Eric Otten and I (Raven) have been working on a true
collaboration on this story. We'd like to believe that it's coming out very
This story contains adult themes, and some graphic scenes. If you do not like
this sort of thing you should not read this. The purpose of this story is not
to offend as recent private e-mails to me have implied.
The copyright is the possessed by the authors alone. there should be no
reposting, etc., without the express consent of the authors.
The Cosmic Joke
by Raven and Eric Otten
"You really don't get it, do you Derek?" snarled Ginger.
They had been arguing this way, for what seemed to be hours. It was the
same old argument . . . the battle of the sexes.
"Get what?" snapped Derek in return.
"We're all just the victim of a gigantic cosmic joke."
"I have no idea what you mean?"
"Think about it . . ." started Ginger, "All men think about all day long is
sex, and pleasure. Women think about more practical stuff. The only
problem is that women have the body with so many errogeonus zones,
that is practically built for pleasure. You guys have the body that was built
to perform all of the practical stuff. The man upstairs played a joke on us
all by putting the wrong brains with the wrong bodies."
Derek started laughing so hard that his stomach hurt.
After he was able to restore a modicum of self control, he asked, tears of
humor in his eyes, "And just what do you think would happen if this
cosmic joke of yours was put right?"
Ginger smiled, a deep smile, "Oh. That's an easy one. We would be
much better guys then you are, and you guys would be much better girls.
One taste of what it was like to be penetrated by a hard cock, or to have
a penis in your mouth would be all that it took. It would be impossible to
get you of your back. You guys would be breeding machines."
He looked at her with as serious of an expression as he could muster,
considering the line of crap that he was hearing.
"Do you actually believe this shit? You've been reading to much of those
Psych text books. Anyway, there's no way of testing your stupid theory
"Uh . . ." Ginger hesitated. "What if there was?"
"Now what?" exclaimed Derek sarcastically. "The only way to do that is
surgery, which is painful, and expensive."
"No. Listen. I read something in my roommate's anthropology book,
where some aboriginal natives figured out a way to switch bodies. I bet
that if we researched it, we could figure out how to switch bodies."
Derek looked nonplussed. "You're joking right?"
"What? Are you too much of a pussy to have a pussy? I bet after getting
screwed once, you'll be spreading your legs for any go who makes a pass
at you. I bet after a few weeks in my body you'll be looking forward to
a period."
"You are crazy! I'm no fag. There is no way that would ever happen,
assuming`that we could switch bodies."
Ginger dared him, "Then put your money where your mouth is hotshot."
"You wanna bet?" guffawed Derek.
"Sure. Why not?"
"What's the bet?"
"An anything?"
"What the hell is an anything?"
"If I win, I get anything that I want. If you win you get anything you want.
No restrictions! Whatever the other wants, the other has to do or
provide. Deal?"
"Hold on. Let me get this straight. How do you win?"
"You admit to me that I was right. You make a better woman, and I
make a better man."
"And how do I win?"
Ginger answered, "I admit that I was wrong about my theory."
Derek thought for a second, " . . . or if this body swtiching thing doesn't
work. If that just turns out to be a myth, I also win."
"Hey," protested Ginger. That's not fair."
"Those are my terms. Take em or leave em." Derek smirked, "That's
what it'll take to get into my pants . . ."
It took Ginger one second to decide. She was very confident in her
position. She stuck out her hand toward Derek, "Deal."
They shook hands to cement the deal.
"Let's get started . . ." grimaced Ginger.
Derek and his girl friend, Ginger Thompson, had just made a strange
wager. If Ginger couldn't find a way to switch their bodies, he won. If she
could accomplish this impossible feat, and get him to admit that she made
a better man than he, and he made a better girl than her, then she would
get the "anything."
Easy Money! he thought with glee.
Derek looked lustfully at the petite redhead. He loved the way that her
cute freckles covered her chest, as well as the rest of her body. What a
breathtaking, cute figure . . . and those knockers! Derek grew erect just
thinking about them. How would it feel to actually own them?
He bristled at the alien thought, trying to put it out of his mind. Derek
stuck out his hand to cement the wager, and they shook on the deal.
"Let's get started!" she commanded.
"Good idea!" he grinned lecherously at her. Derek grabbed her in his
arms, communicating, non-verbally that he had something else entirely in
mind. It was the bulge in his pants that said all that needed to be said . . .
with an exclamation point! Make that several exclamation points!!!!!
"Hey! I meant research!" she protested, straining ineffectually against male
muscles developed for baseball, basketball, and tennis.
"Sorry, my mistake," he responded sheepishly, kissing her.
Ginger shook her head tolerantly, her rich red hair tousled ever so
sensuously. "Boys will be boys" she whispered.
She wrapped herself around him. Enjoy it why you can, she silently told
herself. This might be the last time as a girl for quite a while. If this
works out the way that I hope it does, Derek will soon be straining to
get out of my arms. Ginger looked up into his eyes. Then again, she mused
humorously, if I'm right he won't be struggling to get away from me.
Derek had no idea why Ginger was giggling. He just kissed her a little
more insistently this time.
The next morning Derek groaned. The confidence from yesterday was
gone. He awoke, sitting straight up in bed. Something which he didn't take
the time to consider yesterday just occurred to him. Ginger would not
have made such a bet to turn herself into his slave unless she knew the
body switch was possible! She was the smartest kid in their college.
Although his 3.0 was not bad, her 4.0 + honors was exceptional.
Derek's dad had warned him, also. "Never make a bet with a woman,
son," he had said. "They usually win, and if they don't . . .well then they're
pissed as hell with you for winning." Derek had never considered his
father the soul of sage wisdom until this very second.
I've been sucker punched! Derek panicked. He cheered up upon further
reflection. What am I worried about? Just cause she thinks there's a way
to switch bodies, doesn't mean its going to work. That type of thing only
happens in stories . . . and very bad stories at that!
Still, that wouldn't dull Ginger's enthusiasm for the quest. He knew from
past experience, that if he didn't indulge her, it would take forever to get
back on her good side. If he ever did! Lots of other guys were waiting in
case she dumped him.
Derek sighed deeply, as he got out of bed to hurriedly begin dressing.
Ginger was waiting for Derek at the entrance with her usual impatient
energy. She was leaning against the arch of the entryway in a rather
provocative pose, which belied the "put out" expression on her face.
"Come on. Come on!" she yelled at Derek, while waving her hands in a
gesture which indicated that time was of the essence.
"Did somebody set your hair on fire this morning?" managed Derek out
of breath, as he came jogging up to where Ginger was standing.
"Bite me!" she exclaimed, in her favorite retort, simultaneously grabbing
his arm to hustle him towards the entrance. Nevertheless, Ginger couldn't
resist one sarcastic remark before they both disappeared into the library.
"You're tired already? Here I though that I was going to inherit the body
of an athlete. I'll just have to get it into shape."
"Dream on, Honey," Derek laughed in spite of himself. "This body's built
for speed and power Yours is only built for love!."
Ginger looked over in time to see Derek flex one arm to demonstrate his
bicep muscle. She cocked but one eyebrow, and then reminded him,
"Soon enough your only going to be built for lying on your back, and
spreading your legs."
To demonstrate her point, Ginger hoisted both of her impressive boobs in
her slender, dainty hands, and squeezed them suggestively.
"Yup. Soon these will be all yours . . . you lucky duck!."
The two adventurers navigated their way into the anthropology closed
stacks. With the ease of a long practiced cat burglar, Ginger picked the
lock. They weren't supposed to be here, however, no one paid attention
once they were inside.
"I'll get kicked off the team for sure if they catch us," noted Derek
realistically. Fantasy and playtime were one thing, but sooner or later it
can impact, negatively, upon your real life. Getting booted off the football
team wouldn't do either of then any good.
"Faint heart never won fair lady's body," she scoffed.
Derek started to grin, but stopped. Just how did she mean that? Isn't it
supposed to be a fair lady's heart?
"Just don't stand there looking studly. Use your brain instead of your
brawn. Start looking under tribes from the islands of the Indian Ocean."
Derek reminded Ginger, "Hey my major's Civil Engineering, not Voodoo."
She shoved a book into his stomach anyway.
He began to read as he was instructed by Ginger. What a load of crap!
There were a few isolated tribes were women were in charge. Derek
made a mental note that he wouldn't want to be a man there. Fortunately,
he wasn't stupid enough to say so to Ginger the Red.
Derek turned a page. There it was, just as Ginger had described it to
be. If she found it there would surely be trouble. The prospect of ending
up in her body suddenly seemed to be a dangerously close thing. Derek
tried to suppress the gasp, but didn't quite make it.
"GIVE ME THAT!" Ginger snapped the book away, just as Derek
moved to close it and return it to the shelf. Her eyes virtually glowed.
"We've found it. We've found the tribe!" She glared at him, "You were
going to tell me weren't you lover?"
He shrugged, defeated, "Of course. You can trust me." Derek mustered
a weak smile that said the exact opposite.
"Derek, bite me!" smirked Ginger. "You're going to pay for that dearly
when you get my body."
"Don't you know any other expressions?" replied Derek, desperately
attempting to change the subject.
"Listen to this," she read, undeterred, with her green eyes glowing like
magic emeralds in a fire. "The Ubatttahah tribe of Minccoh island claim
to know the secret of body exchange. They say that husband and wife, or
lovers, can switch bodies with each other under certain conditions. Their
witch doctors use it as a form of marriage counseling."
Ginger diverted her eyes from the text in order to add her own
observation. "Of course the writer being a man, therefore genetically slow,
laughs at their beliefs without bothering to check them out."
"Can't you ever stop with this battle of the sexes, Ginger?" pleaded Derek.
She read a little further through the book. "At least he explains how they
say they do it. Listen . . . there must be a man and a woman who have
engaged with sex with each other. Okay, we've done that. What's the next
. . . ? Oh, they must both be willing!"
She stared hard at him expecting some objection.
"Okay! Okay! Didn't I say I would do it? I've never backed away from
anything in my life," reassured Derek.
Ginger resumed the instructions. " . . . both must take the herb called the
"Devils Foot." The dose is about the size of penny. Then they have to sit
heart to heart eye to eye with each other under a rainbow. It says that
God will create a bridge between their separate selves, they will leave
their flesh for the other's. Each will live in their lover's flesh, breath
with their lover's mouths, and see the world through the eyes of their true love.
Awww, isn't that romantic?"
" No it isn't. It's downright creepy if you ask me," he shuddered.
She punched his arm. "Its beautiful! Besides, you might think it's mushy
once you have my emotions and hormones!"
"Wonderful," observed Derek. "Just frigging lovely."
Ginger ignored his reluctance at the idea of the switch. She admired his
body up and down to see just what she would be getting.
"Stop that," he demanded. "You're making me feel like a piece of meat."
"You might as well get used to it because a lot of guys look at my body.
It's going to be your body now."
Derek had no reply. He didn't want to make matters worse than they
already were.
That didn't halt Ginger in the least. "Okay. Now that we know how to do
it lets get to work gathering the ingredients. By tomorrow night, I will be
on my way to winning my bet . . .Miss, soon to be, Thompson."
Up in Heaven, the Big Kahuna watched the events unfold between Derek
and Ginger with great interest.
It had been an extremely long time, aeons actually, since anyone displayed
the insight to perceive the nature of his work. The mortal woman had
called it a Cosmic Joke. If it his actions were, in fact, a joke, he was
playing to an audience that was afraid to laugh.
Back in the early days of Earth, men were men, women were women, and
never the twain did meet. Then there was progress. The only thing that
didn't progress was the understanding of men and women for each other.
Truth be told, it appeared that they understood each other less and less,
as time moved forward.
That lack of understanding began to show up in the prayers of the mortals
to him. They bemoaned that the opposite sex seemed more like another
totally different species. They prayed for him to perform a miracle and
suddenly make them understand the opposite gender.
The Big Kahuna laughed to himself at that last thought. As if he would
work that way. Of course, if humans had read the instruction manual,
otherwise known as the Bible, they would know that he would not
physically control the events that occurred upon earth. He hadn't ever
since he threw Lucifer out of Heaven.
Wasn't it written that Lucifer had dominion over the Earth? Yet, the
prayers to understand the opposite sex only continued . . . actually
increased. Had but the mortals closely read the instruction manual, they
would have realized that the Big Kahuna retained dominion over all things
spiritual. In later times, scholars came to call him an absentee God. If
they only knew the true nature of things!
Like a mother with her child, he, as the creator retained a spiritual and
mental rapport with all of his creatures, great and small. It was a rapport
that Satan lacked and always would. Neither was he able to duplicate it
by any means, be it technological, or arcane. Thus, while the fallen one
was able to manipulate things in the mortal world, he could neither "hear"
or sense, its inhabitants thoughts or feelings. One had to vocalize their
desires to Lucifer in order to traffic with him. That, naturally, was the
source of the never ending conflict between the Big Kahuna and the Fallen
One. While the Big Kahuna could mentally "hear" and emphatically feel
the thoughts and inner nature of his creations, the Fallen One could not.
On the other hand, while Satan could manipulate things in the physical
world, thus tempting or corrupting those natures, the Big Kahuna would
Lately, things had taken a turn for the worse. Lucifer had undertaken a
massive interbreeding campaign down on Earth to produce powerful
empaths and telepaths, which he controlled. The gap was closing . . .
but that is a matter for another tale.
When the Big Kahuna had heard enough mental cries and pleas from his
creations he decided to do the only thing that he could do to satisfy them.
He altered the nature of his creations. Men were built strong and
powerful, with the tools to manipulate their environment. Their minds
were practical, able to put aside the pleasures of the flesh. Women were
built for that pleasure to procreate. Thus their minds were made to desire
pleasure, to think of sex. he Big Kahuna made the minds of the men
desire pleasure, and to think continually about sex, so that they would
understand women. He made the minds of women practical, and able
to put aside things sexual, so that they would understand men.
"Hey, you're crowing before the sun comes up. Look, we don't even
know what this Devil's Foot drug is. Even if we knew what it was, we
probably couldn't get it." Derek was trying everything in his power to
dissuade Ginger now. If he sounded a little desperate now, it was
because he was! The very thought of his soul wearing the body of Ginger
the Red was freaking him out.
". . .Then there's the little matter of a rainbow. They don't come from
Walmart you know! You just can't order one up for your convenience.
Even if you could locate one, how would you get near it? They seem to
get farther away the more you try to move toward it," added Derek.
His last point was a valid one. Any simple course in science would tell
you that a rainbow is a prismatic optical illusion, its very nature and
appearance depending upon where you are standing. The memory of that
science lesson restored Derek's confidence somewhat. Even if Ginger
could find Devil's Foot, she could never manage the rainbow trick.
It was just physically impossible.
"Nice of you to be so concerned! Don't fret your soon to be pretty
Ginger padded over to the computer terminal, and proceeded to hack into
onto the special toxicology data file. Ginger's talents at times scared the
living crap out of Derek. There were times she seemed more like a
spook from the CIA than a pretty co-ed.
"Ah. There it is. Devil's Foot . . . used as a ritual hallucinogenic by some
tribal cultures . . . said to produce out of body feelings. Look. It says
that the medical toxicology lab has a sample," read Ginger from the monitor.
Then she added, matter of factly, "We'll go in at lunch when most of them
are out and steal some."
CIA, indeed! It was more like she belonged to the thief's guild. Although
Ginger seemingly possessed all of the skills and cool nerve of a master
thief, he did not. It made Derek very nervous.
"Hey!" he gulped.
"Cluck, Cluck! She taunted. "I thought you were the man who never
backs away from anything?"
Me and my big month, he thought bitterly. Little did he anticipate that
his promise would lead to an ever spiraling life of crime.
"I got us some White coats from the Engineering lab," chirped Ginger
when they met outside the toxicology lab after morning classes. As usual,
she was prepared for every contingency . . . even disguise.
"You know, you missed your calling. You would have made a great
secret agent! I just hope men in white coats won't fight for our business
if we get caught, and after we tell them exactly what we're up to."
"Keep the faith! Derek."
The two lovers waited outside the medical research lab until the wild rush
of students and lab assistants rushed away toward the nearby eateries.
Ginger waited for her opening, then walked into the lab like she owned the
place. Derek cautiously brought up the rear, thinking that maybe Ginger
would make a better man. She had a big enough set of balls . . . at least
in the metaphorical sense. All he could hope was that it eventually
wouldn't be in the literal sense, since it would be his big balls.
Why did I get involved with such a nut, Derek asked himself mentally? It
wasn't the first time he posed that particular question.
They made our way through toxic chemical and drug lab. Ginger, with her
usual ease, opened each locked door. Fortunately, the lab was
unoccupied. Derek didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed.
Ginger struggled with the cabinet lock for a few long, tense minutes while
swearing at it. It was some special lock that resisted her skills.
Derek looked around. He spied a lab coat flung across a chair.
Desperately, he felt around in the pocket, ultimately locating set of keys.
Against his better judgment, he handed them over to the perspiring girl.
"Will these be any help?"
"Bite me!" was her reply. Then she grinned. "Thanks! I guess I'm more
scared than I thought."
Ginger took out a bottle in order to read the label. The very first try was
successful. "Ah . . . just what the doctor ordered. Devil's Foot."
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" demanded an angry male
By the text of the demand it was obvious that whoever it was only saw
one of them Ginger's head turned toward the voice since it was she that
had been seen An irate professor stood by a door, around the corner of
the cabinet. From that vantage point, he couldn't see Derek . . . only
Ginger deduced that the prof had already called security from the
telephone receiver in his hand. With one hand behind her, she motioned
for Derek to make his way toward an open window they had noticed
earlier. He was only too eager to comply.
The old man turned white, put down the receiver, pulled the door shut
behind him as he went back outside screaming, " HELP. HELP. HELP."
By that time, Derek was already out of the window, onto the ledge. He
was joined a few seconds later by Ginger, who shoved him a little further
onto the ledge to make room for herself. he almost fell four stories. He
cursed at her. She ignored him and shoved some more, The two of them
crawled along he narrow path of the ledge to a drain pipe. He slid down
first, and caught Ginger as she jumped thereafter . . . her eyes tightly
Derek and Ginger shed the coats into the hedges, then made a run for
it. Soon they were in the safety of other crazy looking students.
Up in Heaven, the Big Kahuna smiled, with a benevolent that could not
be duplicated by frail humanity.. He truly like this Ginger the Red, as she
was so called. Her actions, attitude, and moxie marked her as one who
truly deserved to be a man. Already she was far along the path outlined
by the Ubatttahah.
That path was another witty little joke perpetrated by the Big Kahuna.
Mortals needed for some reason to believe in things such as magic.
Sometimes it was useful for him to create the illusion of magic. He
wondered what his creations would think if the could divine the real nature
of the spells and incantations that they used. They were merely tests to
determine at times the purity of their request, or their determination in
seeing the "magic" through to the end, or their willingness to make personal
sacrifices. The purpose is allow the Big Kahuna to observe the one who
sought to use the "magic" in the collection of the ingredients.
It was thus that the Big Kahuna first whispered the "spell" for the transfer
of spirits to the shaman of the Ubatttahah, low, so many years ago. The
"cosmic joke," as Ginger the Red had called it, by that time, had even
begun to effect the most primitive of tribes. Being a tribe that was
unsullied by progress, they were the least equipped to handle the change
in their spirits. Their cries to put things right was the purest . . .and the
He decided to help them in the only way that he could. He planted the
elaborate way to attract his attention, among the countless other millions
of distractions, prayers, and requests. The method so outlined would call
to the Big Kahuna like music, singing itself out.
So had Ginger the Red distinguished herself. If she, through strength of
will, and wit of mind, complete the tasks, little more than a scavenger hunt,
she would be granted what only the Big Kahuna could do. What he
made, he can unmake. His hand can create the corridor by which the
spirit, the very soul, of one of his creations could be exchanged for that of
he other. It was he, and only he, who could pluck the living soul out of
one bodily shell and place it into another!
She kissed Derek with a fire borne of her excitement. Derek had seen this
passion in her before. Dangerous things turned her on. Up until now it
was only having sex in public places. This heralded a potential escalation
in their foreplay.
"That was fun!" she whispered softly into his ear. Her heart was beating
very fast now. Her nipples were swollen in the excitement, her nether
regions lubricating in anticipation of further stimulation.
Derek, however, did not notice the underlying intent in Ginger words and
manner. Danger did nothing for him. "Fun? We almost get arrested and
expelled . . .for what? Would you mind telling me just why we are doing
this again?"
His attitude was enough to cool Ginger's passions.
"God's Cosmic Joke. I want to prove that I, and women in general would
make better men. Men would make better woman, the cowards!"
The sexual energy of the moment had all but dissipated. Ginger looked
over to Derek who had not yet formulated a response to her last
statement. She seized the chance to give Derek further instructions that
would insure his march toward maidenhood.
"You can pick me up at seven for dinner. Lets make a big night of it. It
will be the last time I will able to get all dolled up, and have some man buy
me dinner for a while." She grinned sending chills down Derek's spine.
Ginger thoughtfully tucked the Devil's Foot into her huge purse. She
kissed him good-bye before heading back to her sorority, Tri-Delt.
Derek felt a little like the carpenter who helped to build the guillotine for
his own neck. Never the less he was . . . curious. Although it was
embarrassing, he spent the remainder of the day conducting his own little
research poll. He asked a few of the girls that he knew if they would
rather be men or woman. He also asked a few of his teammates at
practice, drawing rather strange facial expressions. Derek explained that
it was for his sociology class. He got back some mixed responses. The
most universal response was that almost everybody, at some point in their
life, wondered what it was like for the opposite sex.
Derek wondered why he never even contemplated such a thing. Surely
some of these other guys were better able to handle what was now a
closer possibility for him. That didn't help matters. He felt like calling
Ginger up, and breaking up with her. He wanted to tell her to forget the
whole thing.
Pride prevented him from doing so. Pride, and the fact that he really
did love the little shit!
Ginger brazenly dressed right in front of him. She told him, with a smirk,
that he should know how to do it when he inherited the body.
God, but was she beautiful, thought Derek as he watched. The emerald
green gown coupled with her eyes and shining hair just about made his
heart leap right out of his body. He just sat in awe.
"Thanks for the compliment," she said. "You're very sweet! But just think.
After tomorrow, you lucky guy, this beauty will all be yours. Be careful
not to wear too much make-up out. I don't want people to think your a
tramp!" She laughed. He didn't
"Stop it! You're giving me the creeps!" Now it was his turn to have
passion cooled by ill chosen words.
"Okay! Let's not talk shop tonight and just have some fun."
What fun it was! It was a great evening, after which they found their way
into bed. That night, their lovemaking seemed a bit more unrestrained then
usual. It was wild . . . almost primal. Ginger was like a prisoner upon
death row eating her last meal. Later, as he dressed to go back to his
room he looked down at Ginger dozing. The response that he had
sampled from his impromptu poll, earlier in the day, came back to him.
There, hidden within the dark folds of night, for the first time wondered
what it would be like to be Ginger.
What it would be like to be so short and petite? She was barely 5' tall,
where he was 6'4". Derek wondered what it would be like to be so soft
and smooth, rather than hard and muscular as he was. Lastly, he
wondered what it would be like to be so shapely . . . to have those big tits
dangling from his chest. Derek found himself idly wondering what it
would feel like to have their weight on his chest.
Derek's thoughts were rewarded by a growing erection. That was enough
to snap him out of his reverie. Oh my God, he thought. What am I
thinking? He practically ran out of Ginger's room toward the safe haven
of his own dorm.
The Big Kahuna smiled yet one more time. Derek didn't really
appreciated what was about to happen to him. He reminded him
somewhat of James Alexander Edwards.
He was the original researcher of the Ubatttahah tribe, and the author of
the very text that Derek located in the library stacks. He, like Derek, also
doubted the veracity of the claims of the Ubattahah tribe. Therefore,
sometime after completing the text, in the early 1950's, Edwards decided
to try the spell for himself.
The Big Kahuna recalled that Edwards was just as resourceful as Ginger
the Red had proven to be. He also acquired the Devil's Foot, and figured
out the riddle of the rainbow. Imagine Edward's surprise when he was
actually able to swap bodies with his girlfriend of the time. She was a
young model, of little renown, named Norma Jean.
The rest, as they say, is history. Mortals always wondered what triggered
the metamorphosis from a girl named Norma Jean into the sexiest woman
who ever lived . . . Marilyn Monroe. What would they say if they knew
that their sex goddess was once actually a man, formerly know as James
Alexander Edwards?
Despite Edward's massive intellect, his mind, already conditioned to think
about sex, was the perfect match for the body. The result was inevitable!
That made the Big Kahuna stop for a second. Perhaps it was a Cosmic
Joke after all. Except the joke was on any man who sought to find the
punch line of that joke, for they would find themselves in no better position
than what Edwards did.
Men would come to understand women after all because by making the
switch, the rendered themselves the way women used to be back in the
early days. That was where men were men, and women were women!
Yes. The Big Kahuna would help them. This was the beginning of the
end. If this worked out, he could put everything back the way it was
before. The only thing was that all men would be women, and all of the
women would be men . . . full circle! Their prayers would be answered.
The next morning was Thursday. Derek had planned to sack out, as he
didn't have any classes,but was instead rudely awakened by the a knock
on the door of his dorm room. He groggily rolled out of bed to give the
intruder a piece of his mind. The clock on the wall read 7:25 a.m. Who
could be calling at such an ungodly hour?
"Go away!" He called through the door.
"Let me in Derek. It's Ginger," was the soft reply.
"I'm not here."
"Bite me!" was the ever familiar come back. It was her answer for
She opened the door with the key Derek had foolishly given her, in a
gesture of affection. It was as close as he had ever gotten to a
" Boy you look awful. Brush your teeth. Comb that hair. Get dressed,"
Ginger barked out the orders like a drill instructor. "Time's a wasting!"
Glumly, like untold men since the beginning of time, he found it easier to
do what he was told, rather than argue. That especially held true with
Ginger. If you looked in the dictionary under the phrase "fiery redhead"
you would no doubt find her picture as an illustration. Like some jungle
cat sizing up its prey, Ginger sat on the sofa with her legs curled
underneath her, and just watched.
While Derek dressed in silence, Ginger told him the good news. Well, it
was good news at least as far as she was concerned. "OK. I've go the
rainbow part all figured out. Isn't that great?"
"Yeah. That's just terrific!" he grumbled.
"Now, now. Don't be a sore loser. Just think. In a hour or so, you'll be
able to put your hands on these to your heart's content." Again, Ginger
lifted her boobs up with both hands, indicating what she meant.
Derek didn't need to look. He knew exactly what she meant, and, after
last night's brief fantasy about owning them himself, couldn't bring himself
to look. The idea of being as soft, short, and beautiful as Ginger was
strangely erotic.
"Hey, I haven't lost yet. Just caused we found some crap in a book, and
got some dangerous drug, doesn't mean squat! We just won't switch
bods. It's just Fuckin' impossible."
"You'll have to watch your language when you become a lady," she
remarked demurely.
"Why , little Miss Bite Me?"
She poked Derek in the rib cage. "We won't go into that. Let's just say
it has to do with your reputation. You wouldn't want people thinking you
are a whore, now would you?"
That mind numbing thought was enough to shut Derek up.
"Pick me up at 11:00. That's a.m., not p.m. I want you to wear your
leather jacket, your black turtle neck, your black dress slacks, and decent
dress shoes."
"Since when do you tell me what to wear?"
"Since now!" she punched Derek playfully. "That bod will soon belong to
me. I want it to wear what I find cool. Hey, you can tell me what to wear,
since, after our experiment, you'll find yourself wearing it."
He felt like twisting her head off. Ginger was really rubbing his nose in it!
Nevertheless, he was trapped by his own promise. He had togo along
with the gag.
"Okay. Wear your tight, low cut white silk blouse, leather mini-skirt, and
those high heel black boots that I like."
"Oh, you sexy little thing!" she laughed loudly. "You're going to look so
darling in that outfit!"
Ginger unceremoniously departed, but not before standing on her tip toes
to give Derek a kiss on the cheek. God, she is so short, mused Derek.
Despite her departure, the wheels of his mind continued to turn.
It couldn't work. In away, he wished Ginger's stupid, silly female fantasy
would work. She acted so tough all of the time, imagining herself to be a
man. I just might teach her how hard it is to really be man all of the way.
The pressure on men is too tough. The real world expects men to be
successful, competitive and places all kinds of responsibility upon their
shoulders. She was clueless. The world for all of its technological and
cultural advances still expects nothing of women.
If this was successful, and Derek was not admitting to himself that it would
be, it would almost be a vacation for him. He never expected that they
would get this far on this quest, so he had to be ready just in case.
He figured that all it would take was a few days in his body, and she
would come running back. All he would have to do is just sit back and
relax He could use a few days off from football practice!
At Eleven, Derek reluctantly picked Ginger up at the Tri-Delt sorority.
She did look gorgeous in her only sexy outfit. The high heeled boots set
off her great legs, and the silk blouse drew attention to her perfect boobs.
A few of her friends giggled at them as they left. That was absolutely the
last thing that he needed . . . the best looking and most popular girls on
campus mocking him, laughing at him!
"You didn't tell them about your silly scheme, did you?" he inquired.
She looked awfully guilty. "Well . . . " she started, averting her eyes.
"Forget it!" Derek snapped. "Woman just can't keep their mouth's shut.
You all are sure going to be damned embarrassed when it doesn't work."
"Oh, just bite me!" Again, there was her favorite, all purpose, retort.
Ginger took him to a deserted park. There was a man-made waterfall
roaring in the center of the park. The mist from the falling water combined
with the sun made a continuous rainbow. Derek had to admit the setting
was beautiful, even though he knew in his heart of hearts that he was but
one heartbeat away from becoming her! He resisted the panic impluse to
run for his life.
She dug into her huge purse, retrieving two pre-measured doses of the
pilfered drug. Ginger kept one dose for herself, and handed the other
over to her companion.
"Are you sure this stuff won't kill us? " Derek asked her dubiously.
"Just take it Stop being such a big baby!"
Ginger demonstrated by playfully tossing the dose into the air, and then
catching it with her mouth as one would do with popcorn. As soon as
she began chewing, she got a sour look upon her face.
"Eck! This stuff tastes terrible."
"What would you expect from something named Devil's Foot? Candy?"
Ginger gestured for him to take his dose so he followed suit. However,
it was not in as colorful a method as she utilized. Derek found, as she did
only seconds before, that it did taste terrible.
"Ewww. Yuck!" he spat.
"Oh, don't be such a little girl. You're gonna be one in a few minutes
anyway." quipped Ginger. She grabbed Derek's hand to lead him away
from the front of the waterfall.
They two of them made their way behind the man-made rocks of the
waterfall. There they found a doorway leading into the rocks. It wasn't
locked. Ginger went in first, pulling Derek in afterward. Inside they found
a little alcove, directly underneath the falling water. They could both felt
the spray of the mist of the water.
Sure enough, the prismatic effect of the mist and sun, went right over their
heads. Ginger and Derek were sitting right underneath a rainbow.
The took their seats, cross legged and facing each other. In a few
minutes, each felt a little dizzy. Heart faced heart. Their eyes were locked
on each other. Derek's blue eyes stared into her green ones. The
waterfall's overpowering roar grew louder, but then faded away.
The equation was completed. The Big Kahuna saw that Ginger had
demonstrated her sincerity by fulfilling the requirements set forth by the
text. With that, he reached down to the two still lovers, and into their
souls. With one hand, he liberated the soul, or the very essence of Ginger's
being from her shell. He did the same with Derek. Each soul was still
connected to its respective body by a silver cord. It is the umbilicus that
connects body and soul, and if severed, meant certain death for that
This is the tricky part, thought the Big Kahuna. Satan, for all of his
power, cannot do this. Oh, transformation of a body into a new form is
easy enough. That was no trick at all. Transformation of the soul is quite
another. Metamorphosis is simply the alteration of one thing to look like
another. Alchemy is the complete transformation of one thing into another.
Only the Big Kahuna can do the alchemy of the soul.
Deftly, with the skill of a practiced surgeon, he severed both of the silver
cords of Derek and Ginger. However, he did not let their detached souls
float free toward the light, as the would have done had this been actual
death. Instead, he moved the end of the silver cord that was
still connected to the soul of Ginger closer to the end of the silver cord that
was still connected to the body of Derek. Those two ends danced for a
second around each other before finally touching. The commenced to
weave together to form a new umbilicus. There was no seem to indicate
that the silver cord had ever been severed.
The Big Kahuna watched as the soul of Ginger, which still looked exactly
like that of her body began to blur. It began to take on size, as it began
its transformation to match the form of the host body. It would be a few
days, as mortals measured time for that alchemy to be completed.
He duplicated the process with Derek's soul, and Ginger's body. The Big
Kahuna watched as the soul of Derek began to diminish somewhat in its
journey to match that of his new body.
With but a single gesture, the souls lowered into their new bodies, as if
being reeled in by the repaired silver cords.
"And so it begins," declared the Big Kahnua
The rapid beating of his heart was the only sensation that Derek had that
he was still alive. There was no sight, no sound, no taste, no smell and
no tactile sensations. That beating felt like it would crash its way through
his chest. Something was wrong. The drug had done something to him.
Then vision returned. The eyes that Derek was staring into somehow had
change color, and had become blue. Then the rest of the world, as well
as remaining senses returned. Derek breathed air into his lungs with great
gulps. He instantly felt the weight of breasts on his chest. Derek looked
down to see the creamy bust of Ginger, covered with freckles, in a low
cut silk blouse.
He shook his head in disbelief only to see long red hair swirl in front
of his eyes.
Horrified, he looked up again and just stared. Across from him he saw his
face grinning back. I must have fainted, he rationalized in a panic. I am
hallucinating! It's the damn drug.
"This isn't real!" Derek cried aloud. His voice was a piercing soprano,
demonstrating that it wasn't a dream. It was all too real.
The man opposite Derek just laughed, announcing in triumph, "I told you
it would work! Oh, ye of little faith."
His delicate hands dropped to his chest. They lifted Ginger's large
breasts, and squeezing them to see if they were real. They were Derek's
boobs now.
Derek grew both fearful and exited while touching them. The large nipples
on the tips of those breasts began to swell from the touch of his hands
Then, he felt larger hands pushing his smaller ones away. He was being
fondled by Ginger in his old body.
"Don't," Derek whispered breathlessly as he tried to push Ginger's now
large hands away. The excitement of the body in which his soul now
resided was, however, hard to ignore. The pounding of Ginger's heart
roared in his ears.
"Don't what, Ginger? Don't stop?" his old face grinned at him, pointedly
utilizing the name of the body he wore.
The real Ginger didn't stop as Derek requested her to do. Instead, she
slipped one of those large hand down the top of the silk blouse, under the
one of the cups of the under wire bra, to a hard, erect nipple. She began
to roll it between finger and thumb, knowing from years of experience that
it was something her former body liked very much.
Derek opened his new mouth to protest anew, but he wasn't even able to
say a word. His old lips descended upon his newer ones, with a firm kiss.
Ginger's hands were so insistent . . . and felt so good upon the nipples. It
was if there was a direct current running from those nipples to Derek's
nether regions. He felt a warmth, and a sensation of moistness growing
ever so slowly there. The sensations were starting to overwhelm the
capacity of his male mind to handle. Quite involuntarily, he parted the full
lips to let out a low moan.
As soon as those lips parted, the tongue of Derek's former body slipped
between them, past shining teeth, and onto his new tongue. He found
himself returning the kiss. He accepted the tongue into his mouth, licking
it with his own.
Derek's toes, inside the high heels, curled up. He felt the power of the
kiss from head to foot.
Ginger broke the kiss in order to address her former body.
"Haven't you always wondered what sex felt like for me, or your other
girls. Here's your chance to see what a stud you are." Ginger
propositioned, while seductively nibbling at a pearly ear.
Derek felt his breaths growing short and rapid, as female hormones were
released into the blood stream.
"Is your pussy wet yet, Ginger?" whispered the real Ginger seductively.
Being referred to by her very feminine name turned him on even more.
"Yes, God damn you!" cried Derek, trying to sound forceful. He failed
miserably. The combination of Ginger's attention, and dirty talk were
overloading the circuits of this new brain.
"Good because my dick is certainly hard." She took one of Derek's tiny
manicured hands, and placed it on the bulge in her pants.
Quite in spite of himself, Derek found it impossible to resist feeling the
bulge that used to be his. In mere seconds, he was fondling her erection
through the pants by rubbing it up and down.
"That's right, Ginger," urged the real Ginger. With her free hand, ran the
fingers through Derek's long auburn hair. "Ginger the Red," she
commented using her own nickname.
That name made the craziest idea play across Derek's mind. Maybe I am
Ginger. This all feels so natural . . . so, so right. Maybe I was never
Derek at all. I was just dreaming that I was Derek because I wanted to
be him so badly. That must be it. I really am Ginger, and I'm just waking
up from a dream.
It was the only way that Derek's crumbling male ego could cope with what
was happening to him.
The Big Kahuna watched the scene play out below him with great
interest. He could perceive the spirit at work inside the separate bodies
at play. Usually, it took a few days for the transplanted soul to take on
the shape of its new home. However, in this case one of those
transplanted souls was reshaping itself at a much more accelerated pace.
While the shape of Ginger's soul retained the shape of her former body,
for the most part, Derek's was rapidly altering to take on a decidedly
feminine aspect. It was as if his soul was made to be inside Ginger's
The Big Kahuna knew his two creations didn't truly understood the nature
of what had happened to them. It wasn't like a brain transplant, or mind
swap, that was popularized by mortal fiction. This was a transmigration
of souls! That meant that the memories of the host body remained with the
host body. Memories, being a creation of both the soul and biochemical
processes of the brain, mostly remained with that brain. So to did the
body's learned habits and reflexes. The body would remember what to
do. Although a duplicate of the memories of the host body went with the
soul to its new body, they would in time fade. Those memories where just
going on momentum. Even though the soul would always know who it
was, and recall those former experiences, much like information read
from a book, eventually there would be no emotional connection with
In time it would seem as if those experiences had occurred to another, or
had occurred in another lifetime.
As time moved forward, the transplanted soul would establish an
emotional connection to the native memories of the new host body. Such
was the nature of things. However, that which made a soul special unto
itself would never be diminished. Underneath it all they would still be the
person they were, with those views and attitudes, with those strengths and
The two lovers changed position so that Ginger's bulge pressed into
Derek's genital mound. She felt her old friend rubbed against her swollen
vulva and clitoris, and her excitement grew.
What is happening to me? Derek asked herself. Am I becoming a sex
slave? Was Derek's . . . er, Ginger's crazy theory right? It was getting so
hard to remember who was who. Nevertheless, she couldn't . . . nay
wouldn't stop. She kissed Ginger again, whilst tilting broad hips upward
to rub soft loins against the hard bulge. Derek took delight in Ginger's
groans and of the mounting pressure.
They both just lost control. Somehow their clothes were off in an instant
Derek heard himself moaning again, as she felt the very tip of Ginger's
penis separate the folds of her lower lips. Her entire being was consumed
by the urge to have it within.
"Please!" she begged the real Ginger. "I want to feel you inside of me."
She grabbed the shaft of the cock to guide it into the sweet, hot, wet
Suddenly her former manhood plunged deeply into this new pussy. The
sensation of being penetrated made the eyes roll back into her head. He
felt the wet inner tissue of the vagina mold itself around the hard organ
sliding in and out of her. She thought the pleasure was going to never end.
It filled up every atom of Derek's being. I must be Ginger, she thought. It
is the only thing that makes sense out of the madness.
SHE clawed at the male body above HER in a frenzy of erotic energy..
"Don't stop! Don't stop!" SHE urged breathlessly. Each stroke of Ginger
into HER pushed Derek further toward the precipice of HER first female
orgasm. With out warning, Derek sensed Ginger had stopped thrusting.
Yet HE grew harder still within the hungry pussy. SHE knew what was
coming next.
Instinctively, Derek contracted vaginal muscles around that wonderful
peace of meat. SHE felt warm cum erupt into the center of HER new
body. Its heat sent a pleasant warmth into this new uterus that spread like
wildfire through the rest of the wonderful body.
Derek was locked in the embrace of a full female orgasm.
Minutes later, after catching her breath, she felt Ginger grow soft within.
Derek was overwhelmed with emotions of intimacy and tenderness such
that she had never experienced before. With the cessation of the demands
of this new body, she was able to remember exactly who she really was,
as well as what had happened to her. Nevertheless, Derek caressed her
former body lovingly. There was a sensuous pleasure that resulted from
touching any part of Ginger's new body.
"When do you think you'll be up for another go?" Derek whispered
urgently to Ginger.
The real Ginger laughed. "I knew it! I just knew it would be this way.
Give me a little time Ginger, and I will try to get it up again."
Ginger rolled onto his strong back. Derek curled up into the crook of his
big arm. She draped one slender arm across the hairy chest, while laying
her red head on a pectoral muscle. Unconsciously, she had assumed a
traditional feminine position.
She looked up into her former masculine face, asking, "Did you enjoy it?
As a man I mean?"
Ginger ran his fingers through Derek's long, lovely hair. "It was great. I
felt so strong and powerful. I was so in control. How about you?"
"Me? I only submitted to your vile, masculine lusts. I took no pleasure in
it." Derek responded sweetly.
"Sure you did!" Ginger started to stroke those great , tempting tits again.
"Easy," Derek winced. " Not so rough now. They're a little tender."
"Sorry, I forgot."
Gently, Derek reached down to check on their friend. Their conversation
about their respective experiences was getting it hard again. Tenderly,
Derek found herself playing with it. First it was a soft caress, almost a pet.
Soon, her tiny hand had encircled its girth and was urging it to attention
with full lingering strokes. She would have it ready for more fun and games
in no time . . . that is, if memory were true in this new fascinating flesh.
Derek turned to nibble at Ginger's muscled throat.
"Oh, Riiigght! You just submitted, huh? Bite me! You little fiend! You little
minx!" Ginger teased while grabbing her former irresistible, soft curvy
form. "Now let me show you what that body can do to your mind."
Derek giggled. "I'm from Missouri. Show me!"
"You lie! You're from Ohio!"
Derek's breaths came quicker " Close enough!"
Derek and Ginger emerged from the alcove beneath the waterfall, albeit
a somewhat disheveled, approximately an hour after they entered. There
was a slight difference . . . Derek's soul was contained within the vessel
of Ginger's body, and vice versa. In the entire time that the two of them
were cramped into the relatively small confines of the alcove, neither had
the opportunity to fully stand and experience their newfound perspectives..
Poor Derek found herself feeling a little intimidated standing next to a
giant Ginger.
Although, while they were locked in each other's embrace, each had a
taste of their increased, or diminished proportions. The distraction of sex
had pushed this well into the background. Now that they were outside,
and able to stand fully erect, Derek and Ginger saw the world from an
entirely new vantage point..
"I-I'm so short," gasped Derek in Ginger's lilting soprano. In the short
time in Ginger's body, she had automatically adopted the bodies natural
tone and timbre.
Ginger looked down . . .way, way down, from her 6'4" height and
laughed. "Of course. You're only 4'11 1/2" tall now. What did you
"I'm not even 5' tall?"she whined.
"Nope. You're just a wee little girl now. Judging by what just happened,
I think you're going to enjoy life from down there. I know that I'm going
to enjoy life from up here. My God, it's like on on top of a mountain. I
can actually see things!"
"Please tell me how can I enjoy being shorter than everybody?"
Ginger observed, "You're not just shorter than everybody, Ginger. You're
also, softer, and quite a bit weaker than everybody."
"I wish you would stop calling me Ginger. That's not my name you know."
"It is now. To the entire world you're Ginger Thompson, sister at Tri-Delt
sorority. You might as well start getting used to it," remarked the real
Ginger, grinning.
"Can't we at least call each other by our real names when we're together?"
requested Derek.
Ginger couldn't look her old body in the eye. Further, his hesitation
indicated to Derek that something was amiss. All that he could say was,
"Uh . . "
Derek did not want to push Ginger her at this stage of the game. She felt
so tiny and vulnerable. She moved to closer to what had been her former
body, trying to curl a tiny, slender hand into Ginger's larger one.
"I don't care what you call me as long as we're together!" Derek conceded
passionately, and tried to kiss Ginger. She drew back. Instinctively,
intuitively Derek knew something was very wrong.
Ginger looked down at his former body. A tear formed in his eye as he
gazed down at Derek. "Damn. I didn't think it was going to be this hard."
"What?" asked Derek in a panic, trying to hold on tighter, even as Ginger
pulled away.
"Uh . . . I don't think that we should see each other anymore, Ginger," the
authentic Ginger said.
Derek was positively stunned. "Y-you're breaking up with me n-now?
After all I done for you , after I gave you my body? I have you're body,
and feel so vulerable! How could you? How could . . . ."
She started to sob, interrupting her outburst in the process.
Ginger tried to explain. "I love you. I do. However, if we're to find out
whether you make a better woman, and I make a better man, we have to
break up. Otherwise we'll never find out."
Derek protested. "I-I can't. I couldn't do what I just did with another
guy. I could only do it because it was you . . . I mean me. You know
what I mean. I only did it because I love you. I only agreed to this crazy
experiment because I love you!"
"That's my point exactly. The whole thing is pointless unless we
experience fully what it is like to be the other. It's not forever. It's
just until one of us admits it to the other. Then we'll be together again, I
promise, no matter how it turns out."
"You really love me?" questioned Derek. It was the first time Ginger
had said those three little words.
"Yes," Ginger said simply. This time he looked Derek right in the eye to
demonstrate sincerity.
Derek smiled through her tears. "I love you, too."
Despite the situation Ginger smiled too. "I don't believe it. It took a sex
change for us to admit our love for each other!"
There was a long, pregnant pause.
Finally Derek said, "So it's I love you . . . good-bye?"
"Ginger, It's not forever. It's only until the bet's over. If our love can't
survive this brief separation, maybe we aren't meant to be together. It's
better that we find out now."
Ginger had called her by her own name again. The trouble was that she
getting used to it!
As hard as it was, Derek accepted it, and the flawless logic. The beautiful
new face reflected the profound sadness within his spirit. He almost feel
like giving in now.
"I'll miss you, Derek," she called Ginger to show acceptance. God, her
aching heart felt like it was being torn from her chest.
"I'll miss you, too, Ginger."
They embrace tightly, ending in a soulful kiss. The embrace lingered on
and on, neither wanting to separate, although each knew that they had to.
Derek felt her new prominent breasts flatten in to the lower chest/upper
abdomen of her real body.
I'm really short now, she panicked. Can I ever used to to being so tiny?
"What do we do now?" inquired Derek, pulling away. The embrace was
starting to get her turned on yet again.
"You go back to Tri-Delt, and I go back to your dorm. We just pick up
each other's life where it left off. The only exception is that we tell
everybody else that we broke up. We only see each other again when
one of us is willing to admit defeat to the other. Agreed?" Ginger stuck
his hand out to shake on it.
Derek reluctantly stuck her hand out as well. Ginger squeezed it too tight,
and she winched with the pain. They shook to cement the deal.
"I guess this is good-bye then," whispered Ginger huskily, playing the man.
"I'll see you around. campus Ginger."
"I'll see you Derek." replied Derek in broken tones. "But there is one thing
you must promise me!"
"What's that?" asked a curious Ginger.
"You must not tell anybody that you are not Derek, especially my . . . your
sorority sisters! It will be hard enough for me to live your life without them
snickering at me."
"That's fair. Can I tell them later, after we switch back?" Ginger
"Okay. I'm going to miss you!" she started sobbing again.
Ginger spun on his heel, and walked out of Derek's life.
Derek was left with her body, watching what she had once been her
strong male body walking away. It didn't turn back. The new body that
her soul dwelled in naturally contained a lot of emotion. Real tears
continued to fall from Derek's eyes, as she watched the love of her life
walk away. She was lonely already.
The new Ginger made her way back to the Tri-Delt sorority. The first
steps in Ginger's body had been awkward ones. The balance and center
of gravity was all wrong. Her breasts jiggled with every movement, and
just seemed to get in the way of everything. The high heels didn't help
much either.
She cursed . . . herself, for requesting, as a joke, that Ginger wear
the high heels boots.
Ginger would have to start thinking of herself as a "she" now. She would
have to start thinking of herself as Ginger the Red.
Then, an unusual thing happened. With each step the new Ginger began
to feel more comfortable in her body. With each new step, Ginger began
to feel more and more natural. By the time she reached the gate to the
park, she was walking exactly like the real Ginger used to.
Even the constant bobbing of her tits was becoming less noticeable. The
high heels suddenly felt very, very natural, like she had worn them
for years!.
In no time at all, Ginger found her way back to the sorority. More strange
things began to happen. Although she had never been inside the sorority
house (it was forbidden for any man to enter Tri-Delt), everything looked
vaguely familiar. She seemed to know where everything was.
It occurred to Ginger that she had all of the memories of the real Ginger
available to her. Even her body had resumed the reflexes and movements
of its former animating soul. That was a relief to Ginger. At least she
wouldn't have a problem convincing others that she was Ginger. She
wondered just how much of the real Ginger's memories she had?
That question was answered in short shrift. A girl whom she had never
seen before in her life approached. Yet, she too seemed familiar. As
soon as the girl, who was quite a bit taller than Ginger, saw Ginger, she
rushed to her side.
"Ginger? You've been crying. What's wrong?"
The name of the girl popped into Ginger's head. "Tiffany. It-it's Derek.
W-we broke up today." sobbed Ginger. The memory made her tears
come again. She wasn't faking this heart break.
Tiffany took Ginger into her arms to console her. "Don't you worry
Ginger. The big jerk doesn't deserve you. There are other fish in the sea.
. . ."
Several of the other sisters of Tri-Delt came hurrying up. They were just
curious to see if the body switch had really worked. Some of them even
harbored a secret desire to use the technique on their current boyfriends
if it did! However, when they saw how upset 'Ginger' was about the
break-up, they naturally assmued the she was the "real McCoy". Only
one of the girls, Carol Phelps, thought to make absolutely certain..
"I want to make sure you're really Ginger . . .Ginger. Tell us the secret
code word you gave us before you tried the switch, to prove you are who
you say you are. That is what you asked us to do as a test."
The other girls immediately chastised Carol for being so insensitive. This
was clearly not the time for such silly tests.
Interestingly, 'Ginger' had no trouble answering the question. The real
Ginger had incorrectly assumed that Derek would not have access to that
knowledge. However, the brain Derek was using had a complete set of
Ginger's memories. They were memories that he could use.
"DiCaprio rules. Cruise drools," returned Ginger without a moment's
hesitation. He was slipping more and more into Ginger's persona. He felt
that as the minutes passed by, his own persona was becoming secondary
to that of Ginger's, almost like it was being sucked down a whirlpool
created by that rainbow.
"Sorry, Ginger I just had to make certain.," Carol apologized. "So what
happened? Why did that jerk break up with you? Was it because you
threatened his precious masculinity with your little experiment?"
"I-I guess that is partly it," Ginger hesitated, trying to think of some
reason to tell them. The lie was spoken with genuine emotion. "H-he said
that we were getting too serious, that we needed to take a break from each
The last part did have a little element of truth to it.
"Oh, God!" blurted Susan Sullivan. "That sounds awfully familiar! Men are
such bastards sometimes. Did he say that you too were getting too close?
Did he claim that you needed to test your love by breaking up, and dating
others? You have to prove if your love is real?"
Derek as Ginger looked stunned. It was almost as if this girl had read her
mind. "Just about. H-how did you know?"
Susan snorted indignently, " When guys think we're trying to drag them
to the alter they often come up with some crap like that. I think they all
hire the same script writer. Ass holes!"
That brought a round of vociferous agreement from the rest of the girls that
had gathered around. It occured to Ginger that this may be a universal
experience of all girls. Still, it rang true. Those were almost the very
words, to the letter, that she used to break up with her last girlfriend.
She suddenly felt very guilty, and ashamed for what she had done to her
last girlfriend. If nothing else, she had learned a very valuable lesson
from all of this.
The new Ginger didn't know what to do, so she started to cry again. The
volitale swirl of emotion were very difficult to control. Perhaps, the most
difficult to deal with was the fact that she was starting to feel feminine.
The increasingly familliar camraderie of the sisters was making her feel like one
of the girls. She was starting to think of herself as Ginger!
"I think I need to go and lie down for awhile. Maybe I'll take a good hot
bath," Ginger excused herself. She needed to get away from the sisters
and think.
Tiffany g