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Merhaba bu hikayeyi okuyan sevgili xhamster takipçileri. Son zamanlarda okuduğum hikayeler üzerine bende hikayelerimi paylaşmak istedim.
Efe ben.
Lakin ben tamamiı ile gerçek cinsel hayatımı paylaşıcam. Bu sebeptendir ki bazı isimleri ve olayları değiştirerek anlatmam gerek.
Lisede kızların peşinde koşan biri değildim. Bu sebepten midir bilemem ama kız arkadaşlarım hep güzel kızlar olmuştur. Voleybolcu, tiyatorocu vs. Ama son yılımda lise dördüncü sınıfta ufak kıpırdamalar olmaya başladı. Bazı kaşar diye hitap ettiğimiz kızlar yazmaya benimle ilgilenmeye başladı.
Dersanede ben iyi bi bölüm diye kasmaya çalışırken kendi lisemden başka bi Anadolu lisesinde okuyan ve dersanede tanıştığım bi kızla sürekli konuşur dertleşir olduk.
Özge (diye hitap edeceğim) arkadaşım sürekli mesaj atar ve yazar oldu. 1.60 boylarında düzgün fizikli ve en çok ilgimi çeken yukarı çıkık şekilde düzgün kalçalı bi kızdı. Birgün yine derslerden konuşurken içmek ve rahatlamak istediğini söyledi. Bu arada ben 1.85 boylarında atletik denilebilecek yapıda aleti 17 cm olan bi erkeğim. Seks konusunda en büyük avantajım abim sayesinde öğrendiklerimi escortların üzerinde uygulamış olmam ve geç boşalmamdır. Küstahlığa gerek yok çekici biriyim. Ailemin maddi durumu ise baya iyi.
Bende Özge'ye beraber içelim ama bizim ilçede kız arkadaşınla gidip içilecek biyer yok dedim.(İlçelerde yaşayanlar bilir. En büyük sıkıntı mekan eksikliğidir.) Ağzımdan birden ''Aslında bizim üst kat boş orda içebiliriz'' cümlesi çıktı. O da sanki bunu bekliyormuş gibi ''Nasıl giricem ki sizin apartmana'' dedi. Bu arada apartman sahibi babam ön tarafı caddeye arka tarafı ise ara sokağa bakıyor. Garajın ordan giriş var.
Ben garajın ordan alırım seni dedim. Sanki bunu bekliyormuş kaşar. Tamam o zaman dedi.
İlk defa bi hatunu içmeye üstelik bomboş biyere davet etmiştim. Bundan önce kendi ayarladığım kızlarla en fazla sürtünmeye kadar gidebildim. Ama Özge'yi sikeceğime emindim. Çünkü benle konuşurkenki bakışmaları halleri tavırları belli ediyordu.
Hafta sonu için sözleştik. Ve O cumartesi akşamı geldi çattı. Sikimi traş etmiş ve ne olur ne olmaz diye otuzbir çekmiştim. Duşa girip temizlenmiş. Parfümümü sıkmış saçlarımı yapmıştım. Kendimi fişek gibi hissediyordum. Daha önce dersaneden çıktıktan sonra evlere beraber gittiğimiz için evlerimizin yerlerini biliyorduk.
Saat geldiğinde mesaj attı yaklaştım diye. Aşağı inip arka kapının önünde beklemeye başladım. Köşeden dönüp yaklaştığını görünce sikim sertleşti. Pantolonumla kemerimin arasına sıkıştırdım sikimi.
Geldi ve direk girdi içeri. İçeri girince ''Hoşgeldin gel çıkalım dedim''. Ve asansöre bindik.

-Ö: Heyecan yaptım.
-Ben: Evet bende.
-Ö: Aldın mı biraları.
-Ben: Evet cips ve çerezde aldım.
-Ö: Oh be kafa dağıtalım biraz. Çalış Çalış nereye kadar.

Bu arada Özge asansördeki aynaya bakarak saçlarını düzeltiyordu. Sağına soluna bakıyordu. Bende bu arada çaktırmadan altındaki siyah tayttan kalçalarının görünüşüne bakıyordum. Gerçekten göz dolduyorlardı. Asansör gelmişti 4. kata ve indik anahtarla açtık kapıyı ve girdik. Sığınakta aldığım minder ve örtüyü serdikten sonra demlenmeye başladık.

Derslerden falan yarak kürek muhabbet ettikten sonra konu malum manitacılık mevzuna geldi. İşte bu anlatmaya başladı aşık olduğu futbolcu çocukla 3 yıl çıkmış ayrılmışlar falan. Ben bu arada boyum ondan uzun olduğu için göğüs çatalını falan dikizliyorum bunun. 'hadi ya' falan diye dinliyomuş gibi tepkiler veriyorum. Birden;

Ö: Senle konuşmak vakit geçirmek iyi geliyor. dedi ve omzuma yaslandı. Bende saçlarını okşamaya falan başladım. Sikimde iyi sert halini almaya başlamıştı.

-Ben: Dertleşmek iyi oluyor. İçmekte kafası dağılıyor insanın arada rahatlamak lazım dedim.
-Ö: Haklısın. dedi ve boynumla omzumun arasına koydu başını. Nefesi resmen koynumdan bütün vücudumu dolaşıyordu.
Bi hamle yapmak istiyordum ama kararsızdım acaba elimi bacağına atıp yavaş yavaş okşasam mı napsam diye düşünürken ilk hamle ondan geldi.
Boynuma ıslak, şehvetli ve adeta slow motion tadında bi öpücük kondurdu. Zaten artık sikim tamamıyla sertleşmiş kot pantolunumu yırtacak kadar kuvvetli baskı yapıyordu. Bende saçlarının arkasından tutup başını omzuma iyice bastırdım. Boynumu ufak öpmeye ve emmeye başladı. Elimi çenesine attım ve dudaklarını dudaklarıma doğru çektim. Birbirimizi adeta kemiriyorduk. Beni üstüne çekti.
Liseli stili ile bacaklarının arasında üzerimizde kıyafetlerle ona sürtünüyor ve dudaklarını yiyordum. Elimi göbeğine attım ve okşadıktan sonra tişörtünü çıkardım. Sütyeninin arasından göğüslerini, belini öpüp yalıyordum.
Birden yavaşladım.(Aklıma porno filmleri geldi.) Karnını göğüslerini yavaş ve hiddetli şekilde öpmeye ellerimle ellerini yukarıda birleştirip koltuk altına ufak öpücükler atmaya başladım.
Sütyenini çıkardı ve o güzel sert göğüslerini bana sundu. Uçlarını dudaklarımın arasına alıp öperken elini sikime attı ve üstüme çıkmak istercesine hareketlendi. Ona izin verdim. Üzerimi çıkardı ve kemerimi çözdü. Pantolonumu sıyırdı. Sonra kendi kotunu dudaklarımız birleşik birbrimizi somururken çıkardı. Altında siyah kilodu ve benim siyah boksırımla kaldı.
Üzerime çıktı sürtünmeye başladı. İnanılmaz bir zevk alıyordum. Hızlanmaya ve inlemeye başladı. Daha sonra dünyanın en etkili sözcüklerinden birini kulağıma fısıldadı. Bu sözcük bundan sonraki seks hayatımı etkileyecekti.

Kulağıma yaklaşıp: Sik beni! dedi.

Bundan sonraki seks hayatım hiç tahmin edemiyeceğim yerlere gidecektim. Ben boksırımı çıkarmak için hamle yaptım. Oda çıkaracakken ellerinden tuttum. Boksırımı çıkardıktan sonra onu altıma aldım ve bacaklarını ayaklarını öpe öpe kilodunu çıkardım. Üzerine uzandım. Hayatımın en tecrübesiz anlarından biriydi. Nasıl sokacağım hakkında en ufak bi fikrim yoktu. Biz erkekler her işi doğuştan bilirmişiz gibi davranırız ama aslında kontrol hiç bir zaman bizim elimizde olmamıştır.
Daha sonra ben henüz hareket etmeden sikimi eliyle tuttu. Ve o kutsal mahremine hizaladı. İşareti anlamıştım. yavaş yavaş bastırmaya başlamıştım. Daha sonra o ana kadar hiç aklıma gelmeyen bişey geldi.
Ya Bakireyse!!!! ama artık bunu düşünmek için çok geçti. O mahreme girmek üzereydim. Ve bianda girdim.
O kadar sıcaktı ki içi sanki sikimi alevlerin içine sokmuştum. İlk başta biraz hareketsiz kaldıktan sonra yavaş yavaş git gel yapmaya başladım. Kan gelmemişti. Demek ki bakire değildi. yavaş yavaş sikerken tempoyle hızlanmaya başladım. Ve ritmik bi şekilde 'şak şak şak' sesleri yükselmeye başladı o boş odada.
Benim zevktem gözlerim kararırken üzerine kapakladım Özgenin. O ise kısık ve inlemeli seslerle

-Ö: Ah evet! İşte bu istediğim bu
Ben: Rahatlıyor musun şimdi(daha doğrusu mırıldandım)
Ö: Evet rahatlıyorum! Ah! Ah! becer beni dedi.

İçimde bişeyler olmaya başladı. Karnım iç organlarım çekilmeye başladı. Boşalacağımı anladım içinden çıktım. Sikimi amının üzerüne koyarak git gel yapmaya devam ettim.
10-15 saniye sonra adeta bi volkan gibi patladım göbeğine.oda sarsılıyordu. Ama umurumda değildi. O kadar kasıldım ki boynunu kırarcasına sıkıyordum.
Bir süre üzerinde o şekilde kaldık. Konuşamıyordum. Daha önceleride ama girmiştim boşalmıştım. Hatta bi escortun içine bile boşalmıştım ama bu başka bişeydi. Yerden yükselmek gibiydi.
Daha sonra kızı boğmamak için üzerinden kalktım duvara yaslandım ve bir süre öyle kaldım.oda yanıma duvara yaslandı.Konuşmuyorduk.
Daha doğrusu konuşamıyorduk. Nefeslerimiz yumuşayıp sakinleşince birer sigara yaktık. Boynuma tekrar sokulup süperdi dedi ve öptü beni bende dudağına bi öpücük bıraktım.

Futbolcu çocuk Özge'yi ilişlilerinin son 1 senesi boyunca hemen hemen her hafta sikmiş. Son zamanlarda onun kaprisleri yüzünden ayrılmışlar. Ve oda benden hoşlanıyormuş.

Üniversite sınavına kadar düzenli aralıklarla çatı ve sığınak dahil olmak üzere Özge'yi birçok yerde siktim. Üniversite sınav sonuçları açıklandığında hayatıma bambaşka bi yöne doğru gidecekti. Özge Isparta'yı ben ise İZMİR 'i kazanmıştım. Yeni hayatım bambaşka olacaktı. İzmir 'in popüler özel üniversitelerinden birini kazanmıştım.


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OceaniaChapter 19

Henderson stood behind two technicians as they remotely powered up the Nexus and watched as a list of arcane messages scrolled up their monitors. "Power established," one of them interpreted. "Self test complete. Boot sequence underway." "I've got telemetry," his colleague added. "Communication initiated," the first man stated, "I'm seeing traffic to all outlying nodes." "Everything okay?" Henderson asked. "It'll take some time to repopulate the routing tables but we...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 34

Joe and Celia headed to Eddie’s studio late morning, a few hours after Maria had headed to work. Before leaving, the two had made love. Long and lingering and loving. Joe never going past a medium tempo, not needing to. Going just a little faster when he came, and she came for the last time. Pretty much in synch. Omelets for breakfast, prepared by Joe, a shared shower, and they were ready to leave. The tough Russian, not the most amiable butler, once more let them in. “They are in the...

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The Preachers WifeChapter 6

Marge's heart pounded in her chest, beating faster than normal as she fidgeted in the car seat. She kept looking at Jack who would glance over and smile. He drove silently to an unknown destination. The only thing he had told her was that all her desires would be met. She felt so many emotions -- nervousness ... excitement ... apprehension ... desire ... wickedness. Yes, she felt wicked, but that only added to her arousal. Now that her sexual appetite was unleashed she couldn't get enough;...

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WebYoung Adria Rae Maya Kendrick Morgan Rain Melody Marks Focus Group Frenzy

A moderator has brought together four teens (Melody Marks, Maya Kendrick, Morgan Rain, and Adria Rae) into a focus group to figure out what makes them tick when it comes to adult entertainment. What can adult entertainment companies do to attract young women to subscribe to and watch their content? Melody starts things off by saying how important it is to her to have women creating the content. So if something is written or directed by a woman, it’s her jam! Maya believes representation...

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Black Safari for Sophie

During my many exploits on the African continent I witnessed a number of interracial occurrences. Those I can verify but I also heard many stories of pure black lust prior to my setting foot on that continent. Many were inconsequential but others were more intriguing. There is indeed a dark side of mankind that spreads it's tentacles throughout the world and Africa certainly has had it's share. Many countries of this continent have a very prominent history and have given much to the benefit of...

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My wifethe cum whore Part 2

Introduction: This is the second part to the story. Check out and leave some comments. The best part is part 3 and will be coming soon! Part 2: So after I caught my wife cheating on me with my then best friend, I started looking into more of what she has done or was doing. I hired a private investigator to follow her around for a month. I wasnt sure what would come up, but I wanted proof of whatever it was. I hadnt decided if I wanted to leave her or not. She had been begging me for...

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Fucking My Girlfriend Uzma

Hi guys and this is Navdeep a 22 years old young and energetic handsome guy. I used to fantasise every beauty I saw but only some of them have come true. Till now I had made love with three girls who are damn sexy. I am narrating my first experience which has happened with my first love 2 years back. I would like to enjoy more with many girls and aunties too who are starving of sex and lust of having a strong dick in their pussies. For your info I have a 7 inch with 2.5 inch width dick which...

3 years ago
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Extra Credit

*My first attempt at a story. Somewhat based on real-life.*After working in a major technological field for over 4 years, I unexpectedly was laid off. After hammering the pavement for weeks without any leads, things were getting a bit tight financially; I was getting worried. As luck would have it, I ran into an old co-worker of mine, Bill, at a birthday party one night. He talked up his position at the local community college as a Professor. He detailed to me that they always needed...

4 years ago
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Rich and Poor

The world had changed diversity had broken down, there was only the rich people and the poor people, the rich ruled and the poor suffered at the hands of the rich. There was a gang of chavs who fought against the rich and they were feared. A chav was a teenager who wore a hooded top track suite trousers called trackies training shoes called trainers and no under ware, they were lawless roamed in gangs and people avoided them if they could even the police stayed clear of them, it was only poor...

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Erotic Sex With Horny 8216Online Game8217 Girlfriend

This happened when I had completed my graduation and was searching for a job. I had a lot of free time. So I used to play Clash of Clans (COC), an online game and I was becoming very good at it. So I decided to join a clan (a group of people who play that game) and came across an Indian clan. I joined that clan and things were going well. The people in that group were very friendly. They helped me out sometimes in that game, particularly a player who went by the name ‘Dragon Fist’. He was extra...

4 years ago
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Job Ne Dilayi Ek Sexy Bhabhi

Hi friends, mera naam Rajesh (name changed) hai. Mera sabhi chut waliyo or lund walo ko namaskar. Mai Goa ka rahne wala hu. Mere lund ka size 9 inch hai. Meri age 25 hai aur mei ek insurance company mei kaam karta hu. July 2015 month ki baat hai muje ek customer mil gayi uska naam Kavita hai (name changed) vo ek Punjabi thi. Uska ghar mere ghar se lagbag 2 km ke duri pet ha. Uski age 35 hogi aur uska figure 36-30-34 hai. Vo yaha akele rehti thi uske pati Punjab mei thai aur saal me ek baar hi...

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living in hell with 3 evil sisters

My life wasn’t ideal for any 16 year old boy hitting puberty. I grew up in a house with no father (because he kicked the bucket when I was only two years old) a mother who seemed like she was always out of town, and three older sisters. Needless to say I was lacking a father figure in the house, or any kind of figure that would teach me to be a man because I sure as hell knew I wasn’t.  With mom being out of town a lot that meant that we’d have to take care of ourselves more. Do the cooking,...

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When I look at you I see him

Mad Hog Mc Ham had been in a foul mood, blaming Blake Lotus and his second in command Two Ton for a crooked deal gone wrong. As a punishment he had them train nine hours in a row without a break, after which Mad Hog let them clean up the training facilities with nothing more than a toothbrush.As always Blake had stayed completely stoic under it all, placing himself and his mind elsewhere, following Mad Hog’s orders as a robot and shutting off all his feelings. But Two Ton had been more than...

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I get taught a lesson

Tyler and I strolled into the party, and everyone's heads turned to look at us per usual. We were an odd sort of couple. Tyler, strong and forever angry looking, and me tall, skinny, and never without a half smirk on my face. I was wearing a cut off t-shirt that showed my tan stomach, belly button ring, and the top of my cleavage, along with skinny jeans and flats. My long black hair fell in loose curls down my back. I saw several girls give me bitchy looks as I walked in. I laughed and took...

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There is a wonderful word in Yiddish, namely ‘seykhl.’ If you have seykhl, you have common sense, and people with this attribute are always successful in life. Anyone who has ever attended a tenth, twentieth or thirtieth school reunion, could easily attest to this fact.Often, the brainy seniors at school, or college, who excelled academically, end up living a life of financial mediocrity. The guys with seykhl, nonetheless, who are generally regarded as the ones least likely to succeed in the...

Gay Male
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Hank Wakes Up The Neighbors Part Five

2 of Mina's slave girls were in deep trouble with her, having lost track of time in the kitchen that night, eating each other out, when they were supposed to be using Pastor Gilbertson. She punished them rather severely later that evening, when she caught them red-handed, by making them perform cunnilingus on her, but refusing to do the same for them. There were supposed to have been at least 4 women besides Mina fucking Guy, but he only did 3 that night, counting her. The next morning, she...

Group Sex
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 10

I turned to look at him and he nodded, holding out the keys to me. “It’s all yours. The papers are already transferred. She was my first car. Now she’s yours.” I reached out and took the keys from him, looking at them in awe. “What year is it?” “She’s a ‘76 Stingray,” he confirmed. “A Stingray,” I breathed. I looked at it again. The fiery red paint looked brand new. “She’s gorgeous! I ... I don’t know what to say.” “A definite first,” Victoria said dryly. “I’d intended for you to have...

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My wifes very first time teasing a mate

As young fellas my best mate & I were a couple of wankers. He always had the latest 'dirty books' for wanking to & if we were lucky we'd borrow Porn films to look at via an old Standard 8 projector. We'd wait until my wife was out with the girls & we'd watch the movies sitting with our cocks out wanking. He always let me know he fancied my wife so after a few cans I always ended up talking about her to tease him. I think he knew nearly as much as me about her. We used to go to a...

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My New Neighbor

I'm a slender, thirty-two year old, bi white male. I've been cross dressing since my teens and love the look and feel of wearing women's clothes. I'm not into all the heavy stuff like wigs, breast forms, padding etc. I mostly wear lace panties, bras, lingerie, garter belts, sheer nylons and heels. I was blessed with long legs, a slim waist, nice round hips and a very shapely little ass. As I mentioned, I'm bi and have had a few really hot girlfriends over the years. (I always steal a couple...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E08 Sophia Brayson 35 from Luton and Gina Howey 31 from Newcastle

We fade in on our regular set – the rusty old bedstead, with the ratty stained mattress, set on a concrete floor in the middle of a dark studio, harshly lit from above by a single spotlight. The bed looks a little different to previous times we’ve seen it, because one end (the foot-end), and its legs, have been removed, leaving a sloping bedframe and mattress. There’s no explanation for the missing ‘footer’ from the bed. There’s a brief pause – then we hear footsteps approaching. Heels...

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ComaChapter 2

I woke. A new day had begun, birds were singing in the trees, the sun was shining through a gap in the curtains. I became aware of other sounds, my niece and nephew were being readied for school, dressing, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, don’t ask me, I didn’t know their routines, and right then, my own routine didn’t seem that important. Chantelle came and looked at the three dolls lying side by side. She was about to reach out for me, when Lisa, my sister came and said, “time to go,...

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My New Thert

The other day I was really sore from working out and thought it would be a great to treat myself to a massage. Being something of a massage freak I am always looking and hoping for that elusive Happy Ending as an extra. I looked on the internet under Massage Ther****ts and found a local gal who was happy to make an appointment for me the same day. She had a sexy sounding voice and I figured maybe I would luck out and finally get that Happy Ending I was looking for. But when she said her...

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Second Chance Chapter 3

"I'm sorry, but you're wrong this time," Tim growled, clearly frustrated. Trisha gave him a knowing smile, "Haven't you learned by now, I'm never wrong." "I can vouch for that," Pete enthusiastically agreed. "It's been eleven years and I'm still waiting to win my first fight." They shared a laugh as the couple tried to raise his spirits. In contrast to the previous week, the last three days had been anything but wonderful for Tim. Although he had seen Donna every day, the...

2 years ago
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Magic Cream

Found this story in the internet, thought would be worth sharing Magical Cream It was a normal day in the Washington area, raining, and a bit cold. I would use the word ‘pouring’, but not for the state of Washington. Anyhow, somewhere under the shelter of a bus stop, sat a woman, this woman was 22, 5’6′, a set of B-cups, and short brown hair, along with decent figure, along with a decent personality. Her name was Liz, she’d been there for maybe 10 min. before her bus showed up. When she...

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My Fifth BBW Experience

The last story ended with Madi leaving the auditorium in a rather mad state, Alex happily trying to coax me into entering another session, and myself annoyed at what just happened, considering it confused the hell out of me. For the rest of the school year, things had changed between the two of us, as she didn't even look at me, try to make contact, or respond to me when I made conversation. It also didn't help that, near the end of our final year, she came by the table I sat at with my...

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Alles hrt auf mein Kommando

Es war mitten in der Nacht als Ben aufwachte. Er war unglaublich müde und wollte eigentlich nur weiterschlafen. Was hatte ihn bloß geweckt? Ein Blick auf den Wecker zeigte, dass es erst drei Uhr war, aufstehen müsste er aber erst um sieben! Erst jetzt bemerkte er die Gestalt, die am andern Ende des Raums stand und ihn ansah. Es war eine Frau, unglaublich sexy in ihrem silbernen Bikini. Ihr blondes Haar wehte zusammen mit dem silbrig glänzenden Umhang im Wind. Moment mal Wind? Hier im...

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Polizistin wird zur Nutte gemacht

Die junge Polizistin Sina war entgegen der sonst üblichen Regel alleine im Streifenwagen unterwegs. Ihr Kollege hatte sich kurzfristig wegen Magen - Darm - Problemen krank gemeldet, sie dachte nur, hoffentlich hat er dich nicht schon angesteckt und es machte ihr nichts aus allein auf Streifenfahrt zu gehen. Sie träumt so vor sich und ist auf einer Fahrt durch die ruhigen Außenbezirke der Großstadt. Als sie plötzlich auf einer Strecke wo 70 km/h erlaubt ist und sie auch diese Geschwindigkeit...

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He had done it. Finally after spending 6 years developing it, George had finally finished creating the perfect, inconspicuous product for changing the world. Working in the factory that makes sugar has paid off, because now, after all the science experiments, all the trial and error, all the tests, he had it. An entire batch of sugar, but not just ANY sugar, no. THIS sugar, had the ability to control minds. He was able to put people in a trance for 20 minutes, give them any order, make them...

Mind Control
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Sea Witch of Nantucket IslandChapter 2

Henrietta was more of a bicycle person than a motorcar person because she was fearful of being in some accident that would negate her cursed existence for at least another five hundred years of mortal life. Actually at almost three hundred winters under her belt she was really still in her younger years in humankind terms and she was a bit irresponsible in matters of the heart. She had expressed her regret at her terrible weakness of the flesh with regard to the one-legged Police Chief in...

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