Miss Hastings Debauched free porn video

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It was one week since I delivered Miss Hastings to the Bordello in Hythe known as the “Green Room.”

Her father had pleaded with me to spare her from the workhouse when I had them thrown out of the property in Brighton Road which he had forfeit on failure to repay my loan with the necessary promptitude.

Hastings had a liking for gambling which quite exceeded his talent. He owed money everywhere, his property was mortgaged, and not once but it seemed to many different persons at once, and to be blunt enough is enough, I had to move before others with equal claim stole the property away from me.

Hastings and Lady Hastings went to the debtors prison, and in accordance with Hastings wishes I spared Miss Hastings the indignity of the Workhouse and delivered her to the Bordello.

She was no beauty, a smile would have caused her face to split like a ripe turnip, but to her credit she accepted her fate with commendable stoicism.

My appointment was two of the clock. I had asked for the cheap room with the hard bed and no floor covering and paid for no extras, no maids uniform or anything, why she could be naked for all I cared, but I promised I would “Keep an eye on her,” and I was a man of my word.

Madame greeted me and Yvette shewed me to the room. I declined a glass of claret and sat down on the bed to await Miss Hastings.

She knocked on the door and entered when I said “Come in.”

“Good afternoon sir.” she said.

“And to you Miss Hastings are you well?” I asked as she entered. I must confess I was taken aback when I saw she wore only a cheese cloth shift. Previously she had always been dressed in crinolines and gowns buttoned to the neck but now I saw a pleasantly flat belly and pleasant bosoms through the thin material.

“I am indeed, I thank you,” she replied.

“Good, good,” I agreed, “I promised your father I would keep an eye on you, keep you safe.”

“And I thank you for it,” she agreed.

This was not the response I had expected.

“And how do you like being used carnally like a common whore?” I enquired.

“I like it very much My Lord,” she replied.

“Good, Good,” I replied for I was completely nonplussed by her reply.

“And your favourite form of fornication?” I enquired.

“I like to suck a Gentleman’s Gentleman’s appendage whilst an other Gentleman forces his own appendage within my bottom.” she replied. “But I own I have a liking for it when a Gentleman withdraws his appendage from my mouth at the point of discharge and precipitates his seed all over my face and has it drip on my bosoms.”

“So anything except your womb is available for use and abuse?” I queried.

“Indeed but I must insist on a small surcharge for using that particular orifice least I fall for a child,” she explained.

“Why?” I queried, “When with child you will not bleed, will not need to take time while the bleeding stops? Your breasts will swell and cheeks become rosy, where is the harm?”

“None I suppose, except the child will need my love.” she suggested.

“Absolute tosh, wrap it in brown paper and leave it on the Convent steps and have done with it,” I counselled.

“Oh My Lord you are so clever,” She cooed sarcastically, “How lucky am I to have such a protector!”

She smiled. She had rather nice little teeth, the sort that afforded no threat to the male appendage when inserted within the mouth. She was in fact quite hansom.

“Are you hot?” she asked, “I am terribly hot.” she declared and pulled her shift over her head, “Ah that’s much nicer.”

She sat before me entirely naked. She cupped her breasts, “Do you like what you see?” she asked.

“Yes, yes I do,” I admitted.

“Oh I am so pleased,” she confessed, “I really do hope that I may do some small thing to repay you for your kindness.”

“The twenty thousand guineas you father owes me would be a good beginning,” I suggested.

“Obviously that is beyond my means,” she admitted, “But perhaps I could show you something of what I have learned under Madame’s tutelage.”

“And what exactly have you learned my dear?” I enquired.

“To think of England,” she admitted, “If I dream of sunlit meadows, lambs gambolling, birds singing, windmill sails slowly turning in the gentle breeze, then no matter how odious the person abusing me I can bear their attentions quite amiably, indeed you may insert your member in any or all my orifice’ and I should not care one jot.”

“And which one would you recommend?” I asked.

“Why my anal passage of course,” she admitted, “Then I shall not have to look at your odious face.”

“Unless we fornicate before the mirror?” I countered.

“As you see there is no mirror,” She observed, “But Madame’s own room has a mirrored ceiling so one may watch each movement of a Gentleman’s buttocks as he thrusts his filth within one.”

“And how much to hire that room?” I asked.

“Oh no, it is for Madame’s favoured courtesans,” she declared, “It is not for base whores such as I.”

“Are you not a favoured courtesan with your fine airs and graces?” I enquired.

“Oh my lord no,” she confessed, “Fine Gentlemen are so very particular, they demand clean clothes, clean hair, fine perfume and all require all sorts or pampering before their members can be persuaded to stir from its slumbers, indeed for the most part they prefer another gentleman for their pleasure.”

“Yes, I do believe they do,” I laughed.

She continued earnestly, “Whereas the common person is so grateful for my attentions that they often expel immediately upon entering my person and often before so doing so I might earn three pence ten times over in the time a Gentleman pays two shillings for and after that I need to bathe and don a clean shift or at the very least wash my orifices out and put on a clean smock. It is much more lucrative to serve the lower orders my Lord.

“So I am causing you a loss of remuneration?” I enquired.

“Indeed,” she admitted.

“So shall I go?” I asked.

“No, I cannot in all conscience charge you if you leave here unstated,” she admitted, “Madame would be most unhappy at such a state of affairs. Indeed I should prefer it if you were to use me forthwith and do so swiftly that I might make a rapid return to my business.”

“I must admit your acceptance of your fate is somewhat unexpected,” I admitted.

“Why?” she demanded, “Are not the serving wenches you bed with such ease eager to be sampled and abused? Many are younger than I, why should my carnal lusts be less?” she asked. “In fact.”

She grasped a candle from the candle holder at the bedside and thrust it between the lips of her womanhood, “You must excuse me, I have not had a man for nigh on a half hour and my parts are feeling neglected.”

“Indeed, I have no objection,” I agreed.

She peered at me intently. “Your breeches are swelling, you must not suffer on my account, please release your member and do as you will.”

“I shall do no such thing!” I countered.

“Oh let me,” she exclaimed and she ripped away at my breeches fly and extracted my member despite my protests.

“Ah very modest,” she observed, as she held him gently in her palm. “A member to please a fine lady or a young virgin, I own it would afford me barely the least pleasure, why I should barely know whether it was in or out.”

“Miss Hastings no one has ever complained!” I insisted.

“Well the would not would they?” She explained, “Whores will be pleased that you cause minimal disturbance and maids will know nought different. I by contrast have experienced a wide variety of members, Cocks and Pricks being the regular vernacular, most wider in girth and longer than your modest sausage. Black ones, veined ones, circumcised ones, straight, bent, twisted, all sorts of appendages and I have yet to find one I cannot accommodate.”

With that she sank her head down and took my member in her mouth and sucked.

It was heaven, she opened her mouth wider and my cock and even my balls sank out of sight in her visage. Her tongue flicked along my length rousing me to ever greater excitement, I let my mind wander in order to prolong the enjoyment and thrust gently against her to increase the pleasure.

I sensed my moment approaching, she clearly sensed it as well for she pulled away releasing me.

“Quickly,” she whispered and she lay back on the bed with her legs spread to the utmost. She grabbed me by the shirt front and pulled me to her and as she did so so guided my appendage within her.

I sank within the soft warm moistness.

“There sink your appendage among the filth of a thousand tradesmen,” she cooed as she pulled me towards her, “The diseased spendings of labourers, farm workers, the unwashed the dishevelled, the corrupt.”

She continued to rant in the same vein, “ Every base loathsome miscreant and felon has mixed his poison within me and now you too shall share my disease.”

“Oh Miss Hastings you say the most wonderful things,” I commended her and I thrust to my utmost in order to pleasure her.

Her brow furrowed in consternation. Her breathing became ragged. I ground against her and kissed her ear.

“Oh no,” she protested and she shuddered with pleasure as her moment overcame her and in that same moment I expelled most copious within her.

We stilled together. Our hearts raced. I held her still as my member shrank.

“I must commend Madame for her instruction,” I averred, “For you are indeed the very epitome of common whore, indeed the basest base whore, such an immense fall in such a short time, shall you fall further and forgo the comfort of the bordello to fornicate in the filth of the side streets?”

“I had not considered that but it may be a pleasant diversion,” she suggested, “Shall you join me there?”

“Oh no, there are many more alluring than you my dear,” I replied, “I only attend upon you to enquire after your health, I have no desire to repeat this experience.”

“Oh pray less haste,” she councelled, “Why you have not rammed your appendage up my back passage, neither have you whipped me or expended your seed over my face.”

“And you should relish such?” I enquired.

“If you should receive a disease as a consequence I should deem it entirely pleasurable,” she insisted.

“You should consider it pleasurable in any case madam,” I retorted, “I felt your pleasure in my release.”

“It was revulsion, not pleasure I assure you my Lord,” she insisted.

“Indeed, so it was revulsion was it, well well,” I concurred, “Well it pleased me well enough, how much am I in your debt?,”

“I generally charge three pence but for you I will do a special tariff of five shillings,”she insisted.

I thought a moment “I shall pay one guinea, and for that I shall demand sole use of all your charms for an entire day.”

“You flatter yourself sir,” she countered, “For I shall drain you dry within a half hour.”

“Undoubtedly but I rather relish having you on hand to do my bidding, a sort of naked bed chamber slave.”

“Sir I am a whore not a serving wench," she insisted.

“Imagine the humiliation for your mother if she came to dine and you served the meal entirely naked,” I suggested.

“Oh kill me now, drown my spirit and have done with it,” she suggested sarcastically, “Though in actuality I fear I should slit your throat with the utensils.”

“I thought you envisaged a long slow death from disease for me?”

“I could maim you perhaps, let you die a long and painful death.” she suggested.

I held her tenderly, “What are you doing?” she demanded. I lifted her and set her down so her legs slid outside mine. My member reared anew.

“I desire a fresh does of your poison,” I confessed, “Let me spear you anew.”

“With pleasure,” she agreed, “Oh, I mean with no pleasure what so ever,” but she let herself be impaled. Easily and willingly, her woman's lips parted as easily as the petals of a Rose and her parts were as moist as a ripe blue berry. “I hate you.” she said.

“I know you do, and it heightens my pleasure immensely,” I admitted, “Were you to profess love and entreat me to enter you I should not for one moment consider using you,” I declared as I took the opportunity to caress her teats. They reared alluringly. She tried to scowl but could not as pleasure overwhelmed her.

“You hateful man,” she raged, “You can not even allow me the courtesy of finding your attentions objectionable, you have to rouse me to excess passion, so suffer sir, see how you enjoy being ravished.”

She grasped my head and forced her mouth upon mine, forcing her tongue between my lips and between my teeth. Like a wildcat she forced herself upon me and I responded in kind until my member stretched beyond reason suddenly exploded within her. This time I was

completely sated.

“That was excellent,” I commended her, “Do you know I believe I should take you home forthwith and have you when ever and where ever you desire.”

“Where I desire?” she asked, “Surely you mean where you desire?”

“I care not,” I suggested, “However to business.” She slid from my appendage and sat upon the bed. “I shall advance sufficient fund to release your parents from debtors prison and purchase a small house for their abode. Your mother shall take your place here and your father shall attend as handyman. For this you shall repay me at the rate of six pence per penetration until the debt is paid.”

“You cannot be serious!” she pleaded, “Mother will never countenance it!”

“Why not,” I suggested, “Your father wagered her services often enough, and yours I’ll wager!”

“It was our secret,” she said sadly.

“Then do we have an agreement?” I enquired.

“What choice have I?” she enquired.

“Excellent!” I agreed as I made myself decent.

I made an agreement with Madame and took Miss Hastings home with me, my home being her father’s former abode on which I had foreclosed.

I explained the rules, “You serve me when and where I desire. The rest of your time is your own but you are diseased so you may fornicate with none but myself, should you defy me I shall have Unclean branded across your forehead.”

“Then brand me now sir for I shall fornicate freely with all and sundry,” she challenged.

“I do believe the morning will be soon enough,” I suggested, “But first meet the staff.”

She came reluctantly to the kitchen where I addressed the staff, “This is Jane, formerly Miss Hastings who is my new whore,” I declared. “Anyone consorting with her will be dismissed forthwith and be it a Gentleman he shall be run through before being dismissed on the undertakers slab, do I make myself clear?”

They nodded as one, “How should we address her Master?” The Butler enquired.

“Whore, or perhaps Jane, as one would a lower order.” I ordered.

“I am a Gentlewoman!” Miss Hastings protested.

“You’re a whore, bend over the kitchen table I wish to use you,” I ordered., “Clear a space for her.”

She glared at me.

“Do as I say, bend and raise your smock I wish to fornicate with you,” I repeated.

“Oh very well,” she agreed. She bent over the table and raised her smock to reveal her buttocks.

I undid my breeches and let them fall. Gracie the silly young chambermaid gasped at my manhood but I had eyes for none but Miss Hastings.

I aimed my member for her softness and slid inside with the greatest of ease. To a man the staff applauded.

“Why applaud?” Miss Hastings enquired.

“Cause him made thee his wife in common law a course,” Cook exclaimed, “Fucking 'afore more than five witnesses and thee be wed.”

“Oh you Philistine,” Miss Hastings declared., “Have you not heard of the Church?”

“We likes this better,” Cook declared, “I reckon I could use a portion, any takers?”


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"Ah," said my father as I strode into the drawing room at Harthorpe Manor "Stephen, this is Miss Addiscombe." I stared, she was dressed from head to toe in black, every single thing and although she might have been regarded generally as a great beauty the evil stare with which she regaled me dismissed any such notion of beauty instantly. "Enchanted," I smiled, "Your reputation precedes you, and your beauty is indeed, ah," I paused and cast my eyes around the high ceilinged oak...

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Miss Harcourts Guardian pt 1

"Lord Banchforth," a voice said indistinctly as I sat with father's lawyers in father's study as they explained father's last will and testament to myself and those of my family who remained after father's calamitous accident, "My Lord!" he insisted. I realised I was the one he was addressing, "Yes?" I replied. "There remains the matter of Miss Grace Harcourt." Selwyn Carruthers, father's lawyer, explained, "An annuity paid for her upkeep." "For what purpose?" I...

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Miss Harcourts Guardian

"Lord Banchforth," a voice said indistinctly as I sat with father's lawyers in father's study as they explained father's last will and testament to myself and those of my family who remained after father's calamitous accident, "My Lord!" he insisted.I realised I was the one he was addressing, "Yes?" I replied."There remains the matter of Miss Grace Harcourt." Selwyn Carruthers, father's lawyer, explained, "An annuity paid for her upkeep.""For what purpose?" I asked."She was his whore of...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter IV Prissys Progress

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is some sexual...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter II Prissys First School Day

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than most. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, but future chapters will be rated...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Eight Sneaking Out

Lindsay was incredibly happy with herself that evening. Not only had she managed to sneak out of school and spend time with her boyfriend, but she had been able to persuade him to buy her the pair of gorgeous shoes that she had been looking at for weeks now. All in all, a successful night for the Year Twelve girl with the shoulder-length black hair. All she needed to do now was sneak back into her bedroom without getting caught by her House Mistress and that would be the perfect end to the...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Seven In Front Of the School Secretary Part One

The Head Mistress sat in her leather chair in her office listening to the lady on the other end of the telephone. Although Amelia Marks already knew about the incident that had occurred two days previously at Queen Mary’s Girls’ School, she wanted as much detail as possible before dealing with the culprits.“So, can you tell me exactly what the damage was, Mrs. Wilcox?” She asked the woman.“Well, we didn’t discover that the changing room had been damaged until first lesson yesterday morning and...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter V Prissys Frilly Frolics

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is sexual...

2 years ago
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Miss DeVilles Academy Lucass Story

AUTHORS NOTE: This story is based on the excellent Ed Miller tale: "Miss Sheila DeVille's School for Wayward Boys". I really liked the concept, so I'm offering my own take. Ed gets full credit for the idea, the setting and the background characters. Ed's rules of engagement also apply here: This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If...

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Miss High Heels 1931

Miss High-heels : the story of a rich but girlish young gentleman under the control of his pretty step-sister and her auntPrivately Printed1931CHAPTER 1This story is a reminiscence, a fond recollection of my colourful days as a youth. I can safely say (with the clarity of hindsight) that my youth was extraordinary. My upbringing was unlike any other young man knew at the time, and to this day, many years later, I have yet to meet a soul whose story can compare with mine in its bizarre nature.My...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Ten The Choice

Friday June 4th, 2027The diminutive blonde-haired eighteen-year-old sat nervously on the expensive leather sofa in reception. She still couldn’t quite believe the way that her Form Mistress had reacted that morning and, now, here she was sitting awaiting a meeting with Miss Marks, the Head Mistress. It was so unfair. Others had done far worse things during her near seven years at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College, but it seemed to her that her teachers and her House Mistress had marked her card a...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter I Beginnings

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than most. There is candy and spice and (mostly) everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, but future chapters will be rated X....

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Miss HighHeels

Preface: One of the all-time great, classic TV-stories is Miss High- Heels. It was first published - as far as I can trace it - by the famous Select Biblioth?que in Sceaux (France) about 1929 as the translation of a work by a British author whose name was given as "Sir O. T**". Actually it was not really a translation, but a very freely adapted French version of the original English text. Later two more works by the same author (but now his initials were given as C. F.) were published...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Twelve Miss Marks Final Punishment

Lauren Dickson packed her things into her sports bag before checking that she had everything and turning her attention to her handbag. She smiled as she found her mobile phone and car keys which were lying under her collection of cards, makeup, tissues and other items. She closed the zip on the bag and placed it over her right shoulder. Lauren picked up her sports bag in her right hand and walked out of the staff changing room, turning and locking the door with her key. The young PE Mistress...

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Miss Amina the Tarot Reader

MISS AMINA THE TAROT READER By Audrey [email protected] (C) 2016 June 15 All Rights Reserved AUTHOR'S NOTE: Permission is granted to post this story on any free archive for transgender or transformation stories, such as Fictionmania. This story contains adult material that is not suitable for young audiences. It also contains themes that some readers may find sensitive, including alcoholism, depression, and suicide. Please bear these in mind before reading. This is also a long...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress

Amelia Marks stood staring out of the large window in her office. The lady with the dark-hair, neatly tied in a bun, smiled as she watched the late summer sunshine rising in the blue sky and begin to cover the new Sixth Form building and the extensive playing fields and sports pitches beyond that. The new Head Mistress at the exclusive, fee-paying Alannah Lawrence Girl’s College closed her eyes and stood day-dreaming for a few moments before she turned her attention back to what she needed to...

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Miss Mansons Memories That First After School Punishment

“Lucy Cardwell.” Pauline Manson smiled to herself as she sat in her armchair by the fire on that dark, cold, winter’s afternoon in January.That was the name of the tall, slim girl with the long, flowing black hair that she had been thinking about that day.She involuntarily shuffled around on her comfortable chair, feeling a twinge of excitement as she thought back to 1971. It had been her probationary year as a young teacher and she had met the lovely Lucy Cardwell, who had been the first girl...

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Miss Sanders

Lisa looked at Miss Sanders with horrified, young blue eyes. Her teacher was standing over her naked body with a long, sinister whip that dangled to the floor. Several teasing passes had been made along the inside of her thighs, and one, cruel blow had administered a searing, red welt across her backside. Now Miss Sanders was about to add a special surprise for the precocious girl.             ‘It made me faint when I first experienced it,’ said the teacher.             ‘What?’ There was a...

2 years ago
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Miss Sanders

Lisa looked at Miss Sanders with horrified, young blue eyes. Her teacher was standing over her naked body with a long, sinister whip that dangled to the floor. Several teasing passes had been made along the inside of her thighs; and one, cruel blow had administered a searing, red welt across her backside. Now Miss Sanders was about to add a special surprise for the precocious girl.             "It made me faint when I first experienced it," said the teacher. ...

Love Stories
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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter VI Prissys Playtime

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a (mostly) softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is...

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Miss Burns Teaching Us Sex Back In The 60039

Well I’ll never forget Miss Burns, that’s for sure. Not for as long as I live! You have to remember that this took place back in the mid 1960’s. As a sixteen year old schoolboy I and my mates had the usual sexual urges, which were very much frustrated for us. We had no internet, no mobile phones, no hardcore porn readily available. My small group of friends were not the types who were popular with girls, we were what you call “nerdy” these days. We were keen consumers of the kind of soft-core...

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Miss Pooja 8211 Part II

Hi, I am sahil verma from amritsar, 23 year yeh meri pehli Kahani hai, likhne me koi glti ho to maaf karna. 6 mahine purani baat hai, main apne dost sunil ke bhai ki shadi mein gaya tha, waha ladki ki taraf se kuch stars bhi aaye the, jin mein Harbhajan Mann, Jimmy Shergil, Kamal Heer, Miss Pooja aur Neeru Bhajwa shamil the, jin mein se mera sabh se favorite Jimmy tha, maine socha Jimmy se hello hi kar leni chahiye phir kya pata kabh moka mille. Main Jimmy k pass gya usko wish kiya to usne bade...

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Miss Evans Part 1

Miss Evans - Part 1 By Pamela ([email protected]) Ted Evans had some tough times after he exited the military. Two tours of duty in war zones had taken its toll on his ability to fit in back in the states. One thing led to another and he ended up homeless, partly due to the fact that the country was in the midst of a deep recession and jobs were hard to find. It wasn't so bad in the spring and summer but as the weather got colder in late fall, he had reached rock bottom and...

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Miss Gives a Lesson

He was leaned back in the low-backed armchair, one hand wrapped around his drink and the other fisted in Miss's long hair.  His dress shirt was partially unbuttoned, revealing a hint of his muscular chest.  She was on her knees before him and had his slacks open and his boxers pulled down just enough, bobbing her mouth up and down on his shaft as he guided her with his firm grip. She took him deep into her throat, not gagging at all as she had when he had first started teaching her.  She had...

Oral Sex
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Miss Pratts Singer

?It's nine a.m. and this is Dougie the Dog here at WKGC, and we're back with ClaudiaLeary, better known as Claudia Canary. You're amazing, Claudia! Sixty millionalbums, four Grammy's and seven American Music Awards, and recently you werenamed best pop female vocalist at ToneFest!? ?Thanks, Dougie, you're too kind, and I couldn't have done it without thepeople who work behind me?? ?Oh, no you're remarkable. My daughter has the poster for your movie, as well.But what I wanted to talk about...

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Miss Harcourts Guardian Pt 2

Sadly thoughts of Miss Harcourt leapt into my consciousness at the most inopportune moments and so when I set to sorting out father's accounts it was of no surprise that the name Harcourt at once jumped out at me. It was when I selected the ledger from a year ago by mistake, a payment in the name of Harcourt, from Messrs Newboulton and Biggin,and quite a considerable sum paid at the very end of July. No such entry appeared for the last year but identical ones for the prior year and...

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CHAPTER 1‘What are you supposed to do when the last of the best people you have ever known is now gone?’ That was the singular thought that rewound in my brain and heart as I sat among these people. These people were, at least for the most part, good people. Most of them were here only to pay their respects, also. Not all of them, though, and I could pick those out of the group. And it was easy; they didn’t even know I was probably doing it, either. Checking each one of them out individually,...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Eleven A First Time For Everything

Carrie Laakkonen kissed Jessica’s lips gently and smiled. She loved the girl with the flowing long red hair more than anything in the world. She didn’t even care about the risk that the girls had been taking by seeing one another in Carrie’s bedroom for nearly two months now. The Deputy Head Girl at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College knew the consequences if the two girls were discovered in her bedroom together, but the seventeen-year-old knew that the chances of being discovered were slim thanks...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter III Prissys Excellent Day Out

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, however, some future...

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