Poker Night
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Author’s Note: All characters in this story are over 18.
Author’s Note #2: None of the characters in this story are directly taken from real life. My characters are compiled from dozens of people I know. I get an idea for a character in my head, and then give them personality traits or physical characteristics that I have experienced from many different people. I try to make the ensuing composition of the character believable, but most of the stuff is made up. If something about the character seems off or inconsistent, I’m sorry! Creating a character is hard!
Elaboration: No, I don’t look like the guys in my stories. They aren’t meant to be me, they don’t have my personality, and I wouldn’t act like they do in the story.
Shameless Request: Please leave comments and reviews! When you finish the story, let me know what you thought! If you couldn’t finish it because it was so bad, let me know. If you have a criticism or spelling/grammar correction, let me know.
I’m done gabbing like a blubbering fool. Now read the gabbing that you wanted to read when you clicked on this story!
It was a dark and stormy night….
Actually, it was a rather gloomy spring afternoon, but it seemed especially gloomy because it was Friday. April in middle Tennessee tends to be the most bipolar time of the year. Any weatherman from this region who accurately predicts the weather 3 days in a row is rumored to be banned from Las Vegas because he is much too lucky.
It had stopped raining a couple hours before, but the weather was still in the upper 50s, so jackets and jeans were the attire of the day. The omnipresent wind prevented the beautiful young ladies on the college campus from wearing skirts. Shame, that, I thought as I moseyed my way to the engineering lab to meet my girlfriend, Natalie.
She had invited me to spend time with her and a few friends while they studied for some engineering test. If I could endure their gossiping/studying for an hour or so, the plan was to use the projector and screen in the classroom for a late-night movie-watching marathon. I figured it was worth hanging around a dull lab for an hour or so if it scored me a few points with Natalie, and maybe a make-out session later.
We had only started dating a couple months ago, since it took me several months to work up the courage to ask her out. I had been dating my high school sweetheart through our first two years of university, but a long-distance relationship was too much of a burden for either of us to bear, apparently. At least that’s what she said. I personally thought it had more to do with the accounting major with loads of money that she had met at a party.
I wasn’t broke, but I did have to work to put myself through college, and there just wasn’t a ton of money left after the college fleeced my bank account. My job wasn’t bad – a park ranger with flexible hours so I could attend mostly day classes. I’d always loved being outside, and my duties mainly consisted of cleaning up after tourists, moving plants from point A to point B at the whims of my supervisor, destroying any poison ivy around trails that I found, and busting high-schoolers who decided that parks were good places to do drugs.
Anyway, my previous girl broke up with me, and I didn’t even consider another girl until my nerdy roommate introduced me to a girl in his engineering classes, Natalie. Now, she isn’t a knockout by anyone’s standards, but she has this great smile and gorgeous blue eyes. She’s not thin, but nowhere near being fat. She just has this naturally thicker build and a very calming and down-to-earth personality. Long, soft brown hair frames her mostly clear complexion. Her lips are full, and she has a habit of biting her lower lip when she’s thinking hard, which is often.
She’s fairly fit, because she runs 3 times a week in the morning. She stands about 5’5′, though around most people she seems smaller, because she has self-esteem issues due to her acne that didn’t clear up until last year (and a previous boyfriend who never paid much attention to her). My roommate told me this while threatening to put me in the hospital if I ever hurt her. He’s known her for years, apparently they used to go to the same high school in Ohio, where she’s from. He views her as a sister, which gives weight to a threat that would otherwise seem silly coming from a scrawny, pale nerd.
Of course, it didn’t take me long to notice her boobs. She tends to wear T-shirts all the time, so they hide much of the shape of her round breasts. From my (limited) knowledge of breast sizes, she looks like a big B-cup, or a small C-cup. I couldn’t wait until she invited me into her dorm room, so I could sneak a peek at one of her bras and find out exactly what size she wears. Not that it matters, but it would be nice to know.
So I managed not to get lost in the labyrinth of the engineering building and found the lab. I walked in, and Natalie briefly glanced up. I noticed she was wearing that green tie-dyed t-shirt that I had told her I liked the previous week week.
‘Hey, you,’ she said. She introduced me briefly to her friends. The first girl, Hong, was a short Asian girl with long dark hair. She was wearing a very tight black shirt, which hugged her impressive bust as if tempting me to stare at her chest, and a pair of equally tight jeans. She smiled at me, and as she greeted me, I noticed that she didn’t have any accent at all. Obviously she had grown up in America.
The other girl, slightly taller than Natalie and Hong, looked very familiar. She smiled at me after Natalie introduced her, ‘Don’t you remember me?’
I searched my memory, and when she put her hands on her hips in mock anger, I remembered that pose, and immediately blushed.
‘I think he does,’ Christina mock-whispered to Natalie, and all three girls giggled.
I had known Christina back in middle school. Her family had moved to the house down the street from mine, the one right next to the old run-down farm. She and I had spent hours exploring that farm and shooting BB guns (and an old S&W pistol her dad let us use as long as we were careful) at tin cans, bags of flour, and paper targets. Her family had moved away to New York after a year, and I had forgotten all about her.
In place of the short-haired blonde 12-year-old with the radiant smile and the thick Southern accent that I remembered (and had a crush on) stood a woman with long, wavy, dirty-blonde hair and a slightly less thick Southern accent. Her smile was much saucier than I remembered, and she grinned up at me as if my blush was the most entertaining thing she’d seen in a while. I guess she hadn’t forgotten that crush I used to have on her….
She had gotten rid of the old shirts and ripped jeans she used to wear, and replaced them with a low-cut black shirt and a long, loose black skirt. Personally, I thought she was brave to wear that skirt outside in the wind, but obviously I didn’t say anything. Plus, I was more distracted by the slight bit of cleavage that was showing. Her boobs, while definitely smaller than Natalie’s, were still probably a B-cup. Her shirt (or bra) slightly pressed them together to create a larger tunnel of cleavage than she would otherwise have.
I gave Natalie a hug and she playfully hit me on the arm. ‘Go sit down over by the desk over there – the one with the breadboards stacked on top of it. We shouldn’t be too long.’
Christina smirked at me and the three girls went over to finish covering the whiteboard in numbers and weird symbols. I sat down and pulled out my laptop. One of the benefits of being a communications major with an emphasis in radio communications is the lack of a lot of homework. I started to play a video game while I waited, surreptitiously watching Natalie’s rear end while she worked. I also checked out Christina’s and Hong’s, glancing
up when I thought they were focusing on something else. Both their asses were very tight, whereas Natalie’s had a little meat on it.
After an hour, they still weren’t done. They were huddled around a part of the whiteboard, puzzling over some complicated circuit. Natalie was chewing furiously on her bottom lip, and when she realized I was watching her, she looked up. ‘We’ll get done soon. Then we’ll watch a movie. Ok?’
‘Ok.’ I grinned at her. ‘Don’t eat all of your bottom lip in the meantime. I want enough of it left so I can kiss you properly later.’
She immediately blushed, and Christina and Hong started to giggle furiously. I mentally gave myself a high-five, then noted that I would never have said that around my old girlfriend. As I grew more comfortable with her, Natalie seemed to bring out my personality, whereas I always felt intimidated when I still dated my ex.
I went back to my game and she went back to work with her giggling friends. After a while, I could tell that they were losing focus, because their conversation went from being mostly about solving the problems, to being mostly about boys and other gossip. Christina regaled Hong and Natalie with embarrassing tales about her ex-boyfriend, who among other things apparently had a tiny dick. Natalie’s face was so red when Christina started talking about her lack of a good sex life, all but confirming my suspicions that Natalie was a virgin, and Christina was not.
I wondered about Hong. She had been quiet during Christina’s tales, but she seemed completely at ease with the topic of conversation. I wondered if she had a boyfriend, or if she was ‘in the market’ like Christina. Not that it mattered to me, I was content with Natalie. We hadn’t done anything past kissing yet, but I wasn’t in a rush to push her beyond her comfort boundaries. Heck, just kissing Natalie was enough to provide me with jerk-off material without having to resort to the secret stash of porn on my laptop.
After a while, the girls seemed to realize that they weren’t getting anything done, and Christina whispered something in Natalie’s ear. Natalie blushed and came around to where I was sitting, watching a TV show on my laptop. She bent down and pulled the ear buds out of my ears.
‘I’ve been instructed to keep you occupied while they clean up and set up the movie.’
I raised one eyebrow. ‘Have you really? And how do you plan on doing that?’
She sat on my lap facing me. ‘Like this.’ And she bent down and kissed me. I instantly tasted her wet bottom lip, and flicked my tongue across her upper lip, just to even things out. Then she shoved her tongue into my mouth, and I quickly realized that Christina’s conversation had lit a fire inside Natalie I hadn’t experienced much before. I reciprocated with my own fire, and the temperature in the room quickly escalated.
We heard Hong and Christina laughing quietly at us while they cleaned up, but we ignored them. Natalie’s face was red, but she was clearly enjoying herself. I certainly was, and I was sure Natalie could feel my erection against her thigh, but she pretended like she didn’t feel a thing.
All of a sudden, I heard a gasp coming from Hong, and we broke apart to see what the matter was. Hong had just opened a drawer of the desk to find a remote for the projector, and had instead found a deck of very racy playing cards. She flipped through them, showing the nude models featured on every card to Christina, who then tossed them over to Natalie and me.
My face got red looking at them, and so Natalie and I looked like a couple of beets as we saw the very explicit positions that the women were in. Christina grabbed them back when we were done, and took a card from the deck and put it in front of us.
‘So, do you want Natalie to do this for you?’ she smirked at me. The card she chose was of a big-breasted redhead sitting on a couch with her legs spread wide and raised high in the air as if there was a guy just off-camera ready to fuck her. If possible, my face got redder, and I glanced at Natalie to find her face just as red as mine.
‘Come on now, tell the truth,’ Christina goaded me. When I still didn’t respond, she grinned and slapped down another card, this one of a blonde on all fours, her ass and pussy pointed towards the camera. ‘How about this one? Do you want her to get herself all ready for you?’
Natalie grabbed the cards and threw them at Christina, who laughed and said, ‘Forget the movie, let’s get your girlfriend to loosen up a little!’
I finally found my voice and said firmly, ‘Natalie can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. I’m not going to force her to do anything. So shut up.’
Natalie looked at me gratefully, but Christina just laughed. ‘Oh, I’m just kidding you. Don’t be so serious.’
Hong spoke up. ‘I noticed he said she could do what she wants, when she wants it, but he didn’t specify with whom she should do it.’
Natalie glared at Hong while Christina looked thoughtful. ‘Uh oh, Natalie. Do you think he’s growing tired of you?’ She looked pointedly at the bulge in my jeans that was still present and obvious. ‘Nope, I think you’re safe for a while!’
Hong whispered something in Christina’s ear. ‘Yes, but do you think they’ll go for it?’
Hong grabbed Christina’s hand and pulled her out the door. ‘We’ll be right back,’ she called cheerfully at us. Natalie was still on my lap, though she was no longer straddling me. She shifted back into my arms so that we were cuddling, which didn’t help my boner at all. She snuggled tightly against my shoulder and whispered to me.
‘What do you think they are plotting?’
‘I have no idea. They’re your friends,’ I whispered back.
‘Oh, and because they are my friends, I should be able to read their minds?’
‘You read mine often enough.’
‘That’s because your mind isn’t that complicated.’
Ouch. I thought.
She apologized immediately. ‘I’m just kidding. I didn’t mean it. You are plenty smart.’
‘Sure, but compared to you, I am a moron.’
She laughed and warmly smiled at me. Score 1 for me, I mentally congratulated myself.
At this point, Christina and Hong came back in, looking happy, but also slightly mischievous. I instantly put my guard up.
‘We’ve decided that we’re not watching a movie,’ Hong announced.
Natalie and I were both confused. ‘We’re not?’ she asked.
‘Nope!’ said Christina. ‘We’re playing strip poker!’
I don’t think there was anything she could say that would make me more surprised and shocked than that. I immediately looked at Natalie and saw my surprise and shock mirrored in her face. As the responsible and courteous boyfriend, I decided that I needed to put a stop to this nonsense before it went any further.
‘Not a chance,’ I firmly told Christina. ‘Are you insane?’
‘Probably!’ she admitted happily. ‘But come on, don’t deny that you secretly want to see some of this.’ She struck a sexy pose, her left hand resting on her hip and her right hand flipping her hair back so that her chest was fully exposed, drawing my attention once again to her cleavage.
Noticing this, Christina smiled and remarked, ‘I saw you watching us earlier. Don’t try to deny it.’
Natalie shifted on my lap, and narrowed her eyes at me. I was mortified, my face redder than ever. I was busted.
I leaned forward to kiss her apologetically, but she pulled away. I could tell she wasn’t angry, but she was definitely a little pissed. I glared at Christina, but she just smirked and said to Hong, ‘I think we just sabotaged them.’
Hong eyed Natalie’s face, then looked at me, then back at Natalie. ‘No, actually…’ she said slowly. ‘I think we’re fine.’
At that, Natalie stood up, and grabbed my hand. ‘Get out here,’ she commanded. Like the meek pup I was, I followed her out into the hallway. As we left, I glanced back, and the two other girls were watching us carefully.
lie dragged me a few paces down the hallway, then turned towards me with her hands on her hips. I had only dealt with ‘pissed Natalie’ once before, after I called off a date with her to go bike riding with my friends. I learned my lesson, but that’s a different story.
She glared at me. ‘Exactly what were you up to in there?’
I decided to tell the truth. ‘I checked them out while you all were studying.’
‘Did you flirt with them when I wasn’t looking?’
I blinked in surprise. ‘No! Nothing like that. I just, ah, admired them a little bit. I didn’t know they noticed me doing it.’
She visibly calmed down. ‘Ok. I thought… well, Christina was flirting with you and I wanted to make sure nothing was going on between you two.’
I stepped forward and pulled her into a hug. ‘It’s nice to see that you are watching out for me, but don’t worry, Christina can flirt all she wants, and she’ll just have to deal with the fact that I’m with you.’
She hugged me back. ‘Just don’t scare me like that.’
I mentally made a note to be on my best behavior from then on. ‘I’ll stop looking at other girls.’
She stepped back and searched my eyes. ‘No, you can look. But don’t flirt. And definitely don’t touch.’
‘Understood.’ I bent down and kissed her again. ‘So shall we go back in and put a stop to this strip poker thing?’
She hesitated, and I saw that her ire at me had done nothing to quell the fire inside her. I realized that our kiss had brought my erection back, and I mentally tried to calm down.
She looked at me and said, ‘What do you think?’
I blinked. To be honest, I hadn’t even thought about it. I had just squashed the idea on principle, figuring that was what a ‘good’ boyfriend was supposed to do. If I was honest with myself, I would not mind seeing Christina and Hong naked at all. Hong’s boobs were pretty big, and Christina had been teasing me with her chest all evening. Their asses were pretty good looking too…and I definitely wanted to see Natalie naked. She may not be a supermodel, but she was really attractive in her own down-to-earth way.
However….did I really want to get naked in front of three girls, one of which I really liked? Sure, it was only fair that if I wanted her to get naked, I would have to return the favor, but I was still nervous about it. I was still a virgin, though my ex had given me a handjob once in the back of my car. And I was also nervous letting Christina see my cock. I had nothing to be ashamed of, unless 6 1/4 inches suddenly was considered small. However, it was obvious that Christina was far from a virgin, and she probably had been with much larger and more experienced guys, so mine might seem small in comparison. And I didn’t know about Hong. She obviously had been with a guy or two before, or at least was familiar with cocks, because she hadn’t been embarrassed when Christina was talking about them. I had a sneaking feeling that this strip poker game was all her idea, too. But, I had always kicked myself for not getting out more and experiencing life, and if Natalie was willing, why not?
While I was thinking all this, I noticed that Natalie was watching me closely. I smiled nervously down at her. ‘I am all right with this if you are. Will you get jealous?’
She exhaled, and said, ‘I am really, really hot right now, and I know you are too. I think I won’t get jealous, as long as I am there the whole time. Just…don’t make fun of me, ok?’
I put an arm around her shoulders. ‘I can assure you that making fun of you will be the furthest thing from my mind. What about Christina, though?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well, if she is like the Christina I remember, she will be pushing this as far as she can, and it may escalate. Will you be fine with anything, as long as I do it with you?’
She snuggled into me. ‘Sure, but let’s not go all the way. I want to save my first time for a special night. But I guess I am ok if we fool around a bit.’
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents. I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life and no money. Pretty embarrassing having to go to your Dad cap in hand asking for money to fill up the car with petrol. Don't get me started how sexually frustrated I was. Before COVID hit, I...
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It was poker night at home.Ana was the hostess for my poker buddies, Simon, Artie and Brett. We were playing and laughing; but my sensual wife looked as she was getting bored. She offered us some snacks and then she sat down on the couch to watch a movie.I saw her turning off the TV and she told me she would go upstairs.My friends stared at her nice round buttocks, while Anita swayed her hips as she climbed the stairs.A while later, my buddies’ jaws dropped to the floor, as Ana appeared again...
It was our Friday poker night and we’d been playing for about 3 hours. Tonight we all seemed to be getting bored with the same old thing. When everybody got up from the table for a stretch, Mark jokingly suggested that we should play strip poker. "Sure," said Tom, even though there were only guys in the house. "You’re k**ding," I said. "What, you got something to hide?" Tom said.So all five of us sat around the kitchen table and started playing strip poker. Only the loser had to remove a piece...
The six of us had been playing a monthly penny ante poker game off and on for going on five years now. The game has deteriorated into a weekly bullshit session more like group therapy, than a game of wager. We were so use to each other’s game play that bluffing was a lost art form and there was virtually no skill left in the game. It was boring to say the least. If anything was happening here, we were becoming like old married couples and just beginning to irritate the shit out of each...
This encounter between me and my classmate Ashim, I am an Engineering student in Delhi. We use to study together in IIT, Delhi. We were in same group for our lab works so we had spent lots of private time in labs. This is a story about one of the encounter during the lab. He used to be with me during those experiments. He not only helped me with my work but used to stare at my boobs whenever he gets chance. I use to go with him and rub my boobs too so as to make him erotic and make him do...
Hi, guys, I’m Sunny I have been following Indian Sex Stories dot net since I was 18. I’m here to pen down few of my fantasies. All the writings are purely fictional and do not belong to anyone, hope you guys enjoy the sex story. This is my first sex story, so please pardon me for the mistakes. Hello, guys, I’m Pinky, a normal college girl doing my graduation and living alone in a room in the nearby city to our college which is about 20km. Coming to my body, I’m about 5’7 with a wheatish...
Over the next two weeks, I heard the static crackling each night. Never had any dreams however, and the static was always louder on Friday nights. I swear I could hear something coming from the walls, just couldn't make it out. " CC. r hip ok. O...hey ter...O...hey" Over and over again is what it sounded like. But I could not make it out clearly. I drifted off to sleep each night. I resolved shortly after to see what was going on. I searched every corner of my room and found...
This is legolas1313 this is in regards to the poker night scene you would write for me. Ashley Cuminners was happy today. She had recently had a really tough time with her boyfriend who she loved very much and he decided to give her another chance. There’s no question that Ashley was in the seventh Heaven at this news and was planning to make their first renewed date hot. Of course it wasn’t too hard for her to find a guy to date, because of her sexy appearance. The girl was 5’5? tall...
CHAPTER 10 As usual, we spent Christmas with my family. Pru called for a family meeting on Christmas Eve. She spoke from the center of the floor one everyone was seated. “Pat and I want you all to know that I’m pregnant.” Of course the meeting was delayed for more than fifteen minutes while we were congratulated. She continued once order was restored. “Sean, would you like to be godfather?” “I’d love to…thanks.” “Katherine, would you like to be godmother?” “Oh, yes, Pru. ...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was my 18th birthday and I invited my girlfriend to have dinner with me but she told me that she doesn’t like me anymore. She dumps me for another guy. So the whole day was ruin for me so I went home sad and depressed. As I went to my room my Mom saw me and asked what happened. First of all I want to tell you about my Mom she is in her mid-forties and had been widowed for 10 years, my father died in a car accident and since then she took all the...
IncestPoker Night – A Wife’s Adventure I invited four men up to our suite from the Poker Table for a game; I promised them the winnings would be sweeter. You’re wearing a simple jean skirt, short but nothing crazy, just a little above mid-thigh, a simple white blouse with a lacy sheer black bra underneath and matching black lace panties. You wear that standing on a pair of “Come Fuck Me” black heels, 6 inches high. As we gather around the table getting ready to play, you dutifully take our drink...
I had done it again; waited until the last minute and now I was stuck with having to commit ten chapters to memory by 8:15 a.m. I planted myself in the study lab on campus and would stay there the entire night. I hid out in the bathroom and emerged when the lab was empty. As I stare at what begins to blur into meaningless phrases I hear people come in; no one else should be here. I peer between the book stacks and see a girl and a guy enter the lab; they head for the large tables and begin to...
FetishThis is my second story is ISS. This is pure fiction, but full guarantee in making you horny. All girls especially tamil ,kannada , Andhra and kerala girls mail to me at For sex chatting and little naughty works… This is the story of Shwetha , whom I fucked hard in school in chemistry lab ( actually she fucked me hard) Telling about Shwetha , she is hot girl , very fair , has a structure of 34-32-30, she wears a tight uniform to display her boobs and her curves, pink nipples , spongy boobs...
Introduction: Female Solo at work, before a meeting with a coworker Fucking at Work (Part 1): Fingering in the Lab To start, let me tell some things about myself. I am 57, 145 lbs., bright green eyes and long blonde hair. Many people tell me they think my eyes are my best physical feature, but they are liars. See, I know that my perky D-cup breasts are by far my best feature, followed closely by my firm, round ass. I am also a scientist and I work in a lab, I even have glasses and a nice white...
Tonight is yet another poker night with the guys. You always feel neglected when he has these games, and it has become a weekly ordeal. After all, your insatiable sex drive can't be tamed alone. Your attempts at seducing the men that visit seem to have been in vain. Short of prancing around naked or blatantly saying it out loud, you aren't really sure if there's anything you haven't tried. As the men arrive, he shows to them all to the table and they begin to chat about football and the women...
Group SexDonna was a bit of a prude. She had never cared much for sex. She and Frank never had it more than once, maybe twice, a week. She only wore lingerie on his birthday and Valentine’s Day. She didn’t have any wild stories about sex in weird places or with strange people. So it surprised even herself that she was actually following through with the bet she lost to her husband. She honestly thought the capitol of Kentucky was Louisville. Now she waits for Frank’s poker buddies to show up while he...
His guys..I am here with one of my best incident ;) Let me tell you all about me,m a fun loving,fair n muscular boy,and I have a height around 5’6..and I love hangout around girls;) Story starts like this… She was wearing a wide neck pink kurti and a black legging today. As usual she was looking very pretty today.. It was Sunday, and i had to come to school for a practice with my drama team.. Shweta, my best friend’s girl friend, was playing his wife’s role in the play. Both of us being good...
My wife and I go out there every year, so we know the ropes pretty well. Mike came up to me and asked if we could teach them a little about playing some of the games we would encounter out there in the casinos. Linda thought it was a great idea and even suggested that we dress the part, like we were already in Vegas and play Saturday night in our home. Keisha and Linda loved the idea of getting all dressed up and they went off talking to each other about what they were going to bring to...
Mike and Keisha are good friends of ours, they live across the street. Linda, my wife and I talked about taking a trip to Vegas and we asked Mike and Keisha if they wanted to go along. They were all excited to go since they have never been to Vegas. My wife and I go out there every year, so we know the ropes pretty well. Mike came up to me and asked if we could teach them a little about playing some of the games we would encounter out there in the casinos. Linda thought it was a great idea...
Well before moving back to the Caribbean i lived in London with John a handsome white man well built nice 8inch cock i lived with him for about man and wife for a while as we met he like my feminine body we made love a few times before he told me had a house and if i wanted to cut expenses i could move in with him. Well London is a expensive city so i said yes about me i am about 210 lbs but i developed breast from young they put it down to steroids for asthma when i was young by now i was a c...
Den ganzen Sonntag dachte ich dar?ber nach, was ich nur machen sollte. Mir fiel nichts ein. Am Abend ging ich zum dritten Mal mit dem Teddy schlafen. Ich hatte mich schon richtig daran gew?hnt. Aber irgendwie schien es mir nicht richtig, nur in der Unterhose zu schlafen. Ich zog einen Pyjama an. Mit klopfenden Herzen ging ich am n?chsten Tag zum Bus. Ich musste dem Fahrer meine Monatskarte zeigen. Mit gro?en Augen sah er mich an. Das gab mir einen guten Vorgeschmack auf das B?ro. Ich ar...
It was the monthly poker night, which the five guys held usually on the last Friday of every month. Kory was hosting the party and his buddies arrived around seven. They started playing cards and drinking beer and by eleven o'clock none of the men were feeling any pain. After four hours of poker, they were ready for some snacks, which the host wife usually made up ahead of time for the hungry savages. The talk around the table was always crude and vulgar so the women usually went to a...
It was going to be like any other day at the lab. Everyone was in a hurry since it was Friday and wanted to get his/her experiments done in time, so to go home and start the weekend early on. However, it didn’t turn out that way…The week before the boss had accepted this new student from Italy. Her name was Vanessa. She was not so tall, had blond hair and a nice body. Since she just joined, she was still a bit shy, but nevertheless she was very attractive and I had noticed this early on after...
It was going to be like any other day at the lab. Everyone was in a hurry since it was Friday and wanted to get his/her experiments done in time, so to go home and start the weekend early on. However, it didn’t turn out that way…The week before the boss had accepted this new student from Italy. Her name was Vanessa. She was not so tall, had blond hair and a nice body. Since she just joined, she was still a bit shy, but nevertheless she was very attractive and I had noticed this early on after...
She was wearing a wide neck pink kurti and a black legging today. As usual she was looking very pretty today.. It was Sunday, and Shreyas had to come to school for a practice with his drama team.. Shweta, his best friend's girl friend, was playing his wife's role in the play. Both of them being good actors got finished with most of their scenes very early. It still was only 1 pm, and they had to stay in school till 4 pm. So, they took a break and let other team members practice with their...
Erotic FictionHer Professor's just left and told her to tidy up the lab for him. She's feeling hot and horny from seeing his equally hot bod the whole day and not being able to touch him... Just thinking about him gets her dripping wet... She's wearing her white lab coat, but under that, she could be mistaken for a whore in that tight, short outfit. A tight halter top that hugged her C-38 breasts jealously and a micro mini skirt that left nothing to the imagination. But under that... that's where the story...
MasturbationI had been chatting with this hottie on Lush for a few months when I convinced her that since we lived near each other we should actually meet. From her profile I knew some of the things she said she liked so I planned a surprise for her. I invited my poker buddies over for some cards. I had told my young hottie friend that she should wear some old disposable clothes. She would find out why when she arrived. My buddies and I were well into our card game when the doorbell rang. I jumped up and...
I had been chatting with this hottie on Lush for a few months when I convinced her that since we lived near each other we should actually meet. From her profile I knew some of the things she said she liked so I planned a surprise for her. I invited my poker buddies over for some cards. I had told my young hottie friend that she should wear some old disposable clothes. She would find out why when she arrived. My buddies and I were well into our card game when the doorbell rang. I jumped up and...
Group SexIntroduction: This story is fictional, however, it is based upon actual people and authentic situations. In order to provide anonymity, names have been changed and details have been modified. Dr. Ken Mathews was well known around the hospital as a ladies man, or more correctly, a lecher. He was particularly anxious to fuck any new, young, and attractive nurse who joined the staff. Regardless, had been also known to readily tap into any gorgeous MD or eye-catching woman on the administrative...
My boyfriend, Joe, usually had a poker game about once a month with the guys and I usually would just go find something else to do, or go hide out in another part of the house so they could have their guy time, however tonight was different. I was getting ready to leave work and Joe texted me and asked me to hang out at the poker game with them tonight. I said okay, not really sure why all of a sudden he asked me to do that but I figured whatever. I arrived home and Joe was setting up the table...
The young woman had finished bathing, dressing, and putting on her makeup, and she was ready to leave for work. She stepped out of her bathroom and was confronted by a tall man she had never seen. She was frightened and about to try to run when another man appeared, a man she knew and despised, her nearest neighbor who lived a half mile down the gravel, country road that wound its way within a thick forest. The man she did not know turned to the neighbor and nodded. ‘She’ll do,’ he said. ...
So you got yourself into this poker game... You're hanging out at your friend Emily's house with her and her friend Jenny. They are two beautiful, slender brunettes with dark eyes and long legs. It's been a fun evening so far - a lot of wine, goofing around, and teasing. Everyone's laid back and laughing. Once the girls start to get really tipsy, Emily suggests a little game. "Hey, let's play some poker" she suggests. "I don't have any money," says Jenny. "What are we gonna play for?" You...
BDSMPokerbyfit_4_u©xI had just turned 18 last week and I had hit the weekend and I was bored to hell. The only thing that was good about the weekend was that I was going to spend the Saturday night in with my mom. First off let me tell you a little about my mother. She is 43 years old, she is about 6 foot tall, has short brown hair and her measurements are about 36G-34-42,and I know from looking at her clothes, bras and panties so as you can imagine big breasts, a fairly slim waist and a big bubble...