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Merhaba bu hikayeyi okuyan sevgili xhamster takipçileri. Son zamanlarda okuduğum hikayeler üzerine bende hikayelerimi paylaşmak istedim.
Efe ben.
Lakin ben tamamiı ile gerçek cinsel hayatımı paylaşıcam. Bu sebeptendir ki bazı isimleri ve olayları değiştirerek anlatmam gerek.
Lisede kızların peşinde koşan biri değildim. Bu sebepten midir bilemem ama kız arkadaşlarım hep güzel kızlar olmuştur. Voleybolcu, tiyatorocu vs. Ama son yılımda lise dördüncü sınıfta ufak kıpırdamalar olmaya başladı. Bazı kaşar diye hitap ettiğimiz kızlar yazmaya benimle ilgilenmeye başladı.
Dersanede ben iyi bi bölüm diye kasmaya çalışırken kendi lisemden başka bi Anadolu lisesinde okuyan ve dersanede tanıştığım bi kızla sürekli konuşur dertleşir olduk.
Özge (diye hitap edeceğim) arkadaşım sürekli mesaj atar ve yazar oldu. 1.60 boylarında düzgün fizikli ve en çok ilgimi çeken yukarı çıkık şekilde düzgün kalçalı bi kızdı. Birgün yine derslerden konuşurken içmek ve rahatlamak istediğini söyledi. Bu arada ben 1.85 boylarında atletik denilebilecek yapıda aleti 17 cm olan bi erkeğim. Seks konusunda en büyük avantajım abim sayesinde öğrendiklerimi escortların üzerinde uygulamış olmam ve geç boşalmamdır. Küstahlığa gerek yok çekici biriyim. Ailemin maddi durumu ise baya iyi.
Bende Özge'ye beraber içelim ama bizim ilçede kız arkadaşınla gidip içilecek biyer yok dedim.(İlçelerde yaşayanlar bilir. En büyük sıkıntı mekan eksikliğidir.) Ağzımdan birden ''Aslında bizim üst kat boş orda içebiliriz'' cümlesi çıktı. O da sanki bunu bekliyormuş gibi ''Nasıl giricem ki sizin apartmana'' dedi. Bu arada apartman sahibi babam ön tarafı caddeye arka tarafı ise ara sokağa bakıyor. Garajın ordan giriş var.
Ben garajın ordan alırım seni dedim. Sanki bunu bekliyormuş kaşar. Tamam o zaman dedi.
İlk defa bi hatunu içmeye üstelik bomboş biyere davet etmiştim. Bundan önce kendi ayarladığım kızlarla en fazla sürtünmeye kadar gidebildim. Ama Özge'yi sikeceğime emindim. Çünkü benle konuşurkenki bakışmaları halleri tavırları belli ediyordu.
Hafta sonu için sözleştik. Ve O cumartesi akşamı geldi çattı. Sikimi traş etmiş ve ne olur ne olmaz diye otuzbir çekmiştim. Duşa girip temizlenmiş. Parfümümü sıkmış saçlarımı yapmıştım. Kendimi fişek gibi hissediyordum. Daha önce dersaneden çıktıktan sonra evlere beraber gittiğimiz için evlerimizin yerlerini biliyorduk.
Saat geldiğinde mesaj attı yaklaştım diye. Aşağı inip arka kapının önünde beklemeye başladım. Köşeden dönüp yaklaştığını görünce sikim sertleşti. Pantolonumla kemerimin arasına sıkıştırdım sikimi.
Geldi ve direk girdi içeri. İçeri girince ''Hoşgeldin gel çıkalım dedim''. Ve asansöre bindik.

-Ö: Heyecan yaptım.
-Ben: Evet bende.
-Ö: Aldın mı biraları.
-Ben: Evet cips ve çerezde aldım.
-Ö: Oh be kafa dağıtalım biraz. Çalış Çalış nereye kadar.

Bu arada Özge asansördeki aynaya bakarak saçlarını düzeltiyordu. Sağına soluna bakıyordu. Bende bu arada çaktırmadan altındaki siyah tayttan kalçalarının görünüşüne bakıyordum. Gerçekten göz dolduyorlardı. Asansör gelmişti 4. kata ve indik anahtarla açtık kapıyı ve girdik. Sığınakta aldığım minder ve örtüyü serdikten sonra demlenmeye başladık.

Derslerden falan yarak kürek muhabbet ettikten sonra konu malum manitacılık mevzuna geldi. İşte bu anlatmaya başladı aşık olduğu futbolcu çocukla 3 yıl çıkmış ayrılmışlar falan. Ben bu arada boyum ondan uzun olduğu için göğüs çatalını falan dikizliyorum bunun. 'hadi ya' falan diye dinliyomuş gibi tepkiler veriyorum. Birden;

Ö: Senle konuşmak vakit geçirmek iyi geliyor. dedi ve omzuma yaslandı. Bende saçlarını okşamaya falan başladım. Sikimde iyi sert halini almaya başlamıştı.

-Ben: Dertleşmek iyi oluyor. İçmekte kafası dağılıyor insanın arada rahatlamak lazım dedim.
-Ö: Haklısın. dedi ve boynumla omzumun arasına koydu başını. Nefesi resmen koynumdan bütün vücudumu dolaşıyordu.
Bi hamle yapmak istiyordum ama kararsızdım acaba elimi bacağına atıp yavaş yavaş okşasam mı napsam diye düşünürken ilk hamle ondan geldi.
Boynuma ıslak, şehvetli ve adeta slow motion tadında bi öpücük kondurdu. Zaten artık sikim tamamıyla sertleşmiş kot pantolunumu yırtacak kadar kuvvetli baskı yapıyordu. Bende saçlarının arkasından tutup başını omzuma iyice bastırdım. Boynumu ufak öpmeye ve emmeye başladı. Elimi çenesine attım ve dudaklarını dudaklarıma doğru çektim. Birbirimizi adeta kemiriyorduk. Beni üstüne çekti.
Liseli stili ile bacaklarının arasında üzerimizde kıyafetlerle ona sürtünüyor ve dudaklarını yiyordum. Elimi göbeğine attım ve okşadıktan sonra tişörtünü çıkardım. Sütyeninin arasından göğüslerini, belini öpüp yalıyordum.
Birden yavaşladım.(Aklıma porno filmleri geldi.) Karnını göğüslerini yavaş ve hiddetli şekilde öpmeye ellerimle ellerini yukarıda birleştirip koltuk altına ufak öpücükler atmaya başladım.
Sütyenini çıkardı ve o güzel sert göğüslerini bana sundu. Uçlarını dudaklarımın arasına alıp öperken elini sikime attı ve üstüme çıkmak istercesine hareketlendi. Ona izin verdim. Üzerimi çıkardı ve kemerimi çözdü. Pantolonumu sıyırdı. Sonra kendi kotunu dudaklarımız birleşik birbrimizi somururken çıkardı. Altında siyah kilodu ve benim siyah boksırımla kaldı.
Üzerime çıktı sürtünmeye başladı. İnanılmaz bir zevk alıyordum. Hızlanmaya ve inlemeye başladı. Daha sonra dünyanın en etkili sözcüklerinden birini kulağıma fısıldadı. Bu sözcük bundan sonraki seks hayatımı etkileyecekti.

Kulağıma yaklaşıp: Sik beni! dedi.

Bundan sonraki seks hayatım hiç tahmin edemiyeceğim yerlere gidecektim. Ben boksırımı çıkarmak için hamle yaptım. Oda çıkaracakken ellerinden tuttum. Boksırımı çıkardıktan sonra onu altıma aldım ve bacaklarını ayaklarını öpe öpe kilodunu çıkardım. Üzerine uzandım. Hayatımın en tecrübesiz anlarından biriydi. Nasıl sokacağım hakkında en ufak bi fikrim yoktu. Biz erkekler her işi doğuştan bilirmişiz gibi davranırız ama aslında kontrol hiç bir zaman bizim elimizde olmamıştır.
Daha sonra ben henüz hareket etmeden sikimi eliyle tuttu. Ve o kutsal mahremine hizaladı. İşareti anlamıştım. yavaş yavaş bastırmaya başlamıştım. Daha sonra o ana kadar hiç aklıma gelmeyen bişey geldi.
Ya Bakireyse!!!! ama artık bunu düşünmek için çok geçti. O mahreme girmek üzereydim. Ve bianda girdim.
O kadar sıcaktı ki içi sanki sikimi alevlerin içine sokmuştum. İlk başta biraz hareketsiz kaldıktan sonra yavaş yavaş git gel yapmaya başladım. Kan gelmemişti. Demek ki bakire değildi. yavaş yavaş sikerken tempoyle hızlanmaya başladım. Ve ritmik bi şekilde 'şak şak şak' sesleri yükselmeye başladı o boş odada.
Benim zevktem gözlerim kararırken üzerine kapakladım Özgenin. O ise kısık ve inlemeli seslerle

-Ö: Ah evet! İşte bu istediğim bu
Ben: Rahatlıyor musun şimdi(daha doğrusu mırıldandım)
Ö: Evet rahatlıyorum! Ah! Ah! becer beni dedi.

İçimde bişeyler olmaya başladı. Karnım iç organlarım çekilmeye başladı. Boşalacağımı anladım içinden çıktım. Sikimi amının üzerüne koyarak git gel yapmaya devam ettim.
10-15 saniye sonra adeta bi volkan gibi patladım göbeğine.oda sarsılıyordu. Ama umurumda değildi. O kadar kasıldım ki boynunu kırarcasına sıkıyordum.
Bir süre üzerinde o şekilde kaldık. Konuşamıyordum. Daha önceleride ama girmiştim boşalmıştım. Hatta bi escortun içine bile boşalmıştım ama bu başka bişeydi. Yerden yükselmek gibiydi.
Daha sonra kızı boğmamak için üzerinden kalktım duvara yaslandım ve bir süre öyle kaldım.oda yanıma duvara yaslandı.Konuşmuyorduk.
Daha doğrusu konuşamıyorduk. Nefeslerimiz yumuşayıp sakinleşince birer sigara yaktık. Boynuma tekrar sokulup süperdi dedi ve öptü beni bende dudağına bi öpücük bıraktım.

Futbolcu çocuk Özge'yi ilişlilerinin son 1 senesi boyunca hemen hemen her hafta sikmiş. Son zamanlarda onun kaprisleri yüzünden ayrılmışlar. Ve oda benden hoşlanıyormuş.

Üniversite sınavına kadar düzenli aralıklarla çatı ve sığınak dahil olmak üzere Özge'yi birçok yerde siktim. Üniversite sınav sonuçları açıklandığında hayatıma bambaşka bi yöne doğru gidecekti. Özge Isparta'yı ben ise İZMİR 'i kazanmıştım. Yeni hayatım bambaşka olacaktı. İzmir 'in popüler özel üniversitelerinden birini kazanmıştım.


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EvilAngel Zoey Monroe Leigh Raven Gaping Anal And Squirting

Slender, ornately tattooed Leigh Raven and bodacious Zoey Monroe are blonde, lingerie-clad lesbian lovers. They watch a classic porn scene featuring a jackhammer dildo machine and squirting female ejaculations. Inspired, Zoey rims Leigh’s asshole. Markus Dupree steps in to deliver intense anal fucking. Their nasty threesome includes anal reaming, ass-to-mouth cocksucking, raw rectal gaping and multiple showers of girl squirt! Leigh and Zoey share a creamy cum facial followed by a sloppy,...

3 years ago
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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 21

Danny walked into the gymnasium where the dance was being held, with Val on his arm. She was dressed in an extremely nice gown, which showed off her figure in a spectacular fashion. He was smiling broadly, although what he really wanted to do was head home and go to bed. It had been a horrible week, with finals three nights (one night with two finals back to back) and a busy schedule at high school. He escorted Val to a table with her friends. After a quick round of ‘hellos’ and ‘how do you...

3 years ago
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Just your average workplace pt 2

My heart pounded wildly. I mean, this was the woman who had, not even a half hour ago, made me cum all over her face. And then, my boss. I was at a loss for words which is ironic, I know, but there you have it. This was way out of my comfort zone, but the sight of Candice and her full, juicy breasts made me think twice. I bit my bottom lip, contemplating the possibilities. Jeremy cleared his throat and I tore my gaze from Candice. “As we were saying,” he chortled. “Candice had just come in to...

Group Sex
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Trinkets Day

It was eleven pm when I closed up the Go Auto automobile part store. I was the manager of the store. It had started raining about fifteen minutes before, and I had a six block walk to reach home. But I wasn't worried. I made this walk almost every night on a well-lit, fairly busy street. And I had my umbrella with me. Rain had been in the forecast. About a half a block into the walk the steady rain turned into a torrent. It came down so hard I could barely see three feet in front of me. This...

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Help Wanted could call him nervous. After all, he’d been employed at the same job in the same building for 12 years now. He was making decent money, living a decent life, then, out of left field with no warning, “Sorry, Kevin, but the company has been forced into bankruptcy and we gotta let ya go....” So why the nervousness now? Well, he hasn’t been on a job interview for the last 12 years and it’s been even longer than that since he was interviewed by a female. Women with power...

2 years ago
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Pass or Fail

Here I was in my senior year in high school sitting in a freshman algebra course. I failed it my first year and waited way too long to get it over with. The only thing I liked about the class was the fact that I had the same teacher from my freshman year, who really wanted me to pass this time. His name was Mr. James, he was tall & muscular with the smoothest, deepest voice a man could have. Imagine Rick Fox, only ten times better. One Thursday Mr. James was pasing back papers. He stopped by my...

Straight Sex
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What Happens In Vegas

From the bed I watched my wife of twenty years step into her deep blue lace panties and ease them over the curves over shapely brown thighs. She adjusted the elastic around them to ensure that no stray pubic curls were visible, then ran a finger between her thighs and sighed deeply."Shit G, I've just had a shower and I'm all wet already again." she commented more for her own benefit than mine.D turned, picked up the matching bra from the bed and slipped her arms into it. Her dark nipples were...

4 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 10

Waking up, I felt something that told me my body was halting its growth. I don’t quite know what it was, but I knew that I was at the point where there was no more coming. It was 9 Aug, whatever the Agen did took less than two months to complete. I was now 6’5, 255lbs and built really well. I was benching about 300 lbs easily, though on the rubber band machine. Doing 10 pull ups wasn’t really much of a problem. My run time had plateaued at about 21 minutes, but that was without really...

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Just do it my parents said. I can't I won't. What if, what about. My dad my cut my me off. That's all we hear, what if, what about. You have nothing to fear. Your allowed to wear what you want to wear. Be who you are there is no shame in that. People will laugh my friends won't like me anymore I told my parents. The ones that laugh or call you names where never real friends to begin with and that would be a shame. But the ones who embrace you are angels from heaven. The choice is...

3 years ago
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My wifes Confession

Last Friday, she came home late with her hair messed up and her clothes wrinkled. I asked her where she went and what she did, but she wouldn't tell me. She just smiled. I put my arms around her, held her close, and kissed her. She smelled like sex. While I was kissing her, I rubbed my hands over her back and ass. She wasn't wearing a bra and she didn't have on any panties. Then, I felt between her legs and she was all sloppy wet. I lifted her skirt, and she had cum dripping out of her...

3 years ago
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A New Start The BeginningChapter 7 Life Continues

Ben and the three T's were hitting it off better than anyone would have thought. Linda pointed out that a sentry should be in the tower during the day and all of the ladies agreed to take a watch. Two-Feather, Ben and I were not allowed to take a watch. We were the full time response team as the ladies put it. Amy pointed out that they had us out numbered three to one. So we had a sentry with a radio and binoculars nine hours a day. Everyone carried a radio, pistol and at least one rifle...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 25

Danville, Virginia June 24, 2011 On the train back home, I tried not to pay attention to the news too much, but it was quite inescapable. South Carolina was well on its way back into the Union, due to haggling between the Republican Front and the sketchy state government in Columbia. What a far cry that was from 1860, I grinned as I recalled that the Palmetto State had the dubious distinction of being the first ever state to secede from the Union back then. “Mind if I join you?” I heard a...

2 years ago
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Honor MattersChapter 3 No Slaves Allowed

Understand this: slavery is prohibited in civilized space. No human is permitted to own another. I had worried that Concubine Yums would be unable to live independently. I believed that slavery was all that Yums had known. When I found out that Concubine Yums was really Agent English, that removed a great weight from my shoulders. Agent English could fend for herself and didn't need me. Or so I thought. I kept making incorrect assumption after stupid assumption. The morning after getting...

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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 13

Miles O'keefe received word two months later that he would be the star in John Derek's next movie project, a remake of 'Tarzan.' Now he knew why all the questions regarding animals. After his introduction into Bo Derek's quirky love habits, he had convinced himself that they were for that rather than a movie. Now he knew. What happened back at the Derek Ranch was just a bonus. He could still picture Bo and John along with the dogs. That same night he had given the Derek's young...

3 years ago
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Last Night

So last night me and my wife where in our living room watching movies, and she started to fall asleep. So I said hey I know your not sleeping, because everytime I spend a lot of time ppicking out these movies and everytime you fall asleep. she said I'm sorry baby I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open can you help me stay awake. I looked at her like ???? what? She said maybe be if you put that big daddy dick in my fat wet pussy I might be able to stay awake. I said I think I can keep you up....

1 year ago
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This time she knew what I did part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Two weeks have pasted and I have not spoken to my once friend some of the guys on the football team laught when they see me.The two who were there smile and yesterday one said " were going to see you again " my blood ran cold and fear gripped my body. Were they coming back? What did he mean,should I tell mom we have to move? A thousand questions were going thru my brain. Friday night the week has past and I don't have to see anyone all weekend I want...

2 years ago
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Neptune VIChapter 3

There was a soft knock on the door a few minutes later. Before I could say anything the door opened and a head popped in. It was Abigail. She stepped in and closed the door. I estimated the blonde woman was in her mid-30s by Earth years. She smiled and approached the bed. "Hi," I said out of habit. "Hello, Alex," she said and climbed up on the bed then crawled toward me. I watched her closely trying to figure out what she was doing. She kissed my lips then began to kiss all over my...

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Joe was sixty years old and he loved fucking the young street whores behind a bush in the park. He had the young blonde's shirt undone sucking on her nipples and her panties were around her ankles as he three fingered her cunt. He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out and put her hand on it and she began stroking him as he then put three fingers in her ass and fucked both holes. Joe had a seven inch cock that was thicker than a pop can and he loved ass fucking. Shoving his thick meat in a...

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My Ladys descent the butlerss tale

Note All characters are entirely ficticious and my apologies of any family or company names have inadvertently been used My Lady's Descent, the Butlers Tale. I was idly cleaning some silverware. The sun was shining through the drawing room windows. The lawns stretched away towards the lake with its island and folly while a gardener snipped ineffectually away at the lawn edges. It was an ordinary summers day. Mr Harrison my lord's stock broker and adviser arrived just after...

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Thunder Buddy Slumber

This story involves my little cousin. We we're the oldest of our family. I was 20 and she is 16. She's short, has perky little tits, and a beautiful tight body. We were basically brothers and sisters and the family knew it. She's definitely an innocent one but I'm almost certain she knows exactly what she's doing. We weren't close but there were moments where she needed a drive home and I was her only option. We talked about the drive home and she told me not to tell her mom as well as 'keep it...

4 years ago
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AccidentMy wife and I owned a nice single story home in the subs. We had moved into this older well kept neighborhood a year earlier and got along with every person who lived around us. There were block parties that we attended and got to know everyone pretty well.I am pretty handy and work on the house a lot. One day the neighbor to our left came over and asked if I could help her with cleaning the gutters. She was a nice lady in her fifties, divorced, no k**s, and very friendly. She had...

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Ignorance is Bliss Ch 01

Okay, if he isn’t home in 20 minutes I am seriously gonna kick his ass. I stood there in my lacy black nightgown, brushing my teeth and watching the seconds tick by on the clock. He promised he would be home by 11 tonight, it was 12. I spit out the foamy toothpaste and stared in the mirror, long dark brown hair, wide golden brown eyes, I personally thought I looked nice. Very nice. Then why did I have such a hard time keeping my boyfriend on time? Sighing, I shut out the bathroom lights and...

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Alicias Sin

‘Who the hell draws these little devil chics anyway?’ I asked Sil. ‘I don’t know, but I have been thinking about getting one tattooed on my ass!’ Sil said. ‘Ohhhh…my…god! That would be sooo fucking cool! If you do it, I’m gonna get a tattoo too!’ I said. ‘Yeah! Fucking-A-stylely! Let’s do it!’ Sil said laughing and we gave each other this little high five! Alicia walked in and she was in a somber-as-usual mood. ‘Hey ‘Licia!? Wanna go get a tattoo on your ass?!’ I said. She gave me a ‘you are...

2 years ago
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A Freebie for Randy

In the aftermath of our first paid sexual encounter, I lay bent over the desk with my ass pleasantly sore and leaking cum down my stocking covered legs. Randy had left moments after pulling out of me, but I stayed on the desk for about twenty minutes just enjoying the feeling of being used. After cleaning myself up I went back to my desk, still dressed in my all-red outfit, and began to order a couple more sets for next week’s hook-up.This time I went with black and white instead of with colors...

Office Sex
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Tobias started the Sabbath day in a buoyant mood. When in church, old Mr Hodges woke up from an apparently vivid dream in the middle of the sermon, no doubt recalling some ancient wrongdoing. He yelled loudly when Tobias was in full flow about turning the other cheek, “I’ll get ye for this if it’s the last thing I do, ye rotten bastards!” Even this slightly awkward interruption did not disturb Tobias’s sense of inner well-being.After all, he had virtually plighted his troth to the lovely Lucy...

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really great on the lawn

A number of years ago I live in a part of Birmingham called Kings Norton. My wife was part of a very large family, (10 brothers and 11 sisters) they were all married and most of them had c***dren, the strange thing was though that most of them would change partners and think it was an everyday thing. It was a common thing for them to get their tits out and push them in your face or rub their nipples to try and get you horny, many times I have been working under a car and one of my sister in...

1 year ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 16

"Oh, hell yes," Renee said upon seeing the clothing herself. She rose from her seat and went over to the rack, where she took one of the dreaded garments in her hands and examined it. "Mmm-mmm, I love a good corset. They always make me look thick in all the right places. Good call by the AG&M boys." "Indeed," Jackson said, noticing Tyler's dismay and completely ignoring it. "The clock is ticking, ladies. Suit up and let's get out there on time. Is anyone out of business...

3 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 8

Whoopsies ? Chapter 8 - By: Beverly Taff Characters: Beverly. Author Pauline Beverly?s younger stepsister. Marjorie Beverly?s long-time school & Childhood friend. Henrie The trio?s new ?lesbian male? dance partner Mummy Jones Beverly?s step mummy & Pauline?s mummy Mummy Williams Marjorie?s Mummy See previous chapters for, Daddy Jones Beverly?s transvestite step dad. Jacqueline Beverly and Pauline?s au pair then wet nurse and friend. Colin Beverly and...

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