and then slid back in. She sighed. He grunted. And he did it again.
Linda let him control her. He kept the pace slow, mostly staying buried in her to the hilt. Her entire body felt flushed. With her hips raised, she was able to look down along her own body and see David's fat cock spreading her open.
She moaned with mindless arousal. She heaved her hips against the man and looked into his eyes. They were bright and focused on her chest. Glancing down, as expected, gravity had nearly flattened her small breasts... but her nipples and puffy aureoles stood up like mushrooms. They swayed ever so slightly along with his rhythm.
Hunching into him again, she began to toy with them. "Yeah, come on babe. Fuck me good with your fat cock." She twisted her nipples and pulled on them, tossing her head. "Make me cum, David. I'm close. Your hard cock is perfect for my horny little hole. God, just fuck me. Fuck me."
David snorted and renewed his grip on her thighs. His pace quickened. Her head bobbed with each impact and her little tits jiggled like sunny-side-up eggs.
Linda completely lost focus. Without thought, she began rubbing her mound, grinding her little, hidden clit against his iron shaft. She buried her other hand in her thick hair.
David's pounding and her gyrations were chaotic now, all rhythm lost. Her shoulder blades burned against the carpet but she just arched against him harder, desperate now to cum.
He watched her do it. Saw the moment of tension and shaking release. Her hand flew against her mound as her pussy juiced and twisted against his clad member. Her mouth hung open, her face twisted and turning red as she seemed to stop breathing.
Linda wrung herself out all over David's perfect cock, taking every sliver of pleasure her body could produce. Her mind went blank and a couple seconds later she went limp on the floor.
David withdrew slowly. Linda's hair spread in a mad hedge across the floor. Her body glistened with sweat. Her happy pussy yawned open now that his cock no longer filled it; there were traces of white where he had churned her juices into foam.
It made him feel like a king. His cock still hung before him, hard and demanding. He got to his feet and stood above her like a victorious gladiator. He stripped the confining condom off and stroked himself. "Linda." He said quietly.
She was slow to respond so he said her name again. "Linda. What are you going to do about this?"
She gazed up at him, barely understanding her surroundings... but her eyes went big at the sight of his still engorged cock. He stroked it in front of her. "Come on little girl, we're not done yet."
The young woman struggled to come to her knees, levering herself up by the raised hearth. Her body was spent, at least for the moment. But David's manhood demanded resolution.
She gazed at it, her mind clearing slightly and she frowned. She wished he hadn't removed the condom; it simplified a number of things. The fire popped and drew her attention. She became aware of how its heat bathed half her body. She particularly felt it against her ear and the tips of her breasts.
By contrast, her damp mound lay in shadow and began to feel chilled. She could still feel a trickle of her honey against her tender nether lips.
Eyeing David's naked and demanding cock again, she slid a couple fingers along her slit. She almost hissed, the tender flesh was so sensitive.
She reached out toward the fire with her other hand and nudged the chain spark protector apart. She raised her pussy-moist hand and took a kneeling step closer to him.
David's cock had felt so wonderful inside her pussy. She wrapped her hand around it now, examining it with unfeigned fascination. It pulsed and bobbed in her hand. The shadows and orange light turned it into a thing of legend.
David suppressed the urge to grab her hair and jam himself into the woman's mouth. But he could not suppress the moan her touch pulled from him. Fresh pre-cum seeped from the tip.
Linda rubbed a thumb across the head, spreading the natural lube around. Maintaining her hold, she got to her feet. She pressed her body against his and slid behind him, guiding him to face the fire.
She was quite happy that she was the taller of the two. She bent her head over his shoulder and looked down at her hand now firmly stroking his rigid organ.
David felt every contour of her body against his, including her bush against his ass cheek and her little nipples. His knees trembled when she nipped at his earlobe. "I want to watch you cum." She said, lips moving against his ear. She licked behind it and bit him again. "Bet you never jizzed in a fire before."
She released him briefly to lick her fingers before taking a firm grip again.
Linda jacked him with urgency. David reached out to the mantle with both hands to steady himself.
She kept a steady and firm pace, well aware she didn't need to be gentle. Her other hand hooked to his opposite hip, maintaining leverage along with her groin against his buttock.
In short order, David's legs were tumbling and his knuckles went white on the mantle. He grunted three or four times and then jerked his hips toward the fire, saying, "Yes, Yes, Yes," over and over behind gritted teeth and he erupted.
Linda had meant it when she said she wanted to watch. She looked down past his body as bolts of life flashed in the orange light and disappeared into the fire.
In a perfect fantasy, the flood of cum would have hissed against the logs and thrown up a cloud of steam. In reality, Linda didn't hear or see anything happen in the fire. But feeling the pulses of power in the organ in her hand was deeply affecting. It reinforced her own post-orgasmic glow.
Eventually, David turned and sat on the hearth weakly. Linda went down to the carpet in front of him, legs open carelessly. She rested a hand on his thigh and stared at nothing while he caught his breath.
Realizing her throat was dry, she reached for her hot chocolate. She made a face when she took a sip. "Cold," she said. She set it against the chain curtain to warm by the fire. She had to lay out across the floor to reach David's. He watched her body with only partially detached interest. She set his to warm as well.
He lowered himself from the hearth and pulled Linda to his side. He rested his head against her shoulder again. "Not bad for a first date," he murmured.
She just smiled, still watching the fire. "I hope you don't think it's over. My little pussy approves of everything you did to it and will soon want more." She kissed his shoulder but let her teeth brush his skin as she did it. "Besides, I heard the snow plow a little bit ago. Your jeep's probably trapped behind five feet of ice by now."
He almost jumped to his feet to check but the look in her eyes made him instantly not care. "Oh no!" he said. "I'm trapped with a hot woman horny for more sex! How will I ever survive!"
Linda tisked with regret. "Don't see how you can."
My last story was rather long and I felt a need to write something shorter. I have several new stories coming hopefully in the next few weeks. One will be the longest story I have written to date. It is about an aging and dying man who is taken back in time by ancient Celtic magic to become a heroine of legend. I hope you enjoy this short story. Have you ever flipped through the local news stations just to find the one with the best looking anchors or weather person? For me, it is...
WITH A SHIVER ALEXIS rubbed the goose bumps on her upper arms regretting her choice of the silk sleeveless blouse. She loved the turquoise and yellow pattern and, with the heat she was expecting, it should have been the ideal choice. It went so well with her cream slacks. Nevertheless, she'd forgotten how chilly airplanes were. Alexis was blind to the majestic beauty of the blue Aegean Sea passing below the wings of the Airbus A318. She wasn't watching the intriguing display of Greek...
Standing up from the desk, chair scraping across the floor, I stretched my aching back. It had been a grueling eight hours straight of reviewing code and writing more and I was only a third the way done. I wasn't worried, though. These days I was taking my time. I didn't really need the income, my other published software programs providing more than enough. Leaving the small study I walked to the living room, pausing at the entrance. Weather was turned partly away from me towards the...
SUN BEAT DOWN FROM another almost cloudless sky. The breeze made it deceptively temperate. I knew sun was going to burn Weather. Over the last two weeks I had slowly fallen under Weather's spell. It was hard not to. She was perfectly charming. Alexis had done a spectacular job at raising her. I found myself enjoying her company like no other person I'd ever met. Weather had a fascinating mix of innocent naïveté and worldly awareness, probably because of Alexis. At fourteen, Weather still...
For three days I lived in paradise, basking in the love and adoration of my daughter, drowning in the pleasure of our love, physical and emotional. I relaxed. I was happy, extremely happy. The morning after our first night together I'd had a frisky shower with her. As she giggled her pleasure, beautiful eyes twinkling at me, I'd greeted her sexy boobs, not quite as large as a tea cup. "Hello again," I'd said, giving them a long overdue kiss and then, to her soft moans of approval, a...
After being 8,5 hours without a break outside naked on the coldest day of the last 25 years, 15-year old beauty Marlene started to figure out, what to do next. After that cold day in National Park, Marlene was astonished, how well she resist to the harsh weather. Later, after she had dressed and sitting with other students in bus, she felt suddenly chills. She was shivering and her teeth flapped. She perceived, that her mind begins to fade, he sank into a half-sleepy state. Other boys and...
Despite my resolve, despite the best of intentions, it seemed as if Weather was waging a war on my commitment. Over the next two weeks she seemed to invade my world. I became hyper-aware of her wherever she was. I noticed how she always walked around in bare feet and how she'd painted her toenails light pink, not her fingernails, though. Why? She seemed to exit the bathroom whenever I was headed towards it, too often wrapped in a towel and giving me a heart-stopping smile, "All yours." I...
WEATHER LAY BY THE crystal clear turquoise pool glancing down at her bikini, the pink matching her toenails very nicely. She liked how her breasts had grown and filled out the bikini a bit more. Aidan liked it, too. It was easy to tell the way he groped all the time. "Weather, put more sunscreen on!" "Okay," she yelled back at Mom in the kitchen. Weather liked the new house. When the neighbours had stopped renting it, Aidan had moved in and rented out his old place next door. She liked...
That is a follow-up to the first story: Second day, 18th March Temperature in that day At 6 a.m -18 9 a.m. -12 Noon -7 3 p.m -6 6 p.m -8 8 p.m -11 Marlene was sleeping and had a dream, that she is in Antarctic observation station and her task is to check temperatures in all weather stations. There were six weather stations approximately 10 kilometres around...
Second day, 18th March Temperature in that day At 6 a.m -18 9 a.m. -12 Noon -7 3 p.m -6 6 p.m -8 8 p.m -11 Marlene was sleeping and had a dream, that she is in Antarctic observation station and her task is to check temperatures in all weather stations. There were six weather stations approximately 10 kilometres around and she stepped outside… naked . First thermometer closer to station showed minus 72 degrees. Marlene thought, that chief of the station will give her another duty,...
I FOUND HER ON the balcony where she usually was in the morning, her favorite spot. Standing at the open double doors, the cool morning breeze giving me small goose-bumps, I studied Weather. She was wearing my button-down dress shirt, the one from last night, white, sleeves haphazardly rolled up to mid forearm. With her elbows on the whitewashed balcony wall, bent at the waist, slender bare legs straight and ankles crossed, Weather's rear gained magnificent curves, sexy curves, the swell of...
They'd put almost three hundred and fifty miles between Aruba and the Gon Waki 2, enjoying steady winds from the east of around seventeen knots. For most of the three days since they'd left Oranjestad, the skies had been clear and sunny. But by four o'clock on that third day, the weather threatened to turn stormy. "Brandon," Tracy's worried voice called from the navigation desk in the cabin, "you might want to come and have a look at this weather report. It looks like one hell of a...
Weather DelayBy MasterincI had arrived in Seattle about 4:00 p.m. on my way back to Juneau Alaska from Phoenix AZ. The weather was bad and we had to circle for about twenty minutes before a weather window opened which allowed us to land. I was glad since we would have been re-routed to Portland if they couldn?t land soon. Once we were on the ground, I checked on my flight to Juneau which was to leave at 7:00 p.m. The service person at the Alaska Airlines ticket counter said that the flight...
The rain was beating down heavily on the windshield practically blinding Carl. He cursed his luck and slammed a fist onto the dashboard of his Mercedes-Benz. What a day to be on the road, he grumbled under his breath. Not that he had chosen to drive today. Oh no, that was his mother's idea. She had INSISTED he come up Christmas Eve after he got off work to spend the holidays with the family in Seattle. Frankly, it wouldn't hurt his feelings to just head back to his apartment, order pizza and...
"Samuel?" President Atkinson called to his Chief of Staff, motioning with his finger as they left the press room following another meaningless news conference. "Follow me, we need to talk." The president wasn't fond of these Press events. The reporters felt free to call out any question they wanted, even though they'd called the event to announce a single issue. Although they'd come in handy during the election, he hated the press with a passion he sometimes found hard to conceal....
He rushed down the aisle to his seat as the flight attendants closed the door behind him. He'd just made it. As he reached his row, the woman sitting in the aisle seat stood up to let him pass."I'm Mark." He said, buckling his seat belt as the plane began to taxi."Jessica." She smiled. "We almost left without you.""Yeah, I was trying to get one last hand in at the blackjack table." Mark said. "Were you here on business or pleasure?""Business." Jessica said. "Medical imaging trade show.""Oh, me...
When he announced that we were going to have a romantic getaway outside the city, I was excited. Work was really beginning to tax me, and a trip away would do great things for my stress. I tried to press him for more details, mostly for packing purposes, but he remained silent. My mind raced with the possibilities — beach or mountain, relaxing or strenuous, sexy or adventurous? I packed to try to cover all my bases. The next morning dawned bright and clear. After a quick breakfast, we loaded...
It was raining like hell out. I’d just gotten off work and stopped by the 7-11 to pick up some sodas to take home. She was sitting on the curb, shivering and cold. Her clothes were totally soaked and she didn’t have shoes. There wasn’t a soul around this time of night, being close to midnight and stormy. As the headlights of my car hit her, she lifted her head. What a sad sight she is. I get out and run inside, get what I need and back out to my car. “Mister, will you help me, please.” I...
Love StoriesRod was a true tekkie. He easily got a job working with expert systems for a large corporation and when the coronovirus hit, working from home was a great switch from headquarters. Being around other people was annoying anyway. He was recently given, however, the job of assisting a coworker who he found lived and now worked near his small and cluttered apartment. Via Zoom he got to know Hilda, an early sixties woman who was recently widowed from a long-time husband. Neither of her two kids...
Off the Portuguese Coast, October 1808 Tony was sitting at his desk and going through the mail. One of the fleet auxiliaries had arrived two hours earlier, bringing despatches and mail to the squadron. Nothing looked like official orders, and therefore, Tony chose to read his private mail first. As usual, he picked Harriet’s latest letter first. It was thicker than usual since she had included newspaper articles and even a Gazette article. He unfolded the letter and began to read. My...
Amanda was on a fact finding tour for her company, traveling through Germany and Scandinavian countries assesing new business opportunites and attending countless boring meetings with local companies. Three weeks away from home and now in the frozen north her hosts had booked her into a nice hotel usually freequented by holiday eco tourists and cross country skiers. Herfinal meeting over she expected to be on a small plane back to the regional airport in the morning. As she ate breakfast she...
Erotic‘Rain, rain Don’t go away Don’t forget to come Come again another day Sam and Chinwe Wants to play’. – Anonymous The day flew by unnoticed as she immersed herself in lab work. She had to ace her praticals this semester if she wanted to really climb into four point five C.G.P.A at the end of the year. Chinwe’s only thought was of her presentation in two days. All was in fufillment of the requirements to graduate from the department of food science and technology, in the University of Uyo. The...
This is a continuation of Stormy Weather. For new readers, you should read that story before this one. Just like any other couple, they have had their share of domestic problems, but nothing that couldn’t be overcome. Except for one thing, storms; Sandy is still terrified during thunder and lightning storms, and John still cuddles her and soothes her during these difficult times. John has done well, advancing to be the Service Manager of the car dealership where he works. Sandy has taken on...
Love StoriesThursday, July 20, 2000 They learned, all right! By Thursday they were heartily bored and sick and tired of the whole thing. The first day or two had been interesting. Marilyn and I had never taken the kids to Kentucky or Tennessee, not even on vacations, so everything was new and interesting to them. We would roll into some little town, and the local Republican committee would have a stage set up somewhere, maybe the local school or the courthouse or veteran’s hall. The local organizer...
This is a continuation of Stormy Weather. For new readers, you should read that story before this one. Just like any other couple, they have had their share of domestic problems, but nothing that couldn’t be overcome. Except for one thing, storms, Sandy is still terrified during thunder and lightning storms, and John still cuddles her and soothes her during these difficult times. John has done well, advancing to be the Service Manager of the car dealership where he works. Sandy has taken on...
I was used to traveling, I did it as part of my job. It didn't hurt that I was single so it gave me time away from the office. Plus, the hotels always had a decent gym so I could continue working on my physique. I won't lie, since the divorce several years ago I had learned to focus on myself and what made me happy. And I found a lot of things made me happy. I was flying through Atlanta and had to change planes with a couple of hours in between. Unfortunately the weather turned ugly and all...
Gay MaleSunrise was near five-thirty on Sunday, and the light in the cabin woke Tom shortly thereafter. He lay in his bunk, knowing he wouldn't go back to sleep. Wearing just a t-shirt and his briefs, he grabbed some fresh underwear from his bag and moved to the forward head, beginning his morning ritual. This head was the only one with a shower, so he quickly used the facilities, shaved, and showered, knowing Connie wouldn't be much longer in her bunk. When he exited the tiny facility, Connie was...
I made a seven-thirty reservation at Candilotti's. I was excited about our date. Rose and I were getting along very well and I felt more and more impressed with her as I got to know her better. I also found I was looking past her handicap and not seeing it as a barrier, merely a fact ... not unlike my dietary needs. I had explained on the phone my inability to eat large quantities to Mrs. Candilotti and she said to leave it to her and she would create something special for Rose and me. I...
Sun brightened the room. Sounds of a town waking gradually filtered into my consciousness. Wakefulness arrived. I lay next to Weather, my hand gently resting on her bare back, enjoying feeling her slender back rising and falling in sleep. She was beautiful, perfect. I was in love. I loved her deeply, an ache in my soul. Yet now, in the stark morning light, I realised my worse fear had come true. I'd succumbed. She was so like... I let memories drift back, memories I had cherished and...
Monday comes around, I do my work on autopilot, helping the anorexics with strategies to break out of negative cycles of thinking, talking to the boy about his conflicting feelings, how he loves his dad even though he hurt his mom and part of him hates his mom for what she did. Then the rape survivor. Not the tall coffee-colored beauty of my imagination but a short, round girl, very pale skinned and with a haunted look in her eyes, even now months after the fact. Her straightened bangs shade...
I'm not making any excuse or justification for it. I also do not feel guilt or regret. Okay, so I’m a slut. Sue me, but I can’t get enough sex. I can’t help it being so horny. I was born this way. Weather DayPart-1-of-1 I suppose that I’m your typical hazel-eyed person, because I’m promiscuous and I definite like to please, especially in bed. To me sex is something that should be enjoyed. No one should place an arbitrary limit on sexual partners. After all we each have our own...
IncestWe all have secrets…Elise Fairborough had many! Living at number twelve, Meriwether Way for the last six years she had discovered the very best way to press her husband’s shirts, the perfect stain remover for her white sheepskin rug even the best way to brew coffee in the morning to give it the strongest taste. Yet if one thing Elise had learned above all that she had perfected in the last six years, it was how to keep a secret behind closed doors. ‘Yeah of course just set up the meeting, I...
(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.) On the first floor of the school, seventeen year old Scott Olson was heading to Mr. Turner's classroom. In his hand, he had Malcolm Jackson's homework on the history of Samuel Duval, an important black man in the French royal court during the early 17th century. A paper Scott had stayed up late last night to finish. He didn't want to hand in a black student's homework without it being perfect.As he turned...
Interracial(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.) Chapter 3 Up on the second floor, in Milton Hobson's science class, Scott Olson finished up his presentation on early 20th-century flight in front of the class. "So if it hadn't been for the Wright brothers…" Scott showed an old photograph of the two black brothers on the projector. "...we wouldn't have had flight as we know it today." Scott looked out at the class. "Thank you, Scott, that was a very...
Interracial(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.)Chapter 2Down in the cafeteria, Frederick had finally made his nervous trek over to Sophie."Ehm, hi." Frederick looked down at British girl who just took a bite of pasta."Oh." Sophie chewed and swallowed her food as she looked up at the blond haired guy standing there. She had seen him in class before and had found him rather cute the way he kept pretending not to be looking at her."Hello," Sophie said in...
Interracial(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.)Chapter 1Tuesday, 11 pm. Hollyweather Highschool, classroom 6B.“Will the sitting champion be able to defeat his most dangerous opponent yet.” Scott Olson quietly narrated the chess match between Carl Peterson, the president of the chess club, and its newest member Daniel Tanaka.Six months ago, Daniel had moved from California to the city with his parents, who were originally from Osaka, Japan. When Daniel...
InterracialWeatherBabes by LorenaMae talking with Beth Johnston, director of the new independent film, Weatherbabes --Beth, we are here to talk about your new film, Weatherbabes. Can you tell me a bit about it? It's a film about a band that decides to get a gimmick and starts dressing up like women on the Weather Channel. They get into a whole underground weatherbabe cult, full of men who fantasize about the women on TV. I made the film because I was interested in the subject...
FEM FIRM 2: THE WEATHERGIRL BY B-MAN PART 1: A COURTESY CLIENT BLOWJOB Three weeks into my gig at Coxon & Dicster had been a blast. At first, a few of the girls had some reservations about me working there because I wasn't transgendered myself but I guess I won them over with my naturally cheerful personality. At least, that's what I thought it was. Hmm.... Anyway, the Monday morning of my fourth week I'd just finished the mail when Angela...
The Weather Girl What would you do for your dream job? "And now, let's check in with News 6's own meteorologist, Dylan James. Dylan is at the city's Independence Day celebration. You are looking a little hot, Dylan" The camera cuts to me with a live shot. I'm sitting on a platform above a dunk tank, wearing a red, white and blue bikini. My hair is pulled back in a ponytail, tied with red and blue ribbons. This kind of predicament has become all too common for me in my...
Weathergirl Weathergirl- a short story -by Eve Adorer
Everyone who worked at the Weather Institute, which was located just outside Fortree City in the Hoenn region, were passionate about their job, but none more so than the young manager Bart. Despite being younger than nearly everyone else who worked there, Bart was polite, kind, driven, modest, trusting, and selfless to a fault. No one doubted Bart's abilities, and everyone liked him for his personality. Bart was also incredibly open and easy to read, almost embarrassingly so. For...
It was raining like hell out. I’d just gotten off work and stopped by the 7-11 to pick up some sodas to take home. She was sitting on the curb, shivering and cold. Her clothes were totally soaked and she didn’t have shoes. There wasn’t a soul around this time of night, being close to midnight and stormy. As the headlights of my car hit her, she lifted her head. What a sad sight she is. I get out and run inside, get what I need and back out to my car. “Mister, will you help me, please.”
They rented a van because the five of them could not afford plane tickets to their college winter break destination of somewhere warm and sunny. They budgeted for hotel reservations, meals, and the free public beach. Tom and Daphne had known each other since they were kids and were next door neighbors growing up. Tom was your average early twenties college student with dark hair and a moderate athletic build. Daphne was your average college girl who worked hard to lose her "freshman fifteen"...
This my first story how I fucked my mother on a vacation to Shimla. Hi all readers, I am new to this site and after reading the submitted stories I feel like sharing my own life experience with you all and please forgive if you found any mistakes in the following story. Myself 23yr male from Hyderabad and now completed my degree and waiting for my call letter from a big corporate .we are a family of four members and dad works in a private company. I have youngest sister she is 18, mom (Kalyani)...
IncestIt was hot summer day at Calcutta. Raja was tired of hot bengal summer. He could hardly stay inside. So he came out to the long cool terrace of his family bunglow. There was a big mango tree casting cool shade on the terrace. Raja soothed himself with the gentle breeze. Suddenly, his eyes were caught at the window of his mother Purnima. Purnima is a doctor herself. The window of her bedroom was only 20 ft away from the terrage of Raja’s room. Purnima was coming from her long duty from the...
IncestSeveral years ago, my two sisters and my mother talked me into making a trip up to Minnesota to look at the house my great-grandfather had left us in his will. Somebody should have gone to the library and done some research on Minnesota winters, because when we arrived it was an hour before one of the worst storms they'd ever seen. Then, to make things even worse, the furnace was down at the house, and by the time we determined that, the storm had hit. Luckily, the house was still boarded up...
The hot water rolled off Dave's face as he struggled to wake up with a morning shower. He was tired after a restless sleep, wondering if he had crossed the line with his forthright responses regarding Tiger Woods. Would he appear to be just a smart-assed kid who should show more respect or was he considered a real threat to Tiger's dominance of golf? He thought he was being honest with his remarks but he also knew honesty can sometimes be politically incorrect. He finally felt awake enough...
I sneezed, grabbed a tissue, and groaned. What a crappy way to wake up. It took about five seconds for Dani to have a glass of water and an aspirin for me. She held a hand to my forehead and shook her head. "You still have a fever. I'll get some more tea," she said. "You shouldn't be in here. I don't want anyone else getting sick." "I volunteered and no one else is coming in." She flicked on one of our handhelds. "Kitchen, this is Nursemaid. Can you get me some of that Throat...
It had turned into one of the more trying times of my life. I had developed a problem in both lower legs that required treatment twice a day and as much elevation as possible between times. Since I lived alone and I could not under normal circumstances bend my legs enough to apply the treatment, I had to have help. My doctor had arranged for a visiting nurse to come to my house early each morning and in late afternoon or early evening to take care of applying the dressings. For the first...
Her eyes are screwed tight shut, her breath coming in sobs that sends gusts of air over my damp pussy, sending shivers up from my lips and clit. I enjoy the sensations for a few moments, stroking my darling’s head before slowly coiling one of her plaits around my right hand. She tenses again as she realises the control I now have over her head, her breath catches and a shudder goes through her whole body, passing into me as a pleasant tingle where my thighs meet her shoulders. “Lick me”, I...
I decide to have a little fun with my little cutie. I reach for the sewing kit, slowly so she can see exactly what I’m doing. I open the kit, a simple folding wallet, and undo the press studs holding the swatch of fabric with the dressmaker pins. I look over at my lover, staring at me now with eyes wide. Still tears at the edges, but hints of questioning and the first dribbles of fresh fear creeping in. As I separate the swatch of pins and return the rest of the kit to the nightstand, a gust...
I bend down and kiss tenderly the spot I jabbed with the pin, before scooting up again to face the dear little thing I have restrained beneath me, returning the swatch of pins to the nightstand with my left hand. I’m finding it hard to take the grin off my face as she writhes beneath me in discomfort and frustration, the adrenaline spike from my little game seeping away leaving just the gentle buzz of fear that lingers in her eyes. I lean over her, grinning, watching, inhaling her breath, her...
“Now my liddle cutie pie, can yuh guess where this goes?” Her eyes blink open, blinking again to clear the tears as she tries to focus on the dark object in front of her. Seconds pass in which I can almost see the bubbling of her imagination, before her pretty eyes widen, the muscles of her thighs flex as she tries to pull her legs together, vainly trying to hide her little kitty from the impending threat. She shakes her head violently back and forth: “Nugh, nugh, nugh, NUUUGHHH” “No, hun?...
“Y’know, hun, I’m kinda hoping this fits or it could hurt a bit” I say, leaning close to my little friend’s ear, making her flinch as she can no longer see me approach. I remove the rope tying her slender right leg to the head of the bed, taking a firm grip on her ankle as I release the knots holding it to her thigh. “Easy, darlin’; you’re not goin’ anyplace I don’t want you.” I say, emphasising my control with a stinging slap to her left buttock, leaving a deep red print across her pale...
My little lover’s face scrunches up in fear and confusion, and then shakes violently from side to side, and the ropes creak as she tests her strength against them once more. “Aww, honey, you not sure what to do? Don’t worry, I’ll teach you” I say, grinning again. I reach my hands down beneath me to her hips, the bones standing out clearly against her stretched skin. I push down with my hands, pushing her butt down into the pillow while raising my own crotch from hers. The ridged shaft...
I feel the flinch that runs through my little lover’s body even over the vibration of my toy, and the shiver it sends through me is a delightful bubble-burst to top off my most recent orgasm. I grind my hips down into her pelvis once more before lifting myself off on somewhat wobbly legs (maybe that orgasm was better than I thought!) and squeeze the pressure switch to cut off the vibration. With the sound of the vibration gone the gasps from my young friend seem loud, but they are still well...
I rest for a few moments, lying full length on top of my young lover, my knees between hers and elbows to her side to keep some of the weight off, but pressing down enough to feel the quiver of her renewed sobs, enjoy the gentle vibrations across my skin, both mine and hers damp from exertion and sticking together. Her heavy breaths through her mouth push out gusts of stale sweat from the soccer sock wedged between her teeth. Not pleasant in itself, but knowing what she must be tasting and...
My hands now holding my little pretty firmly by her plaits, I draw back slowly from her, her lips pulled outwards by my toy as I withdraw. Three ... four inches, with deliberate care, enchanted by the sights and sounds of my little lover impaled. I pause, hardly breathing, The black rubber looks harsh and menacing against her pale flesh, and the high-pitched whistle of desperate panting almost brings me off right there. The shudder thar passes through me, starting in my shoulders and...