Aggressive Tendencies free porn video

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I will not give the exact age I was in this story for the sake of good sense, but let’s just say I was old enough to have thought about sex often, but not old enough to have done anything with those thoughts.  I had a friend, for the purpose of this re-telling we will call him Tommy, who was a very peculiar individual.  Tommy was that boy we all knew who seemed to have a host of mental issues.  He was overly aggressive, had a foul temper, and a slight lack of good sense and judgement.  One trip to his household would clear up much of the ‘why’ questioning in regards to his behavior.  His father was a loud spoken, wild eyed, and just generally unsettling man.  You ever met the type of guy who gave you chills even if he was smiling and asking how your day was?  Well that was Tommy’s father.  His mother was a stay at home mom, although I could never figure out what it was she did there exactly.  She hardly spoke, never cleaned, never cooked, really just spent most of her time on the back porch smoking cigarettes.  Tommy also had a younger sister who was never at home.  I was always grateful for that, his sister always gave me odd looks and was far too touchy for a girl her age, which made me speculate about their family’s closed door activities.

I, however, was pretty much just your normal dorky kid.  I was quiet, reserved, and usually polite to those I didn’t know.  I spent most of my time reading science fiction or dazed off in my own little world.  I smiled a lot and played a lot, I was really a pretty happy kid.  Oddly, Tommy was one of my best friends.  We were total opposites when looked at individually.  Our behavior and family life were in juxtaposition with one another.  When together, however, Tommy and I were a machine for fun.  He was too rash to understand dangerous consequences and I was too timid to take fun risks.  When combined, we balanced out perfectly.  Despite his occasionally bursts of temper in my direction, he always respected my intelligence and sensibility for getting him out of trouble.  And despite his rashness, I always respected his bravery and his unbreakable sense of loyalty.  We were a parents worst nightmare, a pair bold enough to try anything and smart enough to get away with it…right up until he moved away.

I never fully understood the circumstances for him moving, but even my young mind could grasp that the reasons were of a dubious nature.  I did know it involved his father somehow, which was no surprise.  I was left on my own, which made me very sad.  Without him, I really didn’t have the nerve to do anything fun.  I was about as depressed as a teenager could be.  But, I received great news shortly before my birthday.  My mother, in her kindness, had arranged it so that Tommy could come to my birthday party and stay the night.  I played it cool, as I was developing that ‘cool all the time’ highschool guy mentality.  But in reality, I was ecstatic.  Tommy was coming and that meant it was time to get into, and out of, some trouble.  All in good fun.

And it was good fun.  Tommy and I possessed the party and bent it to our will.  Soon we had droves of teenagers roving the streets and causing all sorts of mischief.  My mother caught on however and ended the party early to curb our potentially dangerous group mentality.  But, she couldn’t send Tommy home, since he lived so far, and she and she had promised he could stay the night.  Fortunately for her, we had a lot of video game catching up to do.  We soon found ourselves wrapped up in Contra 2, with the 30 life code on of course, until fairly late in the night.  At last, it was time for bed, but being young men we still had plenty of energy.  That meant staying up for at least another hour laying in bed, him on the floor and me in my bed, talking and laughing.

Now, I was a witty little bastard.  I wasn’t much on violence so I tended to lean on my ability to make fun of people.  The opposite was true for Tommy.  He lacked wit, so, giving someone a few thumpings served his purposes just fine.  So Tommy and I had a pretty regular exchange that consisted of me making fun of him and him either punching me in the shoulder or chest a few times or wresting me to the floor to pin me down.  Again, all in good fun.  Well, on this particular night, such an exchange was occurring.  I was making fun of him, I don’t even remember for what there was so much material I could work from, and he was running over to ‘beat my ass’ as usual.  Now, I sleep fully clothed because I am weird, further explanation not required.  I had known Tommy for many years, and one thing I had to get used to with him staying the night was that he slept in only his underwear, that was just how he did things.  At least by the time this event had happened he had upgraded to boxers from the ‘tighty whiteys’ of his boyhood.  So, boxer clad, Tommy came running over to me and began using my shoulder as a punching bag.  I fell off the bed, my hands protecting my face, and rolled on the floor laughing as he stood over me throwing punches.  Nothing unusual about this exchange at all until, suddenly, he stopped.  Normally he continues until I at least stop laughing, arm too sore and the amusement beat out of me, but this time he stopped prematurely and was eerily silent.  I sat up and looked at him, puzzled.  His face was frozen solid in an expression I had never seen on him before.  I was thoroughly confused, but as my gaze drifted from his eyes I immediately understood.  Everything was normal except for a spot of flesh that was out of place, sticking out of the front hole in his boxers.  Tommy had fallen out of his boxers.  I guess that little hole can be a blessing and a curse.  Less than 3 feet from my head was my best friend’s penis, and he was too frozen to do anything about it.  Now normally, as a guy, I would of simply shouted ‘Ewww’ and dove away laughing, making sure to take advantage of my friend’s embarrassing moment.  But the room was too quiet and it was too awkward.  Instead, I just sat and stared at it.  I know that sounds odd, but it was really hard not to.  Not only was it right in front of my face, but I had not really seen another guy’s penis besides my own before.  I purposely avoided looking in the gym locker room and really wasn’t one of those boys who looked at the urinal either.  I had seen them in the occasional dirty magazine I would find, which by the way is like finding a diamond to a young boy, but I had assumed them to be more fictional representations then a model of a real penis.  But right there, in front of me, was a real penis…and it was fascinatingly different from mine.  Most obvious, he was circumcised and I am not.  It had an interesting look, at least to me, because of it.  The head was smooth and the shaft seemed more exposed, more veinish.  It had a clean cut and tidy look to it.  Tommy was also a good deal smaller than me length wise when un-erect, but a great deal thicker.  Because of that, he hung a bit differently than me.  His penis sat with the hole facing forward as the thickness and shortness of it didn’t allow it to hang down loosely.  I could also see little tuffs of wiry pubic hair sticking out of the hole in his boxers and running part way down his shaft.  I guess I had always assumed all penises were generally the same in appearance, but as I sat staring at Tommy’s, I understood that they must all be just as different as his was from mine.

What happened next was equally unexpected.  As I sat in awe of Tommy’s fascinating penis, it began to change.  The head slowly begin to drop down slightly and the veins on the shaft became more pronounced.  Where the skin was folded and wrinkled before, it began to smooth out and stretch.  His already thick penis also thickened slightly and, with a pulse, his penis lifted from his boxers a ways and fell back down.  Then, another pulse lifted the shaft off his boxers entirely and his penis now pointed, at a down-turned angle, toward me.  Then more pulses, each successive one lifting his penis higher until, at last, it was pointing upward and curved away from me slightly.  Now of course I had masturbated before, so I understood what an erection was and I knew what mine looked like erect.  But again, his was completely different.  It was still a good deal shorter than mine but considerably thicker, and much more firm.  When I am fully erect my penis points straight out and slightly downward, but his firmness and thickness made his penis point upward.  As it continued to pulse, I stared in utter fascination.  I had never considered myself attracted to other boys before but I couldn’t help but admire the look of his penis.  It was then that it donned on me, at a disappointingly slow pace, that something in this situation had aroused him.  I suddenly realized that the situation I was in was a sexual one and it immediately made me very nervous.  First of all, I was a little scared.  I did not know what he expected me to do or what he was going to do, and that pushed a little fear up inside me.  I had no plan for this kind of a situation.  I had always expected my first sexual experience to involve breasts, smooth legs, and everything else I had come to expect from watching late night Cinemax.  I had no plan that involved another penis outside my own and I wasn’t even sure yet if I was turned on by it.  The moment drew out for a long time, but his erection never subsided.  In fact, drops of precum had begun to form at the tip, which only added to my sense of panic.

I know this was probably not a correct feeling, but at the time I felt very obligated to do something.  Not even sure if I really wanted to or not and too scared to be very turned on I still felt as though I owed him something, just because he had an erection.  It looked so different than mine that I was too scared to put my hands on it.  I had a slight idea of what a blow job was, I knew the word and I knew it meant placing a penis inside someone’s mouth and that it somehow that felt good to the receiver.  Like I said, a slight idea.  I swallowed in attempt to quell my nervously aching stomach and closed my eyes to work up courage for my first sexual act.  Finally I opened my eyes and begin to lean forward from my hunches to my knees until my face was inches from Tommy’s penis.  Not wanting to linger on that moment too long, I opened my mouth and closed it around the head of his penis.  It pulsed hard and the thickness increased so much that I feared it would explode and almost took it right back out.  Other than a slight ragged breath, Tommy stayed relatively quiet and still as the head of his penis pulsed inside my mouth.  The first thing that surprised me was how warm it was, I know I shouldn’t of been surprised by that but I suppose I had expected to be just room temperature.  The other thing that surprised me was how his precum tasted.  I had expected it to taste badly, which was part of my overall reluctance, but I was surprised by how sweet it was on my tongue. 

Unsure how to proceed once the head was in my mouth, I simply sat for a long moment, neither of us moving a muscle.  His precum hadn’t tasted bad which eased some of my fears about what his semen might taste like and I was kind of anxious for the experience to be over due to nervousness, but I knew I could not give him an orgasm just sitting there.  Then, I remembered what some of the kids at school had called a blowjob, so I sealed my mouth around the shaft below his head and started to suck on the head of Tommy’s penis.  With the first pulse, so much precum came out that I thought he might have had an orgasm.  But it didn’t seem like quite enough and, other than another ragged breath, Tommy had remained mostly quiet.  I could tell I was having some kind of an effect as the veins on the shaft directly below me begin to pop out more and his thickness increased, as did his firmness.  As I watched the shaft thicken and relax repeatedly while I sucked, I was in awe of the power of it.  The warmth, the rigidness, the pulsing, all of it gave me a real sense of being at the edge of something powerful.  It was at this point that I finally began to get aroused.  I was almost ashamed at first, I was getting aroused by having another boy’s penis in my mouth.  But the feeling was utterly intoxicating.

After many long minutes of sucking on the head I noticed Tommy began to get restless.  At first I thought it was because he was close to his orgasm, but the movements didn’t seem right for that.  He was relaxing slightly, but his movements seemed more out of impatience than out of arousal.  I had been sucking on his head for at least ten minutes and nothing had come out besides precum. 

Somewhere within that more relaxed mentality and high state of arousal, something possessed Tommy.  At this point, my recollection blurs slightly, as what happened next happened so fast and so unexpected that my mind had a hard time keeping up.  I had never put the pieces together I suppose, Tommy’s family life and his behavior that is.  As I put him in my mouth I had never considered what Tommy’s perspective on sexual contact might be.  And it never donned on me that Tommy’s frustrated and aggressive behavior might transcend into the sexual realm.

I felt a sudden movement, a hand snagged the back of my head and I was pulled strongly downward.  At the same time, Tommy unlocked his hips and jerked in a powerful thrust.  His entire penis vaulted into my mouth and hit hard on the back of my throat.  I gagged hard and attempted to pull away, but Tommy was considerably stronger than me and he held my head down with both hands.  In the prone position I was in I could do absolutely nothing.  My lips and nose were pressed hard on the cloth of his boxers and I continued to gag repeatedly.  I pondered biting down to teach him a lesson, but I was very scared and didn’t want to raise Tommy’s anger.  I continued to gag and began to feel relief that he wasn’t as long as me and that I had not eaten in some time.  Finally, my body giving up, the gagging began to subside and I finally noticed how eerily quiet Tommy was as he held me down.  Desperate for air, Tommy finally let go and I collapsed, gasping and coughing, onto the floor.  But, my break was temporary for as I lay flat on my back breathing hard I immediately felt the weight of Tommy’s body straddle my chest and I found myself staring at his penis once again, this time he was boxer free.  I tried to get up but our previous exchange had left me weak and Tommy was moving quickly.  I felt my forehead being pushed down and my gasping for air was cut off by Tommy’s penis, wasting little time, he begin thrusting at an undecipherable rhythm.  I made a muffled sound of objection but I was pretty well stuck and gagging again at the height of each thrust.  Tommy was holding nothing back and each thrust was as far as he could physically push himself down my throat, his testicles slapping against my chin.  I wondered briefly where he had learned to do what he was doing to me and honestly, to this day, I still don’t want to know.  My gagging again subsided and I laid back, slacken and defeated, watching the repeated approach and retreat of his pubic region.  He was now fully on top of my head, his body centered directly over me as he continued thrusting unabated.  I can only imagine what it must of looked like from a distance.  A boy releasing years of frustration and anger by essentially forcing his way into his best friend’s mouth.  There was nothing I could do to stop him, his power and aggression had completely overwhelmed me…and I was very aroused by it.  It took me awhile to even realize my arousal.  After the gagging had stopped and my fear had started to dissipate with his continued thrusting, I noticed I had an erection.  Again, I felt ashamed at first, it was not something that I should have been aroused by.  But I was aroused.  I even reached up and placed a hand on one cheek of his butt, feeling it flex and jolt with each thrust.

I think something about that made him uncomfortable, because he immediately changed positions.  He sat down on my chest with his penis pointed at my chin.  I took the brief moment to take in some gulps of much needed air, but before long I felt his hand snag the back of my head and pull it upwards so that I faced his penis.

This time, I willingly accepted his penis into my mouth and was again aroused by his thrusting.  His movements were so sharp that as he slid up and down my chest my whole body began to move with him.  I looked up at him, his eyes were shut tight and he head was contorted upward toward the ceiling.  His thrusting grew wild and convulsive.  They were sharp little bursts of power that seemed out of his realm of control.  Occasionally he would even miss my mouth and bounce of my cheek, but it didn’t phase him.  He began pulling back so far that his penis was completely outside of my mouth and then thrusting so hard the entire thing would force its way into my mouth and it would slam my face hard against my pubic region.  All I could do was keep my mouth open and catch each angry burst willingly.  He was moving so fast now that there seemed to be no time between each thrust at all.  Remarkably, he remained relatively quiet, besides some hard breathing, and I began to wonder how long I would be at his mercy like this.  As he pulled back from a thrust I tasted something different and felt a splash of warm liquid over my cheek and past my ear.  I thought maybe it was his semen at last, but did not know it could shoot out, as at the time mine did not.  But before I had time to look or reason through it, he thrusted hard and did not retreat, holding my head against his pelvis.  There was a split second pause where I remember thinking ‘What’s this about?’, then a began to feel warm liquid spraying my throat with a good deal of force behind it.  I was in shock, first of all I didn’t even know it could spray and second, I didn’t know anyone could produce this much semen.  In fact, after quite a few shots I was convinced that he was in fact urinating down my throat.  I did not believe it was ever going to stop and, unfortunately, I did not get a very good breath before hand.  Just at the right time he let go of my head and, sure he was done, I jerked my head back to the ground gasping for air.  To my huge surprise, I felt a line of warm liquid draw across my face.  It turned out he was not done.  Unsure what to do, I laid there in shock as a few more lines of semen splashed onto my neck and face.  Finally finished, he collapsed on top of me with his sweat soaked stomach smothering my face.

The feeling I had at that point was beyond description.  I was not touched at all in a sexual way, hell my clothes were still on, but I felt a kind of relief I had never felt.  My whole body was relaxed and whatever worries or stress that was in my system was gone.  In short, I felt completely supreme.  He climbed off me and put his boxers back on.  Then, unable to move myself, I heard the rustle of blankets followed by silence.  When I finally did have the strength to get up and clean myself off, I noticed he was laying in his makeshift bed, turned away and starting to fall asleep.  The next day he said nothing about it and I was more than glad to avoid that awkward conversation.  I spoke to him probably three or four more times and never saw him again.  What happened was never mentioned in any of those conversations.

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Bri Klein Pt 1

With striking model looks and a body most women would die for, today’s college girl is super sexy, super sweet, and super horny 20 year old Bri Klein, WOW! I mean really WOW! This girl is gorgeous and a body that could make a man cheat, WOW! Did I say WOW already. Anyways, Bri’s here with her best friend Kai West to film their first pornos and these girls have been best friendzies for years. Yes you know, the kissing and licking each other’s pussies kinda friends. The best...

2 years ago
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My girlfriends mum

A few years ago when I was with my now ex girlfriend(Sarah), I had one of my favourite experiences.She used to work every Saturday until at least 1am. This suited me as I would go out with my friends. Sarah got wise to this and was jealous that I was always out. Her ideal situation would be me staying at hers whilst she works so I'd be there when she finishes.After a heavy weekend, I decided the next Saturday I'd stay at hers like she wanted.This is where her mother comes into the story. Her...

4 years ago
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Party Switch

Party Switch By Diana Kimberly Heche Part I: The Plan Halloween approached and Jamie and I looked forward to it with growing anticipation. It was by far one of the funnest nights of our year as well as being potentially important to our future. Every year, a couple in the city threw a huge Halloween bash filled with the who's who of the town. Jamie had gone to school with the wife's personal secretary and called in a favor to finagle our way onto the list several years...

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Uncle Frank Has a VisitorChapter 3

Caitlin may have been thinking about getting fucked all day, but she couldn't have been more anxious to resume our activities of last night and this morning than I was. Carrying her sweet, young body pressed tightly against me made my cock swell and strain in the confines of my pants. To have such a cute, little sex toy begging me to fuck her was enough to make any man lose all control over any moral judgments. I wasn't thinking of her as my niece or even as a girl that should have been...

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Bikini Beach An Affair to Remember

Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember ElrodW A man who's having an affair would love to leave his wife for his best friend and love. The problem is that the wife has the power to ruin him if he tries. He needs help - magic help of the kind that Bikini Beach specializes in. But the results aren't quite what he was thinking. *********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember This story is copyright by the author. It is...

1 year ago
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Not This TimeChapter 20 To the Future

We started presales in April. All the infrastructure was completed and the build-out of the commercial village on the ground floor was underway. The first level of condos was framed and our showpiece was ready to be decorated. I hired and trained an entire office staff for sales and management. We weren’t going to be able to count on the services of Loring Properties in the office in South Minneapolis for this. Gordon shared part of the office to focus on listing the property that people...

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shemale looking for black

I was at the bar for the night. relaxing, putting down a couple drinks. I had started talking to another guy at the bar. we had a lot in common. after a good couple of laughs, a woman came up and joined in. we were suprised, she was really hot! we sat around for a cpl minutes, talking and laughing. as the bar was closing, me and my buddy needed to find cabs to get home. the woman offered to give us a lift, and we saw no problem, and agreed. on our way back, she said she wanted to drink more,...

2 years ago
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Become My Slut or Else

Introduction: chapter 26 I face the music after being caught with Adam. I last left you with just having been caught having sex with Adam by John. The voices I heard were those of John and Angelo, they had entered the apartment just as my orgasm had finished. I managed to slip off Adams lap. As I stood up my pussy belched and cum started to run down my thighs. Adam in the mean time just sank deeper into the sofa. JANET, What the fuck, John screamed out as he approached the sofa. Let me...

3 years ago
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Fucked teacher

That day I woke up wildly excited. All night I dreamed the same thing ... how several healthy men tear off my clothes, kiss all the innermost parts of my body and fuck, fuck, fuck ..., but I still can not finish. The fact is that for the past five months, as I broke up with my boyfriend, I didn’t have time to start a new one, although many cared for me. Recently, I graduated from the institute and got a job working at a school as a biology teacher. I like working with teenagers, but it’s quite...

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I Dream Of Bridgette

Introduction: Bridgette B. is one of my favorite pornstars and so when I came across this photoset of her in a harem girl outfit, I knew I had to make a story of it! This story is a sexy parody of the old TV show "I Dream of Jeanie” but with a few sexy twists! I hope you like the story as much as I liked writing it! * * * *Tony Williams sat in the holding position, awaiting permission to enter the runway and take off. His small Cessna 340 twin-engine plane was fueled and ready for its...

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Make Me A Sissy Star

MAKE ME A SISSY STAR! A reader-guided story Part 1 Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be a model. Some people might think that sounds shallow or basic, but I've never really bothered what other people think.There are those who are born to perform surgery or write novels or govern a country; I was born to strut on a catwalk. I'm not bragging when I say I am perfectly suited to modeling. I'm 5'9, which is the perfect, average male height beloved by most designers....

3 years ago
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She then removed a folded bathrobe and disposable underwear and handed it over to me. The she replied, “Sir wear this I will come in sometime.” Then she exited the room.I removed all my clothes at kept them in an adjoining wardrobe. The disposable underwear was made of a light material which was semi transparent white and was completely loose underneath the elastic. As soon as I wore it my dick was hanging in it and anyone could make out I was slightly hard. I then wore the robe and awaited the...

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Getting My Wife to Loosen Up Part 1 Tanning

This is ultimately a story about my getting my wife to loosen up sexually. This first part sets the background for some of our first adventures. If it goes well I will continue on with more parts. It all started with a long needed vacation and I had been planning for years with my wife. We have been married for five years, but never really had a honeymoon. We both had been busy with our jobs and just kept putting it off mostly due to money. Not that we had money issues, but a real vacation...

1 year ago
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Me and my sexy Sister Jessica part 1 and 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi my name is Lauren and I’m 18 years old, about 5 feet 5 inches tall and a hundred and twenty pounds. I have long blond hair, intense blue eyes and right now I was staring at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing tight blue jeans and a blouse, and I was constantly picking at the front of my blouse to make it seem like I had more breasts then were actually there. I was a b-cup and wished my breasts would just grow to the same size as my older...

2 years ago
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The Cocksman

This will serve as the introduction to the novel-length tale of my sexual adventures. I won’t start at the beginning, but will take you on a rambling sortie through my life as one memory triggers another. I will tell you that I was born into a wealthy family, and from early on, learned how to use others to achieve my purposes; most of which involved one form of sexual activity or another. Happy Reading one and all. Chapter 1 The Labor Day crowd had swelled to near capacity in the spacious...

Group Sex
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Tales of Kiara8217s Sex Adventures Lesson from The Teacher

Hi guys, I’m Kiara. I’m a 44 years old single mother. I have 18 children of my own. I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an American diplomat, and my mother was Indian. I was born and raised in India. It wasn’t until I completed my education I moved to Australia. The incident I’m going to share with you guys occurred when I was still a junior college student. After my parents passed away, my siblings and I switched college to a less expensive one. My older brother became the breadwinner of...

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From Straight to Cock Slut

I am 25 years of age and stand six foot two inches tool and have an average body – it used to be an athletic body however injuries playing sport growing up has resulted in me putting on weight while recovering from all the injuries.Growing up at school I was far from a "chick magnet" however had my fair share of summer romances, one night stands and semi-serious relationships – however it wasn't until I turned 19 that my life changed forever and turned me into the type of person I am today.My...

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For Old Times Sake Part 3or TGIF

It was Thursday night and Ashley’s nerves were on edge. She’d spent the last 3 days anticipating tomorrow, yet now that it was almost time, the guilt had begun to creep in. Although she had been able to sleep soundly the night of her bath, the next two nights brought dreams, hot dreams. Dreams about what Shaun would do to her soon, and what she would do to him. Both mornings she awoke, fearing she’d called out his name in her sleep, but Adam gave no indications that her lusts had been...

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Tour of DutyChapter 5 Port Raid Lance corporalCam

I was walking on a cloud since Anh told me about being pregnant but she would not let me pamper her. There was more good news, I was promoted to lance corporal which meant more money. Of course there was also bad news, I was reassigned to a new unit forming in the east at a port. They were doing raids in smaller ports and fishing villages. I was also told I had been put in for the Queen's Star. Not for going after the other tanks but for taking out the first one while we were under fire. I...

2 years ago
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Sweet sexy nilanjanake chodar kahini

Aami Rahul aar amar boyesh praye 26 bachor aar ami Kolkata te thaki. Amar mastuto bhai, Debanjan, 25, Durgapur-e tar bou Nilanjana-r songe thake. Nilanjana dekhte khoob sundor aar tar boysesh 24 bachor hochhe. Debanjon aar Nilanjanar biye 2-3 bachor aage hoyeche. Debanjon aar Nilanjana amake New Yearer chuti te Durgapur daklo. Aami Durgapur-e 31st Decemberer sakale pouchiye gelam. Debanjon aar Nilanjanader New Year Party ta tader appartmente e chilo aar party ta khoob bhalo chilo. Party te sab...

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JulesJordan Keisha Grey Opens Her Ass For Manuel

Keisha Grey returns for more ass pounding in this extreme scene with Manuel. This brunette hottie has got curves in all the right places and is looking hot as hell in her sexy black lingerie. Watching that ass bounce around is hypnotizing and makes you want to just reach out and grab it, combine that with Keisha’s ‘Fuck Me’ eyes and you know this slut is ready for action. This chick’s been jonesin’ for a huge cock, and it’s apparent by the way she goes to...

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The Testament Of Jeremy Lord NorthamChapter 13

In Boston, I took up the mantle of the wealthy trader, partner in several thriving enterprises. It turned out I was my own leading competitor. Two of my investments were now worthless, the companies having suffered great reverses in a financial panic. But three of them more than made up for the reverses, having become the leading shipping companies in the United States. I had to now think of them that way having again beaten the British army in a small war, called by them the War of 1812....

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The GiftChapter 16

I had more or less expected her to continue, but she got off me, kissed my belly lightly, and went to mix another two Gins. Then she shed her negligee and sat down on her chair. She was a lovely sight. She had never before been very comfortable, being naked around the house. Now she openly displayed all her beauties, which were enhanced by her relaxed and satisfied movements. Her happy smile gradually turned off and was replaced by an annoyed expression. "What's on your mind? You don't...

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Private Elena Vega Stacy Cruz Threesome At The Spa

Private Gold, Russian Hackers returns and this one is a real treat! New to and debuting today are the sexy teens Elena Vega and Stacy Cruz, horny and ready to enjoy a threesome with agent Angelo Godshack. Angelo is relaxing in the spa pool when the girls approach and they waste no time getting on their knees for a taste of cock before taking turns getting fucked. Watch the beautiful sight of Stacy’s perfect natural tits bounce and Elena’s big ass getting slammed as these gorgeous...

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The Devils Tit

The Wild West was a dangerous place. No town was more dangerous then the town of the Devil’s tit. It was sometime after the Civil war. This area had no official government and wasn’t part of the country let. The place was filled with sex, gold, and murder. It had dangerous men and even more dangerous women. In fact it had a lot more dangerous women then men. The town seems to breed strong, sexy and dangerous gals. Maybe it was something in the water. The people in the town are: Lisa Star- She...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 12

Joey was incredibly surprised to discover just how attractive and sexy Cassaundra’s thirty-seven-year-old mother was. He would find out later that she had given birth to her first child, Cassaundra’s half-sister, when she was only sixteen, and had Cassaundra when she was eighteen. He could see her large breasts pushing out against her robe. He could even see the imprint of her nipples and knew she did not have on a bra under the robe. Joey strongly suspected that she was nude underneath the...

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Ed BiggersChapter 1

Infant, toddler, child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric reflect the changes in the physical body over the course of a full lifetime. More important than changes in the body, are the different roles a person plays in the theater of life. A small sample of roles a person can hold include friend, employee, boss, lover, spouse, leader, follower, parent, grandparent, consumer, producer, and provider. A life isn’t being lived, unless a huge number of roles are being played. As the number of roles...

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Lucia Makes a Bet

Saturday afternoon on a brisk November day in Calgary. I was into my second month of a six month stay, having come up from Houston for a consulting job in the oil fields. So far, Calgary had been nonstop hard work, and this day was the first break I’d taken. Keith, a foreman with the company I was contracted to, had invited me to watch a hockey game with his girlfriend Danielle and his crew of tough, muscled roustabouts and roughnecks. I don’t know shit about ice hockey, but I’d soaked up...

2 years ago
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Hell Week

Chapter 1 Stan and I were decompressing from Hell Week. Hell Week is what we junior people call the annual partner's meeting. All the junior partners have to prepare presentations for the senior partners and deliver them during our annual partner meeting. The idea is to come up with some new way to make more money, or save more money, or open a new market. In other words, some way to make the senior partners richer. The best idea(s) get a junior partner that coveted invitation to become a...

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Blissful Booking

Uncertainly, Yorke Martin approached the red-signed shop, “SUMNER BOOKS.” Was his troubled mind really recovering? Dr Phillip, his psychiatrist, who had guided him through the two years of trauma, thought that the prospects were positive.“Of course,” he had added, old eyes full of understanding, “the grief is something else. No guarantees there. Time may be the only sedative.”His first approach to books since that awful time, and, only yesterday, Sunday, he had opened his laptop, cautiously...

First Time
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Truth or Dare The Family Reunion Chapter Three

“Hey kids,” yelled dad from the drivers seat, “Wakey, wakey, we’re going to be there in about half an hour.”I woke with a start. My hard cock pressing into my sisters backside. We fell asleep naked. Her soft ass felt good. She stretched an arm over her head and her leg straight out.My hand cupped her naked young breast as she looked up at me, squinting in the bright sunlight. “Are you always hard?” Janie asked with a naughty smile.Pressing my morning wood into her but cheeks, I softly pinched...

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Billy and Tookey

My parents were both well educated, upper-middle-class professionals who had, for the most part, succeeded at much in life. Still, they remained human beings and were troubled with their own relationship issues from time to time. I was vaguely aware that they were having one of their "spats" and that my visiting my aunt's place in the country was perhaps less for my enjoyment than it was for their convenience. That was all right with me, for as a fifteen-year-old boy, I was looking forward...

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Awakenings Ch 45

The next morning, while we were having our breakfast, Jeanne asked, “Do you have any second thoughts about last night?” “Are you asking me if I still want you to go to Sex Land today?” “Yes, I guess I am.” “Have you changed your mind?” “No Michael, I haven't, but...Oh this all so confusing.” “Jeanne, I'm convinced that tonight is going to be one of the most exciting nights of our marriage. I haven't changed my mind about anything and yes, I still want you to go to Sex Land today. If you don't...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 72 School Tourist

All I really heard from Lenny that registered was, “I hope you got lucky with one of the girls people said you were with last night.” Was last night a dream and I still haven’t woken up? Could Mrs. Carter actually be sort of cool, somehow? Maybe she was just covering her ass. Someone was banging at the door with today’s shirt before I could think more on it. Today it was a blue and green striped Rugby design made into a long-sleeved t-shirt. While not as bright or annoying as the last shirt...

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