Ricardo free porn video

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"Good morning sweetie," Mike had been up drinking coffee and writing on the computer for his usual two or so hours already. As Jan groggily made her way to the motorhome's small bathroom, Mike continued, "are you ready for coffee?"

"Yea, please," was all that Jan could manage.

Mike was a morning person and Jan tried to be. But, after so many years of marriage that was about all she could manage. Mike saved his work on file and fixed Jan her coffee. He knew exactly how she liked it. Heck, they both knew, pretty much, what each other liked in everything. They often kidded each other about being able to read the other's mind. They'd met when Mike was in the service. Mike had been in an elite outfit and at 6'2", 200 pounds, thick blond hair and blue eyes, Jan had fallen in love at first sight.

Jan was only nineteen when they met. She was 5'7", not more than 110 pounds, naturally curly auburn hair, and green eyes. She also had the most perfect pair of tits that Mike had ever seen.

They'd lusted after each other from the start, and now after all of these years, still did. But why wouldn't they? Mike, although a few pounds larger, and hair still thick, turning from blond to white, was still as active and fun as when they dated. Jan was still the beautiful female that Mike loved, and her breasts, well, they held up very well indeed for mid forties.

Mike had returned to the computer table and as Jan came out of the bathroom, she wrapped her robe around herself and walked over to Mike.

"Good morning to you," Jan put her arms around Mike's neck and hugged him as she spoke.

Mike reached up, pulled her robe slightly apart, and kissed her large breasts softly. He then sucked her nipples into his mouth one at a time, taking care to show each equal attention. He then backed his head away from her chest.

"Here's your coffee," Mike reached over to the counter and got Jan's full cup as he spoke, then handing it to her continued, "how'd you sleep?"

"Really great." Jan smiled as she took her first sip. "I didn't think you were going to write this morning?"

"Got to pay for the trip, besides, I couldn't sleep." Mike reached to the computer and started the ritual of saving, and turning it off.

Mike and Jan were semi-retired and make some of their income writing fiction books. Mike writes and Jan helps with the editing and advises. They had currently been working on a story of two Native American youngsters who got lost in hills of western Oklahoma and were trying to find their way home. And being one of Mike and Jan's favorite spots in the world, the Wichita Mountains had been picked as the spot they would go to write, enjoy a nice vacation, and write the whole trip off as expenses.

"What do you want to do today?" Jan looked into Mike's eyes as she spoke, "I hope you're not planning on writing all day, I'd really like to go do something."

"I've only got a couple more chapters 'till I'm done," Mike hesitated as he saw Jan's disappointed look, "but it won't take too long, and this afternoon we'll do whatever you want."

Jan was disappointed. She understood, but was still disappointed. Without saying a word she stepped out into the screen-room and stood by the door looking out at the beauty of Medicine Park. Mike watched her as she left, viewing her wonderful ass and legs, then turned back to the computer and started the procedure of turning it back on.

"Morning." Jan swung her head quickly to her right as she heard his voice only a few feet away. "Sorry, if I startled you," the man continued to talk while he was putting the awning of his small camping trailer up. "I just got here..., hope I didn't pick a spot too close," he turned and motioned with his arm, "but these two sites are so perfect by the lake."

"Yea, I know what you mean," Jan smiled broadly as she spoke, "that's exactly why we picked this site. I'm Jan."

"Oh, yea, my name's Joseph, glad to meet you Jan. It is ok that I camped so close isn't it?"

Jan looked closer at Joseph. He was a little shorter than Mike, slender but in obviously good condition even for his age, probably early to mid thirties, shoulder length straight black hair, and penetrating dark brown eyes. His complexion was dark and flawless and his facial features were strong.

"Oh sure, it's quite alright. We're glad to have you as a neighbor." Jan noticed the inquisitive look on Joseph's face. "My husband, Mike, is inside at work. He's writing. He'll be out later and I know he'll want to meet you as well. I'd better let you get finished setting up now, do you need any help?"

"No..., no, but thanks." Joseph answered, then returned to his task of setting up camp.

Jan sipped her coffee and admired their new neighbor as he worked.

"So your husband writes?" Joseph had finished his campsite and had just come out of his camper and sat down in the chair under his awning.

"Yes, but sometimes we work as a team. He's the creative one and does the writing. I occasionally offer story ideas but usually just edit Mike's work. What do you do? If I'm not too nosy."

"No, not at all, I'm an archeologist, I'm working on my doctor's at Pepperdine doing research on Early American artifacts."

"Really?" Jan stood and walked to the side of the screen-room closest to Joseph’s camp. "Sounds so interesting. We collect Native American art. Mike is part Choctaw, and I think I'm part Cherokee," Jan stopped rather abruptly realizing how this could sound so patronizing.

Her embarrassment was relieved when Joseph spoke. "I'm half Apache. My mother was Apache. She got pregnant, had me, then left with my father that I've never met, and I was raised by my Grandparents." Joseph grinned for the first time as he continued. "True story. But I need to add that my Grandfather is George Buffalo, so it's not really so sad a story, and I do believe that you and your husband are really part Native."

"George Buffalo! Wow! We've got two of his painting in our living room. Neat!"

"Which ones," Joseph sounded genuinely curious, but could have been testing Jan's veracity.

"Before The Horse, which is Mike's favorite, and White Mountain, which is mine." Jan said without hesitation.

"Really. White Mountain has always been mine as well."

Jan and Joseph both sat quietly for several minutes sipping their coffee and just looking unashamedly at each other. Jan noticed the lack of hair on Joseph. He was sitting with just a pair of cut-off jeans and there was no hair on his legs, stomach, chest, or face. The glossy black hair of his head hung neatly down to just below his shoulders all the way around and he didn't really even have sideburns. Joseph noticed that Jan might be slightly older than himself as he looked closer. His attention had been centered on her friendly smile and extra nice breasts that showed occasionally as she moved just right allowing her robe to open at the top. But now he did notice a maturity in Jan as they contemplated each other. It wasn’t wrinkles, or physical clues, just a nice maturity. He liked that. He liked very much what he saw!

"So, what brings you here?" Jan broke their silence.

"I'm tracing the expansion of the original Native Americans. I began in Alaska, and am now heading east. Later I'll return to Arizona, my home, and go south. There is supposed to be a museum near here. Do you know where it is?"

"Oh sure, it's..., well..., Mike could probably tell you how to get there. All these roads turn and twist so much that I wouldn't know how to explain. I could find it but I don't know how to tell you."

"Well, perhaps when Mike gets finished he could tell me."

Jan's eyes suddenly lit up. "Or, while he's working, I could take you. It's not far, and we could go in our toad. These narrow roads would be difficult for your truck anyway."

"I would be grateful. But I will need to spend a lot of time there."

"Oh, that's quite alright. Mike never likes to stay in museums long enough for me anyway. I've been there before and would love the opportunity to linger, and maybe learn something from an expert. Give me about ten minutes to get dressed." Jan waved as she went back into the motorhome and closed the door.

"Who were you talking to?" Mike turned from the computer and looked at Jan as he spoke.

"Oh, a new guy just made camp beside us."

"Too bad..., you'd said how wonderful it was to have this whole area for ourselves. I suppose we won't be late-night skinny dipping anymore."

"Well, it's really not all that bad." Jan gave Mike her special ornery-and-up-to-no-good grin. "He's sort of cute!"

"Oh, so privacy unless they're cute was the deal huh?"

"Well, yea, I guess. He's an archeologist and, if you don't mind I'm going to take him to the museum. Why don't you come with us?" Jan added the last part as an obvious after-thought.

"Naw, I want to finish this, and if he's cute I might spoil your day anyway." Mike winked at Jan then continued. "Really, have fun, be gentle with the man, and I'll try to be finished by the time you get back.

Mike finished the last chapter, and this particular book. He looked at the clock on the screen and was surprised that it was already 2:00. Mike had a way that he always rewarded himself for finishing any book. He fixed himself a Southern Comfort and ice, toasted to the air and the computer, then took a large swallow.

"That hits the spot." Mike smiled at himself as he took another swallow. This was Mike's way of clearing the story idea from his mind. When involved in a story it always seemed that someone else was in his head constantly bugging him to finish "their" story. "Done! And done with you!" Mike tapped himself on the forehead and finished his first drink.

Jan and Joseph were chatting comfortably as they pulled up in the toad, which was the nickname of the vehicle that Mike and Jan towed behind the motorhome.

"Hi." Mike shouted as they got out. "Finished a couple of hours ago and have been lonely, anyone want to join me?"

Mike was a little louder than usual but not slurring. It was obvious to Jan and Joseph that Mike was in a good mood from his drinking though.

"No.., no thanks," Joseph said as he approached Mike and put his hand out to shake. "I don't drink, family problem, but it's nice to meet you Mike. My name is Joseph."

Mike took Joseph's hand and grasped it firmly. "I'm Mike, and it's nice to meet you too. Did you two have a nice time at the museum?"

"Yes." Jan said as she came inside the screen-room behind Joseph. I'll have a glass of wine..., Joseph, would you like a soft drink or something?"

"Sure, anything you've got would be fine. Thanks."

Jan went inside the motorhome to fix their drinks.

"So, did my wife help or hinder your work?" Mike smiled as he spoke to Joseph.

"Oh, she was really a great help..., and wonderful company." Joseph glanced toward the open window motioning towards Jan as he spoke.

"He's just being polite," Jan said through the window. I was probably in his way the whole time."

"No...," Joseph spoke to Mike, "she was really helpful," Joseph thought a second then added, "but may I ask you something?"

"Sure, whatever" Mike shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. "Who is," Joseph hesitated then tried to explain, "Jan several times without knowing called me," Joseph again hesitated before finishing, "who is Ricardo?"

"Oh damn!" The two men looked at the window hearing the glass fall into the sink and Jan's exclamation.

After a short moment of silence, Mike began to laugh uncontrollably.

"What's wrong?" Joseph looked really confused. "Maybe I shouldn't have asked."

Mike continued laughing as Jan looked through the window giving Mike a scolding look.

"Ricardo huh?" Mike roared still laughing.

"MIKE!!" Jan yelled through the window. Don't even think about it." Then looking to Joseph, Jan continued in a quieter voice. "No it's ok. And I'm sorry if I confused your name. I didn't realize I'd done it."

Mike was still laughing but now a little more controlled. "Well, are you going to explain, or am I?"

"I don't see why either of us has to say anything more," Jan let a small smile show as she spoke but tried to conceal it.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I've touched on something personal." Joseph was really noticeably uncomfortable so Mike took the liberty to ease his discomfort.

"Ricardo, Joseph, is a fictional character that I invented for a story."

"Really? And I reminded Jan of him?"

"Well, now that you mention it, and I really look at you, you are him!"

"I'd love to read this story."

Jan suddenly looked panic-stricken and stopped the guys conversation cold. "It's really a nice afternoon, don't you think?"

They took the hint and the conversation was changed for a while.

They discussed Joseph's research and Mike told Joseph what he knew of the Choctaw's journey east to Mississippi. Jan invited Joseph to eat with them and went inside to fix dinner.

When Jan was busy and no longer in hearing range Joseph looked at Mike seriously and asked. "Could I read the story of Ricardo? It really has me curious."

"I wouldn't mind Joseph, but I'll need to talk to Jan alone about it. Do you have on-line capability here?"

"Yes, I use it to email my research to the University each night."

Mike thought a second then continued. "We do to. Give me your address and later, if Jan agrees, I'll send you the story."

"Thanks Mike, I'll look forward to it."

After dinner, and after Joseph thanked Jan for a wonderful day and a great meal, he went into his camper. It took a while, but Mike persuaded Jan to let him send the story.
Mike and Jan wrote erotic stories for fun and exercise between books and enjoyed sharing them, anonymously, on Internet sites. "Ricardo" was one such story. And "Ricardo" was special to Jan because she had invented this character for herself.

"Ok its ready to send?" Mike looked at Jan as he had everything done except hitting enter. "Why don't you do the honors." Mike pushed back from the computer table and motioned for Jan to push the button, then added, "I don't want you to say later that I did it without permission."

Jan thought a moment about Joseph and Ricardo. She tried to remember every detail of her favorite story, wondering if Joseph would get angry or upset. She knew she really should back out. With her heart pounding uncontrollably Jan clicked the mouse sending the story to Joseph. Jan then took Mike by the hand and led him to the bed. Mike had only been wearing his blue jeans and it didn't take Jan long to get them off. She still marveled at how sexy such simple clothing could be. She sat him on the bed, and even before his jeans had been pulled completely off of his feet, she had his cock in her mouth. Mike knew his wife's needs, and why, so he went along with her every unspoken demand. They had sex like two teenagers in heat. Jan began to undress herself as she continued to work on Mike's cock. Mike, as Jan removed her shirt, began to manipulate her sensitive breasts. Jan stood to allow Mike to help her get her jeans off. Once off, Mike slid her wet panties down her legs and Jan quickly climbed up on the bed and took Mike into her soaking pussy. Jan's climax came quickly and violently and caused Mike to explode inside her. They kissed and remained in the same position for several minutes while coming down.

"That was incredible!" Mike broke their silence. "Perhaps I should yell and thank Joseph."

"Don't you dare!" Jan was quick to scold her lover," then she continued, "it had nothing to do with him," Jan thought a second then lied, "it was seeing you in your jeans with no shirt. You know that always gets to me."

"Well, thanks, but we both know the real reason." Mike grinned from ear to ear, then allowed Jan to get off of him, and they both cleaned themselves up.

"Hey." Mike now back at the computer yelled at Jan still in the bathroom. "You've Got Mail!" Mike attempted to mock the computer voice then continued, "and it's from Joseph. Want me to read it?"

"Yea please, is it to us or me?"

"It's to you, but he says we both can read it."

"Well, go ahead." Jan was listening intently as Mike read the e-mail;

I enjoyed the story so much and am quite flattered that I remind you of this character. It was really a 'hot' story, and knowing you, spending the day with you, Jan, knowing you are the other character, makes it even hotter. I am so hot. I think I'll go for a swim in the lake. Would you, or both of you like to join me? Signed, Your Ricardo.

"Damn!!" Mike added almost as if it were the last word of the story. "Jan, isn't that how the story starts? With Jan and Ricardo swimming?"

"Well, sort of, don't you remember it? After all you wrote it."

"Well, yea, but you've read it more than me..., so..., are you going to wear a suit?"

"Of course! You coming?"

"Not yet, but I'll bet I do before the night is over..., I need to re-coop a bit."

Jan poked Mike in the stomach and again asked if he was going swimming too. Mike declined saying that this was her 'Ricardo' and he would just enjoy her enjoyment. Jan put on her suit and went out the door. Mike followed and took a seat in the screened-room where he could watch.

Joseph, seeing them come out, came out his door and greeted Jan. Joseph was completely nude. Nothing was said by any of the three about Joseph being nude and/or Jan having a suit on.

Mike noticed that Joseph really had very little body hair. Only a small patch of pubic hair and of course the hair on his head. "The hair on his head! He had put it into a ponytail! Just like Ricardo in the story. How cool. Mike was really enjoying this opportunity for Jan, and knew she would be ecstatic. Nothing was, or needed to be spoken. Joseph smiled at Mike first, then, took Jan's hand and the two walked the short distance to the small lake. The moon was out, but only a quarter, so Mike could see but not that clearly. Even though Mike had just cum so thoroughly, he could feel his cock regaining life as he saw the two come together in the water and kiss.

Jan felt Joseph's warm skin against her stomach. She ran her hands up his stomach, feeling the smoothness of his skin without any hair. As they kissed the first time she felt the smoothness of Joseph's face. This skin, too smooth to be shaven, was such a wonderful contrast to Mike's skin. Jan turned at this thought to see Mike. Mike, noticing Jan looking, raised his hand in a warm salute. Jan returned her attention to 'Ricardo'.

The two continued embracing, kissing, and then began exploring each other's bodies more thoroughly. Mike watched as Jan's bathing suit top was removed and tossed on the shore. Jan trembled as she felt Ricardo's soft lips caress her exposed breasts. Ricardo had to hold Jan to keep her from falling in the water as he took her hardened nipple in his mouth and sucked. Jan, regaining her legs if not her composure, slowly let her tongue run down Ricardo's neck, chest, then belly. They were standing in water up to their thighs and Jan knelt down and took Ricardo's, now very hard, cock into her mouth. It had only been such a short time since she had tasted Mike's cock. For just a moment she felt really slutty and bad. She again looked toward the motorhome noticing that Mike was not there. The momentary feeling of being lewd was won over by her feeling of lust. She still couldn't help making a comparison though, deciding that the two men were indeed different, but both wonderful. Ricardo, wanting to return the oral treatment led Jan back to the shore where they lay together in mutual oral gratification. Jan climaxed with little warning and wanted more. She tried to remember how the story went. She suddenly wondered what her responsibility to Mike was. She didn't want to go beyond the limits..., but she desperately wanted Ricardo to take her. She wanted to feel him deep inside of her. As Ricardo started kissing his way back up to her breasts, she was forced to let his cock leave her mouth. She noticed movement near them, and saw her husband standing beside them with his robe on. She looked up into his eyes for a sign, and saw him smile warmly. Joseph was suddenly also aware of Mike's presence, stopped momentarily and looked up at Mike.

Mike smiled at Joseph then spoke in a very low warm voice. "Thank you Ricardo, just thank you."

With this Mike handed something to Jan, then turned and went back into the motorhome.

"What did he hand you?" Ricardo asked in a heated whisper.

"Nothing," Jan whispered in Joseph's ear, "never mind," Jan added, "just kiss me." Jan finished as she felt the three packages of condoms in her hand.


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I had a few days off but my wife was working so I had free time. I’d spent a couple of days doing odd jobs and catching up on chores about the house and had caught up and I had nothing planned for the next day which was a Friday. Caz and I were lying in bed after a pleasant evening of sucking and fucking and the subject of what I was doing the next day came up. She had an evening shift so she’d leave the house around 2pm and not be home until about midnight and I had nothing to do. Still in the...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Cristina Miller Natural Wonders

Busty Colombian Cristina Miller returns home from her date with Max Dior with just one goal in mind: to have as many orgasms as possible. Happy to oblige, Max locks lips with his hot date and slides his hands around to caress her big all naturals. Cristina’s moans are music to Max’s ears as he peels the top of her dress down to really enjoy licking and stroking her titties. Suitably warmed up, the exotic coed sends Max to the other side of the room so she can give him a show! She...

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Weekend Sex Sessions

Joel Canaby was my best friend in high school, we went through elementary school and was on the track team in high school. We oft time spent weekends at each others homes. One weekend, Joel let me know his parents were going out of town and he would be home alone. His uncle would come by to check on him, but he didn't expect him to stop by but once. Joel asked 'David, why don't you come over for the weekend, we can watch the late show and have a good time'? I quickly agreed and went home to...

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Libertys bra part 2

Liberty's Bra Part Two: My first night wearing lipstick I remember that I had this strange dream. I should perhaps explain that although I did not want to be like my father I have always been a regular guy like my father. I would eat more meat than vegetables but I would never touch salad. I would drink red wine, water or beer and I would go to the pub with the guys. I would watch sports down the pub or on tv and workout in the gym. On Sundays I would go to church. I would help...

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Da Dream Of Da Angel

Samantha was a 19 year old mother. She had beatiful blue eyes, with amazing lips and soft skin, great figure and tight ass with nice full breasts and blondish/pink hair, in one word PERFECTION and BEAUTY. Samantha and i have known eachother for a long time almost a year i always tryed to imagine how it would be to have mad sex with her...and it always seemed soo perfect in my mind. Till one night when me and Sam have ended one of our talks i went to bed at 4:00am and tryed to dream about that...

2 years ago
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More Than One First Part 3

I was sitting on my chair when Jill walked out. My eyes almost popped out of my head. She was only wearing a thong bikini bottom. Jill noticed my reaction and asked me, “Is it going to offend you if I go topless?” I could not speak. My eyes were fixed on her very hard nipples and firm tits. Tami saw this also and began to laugh at me. She told Jill, “It looks like he doesn’t mind at all. You’re giving him a hard on.” Jill replied, “I guess I will have to take care of that then.” Before I knew...

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Forbidden Lovers 3

Sitting there thinking about the person I love. Not paying attention to my surroundings, not realizing I was blushing and laughing to myself the entire time to where the entire classroom was staring at me. “Christopher?” Mrs.Moore said softly calling me. Embarrassed, I pulled my hoodie over my head, while slowly leaning down to rest my head in my arms, hearing a few students laughing at the scene. Continuing her lesson as I continued entertaining myself in my head. It felt like hours went by...

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Climbing my instructors mountain

It was three days, three nights,   First day;       mountain climbing, Second day ;        abseiling,  Third day;        canoeing, I am addicted to my wife's cunt,  well I am addicted to her body, lips, arse, looks, personality, and every fucking part of her in between, I especially love that she knows I prefer her no knickers, bald cunt, and a nice short skirt, But while doing Outdoor pursuits?  I didn't fancy my chances, but when I dared her and she instantly agreed, I got an instant...

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Riding in the Saddle

Roger had the naked girl standing there in front of him -- his cock was totally hard and jutting up hotly from his groin. She'd just finished stroking and sucking on his cock until he was totally erect and now he was prepared for his lover to straddle his lap and lower herself onto his hard thick cock. Roger had begun his little sex session with Amy about 30 minutes earlier. She'd stood there, slowly undressing in front of him while he sat there, feeling his cock growing totally hard in...

2 years ago
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Encounter With Destiny Organization Series 5

ENCOUNTER WITH DESTINY - PART 9 By slave ruthie "Good morning, my pretty little slave." Although he was smiling as he looked down on her, she was aware of a slightwarning in his voice. He had emphasized the word 'pretty' to remind her itwas HIM who set her value, not her. "Umm, g-good morning, my uhh kindmaster!" He frowned. "I am going to assume my kindness has nothing to do withdescribing my own property as 'pretty', slave, and that last night's lessondoes not need repeating. Hmmm?" He waited...

2 years ago
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My dear chitti

Hi i am Sathis living in chennai this is my first sex experience which i am sharing with all iss readears. This is an real incest happen in my life an un forgettable. When i was from the young age i have habit of staring women body. Because my family is a n authentic family and i am living in a joint family. Each and every person in our family take care of me. Because i am the last child of that genaration. And little one so every body will take care of me. So i got an advantage mostly my chiti...

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Pauls RedemptionChapter 9

In Atlanta, Paul drove his Ferrari to the bus station. There he shipped his luggage to Gainesville. He drove east towards Augusta until he came to Highway 1 and then headed south. That evening, in the Okefenokee Swamp south of Waycross, he turned his car onto a rail line that headed into the swamp. He followed the railroad bed until he came to a bridge. It was hard driving over the rail road bed in the low-slung Ferrari. After numerous tries, he finally got the car to jump the rail so that...

1 year ago
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My Limited Role

My wife, her lover, and my limited role“I think I want you involved today with us,” My wife said as I was finishing my second coat of nail polish to her toes.“What did you want?” I asked.“I want to see you suck on him,” She replied, smiling. “You do like sucking cock still don’t you?”“You know I do,” I replied submissively.I think she knew it too.I finished up her toes as well as other prepping duties as Mark was set to arrive within minutes. I could tell by the morning and overall atmosphere...

3 years ago
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Its Not the Size That Counts Ch 04

I called Steven from the car on the way to his house. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey you. How goes dinner?’ ‘Hi beautiful! It’s going. I never asked, anything other than mushrooms you’re allergic to?’ ‘Nope. Listen, is there anything you want I should bring?’ ‘Nah, I think I’ve got everything I need. Well, except you, of course.’ ‘You don’t need me, Steven.’ ‘Well, maybe not technically, but I want you really bad. Doesn’t that count?’ I blushed, and tried to change the topic. That’s one reason I always...

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My friend "Rick" and I weren't what you'd call "gay", but we both were very horny and used to talk about girls all the time. Sometimes I'd stay overnight at his house and we would sometimes wrestle on the living room floor, and then talk about sex before falling asleep. Rick wasn't as shy as I was, and was not afraid to pretend I was his "girlfriend" after he pinned me, jokingly humping my ass or leg. Sometimes he would be wearing a jockstrap that cradled his huge cock and tight balls and would...

First Time
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Zugzwang Part 1 ZonersChapter 9 Abstinence

After finally getting away from the airport, we got to the emergency room at 9 or so that night. It took me 3 hours and 4 seizures to see a doctor and get admitted; my father's threatening legal action probably helped. My papers were signed at 12:01 a.m. I hate emergency rooms. Sometimes you have to sit for so long, suffering, before anyone can be bothered to see you. Of course it's not like I was shot a hundred times, bleeding out, about to crash (and yes, one of those came rushing...

1 year ago
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MylfDom Alana Cruise Submissive Pussy Payments

When Alana Cruises no good husband gets himself into debt with a high powered loan shark, he has no way to pay it all off. But when the shark comes to collect, he finds the guys wife, Alana, all tied up in the living room. The broke dude is offering his wife instead of the cash! The shark is a little shaken up at first, but when he sees how hot Alana is, he takes the deal. He slaps her face with his thick cock while her arms and legs are bound by rope. Then, he fills her mouth with his veiny...

2 years ago
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Breadcrumbs Author's note: This one isnt a nice story. Sorry. And sorry to the author of the story which led to this piece. I actually like most of their work, so I hope they forgive me for this. My moment had arrived. It had taken some doing, but I had been pretty sure that tonight was the night. To help things along I found some she-male porn and had it playing, knowing they'd have the computer tapped by now. The porn probably wasn't necessary, but it was a nice...

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While The Trains Crossed

The train slowed as it turned into the loop line of the station, its aging wagons creaking, clanging, and rumbling before coming to a stop with a screech of brakes. It was a goods-train, a long one, so long that the engine and the last wagon, the guard’s van, were both well outside the precincts of the small rural station. Vasan, the guard of the train put on his peaked cap, pulled up his tie, and peered out. The prospect was bleak. Two hillocks of flinty red rocks, one on each side of the...

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On my way home

I was making my way home from work and I decided to take a different route, past your apartment. You were a beautiful, busty woman in her early/mid twenties. I was kind of unhappy that day. When I walked past, you were outside in the parking lot. You saw me, and called me over. When you saw I was unhappy, you asked me to come in and tell you about it. We got in, and you brought me a drink, and sat on the couch next to me. I started talking to you, and you asked me questions, and pretty quickly...

Straight Sex
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Caroline Ch 0802

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Plenty of sex in this one (mostly anal)! Caroline’s Tale The Villa Mimosa – Jo’s period and Caroline’s basque! The Villa Mimosa, Mike’s villa on Lake Maggiore, was built on a hillside between Stresa and Baveno overlooking the lake and the islands. The journey up on Monday...

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A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 14

I really enjoyed being back in show business. I worked on some routines where I shot both guns simultaneously and on others where I shot one gun right after the other with my right hand or with my left hand. There was no question that Betty was a good dancer, though never up to Sally's standard, but I was the star of the show. I knew that people would pay money to see me shoot, so I started a soft-sell to the Evans family that we should stop traveling and settle into a place where we could...

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The unwilling gangbang whore pt2

The next day she didn’t wake up until midday. At first she didn’t seem to notice anything different, not until she sat down at the table and asked me why it hurt her butt sitting on a chair. She also wondered why her pussy and her asshole was so sore. I told her after dinner last night we had some drinks and she had gone a bit crazy with the sex. I told her it turned into a fantastic night of really wild fucking and asked her if she didn’t remember any of it. She didn’t and I told her she...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 102 The Sabertoothed Tiger

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Roadside assistance

I was driving through Tennessee on a less than stellar day, a little chilly and misty and just unpleasant, though not totally miserable. The road is a lonely one except on weekends when the tourists are out, and I had not seen a car for miles. As I rounded a curve, pulled off to the side was a rather rough looking old car with the hood up, and two women standing beside it. I pulled over to see if I could help, introducing myself. As it turned out, they were a mother and daughter on their...

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Wifes night continues part 2

Chuck pulled out of Kathy’s dripping pussy and let her suck it clean. Nice to have your bitch clean your cock after a good fuck.Kathy jump up off the couch and ran to the bathroom laughing all the way there and back. She love it were her words and wished there was more. Like a well-timed play the doorbell rang again and Kathy looked at me with a smile saying, you have got to be k**ding. I answered the bell and let the next to cocks for my wife’s pussy. Jake a tall black man with a nice...

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What Happens in OBGS Office

Introduction. I am John B. Dick M.D. whose specialty is OBG. I have this lovely practice in Los Angeles where all types of women come and seek me for medical advice. I have two nurse practioners who assist me in my practice and they are Anna BigKnockers N.P.N. and Can U. Cum N.P.N. Anna is a 5'10'' blonde with an hour glass figure with 38C-24-36 as her vitals. Can is 6'2" blunette with a masculine figure that drives all the women wild. We see all types of women from the young who are trying to...

4 years ago
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The Teacher Part Two

That night I didn't sleep, I couldn't bring myself to fall into a stupur and forget the drive with Carmen. Maybe it was my mind, and it was rethinking things that happened, how I wanted them to happen but they didn't. Either way but, I was happy with how the drive went. There was something there, between me and Carmen. She wanted to tell me something, before she changed her mind on speaking. I hoped, I begged god to make what she wanted to tell me about us, maybe a chance between us. Some nod...

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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 4 Resonance

I blinked, and my eyes opened to see my Father crouched above me. He managed to look worried and relieved at the same time, as I heard him, softly say, "Son, are you okay? "Yeah, Dad. What happened?" I started to sit up, and Dad grabbed me and held me down. "Stay down, you fainted or something, you were unconscious for several minutes." "I fainted?" I sputtered. "What was that explosion I felt?" "Explosion? Davey, there wasn't an explosion. You just stopped to look at something...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Alex Harper Finding Dick On The Dark Web

Alex Harper is a slim and sexy redhead who makes her living being an online webcam slut. One of her followers offered her some extra coins to get fucked by her boyfriend on cam, and of course she obliged. Just as Alex began to get pounded her follower exposed his behemoth black cock on cam which made Alex want to message him privately and see if she could get a taste. Alex prepped for their meetup, and before long her mouth and pussy were getting stretched beyond their limits in order to...

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GirlsWay Kenna James Riley Reid The Case Of The Mysterious Panties

Detective Riley Reid is sitting in her office, looking bored with her chin in her hand, when Kenna James all but bursts in through the door, furiously waving a pair of sexy panties in the air. Riley raises her brow at the dramatic entrance and asks if she has an appointment. Kenna is distraught and says that she doesn’t but one of her friends recommended Riley’s services. She’s sorry to barge in here like this, but she needs Riley’s help. Riley glances again to the...

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Vixen Mia Melano High Life

Mia doesn’t feel any guilt, she has no intention of stopping – in fact, she wants to push it even further. With her lover’s wife out of town for the week, she wants to see exactly what his wife sees every day and what she is missing out on. Now she is standing in his home and there is no chance of them getting caught. With a few hours before he arrives home, she makes the most of every second. When he arrives home from work, he finds her more than ready to make the most of...

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Back Up Buddy

This is a combined story effort between Jake Rivers and me (DG Hear). Carl Smith has two great songs that are complete opposites in their story lines: "Hey, Joe" and "Back Up, Buddy" Hey, Joe! is the story of a guy that wants his buddy's girl. Back Up, Buddy is the story of a man telling his buddy to leave his girl alone. We thought it would be interesting for readers to see these stories at the same time by two different authors. We have no idea what the other is writing. Back Up,...

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Damsel In Distress

I have been divorced for over a year after twenty one years with one man.   Now, here I am at 43 and alone for the first time in my adult life. It had hurt when he told me that he was seeing a younger woman and wanted to be with her.   It hurt even more when I happened to see the two of them together.   I was walking past a local bar and saw the two of them having drinks, laughing, holding hands.   He had not held my hand in years.   I felt even worse when I looked at her.   I thought she...

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PlayerCoach Relationship

After coaching several girls volleyball teams on the east coast, I certainly had a handful of former players who were quite physically attractive. Not that I made any sort of move towards them while they were playing for me, as I loved them like the daughters I never had, but their physical appearance was an undeniable fact of life. After spending most of my life in the northeast region of the country, I moved out to the Midwest to take advantage of a great job opportunity which was...

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I’m just about to start making dinner when you call to say you’re bringing a guest home with you. I’m a little surprised but say ok. By the time you both arrive home dinner is done and I come in to meet your guest. You introduce him as Steve and say that he is a client that you’ve known for years and that he’s only in town for tonight so you invited him home for a good meal instead of a hotel dinner. I let you both know that dinner is done and we can sit down and eat when your both ready. ...

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