Minerva Ch. 06 Of 10 free porn video

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To be honest with you, I was in a bit of a daze as Sandra helped me pack my gear. You know, I hadn’t the foggiest idea of where I was going even. But I did think to mention my editor to her, Sandra assured me that he’d be taken care of. Not the best form of words she could have chosen, under the circumstances.

After scrutinising the road in both directions, the two Gorillas (Bernie and Marco) hurried over to take my bags as we exited the block. Then they closely flanked me as we crossed the road to John Carpenter’s Range Rover, where Harcourt introduced him and Bert, the guy sitting in the rear seat, who addressed Harcourt as boss.

As John Carpenter pulled away, Bernie and Marco followed behind in the Audi. Looking around, I noted that both of the police cars stayed with us for a very long time. Where Sandra and Harcourt went, or in what vehicle, I have no idea.

We travelled towards London for an hour or so, swinging south onto the M25 that took us around the metropolis. I was completely lost by the time we’d left the motorway and then appeared to travel in ever decreasing circles along progressively narrower country lanes.

‘Ere I’m not daft, I watched the sun as we went. Our route, after we left the motorway was quite definitely circular and we went round more than once. Eventually John Carpenter appeared to be satisfied that we weren’t being followed, and he pulled into a smallish country hotel. There, with little or no formality, I was led up to a room on the second floor, it was apparent that we’d been expected. Bernie and Marko were in the two rooms on either side of mine. I was to gather later that John Carpenter had taken all the rooms on that floor in advance.

Later I noted that some guy, who was dressed as a room service waiter one minute, and a hotel porter at other times, appeared to have taken up permanent residence at the top of the stairs. Actually it might have been two different guys, I can’t say I studied them closely. Whatever he was, he and the two gorillas nodded to each other as if they were more than mere acquaintances when we first passed him.

‘Is all this cloak and dagger stuff really necessary?’ I asked John Carpenter when we finally got into my room.

‘I don’t know Gil, you tell me? I’ve been hired to ensure that you are still alive in seven days time. Now, if someone is worried enough about your health to lash out for all this security, do you think that it isn’t necessary? Mr Harcourt seems to think that someone has already tried to kill you once. Are you willing to take that chance?’

‘I think Harcourt is most likely exaggerating the risk. Look, that accident was years ago and nothing has happened since.’

‘Didn’t Mr Harcourt tell you that a certain old lady has died recently? That’s what this is all about isn’t it, her death and what happens to her fortune?

‘Yeah, and Harcourt seems to think she set me up to smoke out the skeletons.’

‘Well what if he is right? If that is the case, then you need all the security I can offer. That is what I’m being paid to do, to keep you safe and well for the next seven days at least.’

‘And after that?’

‘Ah now, as I understand it, you’ll be a very rich man and we can discuss what arrangements you believe are required then.

‘Or, I’ll be dead!’

‘No, I doubt that, not with the people I’ve got around you, anyway. Mind you, they might smother you a little sometimes. But I would suggest that if anything unusual happens, you listen to what they tell you to do. If in doubt, hit the dirt first.’

‘Mr Carpenter, not one usual thing has happened to me today! What the hell has happened to my life?’

—- —- —- —- —-

I spent most of what was left of the afternoon playing cards in my room, with either Bernie or Marco. Later, I went down to dinner with the two of them hovering over me like a pair of overcautious nannies. Eventually we had a long discussion about that, and they backed off a little.

After dinner I spent the evening in the bar with them. Actually I’d got to really like the two gorillas. Even if I did think that I wouldn’t like to unexpectedly run across either of them on a dark night. For all of their size and… well… anyway, they appeared to be surprisingly normal guys under the surface who took great pleasure and pride, in showing me photographs of their wives and children.

It was the other guys who I weren’t so sure about. They were there all the time, but kind of weren’t at the same time. Eventually I worked out that there must have been at least eight or ten of the buggers.

You know, there is something about a professional military man that makes him stand out from the crowd. Much like Cops, they carry an air about with them.

These other guys, to all intents and purposes were hotel staff, well, I think they were supposed to be. Everything from porters to gardeners, including dining room waiting staff, the barmen and the guy who always seemed to be kicking around behind the reception desk, but didn’t appear to actually do anything.

There were far too many staff kicking around for a hotel of that size, if you get my drift!

From where I was standing, they looked out of place. And of course the little nods that they exchanged with Bernie and Marco, whenever we moved from one room to another, didn’t help to disguise what their real purpose for being there was.

Mind you, I suppose I was expecting, or even looking out for them.

Bernie and I sat in the bar exercising our right arms and resolving all the problems, that seem to flummox our World’s great leaders, for some time, before I… we staggered up to bed.

Well, I needed something to take my mind off the need for all that security around me. God alone knows what time we went to bed that night.

—- —- —- —- —-

John Carpenter reappeared, when the three of us were going into breakfast the following morning. A very handsome woman, whom he introduced as his wife, Helen, accompanied him. Their arrival prompted Bernie and Marco to head for a separate table in the dining room.

Once we’d taken our seats at a table, Helen Carpenter — after pouring all three of us coffee — launched into a long inquisition about my relationship with Lady Minerva.

There’s not much point in me going through all that again here, because what I told her would be repeating my conversation with Sandra and Harcourt from the previous day. Anyway it was obvious Helen Carpenter knew exactly who Minerva was, from the start. But I noted, that she never once referred to her as Kylie. That implied to me that Helen Carpenter had never actually met Kylie, or ,if she had, Kylie hadn’t… well chosen her as a close friend.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had the dubious pleasure of being questioned by the police, especially when they know something that you don’t. But, whilst Helen was interrogating me — because that was what she did, even if she did try to be subtle about it — I got the distinct feeling that she knew something that I didn’t know.

Hey no, not about Kylie, I got the feeling Helen was trying to get… I’m not sure, possibly get the feel of Kylie as a person, out of me.

But there was something completely different about the way Helen talked that made me feel that she knew something I didn’t. And that feeling didn’t concern Lady Minerva, no I got the feeling that there was something about Lady Tanya Simpson, that I wasn’t fully aware of.

Look, I might not be a very good reporter, but after while you get an instinct about these things. I tried to pump Helen a little, but she sussed me straight away, and made it very clear who was running, or steering, the conversation.

After that, Helen just gave me a wry smile whenever I mentioned Tanya Simpson. That assured me, that she knew something that she had no intention of telling me.

After breakfast the Carpenters took me by surprise by s
uggesting that I got changed into something a little more formal. John implying that we were shortly going to meet Tanya Simpson’s legal representatives on this earth.

Why this should require me to be formally attired, I didn’t know, but I suppose I was getting used to doing as I was asked by then.

Once I’d changed into a suit, we set off in John’s Range Rover again. Bernie and Marcos leading in a Vauxhall this time, and we were trailed by a white Transit van that appeared to have little difficulty in keeping up with the fast pace Bernie set, weaving around those country lanes.

Again it was a somewhat unnecessarily protracted journey, that I’m sure didn’t take us all that far as the crow flies from the hotel.

As I had done the day before, I kept my eye on the sun and ascertained that, for a while, we literately went around in circles again. My escort was obviously making completely sure that we weren’t being followed.

Then very suddenly Marco pulled to the side of the road, John drove past the Vauxhall and turned into a private drive that led up to an impressive looking house.

It wasn’t a very large mansion or anything, but it weren’t the sort of house that most people could afford to live in.

As we climbed out of the Range Rover, I noted that the Transit van that had been behind us, had stopped just inside the entrance to the drive, blocking it completely, and several men had got out of it along with Bernie and Marco. Numerous more people, who had appeared as if from nowhere, greeted them and then they fanned out in different directions around the house and gardens.

I didn’t see where those guys eventually went, or what they were doing because John called to me and then led the way to the front door of the house. There he introduced me to a Mr Ronny Mackintosh, who John described as Lady Tanya’s Solicitor.

That was the instant something finally sank home. Helen Carpenter had mentioned Lady Tanya Simpson, just a couple of times, but she’d referred to her in the present tense. Suddenly John Carpenter had done the same thing, he’d referred to Ronny Mackintosh with the word ‘is’ Lady Tanya’s solicitor, not ‘was’!

Okay, it could have been a slip of the tongue, and Mackintosh was still acting on Tanya Simpson’s behalf. But for some inexplicable reason, that wasn’t the impression that I was getting.

John and Helen didn’t follow us, as Ronny Mackintosh showed me into a very plush drawing room.

After firmly closing the door behind us he announced.

‘Mr Gilroy Jameson, milady!’ Then followed that up with the words. ‘Mr Jameson, Lady Tanya Simpson!’

I wasn’t completely taken by surprise, although I honestly hadn’t noticed the old lady sitting in the big wingback chair over by the fireplace. She stood, then smiled and held out her hand to me.

‘Gilroy, I’m so pleased to meet you at last. I must apologise for all the misinformation you’ve been fed in the last twenty-four hours. But I am assured that it was necessary.’

I’ll admit that I didn’t hear the door open and close as Ronny Mackintosh left the room. I must have looked like a complete idiot as I stood there staring at a dead woman. Well someone who I’d been assured was no longer of this earth.

I was still standing gobsmacked and staring at Lady Tanya’s outstretched hand, when a door the other side of the room opened and some guy (if I wasn’t mistaken another soldier, or ex-military man anyway) appeared carrying a loaded tea tray.

His arrival in the room did at least break me out of my trance, and I stepped forward to take Lady Tanya’s proffered hand. To be honest I wasn’t sure whether I was supposed to kiss, or shake, the old lady’s hand, I settled for the latter. Her ladyship smiled at my fumbled efforts, and then gestured for me to take the seat opposite hers.

The guy had placed the tray on a small table beside Lady Tanya’s chair and then disappeared as quickly as he’d come.

‘I’m sorry Gilroy, but Mr Mackintosh and Mr Carpenter assured me that the deception was necessary. They said that we have no idea if you are still being watched. George Harcourt has no idea that I’m still alive, by the way.’

‘I’m sorry, I don’t understand what’s going on… er, milady?’

‘Tanya please, Gilroy. Lady Tanya if you wish to remain formal, but I’d prefer just plain Tanya. I think, or rather hope, that once we get acquainted, we are going to become close friends. Yes, I can understand that you are confused, so I’ll try to explain everything to you as well as I’m able.’

Lady Tanya stopped speaking whilst she very daintily poured two cups of tea. One of which — after enquiring whether I took sugar — she handed to me and then she proffered a platter of biscuits.

I’m afraid that I was still in shock and running on autopilot by then. I suddenly found myself sitting there like a complete bleeding prune, a cup and saucer in one hand, and a biscuit in the other with nowhere to place either. I’m sure that Tanya Simpson left me in that embarrassing position for a few moments on purpose.

‘Now Gilroy, I’ll start at the beginning. In the last year or so, there have been at least two attempts on my life that we are aware of. And I’m told that there might have been more that we are unaware off.

About three weeks ago, there was another rather clumsy attempt to poison me. John, Ronald and the police tell me they have a very good idea of who the perpetrator of that attempt was, but they don’t know for sure why they are trying to… hurry my departure from this life. Nor does there appear to be any actual proof that the suspected culprit was the one who tried to poison me.

And, more importantly according to my security advisors, we have no proof as to who employed them to ensure my early demise.’

Lady Tanya finally took pity on me and, with a smile, she stood and moved a small table to within my reach, so that I could put my cup and saucer down.

‘I’m sorry my boys are security experts, they don’t make the most efficient house staff.’ She added as an aside, then continued.

‘Ronny Mackintosh decided that it was time to take action of some kind, that might, if everything goes to plan, trap whoever is behind these attempts to… do away with me.’

‘Well surely it will have to be someone who will benefit financially from your death.’ I suggested.

‘You would think so wouldn’t you? But they would have to at least know of any inheritance and logically that could only be my niece Minerva. And now, you of course! But you had no idea you would benefit from my demise, did you? So logically that only leaves Minerva, or someone close to her.’

I’m not sure what Lady Tanya read in my expression, but it must have portrayed something to her.

‘Ah yes, that was how I hoped you’d react. You still love Minerva, don’t you?”

‘I don’t think so…’ I began to argue.

‘Oh don’t talk balderdash Gilroy. I’ve had people watching you very closely for years now. You’ve not had one meaningful relationship, since Minerva and you were together at the Cliff Head Hotel.’

I sat there and stared back at Tanya. I really had no idea what to say.

‘Gilroy, Kylie as you know her, was just as taken with you, as you were with her, even more so, if I understand things correctly. What in heavens name led up to her getting married to Fabian Bellushi, I have no idea.

‘And what’s more, my suspicions have since been raised about that marriage because my niece has not once returned to the UK since the wedding. In consequence I haven’t had the opportunity to ask her what led up to her taking that step, in person. When I spoke to her on the telephone, she was… well, a little vague about everything. More worryingly, especially where you were concerned.’

I did attempt to get her ladyship to clarify here, but Lady Tanya is not someone you can interrupt when she’s on a roll, if you understand me. Unless I got my timing perfec
t and caught her on a breath intake, I soon learnt that I was wasting my time — although sometimes she would hear me.

‘That’s always assuming that they were ever properly married in the first place, I have never trusted William Burgess!’

Of course, I could work out, up to a point, what Tanya Simpson was telling me. I kind-a hazarded a guess that William Burgess had to be Kylie’s uncle, but I needed a little confirmation.

I can’t say that I understood where the old lady was heading with her line of conversation — or should I phrase that diatribe — though.

To be honest there were too many questions rushing around in my head to think of any particular ones to ask Tanya, it was all I could manage just to react to anything Tanya Simpson said.

‘Lord William?’ I repeated, sort of hoping that she’d affirm my conclusion.

‘William Burgess doesn’t hold a title, Gilroy!’ Lady Tanya replied with a surprised tone to her voice, almost as if she expected me to know the fact already.

‘Although I am well aware that he has used Minerva’s title to infer that he does hold one himself. She was his ward, and as she has a title… I’m afraid that quite a few people have drawn the incorrect conclusion that William Burgess has one as well.

‘No, William Burgess is Minerva’s father’s, illegitimate younger half-brother. He has no title that I’m aware of. His father acknowledged him of course, but as far as I’m aware there was no attempt to make the union or the birth legitimate.

‘There couldn’t be, his lordship’s first wife was still alive… and divorce… Well no, the family would have none of that nonsense back in those days.’

Lady Tanya stopped speaking for a few seconds, then took a deep breath and sighed.

‘It has always been my great regret that I was out of the country when my brother in law, Minerva’s father and her brother died. At that time, I had rebelled against my upbringing a little, I’d always favoured the bohemian lifestyle. Anyway, I was married to an anthropologist and we were living in a mud hut in the jungles of New Guinea somewhere, making a film about the ramifications of the twentieth century’s encroachment on the lives of primitive tribesmen.’

Tanya smiled wistfully to herself, and then looked at me, as if expecting a reaction of some kind. But I was still trying to understand why she was telling me about her own marriage.

When I didn’t react she carried on.

‘By the time we returned to civilisation, I’m sorry to say that William Burgess had become firmly entrenched as Minerva’s guardian. Not that I’d ever trusted the man myself. But it was a fait accompli by then, and there was nothing I could do about it, without going to the courts.

‘I feared that, had a legal action failed, doing so might have made it extremely difficult for me to stay in contact with the child later.’

Lady Tanya stopped speaking yet again and sat there for a long time with a thoughtful expression on her face.

‘It was a mistake! I should have risked going to court when I had the chance. Although I did manage to stay in fairly close contact with Minerva right up until… Well, until she met you at the Hotel to be precise. You know, she thought a lot of you, Gilroy?’

Her ladyship gave me a smile that I assume was supposed to tell me something. All I really gleaned from it, was that Lady Tanya had to have been a strikingly beautiful woman herself at one time.

However, I also got the message that Lady Tanya thought that Kylie had fallen in love with me.

‘I don’t understand, in a matter of months she’d married that Fabian guy.’ I replied.

‘I never could understand that either, Gilroy. Minerva had never held any romantic feelings for the boy that I was aware of. Ben Johnson didn’t think she did either.’

‘Ben who?’

‘Benjamin Johnson, the bodyguard William hired, I’d turned him very early on. I think that’s the correct description for it, John and Ronnie have been educating me in the last few months.

‘Anyway, Ben was feeding me information almost from the instant he was employed to watch over Minerva. He kept me informed of everything that was going on right up until William Burgess fired him.’

Same as Minerva Ch. 06 of 10 Videos

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Part 4 -- The Reception Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson -- 26 years old, 5'10" tall 140 lbs --- Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton -- 27 years old, 6'2" tall, 180 lbs --- Groom. Physics graduate student. Intelligent, hardworking, handsome, faithful, reliable. Amy Robinson -- 21 years old, 5'10" tall 125 lbs --- Maid of honor. Physics undergrad student. Intelligent,...

3 years ago
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Youll Get Used to ItChapter 2

I was waiting downstairs the next morning, eager for Mrs. J’s arrival. Mom had chided me the day before about rudely leaving Mrs. J downstairs on her own until she came in the house. She looked at me oddly when I became flustered trying to defend myself and scrutinized me even closer when I blushed profusely. I escaped to my room with Mom watching me all the way up the stairs. I had decided to wear the same sweatpants. In my mind, Mrs. J and I would immediately continue from where we left...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 15

The sunset that evening was particularly dramatic. The sky was painted in hundreds of colors. The men sat in the lawn chairs watching the sky as the colors changed while the sun dipped below the horizon. No one said a word until the sun had dipped completely below the horizon and the colors had faded. Ed asked, “Can you imagine? Kelly is pregnant.” John shook his head and said, “I’m just as surprised as you.” “Are you as happy about it as I am?” John laughed and said, “Yes, maybe more....

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Charlies family

I was standing right outside his door watching.I was watching Charlie fuck his mom.I wanted to move away from the door but I couldn't.Charlie's mom, Lori, is a beautiful woman. She's 42yrs old, auburn hair, green eyes, 5ft 5in, and 36DD tits. Charlie, is 17, 6ft 1in, dark hair and blue eyes, like his dad.I had gotten up to go to the bathroom, and I heard moans coming from his room. The door was ajar so I peeked in. Charlie was pounding into his mother's dripping pussy.Lori, his mom, was moaning...

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Training Desmond0

Desmond woke. His head ached. More than ached. It was as if the Halle Orchestra was tuning up inside it and using his head for a kettle drum. Desmond woke and gradually became aware of his situation. His legs were cold. He was lying on something very hard. He was outside. The grey light of morning. Rain clouds overhead. A train was coming. He was lying on something hard. It was vibrating. Desmond’s thoughts merged. His balls hurt. He sat up and agony ripped through him. He lay down...

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Duke and Wendy

Duke and Wendy sat on a Glider slowly rocking as they watched Carlos and Tom unsaddle their horse's. Duke at 54 and Wendy only 45 were retired Vegas Star impersonators. Duke whose real name was Victor was a dead ringer for John "Duke" Wayne, he had the same size, stature, gravely voice and was a Texas born real cowboy. Wendy was a Dick Girl, a Trans with long black hair, hormone and silicone large breast, hip and ass implants which gave her an incredible shape. She appeared as Cher. They had...

4 years ago
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Our Story Ch5

I was sitting at home high as a kite, watching pretty much the only thing on that late/early.... Skinimax! On the screen two females topless and making out. As I stared at the TV I started feeling horny as hell. I slid my hand inside my pj pants and began rubbing my pussy. I swirled the tips of my fingers over my clit in a circular motion. Slowly I slid my finger into my tight pussy. I reached for and found my g-spot and began massaging. Just as I was getting into it my phone beeped....

2 years ago
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Technology Brings Couples Together

She was clearing through her emails when she noticed a new one pop up. It was from her boyfriend. They lived in different places, seeing each other as much as they could, but it never seemed like enough. Sexual energy always built up between their visits, with suggestive discussions, texting, and emails. Sometimes it was almost unbearable. The subject line in the email was, ‘read this before you go home.’ The note from her boyfriend was as follows: ‘I always miss you, Iove our suggestive...

1 year ago
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Stranger on the doorstep

I woke up late that night. Someone was pounding on my door, now who could that be. I got out of bed and threw on a nightgown, and then I went to answer the door. When I opened it I was nearly flattened by the full-grown woman who flung herself against me. She was crying hysterically. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there in the doorway. Holding a complete stranger in my arms and trying to calm her down before she woke the neighbors. I got up and carried her to the couch, which was no...

3 years ago
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Just a Whisper

Here I am today, a single father with not much time to himself. The ex takes Cleo every other weekend, and that seems to be the only time I can get out to play. Not looking for anything serious, I would usually look over the CraigsList personals. Then those went away, leaving me in a bit of a dry spell. The bar scene sucked, it was usually full of young 20 somethings or a bunch of old farts who should have been playing bingo instead of singing karaoke. That didn’t last long. So, I spent most...

3 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 2 A Dark Secret

As it happened, Josh Hartwell arrived just as Judy and Dani returned to the waiting room. Cliff made the introductions, explaining that Hartwell was his boss during the summer, and that he wanted a word with Judy. Judy Olsen had dealt with more than one lawyer in her life, and she squinted at the man with her head tilted. "How can I help you, Mr. Hartwell?" Josh Hartwell was a good looking S.O.B. He was tall, he was trim, and he could have given some A-list actors a run for their money in...

4 years ago
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The Pucell Princess

The Pucell Princess Forced destiny: The bars of gold having been stacked neatly against the west wall of the natural cavern picked up and arranged in orderly rows and stacks for the wild dispersal that had occurred in the hectic days of transporting, as well as hectic hours of the fighting and killing, all the accumulated barrels, bags, chests, and boxes. From the devastated wreckage of the once magnificent armed galleon, "Pucell Princess" all these items had been...

3 years ago
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All in Time part four

Samantha gaped up at Diondre, her eyes trying to focus while her body trembled beneath him. ‘Did we just…?’ Her mind raced, heart pounding in her chest as she allowed her hands to fall from his shoulders, dropping limply onto the bed. She licked her lips, eyes wide as she stared. Her cheeks were pink, and Diondre held himself in check, curbing the desire to lean down and again take her lips with his. “I should-” Samantha stopped herself, biting her swollen lower lip when she realized that those...

First Time
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Hot Fams

Friends recently I had interaction with a fan of mine from Delhi and he wanted me to write about his family i****t. His name is Shekhar and I will write about his family. His mom, Kamala is about 39 with plump body of 38– 30-40 and of 5' 3" height. His sister Lata is about 18 and is growing into a woman having nice body figure of 35-26-36 and is a bit taller than his mom, 5' 4" she is in 12 th standard now and studying in convent school. He has younger brother, Suresh who is 20 and in college....

2 years ago
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Maa Chudi Gair Mardo Se Part 8211 3

Aap sabne meri pichli kahani maa chudi gair mardo se padha ye kahani usi ka aage ka bhag hai. Dadaji se chudne ke jab mummy ne kaha ki unhe ghar jana hai tab mai apne ghar vapas aa gaya kuch der bad meri mummy ghar aa gayi aur kitchen me chali gayi. Mere dimag me bas vo sab chiz chal raha tha jo maine kuch der pahle dekha tha. mujhe yakin nahi ho raha tha ki sach me maine vo sab chiz abhi dekha apni mummy ko Dadaji ke sath us bistar pe. Mummy kariban 1 ghante tak kitchen me rahi vo khana banake...

2 years ago
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Bisexual Hairdresser

I always got my hair cut at Schroeders. You know the one, down on Harbor Blvd., towards the beach. I went there, not because they were the cheapest, or the best, or even the fastest. I went there because they had the best looking ‘cutters’ around. I came to call it “Rock Slut Hair Cuts” because all the girls were young, thin, and looked like they fell right out of a rock video. It was very late Friday night when I stopped by. There were two other people getting trimmed...

3 years ago
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I want to Fuck you Again Pegged

It was hard, but I knew I should be honest with my wife. I told her that I had a fetish for 'chicks with strapon's'.Although it made me nervous, I felt like I had to admit that sexy girls wearing strap-ons got me very horny.She was an amazing woman, so that information didn't faze her at all. In fact, she started wearing a strap-on that I had bought her.She let me take some pictures of her. Those pictures replaced any other porn that I could ever need. I found myself jerking off to the sexy...

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How I Lost My Virginity

This happened when i was 20 and i had just started my CA course after college.As part of the CA course i had to work full time in a CA office for 3 years. My office used to start at 10.30 My dad and mom used to leave for work at 7.30 and my sis used to leave for her college at 7. So basically i was alone at home from 7.30 till 10.15 (My office was close by it took just 15 mins) Our maid used to come to work at around 7 am. She is 32 yrs old and has 2 kids.She has dusky complexion and due to...

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Jovons Pretty Girl

I hated going to school. Ok, ‘hated’ maybe a bit strong. I didn’t mind most of it really. I’m smart enough that the work wasn’t hard, I was on the good side of average for both looks and athletics, and friends weren’t a problem. I was just social enough that the teachers ignored me, but not so social that my classmates paid me any attention. I sat in the back of the room, and was pretty much left alone. Which is pretty much where I wanted things. So, to be honest, the only thing I hated was...

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MyPervyFamily Dani Lynn Dad Needs a Promotion Stress Release

I had this big meeting and I was finally gonna get this promotion or not. I am so stressed out, I need some relief from all this stress. I know just where to go, I go up to my daughter’s room. I find her just waking up from a nap, she just looks so hot in her t-shirt and panties. I can’t keep my hands off of her, I start to play with her and I tell her I need her help to relieve this stress. Dani knows just what Daddy needs, my daughter starts to play with my cock first sucking it...

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My first MMF

It was Beth’s idea. Her affair with Brian, a married man 25 years older than her, had taken her down a wonderful road of sexual enlightenment. Brian was delighted she planning her first sexual adventure of her own design and it was one he was very keen to try. Background: They were to find a man to join them in a threesome. Beth basically wanted to have sex with two men and ideally be a voyeur to a little male bisexuality. Choosing the right person was difficult, as Beth didn’t want to involve...

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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 3 Did Someone Call an Ambulance

"It's down this way. We're close, but we need to get near enough to walk to it." Josh was concentrating on his surroundings, making turns while glancing at his arm to orient himself. "Let's try this next left and see if it gets us any closer." The road he selected was a narrow unpaved private drive, but so far none of the others they'd tried led in the right direction. "What do you think her name is?" Cynthia asked, trying once more to uncover some private detail he hadn't...

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Help the aged get their rocks off

Joe and Beth were a nice old couple in the late sixties and as straight laced as they come – that is until I found out the secret. They had asked me to help clear out their attic prior to moving into a retirement bungalow across town. Well, as you can imagine, they had tons of stuff that had accumulated over the years but as I was nearing the end of getting everything done, I came across an old cardboard box. As I was lifting it up the bottom fell out and with it a mound of old photos. There...

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Tricked by his BestFriends Girlfriend Gay

"Dude, I need your help, and it's gonna sound crazy, okay?" Caleb immediately said as he opened his front door to let his friend in.His best friend Adam has just arrived after receiving a frantic phone call from Caleb only twenty minutes earlier explaining that it was an absolute emergency and that he needed him to come over immediately.Caleb lived not too far away on the other side of the campus and so he quickly threw on some runners, his jogging shorts and a gray sweater and headed over to...

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My Innocent Mother Part 2 Stitching The Blouse

We had been to the stores to buy bras for my mom. I told her that it’s my duty. While returning mom told me she is very happy that I am taking care of all her needs. I told her that it’s my duty. On that night, nothing much happened, we had dinner and went to bed. Next day morning, I was eagerly waiting for her to undergo measurements again. After we completed the breakfast, we started again. Son: Mom, please take out your pallu. She removed it and instead of keeping it in her hand, she...

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Sexing the Bridersquos Mom part 2

The next day Akbar, Mike and Wendell stood around Tom's notebook computer, their cocks hard with lust as they watched their partner fucking Mrs. Johnson. The young men u*********sly and consciously massaged their swollen bulges as they watched the erotic sight on the color LCD display. They were all sexually envious as Tom grasped Mrs. J's delicious hips, fucking their buddy Sam's mom like a whore, calling her a slut and telling her that she wanted to be fucked. They all imagined themselves in...

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Gym Boy

I love going to the gym and looking at guys bodies and dreaming of what they could do. Never hit on anyone (yet) but this is one of my dreams. I was late finishing at the gym and walking into the showers and what a suprise.I was shocked when I walked in and saw Steve on his knees in front of Butch. Steve was 6'6", athletically thin with blond hair and green eyes, he was probably in his mid-20's and I thought he was in grad school. Butch was 6'6" as well and was huge with muscles rippling...

1 year ago
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Playing Hostess Chapter 4

Note : This story is completely fictional! 3 months after the initial party that Judith “hosted” for her friends, she and her husband Matt were still very much involved in incest with her sister Ruth, who was also helping Judith satisfy their father. Matt was also regularly fucking Samantha, Mallory, and, of course, his mother-in-law. However, as much as she liked fucking Matt and didn’t want to stop, Ruth missed her ex-husband. She still wanted him back. There HAD to be a way for her to get...

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First Date at Swensens

I do hope I was not pushy with him while arranging our last minute dinner date though he does not seem to have minded. I knew he drove a sports car… but when this red RX-8 stopped in front of me. Whoa. I believe my jaw literally dropped. I have never ridden in a bona fide sports car in my 28 years. I was surprised that it was so *low*. The seat is very comfortably angled back (more on this in another episode!). It’s one sexy car for sure! I wasn’t expecting an ‘uncle’ despite him describing...

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Me And My Three Husbands 8211 Part 2 My Husband And His Secret Girlfriend

For the last couple of weeks, something strange has been happening in our bedroom. My fat, the small cocked, lazy husband is getting unusually better at pleasuring me in the bed. The sex we had the other night was the best I ever had with him. The best! So much that the next afternoon when I was alone at home, I was thinking about my time with Ranbir. You’ll understand the importance of this once you know all the wild things I do with my other two husbands – my old but fit father Dharam and my...

4 years ago
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Vithavai Aunty Ennai Correct Seithu Oothal 8211 Part 2

Andru iravu naan akkavin kuthiyil naaku potu pundai paalai kudithen aanal ennaku antha vayathil theriyaathu sunniyai akka kuthiyil vittu ooka vendrum endru. Naan adutha naal en mama veetirku sendru vitten, aanal enaku sella manathe illai manam muzhuvathum akkave irunthaal. Avalin kaamam ennai azhaithukonde irunthathu. Aanal ennaku theriya villai naan akkavai marupadiyum santhithu oopen endru. Naan en 19 vayathil irunthu ippozhuthu 23 vayathu varai valarnthu vitten athu varai naan sila murai...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Ex Housemate Who Became My Sex Partner In US

Hell everyone I ‘m back with another story how I seduce my friend’s best friend virali (name changed). About her she is short 5.1 height hot and sexy as her asset and figure suggest She was my housemate as we 3 boys and 2 girls use to stay, during those day I neither had any bad intention about her. We use to play card, use to hangout and all. After two month as lease got completed we all got separate, during those shifting days it changed my mind as I came across her innerwear, those smell...

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Mists of Time

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. I feel more attuned with the world then. Yet, I have always felt as if there was a piece missing from my life. I had never met my soul mate and I felt as if that person was what was missing in my life. Supposedly there is somebody for everyone. I was starting to believe that was a lie. My friends were into the scaring the hell out of each other on Halloween. This year it seems that it was my turn to be tortured. They decided that to see how much...

2 years ago
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I am such a slut8

Please read my other blogs to catch up.....My blogs are all true, somewhat cathartic, somewhat confessional. I had spent the late afternoon and early evening preparing myself, getting myself ready for my first date. A date with a man who I had met on the internet. Craigslist. We had talked on the phone and traded pictures. Me dressed as a woman of course. He was a white man, early forties. Somewhat handsome. Mostly indescribable. Average build. Average weight. Average Average. But the picture...

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“If you really loved me you’d…” OK Girls, we’ve all heard that one!   But what if, just for once, the guy saying it is actually not the stereo-typical slime ball who seems to say this sort of stuff?   Miracles can happen you know!   Take, for example, my friend Susie.   Now, don’t go thinking that Susie’s a kiss-and-tell operator, but we girls do have to stick together on these things.   Purely out of a well-intentioned wish to further my sexual education she told me about an evening...

First Time
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Charlie and KarenChapter 5

"Hello darling, I've missed you," Karen said when she picked up the phone and heard Charlie's voice. "Me too. Good news, I'll be back on Thursday afternoon. Have you got any plans?" "Only for your cock. I need it so bad." "Okay, can you meet me at Alfie's shop? He called me and asked us if we would go around." "Yes, I'd love to." "Don't get the wrong idea. You're not putting on another show, at least not on Thursday." "Oh, okay. I'll see you there then, what...

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