Miss Evans - Part 1 free porn video

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Miss Evans - Part 1 By Pamela ([email protected]) Ted Evans had some tough times after he exited the military. Two tours of duty in war zones had taken its toll on his ability to fit in back in the states. One thing led to another and he ended up homeless, partly due to the fact that the country was in the midst of a deep recession and jobs were hard to find. It wasn't so bad in the spring and summer but as the weather got colder in late fall, he had reached rock bottom and he knew that he had to do something about his life. First and foremost he needed to get a job and a warm place to stay in the winter. One morning as the sun rose, Ted woke up after spending the night on a park bench. He had covered himself with newspapers and when he opened his eyes, he could see the paper an inch away from his face. He was amused to see that the employment section was over his eyes and directly in front of him was an ad that said: "Man manager wanted at the Brugier estate. Must be single, willing to live on the premises, able to travel and be of elegant demeanor. Familiarity with fashion a plus. Will train as necessary." Wow, an estate manager, Ted exclaimed. It did seem like the kind of job that he could do. He was single and he certainly would be happy to live on the estate and he had an elegant demeanor after being trained in the military. He liked traveling, and with all the time he has spent on the street he is probably as familiar with fashion as anybody. Perhaps this was an omen. He sat up and excitedly felt through his pockets to see if he had any change. Luckily he found a quarter - another good omen - and he went to a pay phone in a nearby tobacco shop and dialed the number. "Hello, Linda Dish, Brugier estate," a woman's voice said. "Hello, I'm answering the ad for a manager." "Manager?" "Yes, manager. In yesterday's paper." "Yesterday's paper? Really. I thought we had filled that post, but I guess not. That job is usually handled by corporate. Can you come by in an hour? By then I'll round up someone from that side of things to interview you." "Sure, great." "What's your name?" "Ted Evans." "Do you know how to find us?" "No," Ted said. The woman gave him the address and said, "When you get here, use the servant's entrance to the left of the main gate." "See you shortly." Ted hung up and was elated. Finally, a positive step forward in his life. He had a vision of himself running the estate. Making everything precise like clockwork. It was a career he had never thought about, but it was consistent with the rigorous training he had had as a soldier. The owner of the candy shop showed Ted where the estate was on a map and loaned him bus fare to get to the interview. "I'll pay you back ten times over," Ted said, "when I get this job. It's my destiny. Ted Evans, Estate Manager!" *** When Ted got off the bus he easily found the estate and entered the servants entrance. When he got to the door he rang a bell and was greeted by the same woman, Linda Dish, he had spoken to. "Ted Evans?" she asked. "Yes, that's me." "After your call I was finally able to speak to corporate and they told me that the position was filled last week. I'm sorry if you've travelled all this way for nothing. I'll give you some money for your time." Shocked, Ted said, "But, I have the ad right here." He showed the newspaper to the woman. After looking it over, she laughed and said, "I see what happened. The "Wo" from "Woman" has been torn off the page. That's why you thought it was "man." So yes, we're looking for a woman to be one of the wardrobe managers for Madame Brugier. She has several women assisting her in that capacity, each with a different role." "Look, ma'am, I need a job so bad I can't tell you. I'm an ex-military with a lot of combat experience and I'm sure I could excel in this job." "Oh, really now? The wardrobe manager we seek is in charge of all the bras and panties in Madame Brugier's household. That includes her and her two nieces who live here. All of her wardrobe managers to date have been women for obvious reasons. I can't imagine that a man such as yourself would feel comfortable with the responsibilities of a bra and panty manager." "I can see why you'd say that and I do admit that my prior experience with bras and panties is in taking them off of women, but I've reached a point in my life where I know that I can rise up to succeed in facing any challenge including the managing of Madame Brugier's bras and panties. She'll be quite pleased by my great organizational skills. For someone who's been in mortal combat in two wars, I'm sure there is nothing about organizing bras and panties that is as difficult and challenging." At that moment, a phone buzzed on the desk and the woman answered it. "Yes, Madam Brugier." "I'm almost done." "Yes, an applicant for the wardrobe job is here." "It's not a she. It's a he. The paper was ripped and he thought the job was for a man and not a woman." "Yes, it's pretty funny except the poor fellow travelled all the way here." Linda listened and said, "He's an ex-military and very anxious to find work." "Really, Madam Brugier? Okay, I'll lay it out for him." "On a trial basis that might work." "Yes, you should have a look first. I'll send him up." Linda hung up the phone and said, "This is your lucky day. It seems that Madam Brugier has a soft spot for soldiers and particularly for the hardship faced by ex-military in this recession. She would like to meet with you to see if she is willing to bend the rules a little bit and let a man into her close circle of wardrobe managers. She is a very good judge of character and in just a few minutes she'll reach a decision as to whether or not to hire you on a trial basis. I'm to send you upstairs to the parlor, where she will meet with you shortly." "I can't thank you enough," Ted said, fighting to control his emotions. *** Upstairs in the parlor that was furnished like a palace Ted waited until Madame Brugier appeared. She was an attractive, finely dressed woman of moderate height, in her 50's, with a voluptuous figure. "You're quite a handsome soldier," she said by way of greeting. "Thank-you, ma'am," Ted said. "Madame Brugier," she corrected him. "Thank-you, Madame Brugier, I'm sorry," Ted said. "Turn around slowly," Madame Brugier said and Ted slowly rotated in place so she could see each side of him. "You seem very fit and I'm glad to see that you're on the lean side. You're about five ten?" "Exactly, Madame Brugier," "You'll have to grow out your hair and no facial hair." "Of course, Madame Brugier." "I'm a very good judge of character and I can see plainly that you're someone I can trust. Obviously, women have a more instinctual understanding of bras and panties than men, since they wear them, but I'm willing to overlook this, and give you the provisional position as our bra and panty wardrobe manager. I realize that you'll have a steep learning curve, so I'll give you three months to show what you're made of. There are numerous work and social requirements that you'll have to satisfy for this job and Linda Dish will go over them with you. To be offered a permanent position after the trial is over I must see that you fit in to my retinue no differently than my other wardrobe managers." "I promise you that your faith in me will be well rewarded. I am sure that I will learn to love this job." "You may think differently after all your responsibilities are laid out to you. One last detail you should be aware of is that you'll be addressed as Miss Evans for the duration of your employment here. I hope you do not have a problem with that." Though it was a bit of a shock to Ted, he nonetheless said, "Miss Evans? I'm fine with that. I can certainly see the logic of why that makes sense." *** When Ted rejoined Linda Dish, she said, "I have many things to go over with you. When you hear everything you might change your mind about accepting the job." "I can't imagine that it is tougher than combat duty." Linda laughs, "I hope not, Ted, since I think your presence will make for some very amusing and unconventional times for the staff. Sort of shake things up a bit which we will all enjoy. Anyway, let me go through these points. First of all, the wardrobe managers are considered to be a group of women and you'll always comport yourself with this understanding. Consequently there will be a tendency for everyone to refer to you sometimes as Miss Evans and other times as one of the girls, or one of the women. The other managers are Judy who is in charge of foundation garments, hose, slips, petticoats and crinolines, Cathy who has control of dresses, skirts and blouses and Sylvia who is for shoes and coats, and everything else. There is also Sofia who does makeup and Phyllis who's in charge of jewelry." "I run a weekly planning meeting with the women that you'll have to attend. You're a central figure in decision making. Each outfit Madame Brugier and her nieces wears must be shown off to advantage with the best possible underwear. You must coordinate with Cathy on what bra and panty they need to wear with each dress. With Judy, your bra and panty should be consistent with the girdle or pantyhose she's supplying. You have to make sure the ladies are wearing the correct bra and panty each day for the outfit they're wearing and for the mood that they're in. You have to fetch bras and panties each morning and help them on with them. You have to hand wash all of the bras and panties. Some of the panties need to be ironed and you'll be doing that. You'll have to shop for bras and panties for the ladies, you'll have to give them bra and panty advice which means that you'll have to know everything there is to know about every high-end bra and panty for sale in the world. I'll be sending you, in fact, to some seminars and classes on bras and panties put on by different manufacturers. You'll have to be available day or night to take care of any issue at all relating to bras and panties. Now, do you think that that's a job you can handle?" "Yes, I would love to try and show you that I can do everything you mentioned." "Apart from your specific tasks, you're required to be dignified, and discreet at all times. If you're ever in a position where you feel embarrassed by your job, then that should be a hundred percent internal. No one should be able to see whatever crises you might be feeling about your work. You'll be treated no differently than the other wardrobe managers. This often means being ordered about. Told to do something and not voicing any complaint." Ted laughs. "That sounds like the military." "Good. Now you nominally have Saturday evening and Sunday's off as long as you've properly set up the bras and panties for Sunday morning. Sometimes there may be exceptions. While we require you to be single, you are free to date anyone you want on your own time, outside the estate. Your salary is very generous and you get free room and board. You'll have a private room in the wing with the other women. Whenever Madame Brugier, her nieces or I summon you, you need to appear as fast as possible. Moreover, all the women staff curtsey whenever they enter or leave the presence of Madame Brugier or her nieces. I'll teach you the proper way to curtsey. One other thing. You'll have to wear the same uniform as the other women. This consists of a white silk blouse and either black velvet slacks or a black velvet skirt. You must wear anklets with the slacks and pantyhose with the skirt. In all cases you wear mid height heel black shoes. I assume that you'll prefer the slacks to the skirt, but anytime you feel differently let me know. While normally our women must wear bras for the sake of modesty, in your case I'll let you wear a camisole under your blouse. If you choose to wear a bra instead, that is fine with me. You can also, of course, wear a bra underneath the camisole if you prefer." It was clear to Ted that he was going to be challenged at the start to make sure there wouldn't be any problems later. "I agree that it's best if I wear slacks and I'm happy to wear a camisole, Linda. I'll have to wait and see about a bra. After I get to know the other women and begin to fit in, I'll revisit the question." "Good. I'm afraid that one gesture toward the feminine you'll have to do at some point, probably the next time you get your hair styled, is have your fingernails professionally manicured, and fingernail polish applied. You see all the girls wear the same pink nail polish, since Madame Brugier prefers a degree of uniformity among her girls. As preparation for this step, you should allow your fingernails to grow out more. For example, see how long my fingernails are? You should match this. I'll give you some clear nail polish in the meantime that will strengthen your mails and make them less likely to break. As you get long fingernails you will have no choice but to make some changes in the way you hold and pick up things and especially how you touch people. As you'll see it will be very important that you learn not to use your hands the way men do, which is likely to cause the nails to break and potentially scratch people. "I'll do my best to let my nails grow out," Ted said, "and adapt my hand movements accordingly." Ted made a mental note to study the hand motions of women so as to gain insight into how they manage not to break nails under normal circumstances. "As I said, the main thing at this point is for you to grow out your hair so that we can send you to the stylist. I'll probably need some input from Madame Brugier as to when this ought to occur. One final thing is that Madame Brugier loves to wear perfume and she likes it when her girls wear the same scent as she does. When you see her in the morning, as I'll show you, there's a little table on which Madame Brugier puts the perfume that she's planning to wear that day. So you put a few dabs on yourself while in her bedroom. I think that this is just about everything." "I can't thank you enough, Linda." "Thank Madame Brugier. But if you grow into this job and do it well, then we'll all be thanking you." *** Ted was to formally start work the next day. His meager possessions were in a suitcase at the bus depot and Linda gave him bus fare to go retrieve his things. His most prized possession was his dress uniform and some medals that he had been awarded for heroism. When he got back to the estate, Linda took him to his room so he could settle in. First order of business was a good shower to wash away his days as a homeless person. When he was ready, Linda fetched him several pairs of the velvet slacks he would wear, several silk blouses, a number of camisoles, anklets and a pair of mid heels. She also gave him several pairs of panties. In case he decided to spend his workday in a skirt, Linda brought him a package of pantyhose as well as a skirt. In exchange she took all the clothes he had come with, except his uniform, and put them in the dumpster. "Get dressed, and then I'll show you around." Ted found that the panties, of the bloomer type, fit him well. The comfort offered by the silky material of the panty was a bit of a surprise to him. This was a well-kept secret that women didn't share with men! He next considered a lace-trim silk camisole that Linda had left with him. He saw from the label that it was a Gilda and Pearl and looked to be very expensive. It was a size large and fit him well. Now he was ready for the pants and blouse which also fit him reasonably well. He put on the anklets and the mid height heels. He looked at himself in the mirror. The outfit had a sophisticated flair that reminded Ted of old black and white movies with debutantes, perhaps, Katherine Hepburn. It certainly feminized him to a degree, with one obvious womanly feature being a hint of lace that peeked out from the camisole through the silk blouse. But since it was pants and a top, he felt that he certainly did not look ridiculous. It was all in all a livable look for him. One that he could grow comfortable with and hopefully the other wardrobe managers would find acceptable. Linda came by and said, "You look nice, much better than I could have predicted. You're obviously a man, but the outfit gives you a kind of feminine elan that is endearing. I think everyone on the estate is going to be pleased with what they see. So, now that that is out of the way, I'm going to take you up to Madame Brugier's closets. Your main focus there will be the room where she keeps her extensive bra and panty collection. I'm going to leave you there where you can familiarize yourself with it. This is no small task since there are hundreds of bras and panties, but in time you'll become intimately knowledgeable of every individual bra and panty that she has. You probably will want to make some notes so I'll get you some paper and a pen. After you've had a chance to go through her closet I can show you the closets for Madame Brugier's nieces. There is Lorelei, who is 25 and Cindy who is 19. You'll find that their bras and panties are very different than those of Madame Brugier." Linda showed Ted the layout of Madame Brugier's private suite. A back entrance led to the closets where her clothes were kept. Inside the bra and panty closet, Ted was impressed by the many shelves upon which bras and panties were well displayed. Linda said, "I'll be back in an hour to escort you to Lorelei and then Cindy's bra and panty closets." Alone in the closet, Ted examined the many shelves containing neatly organized panties and bras. He held up the first bra that he could see and saw that it was a 36DD. Indeed, when he had met Madame Brugier he could see that she had quite an ample bust. The bra was a cream color and he saw that it was a Simone Perele bra. Next to it was a panty that seemed to match. Ted wondered what the distinguishing feature of the bra and panty was. Clearly the color was one thing and that it had lace details on it. It was also an underwire bra. That much he knew from the girls he had dated in his life. He put the bra back and looked at another one. Once again he could see that he was drawing a blank as to why this bra was different than any other one apart from color. Ted stepped back and pondered the situation. He realized now that the bras were grouped by color already, so that was clearly something he had to keep in mind. Within each color there was perhaps some sort of system in place that he'd have to discover. Until he was able to do some research on bras or get the training that Linda had mentioned, he would only be able to get a superficial understanding of the bra closet. Ted now held up a panty and looked at it. Size 6 it said. Panties were clearly a lot easier to understand than bras. By looking at a half dozen of them, he could see that they sort of fell into obvious categories based on how much ones rear end was covered by the panty and by how high up the waist it went. One of the panties Ted was looking at turned out to be a thong that had a tiny pink patch that would cover the vagina. It would be interesting to see Madame Brugier wearing the thong. In fact, if he heard Linda correctly, he'd be helping Madame Brugier put on her panties and bra each morning, so obviously he was going to be able to see how she looked in all her various bras and panties. While Ted was reflecting on this somewhat pleasant thought an attractive woman with long, dark black hair and sharp features entered the closet and introduced herself as Judy. "Linda said you'd be here." "Yes, I'm Ted, well actually, Miss Evans, as Linda says I'm to be called. I think Linda mentioned you to me. You're in charge of foundation garments?" "Foundation garments, stockings, slips, petticoats, pantyhose, and you're the new bra and panty girl." Judy laughed and said, "I'm sorry but that's what we called the woman who's job you've taken." "You can still call me that," Ted said. "Linda warned me that I'd be treated like one of the women, so I'm comfortable with that." "In that case," Judy said, "I'm so pleased to meet the new bra and panty girl." "Likewise," Ted said. "And what are you called?" "Right, I'm unofficially the girdle girl." Judy laughed and said, "I'm so sorry. Having a man as the bra and panty girl I find to be kind of endearing. That a man would have such an interest in ladies underwear that he fills his days being intimately involved with bras and panties is sweet. It's really quite flattering to ladies that you're willing to devote yourself in that way." "I wouldn't exactly say that I sought a career in bras and panties. It's more accurate to say that I have no objection to using my skills to help the ladies of the estate get the bra and panty expertise that they need. Obviously I have a lot of catching up to do, but I'm determined to be successful as the bra and panty manager. I also want to work well with the other ladies and I'm completely open to any advice or suggestions for how I should carry out my job, please don't hesitate to correct me if I make a mistake, or anything else." "I love your attitude, Miss Evans. Certainly, if there are any issues relating to bras and panties that you'd like to discuss with me, I'm more than happy to help." "Thank you." "The two of us do generally work quite closely together as you can imagine. Bras and panties complement the foundation garments and hose that I'm in charge of. When Madame Brugier is wearing a girdle or a garter belt or even an all-in-one then we have to coordinate pretty closely. Usually that means deciding on a bra and panty that work well with the foundation garments." "I'll make a point of always checking with you or following your lead," Ted said. "I'm sure that as time goes on and you get increasingly familiar with how ladies choose their underwear, then we'll start to think alike and quickly come up with the best choices of bra and panty and foundation garment for any occasion." "I have so much to learn, but I'm determined to not disappoint Madame Brugier and I'll do whatever I have to, to come up to speed." "That's a great attitude to have," Judy said. "We're all lucky because as far as employers go, Madame Brugier and her nieces are more often kind than not. Sometimes Madame Brugier may be a bit stern, but she is always fair and reasonable. Her older niece, Lorelei, you will find to be quite relaxed and easygoing. The younger niece, Cindy, can be a sweetheart but also, at times, a little bit mean and even a drama queen. On rare occasions I've seen wardrobe managers leave her room in tears. Sometimes this happens when she has had a meltdown caused by one of her boyfriends. Other times it could be just because she's in a bad mood. No matter what, she and your other mistresses have absolute power over you, so you always must obey them, right or wrong. It's not your role to correct them or to worry about injustice. Usually, the ladies will recognize all by themselves that they've been unfairly mean to us and then they'll apologize." Judy gave Ted an idea of what was in the other rooms that formed the labyrinth of closets in Madame Brugier's suite, and then departed. Soon thereafter Linda returned to fetch Ted and show him where Lorelei's bra and panty closet was. As they walked there she asked Ted how far he had gotten with Madame Brugier's underwear. "To be honest, at the first chance I intend to study up on bras to get an understanding of the types that women wear. Once I'm more attuned to the subtleties I'll be better able to understand what distinguishes one bra from another, apart from color and having an underwire. The panties were a lot clearer to see the different types and I made some notes as to how the panties were organized in the closet. They arrived at Lorelei's bra and panty closet and Ted was surprised to see that it was partly neat and well-ordered and partly in a state of utter confusion with piles of bras and panties tossed together. "Alas, Lorelei sometimes comes and takes her own clothing and invariably makes a mess of things. It will be your job to straighten out her bras and panties if you find them in a mess." "I'll be happy to do that. No problem." Ted held up one bra and read, "34C." "Yes, she's not as big as her aunt but she still pretty well endowed. Let's now sneak on over to Cindy's bra and panty closet." Ted memorized the route through the building they were following. It was going to take some time until he could orient himself in the large mansion. Arriving at Mistress Cindy's bra and panty closet, Ted saw that the bra and panty collection was noticeably more concentrated in bright colorful shades, particularly of pink and that there was a surfeit of lace on the bras and panties. Ted held up one bra and saw that it was a 34B. "Yes, Cindy is not big chested. That partially explains her preference for comparatively more feminine underwear than Lorelei and Madame Brugier." "It's all very interesting," Ted said. "I'll devote myself to understanding the organization of each of the three bra and panty closets." Linda took Ted back to her office where they sat down together. "I need to run down for you what one of your most common duties will be. So, on a typical day, Madame Brugier wakes up at 7 AM. That tends to mean that she'll be getting dressed for the day at 7:45 after she's had breakfast. She'll hit a button which signals that she's ready to get dressed. You will have to arrive within minutes with the bra and panty that she's to wear that day. She'll take off her nightgown when you arrive, so you should not be surprised to see her naked. You'll help her on with her panties and then her bra and then Judy should be there to help her on with her girdle or pantyhose or whatever she's wearing and then onto Cathy for her dress or skirt and blouse, Sylvia for her shoes, Sofia for her makeup and Phyllis for her jewelry. As soon as you've gotten her bra on, you're free to go to be ready to help Lorelei and Cindy in the same way. You'll have to become quite adept having the three sets of bras and panties available to put on the women at short notice. When all three wake up at the same time, which has happened, but luckily not too often, the wardrobe managers have a rough morning running between them so they don't have to wait too long. "You also need to handwash the bras and panties each day. I'll show you how and where to do that. You'll also have a weekly schedule that shows you when the women are liable to need a change of bra and/or panty on any given day. For example, if they're going to go running, they'll need you to show up with their sports bra. If they're going out in the evening they often change their bra and panty with the change in outfit. Much of the coordination here is worked out in our weekly meeting and then as modifications are made during the week, we incorporate them into the plans." "Before I forget, let me teach you how to curtsey. You must never forget to do it. It should become second nature to you, a reflex the moment you see Madame Brugier, Mistress Lorelei or Mistress Cindy. Even if you pass them in the halls, boom! Curtsey until they pass you by. It's probably helpful to pretend that you're living in a castle and she's the Queen." Linda then demonstrated the curtsey. The right foot back behind the left, bent knees and lowered head. "Now you try it." Ted imitated Linda as best he could. It was a movement that he was not accustomed to. But after some practice he started getting the hang of it. "I think that's good enough at the start. As time goes on you'll get closer and closer to perfection. It is a kind of silly and archaic tradition around here, but Madame Brugier thinks it's important to mark the boundary between her world and ours and this is one way to do it." "Thank you Linda. I don't mind curtseying if that's what the boss prefers!" Linda smiled and said, "I've taken the liberty of leaving some books in your room for you to study. There also is a computer so that you can get additional information over the internet. One activity that you'll find yourself doing is going through the lingerie sections of stores such as Saks Fifth and Nordstrom to keep up to date on available styles. There are also manufacturer websites you should go to and many other industry websites. You will find yourself being immersed in ladies underwear up to your ears. I'll help you through your first day tomorrow and maybe the next one. Hopefully I'll see you catching on by then. Our first group meeting is in five days so we can all get on the same page then." Linda discussed the meal situation with Ted. The wardrobe managers ate together for breakfast. He was free to have lunch and dinner whenever he wanted to at either the kitchen or at local restaurants, as long as he coordinated his meals with the daily schedule of the mistresses. There was no formal get together for lunch and dinner, though the ladies informally met from time to time. Linda escorted Ted to the kitchen where she left him and arranged to meet him at breakfast the next morning. Ted found a pot of soup and a stew and helped himself to the best dinner he had had in months. Ted returned to his room where he saw that there was a large stack of books on his table. "The History of the Bra," "Panties Please," "The Bra: An Intimate Look at Breast Support," "A Home for Our Breasts," "The Big Book of Boobs and Bras," "A Field Guide to Matching Bras with Panties." Beyond delighted to have a nice clean and comfortable bed to sleep in after months on park benches, Ted settled into his evening reading the books and examining the pictures. He found the subject matter to be extraordinarily interesting and especially enjoyed thinking and reading about how breasts settle themselves into bras. It's a nice bit of engineering and he felt for sure that he was going to grow to really enjoy working with the breasts of the three ladies in the coming months and possibly years. Before he went to sleep he was also able to spend some time considering panties. As garments go, he found panties to be particularly interesting. He discovered that there is more to them than meets the eye. How they cling to the body and particularly comport themselves at the entrance to the vagina was eye-opening to say the least. No less fascinating were such subjects as panty line and he especially enjoyed thinking about and considering the different ways that panties do or do not cover the butts of women. From bloomers to thongs and everything in the middle it was a subject that raised his interest. Yes, Ted was looking forward to making sure that the panties he supplied to the ladies did the job they were designed to do. *** The next morning Ted got up early and over breakfast was introduced to the entire staff. A special table was set aside for the wardrobe managers where he ate with Judy, Cathy, Sylvia. Sofia and Phyllis. The six of them were dressed in the uniform of either black slacks or skirt and white blouses. Each of the ladies in their own way were filled with energy and self-confidence concerning their role in Madame Brugier's estate. As soon as Ted joined them, Cathy, a petite blonde woman said, "Let's just go right to the elephant in the room. You're a man in charge of panties and bras. Is that in any way going to be a handicap for you?" "It's a fair question," Ted said. "From my point of view, the issue isn't about a man working with bras and panties, it's about can I gain the knowledge I need to do a good job even though I don't have firsthand experience wearing bras and panties. Actually, I should correct that, Linda has given me panties to wear, so I'm wearing panties now for the first time. To get back to your question, my answer is, no, I don't think that my being a man provides a fundamental limit on how well I can be the bra and panty girl. As I've been saying, I've been in tougher situations in combat so I think I can adapt to the present circumstances." "That's a good answer," Cathy said. "We see that Linda allowed you to wear a camisole instead of a bra," Sofia said, "but in view of what you just said, I would think that you'd probably want to wear a bra so that you could better experience what women feel." Sofia was the tallest of the women, about Ted's height with a reddish orange hair. "Occasionally you'll have to work with Madame Brugier or her nieces, on the comfort of their bras. You might order a new one and then when she's wearing it and not finding it comfortable, you'll have to see whether changing sizes could alleviate the problem. So judging how a bra looks and feels on a woman is an important part of your job. By wearing a bra, you'll gain considerable insight into the subject." "I'm glad you said that," Ted said. "I had told Linda that I would hold off on making a decision about wearing a bra until I had interacted with my counterparts. From what you've said I see that it might be a good idea. What do the rest of you think?" The women talked among themselves and after a brief discussion, Sofia said, "I think we all agree that there is no harm, and possibly a great benefit from you wearing a bra." "Then, I just have to get myself a bra," Ted said, " and then I'll be happy to start wearing one. I really appreciate your help and input." "I don't want to step on your toes," Phyllis said, "but do you know how to get a bra for yourself?" "No, I don't actually," Ted said. "Last night I started studying bras pretty intensely and I did read about how to measure to figure out the correct size, but I've never actually done it. And then I'm not so sure where I should go to buy a bra and what brand it ought to be. Any help you can give me I'd appreciate." "Obviously you have to wear a white bra underneath your white blouse, like we are," Phyllis said. The five ladies at the table sat up erect thrusting out their chests so that Ted could get some insights into the bras they were each wearing. "You can see that we all have different ideas as to which bra we like. Some of us, like myself, have a rather unornamented smooth bra essentially a tee-shirt bra, while you see Judy and Cathy have particularly lacy bras. Since you're new to it, you probably ought to start with a simple bra like mine and then later, if you feel like you'd prefer some lace on your bra, you can go that direction." "That sounds like a good idea," Ted said. At that moment Linda came by and said, "I'm glad to see you all getting along, and especially that you're providing the kind of support for Ted that will make his transition that much easier." "Miss Evans has decided that she wants to wear a bra," Cathy said. "To help her empathize better with how women can decide if a bra is comfortable or not." "A really good idea," Linda said. "I'd like to start with a bra like the one that Phyllis is wearing. I guess I need to get measured." "After we get the ladies dressed this morning, I'll help you out Miss Evans. We'll measure you and get you a nice bra that you can wear." The call to help dress Madame Brugier was expected any second so the ladies broke up and went to get ready for their daily tasks. Ted followed Linda to Madame Brugier's bra and panty closet. While they walked she said, "This small black evening bag I'm carrying contains a supply of sanitary napkins. I'll give it to you. You should have it with you at all times since, particularly for Mistresses Lorelei and Cindy, whenever they're having their periods you'll need to first put a pad in their panty before helping them on with it. When they're having their periods, they also occasionally might need to change panties midday, or before they go to sleep. In those cases you should be available to help them. You'll find pads in the purse that are for daytime use and some thick ones for nighttime. The latter ones you use if you're helping the ladies change panties just at bedtime. Do you understand?" "Yes, I think that's pretty clear." They arrived at the closet and Linda showed Ted a paper that listed the bra and panty that was needed for that morning. It was a Natori bra in a plum color. "This has been worked out with the other ladies in the weekly meeting," Linda said. "I'm not an expert in how bras are organized here, so we'll have to do a little hunting to find this particular bra and panty set." Ted took a look at the paper and said, "I remember that from my scan through the collection yesterday." He thought a minute and said, "I think it's over here," and he went through the bras on a particular shelf containing bras in shades from pink to red and maroon and said, "here it is, together with the panty!" "I'm impressed, Ted," Linda said. "You must have some amazing memory skills." "It so happens that yesterday I found the white bras to be overwhelming, there are so many of them, so that I spent most of my time in this collection. I guess the pretty pinks and reds attracted me and I explored through these bras and panties pretty carefully." "Yes, I can see that the white bras and panties represent a formidable collection by themselves, but I'm sure once you dive into them, you'll figure out how to negotiate your way through them." As we waited for a signal from Madame Brugier to start helping her to dress, Linda said, "Madame Brugier has a heavy workload of meetings and events that she has to attend. Helping her to dress gets her out of here in less than half the time it would take if she had to do it all herself. On days when she has to change her outfit, you can imagine how much of a difference can be made by our team of ladies. Ted and Linda heard a buzzing sound, and Linda showed Ted that a code "MB" had appeared on a phone she was carrying. "I'll give this to you after we're done. Remember to curtsey when we enter the bedroom!" Linda softly knocked on the door to Madame Brugier's bedroom and entered with Ted following behind her. Madame had just taken off her nightgown and was standing naked in the center of the room. Linda with Ted next to her curtsied and Linda said, "Miss Evans is here with your bra and panty for today." Ted took in the remarkable figure of Madame Brugier. Indeed her breasts were DD and very nicely formed on her chest. Her hips were well shaped for a woman of her age and she was quite fit. "Miss Evans help Madame Brugier on with her panties." Ted stood next to Madame Brugier and held open the panties. "A bit lower, Miss Evans, near her shins," Linda said, and Ted bent all the way over to keep them low. Madame Brugier's vagina covered in a triangular patch of hair was inches from his face. She carefully put one foot in the open panty and then lightly holding onto Ted's shoulder stepped her other foot into the panty. "Pull them up, Miss Evans." Still holding onto the waist band of the panties, Ted gently pulled them up Madame Brugier's legs and across her tush until they covered her vagina and were at her hips. "Good," Miss Evans, Madame Brugier said. "Now my bra." Ted held the bra by its straps and Madame Brugier put her arms through them and Ted slid the bra cups toward her breasts. He was hesitant to touch her breasts but Linda said, "All the way, Miss Evans. Get her breasts into the cups, then go behind her and clip her bra." Ted moved the bra up to Madame Brugier's large breasts and pushed the underwire against her chest so her boobs fell into the cups. Then he went behind her and fastened the bra. "Madame Brugier, which row of clips?" Linda said, "I'm sorry Madame Brugier, but Miss Evans is still learning about bras." To Ted she said, "Secure the bra with the first row that just grabs her chest. As bras age this can move from the outer row toward the inner row." Ted put the ends of the bra together and saw that it fit best on the tightest row so he clipped it there. "Make sure the label is smooth," Linda said, and Ted used his fingers to smooth it across Madame Brugier's back. Now that the bra was on, Madame Brugier made a slight adjustment of the positions of her boobs. Already waiting in the wings was Judy who was holding a pair of pantyhose. She walked into the room and curtsied and Madame Brugier sat down. Judy kneeled down at her feet and rolled up the two legs of the pantyhose and slipped them over Madame's toes and gently pulled them up her leg, after first making sure they were correctly covering her feet. Linda nudged Ted and they both curtsied and went over to a small table where there was a bottle of perfume. Ted watched as Linda spritzed some on her neck and Ted then did the same. Once they were gone, Linda said, "I think she was very pleased with your approach." "Whew, I'm so pleased to hear that," Ted said. As they walked together Ted became aware of his scent. He had never worn perfume before, but he found the pretty odor to be pleasant. "One reason I had you watch Judy, is that there might be times when you have to cover for her. So, today you saw how she helped Madame with her pantyhose." "She seemed so adept at it." "Yes, pantyhose can be tricky. That's another item you might want to try on, so that you see what women feel when they wear their pantyhose." "Yes, at some point I can definitely see that I'll need to wear pantyhose." "That's the spirit, Miss Evans! Now I see that Lorelei is ready to be dressed. Unlike her Aunt, she usually dresses herself." Ted followed Linda to Lorelei's bra and panty closet where they searched and found the bra and panty that was intended for that day. "You can see how little I know about these closets!" Linda said. As previously, Linda knocked on the door of Mistress Lorelei's bedroom and they entered and curtsied. Linda said, "Mistress Lorelei, this is Miss Evans your new bra and panty girl." Lorelei broke into a large smile and said, "Miss Evans. My Aunt told me to expect you. As you'll find out, I often dress myself and sometimes when something unexpected comes up, I'm perfectly capable of selecting my own underwear. But if you could make sure my closet is kept neat that would be wonderful. You've got my bra and panty for today?" Ted handed them to her. "Before you go let me check the fit." Lorelei took off her pajamas and while naked put on the panty and then put the bra over her front and had Ted clip the back for her. She stood in front of a floor to ceiling mirror and examined herself. She used her hands to adjust her breasts in the bra cup. "What do you think, Miss Evans?" Ted was still trying to absorb how beautiful the naked Lorelei was. He was particularly amazed at the goddess-like beauty of her breasts, now in her bra. "First and foremost is it comfortable?" Ted said. "Yes, it is. What about how it looks on me?" "I think the bra and panty stylistically are a nice fit for you." Ted looked at Linda for help. "Miss Evans has made great progress since yesterday in learning about bras and panties and, in fact, starting tomorrow she'll be wearing a bra, herself. That should go a long way to helping her offer advice on comfort and style." "I see," Lorelei said. "That's nice. I do also like the pretty camisole that Miss Evans is wearing." "Some days she very well might wear her bra with her camisole." To Ted, Lorelei said, "When you get a bra, you also might think about getting some falsies so you won't have to be an A cup or AA cup. If you would like to have some shape, a B cup bra might be a nice place for you to start. You can also buy a padded bra." To this point Ted had not thought about anything more than wearing a bra. The idea that he'd cause his blouse to project breasts the same as the other women was a new idea. He'd have to ask Linda about that. Judy appeared and curtsied and Ted saw that she was holding a fancy garter belt that she clipped around Lorelei's waist. Lorelei sat down and Judy rolled up a stocking and put it on one of her feet, unrolled it up to her thigh and clipped it to the garter belt. She repeated this for the second side. The last glimpse Ted had of Lorelei, as Linda was leading him away, was of a beautiful and sexy 25-year-old woman in a bra, panties, garter belt and stockings. On their way to Cindy's suite of rooms, Ted asked Linda if he should get falsies. "While that's entirely up to you Miss Evans, it certainly makes sense that you would. How else would you know what it feels like to have breasts, or what it feels like to be wearing a bra because you have breasts? Instead of falsies, you might prefer getting breast forms which have the weight and heft of breasts." "I guess there is a lot to think about," Ted said. Ted was intrigued to meet Cindy because of what Judy had said. Linda and he picked up the bra and panty she was to wear that day and entered her bedroom and curtsied. Cindy was lying in bed naked with a slim, sexy figure. Though her breasts were not as large as the other mistresses, she exuded a sensuality that was seductive. The bra and panty that she was to wear were bright confections of lace and bows. "I'm not happy with your curtsey, Miss Evans," Cindy said. "Try it again." Ted curtsied a second time and Cindy said, "Head lower. Much, much lower. Get your head lower than your ass. It's as if you're going to kiss my feet." Cindy stood up and walked over to Ted and faced him. Ted could tell this was a girl who knew the full power of her sexuality and he had to apply all his self-control to not show any sign of reaction to her naked beauty. "Curtsey," she ordered. Ted tried another curtsy in front of her in which he forced himself to lower his head so far down he was staring directly at Cindy's feet and calves. "That's better, but you need to work on it." "I will, Mistress Cindy," Ted said. "Give me my panty," Cindy said and Ted handed it to her. She put it on and then said, "Now my bra." Ted gave that to her and she put it on herself. Wearing her bra and panties she said, "Auntie says your ex- military?" "Yes, Mistress Cindy." "Why would an ex-military take a job fetching my bras and panties?" "I thought the job was going to be a manager of the estate." "That's not an answer, is it?" "No, it's not. The truth is that when Madame Brugier offered me this job, I was very happy to get employment. That it has to do with bras and panties and my taking on the role of Miss Evans is only a difficulty if I let it be, and I won't. Wearing these clothes, which actually I am finding I rather like, is not as stressful as being in combat. When I am fully up to speed with my knowledge of bras and panties, then I think that I'll be a very helpful and useful member of the staff." "I like you, Miss Evans. I like that you understand your place and I can see why my Aunt hired you." "Thank-you, Mistress Cindy," Ted said and he curtsied again lowering his head as far down as he could go. *** Linda and Ted headed back to her office. "You have won over Cindy. That's very encouraging because Madame Brugier would not keep you on staff if Cindy didn't like you." "That's good to hear. I think she was testing me and I don't blame her. Having a man in the role I'm playing in Madame Brugier's household raises questions of obedience, which she had to get past." "I can see your point, Miss Evans. As soon as she assured herself of your subservience, she could relax and accept you as her bra and panty girl." "The one other thing is that I need to establish with Mistress Cindy and the other ladies is that I'm interested and serious about helping them with their bras and panties. It's not a flippant thing for me. I do care that I provide the best possible experience for them." "With that attitude, we are all lucky that you've joined us, Miss Evans!" In her office, Linda filled out some of the details of the job that she hadn't gotten to before. Sometimes the ladies will tell you that they want a new bra or panty. There are lots of reasons why. It's your job to figure out exactly what bra and panty they desire and then purchase it. You can do that either online or at a store, depending on how soon they need it. I'll give you a credit card you can use for purchases. When any one of the ladies is taking a trip, you need to pack a suitcase with the bras and panties they'll need. Sometimes, Madame Brugier and her nieces might want to tap into your expertise to help their friends with their bra and panty needs. You never no. Your job is always to say yes to whatever they want. Once you feel like you've become a bra and panty expert, I want you to learn enough to be Judy's backup. That means understanding pantyhose, girdles, stockings, garter belts, all-in-ones, and so forth. Foundation garments is a somewhat difficult subject in and of itself. They are not all created equal and even more so than bras, they can push a woman's body to a place it really doesn't want to be, or fail to create the shape the lady wants. Anyway, we'll have Judy give you a seminar on foundation garments and hose when the time is right." "Sure, Linda, I'd be happy and excited to expand my knowledge beyond bras and panties. Is Judy my backup on bras and panties?" "Yes, she is. Now let's go down to the laundry room. The house maid by this time has picked up the laundry and she would have set aside all the panties and bras for you to handwash." In the basement, there was a bin that held bras and panties. "Since you are supposed to know which bras and panties go with which of the ladies, they are mixed together here. The bras are easy to differentiate." "Because Madame Brugier is a 36DD, Mistress Lorelei is a 34C and Mistress Cindy is a 34B." "Very good, Miss Evans. You're a quick study. Now the panties sometimes can be confusing. The size 7's are Mistress Lorelei's but both Madame Brugier and Mistress Cindy where size 6. Luckily the styles are pretty different for the two of them." "Can't I also see if the panty matches the bra?" "Yes, good point. But not all the time do panties and bras match." "Right." "To wash the underwear, you take them to the sink, and wash them using the liquid detergent which is kept next to it." Linda had me wash the few bras and panties that were there and hang them up to dry. "Very good Miss Evans, I think you're already an expert in washing lingerie." "Thank you, Linda." Leaving the basement, Linda gave Greg a tour of some of the rooms where he might be needed. The ballroom, the living room, parlor, music room and others. "You never know when you might be called to run to the ballroom, because somebody has lost their bra!" Linda said, laughing. "There are wild parties here?" "As part of the staff we don't like to acknowledge that the behavior of some of the guests that the family invites leaves a lot to be desired. We just go about our duties. It's not our role to protest, even if it creates extra work for us. Anyway, do you have any questions, Miss Evans?" "I don't think so." "Good. Let me measure you for a bra before I forget." Linda found a tape measure and put it around Ted's chest. "Your band width is 36 just like Madame Brugier. Technically you could wear her bras, except there is such a large mismatch in cup size. Let's take a quick trip to the bra shop and you'll see the place where you'll also most likely be ordering the bras and panties that you need for Madame Brugier and her nieces. *** Before they left for their adventure, Linda had Ted shave his chest and underarms. "That's appropriate if you're going to be wearing bras from now on." Dressed as he was in his blouse, pants and heels, Ted felt a little uncomfortable walking through the streets and taking a bus to get to the bra shop. But all such emotions he kept inside. It was really no different than summoning up his courage on the battlefield. You look for an inner strength to get you through each moment that comes. In this case, each glance from people who are checking out the guy wearing a woman's blouse and heels. To her credit, Linda did not act like there was anything for Ted to be concerned about. Her lack of interest in what others were thinking helped him feel the same way. At the bra shop, Linda introduced Ted to Matilda, a woman of about 60 who is the owner. "Matilda, you'll never guess but this is Miss Evans, the new bra and panty girl for Madame Brugier." Matilda did a double take and said, "A pleasure to meet you. You're one of them I take it?" "Them?" "Boys who love to dress up as girls." "I haven't really been that kind of boy. But, now as part of the job, I'm expected to dress like the other managers, so I do what I'm supposed to do." "In fact, we're here today to find some bras for Miss Evans," Linda said. "She's a 36A I'll guess." "That's exactly right, except that Miss Evans and I agree that she should get a 36B and add falsies or breast forms. It's a good idea for her to have some kind of shape like the other women. Not necessarily big boobs, at least not yet, but enough to let her have a somewhat more feminine presence." "So, a 36B is what we'll get," Matilda said. "What kind of bra do you want? For example, underwire? balconette?, demi cup?" "I'm not totally sure, but I believe that an underwire, tee shirt bra, is best for right now. And it should be white," Ted said. "Good choice for your first bra," Matilda said, and went into a back room and came back a short while later with three, white, 36B bras that would appear smooth under Ted's blouse. "Yes, I think any one of these bras would be appropriate, what do you think Miss Evans?" "They all look good to me." "You should try them on and see which one is most comfortable." Ted went into the small changing room and came back out a few minutes later wearing the first of the three bras. "This is my very first time wearing a bra," Ted said with some amusement. "I must say it's pretty comfortable." "Slip these breast forms into your cups," Matilda said, handing him two life-like silicone breasts. "Wow," Ted said. "They look so real." "You have the option of attaching them to your chest, though that requires some care. I'll give you the instructions so you can experiment with that if you want to." Ted put the breast forms in his bra and said, "This is remarkably helpful in enabling me to feel the way women do with their breasts and bras." "You look very nice, Miss Evans," Linda said. "Try the other bras on and see which bra is most comfortable." A few minutes later Ted returned wearing another white smooth bra. "It's about as comfortable as the first one." Ted tried on the third one and it too was comfortable. "So we'll buy all three," Linda said. "You can leave this bra on. Keep your breast forms in the cups and put your camisole and blouse back on and we'll see how nice you look." Ted did as Linda said and came out of the dressing room with his same outfit, but now showing a modest pair of breasts. Ted gained considerable insight into how women experience the world by noting his appearance in the mirror. For him, especially, it was clear that having breasts went a long way toward equalizing his place in the world with that of women in general. In other words, he could see that with breasts he entered a place where he could be considered to be a woman, and that was something that all women shared in common. Linda and Ted said their goodbyes to Matilda and headed back to the estate. *** When Ted showed up at breakfast the next day, wearing his bra with breast forms, his new womanly appearance became the central topic of conversation, "Congratulations, Miss Evans, I think you're brave to acquire a womanly chest," Phyllis said. "You look just like any of us, with your breasts in your bra gently pushing out your white silk blouse. Women love this look, we love the way it subtly and sexily proclaims our womanhood to the world. And now you get to share those feelings with us," Judy said. Ted stared down at his front to fully absorb what the women were talking about. "I see what you mean," Ted said. "This is very helpful for understanding how women feel and this should definitely allow me to better serve Madame Brugier and Mistresses Lorelei and Cindy." "Perhaps you can see that one step further is to wear a bra with a little lace on the cups," Cathy said. She pointed to herself. "You see that where my breasts push out my blouse, you can see the lace of my bra. It's another way of expressing femininity that you might like to experience." "Thank you, Cathy. I thank all of you. I find this discussion very helpful and I'll consider making some additional moves to learn about how women feel." *** With Linda passively observing him, Ted successfully carried out his tasks during his second day on the job. When they were done, he met with Judy with the goal of acquiring an overview of her part of the wardrobe. "We need to help each other out," Judy said. "If one of us is sick or has to go to the doctor, it's important that we can cover for each other. Madame Brugier also allows us to swap so we can go to events like concerts or go on an occasional date that doesn't fall on Saturday night or Sunday. Sofia and Phyllis cover for each other as do Cathy and Sylvia." The first step of Ted's education was to take him into the foundation closet where Judy showed him the collection of Madame Brugier's girdles both open bottom and panty, corsets, garter belts, waist clinchers, bodysuits and thigh shapers. There was also pantyhose and stockings, slips, petticoats and crinolines. The latter hung in a colorful display in a dozen different pastel shades. "I don't know where to begin in describing the many different occasions where Madame Brugier may elect to wear a girdle of one sort or another with stockings, or pantyhose, which itself can be control top or shear or any number of other variations. Sometimes she wears corsets that help her create a nice shape for some of her gowns. If any of her pantyhose or stockings has a run, you get rid of them. You've seen me help Madame Brugier put on her pantyhose. You'll have to learn the same skill, and also help her on with her girdles or her all-in-ones. Sometimes you have to do some tugging on them to get them right, so don't be shy." "Wow, there is so much to take in," Ted said, "but I will study all of the items in this closet once I get a chance!" *** Each day after dinner, Ted worked late into the evenings learning as much as he could about women's lingerie. A few nights he positioned himself in Madame Brugier's bra and panty closet and systematically went through every bra and panty that was there. He researched the characteristics of each bra and panty type and he used this knowledge to classify Madame Brugier's lingerie. He developed a mental picture of the entire closet with some sketches on a paper to help him remember the details. He rapidly got to the point that he could quickly find any particular bra and panty that Madame Brugier would want to wear. When he had mastered Madame Brugier's bras and panties, he then shifted his attention to that of Mistresses Lorelei and Cindy. Once that was done, he continued his study of bras and their aesthetics and structural aspects so that he'd eventually be able to give real advice on bras to his mistresses, if they were to ask him. He also strived to keep himself up to date in all the new bras and panties that were introduced during the year. Beginning with his third day, Ted was on his own. He was able to figure out from the previous meeting notes which bras and panties he needed to have each day. In the course of his morning visit to the ladies, Ted began to acquire considerable firsthand experience of how Madame Brugier and Mistresses Lorelei and Cindy's breasts are held in the different bras. These, he imagined, translated into a variety of looks for the dresses and blouses that they wore. Of course, considering the fact that Madame Brugier was a DD, her breasts were a significant aspect of any outfit she wore. Ted was especially fascinated by how these large breasts occupied her DD cup bras. Sometimes her breasts were held a bit further apart, and sometimes closer together creating a nice view with tops that allowed for d?collet?. Some of the bras minimized her DD breasts, while others kept them high with an admirable projection. In the case of the breasts and bras of mistresses Lorelei and Cindy, Ted found it fascinating to see how the young supple breasts on their smooth bodies were harnessed by their bras. Lorelei's large breasts made for many interesting displays, and even Cindy's smaller breasts had a variety of looks depending on the bra that she wore. Ted enjoyed especially observing the cute way her B cup breasts settled into the pretty lacy bras that she preferred. When attending his first weekly meeting to map out the next weeks clothing, he listened in fascination as the women explained which outfits they proposed that their mistresses wear each day. They worked from the outside in, first selecting dresses, blouses and skirts, then shoes and accessories including jewelry. Then they went to consider the underwear relying heavily on the expertise of Judy and himself. A big concern was how the rear end and breasts of the ladies would appear in a given outfit depending on which choices were made for foundation garments and bras. For example, would Mistress Cindy want a push up bra to get a bit more bosom for a certain top, or would Mistress Lorelei like to show off her cleavage with a certain low top? Would Madame Brugier want her butt shaped with a girdle or with control top pantyhose for a particular skirt. Or, if she wore a girdle then she could avail herself of a certain pair of stockings whose design or color could not be obtained via pantyhose. The conversation was at a high level and Ted found his brain hurting after a little while. The other ladies of the group were sharp and remarkably knowledgeable and he could see what a high bar they set. The experience helped energize him to work even harder to get to know every aspect of bras and panties he could. The internet was particularly useful in supplying many nice vivid photos of bras in action holding up breasts of every size. He studied the photos carefully and created files containing different looks that he might one day need to apply to the ladies. *** A few days hence there was to be a ball that all three ladies would be attending in the evening. It was going to be a hectic night, but Ted prepared himself for it mentally. He had each of the bras and panties ready to go and who ever rang first he'd be ready to help them get dressed. The bras were strapless and Ted read online as much as he could about them. He asked Judy if there was any secret to putting on strapless bras and she said that he'd have to approach the ladies from behind, pass the bra across their fronts, capture their breasts in the bra and then slide his hands around to secure the straps together across their backs. It was a tricky maneuver and he'd have to hope it went well. The thought that he might drop the bra or have his hands touch their breasts weighed on his mind and he was very nervous. When the evening came to help dress the ladies, Mistress Lorelei was first and he rushed to her room. Her panty for the evening was a lacy pink bikini type that suggested to Ted that she thought it might end up being seen that night by her boyfriend. Ted held out the panty for Mistress Lorelei to step into. She put one leg in and then another and then said, "You better put a pad in my panty. Not an overnight, just a thin one to be on the safe side." "Yes Mistress," Ted said, and he took out a pad from his purse and put it in the panty and then pulled it up to Mistress Lorelei's waist. "Now for your bra. It's a strapless." "Yes, I know. We're all wearing our gowns tonight for a debutante ball." "That sounds like fun." "Yes, it's nice to dress up and feel especially pretty sometimes. I love my gown." With Madame Lorelei wearing just her panties, Ted stood behind her and with one hand passed the bra across the front of her and caught it with his other hand. Now he pulled the bra ends back to clip them and realized that if he wasn't careful her boobs wouldn't be in the cups. Now he tried to wrestle her breasts into the cups but it was impossible to do so without being able to see them because he was standing behind her. He made a few haphazard efforts to get the breasts in the cups which caused Madame Lorelei to begin laughing and finally led to her convulsing with laughter. "I'm so sorry, Mistress Lorelei," Ted said, alarmed, "I'm having trouble getting your breasts in the bra cups." "You can use your hands to maneuver my breasts. That's the easiest way. I won't be offended." Ted did what she said. First he slid his hands so they were on the two bra cups and then he was able to feel her breasts with his hands and then get the bra on them. Then he slipped his hands around to her back keeping the bra taut and was able to clip the clips. "I'm so sorry. This was a new experience for me." "Don't think anything of it,. It was so amusing." Judy joined them holding a garter belt, stockings and a large white crinoline. After helping Mistress Lorelei put on her garter belt and stockings, she held out the crinoline which Mistress Lorelei stepped into and Judy pulled up to her waist. Then immediately, Cathy came out with a beautiful, light green gown that she lowered over Mistress Lorelei's head. Ted saw the signal that Madame Brugier was ready so he then left for her bedroom. He entered and curtsied as Madame Brugier dropped her nightgown to the floor and was naked. Ted picked up the gown, put it on a chair and held out the panties for Madame to step into. He could see that her pubies were a bit damp as if she had just taken a shower. He pulled up her panties over her tush to her waist and stepped behind her with the bra. "It's a strapless bra, Madame Brugier, so I have to get it on you from behind." "Sure, Miss Evans." "I may have to touch you a bit to get it on right." "You don't have to mention it. Whatever is necessary, go ahead." "Yes, Madame Brugier." As he had done with Mistress Lorelei, Ted held a bra cup in one hand and encircled Madame Brugier with his other arm to get his fingers on the other cup. He then pulled in toward her breasts and used his fingers to lift up Madame Brugier's large breasts into the cups and then quickly swung his fingers behind her and fastened the clips. She then leaned forward and jiggled her breasts getting them arranged more comfortably in the bra. Ted could see that the main reason that the bra was held up was because of its holding her breasts. As he finished with her, Judy entered with pantyhose, a slip that she helped Madame put on and then a crinoline. Cathy entered now with an exquisite sleeveless gown of a royal blue color and put it over her head. Ted was hoping to see the rest of the operation, with shoes, makeup and jewelry but he was notified that he had to run along to Mistress Cindy's chamber. When Ted entered Mistress Cindy's bedroom she was naked and posing in front of a full-length mirror. He curtsied and stood holding the bra and panty waiting for her to say she was ready. He watched as she put her hand under her breasts and pushed them up slightly. "What do you think, Miss Evans, should I get bigger boobs?" The women in his group had made clear to him that sometimes the mistresses engaged them in conversations. In that case, they should not feel like they cannot participate. "You want my honest opinion?" "Yes, of course, I do." "Well, I think your breasts are perfect the way they are." "Why are you so sure about that?" "Because, for my mind, the issue is not how big our breasts are, it's just having them, as against not having them. You've got breasts. That's the lucky thing." Surprised, Mistress Cindy said, "That's a very interesting answer, but I think that it's not the kind of answer that women would give. We know we have breasts, so it's not likely that we're thinking we're lucky. We can't envision life without them. Their size is then a real question for us, mainly driven by the complicated social and biological interactions between the sexes. But your answer reveals that you're having some gender issues yourself. What's going on here Miss Evans?" "I'm sorry." "No, tell me. I detect a note of jealousy in your voice." "It's just that even in the short time I've worked here with the ladies helping you and Mistress Lorelei and Madame Brugier, I've developed a bit of envy. You all know what it's like to feel like a woman and I have to work on it. For example, I decided to wear a bra because I was missing out on so much by never having worn won. Now that I wear a bra with breast forms, I feel like I have a lot more empathy and understanding of this aspect of a woman's life. But for me just getting the bra was the issue, not getting a larger bust. There are many other aspects of a woman's experience that I'm currently missing out on. To be honest, I think this limits my effectiveness as the bra and panty girl." "What other aspects?" Mistress Cindy said. "Well the most immediate is that I have no experience wearing a skirt with pantyhose." "Can you do this?" "Linda has already given me a skirt and bought me some pantyhose. So I think maybe the time has come when I ought to try this." "That's a good idea. I would enjoy seeing you in a skirt and hose. I think you'll look good." "Thank you, Mistress Cindy." "I appreciate your honesty about my breasts. I'm going to carefully consider your thoughts." Ted held out the panty for Mistress Cindy and she stepped into it. Her vagina was shaved and Ted enjoyed examining her cute slit while he was bent over holding out her panties. Next he stood behind her and used his hands to set up her strapless bra across her front and then gently moved it in to capture her small breasts. Her body was warm and smelled sweetly and her hair was pretty to look at. He fastened the bra and then watched as Judy came in with pantyhose and a magnificent pink crinoline, followed by Cathy with a very beautiful pink gown and Sylvia with matching pink high heels. Since he had nowhere to run to, Ted stayed to watch Sofia apply some makeup and Phyllis bring some jewelry. When the ladies were done, the team stepped to the side to look at Mistress Cindy. She was radiantly beautiful and they all felt proud of their part in helping make that a reality. *** Much of the staff assembled in the main foyer of the mansion to watch the three mistresses leave for their ball. Madame Brugier owned several cars including a Rolls Royce that they used this night. It was like watching a movie, Ted thought to himself. The beautiful ladies dressed for the ball and going to dance with princes. He felt proud that underneath all that finery, the ladies wore the bras and panties that he was in charge of. He was part of the inner circle, the most intimate aspect of the ladies lives. It was a sacred trust they had given to him, and he would work tirelessly to make sure he gave them the best possible service. Looking on the scene, he had an epiphany. It was time for him to go all out in making sure he understood what it felt like to be a lady. The time had come for him to further his direct experience of a woman's world. The first step would be to finally wear the skirt and pantyhose, as he and Mistress Cindy had discussed. *** The next day at breakfast, Ted said, "I've given it a lot of thought and I think I would like to wear my skirt tomorrow. I was talking it over with Mistress Cindy last night and she agrees with me that I stand to gain a lot of nice insights into women if I take this step. I'm anxious to remove any obstacles that prevent me from fully appreciating how Madame Brugier, and the other ladies feel as women and especially how they feel wearing skirts and dresses." "I think that's a very nice gesture, Miss Evans," Sofia said. "Of course, if you wear a skirt you have to wear pantyhose, and that means that you first have to shave your legs." "Right, I hadn't thought of that," Ted said. "Tonight I'll shave my legs. I've watched Judy put pantyhose on Madame Brugier, and I'm excited to see if I can figure it out for myself." "It'll be fun to see you tomorrow in a skirt," Judy said. *** As promised, Ted came to breakfast the next morning with his legs freshly shaved and wearing shear pantyhose and a skirt. Walking from his room to the dining room in a skirt and hose, was a fascinating experience. Besides the interesting swishing of his skirt back and forth and sideways, the feel of the hose gently massaging his legs was an unexpected delight. It was amazing that as close as men and women live to each other, there are all these amazing and wondrous things going on in the lives of women that men have no clue about. "So what do you think about wearing a skirt?" Cathy said. "I must admit that I'm really loving it," Ted said. "There's a kind of freedom I feel besides a sense of pride in being able to show off my legs this way." "You do have cute legs," Sofia said. "One of the main results of this experience is now I'm wondering what it feels like to wear a dress." "You can wear dresses on Saturday night or Sunday," Cathy said. "First I'll have to buy a dress." "I'll be happy to help you, Miss Evans," Cathy said. "That is my area of expertise." "True. That's so nice of you to offer." "We'll find a convenient time and do that!" *** Madame Brugier took notice when Ted walked into her bedroom wearing a skirt and hose. "I see you're wearing a skirt now, Miss Evans." "Yes, I thought the time had come when I ought to see what this is like." "And what have you concluded?" "I like it. Skirts are comfortable and actually give me a good feeling. Wearing pantyhose is also very nice. It feels good on my legs." "I'm pleased you feel this way. It was a bit progressive of me to take on a man as a bra and panty girl, so it is quite heartening to see that you've come to truly understand your role in the household. I'm not sure a woman could bring the same degree of fresh insight into the job as you have." "Thank you, Madame Brugier. It means a lot to me to hear you say that." Ted curtsied and left to go to Mistress Lorelei. *** It wasn't long before Ted's hair had grown out to the point that it needed to be cut and styled. Linda and Madame Brugier conversed about what kind of look he ought to have, and it was decided that bangs would look very nice on him. "I'm open to whatever you think is best," Ted told Linda when she explained that he needed to visit the hairstylist. "Good," Linda said, and she set up an appointment for Ted at a local beauty salon for that coming Saturday. Linda looked at Ted's fingernails and said, "I'm pleased to see that you've grown out your fingernails and they are well shaped. Now we'll arrange for you to get a manicure and pedicure. They'll also paint your fingernails the same shade of pink that the other girls wear." "I have to tell you the truth, Linda, I'm excited to finally get past these two hurdles. It'll be helpful to both have a woman's haircut so I know what a woman feels like looking in the mirror and it'll be very nice to have long pink fingernails so that I can empathize with how women use their hands." *** Saturday proved to be a big day for Ted. He was given the afternoon off to get his hair and nails done under the watchful eye of Linda. After some consultation with the stylist a lovely hairdo was developed for Ted that included bangs. "Since your face is somewhat square and oblong, an appropriate cut includes long layered bangs in an A shape since this will help soften and balance your features." The end result was gratifying to Ted. While not the strict appearance of a woman, the new hairstyle made his sex somewhat ambiguous. He could be seen perhaps as a man, perhaps as a woman. That was quite a change from his previous life. "Are you pleased, Miss Evans?" Linda said. "I am. This hairstyle definitely is an aid toward allowing me to better experience a woman's life." "To go with this hairstyle, we'll get Sofia to develop a makeup routine for your face. You can then apply this to yourself every day, no different than the way any typical woman applies makeup when she goes to work." "Oh, yes, I would love that. I've been wondering if I was at a point where I ought to wear some makeup." "Certainly combined with your new look, make up will further help emphasize your womanly characteristics," With his hair done, Ted moved over to get his mani-pedi. It was fun to be fussed over by a woman with remarkable skill in preparing his nails. When it came time to apply polish, she asked Ted if he wanted his toes done also. "Sure," Ted said, not having realized that this was an option. When he was done and the polish had dried on his finger and toenails, Ted remarked to Linda, "This is very nice. I feel like my hands have become graceful and pretty, even. Another secret in the lives of women. And looking down at my toes, it's kind of a thrill to see how pretty they are." Linda laughed. "I think you've come a long way in absorbing and understanding the things that women take for granted as part of their birthright. In fact, many of these things are truly delightful and women love them, and I'm getting the sense that you love them also." "That's a very nice way of putting it Linda." From the beauty salon, Ted and Linda met up with Cathy at a dress shop that she frequented. "I love that hairstyle, and what pretty hands you have now," Cathy said. "You continually surprise me Miss Evans! Now we can find you some nice outfits that you can wear when you don't have to be in uniform." "To be honest," Ted said, "I'm a bit at a loss as to what dresses and skirts I should get. You all must know what you like and dislike, but I have yet to develop that same womanly sense." "There's no shame in that," Cathy said. "It's trips like this over many years that help women formulate their likes and dislikes. This is your first big shopping adventure as a woman. It'll be a start, and we can imagine that as time goes on you'll develop a womanly sense of what styles of dresses and skirts look good on you and help show off your figure." "Today, I would love for you and Linda to pick out the clothes you think I would look good in." "We're happy to," Linda said, and she and Cathy got down to work. An hour later, after trying on numerous dresses, skirts and blouses, Ted had arrived at a small, attractive, wardrobe of ladies clothes. These would go a long way to providing a platform for him to more fully relate to the feelings of women, and especially those of his three mistresses. Back in his room at the mansion, Ted hung up his new clothes. His closet now had some color in it since he had gotten skirts that were blue and red and dresses that had some bright floral patterns and were in bright solid colors. Linda and Cathy had coached Ted on how to mix and match blouses and skirts, so he now had a number of different looks that he could vary depending on his mood. Later that afternoon Sofia came to Ted's room with her makeup kit. "For the longest time I've wanted to see how you would look with makeup. I'm so happy the time has arrived!" "You seem like a magician to me, the way you heighten the beauty of our mistresses." "Thank you, Miss Evans." "If you can make me even the tiniest bit prettier, I'll be thrilled." "I think I can do more than that. Your new hairstyle has gone a long way toward softening the shape of your face, giving you a more feminine look. With some makeup that look will be enhanced." Sofia started to work on Ted's face. At one point she said, "If you can, you should try and remember what I'm doing. No doubt you will one day be an expert at applying makeup to yourself. But it takes time, so be patient." "I will!" Ted said. Sofia wouldn't allow him to look into the mirror until she was done, and when he finally got to look he was flabbergasted at how she had added a womanly dimension to his face that he had never had before. "I'm speechless," Ted said. "To tell you the truth, so am I," Sofia said. "There's a lot more girl in you than we knew about when you first came to us." *** That night, Judy tapped on Ted's door and asked him if he would like to join some of the girls for a drink at a nearby club. Up to this point, Ted had been so focused on learning and mastering bras and panties, that he had scarce time to socialize with the ladies outside of mealtimes. Now, with his newfound wardrobe and the self-confidence he had acquired in his knowledge of women's underwear, he thought to himself, why not go out? It would be fun to be with friends for the evening and it was also a great opportunity to wear one of his new dresses and show off his new hairdo and makeup. "I'm so excited!" Ted thought to himself, thinking that this evening would be unbelievably valuable in giving him insight into what a woman feels like going about town. He'd be all dolled up posing as a woman, in a dress and heels and clutching her purse. No male safety net, just a pure womanly experience no different than one that any of the other ladies would have. Ted decided to wear a light blue sheath dress that he had gotten, with his pantyhose. When he was dressed, he looked in the mirror and admired himself. The dress was made of a stretchy material that nicely showed off his bust and he enjoyed his profile view. Looking at the relatively modest projection of his breasts, Ted remembered the conversation he had had with Mistress Cindy. He wondered what he might look and feel like if he had breasts the size of Madame Brugier's. *** For his first historic venture out into the nightlife as Miss Evans, Ted was accompanied by the five other lady wardrobe managers. From Ted's point of view they were an attractive group of women, each with a pleasant body and face. He was willing to concede that his face might pass as that of a woman, so that he would be taken to be a woman by passersby, but he had strong doubts that men would find him attractive. The women walked along the sidewalk in two groups of three and Ted walked between Cathy and Judy behind Sylvia, Phyllis and Sofia. He was acutely aware of the dynamic created by the women. He could see the figures of the women in front of him as they walked and he was aware that his steps fell into sync with the women to either side of himself. His pantyhosed right and left legs were moving as one with those of Judy and Cathy and he listened to the slight clicking of their heels on the pavement. A similar pattern had developed in the women ahead of him and he felt like he was no longer an outsider. In practical terms he was as much a woman as the others were, and he realized excitedly that he was now truly seeing the world from the eyes of a woman. In the days before he was homeless, Ted had been in many a bar, and many a club with other guys where their major interest was in meeting women. Now, he found himself on the other side of the chasm. He was one of the girls who would be observing the men, though, he, personally, was not interested in meeting men. That did not stop his companions from commenting on the various male prospects in the club. It was a revelation to Ted to hear the women discussing men and he appreciated the fact that this was invaluable toward his understanding of women. For sure, he would be a better woman for having this kind of experience. Only later did it occur to him, that perhaps his colleagues had thoughts about him as a man. In particular, a man who was a bra and panty girl for Madame Brugier. At various points during the evening each of the women accompanying Ted was asked to dance and otherwise made the object of a man's interest. At one point when Ted was alone at the table, a man came up to him and asked him to dance. "Probably not a good idea," Ted said, "but I'm flattered by your interest." The guy did not walk away and Ted had no idea if he was nearsighted, drunk, or truly thought Ted was attractive. "C'mon, just one dance?" Ted looked at the man. He was a couple of inches taller than himself even wearing his heels and much stockier. "Okay, one dance." It was a slow dance playing and the man held Ted tightly and led him around the dance floor. Ted could feel the man's hand over his bra strap as he gently guided him. The guy was an excellent dancer and Ted had to concentrate hard figuring out how to do the woman's steps that mirrored what the man was doing. After awhile Ted got more comfortable and allowed himself to accept that he was the woman in this instance. As soon as he did that, he saw that this simple thought opened up a vast horizon of opportunities to experience a woman's world. Being treated like a woman, like this man was doing, was a powerful means of allowing him to feel like he was a woman. "What's your name," the man asked after a minute. Ted realized that he couldn't say Ted, so he reflexively said, "Miss Evans." The man laughed and said, "Miss Evans? That's a new one on me. I'm Mr. Stamile." "I'm sorry, at work they call me Miss Evans. I'm Violet. Violet Evans." Somehow the word violet had popped into his mind. "And I'm Steven Stamile." "Pleasure to meet you, Steven." "The pleasure is mine, Violet. I love your perfume." "Thank-you. You're an excellent dancer." Ted felt a slight increase in pressure as Steven held him, and inspired by the womanly feeling that had come over him by being held in the arms of a strong, confident man, Ted rested his head on Steven's shoulder. When the dance ended, Steven said, "Can I buy you a drink?" Ted felt a small chill run up his spine. Here he was in his dress and heels with a man who was obviously finding him attractive. He wondered if this was a dangerous situation. Would Steven get angry with him if he found out the truth. "Well?" Steven said. "Okay, Steven, a drink would be lovely, but I have to tell you something." Ted decided that whatever potential jam he would get into by tricking Steven would be reduced the sooner he mentioned the truth. "I know, Violet," Steven said, laughing. "I can see what you really are, but I happen to be the kind of man that prefers girls like yourself." "Oh, my gosh," Ted said. "Really? It doesn't bother you?" "Bother me? I love it. It's so interesting and sexy to me." That such men existed was a revelation to Ted. Now he could see that the real question was to what extent he would feel comfortable dating a man. On the dance floor he had felt like a woman and when he did, he enjoyed the fact that Steven was a man. But what about the times when he felt like a man? To fully enjoy a relationship with someone like Steven, he would have to feel like a woman at all times. Before they parted that night, Steven got "Violet's" phone number and email and said he would call. As Ted walked home with the ladies, Cathy asked him, "Who was that handsome guy you were with?" "Steven. He asked me to dance and bought me a drink." "What did you tell him your name was?" Ted laughed. "Initially I said, Miss Evans, but then I said 'Violet,' it just popped into my head." "Violet Evans," Cathy said, "that's a pretty name. We can all call you Violet instead of Miss Evans." "Thank you," Ted said. "I though that Steven was a nice guy." "How will that work, Violet?" Judy asked him. "I felt like a woman tonight and when I did, I was happy to have the attention of a man. But that made me feel even more like a woman and then even happier I was with a man." "That's very sweet, Violet," Sylvia said, "and I imagine that's the kind of experience that will help you be a better bra and panty girl." "I was thinking the same thing," Ted said. "So I'm very happy for this night. But I guess I really have some decisions to make in the future." "What do you mean?" Cathy said. "I'm not so sure I can keep on switching back and forth between feeling like a woman and feeling like a man. I need to pick one and stick to it, and since my job requires me to feel like a woman, that is probably the better choice. But if I want to feel like a woman all the time, then I have to start thinking about things I can do to help that along." "You mean ..." "Yes." Ted and the five ladies left unsaid what they were all thinking. If Ted wanted to live his life as a woman, then his body ought to catch up to where his mind was. End of Part 1

Same as Miss Evans - Part 1 Videos

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Missys Girlfriend Amy

Amy was one of the sexiest black girls Missy had ever seen. She'd met Amy through her brother, Ron, who had started dating her and on this particular evening, Ron and Amy had come over where Missy and Amy's brother, Larry, had settled down to watch a DVD and enjoy the evening having sex. When Ron and Amy showed up, Missy had intially been very upset but when they started passing around a toke of marijuans, Missy felt herself becoming noticeably much more mellow and at ease with having the...

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Divine Justice Conner Evans vengeance

Conner was pissed. He had been humiliated by two teachers, laughed at by his girlfriend and then dumped, all on top of being deserted by his best friend. But he would have his revenge… oh yes he would have his revenge. As he passed the bus, he actually contemplated riding, and then cursed himself for his stupidity. Sometimes he wondered whether he actually liked the abuse and simply couldn’t admit it to himself. He walked past, pulling his hoodie over his head. If his parents heard of this...

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Anish8217s Monsoon Rendezvous Devanshi The Gynac Part2

Hi! I am Anish. 29 years drugs and diseases free single man from South Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. Do read my previous submissions too. start with ‘Anish’s’. I would love to read your valuable feedback. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas. I apologize in advance if you feel that the sex story is long. But trust me. It’s worth reading. This part is a...

4 years ago
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Anish8217s Monsoon Rendezvous Devanshi The Gynac

Hi! I am Anish, 29 years drugs and diseases free single man from South Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. This is my real experience. Do read too. All my stories start with ‘Anish’s’. I would love to read your valuable feedback. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas. I apologize in advance if you feel that the sex story is long. But trust me, it’s worth...

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Mrs Evanss Revenge

My pantie stealing and phone sex with Mrs Evans went on for a couple of weeks with me changing the panties each time she did any washing. I was really enjoying myself now as I used an assortment of her underwear to wank into as I sat reading my ‘younger / older stories in my magazines. Then one day things changed dramatically!!! I was off school for half term and was in the house alone, when an envelope addressed to me popped through the letter box. No stamp and the fact that it was too late...

1 year ago
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The Evans Family at Home

Note : This story is completely fictional! Natalie was in the kitchen trying to prepare something simple so she wouldn't heat up the kitchen, or the house, too much. Dressed in flowered housecoat she was trying to say cool. Even though they air conditioning it was still a bit warm in the kitchen as it always was. Mark was sitting at the table, wearing just shorts, just watching his mother prepare the simple meal. "Hey, mom, what we having?" "Tuna casserole," she answered without turning around....

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Submissives because they want to submit to a dom

You've thought about it, you've fantasized about it, and you've decided that it's for you. All well and good. Now to take the theory into practice. There's a distance between wanting to be a dom and being a dom, though, and it pays to be aware that there's more involved than you might think.How hard can it be?Trickier than it sounds. There's more to being a dom than telling people what to do. There's a lot more to it than telling people what to do. Anyone can do that; it no more makes you a dom...

4 years ago
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The Crucifixion of Evan

The Crucifixion of EvanThe Idea Gains HoldEvan was a devout Catholic in a family of devout Catholics.  His mother was the vice principal of the city?s Catholic school and his father was a 15-year history teacher in the same school.  Evan was one of three kids ? him at 15, his little sister Mary at 12 and his older brother Matt at 17.  Evan?s group of friends, all found through the church and the school, were fairly like-minded.  They grew up together, attended Bible study together, went on...

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Miss Pink Part 7 The Christmas Party

ONE Over the next couple of weeks, I lost track of the days. At first I would return home and breathe a deep sigh of relief. Grateful I had tolerated any torment, that I had survived all I had been subjected to. And as I relaxed and wound down, I found solace in the many happy moments my day would bring; which I then used to spurn me on. Something as simple as an understanding smile from a customer would keep me on a high for hours. It gave me something to hold on to as...

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The Power of Science Chapter 2 Evan Makes a Breakthrough

Evan Weiss started attending Excelsior, a fancy private school after he made a scientific breakthrough, proving his genius. He recently looked through one of his old notebooks and discovered one of his old ideas about time travel or time manipulation. He decided to try it out in hopes that it might work. ===== Evan spent most of his Saturday at the school's lab doing research. He was planning on building a machine that would allow him to manipulate time. It was crazy, but Evan decided he...

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Missys First Job

Missy couldn't believe that today was the day she was finally venturing back out into the world. She was 20 years old and had spent most of the past six years with her Auntie as her design apprentice. Auntie worked as a freelance lingerie designer mostly for a company called Belle du Jour Lingerie. And today Missy was going to interview for a full time position at Belle du Jour arranged by Auntie. Missy's journey up until this point was hardly conventional. Her real name was Marcus...

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missing you part2

as they enter the room of the hotel, his hand smooths over her bum, he cant feel knicker, he turn and kisses her neck, and she shivers with excitment.she passes the bed and sits on the sofa, crosses her legs as she had in Costa, and once again her soft inner thigh flesh is just slightly revealed.he has stopped at the wardrobe, and he hangs his jacket in th e cupboard,he walks toward her, then sits in the chair by the desk, his veiw now includes the stocking top flesh, he just watches her , she...

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Cruise Ship Regeneration 4Part 1 Susan and Evan A wish come true

Evan was born with a genital defect known as 'Micropenis'. At eighteen, the length of his penis was one inch, flaccid and erect. He is a freshman in college and does not participate in any sport program that requires him to undress in locker rooms and/or take open showers. He is taking Computer Science and this is where he met Susan, also a freshman. She took an immediate liking to Evan and they met continuously in the Library, her house and at Starbucks. As the end of the Freshman year...

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Evan By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you have not yet reached adulthood where you live, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My name is Evan Light, but almost no one calls me Van. I'm almost twenty years old and not...

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My best friend Evan

It began at the end of our last exams. It was a common tradition for everyone to get a little crazy on the last night to celebrate the summer. A friend of mine, Susan, told me that she would be having another of her famous parties. Susan's house was huge and had gained a reputation for hosting popular raves. Needless to say, we were all excited to hear that another one was coming. When Saturday night came, me and my best friend, Evan, set out on the long walk to Susan's...

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Curing Evan

Published 1 year ago, ~91,600 views I sat down hard in my chair. "What...?" I weakly asked my 18-year-old brother, Evan. "I think I'm gay," he said again. I shook my head. "No, that still doesn't make sense, not even after two times hearing it." "Would you help?" he asked with a faint smile. I shook my head again. "Probably not." I looked out at the ocean. We were at the beach house our family owned. It was almost the end of summer and we'd be going back home...

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Curing Evan

100% fiction! I sat down hard in my chair. "What...?" I weakly asked my eighteen-year-old brother, Evan. "I think I'm gay," he said again. I shook my head. "No, that still doesn't make sense, not even after two times hearing it." "Would three help?" he asked with a faint smile. I shook my head again. "Probably not." I looked out at the ocean. We were at the beach house our family owned. It was almost the end of summer and we'd be going back home soon. Before we left, Evan apparently had...

2 years ago
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Evan and the Beach Boys Chapter 2

Introduction: This is the last segment of Evan and the Beach Boys. Enjoy! Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Twelve year old Evan had just returned from a fucking session with the notorious Beach Boys. Evan was thinking about cock in his room. He took out his sexy young penis. He was stroking it thinking all about boys. He then had a hot idea. He called his friend Michael. Michael answered the phone. Hello said Mike, Hi its Evan, you wanna come over? responded Evan. Sure,...

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Evan and the Beach Boys Chapter 1

Introduction: Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Evan was walking on the southern California beach. It was a hit day, and the twelve year old boy wanted to go to the beach. The small genital bulge was seen pressing against his tight speedo. The beach boys saw it, and got aroused. There were five boys of the beach. The beach boys were a gang of dreamy blonde Californian homosexuals in their twenties. When they saw the bulge in Evans speedo, they knew what they had to do. When...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 10 The Second Encounter with Evan

Chapter 10: The Second Encounter with Evan The five spent the day training, and indeed, by the time the sun set, everyone was immensely tired and ready for sleep. Yawning luxuriously, Althea and Miranda sat in the back of Cal's jeep while they let Jeri sit up front with Cal. "So, whatcha thinking about?" Jeri asked Cal tenderly as he expertly steered the jeep past the large sinkhole in the middle of the dirt road. "You've been awfully quiet, lately... Something on your mind?" Cal...

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Miss Ks Adventures Part 1

Welcome to my latest adventure. This new series of stories is going to be wild and crazy and a lot of fun. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this one. So without further ado, let's get on with it. All non-commercial and electronic rights to this story are reserved. If it's not legal for you to read erotic material in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: Chapter 1 - STARTING UP - By Brett Lynn Miss K sat near her bedroom window in...

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Miss Ks Travels Chapter 3

This is yet another installment of the pure pornography that I love to call "The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K." So far, people have been loving my over the top sex romps, and I hope you fair fans love this one too. If you are not legally permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this. Also, I retain all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work. If you want to use this work, just ask. So, without further ado, let's get on with the...

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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Elizabeth Part 2

This continues the efforts by 24-year-old Miss Bentner to have disciplinary control over 36-year-old Elizabeth, as she already had control over Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter, Emma. The discipline came first. Now though comes the manipulation of both mum and daughter to ensure both submit to her: Miss Bentner looked at the two bottoms still bent across the table. She knew Emma will be wet with anticipation for her ‘afters,’ finger and tongue sex. It happened regularly after she spanked the...

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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...

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Miss Simons and the School Inspector

Stephanie, Miss Jamieson, the school secretary pressed the intercom. “Hullo, Headmistress. Miss Curtis, the School Inspector, is here to see you.”“Send her in please,” The Headmistress, Miss Simons, replied.The School Inspector listened to the exchange and afterwards said curtly, “The meeting will take about an hour. Please hold everything else until I come back out.”Miss Jamieson looked up at the School Inspector. She was surprised to find she was so young, and no more than twenty-five she...

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Miss Pratts Pundit

Tegan bit her lip MISS PRATT?S PUNDIT July 2, 1982 The two  girls walked carefully, attempting to avoid the rusty cans and general litter on the grounds of the  Craddock-Childress Greens Mobile Home Village.  The taller girl, a pretty redhead in a bikini carried a boom-box, which was emanating Boy George's sordid screams. The smaller girl had short, ratty hair, and wore thick glasses and lugged a copy of "War and Peace" bouncing against her soggy one-piece swimsuit.  "Goddamn if...

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Miss Trottle After School

Miss Trottle was a teacher in a high school in Bristol, Connecticut. It was the end of a particularly hard few weeks because as the summer holidays approach the workload for the teacher doubled, with parent’s evenings, thousands of reports, after school events and end of year exams Miss Trottle was glad of the fact that it was now Friday. The school bell had rung for the last time before the summer holidays and as the sound of the bell echoed around the empty corridors and deserted grounds of...

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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Elizabeth Part 1

Elizabeth Carson walked back up her path enjoying thestinging feeling across her bottom, ready to go to her bedroom and masturbate. She unlocked her front door and walked in to her house. She stopped short when she saw 24-year-old Miss Bentner was already in the hallway with Emma, Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter. Miss Bentner didn’t look like a teacher today. She wasn’t in school so that was Ok. Today she wore a tight fitting vest top that showed off her full breasts and firm arms. Her hair...

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The Three Faces Of Evan 2

THE THREE FACES OF EVAN - 2 by Throne The new arrangement went on for a few weeks. Evan was drawn more and more deeply into his Eve persona, being coaxed to act feminine all the time at home, wear panties even at work, and assume 'wifely' chores around the house. Tyra also insisted on plucking his eyebrows. She chided him for being silly when he resisted and said it would only be a conservative change. She thinned them and narrowed the outside ends. It wasn't a big difference...

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Miss Perkins Tuesday

Wake to my alarm and stumble into my bathroom. Remember to not take a shower this time, though I will tomorrow. Splash water on my face then get the radio on and brush my hair. Losing the curls but still looking good. Back to my room to pick out my outfit and I am not sure. Miss Perkins paid attention to me finally.The problem is I can only dress so slutty before the partners complain. There is a certain level of professionalism needed, especially in a law firm. Look at everything then toss...

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Miss Sheila DeVilles School for Wayward Boys

This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Nine Miss Marks Lends a Hand

Amelia Marks smiled as she listened to the older woman on the other end of the phone. The lady, Celia Bellman-Winstanley, was the Head Mistress at Mercia Castle School, which was about ten miles down the road from Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College. Celia had been Amelia’s mentor when she had started her teaching career all those years ago and the older woman was someone who Miss Marks respected although they had little to do with one another these days.“So, Amelia. I guess that you saw what some...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress The School Secretarys secret spanking desires Part One

“If you don’t ask – you don’t get.”That’s what Amber Fox, Amelia Marks’ secretary, kept telling herself.The thirty-two-year-old woman with the flowing red hair had been unable to get the experience of watching Amelia Marks caning those two naughty Year Eleven girls in her office out of her head. It had been a couple of weeks since Miss Marks had punished Emily Richardson and Chloe Williams in her office and a couple of weeks since she had invited her secretary to witness the girls’ punishment....

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Miss Pratt gets a Licking

 Miss Pratt Gets a "Licking" Miss Marisol Persephone Pratt, known as "Prattsie" toher intimates back at St. Casimir's School, sat back in the seatlesschair, enjoying Evelyn's smooth, consistent tongue on her labia. Mmm?God,it feels good. The seatless chair was not all that comfortable, Prattsie'slegs were a bit constricted as her bare bu tt poked through the bottom, butEvelyn, lying blindfolded beneath the chair with her hands secured behindher back certainly knew how to lick her Mistress's...

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Miss Manson Gets Caught Out

Ms. Jasmine Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student behaviour at St Katherine’s School sat behind her desk in her office in disbelief. Never in her seventeen years as a teacher, and even in her seven years as Deputy Head Mistress, had she heard anything like it. She could not believe what the young Head of Music, Miss Mulligan, had told her that morning. Even when Rebecca had presented her with overwhelming evidence that one of the teachers at St Katherine’s had been over-stepping...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Four A Necessary Punishment

Zoe Vanssen sat on the leather sofa outside the Head Mistress’ office and fidgeted with her hands. She knew that she was really going to get it for what she had done in town that previous Saturday morning. The girl with the long dark hair shuffled around uneasily on the sofa as she waited to be called into Miss Marks’ office to explain her behaviour. Conduct that was unbecoming an Alannah Lawrence girl and also conduct that would probably earn her an exclusion from the prestigious school. The...

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Miss Mansons Memories That First AfterSchool Punishment Lucys Point Of View

Tuesday, October 20th, 1990. Just over eighteen and a half years after the event.I stared blankly at the TV. I really wasn’t focusing on the programme. In fact, I only had it on that Tuesday evening for some background noise. My husband was working a night shift and I was just relaxing after putting our three young children to bed, before heading up to bed myself later that evening. I had no idea how long I had been watching the programme for but suddenly found myself being shaken from my dream...


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