BAYİYE DADANMIŞTI free porn video

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HEPİNİZE merhabalar. Benim Topkapı’da gazete ve dergi satan bir bayim var. Adım Kamil. Yaşım yirmiyedi. Ta babamın çalıştığı zamanlardan beri buraya gelirdim. O zamanlar bayi çok kalabalık olurdu ve herkes bir şeyler alırdı. Şimdi ise artık ben yalnız olarak çalışıyorum. Gel de çalışma!.. Hayat giderek zorlaşmaya başladı. Artık eskisi gibi insanlar para verip değil dergi, neredeyse gazete bile almaz oldular. Bu da benim çapımda insanları ister istemez etkiliyor. Evliyim ve iki oğlum var, Şehremini’de oturuyoruz.

Sizlere yazmaya karar verdiğim olay ise, son on gün içinde sanki etap etap gelişti ve ben aklımda olmayan tatlı bir açmazın içine giriverdim. Şimdi yazacaklarımda eksik gedik olursa, kusura bakmayın...

O genellikle son zamanlarda saat beş gibi benim bayiye gelip beş dakika kadar vitrine bakıyor ve gidiyordu. Bu böyle bir iki kez olunca, dışarda olduğum o saatlerden birinde yine geldi. Vitrine baktı baktı ve tam gidecekken ona “Küçük hanım bir şey mi bakıyorsunuz? Çünkü bir kaç gündür bakıp bakıp gidiyorsunuz” dedim. Gidecek gibi oldu ve ben tekrar üsteleyince “Kitap bakmıştım kitap!” dedi. Ona ne gibi bir kitap aradığını sorunca, bana “Moda, erotik” falan gibi bir şeyler söyledi. İşta o anda jetonum düştü ve onun porno dergi aradığını anladım. Genellikle biz bayiler, onları müşterilerine el altından verirdik ve onları bayide pek tutmazdık. Ayrıca bu dergiler iyi de para ettiğinden onları zengin çocukları alırdı. Ama ilk kez şurup gibi bir kız benden porno dergi istiyordu. Ona nasıl davranacağımı kestirememiştim ama “Aaaa, öyle mi, daha önce nerden alıyordunuz?” dedim. Kız, onyedi veya onsekiz yaşlarında balık etinde ve kumral bir tipti. Ayrıca, giyimi kuşamı da öyle ahım şahım değildi. İçimde “Vah, vah!... Bir arkadaşında gördü veya gösterdiler; kız da herhalde alıp otuzbir çekiyordur” diye düşünmeye başladım. Çünkü o bir erkekle beraber olup sikiş yapacak gibi gelmedi bana... Ama dünyanın bin türlü hali vardı ve o delik de olabilirdi. Eh, İstanbul çocuğuyduk ve bu yollarda az zaman tüketmemiştik... Tabii delikse icabına bakardık. O gün ona fazla açık saçık olmayan bir iki dergi verdim ve iyi kötü sevinerek gitti. Onun en kısa zamanda tekrar geleceğini biliyordum. Çünkü, bu işe kafasını takan erkek olsun, kız olsun; mutlaka ve mutlaka, sonunda ya siker ya da sikilirdi. Bu kız da sonunda sikilecekti elbette!.. Ama sikecek ben olursam iyi olacaktı.

Derken bir iki gelmedi. Bir sonraki gece bayiyi toplarken, açık olan kapıdan “Merhaba” diye bir ses duydum ve onu gülümserken gördüm. Tabii ki sevindim. Ona “İki gündür yoktun. Ben de sana yeri gelen dergilerden ayırmıştım” dedim. Birden gözlerinin içinin güldüğünü fark ettim ve sıcak bir sesle “Nerede oturuyorsun. Gördüğün gibi ben yavaş yavaş kapatıyorum. İstersen seni götürürüm” dedim. Tabii cümlemin içinde “Götürürüm” lafını boşuna kullanmadım. Evine falan demedim. Bakalım “Seni götürürüm” lafındaki espriyi anlayacak mıydı? Ne demek istediğimi anladı. Bu beni çok sevindirdi. Sıra, laflarımla onu işleyip, bir yerlere götürerek sikmeye gelmişti. Dergilerde vesile olurdu.
Bayiyi kapadım ve onunla birlikte Vatan caddesine doğru yürümeye başladım. Bana adının Banu olduğunu ve İstanbul’da askerde olan ağabeyinin evinde yengesiyle birlikte kaldığını söyledi. Esas sorununun ise, yengesinden kaynaklandığını ve yengesinin eve erkek aldığını açıkladı. Kendisi ise bu işten nefret ettiğini belirtti. Belirtti ama kendisi de en az tanımadığım yengesi kadar sekse düşkündü.
Onunla yürüyü yürüye ta Aksaray’a kadar gelmiştik ve saat de gece dokuz gibi olmuştu. Ona “Karnın aç mı?” dedim. “Evet” gibilerinden başını salladı. Doğruca bir lokantaya girdik ve döner yiyip, ayranlarımızı içtik. Ardından da ona “Seninle yalnız kalacağımız bir yere gidelim, ne dersin?” dedim. Hiç sesini çıkarmadı. Karılar ve kızlar bir konuda ses çıkarmadıkları zaman o iş olmuş demekti. Elimi uzattım yavaşça ve elini tuttum. Hiç tepki vermedi ama benim sikim kazık gibi oluverdi.

Aksaray’da sahile yakın ucuz bir otel bulduk ve içeriye girdik. Odaya kapanır kapanmaz ona yumulmaya karar verdim. Değilmi ki buraya kadar daha yeni tanıştığı bir erkekle geliyordu, sonuca katlanmalıydı. Ellerimi yavaşça boynuna, bıyıklı dudaklarımı dudaklarına getirdim ve onu öpmeye başladım. Kazık gibi olan sikim ise neredeyse sandalye ayağı gibi olmuştu. Bir iki dakika daha öpüştükten sonra onun elini sikimin üstüne getirip getirip değdirttim. Ama her seferinde o elini çekiyordu. Sonunda ona “Bir daha benim sikim gibi bir siki nerde bulacaksın. Onu sımsıkı tut ki zevkine varasın” dedim. Bu arada ben de boş durmuyor, neresi denk gelirse onu öpüp yalamamı sürdürüyordum. Sonunda üstündekileri çıkartmaya başladım. Balık etinde bıngıl bıngıl memeler meydana çıkınca kendimi kaybettim ve doğruca dudaklarımı onun meme uçlarına götürdüm. Banu işte o sırada Kesik kesik “Ohh” “Ohhh!” yapmaya başladı. Bir ara iki memesini de ellerime alarak “Bunlar bana mısın diyen hiç bir karı da ve kız da yok. Sen çok tatlısın” dedim. Ancak ondan bir ses gelmedi ama yarağımda olan eli yarrağımı sıkmaya başladı. Beş dakika kadar sonra onu sadece donuyla bıraktım ve ben de her şey dahil çıkardım. Sikimi gören Banu’nun bir an için korktuğunu fark ettim. Ona “Korkma, onu içine alınca bütün dertlerini unutup, benimle birlikte zevk bulutlarının üzerinde uçacaksın” dedim. Ayrıca “İstersen, dergilerdeki gibi yaparız” dedim. Zevk çukuruna doğru gitmekte olan Banu’dan bir ses çıkmadı, sadece gözlerime baktı.

Onu kedi gibi domaltarak, küçücük götünün deliğinin üstünde benim alametin kafasını gezdirmeye başladım. İşte bu sırada o deli gibi küçücük ama taş gibi götünü ileri geri oynatmaya başladı. Bende de artık sabır kalmamıştı. Çünkü yarrağım kalkmış, duygularım ayaklanmış, önümde de taş gibi bir göt olmuş... Yapılacak şey belliydi. İki elimi atarak onu belinden sardım ve kendime doğru çekerken, sikimin kafasını da götünün deliğine bastırmaya başladım. Ne mümkündü. Sikimin kafası bu delikten geçmeyecekti. Ona “Meraklanma canın yanmayacak. Biraz daha öne doğru eğil” dedim. Dediğimi yaptı ve öne doğru eğildi. İşte o anda bende carrtttt! diye yarrağımın kafasını onun göt deliğinden içeriye sokmayı başardım. Ancak, tam olarak girmemişti ki, sikim ilerlemedi. Bir daha yüklenince Plofffsstttt! diye bir ses çıktı ve sikimin kafasını onun götünün deliğini genişleterek içeri kaydı. Kayar kaymaz bir kez daha yüklendim ve bu arada ondan “Yandım, yavaşşşş!” diye bir ses yükseldi. Yavaşça sikimi geri çekip, bu kez yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladım. Bundan memnun kalmıştı ve “Yavaş yavaş, n’olur yavaaşşş!” demeye başladı. Ama zevk aldığı kesindi. Ben de onun üzerine yavaş yavaş benim yavruyu onun daracık götüne sokup sokup çıkartmaya başladım. Benim kadar o da zevk almaya başlamıştı ve sürekli olarak bi kez de “Dibime kadar, dibime kadar” diyor, bir yandan da “Ohhhhh!” “Ohhhhhh!” çekiyordu. Fıstığın götünü sikiyor olmak beni kesmedi ve birden bire memelerine asıldım ve onları morartana kadar sıktım sıktım durdum. Canı acıyordu ama aldığı zevk yüzünden fazla ses etmiyordu. Sonunda ikimiz birden titremeye ve kasılmaya başlamıştık. Bunu anlayınca bir iki sert pomba daha yaptıktan sonra, tüm gücümle sonuna kadar kökledim ve onu ciyak ciyak bağırtırken içine ılık ılık attırmaya başladım. Bu arada onu da tutmak imkansızdı ve sonunda o da titreyerek boşalmaya başladı.

Bir saat kadar daha orda kaldık ve onu Kocamustafapaşa’ya ağabeyinin evinin yakınına getirdim ve bıraktım.
Bundan sonraki mektubumlarında ise onun amını nasıl siktiğimi sizlere yazacağım.
Benim tek korkum benim karı... Uyanık karı benim birini becerdiğimi duyarsa, beni duman eder duman...
Kalın sağlıcakla...


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My Wife Get Fucked 8211 Part I

Hi, everybody. I am writing my own story for the first time on ISS. But, I am regular reader of ISS, especially Group Fucking, I like them most. Let me introduce myself I am Sunny 46 yrs old my wife Nisha (alias Sonu) 42 yrs old, her stats are 40-36-44. We hail from Dehradun (UK). Actually she is a very conservative type lady; she thinks sex is only to be done by husband and wives only in closed rooms, with lights off. Whereas, I am a very horny person I love sex with different ladies, I have...

4 years ago
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The fantasy neighbour Part 2

I still couldn’t get the grasp of what had just happened in the car. Was it all in my imagination? Was I just a horny young virgin desperate for Mrs.Cassie? The party was dull, all the oldies socializing and the youngster getting intoxicated. I was almost sure now that the car incident was just a part of my fantasy,when I saw Mrs.Cassie talking to my mum. No matter the truth may be, she was a goddess and her body was the perfect paradise any guy or girl for that matter,would die for.Just I was...

2 years ago
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PainandPleasure of Poornima on firsttime

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a new story.  First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of...

3 years ago
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Can I Love Ch 09

Hey this is the last installment of this story – I haven’t written for a couple of months due to having a lot on but I hope now to continue writing. Please comment and don’t forget to vote —-\/—- I walked for what seemed like hours, milling here and there, with no idea about where Tom might be. I walked through the village, down the high street, hoping to see him outside somewhere. Walking through the park it began to rain. I thought to myself to give up, no-one would be out in the rain. At...

2 years ago
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Another night with princess of puddles part 1

I remember it as though it was yesterday. I can still feel the aching in cunt, aching from the most intense fucking I have received to date, and aching from wanting more….Following Your instruction, I selected my latex skirt and top to wear with the red underwear that you enjoyed seeing me in. Having showered, I fixed my hair and make up in preparation of your arrival. It was a huge disappointment to find the red bra did nothing for the latex outfit. In fact it looked awful, a look I am...

3 years ago
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The Training of Jody Part14 Bargains Made

Tony obediently fucked Evelyn's sloppy cunt. I rubbed her clit, taking many photos of Jody's hard cock being mastubated while I did so. Wendy was stroking Jody's giant erection, while Evelyn was playing with his balls. Jody, being an amatuer, managed to produce two cums while Tony kept up his relentless pounding of Evelyn's hairy snatch. He never even lost his erection between orgasms, merely softening a little before Wendy's expert touch had him ready again. By his fifth cum of the day, his...

4 years ago
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Dinner Date

Our table, a small round metal table for two, positions us close and as we discuss the menu and what wine would pair well with our entrees I feel your warm hand slide up my inner thigh. The metal is cold, as is the breeze, and the contrast from the warmth of your hand causes my nipples to perk and show faintly through my silky dress. Your eyes are drawn, I can feel them on me, but I decide not to acnow​ledge. We choose a sweet white sparkling wine and drink with abandon as we enjoy each...

1 year ago
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Picking up Sis Ch 4

Since my last chapter, Jacquee and I have gotten together a few times and Jacquee is slowly opening up to me, and is less nervous when we're together, or even just chatting on the phone or exchanging e-mail. Of significance, I let Jacquee know I have our guest bedroom bugged with a , and I admitted to her that on many occasions, I had spied on her in various stages of undress. She was a little upset at first but she got over it as soon as I was able to get my tongue in her snatch! A few weeks...

2 years ago
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IT Consultant In The USA Part 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I am a 55-year-old married man with a very high sex drive and a very thick dick. I am not that good looking. I am overweight with a bear’s belly and with streaks of grey hair on my head. Been married for 25 years. Over a period of few years, our sex life has dwindled. My wife does not have the same sex drive she had many years ago. So, I end up masturbating to porn movies at night. It has become a kind of a habit now. Every...

1 year ago
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BFFs Ashley Lane Gracie May Green Layla Love Hoe Down

Ashley Lane, Gracie May Green, and Layla Love are a bunch of down south sluts. They hang out at the rodeo with their cowboy hats on getting into all kinds of crazy hijinks along the way. They whip out a water bottle filled with some unknown clear liquid, and have a couple of swigs to get their party started. Then they start hankering for some hung cowboy. Our stud finally catches these trouble making thotties and lets them know that all trespassers will be shot. Since they are trespassing, it...

2 years ago
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Infantile Vorlieben ohne reue

Alles begann im Alter von 13 jahren, ich ging noch zu Schule und nach der Schule hatte ich ein bin in einem Bistro im nachbarort. Ich hätte sehr viel Spass und meine Chefs haben mich sehr gemocht. Eines Abends kam der jüngere Chefs mit seiner Freundin, eine wunderschöne Grösse Blondine mit Blauen Augen und ein geiles Gesicht. Sie sassen am Tisch und ich durfte dann auch mit am Tisch sitzen und erzählen. Die blonde Frau fing plötzlich an mich zu küssen und zu befummeln, dann auf einmal hat sie...

2 years ago
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So Part Two

I watched, fascinated, as Jules slowly came down to earth from her huge cum, although her pussy still twitched and spasmed along with her hips. She bucked hard for about another minute, as her brain slowly re-established full control over her pussy. Her shouts and random cries subsided to a whisper as the champagne bottle gradually lost its own momentum and eased out of her soaking slit to lie on the leather sofa, just resting in the outer folds of Jules’s pussy lips. I say lost momentum, but...

2 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 25

“Who was that, Master,” Sonia asked sleepily as I hung up the phone. “It’s kind of early for random calls, and you didn’t just hang up on them, so it must have been important.” “It was Julien actually. He knows I’m usually awake by six and was too excited to wait any longer. I’m happy to inform you that Julia Marie Slade was born this afternoon. Seven pounds four ounces and she is the spitting image of her mother,” I told her. “He wanted to share the news and make sure you all knew that your...

4 years ago
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Tina the Redhead

My name is Ray, I’m single and I’m a mechanic. I own a four bay garage in a family friendly area of town. I also run a tow truck 24/7 in the local area. I charge about 2/3 the hourly rate of most other garages in the area and I guarantee all my work. Consequently, busy is very good for me and allows me to have three mechanics work for me. I’m average looking with a muscular build, but I’ve been told that my smile is contagious and combined with my business ethics makes me very popular with...

3 years ago
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Intimate Moments With A Married Woman Part1

Hello readers, what’s up, this is Rahul and I am back with another story of mine. But first of all, I want to thank all the people who replied to me and gave me generous feedback regarding my stories. I am Rahul, 26 years old, fair and athletic and an adventure loving guy. I am working for a good organization in Vizag, Andhra Pradesh. Any woman or housewife who wants sexual satisfaction, and is interested in me, can email me without any worries. My email id is All my stories are not real...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Mackenzie Moss Intruder

Mackenzie Moss is finally settling into her new law office after having worked day and night with her husband, Derrick Pierce to get it finished. Derrick surprises her with lunch and she tells him how grateful she is for all of his help and hard work. She tells him that as a reward to him, she wants to role-play a scenario where he puts a ski mask on, breaks in, overpowers her, and has his way with her, sexually. She tells him that she wants to be tied up and fucked, slapped and choked. Not...

3 years ago
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Dark Street ChoicesChapter 3

Laying his head back Julian just went with it, the fear he felt only adding to the sensation as her tongue ran over his shaft. Opening her mouth Julian felt Katy's razor sharp teeth as she took him into her mouth deepthroating him. Julian had to keep himself from moving; afraid that the slightest move would cut him. Just as he was about to cum Katy bit down twirling her tongue over the effected area which sent him over the edge. Within moments a new warmth spread across his body and...

3 years ago
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Penetrating My Mother

my mom just returned home from work, she was dog tired and a little more careless than usual. she left her bedroom door wide open while getting undressed and that bitch teased me again as i could see in full view from my bed from across the hall. she was sultry, a sheer black bra that outlined her brown nipples, matching bikini brief panties that showed that she had shaved her pubes and ultra sheer naked stockings. i was getting a hard-on from her beauty, she slowly rolled off the stockings...

3 years ago
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Bad Influence

Alistair sat on the edge of his bed and listened to the voices going up and down the corridor. Part of him desperately wanted to join in, but he was shy and didn't have a clue how to start.He'd arrived on Sunday and everyone else had got there on the Saturday, so by the time he was settled in with all his stuff unpacked, all the others on the corridor had got to know each other and were already partying hard.Whenever he'd thought about university it had always been with some misty-eyed view of...

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Long Absence

She returned after long absence, his once upon a time love. She was young and needed her freedom. To stretch her new found wings. He, just old enough to understand and wise enough to let go. Yet… she held a place still in his heart. They hugged and exchanged chaste kisses. They were, after all, only friends now. They talked over lunch, laughed and caught up. He told her stories that made her giggle. In the pauses he drank her in, silently, with his eyes. Smoldering looks she once had called...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning Fuckfest

The car rolled back out of the driveway. the tell-tale grinding of the tires ringing out like bell to Zack - snapping him out of his repose. Zack is 15 years old, and like any healthy teenager he had awoken with rock-hard morning wood. He peaked out his blinds to confirm that his parents were indeed leaving, and when he saw their bumper round the corner down the street he nearly shouted with glee. He immediately began removing his pajama pants, exposing his proud, erect cock. He was only 15,...

4 years ago
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Rebecca Gets Hers

"Andy, I'm going to get my mani and pedi. Be sure to have the minutes of the staff meeting typed and on my desk before I get back. And pick up my dry cleaning on your lunch break, but get back to work on time in case anyone calls for me. And this time, lay them in you car neatly. Last time you picked up my things they were wrinkles in my shirts from your carelessness. You may not care that you look like a useless fucking slob but I do. So help me if you bring them back to me in anything other...

2 years ago
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Jenny Mum and Dad Pt5

Jenny, Mum and Dad. Part 5.He grabbed her thrusting wrist and yelled, “Don’t you move a fucking muscle,” and then yelled as he relieved himself into her. Groaning and roaring through the pain his cock was in and the heat generated from his hot urine filling her cunt made him light headed. He wanted her to feel the heat as long as she could but felt he couldn’t stay upright for much longer. He was fucked from his hard work and felt like his cock would never be the same again.Jenny never expected...

3 years ago
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Vanaja tho maro sari823082308230823082308230

hi, Ajit again……..vanaja tho maro roju…………… Aa roju shanivaram………………..nightduty nundi voccha…………snanam chesi……….tea teesukuntu as usual compound lo paper chaduvutu unna. sudden ga na pai oka paper undala chutti padindi…………..tala tippi chuste evaru leru gate bayata………….enta ani paper open chesa……………”one o clock vostanu” ani raasi undi. evara visirindi ani todaraga gate voddaku velli chusa………unhun, evaru leru veedi anta vacant………….manasulo edo oka moola vanaja kaavocchu...

4 years ago
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Not Gay But one Taste of Black Cock

My neighbor Mike is a good friend of mine. We often hang out, play basketball and watch football on Sundays. I am married and my wife likes Mike so we all get along fine, but Mike and I are closer friends. Mike is 34 years old and is a big guy. He is about 6 foot 3 and weighs about 225 pounds and very Black. He used to play football in college and is still in great shape. I am athletic but not as athletic as Mike. I am white, 40 years old, 5 foot 11 and weigh 185 pounds. I guess back from his...

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She became so absorbed in her task that she didn’t notice the bathroom door open slowly, and the tall, dark skinned figure of the second of her two rapists enter quietly. As she had washed, he had returned, watching her from the bedroom through the open bathroom door while he removed his clothing. Now he stood for a moment and observed her as she brushed her hair. Moving swiftly, he came to stand behind her and Sarah looked up with a start as she saw his image in the mirror. His hands moved...

1 year ago
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Tired of masturbating to the same old, massive video sites like PornHub, xHamster, and Eporner? No? I can’t blame you, but I can tell you that variety is the spice of life. There are other sites offering totally free, high-quality pornography by the sticky bucketful. One such site is Porn K Tube.That’s not a typo. has been around a decade, so it’s actually just a few years younger than the site they blatantly stole their name from. So, how does it hold up to the classic? Not bad,...

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