Ronnie s Awakening
- 4 years ago
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?Ronnie Repents ? Ex-Wives 5?
by Richard Stryker
© Copyright R. Stryker 2005.
The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988.
Published by
Reproduced with permission of the author and publisher.
She opened an eye, but her whole world was still one of darkness.She felt something around her face, like a mask. It made her grow cold withfear as she began to regain consciousness. Ronnie tried to move but couldn't.
She felt the rope wrapped round and round her body, securing her tightlyto a narrow couch. Her wrists were tied securely together and then pulledbehind her head where they were secured to the back of the couch.
Ronnie became aware she was totally naked. Her legs were drawn underthe couch and were tied tightly together at her ankles, the couch forcingher legs apart. For a brief moment she was terrified at the realisation hersex was open and fully exposed. She made to scream but the ball-gag in hermouth made any sound virtually impossible.
Then she became aware of something else. Her vagina was filled withsomething hard. It felt like a big cock was just sitting there inside her,filling her up. Ronnie gained consciousness quite rapidly and as she didso, the sound of soft humming suddenly made its entry into her world. Asit did so, the dildo in her vulva began to stroke her rhythmically. The dildowas attached to a device that was mounted on the end of the couch, a devicethat thrust the dildo about four inches into and out of her vulva at therate of about two strokes a second.
The dildo was large in width, just over an inch and a half, and itwas stretching Ronnie's sex with each thrust, bringing to her senses a strangemixture of pain and arousal.
Then, as her consciousness was restored, the dildo took over her bodyand she began to almost silently moan her way to an orgasm. She knew it wasonly the start of what she had been promised ? and she was not looking forwardto what else was in store for her. She could cope with the dildo for now,but knew that it would soon be painful as it continued its relentless fuckingaction inside her vulva. Her sex was becoming more sensitive and more tenderwith each stroke and, even as her second orgasm built to its inevitable climax,Ronnie began to feel the pain that this huge device was causing her.
As the third orgasm mixed with the pain of the intrusive instrument,Ronnie remembered why she was here and knew she had no choice. She wouldjust have to put up with whatever was going to be demanded of her.
The letter sat on the dining room table, and under it was the envelopeit had been posted in. Posted, not hand delivered. Posted. The letter hadbeen addressed to Craig Carter and, as was usual, he had got to the postthat morning while his wife, Ronnie, was still getting dressed upstairs.
Normally the radio would be on in the kitchen as Craig prepared theirbreakfast, but the kettle had long since boiled and switched itself off and,having opened the post, Craig had sat waiting.
?Breakfast ready, darling?? The female voice called downstairs. Silence,not the usual reply. Then came the footsteps as Ronnie descended the staircase.
?What's up?? She asked, poking her head round the dining room doorand noticing the table was bare.
?This is,? Craig glowered at her as he held the single sheet of paperup for her.
Ronnie took the sheet and looked at it, turning pale as she did so.
?Shit!? She said. ?What bastard would send something like this??
?The bastard you've been fucking, perhaps?? Craig spat the words out.
?But I haven't been, there's only you,? Ronnie protested.
?Really.? Craig took the letter and read it out loud. ?Dear Craig,I thought you'd like to know that your wife is really good in bed. She reallyis one of the best oral givers I know and I love the tattoo on the insideof her left leg ? how amusing to have a four leaf clover just below her shavensex. I am really jealous that you have at your disposal one of the most prominentclitorises I have ever had the pleasure of stroking. Also, I think your wifeis a really good fuck. I don't want anything other than for you to know howmuch I enjoyed our times together over the past six weeks.? The letter wasunsigned. Ronnie had gone pale. ?So,? Craig spat at her, ?tell me nothingis going on.?
?There's nothing going on,? said Ronnie flatly but she hesitated afraction of a second too long.
?So how does he know all this??
?I don't know.? Now she stuttered slightly as Craig's voice got louder. ?Itell you, there's nothing going on.?
?Meaning you finished with this guy, whoever he is, and now he's outto get his own back.?
?Meaning I only love you.?
?Horse shit ? this isn't the first time you've slept around either,is it??
?I haven't been sleeping around.?
?No. Take a look at these.? Craig tossed a set of photographs on thetable. ?I had you followed about six months ago ? you remember, the timewhen you refused to have sex. I guessed something was up then and I provedit. Isn't that the guy who used to run the church music group you were in?? Craigpicked one picture where Ronnie was clearly fucking another guy. She waslying on her back on a rug on some grass with her skirt above her waist,oblivious to the presence of the photographer even though she was lookingin the general direction of the camera. Her face showed she was close toorgasm. ?This letter just proves you're at it again.?
?No it doesn't and, anyway, how dare you have me followed!? SuddenlyRonnie was indignant.
?I had you followed because I wanted to know what was going on ? andI've had enough, what with this letter.?
?I don't know who this is from, honestly, Craig.?
?Well, he sure knows you, intimately!? Craig was shouting at her now. ?Well,I've had enough. You can take the day off work, pack your bags and get out.I don't care where you go.?
?You can't kick me out, I haven't done anything. All right, I admitI had a very brief, tiny affair about six months ago. I can hardly deny thatas you have the pictures to prove it, but I honestly haven't seen anybodyelse since.?
?So, how do you explain the letter??
?I cant.?
?Well, the fact you cheated on me six months ago is enough for me.I want you out of here by tonight.?
?What if I promised to change?? Ronnie now sounded frightened, herearlier bravado having failed. Her voice said she was scared.
?What are you saying??
?What if I promised to change. Do you really hate me that much??
?Change, how??
?Well, what if I promised to do the things for you I've always refusedto do before??
?Okay, keep talking.?
?Well, would you let me stay??
?Only if the change was permanent and not just something to try andkeep you here.?
?And one other thing. You're going to be punished for your affair.?
?Punished, how do you mean??
?I mean, you will be taught a lesson ? a lesson of the kind you willnever forget. Now, I have to get moving. Think about it and let me know tonight.Either you agree or your bags must be packed.?
?Okay. What time will you be back??
?About eight. I have to meet someone after work and that will takean hour.?
Craig got up from the table, kissed Ronnie goodbye and a couple ofminutes later he was on his way. He drove round the corner and pulled inbefore fishing his mobile phone out of his pocket.
?Hi, Mr Dawson, it's Craig Carter.? A pause as Dawsonreplied. ?Yes,it went like a dream. A straight confession more or less and I think she'llgo for the lesson.? Another pause. ?Yes, yes, if all is okay then you cancollect her later on this evening. I will call you later on when she hasmade her decision.?
Carter put the phone back in his pocket and smiled ? revenge was gongto be sweet for him and very painful for Ronnie. All she had to do was makethe right choice! She had been a stalwart church goer ? the on hope now wasshe would have absorbed the teachings over the years and now she would wantto do it ? repent!
It was lunchtime when Ronnie heard her mobile phone ringing.
?Hi, it's me,? said Craig abruptly, ?have you made your decision??
?Yes, I don't want to leave you and I'm really sorry.?
?Good, in that case we'll organise your punishment for this eveningand then we'll see whether you earn the right to stay or not.?
?What do you want me to do??
?Do?? Craig paused for a moment.
?Yes, what must I do?? Ronnie sounded unsure of herself.
?Well, first you can have a bath. I want to see you as naked as theday you were born. I know you like shaving down there, but you'd better besilky smooth when I touch you or I'll wax you with candle wax.?
?Yes, Craig, anything else??
?Sure. Dress sexily. I want you ready well before I get home and youhad better have a couple of drinks to relax yourself. It's going to be atough evening.?
?Anything you want, Craig.? Ronnie sounded defeated and knew she wouldhave to comply with Craig's wishes or she risked losing everything.
?And I will want everything, believe me. Things you haven't even begunto dream of. Now, I have to get going. Don't know when I'll be back but youhad better be ready by six.?
?Okay Craig, but please don't be too hard on me.?
?I'll be as hard as I want to be. Now, I have to go.?
The mobile phone went dead, leaving Ronnie wondering just what wasgoing to happen to her. It was one o'clockandshe had a few hours spare to worry about things.
?Mr Dawson,? Craig said a few moments later, ?it's Craig Carter.?
?Hello Craig, how's things?? Dawsonhadbeen waiting for the call.
?Good. Ronnie has agreed to the punishment and will be ready by six.?
?She doesn't know anything about my involvement, does she?? Said Dawsoncarefully.
?Good God know ? that would spoil the surprise.?
?Excellent. Well, you can make your way to the farm. I'll be backwith her by seven at the latest.?
?Thank you. I'll wait down the lane until you turn up, then I'll helpyou if you need it.?
?I won't need any help, but it's kind of you to offer. You realiseit will take most of the night, don't you??
?No problem, Mr Dawson, tomorrow is Saturday.?
?In that case, I will see you later on. You are sure the keys work,aren't you??
?Absolutely. I tested them myself last week, just before I gave themto you.?
?That's good, so there should be no last minute hitches. I'll seeyou about seven and we can take things from there.?
?Thank you,? said Craig.
?Oh, don't thank me, you're the client don't forget. I just hope itworks out for you and that my services are worth the money.?
?They will be and I will enjoy watching what you do, no matter whatthe outcome.?
?Be assured, the outcome will be everything you expect and more. Ihave never failed yet and I don't intend to with your wife.?
?That's good to know. I will see you later then.?
The phone went dead.
Ronnie had bathed and carefully shaven her sex, under her arms andall over her legs by half five. The foaming bubble bath had smelled invitingas she'd poured it into the hot water. She washed carefully, knowing Craigwould be in a mood to pick fault with her. Then she'd selected a fresh razorblade and meticulously spent half an hour in the hot water shaving off everyunwanted hair she could find.
She'd actually got turned on by the sensation of the blade as it removedthe short pubic hairs she'd allowed to grow since her last shaving episode.That had been for Darren, another of her flings. She was sure he would nothave written to Craig, if only because their little arrangement was stillvery current indeed. The letter was a mystery indeed. With Darren out ofthe frame the thought occurred to Ronnie that the ex-band leader from thechurch might have decided to instigate revenge on the way they had splitup ? but if so, why wait over six months to do so?
The mystery was, Ronnie decided, unlikely to be resolved as she layin the bath checking her handiwork and allowing the middle finger of herright hand to caress her swollen, sensitive clitoris.
She climaxed gently under her own ministrations and then decided totowel herself dry. She knew she'd be in demand later on so decided not totake her arousal further just yet.
She dressed sexily in a skimpy black, partly see-through blouse, ashort tartan mini skirt and stockings which were of the self-supporting variety.She pulled up her tiny black thong and smiled to herself. She was ready andthe two glasses of wine she could easily consume in the half hour beforesix o'clock would ensure she was feeling more confident ofpleasing Craig when he finally came home.
She had just drained the second glass of wine and was lying back inthe armchair facing away from the lounge door when she heard the front dooropen. It closed softly as it always did when Craig came home. There weresounds in the hallway as he approached the lounge.
Ronnie waited for him to greet her in his usual manner, afraid tocall out in case it annoyed him. She had no idea what he wanted for the eveningbut she knew she dare not disappoint so, as he had instructed her, she satin the chair waiting for her instructions.
She was aware of the presence behind her a moment before she feltthe hand cover her nose and mouth. The hand held a pad of cloth that hadbeen dipped in something. Ronnie tried to struggle but was held securelyin the chair. She gasped for breath and took in a lungful of something thatwas not oxygen. Struggling in vain to escape from her captor, Ronnie feltthe room spin for a moment as she slipped into unconsciousness.
Dawsonwasted no time once Ronnie was out cold.He went back out the front door and opened the pull-up garage door. He drovehis car into the garage and pulled the door down.
With the door protecting him from any prying eyes, Dawsonwentto work. The door from the garage to the hallway was already unlocked andDawson had soon half-carried and half-dragged Ronnie from the armchair whereshe had slumped and dumped her onto the back seat of the car. As she lay there,Dawson pulled her thong down and off her, tossing it back into the hallway.
Five minutes later, with Ronnie's wrists and ankles tied together, Dawsonwas on the road heading back to his farm house. Although her limbs were tiedone to the other, Dawson did this only as a precaution for in reality hewas as certain as he could be that Ronnie would remain unconscious for thewhole of the journey and probably for some time after it as well.
The evening had given way to full night and the darkness was welcomedby Dawsonfor it made it less likely anyonewould observe the semi-naked woman bound and slumped on the seat behind him.The radio was infuriatingly playing the latest remix of ?Is This The WayTo Amarillo ? but Dawsonwastoo preoccupied with his thoughts and the journey to change channels.
Finally Dawsonturned off the roadonto the track that led to his farmhouse. He was expecting Craig Carter tobe lurking in the shadows somewhere but there was no immediate sign of hiscar. Unperturbed by the absence of his client, Dawson set about the taskof removing Ronnie from the back of his car and hauling her into his dungeon.
The room was aptly named for it was a place of torture, sexual torture,and a growing list of young and not so young women had lived to rue the daythey had entered the room. A few, a very few, had enjoyed the experienceand all of them had left wiser and less likely to disobey their partner inthe future.
Ronnie was not heavy and soon Dawson had her lying on the narrow,black-leather upholstered couch. With ease he removed her self-supportingstockings and shoes. Her mini skirt unzipped down one side and was soon lyingon the floor, to be joined a minute later by her blouse.
As she lay naked and unconscious on the couch, Dawsonpreparedher. With a long length of rope he secured her to the couch, tying her toit securely. He stretched her arms above her head and secured her wriststo a bar just below the mattress. Then he lowered her legs on either sideof the couch, reaching underneath it to tie her ankles securely together,pushing her legs wide apart, exposing her sex.
She had pouting labia and a hood that barely concealed the very prominentbud of her clitoris. Dawson smiled to himself when he saw the short, straypubic hair between her legs. She had been careless and it was going to costher dearly. Craig would ensure that would be the case when he eventuallyarrived.
Dawson was not keen on latecomers and as he rarely allowed the clientto witness a torture session, Craig's tardiness was even more infuriating.With a tug on the rope round her ankles that was a bit stronger than reallynecessary, Dawsonbrought her legs upunder the couch and secured them to a strut on the underside.
Next Dawsonwent over to his workbench and opened a drawer. Pulling out the blindfold he spent a few secondspositioning it so he was sure Ronnie would be able to see nothing but blacknesswhen she regained consciousness.
Satisfied the blindfold was correctly positioned, Dawsonpushedthe ball gag into Ronnie's mouth, securing its fastenings behind her head.
Finally, Dawsonpositioned thepiston dildo. The head of the dildo was about an inch and a half in diameterand the device had a ten inch long shaft of about an inch diameter. Ontothe base end of the shaft was a long rod which was then fixed to an offsetwheel on a box which Dawsonhad securedto the bottom end of the couch.
Dawsonapplied some gel to the tip of the vibratorand pushed it against Ronnie's labia. They were already partly open, in apouting sort of fashion and the head of the dildo, though large, slid easilyinto her vulva. Dawson fed four inches into her and then secured the lockingnut on the piston rod, ensuring the dildo was now held in place.
Ronnie was prepared and, when she regained consciousness, Dawsonknewthe dildo would soon bring her to a climax. Most times they had sex, so Craighad told him, Ronnie lost interest after her first mini orgasm. She was nota climax-seeker, well not with Craig anyway, though he had more than oncesmelled the musk of high arousal when she had returned from supposedly seeinga few friends. Tonight though, Ronnie would be taken to a new realm of sexualpleasure, and she would be taken there through pain and humiliation.
Where the hell was Craig? Dawsonthoughtto himself. The show had to start and it had to start soon. Dawson pluggedthe lead coming from a box mounted on the nearby wall into the box end ofthe dildo and then, his work completed for the moment, he retired to hislounge.
Half an hour later there was still no sign of Craig and, on the TVscreen in front of his armchair, DawsonsawRonnie start to regain consciousness. She rocked her head from side to sideas she slowly realised what had happened to her. As she stirred, she openedan eye, but her whole world was still one of darkness. She felt somethingaround her face, like a mask. It made her grow cold with fear as she beganto regain consciousness. Ronnie tried to move but couldn't.
She felt the rope wrapped round and round her body, securing her tightlyto a narrow couch. Her wrists were tied securely together and then pulledbehind her head where they were secured to the back of the couch.
Ronnie became aware she was totally naked. Her legs were drawn underthe couch and were tied tightly together at her ankles, the couch forcingher legs apart. For a brief moment she was terrified at the realisation hersex was open and fully exposed. She made to scream but the ball-gag in hermouth made any sound virtually impossible.
Then she became aware of something else. Her vagina was filled withsomething hard. It felt like a big cock was just sitting there inside her,filling her up. Ronnie gained consciousness quite rapidly and as she didso, the sound of soft humming suddenly made its entry into her world. Asit did so, the dildo in her vulva began to stroke her rhythmically. The dildowas attached to a device that was mounted on the end of the couch, a devicethat thrust the dildo about four inches into and out of her vulva at therate of about two strokes a second.
The dildo's head was large in width, just over an inch and a half,and it was stretching Ronnie's sex with each thrust, bringing to her sensesa strange mixture of pain and arousal.
Then, as her consciousness was restored, the dildo took over her bodyand she began to almost silently moan her way to an orgasm. She knew it wasonly the start of what she had been promised ? and she was not looking forwardto what else was in store for her. She could cope with the dildo for now,but knew that it would soon be painful as it continued its relentless fuckingaction inside her vulva. Her sex was becoming more sensitive and more tenderwith each stroke and, even as her second orgasm built to its inevitable climax,Ronnie began to feel the pain that this huge device was causing her.
As the third orgasm mixed with the pain of the intrusive instrument,Ronnie remembered why she was here and knew she had no choice. She wouldjust have to put up with whatever was going to be demanded of her.
Dawsonwatched with growing anticipation as thedildo on the end of the piston continued its unrelenting assault on the youngwoman's vagina. From the TV he could only see what was happening, there wasno sound. Dawsonknew the ball gag wouldprevent Ronnie from doing little more than moan either from pleasure or fromthe growing pain brought by the powerful, rhythmical strokes of the devicebetween her legs.
Her fourth climax was building and Dawsonmadethe decision to continue in Craig's absence. He left the relative comfortof his lounge, crossed the hallway and opened the door to the downstairscellar he had converted into his torture dungeon.
As soon as he opened the door, he heard Ronnie groaning from behindthe gag. She was also perspiring, her ample chest shimmering with the waterdroplets that had formed through the young woman's arousal. She was obviouslybuilding to a powerful climax as the dildo thrust its way deep into the veryheart of her cunt. As the climax sent shock waves of pleasure from her vulvaright to her brain, Ronnie struggled desperately to free herself from herbonds, but with no success.
?Do you like the dildo?? Dawsonhissedthrough the mask he was now wearing. It would avoid his identity becomingknown if the blindfold should slip off her eyes. He removed the ball gagso Ronnie could speak and even cry out if she wanted to.
?Who the ? what the ? why the hell am I here?? Ronnie sounded scared ? justifiablyso as she had no idea who was holding her or what was going to happen toher and, to be frank, waking up with a giant dildo stroking your sex firmlyand rhythmically while you are tied up in a strange, dark place, is hardlya scenario that would make most women feel comfortable.
?You're here because you are unfaithful and you are going to learna lesson you will not forget,? Dawsonhissedagain, his face now close to hers.
?Did Craig arrange this??
?You'll have to ask him that. All I am going to tell you is that withina very short space of time you are going to wish you had stayed faithfuland been honest. Now, you little whore, I think it is time for you to feela bit of pain.?
With that, Dawsonturned a dialon the back of the box controlling the rate with which the dildo was thrustingin and out of Ronnie's well-probed cunt. The rate increased until the pistonwas pumping in and out of her at nearly four strokes a second.
?Oh God,? said Ronnie as she felt the next climax building withinher. ?Oh God, that hurts,? she added as the excitement grew. As she becamemore aroused and her muscles contracted in the preliminaries of climax, thedildo did indeed cause the young woman pain.
?Not been fucked like this before, have you?? Dawsonhissedas Ronnie cried out loudly with an ?Arrggggghhhhh oh God, oh God, yes, yes,yessssssssssssss!' as the orgasm tore through her body.
The dildo continued its unrelenting actions and when Ronnie had climbedback down from the peak, panting she begged,
?Please, please it's hurting me. Please turn it off.?
?Okay,? hissed Dawsonsoftly. ?Butyou may wish it had not been turned off in a few minutes time.?
?Why? What are you going to do to me??
?You are going to be taught a lesson you will not forget. Moreoverif you fail to please your husband in future, or if you are unfaithful everagain, you will come back here and things will be twice as bad.?
?I won't, I already told Craig that. Please don't hurt me.?
?There's no gain without pain, you should know that. Your unfaithfulnesscaused others a lot of pain, and now you are going to reap your rewards andsuffer in a similar way.?
?What are you going to do?? Ronnie asked, relieved that the dildohad been switched off, though it was still buried in her vulva.
She felt what seemed like thin pieces of string being trailed overher naked breasts. Her breasts were full in any event but the way she hadbeen tied to the couch had pushed them up and made them even more prominent.Also, her rosy nipples were fiercely erect, the result of her multiple climaxes.
The string-like things trailed over her breasts a second time andthen she felt the sudden sting of what seemed like a thousand pin pricksas they whipped into her full, pale flesh with a force that made her cryout in pain.
?Argggghhhhh!? Ronnie screamed as the fine leather straps on the endof the whip cut into her breasts again. It was the start of five minutesof pure hell for Ronnie. The third stroke landed ten seconds after the previousone, adding fresh marks to her otherwise unblemished flesh as the fresh strokeadded its own weight of pain to her body.
Lying prone as she was and securely tied to the couch, Ronnie coulddo nothing to avoid the onslaught of the torture brought to her by the whip.For Dawson , it was like playing with anew toy as he swung the whip over the tips of her breasts in stroke afterstroke of pure, unbridled torture.
By the sixth stroke Ronnie was sobbing loudly and her breasts werepinking up nicely.
?Oh God, no. Sob! Please stop, I, sob, can't, sob, take any more.Sob!? Ronnie blubbed as the seventh stroke started the second minute of thisparticular piece of torture.
?Oh, but you will learn to do exactly what you are told and when,and you will learn to be totally submissive to your partner. So, we willcontinue.? Dawsonreplied as Ronnie letout another scream to prove the eighth application of the whip had hit itstarget. ?And,? Dawsoncontinued, ?whenwe have finished up here, we'll start between your legs. If you are trulysorry you will repent, and repentance means you will take what you so richlydeserve. ?
?Oh God, NOOOOOOO!!!!? Ronnie howled, partly at the thought of havingthis torture applied to her sex and partly because the next stroke landed.
Over the next couple of minutes her breasts went from pink to redand welt marks started to form in one or two places where the leather strapletshad made their strongest contact.
Dawsonstopped after five minutes and thirty strokes.He took hold of Ronnie's right breast in his hand and felt it all over carefully.
?Not bad,? he mumbled to himself. Then he checked her left breast.Both felt fiery hot from the therapy and Ronnie was crying continually.
?Ouch,? she cried as he touched the whipped flesh, though he was onlyholding her gently for examination purposes.
?Learning your lesson?? Dawsonasked.
?Yes, I'm learning. But I don't understand what I can do to stop thispain.?
?Nothing really, not until you've learned your lesson.?
?Please ? there has to be something I can do. I'm really sorry andI do want to repent but please - the pain is unbearable on my breasts. Ifyou whip my sex I'll probably die ? can't you think of something else I haveto do to show I am truly repentant??
?Sex?? Dawsonsmirked, ignoringher plea. ?Sex? That's a funny word. I want to hear you call it by its propername.?
?My vagina?? Ronnie answered.
?No, not that.?
?No. What do all whores call it??
?I don't know,? Ronnie wailed as she felt the dildo being pulled outof her vulva in readiness for the next phase of her punishment.
?Cunt, you whore, call it your cunt.? Dawsonhissed.
?Oh, my cunt.? Ronnie sounded relieved.
?And you will now beg me not to whip it.?
?Please don't whip my cunt,? Ronnie said simply between her lesseningsobs.
?Please don't whip my cunt, MASTER!? Dawsonemphasisedthe final word. ?For that is what I am. I am your master and so is your husband.From now on you will learn to do whatever we tell you, without question andwithout delay.?
?You're not my master and nor is Craig. I'm my own master.?
?Not any more. Let me explain,? Dawsonsaidand Ronnie immediately felt the leather stripes caressing her shaven sexlips.
?You,? he said, as the first stroke of the whip landed dead centrebetween her pouting labia and Ronnie gasped with surprise. The stroke wasnot particularly strong, but with each word of the rest of his speech, Dawsondelivered another similar stroke so the pain intensified as his speech continued.
?You,? he repeated, ?are now the property of Craig. You have givenyourself to him, to submit to his every desire and to do what he demandsof you. When he hands you over to me or anyone else, you will do what theydemand of you. You will never hand yourself over to anyone, only Craig cando that. Do you understand??
The final stroke on the ?understand? was a finishing stroke, somewhatmore powerful than the others.
?Ouch, ouch, ouch,? Ronnie cried, still unable to move on the couch. ?Yes,I understand.?
?Master,? Dawsonadded for measureand added another stinging stroke of the whip too.
?Master,? Ronnie howled with the pain. ?What must I do for you, master?? Sheasked. ?Just so the pain stops.?
?Whatever I tell you to do. For now, I am going to allow you somemore pleasure. I think the message has gotten home, at least in part, soI'm going to try out something new on you. Normally I save these things formy more experienced clients, but today I'm feeling generous.?
?What is it master?? Ronnie asked, wondering what was going to happento her next.
?It's a MyCraby. It's sort of crab shaped and the makers say it isgoing to give you orgasms like you've never had before. We shall see.?
?Well, I've already come quite a lot thanks to the dildo, so don'texpect too much.? It was a mistake and Ronnie realised it the moment thewords left her mouth but it was too late.
?Oh I expect and I know you will give.?
Ronnie felt his hand on her outer labia. She felt the labia beinglifted up and squeezed slightly, just below her prominent clitoris.
?With a clitoris like that you can't help but respond.? Dawsonlaughedas Ronnie felt her other labia being lifted and then the slight squeezingsensation. When her labia were allowed to fall back into place she felt somethingstrangely jelly-like yet more solid, sitting between her sex lips, somethingpressing firmly but gently into her clitoris.
?Right, lets see how long this little chappie takes to get you going.?
Dawsonconnected the controller and trailed it backdown the couch. Then he simply pressed the button and a soft humming soundfilled the air.
The clitoral stimulator pulsed its varied pattern of vibrations deepinto Ronnie's throbbing bud. The contact between instrument and flesh wasgood, and without need for any lubricant it ensured the power of the tinyvibrations had greater impact on the young woman. The pattern of pulses changedregularly, building from gentle vibrations to much stronger ones, with pulsesof energy that were released directly into the very sensitive clitoris overwhich the head of the crab had been secured.
In just a few seconds, Ronnie was unwillingly starting on the roadto a new climax, the muscles of her vulva contracting as the climax neared.She longed to be able to arch her back and savour the full effects of thepleasure, but she was secured very tightly and could not move. So she laythere at the mercy of the strange device that was held against her clitorisby her own labia.
?Ahhhhh!? She gasped as the climax sent her over the top. The releasewas welcome after the cruel floggings. The little crab-shaped device betweenher legs did not falter but continued to stimulate her bud even as she climbeddown off the peak.
?See you in half an hour,? said Dawsonashe turned and walked out of the room.
?No, don't go!? Ronnie called after him. ?I can't take half an hourof thissssssss!? She gasped as her clitoris responded to the MyCraby andshe built quickly to another orgasm. This one was more intense than the previousone and, as her clitoris was growing more sensitive by the minute, Ronniefelt the intense waves of pleasure more keenly as they flowed through herbody. The urge to arch her back increased as a third orgasm began to buildand, for several futile seconds, Ronnie struggled with her bonds. Finallythe waves of the third climax flowed through her body and Ronnie lay back,gasping for air after her efforts.
Dawsonwent and made himself a cup of coffee. Itwas now after eight o'clockand therewas still no sign of Craig.
Dawson sat down on the sofa and watched Ronnie evidently respond tothe MyCraby again for her body was twitching and twisting as best it couldunder her bonds, a sure sign she was experiencing another enforced climax.
To read the rest of this story, please click on the following URL:
To get more information on the incredible MyCraby:
If you asked any other guys, they’d tell you she was cute, but nothing special. They’d probably say she was too small, too skinny or too many freckles. Those other guys might point to the plethora of other women around the water park. The MILFs, the huge tits and the surrounding cleavage that was on display for the world to see. Those other guys wouldn’t give her a second glance. Those other guys would rather spend their time hooting and hollering at a bevy of other women. Those other...
I you ever happen to frequent the Hyperboard you may find a sweet and wonderful girl there by the name of Veronica. She always has a kind word for you and will often share her images with you. Most of the time she likes to be called Ronnie, and I dedicate the song below to her. The link to the midi I used to listen to only seems to be working for "Firefox" and not "Explorer." (Just letting people know). Well Ronnie, I do hope you like this song. The moment I heard I did think of you....
“So, Ronnie, how about another drink?” George asked me.“Oh, George, I’m so drunk, but what the hell, sure, I’ll have another.”“Thassa boy,” said George.“Let me hit the head, George,” I said and slid out of the tavern booth, then staggered to the bathroom. Once inside, I locked the door long enough to take off my pants, then my jockey briefs. and stuff them in my pants pocket after I’d put my pants back on. I looked at my swaying image in the old mirror over the sink. I smirked and pulled down...
Introduction: A woman teaches her son's friend a few lessons When I was in high school, there was a k** in my class whose name was Ronnie Johnson and who was rather popular, because he was always the first to have all the latest computer games. Everyone always wanted to go home with him after school to play these cool new games. That included me, even though I really didn’t a shit about these games. I faked enthusiasm for that computer nonsense because, when I was at Ronnie’s place, I would...
Introduction: A woman teaches her son's friend a few lessons When I was in high school, there was a k** in my class whose name was Ronnie Johnson and who was rather popular, because he was always the first to have all the latest computer games. Everyone always wanted to go home with him after school to play these cool new games. That included me, even though I really didn’t a shit about these games. I faked enthusiasm for that computer nonsense because, when I was at Ronnie’s place, I would...
My bladder forced me to wake up early Saturday morning. If it wasn't for this urgent need to piss I would have stayed asleep till noon. Stephen was insatiable. That guy shot big load after big load. He unleashed his cum all over me. In my mouth, in my face, in my ass, on my back, all over my cock and balls. I'd swallowed so much cum. I could still taste cum in my mouth. When I got up the bed sheets were stuck to the dried cum on my ass and back. I was a fuckin' mess. When I got to the...
When I went to college I had just turned 17yrs old. I was in a constant state of horniness. I fantasized and jerked off to almost every chick I saw in those days. Unfortunately I was a virgin. I was painfully shy around girls. Shyness has kept me from fully enjoying my youth. I had fun in college but it wasn’t the kind of x-rated fun that I longed for. I was frustrated with myself because I’ve had some experiences with girls I was always just too scared to close the deal. My lust for...
Hey guys … I’m Ronnie … This is my first contribution to ISS which I’ve been a huge fan of. Any feedback or suggestions reguarding the story will be happily accepted at So I’ll start the story by introducing myself at first. I’m Ronnie … born and brought up in Pune in a pretty rich family. I’m studying Automobile designing in a renowned college here in Pune. I’m 6ft 1inc , athletic body , I play basketball and hit the gym daily. I maintain my diet as I’m very health and physique conscious....
I couldn’t believe it! Someone found out about us… and it’s Stephen’s fucking aunt! I hopped off of Stephen’s cock and ran my naked ass to the bed room. FUCK! Where are my clothes?? Did she hear me proclaim my love for her nephew’s cock? I’m so stupid. I should have known we were gonna get busted sooner or later. We were waaay to careless and care free. What is she going to do? Can she call the cops? Oh my God will she tell others about me ? She’ll probably tell anyone who’ll listen...
The summer of my 14th year I discovered masturbation. First I would cum all over myself. I loved my thick cream. I loved it so much I would rub it all over my cock and balls like it was lotion then pulled my underwear up and went to sleep. But, doing that caused me to stained all my underwear. I’m sure my mother didn’t want to see that. Then I decided to just shoot it on the wall next to my bed but then I started staining the wallpaper on the wall and it wouldn’t come clean. Then I moved...
When I woke up in the barn it was starting to get dark. I probably would have slept there all night had it not been for all that water I drank earlier. I woke up having to piss like a race horse! I found a corner and emptied my very full bladder. I was tempted to head back to my make shift bed but it gets cold at night in upstate NY and my body was filthy with the smell of piss and dried cum. I decided to just go to Stephen’s apartment and just shower off. I couldn’t believe what a...
When I walked in the back room four out of the six boys had their cocks out waiting on me. Michael who’s cock wasn’t out yet told me to take off my clothes. I couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough. By the time I got my clothes off the final two cocks were out and ready. I was the only one in the room totally naked. Michael and the other boys just had their pants down. I didn’t know it at the time but, I loved the feeling of being exposed, vulnerable and powerless. It really got me...
The day after Ron and I swapped wives, we went out for a jog in the morning. When we came back, Nicole and Rhonda were chatting in the kitchen. Nicole was just wearing a long shirt and looked really sexy. I asked her if she wanted to join me in the shower, and she said she would in just a minute. Unfortunately, she never did, and we all spent the day hanging out and getting ready for the party Ron and Ronnie had planned. It was a great party, a lot of people a lot of alcohol and just a...
Ronnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the...
Ronnie's three wishes Part 2 By Mark Dayette The next day was different for the Razorpack, everything would be different from now on. When the second in command of the group, Derrick, arrived at Kurt's house in the morning to plan what the group was going to do after school that day, Derrick was shocked at the new Kurt he saw. Kurt arrived at the front door wearing his mother's silky maroon slip. At first Derrick thought it was a joke and he was going to let it slide, but then he...
Ronnie's three wishes Part 3 By Mark Dayette Ronnie said as the new leader he would drive the car and Nina would remain next to him in the front passenger seat. Everyone agreed. Buzz and Jimmy instinctively knew they weren't cut out for leadership. Ronnie's first act as leader was to give Jimmy a break by removing sissy Kurt from Jimmy's lap. Ronnie said that the two sissy fags should take turns sitting on each other's laps. Derrick begged Nina to borrow some lipstick from her...
Jack found himself agonizing over Ronni once more. When she asked him during their forbidden chat session if he wanted to fuck her, Jack couldn't get his brain around the words at first. "I'm asking if you wanna fuck me." He was bewildered. Part of him wanted to drive to Ronni's house, sneak into her bedroom and screw her all night. He quickly reminded himself that she was the same age as his own daughter Emily. And even though he had never met Ronni's parents, he figured he himself...
Seconds after Emily climbed off of her daddy's dick, Brooke had her eyes on her next prize. "Stay right there, young lady," Brooke said to her daughter. "It's Mommy's turn." Brooke crawled up behind Emily while she was still straddling Jack. She stuck her tongue out and ran it down Emily's crack. She flicked her tongue briefly over her asshole and then planted it directly on Emily's cunt, fully aware that Jack's cum was about to ooze out. Brooke put her entire mouth on Emily's...
Jack and Brooke were numb as they ascended the stairs to their bedroom. Neither could begin to grasp the possibility that had hit them like a sledgehammer. Both thought it could not possibly be true. Yet they also felt there was a great chance it was. Could their well-planned weekend of wild, very risky sexual abandon have turned so quickly into their worst nightmare? Could it really have been their daughter Emily who had performed oral sex on each of them ... on her father and her...
Ronni and Ruthie By Dixie Michaels Chapter One?Homeward Bound As I dialed the number, I glanced nervously around the Madison bus station. "Wes? Hi. It's me, Ron. Yeah, I know it's been a long time, buddy. Listen. I can't talk for long. Can you meet me at 6:35 in Cherry Hill, at the bus station? Yeah, Wes. I know the bus still stops in Pinewoods, too, just twenty minutes later. But I'm kinda in trouble, and I don't want anybody to see me. No, not the police, but trouble ...
Brooke and Ronni crossed the upstairs hall and returned to the master bedroom. Brooke hesitated momentarily with her hand on the door knob. She strained to hear if there was any moaning or grunting coming from inside. She had mostly gotten her mind around the idea that her daughter Emily actually wanted to have sex with her father. But she wasn't ready to walk in to see Jack ramming their daughter from behind, or something else equally raunchy. She steeled herself and opened the door. When...
Two days had passed since Ronni had seen Jack's erotic story on his home office computer. It was bad enough that she had coerced him into emailing it to her with a very sexy photo. Just seeing such a revealing image of a fifteen year old, not to mention a friend of his daughter's was enough to make him feel very guilty. But then after he sent the story, she sent him three more. In the first image Ronni was turned mostly away from the camera. Her top was still on, but her pants weren't....
"Honey, please listen to me," Jack said softly. "I'll tell you what happened. I feel beyond horrible. I AM horrible..." "I know that, you asshole!" Brooke harshly interrupted. Jack reached for Emily's desk chair and turned it to face Brooke, who was sitting on the edge of their daughter's bed. "Brooke, please listen to me for a second. Will you listen to me?" he asked as he sat and faced her. Brooke glared at him through her tears. It was a look of utter contempt. "Brooke,"...
Thanks for the feedback from the first volume of ‘Ronnie’s Song’! Here’s the second, hope you enjoy it. ****** I woke as a pillow struck my face. Blinking in the morning light, I saw Sam’s smug face as she turned on her heel and made her way into the bathroom. Looking down at my own body, I envied hers. Her slim stomach, perfectly formed breasts and well toned legs. I paled in comparison. I wasn’t fat – that I knew, but I didn’t exactly have the best body proportions. No wonder Aaron never...
Once again, thanks to all those who’ve followed Ronnie’s Song so far. All requests have been taken on board! ****** That night with Nate had been awkward. After the day on the lake, he had seemed to keep his distance, moving away from me when people came near and acting like we hadn’t just been talking. I was frustrated. The next day, I got out of bed at one o’clock and tripped. Looking back, I saw my suitcase lying at the foot of my bed. I glanced around the room and vaguely remembered our...
I apologise to all my readers for the wait! This one is a special chapter to make up for my absence, and I also plan to submit the next chapter soon. I intend to have it written tomorrow. Thanks to all those who have supported Ronnie’s Song! Enjoy.. —— The next few days at camp were terrible. I avoided Aaron at all costs, although he didn’t make any massive attempts to talk to me. As well as this, Nate could sense my misery and tried unsuccessfully to cheer me up. This only made me feel...
Ronnie was 18, almost. He was looking forward to his birthday. Within weeks he would be done with high school and he was going away for university - not far, but far enough. School was not fun. Sure, he got good grades and was something of a math wizard, but he had no real friends in school and his life was a fake.He was particularly looking forward to leaving his girlfriend. Not that Annie was not a nice girl, but she was not really his girlfriend. She was for show. Everyone knew he was gay....
IncestGod has made human kind weak. He is a hot and a most favourite lure with the Satan. Sex is made a most alluring pleasure and delight for men. Women easily fall a prey in sexuality by both Satan and misled men. Women forced in prostitution against their will are forgiven by the heavens. Islam is declared in Qur'an as the last best religion acceptable with God. Such a claim needs wide attention and to be verified. There are checks and balances on sex and its containment. It is obscene and is not...
Jake looked genuinely shocked to see Dave standing in the doorway to his room at the fraternity house. Dave even heard a brief whisper of ‘Shit’ from his mouth. Jake said in a caustic tone, “You here to tell me I’m totally out of the Circle?” Dave shook his head. “Quite the opposite, in fact. I’m here to try to get you come back where you belong. We miss you.” “After what I did and was about to do?” His tone changed to a more conciliatory one. He went on, “I was infected, although I didn’t...
This is my first time writing a story on here. Just thought I’d give it a go and see how it’s received. More to come if you like what you read. Comments and feedback welcome! There is no sex in the first couple of chapters that I’ve planned so far. Just establishing relationships and build up etc. Thanks for reading! ***** ‘Michael, come on, I don’t want to go!’ I protested, as my brother persisted in dragging me towards my room to pack. ‘Tough! You’re not spending another summer in your...
The next instalment in the series. I don’t plan to have many chapters following this one, but I don’t intend this to be my last story. Thanks again to all dedicated followers of the series! —— Waking up with Nate had to have been one of the best feelings I’d had in a long time. The feel of his arm draped over me, clutching me to his body – I could feel the hard planes of his abdomen against my back. His face was pressed lightly into the back of my head, inhaling the aroma of my shampoo as he...
“This is Charlene,” I heard the horny voice of Ronnie’s mother. At least now I knew her first name. “Where are you?” she asked. “In the schoolyard,” I tried to say as offhandedly as possible, which wasn’t really easy for me since I was very nervous. “Is Ronnie near you?” I could tell from her tone of voice that the idea that her son was in my close proximity, aroused her in some weird way. “He was a moment ago, but I walked away. He thinks I’m arguing with my father, but he can’t hear me...
One Tuesday afternoon I was at Ronnie’s place again. We were playing a racing game and, as usual, I lost every time. That was the main reason why Ronnie often invited me to come and play with him. With the other kids in our class, he had a much harder time winning. The fact that I always lost because I really didn’t give a rat’s ass about these games thankfully eluded him. “Yes!” Ronnie exclaimed, while on the screen his car passed the finishing line first, “I win again!” He gave me a...
“The blood is the life” – Bram Stoker--There is a joke that goes: what did the lesbian vampire say to her lover?Well, here’s the answer. I owe you so many answers, and to give you what you deserve, I have to go back to the start.I meet the Stranger years before I find you. He is the only man who has come close to evoking a stab of attraction. Until I see him standing in a dark nook of the club, a point of stillness in a sea of undulating bodies, my experience of kisses and caresses is...
First TimeWhile he drove to work that morning Rob gathered his thoughts about all of this. What had he become? How had he let himself become trapped into being such a lecherous voyeur at the expense of his wife? And maybe his marriage. There was no doubt he had to end it, but the real question was did he have the fortitude to pull himself away from it? The fact that it was a terrible, forbidden situation that could threaten his marriage was a given. But what would win him over; the desire to make...
Inappropriate Father+Boyfriend Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a father encourages his daughter?s ex-boyfriend to mercilessly abuse and rape her, and throws in the use of her cheerfully willing sister as well. It should be noted that though this story is categorized as involving snuff, the event is ambiguous, and occurs off-stage.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The...
Ennaku puthithaaga 3 thozhigal arimugam aanargal, avargalil oruvar en nanbanin kathali. En nanbanaal thaan naan ivargalai santhika mudinthathu. Naaladaivil anaivarum nerukamaaga pazhaga aarambithom appadiye sernthu kaamamum valarnthathu. En thonzhigalin peyar Vanitha, Sevanthi, Rekha ivargalin sevanthi thaan nanbanin kaathali avval. Ival oru veguliyaana pen, aanal matra iru pengalum thelivaanavargal athil vanithavirku thirumanam aagi irunthathu. Naangal sameba kaalamaaga ulasamaaga pesi...
Ever since we moved in I've wanted to fuck my sexy neighbor. For two years I'd been watching her do the garden, thinking to myself I'd love to get you naked and have my way with you. In summer she would go around in skimpy shorts and a little top, weeding and mowning the lawn. I cant say how many times I watched her from the upstairs window while stroking my hard throbbing cock. Yes she is that kind of woman for me,,she really floats my boat. I mean to say I'm pushing 50 now and my cock hadn't...
"All right, South Padre, you know how it goes. The loudest wins. Let's hear it for Brooke!" The DJ said.The crowd cheered loudly as Brooke teased them a little bit more, shaking her buttocks and pushing her breasts together. She was wearing a small bikini which showed all her curves gloriously. She felt good about her performance. She chose a different song than what she would have done, but she did that with someone else in mind. She looked to the crowd and she spotted Mark smiling at her,...
VoyeurPregnant in Panties Ch. 03by Lauries Husband © (Please read Chapters 1 and 2 if you haven't already. This multi-chapter story could be listed in several different groups. It contains group sex, bisexual and gay contact, incest, BDSM and other fetishes. If this offends you, please stop now. If it doesn't, I hope you enjoy.)*Steven was kneeling beside his wife before the first high-pitched moan finished in her throat. He hadn't moved that quickly in years and his effort only yielded a pulled...
Incest"Shh..." is all she said before she rolled on top of me and kissed me. It was then that I knew where the expression 'seeing stars' had come from. Jeanie kissed me senseless. Her lips were ravenous as they attacked mine. She massaged my lips with hers until I opened up to give her access into my depths. Pushing her tongue through my open lips, she explored slowly, licked and sucked until she had stolen all my oxygen. Pulling away, we were both breathing hard. "Jeanie, you're hurt right now, I...
Yeh kahani jitni dilchasp hai outni he sachi hai. Mein yeh hargiz nahi kahoun ga keh yeh sub achanak ho gaya magar yeh koi plan bhi nahi tha sirf yeh hai keh jo bhi huwa ous mein bahmi razamandi shamil thi aur kisi aik nay dousray kay saath zayadti nahi ki thi. Hi, Mera naam Timoor Clement hai. Age almost 21, height 5’ 10” aur wazan taqreeban 65 Kg hai. Mein aajkal Medical School mein 3rd year MB, BS ka student houn. Mein sirf buht behter student he nahi aik buht behter athlete aur sportsman...
My head spun and my mind raced a thousand miles an hour to catch up with time that brought me to this narrow street. A street in arts district, a row of quaint and time frozen buildings in this small coastal town I had come to call home. I glanced at the crumpled paper in my left hand one more time to confirm it was the correct address. Sure enough, the numbers I had scratched onto the paper matched those on the face of the restored old building. Once a beautiful home of a wealthy part time...
I got the room and was waiting inside when he arrived. I was a little irritated. He was late and I have a rule about that and about getting the room too. I don’t do it. I texted him with the room number and told him he’d now broken several of them. I have rules – No sex without a condom, no cumming in my mouth, I don’t get the room and you have to be on time. I’ve broken most of those rules with this man. What is it about him? He knocked on the door and I answered, turned immediately around to...
AnalPaisley Porter is a nubile beauty with a bright future, but her slutty step-mother Lauren Phillips is fame-obsessed, and spends all her time trying to get them on low-budget reality shows. Paisley patiently signs another stack of applications and runs off to school, not knowing what deep shit her step-mother has gotten them into this time. One of those innocuous applications is actually a contract from a creep who is looking to train, fuck, and punish a hot submissive mother-daughter team....
xmoviesforyouAndy and Tina were lying in bed with their lap top. This is something new they’ve been doing to spice things up. They’d take turns finding hot pictures or videos and use them to get the other hot and bothered. This particular night Andy stumbled across Sex Stories Post and they took turns randomly choosing stories and reading them out loud to one another. They are a happy couple though have yet to tie the knot. They’ve been living together for nearly three years and Tina’s youngest c***d Chad...
It was a warm summer night, and my window was open, a gentle breeze blowing across my sheets. In the far west, I could hear the sound of a summer thunder storm. It would probably reach us within the hour, I thought. I heard another sound --- and suddenly realized that it was the sound of my bedroom doorknob being turned, rattling gently. The door creaked open, and my mother stood there. In the dim light coming from the hallway I could see that she was wearing a short nightie, and I had no idea...
Cockatoo 41 Nikkie Silk Aki jumped as I slid my mouth over his cock, but then Yut pushed aside the bodyguard and was yelling something. Aki turned towards the noise and I kept my lips locked around his cock; no way did I want Yut to see my face. I didn't know if he would recognise me, but I didn't want to take that chance. Yut was still struggling with the bodyguard, but Aki shouted something in Japanese and the sounds of the commotion stopped. Aki put his hands around my head and...
As soon as he opened the frontdoor, Brad knew something was going on. He had just been jogging as he used to do on Saturdays, and longed for a warm shower, but realized the situation was serious. His wife Martha was shouting at their 18-year-old daughter Ruth, who just sat on the couch, silently staring back. “Your daughter was stealing my make-up,” Martha yelled towards Brad when she saw him. “And I’m sure this wasn’t the first time.” “It was, instead… I was just borrowing some,” Ruth...
Incest[This is a sequel to 'A Different Honeymoon'. This new story will make more sense if you read that story first.] Was it really ten months since we came back from our honeymoon, I asked myself? Certainly it had been a wonderful ten months, even if it had been a bit of a struggle financially. Shirley was working hard to complete her final year at university and within two weeks she should be finished and able to get a full time job, which would ease our financial difficulties. In two weeks...
"This is good!" Reggie exclaimed as we rode our bikes side by side, heading back to my house. "You can tell Cindy, and it will solve everything!" I sighed. "It won't." "Why not?" "Becky is... I don't want to say 'powerful,' but she has a lot of influence... and a lot of friends who have a lot of influence. Even if Cindy knows that I didn't spread the rumor, the damage is still done... and it's still my fault," I confessed. "How is any of this your fault?" asked...
It was Friday after work, just enjoying happy hour with the usual gang of friends. Drinking beer and telling stories, it was one of those places where everyone knows everyone. All of a sudden I felt a hard nudge on my shoulder, turning around I see Lynn smiling at me, "Hey You." "Hey You, long time no see." I reply. Lynn is a girl from the neighborhood I grew up in, a few years younger than me, but as kids we all hung out and played together. We took a few minutes to catch up and I...
Mrs Jim’s Revenge by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])M+/F, Grp, Interr, hetero, oral, anal, torture, abd, beast, scat, piss, forced proThis is a work of sexual fiction and fantasy. All characters and actions are purely imaginary.A teacher angers a powerful woman and pays the price.Prologue:Helen was in trouble. She didn’t know it yet but she was scheduled for a very unpleasant and prolonged set of experiences. She was a 30 year old high school teacher, about 5’ 4? tall, 120 pounds withcreamy...
The Author Part 5: First Friday at the Circle B The following is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any person or place, living or dead, real or imagined, is purely accidental and unintentional. Bill turned down a small two-lane road and drove past a slight turn. The road widened and a large guard shack stood ahead near an open gate. A man in sports shirt waited in the middle of the road with a clipboard. Bill slowed and then stopped next to the man as he rolled down the driver’s side...
‘Travis?’ I call as I enter our home. I don’t hear the familiar, ‘Daddy’s home!’ from our son. ‘Honey?’ It’s quiet. Curious. The car was in the driveway and I smell dinner. Walking in, I pass the entry to our seldom used dining room. ‘Hello.’ I start at your voice, soft but stronger and lower than normal. I take a deep breath at the sultry scene you have created. In the soft light of two candles, I see the table spread with succulent aromatic food, steaming shrimp and oysters, fresh...
Jan 2019: I joined Deepu’s team. I was like a corporate slave. There isn’t a single male, including the security guards of our Gurgaon office, who doesn’t want to fuck our sales manager. Deepanjali is simply irresistible. She’s a hot Punjabi girl with natural assets. She also does Pilates to shape her voluptuous body. I’ve spent many hours trying to count the number of ways in which her lower body is curved. There are steep slopes on both sides of her torso, from her boobs to waist. There is a...
Sierra would swear she was going to blow up from all the tension building in her. After weeks upon weeks of staying at home and taking care of everything while Colt worked, she was beginning to feel a bit neglected. At night he would come in, exhausted from a long day at work and fall into bed without so much as a kiss or a touch. She was lucky if she heard ‘I love you’ get mumbled before he was deep in a far off land. Sometimes during the night, Sierra would feel him reach for her, getting...
“No, she wants the white one.” Chelle’s voice seemed concerned. “Sorry, rules of the game.” He wrapped it around Reiko’s wrist and sealed it. “What?” Reiko became unsure of her decision and looked to Chelle for assurance. “Just keep it out of sight.” Chelle tucked it under her black fitted sleeve. It was already close to eleven when they arrived and the party was at full steam. People staggered about bumping into each other and copping feels in the process. She knew that these parties had...