Susie Ch. 22 free porn video

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Note to the Reader: Unlike most of the Susie O’Connell chapters this one has no explicit sexual encounters.

Foggy Morning

My name is Susie O’Connell. I woke the Sunday morning after my 19th birthday party naked, with my boyfriend Corey’s arms around me. I was lying in the ballroom of his father’s mansion on an air mattress. Through the glass facing the pool I could see that the day was starting gray and foggy. I could barely see the fence on the other side of the pool.

Three other mattresses were on the ballroom floor. Next to us was Kaitlyn, Corey’s sister and my best friend. With her was Elliot, one of Corey’s friends. Then was April with her boyfriend, Chris, and Judy with her fiance, Preston. I had gone to sleep with the sounds of lovemaking in the background after Corey brought me to orgasm with wild abandon. Everyone else was still asleep.

My back was to Corey and I felt his soft body pressing against my back and butt. I turned to face him and he stirred at my movement.

‘Corey,’ I whispered as I stroked his huge cock that I call ‘the beast’..

‘Huh? What is it?’ he mumbled groggily.

‘Corey, can we go into the hot tub? I really feel like it this morning.’ The hot tub on a cool, foggy morning really feels great.

‘Yeah, Uungh,’ he grunted stretching. ‘Yeah, I guess so.’

He moved to get off the mattress. ‘We can wait so you can wake up a bit more,’ I told him with a kiss.

He moved back to face me and closed his eyes. I kissed his eyelids, ‘Try not to go back to sleep.’

He opened his eyes, ‘Oh, okay. I am tired.’

‘We can relax in the hot tub, when you’re ready to get up.’ I kissed his cheeks and neck.

He reached for my breast and I pushed his hand away. ‘You can feel me up when we’re in the hot tub,’ I told him knowing that this could easily turn into foreplay and I wouldn’t get into the hot tub. ‘I must really want to get into the hot tub to decline the possibility of sex,’ I thought, continuing to stroke his cock to semi-hardness without thinking.

He stretched again, ‘I guess I’m as ready as I’m going to be.’

‘Quiet, don’t wake the others,’ I whispered as I rolled onto the floor. It was cold!

‘Brrrr!’ Corey responded as he stood up.

We ran out into the cold damp morning. I turned toward the guest house and its small hot tub. Corey went toward the large hot tub next to the pool. ‘This one will still be warm from last night,’ he called over to me. All eight of us had made good use of that tub last night.

I run to the big hot tub and got in just as Corey started the jets. The warmth felt fabulous after running naked in the cold air. Corey settled in beside me.

I laid my head on his shoulder. ‘Judy sure wants to have guys other than Preston,’ I said. Last night she had insisted that each girl get a chance at each of the guys’ cocks.

‘Yeah,’ Corey yawned, ‘and Preston likes other women.’

‘I guess it suits them but I was real uncomfortable doing that.’

‘Me too. Especially having my sister go down on me.’

‘I wonder if Judy is upset that she couldn’t even get your tip inside?’

‘She didn’t seem upset. Do you think she might be?’

‘Well, I think she maneuvered us into doing it just to try you out. So, yes, she might be.’

‘I hope that doesn’t mean she will want to try again.’

‘What about Elliot?’ he asked. Elliot has a cock with a bulbous tip and a narrow shaft. All of us gals were curious about how it would feel.

‘What about Elliot?’ I responded.

‘Didn’t she want to try out Elliot too?’

‘Well, she hadn’t seen it when she started this.’

‘She wasn’t surprised at seeing it in full bloom,’ Corey said, ‘so she must have known.’

‘I think Kaitlyn and I said something about it after she started trying to get us to agree with the idea.’

‘Kaitlyn seemed to enjoy herself last night. Does it feel especially different?’

I was reluctant to say anything but decided on honesty. ‘Yes, it does. I have to admit I was curious about it and it didn’t disappoint even though I only got a couple of strokes. It’s like there’s nothing between the ball of a tip moving way inside and the shaft sliding at my vaginal opening. However I prefer feeling the entire length of your shaft.’

After about a half hour I confessed that I was hungry. ‘What’s for breakfast?’

‘I don’t know. Kaitlyn made the arrangements. We need to ask her. I can always fix something in the kitchen.’

‘What about Rosa?’ I asked. Rosa is Corey’s father’s live in cook and maid.

‘Sunday is her day off,’ Corey reminded me. ‘I doubt my father would ask her to work just for us.

‘Kaitlyn made all the arrangements,’ I said. ‘She might know.’

We got out of the tub. It was still cold so we grabbed a couple of towels and ran back into the house.


Inside everyone was awake and back at it.

Elliot was on top of Kaitlyn, his butt pounding away between her spread legs. On the next mattress April had her legs spread and up in the air over another wildly bouncing butt. Judy was sitting on her guy with her back to us and wildly bouncing up and down with help from her partner who had his hands under her breasts.

Kaitlyn spotted us coming in over Elliot’s shoulder. ‘Hi Susie,’ she said.

Elliot paused in his thrusting and turned his head to us, ‘Hi,’ he said, a bit sheepishly.

‘Don’t stop, Elliot,’ Kaitlyn said and he resumed, his hips moving rhythmically up and down.

Kaitlyn look over his shoulder at me and smiled, ‘do … you want … something?’ she asked with a pause each time Elliot’s hips reached their low point.

I wasn’t sure how to respond. Corey asked, ‘We’re hungry. Do you know what the arrangements are for breakfast?’

‘We’re … on our … own,’ she responded making little moans in the pauses. ‘You can … go out … or … ungh … or … ungh … Keep … that … ungh … up , … Elliot. … ungh … or … you … ungh … can … make … ungh … your … own … in … kitchen … ungh … ungh … ungh … ‘

Corey and I went into the kitchen. As we passed the other beds I noticed it was Preston, Judy’s fiance, pounding away on April and that Judy was bouncing on Chris, April’s boyfriend. Judy smiled at us as we went by, ‘Good Morning!’ she said cheerfully without missing a beat.

Corey knew the location of everything in the kitchen and checked in the fridge. ‘Bacon, eggs, cereal?’ he asked. ‘There’s cantaloupe, and oranges too, no grapefruit.’

‘I think just toast for now,’ I responded, ‘and orange juice. I’ll wait for the others before having anything else.’

Toast it is,’ Corey said, grabbing the bread. ‘Coffee?’

‘Make enough for everyone,’ I answered. ‘I’ll have some when it’s ready. Did you notice that Judy and April switched partners?’

‘Yeah, I think Judy’s into that.’

‘Last night she mentioned that she and Preston attend wife swapping parties.’

‘I guess she is into it then. Preston too.’

I poured orange juice, buttered the toast and cut it on the diagonal. We sat down at the small table in the kitchen to eat. ‘Not enough room here for everyone,’ I said. The table had three chairs and could probably handle a fourth.

‘I think that’s why they left one table set up in the ballroom,’ Corey answered. ‘We can all eat together out there. Do you want to go out?’

‘I think I’d rather let the copulation finish out there.’

not too much time passed before Judy and Preston pushed open the door, ‘What’s for breakfast?’ she asked.

‘Pretty much whatever you want,’ I answered.

‘Let’s discuss it at the table out there,’ Corey said, ‘this one’s a bit small.’ He picked up the toast and coffee pot and went out the door. I followed.

April and Chris were now in bed together but Kaitlyn and Elliot were still at it. ‘Don’t they e
ver stop?’ I asked to no one in particular as I sat down.

‘From the sound I think Kaitlyn had a couple of orgasms last night and they woke us up this morning doing it,’ Judy said.

April and Chris had gotten up as we came in and April added, ‘Two more orgasms this morning, going for three.’

‘I can’t believe that guy’s stamina,’ Chris remarked.

‘I can’t believe his cock,’ Preston said.

‘Well, it feels amazing inside,’ Judy said to him. ‘I know why Kaitlyn wants to keep at it. I envy her.’

‘I agree, it does make for a really nice sensation inside,’ April said.

I agreed.

Suddenly there was a series of squeals from Kaitlyn. They began in time with the movement of Elliot’s hips and then came in rapid succession. Elliot kept moving up and down.

‘Number three,’ April said.

‘Five altogether,’ Judy added.

‘Do you think they’ll quit now?’ Preston asked.

The squeals died away. Elliot slowed his movement and rolled to the side, his arms and legs spread, the red bulb at the end of his cock, obvious inside his condom, pointing straight up. Kaitlyn had put her knees down. Her legs were still spread apart and she began rubbing her nipples with her hands.

‘You two ready for breakfast?’ Corey yelled over.

Kaitlyn, rolled to the side, facing us, holding her head up with one arm, ‘Sure! I’m hungry. What about you,’ she said to Elliot giving him a nudge.

‘Yeah, let me rest a bit,’ he said. Kaitlyn got up and came to the table but he stayed behind.

‘We have almost anything,’ Corey said and listed the alternatives, adding, ‘Unless everyone decides on the same menu, I’ll have to insist that everyone cooks their own.’

Everyone seemed to have different ideas until Kaitlyn said, ‘I’m making pancakes, who wants some?’ Everyone said yes.

I said, ‘I’ll scramble some eggs.’

Elliot, still in bed, yelled over, ‘I can fry some bacon if anyone wants it.’

So, we ended up with a pretty complete breakfast, each of us doing some part of preparation and serving.


While we were eating Preston said to Elliot, ‘You really kept it up and kept it going. How did you manage?’

‘Well, I only ‘came’ that first time last night. I wasn’t ejaculating after that. That helped.’

‘My gosh, man,’ Preston added, ‘Even then, how’d you keep it up.’

‘I’m pretty sensitive,’ Elliot told him. ‘It doesn’t take much to get me up.’

‘Even then, you must be exhausted,’ Chris said. ‘You kept on going.’

‘I’m pretty tired,’ Elliot told him. ‘But the excitement and feeling of being inside Kaitlyn kept me going. It’s a lot of fun being inside her when she goes into that squeaking routine. Her vagina gives a nice massage.’ He smiled.

‘I’d sure like to experience that,’ Preston said, looking at Kaitlyn.

I wasn’t sure I liked where this could be going and took the opportunity to ask, ‘You and Judy traded partners with Chris and April?’ That moved the conversation to a discussion of ‘swinger’ clubs.

I didn’t care for that conversation either and tried another subject, ‘Since the ‘dust up’ over having guys at your house for sex, things have sure changed.’ I was referring to the time near the end of our senior year when Kaitlyn, Judy, April, another girl, Brittany, and I had sex sessions with several guys at Judy’s house. I hadn’t really seen either Judy or April since our parents found out.

‘They sure have!’ Judy said, looking at Preston.

‘Now that you’re both sexually active, how are your parents taking it?’ I asked.

‘Mine were upset when I moved in with Preston,’ Judy said, ‘but I told them I was old enough to do what I wanted and I was self supporting so they could accept it or not.’

‘How did they take that?’ I asked.

‘Not too well at first, but a week later my mom called and cried and apologized and now things seem pretty good.’

‘Especially since we announced we are engaged,’ Preston said.

‘Do they know about your ‘swinging’?’ Kaitlyn asked.

‘No,’ Judy answered, ‘I think they would find that a bit too much to take.’

‘What about your parents?’ I asked April.

‘They don’t know,’ she answered.

‘They don’t know?’ I responded. ‘What about last night?’

‘They just know I’m at a sleep over,’ she said.

‘They don’t know it’s with us?’ Judy asked.

‘Well they know that it’s for Susie’s birthday and I think they probably expect you and Kaitlyn will be here too.’

‘They’re okay with that now?’ I asked.

‘More like ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’,’ she said. ‘I don’t tell them and they don’t ask and we pretend everything is okay.’

‘What about Chris?’ Kaitlyn asked.

‘They know he’s my boyfriend,’ she answered. ‘I suspect they know about the sex. I’m sure my mother has seen my pills and condoms.’

‘Don’t ask, don’t tell,’ Kaitlyn commented.

‘Yes,’ April answered.

‘What about you?’ Judy asked me and Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn answered first, ‘My mom was never that upset about it. I even had Johnny over for sex frequently and she let us use my bedroom.’

‘Johnny? Johnny, the Cherry Picker?’ Judy said with a laugh.

‘Yes,’ Kaitlyn answered.

‘Good choice,’ Judy responded and then turned to Preston. ‘Johnny was the last guy we did before our parents broke us up. He was fabulous! Brought us all to orgasm.’ Then to Kaitlyn she asked, ‘was he still so good.’

‘Every time!’ Kaitlyn said.

‘The Cherry Picker?’ Preston asked.

‘He kind of provided a service,’ Kaitlyn answered.

‘A service?’ Preston asked.

‘Yes, he would deflower girls. Because of his reputation they would come to him and ask him to do it.’

‘My kind of occupation!’ Preston said looking knowingly at the other guys.

‘He didn’t get paid,’ Kaitlyn told them. ‘He just did it for them.’

‘Like he got nothing out of it,’ Preston said with a laugh.

‘He got really started because of us,’ April mentioned, shyly.

‘What?’ I exclaimed.

‘Yeah,’ April explained. ‘We told other girls about how good he was and a couple of them asked him for sex. His reputation expanded pretty rapidly.’

‘He did know his way around a woman’s body!’ Kaitlyn exclaimed.

Elliot had been staring in amazement at everyone throughout the conversation and his face showed a sudden downturn in mood.

Kaitlyn noticed and told him, ‘you know your away around pretty well too.’

‘With that cock, you don’t need to know a lot,’ Judy said.

‘Girls!’ I said to cut off the conversation which was clearly disturbing Elliot.

I segued to another subject. ‘He had a good teacher,’ I said, looking at Corey.

‘And Corey also studied from the master,’ Kaitlyn added.

This led to a brief discussion of Corey’s first time with me at Kaitlyn’s request and the fact that Johnny had spent some time showing Corey how to please a woman using Kaitlyn to demonstrate.

‘And the sex was so great and the cock so big that you decided to marry him?’ Judy asked me.

‘No, I decided to marry him because he’s a great guy and puts me first,’ I responded while thinking, ‘Not that the sex isn’t great and the penis isn’t huge.’

‘You’re parents seem okay with it,’ April commented.

‘Not at first,’ I said. ‘I told them when we first had sex. They objected but I kind of told them to take it or leave it but that I would be having sex regardless. They decided to accept it. My mother almost seems to encourage it now.’

‘What about the engagement?’ Judy asked. ‘My folks were a bit upset when I told them Preston and I were engaged.’

I looked at Corey, ‘tell them about the betrothal.’

He explained the difference between an engagement and a betrothal and how we committed to our parents that they could determine our spouse and the time of the marriage.

‘We made it clear th
at we wanted each other,’ I said, ‘and they signed an agreement for us to marry.’

‘Woah!’ Chris said. ‘So its all up to them?’

‘Yes,’ I answered, ‘I trust them.’

‘I wish I could trust mine like that,’ April said.

I knew her parents and told her, ‘You can, April. Think about it. You’re just afraid they might pick someone other than who you would want.’

After breakfast we went out and sat in the hot tub. Corey’s father and live in girlfriend, Marianne, joined us and later, when the day warmed up, we went in the pool. We were naked the entire time. Corey’s’ father and Marianne were too. It’s the custom at Corey’s father’s place.

We had such a good time that we four women decided to get together for lunch every week.


During our first lunch I raised a topic that continued to bother me. ‘Does anyone know what is going on with Brittany?’

Judy said, ‘I just know she’s a prostitute.’

I asked, ‘Are you sure of that or is it just a rumor?’

‘It’s not a rumor,’ April said. ‘her mom told my mom that she’s a prostitute.’

‘I miss her,’ I told them. ‘Do we know how to get in touch with her?’

‘Her mom said she works Hollywood Boulevard,’ April said.

‘I thought that was just a symbolic reference to her being a prostitute,’ Kaitlyn said.

‘No, I think that’s really where she works,’ April replied.

‘Does her mother know for sure she’s a prostitute or is she just assuming that?’ I asked. ‘I gather they didn’t part on the best of terms.’

‘I think she knows for a fact,’ April told us. ‘They don’t stay in touch and her mother is really angry about it but it’s not like her mother hasn’t heard from her at all.’

‘I miss her,’ I said. ‘I wish we could talk to her.’

‘Me too,’ Kaitlyn added.

‘We could try to find her,’ Judy suggested. ‘We could cruise Hollywood Boulevard and look for her.’

Kaitlyn and I were enthusiastic. April was opposed to the idea, ‘too dangerous.’

When I told Corey, he wanted to come with us but I talked him out of it.

The next Saturday night Kaitlyn, Judy and I drove to Hollywood and began cruising the Boulevard.

‘Is that her?’ Kaitlyn said only to see an over thirty hispanic with bleached hair as we got closer.

‘There!’ I exclaimed at another woman who turned out to be way too old.

‘That’s her!’ we all exclaimed as we passed a young woman on the other side of the street. Judy turned around and we drove by slowly checking her out. ‘I think that is her,’ Kaitlyn said. It was too dark to be sure and she had her face turned down.

We circled the block and slowed down as we approached and then stopped. She had seen us slowing and walked over to the car. She seemed a bit surprised at seeing a car with three women but not terribly. ‘You girls looking for something?’ she asked very sweetly. ‘Maybe I can help you?’ It wasn’t Brittany.

Kaitlyn was riding shotgun and said, ‘We’re looking for someone,’ and showed her a photo of Brittany.

‘Don’t know her,’ she answered, ‘Runaway? Underage? Are the police involved?’

‘No,’ Kaitlyn said, ‘We’re just looking for her.’

‘Regulars?’ she asked. ‘I can help you.’ She turned around. ‘Like me? Maybe for less.’

‘For less?’ I said.

‘Three fourths what she wants,’ the young woman said. ‘All the same parts and abilities.’

‘We don’t want her for sex,’ Kaitlyn said.

‘I’m still available,’ the young woman told us.

‘Do you know this girl?’ Kaitlyn said, getting back on track.

‘No,’ she told us. ‘You’re blocking the traffic!’

I looked around, ‘it’s getting by just fine.

‘You’re blocking the traffic to my curb,’ she said insistently, all sweetness disappearing. Judy pulled away.

‘That was interesting,’ I commented. ‘Do you suppose many women pick up prostitutes?’

‘Must be some,’ Judy said.

‘Pull over somewhere,’ Kaitlyn requested. ‘Let’s talk about this.’

Kaitlyn pointed out that by pretending to be customers we might get cooperation. We could just stop any of the women and ask about Brittany.

We tried that. Every couple of blocks we stopped and asked a woman about Brittany. I openly held a wad of bills in the back seat pretending we were ready to pay. That seemed to anger them so we started handing each of them a 20 when we asked if they knew Brittany.

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Hi my name is Rana. I am from Vishakapatnam. I will share with you my story of fucking my etv2 newsreader Avanija in Hyderabad. I saw her first time on Tv when i was in My Engineering 1st year. I masturbated that whole night for her and she has been my masturbation goddess for the past 5years. Avanija is a perfect lady with big, tight, firm boobs. She wears sexy sarees and her lips are the best part to eject. I got placed in a company in Hyderabad and so i was happy coz i waiting for a chance...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 02

Author’s Note: Second set of chapters, best if read after Part I *** Chapter 5 Away Game Jill drove around to drop off Sally, Allison, and Marybeth. The car was silent, save Ashley’s occasional sniffle. She had tried at first to stoically hide her pain, emotional and physical. But, her damaged face started to smart and welt up and the embarrassment of her poor judgment of the asshole won out. Tears spilled off her face. At each house, the departing girl would give Ashley a sad, loving...

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Caught In The Laundry Room

Copyright© 2003 There was a young fellow of Harrow Whose john was the size of a marrow. He said to his tart, "How's this for a start? My balls are outside in a barrow." The door opened suddenly so that all three persons are frozen in surprise. Jax is standing in the darkened room completely naked, but his head turned toward the door and his eyes wide in fright. Karel is standing in the doorway facing the shadowed small room, one hand still on the handle and her mouth open...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 20

Felli took Kal high into the air and let him go, allowing Kal to glide along with her most of the way back to the mountain. Then, according to their plan, the harpy hauled him up into the sky and released him again, so he could make the approach to the cave on his own. There was tense moment when he sailed into the turbulence created as air struck the windward side of the peak and pushed its way around. After a couple of seconds of being knocked about, Kal entered the much calmer area...

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Everyone has a price

It happened, as I have already mentioned, last year when I was almost a senior in high school. It was not easy for me to study, and exams were hanging over me like a terrible storm cloud, capable of striking with lightning all those who by their stupidity could not learn the material of the school program. But despite all my fears about bad grades, my person led an extremely hedonistic lifestyle. Daily meetings with girlfriends, hangouts, and other activities, but highly unproductive...

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Dressed to kill

By Mistress Rain @ Mistress met me at the door and if looks could kill….She was so hot dressed in a black spandex cat suit with a black and red corset a black Indiana Jones type hat and a long leather trench coat. Her feet were incased in a soft black sued over the knee boot with at least a 6” heel. Her eyes were lined in a heavy black liner making the beautiful hazel eyes just sparkle. Strapped to her thigh was a Taser and peeking out of the top of her boots it looked like...

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Hot Couch Sex

What's up fellas this is a fictional story I have based off my fantasies. Enjoy xoxIt was Saturday afternoon, my eyes glued to the blaring T.V screen my bordem had reached a level that was unbearable. "Bzzz...Bzzz", I had realised that my cellphone went off. I reached for my pocket and discovered a text message from Paul my good friend from school.Paul: "Hey Rick, I'v finished studying, i'll be over soon. I'll bring some drinks for later see you soon".I heard the crunching sound of gravel, as...

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Lessons Learned

I was thinking to myself one day while lying in bed. If men think with there dicks, what do women think with? I realize that not all girls have this nympho desire or nothing. But, you see, I know some who like to be bad, do bad things. Are we just that type? I was trying to come up with a story to write. A good one. Then what do I think about doing to someone. But noooo. I go start to the sex. It was like saying: heyyy, no waiting here! And hurry up I need some! Went to this chat room. And...

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Sleep Therapy

"Lindy, toss me one of those peppers, would you?" "Red one, Rob?" "Ah, yep. You said you do like curry, right?" "Yeah, I do, but nothing too extreme, okay?" "Got it Mel. I promise your mouth will be mostly intact after." "Mostly?" "Well, it's not a curry, if it's not hot." "You said 'a mild dish'. I heard you Rob." "Yeah. Mild. For Mindy. Well, I intended that, for a start." "Oh." "Yeah, 'oh'." My name is actually Melinda. Rob likes to mess with it as much...

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Maddie by: Stacilynn Brown [email protected] Please feel free to email me with your comments! CHAPTER ONE Maddie walked into her bedroom, inhaling the flowery fragrance from the dozen roses she had received Friday afternoon from Jeremy. Standing there she felt right with the world..., almost. So much in her life had been groomed for who she was today. A young woman with a wonderful attitude about life..., and love. Yes, love. Jeremy had swept her off her feet the moment...

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The Legacy By The Professor The day all my dreams came crashing down, I didn't even know it - not right away, anyhow. It was just one of those things that went from bad to worse to... Well, let's just say there was no way I could have ever guessed where things would lead. We were playing the Bellevue West Thunderbirds - we being the Westside Warriors. Both teams were undefeated, and the Omaha World Herald had us both listed in the top five teams in...

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Destination AzaharChapter 37 Live Fire Training

A Sa'arm scout had been tracked by a probe as it explored the uninhabited planet Darkford. The headquarters analysts expected a small hive ship to reach the planet within a window of six to eighteen months from the time the scout left the system. Only thirty percent of the planet's surface was water, but that was still enough water to hide both North and South America in more than one of its oceans. Daniel Boone and Sir Galahad waited at the rendezvous point, which was about half a...

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Benedict and Veronica Horton

Benedict, Ben or Benny, Horton, Veronica, or Ronnie, Horton nee Parker: that's us. Both aged forty. Married going on fourteen years I guess. Happy? She is, I'm not, and for damn good reason: she's been cheating on me. And, not just cheating on me, but serial cheating on me, with at least four different men including my boss, and that for at least the last thirteen years; she admits to that long. And, I just found out about it today. Fuck! How did I find out? Well, that's the story, at least...

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Charmed Girl Power

Prelude In a downtown tenement of San Francisco, Lena, a 16 year old girl sat on her bed, head in hands with her long straight brown hair hanging down like a curtain, obscuring her face and the tears on her cheeks. The events of the past two days had turned her world upside- down. The blazing row with her parents in the mall had started it when she had flung her arms out in anger and frustration. The catastrophic results of this action had demolished a shop on one side and had taken out the...

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Senior Week Part 1

Living near the ocean is wonderful for teenagers during the summer. Barely 18, barely dressed, walking the beach, hand in hand, splashing in the surf. The joys of summer. One of the best times is Senior Week, when groups of newly graduated seniors would rent a beach house for a week and get to live on their own for the week. My friends, Chris, Bob, Scott and I had pooled our resources and rented a large house right on the beach. Our girlfriends Sharon, Brenda, Pat and Charlene were equally...

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Reshmi 8211 The Perfect Indian Wife

[responsivevoice_button rate=”0.9″ pitch=”1.1″ volume=”0.8″ voice=”Australian Male” buttontext=”Listen to Story”] This story is of about two days after our marriage, during our honeymoon. It was not an arranged marriage, so we were already close. Reshmi, my wife, completely stands up to her name. She is 23 years old and is at her prime. Her measurements are 36-28-36, a perfect hourglass shape enough to hypnotize any man. I had fucked my wife many times before marriage and so, it wasn’t unknown...

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The Proper Rape of a Princess

***WARNING: This story is actually a short story. If you are looking for instant sex, find a new story or scroll down half a page. This story is longer so that you can be engrossed in it, you can know the characters, their motivations; you can feel their pain and you can understand the plot. All making for a much more sickening and horrible experience when the rape does occur. (Still, it's pretty short.) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. The woman walked swiftly through...

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Aunty Ke Sath Affair The Beginning

Hi . I am a 20 year old boy who loves aunties and their assets . I masturbate daily twice for aunties . I always wanted an aunty to take away my virginty which is my dream and I believe it will definitely happen one day . I have a school in front of my apartment where a aunty use to come to leave her children .I use to see her and she use to see me . She was a typical hot desi aunty and her age was around 32 . She alaways use to wear sarees and was having a perfect figure with a low cut blouse...

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My Darling Neighbor 8220Lavanya8221 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am madhan age 20 studying 3rd year b.E in reputed collage with an average penis length of 6 inch long and 2 1/2 inches girth. I am from tirunelveli I am an regular reader of iss for past 5 years. This is my first story posting here which happened true in my life if any mistakes please pardon me.So coming to the story my family consist of me dad and mom this story is about my sexy neighbor named lavanya residing near our house about her she is 27 ,married to an business man having...

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Indian Couples Erotic and Loving Threesome with a Close Friend Part1

Indian Couple’s Erotic and Loving Threesome with a Close Friend Part-1 I am Raj. I was a professional engineer, working in a multinational company in Jaipur. This incident took place some years ago. I have a good physic and am reasonably good looking. My friend and colleague Anil, was a smart 33 years young chap same as I and a very close friend of mine. Anil has athletic body and does regular exercises. He is also very handsome Punjabi (from North India). We were of almost the same age, in...

Wife Lovers
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Oh The Webs We Weave Part 2

Oh The Webs We Weave Part 2 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of pure fiction and has no reference to real life. My heartfelt thanks to all those who commented on part one. This story is copy written by the author and permission to down load for personal pleasure is granted; however, no part of this story may be down loaded or otherwise copied for commercial, payment or use on pay sites. It is recommended that part one be read before reading this one. Constructive comments may be sent...

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Hot Sex With Neha In Jaipur Hotel

Hello frnd. I am Aakash. I am in Delhi for quite some time. I am 27. 6ft. Avg built with boy next door features. Let’s start with the story. Last month, my company sent me to jaipur on a job assignment for one month. I came to jaipur without any expectations as I knew that these small towns can never give the excitement and fun of Metro cities. My stay was arranged in posh hotel near railway station (can’t tell the name). Initial 3-4 days were very boring but it all changed on first Friday....

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Experience of Life

hi all the readers. main 2 saalon se iss ka regular reader hun aur bahut baar socha ke apna experience share karun but himmat nahi kar paya. but aaj himmat karke main apne bahut saare experienes mein se kuch apke saath share kar raha hun. meri age 23 hai aur meri look average hai but fir bhi mere ache aur simple nature ki wajah se meri life mein bahut si ladkiyan aai. jab main 18 saal ka tha to apni cousin sister ki shaadi mein gay to unki ek friend jiska naam preeti tha ne mujhe purpose kiya...

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Bhabhi Ne Khola Mere Sex Ka Account

Hi. . . . . My name is Rohan. Meri height 5. 8” hai. Mera color fair hai. Mai ek good looking guy hu with my 6” cock. To aap logo ko jyada bore na karate huye apni story start krta hu. . . Ye story ki main part hai Sangita jo ki mere pados me rehti hai.  Wo ek angel k jaisi dikhati hai. Unhe dekh k aisa lagata hai mano god ne use apne liye banaya ho magar galati se earth pe bhejh diya. Wo milk se bhi gori hai.  Unka figure34-26-36 hai. Hamare area me unke sb hi diwane hai. Unke baare me sochate...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Frustration Act Liza diary of

LIZA – STORY OF A SEX SLAVECh.1. THE SCENE IS SET:My name is Liza and I am a sex slave, I am nineteen years old and I have been with the Master for two years. It is actually a very good life style once one comes to terms with the Master’s exacting predilections. I am the newest recruit to the Master’s stable, he has two other girls and we all live in a big house within a high walled park.I come from a mining village, and left school at twelve years of age to go and work as a bal maiden at the...

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The ElectricianChapter 2

Adam parked near a log cabin that served as the gun club’s clubhouse. He tilted his seat and from the back retrieved a long wooden case and a tackle box. Then, he popped the trunk and removed a packet of 100-yard rifle targets. Kara stepped from the passenger’s side. Adam glanced at her -- she was wearing jeans and a tee shirt, her light brown hair tied in a ponytail. “This is the club,” he remarked. “It’s quiet.” “We’re apt to see some members show up. It gets busy in the fall, when guys...

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Late For DinnerChapter 13 Driving It Home

Mommy shook the sleeping girl gently. "Time to go home, sleepyhead." "Huh? Hi Mommy, what are you doing here?" Kathy wiped the sleepy cum from her eyes. "Officer Ray called. Have you had a good time?" Mommy began removing the pins from Kathy's breasts. "Ouch," Kathy whined. After Mommy finished, Kathy realized the scorekeeper had played a joke on her: the pin pricks on her left breast spelled "Hi, Kathy," her right breast bore the beginning of the "Have a nice d(ay)." "Do I...

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Married Dry Pussy

I am, Virdik, male, 45 years of age and having my own financial consultancy firm now. I take limited and selective assignments. My e-mail : Before I move ahead with the story I wish to point out few facts. I have read many stories and every playboy has indicated 7~9” cocks and hours of fucking. Friends the size of the cock is not important, it depends how you perform your act so do not be afraid of the size of your cock. Further, hours of pumping in different posses after a hectic oral is also...

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A Rainy NIght In Georgia

[For gt15go...and a cold and rainy night in Georgia, a long time ago. And for Oscar.]As I sat slumped back against the couch in Oscar's living room, and felt the moist warmth of his mouth as he sucked my throbbing cock, it was steadily raining a cold, winter rain, such as is common in that more hilly region of Georgia.Each time his mouth slid up and down along the length of my cock, it throbbed in response; and I couldn't help but moan softly with the growing pleasure he was...

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Winning Story At Kirtu Contest

Scientist’s Beauty Laxmi Chechi Author: Abhi Parekh Email: Word Count: 4563 Dr.Raghuprakash Nath is a senior scientist at ISRO Ahmedabad, staying at ISRO colony. Laxmi is his beautiful wife, a mallu woman in her mid 40s. She has combination of not only beauty and brain, she is sexy too. Her every curve is luscious. Any man looking at her start look at her flowing curves. For some that may be her bust line, for some that may be her waist line. Some keep staring at her legs and thighs. While...

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48 Saal Ki Aunty Lund Ki Diwani

Hello,dosto i am kunal,23 years old. me orrisa me rahta hun,mera lund 7 inch lunba aur 3 inch motai hai. Hagit 5feet 6 inch hai. Ye mera first story hai.mera Email.hotkunal82 Aab mera kahani me ek 48 saal aunty ko chuda ,ab me unka pati jesha baangaya hun, Aunty ka naam sumitra hai unki umar 40 saal hai magar bo 33 ki lagti hai ,aunty ki ek ladka hai aur ek ladki hai .dono kalkata me reh kar padai karte hai.ghar me sirf aunty aur uncle rehte hai .uncle ka age 56 hai. Aunty bahut sexy...

1 year ago
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For Money or MayhemChapter 17 Sweet Dreams

It was ten after seven when I called Andi. It wasn’t a happy call. “Hey! I cooked. When are you going to be here?” I loved her voice. “Um, I got a little tied up at work,” I said. “I’m not sure I’ll make it.” “Tied up?” The disappointment in her voice hurt. “Well, it’s more like locked in.” “Can’t you call someone to let you out?” “I’m locked into a room that I’m probably not supposed to be in.” “Probably?” “Definitely.” “Dag, what do you do for a living?” Andi was trying to make...

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Dee is explored in the rainforest1

Dee had been with her husband on this trip and they’d taken the long trip to Brazil to do a little exploration of the rainforest. Dee and her husband John were in their late 30s and this was to be a trip of a lifetime. They’d always talked about visiting the rainforest and now their dream had come true. They’d arrived at their hotel after a long flight and transfer and after some acclimatisation they were ready to make the short trip to the forest from the nearest town on the outskirts of...

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A New PastChapter 58 Faster Higher Further

“Damn, this looks like a pig,” Hunter said as he paused inside the new hangar in Kenya and admired my latest project. Our base in Kenya had changed over the years, growing from an emergency field to our primary heavy lift base. Most personel went to orbit on GOTs, but our heavy lifters were based here in Kenya. Our shelters had been replaced with permanent huts and houses, built along traditional lines, but with modern materials. Staff now enjoyed easy access to Nairobi via train, plane, and...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 8 Dees Diary Desperate Love

DEE'S DIARY SATURDAY, MAY 5th (Continued) To this day I don't know which direction we were heading. We were on a major road, but I don't even know if it was an interstate highway. Jay drove fast, weaving smoothly through the traffic. We didn't talk; the wind prohibited easy speech, and there was really no need for it. After about half an hour, he pulled into the parking lot of a very large metal building with huge, blaring letters atop its roof: ADULT BOUTIQUE - BOOKS - VIDEOS -...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex Life II Sophomore SeasonChapter 5

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 “What’s on your mind,” I asked as I closed my car door carefully. Jen seemed to stiffen and forced herself to turn towards me in her seat so that she couldn’t avoid looking at me. “What I said about the dance wasn’t entirely true.” “So you DO want to go to the dance?” I said with a lopsided grin. “I don’t know,” she said softly. “Let me finish.” “OK,” I replied, letting her continue. “I have gone to a dance before. It was, it was horrible.” “Go on,” I...

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Best Night of My Life Part 2

Authors Note: Although based on certain true events, this story is a work of fiction. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It builds slowly and contains a lot of details. Yes, there is sex in this story. No, it doesn’t happen right away. If you are looking for a story with raunchy sex at the get-go that never lets up, you probably won’t enjoy this. Most of the scenes are a build-up of erotically charged circumstances. ————– continued from Part 1 The girls disappeared back into...

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Bus Incident

Bus IncidentThis is a true incident – memories of which are still very vivid in my mind .. I am a 32 year old housewife, mother of a 6 year old k** and I have a fair amount of fucking experience with my husband. I have a dusky complexion & consider myself attractive & have a good well maintained figure of 36-32-38, of which I am pretty proud. A couple of months ago, I had to travel to my native place on an emergency. My husband’s elder brother’s son, Senthil, who is staying at our...

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The Tree FortChapter 9

Mike was so happy to see Cindy back at tree fort that he waited until her third day back before he told her to fuck the dogs. During those three days she spent her time fucking and sucking the three of us. Mike had modified the cervix plug with an eyelet in the base so that he could hook it with a bent piece of coat hanger and pop it right of her. I could tell it still hurt her when he put it in and pulled it out but she didn’t complain. As it turned out Cindy really liked fucking and...

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