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When he felt generous enough to divulge a few scant details to the layperson, the investigator equated his role in the procedure to that of a thunderstorm. Some storms fed dehydrated earth, allowing life to thrive. Other times, dead or decaying matter needed to be cleared for new growth to emerge. And some storms were so intense that they eviscerated everything they touched. He executed his duty with a concentrated force that evoked the merciful violence of a storm. From a certain viewpoint, it was beautiful. 

Each investigator possessed many tools to examine and alter the mind. More rudimentary measures involved surgically extracting the afflicted tissue, but the results from such arcane methods often resulted in apostasy. The sudden change was too drastic. Psychology and pharmacological techniques could also be effective, but only to an extent. Despite the landmark biomedical advancements achieved in the 2030s, neurophysiology remained a relative mystery, a terrain that required delicate and relentless navigation.

The procedure itself existed in an oblique area that combined these various techniques. The force of the physical married to subtle whispers delivered through the advent of drugs and technology. Whispers used to strike the correct notes and caress the right chords, creating a new song that the mind could absorb. Music that left an imprint, carving its own unique valley as it took on an interpretation and life of its own.

The investigator examined each participant without judgment or passion. A clinician foremost, he always took a moment beforehand to compartmentalize his thoughts. Surgical precision. For the procedure to take a credible hold, it had to begin with the facts; more accurately, the participant’s perception of the facts. Even a slight deviation from protocol could cause irreparable damage to their psyche. 

He had seen what could happen when things went wrong. Some minds simply shattered. Unable to cope with the dam breaking, the participant regressed into a catatonic state. Neurons and synapses sizzled away, similar to a light bulb filament burning out, leaving behind darkness. Some paths, once disrupted, could never be repaired or traversed again. 

But this particular investigator did not specialize in darkness, he preferred light. He probed the mind with questions like tiny bolts of lightning, illuminating the memories to be snuffed out. 


The investigator’s voice echoed through the loudspeaker mounted in the ceiling of a sterile exam room, metallic, “Participant JM4 – 9.5, do you understand the purpose of the procedure and accept its inherent risks and benefits?"

The woman replied in the affirmative with a clear, strong voice, “Yes, I understand the purpose and my judgment is not impaired. I accept the potential risks and benefits and choose to proceed."

“Very well. Today will be identical to your familiarization. Repeat the prompts verbatim. The procedure itself will recall your recollections. Do not obstruct their entry with emotion. Let them fill your mind and dwell there, unbiased. This will improve the odds of success.”

“I will try my best.”

"Recite your anchoring statement."

“A dim-dark emptiness emerged to reign…” 

She took a deep breath, continuing, “…the offspring of needs interposed between needs interposed between needs interposed between unlit paths…” 

She pushed to the end, finishing, “…and lustfully living amidst the lies, the deep vast vacuum swells.” 

There was a brief respite.

He launched into the investigation, "Needs."
"Needs," she repeated. 

A new fear had merged with her depression and dread to form a single churning wave that beat into her repeatedly every time his voice crackled over the speaker. She strengthened her resolve, remembering her purpose. Atonement. The investigator’s voice was robotic, but there was a calm authority in the timbre. There was something else there that she couldn't quite identify. Something omnipotent. It made sense. Here, they played God.  

"Do you wish that you could forget? Needs."

She detected an accusatory undertone to his question and wondered whether it was her guilty imagination. Her lips moved automatically in repetition. Needs. The word lingered. Just like practice, she told herself. She had chosen her anchoring statement with great care. Each word had been selected to recall certain portions of her recollections. Per his instruction, she cleared her mind of emotion and let the memories play. It was like watching a film from another generation, centuries ago. The frames were tinged in a warm nostalgic haze.

"Was there a time when he fulfilled your needs? Needs."

They had met at a concert on the campus commons on a starry summer night. He approached her with a rare maturity that was bold, but honest. He wanted her, jesting and joking with no expectation of reciprocation. His merciless wit and inappropriate humor were punctuated by his ornery grin, a rare mix of cockiness and self-awareness that swept her off her feet, igniting an unmistakable push and pull dynamic between them.

"Why did you do what you did? Needs."


She insulted and tested him back, trying to deny what she felt, but she could not ignore the wetness that spread through her panties as she sparred with him. Every sly grin and witty comeback made that wet heat intensify. He made her feel like the only person in the world. Every star, gust of warm wind, and shift of the earth was his doing, meant for her and her alone. She put up a fight, but the knockout blow had been dealt on his initial approach. After several drinks and a short skytran trip, she found herself anxiously ascending hundreds of meters to arrive at his shoddy apartment. 

"What's it like to lose someone you love? Interposed."

They danced to cheesy music and drank a cheap red wine that he pretended to know something interesting about. She teased him and he grabbed her tight, play fighting with her. She giggled like a teenager and then he kissed her. They lost their clothes in a hurry and she never forgot the look of horny wonder in his eyes when he saw her naked for the first time. 

"Who taught you to feel sexual pleasure? Interposed."

He was inexperienced, but his attentiveness and passion made up for those shortcomings. Their first coupling was haphazard, but enjoyable. When he dove between her legs, he explored her with filthy curiosity, unsure of his technique. His assured patience relaxed her. His tongue treated her glistening lips and engorged achy bud like a canvas to be painted. Every brush, flick, lap and swirl more deliberate than the last, finding the perfect pressures and combinations. Her body gently instructed him and he listened. She cried out his name as he guided her to her first orgasm.

"Do you long to have your heart understood? Interposed."

Her legs were still shaking when he climbed atop her, slipped his cock between her breasts, and guided his tip up to her lips. She never forgot his taste. His swollen anticipation helplessly trickled from the slit, salty-sweet. She relished the way he moaned and trembled from the heat of her lips sealed around his hardened flesh. After sucking him, she flipped him onto his back with a curiosity of her own. She mounted and rode him. Neither lasted long. Perhaps such intensity was never meant to. Their gazes locked as they climaxed, a first for both, to release with such perfect mutual timing.

Do your memories cling? Interposed."

The new couple fought and made love with equal enthusiasm. Always tempestuous, their public displays of affection were followed by dramatic outbursts and hyperbolic threats that did not win the confidence of their families or friends. As they both matured, a learned evenness gradually sanded the rougher edges of the relationship. 

"Do you feel that there's a piece of you missing? Interposed."

There were moments that she could never forget. The stillness of the bed. The ethereal, dark blue glow that filled their room in the hour before sunlight emerged to streak the city sky. Their mutual warmth trapped beneath thick blankets, a warmth so absolute, so theirs, that it seemed infinite. The way he gazed at her when he thought that she was asleep, dark enough that he never caught her eyes opening for that split-second. The quiet vulnerability she felt in those moments nearly crushed her. These moments were beautiful, a natural resource that they could only create together. She wanted to mine them for the rest of their lives.

"Do your needs interpose your dreams? Interposed.” 

But her needs interposed. And there were always needs. Nebulous, unwelcome offspring that interrupted the perfect stillness with indescribable shapes that hovered at the edge of definition. Time's inevitable march helped to clarify their blur and she found that many were jagged, painful to the touch. The need to please him. The need for more and more and more. The need to be true to herself, a singular entity that simultaneously belonged to another. She was never satisfied.

"Did you lose a fragment of yourself? Interposed."

They loved each other and were soon engaged, but his wild, boyish energy was always a source of conflict. He was a fire; gorgeous to view, to dance with and be taken by, but too dangerous to be left uncontained. So she set about the task of molding him into a stable provider. She succeeded to her detriment. Once married, she realized that the man she created no longer excited her. Part of it was her own doing, but she was unable to delineate her influence from the inevitable evolution of a being over time. Nevertheless, the hot glow that surrounded him was starting to dim. The husband she thought she wanted did not have time or energy for the boyish games that had won her affection. 

"Between needs interposed."
"Between needs interposed."


The years passed and her attraction to him continued to wane. The sex dwindled to a trickle, and then ceased. By the time they reached a platonic standstill, even the arguments had stopped. Her husband was unable to meet her sexual needs and so she found another who could. She crossed paths with a man who promised to make her fantasies real and fulfill her every desire. The opportunity was too tempting to pass on. 

"What's it like to be filled full of lust? Lustfully."

He was a tech mogul who specialized in robotics and virtual reality and he introduced her to adventurous escapades that awoken an unexplored side of her sexuality. Their first night together, he gave her a designer drug that obliterated every inhibition as it flooded her with an engineered high similar to heroin without the deleterious or addictive side effects. Due its clear sheen and the faint sweet flavor, some called it Nektar. Others nicknamed it Bliss. 

“What’s it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Lustfully.”

He took her inside his own virtual reality software, having written imaginative scripts for their sexual exploits. In these fantastic worlds, he used her mouth, pussy, and ass in every possible way across a variety of settings, both on-planet and off. At times, he even incorporated custom-built appendages or robotics to increase her pleasure. She slipped into a constant stream of new universes and identities.  Each encounter delivered the high of a first time, the adrenaline rush of discovery. 

“Did you know that you broke his heart? Lustfully.”

Reaching these heights on a regular basis took a toll on her mind and her body. There was always a price to pay. It was indescribable bliss, but each treasonous exploration left her exhausted and spent. She was a shell of herself. Nothing remained for her husband. The affair was emotional at first and it had not felt wrong to her. Her forays into dark lust happened gradually, but once she started, they became addictive. She stifled the guilt, trying to rationalize her betrayal away. 

“What makes you think you deserve life? Living.”

It only took three months for this lifestyle to tear their marriage apart. Three months to systematically dismantle what took patient years to build. Her husband had been suspicious from the beginning, but had kept his mouth shut. He never took the opportunity to communicate with her. When he finally found irrefutable evidence and confronted her, she read in his eyes a knowing awareness, the realization that his time with her had ended. The vacant gleam in his eyes broke her heart. It was akin to telling a patient that their illness was terminal, that their life was beyond salvaging. 

“What makes one worthy of life? Living.”

She confessed her transgressions to her sister and her friends. They told her not to jerk him around, to put him out of his misery swiftly. She asked for a divorce. She did not cast blame or seek vengeance, but offered him no alternative. She forced him into reluctant acceptance that the marriage was over, breaking him irreparably. He asked her how she expected him to let go of a permanent piece of him and told her that he didn’t know how. 

"Lustfully living."
"Lustfully living."

With one final effort, he made a desperate plea. He couldn’t stand watching her leave. She sighed at his pathetic begging and shunned his advance. When she moved in with the mogul to continue the tryst, it shattered his world, setting his course. He signed the papers and they split. Days passed, and then weeks. He held the crumbling pieces, bided time, and hoped that was all she needed. She continued living in her false reality. 

"Between needs interposed."
"Between needs interposed."


Months later, a phone call came in the middle of the night. When she saw the number, she knew, deep down, that her fate was coming to meet her. She was terrified. Panic rushed through her as she drove to his house. Even though they once shared this home, it was a stranger's house now, still and unlit, nothing more than a dark museum. Her heart, which was banging, ceased when she bolted through the front door. At first, pure silence save for the thunderclap of her pulse. She heard it before she saw him. The faint creak of a slowly swaying rope. She found him hanging from the top of the stairwell. 

"Between unlit paths."
“Between unlit paths.”

It wasn’t her fault. Not directly. She believed this to be true and everyone reaffirmed her belief. She repeated the words to her psychiatrist and to herself until they lost all semblance of meaning. Words of affirmation meant nothing in the face of stark reality. Once again, she stifled her guilt. She tried to live with and conquer the pain. Life needed to go on. But between those unlit paths, the dark solitary territory where we try to move on from the past, somewhere in that darkness, she would always blame herself. 

"And lustfully living."

For the first time since the procedure began, she stumbled over the words. "…And lustfully living..." 

The investigator’s words cut into her like a scalpel. "Amidst the lies."

Emotion, which she had held back to this point, began to rush free as the dam inside her mind ruptured. "Amidst the lies."

His voice now came from inside her own head, "The deep vast vacuum swells."

It was too much to handle. Her pupils were on fire. A jolt of current shot down the nape of her neck and raised prickled hairs across her skin, causing her to twitch violently. Twice. Her vision filled with a grey blur that slowly crept across her periphery. Without warning, it receded, giving way to a sudden flash of light. She bit her tongue, tasted blood, and braced. 

She choked out the line with a sob, "...The deep vast vacuum swells..."

The voice on the loudspeaker did not return for some time. Her chest heaved up and down and her face was streaked with tears. She was weightless, untethered. She clutched both arms of the chair, white-knuckled, certain that if she let go, then she would be violently ripped away. She spit blood from her mouth onto the stainless steel floor. 

He broke the silence, "The procedure is complete.”

She let out a breathy chuckle. “Really? How can you tell?”

He never answered her question. He only said, “Please recount the following images and their anchoring words.”

The wall opposite her liquefied into a crystalline display that showed a series of images.

The first, a concert ticket. 

The screen showed a ring. 

The screen showed handcuffs. 

The screen showed a rope. 

The screen showed a man. She had no response.

“Recite the anchoring word.”

“I don’t understand.” 

“JM4 – 9.5, recite the anchoring word. Now.”

“But I’ve never seen this man before.”

“Correct. Let’s continue.”
He showed her several more images before declaring, “Congratulations, Participant JM4 – 9.5. Based upon my readings, I believe that the procedure was a success.”

“Wait, I don’t understand. What was a success?” Her head was thick with fog, a narcotic haze. She pressed her fingers into her temples to relieve the pressure that had rapidly accumulated. Her voice cracked, “Why am I here?”

“You just underwent a non-invasive surgical operation to remove your brain tumor. The confusion is a normal side effect, but I was able to remove it entirely. A successful procedure.” 

“Wow. Ok, thank you? I’m just having a hard time remembering the last few hours.”

“Completely normal. Your fiancée is waiting for you outside. He is accompanied by a nurse. They will help you with your transition. Participant JM4 – 9.5, you are free to go. Please exit using the door on the left side of the room. Goodbye.”


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Saturday morning at 7:30 am I woke up to my son asleep in my bed and I smiled and gave him a little kiss and he had a half a hard on and want to the kitchen to start breakfast and at 8:00 am my son woke up and want to the bathroom and I put his breakfast on a plate and he came to get his breakfast and we ate are breakfast and I got change in another outfit and want back to the kitchen and the time was 8:45 am and my son come in the kitchen to get a drink and his cock go hard as he saw me and...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon HotelChapter 11

With Dick gone, Sue decided to have dinner by herself in their suite. The meal was brought up by a little Irish redhead about 18 years old who looked exhausted -- almost as if she'd had no sleep for a couple of days. Sue felt a trifle guilty about causing extra work for the poor girl and decided to make sure that Dick gave her an extra large tip when they left. She ate the solitary meal then changed into a long powder- blue nylon gown and a blue lace peignoir. The feeling of nylon against...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Sophia Lux Ready To Get Wild

Sophia Lux is ready to make your cock hard as she shows off that incredible body of hers in her tight little pinup outfit that really shows off that booty and those perky tits of hers! Jay Smooth can not wait to bury his face deep in her pussy and damn does this girl know how to suck some cock! She got a nickname from school and Jay really let’s her know how much he loves it! He fucks her hard and smacks that sexy ass of hers until she is cumming all over his dick! Jay of course does not...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 15 Weddings

Saturday, July 24, 1971 I had every intention of returning to the cavern beneath the Marae today, but when I finally rolled out of bed, it was approaching noon. After a quick shower, I donned some shorts, an island shirt, and a pair of sandals, then made my way downstairs to find something to eat. “Didn’t they tell you that new princes must wear their crowns the whole day after their coronation?” my sister teased. “I’ll guess I’ll have to beg the queen for dispensation,” I replied as I...

2 years ago
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Bully Degraded My Family 8211 Part 3

Hi everyone this is rishi with the third installment of the story in which my bully humiliates and degrades my family. Thanks for the great support and if you want me to write stories for you contact me My -mail I’d is So I went to buy to buy food for my mom rekha and ravi and his friend. I bought 4 meals.One for me,one for mom,one for ravi and one for rahul. I went towards the floor where movements ago my mom was fucked by two of my classmates in open sir There was cum and sweat on the...

1 year ago
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Do Se Bhale Teen Me Poonam Or Vo 8211 Part 1

Hi dosto, kese ho aap log mujhe pata he aap log ek dam mast honge aaj me aap logo ke samne ek or kahini le ke aaya hu aap mujhe aapne vichar mujhe pe mail kar ke bata sakte he ya aap mujhe fb par bhi join kar sakte he aap mujhe hangout pe bhi msg kar sakte he aap logo ka jada samya barbad na karte hu me aapni kahain pe aata hu ye kahani meri pichli do kahaniyo ka aage ka bhag he jisme mene kses poonam ke sath aapne sambandho ka zikar kiya or kese punam me aapni aap biti batayi aab aage ka bhag...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Olivia Jayy Keely Rose We8217re Not Related We8217re Neighbors

ALERT: We need your help! These TS Labs updates are our way of putting out new stuff for you. Your feedback drives everything, so if you love it, please tell us. If you hate it, please let us know what we can do better. We’re counting on you so please tell us! On that note, here’s the latest scene. Olivia Jayy is complaining to her husband Donnie Rock that she doesn’t have enough friends, when suddenly a knock on the door introduces them to their new neighbor Keely Rose, who is...

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The story of Carol and Charlie

Introduction: A short story, with no sequel, of young love. Enjoy My name is Charlie. Im a 65 year old widower, living in an assisted care facility. I have lived here ever since I suffered a stroke, and now have only three months or so to live. They found I had lung cancer about a month ago. I had let it go for so long that, by the time they discovered it, it has spread throughout my body, causing my stroke, and leaving me an invalid in this house. So they said to make any arrangements I needed...

3 years ago
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Bookstore Encounter

I was alone that night. My wife of twenty-five years was staying overnight in the city with a bunch of office friends. It was cool, you know. She needed a night off anyway. We’d been having marital problems for the last few months. Now, things were improving since we began marriage counseling. She’d been menopausal and vaguely unhappy with everything and everybody, that was except for sex. Our sex was great and lately it was gourmet. In fact, I had taken her in the shower just this morning and...

2 years ago
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Becoming Macy Ch 01

My continued exploits with Steve, The middle aged bodybuilder. I began my transition publically while with Steve. . . . only seems right to start with him. In this chapter of my life I had just began transitioning. . . . . [/i]. . . . . . . . . . . Steve and I had been together for close to a year. In that time we had spent a lot of time together quickly. We practically lived together now. Either his apartment or mine, we were always together. We had been experimenting and exploring each...

3 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 41

So far today has been amazing. Raul and I had found him work, I had made a deal on pasteurization equipment, committed to expand the milking operation, and we were now going to have dinner or supper with Benson and family. Today had been so busy that I really could have used a walk around the mountain for a while. Mom collared me instead; "Michael, can you fire up the wood stove real quick? We could use it to warm things and bake some rolls." After kissing Millie and tickling John, I went...

2 years ago
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I lived in a place called Chingola

I lived for a while in a place called Chingola, Zambia; this was not long after independence from England and the old Northern Rhodesia and colonial days, since I was one of the 2000 single expect workforces, working on the mine with only 50 European nurses. The system for getting a date, one had to put your name on list with a picture of yourself, and how much money, you were prepared to spend, thus the chances of getting a date, let alone shag, were almost the same as winning the lottery. On...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 11 Feminist Sluts Train the Good Girl

Chapter Eleven: Feminist Sluts Train the Good Girl By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2021 Clara chortled over the picture of those two size queen sluts that someone had made covered in Santa's jizz. “Damn, whoever is making these deep fakes is amazing!” Clara said to herself. “They're so real.” She studied the pics of Bianca and Natalie covered in jizz with elf ears on their head. For a mad moment, Clara almost believed that her tweets made those two girls mall Santa...

1 year ago
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The dumb euro50 whore 2

This is the story of my 2nd encounter with the dumb €50 whore.There are 3 main types of prostitutes in the Netherlands. Window prostitution, these are mainly young girls imported from South America or Eastern Europe. These are professional whores. I don't like them. Then there is the 2nd kind: Internet whoring. These are amateurs who need an extra income and are trying to avoid bad customers and awkward regulations. These are fine, I like most of them. Some of them keep whoring to a rather ripe...

3 years ago
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Marital Mistake Mended

Marnie had made a serious mistake which she discovered on her wedding night. She had respected Martin’s wish to save sex for that special occasion. None of the dozen boys and men she fucked before her wedding showed any restraint when offered access to her body. It wasn’t too difficult for her to be celibate with him during the six-month engagement. A boyfriend, Phil, had been screwing her quite well a couple times a week for the past year and he continued to service her hornies during her...

4 years ago
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WendyChapter 2

When Bill returned to the kitchen there were enticing smells of bacon and freshly made coffee. "Ah, there you are. I can do the eggs now," said Wendy happily. "Which do you want scrambled or fried?" "Fried, please. Did you find the orange juice?" "I didn't look actually." "Like some?" "Yes, please." Bill poured two glasses and gave her one. Neither said anything as the eggs cooked. Indeed, nothing was said as they enjoyed their breakfast. As they turned to their coffee,...

3 years ago
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Rachel meets a guy

A few nights ago, Erica had to work late, so I went to a party at a friend’s house alone. Where I ran into Jennifer, a girl I introduced to the pleasures of bi-sexuality and her boyfriend James.“Hey guys!” I said, walking up to them.“Hey Rachel, how are you baby?” Jennifer asked, giving me a hug and kiss.“I’m great! I recently closed the biggest sale in our company’s history.” I replied.“You here with anybody?” James asked.“No, my girlfriend Erica had to work late. So I’m here alone.” I...

3 years ago
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Once in a Lifetime

 Once in a LifetimeI awoke one morning to find myself a single father of two sons. Both still in diapers. My ex-wife wasn't ready for the responsibility of motherhood, but to my surprise I was very ready to be a father. I had a good job for a guy with only a high school education, a foreman for an underground construction company. As good as my job was it wasn't good enough, the expense of raising two young kids alone was just too much, not to mention the physical demands of caring for two...

2 years ago
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Your Naughty Little School Girl

All the breath in my body disappeared the instant your mouth covered mine. I can feel your hot breath against me, the sweet taste of your lips and tongue driving me wild. My body slides against yours, all the most sensitive places coming into contact instantly. Already, I can feel my wetness dripping down onto my legs. You pull up my shirt and then my bra, so that you can reach my stiff, aching nipples. But it’s not until I feel your fingers caress my soft skin that I remember where we are....

Straight Sex
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I got off the plane and looked around, finding the large red bus in the parking lot. I started walking towards it and noticed some other women, most of them young like me but a few in their 30s or 40s, heading the same direction. We didn't say anything to each other; we felt awkward about it given where we were headed. We saw a tall blonde woman with cropped hair waiting outside the bus with a smile. She waved to us. We approached, and she said, "Bags, please." We handed her our bags one at a...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 15

The next day and a half went by more or less uneventfully, at least so far as my life went. I continued to telecommute from the hotel, spending most of the daylight hours working in my room. The first day I went to lunch in the hotel's secondary restaurant—the better one only opened in the evenings—to let housekeeping do its thing; the second I decided to hell with it and just told them to come in and work around me as I sat at the desk. I was actually able to get some fairly productive...

1 year ago
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Flex Appeal

"I love this drive," said Marisa, staring out at the scenery passing by. "Me too," added her husband, John. "Here's the big bridge. Not much longer." Marisa turned her attention from the blue water and the palm trees towards the famous seven mile bridge in the Florida Keys. Big Pine Key was their destination. It was just on the other side of the bridge. It was quieter then some of the keys, but close enough to Key West, they'd only need a short drive for a good meal, sightseeing,...

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Honey On The Hill

"I have been walking by this house for several weeks, wondering if someone was going to purchase it. I have been eyeing it for some time because I work just a few blocks away and am needing a place to rent for the summer, " she said hesitantly. I told her I had just purchased it and it needed a little work over before I could start renting it out. "Could I see the inside?" she queried. Not being in any particular hurry, I agreed to show her inside. It was a small 2 bedroom bungalow, but...

2 years ago
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Working hard or hardly working

Staying late to study, it's something we've all found ourselves doing, especially if an exam's coming up. But for Michelle, a new experience of 'hard working' was about to present itself to her.Michelle sat all alone at her desk one cold winter's night, her university finals were just around the corner, and she was terrified that she might fail. She was in her room, 21 years-old, brunette, 5'7 with curves in all the right places. Studying hard, she envisioned what might happen if she failed her...

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The Preachers WifeChapter 5

Marge awoke to an empty bed, the preacher being an early riser. Staring up at the ceiling, she thought back to the previous night when her husband pumped his cock into her. It was quick, not passionate, and definitely not enjoyable for her. She knew he would never satisfy her sexually. And that thought caused her to realize she wanted -- no needed -- what Jack gave her. She liked sex and liked the way it made her feel. For the first time in her life, Marge consciously moved her fingers...

1 year ago
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Incest with strip poker almost

Note : This story is completely fictional! In my story "How I fucked my sister" I said that my sister, Betty, might get married. She hasn`t yet because her man friend has been sent by his firm to the Middle East to work there for a several months. Now, to resume............ My neighbours, Stan and his wife, Irene, sometimes invite me to their place for drinks and I invite them to my house. One day they also invited Betty and me for gin and tonics. After a few glasses Stan asked us if we played...

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Bianca the Bimbo Ch 01

Note: this is my first story on this site, so any feedback will be much appreciated, however negative. I haven’t decided whether or not to continue this as a series, so let me know if you want more, or if this is a complete dead end. Monsieurmelontits ***** The long black spikes of her heels clicked across the floor, above them, a pair of powerful legs stepped with a confidence and purpose, but also a certain femininity. Her tight black skirt and stylish blouse were professional whilst still...

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BurningAngel Jessie Lee Evil Oil

Jessie Lee shakes her wet ass and bouncing, glistening tits. This fishnet-wearing, tatted-up beauty is all oiled-up and waiting for something stiff and sticky to fill her in. And Jessy Jones has JUST the right rock-hard cock that her dick-starved slit’s been waiting for. Jessy’s going to use that massive and throbbing fuck-stick to blast Jessie’s oily holes, and Jessie’s going to use her dripping tongue and tight snatch to milk his fat balls. Together, they’re...

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Elise and my roommates Chapter 3

Weekdays had a way of wearing me down. School work was killing me this week, it seemed every class had a major paper or project due at the same time. It was Friday again and I was actually looking forward to the weekend, even though that's when Elise seemed to get in the most trouble.Over the last week she had been wearing less and less around the house, if that was at all possible. Last night she was walking around in just a bra and a tiny thong. The back of the panties was basically just a...

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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 7

“We are surrounded by people who want to use us and hurt us, and do you know what we do? We use and hurt them right back,” Betty explained to me quite seriously as if this should be obvious to me. Waverly groaned like she had heard this lecture before but Hayden stood straight with her nose and tits in the corner of their dirty house. “Yes, there are a lot of people who want to fuck us. I can go down to Applebees and catch a dick right now if I felt like it,” Betty said as she sat back with...

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