Wolves And Dragons Of The Blood: True BeginningsChapter 76 free porn video

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The second of three newly established Drow cities was a flourishing center for commerce and rest. A dozen of the largest Drow Families had agreed to pool their resources and effort to form this city and with the blessing of their Queen, Abbil had been born. Eight years after it had been formed the population was now well over seventy thousand. A mixture of Drow elves, Wood elves and High elves combined with human and Lycavorian citizens made up the vast majority of permanent citizens. The City Council was made up of representatives from the twelve Drow families and six other elves and humans. Abbil was a Drow city and as with any of the three Drow cities it had very strict laws. Many of the laws were the same or very similar to Earth and Union laws as a whole, but like Sparta, the Drow cities were very harsh on those who were not there to enjoy themselves and preferred to violate established laws. While crime was not a large problem at all, it was still a small issue. Shops and stores were very active and the Riyal flowed abundantly within the city from contracts and commerce. Abbil was home to four very large resorts that catered to the person who wished for peace and quiet within the beautiful and mountainous terrain that the city was built within. Foodstuffs from every culture within the Union had come here and were bought and sold. Several Amarian taverns had been opened, one Limian trader, a Folcani trinket store and half a dozen other alien species had come here and opened shops or different restaurants. Abbil was rapidly making a name for itself across the entire Union as the place to come for solitude, security and peace at a very reasonable cost.

Which is exactly the reason Panos had chosen this location. Abbil was also home to the secondary command center for all of Earth. Looking at it from the outside you would never know that the facilities above ground and those below had anything to do with the military. The Drow were masters of hiding things and they had outdone themselves here. It appeared like any resort to those who didn't know any better. Pools, games, restaurants and large entertainment areas on the surface. Yet walk through a plain looking door that you weren't supposed to and suddenly you would find yourself staring at several stern face Drow who were not guests at all. Of course, you had to find these doors first.

They had arrived secretly over the last three hours and now sat in the main conference room beneath the largest of the three pools. The room was furnished with a massive oval table and several couches and chairs along the walls, able to seat fully sixty men and women if it was needed. An entire counter held food and drinks which could serve those same people, though now it held only coffee, fruit and Danishes for it was still early in the morning. Panos looked around the table as the others talked softly with each other. Aihola sat to the left of Charles Taylor, who sat next to Selene and Lynwe on his right. Tareif sat on Aihola's left with the Drow Senator Daba beside him. Dilios and Arete sat nearest to him, Thr'won, Helen's second in command if you will, beside Arete. Thr'won had risen to a position of some power within the Union for her actions during the Battle for Earth and afterwards. She was the senior mage for Sparta and acted in Helen's stead when she was off Earth. Aihola would speak for Tarifa as the Governor of Sparta Panos knew. Her word would be considered Tarifa's for they were very much mates with each other as well as to Isra, and when one spoke they both spoke. Daba had been somewhat surprised when Panos contacted her, but he quickly explained that her family was now tied to the Leonidas family for all time because of Lu'ria, and the Drow were held in very high regard by both Martin and Andro even before Lu'ria became a Princess of the Union. The other nine occupants of the room, five men and four women, four humans, three elves and two Hadarians, were all members of Earth's senior political leadership. The two Hadarians had come to Earth within a year of Earth becoming a member of the Union. They had remained to help in whatever manner they could and had soon come to love the open spaces and clean air. They were now well respected members of Earth's leadership and citizens of their adopted planet.

Panos got to his feet. "We should probably begin." He spoke drawing all their attention to him.

"Panos ... where is Deia?" Charles asked. "Shouldn't she be here as well?"

"The Kavalians arrived very early this morning and it would look odd if both Deia and I were gone from Sparta." Panos answered. "She knows why we have gathered and she approves of whatever decisions we come too."

"In regards to what Panos?" Selene asked.

"Pusintin." Panos told her bluntly.

Charles snorted loudly. "Well then let's cut right to it!" He snapped. Eighty-three years old and still as spry as a man forty years his junior, Charles Taylor had been elected President of Earth with the second highest vote count behind only Selene and her second term. He was a man who was adored by humans and elves alike. "I have spoken to all four Senators from Earth who hold a Union seat and not one of them has any intention of voting in favor of that retched man and his dubious goals! As the elf Senator Co'moro told me ... Pusintin can go suck a comet's tail!"

This brought a round of laughter from everyone in the room and Aihola and Selene both leaned into Charles.

"You have such a way with words Charles." Selene told him.

"I do try." He said with a grin. "The fact of the matter is ... not one person on this planet would support Pusintin. We have come too far as a group of people, as a planet to let that foul man set things back. Everyone knows his only intent is to use this child with Queen For'mya to gain control of the Union. We all know who would give the orders. No one is willing to allow him to destroy three decades of work. Not after what we have been through together."

"That is the one of the other reasons we are here." Panos spoke. "All of you know what has taken place with For'mya. She has been used and manipulated in the cruelest of ways for a female who is wolf. They have used her natural instincts against her. What are you hearing from the people in regards to this?"

"Before or after you listen to them curse this traitor Pusintin in two or three languages Panos?" Daba spoke now. "I know I can speak for the Drow..." Daba looked at Aihola. "My Queen?"

Aihola nodded. "Please Daba ... we are all equals here."

Daba turned back to Panos. "There is not a single Drow, or any we call family and friend, that believes for an instant that Queen For'mya betrayed her family and the King willingly. The have been whispers from many Drow within our militia ranks who speak of Am'uur and Lu'ria leading some daring raid to retrieve her. No one among the Drow will support Pusintin or any puppet government he may install if the Union Senate votes in his favor; which I can't see happening unless they all leave their common sense on the toilet somewhere the day of the vote."

Panos smiled and nodded his head as the others laughed softly. "Indeed." He said. "I can tell you that will not be necessary. Androcles has given me permission to inform all of you what is happening now and what will happen over the course of the next few days. Some of us in this room know a little of it, but what many of you do not know is that Martin is very much alive and right now in The Wilds searching for where the Kavalians have taken For'mya so that he can get her back." Panos smiled at the expressions of wonder and shock from those who were not privy to this information before now and just before they all began to throw questions at him in a barrage he held up his hand. "Allow me to continue..." He waited for them to settle back into their chairs, their faces alone showing the happiness many felt. "This information has been kept very secret for the sole purpose of keeping For'mya alive. Pusintin would not hesitate to kill For'mya if he knew Martin was alive, and in order to do everything he could to keep his elven mother alive, Andro ordered that this information remain within their immediate family. It was Andro's decision since Martin has not been on Earth since the attacks. Now Martin was actually injured and out of it for a time but he is fully recovered now. It is also why we have not gone through with a coronation for Androcles."

"By the gods Panos ... this is unbelievable!" One of the elves spoke from his chair.

Panos nodded his head. "Yes ... it has been a very hard month since their initial attack." He spoke.

"Androcles has dealt with far too much for a young man his age to tolerate." Charles spoke softly. "Being born aware ... having to follow in his father's footsteps and shadow." He looked at Panos. "How is he holding up?"

Panos nodded. "Surprisingly well." He answered. "He has an extensive support network and he commands almost as much loyalty from the Durcunusaan and the people as Martin. His words on Hadaria saw his popularity soar throughout the entire Union according to those silly polls that Deia's staff conducts."

Charles shook his head with a grin. "I hate polls." He muttered.

Panos chuckled as he settled into his chair. "Yes ... so do I. When all else fails Andro turns to Sadi and his mates." He told them looking directly at Daba. "They will always be able to sooth him."

Daba nodded. "As it should be." She said.

Tareif leaned forward at the table. "Now why don't you tell us why we are really here Panos?" He spoke. "We could have told everyone that Martin was alive by vid conference. This meeting is about something else isn't it?"

Panos nodded his head. "Indeed it is Tareif my friend." He said. He picked up the data pad that rested by his arm and plugged it into the slot on the elevated section of the table in front of him. "The Union Senate will meet and vote in four days time. The Kavalians asked for an extension on the vote, no doubt in order to try and garner support for their cause as well as conduct their searches, and both Deia and Andro agreed."

"Why?" Charles asked.

Panos touched the pad activating a large holo display on the monitor wall. "Because the extra four days will benefit us more than the Kavalians Charles. Regardless of what the Union Senate votes ... Andro has no intention of reacting to what the Kavalians may do anymore. The instant the vote is completed, regardless of the outcome, Androcles is going to launch a surprise attack into Kavalian space against targets he has already selected. He is essentially going to beat the Kavalians to the punch and try to cripple their ability to come at us from more than one location."

Tareif snorted approvingly and that was followed by a nod from Aihola and Lynwe both. "It's about time." Tareif growled.

Panos thought he was going to have to sell this plan of Andro's to the men and women in this room, but he should have known better. He watched as knowing glances were passed between Charles and Selene, as well as Charles and Aihola, and finally Charles and Tareif, who nodded at his human President.

Finally Charles turned to look at Panos. "It comes in very handy when, as President of Earth, I have access to so many different people who think along the same lines as I do." He said. "Tell Androcles ... tell Andro that all he needs to do is say the word and all of Earth stands behind him. Right to the very end, whatever it may be."

Panos nodded his head. "You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that." He spoke. "Because Andro wanted you to stand beside the Senator who will deliver the speech explaining why Androcles is going to plunge us into a war we don't want."

Dilios sat beside Panos and shook his head. "I would not want to be that person." He said glibly.

Panos looked at him and his smile grew larger. "I'm sorry you feel that way Dilios ... because you are the one Andro choose to deliver that speech to the entire Union."

Dilios's eyes grew as wide as anyone had ever seen. "Me?" He gasped loudly. "Panos ... I ... there are many who are far better qualified than me to give such a speech. I hate to stand before the Spartan Senate and speak! I can't do this!"

"Andro disagrees and so does Deia." Panos spoke.

"Why?" Dilios asked astounded.

"You are a Lycavorian Spartan and the only surviving member of the Spartan Senate from when Martin's father ruled. There are many of us still alive from that time but only you had the distinction of serving King Leonidas first hand." Panos said in reply. "Regardless of what you may think my friend, that fact alone carries great weight within the Union. Among many circles."

Dilios stared at him for a long moment, the quiet in the room almost unnerving. Finally he looked at Arete and then back to Panos. "I would be honored." He spoke.

Panos nodded. "Good." He motioned to the large monitor. "I have brought the parts of Andro's plan that concern us and he wanted me to go over them carefully with everyone. When this meeting is over you will return and begin letting your subordinates know what will happen. Charles ... since the vast majority of Union Senators will be here on Earth and you are Earth's President, Andro has asked that you be the one to acknowledge the vote count and announce the findings."

Charles nodded. "Consider it done." He stated.

Panos smiled. "Then I suggest we get to work for there is much to be done and little time to do it."

"Panos..." Charles asked. "Where exactly will Androcles be when we are making all these announcements?"

Panos met his gaze and smiled. "He is a Leonidas ... and he leads from the front." Panos said simply.


"Feravomir, are we ... my father and I ... our family ... are we cursed?" Androcles asked.

Helen looked up at him as they walked along the edge of the water, the scent of the blue/green Laconia Gulf on the breeze and filling their nostrils. They had returned to Cranae Island, leaving Arzoal and Daurgo with each other for they had much to discuss and Helen had no intention of spoiling what she knew deep down her bonded sister needed and desired. She enjoyed these times, whether it be with Martin walking along the Evrotas River or the few times she had done this very thing with Andro on Cranae Island. It was during these times where she discovered the deepest thoughts of the two men she loved most in the universe. It was during these times when all humor and playfulness vanished and they shared with her things that they only shared with their mates. Items that occupied the deepest regions of their minds and their emotions.

"Cursed?" Helen asked softly. "What would make you say that Androcles?"

"It just seems sometimes that our name is synonymous with trouble. With discord." He answered her. "Grandfather Leonidas fought his entire life did he not? My father for the better part of the life he knew when he came out of the sleep chamber. And it seems now that I will be forced to begin a war now as well."

"You think you are the only Leonidas to have these very same thoughts?" Helen asked him gently. "Do you think you are the only Leonidas to doubt themselves and their decisions; their actions and preparations before they are to commit our people to war?"

Andro smiled gently. "Somehow I just don't see grandfather Leonidas or my own father doubting themselves."

"Then you would be wrong." Helen told him. "I will share with you something I told your father on the eve of The Battle for Earth. Something I told your grandfather as well ... do not be afraid to lose Andro, for the moment you become afraid to lose something or someone, you will become afraid to act. And when you become afraid to act ... all will be lost."

"And it falls to me because father is not here." Andro said.

"Yes." Helen said.

"I just never expected ... I never expected to have so many lives riding on my decisions so soon in my life Feravomir." Andro told her.

Helen nodded. "Frightening isn't it?"

"Downright terrifying." He told her.

Helen took his hand and stopped walking, turning to look up into his face. "Androcles ... you have a gift. Elynth has a gift. The gifts are each other. Your father and Torma are bonded so very deeply, but you and Elynth ... the two of you are special. What happened between you ... it is not something that can be explained. Dorian and Ryner will experience it to some extent, but you and Elynth ... it is like you are she and she is you." She smiled. "Am I making any sense to you?" She asked.

Andro nodded. "Far more than you realize Feravomir." He said.

"It is different than your father and Torma. Both of you are different. The name Leonidas is not cursed Androcles ... it is blessed. You ... your father, your mothers, your siblings, all of you represent all that is good and beautiful to so many people and so many species. They view you not as their Crown Prince or their Royal family; they view you just as they view themselves and so many others. You care."

"Will they still care when men and women begin to die because I have begun a war of choice?" Andro asked.

Helen's eyes darkened. "This is not a war of choice Andro!" She spat out. "This is a war of necessity! One not of our choosing! If we do nothing the outcome will be far more terrible to contemplate. If you do not do this then the Kavalians will invade us! You know that just as well as I do! You are simply doing what you must to keep them from destroying all that we have built. That our people have built. Your uncle would tear it all down just for his vanity and quest for power."

"And the future? What about that?" Andro asked.

"I can tell you that a tough-minded optimism is best." Helen said reaching up to take his face in her hands. "The future is not shaped by people who don't really believe in the future. Men and women of vitality and courage have always been prepared to bet their futures, even their lives, on ventures of unknown outcome Androcles. If they had all looked before they leaped, we would still be crouched in caves sketching animal pictures on the wall. That was always your father's way, and though you do not wish to admit it, it is your way as well my boy. The decision is now yours Androcles Leonidas. I suspect no matter what, you will do your father proud."

"I am still so much like him no matter how I try to not be, aren't I Feravomir?" Andro said.

Helen smiled and nodded. "Yes ... and both of you are far more like your grandfather Leonidas than even you realize. I suspect more like Resumar as well. At least that is what Deia tells me." She told him.

Andro took a deep breath. "I will do what I must." He said.

Helen nodded. "Yes you will." She said. "Now walk me back to the villa and tell me what it is your brother Resumar is going to do. Shiria is very important to us now and she must be protected at all costs."

Andro nodded as they began walking again. "And she will be." He said as Helen took his arm and they headed back towards the villa.

Sadi was watching from the patio doors and she smiled when she felt Andro's emotions become calmer. Helen had started to fix his wildly doubtful thoughts and tonight Sadi and the rest of them would finish what she started. She turned when she smelled Ne'Veha, Lu'ria and Carisia enter the main room and approach her.

If someone told her a year ago where she would be right now, Sadi Leonidas would have laughed at him or her without a doubt. Finding Andro again had brought everything into utter clarity. That she could love him so powerfully and with such absolute devotion was something she had accepted and embraced the moment his fangs sank into her flesh and hers into his and they became anomes. That their lives would now include four other such beautiful women did not make her bat an eye in the least. This was their destiny, their fate, and Sadi had surrendered herself to destiny the moment she draped that pendant Elynth had given her around her neck twenty-five years ago. Andro was her anome, but these three women here and Caliria so far away, they were part of who Sadi was. Who Andro was. The love that they shared now and would well into the future was unquestioning in every way, for Andro as well as each other.

Sadi took the mug of coffee Ne'Veha offered as they came up to pressed close to her. Lu'ria looked over past Sadi's shoulder and saw Andro and the Feravomir walking towards the villa still deep in conversation.

"His spirits have lifted." Lu'ria said softly turning back to Sadi.

Sadi nodded as she sipped the coffee. "Some things even our attentions will not make go away." She told them.

"Our attentions?" Carisia said. "Last night he gave us the attention. Not the other way around. I don't think my legs stopped quivering until mid morning."

"Nor mine." Ne'Veha said with a smile before turning to Sadi. "Maybe now you should tell us what all that was about with this Ulana woman this morning KertaGai."

Sadi nodded and glanced back over her shoulder one last time at Andro before taking Ne'Veha's hand in hers and leading them into the villa. "Ulana was the one who Andro was seeing before we discovered each other again on Apo Prime. He had been seeing her on and off for several months before he ended it the morning we saw one another again. As you all know we have not been apart since."

"Was she a Senator then as well?" Carisia asked.

Sadi shook her head. "No. She only became a Senator when she was elected to fill her father's role. He was killed in the Senate Office Building when it was destroyed. Ulana won the emergency election. So easy to do when no ones runs against you."

"So why is she here now?" Lu'ria asked.

"The obvious political portions aside ... Ulana is an Alpha female." Sadi told them as they ended up in the main room and settled to the couch. "Just like all of us ... but she is also a pureblood like me. Her upbringing was ... unique."

"You mean she is a spoiled upaee who had everything handed to her on a silver platter." Ne'Veha spoke.

Sadi smiled and nodded her head. "Essentially yes." She answered. "She considers herself better than me."

"But what she did..." Lu'ria asked. "I thought that was ... I thought it was an insult to do that to a male who is already mated."

Sadi nodded. "And it is. Ulana however ... she comes from a certain class of pureblood who believe they are better than everyone else. Most of them claim some of the highest Purity Concentration Coefficients within the Union. Or so they say."

"This is not true?" Carisia asked.

"Oh ... it's true in some cases." Sadi said. "It's easy enough to test as well. This group however, they use their PCC number and their supposed ancestral lineage back to the original Lycavorian bloodlines as a way to show their pre-eminence. It's utterly ridiculous considering any Lycavorian can tie their family background to Lycavore in some fashion at least." Sadi sipped the coffee once more before handing the mug back to Ne'Veha. "They try and use this as the reason why they are better than everyone. Ulana thinks she is a stronger Alpha female than me when it comes to our PCC, and therefore she believes she should be with Andro and not me."

"Is she?" Lu'ria asked.

Sadi shrugged. "I don't know. I had the PCC test done when I was a small child, but I never knew the results. I don't really care either." She said. "The results are never conclusive and can vary at different times in a Lycavorian's life. Ulana targeted just me because she knows you and our Drow mistress are recently turned and your PCC will not stop changing until the transformation is fully complete within you. She doesn't consider Carisia a threat because she is a pureblood vampire. She only considers me the threat and therefore she is targeting me. She knew I would be the only one who could feel her aura as she shamelessly pulsed Andro."

"Why now?" Ne'Veha asked. She was more analytical being a female elf from Elear. "Did Saradasaar nubous her so good that she finally realizes what she is missing?"

Sadi laughed with the others and looked at her. "Well ... you must admit SirsanGai ... he definitely knows how to curl our toes and make us scream. It is so very rare to discover a man so gifted in length and girth and who knows exactly how to use it." She said.

"How true." Carisia spoke.

Lu'ria shrugged her slim shoulders. "I have known only Andro so I can not make that determination." She said with a smile.

"I think it is probably some sort of a political move." Sadi said finally. "Especially now considering they think Andro will become King."

"She thinks to insinuate herself into a position of some power and recognition?" Lu'ria said nodding. "She is in for a surprise I imagine."

Sadi nodded with a chuckle. "Yes she is. She can think about it all she likes." She said. "Andro loathes her now after what she did ... more than he ever has."

"He felt her doing this?" Ne'Veha asked.

Sadi nodded. "Why do you think he acted as he did?" Sadi answered remembering their kiss and how her blood burned in her veins at that moment. He could cause any of them to melt with just a simple kiss. "Our Saradasaar will always defend us ... against all enemies, no matter what it takes."

Carisia grinned. "The look on her face when Andro was kissing you was priceless." She said.

"I will deal with Ulana and her games." Sadi spoke confidently. "I'm the only one who can face her evenly in that regard. I fully expect that she will pull some silly stunt in order to try and make others see that she should be with Andro while making me look bad. She will learn very quickly that her pathetic attempts to entice him have only succeeded in pissing me off. When she makes the mistake of going public with her fool game then I will respond."

"What will you do?" Ne'Veha asked eagerly. "Can we watch?"

Sadi looked at her and laughed at her eagerness. "Oh SirsanGai, all of you are going to help me show that fat cow that she can not compete against any of us. Oh yes ... Ulana will learn very quickly that she is in way over her head. She will learn this very quickly." She said. "How much embarrassment she wants to face before she actually realizes it is going to be up to her?"

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 18

EARTH THE WASTES "You told us you would succeed Maraud." The albino white skin of the creature speaking pulled back over his lips to reveal needle sharp teeth. "You told us if we killed the rider, this dragon would not be able to act! Not only did you fail in killing the rider, you failed in killing the she-elves!" This secret mountain base was the last of the True People's strongholds on the northern continent and the most heavily defended. Hundreds of their people resided within the...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 3

HIGH COVEN RUNNER ONE LIGHT YEAR FROM NONUS IV "I believe we have lost them." Yuriko spoke as she sat back in the pilot's chair of the Runner. The cockpit was one of the smallest spaces in the Runner, and one of the few that had not been refitted in any way for extended comfort. Yuriko was used to the controls and set up of the cockpit, so the only things that were changed were the computer data cores and having a food dispenser added to the cockpit. "You engaged the Shroud?" Dan...

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