Devlin's StoryChapter 35 free porn video

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"I don't dare tell Evan a thing," Devlin told Krissi the next morning. Krissi had stopped at the bungalow to change clothes. She looked sleepy, but with that 'cat-and-the-canary' look that said she'd been well laid.

"Has he been asking?"

"No, but somehow I keep expecting him to."

Krissi smiled. "There are some things you just don't do, and telling a man about your sex life away from him is one of them. What do you tell him you do?"

"I work on my tan, I work out a little, things like that."

Krissi laughed. "Well, what we're doing is exercise, just not something you'd do at a gym." She tied a fresh wrap around her hips, coated herself with sun block, and headed for the door. "See you at breakfast."

Devlin stretched. She missed her morning dance routine. She put on her leg warmers and went through a basic set of exercises. She was feeling better this morning. This was just like high school: she had two lives, one public--that was with Evan--and one private--that was here on this island. And as long as she could keep them straight in her head she shouldn't have any problem with the two colliding. After all, except for Krissi and Sabrina, she wasn't expecting to see any of these people again.

After a quick shower she put on shorts and a halter and headed for the patio. She could hear the sound of conversation and smell breakfast cooking.

Sabrina was on the edge of the pool, slowly riding up and down on a guy. Krissi was sitting on a guy's lap. From the urgency of her motion the breakfast in front of her was long forgotten. Ellen had covered her breasts with whipped cream, and Greg was slowly licking it off. It looked like an interesting breakfast.

Krissi dropped her hand between her legs, rubbing. Her face grew slack and her eyes half-closed. She gave a low grunting sound as her face lifted. The guy filling her began to move faster, rocking his hips sharply. He groaned, too, and his muscles stood out as he squeezed Krissi. They held that for several seconds before Krissi leaned back to kiss him. Devlin could see the blonde's chest rising and falling rapidly.

"That's exciting just looking at it," Devlin said when Krissi finally got up.

"Yeah, that's the third time we've had breakfast that way," Krissi said. She leaned over and kissed the guy again, murmuring something in his ear.

Devlin got herself a cup of coffee and a fruit bowl. She had just started eating when Krissi sat next to her. "Oh, I was going to tell you last night, but I forgot; some of us are going over to Islamorada to shop. Want to come along?"

"Sure," Devlin said. "It could be fun."

"Joan said everyone who wants to go should meet at the end of the bridge at 8:30. What time are you meeting Evan?"

"The usual, for lunch."

"I don't expect we'll be all day at it."

They sat on the edge of the patio, watching Sabrina and the guy she was with. By now Sabrina was lying on her back, and the guy was eating her. Sabrina's mouth was open, her eyes were shut, her tummy was sucked in so far her ribs showed, and her fingers were clenched in the guy's hair.

"Think she's enjoying herself?" Krissi asked around a bite of hash browns.

"I don't know," Devlin said. Sabrina's body arched and her chest turned bright red. "She could be faking it." Sabrina tilted her head back, the muscles in her neck stood out, and she tried to push her hips into his face.

"Maybe," Krissi said. "Do you think we should interrupt her and ask her?"

"I think she'd kill us if we did."

After what seemed like nearly a minute Sabrina relaxed, though she was breathing hard. She began running her fingers through the guy's hair, drawing him up so she could kiss him. He cuddled her, stroking her face gently and murmuring quietly.

Devlin began fanning herself. "Did it get warm out here all of a sudden?" she asked.

"I've got this sudden itch," Krissi said. She hastily scooped down about half her food, and stood. "I'll see you later."

"Promise?" Devlin said, putting her hand on her girlfriend's thigh.

"Miss me?"

"I miss us," Devlin said. "I miss our being together."

Krissi smiled. "With all these luscious guys around it's been hard for us to find time for each other, hasn't it?"

"Well, at least we can go shopping together."

Krissi leaned down and kissed Devlin on the forehead. "We're going to have to find the time," she whispered.

Devlin smiled up at her. "We'll think of something."

Krissi tossed her plate in the trash and headed off down the path. Devlin looked around for someone to relieve the tension in her middle. Fletcher, a short thin guy she'd talked to but never been with, was on the edge of the patio watching Sabrina.

"Did you get hard watching them?" Devlin asked as she sat down next to him.

He moved his hand and she could see his cock jutting up out of his lap. "And did you get wet?"

"I suddenly discovered how hot it was around here this morning," Devlin said. She wrapped her fingers around his cock. It made a nice handful. He opened his legs helpfully.

Devlin peeled off her clothes. Facing him, she straddled his legs and guided his cock to her entrance. While he played with her boobs, she rubbed the head of his cock back and forth in her wetness. Finally she sat on it. She had to move, hitching her hips a little to get him in her. He dropped his hands to her hips to help. Another move, another hitch, a little farther... and then it was like he was past the tight entrance ring of her muscles, and sliding into her, filling her, opening her.

She caught her breath, finally. "H-how's that?" she asked. Her voice came out sounding high-pitched. She had to fight to catch her breath.

He swallowed, sweat beading his forehead. "Feels just fine," he got out. His lips fastened on her nipples. She closed her eyes at the sensation, one hand on the back of his head, the other across his back. He ran his hands up her body, holding her as she rocked back and forth against him. The friction from their joining felt like it was burning her. Maybe it was Sabrina's example, but she felt hotter and tighter than she had in days.

He let go her nipple, squeezing their bodies together. He kissed her roughly, his lips hard against hers. They broke it off as she felt a deep blooming deep inside her that just opened like a warm rush and filled her with heat. It was so sudden and so complete it caught her totally by surprise.

When she regained her composure he was slumped against her, breathing hard. She didn't want to move, she wanted to sit here, enfolded by him, filled by him. But she also wanted more.

She nibbled his ear. "Do you want it deeper and harder?" she whispered in his ear.

"Let me... let me catch my breath," he said.

She held him, a bit longer, then stood on shaky legs. His half-hard cock was drooping to one side, the tip of the condom filled with his juices. She felt liquidy between the legs, so open and so fluid. She took his hand. "Let's find some place comfortable."

She looked around while he swept his trash into the garbage can. Krissi was on a chaise lounge by the pool, 69ing a guy. Sabrina was still with her guy, only now they were lying on their sides caressing at each other while their bodies moved together very slowly. Three other couples were on the patio, sharing each other's pleasure.

There was a spot of grass next to the pool. Fletcher led her there. Devlin lay down, drawing him down beside her. His hand caressed her breasts, her tummy, and then dipped between her legs. Devlin ran her hands over his heck and shoulders, feeling his restrained strength. She could also feel his cock, hardening again, as it nudged her legs.

He kissed her tenderly, then moved between her legs. She canted her hips up to receive him. He pressed the head of his cock through her wet heat, sheathing his now familiar length in her in one delicious motion.

"Much better," she said, smiling at him.

He moved, pulling out slowly before thrusting back in with exquisite slowness. She closed her eyes, moving along with him. Presently he shifted his weight, lowering his body against hers in a full-body caress, his hands slipping beneath her shoulders to cradle her. Instinctively she drew her legs up, hooking her heels against the back of his thighs. He kissed her cheek, then moved down to kiss that tender spot just below her ear.

She was flooded with sensations: breathing in the masculine scent of his hair, tasting the saltiness of his sweat on his neck, feeling his chest hairs rubbing her nipples, feeling his male length filling her repeatedly. She moved against him, encouraging him, opening herself up, taking all of him within her. The white heat of intensity blossomed within her and she gave herself over to the needs of her body, totally lost in him.

Afterwards, after the storm had cast them both ashore, spent and fulfilled, afterwards as they lay in each others arms, curve pressed deep into curve, breathing each other's breaths, enjoying each other's most intimate contacts, afterwards as the whole world was just this man in her arms, she felt peace and contentment. She stroked his head, running her fingers lightly through his short dark hair. He murmured appreciatively, his tongue tracing little spots of fire on her skin. She pulled his face over so she could kiss him. He kissed so well, his tongue bold, but not demanding... at least not yet. His lips soft, at least now... earlier they had been fiery and hard and on hers.

"You think you could go again?" he asked when he finally caught his breath.

She smiled, the smile of a cat filled with cream. "Can you?" He clenched something, and she could feel his half-hard cock twitch and stretch slightly inside her. "Umm, that felt good," she murmured. "Do it again."

He bent slightly, kissing and nibbling at the sensitive flesh of her neck. "How does this feel?"

"As long as you don't take it out," she said, "you're doing fine."

"Hmm, that limits where I can kiss you."

"That's okay, I think you're doing fine right where you are." His cock was slowly filling, opening her up.

Soon he was more than half-hard, but not all-the-way-hard. But he flexed, pulled back slightly, and pushed into her. She was so wet that there was almost no resistance. But she could feel herself empty and fill again with his motion. As he did it again she clenched her muscles down there.

"Ummph. That was good," he said.

They repeated... and he got bigger. And again. In moments they were rocking and clenching against each other. The effort tired her, but it made him feel bigger, it made him move sharper, as if he was trying to fill her throat from the other end of her body. His face was set, and it was like he was pushing his very essence as deep into her as he could.

They were moving together in perfect harmony, now, their gazes locked, lost in the passionate storm of their own making. She was swept up in it, swept up by the glory that blossomed and filled her. And again, harder and longer. Every sensitive part of her was on fire as her excitement rose and rose. And finally... it was like a summation of them, the moment that spun her out of control across a sea of pleasure.

She felt someone shaking her shoulder. She blinked her eyes open, staring blearily up at someone. "Devlin?" It was Krissi. "We're ready to leave. Are you coming?"

"Umm," she said, "yes, I just did."

Krissi rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Fletch. Roll over and get some rest."

Devlin tried to force her mind on what Krissi was saying, but somehow the words just slipped past her. But she felt Fletch pull out of her. Suddenly empty, she made a little sound of protest.

"Shopping, Devlin," Krissi said. "We're going shopping. Didn't you want to come along?"

"Cum? Umm, yes I did."

"You're impossible," Krissi laughed. She slipped her arm under Devlin's shoulders and helped her sit up. "Do you want to go with us? We're going shopping."

The word "shopping" penetrated through the haze of pleasure. She didn't want to move, she just wanted to lie there wrapped up in Fletch's arms. But she wanted to go shopping, too. She forced herself to concentrate. Slowly, with Krissi's help, she staggered to her feet.

"You going to be all right?" Krissi asked.

"Umm, I guess," Devlin said. She felt all light and fluttery, as if a breath of wind would blow her away. Shopping. "I... I'll see you at the bridge," she managed to get out.

"Hurry and get dressed," Krissi said. "We're leaving in about 10 minutes."

Devlin stood there for a minute or so, trying to collect her thoughts. She felt so sensitive, as if she was feeling everything around her. Her thoughts were all wrapped up like they were covered with cotton. Shopping. She picked up her clothes and forced herself to walk to her bungalow. She took a quick rinse in the shower, pulled on her shorts, but gave up on the tee-shirt on top of her suitcase. Grabbing her purse she headed for the bridge, the white blouse in her hand.

"You're still spaced out, aren't you?" Krissi said, laughing. "Arms up." Devlin dropped her purse, and Krissi helped her put her blouse on. She looked at Devlin's boobs. "Hmm, have to do something about those. They're more obvious when you cover them than when you don't."

"Tie her blouse under them," Joan said. "She won't flop around as much."

Krissi did so, then stepped back and took a look. "Well, it's not perfect, but I guess it'll do."

They walked slowly across the bridge. After another few breaths Devlin managed to focus on everyone, though she still felt all light and fluttery.

Krissi, of course, noticed right away. "Back with us, I see," she said.

Devlin drew a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "Yeah," she said with a dreamy smile on her face. "I guess I was really gone."

Joan laughed. "I haven't seen someone that spaced out since... since, well, since the first time I saw my brother cum. I didn't realize how much guys could get completely spaced out when they came."

"I like to have sex just for times like this," Devlin said, choosing her words with care. Speaking... thinking were still difficult, but she was getting better at it the more she did. "You lose yourself in it."

"Better than drugs," Ellen said. "I tried marijuana once. I felt a buzz, but I didn't get that feeling of tremendous well-being like I do after a good climax."

"I know what you mean," Joan said. "That's why I swing. I like the variety, and I get to cum. I know a lot of girls who never really cum when they have sex, unless the guy eats them or they finger themselves off."

"The medical journals say about 1 in 4 women cum from straight screwing," Linda said. "But for gals who swing its closer to 9 in 10. Matter of fact, I don't know any gal in the lifestyle who doesn't cum from screwing. Of course it could mean I've just never met those who don't." She smiled. "Maybe that's one of the things that attracts women to swinging."

"I know some swingers who don't cum when they screw," Chastity Purcell said. She was short girl with long braided auburn hair and a bookish mien to her round face. "My husband and I have been in the lifestyle for about four years, now. There are a few gals we know who just can't cum that way. I don't know why, it's just a thing they have. I didn't believe them at first; most of the time I cum from screwing, and I thought all women could. I was surprised to find there are a lot of women who never cum that way."

Tina nodded. "I didn't, at first. I thought it was the guy, you know. I mean, in all of those romance novels the gal climaxes, and she climaxes frequently. If she doesn't, she meets the right guy, and bang! she's climaxing all over the place.

"Guys, now," Ellen said, "guys cum nearly every time, or at least a lot more often than we do." She laughed a little. "For a while I thought I wanted to be a guy just for that reason. Of course after I had my first multiple orgasm I lost that idea in a hurry." Everyone laughed in agreement.

"I know gals who have so much trouble having one climax that they don't believe you can have multiple ones," Krissi said. She smiled dreamily. "I still remember the first time I had a multiple." She shook her head. "That's something you never forget."

"Yeah," Devlin said. "Now guys, too bad they can't have multiples."

"I met one who could," Ellen said quietly.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at her in surprise.

"I was at a formal dance," Ellen said. "Oh, this was last year. I was wearing this long black silk dress." She gestured, describing it. "It had a high waist with sort of a piece in front for the top that tied behind my neck."

"Backless," Tina concluded.

"Backless. And it had a slit from my ankle to just past my knees. It was tight enough, and sleek enough that you really couldn't wear much of anything under it. I had on thigh high nylons, and that was it. I tell you, that dress was wicked."

"The guy," Krissi said.

"Oh, yeah. They had this buffet, and I was in line with it when a guy made some remark about my dress, something like 'Is that as sexy to wear as it is to look at?'"

"Was this a formal dance with dates and all?" Chastity asked. Ellen nodded. "And he's hitting on you in the buffet line?"

"I couldn't believe it, either," Ellen said. "My date was sitting just a few feet away, waiting for me, and this guy was coming on to me. Now I hadn't had sex with my date... no way was I going to, not him, but I also wasn't going to let a challenge like that pass me by. I looked right back at him and told him, "The biggest problem with a dress like this is that the lines of your underwear shows through, so the only thing to do is to not wear any." Then I smiled at him and went back to my date, sashaying my hips from side to side.

"I glanced back at the guy when I got to the table. He was standing there looking at me, and I swear he had a hard-on that was threatening to rip open his pants."

Everyone laughed, and a couple of girls mimed bulges in front of their crotches. "So did you blow him, or something?" Devlin asked. "Or did you just leave him with a pocket full of tension and a date with his right hand?"

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Hi dosto i m reeta age 20 good looking slim body good figure 34a-26-36. Mujha lesbian ka bara main koe exparience nahi tha, mai sirf male female ka sex ka bara main jantee thee ya pussy fingring, mara ghar main mai, mom dad mara 2 bhai hayin, bara bhai ki shadee ki to aik pyaree see bhabi nick rani hum log be rani bhabi he kahta hayin, is ka elava mara muj sa bara bahi age 22 bsc ka student hai, bahai shahar main dukan chalata hayin or chota bhai un ka sath he rehta hai study ki waja sa. Bahi...

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Slaves of the New SheriffChapter 3

I stopped at the town’s only grocery store on the way home and bought some supplies. I can’t deny I was a little bit relieved when I got home and saw the Nelson’s car in my driveway. I put my groceries away and went up to check on them. They’re pretty much settled in. They aren’t happy about it. But they’re relieved that the rooms they’ve been forced to move into are not as primitive as they imagined. The walls and vaulted ceilings are finished in knotty pine and the appliances are modern...

1 year ago
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Games With My Cousin Sister Nandhu

Hi guys.This is arun, age 24. Working in a mnc in chennai. I never thought I would share this incident to anyone in my life. Yes, I lost my virginity with my cousin nandini wen I was 17 and she was 15. Even now I used to masturbate sometime thinking about that incident. I was born and brought up in chennai and I lived in a joint family. My family, two uncles family, my aunts family and my grand parents. My dad, uncles and my aunties husband (mama) were doing construction business. Because of...

3 years ago
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Opal HollowChapter 3

The short drive back to the motel was quiet. Bambie was still a bit shocked at her unusual behaviour. She was trying to think of a time when she had actually kissed her date first and couldn’t come up with one. Smithy pulled up at her motel and got out to come around and help her down from the high seat. He quietly sucked in a breath at the tantalising show of thigh as she twisted to get out. The mid-length skirt of her dress had slid up. Smithy was hard-pressed to move his eyes from the...

1 year ago
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Desperate China teacher

I was principal of a secondary school in guangdong. I was invited to a primary school new year party. I met a fine lady, ms wong who is the head of department for maths in the primary school. We became good friends very fast. the same night, she called me and to my shocked, she expressed her liking for me. we chatted a while and I had to fly off two days later. one week later, when I returned to guangdong, she came over to my place meet me. When I opened the door, ms wong just hugged me and...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 53

Aina time: 4:09 PM, day 241 of 1450 (25 days after the Red Bird Festival) Earth time: 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday, March 16, 2044 The group of ten women and three men reached their goal in mid afternoon, the edge of the ledge before it dipped below the water. The group consisted of Jennifer and a reunion of the 1410 marriage class, all twelve members that Mark and Kara had chaperoned into the canyon maze so many years ago. The killer ivy grew lush and vibrant a short distance...

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In the bath with Katie

"I'm so tired," I groaned to myself as I slogged up the last flight of stairs in front of my cabin. I walked inside and slipped off my shoes. It's a big cabin, and has four bedrooms that sleep six each. This was while I was on a high school trip in Japan. Every year my school sends ten seniors (five guys and five girls) to a small city in Japan. We stay in houses with families for the first eight nights, then in this big cabin for the last two before we fly home. Last year, I was one of the...

Quickie Sex
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Band Trip

Let me first clarify that neither me or Zach are  gay or even bisexual, we were just a bit curious. Second, we aren’t ‘band nerds’ either, we just joined it mainly for the big field trip at the end of the year to six flags astro world. Okay, so me and zach are practically twins. We are six days apart, same hair color, very similar height, similar interests. The only thing that was different was that I was the smarter on and he played football.  So we were 16 on the 10th grade band trip and we...

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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 8 FutaDaughterrsquos Naughty Pics

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I sat in Mr. Tate’s boring class thinking. Pondering. Plotting. I had to figure out a way to fuck Mrs. Reyes, my math teacher, before my lunch break. That was when I had thought I would do it. But, of course, my mother had to find and seduce a virgin for me to fuck. She was obsessed with keeping me from having any fun with married MILFs. So what if they were married? I would give them a big treat. A huge futa-dick fucking into their...

4 years ago
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My dirty panties

Introduction: I cater for mens panty fetishes Panties! Does that word make all you men get an erection! Men have no idea how wet a pair of panties can become after a work out at the fitness centre. Or maybe they do!! In the changing room are lovely girls peeling off their panties which have accumulated sweat, pussy juice and other fluids that have leaked into the gusset as they go for their shower. On the bench seats are rows of the panties mostly g strings and thongs which are becoming...

1 year ago
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Me My Teacher After Holiday 8211 Part I

Hi friends this is Vikas again with my new story. I got some comments for my first story so I thought to share some of my experience with you people. For new viewers let me introduce myself Vikas (NC) of 22 Doing engineering and 5.7” of height having a broad shoulders and arms with my workouts and a 5.7 inch shaft I really don’t need to say lie to you people which is much thick the shaft really have a great stamina of minimum of 40 min even in heavy banging and great recovery power of max of 1...

1 year ago
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A Gift For Her Part 1

The night was finally here. After months of talking to Lynn online, I was finally going to meet her. And the best part was that it was going to be just the two of us. Her husband was still deployed and my husband was staying home with our son. Her daughter was staying with her aunt, so we would have the house to ourselves. I was so excited; I almost forgot to clock out at work. When I got home, I raced through a shower and got my bag together. I knew exactly what I wanted to take, but I had to...

2 years ago
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Fucking auntie

"You have grown up into a handsome guy. Hasn't he Chris" She said to her husband. "Hmm.. Ya certainly he has" her husband replied. Well that was certainly good compliment. Well I had grown into 19 year old good looking guy. I was 5'11 and used to workout daily. I had good biceps and my overall physique was good that made girls drool over me. And my greatest asset well that was my tool. When fully erect it was around 7 inches and very thick.   So dad and my uncle started talking and I went into...

2 years ago
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The Chief FastDirtyv5

Dale Rogers the new chief. Mayor Laura Jamison Lester Haines Sightly heavy night officer. Mike Simpson day officer. Gym rat also a short 5’4” Lucy Kerby chubby young secretary. Jim Sloan evening officer Adams the realtor. Wesley Brown handyman. Andrew Rice my roof repairman and plumbing repairman Betty Booth the Sergeant at arms of Happy Valley Colonel Williams rep for Happy valley Diane Rogers his ex wife Sarah Rogers his daughter Wilson Thomas Daine’s bf Allison Dempsey lucy’s temp Raul,...

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Kiccha my kinky fatherinlaw

I am Janaki, 45 year old married woman and a mother of two kids. I am working with a nationalized bank in NOIDA and my husband is a Central Government employee. I was born and brought up in Pallakad before I settled in Ghaziabad 22 years ago after my marriage. I am a regular visitor of ISS during the past one year or so and have made up my mind to tell a few stories myself. I would love to begin by narrating one of my real experiences with none other than my father-in-law. Krishnamurthy alias...

1 year ago
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Did you grow up in a Taboo Home? If so, well, perhaps you should talk about it with your therapist. For most of us, it’s just a fap fantasy, and what a popular fantasy it is! While web searches for the topic have gone up in recent years, incest has been a common and titillating element in storytelling since the dawn of written history. Admit it: the only part of the Oedipus myth you really remember is the part where he bangs his mom! Make what you will about those enduring Greek themes of drama...

Incest Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Rugby Players find accomodation

It was not the sort of occasion when you would expect anything exciting to happen. I had this job for the summer vacation which meant I had to travel around doing interviews all day and staying in Guest Houses each night. So it was evening and I had just found this B&B. The landlady had shown me to a twin room which seemed fine. I was relaxing in the garden at a table with a parasol and enjoying a cool drink while she chatted to me about the problems of running the place. Presently we noticed a...

3 years ago
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The Wager part 7

Chapter Twenty Week twenty one and I was still trying to get clear from Sam what a real girl's night out was. She told me that the whole idea was to get dressed up in the sexiest outfits possible, then have enough drink to lose some inhibitions. You then went dancing and the idea was to do as many naughty things as you wanted to without grabbing a man and getting laid. That is unless you met the right hunk and wanted to get laid. I was definitely not sure whether I should be part of...

1 year ago
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What A Sucking MotherChapter 3

Laura's head rested on a pillow, her dark hair fanning about her face as she looked up at her son standing near the bed. Although she was on her back, her tits seemed to stand upward, not flattening out like many women's tits would. Her nipples aimed at the ceiling, the dark circles at the base contrasting erotically with the creamy whiteness of her flesh. She lay still as her son looked over her body. Her hands rested near her hips, her fingers moved slowly against the sheet. Mike's eyes...

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Islands Edge

 ♦For the next three weeks, I went back to doing the usual routine of visiting my mom on the weekends. The only difference was that I would drive over to see Janus afterwards. The day was set aside for my mother, but the evenings were Janus'. I just enjoyed our time together. We could talk about anything, even the prospect of meeting her daughter. She always pressed for it some time or another during the conversation, saying how much she would love to have me be part of her family. Yet, she...

1 year ago
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My 100th Story How Far Would You Go to Share Your Wife

My wife Jill and I are around the age of fifty, and have been married for more than twenty two years. I had tried over the past several years to get Jill to go along with the idea of being shared with another man, only to be rebuffed every time I brought up the subject. Then, one night, everything changed. We had just climbed into bed when I brought up the subject with her once again about being shared. I had expected to hear the same response that I heard so many times before, but this time...

Wife Lovers
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You don't remember much, mind caught in a dark and distant haze of unrelated events. Maybe you were walking alone at night, or maybe you were studying in the dark corners of a library. Pieces of your life crackle in your mental grasp, crumbling apart the more desperate you become to reach them, flickering as if they may fade away entirely. There's an echo of darkness in your mind, pitch black with impossibly darker shadows swirling at the edges. Words are fuzzy, incomprehensible, as they fall...

1 year ago
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Malifulia Bia Ku Darkar Jaghanya Giha Part1

Namaskar. Mun Steve Austin, mora bayasa 22 barsa. mo ghara Bhubaneswar,Orissa. Mun ISS ra gotae regular reader. Mun madhya mora gotae satya ghatana apana mananku kahibaku chahen. Prathame orissa ra samasta bandanku mora salam ebang samasta bia ku mo banda ra salam. 6 masa purbara katha. Mun setebele nua bhubaneswar ku asithae. Paying guest hisaba re rahuthae BBSR re. jaha ghare mu rahuthae semane kebala swami, stree ebang tankara budhi maa. Mun tanku Uncle, Aunty ebang dadi dake. Jehetu tankar...

4 years ago
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Flashing My 2nd Cousin

Introduction:My second cousin wasn't a hot guy and didn't know his way around girls. So I gave him a big long wide look up between my legs and since he was a college virgin, I gave him a helping hand.I’m really happy about all the people who been nice to me here & liked my stories. A lot-lot have said I should do more flash experience stories. It’s not like I wana get all known for the flash stuff but I mean I love flashing. Just don't wana bore yall by just writing that. So I dont know I...

3 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 9

"So, Grace ... I've been thinking. Maybe castration isn't necessary. We'll see. In any case, you will be feminized and that will start tonight with the removal of your body hair. I must say that you handled the pegging very well, especially given how ... punishing Jen made it. Then again, you also seemed to enjoy it a bit. That's no doubt at least partly due to the prostate," I observed as I poured a Guinness for myself and another for Jen ... her first since delivery. "Well, yes ......

3 years ago
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The Vampire Inside3

***A Stranger in the Cemetery*** The sky was darker than normal as I made my way home from school. The wind whipping and howling, scattering dead leaves in all directions. The branches on the naked trees waving as the brisk cool air swirled around me. A loud boom of thunder can be heard in the near distance, followed by a steady mist of rain bouncing off all surfaces. I looked into the sky, squinting as the raindrops became heavier and noticed the storm will likely intensify;...

2 years ago
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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 9

Janet’s surprise was so complete, she nearly spit out the juice. Which would have made a mess, only Ryan’s mouth covered hers, so all that happened was that her tongue found itself inside the teenager’s mouth. She froze - and then Ryan felt her shudder. Her eyes fluttered once, twice - and then she groaned, pushing her lips against his. Her tongue darted out, swirling within his mouth. Ryan still had his hands on her hips, the silky fabric rubbing against her skin. The bottom of her negligee...

1 year ago
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Bestiality and a Young GirlChapter 2

Vicky lay in her bed remembering what she had seen that afternoon. Chris. That girl on her knees with the horse's cock well in her mouth. The whole picture of what had happened kept going around and around in her head, and she could see it as if it was actually happening all over again, and in her own bedroom. Vicky's naked body began to shake, and she could feel those urges coming over her again. Ever since that first time with Herbert, Vicky had known what lust was. She actually lusted...

2 years ago
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Chaste Ch 01

It was a beautiful day outside, and so the self-defense class was moved onto the back lawn. The class was comprised of 7 women and one reluctant boyfriend, most of the females being eighteen-year-olds, bored college students on break. A pair of the girls flirted with the instructor outrageously, and Chastity vowed to herself that she would never let her daughters speak to a grown man that way. He was obviously amused by their antics, his responses were veiled insults that’d the girls didn’t...

4 years ago
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Baby Sissy Tammy writes me a story

Why I want to be diapered, Why I know that I belong in diapers, and Why I want to wear diapers permanentlyIt all started when I was 12 years old and my mother walked in on me in her white satin granny panties. I was like a deer in headlights as my mother walked in the door and she didn't yell or scream at me. She just stood there at the foot of my bed, her Salem 100 cigarette dangling from her orange painted lips and watched.From that moment on, my mother kept trying to put me in skirts and...

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Game TimeChapter 4

Lana was late getting home and her cell phone was going to voicemail. I had received a call from Steven's Kindergarten, asking me who was coming to get him, as Lana had not showed at the school at her normal time; and it was now over half an hour after Steven was scheduled for his usual afternoon pick-up. I retrieved Steven, which required my leaving the office a bit early, and we were both finishing a makeshift supper of hot dogs, potato chips, and sliced apples. I had tried for about the...

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Lakshmis First MateChapter 12

All that Stephanie was wearing under the lilac cover-up was the captain’s gold as she strode through the corridors of the hotel. The rings on the necklace bounced between her breasts, and the chain around her waist rose and fell with the movement of her generous hips. The gold around her ankles danced as she moved through the resort. Feeling the air moving over her skin felt so cool against her wet pussy and the droplets of fresh pussy juice that coated her inner thighs. Stephanie could...

3 years ago
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Raping the ex

I should clarify some things. She and I had broken up almost a year ago. Turns out she was using me for a house while she was fooling around with someone else. It hurt but I got over it. Thankfuly our son was too young to figure what happened. She still lived nearby, and we talked occasionally. Her block of flats was a short walk away. Only 5 minutes or so. One of her neighbours who recognised me opened the communal door. Probably wouldnt have if they knew my intent, or what was in my...

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