Charlene Ch. 03 free porn video

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I sat at my Vanity table getting ready to go out. Our family was dining with the Holisters that evening. I guess it was by way of apology. My Dad said it was to show everyone that Mr H supported me and Jake, as well as the Dean.

I sat staring at my reflection in the mirror as though I were a stranger to myself. My mind far from my task.

In a few short years I had put my step father in prison for raping me and taking my virginity, I had had Billy Dunnham and Curtis Flemming expelled from Harvard for attacking and raping me. The jury was still out on the verdict. But tonight wasn’t about that. It was about showing solidarity and I had a part to play in this class act. Like it or not.

I put my heavy hair up in ringlets and clips. It looked young and flirty. My white gown was layers of shear floating gauze that became opaque from the vast number of layers. It clipped at the breast with a gold clasp creating an empire waist effect, showing my figure to best advantage. The fabric flowing gracefully to my feet and swirling around my heels just peeking out at the bottom. I looked youthful, sexy and incredibly beautiful.

I knew I looked the way I was expected to on the outside but I was trembling almost uncontrollably as I applied very little make up on my face. Mascara and sheer lipgloss. Light perfume. No jewelry.

I didn’t want to go out, I didn’t want to dress up, I didn’t want to look sexy. I wanted to disappear into my own skin. As I appeared in the living room my parents faces lit up. They were pleased with my choice.

Our arrival was announced. As Mr H rose to greet us his shock was evident. His face cleared and he greeted my parents. Kissed both Moms cheeks, shook Dads hand.

His eyes fell to me. I could see desire in his eyes but there was no lust. Just open acknowledgement of seeing a beautiful woman. I felt admired and beautiful. It was very nice. He kissed my hands and put an arm around my waist. ‘let’s meet everyone shall we?’ I couldn’t help it. I tensed up at the intimate touch.

The evening was long but turned out to be enjoyable. I was well insulated from the dirty looks the wives and older daughters threw my way by Mr H and his wife, my parents and Jake. Mr H had invited jake too and made him my dinner partner! With Jakes help I was comfortable and relaxed the entire night.

Unknown to me this made me glow with beauty and confidence. Mr H’s son Luke was on one side of me and Jake the other. Before we left Luke stood aside with my father and his. He asked permission to court me. Both our fathers came over looking very pleased! Luke said goodbye to me and asked if he could take me out Friday night. I could tell by my dads face that he wanted me to say yes.

I did not hear from Jake for several days. My date with Luke came and went and still no Jake. I caught glimpses of him but he did not approach or text me. Saturday I went looking.

I finally found him clearing tables at the student bar called the Hub. I touched his arm and he turned to stare down at me. He didn’t say a single word. Just looked at me without any expression.

I began to feel nervous. I asked if I could talk to him when he was done his shift. He simply nodded. No one spoke for a minute. I was starting to feel like a freak when his boss yelled for him. He said ‘ I will pick you up from your dorm when I’m done.’ then he just walked away. I felt tears well up but I walked away quick.

I was in my room dreading his arrival when the knock came. I looked out and opened the door to let him in. He just leaned on the door frame staring down at me with those huge sexy eyes. I noticed they changed shades of grey with emotion. They were very dark right now!

I started to feel flustered. My voice sounded breathless when I asked him to come in. He just kept staring. Finally he held out his hand and said ‘let’s walk.’ His deep sexy voice vibrating in my most feminine places!

I grabbed my keys, sweater and wallet, took his hand and left.

We walked until we were near a secluded part of campus. Park like in it’s quiet beauty. Large trees, benches and thick grass. Bountiful manicured flower pots hung from light posts and beds dotted the path that cut through the gently rolling ground, winding out of sight. The beauty of the old buildings peeking out here and there.

I loved the architect and feel of the school. We sat under a tree much further from the path than I ever would have sat if I were alone. I felt totally safe with Jake and sat close to him. He looked like he felt kinda awkward for a minute until I touched his arm. Then he smiled at me and I lost all my breath.

He was so sexy and large. He towered over me at 6’4. I was a big girl but i felt dainty beside him. I really liked his protective streak but I also loved the time we had spent together as well. He was quiet and restful like me. I really wanted to get to know him better.

Jake took my hand and started rubbing his thumb absently over mine. His eyes just kept looking at me but he never spoke. It was like he was content to just look at my face forever.

I started to feel a warmth bubbling in my tummy. I could feel a blush spreading over my face and neck. Jake just smiled.

I finally started to just talk. I told him about how safe I felt with him. I shared about how much I liked our time together. I shared with him my gratitude for saving me and protecting me without concern for the cost to him. How warm being with him made me feel. He just watched my mouth move and held my hand. I talked for at least half an hour and finally just fell silent.

My mind was racing like crazy! What was he thinking?! I just poured my guts out and he never said one word. He barely blinked. If it weren’t for his thumb moving I might have thought he was asleep. That and the way his eyes watched every move my lips made! It was very sensual and I felt flustered. Heated and excited in a strange way.

Then, ever so slowly, Jake pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. My heart was pounding out of my chest! His arms came around me slow and gently pulled me in so close I could feel every muscle in his upper body.

My nipples peaked hard as desire raced up from my belly. His large hands spread over my back and up into my hair. His kiss got deeper and more intense as I opened my mouth to receive his tongue. He ran his tongue along mine and I felt my body respond. Wetting my panties and pebbling my nipples incredibly harder. I wanted to rub my body all over his.

I sucked his tongue in and he moaned. Then I suckled it and He pulled away. I whimpered. He pulled my head down and cradled it to his chest. His heart was pounding out of his rib cage. I burrowed in closer and sighed.

I felt incredible and incredibly safe. I could believe how my body was responding to Jake and his gentle onslaught. Miraculously I wasn’t repulsed or upset by Jakes kiss. In fact, I was turned on, despite all I had been through. I was a little unsettled by that.

Jakes hands rubbed me gently up and down my back and legs. His lips nuzzling and kissing my neck and ears. I was exploding with new sensations everywhere all over my body. It felt like electrical currents were running through my blood and pooling in between my legs!

‘Jake… What’s happening to me?’

‘I don’t know,’ He whispered ‘but I hope it’s the same thing that’s happening to me!’ Was all he said.

We cuddled for another half hour or so kissing on and off. Every time it got real heavy Jake would pull away and snuggle me. My body was on fire and my panties were soaked. I was afraid I was the only one but when we were getting up to go I accidentally pressed up against his erection with my side. It was huge and hard! Bigger than I thought a man could be!

I just looked at him. His face got all red and I felt myself relax. He was just like me… Shy! I could feel more than my heart melting.

He walked me bac
k to my dorm but wouldn’t come in. Instead he turned me in his arms and leaned his back against the wall. He kissed me deep and passionately. Such intense feelings were racing all over my body. I couldn’t help my self I started rubbing myself against him.

Against his hardness and my nipples against his huge pecs! He was shaking and gasping as he turned me quick, opened my door, kissed my lips quick and left. Every part of me was dazed and vibrating.

His text came through as I was climbing into bed. He wanted to see me tomorrow. I fell on my bed sighing ‘YES’!!

Sunday morning at 10 am he knocked on the door. I was still alone as Clara hadn’t been there since Friday morning. Jake came in while I grabbed my things. He pulled the door closed as his arm came around me. Leaning on my door he pulled me into him. I thought he would kiss me but he just held my chin. His other arm came around me, pulling me close. I was on my toes with my head tilted up and he just rubbed his thumb along my jaw and stared into my eyes. My heart skipped and started to pound… Hard! It felt so romantic.

I thought he wouldn’t speak but his lips came so close our noses touched. His eyes closed and he whispered against my lips. ‘will you go out with me’? He waited… Hovering. My yes was not fully spoken when his mouth devoured mine!

My heart was singing! My body was melting…

We walked to his car. I don’t know how he was able to his erection was so massive and hard. I know because it was pressed into my tummy so delightfully not three minutes ago!

I was wet again and a little confused. I wanted to talk to my mother about it but I was so embarrassed! Every man that had ever touched me had repulsed me and made me cringe. No response, no heat, no pleasure. Jake just had to stare in my eyes and my panties started to get moist! I didn’t understand what was happening to me.

Jake never once let go of my hand. When we slowed in front of a tiny house I looked at him. He just got out and came around to open my door. Holding my hand he walked right in. We wandered all around until we got to the back door.

There was a tiny old man sunk down in a chair almost lifeless. Jake let me go and hunched down in front of the man. They talked quietly for a few minutes. Then Jake introduced us. I was so deeply touched that he wanted me to know his only family!

I helped Jake make lunch. We had a great time with his grandfather. He had tons of stories to tell about Jake. His childhood, his parents, even his pets over the years. When we left him napping I felt like I knew Jake very well.

Our summer together was the most incredible time of my life. We spent all our spare time together. Since we both worked it wasn’t as much time as we wanted but we took Eric and Nina with us sometimes so that we could still hang out when I had to babysit.

By the time our last year at Harvard had rolled by I was irrevocably in love with Jake and I knew he felt the same. The entire year flew by in his arms. His incredible lips were on mine every chance they got. I was almost out of my mind with wanting and I knew he was struggling to wait too.

Everyone on campus knew we were an item. This year the love sic tide of followers never came. Jakes size and glare was enough to dry up any amorous feelings that threatened to rise up in every guy on campus.

If there were any that did feel it I never found out about it! It was simply a perfect year. I was deliriously happy and Jake, my sweet, hot, protective boyfriend was the reason.

Graduation brought major change into my life. My parents were so proud of me. They glowed with pride! They arranged for Andrea to be there as a surprise. I cried all over her. Jake finally pulled me off her so he could hug her too. It was a perfect day that ended just as wonderfully.

Jake took me out after the family BBQ. By the time we got to the after party we were hot, rumpled, very bothered and engaged. He told me he had already asked my dad so if I wanted to marry him I could. It took me 20 minutes to stop crying long enough to say yes!

After that it was hours of blissful exploration. Jake roared as he finally dragged his mouth off mine and put some space between us. He was hard as steel and crazy with desire. But, no matter what I tried he was determined to wait. Even swallowing his entire erection as I hummed with it deep in my throat didn’t make him change his mind! But it was close.

The next couple years were hard on me. I left the state for my graduate studies. Jake and I wrote, text and video chatted as often as we could. He came to visit every chance he could. Usually once a week or every other. We missed each other like crazy.

He worked as much as they would give him. He wanted to marry me the day after graduation. He wasn’t gonna hear no from me!

My Mother came to live near me at the end of my first year. Dave had broke the door down and actually beat and raped my mother. We held each other and cried. I felt so guilty for leaving her there!

Mr O paid for her to see my therapist and my Mother started to put her shattered world back together. Dave did time for Her assault. I think the judge added a bit of time for the bruises the covered her face but that’s just my belief.

My Mother left him while he was in prison. She filed for divorce and was awarded the house. She sold it and bought a small condo. Then she was diagnosed. Aggressive melanoma.

Jake took time off and we sold Mothers condo and most of her furniture. We moved her and Andrea to Jakes grandfathers house.

Between Jake and his Grandfather, they cared for them both while I struggled to get through on my own.

I did graduate, with Honors no less. But my spark was seriously low. Without Jake I was lonely. Guys hit on me continually and even a Professor or two. I was stressed out most of the time.

I still found dealing with aggressive sexual advances difficult because of my past. I cried a lot. Jake was in constant turmoil. He hated leaving me.

The only conciliation I had was that Andy was safe, my Mother was safe and Mom and Dad gave me a ton of love and support.

I had a great little place across from the campus. A professor and his wife were going on sabbatical for a year and needed a house sitter. The Dean put in a word for me. I was getting paid very well by the school to live in the house rent free. It was a sweet deal.

They decided during the break to extend their sabbatical to the five year limit so I was good till graduation. After that the ‘good fortune’ torch would pass to another lucky student.

Last week I graduated. I married in a small ceremony two days ago. My sister was my flower girl. My Dad, Mr O, gave me away. Mrs O helped my mother as they shared the honor of Mother of the Bride. Mr H stood as Jakes best man and several of his college friends sat as his family.

His grandfather had already left us to join his sweet Mary on the other side earlier in the year. Jake had cried in my arms all night. I held him close and whispered my love to him until he slept.

After our wedding we had a big reception with lots of love and laughter. Many wonderful toasts to our happy future and many silly ones too.

Jake and I dance together all night. Every dance but one. Mr O swirled me around the floor busting with pride for our Father/ Daughter dance.

His whispered words of love washing over me and misting my eyes. His sweet gentle kiss on my forehead as he passed me to my husbands waiting arms tugged at my heart. I loved my family fiercely!

My mother died that night. Jake and I postponed the two month private island resort honeymoon that Mr H gave us as his ‘first’ wedding present to deal with her funeral.

Andy cried for the mother she lost and never really had. I cried for Andy.

Mom and Dad had bought us a house as our wedding gift. Near theirs of course but in a less aff
luent neighborhood. They didn’t want us to be dependent on anyone to be able to keep their gift.

I applied for and obtained custody of Andy. I was proud to raise her as my own. Jake fully agreed. He took his role as older brother seriously and was very protective of Eric, Nina and Andy!

My graduation gift was a small cottage on Martha’s Vineyard. Mom and Dad had also given me a beautiful letter outlining their will and their love for me. Making me guardian of their children and heir in the event of their death with minor children. If they died while Eric and Nina were adults their assets would be split three ways.

I cried a lot that day. To be loved so deeply was the greatest gift I could have received. Dad pulled Jake aside and told him he could only give me away because he knew Jake loved me more then he did. That he would protect and provide for me with everything he had in him. Jake, being Jake, just nodded and shook hands. He already knew I was his and no one would ever harm me.

Mr H’s second wedding present was a substantial financial gift intended to kick start Jakes business. I watched as Jake struggled with his emotions. He was alone now except for me and it was humbling to receive so much love and support.

Mr H genuinely liked Jake and admired his drive and character. I think he saw a lot of himself in Jake and probably wished he saw more of Jake in his pampered son.

Our first night together was perfect. Despite my mothers death, or maybe because of it, I was determined to put the pain and insecurity of my past away. I had never made love. Others had used me and taken their fill but that was just intercourse.

Jake found out I wanted to wait to make love to my one true love the night he rescued me and he wanted to wait too.

Many times I pushed him mercilessly to take me and make love to me but no matter how hard I pushed he refused to budge!

That’s not to say that we didn’t explore! Jake did some things to me that made me crazy and desperate for more. I tortured him too.

As our moment together approached I realized that all the desperate desire, the beautiful torturous exploration, the slow steady building of want had taken away my fear of penetration. I was ready to give myself to Jake with eager anticipation.

We came together with explosive passion. From the moment Jake pulled me into his arms to the moment we fell exhausted together hours later Jake devoured me with all consuming passion!

His mouth kissed and suckled me everywhere. His tongue licked and tasted every part of me. No place lacked for his microscopic attention.

From the moment he penetrated me he murmured continual sweet words filled with love and passion. Every thrust taking him deeper. Bringing his love deeper till I was delirious with sensation and gushing in climax after climax. My words of love almost incoherent.

But oh how I paid him back! My mouth and tongue had become quite skilled during our make out sessions. It didn’t take me long to figure out how to add the torture of strokes with my hands, mouth and hmmm…body to my list of skills.

For all his smooth talk and roars of passion…My new husband whimpers when he can’t take anymore!

Today as I write this I am pledging to myself to hold on to my new life. To keep this open intimacy and love with Jake.

We are young now and may face many more heartaches but like Grandpa Joe and his love Mary, we can get through this life together, strong and in love to the end.

I am pledging to value my family and keep our relationships alive. To thrive together and fight for those who slip into mere existence. To protect the gift and give it to others.

My name is Charlie.

Today I am burying my Mother and with her the pain of my past.

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I love going to Porn Theatres and sitting in the back row a fews seats from the corner. I wait for a Hot Scene and then look around to see who is aroused-who is touching their cocks or who is Brave enough and Hot enough to take it out and slowly stroke it. I was next to an older man who looked like a Banker type- probably about 60 or so- wire rim glasses-typical Banker Look. He pulled his zipper down on a scene where a white girl was on her knees waiting to suck 3 hung black dudes. I love...

3 years ago
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2010Mysterious Rendevouz

Introduction: This is a true story, which took place a couple of years ago when my mindset was still in a very dark period. During this time I used a local website to pick or be picked up for instant no questions asked sex. The site was full of every twisted pervert you can mention, you just prayed you could avoid them. Yes it was a very dangerous place to contact, but if you needed an instant fuck fix like I usually did there was no other place. You had only a couple of minutes to chat on line...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Nikki Delano Busty Nikki Delano gets massaged and fucked deep by her new BBC employee

Nikki Delano has to interview a possible new massage therapist today and she needs to make sure he knows what kind of massage her clients expect. He’s a strong muscular BBC so that’s a good start but she needs more. She gets naked to make sure he can handle the usual business. He takes a little prodding to touch her in the places she wants, but once he does he’s a natural, and she tells him he should just get naked too. When she finally gets him to touch her pussy, all bets are off. He ends up...

4 years ago
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Jeden Monat

Oh man heute sind die Kr?mpfe aber wieder stark ... Jetzt ist es schon f?nf Jahre her seit diesem morgen als ich eine echte Frau geworden bin und ich liebe es durch und durch weiblich zu sein und genie?e jeden Moment eine echte Frau zu sein ... aber dieses PMS ist wirklich sch.... Jedes Mal wenn ich meine Tage bekomme denke ich an jenen Morgen zur?ck ... und dieses unbeschreibliche Gl?cksgef?hl das ich empfand als ich merkte das ich nun wirklich einen Frauenk?rper habe ... und schon l?ss...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Kali Roses Sweet Peach BBC BJ

Strutting into the mansion in some short jean shorts and a tight peach top, her ass looks banging from the couch as each cheek swishes up and down, left and right. Looks like this gentleman’s girlfriend is no longer in the picture. Enter Kali and her juicy behind. She has a few ideas of how to make this tall dark and handsome man forget all about his crazy ex. First, she asks him to pull out his big fat cock so she can take a good look at it. When he whips out his BBC for her to take a nice...

4 years ago
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On the Prowl 2

I had to make another errand run to the part of town that has the adult shops. I was getting the urge to suck and swallow so I decided I see i what I could find. I headed over to Sandy Springs after my morning workout and as was the case last time, I arrived around 10:45am and there were very few cars in the parking lot. I parked my car and entered the store .. went to the desk and purchase my mandatory $5 worth of tokens. I entered the darkened booth area. The booths at this shop are big with...

2 years ago
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Obsessed with Older Men

THIS IS MY STORY. I found it sexy and wanted to share it.I knew early on that I was different from the other guys. While they always talked about tits and pussy, I wanted something different. Something I couldn't talk about. Internet porn was just getting big then, and like a lot of boys, I would surf some XXX rated sites when my parents weren't around. Unlike the others, I was more interested in the big cocks than the big tits. This wasn't something I wanted everybody to know. It was tough...

2 years ago
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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 8

Chapter 8The Cruise Part 2Daniel and his entourage were seated in the main dining area and were enjoying a light lunch of salads and steamed sea food. The conversation was light and relaxing when the ship's Captain stopped by and greeted the group especially Terri as he knew her from a previous cruise. While chatting to the group Captain Connors took particular notice of the young Italian boy as he conversed with the foursome at the table. Daniel smiled and displayed his effeminate boyish look...

1 year ago
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Sheetal the prostitute

Sheetal and had opened up a part of me I never really admitted I had. My life with my wife Rupali was your typical, wholesome life. We loved each other and our infant son. We shared household chores. I worked hard and provided for the family while she stayed at home and took care of the house and our son. Despite our hectic lives we made love to each other a couple of times a week and maintained a healthy sex life. Nothing had changed there, but now Sheetal had added another more devious...

3 years ago
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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 15

Danny knocked on the frame of the office door, while looking at the man who was wearing an extremely expensive suit. He was seated behind a very fancy looking desk. The man looked up at Danny, taking in his age and informal clothes. He frowned wondering if the kid was some secretary’s kid who was up here for the day selling band candy. He asked, “Can I help you?” “Are you Dr. Moore?” “I’m Mr. Moore.” “I’m Danny Markem.” Mr. Moore glanced down at his appointment book and saw that he had...

1 year ago
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KxB Idyll 1 tumble

I’ll be presenting a few Idylls here and there showing scenes and stories of the beginning of Keyes and Bree's relationship.. Lightening shot up his spine. It was like every cell in his body was turned to light. The laugh wafted through the air again and he immediately turned in the direction of the intoxicating sound. Before he knew it, he was walking. Just two aisles over, near the back wall, in the huge bookstore. There was giggling now. When he stepped around the corner, he saw her, a girl....

Love Stories
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Edward Pickman Derbys Tale

Edward Pickman Derby's Tale By Legion Many I My name is Edward Derby and I am dead. My body is in the sanatorium at Arkham but I am not there. I was a man of letters and education. I had published a book of poems called Azathoth and Other Horrors in my eighteenth year and it did get much praise. But for a sheltered upbringing I might have been a great man indeed. Alas I was overnurtured and being so coddled as a child and through to adulthood, it was given dominion and...

4 years ago
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Rosie Part 4 I woke the next morning with a series of unusual sensations. I had slept on a shaggy rug in a silky garment designed to stimulate and torment me. My skin felt as if it were new, smooth and highly sensitive. My bed was occupied by two beautiful young ladies who had spent the night in a passionate embrace, and lay now asleep, entangled and spent. My erection, which had persisted through the night, was trapped in a silken cage, while my back passage was penetrated by a...

2 years ago
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The Cane Miss Bush and Me Part 2

Four full days had passed since my caning from Miss Bush, and four full days had passed since I had last masturbated. This was without doubt my longest period of abstinence since I had discovered the pleasures of this immensely pleasurable, yet sometimes frowned upon, pastime. Being caned naked by a beautiful woman was embarrassing enough in itself, but somehow I seemed to have the fortitude to overcome that. My dear old grandmother often used the expression 'What goes around comes around,' and...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 25

A little later, they all sat at the large kitchen table, coffee or soft drinks in front of everyone. "Okay," Jeff said as he put his cup down. "Then we're all agreed that we are going to try having a teacher come in. I don't know exactly how it will work, but if we get any responses from the ad, hopefully the teacher will know how to set up everything. Otherwise, they would probably be the wrong person, anyway. I think we will have to have some interaction, somehow, with the local...

2 years ago
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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Cumming of AgeChapter 6

“I think mom really wants to jump your bones,” Becky joked before we were off her front porch. She was walking in front of me, and I was holding her leash. She was naked except for her chastity belt and dog collar. Becky didn’t even have shoes on. It was a nice day, but it looked like it might rain later. I ignored her comment and asked her if she was allowed to talk. “If I don’t, then it will make for a really boring two hours. If you want me to shut up, just stick something in my mouth,...

4 years ago
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Fear comes in many levels and forms, but there is one uniquely terrifying format it takes, the fear of what is within one’s self. It’s a thinking being’s fear, some might say, a fear borne of being self-aware to a detrimental degree. Once you know what you’re capable of, there’s no way of unknowing that little bit of information And at that moment, if you discover you’re able to do something darker than you had prior thought yourself possible of even processing let alone acting upon, you’re...

2 years ago
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Teenage Predator or Teenage Prostitute

I Went to a party a while back in a private house in one of the suburbs. City called Cutler Ridge, in south Miami, not too far from the top of The Keys. Lot of expensive homes there. I'm dressed nicely. Conservatively, as always. Cute little mini skirt, short enough to be a little sexy, especially when I'm sitting and the skirt is riding up my thighs but not so short as to look slutty. I picked out a fashionable, yet low cut top to compliment the skirt. My hair is pulled back in my usual...

3 years ago
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First Time Fun With a Red Head

I was in between marriages and I was pretty much a slut puppy. I partied a lot and I had one goal in mind and that was to get laid. One Friday night I met up with a fiery red head. She was hot looking and had one of the best asses I had ever seen in a pair of jeans. We danced and drank the night away. We kissed each other every chance we could. When we slow danced it was one continuous kiss. When it came to closing time, she invited me to her place the next night after she got off work from a...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Holiday Love Part 4

Daddy laid me on my back, his hands moving slowly over my bare legs, right up to my pussy. His lips were soft, but passionate against mine. He took a breath as he gazed deep into my eyes. The pure need for me had now gone, it was like he had become calm since carrying me into our dimly lit hotel room. “I want to show you that I love you, I want you to experience more love than ever tonight.” I smiled up at him, “I know you love me Daddy.” “Turn over baby.” I did as he said, he pulled down the...

2 years ago
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Part 01 Lance Matters of the Heart

Our story began the summer before our Sophomore year in High School. We grew up together. We lived in a small town in West Virginia known as Montgomery Town, named after the family that lived there years ago. Part of the family still exists today. * I was in my room writing when my cellphone rang. I picked up the receiver. ‘Hello?’ ‘Are you coming up? It was Billy. Um . . . yes, I told him. I’m on my way. Okay, he followed and we hung up. I slipped on my boots and headed for the door....

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A gift from my uncle

He started touching me when I was a young. At first it was just “accidental” touching while we played at the beach or wrestled in the living room. A grope of the behind here, a slight touch of the chest there. The first time I was really sure that he meant to touch me was during a car ride home from a family wedding. There wasn’t enough room in the car, I was 14 and they told my sister and I that we had to sit on peoples laps on the way home. My sister sat in the front with my mom, and I sat...

1 year ago
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DianneChapter 9 Best of Both Worlds

This is a work of fanfiction. The author, Antidarius, does not claim ownership of any characters or titles mentioned that are the existing property of other entities. D.I.A.N.N.E. P: 49 - M: 51 - S: 39 --Thursday, 4th June, 1999-- “So here we are,” I said awkwardly, stirring the foam on my cappuccino with one of those little wooden sticks they give you instead of a spoon at some cafes. Why did they do that anyway? What was wrong with a spoon? Melinda sat across from me, stirring her...

2 years ago
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Intro to Sissies XXII

Joan Phillips saw a tear fall from Mistress Satin's eye, even as her song faded and the lights dimmed and the doors opened and the noise from the street and the men that had been waiting, entered. They met eyes, briefly, and then Mistress Satin looked away, walking off the stage, looking tired, vulnerable. He wanted to go to her and comfort her, but he was beneath her station, the pecking order; she was like a colonel, while he was but a private. He grimaced. I am in the sissy army, he...

1 year ago
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StayHomePOV Aften Opal Breaking Her Rules

My roommate, Aften Opal, has been getting more and more bugged out about this whole lockdown thing the longer we stay home together. I mean, she’s making me social distance with even when we’re at home! But as she gets hornier and hornier, she’s willing to break some of her own rules to get the pleasure she needs. She yanks out my cock and disinfects me, sucking my dick with a condom on. She rides me and moans like a wild woman. But after a while, she wants to feel my cock inside her pussy...

2 years ago
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Fucking The Wife Who Doesnt Like SexChapter 2

It's 10 years later and Catherine and Carl have been fucking on a weekly basis for almost 8 years now. Catherine just doesn't realize it. Catherine sat on the bed, well actually reclined in the middle of the bed. She was naked and stroking a shaved cucumber in and out of her pussy. She'd done this now for 3 months and she enjoyed each session. Not only was she having fun, but she was totally alone in the house. Carl was on a business trip and wouldn't be back for another 3 days. In the...

4 years ago
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Sex games 14

Carol and I have always enjoyed our sex games, from the very first one where she slow danced naked in a pool with a friend named Tom, to our wild times at the cottage.  There were three essential ingredients exhibitionism, voyeurism and rampant uninhibited sexuality to our love story.  From the very beginning when Carol started flashing her underwear at me in work, bowling in a mini skirt and an open armed T shirt, sitting at Hi Top tables without panties, I wanted this woman.  We had a torrid...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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I meet Alex Part 5 final

The following morning we were awakened by Graham who struggled to bring us a cup of tea in bed. “I do like this hotel” said Alex, “Room service at no extra charge”. “Just trying to say thanks for last night” said Graham. “So you enjoyed it” said Alex and I added “And you’ve no regrets”? “Oh I enjoyed it but I’m wondering if I owe you two guys an apology”. “What on earth for” said Alex. Graham replied “well you two guys are obviously a bit of an item and I’m muscling in on what you’ve got...

2 years ago
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The Education of Frank

Updated: September 18, 2004 I must have fallen asleep because suddenly it was very hard to swallow and my mouth was quite dry. Then I became aware of the rolling thunder of the storm along with the gusts of wind that was shaking the house. It made me wonder how I had ever managed to fall asleep in the first place. I could feel a thin sheen of perspiration covering my entire body as I lay there, still half asleep and trying to go back to sleep between the bursts of thunder. So I started...

1 year ago
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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 17 Aftermath

Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent was furious, but even in her fury she radiated a regalness to be admired. .”I have never been so humiliated in all my life,” she said, her bosom heaving with anger. “There will be no more Loyal Addresses. I refuse to be placed in such an embarrassing situation again.” Sir John began, “But your Royal High...” She quelled him with an icy glare, which she then turned on me. “I blame you, Sir Elijah, for placing me in the demeaning position of having to...

4 years ago
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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Five

"I Am Who I Am" 1 Lady Ann woke up feeling extremely grumpy. She'd just had what had to have been the worst night's sleep of her life. She'd staggered home pissed in the early hours of the morning, vomiting several times on the way home and then had to make her bed up when she got back to the hay barn above the stable. As a mere stable hand, Burt wasn't given proper lodging. Now she was living his life she literally had to roll out his thin straw mattress every night and put it...

4 years ago
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The Dhanush Chapter 2

Ayman took me to an ancient part of town. He had to park the car and walk as the stone alleys were so narrow that even the sun couldn’t get down into the labyrinth of warrens and dens, shops and stalls. I perused so many beautifully laid out stalls with exotic items that my senses were overwhelmed for a while. I purchased a few oddities and some sugar dates and pistachios when finally, I could take it no more and asked Ayman for a break. He took me through a dozen intertwined alleys finally...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Ein Mdchen zu sein III

Ein M?dchen zu sein III --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen, denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Nach anf?nglichem Schock kam Sven zu dem Schluss, dass dieser neue K?rper durchaus seine ...

1 year ago
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Learning to love sex

Well, my relationship with the taxi driver lasted less than three weeks! We split up at the weekend, after he'd started taking us for granted as a couple. Anyway, that's how I saw our love or lust, or whatever it was. I was angry because I'd spent a long time getting ready on Saturday afternoon, and I thought we were going for something to eat. A nice romantic meal somewhere, that's how I had thought it would be. And then perhaps a love making session in a double bed at a nice hotel. Gentle...

2 years ago
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Cucked on Vacation

It was our first proper vacation in years. I breathed a sigh of relief as I gazed out our suite window towards the calm ocean waters of the gulf. After seven years of marriage and a limited amount of time off it felt the****utic to finally have a week away all to ourselves. We had selected Naples because it was quiet, and peaceful, and a drastic change of scenery from the drab winter we had just suffered through in Ohio. I turned and looked towards the bed, where my wife rested in slumber....

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