Erkek indian porn

4 years ago
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G uuml zelden k ouml t uuml ye gidi 3

Sinirlenmiştim. Daha 2 ay önceki o kibar çocuk neden böyle küstahlaşmıştı ki anlayamadım. İçk**en desem daha önce fazlasını içtiğimiz halde böyle bir şey yapacak potansiyeli yoktu. Sessizce oturup duruyorduk. Ben sigaramı içerken o da arada açıktaki sikini sıvazlıyor beni süzdüğünü hissediyordum. Gözümün ucuyla şöyle bir baktığımda sikinin tamamıyla sertleştiğini gördüm. Aslında o gün hemen boşalmaması için kısa kestiğim saksoyu hatırladım ve tadının damağımda kaldığını biliyordum. Güzel de bir...

2 years ago
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Ah sap k kocam beni orospu yapt

[/image][/image] Adım Gül, kocam Murat 28, ben 27 yaşındayım. Ben ne kadar mazbut bir aile kızıysam kocam da tam tersine o kadar sapık ruhlu biri… Yine de güzel, huzurlu ve mutlu bir evliliğimiz var. Tam 5 yıldır evliyiz. Henüz bir çocuk yapmadık. Eşimle liseyi dışarıdan bitirme sınavları esnasında tanıştık. O zamanlar 18 yaşlarındaydık. 1. 70 boylarında 55-60 kilo arası, belime kadar...

3 years ago
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Okumaya Diye Gittik Yurtta Yarak Delisi Olduk A

Selam herkese. Bu siteyi açanları tebrik ediyorum. Gerçekten çok harika ve nefis şeyler var. Hani benim gibi içine kapanık ve kimseyle birşey paylaşmayan insanların okuyacağı ve deşarj olacağı bir site. Ben de yıllar önce başımdan geçen gerçek ama henüz günyüzüne çıkmamış güzel bir anımı anlatmak istiyorum. Yıllar önce (ozaman daha 16 yaşındaydım) evimiz köyde olduğu için babam beni şehirde okutmak istedi. Ama kalacak yerimiz olmadığı için bir yurda vermek için araştırma yaptı. Bir erkek...

4 years ago
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HEPİNİZE merhabalar. Benim Topkapı’da gazete ve dergi satan bir bayim var. Adım Kamil. Yaşım yirmiyedi. Ta babamın çalıştığı zamanlardan beri buraya gelirdim. O zamanlar bayi çok kalabalık olurdu ve herkes bir şeyler alırdı. Şimdi ise artık ben yalnız olarak çalışıyorum. Gel de çalışma!.. Hayat giderek zorlaşmaya başladı. Artık eskisi gibi insanlar para verip değil dergi, neredeyse gazete bile almaz oldular. Bu da benim çapımda insanları ister istemez etkiliyor. Evliyim ve iki oğlum var,...

5 years ago
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Gözleri hala arada sırada bacaklarıma, göğüslerime kayıyordu. Fark etmemek çok zordu, nasıl olsa ergen bir çocuktu. Plajda pek bu durumu yaşamıyorduk, etrafta bir sürü kadın olmasından dolayı bana bakmıyordu. Ancak şimdi, karanlık bir odada sadece loş ışığın aydınlığında bedenimi süzebiliyordu. Aramızdaki mesafenin az olmasından ve de mayo yerine iç çamaşırı olması da aslında ciddi bir fark yaratıyordu. İnsanın algı meselesiydi aslında. Gözlerindeki o ışıltıyı gördükçe aslında mayodan daha...

4 years ago
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arkadas annes n s km s

--------------------------------------------------ALINTIDIR------------------------------------------------------------------Slm ben sedat izmirden 19 yaşındayım. benim başımdan geçenler dünyanın en iğrenç durumu diyebiliriz. ailem kusursuz bir ailedir babam 50 yaşında avukatlık yapan biri annem 44 yaşında ev hanımıdır. alsında ufaklüğümden beri çevremdekilerin annem ile ilgiliki görüşlerinden bıkmıştım. çoğu annemi sex amaçlı konuştuklarına şahit olmuştum defalarca. yalnız 2015 gördüklerim...

2 years ago
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Kad n T uuml rbanl San yordum Fahi e Ccedil kt

Merhabalar. 23 yaşında yalnız yaşayan bi gencim. Benim bir komşum var. Bunlar evli bir çift ve onlarla geçen seks hikayemi size de anlatmak istiyorum. Komşumun eşi normalde türbanlı bir kadın. Ama ben daha sonraları bu çiftin hiç de göründükleri gibi olmadıklarını öğrendim. Harika bir gece yaşadım diyebilirim aslında ve bunu sizinle de paylaşmak istiyorum. O gün yine evde tek başıma nette takılıyordum. Her zamanki gibi sapık muhabbetlerin içine giriyor ve kendi kendime eğlenmeye çalışıyordum....

3 years ago
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Kocam Arkada na Beni Siktirdi

Kocam Arkadaşına Beni SiktirdiHerkesten beklerdim de kocamdan beklemezdim. Çünkü kendisi kıskanç ve kimseye dokunmamam için bana her seferinde kızan bir adamdır aslında. Fakat siniri, kıskançlığı ters tepmiş olacak ki beni kendi arkadaşına siktirdi. Hatta ben akadaşıyla sikişirken benim kıskanç kocam da bizi izliyordu. Nasıl sikişiyoruz diye. İyi okumalaHerkese merhabalar ben güvenliğim açısından seks hikayemi anlatırken isim vermek istemiyorum. Çünkü başıma gelen sikiş olayı ve bunu kocam da...

4 years ago
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anisa dan om bejo part II

Anissa sedang menikmati lantunan lagu jazz lembut yang mengalun di radio ketika terdengar ketukan pelan di jendela mobilnya. Wajah Pak Bejo yang tiba-tiba muncul mengagetkan dara itu. Anis memencet tombol membuka jendela.“Ada apa, Pak?” tanya Anissa.“A-anu, non… sepertinya saya kehilangan kunci mobil sewaktu buang air kecil tadi.”“Aduuuh… Pak Bejo ini gimana sih?” nada suara Anissa meninggi karena jengkel, tapi gadis itu segera memperbaiki nada suaranya agar Pak Bejo tidak marah. Mereka hanya...

4 years ago
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anisa dan om bejo

“Tolong kasihani aku, tinggalkan aku sendirian…” bisik Anissa lemah, “tolong…”“Rasanya Mas Dodit pasti akan sangat berterima kasih seandainya kita berdua memberinya hadiah yang terindah yang akan selalu ia ingat sepanjang hidup.” Tangan Pak Bejo turun dari dada Anis ke perutnya, tangan itu menepuk pelan perut langsing Anis, “Hadiah terindah berupa seorang anak dari kekasihnya tercinta yang didapatkan dari sperma seorang pria tua buruk rupa.”Anissa menutup mulutnya karena kaget dan takut, dia...

2 years ago
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coraplar al nt

7 kere boşaldımO zamanlar Ankara Çankaya`da oturuyorduk. Eşimden boşanalı 2 sene oluyordu, 38 yaşında oğluyla oturan yalnız bir kadındım.. Emir, yaşamın bana sunduğu tek armağandı sanki.. onsuz düşünemiyor , konuşamıyor, hiçbirşey yapamıyordum. Onu herşeyden herkesden çok seviyordum. Arkadaş toplantılarında Emir`den başka birşey yoktu dilimde. Bu onları sıkıyordu biraz belki ama umurumda değildi. Biricik oğlumu canımdan çok seviyordum.O sıralarda lisede resim öğretmeniydim. İşimi seviyordum,...

3 years ago
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What Happened in Harvey s Room Part 1

Part 1: Circle JerkThe five of us gathered round Harvey's laptop, pulled our dicks out and he loaded up the movie so we could all wank off to it.I was new to the academy and I'd never been in a circle jerk before, so it seemed funny and horny at the same time for us all to be crouching round like this with our boners poking out from our flies."This is so fuckin' hot," Harvey grinned, checking out my dick as the newbie of the group. "You guys are gonna dib off so fast over this shit!"My pecker...

Gay Male
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Kocam n m uuml terileri 2

Vücudumun kasılmaları, titremeleri biter bitmez, kalçalarım hareketlendiler. Şimdi, ellerimle ayak parmaklarımın üzerinde dengelenmiş, götümdeki sikin üstünde çılgın bir dansa başlamıştım sanki. Yukarı aşağı, sağa sola, ileri geri, her yöne hareket ediyordu kalçalarım… Götüm Faslı’nın sikini sımsıkı kavramış, adeta sağıyordu. Gözlerim hala kapalıydı. Zevkten kendimi kaybetmiştim sanki. Kalçalarımı her yukarı kaldırışımda, o upuzun sik nededeyse ucuna kadar çıkıyordu götümden… Sonra hırsla geri...

3 years ago
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Ba l yorum

Merhaba bu hikayeyi okuyan sevgili xhamster takipçileri. Son zamanlarda okuduğum hikayeler üzerine bende hikayelerimi paylaşmak istedim. Efe ben.Lakin ben tamamiı ile gerçek cinsel hayatımı paylaşıcam. Bu sebeptendir ki bazı isimleri ve olayları değiştirerek anlatmam gerek. Başlıyorum.Lisede kızların peşinde koşan biri değildim. Bu sebepten midir bilemem ama kız arkadaşlarım hep güzel kızlar olmuştur. Voleybolcu, tiyatorocu vs. Ama son yılımda lise dördüncü sınıfta ufak kıpırdamalar olmaya...

3 years ago
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ayah mertuaku yang ganas

Ungkapan kagum Pak Bambang membuat Dina kaget, ia terhenyak dan mundur ke belakang.“Kamu cantik sekali. Aku puas punya menantu seperti kamu.” Wajah Pak Bambang yang sudah terbakar nafsu birahi membuat Dina bergidik ketakutan. Saat masih menjadi boneka Pak Pram saja kakek tua ini dengan mudah bisa menidurinya, apalagi sekarang saat mereka tinggal serumah. “Kalau nanti si Dudung absen meniduri istri barunya, Bapak bersedia mengambil alih pekerjaan itu. Mempercepat memperoleh keturunan.” Katanya...

1 year ago
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Cyclists legs

Alons of a business first time in ten years Erica's mined wandered as she followed the forest road bright sunlight streaming between the Black Forest trees. As she rounded a bend she heit the brakes blinded by the suns rays she'd only just seen the cyclist and cars in front. The road narrowed and the guy on the bike got out of the saddle to pump his way up an incline. Erica loooked at his huge legs and his tight arse moving from side to side before he got his head down and chased oof behind the...

4 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 2

Introduction: The following is the second chapter of the story as Tori continues to go against her own morality in order to be more popular then her older sister and to have the popular boy friend. How far will she degrade herself? Read more to find out. When I woke the next morning it didnt take long for me to remember what I had seen. Then I remembered my 10 oclock meeting and tried to decide what to do. Should I try to forget him, to never talk to him again, or should I go over there and...

4 years ago
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Seven in our true life event stories

It has been a long time from our last posting ofa story. We have been very busy, but it is thebusy time of the year for us.This is Tim and I will start this event off.I think we were about age one/two or one/threewhen this happened to me. I was starting to notice how beautiful and sexy our two older s*****s were.The closest in age to us I will call "A" and she is about a year an a half older. sister "B"is almost 4 years older. I was doing some work inthe barn with s*s A one afternoon and it...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 17

I wanted to hold onto Jack's arm on the way home but Bozo made that impossible. Jack did keep his arm around my waist, so that was almost as good. One thing for sure — it was a much better walk than the last one we took. Even if the brute made me clean up after my stupid dog. When we got home, Jack leaned down and undid Bozo's leash and took it into the garage. He pulled the unused paper towels out of his pocket and put them on the workbench. "That was mean." "What?" "Making me...

4 years ago
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Sisters of StoneChapter 2

Sara felt the full moon breach the horizon and in Her minds eye She could see it's silvery light play across the stone circle that had for so long protected Her sleeping form and She knew that as it reached it's zenith She would feed. At first Sara had sated herself with the sisters at the convent, the one's whose sexual energy had sustained Her through centuries of sleep, but now She was ready for really fresh meat, the virginal meal that would restore Her to Her full potential and She...

4 years ago
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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

It had been a night of slow but certain seduction. I didn't plan for it, but sometimes life's best experiences are the ones that happen by surprise.It began simply enough. We had spent the evening talking about her upcoming marriage - she was horribly nervous about her wedding night. We looked through some of the more common books on sex - the Kama Sutra and the Joy of Sex - before it occurred to be to show her one of my stories. Before long, we were exchanging fantasies, sharing deep dirty...

4 years ago
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Ms Behaved Ch 03

It was a Saturday morning after our conversation and my work called me to come in. I spent the morning reading the news off my computer and sipping my McDonald’s coffee. It was way too early to be in the office but that was my work life then. I was eager to break free of that job and move into a more senior role elsewhere, but after many interviews I had no luck. As my coffee began to get cold I felt my phone buzz. It was Christine. Christine: Good morning xo Attached was a photo of her on...

1 year ago
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Angie s An Adult Chapter 1

Angela "Angie" Sloan, a senior in her high school, woke up today, on her 18th birthday. She knew that her time had come at last. She had considered this matter seriously, and realized that she wanted to be a virgin until she turned 18, but then become a slut. Now, today, she planned to lose her cherry before the day ended. She had to make sure that she acted on her decision, and did not back out of it. Angie loved the idea of sex, but, somehow, boys her own age just had no appeal to her. She...

First Time
2 years ago
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A Friendly Visit

10am.....Lizzie was sat at home on the sofa bored as usual. Her boyfriend at work for another 7 hours. Daytime TV was getting boring at she needed something to entertain her. For lack of anything else to do she stripped off her pjs and turned on the shower. Before climbing in she admired her toned body in the full length bathroom mirror..her long blonde hair cascaded over her 34c breasts which were perky and perfectly formed. She had a small waist which led down to round, sexy hips...hips that...

2 years ago
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Dominant Thirsty Indian Sex Stories Reader of Delhi

Hello everyone of indian seex stories dot net, hope you all are doing good. Thanks a lot for your valuable comments and suggestions for my previous story. This is Vikram back again with a bang and a new banging story of my awesome prettiest Reader, I have ever met. So please do comments at and after reading my story. Girls and women in Delhi NCR are always free to contact me at any time. I may be late in reply by one or two days but I will definitely reply you. So let’s go into the story,...

4 years ago
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Cruising With Karen Part 2

“Inge, you may bring Grey in now...” floated through the open balcony door. Inge, looking a little cross, lifted her velvet lips from the crown of my cock. She pulled the panty gag from my mouth. Grabbing hold of my shaft, she said, “Come with me.” Leading me by my cock, we entered Dieter’s Cabin. “Ist das nicht eine geile muschi?" He said as we all stared down at the neat triangle of matted red hair. Karen looked a little puzzled, not understanding the conversation. Noticing her concern, I...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Husband Away Sharyn And I Play

The rain on our roof after a long hot dry spell was no doubt the most wonderful, exciting, happy noise we could ever have wished for near the end of summer. And the fact that it was cool made snuggling much easier and more pleasant. We lay on the bed just cuddling and talking. I began to read to Kezza a few of the letters I'd received recently and, as always happens when I read sexy letters, I started to get pretty hot and wet.As I read on Kezza slipped a finger into my little love hole and...

2 years ago
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Ma Marca Mother and I Part 2

Ms Marca /  Mother and I       Part 2     We went back to the bar just as the band was starting. As we entered the room the two men were up and offering us a place at their table.   Eric and Thomas were regulars to the island. They were by themselves and had come down for a few days to do some fishing and did this twice a year. The place was already jumping when we got our drinks. It was easy for them to tell we were braless, the lace was thin enough to easily see our nipples though. And we...

2 years ago
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Paying for College With her Ass Part 1 Introduction

Julia had just spent six hours in class and fours working in a fast food restaurant and all she wanted were a shower and bed. Just as she crawled into bed her roommate came bounding into their dorm room – like a kid hyped up on chocolate.“Julia!” Rosie said enthusiastically “I have found the perfect part-time job where you can work when you want to. The least you will make is two hundred dollars a night and that is for just an hour’s work. I made four hundred dollars tonight plus a bonus for...

4 years ago
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House in the Woods Mai

Copyright© 2005 My fishing trip to the small lake on my property had been a success, both in terms of relaxation and of providing for my table. I had a nice string of pan-sized Bream and Crappie that I was looking forward to frying up for dinner. Amy was due to spend the night, and I was anticipating a relaxing evening of sharing her with my pals, Czar and Caesar. As I entered the clearing at the back of the house, both dogs alerted and took off like the ghostly predators they were. Czar...

5 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 10 part 2

“Oh fuck! Oh, shit!” J.J. gasps loudly as his spurting tool hurls thick globs of ball slime deep into Donna’s pussy. The airheaded blonde MILF, taking her teen stud doggy style, moans in ecstasy as she achieves climax. This is the first time in over two weeks that they’ve fucked; the previous occasion was the quickie in the back of Donna’s SUV. As they snuggle together after sex, Donna starts giggling uncontrollably. “What…?” the stud murmurs; he had almost forgotten what an airhead the blonde...

2 years ago
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An adventure at the spa

After my divorce last year, I felt in need of a little pampering – some “me” time for a change. I'm only 30 after all, and I have plenty of time ahead of me once I can get that disastrous marriage out of my system. It had been a long time since my husband had shown much interest in me at all, and when I found out he'd been having an affair with his secretary – a 19-year-old bimbo – that just about clinched it. But I'm not bitter – we had grown apart anyway, and I don't think he realised that...

1 year ago
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Age of the Succubus

The large doors to the throne room swung open with a heavy impact, the sounds and smells of sex flooding through. Lucifer glared from his obsidian throne at the woman who entered uninvited. Lucifer couldn't deny that the woman was gorgeous, and of course she was, she was Lilith L'Amore after all, the most powerful succubus of the known world. She had a perfect hourglass figure that was perfectly accentuated by her black leather lingerie. Her long, straight, white hair reached just above her ass...

2 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolThursday Afternoon Lunch

Thursday Afternoon: Lunch Emanuel began to step through the doors, when suddenly her free hand wrapped around his penis and squeezed gently. Allison “Are you particularly hungry now Manny?” He pause in thought for a moment. “No ... why do you ask?” She smiled, squeezed a little harder, and led him by the penis into the middle of the cafeteria. “Do you trust me?” He nodded his head, then paused, a worried look on his face. “What do you have in mind?” She smiled. “Nothing that goes...

3 years ago
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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

3 years ago
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Hot tuition in math

When I was in 15th, I decided to take coaching in Math and Statistics. I went to a teacher called Dipti who was an expert in Math. My friends told me about her being very strict as well, in that, she was very particular about time. I went to her place at the decided time. She was wearing a red saree with a red blouse, very fair in appearance with luscious lips. She had huge boobs and a nice navel, both of which were visible and she had left her long black hair open. She was around 39 and her...

4 years ago
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Connie Goes to College Ch 03

Connie goes to College - Ch. 03 Disclaimer: The following story is not intended for minors. If you are offended by sexually explicit material or it is not legal in your place of residence, please close the document now. If not, I hope you enjoy my attempt at entertaining you with stories of my adventures. In my last chapter, Jeff and I had just made love for the very first time and I was back in my dorm room all alone. I was still pretty horny from the previous evening, so I...

3 years ago
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Indian Hotwife controls her many men

Since we have already had threesome encounters in the past we decide to do something new.  You have now become more bold in ur sexual desires.  We discuss for a long time and then I ask you if you would like a gangbang.  You tell me you will need time to think about it, as it seems too bold.  After a few days I ask you again and you agree on the condition that you will be in command throughout.In the following weeks you read stories on the net on gangbang and get some ideas.  You tell me that...

3 years ago
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First Meeting

I couldn’t believe that we were actually going to meet in person. We had chatted on line quite a bit. We had some very erotic chatting sessions. We have shared fantasies and secrets with each other that we dare not tell our spouses. It was a stroke of chance that brought us together. We both had out of town business trips in the same city. Mine was for an uncooperative subcontractor, hers was for a sales meeting. Needless to say it seemed like destiny. I was scanning the denizens of the lounge...

2 years ago
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MrPOV Skylar Vox A Whole Lotta Juggs

Skylar Vox is shaping up to be one of the pornstars of her generation, and that’s really no surprise. I mean just look at her! A set of jugggs like hers? What…one in 10,000 ladies? I mean look at the way her shirt can’t even contain them!! And Mr. POV describes Skylar’s tight, wet cunt as “better than Christmas morning!” And when Skylar has her tits wrapped around his rigid shaft, “it’s almost as good as her cunt!” Skylar’s got the...

2 years ago
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Angus Sold Me at a Cocktail Party

“Doesn’t it bother you when he does that?” Whitfield discreetly whispered under the chatter of the surrounding cocktail party guests. “Does what?” I asked, already knowing to what he was referring. “Flirts with women like that!” answered my former physics professor turned friend and returning crew member for our most recent MI-6 assignment. “It’s rather salacious, don’t you think Deetz? I mean the whole Crown knows you and Angus are married some four years now. Won’t this give the appearance...

4 years ago
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The School Secretary

I was shopping for a new digital camera in the town when I saw a familiar face at the checkout. It was the school secretary, Miss Wilson. There were two secretaries at the private school where my son used to be a day boarder and neither one of them would raise a smile if I happened go into the school office. I have no idea why. My wife and I often considered this coldness and reasoned it must have been on account of us coming from the state sector. To be fair the other secretary, Mrs Jones,...

1 year ago
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Today, we're taking a look at X Fantazy aka X Fantasy! Are you all ready for one of the sexiest free porn tube sites on the planet? I hope you are cause aka is one of the biggest repositories of free porn videos on the planet. You won’t believe how huge this place is and all the amazing things that you can do here. But we all know the one main thing that you’ll be doing here, and that’s jacking off to the thousands of videos on this website without any limitations...

Porn Search Engines
3 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 15

The next night, Ryan was sitting with her guitar, deep into a song when she heard Lara come in. "So, how's it going with the boyfriend?" Ryan looked up to see her friend leaning against the wall, a gleam in her eyes. "It's going fine, thanks." Ryan went back to her song and hid a grin, knowing the neutral response would drive Lara crazy. "Oh, come on. There must be more than that." Ryan pretended to think, then shook her head. "No, that's all." Lara made a frustrated sound and Ryan laughed....

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Biker s ConquestChapter 2

I come awake and slowly realize that the bed I am on is rocking gently. It is still dark and I am all alone when I sit up to look around. I am in the bedroom where the biker guy abducted me to from the booth. Suddenly I know what that rocking motion is; the motor home is driving somewhere! With me as an unwilling passenger! Flying off of the bed I rush to the door but it is still locked. I press my ear to the door but hear no noises from the other side. Stepping quietly I check out the...

4 years ago
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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 16

With sweat soaking his through his clothes, Rob stood up from the hour long workout he'd put himself through this Saturday morning. He found that he was craving Elaina's special touch and the only thing that would take his mind off of it was exercise. It had been nearly a full week since he'd told her he loved her, and she hadn't been back since. He had started to regret having said anything to her, thinking it was too soon or not what she wanted or... His conscience reared back and...

4 years ago
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50 Shades of Beech Mountain Chapter 20

As I have stated earlier--BDSM is not for everyone. You may want to skip these “Shades of Beech Mountain" chapters entirely or may choose to read just out of curiosity. You will certainly pick up on what tips and tricks you may want to add to your own lifestyle. At times these chapters delve into the craft of BDSM and the associated fetishes and lifestyle they encompass. If I tend to dwell on a certain fetish or character(s), it’s because of a need to explain a particular effect it has...

3 years ago
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Me And My Hot Elder Sister Alone At Home

By : John7 Hello friends I’m John back with another hot story. Me and my elder sister alone at home. Tumne meri peechli story “How I fucked my Yummy elder sister” me padha hoga how i fucked my elder sister. Ab maine uske sath dobara sex ka maza liya. Jab maine apni sister ko pehle choda tha to use bahut maza aaya or mujhe bhi bahut maza aaya.Uske mumbai jaane k bad wo mujhe roz raat ko phone karti thi. Hum dono bahut der tak phone par sexy baate karte the. Wo kabhi-2 mujhse web camchat bhi...

4 years ago
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The Next 48 Hours

It was a cloudy Saturday morning when best friends and roommates James and Dwayne were chilling at their dining room table, drinking their morning coffee. "Happy birthday, my dude. Sucks that your dirty thirty is in the midst of this pandemic. Woulda been hella nice to have taken you and the friends out to celebrate." James said while sipping on his warm brew. "I did get you a gift, so I guess it's not all bad." "Bro, I told you that you didn't have to get me anything. It's...

2 years ago
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Eyes Wide Slut

You have a slightly difficult relationship with Oscar's sister Hollie. This is due to the fact that you desperately want to fuck her, and she knows it. She discovered your feelings a while ago when she caught you wanking into a pair of her panties. For some reason, this did not endear you to her. These days her attitude toward you is a mixture of pity and contempt, but that doesn't stop her prick-teasing you mercilessly when your friend isn't around. You've tried to suppress your feelings for...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 2 My Kid New Jobs

Dev usually was the earliest riser among the Circle, even on days when he wasn’t going to a job site. As he went into the core kitchen to fix himself his usual bowl of cereal, he found Dale. Dale was grinning from ear to ear. He had six baby blue balloons he was placing around the dining area, and a large hand-lettered sign that read, ‘Mark Harnett, 7 lbs 10 ozs. 22” 3:33 a.m. Everyone healthy.’ He had a few pictures of Susan and the baby that he’d taken with his cell phone and hastily...

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Mother 8217 s Sexcapades With Son Part 4

Hey, all, sorry for the long wait for part 4 as I was busy with my personal life and commitments. Hope that you will enjoy the part 4 more than all other previous parts. Please review the story at . Reviews from ladies are most welcome :) Continued from part 3… As Vasundhara and Chinmai continued their heated sex session in their Innova car parked in their private lawn in front of their house, Rashmi was getting sick of waiting for them in the home pretending that she was searching for them....

2 years ago
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My Sister 8

Hey sis sorry for what happen i was just horny well it is my flat i was just trying not to lose my virginity bro will you come to my room please sure sis we went up to the stairs we entered here pink clouted room my sis sure like pink she grab me and we kiss for like up 10 min she said fuck me bro do it now please i trow here bed then she grab ,y hard cock in my pants she strip me so fast i did not know it i took my time to strip so i can get it all in her shaved pussy her c cup bra i...

3 years ago
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Upgrade By Paul G. Jutras The day ended with Bert coming home to his roommate Sam. Sam had his hair up in curlers, cotton balls between his toes while his nails dried and only wore a bathrobe. Bert just tossed his laptop on the table, ripped off his tie and glared at him. "Can you do something about your appearance?' Bert asked. "I have to livehere too." "As long as I pay half the rent, I'll wear what I want, when I want," Sam said while channel surfing. "Just keep the sound...

3 years ago
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The Interrogation Game

I walk slowly, swaying my hips to the man tied up to the chair. My heels click with every step and echoes into the darkness. We were in his office with only a dim lamp on, casting shadows everywhere. I sit down and cross my legs, hiding my panty clad ass from his view. "You're very quiet," I say, hoping he would respond. Silence. "But I suppose that's why I'm here," I continue. "My employers want you to answer some questions but you aren't very cooperative,” I say, but the only response I get...

Straight Sex
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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 6

The next day, Friday, Lindy blocked my play exquisitely with simple, graceful movements, subtly reflecting her choreographic style. All three actors, Steve and Nick and Helena, worked brilliantly together. But a significant change happened early on. As soon as the actors finished her first scene blocking, Lindy stood in front of Mr. O'Casey and asked, "Could we use the thrust stage? Three sides for three characters would really improve the impact." Expecting a yes or a no, full throated...

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10 July 2008Chapter 6

Karen’s pussy had been fucked almost raw. Her latest session had her taking five cocks one right after the other plus three blow jobs. Her pussy dripped cum as if she was peeing and passed along to another group of men made horny by the evening’s activities. Her hands still clasped to her waist belt, she was placed in a different position. She was spread wide, her knees on two chairs. Now her ass and pussy were fully exposed for more abuse. The only way she could breathe was short breaths as...

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Katie s Weekend at Uncle Jeff s

“Mom, it’s not like this is the first time you’ve ever done this. I’ll be fine, I know what to do.” She gave me a hug I didn’t return. “You’re a good girl Katie,” she whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes. I stood looking out the door as she drove away, leaving me standing there with a small suitcase in the home of a man I’d never met before this day. “Katie, you want to come and get comfortable? We can get to know each other...” I could hear him pat the seat beside him on the couch. I...

2 years ago
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The Great Switch Christmas Shopping At the Mall

The Great Switch: Christmas Shopping At the Mall By Caleb Jones Written 12-22-00; rewritten 6-5-1 My sister Jack and I drove into the parking lot at the Buena Vista Mall. We locked up the car and made our way into the main entrance. He held the door open for me as we went inside. Considering the holiday, there were very few people around the mall compared to last year. But that was before the Switch. You remember the Great Switch, of course. Who can't? For those in future...

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Ruby s New Life Ch 16

I removed my sheer dress so I was in my house uniform only and my attendant took it upstairs to my rooms for me. Daddy and Bill were speaking in hushed tones by the table, Miles was glued to his phone screen, and the food was waiting to be brought out. Bill went to the head of the table where Kyle usually sat and cleared his throat, “Have a seat, everyone.” The men sat down and I waited to be included. Dad nudged Bill and gestured toward me, “Oh! Ruby, you may sit.” I moved toward my...

4 years ago
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Making It Work

Hello, the name is Ananda, but my homies call me Ana. Just kidding, I speak slang, but my vocabulary is not limited by it. Anyway, let’s get to the main subject: ME! [wink] I’m what you would call a professional dater. In other words, I’m not too keen on settling down. I don’t really think that I ever will…maybe, there’s someone, but it’s complicated. I’ll explain it…eventually. Since it is complicated, I just kinda date. That and the fact that my parents are rushing me to settle down when I...

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Didi Ke Kitanuo Ka Safaya

Mai pornasaxena akhir me apne bareme bataunga aur apni dusri stories ke list apko dunga, agar ye wali acchi lage to baki sare stories padhiye aur mere email id me feedback, aur advice v de… Alarm ki ghanti se meri nind khuli to utha aur school janeki tayari karne laga. Pas ke ghar se papa ke sath hamare pados ke raman dadu ki chai pe political baten chal rahi thi. Maine darwaze ko halka sa khola to dekha didi biscuit se bhare plate leke unke samne rakh rahi thi. Mummy to mama ke tabiyat kharab...

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A Flash of Mom s FleshChapter 8

Sarah wondered if she should tell Karen. She bubbled with pleasure, wanting to tell someone how fantastic she felt. She couldn’t tell her sister about being fucked gloriously, day after day, by her son and Keith. She didn’t know what Karen’s reaction would be to that. But she knew that Karen knew she didn’t date, go out with a man. If she told, her sister would suspect where she was getting so much cock, and start to question her, and then it would all come out. Karen, dressed in a white,...

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Penguins Preference a Toby Wakefield story Chapter 11

Just after Christmas break during the first year I worked at St. Bart’s (it was 1952) I went out for the track team at school. My coach found out that I was a good middle distance runner. I did well in the half mile and the mile, so well that he put me on the varsity track team (I was a freshman). We took group showers back then and after practice I would go into the shower, a large room with six shower heads. In those days we didn’t cover up in any way. There I was naked as a jaybird amid...

1 year ago
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Alex Loves Jasmine Ch 02

Note : This story is completely fictional! I woke up really early that Sunday morning. All night I could not sleep just thinking about Jasmine. I could still feel her soft lips on mine. She was just so amazing. The way her body felt, the way she smelled. God I was falling in love with my own sister! It was insane! I went early to the gym that day and showered there as well. I took some extra clothes to change. I was so nervous to come home at all. I knew Jasmine would be there looking as...

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My Slutty Sister 8211 Part II

So here goes the second part and you can read the first part before going through with this part II. Now after that small internet chat and I went to the loo and masturbated the fuck out of my dick. I came a lot more than usual while masturbating. I was thinking about her boobs and her face all the time and I was imagining her mouth and her face loaded with my cum just like those porno. My mother and massi had some misunderstanding between them and they were not talking to each other you know...

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Community Four Ever Chapter 18

Dan 1.0’s turn: It’s an old joke and the punchline goes ‘You can’t get there from here.’ We see that. We want to move four adults and a toddler from Alabama to Oslo – yeah, the ‘Norway’ Oslo – and there are no direct flights from Atlanta. There’s a stop in New Jersey. So Saturday morning, Stoney and I are in the cabin of the Pilatus, early flight to Atlanta, piloted by Cindy and Johanna because “I get nervous about Atlanta. Too big. Too much traffic.” “Just take your time, Jo,” Cindy says....

4 years ago
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Pt 2 Angel gangbanged at Joes the LAST time

Saturday morning & afternoon adventures for Angel_________________________________________Saturday morning while Joes 2 roommates were again cooking breakfast Joe kind of explained some of what he was planning for the next few days with Angel. He also explained that this was going to be his last week in the Reno area. He was leaving for Vegas the following Monday to begin his new job after he got into his new home there. What Joe had planned for today was rather tame. He just wanted to take...

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Dormant Desires Part Three

“What are you doing tonight Eric?”I hadn’t gotten that far to be honest I had just sort of dialed Rich out of boredom and curiosity. I had thought a lot about what happened in the days since and had been mixed about the whole thing. On the one hand I was sure that I was in to girls, but on the other hand I couldn’t shake how warm and turned on I felt when I closed my eyes and thought about the image of Rich’s body in the night and the sound of his big hand gliding back and forth over his thick...

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Jessies surprise

On friday night Jessie phoned me and told me to come to her place as soon as I could. I left and arrived around 7:30, I had a key so I was able to come and go as I pleased, I entered and hung my coat up and was about to call out "honey I'm home!" when I head some soft moaning coming from the living room, I thought she was watching porn, but as I peaked around the corner I was shocked at what I was seeing...... There she was on her knees licking pussy, The was a blonde laying on her back, right...

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I had been away for a few days and my flat mate, Victoria, wasn’t expecting me back yet. I let myself in to the flat, and went to my room to unpack, feeling tired I lay myself down on my bed and fell asleep. I was woken to the sound of a running bath. I rub my tired eyes and raised myself off my bed, and left my room to say hello to Victoria. By now the noise of the running water had stopped. I walked down the hall, towards the bathroom to shout through the door, to tell Victoria I was home. I...

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Birthday Gang Bang with Kelly

It’s the fall of 1999. Kelly will turn forty next summer and I have been racking my brain trying to come up with the perfect gift. I’ve thought through vacations, material goods. Nothing seemed to be the exact right thing.I was making a long drive one day with time to think. A memory popped into my head. Kelly and I have been dating for about a year and screwing like bunnies for about six months. I pulled down my jeans and she saw my flaccid cock. I will never forget the look on her face of...

Group Sex
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Hotel Room

The waiting was hard. Why was she doing this? She'd told only Heather, whose pithy response had been, "Are you crazy?" None of her other friends would have even believed what she was doing. Well, at least she wasn't cold. He'd told her to make herself comfortable, so she'd turned up the heat a bit. The next step would be difficult. Wearing the "collar" He'd sent her was easy. It was a beautiful gold chain, with a charm attached that she didn't understand. The charm had a symbol...

3 years ago
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Numerous DelightsChapter 4 Parting

Early Friday afternoon, as they travelled back to Bristol, Bob said casually, "You can go back to Derek tonight and give him a good fucking." Helen stared at him in confusion. "But you said I could move in with you, sir?" she asked timidly. He had made it clear that even in bed he was "Sir," and she was never to use his name, or endearments. "Yes, and you will move tomorrow. Tonight you will say nothing about leaving him, and you will give him the best night he has ever had, and...

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At thirty thousand feet Chapter 5

Mya had seen enough. We had watched Amanda and Evelin have sex with the pilot and co-pilot, now it was our turn. Mya led me back to my seat in first class and sat me in my seat. She kissed me softly, snaking her tongue into my mouth.“Now it’s our turn baby. I really wanted to be the first to fuck you, but I guess I don’t mind being the second. I want that juicy cock deep inside me.”She kissed me once more as her hand slipped back over my cock. Her hand was soft and she gently stroked me to full...

4 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 62

Just over five months had passed since he had seen Ray and Bridget, and Dan was excited. Their flight had landed at Sharm el Sheik airport an hour and a half ago. It takes roughly and hour, by taxi, to get to Dahab and they should be arriving at his house any minute. The Egyptian sun was unforgiving to the unaccustomed visitor and Dan knew they would both be dry as the desert itself and gasping for a drink. Bern, in the kitchen, was already making a jug of fresh lemon juice and another of...

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Big Blue EyesChapter 13

“A-hem,” Tyra said to get our attention. “Sorry, Tyra – I just love her so much, we haven’t been married very long. We knew each other for a long time before we finally realized the passion.” Tyra asked, “Do you have a brother, Randall?” “Yeah, but he goes to school in the East,” my little angel remarked, actually talking about our brother. “Darn it ... well, here are some dresses to try on – dressing rooms are over there?” “Thanks,” said Carol, a lot perkier than before. We walked over...

1 year ago
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More To Love Part 1

“How did I get myself into this situation?”, she wondered as she drove towards Louisburg on the way to the timeshare to meet him. They had met in a chat room several months earlier. She had went to the chat room out of loneliness. She needed to talk to someone. Were other people having the same problem she was? She doubted it!! Ever since she had turned 40, her sex drive had tripled!! Great right? Yeah, except that her husband of 25 years had decided at approximately the same time to lose...

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Schoolboy Bitch

You're in your godawful senior history class, thankfully the last one of your high school career. The only thing that makes it slightly tolerable is your boyfriend Jason sitting a few rows over, near the back of the room. Today you're watching some mind-numbing movie about the Civil War when a folded piece of paper skids across to your foot. You glance up and find Jason grinning at you. Unfolding the paper, you see written, "I'd hit that." You roll your eyes at him, but as you take a look at...

2 years ago
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Friendship In Village

Hello Everybody main hun Sonam Sharma. I am a very bindaas girl. Main aj apke saath apni life ki ik tedhi moment share karna chahti hu. Mera rang gora hai. My size is 34D and my ass is 36 (bahar ko haibhut). Poori figure hai 34-28-36.aur main bilkul mast girl hu. I beleive in ejoying life. Mere mama ke ladke ki marriage a gyi thi. Wo ik gaun mein rehte the.mera bhi gaon mein jane ko bhut man tha kyunki us waqt main 8th mein thi jab pichli bar gyi thi. Phir studies ke karan time nhi mila tha. To...

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Mum I Have Something to Tell You Part 3

Author's Note: In this instalment I have mentioned that Michael legally becomes Michelle. I have kept the legal bits simple. Mum I Have Something to Tell You. Part 3 by Maria Ski 12. A Surprise Day Off. Mum was waiting for me as I left Ms. Steiner's office. As I came towards her she was smiling, "How did it go with the councillor sweet heart?" she asked, "I hope she didn't put you under to much pressure." "It was fine mum," I answered with a grin, "She asked questions about how I...

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Tim Always Wanted To Fuck Amy But Never Had The Chance And Her Mother Well She Had A Great Body

Tim went round to see his friend, Amy one day. Amy knew he was coming, but she said she had just popped down to the shops and wouldn't be long, about fifteen minutes, she said. When he arrived, Amy's mum answered the door. Today being a warm day, she had a very short skirt on and a top with her tits bursting to get out.Tim had always admired Mrs Stevens' sexy body and wondered what she would be like in bed."Hello, Tim," she said. "Amy has just popped out to the shops, but won't be...

First Time
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BurningAngel Ivy Lebelle Karlee Grey Stepsisters Share Cock

Ivy told her stepsister Karlee that things weren’t really working out between her and her boyfriend Xander, so she was going to break up with him that night. Karlee, being such a sweet girl, decided to give her sister a hand in letting him down gently, so she thought to bake him a break-up pie! Xander was surprised to find things weren’t going as well as he’d thought, and that Ivy was actually attracted to her stepsis – but so long as he could join in on the fun, he...

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I knew I was Fucked

After years of watching hidden camera videos, I realized that I loved hidden toilet cams. I decided to look into making them and did some research.The set-up I decided to create is cheap and sweet: hidden camera, disguised in a natural state.I spend night after night thinking of where I can set up my cam. I spend night after night thinking of how I can make my cam blend in more. I learn to make my camera hidden (how it looked will be kept a secret). One night I'm thinking of a perfect location...

3 years ago
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Friends with Benefits PART 5

Before you read..check out Parts 1-4...PART 1: 2: 3: 4: now...PART 5:“What’s this drink called?” I said, feeling buzzed already as Mark handed me a shot glass.“It’s called a blowjob,” Mark said with a chuckle. “Try it. I know you like them.”I laughed and downed the...

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Pegged and Dicked

For years my wife and I have enjoyed imaginative role-play. Usually I was her Master, ‘forcing’ her to submissively please me in many ways. I guess I went a bit too far when I suggested another woman, our neighbor Karen, join us. Oh, not for real. We just pretended she was there and my wife had to play the passive role, describing how good her tits felt, and begging to eat her pussy. It was pretty hot for me to listen to my normally shy, demure wife get into the lesbian thing, and I thought she...

4 years ago
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Love in the Shower

I had always had a special place in my dreams for this particular fantasy. And the day it came true was one I’ll never forget, nor will I ever better it, everything was perfect: the place, the girl, the atmosphere that evening. It all took place at my house one Saturday night. My parents were away for the weekend, so I had invited my girlfriend Marie over for the evening. We had been seeing each other for nearly seven months now, but we had never progressed beyond some heavy petting. I deeply...

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Friend Ki Bhabhi Neha Is A Sex Goddess

My love to all the ISS readers. I am a 22 year old guy and I live in Bangalore. The story which I am writing happened to me a 6 months ago. Before this i had sex a couple of times with partners around my age… Lets get to the story ..! It was July and weather in Bangalore was very romantic …. Me and a friend of mine had an accident and i didn’t wanted to go college the next day ! Let me introduce you to other characters… My friend karan lives with his elder brother Rajesh .. Rajesh was recently...

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Busted 5

My In Laws, Jan and Dave have a nice house, with a pool outside in the backyard. My wife and I would go over sometimes to kick back and relax in the pool with the kids and her parents. I always noticed what a great ass Jan had. So while I am working on some outside trim, sanding, prepping the wood for some stain, Jan comes out and offers me something cold to drink, asking me what I would like. As I looked at her, I noticed she was wearing some short shorts, a very tight t shirt,...

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It s Not the Size That CountsChapter 3

In the car, on the way to Steven's, I continued to flash back to my past. To all the things that'd happened between my break up with Luke, and now. I hadn't trusted anyone of the male species for a long time after Luke. I had a couple of guy friends (who, interestingly, all turned out to be gay - maybe I instinctively knew and that's why they didn't freak me out like other guys?), but didn't date anyone for almost ten years. Actually, that's not quite true - I went out on one or two...

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The pony girl

Ann was walking down the street late at night returning home from a girl's night out. She was very upset about the fact that she had had a huge argument with her friend Beth about a guy. Beth thought John was so cute and so did Ann. However, Ann had seen him first and felt that she has first claim to him. They argued and Ann stormed off. Now she was walking down a dark street, alone because Beth had driven them to the bar. Ann heard a vehicle coming up behind her, and she turned and saw it was...

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Stephanie s Dad Part 1

For as long as I could remember, staying the night at my best friend, Stephanie’s, house, was a normal occurrence. We would switch back and forth between houses, even if it was a school night. Her family had become like my family and my family like hers. We loved this about our lives, it made us feel like sisters, which we had always called ourselves with one another. I will admit though that I preferred to be at her house over my own house any day. “Can I crash at your house this evening?” I...

2 years ago
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Kissing Game

So this is my first story hope you enjoy it, please comment and give me pointers, advice and anything else you can think of. Much appreciated enjoy the story. I crossed and uncrossed my legs repeatedly, watching as the clock slowly ticked away. The countdown to end the torture of math class was on. The teacher’s voice seemed to drone on and on. I tensed as the last minute ticked by BRIIINNNG. I was the first one up and out of my desk ready to leave the tortures of the classroom. I made her way...

First Time
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Sucking her thumb while she orgasms

Michelle was a plump girl riding in her new car. She stops and askWant to ride with me? I got in and introduced my self. just bought this new and want to show it off, she told me. I ask where she is going? and why did she pick me to ride around? Well I am going anywhere you want to, and I ask cause I been watching you for some time. Wanted to ask you out, knew you would not want to. So I figure a new car might get your attn. Where should we go? What you want to do? want to go...

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Catherine Dixon s PunishmentChapter 18

Finally having the house to herself after the departure of her son Dan and the young girl Sharon, Catherine Dixon was at long last able to take a long hot soak in her bath, but more importantly a private bath and to reflect upon her feelings, not only of how she’d yet again been sexually used and abused by both her son and his strange new girlfriend, but of how Dan had taken another giant step toward sexually owning his own Mother. For where he’d previously been satisfied sexually...

2 years ago
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Saving My Marriage part 15

*************************************************************** I had found a shop that had what I was looking for fairly quickly, and luckily so because they were near closing. I found my purchase after a bit and I headed towards the restaurant at the end of the boardwalk. I found my group sitting at a table on the patio and I crossed to join them. They had already ordered some appetizers and drinks. As I went to sit down between Stephanie and Amy, I gave Amy's shoulder a squeeze. ...

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