- 3 years ago
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There is a wonderful word in Yiddish, namely ‘seykhl.’ If you have seykhl, you have common sense, and people with this attribute are always successful in life. Anyone who has ever attended a tenth, twentieth or thirtieth school reunion, could easily attest to this fact.
Often, the brainy seniors at school, or college, who excelled academically, end up living a life of financial mediocrity. The guys with seykhl, nonetheless, who are generally regarded as the ones least likely to succeed in the stifled scholastic milieu of their youth, go on to become highly successful.
As so it was the case with the forty-three-year-old Ronnie. School and college had proved to be a strain for him. Somehow, nonetheless, he had muddled through and become an optometrist. With his abundance of common sense, by the time Ronnie turned twenty-five, he had opened his first practice. Thereafter, over the next eighteen years, Ronnie opened a further fifteen branches of ‘Eagle Eye,’ the name of his franchise.
Being as astute as he was, whenever a young optometrist with potential worked for him or one of his franchisees, Ronnie would set him up in another branch. Naturally, he always recouped his investment from these individuals and cleverly retained a modest share in their businesses.
Ronnie always made sure that all his branches had the latest and best equipment needed, and with the business plan that he had paid a good deal of money for, operated flawlessly. Ronnie also made sure before opening another branch that a thorough demographic study for the new location was undertaken.
A further upshot of this was; having opened his own and separate optical workshop, all the lenses’ that were needed for the branches had to be purchased from him. In addition, with the collective buying power of the group, Ronnie received great discounts on all spectacle frames and contact lenses etcetera, which he generously shared with the owners of the other outlets.
This effectively negated the share of profits that they were required to pay to him. In conclusion, Ronnie’s intellectual resources were always available to all who needed advice. He was a really pleasant guy and with his reputation, I was totally in awe of him.
As so it came to pass that I was employed by Ronnie. I was one of two optometrists employed at the branch that he fully owned. In all honesty, Cindy and I did most of the consulting, which was understandable given all the administration that Ronnie was required to do for the group. Resultantly, Ronnie spent at least half his day in an office that was located above the shop.
Very early on I made it known that I was gay, and as much as I was extremely nervous about this revelation at first, it did not seem to faze Ronnie at all. In fact, thereafter, I began to feel that he was fascinated by me.
I did not find him appealing at all and at any gay bar or club, I would have avoided him completely. Ronnie was thickset, had a paunch, and he was virtually totally bald. Pleasant as his face was, he was most definitely not handsome. Another somewhat unattractive feature of Ronnie was his stubby fingers and fat hands. Thankfully, his hands were always very clean.
From the pictures in his office, I observed that over twenty years before, he had sported a thick mop of red hair. All that remained of that mane, however, was a thin short-cropped sliver of silver hair around the sides of his head. The only evidence of his former russet glory was a rather prominent moustache that still bore evidence of his ‘fiery’ past.
As time wore on, Ronnie’s fascination with me seemed to escalate, and I would often catch him looking at me with an almost lustful look on his face. He would also frequently place a hand on my shoulder, particularly when we were alone, and gently squeeze my shoulder. Although this worried me, I constantly reassured myself that this was simply his way. Naturally, he did not ever touch Cindy, for obvious reasons.
One evening, Ronnie invited me upstairs for a drink after we had closed the business. I was very nervous about his invitation. Apart from the fact that he did not appeal to me as I have stated, Ronnie held my future in the palm of his hand and if was planning to coerce me into having sex with him, I would essentially have my back against the wall.
I was greatly relieved when nothing happened that evening, berating myself as I drove home for having an overactive imagination. These visits, however, became a standard practice hereafter.
During our sessions upstairs, Ronnie began to reveal more and more about himself to me. He told me about his school and college days, and the early days after he started his business. Gradually, he also commenced telling me about his home life.
His wife was the busiest person on the planet. Not only were her days filled with every conceivable kind of charity work, but her evenings were taken up with book clubs, pottery classes, art classes, etcetera.
Their two daughters were at college and also very seldom visited home because, like their mother, they were constantly on all kinds of excursions during college holidays.
It became very clear to me that Ronnie lived a very lonely life. He joked that all he was to his family was their personal piggy bank.
On one of the following evening when we had drinks upstairs, Ronnie told me that he and his wife slept in separate rooms and that they no longer had sex. In fact, they had not done so for years. He further informed me that he had considered having an extramarital affair, but decided against it because he did not want to compromise the business he had worked so had to build, in any way or form.
That night before we left for home, Ronnie dropped the bombshell. He told me that when he was a senior in high school, he had shared a dormitory with his best friend. During that year, as he informed me, they had enjoyed a very intimate relationship. He did not elaborate on that, but as we were leaving he placed his hand on my shoulder, and then gave it a squeeze, before running his fingers up and down my back in a very sensual manner.
As I drove home that night, I was extremely worried. I instinctively knew that the point of no return was fast approaching with Ronnie. I was astute enough to know that he had been priming me for his ‘final onslaught,’ in a coercive softening up tactic. All I could think about was how I would deal with it when that inevitable moment arrived.
Please understand that I did not find him repulsive, but I was very concerned about my future. The words; ‘Don’t shit on your own doorstep,’ kept running through my mind.
Two nights later, my heart began to race when I was once again invited upstairs for a drink. After handing me my whisky, Ronnie took up where he had left off the time before, gently squeezing my shoulder and sensually running his hand up and down my back.
Deciding upon a diversion tactic, I asked him if he and his wife had ever sought counselling. With a rueful smile, Ronnie simply shook his head.
“The only reason my wife married me, is because I was a very promising prospect. Sex became a problem shortly after we married and to this day, I am amazed that we even had a second daughter,” Ronnie informed me.
After sipping on his whisky, he resumed, “My wife thinks that my cock is disgusting and has never stopped telling so.”
I was totally bewildered at this point and wondered what deformity Ronnie could possibly have. I was very uncomfortable and decided to remain silent, hoping that he wouldn’t persevere with the topic. After another sip of his drink, however, Ronnie once more took up the reigns.
“Have you ever heard the term; hypospadias?” Ronnie asked me.
“No,” I answered, clueless as to what it actually meant.
“Well, Nate, why don’t you sit on the ottoman over there and I will show you,” Ronnie suggested.
On the one side of his office and in the middle of the wall, Ronnie had a large rectangular leather-covered ottoman that looked perfect for an occasional catnap. Moving over to it, I gingerly sat down. I was becoming very anxious and nervous at this point, with a myriad of permutations as to what I was about to see going through my mind. I was seriously not into a sexual encounter with him, let alone witnessing a freak show.
Ronnie then moved in before me. I was gobsmacked when he first removed his shoes and socks, before unbuttoning the front of his shirt. As I looked at his stomach and chest, Ronnie was actually hairier than I had thought.
Following on that, Ronnie unbuckled his belt before unzipping his trousers. Once done, he let his pants fall to the floor before kicking them to the side.
Next, Ronnie pushed his boxers down and also let them drop to the floor. As I observed his cut cock I was taken aback at how normal it looked to me. Ronnie was well-endowed and the only odd thing about his pale dick, that I could see in any case, was that the head of his knob was disproportionately short. It was as thick as the shaft of his cock but less than a half inch long.
“Your cock looks normal to me,” I said, as I looked up at him.
Smiling at me, Ronnie now used his left index finger and thumb to lift his cock and expose the underside of his dick. I was completely stunned by what I saw. It was as if the flesh from under his cock-head had been scooped away to halfway down the shaft of his penis. The skin of this hollow was shiny and pinkish in colour. At the halfway point, where his dick returned to normal, there was a large aperture. I had never seen anything like this before. As I stared at the weird vision before me, Ronnie began to explain:
He, first of all, assured me that it wasn’t a disease and that he had simply been born with this condition that affected a miniscule number of men. Unlike other men, Ronnie’s urethra did not extend to the end of his glans. Because his foreskin was malformed due to the ‘scoop,’ the doctors had advised that he should be circumcised.
Following on from that, they had advised his parents against corrective surgery to close the cavity, because with the penis being the delicate organ that it is, erectile dysfunction could result. They also assured his folks that he would be able to have normal erections and accomplish a regular sex life, despite the aberration.
Resultantly, his mom and dad had decided to ‘let sleeping dogs lie.’ With a chuckle, Ronnie then concluded his lecture by mentioning that unlike other men, he had to sit down on a toilet to piss.
I was totally stunned and all I could think of saying was; “Wow, that opening hallway down your shaft is very large.”
“Yeah,” he replied, before resuming, “Would you like me to show you a neat trick?”
I did not know if I should if I should scratch my head or my arse and so I opted for the inevitable, “Sure,” reply.
Ronnie then placed his fat little finger in his mouth and applied a copious amount of spit to it. Thereafter, he pushed the tip of the digit into the gaping hole.
As his finger entered up passed the first knuckle and then stopped, I asked, “Fuck, isn’t that sore?”
“No,” he quickly answered, “In fact, it feels incredible.”
“Oh,” was all I could offer in reply.
After a few moments, he continued, “Of course, if my fat fingers were as slender as yours, it would be a lot more pleasurable.”
‘Oh fuck,’ I thought, knowing what was about to follow.
“Would you like to push your little finger into this hole?” he asked.
Caught between a rock and a hard place, all I could say was, “Sure.”
“Gob on your little finger and stick it in,” he gleefully advised.
I wasn’t very keen but totally intrigued by what was transpiring.
After lubricating my finger with spit I pushed it into the hole. Amazingly, it felt totally incredible as my finger slipped in all the way.
“Doesn’t this hurt?” I again asked with incredulity.
“Fuck, no, it’s totally awesome,” he replied. “Spear your finger in and out,” he now requested, in a tone that was dripping with lust.
As I complied, his dick instantly commenced hardening and I could feel the resultant restriction on my finger.
Shortly, nevertheless, his natural lubrication negated this when I felt my little finger becoming coated with slickness as I speared my digit in and out of the orifice.
“Fuck me,” he babbled, “Don’t fuckin’ stop, please… keep doing that.”
Strange as I was finding this, I felt an excitement searing through me as my dick began throbbing in my pants.
When I looked up at Ronnie’s his head was tilted back slightly, his eyes were closed, his mouth was open, and he had a look of total ecstasy on his face. Sounds of gratification now flowed from his lips, interjected by a cacophony of expletives and blasphemous phrases.
All my former misgivings had now melted and I was totally into this scene. In fact, I decided to up the ante and after extracting my finger, I took control of his dick with my left hand and steered it into my mouth. Upon doing so, I slid off the ottoman and onto my knees before him. After I commenced lapping at the concave underside of his knob my tongue also began to prod the large opening halfway down.
As his body commenced shuddering with excitement, he blurted, “Jesus… the last time happened to me… was when my best friend sucked me off at school.”
Ronnie’s fat hands now took control of my head, which he excitedly caressed. As his cock delved ever deeper into my mouth and began to conquer my throat, I was very pleased about the gouge that he had on the upper part of his knob, because it facilitated his invasion splendidly.
Unfortunately, Ronnie’s excitement as he commenced skull-fucking me was so intense that I had to push his hips back continuously, to ensure a steady flow of oxygen to my lungs. We did, nevertheless, soon find a comfortable rhythm that suited our mutual pleasure.
For several minutes, our union rambled on blissfully before he mentioned that he was getting very close to cumming. Ronnie then advised me to tilt my head to the side and cover his shaft hole with my lips. After doing so, my left hand continued caressing the upper side of his cock to stimulate him. With what I can only describe as an unearthly sound, Ronnie commenced seeding my mouth. The eruption was spectacular and I happily swallowed and savoured his substantial volume of spunk.
Once done, Ronnie asked me to stand up and undress. With both of us now naked, his hairy body embraced me as he feverishly started kissing me. His oral ‘attack’ was rather hectic and was that of a person who had been starved of affection for a very long time. Truthfully, I did not mind.
After a few minutes, I felt him coaxing me onto my back on the ottoman. With his body on top of me and his legs between my knees, Ronnie began to grind his dick into my crotch. His fat hands once more took control of my head as he animatedly commenced slavering all over my face and head. It was clear that Ronnie was somewhat of a sloppy kisser, but I really didn’t mind. His enthusiasm was incredible.
After a quarter of an hour with my head totally sodden, Ronnie lifted up onto outstretched arms and announced that he was going to cum all over my crotch. As I began to tweak his fat nipples he grunted as his large hips smeared his cream all over my cock and balls.
Next, Ronnie stood up and scooped the slimy residue off his dick before feeding it to me. Following on that, he knelt down at the edge of the ottoman and pulled my crotch toward his mouth. When he placed his eager mouth over my knob and manically commenced sucking, it did not take too long before I too began to unload in his mouth.
Afterward, Ronnie retrieved our drinks from his desk before seating himself down next to me on the ottoman.
Upon taking a few sips, he spoke. “I want you to hear me out completely before you reply,” he said.
After looking into my eyes for several seconds, he recommenced, “I will be opening a new branch in four months’ time. It’s all signed and sealed. I was going to offer it to you, but I have changed my mind.”
My heart sank, but before I could adequately formulate the information, he resumed. “After what just happened, I’m not willing to lose you. From the time I learned that you are gay, I have been dreaming about having sex with you. As a result, I want you to take over the practice downstairs because I want you close at hand.”
Ronnie then smiled at me with an incredible look of affection in his eyes. “I’ve been waiting for someone like you for a very long time and I won’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers.”
As we looked into one another’s eyes, all I think of saying was, “Thank you, Ronnie, I am honoured by your generous offer.”
Ronnie’s hand now commenced caressing my back before it slid down and I felt his middle finger slither into my crack. “Speaking about dreams, there’s one more I have been yearning for.”
I fully understood his meaning and instantly repositioned my body by getting onto my stomach on the ottoman.
“Let’s make that dream come true,” I stated.
Ronnie then mounted my body before measuredly guiding his dick into my backside. His cock felt incredible as it commandeered my portal. For the following thirty minutes, Ronnie hammered my butt solidly as he continually moved his torso up and down. Before he ejaculated he pushed his knob in as far as possible and told me to jiggle my arse and milk his cock. When he unloaded into my backside he howled in ecstasy.
As we got dressed afterward, we finished our drinks. Thereafter, I got another protracted kissing session from him.
As I drove home that night my mind was in a whirl after the surreal experience I had just undergone. My earlier reluctance had proved fruitless and I was amazed by how much Ronnie had sexually captivated me. The thought of also owning my own business also enhanced the overall experience. I had no doubt that Ronnie and I would become lovers and that my future would be intertwined with his.
Above all, I was already looking forward to his next drinks invitation.
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DAY 11 Luke woke me with another long, slow, fuck that made us both cum. When he left I checked the time and saw that I would be able to get showered and still have time to go down for breakfast. I wore just a half sarong again, the knot starting off on my left hip but by the time I sat down to eat it was just below my belly button. There were a number of people in the restaurant but no one took any notice of me. After 4 days of being fucked many, many times, and cumming more times than...
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I sat there stunned. My original plan to meet The Users was for all of my girls to stay with me and only leave in groups. We were all supposed to leave together. None of my girls were going to be left to the tender mercies of that ... woman. I sat there trying to figure out a way for all my girls and Mandy to leave with me, but the request was so simple I couldn't see a way around it. Erin brought me out of my deep thoughts. "Ral, what are you thinking?" I looked into her bright green...
It's all my fault. No matter how much I blame the GPS it was still my mistake. Trusting technology over common sense got us into this situation. Damn! I can call it a situation, but it's more serious than that would ever convey. We're lost. Stranded and freezing. We could soon die, if we don't do something. If I don't do something. It's all my fault. The sandy surface of the California shore was burning our bare feet as we crossed down closer to the tide line. Daphne was kicking the sand up...
Love StoriesHello dosto, Mera naam sid hai aur m punjab ka rehne wala hun and dikhne m thik hun mera rang fair hai and height bhi achi hai tall hun and m study kr raha hun and meko aunty and ldkia bhut pasand hai and mereko aunty aur bhabhi k sath sex krne m bhut majaa aata hai and mereko aunty aur bhabhi bhut achi lagti hai agar koi bhi ladki ,aunty and bhabhi sex karne k liye partner dhundh rhi ho toh voh mereko meri gmail account p contact kr sakti hai mera gmail account hai and 100% full privacy and...
In the days after Rick, Bruce and I gangbanged Mom, sex between Mom and I got even wilder. She confessed that she had never experienced fucking with anyone else that was as intense or debauched as the sex we engaged in. I would wake up in the morning with her lips and tongue wrapped around my cock. She would sit on my face and grind her cunt into my mouth. Other times she would assume a meek and submissive role, and on those occasions, I knew what she wanted, and would fuck her ass.I couldn’t...
IncestI came early and a bit tired from work that afternoon.My beloved husband had flown out of town the day before; so I had the entire week end to enjoy at home alone by myself.First thing to do on arrival, was taking a warm relaxing shower. As I was drying my hair, I heard a noise coming from the garage.I went downstairs and thought there was a dog inside the garage.He was not barking; he was whining just outside the kitchen door. When he noticed my presence there, the dog started to scratch at...
Chapter One: Rakshasa's New Slave By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith The Arena exploded with cheers, the peasants and lowborn humans rising in the stands, screaming their bloodlust as the new fighters entered the white sands. I leaned forward in my seat in the royal box, a palpable excitement shooting through my heart as the gladiators marched towards the center. “Oh, you are going to love this match, dear cousin,” Kushini purred, her...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been a few days since Danielle had caught her son wearing her things. Now he would openly cross dress around his mother, unknowingly arousing her every time. So one night, Danielle had gone out shopping. The next morning, she laid the purchased items out on her bed. She waited patiently for Jason to wake up. "Morning, mom," said Jason as he exited his room. He had slept in his mother's black silk night gown, and nothing else. He also woke up...
IncestPart 2As I staggered backwards towards the kitchen counter, her right hand was massaging and fondling my family jewels, her left hand started to moved up and down my blood engorged shaft, her lips began a puckering motion around my cockhead, and finally her tongue darted underneath my glands, wiggling left and right, while also darting back and forth. Four coordinated parts of her body, orchestrated a symphony of delights as my cock rose to new heights. Time stood still, as I enjoyed these...
As the young woman stormed into the bar, Kent couldn't help but admire her body. The girl was stick-thin, with a perfect face - cheekbones that a model would have killed for, surrounded by long and curly black hair. Though she was conservatively dressed, the large bartender could imagine exactly what she'd look like unclothed; like a pixie, lithe and graceful, slender without ever being bony. The room was empty - the Friday night crowd wouldn't start drifting in for another hour or so,...
As the title says, this is more than a indian sex story. I leave this for you readers to decide whether this is a fictional or actual story. But I am pretty sure that you will like this one. A short description of the lead characters. Characters name are fake but interesting. You will know why I have kept those names once you read the story. Musa: 23 M (.|. = 7.5inch ) An above average looking guy. Slightly dark complexed. Aasiya: 22 F (32-28-32) An Airhostess, now you can imagine how pretty...
I woke up in the morning feeling a bit dirty and sticky after the previous night’s shenanigans. I glanced over at Matt’s bed: he was still dead to the world, although judging by the bulge under the sheet he was going to wake up with a pretty impressive morning erection. I smiled to myself, tempted to lift the sheet and have a look, but decided against it. It wasn’t time to get up for breakfast yet, so I lay in bed playing quietly with my pussy until I could put it off no longer, then got up and...
Chapter 6 She went to reach for her phone and text him that her mission was accomplished. ‘I’m finished with box 10 and dressed appropriately. Do you want to see?’ She waited again adjusting her skirt, smoothing her necklace and playing with her hair. She found herself very anxious to read the return text as she planned her photos feeling sexy and confident yet rather submissive to his direction. She even began to snap photos of herself as she anticipated his response. ‘I do want to see....
My family are Gangbang BitchesI was a fairly typical 19 year old, which is to say that not only did I watch a lot of pornos, but that they had got more and more hardcore and interesting as I had gone on. Where once I had enjoyed the sight of a girl fingering herself, now what I liked to watch was a pretty teen white babe being fucked every which way by a gang of huge and well hung hard black studs. I never expected, however, that watching this kind of thing would lead to something even kinkier,...
The limousine pulled through the imposing rod iron gate, the words ‘EROS ACADEMY’ emblazoned above it. As the wheels rolled up the long driveway, past the manicured lawns and fountains, Michael felt his heart flutter as he looked at the tremendous building on the other end of the grounds. He could see other cars and gaggles of people milling about. He swallowed hard. ‘Darling please, you seem so nervous, try to relax. This should be a happy day for you,’ came a slow, slurred voice from across...
Hello all. I usually write stories that are true. I decided to write a story that is partially true. The beginning is true however we have not met in person yet and that part is fantasy. Hopefully you will enjoy this story. Names and cities have been changed to protect the innocent. I’ve been a member of Lush since the beginning of Oct. 2008. I enjoyed reading the stories written at lush. Anyways, I’ve been corresponding with a younger woman on the internet for a few months now....
Awkward seconds passed as Elaine waited, unsure of what MasterServant might say. Though she was expecting his reply, she jumped when the private message box popped up on her screen."Welcome to the BDSM room," he typed innocently."Thank you," Elaine replied, her hands shaking."I should tell you acquiescent suggested I speak with you.""Why would she do that?""She's probably matchmaking."Elaine swallowed. "Oh.""I'm just teasing. I'd say she's looking out for you, making sure you get good...
Part I I’d always suspected I was a lesbian. Since high school, I admired the girls more than the boys, but never acted on it, dismissing it as some adolescent phase I would grow out of. Now being 25, working full-time for an insurance firm, and a few failed straight relationships behind me, my urges for another woman have never been stronger. However, a ‘vanilla’ lesbian relationship never interested me. My secret was my love for kink. I wanted a woman to control me, to order me in bed, how to...
LesbianAlright, I've been playing you people...I'm sorry, but that is just the way it is. I've been taking the easy way out, like the song says. I've been writing about stuff that happened in my sordid past, not taking into account that this is a fantasy site. This is a sex fantasy site, not a sex reality site, right? So, now I am going to treat it like it deserves, I am going to tell you nice people about one of my dearest sexual fantasies. I, Alan W. Jankowski, am going to spill my guts out on the...
InterracialXxxxxxxxx The man with a French accent asked over the phone, “Can we make a booking with you for next Saturday afternoon? Your abilities and prowess have been highly recommended by some mutual clients. We are from France and we are in your country on business. We run a very successful fashion business and we have just done some huge deals with some of the big stores here. And we are bilingual and bisexual. The day after that we are returning home. And my partner loves having two men at the...
Susan technically took my virginity. I had done quite a lot with other girls by then, but never the deed. I'd rather not say my actual age, because it's a trifle embarrassing, but I was a bit older than I should have been. It was a plan, really. I asked Susan if she would like to go for a ride (I had a motorcycle) and after a few scheduling problems we finally found ourselves setting out one fine summer Saturday morning. I picked Susan up at her apartment. I had carried passengers before,...
Okay, this is my first ever erotic story. Go easy on me. I hope you all enjoy it ;) Walking home from work one night, Kaylee Stone adjusted her form-fitting black skirt, sighing. She walked briskly, wanting to get home quickly. As she walked up to her apartment door, she fumbled through her purse, looking for her keys. She finally found them and opened the door, walking in and kicking off her shoes. Admiring herself in the mirror she smiled, studying all of her curves. She loved how she...
In nothing short of lynx-eyed rage, Lydia Newell wasted no time in reaching the Crescent Valley Police Chief by telephone. Nor did she mince words with the barrel-chested official in conveying to him what she thought of his "little whore niece!" "What the hell, Lydia, I-I can't believe it!" Link Morgan stammered in immediate jealous anger. He'd been sitting behind the scarred desk in his grubby Town-Hall office, staring idly at the half-empty bourbon-bottle he'd been nursing, while...
“TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND?” I croaked. “I’ve never even seen that much money, let alone know where I can get it. How are we going to finance it?” We were in our second favorite meeting place—the spa. The dining room where we held the board meeting? That’s like third or fourth on our list of meeting places, but we had Jack there. Now it was just the three of us, soaking in the tub. Melody still had her hair up and was wearing her glasses, which were fogged over. She’d proven to us that she...
‘I’m sure glad the company finally got off their dead rear ends and bought that space folder,’ Earl remarked as they entered the atmosphere. ‘Well, yeah, but the first thing they did was send us back to this miserable little dust ball. They put us in bio research this time. I can’t believe it!’ Carol groused. ‘What are you bitching about? At least we’ve got this new Mark 34 saucer. It’s a lot faster than that junker we used to have and more spacious, too.’ ‘I guess you’re right,’ replied...
After a year of no new sexy adventures, we decide to invite a friend over.We have been friends with Paul and Kathy for several years, meeting at one of our swingers' clubs. I was often on the phone with Paul so when I rang, it came as no surprise to Paul. Paul informed me that Kathy had gone to visit her parents for a few days, I took the opportunity to ask Paul over for dinner the following evening. Paul jumped at the chance and it was arranged.The following evening arrived, Paul arriving a...
ThreesomesChuck didn't have a lot of time to plan, but he always thought ahead. When Sherry told him she had to oversee a group of "Fireside Girls" the upcoming weekend, and since he was a cop (and off duty), could he please please please chaperon, if only to provide protection. Chuck knew Sherry was going to ask, and he had all he could do to keep from appearing too eager. He frowned and looked away a lot (which helped his case). And just when he thought Sherry was going to give in and try to make...
Hello, My Dear Readers. First of all, I apologize for the very small Part 3. I really needed a push to restart writing, and I did not want to fall prey to the burden of conceiving something too big. And, also, thank you for still accepting the story. I hope this part has enough reasons to be liked by all. There are a few distractions in this episode that could affect the flow of progression. But, I believe they are important additional details and will help the plot express emotions more...