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People around Lake of the Sky called him a crazy old man, but his name was Henry Addison. Folks said that he was crazy, because he had wasted his life on an impossible quest, when he could have been making a place for himself in the world. They said that his explanation, about why he kept watch on a certain parcel of property near the lake, was another indication that he was crazy.

Most people never took the time or put in the effort to get to know Henry, if they had they might have had seen him in a different light. If you ask me, Henry was no crazier than you or I. Oh, his story was strange, you might even say it was weird, but from the day I first heard it, I’ve held a deep down conviction that it actually happened. Strange are the workings of this universe, and that which is impossible one day, turns out to be accepted fact the next. When all is said and done, modern man’s knowledge, of the some things in this world, is very limited, and when those things manifest themselves, we tend to deny the facts. Henry Addison was not one to deny the facts, however strange they were. Then again, he had good reason not to deny them.

Whenever the winter wind blows wild, shaking the windows with powerful gusts and filling all the sky with snow, I think back to the last time I saw Henry. I remember the look on his face. Watching the snow, I think about his story and his lifelong quest. For I last saw Henry Addison, on a stormy winter night at Lake of the Sky, and when I left him my mind was filled with amazement, and my heart was filled with joy.

It was over a year ago, when I first met the man. I had sought out sanctuary at Lake of the Sky, from the wounds of a painful divorce. The provisions of the divorce called for the equal division of all the assets, which my wife and I jointly owned. Luckily, we had no children, so the issue concerned our house, our business, and our savings. In the end, I was left without a wife, but with a fair amount of money.

After the divorce was final I managed to discover another business, which I was interested in buying, but found out that the owner didn’t want to sell until the start of the spring. I agreed with the owner’s terms, and we sealed the deal, which left me with an autumn and winter to kill before I could take over the business, which was just as well, because I was still stinging from the divorce and wanted to get away for awhile. A friend of mine told me about Lake of the Sky, a resort area about eighty miles east of the city where I lived. My friend’s family owned a cabin there, which he said they would be willing to rent to me through the winter. The money that they wanted for rent was very reasonable, and after my friend took me up to the lake one weekend, I decided that it was the perfect place to lick my wounds.

Lake of the Sky is located in a small valley surrounded by mountains. It is reached by traveling over a thirty-one mile long winding dirt road, which wiggles its way up the sides of various mountains, until it reaches the south shore of the lake. The first thing that one sees, after coming around the last corner of the road up the mountains, is a small store, cafe, and a post office, which sit at the edge of the lake, where the road forks to the left and right, on its way around the valley. A high, craggy, mountain of granite dominates the scenery at the north end of the lake. The other mountains, which surround the lake aren’t quite as high, but are thickly covered with pine trees. The lake is high enough up in the mountains to get snow during the winter, however, most years the snow rarely gets over a couple of feet deep and doesn’t stick to the ground for more than a few weeks. The surrounding mountains receive a greater amount of snow, and their peaks remain covered until late spring. The weather usually turns could enough to freeze the surface of the lake around the shoreline, but the deeper waters of the lake remain free of ice.

The lake is mainly a summer resort area, having a large campground on the lake’s eastern side and many cabins, which dot the shore. However, a small population of year around residents makes the area their home and they send their children down the mountain to school. To supply the residents, the store, post office, and the cafe stay open throughout the year.

I had made the acquaintance of the owner, of the store and cafe, when I first came up to the lake earlier in the year. He had a pamphlet that he made available to tourists for free, which told a little about the history of the area. The pamphlet explained that the name of the lake was a loose translation of what the original Native American’s called the place. It seems that the Native Americans considered the lake and the valley to be sacred land. The tall, granite mountain north of the lake, was named Storm Mountain, and it was known for the unusual amount of lightning strikes, which struck it during summer storms. The phenomenon was not lost upon the Native Americans, who saw the lightning on the mountain, to be an indication that the spirits of the dead were restless. They believed that the valley was a special place, where the spirit realm, would at times, intrude upon the world of the living. Unfortunately, most of the Native Americans died from a smallpox epidemic, and the valley fell under the control of the white man.

During the late eighteen hundreds, despite the long and difficult journey to reach it, the area began to attract campers during the summer. At the start of the 20th century, the first permanent cabins, which housed year around inhabitants, began to be built. However, it wasn’t until after the Second World War, that real estate in the area began to boom and cabins began being built all around the lake. The original camping area was improved and summer tourism increased dramatically. During the first years of the 21st century, the price of real estate at the lake sky rocketed, when it could be purchased at all.

In preparation for winter, I made several trips to and from the lake, to ensure that I would be well prepared, for any contingency, which might arise during the winter. While I was assured that travel was usually possible throughout the winter, I didn’t want to take the chance of being caught unprepared. I laid in a good supply of food and made sure that I had a plenty to drink, in case something happed to stop the flow of water from the well. I had been warned that often the electricity to the area would be cut for anywhere from a few hours to a week, or longer, therefore, I stocked up on a supply of lanterns, wood, kerosene heaters, and kerosene to last me until the spring.

It was still early fall, when I completed all my preparations, and I was able to relax. The evenings were still fairly warm, and I loved to sit on the porch of the cabin enjoying the grandeur of the scenery. I would watch the gentile waves, of the lake, lap at the shore, not more than one hundred feet from my cabin. I would watch as daylight would fail, and the sky would slowly pass from deep blue to almost purple, while the western peak of Storm Mountain would glow, with the last rays of the setting sun. The frogs were still out, and their croaking voices filled the night. Whenever I stepped out of the cabin, I could smell the clean, fresh odor of the water of the lake.

About a week after I had made my last trip down to the lower lands, I started noticing an old man walking along the shore during the early mornings and evenings. What his exact age was I could not guess. While he walked with a noticeable limp, his body was otherwise unbowed from age. His hair was completely white, he had a strong chin, a wide mouth, and stood just less than six feet tall. I would watch him come from the trees, in one direction and enter the trees further down the shore, in the other direction, then, a little over an hour later he would make the return journey. Often times, in the morning, I would be sitting out on the porch, when the man would make his first trip of the day, and I would no
d to him. After a couple of days, I started to wish him good morning as he passed. He would smile and wave and bid me cheerful good morning in reply.

One day as I watched the man make his morning trip I called to him. ‘How about coming in and having some coffee? I’ve got plenty.’

The fellow smiled as he walked toward me. ‘Say, that doesn’t sound half bad. Guess I had better introduce myself. My name is Henry Addison, and I live back over through those trees a few hundred yards.’

I rose and shook the man’s hand ‘Henry, my name is Russell Todd, and I’m planning on spending the winter here at the lake. I take it that you live here.’

‘Yup, for over fifty years, it is a great place. Mind you, it’s not as wild as it was, but it sure beats the hassle of the city. I don’t think I could take living in a city, I’m just too used to being out here where a feller can have a little privacy.’

I nodded my head in agreement, as I led him into the cabin. In a few minutes I had a fresh cup of coffee sitting before him, on the table of my small kitchen. ‘That’s what I’m looking forward to, peace, quiet, and some time to think. I needed to get away for awhile to get my thoughts focused. I needed some time to think. You know, ponder the meaning of life and that sort of thing.’

Henry smiled at me, his blue eyes twinkling like the water of the lake at noon on a clear day. ‘Well, young feller, you came to the right spot and at the right time of the year. Almost all the tourist clear out of here after the start of September. There aren’t a whole lot of people that live here year around and most of them live on the other side of the lake. You should be left pretty well alone, if you don’t count me traipsing through here, every now and then. I’ll keep down by the shore and won’t be any bother.’

I quickly wanted to reassure Henry he was welcome. ‘Oh, that isn’t a problem. In fact, to tell you the truth, I really would like it if you stopped by in the morning for coffee. I could stand the company.’

His smile widened, and he nodded to me, as we walked out onto the porch. ‘I just might do that. Thank you for the coffee, it really hit the spot. I’ve got some business to look after, but don’t be too surprised if I take you up on your offer about the coffee again tomorrow morning.’

I smiled and shook his hand. ‘Great! If you don’t see me out on the porch, just give a knock on the door.’

Henry Addison impressed me as having a very strong personality. He seemed to have some sort of inner fire and drive. I thought to myself that he had to be a person with an interesting life story. Little did I imagine just how interesting his story would actually be.

Henry stopped by again the next day, and I when I found out he would be passing by the house every day, I convinced him to drop in for coffee every morning. Over the next few weeks we established a pattern, where I would have coffee and hot rolls waiting for him, when he knocked at the door. In return for my hospitality, Henry invited me over to his house for dinner.

His house was only slightly bigger than the cabin I was staying in, but was as neat as a pin and well maintained. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Henry was an excellent cook and had prepared a meal of gourmet caliber. Over dinner, I found out that the reason he walked with a limp was due to an injury he received in World War Two.

‘It wasn’t quite a month after D-Day, on the 4th of July no less, when my track career came to an end. We were in one of those little villages, which have names that are pronounced a whole lot differently than they are spelled, when it seemed there were Germans everywhere. I had three of them in front of me. They were shooting at me and I was returning fire. I was lucky and got the Germans, but not before they shot the shit out of me. Most of the holes in me could be fixed, but the one in my knee took me out of action for good.

‘It was 1947 when I first limped around this valley. I guess I was sort of like you, wanting to get away from it all for awhile. I thought I’d spend the summer in the great outdoors. I always did like camping, and in those days you had to camp when you came here, there were only a few cabins and they were all taken. So, I set up camp at the old campground and did a lot of thinking.

‘Well, I found out that a good part of the valley was up for sale. In those days real estate around here was cheap. It seemed to me, that an opportunity of a lifetime was waiting, for the right person to come along and grab it. I knew that a whole lot of people were settling down and starting families, and I figured it would only be a matter of time, before those families would be looking for somewhere to go on vacations.

‘As luck would have it, I had a few bucks stashed away, and I bought up most of the land that was on sale, including the campground. As time went by, I built my house here and I’ve been living on the money from my various properties ever since.’

I filled Henry in on the details of my divorce and my plans to start another business. By the time the evening had ended we had built a strong bond of friendship between us.

It wasn’t too long after I had dinner with Henry that I had to do some shopping at the local store. The store and the cafe beside it were owned by a man named Nate Tatum and his wife, Lilly. Nate was a small man, whose wide eyes gave one the impression that he was always startled, the impression was made even stronger by the round, wire rim glasses, which he always wore. His wife was a heavy woman, who stood a good six inches taller than Nate, and who seemed to always be happy. Nate ran the store while Lilly ran the cafe. The Tatums were newcomers to the area, having taken over the two businesses only a year ago. Both Nate and Lilly were very friendly. If I was having lunch in the café, and no customers were in the store, Nate would pop in through the open doorway, which separated cafe from store to talk with me. I finished with my shopping and went into the cafe to grab a sandwich and cola. I was the only customer in either place, and it wasn’t too long before Nate dropped in and sat at my table. During the course of our conversation I mentioned that I had gone to dinner at Henry’s place.

Nate listened and smiled. ‘Henry is a great guy, both Lilly and I like him. Some of the residents around here though don’t have a very good opinion of him.’

I looked at Nate with obvious disbelief showing on my face. ‘What’s not to like about the man? He is one of the kindest, friendliest people I’ve ever met.’

Nate motioned with one of his hands and shrugged his shoulders. ‘I totally agree and so does Lilly. However, some people, who have been around here for years, call Henry a crazy old man. They think he’s nuts to take his walks every day of the year, rain, shine, snow, or otherwise. Then again, Henry does tell a strange story about why he’s out there walking. I guess that got a lot of people wondering about his mental condition. Now, Lilly and I aren’t like that. I mean, everyone has little quirks, don’t they?’

I could only shake my head. ‘What are you talking about? What story does Henry tell?’

Nate looked embarrassed. ‘I sort of thought he had told you, what with you having dinner with him and all. Henry told me all about it a few months after we came here. He said that it was better if I heard it from him rather than from someone else. Gee, Russ I don’t feel right saying too much more about it. His story never did bother me, and I don’t think any less of him for having told it, but I think you need to ask Henry about it rather than pick it up second hand from me.’

I could only nod my head. ‘Okay, I’ll ask him about it.’

Later that evening, as I sat staring into the fire blazing in my cabin’s fireplace, I thought that something was crazy, and I was fairly sure it wasn’t Henry Addison. So he went for walks twice each day. So he had told people some sort of tale that had them thin
king he was nuttier than a fruitcake. So what? I know for a fact that a lot of people (my ex-wife being first in line) think I’m nuts. To my mind, it all smacked of the sort of thing that made up a witch hunt. Once upon a time, people would look at some poor old, lonely woman and call her a witch, for no other reason than she may have been a little eccentric. Oh, the stupidity of humankind!

The next morning, when Henry stopped in I had some fresh, hot rolls, jelly and coffee waiting for him. ‘You never believe the stupid thing I heard.’

He spread some jelly on one of the rolls and smiled. ‘Been hearing some stories about me, have you? I was wondering when you would.’

My mouth fell open in shock. ‘How did you know?’

Henry took a bite of the roll, followed by a sip of coffee and softly laughed. ‘I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before you started hearing things. I’m afraid you’d never make much of a poker player. The minute I walked in here, I knew something was bothering, and when you said you had heard some stupid things, I figured those things had to be about me. Well, I suppose you are wondering if they are true.’

I shook my head and drank some of my own coffee. ‘To tell you the truth, I don’t know exactly what you are talking about. All I’ve heard is that some of the people around here call you crazy.’

A loud laugh broke from Henry’s lips. ‘Well, I guess that part just might be right. At least I don’t fall into the category, which most people consider to be normal. I mean, I live out here by myself and well away from the comforts of civilization. No malls, no movies, not even a television, and probably the worst thing against me—no cell phone. However, I imagine that what you’re referring to, has more to do with what I’ve told people, about the reason why I wander through the trees and along the shore.’

‘I don’t care what you’ve told anyone, Henry. I don’t know why people would call you crazy, but I want you to know that you are my friend, and you are going to stay my friend, no matter what anyone else has to stay about you.’

Henry looked me straight in the eyes. ‘I appreciate that, Russ. I consider you a friend too. I held off saying anything to you before, because I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that friendship, but I see that was a mistake. I should have come right out and told you everything, and then you could have made up your mind, if you wanted to associate with this crazy old man.’

‘Henry, nothing that you could tell me is going to change me from being your friend. I wouldn’t care if you said that you saw the Lock Ness monster swimming out there on the lake.’

He chuckled and shook his head. ‘No sea serpent, but something almost as fantastic. It is something that happened to me a long time ago. It isn’t some sort of fantasy, it actually happened, and I’m not ashamed to admit it, even if people think I’m a little on the peculiar side.

‘I’ll tell you what let’s finish our coffee and these rolls. Then, you can come with me on my walk and I’ll explain the whole thing. I think it will help if you see where it all took place as well as hear about it.’

I poured some more coffee and took another roll. ‘You’ve got yourself a deal.’

Twenty minutes later, we were outside heading through the trees, which lined the lake shore. Henry set a fast pace despite his age and stiff leg. As we walked he began to talk. ‘We’ve got a little way to go, so I may as well start telling about it as we walk along. I’ve decided to tell you the whole story. I’ve only told part of it to other people, but I feel you deserve to hear the entire tale. It may help you to understand why I’ve acted the way I have over the years.’

Henry’s story began shortly after he first came to the lake. He set up camp at the campground and after awhile began buying up property. One of the first places, which he purchased, was land where he built his house. At that time, there was an old, rundown cabin sitting on the property, however, he liked the location and decided that it would be the prefect place for him to build a new home. He would go around the lake checking on places that were for sale. There weren’t very many cabins around, in those days most of the land was totally undeveloped. There wasn’t much in the way of a road going around the lake, it was a dirt trail, which was little more than two ruts. In fact, the road was so bad that Henry would often decide to park his car and walk to where he wanted to go.

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Maviah Modda Pakkinti Lanja Manisha

Hi Everybody. This is a Telugu Story written in Roman Script. It is not a short story But I hope you all will enjoy it.Ma illu first floor lo vuntundi. kinda ground floor lo house owners vuntarru. Kanni pillalu chudadaniki anni USA vellaru. ma pakkana illu votti ground floor.Ma rendu illa madhyana gap challa thakuva. samayamu summurga udayamu 11 ayyi vunda vachuu. nennu newspaper thirgestunna. appuddu vehicle vachi aggina sound vinnapadindhi. yevarra anni paiki legisi chusannu. voka truck aggi...

4 years ago
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The Keyholder Pt 4

Ben pushed his face against the locker’s metal grille, desperate to get one last look at Amy as she strode away. She had such a sexy walk with her swinging hips hugged by tight white cotton trousers. He could see the slight bulge of the keys in the back pocket as her body pulled the fabric one way then the other. He watched her dark hair flow behind her, desperately hoping for one last turn of the head and one last smile. Yes, there it was.All too soon though, Amy had disappeared from sight and...

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Enter Sandman

‘Enter Sandman’ Although most scholars of erotic mind control fiction would agree that the Internet has provided us with a new Golden Age of hypnotic stories (in both senses of the word ‘hypnotic’), the increased attention paid to the fetish is also providing us with a wealth of information on the history of mind control erotica. Discoveries continue every day, from the use of hypnosis in silent films like ‘The Cabaret of Doctor Caligari’, to the infamous ‘burlesque hypnosis shows’ of Germany...

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All for Mr Redman

I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Being in the middle actually is actually not that big a problem for me. My parents are really good people and have been an inspiration to me in many things. I was raised Roman Catholic so of course went to Catholic schools all my life. I once had a crazy dream of wanting to attend Notre Dame in the States but that didn't happen. It was too far away for my...

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All for Mr Redman

Introduction: Finally landing the Teacher I always wanted *This is my very first story. I have never posted anything before but decided it was about time I did. I apologize in advance for my errors in grammar and spelling. I have tried very hard to correct them, but this is not my first language. I hope you enjoy this story. It is based in on true events. Obviously, names have been changed to protect the guilty I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical...

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Episode 64 Goldilocks and Postman Pat

IntroductionThis episode continues from Goldilocks and the Three Bears.The Three Bears must be out playing in the forest, because they don't appear in this story.So there is no opportunity for any sex with a****ls, or indeed between a****ls (to avoid upsetting Jenny Cumslut). We discover that Goldilocks has an identical blonde twin sister, named Spike, and they used to play a masturbation racing game involving bed knobs. Unlike the previous story featuring the ch1ldren Jade and Grace, there is...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

One morning Uncle Bear cooked them some porridge for breakfast. As the porridge was too hot to eat, the Three Bears decided to take a walk in the woods while it cooled. They had not been gone long when a young girl named Goldilocks came along. She had been picking flowers and had wandered into the woods. She was very pretty, her long curly golden hair tied back from her freckled face with blue ribbons, skipping along in a short, pale blue, lace-edged dress so occasionally her yellow...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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The Family Goldman 7

"Damn you guys," I managed to curse while gasping for air. The abrupt transition from the Autopilot-mode into full-control of Kimberly's persona had left me fully disoriented and suffocated. My eyes watered and I felt some kind of brain freeze strumming my head. Meanwhile, my two seniors just laughed their asses off at the living room. Virginia Mendez was still topless, sitting in one of the couch of the living room. Her ample tan breasts jiggled as she roared with her raspy...

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Real Incident with Rakesh8217s wife Suman

Hi, I am Sahil Singh () 30 years old married man. My height is 5 feet 9 inches and I am average looking person. I am not good in English, so there is any mistake please ignores it. This incident happen when my wife if is pregnant of 5 months and I am very horny because I not fucked my wife from past 5 months. I am getting frustrated due notable do sex. The Story is about our neighbor friend Rakesh’s wife Suman and me, Suman is sex of God and pleasure and she is fair and God gifted huge boobs...

1 year ago
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Helping old Harold fuck his lovely randy wife

After my very successful and enjoyable experiences of helping older men get hard for their frustrated old lady wives and partners and helping fuck them as well, it seemed that word had got out and I was receiving at least one call a week to help other old couples.And I found that although old, some had some very hidden and erotic turn-ons. Maud and Harold was one such couple. As Maud told me on the phone, they were in their late sixties and she was finding it increasingly difficult to get...

4 years ago
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The Keyholder

The Keyholder?Just that please.? Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel...

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The Family Goldman 6

Our Mercedes cruised in moderate speed, leaving the mall - where I just did my first task since I joined my team as one of the disguise specialist impersonating the Goldmans?: interviewing a dangerous member from clandestine movement. The car passed through old houses and classic buildings which glistened graciously under this afternoon sun. People went out to enjoy the September - rarely - clear blue sky . I glimpsed at children playing around at the sidewalk. Old people at caf?s. T...

3 years ago
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Goldilocks And The Three Lumberjacks

In a time not long ago, a young girl named Goldilocks had just turned eighteen. It was a warm summer day when she decided to take a stroll in the forest. It wasn't long before she noticed the aroma of food coming from the trees off to the right. Taking in a deep breath, her large breasts rose up and the buttons popped off. The warm air on her bare skin felt good. Being hungry, she followed the scent and stepped off the path, not bothering to cover up.It wasn't long before she saw a log cabin...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Coldbrook Manor

A transgender game by Alyssa S AKA Melody Mounier. This game contains very adult themes - there's body swapping, forced feminization, SM, sex of the consensual and nonconsensual type, some graphic images, et cetera. You might find this boring, annoying, or offensive if any of the above gets your goat instead of floating your boat. Let me know what you think: [email protected] or And enjoy! Alyssa S. *** Introduction You can't really say that you were...

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Goldie Lox and the Three Behrs A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Goldie. Her parents were very mean to her. Like, they made her actually clean her room! And come home on time when there was a curfew!! And be respectful of old people, like her lecherous boss down at the Hit and Miss Drive In, where she wore roller skates to take food to people!!! It was a real bummer for Goldie, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lox were serious about her growing up to be a proper woman. They made her eat her vegetables at every meal too,...

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The First CommandChapter 18 Truman

What can I say about Truman? The first time I saw it, it was much like the first time I saw Jupiter Station: a jumble of ships, equipment, half-built habitats and stations. The biggest difference was that half the construction was down on the planet, trying to put together a place for humans to live. Truman was marginally habitable, meaning that it could be lived on with technical assistance. That doesn't mean that it was a terrestrial planet. It was the moon of a gas giant somewhat close...

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Memories of Miss Manson

This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...

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Episode 62 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time there were three bears: Mummy Bear, Daddy Bear and Baby Bear. They lived in a cave in the forest and one day out walking they came across a pretty wooden cottage. The front door was open, so they walked in. Daddy Bear was a bit too tall, so he had to bend his head to get through the door; Mummy Bear was a bit too wide, so she had to squeeze her rounded tummy through the doorframe, but little Baby Bear was exactly the right size, so just walked straight in.Daddy Bear was very...

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Cleaning for Master Holden

Cleaning for Master HoldenJoanne works for Rock Creek Maids three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She only works in the mornings, and usually not past noon. The maid service employs twelve female Rock Creek residents and four male residents, all part-time. Joanne likes working there. The other maids are friendly, and most of the customers are really nice. Her part-time job provides her with some supplemental money so she doesn't always have to go nagging to her master for a few...

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The Family Goldman 4

"Just a reminder, Grasshopper. This is your boss speaking...,"Mendez's statement was cordial. Her voice though, was stern and commanding. There was no doubt. The accent and the inflection. It was all hers. Virgina Mendez. Even though I've spent several months with her as my "father", I rarely heard her speaking with her real voice. Usually she only addressed me under her guise of Bruce Goldman, the father of Kimberly Goldman, the cute 17-year-old whose identity I...

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Fairytale Adventures Ch1Goldilocks

Author's Note: This story contains some elements of reluctance (turned into willingness), as well as lesbian sex. I hope you enjoy =)-----------------------------Kristen awoke to find herself in the yard of a house... but not the kind of house that she was used to. This house was more of a cottage with a thatched roof... although larger than any cottage she would have ever pictured. Staring at the unfamiliar scenery for a moment, she felt a breeze blow across her body and looking she realized...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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Sex With Suman

By : Deepakd Hi, mera naam Deepak hai, aur main Jammu ka rehne wala hu, mera email id hai – . Mere kad 5’5” hai aur mere laude ka size 6” hai n kafi mota hai… bat un dino ki hai jab main college first year me tha, mere ek dost ‘abhi’ ka ghar college ke pas hi tha hum dono aksar college ke bad ikthe hi jate the aur kai bar bunk karke uske ghar par bluefilm dekhte uske ghar ke thodi dur ek aur ghar tha. Waha husband wife rehte the husband ka naam ‘Sanjay’ tha aur wife ka naam ‘suman’ tha ek hi...

2 years ago
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Jack Redman

CHAPTER 1 Six years on from college graduation, Lana, Chloe, Jo and Addison met for their weekly Friday lunch at the Palm Court Café in the heart of the gallery of Palm Court Mall. From such a strategic location they could let fly waspish asides on unfashionably dressed women, wave to people they knew and rev up their hormones by watching, minds racing, the occasional credible hunk passing by and checking out their tits. Jo Lund had been last to arrive, her face an excited pink. ‘Babes do I...

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Karvachauth with manjula

Some men are born to be lucky. For others the luck is ordained. I am from the second category. My Wife’s friend Manjula married to Navy officer who has exactly the same name as mine. Manjula is one of those beautiful indian housewife who have a burining desire of infidelity, but due to social paradoxes are not able to express their lustful desires openly. Manjula is extremly beautiful & expressive by nature. Her height is 5’6”, figure is 36”-28”-38” & complexion fair. She has extremely shaped...

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Maddie Goldberg

Chapter 1Maddie Goldberg bounced her thick white ass on Reshawn Titus's black cock like she was tethered to it by an elastic cable. She moaned and ran her fingers through her wavy dark hair and slammed her body down and down and down onto the black man's rod. Reshawn guided her with his meaty hands on her hips, digging his fingers into her smooth pale sides and letting her round white ass recoil as it collided with his sturdy thighs."Ride my dick, you little Jew whore-piece, ride!"Throughout...

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The Talisman

"Here is an item that might interest you Mr. Russell," Homer Parducci, the short, bald owner of the antique shop said to the man standing before him on the other side of the display case. The shopkeeper reached into the case and withdrew a strange looking necklace. "This is a talisman from Africa. I have hung in on this gold necklace, but let me assure you the item is genuine. I will provide you with papers certifying its authenticity if you think you might want to purchase it." "It looks...

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Hello, this LUCKY from Bangalore. I am a regular visitor of this site. I always used to fantasize about girls thinking of them and imagining them as nude in front of me. The story which I am going to tell you is a one with my cousin. I am a 21 year old guy with a medium type of physique but my friends tell me that I am handsome. I am 5ft 7 inches tall and have a healthy body. Any way from the beginning of my college I wasn’t interested in any of girls. Some times I used to stare at some girls...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 53 Mr Goldstein

"Ah Mr. Masaki!" The man behind the counter said in surprisingly fluent Japanese. Tenchi had never considered himself racist, but hearing his native tongue from an someone of such obvious Jewish origin, without a trace of accent was ... Well, just plain odd. Not that 'it' coming from what appeared to be a floating wooden log was any less strange. "Or a bronzed, elf eared, blue eyed blond bomb shell for that matter!" He thought with a smile. "I understand you need some custom sizing...

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Meri Padosan Manisha

Hello readers M vicky my age 26 Avrage body with 6 inches penis Mera rang thoda sanwla hai Ab mai aap ko sidha apni story par lata hu Hum yani mai or meri mummy ek sehar ke chote se gaw me rehte hai or humare ghar ke sath hi ek ghar hai jisme 2 bhai apni wife ke sath rehte hai jo unki biwiya hai wo hai to moti but unki choochiya bahut solid hai bole to 38d hoga unki choochiyoo ka sazi waise to wo dikhne me bahoot hi sexy hai sath hi unka gudila sarir lund khada karne wala hai kyu ki jab bhi...

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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
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1st time with a Transwoman

My first time with a transwoman was a very unique experience I must say. Having explored my options on the internet wasn't an easy one. I was nervous and curious about my first experience having sex with a transwoman. I only had sex with biological women throughout my entire sexual life and this was a new experience for me. I checked for several months on Backpage and Craigslist on the dating classifieds ads for transwoman.What I was looking for is an mature erotic, sexy and beautiful...

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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

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Unexpected Sex With A Married Lady Suman

Hi there, I am back with another escapade of mine. Well, this particular incident was completely unprecedented and it unfolded in a very different fashion. For those reading my story for the first time, I am Amit from Mumbai, 39, well built, pretty good looking, adventurous and fun-loving. Always available on This incident happened a couple of months back, while I was returning from Delhi after a meeting and had an evening flight, which got delayed. I whiled away my time in the lounge and then...

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My Neighbor Seduced My Wife 8211 Pt 1 Welcoming Manoj

Please send your feedback to me or chat with me on the same id in hangouts. Hi, all Akash again. This is a true story of how my wife and my neighbor started their affair. My wife Sunita is a hot sexy maal. She usually wears soft shiny nighties at home which shows her ample assets proudly. She is a very innocent but horny housewife who expects frequent fondling and kissing from me. After our marriage, she has been giving me the best of sex full of love. She is a shy but horny woman. It took me...

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Mrs Hoffman

A DN sister “gas” story.A nurse collected the last patient, this time a young schoolgirl, her mum was told to wait for her and as the nurse led her away, I heard her tell her there was nothing to be scared about, and that they had some special black chewing gum for her that she had to bite not chew. An euphemism for the prop no doubt. I’d be next. I thought back to how I’d got myself into the predicament of being in a waiting room queue for gas extractions. I’d applied for a Dental nurse job at...

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The Family Goldman 1

As I walked into my house, I heard my mom's voice ringing from the waiting room. I threw my bag to the sofa and slumped on the lazy chair in the living room. I turned on the TV and started flipping the channel around. There's nothing interesting on TV now. I just pressed the buttons on the remote frantically while enjoying how the screen beamed rapid images of music clips, interviews and cartoons. "Kimberly? Is that you, honey?" I didn't want to reply as I knew that mom had...

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