BAYİYE DADANMIŞTI free porn video

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HEPİNİZE merhabalar. Benim Topkapı’da gazete ve dergi satan bir bayim var. Adım Kamil. Yaşım yirmiyedi. Ta babamın çalıştığı zamanlardan beri buraya gelirdim. O zamanlar bayi çok kalabalık olurdu ve herkes bir şeyler alırdı. Şimdi ise artık ben yalnız olarak çalışıyorum. Gel de çalışma!.. Hayat giderek zorlaşmaya başladı. Artık eskisi gibi insanlar para verip değil dergi, neredeyse gazete bile almaz oldular. Bu da benim çapımda insanları ister istemez etkiliyor. Evliyim ve iki oğlum var, Şehremini’de oturuyoruz.

Sizlere yazmaya karar verdiğim olay ise, son on gün içinde sanki etap etap gelişti ve ben aklımda olmayan tatlı bir açmazın içine giriverdim. Şimdi yazacaklarımda eksik gedik olursa, kusura bakmayın...

O genellikle son zamanlarda saat beş gibi benim bayiye gelip beş dakika kadar vitrine bakıyor ve gidiyordu. Bu böyle bir iki kez olunca, dışarda olduğum o saatlerden birinde yine geldi. Vitrine baktı baktı ve tam gidecekken ona “Küçük hanım bir şey mi bakıyorsunuz? Çünkü bir kaç gündür bakıp bakıp gidiyorsunuz” dedim. Gidecek gibi oldu ve ben tekrar üsteleyince “Kitap bakmıştım kitap!” dedi. Ona ne gibi bir kitap aradığını sorunca, bana “Moda, erotik” falan gibi bir şeyler söyledi. İşta o anda jetonum düştü ve onun porno dergi aradığını anladım. Genellikle biz bayiler, onları müşterilerine el altından verirdik ve onları bayide pek tutmazdık. Ayrıca bu dergiler iyi de para ettiğinden onları zengin çocukları alırdı. Ama ilk kez şurup gibi bir kız benden porno dergi istiyordu. Ona nasıl davranacağımı kestirememiştim ama “Aaaa, öyle mi, daha önce nerden alıyordunuz?” dedim. Kız, onyedi veya onsekiz yaşlarında balık etinde ve kumral bir tipti. Ayrıca, giyimi kuşamı da öyle ahım şahım değildi. İçimde “Vah, vah!... Bir arkadaşında gördü veya gösterdiler; kız da herhalde alıp otuzbir çekiyordur” diye düşünmeye başladım. Çünkü o bir erkekle beraber olup sikiş yapacak gibi gelmedi bana... Ama dünyanın bin türlü hali vardı ve o delik de olabilirdi. Eh, İstanbul çocuğuyduk ve bu yollarda az zaman tüketmemiştik... Tabii delikse icabına bakardık. O gün ona fazla açık saçık olmayan bir iki dergi verdim ve iyi kötü sevinerek gitti. Onun en kısa zamanda tekrar geleceğini biliyordum. Çünkü, bu işe kafasını takan erkek olsun, kız olsun; mutlaka ve mutlaka, sonunda ya siker ya da sikilirdi. Bu kız da sonunda sikilecekti elbette!.. Ama sikecek ben olursam iyi olacaktı.

Derken bir iki gelmedi. Bir sonraki gece bayiyi toplarken, açık olan kapıdan “Merhaba” diye bir ses duydum ve onu gülümserken gördüm. Tabii ki sevindim. Ona “İki gündür yoktun. Ben de sana yeri gelen dergilerden ayırmıştım” dedim. Birden gözlerinin içinin güldüğünü fark ettim ve sıcak bir sesle “Nerede oturuyorsun. Gördüğün gibi ben yavaş yavaş kapatıyorum. İstersen seni götürürüm” dedim. Tabii cümlemin içinde “Götürürüm” lafını boşuna kullanmadım. Evine falan demedim. Bakalım “Seni götürürüm” lafındaki espriyi anlayacak mıydı? Ne demek istediğimi anladı. Bu beni çok sevindirdi. Sıra, laflarımla onu işleyip, bir yerlere götürerek sikmeye gelmişti. Dergilerde vesile olurdu.
Bayiyi kapadım ve onunla birlikte Vatan caddesine doğru yürümeye başladım. Bana adının Banu olduğunu ve İstanbul’da askerde olan ağabeyinin evinde yengesiyle birlikte kaldığını söyledi. Esas sorununun ise, yengesinden kaynaklandığını ve yengesinin eve erkek aldığını açıkladı. Kendisi ise bu işten nefret ettiğini belirtti. Belirtti ama kendisi de en az tanımadığım yengesi kadar sekse düşkündü.
Onunla yürüyü yürüye ta Aksaray’a kadar gelmiştik ve saat de gece dokuz gibi olmuştu. Ona “Karnın aç mı?” dedim. “Evet” gibilerinden başını salladı. Doğruca bir lokantaya girdik ve döner yiyip, ayranlarımızı içtik. Ardından da ona “Seninle yalnız kalacağımız bir yere gidelim, ne dersin?” dedim. Hiç sesini çıkarmadı. Karılar ve kızlar bir konuda ses çıkarmadıkları zaman o iş olmuş demekti. Elimi uzattım yavaşça ve elini tuttum. Hiç tepki vermedi ama benim sikim kazık gibi oluverdi.

Aksaray’da sahile yakın ucuz bir otel bulduk ve içeriye girdik. Odaya kapanır kapanmaz ona yumulmaya karar verdim. Değilmi ki buraya kadar daha yeni tanıştığı bir erkekle geliyordu, sonuca katlanmalıydı. Ellerimi yavaşça boynuna, bıyıklı dudaklarımı dudaklarına getirdim ve onu öpmeye başladım. Kazık gibi olan sikim ise neredeyse sandalye ayağı gibi olmuştu. Bir iki dakika daha öpüştükten sonra onun elini sikimin üstüne getirip getirip değdirttim. Ama her seferinde o elini çekiyordu. Sonunda ona “Bir daha benim sikim gibi bir siki nerde bulacaksın. Onu sımsıkı tut ki zevkine varasın” dedim. Bu arada ben de boş durmuyor, neresi denk gelirse onu öpüp yalamamı sürdürüyordum. Sonunda üstündekileri çıkartmaya başladım. Balık etinde bıngıl bıngıl memeler meydana çıkınca kendimi kaybettim ve doğruca dudaklarımı onun meme uçlarına götürdüm. Banu işte o sırada Kesik kesik “Ohh” “Ohhh!” yapmaya başladı. Bir ara iki memesini de ellerime alarak “Bunlar bana mısın diyen hiç bir karı da ve kız da yok. Sen çok tatlısın” dedim. Ancak ondan bir ses gelmedi ama yarağımda olan eli yarrağımı sıkmaya başladı. Beş dakika kadar sonra onu sadece donuyla bıraktım ve ben de her şey dahil çıkardım. Sikimi gören Banu’nun bir an için korktuğunu fark ettim. Ona “Korkma, onu içine alınca bütün dertlerini unutup, benimle birlikte zevk bulutlarının üzerinde uçacaksın” dedim. Ayrıca “İstersen, dergilerdeki gibi yaparız” dedim. Zevk çukuruna doğru gitmekte olan Banu’dan bir ses çıkmadı, sadece gözlerime baktı.

Onu kedi gibi domaltarak, küçücük götünün deliğinin üstünde benim alametin kafasını gezdirmeye başladım. İşte bu sırada o deli gibi küçücük ama taş gibi götünü ileri geri oynatmaya başladı. Bende de artık sabır kalmamıştı. Çünkü yarrağım kalkmış, duygularım ayaklanmış, önümde de taş gibi bir göt olmuş... Yapılacak şey belliydi. İki elimi atarak onu belinden sardım ve kendime doğru çekerken, sikimin kafasını da götünün deliğine bastırmaya başladım. Ne mümkündü. Sikimin kafası bu delikten geçmeyecekti. Ona “Meraklanma canın yanmayacak. Biraz daha öne doğru eğil” dedim. Dediğimi yaptı ve öne doğru eğildi. İşte o anda bende carrtttt! diye yarrağımın kafasını onun göt deliğinden içeriye sokmayı başardım. Ancak, tam olarak girmemişti ki, sikim ilerlemedi. Bir daha yüklenince Plofffsstttt! diye bir ses çıktı ve sikimin kafasını onun götünün deliğini genişleterek içeri kaydı. Kayar kaymaz bir kez daha yüklendim ve bu arada ondan “Yandım, yavaşşşş!” diye bir ses yükseldi. Yavaşça sikimi geri çekip, bu kez yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladım. Bundan memnun kalmıştı ve “Yavaş yavaş, n’olur yavaaşşş!” demeye başladı. Ama zevk aldığı kesindi. Ben de onun üzerine yavaş yavaş benim yavruyu onun daracık götüne sokup sokup çıkartmaya başladım. Benim kadar o da zevk almaya başlamıştı ve sürekli olarak bi kez de “Dibime kadar, dibime kadar” diyor, bir yandan da “Ohhhhh!” “Ohhhhhh!” çekiyordu. Fıstığın götünü sikiyor olmak beni kesmedi ve birden bire memelerine asıldım ve onları morartana kadar sıktım sıktım durdum. Canı acıyordu ama aldığı zevk yüzünden fazla ses etmiyordu. Sonunda ikimiz birden titremeye ve kasılmaya başlamıştık. Bunu anlayınca bir iki sert pomba daha yaptıktan sonra, tüm gücümle sonuna kadar kökledim ve onu ciyak ciyak bağırtırken içine ılık ılık attırmaya başladım. Bu arada onu da tutmak imkansızdı ve sonunda o da titreyerek boşalmaya başladı.

Bir saat kadar daha orda kaldık ve onu Kocamustafapaşa’ya ağabeyinin evinin yakınına getirdim ve bıraktım.
Bundan sonraki mektubumlarında ise onun amını nasıl siktiğimi sizlere yazacağım.
Benim tek korkum benim karı... Uyanık karı benim birini becerdiğimi duyarsa, beni duman eder duman...
Kalın sağlıcakla...


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New neighbors IV

After Dan went to his room I went outside, and Bill said to come back in the pool. I climbed the ladder, Bill held his arms out and said jump. When I jumped Bill caught me and asked where Dan was, I said he went to lay down. He asked if I liked it here,I said yes very much. That's good he said.I asked if he could motorboat me again, he said sure . He laid me on my belly and put his hands under me and asked if I was ready, I said yes. He spun me around quickly as I kicked and laughed. After a...

4 years ago
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CindyChapter 12

Monday. I'm not a Monday-phobe, but when the alarm went off I was immediately plastered with a t-shirt-clad Cindy. Kisses. And she started to slide down in the bed. Nothing but the most sterling amount of dedication kept me from just calling in sick. "No, baby." "Awww, just little bit? An' you can do me?" "Okay. Just a little bit." We had our little bit. Got going five minutes late, purposefully moving around the trailer, two cereal bowls, the coffee going, clothes, faces washed,...

4 years ago
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Cop Trouble

***This is my first story - I'd love any feedback or suggestions!*** You were singing along with the radio when you saw the flashing lights. "Shit", you thought as you pulled over. Well hopefully you'll know the cop, but your heart sank as you saw him exit his car and didn't recognize him. You looked at yourself in the mirror, ready to start crying. You were wearing a USA bikini top, with some jean shorts pulled over your bottoms. You were headed home from a pool party with friends and were all...

3 years ago
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April and AugustChapter 3

On the seventh day, Marshal Sean arrived to inform them that they were all due in court the next day for the hearing on the girls’ old Master. Jacob, Jason and both girls were required to be there. That night Jason required considerable time to calm the girls down as they still feared their old Master. The next day in court the charges were read aloud by the Royal Judge. “Master Daren, you are accused of punishing by whipping two underage slave girls without a hearing on at least four...

1 year ago
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I broke her virginity

Hi this is Pabby again with a new story about fucking my bhabhi’s sister. Plz mail me and tell me how my story was. Any gals, women, group of women or couple want to contact me for chatting or groups or singles fun plz mail me at I could not visit my cousin’s place for about a month, as I had to go out in connection with a project that was part of our course. The first taste of sex had awakened the desire but I neither tried nor got an opportunity to have a companion for the night. I had to...

3 years ago
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The Never Ending Scene

Wrists shackled tight to her ankles ~ they were red and raw from her pulling and tugging. Each time the strap had landed, she had strained against them ~ heaving, with the strength of her arched back against the restraints as the pain of each blow rocketed through her. She had not uttered a sound, yet her screams echoed through her brain ~ the agony tearing at her resolve ~ trying to shatter her order of silence. Her skin dripped with sweat and her back convulsed with each attempt to draw a...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Ed and Abby

Chapter 1 I saw her again....walking the two beautiful animals, the male was a Bouvier des Flanders and the female was a boxer...and her...she was beautiful. She had that innocent look to her...young, shoulder length blonde hair flowing gently in the breeze. She had that "girl next door" look. In fact, she was my neighbor and while we didn't know each other well, I'd said "Hello" to Abby several times when we see each other outside. Man, she was hot. As I worked in my yard she...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Paradise

Maggie had been deserted, dumped and left high and dry. Her recent split from her marriage of 5 years had left her in the middle of nowhere in life. She had left her job after getting married to Jake as his high paying job meant she needn't lift a finger to get what she wanted. Just when life seemed perfect and she was in her total bliss, things took a tragic turn. She discovered that Jake had been cheating on her since the 1st day of their marriage and everything it stood for was a complete...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Danni Rivers 24113

Vacation time! Danni Rivers has been taking time off to stay at a time share with her friend and her friend’s family for six years in a row, and this will be the sixth year that her friend’s brother Lucas continues to peep on her! Danni and Lucas arrive at the same time while waiting for the rest of his family to get there, so Danni decides to give him a little bit of a show before the rest of the crew arrives. She strips nude in front of the window, then takes a shower with the bathroom door...

2 years ago
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White Lucy Dark Meat ch1

Introduction: Lucy, 19. Finally gets what she wished for. Intro Shhhh&hellip,. Shhhh. Chris hissed, cutting me off. Just keep your head down&hellip, dont look up&hellip, theyll see you. My instant reaction of course was to look straight up. That was when I saw them. Two, tall, heavy-set black men, who were cutting across the grass clearing, straight in our direction. I dont know who was more surprised really, Chris or myself. In the 8 months we had been coming here we had seen all of maybe 3...

3 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 16

“I’ll be back to pick you up at noon,” JR said as he opened her door at the curb in front of the employee entrance. “If you think of anything that you forgot to pack, text me and I’ll bring it with me.” Rockie rose out of her seat and stood to hug him, “I’m pretty sure that I have everything, but I’ll let you know if anything comes to mind. I can’t wait to get started.” “Me too. Have a good morning.” They kissed quickly, and she hurried into the building. JR climbed back into his car and...

2 years ago
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How A 19 Year Old Stimulated My Wifes GSpot

My wife and I had a very good sex life up to about a year ago. That was when things started to change. It wasn’t that we didn’t want to have sex, but it was more about how other things had gotten in the way. Sex wasn’t as important to us it anymore. My wife had been working a great deal of hours at work while taking care of the kids at the same time. My time was also being eaten up by a major project that I had going on at work. It seemed like when I was in the mood she was too tired and before...

1 year ago
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Operation Nude Beach Part 1

Ginger was pissed off. How could an adults only nudist colony have such strict rules banning sexual activity of any kind. The warm Queensland sun felt soothing on her naked skin, but on the inside she seethed with indignation as she read the brochure she’d been handed on arriving at the Hairy Palms Naturist Resort. The idea apparently was to provide a place were adults could relax in a clothing optional environment without being pestered by noisy, mischievous children. But, the brochure was...

1 year ago
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MonaMy earliest and best memories of Mona were of her breasts, bush and bum. She was only thirty and they were magnificent. In our daily lives I always seemed to be able to see them. Of course much of the time that was just so easy, after all she did get around the place naked. Even when she wore house clothing it was something scanty. Her breasts would fall out when she bent forward, or her backside bared when she bent over, or when she crouched down the skirt would rise up displaying her...

4 years ago
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A mature lady in Hyderabad

HI guys, this is Alex again from Hyderabad and i’ve got another great story for you people. This was an especially bright day, and I had planned to meet my friend who stays at the outskirts of the city, where we had planned a party, there was booze and some call gals arranged. I as usual was late to start for the party so I was speeding up to reach the destination. Unfortunately at the city outskirts as it was late in the evening, and also as I was driving recklessly, a mishap occurred and I...

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Lord Cowie of Queenstown

Lord Cowie of Queenstown was the rather spoiled son of the Viscount of Queenstown. Lord Cowie indulged himself in his father's great wealth everyday. Having been sent down from university the errant young Lord Cowie was looking for anything to keep his salacious appetite, which was any sexual experience, satisfied. It happened one October morning when Lord Cowie had took liberty with the local milk maid,a beautiful girl who enjoyed the hard sex that Lord Cowie and herself partook of in the...

2 years ago
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In a Secret GardenChapter 2

I kept telling myself that I hadn't really wanted this house to begin with. It was a near complete disaster and Jason was probably right that it would be a money pit to restore ... and I didn't even have that kind of money left over to spend anyway! Why did I even need a house? I was living cheap in an apartment and I didn't have a wife to support anymore! Why did I even want all of that responsibility again anyway? But still, I'd rather liked the oddness of the place and even its recent...

2 years ago
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 27

Leninsk lay some 30 kilometres to the East of Stalingrad across the river Volga. It had been projected as an industrial city but the war had overtaken its construction. A few factory buildings had been built but now they were just empty shells. The equipment had been shipped East of the Urals. A concrete runway had been laid out before the war for a future airport. No terminal building or hangars had been yet constructed but during the Winter some prefabs had arrived and lay ready to be...

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Sanjana Ki Chudai

Hi dosto kaise ho aap sab,aap sab to mujhe jante he hai mai rajesh 22 year.Meri pahle ki kahani to aap logo ne padhi hogi.Anjan ladki divya ki train mai chudai.Khub acha response mila mujhe.Ab mai aplo go ke samne apne dusri story sunane ja raha hu.Jo ki aaj se 4 month pahle ki hai. To sabhe chut walio aur land walo apna apna saman pakad kar rakhna. To bat aaj se karib 4 month pahle ki hai .Mai ek coumpany main service karta jiski karan mujhe kisi ladki ke liye time nahe pata.Yahi baat maine...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Brooklyn Chase 24283

What does it take the new girl at work to get a big office? More than great legs and a nice smile, apparently. Brooklyn Chase is the fresh hire, and she’s just trying to settle into her new digs, despite its diminutive feel. But, upon unboxing her things, Brooklyn is looking at possibly convincing you, her office neighbor, in switching cubes, what with all the space you’ve got in yours. And her most effective way of convincing you is through the power of persuasion with her pussy…which she...

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Wanting To Be Fucked Like a Whore

My mind was racing as I stepped out of the car and closed the door behind me. Here I was, at the parking lot of a Holiday Inn, about to enter room 217, where my ex-boyfriend was waiting for me. The last text he sent simply said "And wear some sexy lingeire under a long coat. And nothing else, =)"About 8 months ago my ex-boyfriend, Damon, had broken up. We had been together almost 4 years, and even tho I had still loved him, he wasn't showing me the dedication I needed and moved on. I met...

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A summer vacation with twins

While at college, my nieces met another very attractive set of twins - Tina and Gina.  During summer vacation, my nieces invited them to our parent's summer home for a week of partying. Tina and Gina were the same age as my nieces and also fashion model material with long blonde hair.  When they first arrived, I greeted them with a friendly handshake and a brief hug.  I noticed that Tina's eye contact and handshake lingered a little longer and her hug seemed a little friendlier.  I brushed...

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Little Sisters Girlfriend

This story is a continuation of my story, "Big Sister", written as part of the anonymous amulet contest run by Gunslinger a while back. Now, onto the boring stuff ------------------------- DISCLAIMERS ------------------------- This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should...

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Indian sikh girl finds an Arab muslim cock to fuck

I had just moved to Bay Area, California for my new job. I was pretty lonely, so I posted an ad in the personals section of Craigslist. In a few hours, a girl named P. Kaur (withholding her full name) sent me an email. We exchanged a few emails and I sent her my pic and asked for hers. She told me she is from a very conservative family, so she is reluctant to send a pic. She said she would instead meet me at a bar that evening in Dublin.I was a little late for our date, so when I reached the...

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This is an original work of fiction, written by the Wanderer. It is posted on this site with his permission I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I’d also like to add that we don’t always see eye to eye, they tell me off sometimes – well quite often really. Anyway as I’ve been known to fiddle, after they’ve seen it. I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story. My thanks must also go to...

4 years ago
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My Favorite Lover

I had a lover who was a lovely and beautiful married lady a few years older than me, maybe even five. I was 44 when I met her and I figured she was around 49, maybe even 50. She was a nurse and been on the search for a lover like herself -- someone who was completely uninhibited when it came to love making.She had reddish brown hair that fell just below her ears and eyes that were a deep brown. It was almost as if she could look right through you with those eyes, too.Deb was about 5'7" and I'm...

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