BAYİYE DADANMIŞTI free porn video

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HEPİNİZE merhabalar. Benim Topkapı’da gazete ve dergi satan bir bayim var. Adım Kamil. Yaşım yirmiyedi. Ta babamın çalıştığı zamanlardan beri buraya gelirdim. O zamanlar bayi çok kalabalık olurdu ve herkes bir şeyler alırdı. Şimdi ise artık ben yalnız olarak çalışıyorum. Gel de çalışma!.. Hayat giderek zorlaşmaya başladı. Artık eskisi gibi insanlar para verip değil dergi, neredeyse gazete bile almaz oldular. Bu da benim çapımda insanları ister istemez etkiliyor. Evliyim ve iki oğlum var, Şehremini’de oturuyoruz.

Sizlere yazmaya karar verdiğim olay ise, son on gün içinde sanki etap etap gelişti ve ben aklımda olmayan tatlı bir açmazın içine giriverdim. Şimdi yazacaklarımda eksik gedik olursa, kusura bakmayın...

O genellikle son zamanlarda saat beş gibi benim bayiye gelip beş dakika kadar vitrine bakıyor ve gidiyordu. Bu böyle bir iki kez olunca, dışarda olduğum o saatlerden birinde yine geldi. Vitrine baktı baktı ve tam gidecekken ona “Küçük hanım bir şey mi bakıyorsunuz? Çünkü bir kaç gündür bakıp bakıp gidiyorsunuz” dedim. Gidecek gibi oldu ve ben tekrar üsteleyince “Kitap bakmıştım kitap!” dedi. Ona ne gibi bir kitap aradığını sorunca, bana “Moda, erotik” falan gibi bir şeyler söyledi. İşta o anda jetonum düştü ve onun porno dergi aradığını anladım. Genellikle biz bayiler, onları müşterilerine el altından verirdik ve onları bayide pek tutmazdık. Ayrıca bu dergiler iyi de para ettiğinden onları zengin çocukları alırdı. Ama ilk kez şurup gibi bir kız benden porno dergi istiyordu. Ona nasıl davranacağımı kestirememiştim ama “Aaaa, öyle mi, daha önce nerden alıyordunuz?” dedim. Kız, onyedi veya onsekiz yaşlarında balık etinde ve kumral bir tipti. Ayrıca, giyimi kuşamı da öyle ahım şahım değildi. İçimde “Vah, vah!... Bir arkadaşında gördü veya gösterdiler; kız da herhalde alıp otuzbir çekiyordur” diye düşünmeye başladım. Çünkü o bir erkekle beraber olup sikiş yapacak gibi gelmedi bana... Ama dünyanın bin türlü hali vardı ve o delik de olabilirdi. Eh, İstanbul çocuğuyduk ve bu yollarda az zaman tüketmemiştik... Tabii delikse icabına bakardık. O gün ona fazla açık saçık olmayan bir iki dergi verdim ve iyi kötü sevinerek gitti. Onun en kısa zamanda tekrar geleceğini biliyordum. Çünkü, bu işe kafasını takan erkek olsun, kız olsun; mutlaka ve mutlaka, sonunda ya siker ya da sikilirdi. Bu kız da sonunda sikilecekti elbette!.. Ama sikecek ben olursam iyi olacaktı.

Derken bir iki gelmedi. Bir sonraki gece bayiyi toplarken, açık olan kapıdan “Merhaba” diye bir ses duydum ve onu gülümserken gördüm. Tabii ki sevindim. Ona “İki gündür yoktun. Ben de sana yeri gelen dergilerden ayırmıştım” dedim. Birden gözlerinin içinin güldüğünü fark ettim ve sıcak bir sesle “Nerede oturuyorsun. Gördüğün gibi ben yavaş yavaş kapatıyorum. İstersen seni götürürüm” dedim. Tabii cümlemin içinde “Götürürüm” lafını boşuna kullanmadım. Evine falan demedim. Bakalım “Seni götürürüm” lafındaki espriyi anlayacak mıydı? Ne demek istediğimi anladı. Bu beni çok sevindirdi. Sıra, laflarımla onu işleyip, bir yerlere götürerek sikmeye gelmişti. Dergilerde vesile olurdu.
Bayiyi kapadım ve onunla birlikte Vatan caddesine doğru yürümeye başladım. Bana adının Banu olduğunu ve İstanbul’da askerde olan ağabeyinin evinde yengesiyle birlikte kaldığını söyledi. Esas sorununun ise, yengesinden kaynaklandığını ve yengesinin eve erkek aldığını açıkladı. Kendisi ise bu işten nefret ettiğini belirtti. Belirtti ama kendisi de en az tanımadığım yengesi kadar sekse düşkündü.
Onunla yürüyü yürüye ta Aksaray’a kadar gelmiştik ve saat de gece dokuz gibi olmuştu. Ona “Karnın aç mı?” dedim. “Evet” gibilerinden başını salladı. Doğruca bir lokantaya girdik ve döner yiyip, ayranlarımızı içtik. Ardından da ona “Seninle yalnız kalacağımız bir yere gidelim, ne dersin?” dedim. Hiç sesini çıkarmadı. Karılar ve kızlar bir konuda ses çıkarmadıkları zaman o iş olmuş demekti. Elimi uzattım yavaşça ve elini tuttum. Hiç tepki vermedi ama benim sikim kazık gibi oluverdi.

Aksaray’da sahile yakın ucuz bir otel bulduk ve içeriye girdik. Odaya kapanır kapanmaz ona yumulmaya karar verdim. Değilmi ki buraya kadar daha yeni tanıştığı bir erkekle geliyordu, sonuca katlanmalıydı. Ellerimi yavaşça boynuna, bıyıklı dudaklarımı dudaklarına getirdim ve onu öpmeye başladım. Kazık gibi olan sikim ise neredeyse sandalye ayağı gibi olmuştu. Bir iki dakika daha öpüştükten sonra onun elini sikimin üstüne getirip getirip değdirttim. Ama her seferinde o elini çekiyordu. Sonunda ona “Bir daha benim sikim gibi bir siki nerde bulacaksın. Onu sımsıkı tut ki zevkine varasın” dedim. Bu arada ben de boş durmuyor, neresi denk gelirse onu öpüp yalamamı sürdürüyordum. Sonunda üstündekileri çıkartmaya başladım. Balık etinde bıngıl bıngıl memeler meydana çıkınca kendimi kaybettim ve doğruca dudaklarımı onun meme uçlarına götürdüm. Banu işte o sırada Kesik kesik “Ohh” “Ohhh!” yapmaya başladı. Bir ara iki memesini de ellerime alarak “Bunlar bana mısın diyen hiç bir karı da ve kız da yok. Sen çok tatlısın” dedim. Ancak ondan bir ses gelmedi ama yarağımda olan eli yarrağımı sıkmaya başladı. Beş dakika kadar sonra onu sadece donuyla bıraktım ve ben de her şey dahil çıkardım. Sikimi gören Banu’nun bir an için korktuğunu fark ettim. Ona “Korkma, onu içine alınca bütün dertlerini unutup, benimle birlikte zevk bulutlarının üzerinde uçacaksın” dedim. Ayrıca “İstersen, dergilerdeki gibi yaparız” dedim. Zevk çukuruna doğru gitmekte olan Banu’dan bir ses çıkmadı, sadece gözlerime baktı.

Onu kedi gibi domaltarak, küçücük götünün deliğinin üstünde benim alametin kafasını gezdirmeye başladım. İşte bu sırada o deli gibi küçücük ama taş gibi götünü ileri geri oynatmaya başladı. Bende de artık sabır kalmamıştı. Çünkü yarrağım kalkmış, duygularım ayaklanmış, önümde de taş gibi bir göt olmuş... Yapılacak şey belliydi. İki elimi atarak onu belinden sardım ve kendime doğru çekerken, sikimin kafasını da götünün deliğine bastırmaya başladım. Ne mümkündü. Sikimin kafası bu delikten geçmeyecekti. Ona “Meraklanma canın yanmayacak. Biraz daha öne doğru eğil” dedim. Dediğimi yaptı ve öne doğru eğildi. İşte o anda bende carrtttt! diye yarrağımın kafasını onun göt deliğinden içeriye sokmayı başardım. Ancak, tam olarak girmemişti ki, sikim ilerlemedi. Bir daha yüklenince Plofffsstttt! diye bir ses çıktı ve sikimin kafasını onun götünün deliğini genişleterek içeri kaydı. Kayar kaymaz bir kez daha yüklendim ve bu arada ondan “Yandım, yavaşşşş!” diye bir ses yükseldi. Yavaşça sikimi geri çekip, bu kez yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladım. Bundan memnun kalmıştı ve “Yavaş yavaş, n’olur yavaaşşş!” demeye başladı. Ama zevk aldığı kesindi. Ben de onun üzerine yavaş yavaş benim yavruyu onun daracık götüne sokup sokup çıkartmaya başladım. Benim kadar o da zevk almaya başlamıştı ve sürekli olarak bi kez de “Dibime kadar, dibime kadar” diyor, bir yandan da “Ohhhhh!” “Ohhhhhh!” çekiyordu. Fıstığın götünü sikiyor olmak beni kesmedi ve birden bire memelerine asıldım ve onları morartana kadar sıktım sıktım durdum. Canı acıyordu ama aldığı zevk yüzünden fazla ses etmiyordu. Sonunda ikimiz birden titremeye ve kasılmaya başlamıştık. Bunu anlayınca bir iki sert pomba daha yaptıktan sonra, tüm gücümle sonuna kadar kökledim ve onu ciyak ciyak bağırtırken içine ılık ılık attırmaya başladım. Bu arada onu da tutmak imkansızdı ve sonunda o da titreyerek boşalmaya başladı.

Bir saat kadar daha orda kaldık ve onu Kocamustafapaşa’ya ağabeyinin evinin yakınına getirdim ve bıraktım.
Bundan sonraki mektubumlarında ise onun amını nasıl siktiğimi sizlere yazacağım.
Benim tek korkum benim karı... Uyanık karı benim birini becerdiğimi duyarsa, beni duman eder duman...
Kalın sağlıcakla...


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Twisted Logic

Twisted Logic By Margaret Jeanette Marie Calvert was happy. She had just bought another business. It was a small printing business but it was successful. The owner had retired. Now she owned an upscale dress store, a discount woman's shop, a beauty parlor, a family restaurant and a car dealership. She was the top businesswoman in the entire area and ranked ahead of most of the businessmen. She was known as a no-nonsense woman who ran things with an iron hand. That night when...

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Fucked An Unknown Girl During Marriage Ceremony

Hi guys and sexy girls this is XYZ from Bangalore today I am going to tell you how I fucked a unknown girl. Sorry guys and girls I can’t expose our real names To tell about me I am not good looking and not having good physic also and my dick around 5 inches and to tell about a girl her name is ABC her stats are 32,28,32 This incident took place 7 months back then In our home my mom’s younger brothers marriage ceremony was going on as u all know how much work will be there during marriage...

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My Sexual Perversion and how it started

Being a female at a private live in institution for nine months of the year can and does make you aware of your insecurities and sexuality, especially during your puberty. You find something that interests you and you become addicted to it and mark it as a dark secret in the back of your mind.I had such a secret borne out of fact and experience, something that encouraged me time and time again to revisit until it engulfed me and became my master, and my body rewarded me with orgasms so powerful...

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Stacey Prologue: Finding my happy place Nearly five years ago my wife left me. To be honest, I wasn't surprised. She was the dominant one in our relationship, the one who made most of the decisions, like getting married in the first place. I really don't remember there ever being a proposal. What I remember is the two of us walking by a jewelry store and Erica telling me "Stephen, we should look at rings, they're having a sale." An hour later she had a ring on her finger and I had...

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Teaching the Girls Part 2 The Morning Class

As I explained earlier, the school where I teach is an all girl school in south central Iowa. The class size is about 15-20 students per classroom, with each graduating class population being between 30 and 40. It's a good group of kids, with parents who are able to and willing to send their girls to an private school. We are actually fortunate to have enrollment numbers like this. We would be right at the point in our Physiology class where we were finishing up discussing the differences...

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Vampire Dreams 1 Smoke

Zin had no clue what she was doing here. She was tired and just wanted to sleep. But that was the last thing she would get. The dreams were getting worse. They were vivid, erotic, and she always woke up panting, sweating, her body screaming for release. The music thumped in her ears, grating her nerves raw. Her two best friends were on the dance floor grinding with two random guys. She watched as she nursed her beer, noting they looked happy and carefree. Something she hadn’t felt in forever...

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Peilisalin kronikat 1216

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 12, Akti. "Pane mua jo peppuun, pliis" bimbo aneli, h?iriten ajatusteni lentoa. Kummastelin kadonneen erektion enigmaa, mahdollista motiivia miettien. Samapa tuo, totesin olkap?it?ni kohauttaen. Olipa blondilla itsell??n penis tai ei, kovasti h?n halusi minua kairaamaan onkaloaan. Sapelini syk?hti odottavasti muistaessani toisenlaisen kuuman ja m?r?n onkalon, sen tiukan puristavan imun. T?n??n pantaisiin viimeinkin kakkoseen, naisen toiveen mukaisesti, pitk??n h?nt? piinattuani j...

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Massage While Sunbathing

When I got home I parked my old pickup in the back yard and headed up the back steps into the house. As you came in our back door there was a very short little hallway that led into the kitchen. Off of that little hallway before you came into the kitchen was what we called the mud room. It had the washer and dryer, a big double laundry sink, some shelves, and a simple shower. The shower was just a base on the floor with a drain and sides that extended up about ten inches, and old fashioned...

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Tracy Me Pt 2

PART 2 A few months have passed since mine and Tracy’s drunken encounter and not a word of it has been mentioned. At least, not that I know of. Stacy and I are still together and Tracy has moved in to her own place. She was still single. Lately she had been depressed because she was still single and spending so much time with Stacy and I was making her jealous. Tracy had no recollection of what happened and I put that memory deep in the back of my mind. We had now taken on a sibling like...

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Sues Surprise Evening

[This story was written about my then wife [now ex] in the 80s, before the internet and digital cameras, when we had to use contact magazines and Polaroid photos. I could have updated it but I have kept it authentic which I hope you prefer.] My wife Sue was often proud and haughty and was known to be aggressive and imperious and could be a big flirt and tease. Often people had muttered about wanting to see her being brought down a peg or two. Things had come to a head and I decided that it was...

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Too Much LoveChapter 10

“Nick, you can’t be afraid to touch me.” “Sorry,” Nick put his hand more firmly on Pilar’s waist. “I’m just afraid of what I’m going to touch if I’m not looking.” Pilar nodded and pointed her head towards his feet. “If you grab the wrong thing, just calmly move your hand to the right place and continue. Getting accidentally groped once in a while is part of teaching ballroom.” They went through the steps again. As beginners went, Nick wasn’t too bad. He was very earnest, not terribly...

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Third Times the CharmChapter 6

There are some things one can not get away from. A Maori Princess is a Polynesian Princess and a Polynesian Princess is a big deal in Polynesia. Hawaii is Polynesian ... and Tahiti. Fiji is not Polynesian but Melanesian. The Douglas DC-8 flew from Auckland to Nadi, Fiji and from there to Honolulu, Hawaii. The Austin/Anderson/Te Wherowhero combination took a Maytag to Auckland and departed for Fiji. What is a Maytag? A Maytag is a twin engine propeller driven aircraft probably named after...

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by Diomedes050465 Gang Banged Simone Richards had been born poor white-trash and had married just short of her eighteenth birthday, a marriage that had lasted barely fifteen months, he had beaten her, whored her out to his friends and turned her into a street hooker. The trouble was that after she had finally had the courage to walk out she had no means of supporting herself except on her back or with her mouth. She was however a natural beauty and quickly became an expensive escort...

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Tales of Feminization

In a seemingly normal town, a new social movement is taking place. White boys are encouraged to act, dress, and be feminine. You are a student at this school, and this is story of how you become a dirty sissy slut. Choose a boy to play as and be feminized. (All characters in this story are of legal age) (I'm only working on Mark's story right now, but feel free to add more characters) (Tags on this page are tags for all the threads in the story) I decided to start playing around with variables...

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BFFs Chanel Lily Adams Daisy Stone Cream Queens

Chanel is hyped for halloween this year, even going as far as to rename it chaneloween. She happens to be the lead bitch of her sorority too, and this year two lucky pledges will get a chance to bypass the entire process if they can truly prove themselves. Chanell sent out Lily Adams and Daisy Stone a special invite with some cute outfits to wear also. The girls were too excited. They showed up to the sorority house and things were a bit scarier than usual. Besides the lighting and decorations,...

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Amy and Her Daddy Part 6 Final Instalment

Introduction: Last bit of this story – Im bored with it now. John and Amys life settled down into a ritual of frenzied fucking. John would normally do Amy in the evening when he got home from work, she would then walk around the house with no panties on, semen dribbling down her leg. Occasionally if a friend came over she would put some pants on, but sometimes she would leave them off. At the weekend, they fucked almost all day, their fucking outside of home reached new heights. John found...

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JENNY’S SECRET – PART 4PREAMBLEThose who have not yet read the first three episodes or get confused with Asian names, here is a summary of the characters. I apologize for the long preamble but it is important in order to understand the rest of the story.THE FACTORY – a shipping and distribution center for Chinese food all over the US.JENNY – 40-year old non-Asian factory worker. Attractive but modest closet lesbian doing her coming out. The main character of the story.NICKIE – Non-Asian lesbian...

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Irresponsibe 2

3 Months Earlier “We can’t keep doing this,” Stacie said unconvincingly as she tugged her panties off her waist. “Why not? We both love it.” I responded. “Cause it’s incest, and Mom is right over there,” Stacie whispered. Mom was in the bed across from us. The hotel room in Mandalay Bay only had two beds, and Mom booked the flight so late that all the other rooms were full. Stacie and Mom were supposed to double up, but by the time Mom took her sleeping pills and passed out, Stacie found...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 5 A Love Affair With Thomas Continues with Susan

With many tears, Debbie moved. Betsy stayed in contact with her for several years, but by and by, the letters and phone calls stopped. She still thought of her dear friend every once in awhile and felt immense regret for not keeping in closer contract with Debbie. Then Betsy realized their friendship was just like any other. They would always care immensely for each other even if their heartfelt emotions faded with time. The winter came and went. Thomas met her family and Betsy even...

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Just Passing ThroughChapter 7

The day after Christmas, Errol and Jennie got to the diner at the same time to open up. They greeted each other with a relatively cordial 'Good morning' and went about their work. It seemed the hard feelings had softened a bit. As Errol prepped the griddle and mixed up the pancake and waffle batter, Jennie bustled about setting placemats and flatware, making coffee and placing fresh donuts and pastries in the display case. Several times, she looked as if she was about to say something and...

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My Wifes Discovery Part 3

On Monday morning, the phone rang. It was Carol, inviting us to a party at their home on Saturday night. During the week, we talked about what might happen. Mary said she secretly hoped some more pictures would be taken, and that she would like to be tied up. I called Bob on Saturday morning and asked if he could arrange a “special” time for Mary. He said that another couple would be there, and they would ensure a good time would be had by all. She took extra care in preparing for the...

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Business Trip Sex With Big Titted Colleague

I went on a business trip that took me away for 4 nights.On the first day we were put into teams and I had a female colleague from another office on mine.N****** was 5’4” , short black hair and everyone was commenting on her tits. As you will find out later I was able to check them out at 34EE and firm as hell at age 28.We sat together in the meetings and soon our legs would be touching each other. In the evenings we would all have dinner and drinks and her and I got closer, laughing, joking,...

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 22

A couple of weeks later, Hannah came home and told me that the rumours had been true, and Claire had been promoted. As Hannah had been at the company the longest in her department, everyone expected her to apply for Claire’s old job, and the general consensus was that she’d get it. Hannah was determined to get it as well, telling me that the extra money would come in handy for the wedding. I didn’t tell Hannah at the time, but I also hoped she got it, but for more selfish reasons. If Hannah...

3 years ago
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Family SwappersChapter 14

Erick was already on his way downstairs. His ears were humming and his brain spinning. "Good old Ron!" he said out loud to himself. "So that's how he got old Grotter on our side!" He was in a hurry now, for he had an idea that he thought would be extremely amusing, not to mention thoroughly exciting. He could feel his cock throbbing hard and demanding between his legs as he made his way to the servant's wing. It was a major accomplishment to have discovered so easily the secret of...

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Animalkind Loving Tigress 2

On the first story, Julie discovered that she was turning into a tigress hybrid and after some doubts, she decided to speed up the process and discovered that she was turning into a wild woman. Will she win the fight against her instincts? Thursday, 07h Robert woke up early and noticed that he was almost under Julie. She had a paw and a hind leg over him and her head was over his chest. When he moved, she woke up and looked at him. "Good morning, beautiful! Are you feeling ok...

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CindyChapter 39

Friday afternoon, after a good day at work, I rolled into the RV park expecting to find Cindy at the front office with Helen and Charley. The scene was pretty much what I expected. Cindy was leaning over the counter chatting. Charlie was in his favorite chair and Helen was at her desk. "I'm bein' recruited, baby," Cindy said. "I know," I answered. "Any news?" "I'll say," she smiled. "Mister Jim got a call from Auburn today. Somebody's coming down to visit my...

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