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There is a wonderful word in Yiddish, namely ‘seykhl.’ If you have seykhl, you have common sense, and people with this attribute are always successful in life. Anyone who has ever attended a tenth, twentieth or thirtieth school reunion, could easily attest to this fact.
Often, the brainy seniors at school, or college, who excelled academically, end up living a life of financial mediocrity. The guys with seykhl, nonetheless, who are generally regarded as the ones least likely to succeed in the stifled scholastic milieu of their youth, go on to become highly successful.
As so it was the case with the forty-three-year-old Ronnie. School and college had proved to be a strain for him. Somehow, nonetheless, he had muddled through and become an optometrist. With his abundance of common sense, by the time Ronnie turned twenty-five, he had opened his first practice. Thereafter, over the next eighteen years, Ronnie opened a further fifteen branches of ‘Eagle Eye,’ the name of his franchise.
Being as astute as he was, whenever a young optometrist with potential worked for him or one of his franchisees, Ronnie would set him up in another branch. Naturally, he always recouped his investment from these individuals and cleverly retained a modest share in their businesses.
Ronnie always made sure that all his branches had the latest and best equipment needed, and with the business plan that he had paid a good deal of money for, operated flawlessly. Ronnie also made sure before opening another branch that a thorough demographic study for the new location was undertaken.
A further upshot of this was; having opened his own and separate optical workshop, all the lenses’ that were needed for the branches had to be purchased from him. In addition, with the collective buying power of the group, Ronnie received great discounts on all spectacle frames and contact lenses etcetera, which he generously shared with the owners of the other outlets.
This effectively negated the share of profits that they were required to pay to him. In conclusion, Ronnie’s intellectual resources were always available to all who needed advice. He was a really pleasant guy and with his reputation, I was totally in awe of him.
As so it came to pass that I was employed by Ronnie. I was one of two optometrists employed at the branch that he fully owned. In all honesty, Cindy and I did most of the consulting, which was understandable given all the administration that Ronnie was required to do for the group. Resultantly, Ronnie spent at least half his day in an office that was located above the shop.
Very early on I made it known that I was gay, and as much as I was extremely nervous about this revelation at first, it did not seem to faze Ronnie at all. In fact, thereafter, I began to feel that he was fascinated by me.
I did not find him appealing at all and at any gay bar or club, I would have avoided him completely. Ronnie was thickset, had a paunch, and he was virtually totally bald. Pleasant as his face was, he was most definitely not handsome. Another somewhat unattractive feature of Ronnie was his stubby fingers and fat hands. Thankfully, his hands were always very clean.
From the pictures in his office, I observed that over twenty years before, he had sported a thick mop of red hair. All that remained of that mane, however, was a thin short-cropped sliver of silver hair around the sides of his head. The only evidence of his former russet glory was a rather prominent moustache that still bore evidence of his ‘fiery’ past.
As time wore on, Ronnie’s fascination with me seemed to escalate, and I would often catch him looking at me with an almost lustful look on his face. He would also frequently place a hand on my shoulder, particularly when we were alone, and gently squeeze my shoulder. Although this worried me, I constantly reassured myself that this was simply his way. Naturally, he did not ever touch Cindy, for obvious reasons.
One evening, Ronnie invited me upstairs for a drink after we had closed the business. I was very nervous about his invitation. Apart from the fact that he did not appeal to me as I have stated, Ronnie held my future in the palm of his hand and if was planning to coerce me into having sex with him, I would essentially have my back against the wall.
I was greatly relieved when nothing happened that evening, berating myself as I drove home for having an overactive imagination. These visits, however, became a standard practice hereafter.
During our sessions upstairs, Ronnie began to reveal more and more about himself to me. He told me about his school and college days, and the early days after he started his business. Gradually, he also commenced telling me about his home life.
His wife was the busiest person on the planet. Not only were her days filled with every conceivable kind of charity work, but her evenings were taken up with book clubs, pottery classes, art classes, etcetera.
Their two daughters were at college and also very seldom visited home because, like their mother, they were constantly on all kinds of excursions during college holidays.
It became very clear to me that Ronnie lived a very lonely life. He joked that all he was to his family was their personal piggy bank.
On one of the following evening when we had drinks upstairs, Ronnie told me that he and his wife slept in separate rooms and that they no longer had sex. In fact, they had not done so for years. He further informed me that he had considered having an extramarital affair, but decided against it because he did not want to compromise the business he had worked so had to build, in any way or form.
That night before we left for home, Ronnie dropped the bombshell. He told me that when he was a senior in high school, he had shared a dormitory with his best friend. During that year, as he informed me, they had enjoyed a very intimate relationship. He did not elaborate on that, but as we were leaving he placed his hand on my shoulder, and then gave it a squeeze, before running his fingers up and down my back in a very sensual manner.
As I drove home that night, I was extremely worried. I instinctively knew that the point of no return was fast approaching with Ronnie. I was astute enough to know that he had been priming me for his ‘final onslaught,’ in a coercive softening up tactic. All I could think about was how I would deal with it when that inevitable moment arrived.
Please understand that I did not find him repulsive, but I was very concerned about my future. The words; ‘Don’t shit on your own doorstep,’ kept running through my mind.
Two nights later, my heart began to race when I was once again invited upstairs for a drink. After handing me my whisky, Ronnie took up where he had left off the time before, gently squeezing my shoulder and sensually running his hand up and down my back.
Deciding upon a diversion tactic, I asked him if he and his wife had ever sought counselling. With a rueful smile, Ronnie simply shook his head.
“The only reason my wife married me, is because I was a very promising prospect. Sex became a problem shortly after we married and to this day, I am amazed that we even had a second daughter,” Ronnie informed me.
After sipping on his whisky, he resumed, “My wife thinks that my cock is disgusting and has never stopped telling so.”
I was totally bewildered at this point and wondered what deformity Ronnie could possibly have. I was very uncomfortable and decided to remain silent, hoping that he wouldn’t persevere with the topic. After another sip of his drink, however, Ronnie once more took up the reigns.
“Have you ever heard the term; hypospadias?” Ronnie asked me.
“No,” I answered, clueless as to what it actually meant.
“Well, Nate, why don’t you sit on the ottoman over there and I will show you,” Ronnie suggested.
On the one side of his office and in the middle of the wall, Ronnie had a large rectangular leather-covered ottoman that looked perfect for an occasional catnap. Moving over to it, I gingerly sat down. I was becoming very anxious and nervous at this point, with a myriad of permutations as to what I was about to see going through my mind. I was seriously not into a sexual encounter with him, let alone witnessing a freak show.
Ronnie then moved in before me. I was gobsmacked when he first removed his shoes and socks, before unbuttoning the front of his shirt. As I looked at his stomach and chest, Ronnie was actually hairier than I had thought.
Following on that, Ronnie unbuckled his belt before unzipping his trousers. Once done, he let his pants fall to the floor before kicking them to the side.
Next, Ronnie pushed his boxers down and also let them drop to the floor. As I observed his cut cock I was taken aback at how normal it looked to me. Ronnie was well-endowed and the only odd thing about his pale dick, that I could see in any case, was that the head of his knob was disproportionately short. It was as thick as the shaft of his cock but less than a half inch long.
“Your cock looks normal to me,” I said, as I looked up at him.
Smiling at me, Ronnie now used his left index finger and thumb to lift his cock and expose the underside of his dick. I was completely stunned by what I saw. It was as if the flesh from under his cock-head had been scooped away to halfway down the shaft of his penis. The skin of this hollow was shiny and pinkish in colour. At the halfway point, where his dick returned to normal, there was a large aperture. I had never seen anything like this before. As I stared at the weird vision before me, Ronnie began to explain:
He, first of all, assured me that it wasn’t a disease and that he had simply been born with this condition that affected a miniscule number of men. Unlike other men, Ronnie’s urethra did not extend to the end of his glans. Because his foreskin was malformed due to the ‘scoop,’ the doctors had advised that he should be circumcised.
Following on from that, they had advised his parents against corrective surgery to close the cavity, because with the penis being the delicate organ that it is, erectile dysfunction could result. They also assured his folks that he would be able to have normal erections and accomplish a regular sex life, despite the aberration.
Resultantly, his mom and dad had decided to ‘let sleeping dogs lie.’ With a chuckle, Ronnie then concluded his lecture by mentioning that unlike other men, he had to sit down on a toilet to piss.
I was totally stunned and all I could think of saying was; “Wow, that opening hallway down your shaft is very large.”
“Yeah,” he replied, before resuming, “Would you like me to show you a neat trick?”
I did not know if I should if I should scratch my head or my arse and so I opted for the inevitable, “Sure,” reply.
Ronnie then placed his fat little finger in his mouth and applied a copious amount of spit to it. Thereafter, he pushed the tip of the digit into the gaping hole.
As his finger entered up passed the first knuckle and then stopped, I asked, “Fuck, isn’t that sore?”
“No,” he quickly answered, “In fact, it feels incredible.”
“Oh,” was all I could offer in reply.
After a few moments, he continued, “Of course, if my fat fingers were as slender as yours, it would be a lot more pleasurable.”
‘Oh fuck,’ I thought, knowing what was about to follow.
“Would you like to push your little finger into this hole?” he asked.
Caught between a rock and a hard place, all I could say was, “Sure.”
“Gob on your little finger and stick it in,” he gleefully advised.
I wasn’t very keen but totally intrigued by what was transpiring.
After lubricating my finger with spit I pushed it into the hole. Amazingly, it felt totally incredible as my finger slipped in all the way.
“Doesn’t this hurt?” I again asked with incredulity.
“Fuck, no, it’s totally awesome,” he replied. “Spear your finger in and out,” he now requested, in a tone that was dripping with lust.
As I complied, his dick instantly commenced hardening and I could feel the resultant restriction on my finger.
Shortly, nevertheless, his natural lubrication negated this when I felt my little finger becoming coated with slickness as I speared my digit in and out of the orifice.
“Fuck me,” he babbled, “Don’t fuckin’ stop, please… keep doing that.”
Strange as I was finding this, I felt an excitement searing through me as my dick began throbbing in my pants.
When I looked up at Ronnie’s his head was tilted back slightly, his eyes were closed, his mouth was open, and he had a look of total ecstasy on his face. Sounds of gratification now flowed from his lips, interjected by a cacophony of expletives and blasphemous phrases.
All my former misgivings had now melted and I was totally into this scene. In fact, I decided to up the ante and after extracting my finger, I took control of his dick with my left hand and steered it into my mouth. Upon doing so, I slid off the ottoman and onto my knees before him. After I commenced lapping at the concave underside of his knob my tongue also began to prod the large opening halfway down.
As his body commenced shuddering with excitement, he blurted, “Jesus… the last time happened to me… was when my best friend sucked me off at school.”
Ronnie’s fat hands now took control of my head, which he excitedly caressed. As his cock delved ever deeper into my mouth and began to conquer my throat, I was very pleased about the gouge that he had on the upper part of his knob, because it facilitated his invasion splendidly.
Unfortunately, Ronnie’s excitement as he commenced skull-fucking me was so intense that I had to push his hips back continuously, to ensure a steady flow of oxygen to my lungs. We did, nevertheless, soon find a comfortable rhythm that suited our mutual pleasure.
For several minutes, our union rambled on blissfully before he mentioned that he was getting very close to cumming. Ronnie then advised me to tilt my head to the side and cover his shaft hole with my lips. After doing so, my left hand continued caressing the upper side of his cock to stimulate him. With what I can only describe as an unearthly sound, Ronnie commenced seeding my mouth. The eruption was spectacular and I happily swallowed and savoured his substantial volume of spunk.
Once done, Ronnie asked me to stand up and undress. With both of us now naked, his hairy body embraced me as he feverishly started kissing me. His oral ‘attack’ was rather hectic and was that of a person who had been starved of affection for a very long time. Truthfully, I did not mind.
After a few minutes, I felt him coaxing me onto my back on the ottoman. With his body on top of me and his legs between my knees, Ronnie began to grind his dick into my crotch. His fat hands once more took control of my head as he animatedly commenced slavering all over my face and head. It was clear that Ronnie was somewhat of a sloppy kisser, but I really didn’t mind. His enthusiasm was incredible.
After a quarter of an hour with my head totally sodden, Ronnie lifted up onto outstretched arms and announced that he was going to cum all over my crotch. As I began to tweak his fat nipples he grunted as his large hips smeared his cream all over my cock and balls.
Next, Ronnie stood up and scooped the slimy residue off his dick before feeding it to me. Following on that, he knelt down at the edge of the ottoman and pulled my crotch toward his mouth. When he placed his eager mouth over my knob and manically commenced sucking, it did not take too long before I too began to unload in his mouth.
Afterward, Ronnie retrieved our drinks from his desk before seating himself down next to me on the ottoman.
Upon taking a few sips, he spoke. “I want you to hear me out completely before you reply,” he said.
After looking into my eyes for several seconds, he recommenced, “I will be opening a new branch in four months’ time. It’s all signed and sealed. I was going to offer it to you, but I have changed my mind.”
My heart sank, but before I could adequately formulate the information, he resumed. “After what just happened, I’m not willing to lose you. From the time I learned that you are gay, I have been dreaming about having sex with you. As a result, I want you to take over the practice downstairs because I want you close at hand.”
Ronnie then smiled at me with an incredible look of affection in his eyes. “I’ve been waiting for someone like you for a very long time and I won’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers.”
As we looked into one another’s eyes, all I think of saying was, “Thank you, Ronnie, I am honoured by your generous offer.”
Ronnie’s hand now commenced caressing my back before it slid down and I felt his middle finger slither into my crack. “Speaking about dreams, there’s one more I have been yearning for.”
I fully understood his meaning and instantly repositioned my body by getting onto my stomach on the ottoman.
“Let’s make that dream come true,” I stated.
Ronnie then mounted my body before measuredly guiding his dick into my backside. His cock felt incredible as it commandeered my portal. For the following thirty minutes, Ronnie hammered my butt solidly as he continually moved his torso up and down. Before he ejaculated he pushed his knob in as far as possible and told me to jiggle my arse and milk his cock. When he unloaded into my backside he howled in ecstasy.
As we got dressed afterward, we finished our drinks. Thereafter, I got another protracted kissing session from him.
As I drove home that night my mind was in a whirl after the surreal experience I had just undergone. My earlier reluctance had proved fruitless and I was amazed by how much Ronnie had sexually captivated me. The thought of also owning my own business also enhanced the overall experience. I had no doubt that Ronnie and I would become lovers and that my future would be intertwined with his.
Above all, I was already looking forward to his next drinks invitation.
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All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...
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xmoviesforyouAlicia sat down grumpily at her school desk, several of the boy looked her way as she dropped heavily into the seat, her prominent chest bounced slightly with the movement. She was a pretty girl, her long blonde framed her face perfectly. However in her class there where prettier girls, much prettier girls. They got the attention that Alicia craved so badly. In attempts to get the attention she had gotten several tattoo’s and many thing pierced. All but one thing. She felt a sharp pain at the...
MasturbationJemma was delighted when she opened her email telling her that she had been chosen as a dancer for a three month contract in Cabaret at The Pavilion theatre in Bournemouth. She had never been there before but was soon looking forward to it although she knew it would be hard work. Also she would have to leave her girlfriend behind – oh how she was going to miss those intense orgasms they used to give each other.Being there for three months she knew that she would have to get somewhere to stay so...
My First Black Cock, and it was a Double! I had always wondered what it would be like to have another man give me a blow job. Never in my wildest imaginings did I ever think it would actually happen, especially at my age. I'm a white male, pushing 82 years of age now. I'm single. Well, actually I'm a widower, having lost my wife of nearly 60 years, fours ago. We'd been quite happy during all that time together. We seemed to have it all, except for children. I've never been able to father...
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Fresh Out of Tuck Copyright 1997 by Ellen Hayes. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for...
Admit, it was kinda weird. One just wouldn’t expect there’d be so many Donatello-lookalikes on Island World. Somehow it seemed like a joke of nature, given the fact that the Ninja Turtles started as an experiment. Scooby had been preparing his prank for months. And all that time he had to proceed with extreme caution as to not to alert Bowser.To be honest, Buford had been a big help. Although “help” may not be the best word for it. He had promised some guys he knew he’d organize a big orgy with...
This week, came across this chick on her was to a festival. We told her that we were going to the same festival, so we could give her a ride. On the bus we asked her to play some games to make some money. Eventually, one thing lead to the next, and we had her flashing us her gigantic titties. This chick had an amazing pair of tits and a big ass to go with it. It didn’t take long for her to be on her knees swallowing some cock. This chick got properly fucked on the bus all around town. Later we...
xmoviesforyou"I'm sorry, Mr. Brody, my test results confirmed the first set; cancer has spread throughout your body." Doctor Cynthia Peters wisely waited until the big man composed himself, pausing to make sure he was still listening to her words. "At this point, treatment is not only useless but would take away any time left to wrap up your estate." Brock Brody struggled to control his emotions as he ran his fingers through his thick long hair. The doctor’s office smelled like a hospital; he hated...
The house was in Sykesville, Maryland. It was new, large and mostly brick, maybe five or six thousand square feet. It sat on about ten acres of land that was half grass and half wild forest. There were multiple levels to the house, and to the walkout decks and patios, that all interconnected both inside and outside the residence. Marjorie knew the couple who owned the house, and consequently who ran the relatively small swinger's group called Sensations. Their names were Frank and Alice...
WHAT WOULD YOU DO? By Maria Donner My sister was going to get married. So what? I was not a participant of the hassle, but it affected me in some way. They were all very busy. They had no time for me. They were all involved. Was I envious because I was excluded? I don't know. Anyway. It was getting close. Some days before the big day one of the important women knocked on my door. "Hello, David. Sitting here all alone?" I got up. I was surprised. I had seen the...
Eine Weile schaute ich dem Boot noch nach, bis es mit meiner Starndschönheit hinter einer Landzunge verschwand. Die Aussicht auf ein Frühstück trieb mich zurück auf den Zeltplatz. Auf dem Heimweg mußte ich schmunzeln. All das, was ich bisher erlebt hatte, erlaubte es mir, mich viel gelassener auf dem FKK-Platz zu bewegen. Wenn ich noch vor Wochen, nach dem Zusammentreffen mit ein paar Mädels auf dem Zeltplatzweg, meine Erektion mit Handtuch und schnellem Laufen verbergen mußte, so konnte ich...
Little Cayman, 1705 Blackbeard stood at the helm as he guided his ship toward the port of Little Cayman. He looked forward to another pillaging of the small island. It was a way out from many of the other Caribbean islands, but each time it proved to be worthwhile. He was about to give the order to begin the bombardment of the port town when his first mate, Henry Morgan, interrupted him. Captain we have a ship off the port bow. Hostile? Blackbeard asked. Take a look yerself Captain. Morgan...
I was still standing by the phone when I thought of the papers I took from Ronny Davis’ wallet. I pulled them out of my hip pocked and unfolded them. This is a copy of the very same list I found on the island. I flipped back and forth, to see the names marked off. I turned back to scan the Ds to see if Ronny Davis was listed. He wasn’t, but Ronald Davis was listed. I started pulling drawers out on the kitchen cabinet, and the third drawer I opened, had a phone book for Stewart and Collins...
Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army “You cannot win,” the voice from the speakers yelled as soon as the screaming stopped. “You may have placed blocks in me it won’t help you escape. This entire room is a prison for you. Nothing you can do will allow you to make it out of here!” An evil laugh sounded as Alan felt a strong probing then an almost titanic force start to push him from his mind! “You obviously haven’t looked at all I...
Bozo spent the night in the garage with us. He stayed over near the water heater. Mom had told Jill to take responsibility for what she was doing to me while we were doing our chores earlier. Jill had promised to make it better. She did. I'd planned on talking to her about what she and Mary talked about while they were washing Mom's new car. That idea went out the window. Jill wouldn't let me put shorts on and she was naked when I turned out the main light. We got into bed and the next...
These two are compliments of Paul: TWO DIFFERENT DOCTORS' OFFICES Boy, if this doesn't hit the nail on the head, I don't know what does! Two patients limp into two different medical clinics with the same complaint? Both have trouble walking and appear to require a hip replacement. The FIRST patient is examined within the hour, is x-rayed the same day and has a time booked for surgery the following week. The SECOND sees his family doctor after waiting 3 weeks for an appointment, then...
Mom Took Me To A Concert The Beach Boys were going on tour. They would be at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center in Saratoga Springs, New York on Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 8:00 PM. The cost of tickets was from forty-two dollars to eighty dollars each. Mom bought two of the eighty-dollar tickets for her and I and then told me that I had to go. When I asked why she said that she was going to get so wasted that she wouldn’t be able to drive or even control herself. Over the next...
I needed a drink. I didn't get one. It was way too early in the morning and I hadn't even eaten yet. The women were adamant about that. No beer! They did make me up a pot of coffee and some breakfast before we got down to talking. I made certain that I thanked them for it. I still wanted that beer and a few more, but the coffee and food helped. Once I was done eating, we started talking. Thankfully, Rebecca threw me a lifeline. "Matilda was always a needy child," she stated as my dishes...
Place. Hold. Set. Soft. Closed. Tight. Length. Breadth. Depth. Push. Clutch. Pushing. Tighter. Harder. Dry. Big. Give. In. Warm. Deep. Drag. Then deep then drag. Then deep then drag again. And again. "Is this what you want?" her brother, from behind her, stroking. "mm-mhuh... ; more - " like you did them, she said, his sister, naming names. They sat across from George in a row from left to right, Maggie and their three girls - teenaged and too-true, triplets - his bevy of...
Aaron stormed out of Carly’s room, marching into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Carly laid facing the ceiling on her bed, tears welling in her eyes. She laid for several minutes feeling her warm tears run down the sides of her face into her hair. Hearing her younger thirteen year old sister moan in pleasure behind the bathroom door stung into her heart as her face swelled and she flipped her body over, covering her head with her pillow. Between sniffing the runny liquid back into...
You rowed the oars of your small boat calmly, even though your mind was cloudy with thought, you were answering the challenge decreed by the Elemental devils, the challenge to come to the island known as 'Primordial island' you remembered you mother begging you not to go, but you had to; your father and brother failed and returned shadows of the great warriors they once were, this was not just about saving the world, this was a matter vengeance 'Please don't go Draco, I can't loose you as...
FetishA Travesty of Justice by Paul G. Jutras "Welcome to your new dorm room." Frank said as Gary walked through the doorway, dropped his backpack, and his jaw practically to the floor. Except for the twin beds, the small room looked more like a research lab than a dorm room. He began to wonder if he cold sleep with the blinking lights of the computer panels going off all night. "What are you working on?" Gary asked. "Genetics." Frank replied as a few quick moves on a computer...
All characters are +18, like for real, not cause I said so. Hi everyone, first of all, this is my first story so, even though I like a lot the end product, I'm not native English so there might be a lack of or some weird expressions. The buildup/plot is very long, you have three options: If you got the time or enjoy it, read it fully and tell me what you think of it, constructive criticism is very welcome. Read the plot TLDR if you are horny or couldn't be bothered. Skip the plot and go...
(The intro and backstories are the only parts not in the first person) [Captains log (haha log) Stardate... whenever] These are the tales of the Starship Futchia and her crew. They have been together on more unfortunate adventures than most in the star sector. They have traveled across more space than many meteors and they have fucked/been fucked by more aliens races than many can count. They are simultaneously the best and worst the Milkyway has to offer the universe. They are the S.S...
The First NightAmy awoke in her bed with a throbbing headache. She winced as she looked at her nightstand, hoping to find some water. She had clearly overdone it on the alcohol the night before – her friend Suzy always managed to push her well past the limits of prudent drinking. Amy tried to avoid going out with Suzy for precisely that reason, but she seemed to run across her at the clubs at least once a week.The last thing Amy remembered from the night before was running into Suzy at a club....
Introduction: This is the last Chapter to the series, I hope everyone has enjoyed the story, thanks for reading…Peace Im in my squad car listening to the radio and nothing eventful is going on. With my coffee in hand im watching as pedestrians are walking by waving at me nicely. The years have gone by and have been nice. After Maya was born I went into the Police Academy, but I wasnt the only one Dusty and Will followed me. We graduated in the top 10 of our class. Mina supported me through it...
SPIRAL STAIR By Emma Finn 1 I had the awful sense that I'd forgotten something important and that made the fact I was lost even worse. I didn't know how long I'd been driving round Barton but it was far too long and I was getting immensely frustrated. The streets were so narrow and never ran for very long before turning and then turning again. Road after road ended as a crescent, looping back to practically where they started and the dead ends were often unmarked. I kept...
Hi This is Minikumari from Kerala.I like to tell about my sex experiance with my Dad. I was just passed out from school.I am a good figure in that age with a boob size 30. At that time ours is a small house with one bedroom and hall with kitchen. Bedroom was actually part of hall and it parted with a plywood. Door was not there and only a curtain was their as bedroom door. Usually my parents will shift me to hall after I slept during childhood. Than at high school time I use to sleep at...
IncestHi.. This is Viraaj again. this is the continuation of my earlier story. I woke up in morning at 8:30. As soon as I woke up, I remembered my sexual advances with my maid. Whole picture just flashed in front of my eyes. I was eagerly waiting for shalini to arrive. I woke up from my bed, did my chores, & was watching TV. Bell rang. I thought it must be shalini. I hurriedly rushed to open the door. But it was Milkman. I was disappointed. I was waiting for her. 2hrs passed, still there was no sign...