Cosmic Adventure free porn video

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I think I can speak for both of us when I say that getting a*****ed by aliens that day came as a bit of a surprise.

We didn’t even realise when it was actually happening, although to be fair we had a pretty good excuse, as we were fucking each other’s brains out at the time.

Admittedly, I had a weird sense of weightlessness as you bounced up and down on my lap and my balls tensed to shoot up into you, but sex with you has always been a transcendental experience, and you’ve frequently left me floating on air. The bright white light might have been a clue, too, but the onrushing climax left my senses completely scrambled, and you were pretty far gone, too, moaning and staring wildly into my eyes.

And so it was that the first utterances of Earth people on board the alien spaceship consisted of me yelling out your name and you screaming, ‘Yes! YESSSS!!’ as we exploded in an orgasm which felt, well, out of this world.

It was only when we started to recover that we noticed something was amiss. For starters, the chair on which we’d been making love so enthusiastically seemed to have vanished, and I fell backwards onto a big, soft bed which didn’t look much like yours. I wasn’t complaining, though, as you fell on top of me, your breasts squashed against my chest, my cock still inside you. Then there was the room, which, while comfortable in a budget hotel kind of way, didn’t contain any of your personal touches, or, indeed the clothes which we’d ripped off each other earlier.

The clincher, though, was the window in the wall behind us, which definitely wasn’t there before, and through which several pairs of eyes were watching us.

I reacted first as you went wide-eyed, grabbing the white quilt on the bed and wrapping it around your nude form. Now I’m no prude, and I don’t mind a bit of healthy exhibitionism now and then, but only in a time and place of our choosing. Besides, the faces in the window, whilst humanoid, were certainly not human, and I had no idea what their intentions were towards you. OK, I admit it – my first instincts were protective. And possessive.

Demanding to know the meaning of this outrage would have felt a little bit too B-movie dialogue, and in any case, it’s not easy to maintain a look of affronted dignity when you’re bollock naked and your drooping cock is slick with your lover’s juices and a string of white come is dangling from it. I contented myself with glaring at them.

The faces withdrew. A few seconds later the door opened and one of the aliens entered.

‘Hello! Sorry about the inconvenience, but thank you for coming.’

Was he (she?) taking the piss? It was a bit tricky to read the facial expression, given the egg-shaped forehead, huge black eyes and tiny mouth and chin. From what little I knew of Ufology (mostly sci-if books and films), I guessed that this was a ‘grey’, assuming such a species actually existed outside fiction. Apparently it did. The English words, spoken with an odd accent, combined with the big eyes, gave the alien an unfortunate resemblance to Puss In Boots from the Shrek films, which made it a little difficult to take it seriously. Still, at least it was polite.

‘Why have you brought us here?’

‘Ah, well, we need your help in a somewhat delicate matter, so you’ll be our honoured guests for a while.’

You found your voice.

‘Guests, huh? Well, how about finding us some clothes, for starters? You picked a bad moment to beam us up!’

‘Oh, I’m sorry, where are my manners? I’ll have some sent down. And I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Dikrobbinaeth, but it’s probably easier for you to call me Dik. I’m the Chief Scientist on board the ship, and I’ll be your, er, host for your stay.’

I couldn’t help smiling.

‘Dik, eh? At least it’s better than Slartibartfast.’

His expression looked blanker than ever, if that were possible.

‘Designer of the Norwegian fjords? Oh, never mind! By host, I presume you mean jailer? Or should that be keeper?’

The place where his eyebrows should have been lifted, in a movement which we would later come to recognise as signifying embarrassment.

‘Um, we were hoping that you would help us voluntarily, but if you decide not to, of course you’ll be free to go. We’ll take you home.’

That rather took the wind out of our sails. It was you who asked the obvious questions.

‘So what is it you want from us? And why pick on us?’

More non-eyebrow contortions.

‘I’ll tell you. Although our species is considerably more technically advanced than the primi … er, younger race on your planet, we’re dying out, and there are few of us left. We need to find a solution quickly.’

‘What’s the problem? Some kind of disease?’

‘Oh no, nothing like that. We’ve eradicated harmful bacteria and viruses, and live to at least a hundred and fifty of your years. The problem is reproduction, or rather, lack of it. Artificial methods of conception and cloning simply don’t work for our metabolism, so we are totally reliant on sexual reproduction. Unfortunately, a long time ago our society embarked on a program designed to reduce crime by monitoring every citizen full-time. It was a huge success, eliminating all wrongdoing completely, including sex crime and all forms of harassment and inappropriate behaviour. Unfortunately, it had an unexpected side-effect: nobody wanted to have sex any more. It was no longer private, nobody went naked, and males were frightened to approach females in case it was interpreted as harassment. The birth rate plummeted, and eventually our libidos atrophied to the point where we are now virtually incapable of having sex at all. We’re embarrassed by the very idea of it.’

‘OK, but you still haven’t said why you chose us. We’re not important people, or anything special. You’re not planning to impregnate me, I hope.’

Was it my imagination, or was there a note of excitement in your voice?

‘Oh, no, nothing like that. But you are special. We’ve been observing the human race for a while, and both of you, ever since you first mated.’

Mmmm, I kind of liked that word, and so did you, judging by your flushed cheeks. Or was it the realisation that someone (something?) had been watching us having sex in all kinds of ways and places. I wondered whether they had been watching when I fucked you up the arse at the back of the church? I wondered what they would have made of that?

‘On average, members of your species who are paired off have sexual congress 1.275757 recurring times per Earth week.’

So, people who answered those quizzes in Cosmopolitan magazine really *were* lying to the researchers, just as we always suspected!

‘You, on the other hand, are averaging …’

He glanced down at some figures on his screen.

ś.41 times. Per day.’

We exchanged glances, and there was mirth and not a little pride shining in your eyes. I kissed you, ignoring his presence.

‘Ah, this is what I want you to do for me.’

We broke apart, puzzled.

‘What, kiss?’

‘Yes. No. We want you to have lots of sex, so we can monitor you, find out why you have so much sex, and why it’s so different to ours.’


‘Yes. We have seen how badly you treat your woman. You hurt her, you punish her physically, you use f***e to take her, and yet she wants more and more. Also, watching you both commit what would be crimes, if crime still existed on our world, seems to have had certain, er, effects, on our researchers.’

This revelation was having certain effects on me, too. To my astonishment, I was now sporting a hard on.

I heard you snort with laughter.

‘What you mean is that you got horny watching us, dirty Dik, just like Sam is now!’

I was guessing that the furious forehead contortions now taking place on his face equated to mortification.

You pressed home your advantage, my shy little girl suddenly not so shy any more. You sat up, allowing the quilt to slide off your boobs, which were thrust out to best advantage, and you leant forward towards my straining cock.

‘Well, it’s very sad that your species has forgotten how to make love, but since you ask so nicely, I guess we could try to help.’

There was absolutely no doubt now that Dik’s eponymous appendage was making its presence felt under his loose clothes, and he hurriedly excused himself and closed the door behind him.

We both burst into laughter.

‘You little tease! I bet he’s behind that window having a peek now!’

Your face was all innocence.

‘Well, we’d better not disappoint him, then …’

‘Grrrrr. Come here and suck my cock, my fabulous slut.’

As your smile widened and your lips closed around my shaft, I reflected that I could get to like life on board a spaceship.
Rudely plucked from our bed by an alien spacecraft in the middle of a lovemaking session, we found our sexual habits being studied in a bid to resolve their reproductive crisis. Even now, our every move was being watched …

It was delicious watching you suck my cock, but I wanted more. I pulled out of your mouth and pushed you back onto the bed, rolling you over onto your stomach. I deliberately positioned you so that we were parallel to the window, and got on all fours over you, leaning down so my mouth was close to your ear.

‘Shall we give our new friend a proper show? Do you want me to fuck you while he watches? It turns you on, knowing that you’re being watched, doesn’t it, you sexy little slut?’

‘God, yes, fuck me! Let him see your cock sliding into me. Use me, I’m your fuck toy.’

The thought of having an audience was having a powerful effect on me, too, and I was rock hard. Your words inflamed me even more, and I grabbed your hair, pulling back your head, making you arch your back and stick your ass up invitingly. I shoved my hand roughly between your thighs.

‘You’re sopping wet! You dirty, dirty girl!’

Slapping your ass hard, making you yelp in pain, I thrust my cock straight into you, then lay heavily on your back, keeping my legs outside yours. That way I could pinion your legs together, making your pussy grip me tightly, and you couldn’t move at all. I wasn’t in the mood for tenderness, this was going to be fast and furious. I used your helpless body without mercy, feeling the muscles in your ass and pussy clenching every time I slammed into you, hearing your involuntary grunts on every stroke, which soon became louder and turned into cries of pleasure or pain. I didn’t mind which.

The added stimulation from your pussy feeling so tight soon brought me to the edge. Another time I might have slowed down to draw out my pleasure and your own, but not now, not when I was screwing my favourite fuck toy. I came with a roar of triumph, exploding inside you, feeling like a lion overpowering a lioness and mating with her. You felt me shudder and pulse inside you, then before you knew what was happening, I had pulled out and was dragging you into a new position on your back. I buried my head between your thighs like a madman, slurping and licking, drinking my own come, mingled with your wetness. You moaned loudly, then cried out as I found your clit and savaged it with my tongue, keeping up the pressure and lashing it until you screamed out your own orgasm, your whole body shaking as I tightened my grip on your thighs and mashed my whole face into your sex.

We were lying happily in each other’s arms, tired and sated, when our new alien friend Dik reappeared with his recording device.

‘Thank you, that was very useful and, er, stimulating. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?’

I grinned.

‘Yeah, stimulating’s a good word. Fire away!’

‘Is it normal in your species that you can reproduce through three different orifices?’

‘No! Only one, the vagina. Show him your pussy, Emma.’

You were a little shocked at the matter of fact way in which I ordered you to show your most intimate places to a stranger, but a little thrilled, too.

‘Ah, this is the same with us. But then I do not understand – why did you place his reproductive organ in your oral cavity?’

You were blushing a little now.

‘Um, because he loves it, it gives him a lot of pleasure. And because I really enjoy sucking his cock.’

He was clearly puzzled.

‘So it has no reproductive purpose?’

‘No, it’s just for fun. Unless you count making him nice and hard and ready to fuck me.’

I wasn’t convinced that he got the concept of fun, but he moved on, flicking through a variety of charts on the device he carries everywhere with him.

‘So, we have measured various biometric data whilst you were, er, fucking. This chart measures the level of the male hormone which you experience as arousal.’

‘Why is it all a straight line at the top near the end?’

‘Hmmm, it seems to have reached the maximum our sensors are programmed to measure. I will need to recalibrate the probes for you, I think.’


I had visions of being strapped to a table in an alien laboratory while unspeakable instruments were inserted into my rectum.

‘Yes, virtual scanners which monitor all of your biological data. Nothing physical will be put into your body, I assure you.’

‘Pity’, I heard you murmur beside me, and I glared at you, but your face was all innocence.

‘Now I would like to see how you prepare for sexual activity. The male organ cannot penetrate the female unless it is erect, but I have noticed that you do not always do this by oral stimulation, in fact many times I can see no stimulation at all. How does this work?’

‘In young males, it is often involuntary. They get excited for no apparent reason. In older men, like me, visual stimulation can be enough. The sight of a very attractive female, like Emma – you’re blushing again, I notice with pleasure – arouses me, especially when she is naked. I think that you have experienced this yourself.’

‘Um, yes, I did notice some physiological reactions in my, er, my team.’

‘Then there is manual stimulation, either by yourself or, more effectively, by your partner. Do you really not know about this?’

‘We have observed it in your species, and there are some ancient writings on our world which refer to these forbidden activities.’

‘Wow, you really don’t know much about sex, do you?’

His eyes narrowed. Wounded pride, or anger?

‘I am one of the leading experts of my people on sexual reproduction!’

Your voice was soft now:

‘But you haven’t actually ever had sex, have you?’

Your intuition was evidently correct, as he bowed his head and nodded.

‘Have you touched yourself, made yourself ejaculate?’

‘No! It would be too embarrassing.’

You were in control now, and I watched, fascinated, as you gently led him.

‘You can’t embarrass us. Try touching yourself now.’

Hesitantly, his long fingers moved to his groin and rubbed perfunctorily though his robes. I could definitely see a bulge there now.

‘No, not through your clothes. Take it out.’

He was shocked.

‘Oh, I couldn’t! You’d see it!’

‘Well, you’ve already seen us naked and having sex. It seems only fair.’

The logic of this was inescapable, and after much hesitation, he finally agreed. It was very long by earthly standards, quite thin, but still impressive in its half erect state. I saw you u*********sly lick your lips and smiled to myself. I knew what you were up to.

‘Now touch it, give yourself some pleasure.’

He reached down and tugged at it half-heartedly.

‘No, not like that. Watch me.’

You moved your hand to my lap and started to stroke my cock with your fingertips, very slowly. It stirred under your touch, twitched and grew. You tickled the hairs beneath my balls. A jolt of pleasure went through me and I moaned as my cock swelled and stood proudly upright.

He obediently tried to mimic your movements, but he was clumsy, and his own erection began to subside.

‘Sam, will you let me just …?’

He interjected.

‘Why do you ask your partner for permission? You said that you were equals.’

I answered for you.

‘We are equals. However, our relationship is unusual among humans. When it comes to sex, she has voluntarily submitted to my will. She has to ask my permission to do anything sexual, but will do anything I command of her. I own her.’

This concept floored Dik completely. It was obvious that he couldn’t get his head around something which was so, well, alien to his society. We were talking about a major sex-crime here. He asked many questions, but still couldn’t seem to comprehend.

‘Don’t worry, many humans struggle with this idea, too! Emma is in no way inferior to me, in fact in many ways she’s my superior, but this is something she chooses to do because it excites her and because deep down in her psyche, she needs to be dominated. Let me demonstrate: Emma: show him how to touch his cock.’

Your eyes lit up, and you moved over to his side, to his obvious consternation.

‘Wait! You would do this just because he tells you to, even though you don’t want to? This is not right!’

You put a finger over his mouth.

‘Shhhh. I do want to, but I would never do it without Sam’s agreement. He knows that, and he knows me so well that he knows what I really want to do. By ordering me to do it, he’s given me that permission. So, be quiet, and let me take care of you.’

I was so proud when I heard your words. I adored the fact that my shy little girl was confident enough to teach an alien about his sexuality, and to speak about her own.

I was even more proud when you reached down and gently wrapped your little fingers around his penis, and it began to grow …
Watching you teaching our alien friend how to masturbate was a revelation. Knowing that he was a virgin, and that sex was almost a taboo for his people, you were so gentle and careful at first, stroking his burgeoning erection with your fingertips, tracing the veins in it, exploring the head. I saw, fascinated, how it not only lengthened but also expanded in girth under your touch, until it was standing proud.

Dik’s dick was huge! I was smiling inside at the thought, but I was impressed, and I could see that even you were a bit taken aback at the monster which you’d created! This was a phallus of which any earth man would be proud. You couldn’t wrap your hand around it completely, but encouraged him to place his hand on yours, the long fingers just meeting the heel of his hand, and then you began to pump him in earnest.

He reacted just like a human male, the way you hoped he would. His head went back, the huge eyes had a faraway look in them, and soft moaning sounds began to emanate from his mouth. I could see your confidence growing – you were loving it!

You went for the kill. Kneeling up in front of him, thrusting your breasts out provocatively, your hand was a blur now as you jerked him off, hard, his hand on yours, struggling to keep up. Then you spoke to him, urging him on:

‘I’m gonna make you come now, Dik. Come for me, shoot your load all over my tits!’

I gawped at your words, your shyness completely gone as you relished using your sexual power over this male. He began to make incomprehensible shouting sounds in his own language – it wasn’t hard to get the gist of it, as his body jerked and a fountain of white liquid sprayed over your hand, your arm, your chest and even your face, great gouts of cum dripping off your cheeks and chin as you turned to me and grinned triumphantly. You dabbed a finger into one pool of semen and put it to your tongue, trying the taste. Apparently approving, you stuck the finger right in and sucked it all off. And that was when I lost it.

You looked so slutty with someone else’s spunk dripping off your face, and the lewd way in which you’d jerked him off and encouraged him to come all over you had made me so hard that I was as jealous as hell. I just had to have you, claim you back as mine right then. I grabbed hold of you and threw you onto the bed face down, then seized your hips and lifted your ass up bodily, pulling you up into doggy position. I thrust my aching dick into you in one vicious move and fucked you like a madman, pounding into your pussy, which was so wet that I knew you were incredibly turned on and ready to come.

I didn’t care whether you came or not. My own need was so desperate that I simply used you, fucked you like an a****l until I exploded inside you with a roar, and the sounds I made were uncannily like the alien yells which you had drawn from our friend, who was now watching us with eyes wider than ever. I collapsed onto the bed, shaken by the ferocity of my need for you, but the jealousy was all gone, and I stroked your body affectionately.

‘See what you do to me, you brazen hussy?’

We’re both smiling now, secure in our love and lust.

‘Huh! It’s not my fault that you get so turned on watching me with someone else. And I hope you’re not going to leave me hanging, my wonderful jealous man. I’m the only one here who hasn’t come yet!’

‘As soon as he’s gone, I’m going to give you the sweetest orgasm ever, my insatiable sex kitten.’

I kept my promise. The hands which had been so violent minutes before caressed you tenderly, and for once I deliberately pulled the covers over your body as my hand slipped between your thighs and made love to your pussy until you came over and over again. This one was just for us.

The days and weeks went by in a haze. We made love in every position we could possibly imagine, laughing and giggling as we planned our next ‘sex lesson’ for our hosts, and the audience we had added extra spice every time we fucked, or made sweet love. Often it was only Dik at the window, but as time went on, we noticed that he appeared more often with a slender female of his species, who watched, wide-eyed, as I overpowered you, pinned you down and fucked you into submission, or you straddled me, teased me beyond endurance and proudly, unashamedly rode me to orgasm.

In return, our hosts were generous and looked after us well. The food was unfamiliar but delicious, and we learned a lot about their civilisation and technological advancements. We were, indeed, primitive by comparison, but we were still able to teach them a great deal about relationships, love and sex. As we got to know them better, they truly became friends, and we quickly discovered that they did have a sense of humour, a rather sly one in Dik’s case, and that beneath the centuries of taboos and loss of interest in sexual matters, their libidos still beat strongly, and merely needed encouragement to come to the surface. An encouragement which we were only too happy to provide!

One day Dik burst into our room as we were eating breakfast, so excited to tell us the news from home. As a result of his research and recommendations, his world’s ruling council had lifted all the regulations on inappropriate sexual behaviour, and permitted citizens to nominate an area of their homes which would not be monitored at certain times of the day. There had been some opposition, but Dik clearly had a lot of influence, because he’d got his way, and now he was vindicated. The pregnancy rate had risen! A small amount so far, but hugely significant for his race’s survival, and the trend was upwards. He wanted to tell us how important we’d been in that breakthrough, and to celebrate with us. We all hugged each other, and I had an idea.

‘Why don’t you come and eat a celebration meal with us as your hosts tonight, and bring a friend? Maybe that female we’ve seen you with?’

He was so embarrassed, and so transparent.

‘Oh, you mean Vraaan-Puzhkeena? She is just a good friend, and a very promising member of the team. I am personally mentoring her.’

He broke into a big smile.

‘Yes, I would like that very much. I will ask her.’

When he’d gone, you turned to me with a huge grin.

‘OK, what are you up to?’

‘Me? You know me, I’m as innocent as the day is long. How long is a day in this part of the universe, anyway?’

‘Yeah, right, I know exactly how innocent you are! You just fancy a bit of alien ass, don’t you?’

‘No! Well, maybe. I’ve seen the way you look at his cock, too. You’re such a slut! You’re wondering what that monster would feel like inside you, aren’t you?’

‘Um, maybe!’

We both dissolved into giggles.

‘Well, they’re using us to help them with their sexuality. I think it’s our duty to find out as much as we can about theirs, don’t you? I expect you to be on your best behaviour tonight, and do as you’re told, Emma.’

You slapped my arm in mock outrage, saw the dangerous glint in my eye and grinned, then you kissed me tenderly.
Before we entertained our guests that evening, I wanted to have a serious chat with you, so we dressed in the loose, flowing robes which had been thoughtfully provided for us, and went for a stroll around the spaceship. It felt odd to be dressed again after spending so much time naked in our quarters, but I knew that we were being monitored all the time in there, and for this we needed some privacy. We stopped in front of one of the big windows into space, awed by the vastness of the cosmos, gazing at the constellations which were so familiar from Earth, but not quite the same – the shapes were distorted from our perspective, indicating that we were a good few light years from home. I held you close, and told you what was on my mind.

‘If anything happens with them, will you be jealous?’

‘Honestly, I don’t know. I do feel a bit insecure. What if you like her better than me?’

‘That’s not possible, Emma. I love you so much that nobody else could compete. I love you to these stars and back. Besides, you’re not the only one who’s feeling insecure: look at the size of his cock! It makes me feel very inadequate!’

You grinned and kissed me.

‘Size isn’t everything – I love your cock, and wouldn’t change it for the world. I chose you, remember, and you own me. Yes, I’m very curious as to how it would feel, but I would be just as happy if you said no. I’m really nervous, but I want to please you and make you proud. I’ll do anything you want me to, Sam. Anything at all.’

I hugged you then, and we kissed for a long time, then we walked hand in hand back to our cabin and began to prepare for the night ahead. I washed you lovingly and with great care in the shower, resisting the temptation to fuck you right there. I dried you off and led you to the bed.

‘I’ve laid out your outfit for the evening.’

You looked confused, then understanding dawned. The only thing lying on the bed was your collar, the strip of leather which had been the only thing you were wearing when we were beamed up to the craft. Your heart beat a little faster: whenever you wore that, it signified your complete submission to my will. You would have no control over what took place. It was time for you to make a decision. You bowed your head.

‘Would you put it on for me, please?’

Some time later there was a tap at the door, and we welcomed our friends in. Dik introduced us to Vraan-Puzhkeena, and we all laughed at our clumsy attempts to pronounce the alien syllables.

‘It’s no good, we’ll never get it right! How about we call you Puss instead?’

Out of the corner of my eye I could see you stifling a giggle. Really? Dik and Puss? In truth it suited her, though. There was something sinuous and feline about her movements, and she was as shy and innocent as a newborn kitten, but with a hint of mischief, too. Dik was clearly in charge, though.

‘We brought some food and drink for the celebration party, but didn’t know what to wear. What is the custom on your planet?’

I didn’t bat an eyelid.

‘It’s normal for friends to be naked together. I hope that you are our friends?’

I saw them look at each other, taken aback, and I could feel your accusing stare, too, but when I looked round at you and winked, the corners of your mouth turned up in a hint of a complicit smile. Your eyes were sparkling.

Dik turned back to me, a decision made.

‘Then we will undress, of course, we didn’t mean to be rude. Please forgive us for being shy – this is something very new for us.’

And undress they did, extremely self-consciously. By Earth standards they were very slender, their legs positively spindly by comparison. Dik had a contrastingly broad, smooth chest, and a surprisingly hairy lower stomach and thatch of hair around his cock, which I noticed already appeared to be half erect. Interesting. Puss, on the other hand, was smooth all over, with very small, high breasts and long legs which pointed the way to a very human-looking, if flat, mons and pussy. I couldn’t help glancing at you, and comparing your softness and glorious curves with her angular body. No, you had nothing to fear from the competition at all.

To my delight, the drink they had brought was alcoholic. Not strong, and apparently something which they reserved for very special occasions, since they didn’t drink often and were very susceptible to its effects. We were honoured.

The conversation flowed with the drink, Dik eager to tell us about the advances his people had made since the project began, and evidently proud of his part in it. The mood was celebratory, and even shy Puss began to talk more as we asked her questions and brought her out of her shell. She was obviously fascinated by sex, and became quite animated as she talked about how her attitude towards it had changed since she had joined Dik’s team and started observing us.

As the evening progressed, the pair slowly gravitated from their defensive, huddled up positions at the opposite end of the bed to us, to sitting in a tight circle with us, much more relaxed and unselfconscious. I noticed that Dik’s arm was now around her shoulder, and she didn’t seem to mind at all. Their inhibitions were melting away with the alcohol and the company.

The conversation naturally turned to sex, and Puss was suddenly disarmingly forthright.

‘Emma, you have had sex with Dik, yes?’

‘Well, not full sex, no. I only jerked him off.’

‘This means manual stimulation to ejaculation?’


‘Yes, Dik has told me this. I have never done this. I am a virgin, but I like Dik very much, and I want him to try sex with me, but I am afraid. I want to see what it is like first.’

‘Oh. Don’t you have any pornography on your planet?’

‘No, it is strictly forbidden, as it is considered to be harassment of females, and therefore a sex crime.’

She hesitated, then went on.

‘I have watched you, and I think that this was wrong. I think that females can enjoy sex very much, and if they agree to let someone watch, this is not a crime. I myself find the idea very … interesting.’

I looked her straight in the eye,

‘You find it very arousing, you mean. You watch us and you feel the need to have sex yourself. You want Dik to treat you roughly and fuck you.’

She looked down, very embarrassed.

‘It’s true. it makes me ashamed and frightened. I don’t know if I can do it, but I want to. Dik has no experience either, and he needs someone to show him how before he can give me what I need. Emma, will you do that for me?’

Your mouth was wide open now. She really wanted to see Dik fuck you! The prospect terrified you and thrilled you, but your main fear was that I would be hurt and that it would ruin our relationship. You sought out my eyes, beseeching me for some guidance.

Time to take control.

‘Emma. Lie on your back on the bed and get comfortable. Puss – come here.’

She obeyed instantly, and I sensed a submissive quality in her, mirroring your own. She sat awkwardly next to me, her bare thigh touching mine, and I pulled her back into me, so she was leaning back on my chest, her arms passively by her sides.

‘Now watch. Dik – stroke Emma, get to know her body. Like this.’

I stroked my palm softly over the stomach of the girl by my side, then began exploring her flanks and legs with my fingertips. She stiffened in momentary shock at my touch, the relaxed into me. Hesitantly, Dik followed suit, and I could see that you were enjoying the unfamiliar touch. Knowing you, you would soon want more.

‘Caress her breasts like this.’

My palm ran all over Puss’s little titties, brushing against the nipples, which I then took between my finger and thumb and rolled gently. Dik was definitely getting the idea now, his long fingers teasing your nipples and making them stand out proudly. I felt a pang of jealousy, wishing that it was me arousing you, but I quickly suppressed it. There would be plenty of time for that after the lesson. Without thinking, I pinched her nipples hard, the way you like it.

‘Oh, that hurts! But it feels good, too …’

‘Should I stop?’

‘No, don’t stop, please.’

I smiled as I wondered whether we were creating a monster here – another world’s first BDSM relationship, exporting our dark tastes to the universe! As Dik’s sensitive fingertips twisted your nipples hard and your back arched in response, I decided that such pleasures were universal, and that we shouldn’t try to keep them all to ourselves.

‘Slide your hand between her legs. Find her wetness, and rub it over the little nub of flesh. That’s where she’s most sensitive.’

My hand demonstrated, and Puss sighed against my shoulder. Now, where was her clit? Not where I expected! Did she even have one? Ah, here! Much lower down, just inside her pussy. That should make penetrative sex much more interesting for her. She bucked and writhed against me as I targeted it for some more attention, all the time watching you. He was a quick learner. I could see your face, throat and chest flushing red as your arousal grew, and when his long fingers disappeared completely inside you your gasp was clearly audible.

‘That’s it. Find the raised patch on the front wall inside her. Rub it firmly.’

I couldn’t find a corresponding spot inside my playmate, but she seemed more than happy with me playing carefully with her clit. I didn’t want her to get so carried away that she couldn’t watch you and your partner closely. As you began to moan and writhe, she sat up slightly, watching intently. It was time.

‘Dik’s going to fuck you now, Emma. Show him how to enter you.’

Good girl! You spread your legs wide in invitation, and beckoned him forward. He positioned himself on all fours so that his cock, hard as steel and intimidatingly large, was poised at your entrance.

‘Go slowly at first, Dik. You’re much bigger than me.’

You reached out both your hands. With one you opened your pussy lips as wide as they would go, and with the other you grasped his thick shaft and pulled it into you. Puss was sitting bolt upright now, craning her head to see exactly what you were doing, her eyes wide and her mouth open. Slowly that massive cock disappeared inside you, stretching your tight passage obscenely wide. Your eyes were wide, too, and I wondered how it felt to have that monster inside you at last, filling you completely.

Puss seemed completely entranced by what she was seeing, but her body’s response to my fingering was unmistakeable. She was panting, her muscles tensing, and her sex was turning to liquid. I was getting incredibly turned on myself, seeing how you looked when having sex. I’d watched you masturbate, and that was as sexy as hell, but now I was seeing a real live cock sliding in and out of your pussy, and I was filled with an unbelievable mixture of intense jealousy and raging lust.

For his first time Dik did very well, but I saw you wince in pain as one over-enthusiastic thrust hit your cervix hard, and then he lost it, his body tensing up as his climax overtook him. You felt him pulsing hard inside you, jetting alien semen deep into you, and then it was all over. My jealous feelings rose again, and I took it out on Puss, rubbing her clit savagely. To my surprise, she reacted violently, her muscles contracting strongly, and with a weird keening cry, she collapsed onto me. Concerned, I held her tightly.

‘Are you OK?’

She was quiet for a moment, getting her breath back.

‘Oh yes, that was wonderful, thank you! Sex is wonderful!’

We were all laughing at that point, but I needed you in my arms, not her. Somehow, she intuited that.

‘Go to your girl. Dik will look after me now.’

The pair of them sat side by side, smiling, as I lay by your side and took you in my arms. You clung to me as I held you tight, and your body felt so right, so perfect for me. Our eyes locked.

‘Was that OK, Sam? Did I do all right?’

‘Yes, my darling, you were amazing. He’ll never forget his first time, and Puss will always be grateful to you. Right now, though, I’m not going to fuck you – I’m going to make love to you.’

Your grip tightened as my cock slid into you, and we lay side by side, your thigh crooked over my hip. At last I was one with you again, and I could see in your eyes that you felt the same. Our work here was almost done, and, amazing though it had been, I wanted you all to myself again. Your jealous, possessive man, marking your body as his and claiming your heart and your soul.

It was time to take you home.
It was with some sadness that we went to say our goodbyes to our hosts. It had been the most incredible experience, one which had brought us even closer together, and which we would never forget. As we approached, Dik and Puss were standing side by side, his arm possessively around her waist, her head on his shoulder. You turned and whispered to me,

‘Is it my imagination, or does she look like she’s been well fucked?’

It was true, her face was flushed with happiness – they presented a perfect picture of a couple in love. Dik spoke first.

‘Before you go, we have some wonderful news to share with you. Vraaan-Puzhkeena and I are now officially partners, and last night I impregnated her. We are going to have a c***d!’

We knew how much that meant in their society, and were overjoyed for them, hugging them and congratulating them. As you hugged Puss, she murmured in your ear,

‘Thank you so much, Emma, for helping us. I can see how much you love each other, and you’ve shared that with us. We owe you a lot.’

You were welling up a little now, but Dik was speaking again.

‘Apart from our personal happiness, this is a huge breakthrough for our project. It has made headline news on our world.’

I hadn’t really realised until that moment just how vital Dik’s work was for his species, or how high-profile.

‘Wow! You’re a household name!’

Dik smiled modestly.

‘Well, I was quite well known before, but nothing like this, and now everyone knows Vraaan-Puzhkeena, too.’

He added, almost as an aside.

‘Of course, we’re still nowhere near as famous as you.’

Both of us must have looked like stranded goldfish. You found your voice first.

‘Us? We’re not famous!’

‘But of course you are. Ever since the first simulcast was broadcast, you’ve been top of the ratings, by a very long way.’

‘Simulcast? Do you mean to say that you’ve been …’

Dik had the grace to look slightly abashed, but there was a sly smile playing around his lips.

‘You knew that we were scanning and monitoring everything you did. Did I forget to mention that it was broadcast live to our home world, too? That is why the pregnancy rate is going up so fast!’

We were flabbergasted, and didn’t know whether to be furious or proud. We were looking into each other’s eyes, and suddenly you giggled, and then we were both roaring with laughter.

‘Oh my God, Sam! It wasn’t just a couple of people watching us! All those different positions …’

‘Millions of people watching me spanking you, fucking you … You’re the world’s first intergalactic porn star, Emma!’

You punched my arm, giggling, but Dik was horrified.

‘No, no, this was not pornography! This was educational, important scientific work.’

‘OK, Dik. So what category did it come under?’

Now he was definitely embarrassed.

‘Um, the first programme went out as wildlife, but it was so popular that it was changed to a new sex education channel.’

We were laughing so hard that we were almost in tears.

‘I like the idea of us as wildlife!’

Then another thought occurred to you:

‘Oh, no! What if anyone at home sees it?’

‘Don’t worry, my love – we don’t get a lot of channels from Alpha Centauri, not even on Sky or Fox!’

Puss spoke up.

‘I’m sorry, it was my idea. We should have told you.’

You fixed her with a hard stare, but addressed your reply to Dik.

‘Yes, you should have, that was very naughty of you. I think that you should give her a good spanking for that, Dik.’

She was blushing furiously as Dik replied, almost too eagerly.

‘I will do that for you, Emma, I promise.’

There was a wicked glint in your eye, and I grinned at you.

‘You’re a very bad girl, Emma. When we get home I’m going to give you a sound spanking, too.’

I couldn’t quite hear your reply, but it sounded suspiciously like a cheeky, defiant,

‘Is that a threat or a promise?’

Finally, we were ready to leave.

‘All we have to do when we get back is explain our mysterious absence.’

‘No, that won’t be necessary. The ship travels at speeds well in excess of the speed of light, so in accordance with relativity – your Einstein was right – you have effectively gone back in time while you were on the ship, and as we return to your planet, you will make up the difference, so from the perspective of Earth’s people, no time will have elapsed at all.’

‘There is one more thing I want to say. You have been so helpful and understanding, and we owe you so much. Unfortunately, it’s strictly forbidden for us to give you any of our artefacts or technology to take back with you, but there is one way in which I can reward you. Emma, will you give me your hand for a moment?’

Puzzled, you held it out, and with something which looked like a super hi-tech pen, he inscribed some numbers on it.

‘This is another consequence of space-time distortion on the ship. We get to see some of your Earth television broadcasts before you would see them yourselves. It’s like going forward in time.’

He smiled at your blank look, and said, gently,

‘You night want to try those numbers in your national lottery on the day you return.’

You stepped forward and hugged him, and so did I, and there were more tearful farewells before Dik stretched out his long hand one last time.

‘The ban on transporting anything of ours to your world includes your robes, I’m afraid.’

Naked we came into their world, and naked we departed it. As we shucked off our robes and handed them over, a bright white light filled the room, then that weird sensation of not quite floating, not quite falling, and a bump onto a soft, flat surface. The ship was gone, our friends were gone, and we were lying in each other’s arms on your bed. Our lips met tenderly, our eyes full of wonder and memories, and then lust took over again, and somehow you were on your front and I was on top of you and in you and making love to you and coming inside you …

Lying there in the afterglow, I knew that we could never tell anyone about our amazing adventure – who would believe it? a*****ed by aliens for sex? Yeah, right! It didn’t matter. We had helped them to learn what they needed to know to survive, and I had learned from them, too. I had learned that it was only you that I really wanted, to have and to hold, now and forever. Oh, and I had a promise to keep.

‘Get over my lap, Emma. I nearly forgot about your spanking.’

To my surprise, you didn’t obey, but leapt out of bed and grabbed your new iPhone instead.

‘What are you doing? Get back here, slut!’

‘I will in a minute, I promise! I nearly forgot something, too!’

Curious, I looked over your shoulder and watched you carefully copying the numbers written on your hand into an online form.

‘There, all done! Maybe we’ll have something to celebrate later. Now you can spank me, do whatever you want to me.’

I growled and grabbed your hair, forcing your naked body over my lap.

‘We have something to celebrate now. You and me, alone, together forever. I’m going to leave my handprints on your ass now, and then I’m going to fuck you from behind until you scream for joy. How does that sound for a celebration?’

You twisted your head to look at me, your eyes serious now.

‘That would be perfect. Yes, please.’

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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

1 year ago
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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

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The Rookie Adventurer

"Today is the day!" You shamelessly shout into the wind as your family looks on uncomfortably. You ignore their judgmental stares. After years of preparation, you're finally ready to leave your small frontier village and travel to the city to register as an adventurer. For two summers, you worked your elderly neighbor's fields just to learn sword combat from a retired soldier. You spent the autumn with the best hunters in the village learning advanced techniques to aid you against any beast you...

2 years ago
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Susies Hot Adult Motel Adventure

This is a totally fictional story about a new hot wife, Susie, and the rest of the typical words about the characters, etc.. She is a lovely wife, enjoys sexual adventures, and more, so stay tuned, she might go more places than the adult motel represented here. Susie's Hot Adult Motel Adventure Begins- Chapter 1Although we had spent a couple of weekend nights at this adult motel, this was the first time I was able to convince my sexy wife to venture to the pool area. The pool was enclosed, and...

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Maui Adventure

Vacations had come far too rarely for Kris and I over the five years we had been married. Life seemed always to get in the way. We both worked full time in a demanding industry and we had a three year old to care for so finding time for each other was sometimes difficult. On top of all this, we had recently made a move to the Pacific Northwest and changed jobs so the move, new roles, and a tough economy had placed an enormous amount of stress on us. In the process we had sort of drifted apart...

3 years ago
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Twin Adventure

Twin AdventureMy name is Ellen and my twin s*ster is Elaine, we are identical twins, except that I have a small birth mark on the small of my back. We grew up in the country where my parents have a small farm with many an*mals and chores for us to do. I am the girly half as Elaine is more of a tomboy type.As we grew up, she was into sports, outdoor activities and always surrounded by friends. I on the other hand liked playing with dolls, dressing up and generally stayed to myself. While in high...

1 year ago
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Our Threesome A Group Sex Adventure

OUR THREESOME – A GROUP SEX ADVENTURELisa and I had always promised ourselves a horny holiday together in Sydney. It was one of those fantasy trips that one talks about; the sort of conversation you have sometimes about what you'll do if either one of you win lotto. Well instead we received a work bonus, not a big sum, but enough for a nice holiday for the two of us.I should tell you that Lisa and I had been apart for a short while because of separate work commitments. It was easy to book...

4 years ago
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The Motorcycle Adventure

She was turning another year older. She still had the body of a young woman but the spirit just wasn’t there anymore. At 44, she felt like life had passed her by. She worked two jobs to support herself and her two kids after her ex left town. She wasn’t complaining but she wanted a little excitement. Now that the kids were grown what was left to look forward too. Today after work she had stopped off at the local bar with her co-workers. It was her friends birthday so she was trying to have a...

2 years ago
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Island Adventure

It was my first full day in Fiji and I had woken excited to have a day to explore this summer wonderland on my own for the day before my friends arrived. I was half-way through my final year of university and a couple of my best girlfriends had decided to drag me away to some place warm and summery to escape the cold and forget about uni for a couple of weeks. Due to a mistake with our flight reservations, I had ended up flying out a day early, with the instigators of this whole adventure...

3 years ago
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Crown Casino Adventure

Crown Casino Adventure. I love Crown Casino in Melbourne. It’s full of life, fun and atmosphere. The gamblers, the party people, the security staff, it’s all fun. Shops, restaurants, the cinemas, the river — there’s something for everyone. This is a story about one particular adventure I had when I visited Crown recently. I hope you like it. Georgie, my best friend and I, went into town to go shopping. We had both dropped our kids off at friends for the night, and our husband’s, Steve and...

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Ninas unexpected winter adventure

Nina sat idly flicking through a few magazines while she was waiting for her appointment with the dentist. For the last three years, she and her mates had hit Southern California beaches, where they swam, surfed, danced and drank themselves silly for about three weeks solid.This year Nina wanted something different, a much more relaxing and hopefully a more romantic setting place to visit. She closed her eyes for a moment, maybe somewhere with a lake, mountains, spa, hiking trails, and clear...

3 years ago
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The Winter Adventure

I had originally written this story in German and it’s sill ongoing. But as a side project I will give my best to translate this story in English, now I hope you will enjoy it. ****************************** My name is Ben Mueller and my adventure begins on December the 28th, with the trip to a vacation with my best friend Mike Schuster. Like every winter, Mike goes to Austria with his family to a holiday cabin that has been in the family for a long time. Since Mike and I have been very good...

2 years ago
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The Easily Defeated Heros Monster Girl Adventure

This is a side story of The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure that takes place following the events of Book 4: The Vampiress. You can read the other books on Amazon, but this adventure will always be free and exclusive to! Rusty sunset light pours through the mullioned windows that line the great dining hall of the Crystal Sanctum. A feast is heaped upon the table in great abundance. Each tray of roasted meats – whole goose, sugared ham, ox brisket – is surrounded by...

4 years ago
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The story begins with a character selection. From here on you have choices on what you can do, everything can change so good luck. From here on you can start by choosing your characters then you will be given free reign of what you can do. Adventure, go on missions and of course fuck any girls that you meet along the way. Welcome to YOUNG JUSTICE, state your character and begin your adventure.

1 year ago
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IT Office Adventure

IT Office Adventure Most times, being a telecom/IT specialist can be real boring and by most times I mean 95 percent of the time. I mean let's be honest it's just running cables from point A to point B and jacking them or setting up some router or modem. Like I said not the most exciting job ever. There is that five percent though that makes this job all worthwhile. This is a story about one of those times. I was doing my usual thing, run a few cables, jack and plate them, extend...

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STEVE’S MILF MADNESS ADVENTUREWhen Steve Smith was invited over to Hiko Yoshida’s house, he wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Maybe she needed help around the house or maybe her son needed help with his homework, not that he could offer much in that department, or maybe it was something that had nothing to do with anything (that didn’t make any sense…). Steve liked Mrs. Yoshida although he had never been to her house before. He knew he would eventually find out what she needed but he was...

2 years ago
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158 Sarahs punishing adventure

158 Sarah`s punishing adventure You my x-hamster readers know of this lady who was the subject of my series as Sarah, the series was set near Dover at my home, it was called ‘Sarah and the Silver Master’, and if you’ve read it you will know of the lady’s somewhat unusual basic need to be punished and used. This lady is a member of our BDSM club based at my dungeon hidden in a chalk tunnel behind my home near the white cliffs. How-ever we have not been very active of late due to various...

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19 SANDY`S SECOND GERMAN ADVENTURE Well about 2 months ago, we made a friend on here a lady in Germany, who provided services we were looking for, money was high but after a few chats .we decided to go out there, she had advised me not to wash my pussy for at least 2 days before going. Hubby and I flew over and were met by an older woman around 55 or 60, in tracksuit bottoms long jumper big tits her hair tied back dyed blonde with grey coming thru, rose tinted big sunglasses her name was...

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Carols escort adventure

Carol Newton unlocked the door to her 14th floor apartment after spending a Saturday afternoon at the movies. At 36 she was still attractive – Brown shoulder length hair, big brown eyes and good figure outlined nicely in skin tight jeans. She hated being alone on a Saturday night but it had been some time since she had a date, and well what was a lonely girl to do.Carol thought about her afternoon at the mall – the place had been full of teenage couples at the movies – much to her enjoyment...

4 years ago
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Crown Casino Adventure

Crown Casino Adventure. I love Crown Casino in Melbourne. It's full of life, fun and atmosphere. The gamblers, the party people, the security staff, it's all fun. Shops, restaurants, the cinemas, the river -- there's something for everyone. This is a story about one particular adventure I had when I visited Crown recently. I hope you like it. Georgie, my best friend and I, went into town to go shopping. We had both dropped our kids off at friends for the night, and our husband's, Steve and...

Group Sex
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My Real Sex Life Adventure

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto asha karta hu ap savi bahut majese ho,2012 ke baad main fir se laut aya hu aplog ko mera sachcha ghatna batane, pichle 5 story ap savi ne bahut like diye hai aur mere facebook me vi add request veja hai,,,mera pahela 5 story “mera life ka sachcha ghatna” se vi bahut maja ayega aap log mera ye story padkar,,kiu ke aisa story bahut kam loghi sachchai me dekha hai,,par mere life aisa avi chal raha hai,,maito sex ka bhuka thahi par mere life ka ye turning point...

2 years ago
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South Seas Adventure

South Seas Adventure By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 I started this story about ten months ago on a flight back from a science fiction convention. I recently came across it and decided to finish it. The story has no sex but does contain descriptions of magical sexual transformations. If this would offend your morals, ethics, or religion, or if you're too young - chronologically or emotionally - to be reading such things, then please go away. South Seas Adventure It took...

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