Ron And Ronnie Chapter 9 - Sometimes Things Get A Little Bent. free porn video

Ron had been telling me the story about the sexual adventures of him and Ronnie, his wife who had recently left him.
I arrived at Ron’s house the next evening around six o’clock knowing that Ron worked until five. Ron had showered and the kids were in their PJ’s ready for bed. It was obvious that the lads had been fed. I said hi to the kids and we talked for a while before Ron took them off to their bedrooms.
When he returned, Ron threw a handwritten letter down in front of me and said, “You might like to read this.”
The letter was from Ronnie. It started by saying that although she still loved him she found that the situation was such that it was better for both of them that she move on with her life. She made some obscure reference to 'others' in their relationship then wrote that she had not been able to cope with the kids knowing that her inability to find satisfaction in their marriage had resulted in their conception. This was consistent with what Ron had told me during the telling of his story and explained why he had told me so much about their past affairs. She finished by saying that she hoped that her action in leaving allowed him to find true happiness and satisfaction sometime in the future.
After reading it, I looked at Ron and said, “I don’t understand?”
“Makes two of us, old mate. We never ever argued. There just didn’t seem to be any issues big enough that could lead to a separation. I accepted that she could have sex with whoever she wanted to as long as she came home to me and Sally was the only woman other than Ronnie that I had ever had any interest in. It’s just crazy.”
“Perhaps guilt is interfering with her ability to make sensible decisions. It’s reasonable to think that because her cheating resulted in three pregnancies by other men she may have been suffering from considerable levels of guilt.”
“It’s possible, I guess but why now. I have been thinking of obtaining some professional help to try to understand it all. Perhaps I should finish the story and then we’ll talk about it some more.”
We had dinner and then Ron handed me a beer. As I drank he asked, “Where did I leave off?”
“You said that you had slept with Ronnie and Sally. In the morning while Ronnie slept you said that you and Sally shared how much you had both enjoyed the night.”
“Yes, it was very special for both of us.”
With that, he continued the story.
After Ronnie got up, I ran Sally home. We had asked Ronnie to come with us but she did not want to face the “arsehole” as she now called Joe. When I pulled up outside her home Sally turned in her seat and asked about getting together again. I remained non-committal because I needed to talk to Ronnie about it all and see how she felt.
It was obvious that Sally was reluctant to face Joe. I had seen curtains move on one of the windows when we pulled up so I knew that Joe was aware that we were there. Eventually, I asked Sally did she want me to come in to face Joe with her.
“I don’t think you should. He could be quite angry and he gets out of control when he is angry.”
“Will you be okay by yourself?”
“It’ll only be words. He wouldn’t dare hit me or anything like that. If he did he knows that I would pack up and leave and he knows that his family would disown him for doing that. He also knows that he would be shitting in his nest as regards getting with Ronnie again. He sees that as very important so there is nothing to worry about really.”
“I think he has shit in his nest as regards getting with Ronnie already from what Ronnie said this morning.”
“Maybe so but a woman can change her mind and most do after thinking about it. I think she will come around. She talked to me about it last night when we were in the bathroom. He is a lot more important to her than she is letting on to you.”
“Are you saying that she is lying to me?”
“No, she’s not lying. She is just not telling you everything, that’s all.”
“Are you saying that she is falling in love with him?”
“Maybe, I’ve said a little too much already. She trusted me so I shouldn’t say any more.”
“Maybe, she’s falling in love with him or maybe you’ve said too much?”
She smiled at me, “Both I guess. Ron, how do you feel about me?”
“What are you asking, Sally?”
“If and I say if Ronnie and Joe fell in love and wanted to be together would I stand a chance with you?”
“Sally, we have only spent one night together. I have only known you for a little over a week. How can we talk about such things like that now? The intent was for us to find sexual satisfaction together not for us to start talking about things like that.”
“Yes, I know but I feel that something special is happening and I believe that you’re feeling it too.”
“The sex was certainly outstanding, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, it was but that’s not what I am talking about.”
“I know that but I’m not willing to talk about it and I don’t think that it is proper for you to be talking about it either.”
“Okay, I’ll leave it alone for now but be warned that Ronnie is overreacting because she is fighting the same thing. Like you, she is denying her real feelings. She admitted it to me last night and broke down crying because of it. She told me that she has to break it off or she would do something unthinkable to you.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Just don’t let her know that I told you, that’s all.”
“I won’t. Anything that you ever tell me will never be divulged to anyone.”
“I had better go before Joe comes down to get me. You know he is watching us don’t you?”
“Yes, I saw the curtain move and thought it would be him.”
“Are you going to kiss me?”
“Should I, he’s watching.”
“Fuck him. He told Ronnie he would drop me at a moment’s notice if she wanted him to so he can eat shit as far as I’m concerned.”
“He said that. Ronnie told you that?”
“Yes, they had the discussion. Their argument wasn’t about him touching her in public it was about his insistence that she leave you and move in with him. She told him that it was unthinkable and he was out of line but then she told me that it was tempting.”
“It that case, come here.”
I took her into my arms and kissed her. The kiss lasted a long time. It wasn’t about Sally and me it was about punishing the arsehole that was watching us. I was fucking pissed off. My heartbeat felt as if it was irregular and I felt that I could take a heart attack at any minute. My thoughts were, 'Fuck this arsehole. What right does he have to try to rip away my wife from me? I had trusted a man with my wife who was totally untrustworthy and the result was this. Fuck him.' I felt like laying Sally down and screwing her there in the car with him spying on us from the window just to punish him.
I then realized how stupid I was being. We were all humans and humans who spend time together in erotic situations are liable to fall in love. It is the way of the world. To be surprised that it happened the way it is supposed to should not be a surprise to anyone. What I needed to do was to offer the opportunity to Ronnie to discuss it with me and then work through it rationally together to find a sensible solution.
I broke off the kiss. I saw the surprise on Sally’s face and felt I should apologize to her but I didn’t. There may be an opportunity for that later but not now. Right now I wanted to protect my territory. I saw Ronnie as mine and I wanted to be with her. I wanted to hold her and kiss her. I wanted to take her to bed and make love to her. I just wanted to do whatever it took to make her mine again.
I always felt that there was a risk to our relationship in what we were doing but Ronnie had promised me that she would always come home to me no matter what. Had she set me up by encouraging me to spend the night with Sally? Was Sally just a pawn in her game of relationships? Was Sally being used as a pawn to take me out of the game? I needed to know and the only way that I could know was to try to get her to talk to me. To get her talking I needed to take her to bed.
When I arrived home, Ronnie had gone. I assumed that she had run the kids to school and would be back shortly. I wandered around the house fiddling with this, fiddling with that but achieving nothing. Time passed but there was no Ronnie. Where the shit was she? She didn’t carry a mobile so I couldn’t call her. An hour passed then two. I was getting desperate because my brain had started imagining all type of things. Did she have another lover? Had she gone around to see Joe? Had they agreed to meet somewhere? My brain was sending me crazy and I needed to do something about it so I got into my car and started cruising around the streets.
I drove around the local shopping centre but she wasn’t there. I drove past Sally and Joe’s place and both their cars were in the driveway. That was a relief. I drove out to the skating centre but she wasn’t there either. Maybe she had gone home so I drove back home to find her car parked in the garage. She was home. I parked my car and walked inside.
“Where have you been, honey?”
Shit, I’ve been looking for her but she asks me where I’ve been. That’s a joke.
“When I got back from dropping Sally off you were out. I just needed to take a drive to think about things, that’s all.”
“We must have passed each other somewhere. When you hadn’t come home after I dropped the kids off at school I thought that you might be still over at Sally’s place so I drove over but you had gone. While I was out I thought I may as well do some shopping but when I returned you still weren’t here so I called in to see Sue and Goyse but they were out as well.”
“Come to bed with me, Ronnie. I want to hold you in my arms.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I just feel lost. I feel as if my world is falling to pieces around me. I need to hold you.”
She walked over to me and put her arms around me. “I understand. I sometimes feel the same way when I’ve been with someone. It’ll pass in time. Remember its only sex. I know that Sally is very special but you just have to remember that it’s just sex. Once you realize that, you’ll be OK.”
“Is that how you feel every time, Ronnie? Is it only sex or can it develop into something more meaningful?”
I was watching her eyes and they shifted. This answered my question for me. She had doubts or maybe she already knew that it means more to her than sex.
“Is this how you feel about Joe?”
“Why do you ask that?”
“I just have this feeling that you are not as close to me as you have been since this thing started. When I think about it all I wonder how we ended up where we are with just you, me, Sally and Joe. I just have this feeling that I might have been manipulated in some way. That’s the reason that I needed to take a drive to allow me to think about where we are and how we got there. Is there something that I need to know, Ronnie?”
“Did Sally tell you something?”
“Why would Sally tell me something and what does she know that I don’t?”
“It’s just that I said something to her last night.”
“Does she know something that I should know?”
“Maybe, just girls stuff, that’s all.”
“If it’s girl’s stuff why would you think that Sally would tell me? You are starting to worry me, Ronnie. We have always been honest with each other and yet now you are worried that Sally has told me something. What is it that Sally could have told me?”
“I don’t know if I should tell you. There are some things that are difficult to talk about.”
“Now you really have me worried. Come on spit it out.”
“Let’s go to bed where we can talk. I want to hold you while I tell you. I want you to know that whatever I say, I still love you, Ron.”
“Okay.” I led her to our bedroom. I took my clothes off but she seemed hesitant. I reached over and kissed her. She responded. I started to undress her. She let me. I then picked her up and placed her on the bed. She rolled on her side and I lay down beside her.
“Okay, let’s hear what you have to tell me.”
“It’s about Joe. Our disagreement was not about him touching me in public.”
“So what was it about then?”
“He wants me to leave you and move in with him.”
“So, you Sally and Joe together, that would be interesting.” I gave a little chuckle. It was my response to my nervousness not that I thought it was funny.
“It’s not a fucking joke. He was serious. He didn’t include Sally in his plans.”
“So it’s not a joke. Obviously, you said no so what’s the problem?”
She looked me in the eye. I saw a tear start to form in the corners of her eyes. She continued to look at me for some time before she continued. I was too upset to speak.
“I didn’t say no. I told him that I would think about it and give him my answer next week.”
“Fuck!” I jumped up from the bed and stormed out of the room. I picked up my most valued possession, a crystal vase that I had won for being player of the year and threw it as hard as I could against the wall. It smashed into a million pieces. When I realized what I had done I dropped to my knees. I was on the verge of bursting into tears. Everything that was valuable to me was about to be taken away from me.
“Ron, come back to bed. We need to talk together about this. We need to be totally rational. I need you to understand how I feel. I need your support in making this decision. There has never been a time when I have needed your help as desperately as I do now. If I have to make this decision alone, it won’t go well for us.”
In amongst my pain and suffering, I saw just a small spark of positivity. Ronnie needed my help. If she had decided to leave me why would she ask for my help? Fuck, I could come out of this okay after all.
I got up and walked back to the bedroom. Ronnie was laying down and held her arms out to me to join her. I lay down beside her. She rolled over towards me and I felt her familiar body up against me. I just lay there. I didn’t know what to say to her. I waited for her to speak.
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know. What you said has been a big shock. I suspected there was an issue but not this. This is unthinkable.”
“I love you, Ron. You know that don’t you?”
“Yes, I love you too. You know that as well don’t you?”
“Yes. Joe and I have been seeing each other a lot more than I have told you. We have formed a strong bond. I started going with Sue quite a while before I told you about it. I actually went with her four times but I only told you about two occasions. The first time I went I met Joe. There were six guys but four spent the time with Sue and only two had sex with me. The first guy was only about your size. He deposited his sperm in me first. Sue has organized that because she told me that I would need that in order to handle Joe.”
“I saw his size so I agree with her on that part.”
“Well, when Joe came in I expected he would have sex with me and then leave like the first guy had but he didn’t. He spent time talking to me, touching me and preparing me for what was to come. He let me play with him and it was not like having sex as I imagined it. It was more about making love. Right at the start, there was this special attraction there much the same as what you felt with Sally last night.”
“You could see that could you?”
“Yes, I saw that you and Sally had that same attraction that Joe and I had. Like you and Sally we didn’t make love once we made love several times our first time together. You need to understand, Ron that I had never experienced anything like that in my lifetime. I wanted more and so did he so we agreed to meet during the day while you were at work. During our meetings, we made love numerous times.”
“Where did these meetings take place?”
“We met on most occasions at a local motel. On one occasion I went to his place while Sally was out of town. The problem that I faced was that I had agreed to help Sue out with her men. She had got too many for her to handle alone so she needed my help. Joe didn’t want me to do it but I told him that it was only sex.”
“The night that you were there he was in line to go fifth but he lost it and pushed his way in past everyone else. You saw me whisper to him and later on, you asked me what I had said. I didn’t tell you but what I told him was that my husband was present so he had better behave himself.”
“So he never made love to you in our bed?”
Her eyes shifted so I already knew her answer before it came. “He asked me to leave with him before that night. I told him that it wasn’t going to happen and if he pushed it then I would have to break it off with him. He had picked me up and dropped me off here a couple of times so he knew where we lived. When I tried to break it off with him he came here. Initially, I resisted his advances but he was forceful. I enjoyed that more than I had when it was by mutual consent.”
“So you are suggesting that he raped you?”
“No, not rape, he was forceful getting me into our bed but once he got me there I was hoping that he would do what he did. All the other times he was very gentle with me but at that time he was showing me that he was the boss. Where previously he made sure that he didn’t hurt me, he forced himself deeper than he had before. It hurt but it was unbelievable. I came over and over again until he finally shot a massive amount of sperm deep inside me.”
“So when was that?”
She told me a date and I immediately recognized that it was while she was off the pill. Her doctor had told her that she should take a break from taking it. That was several months before.
“So you have been seeing him for months. You were not even on the pill at that stage.”
“You are right on both counts. Sue once told me what a thrill it was to have a man make love to you when you are fertile and unprotected. I learned why she said that.”
“So you didn’t get pregnant.”
Once again she avoided my gaze as if she was guilty of something. Why would she do that?
“I thought I was actually. I missed my next period. When I told Joe he was ecstatic. He said you have to leave Ron now and move in with him. I told him there was no chance of that happening. I told him that what we had was sex and that what I had with my husband was love but he was persistent.”
“What happened with the pregnancy?”
“Sue was willing to look after it for me. She knows a doctor who does things like that for favours.”
“So you slept with the doctor?”
“No, Sue did that for me. He wasn’t interested in me. He has a thing for Sue. In fact, she told me that he and his wife have a thing for Sue. It was all for nothing anyway because my period was just late. I wasn’t pregnant.”
“Ronnie, you’ve been hiding a lot from me. I would never do that to you. I’m very disappointed in you.”
“Yes, I know. Initially, I hid it because I didn’t want to hurt you but once I got too deeply involved it just got so out of hand that I couldn’t tell you anyway.”
“So what happens now?”
“I don’t know. I want to be with him and I want to be with you. Our life together is good but making love with him is great as well. I need us to find a way that works. The solution needs to satisfy him, gives me the love that I need from both of you but keeps us all happy.”
“Okay, do you have any thoughts on how it might work?”
“Not really, I was happy making love with him and then coming home to spend the evenings with you until he started to push me to leave you.”
“Has he said why it is so important for you to leave me to be with him? Why is it so important for you to leave me when he can have the best of both worlds? He has a wife who cares about him. She seems to look after him as well as you do me and with a bit of work we could organize for him to have access to your pussy whenever he wants it.”
“He said he owns my pussy now and he doesn’t want you sticking your dick in his pussy. I told him that you and I only have sex occasionally so it’s not a big thing but he was adamant that he doesn’t want you to fuck me at all.”
“Okay, well think about this. Sally and I get along well. Joe and you get along well. What say we continue the living arrangements as they are but they can come over here two or three times a week. Joe and you can hook up and Sally and I can do the same.”
“He wants me every night.”
“Okay, then they come here three times a week and we go over to them three times a week. On Sundays, he can masturbate.”
“Sally would need to agree. I think he will want me on Sundays as well.”
“Sally won’t be a problem. As for him getting you every night, you really have to draw a line in the sand and tell him what is and what isn’t acceptable to us. Now you also spoke of the possibility of getting with Gary. Is that still on the agenda?”
“I don’t know. I threw that up thinking it would put you off the trail. I thought you were getting suspicious of Joe and me.”
“I know that but if you were to seek out Gary it may make Joe back some of the pressure off you. If we put this suggestion to him he will think he has you under his control. By asking Sally about Gary in front of him it may make him cautious of putting too much pressure on you.”
“I suppose it could work. How do we get onto Gary?”
“I’ll organize that. Sally knows him. I’ll get his address and go out and talk to him once we have got Joe to agree to our arrangements.”
“What if he won’t agree?”
“I guess that is up to you but my suggestion is that you tell him this is the way it will be and if you can’t agree then it can’t happen at all.”
“If it doesn’t happen then he will make damn sure that you don’t get to see Sally.”
“I think you underestimate Sally. She knew about you and Joe a long time before you told me about it all. I suggest that she still hasn’t told us everything that she knows. Somehow I think that Sally has got the measure of both you and Joe. He thinks he has secrets but I doubt that he does.”
“Shit, are you telling me that she knew about Joe and me all the time.”
“I don’t know but that sweet little lady is a lot smarter than you and Joe realize and it wouldn’t surprise me if she has known all along. When I called Joe that morning she knew exactly who I was and went all out to get me interested in her. Why would she do that other than to get closer to the action? She also paid you too much attention for someone who was only interested in a good fuck from your husband. Think about it.”
“I think you are right. She worked on me until I spilt my guts to her. The pregnancy thing had me thinking too. At the time I was thinking this is a replay of what happened with Joe and me. It just seemed to be too much of a coincidence.”
“By bringing her in, not only do I get what she has to offer but it allows us to keep an eye on what she is up to.”
“Okay Ron, Let’s do it. I’ll offer Joe an opportunity for us to get together up to six days a week but on condition that he forgets trying to take me away from you and on condition that his wife joins us each and every time. I’ll make sure he knows no wife means we don’t meet. You make some enquiries to Sally about how to make contact with Gary. When the time is right I’ll drop the word about Gary when Joe is around so he knows I am not exclusively his.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“You are fucking marvellous, Ron. I’m so lucky to have you as my husband.”
“I’m glad. A few minutes ago I thought I was going to be single again.”
“I don’t think that was ever on the cards but it was one of the remote possibilities.”
“Next time come and talk to me about it when one of your boyfriends wants you to dump your family, will you? Don’t leave me to guess what might be going on.”
“Okay, I’ll do that.”
I felt a lot happier. It wasn’t the perfect outcome which would have been for her to dump Joe altogether. I knew that if I pushed for that I might obtain an agreement but that would mean that she would carry on her relationship with him behind my back. That would have ended in disaster for sure.
I was not foolish enough to believe that they would not meet behind my back even now but with us altogether most days of the week it meant that Sally and I could monitor most of what was happening. The other part of it was that Joe had to agree with Sally and I getting together if he wanted to be with Ronnie. It meant one stone gets two birds.
It was late once more and Ron’s voice was starting to get raspy from all the talking. The story had reached a stage where we could break. I needed to get home to bed. I took my leave and jogged off down the road. I came up the street from the back to check if Jon’s car was parked in the darkness but if it was there I couldn’t see it.
Sue was asleep when I entered the bedroom. I dropped my clothes on the floor and climbed in behind her. I detected an odour but couldn’t make out what it was but suspected that it smelled like sex. My cock was at full mast and slipped between her legs. Ron’s story was quite erotic to me, especially the part where he talked about the pregnancy risk. I had already had my vasectomy by this time and so Sue did not take the pill and as far as I knew she didn’t use any other kind of protection.
I moved my cock to try to find her hole and couldn’t believe how slippery she was. I moved it around a little more and found her passage but instead of pushing into it I withdrew. I reached down with my hand and collected some of her wetness and bought it up to my face. There was no doubt about it, it was someone’s sperm. I pushed my cock back and drove it into her as hard as I could. She groaned and mumbled something. I asked her what she said. Her reply shocked me.
“Don’t be so rough, Jon. You know I like it gentle.”
“Fuck her!” I thought and continued to ram into her as hard as I could.
It woke her up and she asked, “Is that you, honey? How was Ron?”
I didn’t answer her because the slippery seconds was just too much for me and I shot rope after rope deep inside her.
“What did Jon want,” I asked her.
She lifted up and looked at the clock. “How did you know that Jon was over? He left well over an hour ago.”
“I smelt him.”
“You smelt him. How could you smell him?”
“You wouldn’t understand. It’s a male thing.”
“Explain it to me if you think I don’t understand.”
“Each man’s sperm has a particular odour. I can smell it on you.”
“Are you accusing me of fucking Jon?”
“I’m not accusing you. I’m just letting you know that I know.”
“How do I answer that? If you believe that you certainly seemed to like going seconds.”
“What are you doing about protection?”
“That’s my business.”
“I don’t want someone else’s child running around my home.”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“I’ll ask you again. What are you doing about protection?”
"I suppose that I could go on the pill”
“Organize it or stop what you are doing.”
“What if I don’t?”
“You will need somewhere else to live.”
“I’ll see the doctor tomorrow. Are you telling me that you accept what I am doing?”
“No, I don’t accept it. I just can’t do anything about it, can I? You don’t intend to stop and I can’t stop you so the only thing I can do is insist that you get on the pill.”
“I love you.”
“Tell me another one.”
“I do love you. I just don’t get satisfaction from our sex.”
“Go to sleep. I have to work tomorrow.”
“I love you.”
“Yes, you’ve already told me that.”
“You’re angry with me. I want you to hold me close like you did when you came home. It felt good.”
I rolled over and moved into position behind her. She reached down and pulled my cock between her legs into the mess that was a mixture of my sperm and Jon’s. She tried to push me into her pussy but it would only sit at her entrance. It felt good and I started to stiffen and my head slowly pushed inside her. I put my hand on her tit and played with her nipple.
“You like my sloppy pussy filled with cum, don’t you?”
“Do you think you can go again?”
“Maybe. We’ll see.”
“You’re a better fuck than Jon any day of the week. It’s just that I need more sex than you can give me.”
“Why didn’t you clean up so that I didn’t know?”
“I wanted you to know. You may not have known but you have had slippery seconds from me before and you always enjoyed it more than without. I left it there for you to find.”
By this time I was very hard. Sue moved her upper body forward to present herself to me. I pulled out of her sloppy pussy and pushed my cock against her anus. It slipped in without much resistance. She made no move to stop me but told me that it hurt her.
“You deserve to be hurt, doing what you have been doing.”
“Yes, I do don’t I? Does it turn you on to know that your fertile wife has been having unprotected sex with other men? Doesn’t it make you horny to know that I could get pregnant at any time at all?”
I sent my sperm deep into her bowels. I didn’t want to cum but I just lost control when she said that.
“Yes, it does turn you on. I thought so. You love it don’t you? Your wife loves it too. There is nothing like having my pussy filled to the brim with a heap of fertile sperm knowing the little swimmers will be battling to find their way up to my fertile egg. That is what sex is all about, Goyse.”
I couldn’t say anything. My response told her what my mind was thinking but to say something would be to confirm that and I refused to head down that pathway. My wife was out of control and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it other than to chuck her out onto the street and I was not going to do that.
I rolled away from her and within a few minutes, she heard me snoring. I wasn’t asleep. That wasn’t to come for more than an hour. I was running everything through my mind trying to find an answer but there wasn’t one. I had a whore for a wife and I was stuck with it. To bring on sleep I returned to Ron’s story and wondered what would come next.

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