You Made A Promise! (Chapter 1 - Total Power Exchange) free porn video

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Rose is laying next to you; she has a troubled look on her face. “How would you react if you found out I cheated on you?”

You think about it for a little while, this seems a logical question to ask and it’s a question that every couple asks each other. “I’d lick you out when you get home.” You laugh at what you’ve just said; you figured that it’s best to keep this conversation light. You’d be devastated if she actually cheated on you, but that would make you sound weak.

She looks at you shocked. “What do you mean you’d lick me out afterwards? You wouldn’t be mad?”

You smile at her shock. “Of course I wouldn’t be mad; I know you would never cheat on me. You’re just not the type.”

She smiles and asks you, “So that’s a promise then? If I fuck another guy, you’re going to lick my pussy afterwards?”

“Of course it’s a promise it’s never actually going to happen, you’ve never cheated before why would you cheat now.” You smile to yourself thinking that the conversation is just an attempt to make you jealous.

She kisses you passionately and looks deep into your eyes. “I’ve been cheating on you for the last two months. The guy I’m sleeping with filled me up before I came over here and now you’re going to lick it all out of me.”

You look at her completely shocked; you can’t believe she’s been cheating on you. “I’m not licking your pussy after another man has fucked you, I can’t believe you’ve done this. I thought you were just trying to make me jealous!” 

She smiles at you again. “The guy I’m fucking is a semi professional kick boxer. If you don’t get your tongue out and start licking my pussy in the next thirty seconds, I’ll call him up and he’ll come over and make you lick my pussy. You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep and from now on, you do as I say. You don’t want him to beat you up do you?”

You look at her terrified, you have no choice but to do as she says. You start licking her pussy feeling weak and helpless. You can’t believe you’re licking where another man has been with no say in the matter.

She looks down at you smiling as you lick her lover's cum out of her pussy. “This is your life from now on, I’m going to fuck my lover everyday and you’re going to clean up his mess. You will remain faithful to me and you will always do as I say. Now tell me you love me!”

Too scared to argue with her you look up at her and say, “I love you.”

“Good boy. You might not like it at the moment, but you’ll get used to it if you know what’s good for you. From now on you’re my loser cuckold, and you will do as I say. Do you understand?”

You look up at her again, terrified to argue. “Yes, I understand. I will do as you say.” You’ve heard of the term cuckold before and you know what it means, the thought of this makes your heart sink. It was only last week you proposed to her with a £2,000 engagement ring and it’s probably been all over her new lovers body countless times already.

She smiles down at you. “Good, keep licking my pussy until I tell you to stop, make sure all his cum is gone.”

You do as she says regretting the promise that you made. 

Once you've finished cleaning her out, you look up at her. "Please can I stop now? It’s all gone"

She feels down there with her fingers and looks satisfied. "Yes, you can stop now. There's a few more things want you to do for me."

You look up at her confused. "What is it you want me to do for you?"

"I want you to kiss my body all over, and after every kiss, tell me you love me and that you want me to cheat on you. Once you've done that, I want a full body massage and then you will carry me to the shower and wash me whilst kissing my neck and saying you love me. Do you understand?"

"Yes I understand and will do what you want." You begin kissing her feet whilst saying what she wants to hear. You feel pathetic.

She looks down at you smirking. "There's a good boy. After you've finished washing me I want you to dress me in that skimpy little dress you bought me. You know the one that I wore on our first anniversary. Then I'm going to tie you to the bed and go out to fuck my lover. Do you like the sound of that idea?"

"Yes I do like the sound of that idea, I want to do whatever makes you happy and I don't want your lover to get angry with me." You can’t believe you’re saying these things and how weak it’s making you sound, but you’re not a fighter and never have been. You certainly can’t win a fight against a trained kick boxer. The thought of phoning the police has entered your mind, but the humiliation involved would be too embarrassing for you to cope with.

You do everything that she's asked you to do. You finally slip on that skimpy dress you bought her and she looks amazing in it. It’s a deep shade of purple with sequins that highlight the shape of her body. You always love how it well compliments her almost milk white complexion.

She’s only 5ft tall, but her body is the sexiest you’ve ever seen. You can see the outline of her abs through the dress, her perfect c-cup boobs and her bum which stands on its own without support. Her piercing grey eyes are the most striking you’ve ever seen, with long blonde hair that has been tied back just the way you like it, the mere sight of her makes your heart skip a beat. You realise just how much you love this woman as you feel a lump form in your throat.

She ties you to the bed and sits on top of you. "I want you to say thank you every time I get ready to fuck my lover. You should be thankful that I'm even paying you any attention whatsoever. I could just lock your cock up in a chastity belt and never let you cum again. Now look me in the eyes and say thank you."

You look up at her, you've never seen her to be this domineering before and you feel humiliated. You do as she asks though without question. "Thank you."

"You're such a good boy, I think I'm going to quite enjoy this new situation we've got going on." With that she gets off you and opens the bedroom door. "If you're lucky, I'll only be an hour. It depends how horny my lover is. If you're unlucky, I'll be there all night. Either way, there's not much you can do about it."

She blows you a kiss and then shuts the door. 

All you can do is lay there and wait for her to get back, the thought of her being pleasured by another man makes your heart sink.

The key sounds in the front door downstairs as you open your eyes, you're not sure how long you've been asleep for but the moonlight is shining through the window. You're eager to see Rose and to be untied from the bed.

The bedroom door opens and she enters in with a big smile on her face as she walks towards the bed and lays on top of you. "Aww baby, sorry I was so long. You look like you've just woken up." She gives you a kiss on the neck. "Don't you want to know how my night went?"

Even though your part in this is mainly involuntary, you are curious to know how her night has gone. "Yes, I'd like to know, he must've shown you a good time."

She smiles at you again, even though she's sleeping with someone else now, she still looks as beautiful as ever. "It was amazing. I told him that you know about what's going on between me and him, and it got him all excited. We just did it again and again, he's so strong and manly I just had to let him do what he wanted to me. I know you probably want me to untie you and I will, but first I want you to agree to something."

You know this probably isn't going to be something you'll like, but you want to keep her happy as you're still tied to the bed and feel vulnerable. "What is it you want me to agree to?"

She smiles again as she starts grinding against you. "I want you to get my name tattooed on your penis before I untie you. I've decided that it's rightfully mine and I want my name on it. Every time you got to the toilet, or use the shower, it'll be a constant reminder that I own you. If you don't agree to what I want, then I'll super glue your foreskin to the tip of your penis. You'll still be able to pee, but imagine how painful it will be if you get an erection. So which is it?"

Of all the things she could've said, you did not expect any of these. You know however that you have to make a quick decision and you don't particularly like the idea of having your penis glued shut. "Can I have numbing cream put on my penis before I have the tattoo; I want to be in as little pain as possible."

"Of course you can sweetie; I don't want you to be in physical pain when you have it done. I'm so happy that you agreed to it though. Even if you'd said no, I would've glued your penis shut and still made you have the tattoo. The fact that you said yes to what I wanted straight away, makes me very happy. As long as you say yes to what I want, your life will be worth living."

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and made a call. It was to some guy named John, apparently he's an amateur tattooist who's willing to tattoo anyone as long as they keep it quiet. Professional tattoo artists tend to kick up a storm if they find out about a scratcher in the area.

She hangs up the phone. "He'll be here in about ten minute’s sweetie. I asked him about numbing cream but he says he doesn't have any. He said you should be fine though as it shouldn't take any longer than an hour."

The doorbell rings and Rose jumps off the bed excited. Shortly after answering the door Rose and what looks to be the scariest man you've ever seen in your life enters the room. He starts unpacking his tattoo gun and a pot of black ink.

Rose pulls out your penis ready for the tattoo. The man puts on what looks like black latex gloves and brings the tattoo gun over to you. Your heart is racing at what seems to be an alarming rate as you anticipate the pain you’re about to receive.

The man looks at you with a wicked smile on his face while Rose looks wide eyed and excited. "Don't worry about the pain, I've done a few penis tattoos that are more elaborate than this one and the guys barely winced." He pulls out a marker and begins to draw a Rose down the shaft of your penis, with the word “Forever” on the underside of your penis.

You look down almost pleasantly surprised, his freehand skills are more than decent and the design looks very eye catching. He switches the tattoo gun on and begins, there's a sharp tingling sensation which hurts at first. After a short while however, it's like your penis has gone naturally numb and all you can feel is the vibrations.

After what seems to be a very short hour, he is finished. He hands Rose a tube of Bepanthen. "Once he's showered and washed the tattoo, you need to rub this on generously until it's healed over. There shouldn't be any problems, if you think it looks infected at any point, take him straight to A&E. That's never happened from one of my tattoos before though, so he should be fine."

He packs away his tattoo gun and looks back at Rose. "What are we going to do about payment? I normally charge £20 an hour, but there are other ways you could repay me."

She looks at you. "What do you think I should do baby, should I pay him with money, or my mouth?"

At this point you figured that she's going to suck him dry anyway, she's not really giving you a choice. "I think you should repay him with your mouth."

She laughs to herself. "I was going to anyway; I just wanted to make sure you keep giving me the answers I want."

She walks over to him, gets on her knees, pulls out his penis and begins sucking him in a way you've never seen before. You've only ever had one blowjob from her; she told you she doesn't like giving blowjobs. You sit there silently though as she moans gently with his penis in her mouth. It doesn't take long before he climaxes, his load shoots all over her face and she smiles up at him.

She walks over to the chest of draws by the side of the bed and pulls £20 out of your wallet. She hands it to him. "That's for the tattoo, the blowjob was free."

He smiles at her and sees himself out.

Rose walks over to you and begins untying you from the bed. "Come on, let’s get you in the shower and wash your new tattoo, we don't want you getting an infection now do we. Besides, you can lick his cum off my face while I wash you."

It’s been two weeks since you’ve had the tattoo, and it’s healed over incredibly well. You look at your penis in the bathroom mirror; you know that no other woman would ever consider you again if they were to see it.

Rose is your future wife to be and she isn’t going to let you go now that the control has been turned over to her. She’s marked you for life, even if you did decide that you wanted to break up with her, you’d fear for your own life. Her new lover has got some very shady friends who have all been keeping a close eye on you. Text messages from unknown numbers have left you almost terrified to sleep at night.

Your phone vibrates on top of the bathroom sink, it’s another text.

If you even so much as think about hurting Rose, I’ll hurt you! There’s nowhere you can run, there’s nowhere you can hide. Make sure you treat her like a princess, I fuck her and you take care of her. Don’t make me pay you a visit!

You feel a lump forming in your throat again; you know her new boyfriend isn’t messing around. According to Rose he’s got connections within the police force, which you don’t even want to question her about. You realise how terrifying and powerful women can be, you never thought that you’d be dictated to by someone outside your relationship. You feel weak and Rose has told you on many occasions how pathetic you are, she reminds you every day.

She walks into the bathroom in just her underwear, she’s been exercising a lot recently and it shows. Her boobs look like they’ve almost doubled in size, this is probably due to the amount of sex she’s been having from her lover.

“Hey loser, get over here now. I want to talk about our wedding day.” She’s always got a constant smirk on her face every time she sees you.

Without hesitation you walk over to her and get on your knees in front of her. She’s been making you do this a lot recently; she wants to literally talk down to you whenever she can. “What is it you want to talk about princess?”

“Rob and I have been talking.” You look confused at her for a second; you’ve never heard her mention the name Rob before. She notices your confusion. “Rob is my lover you fucking idiot! Oh wait; I’ve never mentioned his name before… It doesn’t matter either way; you will always refer to him as master from now on. It’s a nice touch I think.”

You can’t believe you’re actually going to call your fiancés lover master, you hope that no-one you know finds out about this whole ordeal. The humiliation would be too much for you to cope with.

She continues. “I know you wanted to wait until next year to get married but Rob and I have agreed that the wedding should be next week. I’ve written down a list of everything I want for the day including my wedding dress. It’s all in a notepad by the side of the computer; your main priority today is to get everything on the list done. Do you understand me you fucking loser?” She spits on your face as she awaits your reply.

“Yes princess I understand, I’ll get it done for you. I have some questions about the wedding day though, can we talk about it?” You can feel her spit dribbling down your forehead as you wipe it off with your forearm.

“Don’t wipe my fucking spit off your face until I leave the room bitch!” She slaps you across the face, grabs your jaw and spits on your face again. “You’d better start improving your behaviour and stop showing me disrespect! Rob will be the least of your worries otherwise because I’ll be the one who’s kicking the fucking shit into you!” She spits on your face again, you’re terrified to even say anything at this point and just accept the treatment she’s giving you. “As for talking about the wedding I can’t at the moment, I’ve got to go out and meet Rob. He wants a weekly assessment on how you’ve been treating me. I’ll let your disobedience slide this time, but I won’t be so kind next time. Rob has said that if you disrespect me more than three times in one month, he’ll be around to pay you a visit. Trust me, you don’t want that. He doesn’t want to see your ugly fucking face as it is, let alone be in the same room as you. I suggest you sort your attitude out. We can talk about the wedding when I get home.” She spits on your face again and storms out of the bathroom.

You grab a towel and begin to wipe her spit off your face, you feel so ashamed of yourself for allowing anyone to treat you like this. The shower turns on as you pull the chord and you step in, the water feels soothing against your skin. This will be a brief chance to escape into your happy place and forget everything for a few minutes. You sit on the floor and close your eyes, wishing you were somewhere else… someone else.

You open your eyes and your heart begins to pound in your chest.

How long have I been asleep for? Shit I’ve got to get that list sorted before Rose gets home or the only place I’ll be sleeping tonight is in an intensive care ward!

You quickly turn the shower off and check your phone, a deep sigh of relief follows shortly after realising that you only drifted off for 20 minutes. That is one mistake you will never be making again in a hurry. If you can just get the list done for her she might treat you like a human being for a little while.

You dry yourself off and put on some clean clothes, you’re over dressed for just being around the house. Considering the way Rose has been treating you recently however, you see this as an opportunity to feel a little bit better about yourself. Rose isn’t going to do that for you anytime soon.

You walk into the bedroom and see the notepad by the side of the computer, just where Rose said it would be. She’s been more precise as of late, she used to be clumsy and forget everything when you first met. You chuckle to yourself and think how cute she was when you first started dating.

The joy quickly disappears when you remember that she’s probably fucking Rob right now, taking 10 hard inches of real man as Rose quite arrogantly put it to you last night while you were kissing her feet.

You open the notepad; the list is surprisingly short considering how demanding she’s been as of late. There are only five things on the list.

1. Order wedding dress (Bookmark folder in web browser.)

2. Order a taxi from house to registry office and book a return.

3. Registry office is booked for Monday 9am, call them again to confirm

4. Book a hotel near the airport for Monday afternoon

5. Book a honeymoon suite for 2 weeks in Rome and a flight leaving on Monday evening. Book the tickets in my name with your card!

You read the list a few times, realising very quickly that this isn’t going to be cheap. You don’t want to disappoint her though and fail the simple task she’s given you, that wouldn’t go down well.

After what seems to be a very tedious two hours, you’ve finally completed everything on the list. You do a quick check to make sure you haven’t over looked anything but everything looks to be completed. You decide to have nap on the bed, Rose kept you up late last night pampering her and tending to her needs, you feel tired.

As you lay on the bed your eyes quickly close and you fall into a deep sleep.

“Wake up…. Wake up baby… Are you there sleepy head?” You open your eyes and much to your surprise, Rose is laying on top of you kissing your forehead. You welcome the affection she’s currently showing you as it doesn't happen very often.

She separates your lips with her fingers and gives you a long passionate kiss. “Sorry I was so angry with you this morning sweetie, I know it might’ve seemed harsh at the time but it was for your own good. You have to realise that I won’t be disrespected and as long as you treat me like the princess that I am, I’ll always be gentle with you.” She kisses you again, grinding against you. It feels amazing, you can’t remember the last time you climaxed as Rose has currently banned you from doing so. Your cock begins to grow as she continues to grind against you.

“I can’t remember the last time we had sex, will it ever happen again?” You ask her hoping that she’ll allow you to remember what it feels like to be intimate with her.

“No sweetie it won’t, I have something better in mind for you however which I think you’re going to love.” She pulls out her phone and it has a timer on it set for two minutes. She then pulls a weird looking device out of her handbag that has a padlock on it, you soon realise that it’s a chastity belt and your heart races inside your chest. She’s mentioned to you before about a chastity belt but you never thought she would go out and buy one.

She smiles up at you and pulls out your cock, it’s hard already and you desperately want her to let you cum.

“I’m going to give you a blowjob sweetie. If you can last longer than two minutes while I’m sucking your cock, I’ll stop and lock you in the chastity belt and you won’t get to cum today. You will however get to consummate the marriage before I lock up your cock permanently.” She starts kissing your hard cock from the bottom of the shaft all the way to the tip. She hasn’t started the timer yet and you know she doesn't want you to last longer than two minutes. It feels so good that you don’t want to stop her. “If you don’t last longer than two minutes and blow your load like I think you will, then I’ll lock your cock up and Rob will consummate the marriage. You can of course say no to the blowjob this time, and I’ll release you from your cage every anniversary after we’re married. If you decide you want the blowjob though, you’ll never be released from your chastity belt. So what do you think baby, do you want to wait a year and let me lock you up now, or do you want me to suck your cock for two minutes?” She licks the tip of your cock and gives it a kiss whilst maintaining direct eye contact with you.

You don’t like the thought of being permanently locked in a chastity belt, but you don’t want Rob to consummate the marriage either, that’s your job. “I want the blowjob princess; I want to consummate the marriage.”

She smiles at you. “Okay sweetie, as you wish.”

She slides your cock inside her mouth and starts the timer. It feels amazing; you've been waiting for what has felt like a lifetime for this. She slowly strokes your cock whist keeping it inside her mouth the whole time. Her tongue is rotating slowly around the tip of your penis and she moans softly whilst looking straight up at you. Sixty seconds is already up and you feel like you’re close to climaxing already. If you could just think of a disturbing scene from a horror movie you might be able to hold off. All you can see when you close your eyes however is Rose passionately sucking your cock like a goddess. Fifteen seconds left, you can feel the pressure building, her tongue is running circles around your cock and it feels amazing. She suddenly swallows your entire cock deep in the back of your throat and you can’t hold it any longer. Your cock explodes in the back of her throat with only five seconds to go, the mixture of immense pleasure and soul destroying failure run through your body all at once. You lay there twitching from the most intense orgasm you've ever felt in your life, not able to fully enjoy the moment as you know what is about to happen.

“Aww you poor baby, you were so close. I really thought you were going to last the whole two minutes towards the end then. What a pity sweetie, but rules are rules. You know I have to lock your cock up forever now, you’ll never cum again. It’s okay though, I’ll show you the video of me and Rob when we fuck on our wedding night. It’ll be so much better than any blowjob sweetie; you can watch how a real man fucks your wife on her big day.”

You feel a single tear begin to stream down your face as she locks up your cock in the chastity belt. She snaps the lock shut and gives you a kiss on the lips.

“ I've stopped taking birth control sweetie. I was hoping that you would last the entire two minutes so that you could get me pregnant on our special day. But now Rob will be the one who gets me pregnant. Maybe it’s for the best to be honest baby; I wouldn't want a child who grows up to be as pathetic as you. They can have Rob’s strong genetics instead. Come on, I want you to kiss the stomach of your master’s child.”

With that she lies on her back and pushes your head towards her tummy which you begin softly kissing. You feel angry at yourself for allowing any of this to happen.

Rose is right about one thing though; you really are a pathetic loser. You deserve everything that’s going to happen to you from now on.

If you would like to share any of this story on an external website, please send me a message. I will not have a problem as long as you put a link to my profile as the source. Thank you for reading

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I soon learned that beatings were as common at Canard’s tavern as fucking. There was no routine or reason for them the way they had been when Fabienne was in charge of my mother. If business was slow, then Canard or his friends fucked the whores. If business was VERY slow and Canard became bored, then he beat them. Canard was usually drunk, horny, and bored when he initiated the beatings, and it was usually out of frustration with the women’s glances or condescending comments. He promised...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 14 Promise Fulfilled

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Fifteen: Promise Fulfilled By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Three: Art's Reminder Aingeal – Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifedoms of Zeutch The feyhound's wicker body crumbled around our souls. I could feel the poor proxy's body unraveling. The supercharge from the diamond hammer had sent too much energy through it. The feyhound wasn't a proper proxy. Smoke rose, wicker bursting...

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How to Talk to Girls Chapter 5 Promises and Secrets

Chapter 5: Promises and Secrets Leah furiously stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her. She didn't care to exercise the proper politeness one usually did in someone else's home, not when she suspected what had been done to her within said home. Zach's mom had to have been the one doing this. There was no other explanation that made sense, and Zach had to know. Why wouldn't he tell her? They knew almost everything about one another since the first day they had met back in...

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Power Trip Chapter 1

: Over the course of several chapters this story will contain cuckoldry, forced-bi, male chastity, humiliation, and other female domination themes. These kinks are not for everyone; if you do not enjoy FemDom themes you will not enjoy this story. Chapter 1Veronica held down the CTRL-ALT-DELETE keys on the keyboard again, trying to get her computer to respond - to do anything! But it was useless. She had re-booted the cursed thing three times and...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 27

"There's more to this concerning Victoria and me than I let on. I need your help, Dad," Christopher said. Wow! A night of firsts! The first time Christopher called me 'Dad' and the first time he asked for help. "I figured there was more to it than that. I assume this has something to do with you and Victoria sneaking around making out at night?" Christopher looked chagrined. "Oops. I should have known. Victoria said you would know all about it. It's not what it looks...

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Brians Power Chapter Four

Hey!  Welcome to Part Four of my Brian's Power stories! In this Chapter, Brian starts his training!  Smaller chapter, sorry. ---------------- "Hey there Mister, time to get up."  Said a feminine voice. I adjusted my eyes to the dim lighting, and realized it was my mother, Janet. "Got it.  I'll get dressed."  I said as I tried to clear the blur from my eyes.  I walked to the chest at the foot of the bed, and grabbed the green tunic with the gold designs.  I took of the  blue...

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Bobs Your Uncle or a Modern Adult Fairy TaleChapter 6 Either aTotal Lack of Education or an Excess

Helen discovered, at their age of fourteen, Bob had no idea of even the concept of money. One could question what teenager really does, but between the ages nine to eighteen years, Bob was being paid a minimum of £A500 and up a hit, which at that time, in the mid to late '50s, was the going price of a three bedroom brick bungalow in the inner suburbia of the most expensive real estate city of the country. Mother Harrison in her heyday had him doing three to four hits a week. Bob simply...

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Fair Exchange

Fair Exchange - A complete bridal story by Kate Assheton Emma is one of the most gorgeous girls you could ever hope to meet. Pretty, kind-hearted, a lovely figure, she was, in my eyes at least, the perfect woman. That is why I asked her to marry me and that is why, when she said yes, I was the happiest guy in the world. There was, in my eyes, only one thing wrong with Emma. Try as I might, I could never persuade her to wear a skirt or a dress. "No. Gary," she would say. "I am...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 18

"The Qerda are our worst nightmare..." Lisa began. "Wait," I interrupted. "We need my Dad here for this." Lisa didn't mind waiting at all. "Take your time. He's an old man; if he's already in bed, we can do this another time," she said sweetly. Everyone laughed, including Lisa. Ten minutes later, Dad was seated and Lisa continued. "No one knows who the Qerda are or where they came from. We didn't even know they existed until they chose Planet # 3 for extinction. "First,...

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Auntychod Fir Maderchod 8211 Part II

Nimmi aur Raj nange hi ek dusre ke alingan mein so gaye. Raj ne aaj pehli baar choot ki chudayi ki thee aur Nimmi ne aaj tak bahut se lund liye thay lekin Raj ka lund anokha hi tha. Khas iss liye ki vo abhi bas 18 saal ka tha aur dusra ki vo usski saheli ka beta tha. Nimmi apni saheli ke Pati Ramesh se bhi chudwa chuki thee jab vo zinda tha. Baap ke baad bete se chudwane ki khushi alag hi thee. Nimmi aur Raj gehri need mein sote rahe. Jab subha Raj ki need khuli to apne pass Nimmi aunty ko...

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Madeleine has been working late with her new boss

Madeleine was working late with her new boss Deirdre. They’d been working late for two weeks trying to tidy the mess left by the previous manager. At last they’d cleared the backlog. Deirdre sighed, looked directly at Madeleine, and stretched up her arms – her large soft breasts pushed forward in her skintight jumper making it ride up to reveal a stretch of suntanned stomach. ‘I think this calls for a celebration.’ Madeleine was disturbed by the sinking feeling in...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 16

Patrick Father of Amy and Cindi, also the true father of Katie, Becky, Julie, Sammi, Lisa, Lori, Heather, Kim, brother and father due to rebirth of Eric, Brother of Megan, twin brother of Victoria, husband of Elizabeth. Co-owner and founder of Security firm, former FBI agent. Host of the white energy, also known as Katoro, or Katiro if address is formal. Elizabeth Mother of Amy and Cindi, sister of Robert, wife of Patrick. World famous TV news reporter. Killed in Iraq in chapter one....

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 28 Lady Madeline CroftonFoxe

8th Febuary, 2009. Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea. London An an expensive, high performance car is always a useful accessory when dealing with Sloane Rangers, or indeed with any other type of female, I drove to Bayswater in the Porsche. I parked as close as possible to Gemma's house, then rapped on the lion headed Georgian brass knocker on the front door. It opened to my knock so quickly someone must have been in the hallway. On first acquaintance the petite and slim Lady...

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Life With AlphaChapter 5 Power Girl

Dramatis Personae: Frank –––– - Lead character, inventor of Alpha Alpha - First A.I. in existence Kasumi Tendo - artificial woman based on character from Ranma 1/2 Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan - artificial woman based on character from Daria Jane Lane aka Jane Lannister - artificial woman based on character from Daria Kara Zor-L aka Power Girl aka Karen Starr - artificial woman based on character from DC Comics Alpha took a long time to work out the specifics of some basic...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 32

"That bitch is dead," Lori whispered in a voice every bit as cold, dead, and expressionless as her eyes. She closed her eyes tiredly, then started to glow a bright pink. I stepped forward and took her in my arms. "No, Lori," I whispered in her ear. She ignored me, her eyes stayed closed, and she glowed even brighter. "Loi-llia! No!" I whispered in her ear, more forcefully this time. The glow diminished and her eyes popped open. "What?" "I said no," I repeated. "Why not? She...

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Darkness and LightChapter 34 The Power of Gods

They watched him. His face was contorted in anger and his fists balled so tightly that his nails pierced the skin of his palms. Blood seeped from his fists on the wooden surface beneath his hands, forming a slowly growing puddle. There was a new god at their table and he was a very furious god. “She betrayed me.” The sentence escaped through his grinding teeth. The silence was broken, and then it was totally destroyed when loud laughter exploded from the others at the table. “May I suggest...

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Madeleine Improves the Odds

After a long stressful day at work, Andy and Warren were winding down at Distiller's Microbrew & Tap. Each were on their second beer when Warren said, "Andy, did you read the news this morning?""Didn't have time. What, another story about the President's Tweets?""No, Andy, something worse.""Immigrants being deported?""Worse.""Well then, Warren, what in the hell is upsetting you so much?"The two men were talking sports, politics and women. Warren took a swig from his glass and said, "You're not...

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Madeleine Ch 07

March, 1920 Le Havre, France It was with a deep sense of melancholy that I stood along the rail at the stern of the ocean liner, watching the coast of France recede into the distance. I was going home, after seven years of service with the American Embassy in Paris, and while part of me was glad to be returning to America, a larger part of me knew I was leaving behind a large part of my life. It was a cold, blustery day on the cusp of spring, and I had my overcoat buttoned to the top to...

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My InheritanceChapter 37 Cathys Power

Andy was smiling down at me as I struggled to awaken. She handed me a cup of coffee and fluffed the pillows behind my back, gently touching my arm in loving tenderness as I sat up. Mary entered, giving me a quick look to determine if she dared risking talking to me. Seeing no negative feelings in my face, she quickly told me everything was in order, including clothes packed for me and in the Suburban. “I want a shower. And, I need to care for Cathy before we leave,” I said. “I will get her...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 26

"I'm sorry, Patrick. There's nothing we can do," Megan repeated. "Bullshit. Victoria, Megan, Becky, stay here with me. Everyone else, get out. Now!" I commanded, my voice flat and devoid of all expression. I felt Julie's feather light touch in my mind. "Patrick, you can't! Amanda forbade it!" Julie gasped. Bullshit," I repeated quietly. "If Amanda doesn't want me to do this, then she can save her. My little girl is not going to die again! Everyone, out ... NOW!" "I'm...

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Kim Power PlayChapter 02

Standing in the doorway is an elegant looking woman in her early thirties wearing a form fitting executive business suit over a nice form and a very expensive looking briefcase in her hand. Beside her is a late forties man in casual clothes with a light canvas bag over his shoulder. Kim smiles at them as he nods at the two steel frame chairs beside the bed. They both enter and sit down. Kim knows them both very well. Kim looks at the woman. She opens her briefcase and takes out some papers...

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MadeleineChapter 4

The plan was amazingly simple. All I had to do was bring some wine to my grieving Grandmother, seduce her and get her drunk and then steal her keys and money. I packed a small bag that evening, but I did not tell Nannette what my intentions were. “I will give you fifty strokes of the cane before we leave tonight, Connasse! I do not want you to return to your insolent and cruel ways simply because we leave this house. I will still cane you regularly when we leave,” I informed my mother. I...

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MadeleineChapter 7

The storekeeper was not inclined to be generous and offer me additional books. He was willing to give us a ride in his wagon to Canard’s tavern after my mother’s little show degrading herself by sucking horse cock. My mother genuinely appeared contrite and humiliated by what she had done. It was the first time I had seen that look on her face it quite some time. It pleased me to know that even she could feel shame. We had been gone a long time, and Canard would probably be angry with us for...

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Madeleine Ch 04

December, 1915 Paris, France Madeleine looked resplendent in her dark green dress, with the bright red corsage I had pinned on her breast. She looked very much in keeping with the holiday, which was the idea, since we were entering the ballroom at the Ritz Hotel, the same one where we had spent our wedding night, for the American Embassy’s annual Christmas banquet. Because the United States was still neutral in the Great War that was raging not far away, we were not under the same moral...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 28

Elizabeth and Julie followed me into the other room. Elizabeth looked confused, whereas Julie had that 'trying to look innocent' but, oh so guilty look that only young girls can manage. It's usually associated with a hand in the cookie jar. I tried hard not to laugh, she looked so cute. I shut and locked the door, then motioned for them to remain silent. "Melinda, are you listening?" "I am now, sir. What can I help you with?" It was remarkable to me how Melinda always knew when the...

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Madeleine Ch 03

June, 1915 Paris, France ‘A toast! A toast to Robert,’ cried Sergei Hoffmann, over the din of well-wishers. ‘Hear, hear!’ was the response from several corners of the room. We were gathered in the private room of a well-known Paris restaurant for the traditional bachelor’s night, and the good food and copious amounts of spirits in all varieties had made for a memorable evening. Stories – many of them bawdy – had been told and conversation had been brisk. These were my friends, the people I...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 12

Saturday, June 19, 2010 “What are you guys hiding from me?” Julie asked. Jake read Julie and saw that they had a problem. He decided to keep quiet and watch it play out. Maybe he could figure out what to do. “What do you mean?” Kara asked. “Not you. Jake and Mom and Ellen,” Julie said “Huh? Hiding something?” Leanne said, her confusion apparent in her voice. “Right. Jake has been linked to you and Ellen all night. Why were you shutting Kara and me out?” “Julie, darling, Jake hasn’t...

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Total Power

Wrist rubbed red from hours in ropes. A blindfold bleached from catching sweat from a soggy blonde mop. Chapped lips chew a cherry ball gag. A worn chest welted by kisses from the whip. A lower back arches aching from hours in the stockage. His quads quaking, his butt asking for a seat, and his feet swelling in his fashionable high heels. The best part filled with cum, aching bruised black and blue, or blue with frustration.My boy hangs in the shackles of his own fetish. A masculine journey to...

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Madeleine Ch 08

CHAPTER 8 Paris, France March, 1918 I had been on furlough from my duties as an attache from the U.S. Embassy to Gen. Pershing’s headquarters, and Madeleine and I had finally reconnected after months of forced celibacy after her miscarriage and subsequent emergency hysterectomy. I had finally come to realize how close she had come to dying that day. Only a quick transfusion of blood helped her survive the surgery that saved her life, but deprived her of the ability to have any more...

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Incestuous Mind Control ExplodesChapter 5 Twin Sister Seduced into Incestuous Power

Deidre Icke trembled as she knelt before her son, offering herself up as a sacrifice to buy time to allow more people of the Institute to evacuate. She hoped they wouldn’t get ensnared by her son’s mind-control powers. Already, the poor twins, Mindy and Cindy, knelt before him, the two sixteen-year-old girls staring up at him. Deidre squeezed her tits, fingers kneading her large tits. She was naked, a collar about her throat, a leash dangling behind her. “Watch and understand the truth,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 381 Witches and Power

Now to show that I can be a god! When Eve, the weather witch, could stop laughing, she was sitting where I told her. I had distracted her to the point that she stopped pushing more energy into the hurricane she sent toward the island. “Thank you, Eve,” I told her. “Relax. You are done for today. If you piss me off, you will be done forever, destined to look your age as you wait for eternity, unless someone kills you first.” “You arrogant little bastard, David, do you think you are a god or...

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Madeleine Ch 06

June, 1917 Paris, France It was on a warm late spring morning that I arrived in my office to be greeted with a summons to the ambassador’s office. When I arrived, I stopped short, for Mr. Stark had a visitor, someone I knew well, and for whom I had decidedly mixed feelings. Gen. John James Pershing was seated in a chair across from the ambassador’s desk, and he rose when I entered the office. ‘Sergeant Guidry,’ he said as he offered his hand in greeting, using the rank to which I had risen...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 45

"Katiro, we have an emergency developing," Melinda announced. I sat bolt upright in bed. "What is it?" "I have twelve Qinta class cruisers entering the atmosphere." "Qinta class? I'm not familiar with that class," I frowned. "That's not surprising. Ja'a-llia is the only person that has survived an engagement with them. She destroyed several of them at the Battle of Sacara. They are bad news," the computer informed me. "Have everyone meet me in the living room...

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Learning to Spell Chapter 4 Total Eclipse of Reality

Learning to Spell Chapter 4 - A Total Eclipse of Reality By GirlyCheerBoy[at] It had been almost eleven weeks since Kaitie had been "born" into her new life. Every day was a reminder of how things had changed so drastically, literally over night. Sarah was immensely helpful in her time of need during this adjustment - when she needed it. It wasn't but a few days that all of the girls, who began to meet weekly at the very least, noticed that it was hard to remember certain...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 38

'God, we need you! Please help us!' Amy whispered in her mind as reverently as she could manage. I felt the sincerity pouring from every pore of her body. "All you had to do was ask!" a voice reverberated from everywhere and nowhere. There was a flash of light and Amy disappeared. "Where did she go?" Cindi asked, worry in her voice. I knew what was worrying her; I couldn't feel Amy's mind either. "I'd imagine she's having a talk with the one she called 'God'," said...

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The PowerChapter 8 Harmonic Vibrations

By this time, I was well on my way to understanding and harnessing a second effect of The Power. For some time, I had noticed that I could tell what people were feeling. No, this was not any form of mind reading - I have never been able to read anybody’s thoughts. But I can get a good feel for their emotions. The best way of describing it is from something I learned in Physics last year. Mr. Wilson had described something called sympathetic or harmonic vibration. This is the effect caused...

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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 5 Trust

The look of surprise on Denny’s face as I pushed my front door open for Tahlia to enter was priceless. She obviously didn’t care about me coming home and seeing her on my couch fondling my daughter, half naked, hands down each other’s pants making out passionately. In fact that was precisely what she wanted me to see. After all I was expected to answer to her again now that my break was over. Thankfully David had already left for his date with Shandi so when we got back from the mall Denny...

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Malaysia India Student Exchange

I was an exchange student from Malaysia to India at a private college in Bangalore, Karnataka. As I walked through the college entrance, I gasped at the many girls walking around in tight tops, their breasts moving voluptuously, getting me a slight hard-on. Some smiled at me, some frowned at me and some gave me that Ï will eat you up look”. I started sweating and my cock went back to its normal sleeping state. I made my way to the college admissions office. A lady was there in a tight...

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Exchange By Margaret Jeanette Ken and Mary Hitter were having supper. She was telling him about a new woman's wear store that had opened that day. She said they carried everything a woman could possibly need. Then she said, "Don't forget tomorrow night is when we go out with the Wilcox's, the Farmer's, and the Tolbrook's for supper and to see that country and western band afterwards." He told her he would be ready by five-thirty for the six o'clock meeting at the supper club. She...

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The Exchange

The ExchangeEmile, 2010Usual caveats apply.---Kurt Hengst oozed sex, and he knew it.  At 6'2", his broad muscular body towered over most guys, and it didn't take much more than a cheeky smile to flash across his unshaven jaw for his prey to come willingly.  They were true victims, falling in love, and falling arse up offering to quench it.  But Kurt was only in it for the sex, and his unquenchable, brutal fucking, combined with his uncomfortably large cock and carelessness, soon made them run...

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Dominion Chapter 4 The Power to Rule1

Winter was upon the country, flooding the landscape with a deathly chill. Yet it wasn’t the cold that sent shivers down everyone’s spine. It was fear. Following the gray breeze, rumors were flowing from the north, rumors of death and destruction. Entire towns were either being razed with no survivors, or left hollow, with food still sitting on the tables, like everyone had been raptured away. There were stories of a monster in the woods in the north, about how a town called Senner met its...

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Madeline in Oregon

Madeline in Oregon She hadn't seen her Aunt Margo in many years but she wasn't feeling guilty. Her family had made it clear. They did not agree with two women living together. The telephone call had to be dealt with immediately though. Margo was her mother's sister and had received the lion's share of the estate at the probate three years earlier. The call wasn't from her Aunt, rather from Margo's younger 'partner' Allen. Aunt Margo had been married but after nineteen years they had...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 73 The Promise

It was, indeed, Maximilian Morrel, who had passed a wretched existence since the previous day. With the instinct peculiar to lovers he had anticipated after the return of Madame de Saint-Meran and the death of the marquis, that something would occur at M. de Villefort's in connection with his attachment for Valentine. His presentiments were realized, as we shall see, and his uneasy forebodings had goaded him pale and trembling to the gate under the chestnut-trees. Valentine was ignorant of...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 19

I awoke to a soft kiss on my lips. Tori-llia kissed me, then slipped out of bed. She bent over and kissed me again. "I ... love ... you," she whispered haltingly, struggling to express herself in a strange language. She rattled off a string of incomprehensible words, but the meaning was clear; she wanted me to stay there with Julie. She gave me that lovely 'Victoria' smile and quietly left the room. Victoria had already left before I woke up. I turned over and snuggled up behind Julie,...

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Madeleine Ch 02

Paris, France February, 1915 It was cold, bitterly cold, as I turned up the collar of my overcoat and walked out of the embassy into the gathering gloom of the late afternoon. On impulse, I decided to turn down the little side street that was so familiar and visit Marcel’s again. I hadn’t been there since my return to France a few weeks earlier, and I found I missed it. So much had changed in Paris since those heady days of August, when the young Frenchmen had so eagerly sought out war. No...

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