Wanting to fuck what you shouldnt as a girl that young
- 3 years ago
- 27
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“Thank you,” Blake told the waitress as breakfast was laid before him. Three fried eggs, four pancakes coated with Aunt Jemima Syrup accompanied by a mug of hot Earl Grey. He placed his bookmark to Chapter two’s beginning from The 48 Laws of Power to indulge in this freshly presented breakfast. Drained from early morning studying, replenishing all that was lost was the only way he was going to regain focus. To get back to what needed to be done. About halfway into breakfast, he looked up and the figure of a middle-aged man appeared at the round table before him. The gentleman wore a long sleeve black, wool turtleneck with grey joggers and a pair of black and white converse shoes. He had a medium build; around five foot ten with a low-cut full beard and haircut with a receding hairline – both being snow white.
“That’s a good piece of literature ya have there,” he said with a nasal voice, smiling towards Blake. The tone was one that would give the impression they knew each other for a lifetime.
“Um…thanks,” Blake replied with mismatched energy.
“Oh Jesus, where are my manners? Hi, I’m Kellam Bridgeford,” he said broadening his smile to show some white and extending his hand for a handshake.
“Nice to meet you,” Blake replied, shaking Kellam’s hand tentatively.
“How long you’ve been reading it? I swear to God it took me about a year to finish the entire damn thing,” Kellam said with a slight chuckle.
“Am well…I guess about two weeks now. I’m so sorry my name’s Blake by the way. Uh, Blake Moss,” he said while making inconsistent eye contact.
“It’s alright, bud, no need to apologize. I’m the one that interrupted your breakfast; hell, I should be apologizing,” he said in a light manner while putting up both hands signaling surrender.
Kellam then asked if he could sit and Blake obliged. They engaged in small talk surrounding the book, current events and even the expenses of Blake’s current college education. Kellam also spoke briefly about his marriage and real estate business before the vibration from his cell phone interrupted proceedings.
“Video call from the old ball and chain. Gotta take this,” Kellam jokingly said. “Heeey, dear.”
Blake handed his empty plate and mug to the waitress as his guest had a friendly discourse with his wife. For all of his optimism, it was apparent Kellam beamed even more during his interaction with her. Something Blake hoped to attain one day but had very little faith that he would.
“Hey Blake, say hi to my wife Lydia,” Kellam said as he turned the face of his cell phone towards Blake who awkwardly raised his hand and shook at her.
“Awww, he seems shy, Kell,” Lydia said as if speaking about a child. Her pink, satin robe was slackly tied around her belly button; Cleavage and abs both visible with her right breast seeking escape from its clothed prison. Blake looked everywhere but into the camera as this all went down.
“Ah, he’s a good kid, hon. Probably doesn’t want me to think he’s checking out my hot young wife,” Kellam winked and laughed out with his wife following suit. Blake chuckled nervously and switched eye contact between the husband and wife, hoping that the camera face would turn soon to end this awkwardness.
“Well, he’s cute, so I don’t mind him checking me out. Don’t forget what we discussed earlier okay, dear?” her tone became serious in her latter statement.
“Oh trust me, hon; I won’t. See you later,” Kellam said as his voice dropped an octave and his smile faded. Blake became intrigued as this was the first time his conversation partner’s face was serious for the entire time they’ve met. Kellam placed his phone face down and kept looking at it; not removing his hand as if pondering his next step. He peered over the top of his glasses at Blake, raised his head back to a neutral position and spoke again.
“Blake, I wanna be straight with you, bud,” his face was now drained of all emotion. With both palms down on the table, his slouched posture held during their conversation transformed into an upright seated position.
“Kay…sure,” Blake uttered followed by his eyebrows making a slow, downward motion. Fully engaged, he sat back into his chair to hear what followed.
“Today isn’t the first time I’ve seen you in here. I’ve been watching you eat breakfast in here for about a month now give or take.” A grin from the right corner of his mouth formed but the emotion of his eyes remained stoic. Blake swallowed upon hearing what was just presented. What was he to make of this? Why was this newly met stranger watching him for an entire month? Furthermore, why was he admitting all of this to him?
“My wife and I…let’s just say that our marriage isn’t…traditional,” he said dipping his head forward, raising his palms from the table and clasping them before resting his chin on top.
“I don’t understand. What…what does that have to do with you well…watching me?” Blake queried while pressed into his seat.
“Well, we do this thing where we...” he paused to snicker for a moment and then resumed, “We do this thing where we seek candidates for the other to have...fun with.”
“Fun?” Blake asked with a heart beating as if it wanted to escape his chest.
“Yes. Fun,” Kellam replied with raised eyebrows, “Tell me something, Blake; would you fuck her if given the chance?” Blake’s pulse beat against his ear-drums at an increasing rate.
“Mr. Bridgeford, I absolutely wouldn’t. I mean, that’s your wife. I would never imag-”
“Blake…Blake,” he firmly interrupted. Blake’s mouth closed immediately and he stared at Kellam before looking down at the table, “You’re a smart kid. I think you can read between the lines and know that I’m not going to be offended by you saying what you want to say.”
“Sir, I-”
“Son, it’s a yes or no question,” his hands dropped down to the table, still clasped.
“Ye…Yes,” Blake stuttered while still looking down at the table, glancing at Kellam before looking to the side and back to the table.
“Perfect,” a close-mouthed smile appeared on his face.
There was around thirty to forty-five seconds of silence after this. Kellam took back up his phone and held it with both hands as he clicked away at it. The changes in brightness off his glasses’ reflection held Blake’s interest – especially considering the exchange that just took place.
“Mr. Brid-”
“Give me just a second, bud,” he interrupted while still focused on his phone. Blake shuffled around in his seat; awaiting the path this conversation would take next. This was all peculiar to him; a stalker and open marriages. Part of him wanted to get up and walk out immediately, but the other had a morbid curiosity as to what would follow.
“Mr. Bridge…Kellam. What does all of this even really mean? Are you proposing that I have sex with your wife as part of some little game you guys play?” Blake sat forward and rested his forearms on the table. His fists couldn’t decide what position they wanted to keep; constantly clenching and unclenching.
“Jesus, you make it sound so bad. Look, kid, my wife and I aren’t exactly re-inventing the wheel here. This kind of thing is way more common than you think. Plus, I’d make it worth your while,” he said while turning his phone’s face towards Blake. Before the young man was the online banking page for First Bank. To be more precise, Kellam was on the funds transfer page.
“Here’s the deal, kid: I pay ya twenty large to have sex with my wife. Half now if you agree, half after the deed’s done,” he said while not breaking eye contact.
“What if I say no?” Blake asked while shrugging his shoulders and opening his palms to face up.
“Then I move on to find someone else and we never speak again.”
“Well, what if…What if I say I’d do it and get half now, but then I don’t come through when it’s time?”
“You’re ten Gs richer. You’ll be missing out on a lot more money so it would more be your loss.”
“You mean the other half?”
“Oh no, way more than that.”
Blake raised his eyebrow for a millisecond before responding, “What do you mean way more than that?’”
“I mean, every time you fuck her afterwards, you’d get paid a sum. This wouldn’t be a one-time deal son. Plus, I know you don’t want to be swimming in student loan debt until you're fifty.”
It definitely was an attractive offer. Was the encounter in itself strange? Yes. But when would he get the opportunity to see this kind of money again in a lump sum?
“I know I’m crazy for saying this,” Blake said while inhaling deeply and looking down at the table.
“Uh-huh?” Kellam leaned forward, anticipating what would fall out of Blake’s lips.
“Yea. Yes, I’ll um, I’ll do it,” he exhaled slowly and slouched into the soft cushy seat.
“Good, good,” he said as a Cheshire cat-like grin stretched across his face, “Alright, so on top of the ten thousand dollar deposit, I’ll give ya extra for a full STD panel test. Three weeks from now is when you guys will meet in person.”
Kellam then gathered accounting information from Blake and made the initial deposit – he also explained to him it would take three to four business days to appear. To think even more was coming was surreal, to say the least. Mobile numbers were exchanged and Kellam sent his address to Blake via a Map application.
“One last thing, bud: Don’t tell anyone about this, alright?” Kellam said as he got up and was getting ready to leave.
“Sure thing; got it,” Blake said followed with folded lips, nodding and giving a thumbs up to his parting guest.
“Jesus Christ, Lydia is going to love you,” Kellam turned and hollered as he walked away. The scanty crowd in the diner glanced over to the activity but quickly went back to minding their business. Blake’s stomach was a bubbling mess after this entire ordeal and he rushed to the establishment’s facilities to relieve himself. Hopefully, he would be settled when the time came to do what had to be done.
Three weeks had passed since the encounter in the diner. Blake, already having rung the doorbell was at the Bridgeford’s doorstep with butterflies in his stomach still. Nervousness subsided somewhat but he was still wary. Not knowing what to expect, he told his best friend Chris where he was going. In his mind, he didn’t technically disobey Kellam’s order as Chris wasn’t informed of the arrangement, just the location. The door opened and before him stood the man who provided this proposal three weeks prior. Adorned in a teal dress shirt, two top buttons unbuttoned showing wispy trails of grey chest hair; khaki shorts resting just above his knees and flat low-cut white shoes.
“Why is he answering his own door? Thought all rich people had butlers or something.” Blake put that all on the back-burner as his host opened his mouth to speak.
“I knew you’d come. Lydia owes me a full body massage,” he said excitedly with a fist shaking and a grin.
“Am, that’s cool I guess,” Blake replied flatly with both hands tucked into the pockets of his Levi Jeans. He also wore a close-fitting white T-shirt with a crew-neck that showed off the hard work he put in at the gym. His face clean-shaven, exposed a strong jaw-line, grey eyes resembling slits and curly, dirty blonde hair with some falling onto his forehead.
“Well, don’t just stand there. Come on in,” Kellam guided Blake inside with his hand placed onto one of the young man’s muscular shoulders and closed the door behind them. Blake took his time soaking in what was before him. The Bridgefords home was much more modern than he ever thought it would be. Fully expecting a rustic presentation, his face and body relaxed at the different shades of white and polished marble surrounding him – definitely not the Devil’s lair he imagined for the last few weeks, “Lydia honey, our guest is here!” Kellam bellowed while looking up the winding staircase.
“Coming!” she sang as a door creaked open and subsequently closed upstairs. Her footsteps got louder with every step until finally, a slim, athletic figure was in eyesight of both gentlemen on the ground floor. Her downward approach so graceful, she caught both men’s attention in her bright green high heels and V-neck, ocean blue sun dress. Her hair was straight, brown and shoulder-length, parted in the middle; eyes brown and slanted with crow’s feet set on a long face and angular jawline. Upon reaching the ground floor, she appeared slightly taller than her husband. She leaned forward and whispered into his ear while resting palms on both shoulders. They glanced over in Blake’s direction, looked back at each other and the husband nodded as if in agreement with what was just told to him.
“Alright, buddy, I’m heading out of here. Oh, wait before I do that: Blake, this is Lydia; Lydia, this is Blake,” he said, seemingly in a rush, “Lydia darling, I’ll see you later tonight.” The two pecked each other on the lips; then Kellam took up keys from a nearby counter, exited through the front door and made himself scarce. As a diesel engine switched on and roared away on the outside, Lydia strolled over to Blake, placed her left hand on his right and kissed him on the jaw.
“It’s nice to meet you, Blake,” she whispered while parting her lips from him; eyes fully transfixed to his. She caressed his face before removing her hand, turning around and walking towards the fridge. “My husband told me you were an anomaly,” she said with her back turned still; picking up a bottle of sparkling wine from inside the fridge, then collecting two wine glasses before heading back towards Blake.
“How so?” he asked while his eyes shifted from her face, cleavage then away to the distance.
“For a guy this well built and good looking, you’re so nervous and lacking confidence,” she said with a husky, yet refined voice. She poured two glasses of wine before offering one to Blake. He took it and looked down to the ground, jaw clenching. Lydia’s free hand lifted Blake’s chin up so that he could face her, “Let me guess: you were some skinny dork in high school that no one ever paid any attention too? High school’s over, you decide to hit some weights, take better care of yourself but…”
“But no matter what, you still can’t get past who you were before. You’re letting your current life be dictated by someone who doesn’t even fully exist anymore. Tell me something, young man: Do you want to have a personality matching this killer body and gorgeous face you have, or do you prefer to be a timid little pussy for the rest of your life?” she asked while raising both eyebrows and taking a sip from her wine glass. Her hand dropped from his chin and shifted to her hip. Standing tall before him with her challenging stance, Blake was emasculated, yet intrigued.
“No one’s ever said something to me like that before,” Blake mumbled.
“Then your social circles are just as pussy as you, sweetie,” she said with a hip angled to the side as the remainder of the wine disappeared from the glass and into her throat, “I see potential in yo,u handsome. Trust and believe that when I’m done with you, you’re going to look back and laugh at the fact that you held onto this baggage for as long as you did.”
Blake upset now, turned towards the counter and put his glass down. Lydia set aside her empty wine glass, took his up and planted it firmly onto his muscular chest. He looked at her with a frown still intact, but it relaxed a bit before taking the glass from her and gulping it all down. Without any warning, she cupped his manhood and smirked. Grabbing the back of his neck with the other hand, her lips caressed his. She nibbled the bottom and then top before releasing the grip around his neck and sliding her other hand into his.
“Follow me,” she said, followed by a slow blink and turning around to walk upstairs. With each step they took going up, Blake couldn’t remove his focus from her well-toned ass. The way the sundress eased between her cheeks and out, flouncing around every inch of it caused his excitement to grow exponentially. At the top of the stairs, she pointed to the second door on the left and said, “In there, you will shower and when finished, meet me in the room at the bottom of this hallway.” She pointed towards the door at the very end of the hallway, directly facing them.
“Okay,” he gulped and blinked quickly before she turned around and kissed him again, holding his face with both hands. When removing her lips from his, their faces still close enough for their breath to bounce off each other she whispered, “I’m going to take care of you; stop being so fucking nervous.”
Lydia released her grasp and Blake made his way towards the bathroom door before receiving a slap on the ass. He paused momentarily, chuckled and then continued walking towards the bathroom.
With a fluffy, white towel wrapped around his waist, Blake exited the bathroom and slid across the long hallway towards what was expected to be his awakening. He’d been with girls before, but never a woman as mature, dominant and frank as Lydia Bridgeford. No question, she was younger than her husband but carried more years than Blake. In front of the door, he stood squeezing the knob with tightly closed eyes and his head bowed; bracing for what was on the other end. A quick twist and pull on the knob swung the door open akin to tearing plaster from a wound; exposing him to a room dimly lit in yellow light – a colour scheme of vibrant peach mixed with white decorated the walls, furniture and carpeting – with a faint aromatic scent. Lydia stood beside the bed with bright red lipstick applied, black crotch-less panties exposing her heart-shaped pubic patch and garters attaching long black stockings with both feet tucked into blood-red stilettos. Side to side her hips swayed – hands akimbo – and she pouted and licked her puffy lips.
“Come here,” she said while beckoning with her index finger. He stepped forward before her hand rose again and flattened against his chest causing him to stop immediately. Just a foot away, she looked up at him while removing his towel; wrapping her arms around the back of his head, going in lips and tongue first for a readily accepted kiss. Their tongues fought for position in each other’s mouths – hands grabbing and rustling through the other’s hair. Lips separated and Lydia’s wrapped around his nipples and licked, flicked and nibbled. Never having experienced this before, he looked straight ahead and his mouth took the shape an O. Her tongue traced from his nipples to abs, belly-button and then pubic area. With an increased heart rate, his dick jumped around wildly with Lydia’s mouth being close enough to almost feel the wind from it. She dodged around it, kissing and licking the thighs which rushed more blood to his length. Most of her face was blocked by his thick cock as she continued to orally stimulate his thighs from a squatting position. The wall clock’s minute hand on the opposite side of the room moved from four to five before she finally graced his balls with the presence of her wet, hot tongue; vigorously lapping, leaving them soaked and dripping in no time. Lydia’s deadly tongue then traced the shaft of Blake’s cock from balls to tip, before enveloping it with her lush, bright red lips. The size contrast of his massive dick and her thin face bobbing up and down made him more rigid. One hand cupped his heavy balls and the other stroked in a twisting up and down motion while Blake sweated and struggled to close his hanging mouth. Her lips separated from his manhood with a pop followed by a devilish smile.
“How do you like that?” she queried while folding his previously dropped towel to kneel on.
“G-good. Feels good,” he replied, already out of breath.
She grabbed his cock by the base and pushed down the pelvis to get the maximum length; staring at it, looking at it from different angles, she uttered, “You should never be shy when you’re packing this kind of heat.” She stopped shifting around and faced it head-on; opening her mouth wide, the length made its way in and slid past her uvula. A well functioning gag reflex tightened her throat around him momentarily before settling and going further – her lips kissed the fist she made around his cock. Bits of spit and drool rolled over her red lips as she held it and gagged. Veins popped up in her forehead and her eyes rolled back before his cock unsheathed quickly like a sword – gasping loudly with drool hanging from her chin and a hand rested on her thigh. No one before Lydia ever deepthroated Blake that far or even got on their knees to suck him off. She shoved it back into her mouth and used both hands to twist, stroke and jerk as her head bobbed and twisted up and down his cock. This continued for another minute or two before Blake’s knees buckled and she removed his big cock from her throat and spoke, “I’ll let you fuck my face next time, but for now, lay on the bed.” She tapped the mattress behind her twice and Blake almost collapsed before turning back first and falling onto it.
Lydia stood up and stepped onto the bed with feet on either side of Blake’s body – subsequently squatting over his face while holding onto the headboard.
“Eat this fucking pussy.” She grinded on his face as his tongue moved in clockwise and counter-clockwise motions on her clit. Each of her soft ass-cheeks was grabbed to stabilize her as she slowly grinded in similar fashion to a jockey. Wetness coated his lips and chin – running down the latter – as he sucked and smacked loudly like a man returning from a torturous famine. Blake didn’t want to come across as being too carried away but this insecurity lay low in the moment; pulling her juicy ass and pussy down onto his face so it could press further into her loins. The bucking quickened as her mouth stretched open and eyes bulged – breaths getting heavier and heavier as she got closer to the end.
“Fuuuccckk yooouuu!” she screamed with buckling knees and fingers slipping off of the headboard. Blake grabbed her toned, round ass to keep her from falling. She scooted from his face down the length of his body until arriving at his cock. A reach behind and an arch of her ass later and she fitted his cock into her and gradually slid down on it – teeth clenching, eyes rolling and growling upon penetration. With both feet still in high heels and planted on the bed, she bounced up and down his pelvis, resting her palms on his broad chest. The decibels of her ass slapping against his pelvis got increasingly louder and wetter as his head twitched from side to side; eyes closed tight. Blake opened his eyes as Lydia wrapped her hands around his neck – her face grimacing as her bouncing increased in intensity. A guttural growl crawled from her throat and shivers vibrated from her while looking to the side with rolled eyes and a hanging jaw. Quickly after, her legs moved from squatting to resting on the knees so she could grind on him. She maintained a firm grip on his neck and rolled her hips in a clockwise motion with wetness rolling down his balls and ass-crack.
“Fuck this is so fucking good!” she looked down again before flipping her hair and looking up at the ceiling. He was so deep that her ass-cheeks kissed his balls with every fibre of movement made.
“I’m gonna cum on your fucking cock, Blake. You understand me? I’m gonna cum all over your big fucking cock!” she sobbed with tears running down her contorted face. Their noses touched as her face lowered over his and they kissed. Blake wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace and only their hips moved – the speed escalating until her pussy made rapid contractions with him still inside. Her screams fed into his mouth while their kissing continued and the orgasm shook through her body akin to several waves of electric currents – subsiding with each wave.
“My legs are weak, baby. I’m gonna let you take control for a bit, okay?” Lydia stated as she lifted one leg and rolled to Blake’s left side, onto her back. Still panting from that just finished orgasm, she turned his head towards hers and kissed him again. After removing her lips from his, she asserted, “Fuck me, Blake.”
The young man sat up, got to his knees and positioned himself in front of her. With her legs and knees still closed, his eyes twitched about awaiting their separation.
“Are you gonna wait for me to spread my legs, or are you gonna make me open them?” she asked, cocking her head to the side and raising eyebrows like a defiant teenager. She cupped her breasts and pinched the nipples awaiting Blake’s next move. Legs still closed together, they swung from side to side as she hummed.
“Please open your legs, Lydia,” Blake asked meekly. Lydia broke down laughing and covered her mouth with both hands before removing them and giving Blake a pitiful smile.
“Blake baby, no real woman is ever gonna take you seriously if you don’t man up. What the fuck was that?” she asked while trying to hold in laughter, one eyebrow raised. Blake’s hands rested on his hips – folding lips and smiling nervously whilst he looked all around the room. Lydia’s expression went neutral, sat up and grabbed his face – making him look directly into her eyes – released her grip with one hand and swung thunderously across his face with a slap. The pain stung and Blake looked back wild-eyed and puffing. Another slap struck, then another until he blocked and gave her one of his own.
“Is this what you want? Huh? Is this what you fucking want?!” Blake screamed at her, forced both legs apart and shoved his fat cock inside of her. She stared at him with popping eyes and a gaping mouth – her face tomato red from his previous strike. Each thrust drew back further and clapped louder against her as his palms sank into the back of her toned thighs. Drool ran from the corner of her mouth – she was facing away now – and the colour of her eyes disappeared; a sick smile crept from her face as he bludgeoned her with his manhood.
“Yeesss. Fuuuccck me just like that. Fuck me like the rich slut I am,” she snarled. Lydia turned towards Blake and placed her hands around his neck and squeezed – he returned the favour. Tears rolled down her cheeks again as another orgasm ripped through her clit and cunt. Violent shivers and legs clamped around his torso followed with a few utterances that barely sounded human. She took his choking hand, rested it to the side of her face and positioned his thumb on her lips. Before slipping it into her mouth, she rubbed that slimy thumb all over her lips; staring a hole through him. While under him, her hips gyrated in a clockwise motion and her clit rubbed against his pelvis with every grind – their sweat becoming one. With one arm wrapped around, he lifted her and sat back on his calves while kneeling. Now sat comfortably on his lap, she put those hips to work on his cock and hugged tightly with her arms while oozing moans into his ear.
“Yes, baby, that’s it,” she whispered into his ear and then nibbled the lobe. After, his tongue glided along her neck with additional nibbles, she pressed her hands against his chest until he laid back flat – his legs straightened out and her straddling once more.
“Cowgirl again? Nice.” However, she took a leg from one side and carried it over to the other; rotating her body whilst he was still inside. A full one hundred and eighty degrees later, her ass and back were on display – her hips and toned cheeks spread for a broader appearance as they rested on his lap. She leaned forward, grabbed his ankles – planting both feet onto the bed while holding a squatting position – and lifted her round ass slowly before dropping to a loud smack. Five to ten more times she repeated this action before quickening the pace and throwing her head back with a hair flip. The dimly lit room provided a distraction for Blake as Lydia’s ass wobbling with every bounce almost triggered a premature release. A change of scenery came about as she leaned back and extended her arms to either side of him. He grabbed her slim waist and gave firm upward thrusts which met her own movements. When she lay back flat on his torso, their movements shifted from thrusting to grinding. His right hand grazed her pubic patch and lowered to the clitoris and labia; rubbing both in a circular motion. Three of his fingers went into her mouth after she gasped – sucking and licking them as if they were the most delicious meal to ever pass those lips.
“Fuck, B-Blake, I’m coming aga-again,” she stammered as his fingers fell out of her mouth, tracing saliva across her cheek. Another orgasm pulsed through her arching, convulsing body as it lay against his solid core. She rolled off to the side but he held on as they both lay prone – him on top for the ride. To avoid his arm falling asleep, he removed it from under her and rested on both elbows to grind against her soft ass-cheeks. The hot, snug sensation left his mouth hung open as she slimed his balls and shaft with a pussy that got wetter with each orgasm. His warm, heavy breath steamed over the back of her head and neck and she responded with soft moans. A smirk from her rested face on its side served as a challenge for Blake as he gave the deepest grind manageable – any deeper and they would’ve had the same social security number. Tightly closed eyes and a broad mouthed grimace emphasized her crow’s feet and other lines; followed by a whimper and a deep inhale.
“Blake…Blaaake. Don’t hold b-back,” she slurred. Blake got up to his knees and held her hips as he went from soft grinding to thrusting – her fleshy ass expanding and contracting with each thrust, “Slap it, baby,” she groaned into the mattress. A few smacks across her ass-cheeks reddened them and tears flowed from Lydia as she sobbed in a mix of pleasure and pain. She propped herself onto both elbows and gave an over the shoulder look into his eyes. The time for kneeling ended as he leaned forward on both fists and straightened his legs out in a plank position; driving his cock into her with great impact. His tongue snaked into her open mouth and slithered around briefly; a tingling sensation escalated in his loins until he ceased the onslaught on her ass-cheeks by withdrawing quickly – ejaculating all over her slender back and ass like a wild water hose. One shot went into her hair and the remnants dribbled into her ass-crack. Heavy breathing followed as he hunched over, balancing on one hand while stroking out what was left inside with the other. Lydia looked back with a smile, bit her bottom lip and giggled.
“You didn’t have to pull out, you know. I’m always on birth control,” she said playfully whilst swaying her ass side to side.
“Shit,” Blake replied almost sounding disappointed.
“Annnd, if you’re gonna pull out ever again, I prefer it on my face. So make a mental note of that,” she said while pointing at her face with an index finger; tongue stuck out, mouth opened wide making an aah sound.
“You-You serious?” Blake stammered, “You like…facials?”
“Yeeeeesssss,” she drawled, with eyes rolling and head shaking, “Why is that so surprising?”
“Don’t know…just, girls don’t usually go for that,” he said while shrugging.
“Exactly. I’m a woman, not a fucking girl,” she giggled and scooped some of his semen off her back and into her mouth; sucking those fingers clean, jaws fully sunken in, looking directly at him.
“Am, where are your um, your towels…wipes?” he asked.
“They’re in the adjoining bathroom,” she said pointing towards it; narrowing her eyes and continuing to eat cum from her back, “Come up here.”
Blake moved from behind her and positioned himself in front of her face. With no hands, she took his semi-erect cock into her mouth and sucked her juices and his remaining cum off it. He winced, but she could care less about his post-orgasm sensitivity; relishing in his torture.
“Good. All clean now,” she said, “You can go get the wipes,” her head dropped to rest on her hands as he strolled to the bathroom and back with towels and wipes to wipe off everything he left on her. All done now, he gazed at her without blinking, opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again before speaking.
“Mrs. Bridgeford...”
“Excuse me? You better call me Lydia,” she said sternly with a raised head.
“Sorry. Lydia, I wanted to apologise for slapping you in the um, in the face earlier.”
“Oh fuck, I knew you were gonna do that,” she groaned while rotating onto her back with rolling eyes; exposing her soft breasts, defined abs and heart-shaped pubic patch.
“You knew I was going to…going to slap you?”
“Jesus Christ not that,” she laughed, “I’m talking about you apologizing; that’s so lame, Blake. I mean come on, I was asking for that fucking slap,” she shook her head, raised her eyebrows and shrugged with raised palms.
“Wha-What I…I’m confused.”
“Helllooo. Did you forget I was slapping the shit out of you first? Blake honey…oh Jesus,” Lydia’s palm covered her face followed by a shaking of the head, “Blake sweetie, you have so much to learn. Those girls you’re fucking are wasting your time. Don’t worry; by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be a completely different guy. You’re gonna be embarrassed you were ever this fucking wimp,” she said looking Blake up and down.
“You’re really sweet, know that?” Blake snarked.
“Whoooaaa was that wit? A bit of sarcasm? Seems like this box is working wonders already, huh? Hey, hand me my phone on top of that drawer over there, will ya?” she pointed to a tall beige drawer on the far left of the bed and he lumbered over to pick it up and then back – handing it to her. While laughing, she snatched it from him, sat up and rested her back against the headboard with both legs outstretched. The phone went to her ear after she dialed a contact and it rang a few times before being interrupted by a hello on the other line.
“Heeey Kell, he was amaaaziing.”
Lydia saw it fit to give her performance review along with a side of giggles and sometimes belly-aching laughter. After a brief three to five minutes, they said their goodbyes and she hung up.
“Sooo, Kell is gonna send you the other half that was agreed upon. If you wanna stick around for another couple rounds, you’re welcome to. If not, that’s alright too.”
“I think I’ll just rest for now.”
“Okay,” she scooted off the other side of the bed and her heels clopped against the floor, echoing as she walked towards the bedroom’s main door. “I’m gonna come back in a sec, okay?” her naked body pressed against the door and she gave that devilish smirk again before swinging it open and closing it in an instant. Blake Moss was now twenty thousand dollars richer and even more confused than before. He didn’t know where this arrangement was going to lead or how far it would go. Would it make him a better, more formidable man as Lydia claims? That was uncertain, to say the least. However, he owed it to himself – since life was so boring – to at least wait around and find out.
All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. My Mum’s boyfriend, he told me to hold on to the back of the chair and to stick my bum out. “No way.” “Do as I say.” “Fuck off. You can’t make me do that. I’m 18.” “I can and I will. Now do as I say.” “If my Mum found out about this, she’d go absolutely bonkers.” “Well she’s not gonna find out about it, is she?” “She will if I tell her.”
I live by an African family, i know the mother from walking by her house so often, she is a nice lady and we became close friends, we were having some tea one early morning, just laughing and telling stories about our lives. We were on the front porch enjoying the sunshine. I had to borrow her bathroom, the tea had gone through me, so I made my way through the house, up the stairs and when i arrived at the bathroom, i knocked and went inside, i closed the door, took down my pants and panties...
I got this buddy who had been plannin this party for at least a month. It was supposed to be the biggest party that was ever thrown in my hometown, except for one thrown by tupac and his boy biggie back in 93. I live on the west coast in the great state of Cali and my name is nick but everybody calls me deuce. I went to the concert t before the party. Im 22 and I love drink the jack. But I was at my buddies’ party checkin out the females and how fine they looked with them tiny ass skirts. Due...
First TimeMichele remained on her knees and waited for Chief Writer Rod Latham to come over to the bunk to see what he wanted of her. It turned out he wanted a quick fellatio session, which she provided. After the three sailors had satisfied their urges with Michele it was time to talk business. “So as you can see compartment Six Quebec Delta Alpha has been put to uses other than for those intended when the ship was built,” Rod Latham began. “We use it for our own little business on board. We have...
Plans changed when Christine discovered that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. He begged for forgiveness, saying the secret relationship didn't mean anything, but Christine wasn't the forgiving type (especially when it came to cheating). Christine refused to take him back, but she didn't want to waste the tickets either. Plus, she was genuinely excited for the trip, which included fun outdoor activities and beautiful scenery. Our parents overheard Christine asking me to go, and...
An Offer You Can't Refuse By Julie O Edited by Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "Mr. Wright will see you shortly," stated the receptionist in a firm tone. "Please have a seat." Nate Rollins nodded and sat down across from the CEO's receptionist. He was both curious and nervous about why he had been ordered to meet with Mr....
A shaft of bright sunlight stung my eyes when I opened them. I turned my face away from it and blinked around the strange bedroom. My head ached and my shoulder was stiff as if I had slept with my arm twisted under me. I was naked under a sheet on a queen bed. I searched my memory of where I was and how I got here.It all came back to me when she came into the room, carrying a tray with two mugs of coffee and a plate of Danish, and put it on the bedside table. Her dressing gown was nearly...
ReluctanceJulia held the letter I'd sent her in her hands. Well, it was more like an explanatory note, as I had just given it to her. It was a couple of pages, as I wanted to fully explain what I was thinking and give details about the offer. She'd had it a couple of days, long enough to think about it before we met. I was nervous, as I often got in tense situations. That's one reason I'd written out the note, so I could word it correctly to provide all the right information and express...
“Please give a warm welcome, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lancaster!” The crowd cheered its praises as I continued to adjust my seating arrangement. Cross the legs. Uncross the legs. Twist the ankles around the chair leg. Nothing helped to alleviate the pressure that was ever present. I glared at my husband who sat next to me as he continued to applaud the couple on their new marriage. How is this man able to get me to do these things? Feeling my stare on him, he looked over at me...
ToysTom Bradley crouched low, measuring his opponent, and sensed the match was almost over. His adversary, Whip Smith, swayed with exhaustion and glistened with sweat, having suffered several power moves and debilitating holds. At six feet two inches and 244 solid pounds, Bradley’s height and conditioning lent him a visible advantage as the match pressed on. The crowd of over fifteen thousand shouted and shifted as the grapplers studied one another. Smith summoned his remaining strength and...
I was doing some work around my house last Saturday. There were some repairs needed on the back of my house that I had been putting off. Well, I couldn’t put them off any more. I was about halfway finished when my neighbor’s wife Angela came around the house. She said, “I heard you around here working, and I thought I would just come over.” Knowing she doesn’t just come over, I wondered what she wanted. I asked, “What can I help you with?” I was thinking, I would love to help her out of...
CheatingMy uncle owned acres of farmland in Wales near the coast. When we were young we'd occasionally stay at his for a few nights holiday with my Dad and my Mum. On my dad's brother's land was lots of trees and forestry parts great for climbing and making hide-outs, which was great for me as a little girl. I always enjoyed staying with Uncle Geoff.Now as a freshly grown adult, and at 20 just out of my teen years I had decided to head back to Uncle Geoff's farm for some peace and quiet over the month...
The team was at a series of clinics being conducted in Athens, Georgia. Offensive units and defensive units were split and working on different fields. Specific skills were being drilled during the three-day event, both offensive and defensive, so the squad was divided along those lines. Midfielders were also split up between the two units, depending on their orientation. Pick's peculiar sense of amusement contributed to his decision to reverse us for this particular set of clinics. Frenchy,...
The preparation of Basher's colonial harem was well under way. I was back in the Whitechapel office. I finally got a chance, albeit fleeting, to talk to Clegg. "How was the meeting with Anatoly?" I asked. "Is there anything I need to do?" Freddie shook his head. "No," he said. "we are clean as far as I can tell. Elly had a conversation her contact in the National Crime Squad to try to get a fix on what's going on. Apparently, in the best tradition of detective novels, the police...
David, too, was back into the grind of student life. His semester had started with a week of orientations where he and his fellow students learned what awaited them in the first clinical year. Medical school was different in Continental Europe, comprising six years and starting right after secondary school education. The first two years were devoted to the preclinical training, science classes, Anatomy, Math and Statistics. This was pretty much but not completely comparable to David's...
November, 1983, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, I swam and ate breakfast with Stephanie. I saw in the Sport section of the Cincinnati Enquirer that Napoleon McCallum had scored two touchdowns in Navy’s 48-13 victory over Army in the anual Army-Navy game that had been played at the Rose Bowl. Given that I knew him, I now wished that I had watched, but it was too late to do anything about it. I took Stephanie to lunch at Frisch’s. We had a good, if subdued conversation, as compared to our...
It was a beautiful summer afternoon, hot but nice. My car needed a wash job, so I put on my old cut off jeans and tennis shoes and went outside to enjoy the day. I backed the car out onto the driveway; got the stuff I needed, and proceeded to start the wash job. I was kind of keeping track of what was going on in the neighborhood as I was doing the job. There was Don the neighbor across the street mowing his yard. He waved and I waved back. Don was cool and I had known him for a few years. He...
EroticOffered at MissMaud in the magic village.Meeting the accomplice partner, tuned in to the same wavelength, to practice these delicious and tasty exquisite games; is not an easy thing to do.Until the day I entered the place dedicated to these games, in the magic village, this club offering the light-dark of being able to practice this for real.It was a thrilling sexual revelation, orgasmic both cerebral and physical. But I needed to find a partner with whom I could surf with regularity on the...
Offering my nephew a helping hand, cunt, ass and mouth: I am a 50 yrs old housewife. I have a23 yrs old nephew who has just graduated and was preparing to start a career. One day he came to visit me. My husband was away so I asked him to spend the night in my place. I have a habit of sleeping while watching TV so he kept watching it while I went into deep sleep. As he told me later, my dress went up so he was able to see my voluptuous thighs. My underpants shifted so he was able to see the slit...
IncestWe followed Rolando and his compadres out to their waiting SUV. There was barely room for us all to fit, so Tammy just crawled in on top of us in the back seat. She was laying across the laps of total strangers and was feeling no pain. I knew she had to be getting wet from all this attention. I loved the idea that these men were infatuated with my wife, but I did not want the situation to get out of hand. In a few minutes we arrived at a house which was surrounded by a large wall. There...
Back to the story, I was in the middle of my workout when suddenly I heard the phone ring. Rather than stop my workout I let the phone ring through until the answering machine picked up. Since the equipment was right near the answering machine set, I could hear the voice of my sexy neighbor, Mrs. Banks, Mrs. Banks is the definition of a milf. She has a 5'9", 150 frame with brown hair with blonde highlights. Her breast cup is a 38DD and her cleavage is like looking at heavens gates. She...
Hiii guys this is Raj here and I am from Chennai My family consists of 4 dad, mom ,sister and me. Well I am an average built guy and I am currently Working .My dick is 6” and I guess thats the normal average size. I have been reading stories in this page from 2008 but I am writing a story for the first time and hence please excuse if any mistakes. The heroine of this story is my elder cousin sister Riya. Her age is 26. She has a figure 34 28 34 to die for and She is sexy but had no clue about...
IncestJennifer decided to sleep the best she could. While stumbling around in the dark, arms trussed behind her back, she'd fallen over a metal framed bed. And after more searching in one corner she had also found a toilet. This cell was turning out to be a real home from home! The cell was so silent and she wondered if it was day or night? As she drifted off she imagined a search party above her head combing the forest. She didn't know how many hours later it was when her eyes opened to a...
I am a sexy woman, I know it, I have a nice and desirous body, but most of all, I like having intercourse.Yes some said I have a sex addicted attitude and need help, so I talked to a psychiatrist, and we fucked at our first meeting, on his carpet, face up and face down, so that did not help my addiction, but gave me my daily orgasm.I am sure you guys reading this are doing the same as I am, touching ourselves, I have two fingers inside and rubbing my clitoris with my thumb, are you pulling your...
Short, quick, impulsive, and straight from the heart, but more important, using the right words to capture the moment.I started my Summer employment in real estate, 'With your looks and body you could sell anything'. Initially I was offended, but as there were big rewards for making good sales, I could see where he was coming from, so yes I acted as if I was a prude to the idea, but deep down her touched a raw nerve that made me feel wet as I thought about being alone with some handsome hunk...
It suddenly dawned on me what a devastating situation I had caused on my son’s life while accidentally seeing what he was doing through his slightly open bedroom door. He was laid on his bed playing with his erect cock while watching his laptop with headphones on. I felt sorry for him; he has had no life since my husband, his father died fifteen years ago.He is now thirty years old and has never been a one for going out with mates or even had a girlfriend to what I know of. I let myself go...
Rolando sent a large black SUV around to the hotel promptly at 6pm, as promised. Poppi and Tammy were arm in arm again, waiting patiently for the driver to open the door. Tammy wore a thin white gauze dress that was nearly see-thru. It had thin spaghetti strings that tied at the shoulders to keep it on her, and it clung to every curve of her body. I don’t know where she got such an outfit, but I suspected Poppi gave it to her to wear. Poppi was wearing a light blue dress that was also...
On Tuesday, my wife called me around 2pm and inform me that we will be having dinner with the rapist in the prison from 6pm till 8pm. I reached around 5:30pm and my wife is already there. She was wearing her tight and short OL outfit. She was so sexy, nobody knows her age is 34 if they didn't ask. She look like 23yo-25yo with her baby face. Her body was still as slim, tight, her skin was so white and smooth. She spend lots of time in the gym and learn kickboxing too so her abs was stunning....
Right now Oliver’s bitter surprise is leaving him short of breath as he slowly leans up against a rusted, green lamp pole. Despite shaking his head and asking himself if this is really happening. there was Jane, his young wife, stands hand in hand with her lover, their lips touching and searching one another before locking as if in anticipation for a big encore. When they finish the two walked through the Nellington Hotel’s gold revolving door as a doorman in red and white greets them with a...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt was a Wednesday morning, hubby was away on business again, I got back from gym, and made myself breakfast. While eating, I went through my emails before going upstairs to shower. While washing myself my mind wonder, I started thinking about how my husband made love to me before her left, the way he ate my pussy and fucked me. Getting rather horny from the thoughts I started rubbing my pussy, soon leaning against the shower wall as I continued to play with myself. I moaned as I orgasmed from...
hi guys hope u all like ma stories.This story tells another episode that took place in ma life.Names have been changed due to privacy problems.Here it begins:-We are a family of 3; me Ram ma mom Swetha and dad. Ma dad works abroad, so mom is alone homein the earliar part i have told u about ma mom and master and some episodes that happened in ma life.We (myself Ram, master and ma mom) was having our BDSM sessions in the absence of ma father.as it goes there occured an incident, ma cousin sister...
Let me say from the beginning that I am not proud of what I did. I don’t even know why I did it. I guess it was an acceptance thing. I got caught up in the moment and wanted to be a cool guy. A liberated husband. And I regret the situation and the outcome. If I had been able to foresee the future, I would never have let it happen. But of course, I could not know what was to come. Here is the story…. My beautiful young wife and I were celebrating our wedding, and our honeymoon. ...
As you can imagine, when I woke up the next morning from that night after the wedding, and all the drinking, that I felt awful. My head was pounding like a railroad spike being driven into hard clay. Not only did I have a hangover from hell, I felt a strange uneasiness. I felt guilty for something but could not put my finger on it thru my alcohol induced brain fog. My mind recalled the events of the night before in order to reconstruct what happened. I remembered that we went to that...
Tammy lay sprawled out and naked on the bed. She had not yet begun to stir. I crawled out of bed and was shaking the cobwebs from my brain. I looked over at her. How a woman who had been up half the night, dancing, drinking, and fucking five men could still look so incredibly sexy was amazing to me. She just had that natural innocent beauty that I fell in love with. Well, maybe not so innocent after all, as I saw evidence of last night. But that is something I would have to accept,...
We put on our swim clothes and headed out to the water. At least the beach was nice. There were shady Cabanas with chairs already set up for the patrons that were just a few yards from the water. The waves gently caressed the beach and blue water was right up close to the edge. Tammy and I tossed our towels on a chair and dashed out the water. It was amazing. We could see our feet in the clear water as we pushed and splashed each other. Tammy was wearing a very tiny bikini that...
While the fucking of Tammy was going on, I had been occupied by Poppi. She had fucked me silly, sucked me dry and left me laying naked in the grass, almost comatose. After some time to recover from her mauling of me, I stumbled back towards the sound of the howling men, who were apparently being richly entertained. I could see the group surrounding a stout metal table. They were all naked, and several were brandishing healthy erections. There was a naked woman on the table, laying on...
School.html"Hey, Juli! Get your ass over here and suck my dick!" Juli looked disgusted but mockingly at Ben "Are you sick? This is a school and not one of the cat-houses you usually go to..." The two girls she was chatting with giggled. "Schoolbitch or other bitches - you just dump you cum and drop the pussy that's it" Ben replied. "And now it's not even you puss I want to see, I only want your lips caressing my Johnny..." "Well then..." Juli came over to Ben "...you know whats you're fucking...
“Pray with you? Save me?” Zax glared at Sister Iaura as if she was a fanatic madwoman. “In this remote, undeveloped Star it is expected for misunderstandings to manifest. Per my duty, allow me to serve you my little share of insight”. Sister Iaura’s smile grew charming and her eyes almost crescent. From a rather young lady with childish qualities to a pious devotee, the overall transformation made it seems as though she was possessed. Before Zax’s eyes her demeanor again changed to that of...
(This is a long one guys and gals. There is a lot of fucking in it, but there is a lot of character development too. It is really a story about a deep friendship between three teenage girls. I call them my three little stoner chicks, but they’re way more than that. Cbsummers and I wrote this one together just like we did ‘It Was the Beginning of Summer’. It’s our goal in every story we write about them to reveal more and more about what makes these three little stoner chicks tick. But, in the...
Hi, guys this is deepthi. Thank you so much for your support. I receive a lot of emails and the feedbacks from you guys. I am very happy for that too. It keeps me to write my experiences. Well coming back to the story directly. We become more and closer day by day. He seemed to talk about a lot of things, especially about his private life. As I said I could understand that he is longing for sex from his talks. I too liked to have an affair with him but waited for him to make the first move and...
A threatened future After a series of difficult years, people had hoped that 2023 would be a return to normalcy. However, their optimism was shattered when alien ships landed on Earth, bringing news of a hostile civilization approaching with the intention of enslaving or destroying humanity if they resisted. The visitors explained that humanity's current level of technology would not be enough to defend against the enemy, and their resistance would be futile. If the aliens' warnings were...
What a weekend! Davie managed to persuade Claudia to get out of bed, and the statuesque black girl, 6 feet tall in her bare feet, made Louise and Jessica gasp as she clambered out of Davie's car and immediately clutched her boyfriend's arm. Her spare hand reached down and cupped his balls. One way and another, Davie wasn't going anywhere. Claudia must have had a sex-free drive down here. Not only was she as randy as a bitch in heat - you could practically smell it when she came into the...
The air conditioner had kept the air temperature in my bedroom at a comfortable 72 degrees. But Lisa and I had both generated quite a bit of body heat while she gave me a masterful blowjob and I feasted on her boobs with my mouth while at the same time twiddling her twat with my fingers and pleasuring her clit with my thumb, until both of us enjoyed stupendous orgasms. Lust and sexual activities both generate heat… Some mentally, and some physically. Both Lisa and I had at least temporarily...
Slim and sweet, Alex Blake is an absolute treat to watch as she struts towards her napping boyfriend Lucas Frost. Dressed in just a bra and thong, she’s a luscious surprise to wake up to as she runs her hands up his stiffie and crawls up Lucas’s body. When she leans forward to indulge in a slow and sensual kiss, Lucas takes the opportunity to relieve her of her bra so he can sample the delight of her full boobs. Although she enjoys her lover’s touch, Alex is eager to kiss her...
xmoviesforyouPlease read introduction.After a long dawat at a relative’s house I called my husband to come pick us up. He told me that he is running late and won’t be able to come pick us up for a couple hours and asked me to get someone else to drop us of. I asked my trusted batizah and he agreed. He drove us home. We spoke about generic stuff on the journey home. As we arrived at my house, I invited him up for some tea so he could help me bring some of my stuff up as my daughter had fallen asleep and I...
The next thing I knew, he was getting out of bed. The train had stopped. I knew we were in New Orleans and my training was about to begin. I stretched, amazed at the feel of silk, and cleanliness of my smooth, lush body. "Come. Get dressed." I looked at the sour, threadbare blouse and dress on the floor. "Yes. I see. You will never wear such dirty rags again." "Thank you, Master." I wrinkled my nose at the odor emanating from my clothes. And to think, only yesterday I had to be...
Hey! ISS readers This is a real story that happened to me in Chennai I’m 22-year-old guy with height 6’1″with fair skin and athletic body and a fairly good size dick to please any girl or woman, and I’m doing engineering in Kerala now.And basically from Kerala so any woman who wants to get laid please do call me and please forgive me for any mistakes from my side. I know the story is kind of long but I have put in the effort to write down all the details that had taken place and I assure u it...
Thanks as always to Steve Z for editing! A Dream Come True by Eric ([email protected]) I couldn't believe it. This was a dream come true. Jennifer and I were going to swap bodies! It would be the actualization of my dreams and yearnings. My hands were sweaty as we made the preparations. She had found a magic spell book in some old book store, and after determining that it was the real thing, purchased it. I hadn't seen any reason to dress up special for the enactment of the...
Two weeks had passed since Tim had tried to kill me in the van. Ok, it really wasn't that bad, though he did run a red light. A couple people honked, and one guy gave him the finger. I think it surprised him when I told him not to worry about it. He was very relieved when I didn't say a word to Theresa. There was only one more week of school for Jessica, before the winter break. They used to call it Christmas break, but had changed it. The notion that Jessica was going to be home all day...
“Are you all right, mate?” It hurt to talk through the burning throb of my lips and cheek. I could already feel my left eye swelling shut as I pinched the bridge of my nose through the gauze to try and stop the bleeding. “Yeah,” Fang replied quietly. “I think it’s broken.” The blackhat medic crouched in front of him on the road, silently strapping his arm tightly to his chest to immobilise it. She hadn’t bothered trying to wrestle him out of his black fire suit after the less than stoic...
Apres ça elle se relève du canapée se rhabille et va vers la salle de bain, je remet mon caleçon et la suit dans la salle de bain la elle me dit de la laisser tranquille car elle doit se laver. Je vais dans la chambre et lance un film sur le pc.Quelque min plus tard elle arrive dans la chambre avec un vieux tshirt trop grand genre pas sexy du tout et une culotte de grand mére en coton noir.Elle se couche à coté de moi et se colle contre moi. On commence à regarder le film. Après quelque min...
Arnold stepped back and admired the new frame. The wheels were spoked with tires installed and waiting on the truing jig. This was Number 500 HOE-LEE SHE-IT and the big bike manufacturers were puzzled. Arnold's bike frames sold for a thousand dollars. They were uncomfortable on the street, they didn't have fenders, baskets, streamer handgrips or fat springy seats ... none of the things big Madison Avenue Advertising Agencies claimed were necessary to entice a kid to buy That Bike. "That...
July 1980, Milford, Ohio “We need to talk,” Stephanie said softly. “Please don’t send me away.” “Fine, Stephanie, talk,” I said distractedly, not really caring about talking to her. She shut the door behind her and locked it. “Please don’t be that way! Just talk to me like my Big Brother used to.” “I’m not sure I want to,” I replied, still frowning in anger at her. “You’re hurting. I’m hurting. We need to fix this.” “I’m not sure we can.” “I know how,” she said almost in a...
This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...
So that recouped some of my lost salary, but when Stacy finally got home that night and I told her about it, she gave me that same odd kind of knowing smirk as before and went into the bedroom. Damn, had all that contempt been there all along and I was just now seeing it? I tried to use the phone to call out for pizza, since neither of us was apparently interested in cooking. She was on the line when I picked up and she just banshee'd: "I'M ON THE FUCKING PHONE, FOR CHRIST'S...
This is my first ever story. Please be kind on the comments and feedback. Constructive criticism is welcome. I know there are issues with grammar. It is an important part of writing, but for this piece, I tried to concentrate more on the story. This story is meant to read like a memory, so it does switch back and forth to someone telling a story and being in the story, hopefully it is clear. You may or may not notice that I didn’t include any physical descriptions. The stories I tend to like...
This is a new series of short stories that I shall write. The idea of doing short stories was helpfully inspired by a certain someone, you know who you are! heheThese stories are completely fictional, involving my fart fetish, and are pretty dark at times,so reader discretion is advised.Enjoy :)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cruel SciencePlease, allow me to introduce myself.I am Dr Erica von Bloom, but I much prefer just being...