Charlene Clubbing
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Her legs were bare, she wasn’t wearing a bra and the top three buttons of Charlene’s shirt dress were undone. Charlene was still a few months shy of being eighteen and old enough to get into the club, but one of her escorts, Blake, had told her that somewhat immodest attire would likely get her past the club’s doorman. Charlene wasn’t really sure about all of that but as it provided a rationale for dressing the way she really wanted to dress, she bought into the argument.
The doorman looked her over as he examined the ID’s provided him by Blake and Charlene’s other escort, Tommy. Blake further bamboozled the doorman by explaining that Charlene needed no ID as she wasn’t old enough to drink anyway. The doorman, predictably distracted by Charlene’s suggestive manner of dress, waived the trio into the club.
It being early on a Sunday night, they pretty much had their choice of seats. They selected a circular booth at the edge of the spacious dance floor, Charlene sandwiched between her two male companions. The conversation earlier in the pizza place, and even earlier in the apartment, had gotten quite sexual. Blake wanted the theme to continue. “You ever go topless?” he asked.
Before Charlene could answer, Tommy volunteered, “I asked her that this afternoon, just before you arrived.”
Blake looked at Charlene. Surprised maybe, a little putout, but not seriously pissed. Turning to Tommy he asked, “So what’d she say?”
Tommy looked at Charlene, who was still not saying anything. “Not sure she wants you to know.”
Charlene revealed grudgingly, “Once. I did it once...” Getting naked is not topless, so doesn’t count. “...on a boat.”
Blake took several swallows of his beer while debating whether to continue. Sounds like she might say more but she seems a little uptight about it. Charlene and Tommy waited silently. Blake chose to continue cautiously. “I’m guessing you’d rather not talk about it,” he lamented.
“Well, I must admit, it’s not my favorite topic, but I might be willing to share a bit of it,” Charlene relented. “However, I sure don’t want to read about it in the school paper, and...” Turning to Tommy she added, “...I wouldn’t want it to get back to my father, either.” Turning back to Blake, she added, “Tommy did ask about it earlier and I was going to tell him more, but then you showed up and we never got to it. I might not be ready to provide every detail, but I’m not trying to hide what happened, either.”
The door had been opened but Blake was still afraid of being too direct. “Since you are at least willing to talk some about it - guessing again of course – it does sound as if you might have liked being topless.”
“Liked having my tits bare?” Charlene responded sternly. “At first no,” then cracking a slight smile, “but after a time, maybe,” she allowed softly.
“Would I be off base in thinking you might do it again then?” Blake’s question was clearly of the leading type.
Charlene hesitated. “Well... if the circumstances were right...” Peripherally, she caught sight of the stirring in Blake’s pants. “ could happen again but, like I told Tommy, it certainly won’t be anytime soon, so let’s not get into that again, okay?”
The light had at least turned yellow. Blake continued cautiously. “Understood, but you are okay talking about what has already happened?” he inquired.
Charlene was warming to the topic. “I’m okay with it,” she assured. Turning to Tommy and resting her hand lightly on his thigh, she prompted, “You do want to hear about this too, don’t you?”
Tommy had been listening patiently. “Sure,” he replied. And you can leave your hand where it is too.
Charlene did leave her hand on Tommy’s thigh as she turned back to Blake, providing a significantly abbreviated accounting of her topless experience. “I know you guys are anxious to make something out of this, but it really wasn’t all that big of a deal. This one guy and me were up on the front of the boat. My top was off and as we were readying to join the others, I began putting it back on. The guy I was with though, argued that since my friend Diane, on the back of the boat with the other guys, had her top off, I should leave mine off too. So I did.”
“This last summer?” Tommy inquired.
Charlene rubbed her forehead. “No, not last summer, the one before.”
“Summer before? When you were still sixteen,” Tommy replied, eyebrows raised in disbelief.
Charlene locked eyes with Tommy while lightly stroking his thigh. “Sounds right.” A playful smile appeared. “Good thing Daddy didn’t know about it, huh.”
“Shit, I guess so,” agreed Blake, adjusting his shorts.
“Dance with me,” Charlene suggested to Tommy, her fingers suggestively grazing his leg.
Tommy didn’t have to be asked twice. He exited the booth, his hands in front of him, trying unsuccessfully to keep his stiffening cock from being too obvious. With Tommy’s back to her, Charlene turned to Blake, squeezed his thigh and whispered, “Later.” She turned and slid from the booth. Tommy and Charlene reached the dance-floor just as a belly-rubbing type song commenced.
Charlene turned abruptly and wrapped her arms around Tommy’s neck, pressing her body suggestively against his. Tommy’s arms settled around her waist, but as the two moved to the music, his hands crept slowly over her butt, coming to rest at the base of her buttocks.
Charlene was transitioning from being a seemingly reluctant story-teller to being an enthusiastic tease. “From the way you reacted when I told about having my top off, I’m guessing you were wanting to hear more.” She locked her hands behind Tommy’s neck, pulling herself up to her tip-toes and rubbing against the bulge in his shorts. “Was I wrong?” she purred in his ear.
“No, no, not wrong at all.” She wants to talk about it. “I mean like, that guy had to have been playing with your bare tits. He was, wasn’t he?” Tommy’s cock was leaking precum, a wet spot forming on the front of his shorts. His hands tightened on Charlene’s butt, pulling her body into his.
“Uhm yeah! I guess that’s right,” she cooed. “We were up on the front getting splashed every time the boat hit a wave. Wasn’t much to that bikini I was wearing – lotta bare skin getting soaking wet - and his hands all over me. He got to playing with my tits – at first made me some nervous – but after a bit I got to liking it.”
“Jesus christ. He take your top off, or was that your doing?”
“Not sure. I do know I was seriously turned on. I was sitting between his legs, rubbing my butt against his cock. I was trying to swallow his tongue while he was playing with my tits. I mean, I do remember wanting it off as bad as he did. Surely I must have helped.”
“Fuck! And you just sixteen? How’d you know this guy?”
Charlene stopped abruptly and stepped back. “We’re ignoring your friend. We need to get back.” She took his hand and led him from the dance-floor. Tommy knew he had said something wrong. He just didn’t know what it was.
“Miss us?” Charlene chimed as she slid in next to Blake.
“Nope,” Blake deadpanned. “I was watching this hot couple practically fucking on the dance-floor.”
As Tommy sat down, Charlene surveyed the dance-floor. “But there was no-one else dancing.”
“Must have been you and Tommy then.” Blake licked his finger, then raised it over his head, chalking up a score on a non-existent scoreboard. Charlene stuck out her tongue at him then slid down in the seat a ways, her dress riding up to where a tiny sliver of panties was showing.
“Tell Blake what you told me about how you got topless,” Tommy suggested.
“Nah, you tell him sometime when I’m not around. I don’t feel like going through it again.”
Blake jumped in with, “Then tell us what happened when you went back with the others.”
“You guys just don’t give up, do you?” Charlene playfully countered.
“Seems to me you do want to talk about it. Just wanting to see us beg before you do though,” protested Tommy.
“Okay, I’ll tell it. I just don’t want you thinking it might happen again.”
“Oh, of course not,” Blake assured with his fingers crossed behind his back.
“It was Diane’s idea that we needed to dance.”
“You mean you were dancing topless with those guys?” Tommy spit out in disbelief.
“Yes, but let me tell it,” Charlene chided. “The music was the kind you could dance to without touching. Showing off some, seemed safer than sitting on some guys lap, which is what would’ve happened otherwise.”
“Just you two girls?” Tommy wanted to know.
“Right. And four guys, so each of us ended up dancing with two of them. I was plenty nervous at first but it turned out kinda fun.”
“Wish I’d been there,” mumbled Blake.
“Then you would’ve been really pissed at what happened next. Storm came up!”
“Christ, what’d you do?” Tommy demanded.
“Quick, grabbed our cover-ups and put on life vests as we raced back to the marina.”
“And that was it?” Tommy asked.
“Yeah. The guys wanted us to go with them, but Diane and I had better sense than that.” She turned to Blake. “C’mon, let’s dance.” Charlene blew a kiss in Tommy’s direction and pushed Blake out of the booth.
The DJ was playing some up-tempo stuff and Charlene broke into a dance as soon as they hit the floor. As she danced, she held her arms high and spread her legs, her bare legs flashing and panties showing. As she twirled, her bikini style panties did little to hide her ass-cheeks.
Blake grew harder as he watched the sexy teenager. “Ever see those guys again?”
“What guys?”
“The ones from the boat.”
“Oh, when I got topless.”
“Yeah, you ever see them again?” The music changed to a slower number. As Charlene’s arms went around his neck, Blake’s hands snaked under the shirt-dress and locked on Charlene’s lower butt, his fingers toying with the edge of her panties.
Charlene cautioned, “Keep ‘em on the outside of the panties and we’ll get along just fine.” As Blake’s fingers sensually kneaded Charlene’s nearly bare ass, she pressed her lips to his ear and breathlessly attempted to reply. “Uh... see them again? Oh, shit... yeah one time. They came over to Diane’s, but… oh god, that feels good... but it wasn’t like on the boat, and they uh… they didn’t stay long.”
Blake’s fingers continued their assault on Charlene’s ass. He questioned as if there was nothing else taking place. “They were wanting you to get topless?”
“Uh huh,” Charlene breathed into Blake’s ear. “More like expecting it... Oh yeah... Killed the mood.”
Blake’s fingers were sliding along the edge of Charlene’s panties. “I’m guessing you weren’t wearing a whole lot.”
“’Bout the same as right now. Panties and a shirt.”
Blake pressed, “So what were you doing, just sitting around talking, or what?”
“Well, some, yeah, uh huh... but mostly we were dancing... like you and me are now.”
“Was he playing with your ass, and grinding into you, like I’m doing right now?” Blake tightened his grip on Charlene’s ass-cheeks and ground his cock into her midsection.
“Uhm...” Charlene shifted her body, an inch or two to either side, adding even more stimulation to Blake’s cock. “… I’m sure he was but I don’t remember getting so turned on.”
Blake murmured, “But you almost took your shirt off and you would have danced with him… in just your panties?”
“Hot, huh,” Charlene breathed in Blake’s ear as her body continued teasing his ever hardening cock.
“Jesus, shit yeah!” Blake stammered. “You going to do that tonight?” he urged.
Charlene pushed Blake’s hands away and leaned her head back, a startled look on her face. “What? strip down to my panties, right here? No way!”
Surprised, not so much by Charlene’s refusal as by the qualification attached to it. She didn’t say not, just not here. Blake backed off and came in at a different angle, “Oh hell no, you get down to your panties here, they’d probably throw us out. But, since we are in the darkest and most remote corner of the bar,” thanks to your insistence, “you could probably get away with undoing another button or two.”
As the song came to an end, Charlene stepped back, breaking the contact between them. Rubbing her chin contemplatively, she equivocated sarcastically, “So, I could, huh. Well, Mr. almost lawyer, I’ll need to take that suggestion under advisement.” Skipping toward the table, she added, “Right now, though, I think we need to get back.”
With Blake following her to the table, Charlene surreptitiously undid the next button on her shirt-dress, the one below her breasts. At the booth, Charlene climbed in on all fours, enticingly crawling her way back to the center of the booth, encouraging Tommy’s eyes to feast on her nearly exposed breasts.
Tommy licked his lips. “And I thought the dancing was hot, Blake’s hands under your dress doing god knows what, but I had no idea you had your clothes half off too.”
“Clothes half off?” Blake repeated as he took his place on Charlene’s other side. “I miss something?”
Charlene made a quarter turn toward Blake and bent forward slightly, her elbow on the table, dress falling away, affording Blake an unrestricted view of an uncovered breast. “Your argument won the day, counselor.”
“Oh my god!” exclaimed Blake, reaching down and grabbing his crotch.
Charlene caught Blake’s manly reaction as she sat back, resuming a somewhat more modest posture. “I guess that means you approve.”
“Shit yeah,” Blake proclaimed.
Tommy picked it up with, “I guess you’re kind of used to this.”
“If you mean dancing in shirt and panties… yeah, I guess I have done it a time or two.”
“More like, several times, maybe?”
“So I like partying in panties and a shirt.”
“You mean the way you’re dressed tonight is pretty normal?” Blake asked.
“Oh yeah. Pretty much. Panties and shirt. I might have been sixteen but I already had a damn hot body, and I sure didn’t mind guys noticing it. Fact is – most of the time, I even had several buttons undone, like right now.” Charlene looked down at herself and grinned.
“It’s dark enough here. You could undo another button if you wanted,” Tommy suggested.
“Nah, too public,” Charlene countered playfully.
Did it again – not saying won’t, just not here! “You want to dance some more, Charlene, or do we need to be going?” Blake was testing the water.
“I do have to be to orientation before eight-forty-five in the morning, so it wouldn’t hurt to get out of here, now,” Charlene responded cheerfully.
In the truck, on the way back to the apartment, Blake was anxious to keep Charlene talking about her sexual forays. Even before they were out of the parking lot, leaning forward and talking around her – she was sitting in the middle – he opened with, “Tommy, you remember that night in Lucy’s pool, when we all got naked?”
“Hell yes, I remember it. I mean, that girlfriend of Lucy’s - she’d never even met us before, but once we were all in the pool, that suit of hers sure didn’t last long.”
As Blake had suspected, Charlene could not be left out of the conversation. “Diane and I went skinny-dipping one time.”
Blake engaged. “Just you and Diane? Or were there others, too?”
“Others. I was staying at Diane’s and she’d invited some guys for a pool party.”
“But you and Diane were the only girls,” Blake asked for clarification.
“Right, just us and the guys, like on the boat.”
“So, you going to tell us about it?” Tommy asked.
“Do I have a choice?” Charlene asked rhetorically.
“Probably not,” Blake said matter-of-factly.
“Yes, well that’s kind of what I figured,” Charlene allowed coolly. “I doubt it would have happened the way it did if we hadn’t been pretty much asking for it.”
Blake’s eyebrows went up. “How so?” he asked.
“Well, kinda rough-housing with the guys, letting ‘em grab us wherever, and not really trying to stop it, maybe even encouraging it some.”
“But everyone was still wearing suits, though,” Blake suggested, seeking confirmation.
“Oh yeah,” Charlene readily agreed, then smiled mischievously. “But, what we were wearing was not a lot. Good thing it was dark.”
“So what happened?” Tommy impatiently demanded.
“We were all in the pool and horsing around when one of the guys – jokingly I thought – suggested we all get naked. Without even consulting me, Diane said, ‘We will, if you will.’ Before I could even get my mouth open, everyone else was naked. So what could I do but strip and join them? I didn’t really have a choice.” Charlene looked to Tommy, then Blake. Encountering only blank stares, she hastily added, “But it did turn out kinda fun anyway!”
As they pulled into the apartment complex Blake asked Charlene to put the conversation on hold. Tommy offered, “Blake, why not come in for a few minutes. I’ve still got several beers left from this afternoon.”
As they were climbing the stairs, Charlene alerted them, “Much as I would like, I can’t join you. I’ve got an early day tomorrow and I need to get some sleep.”
Although it really wasn’t what he was thinking, Blake did allow, “No, no, you do whatever you have to do. Tommy and I can still have our beer but I do want to hear the rest about the skinny-dipping, whenever you get the chance.”
As he unlocked the door, Tommy concurred, “Yeah, me too, but if we didn’t understand how important it is to put school ahead of partying, we would’ve been out of here long ago. So you do whatever you have to do.”
As Charlene headed to her room, Tommy snagged a beer for him and Blake. While downing their beers they watched ESPN’s updates on the day’s games. It might still have been the preseason for the NFL, but at UT in Austin, Texas, football is never out of season.
Tommy, going to the kitchen for refills, was surprised to see Charlene just opening the refrigerator door. She was already dressed for bed in t-shirt and panties but had pulled a robe on over before venturing out of her room.
Charlene turned at the sound of Tommy’s footsteps. “Guess I screwed up,” she began.
“Screwed up?” Tommy asked.
“Yeah, dug out the info folder to see where orientation is, but it’s not even tomorrow. Doesn’t start till Wednesday.”
“So uh…”
“Yes, I’m going to join you. At least that’s what I wanted to do - if you think it’s okay.”
“Okay?” Tommy did a couple of quick up and downs, paying special attention to the bare legs stretching from the bottom of the short robe. It was the same one Charlene had worn that afternoon. No buttons and still no belt. She held it loosely closed with one hand, a sliver of the t-shirt showing through. “Uh, yeah sure,” Tommy enthused, “Okay by me.”
Charlene was well aware of the effect her attire was having on Tommy. She rubbed a finger across her lips and teased, “I could put on a longer robe, if you think I ought to.”
“Oh, no,” assured Tommy, nudging Charlene toward the living area. “You are just fine the way you are.” And boy is that an understatement. Roommate, longtime friend, Jesus what have I gotten myself into?
“Got time after all,” Charlene announced as Blake looked up from the television.
As Tommy handed him a new beer, Blake pretended nonchalance. “Glad you could make it.” He watched attentively as Charlene took a seat on the sofa, the shortness of the robe and t-shirt affording a brief glimpse of her panties. More clothes than she needs but still hotter than hell.
As Tommy assumed the other end of the couch, he informed Charlene, “We have been watching highlights of the day’s games, but it’s all exhibition and we could turn it off.”
Blake picked up the remote and lowered the volume. “Yeah, Houston and Dallas both lost so it’s kind of boring anyway.”
“I’d kind of like to watch the highlights, anyway.” Charlene picked up the remote from the coffee table and cranked the sound back up.
As the show came to an end, Tommy turned the television off. Blake, anxious to get sex to the forefront and still thinking about the skinny-dipping party Charlene had been talking about earlier, suggested, “You may not want to say any more about it tonight but on the way home you were talking about a pool party you were at. You sounded like you might have more to say about it.”
Charlene pretended minor annoyance but truth be told, she did want to talk about it. “Wasn’t all that much more to tell anyway,” she said, “Once we got naked, everyone suddenly turned real shy.” She paused, looking at Tommy. “Well, you know, there might have been some ‘accidental’ touching, but other than that, nothing of any consequence.”
“Accidental touching? How do you mean?” Blake asked, trying to smooth the bulge in his lap.
Charlene replied, “Well, there were guys bumping into me, brushing against my breasts or butt, and then pretending they didn’t mean it.” She grinned. “Of course I knew damn well that it really was on purpose.”
“You get mad when they do that?” Tommy asked.
“Not really,” Charlene replied with a grin. “Two sixteen-year-old girls and four college guys, all naked? Kinda got to expect some fooling around.”
Charlene leaned back on the sofa, her arms once again resting on the back of it. “I’m guessing you guys might like it better if I were to get rid of this robe.” Charlene quipped. Tommy couldn’t hide it anymore. He leaned back, planting his feet squarely on the floor. Charlene looked at the tent in his jeans. “Looks like a yes, at least from Tommy,” Charlene drooled, licking her lips.
“I would definitely vote yes, but I don’t think you’re really going to do it,” Blake stated.
“Well I wouldn’t,” Charlene countered, “if I wasn’t wearing at least a t-shirt and panties under it… But since I am...” Charlene turned loose of the robe, took it off and tossed it toward the bedrooms. The t-shirt was thin, even more so than the purple one she had been wearing the night before. And it was short, leaving a good bit of her stomach bare and her panties, which were as flimsy as the shirt, very much exposed. She spread her arms across the back of the couch, assuring Tommy and Blake an unobstructed view.
Tommy, major excited by his roommate’s sexy display, but trying desperately not to let it show, hastily said, “Sounds like you might have been enjoying yourself at that pool party.” Jesus, I’m not believing this!
Charlene, also attempting to hide her excitement, addressed Tommy’s question with, “But what really happened is way mild, compared to what it could have been.”
Blake was fixated on Charlene’s near-naked body. Good god, I can even see her tan lines, and those panties, holy Mary, mother of god, those panties are so wet I can practically see her pussy. He thought about what Charlene had just said and observed, “I’m betting you were wanting it to be more.”
“Well, I was then, and still am, a virgin,” Charlene attempted to rebut, “and I did want to stay that way but I’m not a prude either.” Charlene’s mixture of the past and present tenses did not escape Blake’s notice. Charlene continued on though, “There was this one guy, came up behind me and cupped my breasts with his hands. I did like that, and I didn’t really want him to stop, but… well, I acted like I did, want him to stop, that is, and like I said before, everyone was acting kinda shy, and he just took off. So yeah, I guess it would have been okay if there’d been more, at least a little more.”
“Were you touching the guys, too?” Tommy wanted to know. “Accidentally,” he clarified.
Blood rushed to Charlene’s face. “Accidentally? Well, I might have a time or two.”
Blake pounced, “Accidentally?”
“Well, yeah, of course.” Charlene knew Blake wasn’t believing her. “Okay, so maybe not entirely accidental,” she admitted sheepishly.
“Tell me,” prompted Tommy.
“What happened was me and one of the guys were talking.” Charlene took a deep breath before continuing. “He was running his hands up and down my sides. But then his hands were mostly on the sides of my tits, except his thumbs kept brushing my nipples.” Another pause and deep breath. “And then his cock started brushing against me, like he was trying to get it between my legs.”
Charlene, enjoying the reaction, continued, “I guess I kind of liked it. I grabbed hold of his cock. I mean, I thought that might make him stop.” She knew neither of them believed her lie but she really didn’t care anymore. One of Tommy’s hands, openly toyed with the bulge in his jeans while Blake was struggling to keep his hidden. Charlene’s eyes went wide as she continued. “It was just so exciting. I mean, like I had never touched a man’s bare cock before. I just couldn’t believe the reaction. It got so hot, so fast. We were making out and I was stroking his cock and he was playing with my tits and he even got his hands between my legs.” Charlene stopped, her hand locked between her legs.
“And you’re still a virgin?” Blake questioned.
“Well, I probably wouldn’t be,” Charlene allowed, “if the party hadn’t converged around us about that time.”
“Disappointed?” Tommy asked.
“Maybe a little but then again not really. I’ve always had a kind of a fantasy about the first time being in a four poster bed with satin sheets and all the rest that goes with that.”
Blake, anxious to keep things in the same vein, suggested, “You know, we do have a pool here. Might be fun to go for a swim.”
Charlene’s eyebrows went up. “Uhhh… would it be fair to assume that you are really suggesting that we go skinny-dipping? Because, if that’s what you’re thinking, it isn’t going to happen.”
Blake was not to be deterred. “Well, it is kind of late at night and a lot of guys haven’t even gotten back yet. Probably be kind of private.”
Charlene wasn’t going to be convinced. “But... you can’t guarantee that there won’t be some others show up.” Blake stammered, trying to recover from the defeat. Charlene offered, “How about we just stay here. I’m okay with it just being you two.”
Blake thought there might be some message in the last of what Charlene had said but he didn’t want to take a chance on it. He said instead, “Did you have something else in mind?”
“Not really. I just thought we might sit here, drink beer and chit-chat.”
“Of course,” Tommy acknowledged, but also noticed that while Charlene did put the kibosh on skinny-dipping, she hadn’t slammed the door on anything else. He suggested, “You could tell us some more about those fraternity parties you went to.”
“I think I’d rather you guys told me about your experiences.”
“You mean like our dates and stuff like that?” Blake asked.
“Yeah, sort of. But not necessarily dates. And probably not where you were just getting it on with some girl. No, what I’m referring to is those occasions where something commonplace has, by the circumstances - time, place, whatever – become a major turn-on.”
“You mean like what’s happening right now?” Blake asked.
Charlene pretended to not understand. “I’m not sure what it is you’re talking about.”
Tommy jumped back in. “Oh come on. You got to know that you sitting there in a flimsy crop top and paper-thin panties have got to be making us hard as hell.”
“Oh she knows it alright,” Blake accused, “She’s spent enough time looking at our crotches to know exactly what she’s doing.”
Charlene was momentarily stunned. Recovering, she fired back with, “I didn’t hear either of you complaining.”
“No of course not,” acknowledged Blake, “But you also can’t say you haven’t been enjoying it.”
“Well, I...” Face it, girl, you love turning these guys on. “Uhm, I guess it is kind of fun,” Charlene grudgingly admitted.
“Hey, understand Charlene,” Tommy began in a conciliatory tone, “We are having fun too. You telling us about your sexual experiences, and you hanging out with us the way you are – I mean, I just don’t think I could get any more turned on.” He looked to Blake for support.
“Yeah, for sure,” chimed Blake. “I mean, like, my motor’s been running ever since you came into the room, but when you took the robe off, I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven. That was so hot!”
Charlene’s attitude shifted from defensive to cheerfully playful. She joked, “So I guess you wouldn’t want me to put the robe back on, then.”
“Oh hell no!” Blake asserted.
Charlene rolled the cold and wet beer bottle over her tits, soaking her t-shirt and making her hardening nipples even more prominent and visible.
“Oh. my. god!” stammered Tommy. “That is so hot!”
With mouth hanging open, Blake stared at his neighbor’s nearly naked roommate while she basked in the attention she was attracting.
“I’m betting you guys would like it even more if I was wearing even less,” Charlene began, “But it is late and right now, I’m going to bed and dream about how much fun that’ll be.” She got up, locked her arms behind her head, pausing long enough for the guys to get a good look, then turned and bent over, ostensibly to pick up her robe, but in actuality, making sure the guys also had something to dream about. Satisfied that she had made a lasting impression, Charlene trekked down the hall toward her bedroom.
They were dancing to some relatively serious belly-rubbing music, but Dave remained quite tame, or so it would seem. His hands were making their way slowly downward from Charlene’s waist and pushing her shirt upward, exposing more and more of her panties. As Dave’s hands, meeting only token resistance, snaked over Charlene’s panty covered butt, he quietly said, “If I hadn’t shown up when I did, I’m guessing the shirt would be gone by now.”Charlene was startled. She leaned back a bit, directing...
College SexThey were dancing to some relatively serious belly-rubbing music, but Dave remained quite tame, or so it would seem. His hands were making their way slowly downward from Charlene’s waist and pushing her shirt upward, exposing more and more of her panties. As Dave’s hands, meeting only token resistance, snaked over Charlene’s panty covered butt, he quietly said, “If I hadn’t shown up when I did, I’m guessing the shirt would be gone by now.”Charlene was startled. She leaned back a bit, directing...
College SexTommy and Blake woke to the sound of bacon frying. Charlene was already up and preparing breakfast, having extricated herself from between Tommy and Blake, without waking either. The guys could see that Charlene was still dressed as she had been for bed – panties and short t-shirt. Charlene expressed no concern over their appearance for breakfast in only their skivvies.As they waited for breakfast to be served, Blake and Tommy remained focused on Charlene, her barely covered butt, her jiggling...
College SexTommy and Blake woke to the sound of bacon frying. Charlene was already up and preparing breakfast, having extricated herself from between Tommy and Blake, without waking either. The guys could see that Charlene was still dressed as she had been for bed – panties and short t-shirt. Charlene expressed no concern over their appearance for breakfast in only their skivvies.As they waited for breakfast to be served, Blake and Tommy remained focused on Charlene, her barely covered butt, her jiggling...
College SexHis eyes followed his roommate as she made her way around the kitchen, her leg and thigh muscles tightening as she stretched to reach a bowl on an upper shelf of the cupboard, the silk of her panties stretching over her butt as she bent to retrieve a spoon from a lower drawer, and then her nipples prominently displayed in her nearly transparent, bikini style bra. She seated herself across from him at the eating area’s table.Tommy reached under the table and rubbed the growing hardness in his...
College SexHis eyes followed his roommate as she made her way around the kitchen, her leg and thigh muscles tightening as she stretched to reach a bowl on an upper shelf of the cupboard, the silk of her panties stretching over her butt as she bent to retrieve a spoon from a lower drawer, and then her nipples prominently displayed in her nearly transparent, bikini style bra. She seated herself across from him at the eating area’s table.Tommy reached under the table and rubbed the growing hardness in his...
College SexTommy grabbed his bag of stuff and went to Charlene's door. It was shut. He hollered through the door, “You ready?”“Yeah, yeah, just a minute,” she replied through the door.“We need to get moving, Blake's already outside waiting.”“I understand. You go wait in the truck. I'll be right out.”“Okay, but don't be long. We're waiting.”Charlene still hadn't made up her mind about what to wear for the trip. She had put on a new pair of satin panties and had found a skirt she wanted to wear but the top...
College SexTommy grabbed his bag of stuff and went to Charlene's door. It was shut. He hollered through the door, “You ready?”“Yeah, yeah, just a minute,” she replied through the door.“We need to get moving, Blake's already outside waiting.”“I understand. You go wait in the truck. I'll be right out.”“Okay, but don't be long. We're waiting.”Charlene still hadn't made up her mind about what to wear for the trip. She had put on a new pair of satin panties and had found a skirt she wanted to wear but the top...
College SexA great burden had been lifted from us as we returned to the hotel. We both had been wound up tight from all of the gunplay over the past month. We mutually showered and later found ourselves in an embrace on the queen-sized bed. My hand starting on her hip, I caressed her naked body, sliding my hand up the side of her body, part way to her breasts and stroking back down to start over again. Charlene was swooning as I roamed my hand over her prone body. She turned away, lying on her back as I...
We headed back to our compound and struck camp. Charlene emerged from our tent freshly changed. She was a vision with cut off camouflage fatigues, and boots. I instantly got a vision of Jill Valentine in camo as she stopped to show off her newest fashion. She had her 1911 strapped to her thigh and the Makarov on her chest while holding her Saiga-20 at the ready. A bandoleer across her chest filled with shotgun shells completed the image. I immediately thought that a couple of Colt Super...
"Jason, baby, I love what you are doing, but I need your cock! I need you to shove that fat, beautiful cock deep in my pussy! Please fuck me, darling, fuck me hard and deep and make me feel every inch of that sweet cock!" she whimpered.Even though I could have kept eating her juicy pussy for hours yet, I stood up, my smiling face smeared with her juices and I pulled her a bit closer to the edge of the desk.The old desk was at just the right height for me–it placed her pussy in the perfect...
MILFI had just stepped out of the house on my way downtown to pick up some things to make dinner. Just as I got halfway down the driveway, I looked over the four-foot-tall hedge separating my yard from the neighbors.In the next driveway stood Carol Young, looking at the old wooden office desk in the back of the rental truck parked in front of her garage."Hi, Miss Young! Been rummage sale shopping again, I see!" I called out, waving to her."Yes, I have! Say, Jason, could you give me a hand, please?"...
MILFA few years ago, they had been lovers, when they had met on one of Ryan’s leaves. Ryan had been in the Armed Forces for 15 years and had just come back to town for a longer than usual leave. He had been overseas and had earned some extra leave. He was a tall guy, 35 years old about 6’ 2”, with a short black military hair cut and deep brown eyes, which had shots of gold through them, depending on his mood. He had a very sharp face with a cleft in his chin. He was a very fit man, being very big...
Love StoriesA long, long time ago in a state far away... I had met this great girl, Charlene, over the summer. She was 5'3", blonde hair and was very sexy. After the story in Part 1, Charlene and I were inseparable. I was enjoying her company on every level I thought possible but was soon to learn there were many more levels to come. After our time at the County Fair, we continue our oral feast every time we could. Charlene wanted more but I was too naive (or stupid) to notice the signs. Then came the...
First TimeA long, long time ago in a state far away… I had met this great girl, Charlene, over the summer. She was 5’3′, blonde hair and was very sexy. After the story in Part 1, Charlene and I were inseparable. I was enjoying her company on every level I thought possible but was soon to learn there were many more levels to come. After our time at the County Fair, we continue our oral feast every time we could. Charlene wanted more but I was too naive (or stupid) to notice the signs. Then came the...
A long, long time ago in a state far away… I had met this great girl, Charlene, over the summer. She was 5’3′, blonde hair and was very sexy. However the thing that attracted me to her was that she made me feel so comfortable. I could be myself. No games, just relaxation and enjoyment anytime I was with her. She seemed interested in me. Although I was 20, I was still a virgin. I had made it to second base a couple of times but since I didn’t really fit in high school I mainly just drifted...
A long, long time ago in a state far away... I had met this great girl, Charlene, over the summer. She was 5'3", blonde hair and was very sexy. However the thing that attracted me to her was that she made me feel so comfortable. I could be myself. No games, just relaxation and enjoyment anytime I was with her. She seemed interested in me. Although I was 20, I was still a virgin. I had made it to second base a couple of times but since I didn't really fit in high school I mainly just drifted...
First TimeI met slut Charlene on the campus of UMW two years ago. She was a psych major and I was a poly-sci major. I was old enough to be her father but it did not seem to matter to the slut. We chatted a few times in the library late at night while studying at the individual booths. She always had that glow on her face. One night we were leaving the library at the same time, around two in the morning, it was in May towards finals. We were talking about stress so I asked her if she had a boyfriend and...
This story takes place in Charlotte, NC, because I've been to a few places there. While the places exist, the characters are completely fictional. If you have questions, comments, criticism, or just want to talk to someone, email me at [email protected] or [email protected] and I will write back as soon as I can. Enjoy! Clubbing By Allison Voorhees Darcie was giving me THAT LOOK again. I get worried when she gives me "the look". It usually means trouble....
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side-Story: Mary and Diane Go Clubbing Note: This takes place between Chapter 17 and 18 when Mary goes out with Diane. Takes place at the same time as The D&D Group Side-Story. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in a sleek, black dress that clung to my curves. It was low cut and a push up bra made my B Cup breasts look like C's. The skirt was short, and the tops of my black fishnets would peak out as I walked along with...
Note: This takes place between Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 when Mary goes out with Diane. Takes place at the same time as The D&D Group Side-Story. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in a sleek, black dress that clung to my curves. It was low cut and a push up bra made my B Cup breasts look like C's. The skirt was short, and the tops of my black fishnets would peak out as I walked along with the clasps of my black garter belt holding the stockings up. I wore gray eyeshadow, a...
I really hate to go clubbing, so I often decline the invitation to do so. It was my friend's birthday, though, so I had to go this time. I was so bored, so I sat at the bar all night long, until I encountered the most gorgeous woman I'd seen that night.I noticed how sexy she looked as she moved her hips around as if to be riding an imaginary dick. She was a mature lady, one could tell by the rest of the group she was with, but still had a great body. But, I never got a good look at her...
GONE CLUBBING by Throne I couldn't believe what Marva had done to me. The sexy Black girl, who had lured me to an afterhours club and then slipped a date rape drug into my drink, must have had access to those super hormones I've heard about, the ones that get sold to trannies on the street. They're fine for guys who want to be women, but she had given them to me, Dean Davis, a straight guy who just wanted to sample some Black pussy. I got off the cot, stood in the dimly lit room,...
Charlene is 24 years old, married to Tom for 2 years. She is a gorgeous olive skinned Italian girl. 34b-24-35 5’2” 120 lbs. Jet black hair and big brown eyes. Very sexy young lady. This story is about her and Tom’s best friend Mike. Mike stretched his legs out in front of him, aware that the bulge between his legs was clearly visible to the woman sitting on the sofa facing him. They were both pretending to watch TV, but Mike knew that she was watching the growing bulge in...
Charlene is 24 years old, married to Tom for 2 years. She is a gorgeous olive skinned Italian girl. 34b-24-35 5’2” 120 lbs. Jet black hair and big brown eyes. Very sexy young lady. This story is about her and Tom’s best friend Mike. Mike stretched his legs out in front of him, aware that the bulge between his legs was clearly visible to the woman sitting on the sofa facing him. They were both pretending to watch TV, but Mike knew that she was watching the...
Wife LoversMy mother and I attended an out of town family reunion last month. Dad couldn’t get away from work, so she and I traveled together. There were several hundred family members getting together, so our relatives’ houses were crammed to the walls with people, and we had to stay at a hotel downtown. Mom and I got adjoining rooms, with a little door connecting my room to hers. This was her first time away from dad in years and years, and so she was a little bit nervous about being alone and wanted...
I sat at my Vanity table getting ready to go out. Our family was dining with the Holisters that evening. I guess it was by way of apology. My Dad said it was to show everyone that Mr H supported me and Jake, as well as the Dean. I sat staring at my reflection in the mirror as though I were a stranger to myself. My mind far from my task. In a few short years I had put my step father in prison for raping me and taking my virginity, I had had Billy Dunnham and Curtis Flemming expelled from...
A few years ago, they had been lovers, when they had met on one of Ryan’s leaves. Ryan had been in the Armed Forces for 15 years and had just come back to town for a longer than usual leave. He had been overseas and had earned some extra leave. He was a tall guy, 35 years old about 6’ 2”, with a short black military hair cut and deep brown eyes, which had shots of gold through them, depending on his mood. He had a very sharp face with a cleft in his chin. He was a very fit man, being very...
Saturday night could not come fast enough as I could not wait to collar my sweet new 18-year-old fuck toy. At 10:30 there was a knock at the door and I opened it to see Victoria grinning ear to ear as she gave me a big hug and kiss. I have missed you so much Master she says as she walks in and begins to undress as usual. Do not undress at the door I told her as tonight is a special night. Please go change in the bedroom and I will be out here waiting for you. Victoria, looking confused goes to...
BDSM Clubbing Experience Once in the club you see a hatcheckgirl who is naked, she is taking The DOM/ME's jackets and the subs, likeyourself, coats. As it becomes your turn you feel your heart pounding as you are about Totake off your coat and you know what you are wearing under it. Your stomachhas butterflies and your legs feel somewhat weak. "Want me to help you with your jacket dear?" This breaks into your thoughts and automatically you take off your Jacketand accept the token from the...
I began growing long hair in college. I was now 26 yo. Even then some guys would call me boy.. Butt I was none of those names. Well I met this girl and we had alot of fun together and I thought that I was in love..Not much sex..We used to smoke MJ together in her all girl dorm then listen to music.We had intercourse a few times butt she liked me to eat her pussy. She called my cock her,"little man".She even laughed and said its too tiny.She jerked me off and even...
in the 90,s me and ann went clubbing every sunday like most we took recreational d**gs ecys which made you love everyone and later we would fuck like rabbits fantasising about certain people in our crowd then we would talk about it during the week until i said did she fancy trying to get someone as they probably thought the same as we were a good looking cple many of them would go for it she agreed and decided on certain ones but would say on the night out she was bi curiouse with some girls...
OMG last night was crazy!!!! One of my girl friends birthday wanted to go clubbing and begged me to go, since it was girls night out. So we got ready and I had on a black metallic party dress with a deep long V neck dress and long enough to cover my ass with a thong and no bar hehe. With black heels and shiny new earrings and I was set to go.We had a few shots before we head out. I was already tipsy from it. I don't have a very high alcohol tolerance, as soon as we got there the line was...
Warning: dickgirls, demons and magic make a strong appearance in this story. If that’s not something you’re after, then move along. † † † † † Charlene sighed as she sat at her desk, looking at the onscreen message from her father. She’d had plans to draw things out, to tease and have fun with Jardin, Debbie and Wanda but it was apparently not to be. Her father’s plans had moved faster than either of them had anticipated so they were calling a halt to their operation here and moving on. Her...
CHAPTER TWO The internet’s top three non-nude models, Jardin Découpage, Debbie Romani and Wanda Soldado, stood in front of a plain white backdrop in a photography studio, each wearing nothing except a tiny G-string. They held flags of their native countries in front of them, the French Tricolour for Jardin, the Union Jack for Debbie and the Stars and Stripes for Wanda, the cotton pulled tight across their big, expansive tits. In front of them, the photographer Reinhard clicked away while his...
One night we went out to a club in Sydney Anne was wearing a dress that zipped all the way down the front it could be unzipped from the bottom to show as much leg as wanted and down from the top to show as much cleavage as wanted quite sexy really. This night Anne chose to wear it with just stockings and suspenders beneath, the last time we had been to this particular club there had been some really good looking single guys that had danced with her and on the dark dance floor they had happily...
It was a strange night; first thing that was strange was that I was out of the house; the second was that I was in a club. Most nights you would find me sitting at home playing on my computer, tonight for some strange reason I had gone to a club.I looked over at my mate who was having a fun time with his girlfriend ?how did he talk me into this? I asked myself. I continued drinking the drink that was placed before me,I looked back towards where my mate was but he and his girlfriend had...
Lucy and Jo both worked at the same company. They had been there for about five years. Jo was employed after Lucy, but only by about six months. The two girls became good friends, and after about two years, they decided to move into a flat together After all, it would help with the bills and the wages were not great. The one thing the company did have was that they promoted from within, where ever and whenever possible.When they moved in together, they did, of course, have a lot of duplicate...
SpankingIt was Friday night, the end of a great week at work, and I felt like partying. I decided to go all out, hit some of the top clubs, and see if maybe I would wake up to the sound of someone making me breakfast after a night of horizontal mattress dancing. I rummaged through my closet and found the top I had never had the courage to wear before. It was silver, metallic and shimmery, although there really wasn't much of it—it was basically a small triangle of fabric. It had one tiny strap that...
“You are invited,” the embossed, gold-edged card decreed in large black letters, “to a celebration of kink. The new Kink Collection of leatherwear, rubberwear, and restraints will be shown alongside party, play and dance at the Viaduct Club.” Allison turned the card over. It had the date and time and the words, “Dress Code: Tops – Leather / Rubber / Uniform / Fetish / Vintage. Bottoms – whatever the Top decrees.” Allison smiled. That was only as it ought to be, of course. Clipped to the...
I'm getting ready for a night on the town. My hair is done and my outfit picked out. Black tank with a smattering of silver sequins; a black choker necklace with a silver charm of a moon; a short black skirt and thick black high heels with a silver buckle. In keeping with the theme I put on a silver thong and a matching silver bra. I was looking in the mirror, admiring how the outfit enhanced my curves and trying to visualize make up when my phone vibrated. It's a message from you, asking about...
Quickie SexI SHOWED UP for the charity tennis tournament right on time. Every seat was filled, but with Alejandra’s invitation I was in one of the VIP boxes high in the stands. Groundskeepers were finishing their grooming of the scuffed red clay as I found the party. “Michael!” Alejandra waved when I entered a “box” the size of my apartment living room, and rose to greet me with a hug and kisses on both cheeks. I held her at arms length afterwards and looked her up and down. “You look fantastic,...
CHAPTER ONE ‘Merde!’ Jardin Découpage swore, hitting the End Call button on her phone and fighting the urge to fling it across her hotel room. She stared out of the window at the New York skyline and wondered what she was going to do next. The call had been from her lawyer and had not brought good news. Her entire business – – the website, the modelling, her appearances on main stream TV – – was all ruined thanks to the financial dealings of her now ex-manager (and ex-boyfriend into the...
‘Wow. You two look fantastic.’ Jardin Découpage and Debbie Romani turned to the speaker, both of them smiling when they saw their agent’s daughter and fellow model, Charlene Nicholson stood in the doorway, her hands behind her back. Though she wore a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt, she still managed to exude a raw sexuality that the two models couldn’t help being attracted to. Though neither of them – – nor their friend and co-model Wanda Soldado – – had admitted it to anyone, each of them...
The beat was very intense. It throbbed like a living thing and mesmerized the dancers. The people just swayed and moved to it, like a snake when the charmer plays the flute. They looked like a huge throng of people fucking in their clothes as Amy watched them. She could feel the sexuality, the pure animal lust that flowed from person to person on the dance floor. She had her hand on Bill's leg. Just an innocent place to lay it as they watched the people dance below them. Soon...
I’m getting ready for a night on the town. My hair is done and my outfit picked out. Black tank with a smattering of silver sequins, a black choker necklace with a silver charm of a moon, a short black skirt and thick black high heels with a silver buckle. In keeping with the theme I put on a silver thong and a matching silver bra. I was looking in the mirror, admiring how the outfit enhanced my curves and trying to visualize make up when my phone vibrated. It’s a message from you, asking...
I took the ferry to Airlie my first weekend off the Island. My mum had relatives in Airlie, and our uncle had rented us their old house just on the back of the main tourist area of Airlie. The place was run down but clean. It was also in a great spot in that my brother Ryan only had to walk down the hill for about a klick to get to where he worked. The fact we didn’t own a car wasn’t such a hardship, but it could get annoying. Most of everything else we needed was also within a reasonable...
The nightclub has no name, but its the hottest spot around. Getting in isn't easy, but once there, patrons can find anything they desire.
Charlene's Daddy - A Cautionary Tale -- His story, told to LO. Your really have to believe me. I never wanted to become involved in such an illicit relationship. I know that you are going to say: "You were the adult. You should have prevented this from happening!" OK, I accept your judgment; I am truly a worthless piece of trash... but at least one person loves me... You know who she is. My daughter's name is Charlene, and this story began when she was fourteen. Charlene was young and innocent...
IncestCharlene was dressed like a high-school girl, and a prudish one at that - white blouse buttoned up to her neck and tucked into a pleated gray skirt that came down almost to her knees. Not that the skirt length made much difference with her legs being totally covered by white stockings.Tommy wasn’t even sure he wanted to admit knowing her. And such a shame too, he thought. Charlene was a pretty girl – not too short and not too tall, petite, but shapely, blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and...
College SexCharlene was dressed like a high-school girl, and a prudish one at that - white blouse buttoned up to her neck and tucked into a pleated gray skirt that came down almost to her knees. Not that the skirt length made much difference with her legs being totally covered by white stockings.Tommy wasn’t even sure he wanted to admit knowing her. And such a shame too, he thought. Charlene was a pretty girl – not too short and not too tall, petite, but shapely, blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and...
College SexShe had been taller than the other kids in her class all through grammar school and into high school. Charlene had resented her size. None of the boys wanted anything to do with her except when they let the girls play softball or basketball. Charlene always ended up sitting alone at the parties while the other kids danced. When she entered junior high school it became worse. As the girls all began developing bodies that curved and teased, her tits swelled out enormously. She appeared even...
The new stud couldn't keep his eyes off the blonde. Every time Kathy came into the front of the studio he gaped at her. Charlene lounged voluptuously in her chair and watched the scene. She had come to the studio early, hoping to get a chance to talk with the boy. After all they would be fucking regularly in front of John Roberts' camera. The brunette had done her part. She had shown up this afternoon and attempted to engage Greg Reeves in conversation. It hadn't worked. The boy had been...
‘Good Lord, Wanda,’ Debbie Romani said, ‘they look amazing.’ ‘Oui, ils sont incroyables,’ Jardin Découpage agreed. Wanda Soldado, their friend and until recently fellow non-nude model, stood in front of them holding her blouse open. Her once all-natural tits had been enhanced at the suggestion of their agent, Damian Nicholson, and she now proudly showed off the result: two gorgeous, round fake tits that were bigger than her originals, bringing her up to the same size and shape as those of...
"What did you expect?" Charlene asked as he gaped at her voluptuous tits. The brunette arched her back and thrust her breasts toward him while he attempted to regain his composure. Inside, she was silently pleading with him. Don't lose that hard- on, she begged. Even if I have taken off my blouse and shown you my tits, don't lose that bone. "I... I... I really didn't imagine they could be... so... so... so huge!" he stammered. "You should have," she laughed. "I've been rubbing...
"Damn!" he grinned, looking lazily over her flowing curves. "Damn, if you didn't keep on growing. What a set of tits! Come on, baby! Get your clothes off and show me just how sexy you are!" Charley looked over her old lover. So this was Raymond Brock today! He had sure let himself go to pot! He had put on at least another hundred pounds, most of it around his middle. He'd always been big, but now he was fat in addition. The girl shuddered at his leering face and began slowly complying...
"Ready for the big scene?" The big, sexy brunette stood lazily beside the water cooler. Her luscious body was tightly clothed in black pants and a tight black sweater. She wasn't wearing a bra, her huge tits clearly molded by the stretching fabric of her blouse, her nipples as visible as if she had been standing there completely naked. She stretched and thrust her tits out more invitingly. A sensuous smile played across her lips, yet her eyes remained cool and calm. She watched the young...
"Shall we go ahead now?" Greg asked Charlene. "We can get in a few good tosses, then let Mr. Roberts catch up with the action as soon as he reloads the camera." "The hell you will!" Roberts snorted. "You can fuck her twenty-five times as far as I'm concerned. But I want every one of them on film!" Charlene was impatient to get into the next sequence. She wanted to feel that magnificent cock shoving into her pussy. Damn! How she wanted to get herself wrapped around that hunk of...