Sharing My Sister Part 2 free porn video

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This is a continuation of sharing my sister part one; it does reflect true events as they happened.

After that initial Saturday , I was buzzing completely and really wanted to rush straight round to my best friend Phil's house and blurt out all that had happened and couldn't understand how she could immediately tell Tina but I wasn't able to tell anyone. But I kept hearing Sharon's words in my head about not telling anyone. I also knew that Phil couldn't be trusted and wouldn't keep it to himself.

I spent the best part of the next 2 weeks in turmoil, I knew what we had done was wrong and had to be kept a secret but I was also a very horny 13 year old who wanted a repeat performance more than anything else. M y masturbation habits went into overdrive as I would constantly relive all the events in my head, I would compliment Sharon at any opportunity, on her hair, clothes, make up, looks, wolf whistle her etc, hoping she would give in and relent to another session, but I always got the same response, thanks for the kind words but nothing else is going to happen.

All that changed on her 16th birthday, it was the day before Good Friday. It had started just like any other as a school day but as we were breaking up for Easter it was only a half day at school. Sharon had got permission off my parents to bunk off school with Tina to go shopping as it was her birthday. Sharon was still in bed when I left for school with Helen my other sister, so left her card and present (HMV voucher) on the kitchen table. Came home from school at lunch time, immediately got changed out of my uniform into T shirt and shorts as I was off to play football with my friends. Both Phil and I lived in the same street, but at opposite ends

After playing the football for around 2 hours the game disbanded as a couple of the lads had newspaper delivery rounds to do. So we all trotted off home. When I got home Sharon and Tina were both sitting on the sofa in the living room giggling about something or other, I had no idea where Helen was. I sat down on a chair opposite them and wished her happy birthday then made small talk about how her day had been. After a few minutes Sharon got up to fetch some drinks from the kitchen, when Sharon was coming back, Tina said with a rather mischievous smile on her face aren't you going to give her a birthday kiss then , I replied OK then. Sharon said don?t I get a say in this. As Sharon neared me with 2 cans of coke in her hand, I stood up and took a couple of steps towards her and stood in front of her blocking her way. Leant in to her face and gave her a peck on the on the cheek, Tina groaned and said that?s no good give her a proper kiss like before, I turned my head to look at Tina and winked, then turned to look Sharon straight in the eye, and for a few brief moments there was one of those scenes you see in the movies or on TV but never think happen in real life as we gazed in to each other?s eyes and swear to this day that her eyes were just saying fuck me now. I broke the gaze by moving my right hand to the back of her head and pulled her face towards me we both tilted our faces as our lips locked then parted lips as our tongues inter mingled. By now my cock was rock hard and didn?t care who knew, moved my left hand on to her right buttock and pulled her body hard against me making sure she felt how hard my cock was, and began squeezing and rubbing her buttock, I could feel the outline of her panties through her dress. I then started to pull the skirt part of the black dress she was wearing up at which point she pulled apart and broke the kiss. She then said ?I have told you before nothing else is going to happen it was a one off now either lose your hard on or have a wank,? . This time somehow the way she said it I didn't believe her and knew we would have sex again. Tina told her to stop teasing me and just fuck me if she was going to. Tina then said the least Sharon could do was show me the underwear she had bought. Sharon said nothing would happen between me and her but would show me the underwear and began to rummage in the shopping bags at her feet. She pulled out a matching set of red satin bra and panties set on a hanger, quick as a flash I said very nice but for a proper opinion I would need to see them on her, to whom Tina agreed and said Sharon should go and model them for me. Sharon said she wouldn't as it would just be teasing me. This felt really strange but exciting to hear myself being talked about like this in my presence

Tina then changed tactic and began to fire a series of rapid fire questions about our session together, was I big, was I thick, did it feel good inside her, did it stretch her, did she taste me, did she taste my cum, did I make her cum. As the questions kept coming you could she Sharon getting annoyed and after the final question of if he really was good would you let him do it again , to which she replied that she would do me again . Sharon knew she had been tricked and was annoyed she then stood up, picking up the shopping bags, turned to Tina and said if you really want to find out do him yourself and walked out the room and upstairs.

I should point out that Tina was a few months older than Sharon and was wearing a tight white T shirt through which you could clearly see the pattern of her bra, a denim mini skirt ankle socks and tennis shoes. While she was asking the questions her thighs parted and you could see the white triangle of her panties. My hard on and remained throughout and made no attempt to hide it. I just looked at Tina smiled ,said come on then, stood up and walked over to me, dropped to her knees and placed her right hand on my thigh at the entrance to my shorts, before moving inside it and grabbing my cock through my y fronts., gave it a couple of tugs, before releasing it and saying let?s have a proper look and moving both hands to the waistband and tugging my shorts down, I raised my bum to help her, as she pulled both my shorts and y fronts down to my ankles. All the while still on her knees, Tina then bobbed her head and taking my cock in her right hand stuck her tongue out and began to lick up and down the whole length of mu cock, paying particular attention to the head of my cock and swirling her tongue around it before engulfing my cock in her mouth and wrapping her lips tightly round it bobbed her head up and down it. Before keeping her head still and holding my cock with her left hand and started to wank it into her mouth, all the time swirling her tongue around the head of my cock. She then proceeded to move her right hand underneath her skirt and between her legs, her skirt and also the position of her body was hiding what she was doing, but I could feel the movement of her shoulder on my thigh. After a few moments of this she moved her left hand to my balls and started fondling them before snaking her right hand between my legs and started tickling my arsehole with her middle finger, before easily slipping it inside, wiggling it a couple of times and slipped another one inside as well. She then started bobbing her head up and down my cock again. All these new sensations were driving my body insane and could feel the spunk start to swell, and soon exploded 2 big spurts into her mouth followed by a couple of short ones, which surprised me as I had already had 2 wanks that morning.

Tina managed to swallow most of it but a small trickle started to dribble out of the side of her mouth, down her chin and onto her T shirt. Tina looked me straight in the eye , licked her lips and said ?mm very nutritious ? before laughing, she then grabbed the neck of my T shirt, shuffled back a few feet on her knees and pulled me onto the floor on my knees with her. I put my hands on her waist as we locked lips, and as soon as my tongue entered her mouth I could taste the remnants of the creamy spunk still in her mouth. I surprised her she said later by carrying on snogging her and not immediately withdrawing, my right hand moved on to her left breast albeit on the outside of her T shirt, and began gently squeezing it, when I encountered no resistance I felt braver and moved my hand underneath both her T shirt and her bra, I remembered Sharon using her thumb to flick my nipple and the sensations it brought me so began to imitate what she had done, this made Tina change her breathing as it got faster. Tina finally let go of my T shirt and cupped my balls with her fingers and rubbed my cock in her palm, this started to breathe some life back into the old boy. So with tongue in her mouth and hand round her breast gently pushed her on to her back. Once lying down I eased myself off her body and onto my elbow as I grabbed the outside of her left thigh and eased it apart so I was lying in between her legs. It then dawned on Tina that I intended to fuck her; she raised her left hand on to my chest and suddenly said no, not here if we are going to do it then upstairs and on the bed.

I got up and offered my hand to her and pulled her up. With my shorts and y fronts still round my ankles I kicked them off before stooping down and picking them up, and proceeded to walk upstairs hand in hand , Tina also grabbed hold of my cock as well as we were walking. Tina stopped me halfway up the stairs before turning to face me and locking lips yet again, with my free hand I moved it in between Tina?s legs and moved it up, I felt her part her thighs a little to give me access and soon encountered her panty clad pussy, this was the first time I had come into contact with one so wanted to saviour the moment. I remember I could feel her pubic hair coarsely rubbing against my palm through her panties, and also the warmth and dampness. As I rubbed back and forth the leg of her pants slipped in between her lower lips giving me open access to her pussy, instinctively I hooked first one then 2 fingers inside her and tried to imitate the movements of my cock inside Sharon. Tina put both hands on my shoulders to steady herself as my fingers thrust vigorously in and out of her pussy making her legs weak as I again felt the ripple of her muscles but this time against my fingers. What surprised me the most was how much more loudly and vocal Tina had been over Sharon. as I withdrew my fingers for the final time Tina took hold of my hand and sucked my middle finger into her mouth, sucking her own juices off it, before offering my forefinger to my mouth and told me to suck it. If I close my eyes I can still taste her juices now. I just said to Tina bed now, she smiled and followed me upstairs, as she passed the closed door to Sharon?s room she opened it popped her head round and said I?ll tell you in a bit if he?s any good.

As I entered my room I dropped my shorts and y fronts on the floor and took my T shirt off , before jumping on the bed Tina followed me into my room and stood a few feet away from me , locking at my naked body on the bed, before unceremoniously stripping her clothes off, I let out a low wolf whistle as she stood naked at the side of the bed, and muttered gorgeous absolutely gorgeous, what struck me the most was how different her boobs were to Sharon?s, they were conical and pert with her nipples sticking out at different angles, while Sharon?s were round and full. Tina got onto the bed next to me and we laid down next to each other jostling for position before settling for Tina on her back and me on my side with my mouth wrapped around her left boob and my left hand snaking down to her pussy again I hadn't been sucking her nipple very long before she demanded me to fuck her. I shuffled between her legs as she reached down and guided my cock into her. I soon found a rhythm and began banging into her but kept losing it as I was distracted by the old squeaking of the bed springs and also the banging of the headboard against the wall. Also the fact that Tina was very vocal with instructions and also fucking me back was very distracting in trying to maintain my rhythm as she tried to match me thrust by thrust, so it became very stop start due to my inexperience. As it was very noisy we soon attracted the attention of Sharon who entered my bedroom wearing her birthday present, she told us to keep the noise down in case any one came home, but she didn?t leave the room as stood in the doorway watching us. Tina reached out and grabbed Sharon?s arm and pulled her on to the bed I managed to just squeeze out of the way as Sharon came crashing down on top of Tina. I Got off the bed very disappointed as I was enjoying what was occurring with Tina as Tina loosely held Sharon on top of her rubbing her back and undoing her bra as well before looking at me and gesturing at me with her head towards Sharon?s bum. She did this a couple of times before it clicked that she wanted me to fuck Sharon, so as Sharon and Tina lay on the bed in a cross position with Sharon's feet on the floor I shuffled behind Sharon and in a quick movement pulled her knickers down round her thighs and rammed my hard cock right inside her , comparing the tightness and how different it felt from Tina's pussy , quickly gaining a smooth rhythm of hard little jabs in and out. As Sharon started moaning Tina moved Sharon?s bra out of the way and started to knead her boobs. Sharon was really starting to moan and was saying things like fuck me, oh god fuck me, just do it fuck me now. Etc. This went on for what seemed like ages as I was nowhere near coming Sharon?s moans getting louder and more vociferous as I really started to bang into her, she then laid still gripping the sheets with her fists as her muscles inside her pussy rippled up and down my cock, slowly I started to feel my spunk rising which I was glad as I was starting to get a little sore despite all the lubrication pouring out of Sharon?s pussy and my cock twitched twice before spurting out 2 streams of spunk. My orgasm was very intense even though the amount of spunk produced was pitiful as it was my fourth orgasm that day. My cock starting to shrink I withdrew from Sharon?s pussy with a loud popping sound and stood back quite proud of myself that there was 2 females willing to ?play? with me, As I stood back saw Tina?s right hand suddenly appear at the opening of Sharon?s pussy lips, Tina used her fingers to part Sharon?s lips before inserting 3 fingers into Sharon?s pussy and proceed to finger fuck her, her became a blur of activity as it built another orgasm inside of Sharon. I was very interested in the technique Tina was using so I could learn from its was watching intently and making a lot of mental notes of where her fingers were placed the rhythm used etc. As Sharon?s orgasm subsided she turned her face to Tina and planted a big smacker on Tina?s lips. I was still standing up leaning against the wall just drinking in the sight of the 2 bodies before me.

They eventually sat up on the edge of the bed; it was Tina who spoke first, by saying thank you to both of us for an amazing experience. there followed quite a lengthy conversation mainly between Sharon and myself with Tina acting as mediator, where we both opened up quite a lot and it was decided that we could carry on doing things but it would be as and when Sharon agreed and that I couldn't do whatever I wanted. Naturally I agreed to whatever terms were being offered as I didn't want this to ever end. I left the room to use the bathroom, when I re-entered the room Tina was fully dressed and Sharon had put taken her clothes off completely as they were brand new and she didn't want to ruin them. Tina got up to leave but as she passed me she stopped turned face me and leaned in to kiss me instantly we were exchanging tongues, as the kiss broke she cupped my naked balls with her fingers again and said not bad for a novice but need some practice, then turning to Sharon she said don?t wear it out I have some unfinished business with it. This made me very happy as I realised that there may be the chance of another encounter with Tina. Sharon said she would try and educate me and teach things, and with that got up to let Tina out of the house

The next few days being Easter weekend were taken up with family stuff and no opportunity arose but my education as Sharon called it started in earnest the following week.

More to follow soon

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My sisters sister

A tale of concrete cows By Lina S. Ian hugged me. It was a nice and honest embrace. "I'm glad you're alive and better already. When Catherine called and told me something happened, and you are in hospital I came right away. Can't remember being ever so worried about you." After parting from the embrace he squeezed my left hand which made me wince a bit. I still had an uncomfortable cannula in there. "And you don't remember anything? I'm so sorry Chelsea." "I'm okay, I'll get...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 4 Redemption and Girlfriendrsquos Sister Sex

Mark Elsa fired about a hundred questions at me like rifle shots at a carnival, expecting me to instantly respond with the first answers that occurred to me. I did, but I wasn’t sure I was giving the answers that would keep me in her good graces. Some of her questions and comments confused me, especially where involving her sister was concerned. I couldn’t fathom what she was suggesting. Elsa had started to smile a lot, and the initial sad look on her face had given way to glee about...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 4 Twin Sistersrsquo Anal Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn’t in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a mewling sound, wanting to go back to sleep. I wiggled my hips. There was something in my butt. Thick. A...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 3 Groveling Leads To Sisterrsquos Involvement

Mark I was shocked and felt like my gut had been ripped apart. Worse, I knew it was my own damned fault. I showed up with a corsage in my hand to pick up Elsa, and instead I found the dress I’d bought for her, plus all the accessories, and a caustic note on the front door. Further, the bouquet of flowers I’d sent her the day before lay on her doormat, obviously stomped on by her comings and goings. I got the message. She was royally pissed. Elsa had apparently discovered who I really was....

3 years ago
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sharing my sister part four

I had been sleeping with Sharon for just over 3 months by now, the Saturday mornings were a regular fixture as she came to my room after both parents had left for work. Occasionally if we had time after school (Sharon had now left school after finishing her exams) we might fuck in the living room or her bedroom. At he end of the road where I lived was a school with sports field attached behind which lay an old abandoned apple orchard( it has now built on) next to which was an old...

4 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 80 New Sister Wives and Housemates

Mark My dear friend and lover, Brita Jean Thorsen, was one of the most influential women in Europe, and except for the Queen of England and one or two others maybe one of the richest. She was the chief executive officer of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. She was a multi-billionaire. She was beautiful. She was a slut. Brita had loved the day and a half she’d spent in front of the cameras with Rolfe and Juul filming her slutty behavior. Eight men had fucked her,...

1 year ago
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Class of 82 The Little Sister Halloween Party

Roger set the mood for the afternoon. I was sitting in my apartment, trying to type out a mid-term paper on Risk Management for Dr. Jacob’s Finance 452 class, only to have the strong voice of Roger and The Who captivate my wandering thoughts. Not only was I listening to Roger and letting the lyrics of You Better You Bet lead me to a daydream of pleasant visions, I was also watching Roger sing. He was just across the room on my television. It was October 1981, and a couple months previously, a...

College Sex
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Sisters friend and Then sister better format and gramer

Mikayla and my sister’s name is Shayna. So one night very late I and my sister’s friend were sitting talking to people on the internet. She was asked if she'd ever fingered her self and she said yes. I kind of got excited but it didn’t go anywhere that night and she walked out the door and shook her nice round ass a bit. She has 32 Cs a nice ass and a gorgeous face. So we'd all play board games every Friday of the week. But one night it was different Mikayla had brought a friend over and...

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 13 New Office Dress Code and a New Sister

Mark The first hint I had a problem at the office came the Monday after Melanie had spent the weekend with Elsa, Cindy, and me. We had a very romantic weekend, and I apparently had distinguished myself by making love continuously to all three women Friday night, and all day Saturday and Sunday. It wasn’t that I was fucking them and having orgasms all the time; I’m only a man. I did, however, become exceptionally attentive to each of them, displayed my vulnerable inner self to them, and made...

2 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 18 Cindy Entertains A Bachelor Party

Introduction: Cindy entertains at a bachelor party Sharing Cindy Chapter 18 Stories about wife sharing and sex outside of marriage tend to polarize people. Some people are open minded enough to know that this happens and many people enjoy this type of lifestyle. Conversely there are some people who feel the need to read the entire story and then make negative comments either publically of privately about how disgusting this is. To those of you who fall into the first group, I am sure you are...

2 years ago
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Sharing my Sisters Boyfriend

I thought I was alone in the house. Like so many other days, my mom was at work and my sister was at her boyfriend's house. I thought I would treat my body to some finger action. I was so horny from watching the boys on the bus and listening to their stories about some orgy that supposedly happened over spring break.I put some music on and started to dance. I slipped my finger down my shorts and started rubbing my clit. Suddenly I felt a hand grab my tit and another hand grab my throat. I...

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Sister Walks With Limp After Returning From Friend8217s Party

After 10 minutes, I got a call back from my sister’s cell, and she said that all is well. I asked her if she wants to go back home if the party was over. She said, “No, I am having a good time with my friend. I will be back by morning.” We said good night and hung the call. As she said good night, I heard, “AHH,” and then the call was cut off! I was worried. I thought that maybe she had fallen down or hurt herself, so I immediately called her again. The cellphone was in her hand, I presume, and...

2 years ago
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Sharing My sister part 2

After that initial Saturday , I was buzzing completely and really wanted to rush straight round to my best friend Phil's house and blurt out all that had happened and couldn't understand how she could immediately tell Tina but I wasn't able to tell anyone. But I kept hearing Sharon's words in my head about not telling anyone. I also knew that Phil couldn't be trusted and wouldn't keep it to himself.I spent the best part of the next 2 weeks in turmoil, I knew what we had done was wrong and had...

2 years ago
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Twin Sister DelightChapter 3 Twin Sistersrsquo Incestuous Secret

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint’s cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint’s basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all so overwhelming. My entire world was turned upside down by the revelation that my twin sister, older than me by...

2 years ago
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Bringing Home Tipsy Sister From Party

Hi, huma presents a hot incest story. Hope you love it. Send your feedback at I am Ganesh aged 23 years and unmarried. I always dream of nude sexy women to fuck but so far I have not been successful in getting one. I live with my divorced sister Mona. My sister is so sexy and hot that sometimes I have wondered if I should try to sduce my own sister. I have often felt ashamed of my incestuous thoughts and dreams. Mona is 30 and very sexy, 36-26-38. I have often peeped at her naked figure in the...

2 years ago
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sister tricked to suck bros dick at a party

"Hey, b*o" my best friend James said to me."Yeah?""We're about to have a contest" he answered, winking.I took that as a hint to finish my drink. Feeling pretty good, I walked over with him to tell the other party goers.James was hosting a party and they were known for being pretty wild. This time he was having a contest with the prize being two awesome crowns for the pair that won. Basically the guy got paired up with a girl, and the goal was for the girl to make the guy cum. The guy who came...

1 year ago
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He Shouldnt have teased his Sister final part

He shouldnt have teased his sister by Jasmine Monica Richard a considers his live and how he will life from that point. And he resolves himself to solving what happened, and proving himself innocent. Part two Final Richard sat alone on his bed in the darkened cell long into the night. There was little chance of any sleep after what the fifteen year old boy had just endured. Most boys may have been totally destroyed by the suddenness of the change forced upon their them. This one...

1 year ago
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Brothers Sisters Vol I CumCovered Sister

“Please? I have been obsessing over this idea for months! Can’t you please help me make it happen?” I looked Helen over from head to toe. She was a strangely built woman, but attractive nonetheless, at least to me. She had a very round head, and a preposterously oversized chest for her height. Her waist was surprisingly slender, but her rounded hips and full backside gave her an irresistibly womanly shape. I need to back up a little bit. Our relationship, at least in its present...

4 years ago
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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 6 rewrite

That Tuesday Claire and I headed off to work as normal. I knew it would be a crazy day of meetings and people needing my time. You know, one of those days you never quite get under control.Just before 5 p.m., I was about to head into my last meeting of the day, when I saw my phone light up with Jason’s name. My pulse immediately quickened and my muscles tensed. I could calmly deal with all kinds of stress at work, but seeing this guy’s name on my phone gave me a huge mix of angst and...

Wife Lovers
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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 6 rewrite

That Tuesday Claire and I headed off to work as normal. I knew it would be a crazy day of meetings and people needing my time. You know, one of those days you never quite get under control.Just before 5 p.m., I was about to head into my last meeting of the day, when I saw my phone light up with Jason’s name. My pulse immediately quickened and my muscles tensed. I could calmly deal with all kinds of stress at work, but seeing this guy’s name on my phone gave me a huge mix of angst and...

Wife Lovers
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Sharing my sister part 3

This part 3 where my education really began.As stated in part 2 the previous few days were taken up by the Easter Holidays so no opportunity offered it’s self. But on the Wednesday morning I was woken up by the front door slamming as my mother left for work, leaving the house free with just myself and my 2 sisters as my dad would have left about an hour earlier. As usual I had woken up with my cock rock hard and aching to cum, I reached down under the duvet and into my pyjama bottoms and gave...

1 year ago
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Sharing My sister Part 3

This part 3 where my education really began.As stated in part 2 the previous few days were taken up by the Easter Holidays so no opportunity offered it’s self. But on the Wednesday morning I was woken up by the front door slamming as my mother left for work, leaving the house free with just myself and my 2 sisters as my dad would have left about an hour earlier. As usual I had woken up with my cock rock hard and aching to cum, I reached down under the duvet and into my pyjama bottoms and gave...

3 years ago
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Sharing My sister Part 3

This part 3 where my education really began.As stated in part 2 the previous few days were taken up by the Easter Holidays so no opportunity offered it’s self. But on the Wednesday morning I was woken up by the front door slamming as my mother left for work, leaving the house free with just myself and my 2 sisters as my dad would have left about an hour earlier. As usual I had woken up with my cock rock hard and aching to cum, I reached down under the duvet and into my pyjama bottoms and gave...

3 years ago
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My Stepsister 03 ndash 16th Birthday Party

My Step-sister 03 – 16th Birthday PartyUnusually for me, if you want to follow the story you will need to read - My step-sister – Next Doors Au Pair! If you don’t care and just want a raunchy story please continue.As you would expect with parents present, the party went without incident. However I did notice that Nichole was, when my parents were occupied, having a contest with her three best friends. They each had a banana and had to see who could deep throat the deepest. After about 30...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 17 The Four Sisters Go On The Prowl

Mark I’d lost control of the situation. Four estrogen-laden members of the human race took over my condominium, my mind, and my sex organ. From the time I woke up in the morning until I fell asleep, usually in the haze of wonderful sexual exhaustion, I thought about the four of them all day long – Elsa, Sheila, Cindy, and Melanie. Days usually started with a blowjob, sometimes from two of them. All day long I knew that Melanie and Sheila are working near me without panties on, regardless...

2 years ago
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A Sisterly Surprise

At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple of month's Jared was still a virgin,...

4 years ago
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A sisterly Surprise

Jared discovers his sister's long held secret.At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple...

3 years ago
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Hayleys Naughty Night Out with Her Sister The After Party

Hayley herself had lost her jeans when a guy stripped them off to feel her ass and had walked back in only a pair of high heels, her underwear and a tiny jacket. The brunette had actually protected her from the guys when they started being too grabby with her; although she wasn't immune from examining Hayley's body with her own hands. Hayley loved how this tiny brunette made her feel. Not close to five feet tall even in her heels, the girl had raven black hair, cut severely at the...

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