Güzelden Kötüye Gidiş! 3 free porn video

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Sinirlenmiştim. Daha 2 ay önceki o kibar çocuk neden böyle küstahlaşmıştı ki anlayamadım. İçk**en desem daha önce fazlasını içtiğimiz halde böyle bir şey yapacak potansiyeli yoktu. Sessizce oturup duruyorduk. Ben sigaramı içerken o da arada açıktaki sikini sıvazlıyor beni süzdüğünü hissediyordum. Gözümün ucuyla şöyle bir baktığımda sikinin tamamıyla sertleştiğini gördüm. Aslında o gün hemen boşalmaması için kısa kestiğim saksoyu hatırladım ve tadının damağımda kaldığını biliyordum. Güzel de bir şekli vardı. Şeytan dürtmeye başlamıştı beni. Ben böyle düşünürken sikine baktığımı farketmiş ki, rahat rahat baksana neden çekiniyosun diyerek elini hafiften kalçama değdirmeye başladı. O dokundukça "yapma" diyerek öteye kaçıyordum santim santim. Ama içimde birşeyler de uyanıyordu. Sonra kendi kendime " yahu istiyosun işte kendine itiraf et artık, ne cilveli orospusun yanında ilk senin sahip olduğun ve senin olmayı isteyen tazecik bir erkek var daha ne istiyosun" deyip kararımı verdim. Bi müddet hiç kaçmadım elinden. Bu cesaretlenmeye başlayınca parmaklarını altıma sokacak şekilde okşamaya başladı. Birazdan olacaklardan habersiz umut ederek beni tavlamaya çalışıyordu. Aniden kalkıp hiç bir şey demeden odaya gittim. Bir çırpıda soyunup çekmecemden kırmızı detayları olan siyah jartiyerimi giydim. Üstüne de alalı bir kaç hafta olan seksi korse bistuyerimi alıp eşofmanlarımı tekrar üzerime geçirdim. O çapkın hınzıra büyük sürpriz olacaktı bu. Salona geçip emir verircesine ayağa kalkmasını istedim. Biraz afalladı. Çok kızıp kovacağımı düşündü ki pantolonunu yukarı çekmeye kalkıştığında durmasını emrettim. Çocuk iyice şaşırdı. Hızla önüne eğilip bir hamlede sikinden tutup ağzıma aldım. Garibim nasıl bir duygu içindeydi. Ama ona beni azdırmanın bedelini ödetecektim. "Nihayet kabul ediyorsun he " dediğinde saksoyu bırakmadan gözlerinin içine dik dik bakıyordum. Yine de acemiliği devam ediyordu. Bir kaç dakika sonra titremeye başladı ağzıma boşalmasına müsade edecektim hiç bozmadan devam ettim. Sonunda ah oh diye diye boşaldı. Taze dölleri kadifemsi kokusuyla ağzıma oluk oluk akıyordu. Büyük keyifle gözlerine bakmayı bırakmadan yuttum. Siki yumuşayana kadar saksoya devam ettim.
+ mutlu musun artık
- hem de nasıl. Bundan sonra senden başkasını sikmicem. Sen de benim olacaksın
+ hmm beni doyuramazsın sen böyle tez boşaldıkça bak söyleyeyim
- alışınca düzelirim. O kızları 20 dk siktim merak etme. Hatta seni daha fazla sikcem ilerde
+ görcez...
Kalkıp onun dinlenmesi için kanepeye oturdum. Çağatay pantolonunu ve tişörtünü çıkarttı. Benimde soyunmamı istedi. Hazır olduğunda soyunacağımı söyledim. Hemen kalkar gel ben soyacam seni dediğinde kanepeye uzandım "ben gelmem, sen gel soy o zaman" dedim. Hemen alt eşofmanıma sarılarak belimden popoma doğru sıyırdı. O an jartiyerimi gördüğünde gözleri fal taşı gibi açıldı. Heyecanla hızlı şekilde sonuna kadar çekip çıkararak salonun ortasına doğru fırlattı. İştahli iştahlı bakıyor gözleriyle resmen yiyordu bacaklarımı. Sıra tişörtüme geldiğinde hafif doğruldum rahat çıkarması için. Yukarı kaldırdıkça "sen naptın böyle, ölcem bak burda" derken manzaranın tadını çıkarmaya başladı. Ben uzanmış o yanıma oturmuş vaziyette tepeden tırnağa süzüyordu beni. Biraz göz banyosundan sonra okşamaya başladı bacaklarımı. Parlayan gözleriyle bana baktığında " beğenmedin mi sevgilini" dedim. İşte o anda eğilip dudaklarıma nasıl da sertçe yumuldu. İnik sikini baldırıma bastırıyor, tek eliyle bacaklarımı sırayla okşayıp avuçluyor diğer eliyle de başımdan tutup kendine çeke çeke öpüşüyordu benimle. Nefes alamaz haldeydim. Şikayetim yoktu tabi. Böyle sevişmeyi nerden akıl ederdim ki...
Öpüşürken hareketlerimi daha da kadınsılaştırarak Çağatay'ı in kendini tam bir erkek gibi hissetmesini sağlıyordum. Bu tavırlarımla deliye dönüp her öpüşü daha sert oluyor sanki beni yemeye çalışıyor gibiydi. Sarılıp omuzlarını saçlarını okşuyordum. Başını boynuma kulağıma yanağıma doğru yönlendirip istediğim noktalarımı emmesini sağlıyordum. Dudaklarının tenime her dokunuşunu hissetmeye ve zevkini iliklerime kadar yaşamaya odaklanırken, kendine gelen sikinin baldırlarımda sertleştiğini hissediyordum. Bir elimle hemen sikini kavrayarak sertleşmesini hızlandırmaya başladım. Bu duygularla onu bir an önce içimde hissetmek istiyordum. Nihayet sertleştiğinde kulağına fısıltıyla artık sikmesini istedim. Doğrulup bacaklarımın arasına girdi. Biraz tükürükle deliğimi ve sikinin başını ıslayarak deliğime dayayıverdi. Ne yapmasını ben söylemeden o ilk siktiği gün naptıysa aynı şekilde yapıyordu. Önce başını yavaşça soktu. Biraz bekleyip hızlıca sokup köklemişti. Ben sadece izliyordum ve o köklemesiyle aldığım zevki inlememle ona iyi hissetirdiğini bildiriyordum. Bir kaç git gel yaptı. Gel buraya deyip benimle öpüşmesine devam ediyordum. Amacım taze erkeğimin beni hem sikip hem de aynı anda sevişmesine alıştırmaktı. Böylece ileride bol ve uzunca sikmesi için geç boşalmaya alışmasını sağlayacaktım. İlk olduğunda 2 3 dakika süren sikişi bu kez 5 dakika kadar sürmüştü. Dudakları dudaklarımda ikimizde soluk soluğa birbirimizin nefeslerini içimize çekerken boşaldı Çağatay. Devam edip sertliği geçene kadar sokup çıkarmasını istedim. Beni dinleyerek aynı tempoda devam etti. Deliğimdeki döllerinin vıcık vıcık çıkardığı ses ikimize de keyif veriyordu. İyice yumuşamaya başlamasına rağmen devam etmek istediğini anlıyordum aslanımın. Ama artık zorlanınca bıraktı. Kanepeye oturup "oh beee" dedi. İkimizde ter içinde öyle dinleniyorduk. Peşpeşe banyoya gidip temizlendik ve masamızın başına oturup. Sigaralarımızı yakıp kuruyan damağımızı biralarımızı içerek ıslattık.
+ canım müthiştin.
- cidden mi
+ evet. Hiç böyle sikilmemiştim daha önce
- ama kısa sürdü ya
+ mühim değil deli çocuk. Defalarca sik beni işte
- ama yorulursam?
+ genç adamsın merak etme vaktimiz olsun yeterki. Hem ben seni hep yorcam ki benden başkasına bişeyin kalmasın. Sömürcem seni bak gör sen...

O akşam geç saatlere kadar üç kez daha sikebildi. Sonrasında ki üçhafta boyunca akşam işten geldiğimde iki günde bir gelip kaçıp geliyor her defasında iki posta atıp gidiyordu. Birlikte geçirdiğimiz ilk haftasonunda tüm gün benimle vakit geçirmişti ve azgın sevgili hayatı yaşamıştık resmen. Evin içinde ben günlük işlerimi yaparken, siki kalktığı anda nerdeysem orada sevişmiştik. O gün çok yorulmuştu ve üç gün boyunca kasıkları ağrımıştı. Ara vermesini söyledimse de ağrısı geçtiği gğn geliyordu, ben de kendi düşen ağlamaz deyip iliğini kurutuyordum. Diğer haftasonlarından birinde işim çıkmıştı ve ayrı kalmıştık. Hafta içi ikili seanslarımızla idare ediyorduk. Bazen de uzun uzun romantizmle sevişip tek postayla ayrılıyorduk. Ne de olsa hergün yapamazdık. Onun bana sık ve uzun süren gelmelerini ailesinin gözüne sokamazdık, şüphe çekmemeliydik. Zaten ben de iş güç yorgunluk oluyordu bazen...
Aradan 4 haftadan sonra bir cumartesi bana mesaj attı arkadaşı Furkan ile takılacaktı. Beklemememi söyledi. Moralim bozulsa da "herkesin bir hayatı var ve buna çok bağlanmamamız da gerek" diyerek teselli ettim kendimi. Pazar günü aramadım ama gelmesini bekliyordum. Her an gelebilir diye uyanır uyanmaz bakımımı yapmıştım. Ses soluk yoktu. Çocuk bıktı mı naptı diye korku sardı içimi. Ama 4 hafta süren ilişkimizde hem sevgili hem de abi - kardeş ilişkimizle birbirimizi kolay kolay yüzüstü bırakacak bir seviyede değildik. Neyse o günde gelmedi. O kadar arzulu olmama rağmen normalde oyuncaklarım ile cinselliğimi giderebilirdim belki fakat kendimi sadece ona vermek istiyordum. Ne zaman gelirse beklicektim ve genç bir erkeği sıkıp laçırmamak adına arayıp sormak da istemiyordum. Her ne kadar merak etsem de...
Kulağım hep kapıda onu bekledim her gün. Çarşamba günü olmuştu. Zil çaldı nihayet Çağatay'ım gelmişti. Kapıyı kapatır kapatmaz sarıldım
+ aşkım nerdesin kaç gündür sen
- sorma canım ya Furkan haftasonu fırsat vermedi.
+ ee pazartesi salı nerdeydin peki beyefendi? Tamam gelme ama insan bi haber verir
- sen git kıyafetlerini giy gel bırak şimdi çeneyi
Yiyeceğim yarağın özlemi ve Çağatay'ın bana emir vermesi çok hoşuma gitti. Bu yüzden cevap vermekten kaçtığını o an anlamadan tamam aşkım diyerek odaya gidip giyindim bir önceki aldığım peruk ve makyaj malzemerimi uygulayıp geldim tatlımın yanına. Bu arada ortak kararımızca birlikteyken benim ismim Beren 'di artık.
Her gelişinde olduğu gibi içeri girer girmez pantolonunu çıkarmış bacaklarını açarak sikini sergiler gibi oturuyordu. Konuşmaya gereği olmadan görevimin bilinciyle önünde diz çöküp yalamaya başladım. Artık iyice alışmıştık birbirimize ki Çağatay'ın sikini kaldırmak eskisinden zor oluyordu. Sikmeye başladığında 20 dakikadan önce boşalması nadir oluyordu. İyi eğitmiştim taze yiğidimi... Yine de onunla birlikte ben de tecrübe kazanmıştım. O inatçı sikini nasıl kaldıracağımı iyi biliyordum. Gırtlağıma kadar hızlı hızlı yutarak sikinin başını güçlü vakumlarla emerek taşaklarının tamamını ağzıma alıp dilimle yoğurduğumda bana dayamazdı tabi ama Çağatay kalkar kalkmaz hemen sikmeye yeltendiği için tadını çıkarır ağırdan alırdım. Ama ne yaparsam yapayım çok azgın olmadığı sürece sikerken ona hakimiyetimi sağlayamazdım. Onun işi ne zaman biterse onu beklemem gerekirdi. Şikayet edermiyim hiç, doyuyordum işte... Beş dakika kadar yaladıktan sonra kaldırmıştım. Kalkıp yüzyüze şekilde kucağına oturdum. Deliği ıslayıp içime almaya başladım. Hafif popomu yukarı aşağı hareket ettirirken eğilip öpüşmeye koyuldum. Özlemiştim onu ki bugün biraz slow takılıp romantizm istyordum. O ise kendini bana bırakmış gibi kolları açık başı koltuğa yaslı sadece öpücüklerime karşılık veriyordu. Popo hareketimi aksatmadan doğruldum. Koltukta olan ellerini tuttum. Göz göze bakışarak sessizce anı yaşıyorduk.
+ sevgilim çok sessizsin bugün ne oldu?
- çok güzelsin biliyorsun değil mi
+ yok canım o kadar da değil ama teşekkür ederim.
- gerçekten benim gözümde çok güzelsin ve de benimsin
+ yaa neden böyle konuşuyosun şimdi utandım ya
- sana bişey itiraf edeceğim ama nasıl desem ki
+ neden çekiniyosun ki? Şu an sen içimdeyken üzerindeyim pek çekinilecek bi durumumuz kalmadı yani söyle işte pat diye gitsin
- biliyosun birbirimize ait olcaz demiştik önceden
Bunu söylemesi moralimi bozdu. O an inip durup sadece siki içimdeyken üzerinde oturuyordum
+ evet. Anladım neden gelmediğin belli oldu. Başka birini mi siktin
- evet ama bir kızdı
+ hmm olabilir erkeksin sen de sonuçta. Ben de erkek olduğuma göre kadınlarla da ilgilenmen normal. Ki şu halde olmasam belki beni şimdiye kadar çoktan bırakmıştın.
- hayır ya saçmalama seni bırakmam. Bi seferlikti özür dilerim
+ yok önemli değil dedim ya olabilir.
- Geçen Furkan'la takılıyodum ya o zorladı bi kız düşürdüm yok böyle bişey tam senlik diye aklımı çeldi.
+ tamam Çağatay açıklama yapmak zorunda değilsin olan olmuş. Zaten beni bırakmıcaksan benim için hava hoş arada git tabi
- zaten ben de olaydan senin kıymetini yine anladım. Senin gibi tad vermiyorlar.
+ ya işte gör kıymetimi ahaha
Bununla beraber keyiflendim ve konuşurken biraz yumuşadığını hissettiğim sikini canlandırmak için daha sertçe oturup kalkmaya başladım. "ooohh işte bu diye inleyip alltan biraz destek versede konuşmaya devam etti
- kızdan ayrıldık. Akşam içiyoz işte benim kafa biraz çakır oldu. Furkan sordu nasıl yavru diye, ona biraz seni siktiğim tarzımı anlattım böyle şöyle olmalı bu tad vermedi diye." Oğlum nerden bulcan öyle siktircek kızı sen fazla porno seyrediyon" deyince ben bi gaza geldim
+ ne diyosun?
- işte bu asıl itirafım. Kızacaksın şimdi bana baya
+ yapma Çağatay yapma deyip öylece kalakaldım.
- çok özür diliyorum. Gaza geldim işte ağzımdan kaçırdım. Var tabi olmaz olur mu dedim. Ben öyle deyince kim lan o bana niye söylemiyon kanka değil miyiz diye kafamın etini yedi. Dayanamadım söyledim. İşte komşum filan deyince tanıştırmamı istedi ben de tanıştıramıcamı aramızda kalmasını ve aslında erkek olduğunu söyledim.
+ ya of be oğlum adresimi de verseydin. Peşime düşer şimdi o. Ya da gider birilerine söyşemez mi
- söz verdi söylemicek
+ ee sen de bana söz vermiştin. Sen tutmazsan o nasıl tutsun?
- tekrar özür dilerim.
+ daha neler söyledin anlat bakalım
- ya erkek olduğunu deyince biraz dalga geçti benle götçüsün, bugün göt siken yarın siktirir filan deyince utandım bi de senin için ibne top deyince zoruma gitti. O yüzden ben de nasıl biri olduğunu sikişirken neler yaptığını öveyim dedim anlattım
+ heh iyi bok ye battıkça batmışsın bende seni benden akıllı biliyorum. Beni tavlamak için o kadar plan kelime oyunu yapan seni
Sinirlenip kalktım üstünden. Sigara yakıp diğer koltuğa oturdum.
- ben öyle anlattıkça dalga geçmeyi bıraktı ama... Verdiğim sözü tutamadığım için kaç gündür gelmedim utancımdan.
+ Çağatay keşke çenene sahip çıksaydın az... Ee şimdi seni ben götürüyom sen de beni ona götür derse ne olacak?
- en zor kısım da o zaten. Üç gündür durmadan mesaj atıyor öyle diyerek.
+ affferiiinnn buyu burdan yak.
- ya ne bağırıyon yaptım bi aptallık. Senden saklıcak değilim hatamı
+ herife bak ya hem suçlu hem güçlü. Tamam ayarlarız deseydin. Git lütfen. Yeter bu kadar bi süre görüşmeyelim. Kırmayalım birbirimizi! Beni sevip sahiplendiğini sanmıştım. Ne yazık. Kendine iyi bak!

Sessizce çıkıp gitti. Çok sinirlenmiş o gün sabaha kadar uyuyamamıştım. O günden sonra cinsel hiç bir dürtü kalmamıştı bende. Aradan üç hafta geçmiş bir kaç kez karşılaşmıştık. Selam dahi vermeden geçip gidiyordum yanından. Ailesi davet etsede bahaneler bulup gitmezdim sırf onu görmemek için. Bu arada son bir haftadır tekrar cinsel isteğim baş göstermiş eskisi gibi olmasada oyuncaklarımla oynamaya başlamıştım. İlk başlarda özlemişim hissi olsa da daha sonra her seferinde Çağatay'ı hatırlar olmuştum. Son buluşmamızın üstünden bir buçuk ay geçtiğinde artık Çağatay'ı özlediğimin farkına varmıştım. Hiç bir şey eskisi gibi tad vermiyordu. Oyuncaklarımla son iki oynayışımda yeniden aklıma gelip gözlerim dolmuş ve işimi yarıda bırakıp hüzünle uyumuştum. Dayanamıyordum artık. Onu unutabilmek için netten arayışlar yapmaya başlasam belki yararı olurdu. Ama kimse onun gibi güven vermeyecek onunla yaşadığım hissi veremeyecek gibiydi ve konuştuğum kişileri çok rahat tersler olmuştum. Bu böyle olmayacaktı.
Bir gün çalışırken ne olacaksa olsun diyerek mesaj attım. Ne var ki hemen karşılık verdi. Hal hatır sorduktan sonra akşam bana uğrayabilrse konuşmak istediğimi söyledim. Amacım hemen seks yapmak değilde onun varlığını yanımda hissetmekti. Kabul etti.
Akşam eve vardığımda sabırsızlıkla onu beklerken evin içinde vokta atıyordum. Zil çaldı koştum kapıya. Selamlaşıp içeri geçtik. Birer kahve yapıp karşısına oturdum.
+ ayrıldığımızdan beri napıyosun
- bilindik şeyler işte... Sen naptın
+ benim de aynı.
- eee beni ne için çağırdın
Onu özlediğimi bir anda nasıl söyleyecektim, nasıl sarılacaktım bilmeden itiraf edemiyordum bir türlü
+ açıkçası sana o gün çok kızdım, korktum insanlar hep duyacak diye. Teşekkür etmek istedim. Şu ana kadar korktuğum olmadı
- yani biraz abarttın. Sadece Furkan'a söyledim o da haliyle merak etti seni. İstemiyorum diyecektin bitecekti olay. Sonuçta kankam o benim bi şekilde öğrenmesi lazımdı senin gibi biriyle olduğumu. Ki her buluşmamızda yalan söylemeyeyim ona
+ haklısın özür dilerim
Tam bu anda dilimin ucuna gelsede yinede cesaret edemiyordum. Kelimeler düğümleniyordu boğazımda. Sessizce bekliyordum belki ilk adımı yine o atar diye fakat ayağa kalkıp kapıya doğru yöneldi iki adım attı. Peşinden kalktım. Üzgün bakışlarla ona bakıyordum.
- başka bişey söylemeyeceksen ben çıkıyorum. Furkan'la buluşcaz bekletmeyeyim
Cevap veremedim. Başımı sallayarak olmadığını söyledim.
- peki kendine iyi bak, deyip kapıya yöneldiği anda içimde bir şeyler oldu ve arkasından aniden sarılıverdim.
+ gitme aşkım. Hani ben senindim. Özür diliyorum işte. Seni çok özledim.
- tamam sakin ol abartma. Geç otur. Konuşalım...
Usulca geçip tekrar oturduk. O sözleri söylesem de devamını getirememiştim. Ondan bir şeyler söylemesini bekliyordum.
- tekrar başlamak istiyosun ama ayrıldığımızdan beri bir sürü ilişkiye girdim ve sayende artık kadınlara daha çok alıştım. Eskisi gibi yapabileceğimi sanmıyorum.
+ tamam yapma ama arada gel yine eskisi gibi arkadaşça takılalım istediğin zaman canın çektiğinde de sikersin. Sikmesende mühim değil
- haaa bak sen.. Böylece ilerde yeniden sana alışmam için tuzak yapıyon. Ama gerçekten iki ayda çok değiştim. Senden iyi olmasın bir hatun var artık. Bilirsin nasıl sevdiğimi. Heh işte tam öyle.
+ ya peki son bir kez yapsak olmaz mı eski günlerin hatırına
- şimdi işim var belki sonra
+ belki deme. Cumartesi günü işin yoksa hazırlanayım senin için son kez. Ne istiyorsan yaparım.
-ne istersem mi
+ evet ne istersen. Yeter ki son bir gün geçirelim.
-tamam o halde. Furkan'ı ağaç etcem ben gidiyorum. Cumartesi hazır ol
Çağatay çıktıktan sonra kendimi çok aşağılık bulmuştum. Resmen yalvardım sikilmek için. Gerçekten de değişmişti. Dediklerini söyleyiş tarzı belli ediyordu bunu. Kesinlikle bu son seksimiz olacaktı belliydi. Ama kendimi böyle düşürmemin karşılığını da o gün almalıyım diyerek hayaller kurmaya planlar yapmaya başladım o andan itibaren. Gerisini artık düşünmüyordum.
Cumartesi geldiğinde öğleden sonra hazırlıklarıma başladım. Dışarı çıkıp bol yiyecek ve bira aldım. Eve gelip masayı yavaşca hazırlarken Çağatay'a ne zaman geleceğini mesajla sordum. 10 dakika sonra cevap verdi. "Hazırsan şimdi" dedi. Saat 4e geliyordu ve beklediğimden daha erken başlayacaktık. Sevinçle "yarım saate hazırım gel" dedim. Kalbim deli gibi atıyordu. Hemen odaya koşup onun en sevdiği kıyafetlerimi bir çırpıda giyip peruğumu taktım. Artık daha da güzel yaptığı im makyajımı da yaparak yiğidimi beklemeye koyuldum. Aynada kendime baktığımda bu kez ben bile kendimi çok beğenmiştim bir başka güzeldim bugün. 15 dakika sonra zil çaldı, önce delikten bakarak kimin geldiğine baktım. Bu halde gaza gelip açtığımda bir başkasının halimi görmesi riskini alamazdım.

Same as Güzelden kötüye gidiş! 3 Videos

2 years ago
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Yahmils Wedding Part One

"yahmil" (I wo'nt reveal his real name) and I had been friends on xHamsterfor quite a long time, we shared similar interests in porn etc. And he'd posted some pictures of his lady, which were a real turn-on! (She has a fantastic figure! Mmmmm)Anyway! He was marrying the lady in question, and had invited me along, which was a really nice thing to do. A couple of days beforehand, he e-mailed me, and said if I had any mates who were 'up for a good-time', to bring them along too.I was intrigued,...

3 years ago
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A new lesson for an old friend pt2

i sat down in my parents modified den watching tv and drinking a beer,i could hear my brother and his friends up in his room they were yelling and jeering at other gamers across the world.i was just getting up to go to the bathroom when i heard footsteps coming down the stairs.I turned just in time to see smooth slender legs decending the staircase."Oh i'm sorry Darren i thought you were up in your room." It was Samantha one of Maeks friends she had always been the only girl in the group since...

3 years ago
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His and Her Jobs Part 5

Chapter 34 Deanna arranged the last of tomorrow's tasks in order of importance on her desk. Picking up her purse and keys she made her way out of the offices. Locking the office doors and the lobby ones as well, she continued on up to her apartment. Once inside she went about straightening things in the living room, starting the dishwasher, changing the sheets on the bed, putting out some fresh towels in the bathroom before freshening herself up a bit. Deanna had to admit she...

2 years ago
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Rate Ch 01

Gaaaaaaah, come on! Ruby shouted as she adjusted her boobs around her beige strapless bustier. Her boobs looked good as she checked herself out in the mirror. Her cleavage would make any guy stop to look twice, she has C cup boobs which looked plum and soft pressed up against each other in the bustier. Nope. Uh uh. This is too revealing! she thought as she put on her lace black bra which matched her panties then grabbed her Nike’s logo t-shirt and pulled it over her head. She threw on her...

3 years ago
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My Experience First Time With A Married Woman 8211 Part 1

Hi I am BlessyEdna, I am one of the great reader if ISS for the past six months, I will read every story here, then I got courage to post my own story. Here I have seen many stories are fakes, but would like to share my real experience here. My friend referred this site from that on I got courage to post my own story along with my friend shalu. This was happened nearly 7 months ago. Iam a designer, working helping for big concerns nice job, good money everything as gifted. I am basically from...

3 years ago
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The Last Word

I had to admit they looked good together, my wife and her lover as they moved slowly together in time to the music He had to stoop to touch his lips to her neck, but he did it often and she was loving it.The music stopped and they walked over to our table hand in hand." Errol's taking me home now sweetheart," she said softly. "He'll be staying all night so take your time over your drink."It was another three hours before I let myself in as quietly as possible, the only noises I heard were the...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Blast From Past 8211 Goa Encounters Part 2

You know what they say, “What happens in Goa, stays in Goa”. But not this time, because this is a sex story worth reading. It’s special and it’s hot, so get right on! This was the time of Christmas 2014, and the festival mood was everywhere. Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai. This is malvika’s story mainly, but I’ve collaborated with writing it since she’s been a little busy lately and because it involves my first time with Malvika (the one and only). (Note by Me [Malvika] :...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAthletics Carolina Sweets 23849

Carolina Sweets is so appreciative of her sensei, who has been training her day and night for the last 500 days, preparing her to go to Hong Kong to study under his master. But as they days count down, she’s noticing a different sort of appreciation for her master, the kind that comes straight from her pussy. After a long session of ohming, Carolina tries to confess this to her sensei, who tries to deflect her advances. But his cock isn’t strong enough, and he has no match for Carolina’s mouth,...

2 years ago
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Broken Bliss CH 7

Moaning as I open my eyes, I look at Lisa grinning down at me, and wish I could just roll over and go back to sleep, but with my arms in their cast, on my back is the only position I can sleep. This is how it has been ever since that night our mom had caught us and Geo in bed together. Every morning she comes in to visit, before going to school, and while I can't complain about the attention, being kept up late at night by my mother doesn't make waking up early any fun. "Hmpf! I'll bet...

3 years ago
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Les tromperies de Cdric

Les tromperies de C?dric par Aur?lie et Chlo? "- Tu veux que je t'aide C?dric?!? Mais comment oses-tu mater ce cul de cette petite pouffe juste devant mes yeux? Je commence ? en avoir marre de toi C?dric, s?rieux..." "- Allons ch?rie, je regardais ? peine... Et tu sais bien que je n'aime que toi!" C?dric tentait de s'excuser mais au fond de lui, il se foutait compl?tement des remarques de sa femme. Ce n'?tait pas ?a qu'il l'emp?cherait de mater le cul des petites jeunes ? peine majeures. C?dric et son ?pouse, Mar...

3 years ago
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True Story About Me


1 year ago
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The Hall Pass

My hand was trembling as I reached for my phone. I could see it was a picture message from Taylah, my fiancé. It was the first time I had received one from Taylah, and I was worried about what it would be. It was her last week of freedom as a single woman; next Saturday, we would be married. My wedding gift to her was a hall pass to cut loose and go wild on her hen night out with her girls before she became my wife.Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't worry about receiving a picture text...

2 years ago
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SEASON’S BEATINGS         Well, the Holiday Season is upon us again. Don’t you just love this magical time of year?  I find it so exciting. I look forward to it each year with breathless anticipation. I can’t wait to see all the lights and decorations and to party with old friends.  The music of this Season is a special treat. You cannot escape the nostalgia and romanticism of it all. Particularly if you were raised in northern climes, ?Sleigh bells ring, are you listening, down the lane snow...

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Hermione Granger Chapter 4 Fulfillment

She even started taking notes in her diary and keeping them locked away in her trunk. She treated some of their sessions like lab experiments noting what worked, what didn't etc. Lavender seemed to like it a bit rougher than Hermione. She enjoyed being pinched, nibbled, scratched, and having Hermione pull on her hair while she ate her pussy. She had even asked Hermione to pretend to be a professor and spank her for doing something wrong. A fantasy Hermione enjoyed a bit more than she’d...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 6

Tuesday – Sunday Tuesday On Tuesday I went to work played catch-up from Monday. Janice called me and told me that she was going to have a surprise for me the next time she saw me and wouldn't’t tell me anything else. Wednesday I had a routine day and nothing exciting happened, work, dinner with some friends and got home at about 9:00 and Janice wasn’t home, I went off to bed after news. Thursday Morning I got up shaved and showered. As I was getting out of the shower I heard Janice’s...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 3

That's what we were doing at the Atlanta airport in a bad rainstorm and what happened in Charleston. So, back to where we presently are, in the hotel restaurant having dinner. After the combo played a while, I invited Mom to dance. I guess the wine and sadness made her feel like clinging and we danced close. I had the same erection problem, and said, "I didn't bring my dancing girdle." "Let the girl worry about it," and held her face up to be kissed. This time, it was an open mouth...

2 years ago
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Sweet laila

I am a regular reader of i.s.s.for a long time i wanted to post a real thing happened in my life.it actually changed my attitude towards sex. It is as follows.my cousin laila use to visit my house on most of the days for one thing or the other.one day she told me that she wanted to meet me tomorrow to tell me some thing important. I waited for the next day. When she came ,she called me and both of us went outside.in the open farm there were small bushes and rocks. She asked me to sit near her...

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Pornomancer A Small Town

They had all been waiting for a man that disgusted them. His name was Walter Johnson Emingham. He was an entrepreneur with a very unique business. He was into dance clubs; the kind that helped single men out. His chain called, The Hourglass, had grown through Marion County, but now he was after territory outside of his dominion. Walter had the right idea. The big town of Berring was adjacent to county lines, however, techinically it was the property of Linus County. The town had a...

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Artificial Women

Artificial Women By Cal Y. Pygia You paint your head, Your mind is dead; You don't even know What I just said-- That's you, American womanhood! -- The Mothers of Invention Bearded ladies. Female bodybuilders. Flat-chested women. Celebrities without makeup. Butch lesbians. Female-to-male transsexuals. Effeminate males. Men in makeup and lingerie. Cross dressers. Drag queens. Feminized men. Male-to-female transsexuals. Hermaphrodites. Gays, lesbians, and...

1 year ago
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Slave Sex For My Mistress From Office 8211 Part 2

So this is the 2nd part of the story, how Swati dominated me, I offered her slave sex. Please read the 1st part. Coming to the story, that weekend, we had sex like hungry dogs. Then for a week or so, it continued like this. I liked the dominating nature of the Swati. She loves to take charge and be kinky. We were also getting naughty in the office. In the office meeting room, she would seduce me and blow me. We would stay late so we can have a quickie in the office cabin. And I was seeing a...

1 year ago
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The workout story

"Good grief," Sally said to herself while walking self consciously into the weight room, "I feel like everyone in the place is staring at me!!!" Gingerly she made her way over to a stationary bike, and after making the necessary adjustments to the seat and handle bars, so hopped on and began pedaling away!!! Her gym!!! Gradually she began to get in the swing of things and let her mind go into neutral while piling up the miles on her bike, and only when a tall blonde heavily muscled woman tapped...

3 years ago
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Spanking School 3 Training Tamara Toy 1

"I am Tamara Toy. Today I am finally eighteen, so I can apply in Amsterdam at Your famous Spanking School. I want to become a toy of joy in sexual use, in pain and pleasure! Can you train me please, Professor Peter?"Immediate intimate inspection and interrogation is the start of her entrance examination to test this teens talents.I like her decision and dedication. I love her looks, a slender sensual sweet brunette beauty with firm little titties."I run this place with pretty Petra, my...

1 year ago
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A surprising evening

I recently went down to my local dogging spot, it's a place thats mainly frequented by men, so I pretty much expected so male action and I was hungry to suck some cock. It had been a while (Must have been 3 months or so).It was quiet when I arrived and I didn't have long. I hung around for 20/30 minutes and a car pulled up. I walked along the row of bushes and realised that a guy had gotten out of his car and was following me. I stepped in the bushes to see what would happen and my new friend...

2 years ago
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Sex With Soma My Friend

Hi friends. This is Anil again from Orissa with a new story. Thanks for your feedback for my previous story (sex with phone friend) on July 21st 2010. Thanks to ISS to publish my story. Let me introduce myself for the new readers. I am a boy of 28. Height 5’11’’. Weight 69kgs. Average health, White complexion. . I work as a Sales Officer in a MNC. Let us come to the story It was the month of July 2008; I had been to Rourkela for my job for 2days. I received a call. The sound was form a girl. Hi...

1 year ago
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Sexworld I

Sexworld By JRD It was Jay Caulfield's first cruise and he was astounded to meet Esmerelda, one of Hollywood's best new stars. She was a blond bombshell with hair to the middle of her shoulders, firm round tits and a perfectly shaped ass. She had taken an instant liking to the accountant from Alaska, and had constantly flirted with him since they had met at the opening party. It was the third night and Jay had been having wet dreams about her since that party. They always...

1 year ago
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A work encounter leads to a brilliant fuck

One thing that a sales job opened up was opportunities. Freedom, a nice car and the chance to meet lots of women. One customer that stood out to me was Jane. She and her husband ran a small firm on the outskirts of Frome. I had an appointment and knew nothing more than a 2 person business, run from a portakabin on a farm yard.I turned up and it looked like nobody was there. But out stepped a woman of about 5ft 9" and a good build. A quick glance with my shades still on took everything in. Nice...

1 year ago
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Bridge Jack Off

Joey and I were sitting in the front seat of his van, the bridge was up, and we were stuck in traffic. As I looked around I saw we were stopped next to an eighteen wheeler and the driver was looking very intently down at my body. I like to tease old perverts so I casually opened my blouse and gradually gave him a great view of my bare tits and nipples. I was wearing shorts so it would have been a little difficult to show off my pussy casually. I looked out over the river and could tell that we...

1 year ago
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My First Bondage Experience

I was introduced to my very first bondage experience by a gal I know. We are good friends and she asked me to watch a BDSM Video with her and we did and she whispered into my ear that she would like to do that to me. I wasn't sure I wanted to but she talked me into it. She led me into my bedroom and asked me to strip naked and I did without hesitation and soon I found myself standing naked in front of her. She instructed me to climb onto the bed and told me to lay down on my tummy. I felt her...

1 year ago
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The End Begins

The wedding invitation, blood-red script on black, didn’t surprise. However, the time and place did pique my curiosity. Aza and Harri’s wedding was precisely timed, six minutes past eleven on Halloween in the Terminus Chapel at Rookwood cemetery.Now Rookwood wasn’t just any cemetery, it was Sydney, and indeed Australia’s, largest, having been open for business for one hundred and fifty years, with a million burials under its belt.As you would expect, I giggled at the Terminus Chapel name, which...

2 years ago
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The Accidental Dogger Part 2

The last time I found myself in the dogging site happened by accident when I was travelling home after visiting a client, Tracy, with whom I get on very well to the point of flirtation. She is an extremely attractive brunette and, like me, I think she is at least bi-curious.I had another meeting arranged with Tracy so I dressed up in my best business suit: a dark blue pencil skirt and matching jacket over a silky white blouse. Tracy always makes me feel very sexy and to enhance that feeling, I...

2 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 12 Purchase

Zubeydeh was to be sold through an auction house which Ramzy El-Najjar had used a number of times, so the staff were not surprised when he asked for a viewing of the slaves for sale on this occasion. They were a little surprised when he asked for a private viewing. "Certainly not," said Old Saud the auctioneer, "He is a customer who has purchased here several times, but he has never had much money to spend and if he thinks he is going to get a private visit, and the free trial of the...

3 years ago
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My Other Daddy

He had a pool in his backyard me and my siblings would frequent quite often. One afternoon we were all swimming and my brothers got out, leaving only me and Matt. “Do you want me to throw you?” He asked. “Yes!” I squealed and swam over to him. He threw me about 5 times, and the next time I swam back he turned me around and wrapped his arms around my waist. This was my dream, mind you, but I was freaking out. I had no idea what to do. “Can I tell you a secret?” He whispered in my ear....

2 years ago
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Tight Tiny Teeny Getting A Bump In Her BellyPart One

A young Japanese Teen lay on the bed in the ryokem nude her tight little teeny hole dripping with a salarymans cum. Lucky for her he was sterile. The Yakuza who’s “business” this was enjoyedtaking advantage of disenfranchised youth to attract businessmen from near and far to his establishment. For anyone who doesn’t know, Japanese Girl’s “were” the original babymaking girls of Asia all throughout the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s long before Thai Girls took said mantle. I had grown up in Germany and...

3 years ago
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Roleplay Leads To Sex With Sister In Law

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I am narrating a real incident that happened recently which led to having sex with my wife’s elder sister. My name is Avinash. I am from electronic city, Bangalore. Anyone who is interested to talk to me after reading my story can mail me or ping me at . My wife’s name is not mandatory as she is not the heroine of the story. Her sister’s name is Ananya. For past few months, me and my wife really lost interest in sex. We wanted to try or do something new....

1 year ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 30 Exhausted Plan

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal My husband Sven glanced at the sleeping Kora as Ealaín’s question seemed to echo through the tent. His face tightened. “I want to go after that bastard. We’ve destroyed his army and I want to ram my sword into his guts. But...” “But?” the aoi si asked, her voice sounding almost bored, disinterested. “The amulet.” A shiver ran through me. The Biomancer Vebrin’s soul laid locked Kora’s amulet. Panthopus, his terrifying...

3 years ago
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The Prince comes of Age

(Note) The "Princes New Cncubines' with the bath orgy is the oficial continuation of the story. 3 The next few days were chaotic for Prince Jaseth. Between his courtly, and Captainly duties, and prepperations for his coming of age cerimonies, he barely had any time to sleep, let alone satisfy Avrin, Te, or Cassha. Cassha had shown up and just never left & with her tallented pussy Jaseth had no problem with that. The morning of his cerimony he was...

2 years ago
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A Forced Existance

A forced existence We had been married for a little over 5 years, and life seemed to be fine for the both us, unfortunately unbeknown to me, my wifewas having a affair with someone who I knew. They had decided that they wanted this affair to continue, so they decided that I was to be told all about it, but by the time I found out I would be on my way to a new life. Chapter 1. Business was very good at the moment and my wife/business partner was taking more control of the...

4 years ago
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The apocalypse

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The streets were deserted and cars were parked randomly on the road. A lone boy in his teens ran about through the mess . His house had been destroyed and his family had been either eaten or infected. I am this boy and this is my story. It was nearly mid day and i have survived another night. I still haven't found any other survivors and i...

3 years ago
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The Young Barista Part 3

I pulled up at our agreed upon rendezvous point, it was at the bus stop a couple of blocks away from Sam’s house, a route that her parent’s seldom took. She was the only one at the bus stop and as she came into view, I could not help but stare. There she stood, looking simply exquisite in a very tight fitting, long sleeve, short black dress. She had matching heels on that were not so high that it made her look slutty. No, not at all, it was only about a two-inch heel, but the effect of it...

1 year ago
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19 October 2007Chapter 6

Brad walked along the curved hallway and into the dressing room. As soon as the players saw him, they all went to their knees and bowed to him. “Praise be to the all mighty goal scorer!” Dale spoke as if worshiping him. “Come on guys, quit kidding around,” Brad smiled. “What do you expect? We witnessed hockey history being made and we were all part of it,” Dale justified. “I didn’t score any of my goals all by myself,” he defended. “We know, we’re joking with you Brad, but you’ll have to...

2 years ago
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The Cuisine ClubRed Meat

I've since gone to a strip club or two in my day. You get a certain erotic charge of anticipation when you ask a girl for a lap dance, and she grabs you by the hand and leads you to the back area. I'm sure it's all part of the show, a way to maintain physical contact and forge a connection that makes you think with your dick instead of your wallet. And you know what? It works. At any rate, once Aaliyah took my hand in hers, she could have asked me to cluck like a chicken, and I would have...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Wedding Night

I was plowing through the snow towards the cabin in front of me. Unexpectedly being stuck in this snow storm with temperatures dropping fast, that place was my only hope of some protection from the cold.On my way back home from a neighboring city, I ignored the weather warning partly because I couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel And partly because I just wanted to be home. But halfway through the long forest road, disaster struck, my front wheels locked up in a corner and my car went straight...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Experience 8211 Part III

Hi all ISS fans, this is Janaki again from Melbourne. I and Ram have been overwhelmed by the response from our previous stories and would like to thank each of u for liking our story. Any single girls and couples want to experience new things in Melbourne please keep writing to us at My sex life with Ram continued and we have been having a great time together. I and Rahul were looking to buy a house after a few weeks of discussions and analyzing we ended up buying a house 1 block away from...

3 years ago
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Sleepwalker The Sexual Awakening of Kate N P2

Let there be lightShe went in to the bathroom first, with her back to me, and let go of my hand. I stood directly behind her — softly closing the door behind us both. For a few seconds, we stood together like that in the pitch blackness. I could hear Kate breathing in short, quick breaths, and I could see her white nightshirt. It seemed to glow before me, making Kate into a spirit, a sexual ghost hovering over the bathroom tile daring me to reach out and try to possess her. I could’ve done...

3 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 43

I awoke in a mass of naked female flesh again. I never tire of that simple pleasure. I started to extricate myself as I had to piss really badly, and I woke the rest of the bed. I barely made it to the urinal I had put in extra just for me. Then it was shower time, how we got ten of us in that shower is beyond me, but we managed and everyone got clean. We all dried off and dressed; now it was time for breakfast and then on to welcoming our new tribe members and getting all of them settled. I...

3 years ago
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The Harem Pt30

Meanwhile my cock was between Kiran’s toes and she was jerking me as fast as she could. Now Jen turned to me and slid one leg over me, bringing her slit over my cock which Kiran was still jerking off. She lowered herself down on me and let my tip slip in, but only the tip, so Kiran was still able to rub me with her toes. It felt fantastic. Jen started to ride my tip while Kiran joined in on her rhythm with her feet. Then I felt her taking away one foot and seconds later Jen let out a surprised...

1 year ago
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The Curious Case of the Cheating Wife

Dennis Jensen was worried sick. He just knew his wife Judy was cheating on him. One of his employees had come into his office and, fumbling and mumbling, he had informed Dennis that he had seen Judy and another man at a bar the afternoon of the previous day and that they seemed to be pretty friendly, hugging and holding hands while they sat side by side in a booth near the back of the bar. Dennis hadn't known what to say or do. He didn't want to accuse Judy of infidelity without some proof...

1 year ago
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Pleasure Times Two

Amy was by herself in her house. As she had stepped outside in the sunlight, her mind was occupied, not with something, but someone. She saw Nick coming up to her house. He was madly in love with her. He couldn't wait to take her in his arms and feel every inch of her creamy skin. Nick smiled at Amy as he passionately, deeply kissed her super sweet, soft lips. Amy's hands were all over his back. He broke the kiss and said to Amy, "Why don't we continue our little session at my...

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The Pleasure Worm

Though all the settlers were allowed to do what they wished with their stakes they were still required to start off supporting the main settlement with materials until it became self-sufficient, this meant that a their lands would be divided between crops, livestock and woodlands for timber. 6 months had passed and everything had settled into routine when one morning Sabine was shocked to find a strange looking caterpillar crawling on one of the leaves of the crop they were growing. Trying to...

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Fuck me Jodie Fuck me

My name was Gary and I’m fifty-two years old from Seattle. I’m 6′-0″ with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blonde pubic hair over my seven-inch cock. I’m married to fifty-year-old Robyn who was 5’8″, short chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. She had a nice pair of D-Cup tits that are still perky for her age and a bit of a chubby ass. She keeps her pussy hairy and loves to have her clit licked. Her cunt is so juicy and tasty! Robyn worked with forty-six year...

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DevilsFilms Haley Reed Boffing The Babysitter

Haley Reed is a babysitter who works for Jason Moody. She drops by Jason’s house to thank him for driving her home last time… and to ask him why he didn’t fuck her. Jason is shocked, asking what she’s talking about. She says it was late at night, and they were alone in the car, so she would’ve been happy to at least give him a blowjob. Jason reminds Haley that he’s a married man, and says she should leave… Later that day, Haley climbs up the side of...

1 year ago
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Winter and Mike “Hey Dad, I have a reservation at the Town and Country Inn tonight. Would you go with me? Actually, I upgraded the reservation from a table for two to a table for four. Mom made the reservations two days ago and I found out about it. She doesn’t know you and I are joining her.” “Sure, I always have fun dining with your grandmother. It is funny your Mom didn’t mention it to me. She said she was staying with Gram over the weekend and I’m always the one to pay the tab when they...

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Qasim8217s True Story Chapter 8211 1

First Thing First: I do not judge and I so will not vouch every word of this story to be true but I know Qasim as a gay bottom boy and have fucked him the most of all my bois. Just enjoy the story instead of going into useless details. I met Qasim in a chat room for the first time and the sex grew on both of us. He claims to be of an Indian ancestry. His grandfather moved to South Africa from India many, many, many years ago. His father was also born in South Africa. He was born to an Indian...

Gay Male
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Fat FarmChapter 25

Day 244 Saturday Denise put on the dress and looked in the mirror. The dress was a light pink gown of a style that was commonly worn by bridesmaids. At least Susan had made sure that it had a nice low front that allowed Denise to show off her rather substantial bosom. It was hard to believe that it was a little loose on her. Only two weeks earlier she had been to the store to have the dress fitted. Denise looked over at Susan. There had been a time when wearing a dress like that was an...

3 years ago
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Ms Smith we all know at least one A Tease N A H

Earlier today while I was doing my rounds, cleaning and clearing up parts of the hotels in the common areas. As well as checking up on a few VIP guests that checked into our hotel, I notice Smith walking seminude around the east lobby near the steam room and sauna. Sadly, nudity is not allowed in the common saunas is for hygiene purpose of courses. Ms. Smith is a very tall sexy beautiful gorgeous blond hair up to her shoulder, slightly just past her shoulders. Shes very slender but has perfect...

2 years ago
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Never Enough

I pull my smartphone from under my pillow and look for that message icon on the top left side of the screen. You are the only one on earth who knows my private messenger name and who has ever heard my voice through the cyber channels. Over the past month, I’ve slowly revealed myself to you, but not less intimately. I realize I might have made you uncomfortable yesterday when I exposed my breasts to you, but you told me not to apologize. However, you didn’t tell me not to do it again. Your...

3 years ago
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selfcontrol to supersexyhornygirl part 1

self-control have met me in the supermarket, he didn´t know me, haven´t ever seen me before. I was choosing candles for a romantic dinner, would i have with a close friend, and he was staring me a few minutes, and approached me and asked: "It is a very special person, isn´t it?"I kept looking self-control a few seconds, downing my dark glasses from my face and just responded: "Yes!"...I´ve got the candles, while he left and i have looked him again while he walked away...A few days later, i was...

2 years ago
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The Secrets of KingsChapter 7

Marigold glared at Roscoe, then glared at his phone. She hadn't been done yelling at Thule and was angry that this balky piece of technology had interrupted her. She shoved the handset into Roscoe's arms and stormed towards the door. Roscoe followed her, "Where are you going?" "I don't know," steamed Marigold. "For a walk. Don't follow me, Roscoe. I've had enough of being spied on." She thought Roscoe might argue, but he just looked down at her, considering her words. Then, he...

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