Ay Papi indian porn

3 years ago
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S iacute papi siempre me has gustado

Tenía 18 años cuando mi viejo, me cogió por primera vez.Desde hacia varios años me fui a vivir con mi papá, vivíamos los dos solos y nuestra relación de padre e hijo siempre fue muy liberal. Era normal para mi ver desnudo a mi viejo, y por más que me calentaba nunca insinué nada.Esa noche de verano de mucho calor, mi papá entra a mi cuarto mientras yo dormía, el ruido de la puerta hizo que me despertara, al notar eso me dice Papá: - Uhhh, perdoname, no sabía que ya estabas dormido, queres tomar...

3 years ago
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Cholo Papi

Papi was sitting on the couch while she went down on her knees in front of him. His back and big muscled arms were covered in tattoos. He secretly wondered if he ever intimidated her. She was a good girl that wasn’t used to fucking with a Cholo. For now he was not interested in thinking about all of that. Now his eyes were focused on her sweet caramel tits, while she held his hard cock in her hand. Her lips were so full and soft, as she kissed it and put her mouth over its head. Her...

1 year ago
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Oh Papi

It was a cold December night when I came home from work and my mood wasn’t that great either. It has been raining all day and being a rookie at the office, everyone decided to dump their weekend work on me. It sucked but I had to bite my tongue and take it. It was round 6:30 pm when I pulled into my parking spot with pissed off attitude and wasn’t in the mood for anything. As I parked, Diana, my next-door apartment girl came round the corner, dripping wet and shivering. I didn’t know much about...

First Time
4 years ago
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My Puerto Rican Papi

Tonight's Gentleman Caller was Marcos, a regular customer of mine. Tall, dark hair and golden brown skin, plus a gentle smile...he is a heartbreaker. He got me pregnant last month and when I told him he was so happy and so excited (that a 52 year old man could impregnate someone as "young and hot" as myself was like an aphrodisiac to him) that he fucked me senseless....he spent the weekend with me and fucked me (ass, tits, mouth, hair....whatever his pleasure was) so hard and so often that...

3 years ago
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Ohh Papi que rico que RICO

My lover and I are in an interracial relationship. He is an Asian man from Mandalay. And I am a Hispanic mixed female from Puerto Rico. He and I have gone through a lot in our relationship. We have even disagreed so many times and have argued. But the sex between us has always been muy PERFECTO! Something that happens betweens us quite often. It was a humid summer night and I had just finished taking a shower and toweling off. I sat on the living room couch, brushing my long wet hair, and...

2 years ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Reina Yes Sir Ayyyy Co o Papi Extras

Today we have 20-year-old Reina and I must say Tyler really liked this one because he prefers girls that are a little on the thin and slutty side, and you know what? All whopping 93 lbs of this gal is the perfect combination of a bit slutty and more than thin. She’s slinthy is what she is and in all the ways that matter for sure. She also just happens to have the cutest butthole and inviting pussy to boot that’ll make you just want to stick your tongue up there they look so good and inviting...

2 years ago
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Schloss Gr nwalde

Schloss Gr?nwaldeTeil 1 – Kapitel 1-13Synopse: Gr?fin Verena von Grunwald nimmt in ihrer Verzweiflung finanzielle Hilfe von Robert Geldern an und willigt gleichzeitig in die Ehe mit ihm ein. Die zwei T?chter der Gr?fin macht er sich ebenfalls Untertan. Bei der 16-j?hrigen Komtess Tabea hilft er mit einem speziellen Serum nach. Bei der 13-j?hrigen Komtess Tamara stellt er schnell fest, dass sie eine ausgepr?gte masochistische Ader hat.Kapitel 1Tabea von Grunwald griff mit zitternden Fingern zum Telefon.?...

4 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 7

Effet Papillon - 7e partie 13. Je ne maudirai jamais assez ceux qui ont os? commettre des attentats dans des avions. Par leur faute, la s?curit? des a?roports a ?t? renforc?e comme jamais elle ne l'avait ?t? auparavant. Quelque soit votre destination, vous ?tes soumis ? contr?le sur contr?le, fouille sur fouille. Evidemment, avec ma chance naturelle, mon passage ? travers la s?curit? de l'a?roport de Roissy ne s'est pas bien d?roul?. A force de le porter, j'avais compl?tement oubli? mon piercing ? la langue. Le porti...

3 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 1

Effet Papillon. par Ness Coquine 1. Il suffit parfois de peu de choses pour voir changer le cours de son existence. A mon arriv?e ? Paris pour terminer mes ?tudes, je pensais mon chemin tout trac?. Quelques ann?es me suffiraient pour enfin obtenir mon dipl?me en sciences ?conomiques, une fili?re bouch?e mais qui me laissait esp?rer un emploi tranquille dans une banque ou une administration quelconque. Avec un peu de chances je rencontrerais qu...

2 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part two

Effet Papillon - 2e partie 3. Les campagnes de publicit? visant ? vous d?courager de boire de l'alcool ont tout faux. Plut?t que de parler de s?curit? ou de sant?, les spots feraient mieux d'?voquer la gueule de bois et les remords du lendemain. Pour ma part, la gueule de bois n'?tait pas ma premi?re pr?occupation. Bon, mes premi?res minutes de r?veil ressemblaient ? mauvais trip tourn? enti?rement en flou. Mais ce n'?tait pas ma t?te qui me faisait mal. Je ressentais une g?ne, pas vr...

4 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 3

Effet Papillon Par Ness Coquine 3e partie. 5. Apr?s avoir joui en moi, Franck ne mit pas bien longtemps ? reprendre des forces. Il faut dire que Elodie n'avait pas tra?n?. A peine rentr?e, elle s'?tait vite chang?e dans quelque chose de plus confortable, un ensemble de lingerie tr?s ?chancr? qui ne cachait rien de sa superbe anatomie. Franck se jeta sur elle avec la m?me ardeur que celle qu'il avait manife...

4 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 4

Effet Papillon. 4e partie. 7. Les gens sont souvent cruels entre eux. Surtout lorsqu'ils sont encore jeunes. Je craignais la r?action des autres ?tudiants face ? mon nouveau style vestimentaire. Je ne fus pas d??u. J'avais l'impression que tous les regards se portaient dor?navant sur moi. Ils s'accompagnaient de petits rires en coin, de messes basses plus ou moins bien cach?es, de rictus haineux devant la ? folle ? qui confondait les amphis avec les discoth?ques. J'eus m?me le droit...

4 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 5

Effet Papillon. 5e partie. 9. L'introduction de petites culottes toutes plus f?minines les unes que les autres ne fit qu'intensifier notre vie sexuelle. Maintenant que je portais des strings de ? salope ?, qualificatif qui revenait de plus en plus souvent au cours de nos d?bats sexuels, Franck n'h?sitait plus ? me traiter comme telle. Tout se fit progressivement, un ?l?ment ? la fois. Mais aux caresses, sodomies et fellations de nos premi?res semaines, vinrent s'ajouter de nouvelles...

3 years ago
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Effet Papillon 6

Effet Papillon. 6e partie. Note de l'auteur: J'ai mis un peu de temps pour poster cette suite. L'inspiration est toujours pr?sente, mais le temps l'est moins. Merci ? tous pour vos encouragements. 11. A ma grande surprise, cette premi?re sortie en fille s'est tr?s bien pass?. Ou plut?t devrais-je dire mal pass? ?tant donn? ses cons?quences. Le caf? dans lequel Elodie m'avait emmen? ?tait bien loin du bistro traditionnel. A mi-chemin entre la brasserie et le pub, il accueillait toutes sortes de...

4 years ago
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Her Ass Can Take It All

“Bend over and spread your ass cheeks" he told her. She complied. He started licking her asshole and shoving his tongue deep into her ass. He was using first one, then two fingers to help stretch her asshole open. “Tonight Papi wants to see you take many things up your ass like a good little girl. First, we will start with one of these taper candles” He then proceeded to slowly ease the slender candle into her asshole. “Oh, yea. Relax and take it for Papi like a good girl. She loved roll...

2 years ago
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my ther t

my ther****t yet another story but in this occasion is with my ther****t since i wasborn with a disability i’ve known that i would be going through constant health issues or some surgeries maybe even some body changes like growth or height late growth also feeling sensations and this occurred a bit just before my firstsexual experience with my auntie norma..being that i was born with a disability there were things that came along with it like surgeries, different process of growth and/or ways...

4 years ago
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For Amanda

Amanda is a very generous lover, she knows exactly how to please her Papi, that's what she calls me. We met on a social network and gradually became lovers, how could I not, she's a soft and sexy woman thru and thru. We enjoy exchanging erotic messages, in great detail she tells me how she wants to please me and I responds in great detail how she leaves me happy and satisfied. Amanda is a very oral lover, she enjoys sucking Papi's long thick cock with her sweet, sexy, red lips......

2 years ago
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Church Whore 3 final chapter for a cheating house

Alberto Cazares:Listen boy, when you are making a whore, for the best result, you need to have patience and you must keep the little pussy believing that needs you. Spend a little money and time up front, understand this is an investment.If you do it right, la puta, she will make herself a puta almost with no effort from you. Look it, you are like the sheepdog herding sheep. Only in these case, you are the wolf herding putitas away from their families. Align yourself with men of the same...

3 years ago
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Wie das Leben doch so spielt

Titel: Wie das Leben doch so spielt Autorin: Karin (bzw. Katrin Elisabeth) Hauptpersonen: Bub: Herbert bzw. Karin Faltenhauser Stoffbaer: Peter bzw. Petra Vater: Papa Mutter: Mama Lehrerin: Fr. Ruth Ballettschule: Ehepaar Maierhofer Inhaltsverzeichnis: =================== HINWEIS VORWORT GESCHICHTE Einleitung Hauptteil Kataloge Veraenderungen Orthopaedenbesuch Maedchenunterwaesche Weihnachten Kinderkleidermarkt Psychologe Schlusskapitel, nein...

4 years ago
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Mama Papa und das Sissy Baby

Ich lebe noch immer mit meiner Stiefmutter in einem Haus. F?r mich war sie immer die Mama. Mama weckte mich und mein Bett war klatsch nass. Ich kann nicht sagen ob es daran lag das wir erst vor ein paar Monaten umgezogen sind oder an was auch immer aber es war mir mehr wie peinlich, denn ich war schon 22 Jahre alt. Mama zog das Bett ab. Am Abend setzten wir uns dann zusammen aufs Sofa. Sie sagte: Also ich finde wir m?ssen was ?ndern. Dann zeigte sie mir eine Windel und legte sie auf den T...

2 years ago
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now a visit from aunt norma

hello again fellow writers and readers of xhamster here i come to you with another interesting story that occurred to me recently on valentines day a few days prior to the date my aunt norma who “ kindly ” had over at her house for a a few days when i was a little boy. well she called out of no where and i haven’t seen her in about 10 years at this point i was an adult just turned 18.. she asked for my mom her sister whom wasn’t home and i heard her voice in tone of sadness, nostalgic sorta...

3 years ago
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Latin Daddy

"Where have you been, Lexie?"It's not easy being a single dad. I hadn't even had time to grow into the role. It was thrust upon me unexpectedly when my wife of one year died in a car crash, leaving me with a 14-year old "daughter." She had no other family, so since then it's been just her and me. Lexie never knew her real dad, and I never had a daughter so we became symbiotic in a way, celebrating our newfound roles. She's always called me papi, a Spanish term of endearment for a father, as a...

3 years ago
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AnnalogyBy Brewt.BlacklistApril-July 2010Drying OutIgnitionI TOTALLY swear that, as unbelievable as it sounds, the first time was completely an accident.I didn't even realize it had happened until I saw the mark. We had been fighting again; the usual stuff: money, sex, feelings, communications. And I blinked. I heard her sharply inhale, and her head was turned to my left. I hadn't seen her move, she wasn't moving now, and I didn't know what had happened. She was looking down; her face appeared...

2 years ago
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During spring break, I went to visit my father with a few of my college friends who were on their way to Cancun for Spring Break. I hadn't seen him since the fall after going away to college. I'm about medium built long beautiful raven hair and big brown eyes. My skin is on the light side and have always been a little on the heavy side. The large posterior I got from my dad's side of the family and everyone on her mother's side is top heavy, so I was blessed with a very voluptuous body. But...

2 years ago
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Mein Sissy Baby Leben

Mein Sissy Leben. Es fing vor 3 Monaten an. Ich erz?hlte meiner Freundin (Claudia) das ich einen Windel-Fetisch habe. Sie fand es erst etwas merkw?rdig aber wir spielten am Wochenende etwas Baby. Und ich merkte wie sie direkt unglaublich in dieser Rolle auf ging. Von Woche zu Woche wurde es immer etwas mehr. Sie wollte auch pl?tzlich das ich zum Babym?dchen werde was f?r mich aber auch ok war. Zum Gl?ck waren wir durch Ihre Familie nicht auf Arbeit angewiesen und so k?ndigte ich meine ...

2 years ago
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Church Whore 2 church going mom and wife seduced

Alberto Cazares speaking:That Isabel, heh, let me tell you, I could see her for what she was from the first Sunday she come in to church with her little girls. You want to know how easy it is to make a whore? Eh? Let me tell you, if you know what to look for it is too fuckin’ easy. But you have to know what to look for.And you have to be willing to do anything to get to the bitch, sabes? You have to have a killer’s instinct.Let me tell you, a whore is just a cheating bitch – that is all! If she...

1 year ago
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Jill the shy slut

It was after a couple of years that my wife Jill and me finally saw a film in a cinema hall. I hardly get time from my busy work schedule and prefer to watch movies on television. But after this evening, I realized it was these small pleasures in life which I was missing. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We began with a stroll in a public garden, filming each other on our video camera to preserve the nice moments for posterity. We followed it up by a nice dinner and then saw the Hindi movie...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Carlo s Way The Redheaded Stepchild part 2

I had many advantages my parents missed as they struggled to build their lives. They were already successful and I had time to play on the school football, or should I say, soccer, team. I was in great shape and had many friends among the athletes. It was more difficult when it came to dating. It seemed to be frowned upon for the American girls to date the darker kid from Spain. I know it wasn't for lack of trying on my part. And I had been succssful when my family made trips back to their...

2 years ago
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Going To The City Part 1

I was excited, Papi was taking me to a show in the city. I doubled checked that I packed what he wanted me to wear for the night, checking the list diligently. With one last look in the mirror, I was ready for him. My short black skirt and red button up blouse, just barely showing the outline of my nipples without any under garments on. The knock on my door meant he was there to pick me up, making my heart race as I answered the door. He looked me over before helping me with my knee-length...

3 years ago
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The Slavering Chapter 07

The Slavering, Chapter 07 On Tuesday, a woman sat next to Cheri in her Women's Studies class. The woman took careful notes. Cheri ignored her. The turnover for this class was thirty percent per quarter. Most people comped the course. Cheri used it to do her homework in other classes. She had her secretary set to take notes, and to prompt her whenever the instructor or the TA called on her. The woman leaned over towards the end. "How do you pass this class?" "I read all the course...

3 years ago
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Cockslave Feminization as told to me

Cockslave / Feminization as told to me Story from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse.This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and...

2 years ago
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BruceStory from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse.This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and was straight in appearance and...

3 years ago
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Cockslave Bruce

Cockslave BruceStory from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse. This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and was straight in...

3 years ago
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Going to the City Part 2

I was nuzzling against Papi's chest, both of us naked, waiting for the time to get ready to go to our show. He started stroking my nipples, waiting for each one to peak. He stood up, pulling on a robe before getting his bag and setting it on the edge of the bed.“Are you ready for some fun tonight?”“Yes, Papi.” I smiled as I imagined what tonight would hold. He hadn't told me what we were seeing, but he knew how much I loved live shows.“We'll be seeing something a little different tonight.”...

2 years ago
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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 7 Ash s Dirty Secret

“So, um… Chad?”“Yes, Ashley?”“I’ve been thinking. You know I have a boyfriend, and you might be the only one that might listen to me. This is kind of a confession.”“What?”Now, let’s pause right here. A myriad of thoughts were running through my head at this point in time.Like:“Why me? Ashley doesn’t even talk to me much. What could the confession be?”I got the answer swiftly.“Chad… She told me you packing a little, huh?”I cursed to myself.“I should have known. As close as you two are... I...

4 years ago
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Ash s Dirty Secret

"Yes, Ashley?" "I've been thinking. You know I have a boyfriend, and you might be the only one that might listen to me on this topic... since you look at it every day. This is kind of a confession." "What is it?" Now, let's pause right here. A myriad of thoughts were running through my head at this point in time. For example: "Why me? Ashley doesn't even talk to me much. What could the confession be?" I got the answer quickly. "Chad... Becky told me you packing a little,...

2 years ago
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Das Abitur German

Das AbiturAls ich von der Abendschule zur?ck nach Hause kam weinte ich. Ich hatte den letzten Test wohl ordentlich vermasselt. Der Test war sehr schwer gewesen. Doch ich brauchte unbedingt das Abitur, oder ich w?rde meinen Job verlieren. Mein Chef hat mich f?r ein halbes Jahr vom Dienst freigestellt, und das bei voller Bezahlung. Er wollte sichergehen, dass ich gen?gend Zeit zum Lernen hatte um mein Abitur nachzuholen. Mein Mann sah mich als ich die K?che betrat und er fragte mich, warum ich...

2 years ago
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Abh ngigkeiten

Krk Abh?ngigkeiten von Patrizia Panther [email protected] Krk?Bringen Sie mir noch einen Kaffee!?KrkWie hei?t das magische Wort mit zwei T?, dachte Janina bitter l?chelnd.Krk?Aber flott!?KrkGenau das, wie hatte sie das nur vergessen k?nnen!Janina stand seufzend von ihrem Schreibtisch auf, schlenderte zur Kaffeek?che und goss eine weitere Tasse Kaffee ein, wie sie es in der letzten halben Stunde bereits zweimal getan hatte. Sie lie? sich Zeit und steckte sich eine Zigarette an, die sie l?ssig ...

3 years ago
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Ezekiel Retrograde

Ezekiel Retrograde From the Apocryphal Books of Anna By Brewt Editors Note: Below is the best majority reconstruction of the contents of a handwritten file found in Unclaimed Safety Deposit Box Auction #240510007BYGH22. The original has since been destroyed; many pages appear to have been lost forever. Of the remaining content, there are no page numbers or dates, and efforts to find the peoples and places referred to have been unfruitful. Scholarly debate continues to rage as to what the file...

3 years ago
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Naughty NikkabyErica_Gasca©Luis pulled up to the house party. There were plenty of decorations letting people know that the people hosting the party spared no expense on their annual Halloween event. As he walked up to the house he saw very creative and sexy costumes. He immediately knew it was an adult party not meant for k**s. Yet, that did not matter because his angry brought him here to look for his daughter Nikka. She was in serious trouble, she was explicated told not to come to this...

2 years ago
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Writers Block

Introduction: Tell me what should I write about first Writers Block&hellip,. So heres my dilemma I like to write and write until I finish the idea I just get fumbled when it comes to details in the story I came up with the plot, middle and ending just getting from the beginning to the end with the story gets to me. Im trying to include better grammar, punctuations and character descriptions but I also like to avoid this option if I can. So you may see stories without descriptions but if youve...

4 years ago
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Little Mami Part 1

Lil Mami was looking super Hot as ever. She had on her Baby Phat skin tight Black jeans on to accentuate her thick thighs curves, and that big round butt of hers. She also had on a nice low cut hot pink slinky blouse to shows off her size C cup boobies. Under all this she was sporting her hot Latina self in new set of matching hot pink Victoria Secret thong that kinda just lost it's self in between those thick round butt cheeks of hers, and the push up bra that made her nice and firm boobies...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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fantasy and desires

Hello fellow writers readers, porn lovers.I cum again to you with one more story as some know my history of my love affair with who is now my husband which we’ve been together since was 18 well now to speed up a bit. but if you don't know what this whole situation is about read my other stories. This story Shelley as you know came looking for my husband “ if you will”...anyhow when she came we had a heated passionate weekend as she did with when he went to see her after her showing up in our...

4 years ago
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The Lap of Luxury

Park gingerly stretched and stood as the other passengers in First Class filed into the aisle of the jetliner. His shoulder was still numb, thanks to a temporary blessing from modern pharmacology. The Toradol would wear off soon, he thought. Plenty of pain to follow in the morning. Thank god for the bye week ahead. The x-ray at the stadium had been negative. In the long term, that news was worth a bigger celebration than even the victory over the Vikings. A more serious injury would have...

2 years ago
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Mature MILF Becomes a Slut for Rednecks

My name is Justin, and I will tell the first part of this story; then my wife will give her perspective on itJustin’s StoryMy wife, Emma, and I were born and raised in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, although we didn’t meet until our junior year in college. I knew from others that she was a wild party girl before we met, and she had a reputation for heavy drinking. I think I had a calming influence on her, even though she still loves to drink beer and whiskey, much more than I do.It was a little...

3 years ago
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Pool bang her

I was invited to a backyard pool party by a fewtelemundo network interns. we talked played darts and I had a few beers with them and they left, then i saw Natalia Villaveces the host of nitido on telemundo, I watch the show a lot when it was on, natty always had lovely dresses and heels on on every show.natty sees me and she comes over to me and in her Spanish accent she tells me"hey you so is it true you think about me a lot?" she asked."yes i do, i think you're muy bonita" i told her she...

3 years ago
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Finally Fucking Big Booty Krista

I'd been working at my job for about a year when this gorgeous black girl was hired. Her name was Krista. She was about 5'6" and the definition of slim thick. Her ass was just absolutely incredible. It was so round, plump and jiggly. She had been working there for about 3 months before we happen to spark up a conversation. It was one of our co-workers retirement and we were having a pot luck for her. I decided to bring some cookies that I get from a bakery down from where I live. Theyre fucking...

4 years ago
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Blurpees Before Lights Out

The scrawny, balding man with a pointy nose and large ears cleared his throat. He was seated up on the dais wearing his black robe. He spoke in a low tone. “Will the jury foreperson please stand,” he half asked, half instructed.A bronze-skinned woman wearing too many bangles and a lot of bright purple hair weave stood.The judge inquired, “Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?”She puffed out her already voluminous chest and said, “We have, Your Honor!”Frankie Kimble rolled his eyes. He’d...

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Whatever s Clever

“What’s up, Shanna,” the building inspector perked up.“Not much. I was just checking to see if you can still come to my presentation tomorrow night.”“Yep! I already baby momma and she’s cool.”“Great,” delighted the sandy-haired grad student with deep, yellowish-brown skin. “I really appreciate the support. I’m sorta nervous.”“Don’t be. You’re gonna rock it!”“Thanks, Zavier. I’ll text you the address later. How’s Braxton.”“Li’l man is good,” he referred to his son. “Real good.”“Glad to...

4 years ago
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Fun with my best friend 2

Those who are reading this i'm a cute half Latina girl petite but adorable none the less.His name will be changed to "Papi".Papi's not the average black guy,he's kinda nerdy with glasses big arms little muscles weighing 180 soft big lips and a big thick dig that curves to the right. I was driving with him to the South Carolina me in the front seat, and he decided at the red light to start kissing my neckl.I couldn't focus so i pulled on the side of the road and started yelling at him.He decided...

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Mi Amor

It had been four months since my ex had broken up with me. I admittedly had a hard time getting over being so unceremoniously dumped so those four months had passed without a date and without any female company outside of my close female friends. One Friday night after work I decided to ‘get back out there’ as my friends had recommended so frequently. I was going to a dance club that I always saw advertised in the weekly arts and entertainment newspaper but I was going alone with no friends to...

2 years ago
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Am I dreaming

  Oh, I awaken in the morning to a tender feeling down deep within my soft, silky walls of my love center. I am moaning with ecstasy as I think how I am dreaming of Mi amor (My love), Mi Papi Chulo (My handsome Daddy) licking me and flicking Mi Linda Pearl (My beautiful Pearl). Oh, is this reality or is it a dream?   As I move my hand down to my core, feeling for myself, I am astonished at what I find. Mi Papi Chulo is having himself a very perfect breakfast of me. As he drinks my sweet nectar,...

Straight Sex
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Note 1: Readers may not agree with the category I chose, as there are in fact many erotic aspects to the story, and there are 3 or 4 other categories that could also be appropriate, but this story is my own attempt to process and come to terms with a life-changing encounter that has affected me so deeply, on so many levels, that the non-erotic category seems the one most suited to my own physical, emotional and rational reactions to the events that took place over a span of about 5 hours. ...

4 years ago
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Girls At The Beach Threesome

I kept going past the kitchen to turn off the TV, caught sight of movement on the couch and stopped. I saw my girlfriend's eighteen-year-old daughter Maria, laying on her back, eyes closed, and her blonde friend Anna was on top of her, had pushed up Maria's top and was sucking Maria's firm, perky, B-cup tits. Maria was whispering quietly and making little "mmmm" sounds as Anna worked her mouth over those hard, perky nipples. Both girls were into it and I stayed rooted at the edge of the...

3 years ago
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Day After Liquor Store Booty

Geneva Campbell put on her small silver hoop earrings and walked to the kitchen. She said to her husband, “I’m going out now.” “Alright,” replied Barry Campbell. “I’m going to watch the game this afternoon at Phil’s. So I’ll be gone when you get back from church.” “Okay. I’ll see you tonight,” she offered as she walked out of their house and got into her white 2014 Lexus LS 460. Barry continued watching ESPN. He picked up his phone and made a call. “Hello,” answered the sweet angelic accented...

2 years ago
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X X Sex

Title: X & X SexBy: SUE"Damn this storm is working in out favor" Xanti told his co-worker as the lights went out in their office from the thunder storm."Hell yeah. We're almost to the restroom" Xyleena said holding his hand."This is definitely going to be put in my freak nasty memories" he said stepping into the restroom behind her."You can put the shit in a song if you want papi, just don't use my name" she explained bending slightly to search for the couch in the women's restroom.Xanti...

4 years ago
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Day After Liquor Store Booty

Geneva Campbell put on her small silver hoop earrings and walked to the kitchen. She said to her husband, “I’m going out now.”“Alright,” replied Barry Campbell. “I’m going to watch the game this afternoon at Phil’s. So I’ll be gone when you get back from church.”“Okay. I’ll see you tonight,” she offered as she walked out of their house and got into her white 2014 Lexus LS 460.Barry continued watching ESPN. He picked up his phone and made a call.“Hello,” answered the sweet angelic accented...

4 years ago
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Stories from a retired cop

I guess since I’m retired now, maybe I should share some of the sordid stories I had as a policeman. This story is true, but the names and places have been changed to protect the privacy.I worked in a medium sized department. I was part of an elite unit set out to quell crime in certain neighborhoods. We’d go in, zero tolerance the shit out of the place, clean it up, and then leave. We could pretty much do what we wanted to do and go where we wanted to go.Her name was Tina. She was a cute...

2 years ago
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Girls At The Beach Threesome

It started early Sunday morning on Memorial Day weekend when I got up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. We were renting a beach house in the Outer Banks and I was really thirsty from the veggie pizza we had for dinner. I slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I heard the living room TV on and assumed the two girls had come back late from their meet up with the boys they earlier teased at the beach, watched some TV and had left it on. I caught a glimpse of the TV from the space...

3 years ago
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The Kitten The Pup and the Aegean Sea

Lorenzo moaned as he struggled to open his eyelids. His tongue passed over something acrid and sticky as he licked his cracked lips. He heard a slight, hesitant whimper. He felt a warm snuffling against an ear. Suddenly an ache in the core of his body spread out and over each stiff limb. His jade green eyes slowly squinted open. Each pupil gleamed as the austere summer light of a sparsely clouded sky reflected from the striated Aegean sea's surface and into his eyes.There was a scrabbling sound...

3 years ago
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Sex With Mary My Son s Girlfriend Part Three

My son dumped Mary about six months ago. I now meet up with her once a week at random hotels. She still likes having anal sex with me. Lately, she wears those cute little fox tails that have a vibrating anal plug. She’ll usually be wearing that and her heels and wait for me by the door like a little kitten. It drives me fucking wild when she does that. I don’t know what it is about that girl, but she drives me nuts. She loves to get my stiff cock up her ass. She orgasms like a faucet, when I...

3 years ago
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Priscilla Bunda

"Yes! I won!" I shouted aloud, dancing around my room. I was just days away from meeting Brazilian singer, Priscilla Bunda. She had taken the music world by storm, and anytime you mentioned her, you had to mention her huge butt. Her website had a contest for her fans, so a fan could spend a full day with her. Now, I was not the biggest Priscilla Bunda fan, but hell, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to be next to that enormous ass. Bunda means "booty" in Portuguese. She's been out of the lime...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The store

The storeBeing a business owner in miami Beach i always had what to look for going to open my store. Miami Beach after all is a sin city, women are not usually naked but are really fast at removing their light tiny clothes, have a nice car and be your own boss and you are every bitch's dream in town. One day at the store, business was slow and the my only employee asked to take the rest of the day off, sitting there alone in walks a lady with a short skirt long silky legs huge boobs almost...

4 years ago
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Gym Membership

I lead a hectic life and that means that I do not have enough free time on my hands. The one thing I enjoy doing the most is working out. It allows me the opportunity to release my frustrations from my stressful job. I can’t think of anything better than to crank up my mp3 player, grab some free weights and get to work. The problem is my hours are so messed up that I don’t really have the time to go. My friends suggested I try his gym which is open 24 hours. He took me there one day and after...

2 years ago
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My Hot Tamale

Twenty years ago, my wife was a sex addict. After she went through menopause, she wasn't the same woman that she once was. I try to do very nice things for her, but she just isn’t interested anymore. It was like a switch turned off in her brain.A long time ago, she couldn’t keep her hands off me. My wife loved to give me blowjobs. I think that’s what I miss the most. She’d wake me up every day with her beautiful red lips around my cock. A guy can get very used to cumming down his wife’s throat...

3 years ago
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The Wager

A few years back on vacation in Miami, I had a good time on south beach. A GOOD time. So, I get a hotel room right on the strip, expensive yes but in hindsight sooooooo worth it. After checking in and hangin out by the pool and flirting all day with some sexy ass women, I decide to check out the night life once night fell. I hop in the shower real fast and then I'm out on the strip, basically bar hopping. Bar here, bar there, drink here, shot there. So safe to say I was "buzzed". I walk into...

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Gym Membership

I lead a hectic life and that means that I do not have enough free time on my hands. The one thing I enjoy doing the most is working out. It allows me the opportunity to release my frustrations from my stressful job. I can’t think of anything better than to crank up my mp3 player, grab some free weights and get to work. The problem is my hours are so messed up that I don’t really have the time to go. My friends suggested I try his gym which is open 24 hours. He took me there one day and after...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 45

“I have one question,” Victor asked. I assumed he was going to ask Mike something like “What do you want on your tombstones?” or “Who shoved that plug up my daughter’s ass?” or “Did Jessie plan on marrying her” His wife was a whore and he was obviously fine with her fucking guys for money. I assumed though he may be more protective when it came to his daughter. It turns out he was protective, but not in the way I thought. He wanted her to be happy, and I think he could tell from the...

4 years ago
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The Boys at John s HouseChapter 5

Juan was sitting on my bed when I finished in the office. For some reason, he looked a bit shy. That was a first. "Hi Papi." He said, biting his lip. He'd put on a robe, but he still looked good enough to eat. "They decided I should go first." "Lucky me." I smiled at him. I had three days to have the most memorable sex of my life with three total studs. By then I'd have figured out what was really going on. Then, I could do what I had to do. Now, I had arch-typical Puerto Rican boy...

2 years ago
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The Boys at John s HouseChapter 39

It was Juan curled up against me when I woke up in the middle of the night. I got up, took a leak, then resumed the previous position. He was warm and soft and, for some reason, it was relaxing to feel him there with me. I was actually almost sorry that the others weren't with us. I wondered if eight of us could fit in a king-sized bed. When I woke again, there was light streaming in and someone sucking my dick. Juan. I combed my fingers through his hair and applied just a little pressure...

1 year ago
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Booty Payment Plan

When my buddy bailed on me at the last moment to attend the Orioles game, I decided to go on alone. I was running about 20 minutes behind schedule but figured that I could still catch the 3 inning if traffic and parking wasn’t too bad. Just my luck as the stadium lots all had full signs posted. I started looking in the housing areas adjacent to the lots around the stadium for curbside spots when I spotted hispanic guy holding a homemade sign offering inexpensive parking in his alley entrance...

2 years ago
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Alice s Descent into Debauchary part 2

I remember waking that next Saturday with a jump, my alarm sounded extra loud that morning or perhaps my senses were just more alert with what unknown the day held. Silencing the shrill noise, I sat up in bed. The covers slipping off, exposing my tired curvy little frame and allowing a cool breeze to wrap itself around me as I stretched, making my puffy little nipples stiffen. I quickly spied the outfit my mother had already picked out, laying across my desk by the door. I could already...

3 years ago
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Hot Dog

Not long before her senior year of high school ended, my daughter Danae and I were invited to a pool party given by her class mate Elizabeth and her father. They had a large pool and loved to entertain, and I looked forward to seeing again some of the friends Danae had grown up with, and their parents, for what might be the last time before they all went their separate ways. And I was especially looking forward to seeing pretty little Elizabeth again. The party was in full swing by the time we...

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How I like It

How I like ItREDnMIST2013-09-28I light me a cigarette before I go on the boat. Every other Friday, I try to leave my job at the auto repair and go home to my beautiful island Fehman in Germany. I love goin’ home. I have no choice but to live in Sweden cause I need work. But I don’t like living there. The winters too dark, too cold and the people are the same. Plus, too many white girls for my taste. That’s why I live in Malmö. There are more African girls there I can play my game wit.I...

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A Damaged Teen Slut Ch 6

*** A DAMAGED TEEN SLUT - CHAPTER SIX *** The sound of heels clicking on the sidewalk, infrequent passing vehicles, and gentle sobbing fill the autumn air as an aimless, mistreated and misunderstood girl named Emmy walks without a home. She stops abruptly as she stands on the outskirts of suburbia, about to enter the city. Her arms folded, she looks around while she contemplates what she's going to do. Her father might be all she has left, despite her reservations. With her phone up to her...

4 years ago
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A Night Out Becomes A Night In

Kimberly and Todd made their way out of the Fire Cats nightclub and laughed as they tried to decide where to go next, settling on going back to her house for a drink and a little ‘fun'. They were enjoying a night out while her husband was off in London for business, and her daughter, Becky, was at a sleepover with her friend Harper. Todd was Becky’s ex-boyfriend, and they had managed to keep their little affair secret from her daughter for quite some time, until he inadvertently revealed that...

Straight Sex
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Rosa s Cantina

Jolina was sitting just as pretty as a papaya with her bestie Fernanda, right there in the middle of Rosa's on the southern tip of Belize, just inside coastal Punta Gorda. The city's place name translates to "Big Point" (or "Fat Cock" as the gurls refer to it). It wasn't Rio but it did have it's internationally infamous hot spots and clothing optional beaches.Anyway, Rosa's was chock full of gringo touristas, many of them ogling bros and husband types, nothing new thought Jolina. Except... for...

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No Pussy is Created Equal

Ed and Antoinette worked at the bank together for 6 years and developed an endearing platonic friendship the last 3 years. Both were beyond attractive by standard means.Ed and Antoinette worked at the bank together for 6 years and developed an endearing platonic friendship the last 3 years. Both were beyond attractive by standard means. Ed was was african american with creole. Light gold complected with a 6'2 a thin, cut, basketball physique that remained from his college playing days....

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she had a COCK bigger than mine oh my

this is no B.S ,no fantasy, no make belief, no fairy tale,.. this is a TRUE STORY and an ACTUAL EVENT.iv always been a very observant k** growing up always trying to find the unseen and overlooked things in life i guess you can say curious....how curious ??:] well...there was this older lady who il call Ms.Auburn who lived in the neighborhood that everybody knew,especially the men because she was a tall long legged brazilian chick with a pair of double D's that you couldnt possibly overlook...

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Dean s girl

Jenny Esparza is going though a divorce with her ex Edgar he's a guy who had it all, a good woman a son and daughter he's a guy who just wants to stay in Puerto Rico playin around with as many women as possible. one day on her way to work downtown she meets Bradley this tall black dude with curly hair who works at harbor house and they start talking. he says she deserves to be treated better than that they meet up for coffee at the Starbucks on Wisconsin avenue several times three days later...

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Parole Dad

At the age of thirteen my family life imploded, when my stepfather was sent to prison for ten years, having been found guilty of manslaughter. He would only be eligible for parole eight years later. I loved my stepfather, and although he was a ‘fun’ dad, he was also a hooligan who never grew up. He was perpetually in shit and drifted from one job to another. Pool hall fights were a weekly occurrence in his life, and on one occasion he simply went too far. A year after his incarceration my...

Gay Male
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Sex With Mary My Son s Girlfriend Part Four

My son was entertaining Mia and I heard another familiar voice. Mary and Mia were having sex with my son. I heard them both screaming and telling Vinny to fuck their assholes. I had no idea that Mary had hooked up again with my son. The women were also talking very dirty to each other while my son was pleasuring both of them. I was very horny and hot and knew that Mia would meet me for our fun at three o’clock. I was hoping that she’d bring Mary with her. I was so excited to get the chance to...

Group Sex
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Black Lawman the Crew

Jason sat at a table with two of his closest buddies. They had been summoned by the lone white guy in the trio - Mike Aiello. Mike started, “It’s John’s 50th in a couple weeks. I was thinking we go to the shooting range, order-in dinner, and hire a stripper.”Scotty Davis, also an officer in the U.S. Secret Service’s Uniformed Division, was quick to agree. “That’s a great idea. Just one stripper?”“Yeah,” the dude of Italian heritage shot back. “Just one. A really sexy one with big tits. You know...

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The Spanish Girl

I am here for three reasons, first to share stories with others. Next to read stories from others and enjoy them. Last to improve my writing and expression skills. I know I am not perfect however, I have the heart and courage to attempt and I never hide who I am. If you wish to be one of those people who are "Anonymous" and always seem to have something negative to say you are wasting your time. If you see that I have made some gross error be human, be cool about it and send me a tip or...

2 years ago
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Latina Massage Parlor

Saw an add a while ago for an Asian style massage parlor that featured Latina ladies. Review sites indicated it was pricey, but worth it. I'd had some amazing encounters at oriental “happy ending” places. And had plenty of fun at some dive go go bars where some sexy Hispanics dancers gave “extras” for tips. This seemed like the best of both worlds. The house fee for the hour was high, but I didn't want to appear cheap right out the gate. Tanya showed me to my room. She was late thirties I'd...

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Mexican Boy Meets American Boy

My name is Enrique and I am from Chihuahua Mexico. Since a c***d I never really liked girls, but I didn’t seem to like boys either. That was true until I first went to visit the USA. I fell in love when I met a white American boy. His beautiful blue eyes, his pretty smile, his perfect body, and his tall frame attracted me to him. I never met a man like that in my life. I was 18 and he was about 23 years old. I didn’t know much English so it was hard to talk to him. But he knew I wanted him. He...

3 years ago
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Sexual attraction

I know what is going on with him. I'm not in love with him, I just feel sexualy atracted to him. I wish I could feel his lips on my lips, down my neck, my breast, my tummy, kissing my legs and finaly licking and eating my pussy. Oh yes, I can feel it. His hands touching my boobs while his tongue makes me feel so good, so wet. Right there baby, yes! I can feel his tongue up and dow very fast, Oh! Grabing his long black hair pushing into me, keep going papi, don't stop! His cock, so hard, so big....

2 years ago
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Blond Boy Gets Lucky in Puerto Rico

The Story Behind: “Blond Boy Gets Lucky in Puerto Rico”by: Billy xHamster - Blondk** 2020 *****************************************************************(Please check the photographs in the album “Blond Boy Gets Lucky in Puerto Rico” which are not shown in their proper order, but at least you can see some of the characters in this story.)Sean McAdams arrived in his freshman dorm room to find his roommate was already settled in. His roomy was an overweight, balding 19 yo with glasses, not...

5 years ago
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Unthinkable Love

It was 2:30 in the afternoon, I was laying in my bed trying to take a nap when my cell went off. Marvin's Room started to play, I knew it was Derick.Derick and I lived in the same small town but never met, we connected on a popular social networking site last month. We soon exchanged numbers and started texting all day. After about three days we decided to meet up and hang out, that is where it all began.The first time I saw him my heart stopped and the only word that came out of my mouth when...

4 years ago
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One Sleepless Night

Friday night, I was looking through the online members on Lush. I came across one fine looking Hispanic guy. I took the chance on sending him a request….and I am so glad I did.It was our second night talking, and we really hit it off. We made each other laugh, and had the ability to turn each other on. We tried our best to behave, but last night he said three words to me that sent me over the edge.“Sin, baby, sin.”After a seven hour Skype conversation, I told him that I needed to go to bed, for...

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Best kept secret

I was at Best Buy in Greenfield around 10 pm looking at next week's schedule when Taisha Munoz came in to get her paycheck. I looked over at her she was wearing a Puerto Rican flag colored tank top blue jeans and flip flops her finger and toenails painted maroon.”bonita boriqua, from your pretty eyes down to your pretty little toes” I told her. she smiled. “you checkin me out huh?” she asked.How can a man not see a Latina like her and not get a hard on? she came over to me. “dude you work too...

4 years ago
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Help My Fianc e s a Nymphomaniac Chapter 3

"What time do you have to be at work?" I asked Jasper, who laughed at me. "Friend, when I decided on this plan, I traded shifts with a mate on the force to get us both the hours that we needed. He wanted next Monday off, I wanted today. The brass doesn't give a toss as long as their arses are covered. So, I'm off-duty, lad." "All fucking day. Sweet. And you, Connie?" I asked her. "Pedro's? No trouble from my boss Pedro. I was fucking him for a good while, which was part of my...

5 years ago
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How I Became Immortal Redux Version Chapter 2

I awoke the next morning, a bit groggy and weak still, I struggled my way to the shower, only to realize that the shower was not the one at my house. I felt a bit of a sting in my right arm and noticed a scar left behind, but I couldn’t quite place where that came from ... and then I looked down at my left hand and noticed the lack of a wedding band. Where the fuck was I and why didn’t I have my ring on my left hand? I shook myself a bit, ran the shower, anyway, and did my best to get clean...

2 years ago
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SeeHimFuck Cassidy Luxe From Anxious To Relaxed

It’s yet another “double debut” today, as new Latino stud Papi J stars in his 1st scene ever, and inked newbie MILF Cassidy Luxe are both making their 1st appearances on See H?️M Fuck this week. After our director helps us learn a little bit about HIM, Papi begins to get naked with some aid from Cassidy, who lubes HIM up and truly enjoys Papi’s tanlined ass. She sniffs and licks each of Papi’s armpits before allowing HIMto take a seat so she can suck, slobber and drool on his...

1 year ago
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Case File 14 Salim Naomi

She squirmed, spread her legs wider, anxious, thirsty, her pussy greedy, she raised her hips up off the bed to roll them in perfect synch with Naomi's hand. ...When Naomi thoroughly wet her fingers between Madie's thighs, sensing she had her right on the edge of an orgasm, she withdrew those soaked digits and raised them to their lips... Salim entered his townhouse suite, closed the door behind him, and tossed his mahogany leather, attaché case and dark blue pinstripe blazer...

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Librarian 0

So the day let on and there she was staling up the place with her bitterness.Across the way was the way near the window was the janitor Devontay a strong stud who cleaned up the mess in this crappy job.Under paid and pissed off about it,but he loved talking to the nerd girls that came by.Every now and then Sonia would see Devontay talking to the perky barley 18 teen year olds.She'd perk those glasses low and either spy through the books or peep around the corner.Her hand would quickly slip...

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The Singing Of The Cicadas I

Eric was sitting in his patio rocking chair, lazily enjoying the afternoon sun and the Mistral breeze. Contented, he watched his great-grandchildren run around and play in the garden of his old mansion in Aubagne near Aix-en-Provence. With his belly well-stuffed with tomatoes and pickled olives from his own garden, fresh baguette, well-matured Banon cheese and glass of his favorite Châteuneuf-du-Pape, he allowed his old body to relax and let the chirping of the cicadas lull him into his...

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