I wanna be raped 1
- 4 years ago
- 48
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She took my hand in hers as we walked. "You are gonna love my mom. She is just like me, but twenty-two years older. She still has dirty blonde hair, nice melons, and can be sweet when she wants to be."
"Really, are her hooters bigger?" I pondered, getting front of her.
"Yes, smartass," she replied, taking my other hand and looking into my green eyes. "She is just the most important person in the world to me. I just really want both of you to like each other, that's all. We've been seeing each other for over a year now and she doesn't come out this way very often. I'm sure she'll love your black hair and charming personality, but be on your toes."
"I understand," I mentioned before I kissed her. "I'll give her the full charm, sound good?"
She nodded as she broke eye contact. "Sometimes she comes down hard on my boyfriends, that's why I waited until we were serious. I love her to death, but she has been a pain in the ass in this department before."
I took in a deep breath and hugged her. "I'll be prepared, Rashida, I love you."
"I love you too," she added, letting go of me. "I'm just warning you: she is the sexiest, but sharpest shark you'll ever set your eyes on. She'll grill you a little bit, but remember: you are the second most important person to me."
"That's why I bought you the ring."
"Tell you what, you make it through this dinner with her liking you," she said, coming towards my right ear, "and I'll give you a blow job on the way home, maybe I'll even let you cum in my mouth," she whispered.
I cheesed and shook a bit as she brought her head back. "The most important factor we just have to make her understand is: we love each other."
I broke eye contact and took a deep breath.
I glanced back at her. "Does she know that we're living together and, you know?"
"Having sex, Ladon?"
"I haven't give her any details, but yes, she knows the deed has been done quite a few times. Don't worry, she isn't traditional like that, she is just my mom. I can't say this will be easy, but let's just get through it," she explained before she felt my crotch. "Then I'll take out my hard friend, and I'll let him right into my mouth. I'll even do it naked if you want me to."
"Is that a promise?"
"What do you think?" she pondered before she smooched my cheek. "If you are really lucky, I may even take you into the women's room and make you feel good in one of the stalls. She is just a character, but it is part of her personality. If I need to, I'll insert myself into it if things get weird."
We walked into the seating area as we held hands and I cheesed the whole time.
'Wow, I picked the right lady: willing to give me head on the way back and maybe even in the bathroom. I wonder if I might ask her tonight. I mean with her mom there, it might be perfect. Although, even though she isn't traditional, it still might be a good idea to ask for her blessing to propose.'
"Oh, there she is," she pointed out before she hurried us both over.
'Holy shit, she has her hooters off the leash,' I thought, shaking a little bit. 'And they are bigger.'
"Hello, Mom, this is Ladon, my serious boyfriend," Rashida introduced me, sitting down next to her.
I stayed up and glanced at her. "Hello, Mrs. Chimstim, I'm Ladon," I greeted her, putting my hand out over the table.
She sat there for a few seconds and peeked at my hand.
Then she looked at me. "With due respect, Ladon, fuck your handshake," she said before she got up and came to me. "I'm a hugger," she informed me before she wrapped her arms around me.
My eyes were widened for a moment as I peeked at Rashida. "What the hell?" I mouthed, hugging her mom back.
"She is my mom, dude," she mouthed back, shrugging her shoulders and smiling.
'Fuck, I have a major hard on now. Holy shit, this is gonna be a fucked up dinner, but her boobs are spectacular.'
We let go of each other and I sat down across from her. Rashida blindly found my hand and took it hers. Even as she did that, my eyes were glued to the giant pair of tits that were begging to pop our of her mom's dress.
"I'm Roxanne by the way, Ladon. You must be the one that's been living with my daughter for the past year."
I bit my lip for a moment. 'Fuck, it is cool in here, but I'm sweating bullets.'
"Anyone in there, Ladon?" Roxanne wondered waving her hand. "Are the lights just on with no one home?"
"Yes, that's me, Roxanne."
She nodded and smiled. "Good, it is nice to meet you finally, nervous, but kind man. I can certainly tell that you are tense, but don't worry, I won't grill you," she laughed. "She told you I would, didn't she? Don't worry, you can tell me. Just blink once for 'Yes.'."
I glanced at Rashida and she grinned.
"Yes she did, Roxanne."
"That wasn't nice, sweetie," she warned Rashida.
Everyone stayed quiet for a moment and looked over the menus. Soon after that, we ordered our food and then Rashida gave me a kiss.
She came to my ear again. "Don't worry, dude. I really will give you head if it'll make you feel better. If you need to calm down a bit, just pull on my top a little bit under the table and we'll go right to the bathroom. I just love you that much," she confided.
I brought my lips to her cheek. "Thank you," I muttered.
"You can do that by just talking to her for a couple minutes."
"What are you two whispering about? You aren't talking about me, are you?"
"No, Mom," Rashida answered, pulling her head back. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick, remember: no grilling," she made clear before she took off.
'Oh, son of a bitch,' I thought, slanting my head down to the table.
"So, how did you meet her?" she pondered, leaning towards me.
I bowed my head down. "Just through friends, that's all. No romantic story, somehow defying the odds or anything like that. We just hit it off, and that led us here," I explained, vibrating a bit.
"You mean to where you are meeting me and you can't just look into my eyes?"
I clenched my fists and calmly slanted my head up.
Although, my eyes just got stuck right on her glorious rack. 'Stop staring, you moron. She might be your mother-in-law in the near future. Fuck, she could break us up,' I thought, jiggling.
"Hello, Ladon, what, are you lost in my boobs?"
I instantly jerked backward. "What, no, I wasn't looking at those. I was just..."
"It is nothing to be ashamed of, dear," she assured me, putting her palms over my right hand. "You are a guy and I have my bosoms out like they are being auctioned off to the highest bidder. I won't tell Rashida that you were eye fucking the shit out of them. I'm a mean bitch, but I'm not that mean. I can be sweet too, but you just have to meet me halfway, that's all," she explained, prior to getting up and sitting next to me.
"What does that mean?" I moaned through my teeth.
She smile lustfully and brought her lips to my ear. "Just tell me you want to fuck me."
"What, no, Roxanne. I'm with your daughter, so I don't want to have sex with you," I protested, putting my hands up and shaking my head no.
She placed her hand onto her chin and stared off into space for a moment. "I gotta call bullshit," she stated, prior to looking back at me. "You want me, don't you?"
"No, I don't, Roxanne."
She instantly brought her right hand to my crotch. "Your dick agrees with me, Ladon," she pointed out, rubbing it.
I jiggled around, bit my bottom lip and sweated rapidly.
I managed to keep my eyes open just in case Rashida came back. 'Oh, that feels good.'
"Do you like this, Ladon?" she wondered, bringing her lips to my cheek. "You can be honest with me."
I bit my bottom lip extra hard. "Roxanne, are you hitting on me?"
"Maybe, now admit that you want to fuck me."
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a few seconds. "Okay, I want to fuck you, Roxanne."
"I like that," she giggled before she smooched my cheek. "If you ever want to see my naked breasts, just let me know. I'll gladly show them to you. If you ask really nicely, I may let you lick my nipples too. Would you like that?"
"Maybe, now please stop this before she comes back. You are making me really uneasy."
"Fine," she said before kissed my cheek again and sat back in her chair. "And feel free to eyeball my breasts, but don't let her catch you."
I just tried to relax and get myself under control. I wiped my forehead and then my hands.
I didn't peek back at her until Rashida came back. "I'm sorry, I just had to go," she pointed out, sitting next to me. "So, what did you two talk about?" she pondered, glancing at me.
"Just how we met, but nothing else."
"Good," she said before she kissed me and took my hand in hers.
Then they began going back and forth, but I couldn't follow the conversation at all.
I just glared at her tits on and off. 'Son of a bitch, I only met her tonight, but she already got to me admit that I wanted to have sex with her. Just what kind of woman did Rashida come from? She certainly didn't hit on me when I first met her. Hell, Roxanne even just encouraged me to stare at her melons. Is she just nuts? Damn, even as I'm holding Rashida's hand, I'm just picturing Roxanne jerking me off.'
A few minutes later, Rashida brought her lips to my cheek. "Are you okay, you haven't said anything for over five minutes?"
"I think you two have said enough for all three of us."
"Is there anything you want to ask my mom?"
I just peeked at her tits again.
"Yes, these are real," Roxanne let me know, lifting them up a bit.
"Mom!" Rashida roared, hitting the table. "He doesn't need to know that. You told the last boyfriend you met that and you scared him off. Don't pull that crap again."
"I'm sorry, young lady!" Roxanne growled, leaning towards Rashida. "It is not like I have a man in my life appreciating them, and Ladon is a guy. It is just his nature to check them out, especially if you might have these years down the road."
"Maybe, but neither of us needed to hear that, Mom. He is my boyfriend and he can enjoy my breasts whenever he wants to. He definitely doesn't need you to make him feel uncomfortable. I'm sure he scanned them when he saw the big display you have them on."
Roxanne sighed and viewed at me. "I apologize, Ladon. It was not my intention to make you feel uncomfortable. I certainly support you being with my daughter, because you seem to make her happy. Another thing I'm sure she mentioned: she wanted us to like each other. I do like you, Ladon."
"Thank you, Mom."
A moment later, our food showed up and we started eating.
'My cock is as hard as a diamond and I feel like I could just pop at any second now,' I thought, eating my steak. 'I think I just need to jack off, maybe that'll get her off my mind.'
I did my best not to glimpse at her boobs, but it was just next impossible. I felt my entire figure shudder a bit and drops of sweat fall off my head too.
I took a deep swallow and peeked at Rashida. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom now."
"Okay, but can we talk for a second?"
"Sure," I replied, getting up.
We both headed towards the bathroom, but stopped at a small section by it.
She looked at me. "Are you sure you are okay? I just keep seeing you shiver and sweat like you are in court being prosecuted for murder. Is she making feel weird? I wanted to bite her head off about wearing that red dress, but she is my mom. Does she turn you on, so you want to have sex with her?"
"No, babe," I objected, shaking my head no. "I swear I just want you."
"I'm not saying you feel the need to cheat, but like she said, you are a guy," she reminded me, taking my hands in hers. "We both know you love tits too, so it is nothing to be ashamed of if she turned you on. You didn't ask her to, she just did it."
"Okay, she did, Rashida. I'm so sorry," I replied, wrapping my arms around her.
She hugged me back for a moment. "Don't be sorry," she said, leaning away. "Do you need a blow job right now?"
"No, I can wait until our drive home," I answered before I kissed her.
"Are you sure? Thirty seconds after the stall door shuts, I could have you ready to shoot."
"Is that an guarantee?"
"What do you think?" she inquired, wrapping her arms around my neck. "We didn't start having sex until I heard the 'L' word. We kept doing it afterward because I knew it was true," she explained before she kissed me. "Just don't take too long, I do love pleasuring you," she reminded me before she walked away.
I went into the bathroom and strolled to the furthest stall.
I ambled in there, shut the door and locked it. "So, like mother, like daughter, both of them are down to fuck," I murmured before I undid my pants.
I pulled out my rod and immediately began stroking it. "Son of a bitch, Roxanne is a stone fox wrapped in a somewhat heartless bitch. She was actually hitting on me and got me hot for her. Fuck, now I'm jacking off because of her. Somehow, I just think it wouldn't be right if Rashida blew me and made me cum right now. Her mom got my motor going into overdrive, but I can't have Rashida finish the job. Oh, just shut up and do it," I groaned, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. "Oh, Roxanne, of course I'll take a peek at those melons."
My mouth opened up widely and my hand already felt like it had an icepick shoved in there. I zoned everything else out and just focused on envisioning Roxanne naked. I didn't have her do anything sexual, but I did just try to create the best image I could of her just dancing around.
'I'm breathing rather heavily and I feel like I'm in the middle of volcano, but my cock is taking over all the physical and emotional bad feelings flowing through me. I'm bitting my both of my lips and I my whole figure is trembling. Shit, why must that chick do this to me?'
I had no idea, but I felt my load jetting through my system as if it was one huge tidal wave. With each passing stroke, I felt it getting stronger and more likely to burst out. I couldn't actually smile, but I still felt pretty damn good.
Although, a minute later, a single tear formed on my left cheek and I put my right hand onto the wall. "I'm sorry, Rashida," I moaned, prior to letting my seed out.
I came and let out four shots and one half stream as well. It all went hit the toilet and the wall and then I let out a giant exhale. I felt more drops of sweat forming on my forehead, but I felt ice cold on the inside.
"Son of a bitch, that was good, but damn I feel guilty now."
"Oh, I would too, stud."
My eyes instantly opened all the way. "Shit," I whispered. "Roxanne?" I asked, peeking behind me.
"I'm sorry, did I catch you jacking off?" she inquired, peeking over the door.
I stayed silent for a moment.
"How about you let me in?"
'Crap, if I don't she'll probably blow the whistle,' I thought before I hit the back wall.
"You don't have to hit the wall, I just want to chat."
"Fine," I moaned through my teeth before I unlocked it.
She opened the door. "Having fun?" she questioned, coming into the stall with me and as I frantically tried to get my cock back into my pants.
"There is no need zip up, I'd love to see it, if you'll let me," she mentioned, leaning towards me.
"No, I'm not about to let you see my schlong," I protested, putting it away.
"Why not? You just envisioned me naked."
I put my hands on my face and rubbed it very slowly for a moment.
"I locked the door, so we are free to get naked if either of us has the desire to. So why don't you look my way, and maybe I'll flash you my knockers. We both know you want to see them. It was confirmed earlier when you couldn't go for a full sixty seconds without peeking at them. So, I'm offering you the chance to see them right now. No strings attached, and I won't tell her you were just masturbating thinking about me."
"And why should I trust you?"
She chuckled for a moment and put her hand onto my shoulder. "Well, because you want my blessing to ask Rashida to marry you."
"How did you know about that?" I questioned, turning to her.
"If you weren't serious about her, you wouldn't have fought so hard not to gawk at these melons," she answered, boosting them up. "It is okay, nothing that goes on in here will leave. You can admit it, I already know you want to see them. If you let me see your pecker, I'll show you my tits and I'll give you my blessing."
"Just like that?"
She nodded.
I hit my own hand a few times as I broke eye contact with her. "And Rashida never finds out about this?"
"Nope," she answered, caressing her breasts. "Even if I got down on my knees and blew you, I wouldn't let her find out."
"Oh, fuck that," I asserted, pushing her out of the way.
I got out of the stall and put my hands up. "You are one insane floozy, Roxanne," I branded her, pointing at her.
"I know," she agreed, pushing the sides of her dress off herself. "I just want my own piece of cake from you, man sized hunk," she mentioned as it fell off her.
She strolled towards me and placed her hands onto her back.
"No, don't you dare take that off."
"Or what?" she wondered, taking her pink bra off.
My jaw immediately dropped as my eyes got view of her naked tits.
"I take it you like them?"
"Yes, cunt," I replied, failing to part my eyes from them.
She slid her matching panties down. "That's not nice," she mentioned, stepping towards me. "All I want to do is pleasure you before you propose," she said before she felt my pockets. "Holy shit, there is something else hard there. You were planning on proposing tonight, weren't you?"
"Yes, if things went well, which they clearly aren't now."
Her hands came to the button on my pants. "Just let me send you off a happy man and then you'll have my blessing. Is that fair enough? She is my only child and I'm not planning on having another one. I'm sure you'd love to do it with a MILF too."
"Whatever, hussy."
She calmly lowered herself to her knees as she failed to break eye contact. She got my pants undone and pulled them down.
My hard rod flung right out and she wrapped her right hand around it. "Wow, Rashida is one lucky woman," she pointed out, caressing it and examining it.
"I know that, just do what you want to do so this can be over with."
"Oh, aren't you a reluctant dude?" she wondered before she lazily took my Johnson into her mouth.
I covered my face with both hands. "You fucking bitch," I groaned, scrubbing my face.
She began thrusting her lips and her hand grabbed onto my shirt. She pulled on it, so I haltingly brought my hands off my face.
I looked right at her as she glanced right back at me. "You suck in more ways than one, bitch."
She chuckled a bit and let me feel the goodness of her mushy lips on my pecker.
I just paced myself, but kept my eyes right on hers. 'Whether I like it or not, she does bring intimacy into it,' I thought, clenching my fists. 'She is doing it slowly too, just making me feel so damn good. She is definitely one manipulative skank, that's for sure. Just remember: I'm doing this to get her blessing, so then I can propose tonight. Yes, just look at me as I cheat on your daughter, you damn wench.'
"I think I hate you so much, that I love you a little bit."
She failed to halt her pleasuring and just kept her speed and eye contact constant. Although, after a couple minutes, my head slanted back and the top half my of body began moving back and forth.
I heard her giggle a little bit more and then her tongue slid it's way onto my rod as well. It first landed on the bottom, but it slithered it's way all the way around my member. That was when she had twitch for the first time.
A moment later, I bit my lips again. "Shit, you suck, Roxanne. Don't toy around with me, just make me cum so I can get your blessing, slut."
She calmly let my wood out and took it in her right hand. "Hey, don't be mean, Ladon," she told me, stroking it. "Just take the pleasure and cum all over my melons. As soon as you do that, I'll give you my blessing."
"I don't have to fuck you?"
She lazily rose up with me as she kept rubbing it. "Well, we both know you want to, so why not?"
"It is cheating, Roxanne."
"Well," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I already blew you, so you should have some cum ready to shoot, correct?"
"Just fuck me in that stall over until you cum, then I'll give you what you desire. Fair enough?" she wondered before she kissed me.
We both just stood there as she continued to touch me all over. I thought it over for two minutes as not a word was spoken.
"Fine, you dumb cunt," I answered, snatching her hand.
I brought her right back to the stall, put the toilet lid down and sat on it.
"Don't you love it when you listen?" she inquired, climbing up onto me.
She grabbed my member and guided it right into her twat.
She lowered herself down and placed her hands onto my shoulders. "Son of a bitch, my daughter is one lucky bitch," she moaned, arching her head back.
"Be nice!" I howled, slapping her ass. "That is my fucking finance!"
"You haven't proposed yet," she corrected me, beginning to ride me.
My hands crawled their way onto her butt and she locked eyes on me. "I know, you love Rashida, but yet, you are willing to fuck me just to get my blessing. If nothing else, Ladon, I commend you for that. It actually does show how much you love and care for her."
"At least you can admit that," I mumbled, caressing her ass. "If you ever tell her about this, I will deny it all night and day."
She got right in my face. "The last thing I want to do is hurt her, Ladon. I just have my own wants and needs," she informed me before she laid her hands on my neck and kissed me.
We made out passionately for a couple minutes and we both rubbed each other. She continued to move her body around, which made my schlong move right around as well. I barely had to maneuver at all, she just did all the work.
'Damn, is she just an insane bitch or what? She is pressing her tits onto my chest and gloating in the endzone long after the touchdown has been completed. She is full of herself, I'm sure Rashida knows that too.'
"Tell me you love her, Ladon."
"I love her, Roxanne. I love her so much, I'll never have sex with anyone else or watch porn ever again. I'll get her pregnant in due time too, if only to make the three of us happy."
"Good, that's what I want to hear. So from now on, when I have my tits out on display, you better not glare at them. Only Rashida's melons should be for your enjoyment. Do you got that?"
"Yes, I understand, bitch."
"Good," she mentioned, leaning back.
I directly put my hands up onto her upper back so she wouldn't fall. "You are gonna be a handful, aren't you?"
"Yes, now fuck me one last time and shoot your sweet seed into me. Don't worry, I'm on the pill."
I summoned all the strength I had and began thrusting my member. I made her titties bounce a bit, but that was all. I felt depleted, but still turned on by her. I couldn't look away from her terrific melons, they just put a spell on me.
'Well, it almost time, so this will be over,' I thought, coming right her, but still holding her. "Here it comes, tart," I informed her, pressing my head onto her chest.
"Then give it to me, stud," she proposed before she kissed my head.
I slanted my head back and I tried to tighten my grip on her as much as I could. Then my entire body began jerking forward as I started cumming inside her.
"Yes, I feel it, so give me everything you have to shoot, Ladon. Don't you dare short change me," she ordered me, wrapping her arms around my neck.
I gave her at least three more streams that was all delivered directly into her slit. With every shot I gave her, I twitched again and my grip loosened on her. I felt like I just ran a ten mile marathon, but I still managed to get through it and hang onto her.
"You are an evil seductress, Roxanne," I muttered, beginning to relax.
"I know, but you have my blessing, Ladon," she answered before she kissed me. "I love you now, so be good to her. If you hurt her, that love will disappear," she warned me before she got off me.
She spread out her lips and we both saw my cum plummeting out.
"Okay, can we just get back now? She is probably wondering about us."
"Yes, Ladon, so we better get dressed and try not to look like we had sex."
We did that in about a minute as I felt like she was on the other side of the door waiting for us. Whether she planned it or not, I got out of there before her and zipped back to our table.
"Did you have to take a giant shit, or what?" Rashida chuckled as I sat down.
I took a deep breath. "I guess I wasn't feeling so well, but I should be fine now," I responded before I kissed her.
"Oh, that's sweet: you two are kissing," Roxanne pointed out, strolling towards us.
"Did the food not agree with you either, Mom? Both of you have been gone for like a half hour now and your food is ice cold now."
Roxanne wrapped her arms around her and smooched her cheek too. "No, Ladon just wanted to ask me something, but we had to talk about it," she informed her, prior to sitting down. "We just took a lot longer than we should have, that's all," she told her before she nodded at me.
'I guess I'm doing it now, this is as good of a time as any,' I thought, digging into my pocket.
I got down on one knee and pulled it out. "I was just asking for your mom's blessing to propose. So, Rashida, will you marry me?"
She took it and slid the ring on herself. "Yes, of course," she replied, yanking me up with her.
We made out as we got a small clap from other people. I peeked at Roxanne as she blew me a kiss.
'You are one fucked up chick, Roxanne.'
Her lips came off mine. "Oh, I love you, Ladon," she said, hugging me. "Fuck, I gotta text Laura and Jenny," she mentioned before she kissed me again.
She dug into her purse and then Roxanne came over to me. "The next time you call me a cunt, I'm gonna gut punch you," she cautioned me before she hugged me. "I knew you were the real deal the minute I saw you," she told me before she let go of me. "So treat her like a queen."
"I understand."
"Good, because I'll be keeping an eye on you," she notified me before smooching my cheek and sitting back down. "You are Ben Stiller and I'm Robert De Niro."
"Make sure you keep an eye on yourself too, woman who is not a cunt," I pointed out, sitting down. "You are a loose cannon."
"You'll learn to love me."
Just like that, I was engaged to Rashida. What happened between her mom and I in the bathroom just stayed a secret. I most definitely enjoyed the ride home.
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Chapter One ‘I should have brought a newspaper or a book or something.’ Nearly unpacked, having already survived her first class at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the old Barnard School building across the square, and feeling the itch to get back to her dolls, Ginny had eschewed the thought of fixing her own breakfast of burned toast and weak coffee this morning and ventured out onto the square to William’s Café at the corner at West Taylor. The serious and mournful-looking young...
So here we are together at last. Just you, me and the great outdoors. We have taken a trip to Maine, just to be alone. I have rented a cabin for the weekend, deep in the woods. Isolation. We go into to the cabin, which is tastefully decorated in rustic fashion. There is a bottle of wine on the table, left by the owners, telling us to enjoy our time. You seem a little overwhelmed by all of this. We grab the bottle and take a stroll to the waterfront, hand in hand. The trees have just started to...
After her last class of the day had finished, Victoria walked with heavy thoughts down the Assumption Catholic High School hallway to her history classroom. This was her third detention in two weeks, and she was dreading having to face Mr. O yet again. She really hated to disappoint him; mostly out of respect and a mild crush, but also out of fear. He was usually easy-going, but could become very strict at times. While his voice never rose above its usual strong, baritone frequency, his icy...
SpankingAmi sandip choto bela thekei khub sex pagol. Choda choudi chara jibon amar boroi bisad lage. Eta koek bochor ager ghotona. Tokhon amar boyos 20. Saradin tokhon duchoke sudhu chodar sopno dekhtam. Amader chotto poribar. Ami, ammu arr amar boro bon. Abbu bidese thake. Boro bon uni te pore arr ammu ekta ngo te kaaj kore. Amader dui bed roomer apartment, ek roome ami thaki arr onno roome ammu arr apu. Anyway ebar asi asol kahinite. Ekdin college theke basay ese dekhi amader ek dur-somporker nani...
I just got appointed to be a Store Manager for a luxury fashion label in a exclusive Shopping Centre. Right opposite was a boutique that specialized in sexy club wear, everything from shiny leather high heel boots, to tight miniskirts even to PVC clothes.One day as I was inspecting our window dressing I ended up admiring their displays and walked over to check out the prices they were charging. As I inspected the pricing table I could see right onto the shop floor where a girl caught my eye,...
Hi it is smeer sorry for long wait. So we should not waste time then lets start story. As I already said the story the story of two brothers. This is next part. Subah jb mai utha to Maine dekha ki mai raj ki baho me hu unhone mujhe pakd rkha aur unka 9 inch ka Lund Jo ab bhi 6 inch ka hoga mere andar h. Maine dheere se raj ke kano me kaha-Aj hi pregnant krne kaa irada h kya. Tb raj ne aankhe kholi aur seedhe mere hotho PR hmla bol diya aur una Lund mere andar hi bda hone laga. Aur mery gand...
Gay MaleJake kept an eye on Lana the rest of the week. They stayed out of school for two days, returning on Thursday. There had been no mention on the news about the incident at the Dean's house, and when he went over with Lana on Wednesday, helping move the Dean's back in, the house looked pristine. Even the rug in the bedroom was new, a fresh coat of paint on all four walls. The bed clothes had been replaced and Harvey Jr's. room was empty, nothing remained except the furniture. Jake saw the...
Part FourThe youngest of the black boys, took out his mobile and began to make a phone call. I was somewhat disappointed as I assumed he was going to be taking photographs of me adorned like the hardcore sex kitten I was portraying. He began speaking quietly at first, then let out a huge belly laugh.“Yeah babe send the Limo to this address straight away. We’ve got some hot bitches to party with, and the brothers are going to love these fine hot sluts!” He smiled looking me directly in the...
My seventeenth birthday was the beginning of a new sexual freedom for my whole family, the beginning of many new and exciting sexual relationships. August is always very hot and humid in East Texas, but that Saturday was exceptionally hot and humid. It was the kind of day when all I wanted to do was stretch out next to the pool and work on my tan while sipping tall glasses of ice tea but I had a lawn to cut, edge, and trim. By noontime, it had become so hot and humid that my sweat soaked blouse...
IncestHi, readers. My name is melroy and I’m 24 years old. I am born and brought up in Bengaluru. I am working as a researcher. This true incident is about me and a high school teacher who actually never taught me. We never even spoke to each other during my school days. Let’s call her ruth. Ruth was a 23-year-old fair, short and slightly skinny lady when I was in my 8th grade. She was cute and was very popular among the boys in my school as she was very friendly. She got married when I was in my 9th...
Hi I m Raj(Prince) from Bangalore working as a freelancer. I’m not the outgoing types, but don’t miss an opportunity to explore my fantasies. Once such happened during my bus journey about 6 months back. I was traveling back from Chennai to Bangalore. My family members shared seats and I sat alone next to a Window seat. The bus left about 7 in the evening. I was busy listening to music and was particularly inconspicuous when this girl about 24-25 with pleasant features sat in the seat in front...
It started at an upscale night club...I didn't intend on going out that evening but a buddy promised it would be a fun night. so I found myself standing at this bar having a drink when my buddy pointed at this woman in a short black dress from way across the club who apparently had been throwing glances at me all night. I took my drink and wiggled my way through the crowded dance floor to get closer to this attractive woman. Her eyes followed my every move, it felt like she was pulling towards...
I think I can speak for both of us when I say that getting a*****ed by aliens that day came as a bit of a surprise. We didn’t even realise when it was actually happening, although to be fair we had a pretty good excuse, as we were fucking each other’s brains out at the time. Admittedly, I had a weird sense of weightlessness as you bounced up and down on my lap and my balls tensed to shoot up into you, but sex with you has always been a transcendental experience, and you’ve frequently left me...
As she drove down to Burlingame later that afternoon to spend the rest of the weekend with Deshona, Laura wondered if she were slipping. Am I getting older? she thought. She and Brenda, while fucking with fierce, incendiary enthusiasm, had only had three climaxes each. And even though Laura could still feel the after effects, especially the gentle throbbing that was left over from being fist-fucked, she knew that in the past she had had twenty or more orgasms on similar occasions. I'm...
CHAPTER IIThe rest of Friday night and for the next two days I hid out in my apartment. Sleep was fitful and satisfying restfulness evaded me. My ass felt like it was leaking all the time, and it ached most of those days. I took lots of long hot baths with soft music to distract me. Still, every time my ass twinged my memory of being forcefully impaled by that big black cock filled my thoughts. I recalled Jakes smell. Remember his gorgeous dark skin that felt like soft velvet over a steel hard...
School was out on December 20th. On the next morning, they all drove to Heathrow in the Defender with two weeks worth of clothes. The military duffle bag Henry had chosen amused the young lady at the check-in. She clearly was not used to Business Class passengers checking in ratty canvas bags. The twins had their giggles when they entered the Business Class lounge. There were two actors they knew from TV shows and one half-assed rock musician whose music they disliked. There were also two...
I will readily admit that our first night in the same bed was not a perfect night in the terms of continuous sleep. But that is not to mean that it was in any way unpleasant. I woke several times to the feel of a knee or an elbow or an arm or a leg, and as I achieved consciousness, I realized that those parts belonged to my little bit of perfection, and I rearranged myself and her and went back to sleep. We hit another one of those milestones and hurdles in a couple's evolution when the...
"I saw my Mum and Dad doing it once," whispered Catherine, her face pink as she sneaked a glance at the two boys at the other side of the room. At just turned fourteen, Catherine hated her habit of blushing whenever sex was being discussed, and had no idea how attractive the heightening of the colour on her cheeks made her. With her soft brown eyes, and dark hair curling down to just under her chin, not to mention her blossoming figure, she already turned many heads at school – and out of...
I became close friends with my ex Tony and his hubby Richard. I had a reason to. Tony had left me for Richard when I was planning to spend the rest of my life with him and did it in a cold, matter of fact way that he felt was ok and I should simply accept. Strangely, I did. I was heartbroken but started to socialise with guys I met in Gay dating apps, I say dating, I was fucked senseless most nights by a stream of guys who's names I struggle to remember. Then one evening, a married guy stopped...
Kirsten was resting on Tammy's bed, Tammy was sitting on the chair in front of her vanity combing her still wet hair from the shower taken after the girls had done laps in the pool and spent half an hour in the Tanner hot tub. The pair was closer than ever following the near win at Grand National Cheer competition the previous November. It was now May of the following year and the girls were deep into the planning of the West Hamlin Harlequin cheer camp for this July and August. They had...
Jack Vegas is reading a book in the living room when his stepdaughter, Chloe Temple, comes in and sits down on the couch. To his shock, Chloe then pulls up her skirt and starts masturbating right then and there! Jack scolds her for behaving inappropriately, but Chloe is completely shameless. Before Jack can lecture her some more, there’s a knock at the front door. Jack knows the visitor must be Oliver Flynn, who is scheduled to come by to fix the fireplace. Jack warns Chloe to behave...
xmoviesforyouIt was the warm weather, and a comment made to me by someone on here, that made me slip off this afternoon to some woods near me. I’d had a couple of encounters there in the past, but hadn’t been there for ages.I walked along the river and over the bridge, and made my way down the path that leads to the woods. The sky was very grey and the threat of rain had put most of the dog walkers off so it was quiet and I walked along seeing noone. The rain started to come on so I cut off the main path,...
My sister in law recently came to visit my wife and me to visit my father in law who is in a nursing home close to where we live. I am white American and my wife and her sister are from the Philippines. They have lived in the US for many years but still have accents. My wife has gotten a little chubby while my sister in law has an amazing body that she keeps in shape by working out and her job is a nurse which keeps her on feet a lot. She is a natural flirt and likes to wear clothes that are...
February 26, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “What a bastard,” I spat. We were watching CNN on Tuesday night. “What do you mean?” Kara asked. “The motherfucker fires a SCUD at a US Marine barracks in Dhahran, kills two dozen Americans, and THEN announces he’s withdrawing from Kuwait? And orders his troops to set fire to the Kuwaiti oil fields? And to cap it off, I bet you anything you care to wager that Bush declares victory and lets Hussein get away with it. All those men dead! For...
HarDick69 is back yeah. Thank you guys for your feedback and suggestions for my story. In the last part, me and my mallu milf teacher Beena were chatting on WhatsApp. Beena: I believe it’s that girl you sit next to in the class, right? Me: She was my crush at first. But.. Beena: But what happened, da? Me: Then I saw this cute girl. I sent the profile picture of Beena I had saved earlier! She was online but still, was not responding. And my best guess was that she was surprised to see her...
“What time is everyone going to be showing up tomorrow?” I asked. “My Mom and Dad will be here at about 6AM, so Dad can start rubbing the fryer turkey with his special dry rub marinade. You’re going to be drooling for the rest of the week when you taste it.” “So, it’s like his daughter then?” Blossom blushed a little and simultaneously kissed me and patted me on the butt. “Mom and I will start work on the baking turkey and then I will get to work on the smoked turkey in the BBQ.” Blossom...
Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...
Wayne got out of the car and hurried around to help his sister. As he held open the door and took her hand, he looked down upon her and smiled. Today was her fortieth birthday. She deserved a special celebration, and he was doing his best to give it to her. It wasn’t hard to understand why Wayne felt so strongly for his sister Jacquee. Jacquee is a truly beautiful woman. Jacquee had all the features most men would desire in a woman; she was petite and weighed about 115 pounds, her olive colored...
IncestAs a part of my job, I work with large engineering companies from all over America. My company has just signed a contract with Black and Veetch engineering in Kansas City. I was on my first visit with this company to review a new project. After three days of dry meetings with stuffed shirt engineers that only talk work, I needed a break. After checking with the hotels front desk, I headed to a spot called Kansas City (KC) Live. It was a large indoor mall of shops and entertainment venues...
Danny awakened from the state of unconsciousness that Caleb had induced in him. It took him but a moment to check on Lindsey and Chico, and to make certain that Caleb was indeed on his way back to the KAL. Up to this point, everything had gone pretty much as he had hoped it would. He was still alive, as was Lindsey and Chico. He had a lot of work to do if he had any hope of turning his plans into any kind of reality. Danny crawled up on the bed beside Lindsey and settled down on his back...
I swap into a new, pale cream skirt and a baby pink blouse. It's not really my colour but needs must. I also get a chance to correct my hair, before hurrying out and back down to the office. Back at my desk it's a relief to plug myself in up my skirt... I feel almost demure, which is odd for a sissy with a vibrating plug up their ass. I focus on my work, apart from the occasional squeal from the shocking plug, and even that is almost... enjoyable now. I look up though when I see a...
Am a 25-year old guy. I am a fan of your web site. I live with my dad and mom. My dad is a wealthy business man. He is often abroad for his business. My mom, Madhuri, who is 34 years old is a successful actress. She is a real sex bomb with a lovely figure and attractive boob size. She is very bold and exposes a lot. Mummy filmo me khul ke angpradarshan karti hai. One night, when dad was away, she called me into her room. Mom was dressed in a sexy black saree and a low cut sleeveless blouse that...
So Monday Night Raw was AMAZING!!! I emptied my balls so many times. And my dreams came true with some fun time in the shower with the Hugger herself Bayley. There was so many sexy ladies of WWE there but there was plenty missing from the fun. So I had to make my way to Smackdown Live!. I didnt have any tickets but that wasnt stopping me. I got on a bus and headed to Orlando. I was so excited. I made my way to the arena as soon as I got there. Now I just had to get inside. Should be easy...
My best friend Sasha had called and invited me out for the evening since my husband was out of town. I agreed, as I was getting a small dose of cabin fever and wanted a bit of fresh summer sultry night air. ‘Let’s go check out this new chick club that just opened’ she requested as we talked over the phone. ‘It sounds like a cool place where females can go to drink and dance without the typical guy bullshit of trying to get into your pants’ she added quickly. ‘Cool’ I responded as I wanted a...
Ted Sullivan sat before his computer with his cock in his right hand, slowly masturbating. On the screen were three actors who he had first seen together more then a year ago. The woman, who was quite pretty, was slightly fat, with large tits, which were always wildly flapping as one or the other of the men pounded his cock into her red slash, surrounded by her black cunt hair. He had watched the third tape of them so often that he knew what was said, verbatim. The older black man had said,...
THE SAGA OF E-GIRL Since the good Doctor refuses to clear me for active duty until I write this, I had better get it over with . I can look out the window and see most of the Compound,, the official home for the largest number of the world's super-powered people. I had never imagined that I would be among them, nor just what it would cost me to join the ranks of the "Superior". The Doctor wants me to write out my story so that I can put the guilt behind me and move on. I don't know if...
She chose a globular cluster this time. Idling in intergalactic space, she watched with interest as the entire structure rotated like an immense swarm of fireflies. When able, she inserted herself feet first at the north pole (one of the poles of rotation, anyway), choosing this location for the lowest rate of spin. At random, she selected an un-noteworthy yellow-white star with an entourage of unremarkable planets. Or so she thought. Approaching the outer planets, she got a...
Chapter 3: Joy Unspeakable The next day was perfection. They spent it together, first walking in the gardens, where they strolled amung the flowers and kissed on an arched bridge. A pair of old ladies who were watching told them they were ‘a pretty couple’ afterward. They had a light lunch, then went to a bookstore. They walked up and down the aisles and looked at books, idly picking them up and putting them back, occasionally showing them to each other, but soon they were looking at each...
As we approached the ward around the Villa, I checked it more carefully and discovered that it was a Witch ward that had been cast using ordinary Magic, the kind that Josh and others used, and NOT Witch Magic or Ley Line Magic. “That’s a very strong ward,” Josh told me, after reading it also, as we approached the ward. I smiled at him before drawing on the nearest Ley Line. There were many to choose from, as so many passed through and crossed in the Atlanta area. Having drawn sufficient...
I arrived at the Hotel for our 3 some with Missy & Stephie & got dressed up before Stephie doll (the other TV) arrived. We chatted as she changed while I did my nails. Missy arrived soon after & we all had some glasses of wine to relax us and put us in the mood to play. Missy sat on the bed as Stephie started caressing her, & she then undressed naked & the 3 of us laid on the bed. I was kissing her & tit rubbing & sucking also I breathed in her ear I...
The Sahara Africa THE DOORS TO THE ROOM blow off the hinges and land clattering with a loud clang. Instantly, Stone’s and Dupree’s weapons come up aimed at the door. ‘Don’t bother,’ Natalya says looking over her shoulder. Aurelia strides into the rooms followed closely by Spencer. She throws up her hand and both guns fly from the two CATU agents’ hands and are sent across the room into the wall. ‘I told you,’ Natalya says grinning at her Lieutenant, Rolan Brish. ‘Please stop what you are...
Edited by Barney R. Final edit and spelling and grammar checked by Grammarly Tweaked by me all errors are on me. Author’s Note; All military training and action references are totally made up I have no sniper experience, and I was not a supply clerk. I was a maintenance man in a hospital unit. This is fiction after all. This is a longer than normal story for me. She showed me the home pregnancy kit it had turned blue. I was not happy. Dramatis personae Sidney Greenleaf (Me) John...
"Why are you here?" I asked. "To have some fun. To drink. You said you had some good stuff in your room." "Why here, why me?" "What do you mean?" "There were at least fifty men in that ballroom. One of them was probably your husband. Right?" "Yeah, so..." "It looked like some corporate function. A Christmas Party? You should be on your husband's arm, laughing at his jokes, impressing his coworkers, sucking up to his boss." "I'd rather be sucking up that big cock you...
This somewhat different then the normal so I thought I would tell you guys, but frist let me set things up for you 1. Kat is my wife she is 42yrs. loves to fuck women who have never been with a women before then she dates them under there husbends noses. 2. Rose is one of Kats ladys, I think for about 3 years now. 3. Trish is a close freind to Rose who is always upset cause her husband doesn't love her like they use to. Ok so Rose and Trish were having lunch like they do every tuseday talking...
First of all, She has to know you’re a wanker. Easy – you just go up to Her and say “I’m a wanker and I worship you Miss”. Not. It takes time. Usually it will be a girl at work, or somewhere you regularly see Her, like if She works in a pub or shop – specially a dirty bookshop. For worshippers who have a normal social life it could be friends or even family – not anything I can tell you about, but I would have thought a lot more risky, if you don’t want your dirty dark-life secret to be out. I...
It was Monday, 5:30 am. Lana burrowed deeper under her quilts, trying to find the perfect spot to sleep in. But she couldn't fall asleep, her heart wanted AJ. Ever since their encounter two days ago, Lana couldn't stop thinking about him. She masturbated to him every night, more than she had masturbated in her entire life. Lana had even bought a dildo! She cringed, remembering the embarrassment she harbored while purchasing the sex object.---The day she bought the dildo was one night after the...
Straight SexIt was thanksgiving dinner at her house, when I first laid eyes on Audriana. I was captivated by her presence and her ability to work a room, but how could this be the same girl I had watched as a baby? She had grown up so beautifully but that was so long ago, she was sixteen now. Her Italian and black mix gave her a deeply tanned skin tone, big beautiful brown eyes that were feathered with thick dark lashes and her loosely curled, dark hair fell just above her mid back. She looked around 5'8,...
First TimeSusan Gets an Assignment As she had promised, Susan phoned Jason at his office Monday morning. When he answered, she giggled and asked, “Do you want me to come over and service that huge cock of yours.” “No Susan. But I do have something you can do for me.” He told her. “You know I'll do anything for you, Jason. Just name it.” “Good. As you know, Dean Malcomb's wife died about a year ago. He has been very depressed ever since. I want you to go to Dean Malcomb's office...
I've been exceeding my quotas for three years now and the company is finally sending me to the conferences- the good ones. This last summer I was fortunate enough to go the best show in the industry in Miami. I checked into the swanky hotel and got up ready to learn what I could and see the sights. As I moved around the booths and went from seminar to seminar I kept bumping into this gorgeous sales manager I recognized from another company.Veronica is a bit older, around 35 but she is stil a...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My Sister In Law recently told me she wanted to try something she had seen on the internet. I asked her what it was called and she said that it was glory holing. Now if you have never heard of this it’s when a guy stands on one side of a wall with his cock through a hole to the other side and the girl does whatever she can on the other. Needless to say I was all for it. Instead of ruining a wall and then trying to hide it later I suggested I get a...
IncestIt was March. I had been with my boy friend for three years. It seemed like an eternity. I was getting sick of the sex. While he pleasured himself in me, I was feeling nothing. I went to the bar that night. Only for a drink. To get my mind off of what was happening with him. It was a long week of fights and slamming doors, crying calls to my mom. I had no idea what to do. Three shots, and a bunch of tears later I saw her. The most beautiful women I had ever seen. Not the kind where you wish...