BAYİYE DADANMIŞTI free porn video

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HEPİNİZE merhabalar. Benim Topkapı’da gazete ve dergi satan bir bayim var. Adım Kamil. Yaşım yirmiyedi. Ta babamın çalıştığı zamanlardan beri buraya gelirdim. O zamanlar bayi çok kalabalık olurdu ve herkes bir şeyler alırdı. Şimdi ise artık ben yalnız olarak çalışıyorum. Gel de çalışma!.. Hayat giderek zorlaşmaya başladı. Artık eskisi gibi insanlar para verip değil dergi, neredeyse gazete bile almaz oldular. Bu da benim çapımda insanları ister istemez etkiliyor. Evliyim ve iki oğlum var, Şehremini’de oturuyoruz.

Sizlere yazmaya karar verdiğim olay ise, son on gün içinde sanki etap etap gelişti ve ben aklımda olmayan tatlı bir açmazın içine giriverdim. Şimdi yazacaklarımda eksik gedik olursa, kusura bakmayın...

O genellikle son zamanlarda saat beş gibi benim bayiye gelip beş dakika kadar vitrine bakıyor ve gidiyordu. Bu böyle bir iki kez olunca, dışarda olduğum o saatlerden birinde yine geldi. Vitrine baktı baktı ve tam gidecekken ona “Küçük hanım bir şey mi bakıyorsunuz? Çünkü bir kaç gündür bakıp bakıp gidiyorsunuz” dedim. Gidecek gibi oldu ve ben tekrar üsteleyince “Kitap bakmıştım kitap!” dedi. Ona ne gibi bir kitap aradığını sorunca, bana “Moda, erotik” falan gibi bir şeyler söyledi. İşta o anda jetonum düştü ve onun porno dergi aradığını anladım. Genellikle biz bayiler, onları müşterilerine el altından verirdik ve onları bayide pek tutmazdık. Ayrıca bu dergiler iyi de para ettiğinden onları zengin çocukları alırdı. Ama ilk kez şurup gibi bir kız benden porno dergi istiyordu. Ona nasıl davranacağımı kestirememiştim ama “Aaaa, öyle mi, daha önce nerden alıyordunuz?” dedim. Kız, onyedi veya onsekiz yaşlarında balık etinde ve kumral bir tipti. Ayrıca, giyimi kuşamı da öyle ahım şahım değildi. İçimde “Vah, vah!... Bir arkadaşında gördü veya gösterdiler; kız da herhalde alıp otuzbir çekiyordur” diye düşünmeye başladım. Çünkü o bir erkekle beraber olup sikiş yapacak gibi gelmedi bana... Ama dünyanın bin türlü hali vardı ve o delik de olabilirdi. Eh, İstanbul çocuğuyduk ve bu yollarda az zaman tüketmemiştik... Tabii delikse icabına bakardık. O gün ona fazla açık saçık olmayan bir iki dergi verdim ve iyi kötü sevinerek gitti. Onun en kısa zamanda tekrar geleceğini biliyordum. Çünkü, bu işe kafasını takan erkek olsun, kız olsun; mutlaka ve mutlaka, sonunda ya siker ya da sikilirdi. Bu kız da sonunda sikilecekti elbette!.. Ama sikecek ben olursam iyi olacaktı.

Derken bir iki gelmedi. Bir sonraki gece bayiyi toplarken, açık olan kapıdan “Merhaba” diye bir ses duydum ve onu gülümserken gördüm. Tabii ki sevindim. Ona “İki gündür yoktun. Ben de sana yeri gelen dergilerden ayırmıştım” dedim. Birden gözlerinin içinin güldüğünü fark ettim ve sıcak bir sesle “Nerede oturuyorsun. Gördüğün gibi ben yavaş yavaş kapatıyorum. İstersen seni götürürüm” dedim. Tabii cümlemin içinde “Götürürüm” lafını boşuna kullanmadım. Evine falan demedim. Bakalım “Seni götürürüm” lafındaki espriyi anlayacak mıydı? Ne demek istediğimi anladı. Bu beni çok sevindirdi. Sıra, laflarımla onu işleyip, bir yerlere götürerek sikmeye gelmişti. Dergilerde vesile olurdu.
Bayiyi kapadım ve onunla birlikte Vatan caddesine doğru yürümeye başladım. Bana adının Banu olduğunu ve İstanbul’da askerde olan ağabeyinin evinde yengesiyle birlikte kaldığını söyledi. Esas sorununun ise, yengesinden kaynaklandığını ve yengesinin eve erkek aldığını açıkladı. Kendisi ise bu işten nefret ettiğini belirtti. Belirtti ama kendisi de en az tanımadığım yengesi kadar sekse düşkündü.
Onunla yürüyü yürüye ta Aksaray’a kadar gelmiştik ve saat de gece dokuz gibi olmuştu. Ona “Karnın aç mı?” dedim. “Evet” gibilerinden başını salladı. Doğruca bir lokantaya girdik ve döner yiyip, ayranlarımızı içtik. Ardından da ona “Seninle yalnız kalacağımız bir yere gidelim, ne dersin?” dedim. Hiç sesini çıkarmadı. Karılar ve kızlar bir konuda ses çıkarmadıkları zaman o iş olmuş demekti. Elimi uzattım yavaşça ve elini tuttum. Hiç tepki vermedi ama benim sikim kazık gibi oluverdi.

Aksaray’da sahile yakın ucuz bir otel bulduk ve içeriye girdik. Odaya kapanır kapanmaz ona yumulmaya karar verdim. Değilmi ki buraya kadar daha yeni tanıştığı bir erkekle geliyordu, sonuca katlanmalıydı. Ellerimi yavaşça boynuna, bıyıklı dudaklarımı dudaklarına getirdim ve onu öpmeye başladım. Kazık gibi olan sikim ise neredeyse sandalye ayağı gibi olmuştu. Bir iki dakika daha öpüştükten sonra onun elini sikimin üstüne getirip getirip değdirttim. Ama her seferinde o elini çekiyordu. Sonunda ona “Bir daha benim sikim gibi bir siki nerde bulacaksın. Onu sımsıkı tut ki zevkine varasın” dedim. Bu arada ben de boş durmuyor, neresi denk gelirse onu öpüp yalamamı sürdürüyordum. Sonunda üstündekileri çıkartmaya başladım. Balık etinde bıngıl bıngıl memeler meydana çıkınca kendimi kaybettim ve doğruca dudaklarımı onun meme uçlarına götürdüm. Banu işte o sırada Kesik kesik “Ohh” “Ohhh!” yapmaya başladı. Bir ara iki memesini de ellerime alarak “Bunlar bana mısın diyen hiç bir karı da ve kız da yok. Sen çok tatlısın” dedim. Ancak ondan bir ses gelmedi ama yarağımda olan eli yarrağımı sıkmaya başladı. Beş dakika kadar sonra onu sadece donuyla bıraktım ve ben de her şey dahil çıkardım. Sikimi gören Banu’nun bir an için korktuğunu fark ettim. Ona “Korkma, onu içine alınca bütün dertlerini unutup, benimle birlikte zevk bulutlarının üzerinde uçacaksın” dedim. Ayrıca “İstersen, dergilerdeki gibi yaparız” dedim. Zevk çukuruna doğru gitmekte olan Banu’dan bir ses çıkmadı, sadece gözlerime baktı.

Onu kedi gibi domaltarak, küçücük götünün deliğinin üstünde benim alametin kafasını gezdirmeye başladım. İşte bu sırada o deli gibi küçücük ama taş gibi götünü ileri geri oynatmaya başladı. Bende de artık sabır kalmamıştı. Çünkü yarrağım kalkmış, duygularım ayaklanmış, önümde de taş gibi bir göt olmuş... Yapılacak şey belliydi. İki elimi atarak onu belinden sardım ve kendime doğru çekerken, sikimin kafasını da götünün deliğine bastırmaya başladım. Ne mümkündü. Sikimin kafası bu delikten geçmeyecekti. Ona “Meraklanma canın yanmayacak. Biraz daha öne doğru eğil” dedim. Dediğimi yaptı ve öne doğru eğildi. İşte o anda bende carrtttt! diye yarrağımın kafasını onun göt deliğinden içeriye sokmayı başardım. Ancak, tam olarak girmemişti ki, sikim ilerlemedi. Bir daha yüklenince Plofffsstttt! diye bir ses çıktı ve sikimin kafasını onun götünün deliğini genişleterek içeri kaydı. Kayar kaymaz bir kez daha yüklendim ve bu arada ondan “Yandım, yavaşşşş!” diye bir ses yükseldi. Yavaşça sikimi geri çekip, bu kez yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladım. Bundan memnun kalmıştı ve “Yavaş yavaş, n’olur yavaaşşş!” demeye başladı. Ama zevk aldığı kesindi. Ben de onun üzerine yavaş yavaş benim yavruyu onun daracık götüne sokup sokup çıkartmaya başladım. Benim kadar o da zevk almaya başlamıştı ve sürekli olarak bi kez de “Dibime kadar, dibime kadar” diyor, bir yandan da “Ohhhhh!” “Ohhhhhh!” çekiyordu. Fıstığın götünü sikiyor olmak beni kesmedi ve birden bire memelerine asıldım ve onları morartana kadar sıktım sıktım durdum. Canı acıyordu ama aldığı zevk yüzünden fazla ses etmiyordu. Sonunda ikimiz birden titremeye ve kasılmaya başlamıştık. Bunu anlayınca bir iki sert pomba daha yaptıktan sonra, tüm gücümle sonuna kadar kökledim ve onu ciyak ciyak bağırtırken içine ılık ılık attırmaya başladım. Bu arada onu da tutmak imkansızdı ve sonunda o da titreyerek boşalmaya başladı.

Bir saat kadar daha orda kaldık ve onu Kocamustafapaşa’ya ağabeyinin evinin yakınına getirdim ve bıraktım.
Bundan sonraki mektubumlarında ise onun amını nasıl siktiğimi sizlere yazacağım.
Benim tek korkum benim karı... Uyanık karı benim birini becerdiğimi duyarsa, beni duman eder duman...
Kalın sağlıcakla...


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Serena Blair has just passed away and she finds herself in the purgatory waiting room. Soft elevator music drones on. She looks around and sees nothing and nobody except a magazine left on one of the chairs beside her. She shrugs and picks it up, looking at it to pass the time – it has pictures of sexy girls on it. Seemingly a bit flustered and hurried by Serena’s arrival, an angel Mona Wales scrambles into the room from a door and apologizes for keeping Serena waiting. She explains...

2 years ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 07 Now Thats What I Call A Party

Chapter 7- Now That's What I Call a Party "Lavender, where are you taking me?" Hermione asked in a nervous tone. The two women had been spending a lot of time together in the week since Lavender had filed for divorce. Now they were quickly approaching the junction of Diagon and Knockturn Alleys. Hermione was sure that she didn't want to be seen on Knockturn Alley; it could devastate her career. Lavender just winked though, and led her on through the crowd. "Trust me dear, this is where...

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Out of the Closet 1 the Library Fundraiser

The library fund raiser was unexpectedly crowded. Sue's light brown hair was nicely coifed and well matched to her light blue eyes. Overlooking the formal crowd from a twenty-foot high balcony, we could see it was a young group with several very conservative elders. The balcony had a four-foot high thick oak rail with widely spaced and narrow light teak balusters. The outer three feet of the balcony had an absolutely clear glass floor. We would soon make very good use of all that. This could...

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Everybodys GirlChapter 2

The Motivated Student Brenda Winter worked as a teacher's aide three days a week at the parochial school that was adjacent to, and affiliated with, the church she and Jonathan attended. She arrived that day (as she did every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 11:30, just as the students were breaking for lunch. This gave Brenda an opportunity to grade papers before their studies resumed. Brenda sat alone in the dim, quiet, mahogany-trimmed classroom and waited for her favorite student's...

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Foreword: Somewhere I read another story similar to this. I can't find it to give proper acknowledgement. It may have come from Powerone. I can't find it. Anyway, the other story was filled with violence; beating and every kind of sexual punishment you could put a woman through. I am not much better, but I have tried to put a different slant on a similar story about a woman captured during World War II. If another writer emails me that they had the original idea, I will pass it on somehow I...

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Awakening My Trans Nature My Nineth Experience T

There was this guy I had seen several times in the corridors and for some reason he had caught my eye. Sometimes I thought he stared at me too. I would find myself looking out for him and having strange thoughts about him. One day I saw him on the stairs and just started at him though I tried to be casual it probably failed. He had a coat and bag and walked very slowly to his room before fumbling for his keys which also took a long time, he deliberately stared at me and went into his room....

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Yoga Trainer Part 2

next day was sunday it was afternoon, i was sitting in hall, anna were so happy since last day, she was wearing a very exposing transparent white gown, barely covering her naked ass, she didnt wear any bra or panty inside it, i was horny seeing my wife in that dress. i came near her and hugged her from behind and pressed her nipples, anna pushed me back. and said "honey please i am not in mood". then the door bell ring, i opened the door, it was mark, he said hello, he was wearing shorts till...

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Mandy Masturbates

This is a true story. My (at the time) girl friend told me about it shortly after we started dating. We had just fucked like mad, and were enjoying the nice afterglow, caressing and talking about masturbation habits. She told me this story, which got us both so hot and horny we wound up fucking all over again...-----Mandy arrived at work late as usual. It wasn't that she minded her job as a weekend security guard, but it wasn't thrilling either. Joe, the evening guy let her through the gate....

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Holi Me Bua Ne Li Loli

Bua ki chudai innocent guy turned wild https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/rishton-mein-chudai/bua-ki-chudai-innocent-guy-turned-wild/ Bua ki chudai part innocent man turned wild part-2 https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/rishton-mein-chudai/bua-ki-chudai-innocent-man-turned-wild-sex-story-part-2/   To jaise ki maine aapne starting ke parts me btaya tha ki meri bua ka divorce ho rakha tha or vo hamare sath hi rahati thi… Ab onki age bhi jyada nahi thi to ghar walo ne decide kiya ki onki kisi or se...

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Desert DroppingChapter 12 What to feel

A warm breeze, a watch-worthy sunset, the sound of potential friends chatting in the distance, and my hand sweating profusely against Aaron Keslin's. I was having all sorts of issues. The last time I checked, I hadn't decided what I wanted to do about Aaron. I liked him, sure, but maybe that fact wouldn't have been so difficult to deal with if things weren't so... complicated. Here he was now, telling me that he didn't want to be my friend, and it wasn't in the schoolyard,...

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Sarah Becomes a SLUTChapter 6

Sarah and Andy sat down with trays each. They had worn their towels around their waists while carrying the hot food, neither of them fancied spilling their dinner over them and then finding they had third-degree burns to their genitals. Sarah didn't even have pubic hair to protect her, which she was still moaning about. "I mean, I get the toad a blow job and he chooses her. Disgraceful," she whinged and looked across at the naked Louise. As the bell struck, Louise was still naked and the...

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BangBrosClips Veronica Leal Veronicas Anal Massage

Veronica Leal showed up today ready for her first ever massage. She was super nervous at first but eventually, she began to loosen up. The massage started up very slow. However, soon enough the massage therapist had his fingers deep in her asshole. Little by little she started getting more comfortable. Veronica pulled out the massage therapist’s cock and began chocking on it for sometime. Now that she was properly turned on, she shoved his cock deep inside her asshole. Veronica’s asshole was...

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Want to Play a Game Part 3 Me

Grabbing you from behind i feel a sudden rush as we both hear the tell tale signs of someone just outside the door my cock hard as it rubs against your skirt i whisper into your ear, ‘We are not finished yet.’ I touch your neck and slowly hold it in my hands ‘ I don’t think you quite understand but i am yours but you are mine as well. ‘ pushing you to the back of the closet behind the coats as the light begins to fill the little room. Lori’s voice fills the little room as she talks to a vaguely...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 13

When spring came, we resumed our journey north toward my old home and toward the amber suppliers. By this time, both Trudy and Holly had begun to swell, so they sometimes morphed into wolf shape just to be more comfortable. As wolves, they did not bulge as much, and could move more normally. They both reported that this was like having the best of two possible worlds. The only time they really enjoyed being in human form was in the evening when they were involved in sex play. Rose had...

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Husband came home drunk

My husband frequently goes out drinking and that's okay with me as he never stays out too late. Recently he said he wanted me to go with him and we could dance at least since I don't drink very much. When we got to this new club he found I saw a lot of black men inside. I said something to my husband and he said "well they know good music and how to dance. Come on hon let's have a drink." I was okay with this and we found a table near the dance floor. He had me wearing a micro mini skirt and a...

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Maddie and Connor

Connor wanted it so much, but he was nervous. He'd been fantasizing about it for so long but now that it was actually about to happen he felt afraid, he didn’t know if he could handle it. "Don’t worry Connor baby, I'll be gentle", she told him in a reassuring tone as she ran her fingers down his spine and sides. The sensation of her fingertips against his bare, oversensitive skin made him shiver and grunt in response. He was naked and on all fours on Maddie's bed as she stood behind him. She...

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Girls That Play Together

Kendra was glad that she wasn’t at home because if her mother would have found out about what she and her school friend had just viewed on the computer, life as she knew it would definitely no longer be the same. In addition, both girls were so obviously worked up they could barely contain themselves or speak in complete sentences. That would have been a dead give-away.Angela had slipped off the maroon tie of her school’s uniform earlier, unbuttoning her white pressed shirt well past what the...

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The Day the World Changed

The Day the World Changed By Morpheus I was crouched down in my garage, looking over the dirt bike in front of me. It looked like it was in pretty decent shape but I knew that it had some nasty problems that weren't obvious at first glance. For one, the gas tank had a small crack in it and that wasn't even going into the engine. I'd had a nasty spill on the bike a few weeks ago, and though my helmet and pads had kept me from getting anything worse than a few nasty bruises, my...

1 year ago
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Dreaming Away

I had a dream the other night, and what a dream it was........I walked through the door of my mums house unnoticed and saw her sat on the washing machine, whilst it was on, with her feet on top at the sides, full pussy open wide in all its glory, neatly trimmed with a nice juicy clit, at the side of her was a black guy with his back turned to me, it looked as if he was putting a condom on, at this point I couldnt see his cock as there was only a small ga in the door. He turned around and looked...

1 year ago
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Hooking up with my slutty girl friends friend

Sometimes love for long turns to lust and you just realise how bitchy can love be. It was after long time when my girl friend when parted ways becoming my ex and left abroad. Soon… Sometimes love for long turns to lust and you just realise how bitchy can love be. It was after long time when my girl friend when parted ways becoming my ex and left abroad. Soon the pain was intense and sometimes things just was unbearable. Soon I tried getting into my regular routine. And one fine I meet a...

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I know you watch me Part 1

100% fiction It all begin a couple of years ago. I watch through a hole in the bathroom. It was just in the best position to see her as she took a shower seeing her rubbing her body. dd breast that bounced as she moved soaking her body with soap. she began rubbing her legs slowly going up as she spread her legs showing her tight pussy she slowly began penetrating it with one finger she was biting softly her lower lip. she slowly let go a moan of pleasure as her finger went inside her. i...

4 years ago
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Taking OliviaChapter 9

"Hungry?" I asked. They both nodded. I untied Gemma and then both followed me into the lounge after first gathering up their clothes and getting dressed. I'd prepared and laid out a mound of sandwiches. A Victoria sponge cake offered the prospect a tasty treat for later. "So you've been with him the whole time?" Gemma asked, as we ate our fill. Olivia just nodded. "I don't suppose I need to ask what you've been up to." Olivia responded by opening up the Toshiba and treating her...

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The HeirChapter 20

Rosa called me that evening and said that within two hours of sending out the e-mails she started getting back responses ... very enthusiastic responses. Many of the questionnaires returned with comments like, ‘Where do I sign up?’, and ‘I’m ready right now. Just give me some directions.’, and ‘Will I have time to settle my affairs before we leave?’. I needed to do two things in short order. I had to get our group together to read through the responses and begin the penultimate weeding out...

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PussyBoy Forever

I've always been the type of man into really feminine boys. I like skinny little twinks who want to be fucked and roughed up by a real man. Nothing makes me harder than a pussyboy begging to ride my hard cock and moaning "Daddy" as I slide in and out of his tight hole.I'm 6'-2", solid muscle and proud of it. Little fag bitches go weak when they see how big my arms are and picture how hard I could fuck them. When I finally get them on their knees and my hard 9" thick cock is in front of their...

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The Prophecy Ch 11

This is a story I wrote on an alternative profile and have edited it so I can continue the story now. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and is the start of more interesting magical twists to come. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. “Life is boring,” that single consistent thought went through Luke’s mind. Although what else would be going through the mind of a eighteen year old high school guy while...

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Jessicas Problem

Chapter 1 Darla turn the tv off and shut off the lights. It was 9pm and although it was Friday, she was getting pretty tired. She was a mother in her forties. Not the most attractive women in the world since she didn't lose all the weight from her pregnancy, but she was a full figured women. Her ex-husband still left her though and she was forced to raise her now 13 year old teenager girl all by herself. She went upstairs to go to her room. She passed by her daughter's room and heard...

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My wife a repost

Unfortunately this is all in my head but I would love for it to happen! This is also my first ever story so be gentleA weekend without the k**s - delightful! We decide to book a hotel in London and plan to see a show. We have not ordered any tickets but hope to pick up standby's. We arrive and check in. We head to the bar and aim to relax. The place is jammed - a wedding party it looks like! We squeeze onto a corner of a table and order drinks. We start to chat to the other people on the table...

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