Coraplar (alıntı) free porn video

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7 kere boşaldım
O zamanlar Ankara Çankaya`da oturuyorduk. Eşimden boşanalı 2 sene oluyordu, 38 yaşında oğluyla oturan yalnız bir kadındım.. Emir, yaşamın bana sunduğu tek armağandı sanki.. onsuz düşünemiyor , konuşamıyor, hiçbirşey yapamıyordum. Onu herşeyden herkesden çok seviyordum. Arkadaş toplantılarında Emir`den başka birşey yoktu dilimde. Bu onları sıkıyordu biraz belki ama umurumda değildi. Biricik oğlumu canımdan çok seviyordum.
O sıralarda lisede resim öğretmeniydim. İşimi seviyordum, hemen hemen oğlum yaşında çocuklarla haşir neşir olmak, oğlumu tanımama da yardımcı oluyordu. Bununla beraber 16 yaşında bir çocuğun dünyasında nasıl fırtınalar koptuğunu hala tam olarak bilmiyordum. Ergenlik heyecanlarını onlarla paylaşmaya çalışıyordum mümkün olduğunca… Aramızda fazla bir mesafe olmamasına gayret ediyordum. Zaten geri kalan despot öğretmenler sayesinde çocuklar kendilerini yeteri kadar tutsak hissediyorlardı. Bari resim derslerinde dilediklerince özgür olsundular…
Ergenlikte anne – oğul ilşkisiyle ilgili kitaplar raflarımdan dolup taşıyordu. Anneyle oğlu arasında çok garip, her seferinde farklı yaşanan, aşkla, masumiyetle, saflıkla ve tutkuyla örülü kopmaz bir bağ vardı…
Çocuk, ergenlik çağında kendi bedenini ve dürtülerini tanıyordu. Karşı cinsle ilgili tanımlamalarını da ilk olarak annesiyle yapıyordu… Ve çoğu zaman ona karşı gizliden gizliye bir aşk, bir tutku besliyordu. Bunları okuduktan sonra aklıma bir tek soru takılıp kaldı:
Acaba Emir de bana aşık mıydı? Hem de öyle bir takıldı ki bir türlü aklımdan çıkaramıyordum. Bu düşünce bana pek çok şeyi birden yaşattı. Onun o masum bakışlarını düşündüm ve birden aklıma tuvalette mastürbasyon yaptığı düştü. Mastürbasyon yapıyordu muhakkak ki ama kim bilir neler düşünüyordu.
Beni düşünüyor muydu acaba? Hadi canım neremi görmüştü ki düşünsün?..
Yok onu doğuran bendim, onu emziren, beraber banyoya girip herbiryerlerini yıkayan yine bendim, beni defalarca çırılçıplak gördüğünde şimdi hiçbirşey hatırlamayacak kadar küçüktü… Yoksa o anılar o küçük belleğinde silinmez izler mi bırakmıştı? Yoksa heryerimi hatırlıyor muydu? heryerimi.. Bunları düşünürken yatakta sırtüstü döndüm, geceliğimin önünü çözüp göğüslerimi avuçlarıma aldım. gençliğimden beri kocamandılar.
Boyum 1.74`tü ve 68 kiloydum. Aynanın karşısnda durmuş göğüslerime bakıyordum.
Geceliği olduğu gibi çıkarttım.. Yan döndüm…
Popomu elimle destekleyip kaldırdım. Acaba Emir benimle ilgili neler düşünüyordu? Bunu kesin olarak öğrenmeye karar verdim, ama önce küçük öğrencilerim üzerinde bir deneme yapmam gerekiyordu. Geceliğimi giydim, yatağa uzandım. Sanırım monoton hayatıma kendi kendime renk katmaya başlamıştım…
Ertesi sabah yataktan sanki daha dinlenmiş, daha dinç, daha mutlu kalktım. Emir`in servisi çok erken geliyordu, o yüzden hemen odasına gidip onu öperek uyandırdım. Gözlerini ovuşturdu “Anne çok garip bir rüya gördüm” dedi. Yatağın kenarına oturdum “Çabuk cabuk anlat yoksa servisi kaçırırsın” dedim.
Hızlıca ve heyecanla anlatmaya koyuldu.
– Çok yüksek bir binanın tepesindeydik senle ben… Sen bir sandalyede oturuyordun ben de yıldızlara bakıyordum. Anne, ne kadar çok yıldız var di mi? diye sordum
– Evet oğlum- dedin sonra bana
– çorabımı giydirir misin?- diye sordun.
Elinde o okula giderken giydiklerinden ince siyah bir çorap vardı. Ben de ayaklarını tutup ayağına giydirmeye başladım sen de ayağını kaldırıp ağzıma sürdün”
Bir süre hiçbirşey söyleyemedim. O ise gözlerini kocaman açmış benden bir yorum beklercesine masum masum bakıyordu..”Bu kadar mı?” diyebildim. “Evet” dedi. “Hadi o zaman çabuk fırla! Annenin seni ne kadar çok sevdiğini anlatan bir rüya görmüşsün ama eğer servisi kaçırırsan annenin ne kadar kızabileceğini de görürsün hem de GERÇEKTEN!”.. Poposuna bir şaplak indirdim. Kıkırdayarak banyoya koştu…
Emir gittikten sonra yatak odama yöneldim. Yapılacak işlerim vardı…Okul eve yakın olduğundan dersten 15 dakika önce çıksam yetişiyordum. Eve de Emir`den çok önce geliyordum.
O yüzden bol bol zamanım vardı. Bir an gördüğü rüya aklıma düştü. Acaba ayaklardan ve bacaklardan mı hoşlanıyordu Emir? Acaba benim çoraplı ayaklarıma çaktırmadan bakıyor muydu? Acaba onları öpmek mi istiyordu? heyecan ve utanç duyguları bedenimde çarpışıyordu. Ama yine de bu düşünceler o günkü planımla ilgili bir fikir verdi…
Çorap çekmecesinden koyu siyah-kahverengi 40 numara külotlu çorabımı çıkardım. Onu elimle genişlettim. Yatağa serdim. Buruşma yapmasın diye bacaklarıma krem sürdüm. Külodumu çıkardım. Çorabı özenle giydim ve ayak bileklerimden belime kadar elimle iterek gerdirdim. Dolabımı açtım. İşte orada asılı dıruyordu: Senelerdir giymediğim derin yırtmaçlı bordo daracık mini eteğim.
Aceleleyle içine girdim. Fermuarı biraz zorlandı. Şişmanlamıştım. Ama aynanın karşısına geçtiğimde bunun o kadar da vahim bir durum olmadığını heyecanla gördüm. Etek vücut hatlarımı zorluyor, belimi, popomu, bacakları olduğu gibi gözler önüne seriyordu, hele popomun her bir kıvrımı gözüküyordu.
Omuzları açık bej renkli straplez bluzumu içime sutyen giymeye gerek duymadan üstüme geçirdim. Göğüslerim dışarı fırlamıştı sanki, koca göğüs uçlarımın çıkıntısı belli oluyor, biraz dikkatli bakıldığında koyulukları da görülüyordu.. 10cm topuklu parlak gül kırmızısı terliklerimi ayağıma geçirdim… Aynanın karşısına geçip dikkatle baktım. O güne kadar okula dizimin hizasını geçmeyen eteklerle, kalın gömlekler ve bilumum gayet kapalı elbiselerle gitmiştim… Ve şimdi tam anlamıyla bir kaltak gibi gözüküyordum..
Üstüme uzun lacivert pardösümü aldım önünü kapadım ve okulun yolunu tuttum…
Hademeye günaydın dedim. Umursamaz gözlerle başını salladı. Planım tıkır tıkır işliyordu. Pardösünün altında neler olduğunu bilse bu yaşlı hademe hemen oracıkta kalpten gidebilirdi ama hiçbirşey anlamadı.
Koridordan hızlı hızlı sınıfıma doğru giderken zil çaldı.. Bütün öğrenciler sınıfa girdikten sonra o bildik manzara; kapının hafifçe aralanması, meraklı bir çift gözün koridoru taraması sonra benim geldiğim görüp kapıyı kapatıp ” Öğretmen geliyor!” diye haykırması…
Sınıfa girdim. ayağa kalkan öğrencilere oturun der gibi başımı salladım. en öndeki sıranın önünde durdum “Günaydın çocuklar bugün dersimizde çok zevkli bir konu işleyeceğiz” dedim.
sınıftan neşeli bir uğultu yükseldi. Pardösünün kuşağını usulca çözdüm, önü kendiliğinden iki yana açıldı. “Kadın vücudu çizeceğiz” dedim. Ön sıradaki bir öğrencinin gözleri pardösünün içinde fırlamış göğüslerime takılmıştı. Bütün öğrencilerime tek tek baktım. kız mevcudu olmayan 26 kişilik bir sınıftı..”Bu gün size ben modellik yapacağım”
Pardösüyü çıkardım. Sandalyeyi sınıfın ortasına getirdim ve bacak bacak üstüne atıp oturdum.
Hepsi de müthiş heyecanlanmıştı ve ben de bu heyecanı onlarla paylaşıyordum. Tenim ateş gibi olmuştu ama oyunumu da sonuna kadar oynayacaktım.”Evet çocuklar” dedim “Hepiniz herhalde az da olsa kadın vücudunun neye benzediğini biliyorsunuz”
Kafalarını hayır anlamında iki yana salladılar. Hemen hepsi ben bakışlarımı başka yöne çevirdiğimde vücuduma dikkatle bakıyor sonra onlara döndüğümde bakışlarını kaçırıyorlardı. Utanmışlar ve acayip heyecanlanmışlardı. Ben de aynı durumdaydım ve bu gün içlerinde kopan fırtınalara ortak olmaya kararlıydım.”ayağa kalkıp yanıma gelin” dedim. Hepsi bir anda zil sesini duymuşçasına fırladılar. Etrafımda küçük erkeklerden ufak bir ordu vardı. Arkada kalanlar parmaklarının üstüne basıyor, birbirlerini ite kaka bana bakmaya çalışıyorlardı.
“Şşşşt itişmeyin. Bu gün herkes istediği kadar bakacak” dedim.
“Şimdi beni iyice incelemenizi istiyorum. Bazı kıvrımları anlamanız için dokunmanız gerekecek. Sonra altlıklarınızı ve kağıtlarınızı alıp çizmeye başlayacaksınız. Blok ders yapacağız teneffüs yok.”
Bunları söylerken bacağımı bacağımın üstünden indirip eteğimi popoma kadar sıyırdım. Bazıları kafalarını bir hayli yakınıma uzatmışlardı. İçlerinden birinin elini tuttum, bacağımı ileriye doğru uzatıp elini baldırlarıma koydum. Eli ince çoraplı bacağıma deyince bundan oldukça heyecanlanmış gözüktü. Pantolonunun önünde kocaman bir şişkinlik farkettim.
Daha sonra hepsini yerlerine oturttum.
Kağıtlarını altlıklarına kıstırdılar. Ben de öndeki sıranın üstüne sandalye koydum.
“Çocuklar yardım edin de şunun üstüne çıkayım” dedim.
Üçü yarışırcasına öne atıldı. Biri elimi tuttu. Diğer ikisi de az önce arkadaşlarına yaptığım şeyden cesaret almış olmalılar ki bacaklarımdan kavradılar. Hepsi de alttan açılmış olan eteğimden bacaklarımı ve popomu dikizliyorlardı. Hemen hepsinin önü kocaman olmuştu. Terlikleri ayağımdan çıkardım. Bacaklarımı olabildiğince araladım. Parlak çoraplı bacaklarıma baktıklarını gördükçe ateş gibi oluyordum, heyecanlanıyordum.
“Bacaklara dikkat edin” dedim.
“Ve göğüsler. Göğüslerimi rahatça görebiliyor musunuz? Kıvrımları belli oluyor mu?”
Göğüslerimi altlarından tutup kaldırdım. Tam o anda hafif hafif bir tenin tene vurma sesi geldi. pıt pıt pıt! Ritmi bazen hızlanıyor bazen yavaşlıyordu. Küçük haylazlardan biri mastürbasyon yapıyordu. Allahım bu yaptığım delilikti. O anda sınıfa herhangi biri girecek olsa okuldan bile atılabilirdim.
Birden kafama bir yumruk yemiş gibi bacaklarımı topladım. terliklerimi giydim. Sandalyeden aşşağı inip onu yerine koydum.
“Hocam daha bitirmedik” uğultuları yükseldi “Bu günlük bu kadar yeter çocuklar haftaya başka bir konuyla devam ederiz” dedim. Çizdiklerini kontrol ettim. Hiçbirininkinden birşey anlaşılmıyordu. Eğer doğru düzgün çizilmiş bir desen olsaydı hemen toplayacaktım.
Pardösümü giydim ve sanat tarihi kitabından konu anlattırarak abuk subuk bir ders işledim. Zil çalınca da yine hızlı adımlarla evin yolunu tuttum.
Straplez buluzumu ve eteğimi çıkardım. Sutyen takıp o her zaman evde giydiğim uzun basmalı elbisemi üstüme geçirdim. Çorap ve terlikleri çıkartmadım. Hemen yemek yapmaya koyuldum. Oğlum eve geldiğinde herşey hazır olmalıydı.
Birkaç saat sonra anahtar sesi geldi. “Meraba anne ben geldim” diye mutfağa daldı. “Merhaba bitanem nasılsın?” dedim. Ama ondan ses gelmedi. Kafamı çevirdim. Topuklu ayakkabılarıma ve ayaklarıma bakıyordu…
“Anne çorabın kaçmış” dedi. Ayağımı havaya kaldırdım. Çorap topuktan bileğe kadar kaçmıştı. Bu her zaman olabilirdi evet ama normal olmayan Emir`in bakışlarıydı. Gözleri açıktı ve sanki kalbi burnunda atıyordu. Hızlı hızlı soluyordu. Tanrım oğlum ayaklarıma bayılıyordu. heyecandan ölecek gibi bir hali vardı. Kafamı lavaboya çevirdim. Bir ayağımı terlikten çıkardım ve sözümona üstüyle diğer ayağımın topuğunu kaşımaya başladım. Oğluma çoraplı ayaklarımı olduğu gibi sergiliyordum…
Yemekten sonra sanki çok yorulmuş gibi kanepeye uzandım. Elbisemin eteğini dizlerimin üstüne kadar sıyırdım ve Emir`i çağırdım. “Ayaklarımı biraz ovsana canımın içi, çok ağrıyorlar” dediğimde onun hakkındaki düşüncelerimde yanılmadığımı farkettim. Ne yapacağını bilemedi, heyecanını bastırayım derken iyice batıyordu, çok şirindi…
Sağ ayağımı hafif hafif yoğurmaya başladı. İki elinin avuçlarıyla ovuyordu ayağımı. Sonra (sanırım) yavaş yavaş cesareti arttı. Parmaklarımı tek tek okşuyor, onların bittiği yerleri, ayağımın ortasındaki boşluğu özenle ovuyordu. Topuğumu iki eline alıyor, parmaklarının ucuyla daireler çiziyordu sanki hep bu anı beklermiş gibiydi. Harikaydı ve aman tanrım vajinam sulanıyordu, oğluma ayaklarımı ovduruyordum ve senelerdir hiç yaşamadığım şeyleri yaşıyordum.
Derinden derine bunun hayatımdaki dönüm noktalarından biri olduğunu hissediyordum… İki ayağımı da çılgınca ovmuştu ama hiç yorulmuşa benzemiyordu ” Aslanım! bundan sonra her akşam annenin ayaklarını ovar mısın?” diye sordum. Gözleri parladı. Ve sonra o ana kadar aklıma getirmemek için çok zorlandığımı şeylerin bir anda beynime hücum etmesine yol açan şeyi çekine çekine söyledi: “Anne, ayakların çok güzel kokuyor…”
Bütün gün ayaktaydım. Ayaklarım gerçekten kokuyor olmalıydı, ve bu onun hoşuna gidiyordu. Müthiş heyecanlanmıştım. “Çorap ve topuklu ayakkabı giymemden hoşlanıyor musun peki?” dedim, “Evet anne ayaklarını çok seviyorum özellikle de çoraplı ayaklarını” deyiverdi. “Peki o zaman..” dedim, ”
Odamdaki çorap çekmecesini aç ve ordan en beğendiğin çorabı kap da gel, şu kaçmış çorabı değiştirelim”. Hemen fırladı. O çıkar çıkmaz elimi ateş gibi yanan vajinama götürdüm, dudakları şişmiş ve sarkmıştı içinden oluk oluk sıvı geliyordu. Emir`in ayak seslerini duyar duymaz toparlandım…
“Anne hangisini seçeceğimi bilemedim” dedi.
Bir elinde gül kırmızısı süper ince külotlu çorabım diğer elinde de 30 numara siyah parlak ince gül desenli külotlu çorabım vardı. “Önce hangisini giyeyim?” dedim, kırmızıyı uzattı… Sandalyeye oturdum. Bacaklarımı yana doğru uzattım, popomu hafifçe kaldırıp çorabı aşağıya sıyırdım. İçimde külot olmadığından eteğimi siper ederek çorabı yavaş yavaş çıkarttım. Oğlum dikkatle beni izliyordu.. Kırmızı çorabı sıvayıp önce bir ayağıma, sonra da diğerine geçirdim. İki bacağımın dizlerine kadar giydikten sonra ayağa kalkıp çorabı tamamen giydim. Bunu yaparken kadınlığımı bir an için açıkta bırakmıştım, Emir`in bunu farkettiğini hemen anladım. Kaçamak bakışları, nefesinin birden hızlanması beni müthiş heyecanlandırıyordu.
Oğlum tarafından dikizlenmek muhteşemdi…
Çorabın buruşukluklarını düzelttikten sonra ağır adımlarla oğlumun yanına geldim, etrafında döndüm (Elbisemin alt kısmını elimle dizlerimin üstüne doğru sıyırmıştım)… Yine bedenim ateş gibi yanıyordu, kendimi fahişe gibi hissediyordum ve canım yavrum oracıkta bana bakıyordu, eşofmanının kabaran önünü eliyle kapamaya çalışıyordu…
Duygularıma hakim olamıyordum artık..
Aniden arkamı dönüp kalçalarımı dışarıya doğru çıkarttım ve elbiseyi belime kadar sıyırdım.. Annesinin külotlu çoraplı poposu olduğu gibi Emir`in gözleri önündeydi…Başımı çevirip omuzumun üstünden oğluma baktım…
Eliye önünü kapama gereği duymuyordu artık.. Ve penisi neredeyse eşofmanı yırtıp dışarı fırlayacaktı.. Sanırım oğlumun kocaman bir erkeklik organı vardı ve onun içime girdiği düşüncesi bütün bedenimi alev alev yakıyordu…
Emreden bir sesle” Eşofmanını ve külodunu çıkart!” dedim. Dediklerimi tereddüt etmeden yaptı. penisi flop diye fırladı, yaklaşık 16cm boyunda kocaman mor bir başı olan kusursuz bir yaraktı…
Çorabın vajinamın üstüne denk gelen yerini tırnağımla yırrtım, ellerim yemek masasına dayadım, belimi büktüm, popomu dışarı çıkarıp parmaklarımın üstünde hafifçe yükselerek ” Hadi Emir, işte hep hayal ettiğin şey yavrum, hadi sik beni” deyiverdim…
Penisi oğlumun elindeydi arkama doğru yaklaşıp vajinama bastırmaya başladı ama nasıl sokacağını bilemedi, bacakları titriyordu… penisini elime alıp dosdoğru amıma soktum, kalçamı da ona doğru bastırıp oğlumun yarağını köküne kadar içime kaydırdım… O anda yüksek sesle çığlık attığımı hatırlıyorum… Bu 3 senedir vajinama giren ilk şeydi ve o da oğlumun sert, sıcak yarağıydı. Oradan çıkmıştı ve tekrar oraya giriyordu…” Ohhh Emir becer beni oğlum, ohh çok güzel sikiyorsun, damarlarını hissediyorum, dibine kadar bastır, becer anneni” diye yalvarırken o ikinci kere soktu, artık bu işin nasıl yapıldığını öğreniyordu..
Sonra seri kalça hareketleriyle beni sert bir şekilde sikmeye başladı. Orada, salonun ortasında, yemek masasına dayanmış kendimi öz oğluma siktiriyordum..
Birden daha da hızlandı, hareketlerinden anladım ki yavrucuğum boşalmak üzereydi… Amımın dudaklarını kastım ve içindeki yarağı sıktım.. Emir inleyerek içime boşaldı…
Yaptığım şeyden kesinlikle pişman değildim.. Bu muhteşem bir deneyim olmuştu… Artık oğlumun orospusuydum, o ne derse yapıyor, ne isterse giyiyordum.
İzlediği porno filmlerindeki sahneleri benimle deniyordu, becerilmedik yerimi bırakmıyordu..
Hala Ankara`da oturuyoruz, eşimden boşanalı 7 sene oldu. İyi ki de boşanmışız, yoksa hayatımın aşkıyla asla beraber olma şansım olmazdı..

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Frida Sante is our dearly beloved pornstar here at DDF Network. She’d an amazing hottie with gorgeous eyes and wonderful brunette hair. Today, our pretty Latina stars in a brand new hardcore movie by the DDF Network. She travels from city to city for her job as a pro in the industry and ends up renting a couch since all hotels were fully booked. Once hosts Yanick Shaft and Erik Everhard find out about that sizzling hot sex idol on their smartphone, it’s only a matter of minutes...

2 years ago
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The Museum

Note: In this story, I don’t describe in details people and places, this is to let the reader’s imagination do the job? You never have a better vision of the scenes than when you created it yourself. English is not my mother tongue. Forgive me if sometimes it is difficult to read me, I’m not sure that I always used the right English term, or the correct grammatical form, and I apologize in advance to everyone who feel hurt!THE MUSEUM PART ONE: SARAH CHAPTER 1 "Should I dress in a special...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 25 Mutation

The doctor smiled as he removed the Derma-patcher from my face.” The thing was missing you, Eric. You haven’t been here for a while!” “It was sort of quiet; at least in the being hurt part of my life!” He padded me on the shoulder. “I was joking Eric. I am glad you don’t show as regularly as you used to. No worries the rest of this crazy world keeps me and my staff quite busy.” “So you haven’t gone to that Kentucky place of yours?” “Not yet, but I am still planning to do so. My contract...

2 years ago
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Smile For The Camera Story 2 AMY

Nine weeks had passed since Spencer had made the audition film with Kate and she had started her 90-day program with the directors of Zander Corporation. He had seen her in the office a couple of times at a distance, but they hadn’t spoken. Once he had considered going to her office just to see how she was doing, but changed his mind deciding that it would be best to avoid her until her Zander contract was completed. He had made twenty or more audition films for Zander since he had been hired,...

Straight Sex
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Kristinas Secret Cleaning Job

Kristina felt her normal sense of foreboding as she walked up the pathway to Heather’s house. It was two o’clock on Saturday afternoon and she knew that although her cleaning and ironing duties should last three hours she was unlikely to leave much before eight o’clock. She wondered whether her bottom would be untouched or stinging when she left Heather's house that evening. That usually depended upon how satisfied Heather was with the quality of her work. Heather did not like imperfections,...

2 years ago
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With Help From John Jane

We were drunk that Saturday night at John's apartment,all day I had noticed John's tight butt & I remember comparing his to his friend Jane,and although Jane & I were together I still daydreamed about John. I knew I was bi-sexual before that day, having had a boyfriend a while back and enjoyed sex with him,and Jane also knew,but I was still surprised when Jane let John undress her down to her bra & panties & John soon followed removing all his clothes.Seeing his cock,cut,erect...

3 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Seventh Heaven

It was quite early on Saturday morning when I woke to find the bed next to me empty. My head ached from the previous night’s drinking and dancing so I was somewhat dopey as I entered the kitchen in my boxer shorts and drank two long cool glasses of water. The sun was gleaming on the surface of the pool and as I stared at its bright reflection, I noticed two familiar shapes low in the water; my lovely wife Alice and our young neighbour Mitch were doing their first hundred lengths of the day. As...

3 years ago
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Interview with a Mistress

Interview with a Mistress By Cassandra Morgan Me? He wanted to talk to me? Who did he think he was? I knew him in college, a long time ago, a different me ago. We had history together. We didn't make history together, if you know what I mean. He's a clinical psychiatrist now. A shrink with a keyboard. He tells me he is writing an article about dominance in the underground. Sure. There are a lot of women trying to be what I am. I get that. But most women can't be. They're...

3 years ago
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A Different Surfin SafariChapter 4

The next morning, I woke up cold and noticed her gone. She was down at the water filling her pot and had already stoked the fire. She came back and put the pot on to heat. She leaned over and kissed me. "I have an announcement," I said, pausing. She looked at me. I smiled. "Jennifer, would you be my mate? I want us to be together always" She hugged my neck and kissed me saying, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes." I pulled her down to me and we kissed some more holding each tightly...

4 years ago
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Rebecca and the Gardener

I arrived home from work at around the usual time, six thirty. The gardener’s pick up truck is parked on the driveway, meaning I had to park my Peugeot in the street. The noise coming from upstairs made it obvious that Rick our Aussie gardener was doing a spot of indoor gardening, planting his trowel in my mothers seed box! I slammed the front door as I went in, sidestepped a pair of dungarees on the floor, kicked one of a pair of boots in the doorway and shut myself in the kitchen. My mother...

4 years ago
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Kristys submission

“How much more time will this meeting take?” Derek’s voice was bored. “Excuse me?” snapped Kristy Anderson. She spun around to glare. Her legs, heightened by another new pair of designer 4-inch pumps, spread slightly making the slit in her skirt rise up a firm thigh. She did not get to be the head of ForEx Trading by putting up with arrogance such as this. No one had ever taken power from her. “Yes,” he stated. “I need to know much longer you intend drone on about the fate of the dollar.” He...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A Quick Surprise Flash for the Delivery Driver

This is my first submission and I hope you enjoy the story as much I enjoyed being involved in it.We have been together for 14 years and I am very lucky in the fact that during this time she has become more beautiful and sexy every year,she is over 10 years younger than me and looks younger than 36. about 5'6. long black hair. slim with long slim legs and fantastic DD's makes her a real head turner. Like most couples we have had our good times and our share of bad times but our love for each...

3 years ago
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Wolfs Bane Rescue beyong the Rim

Rescue Beyond the Rim By: Malissa Madison Wolfs Bane; LSF Lydia Shore, Col, Commander Torri Sharr, driver Wraith; TM III Lorrna Shaye, Commander Goth; Frill Layella Dellorre, Primary Driver Terror; LSF Mark IV Troika Deirri, Commander, Lycan Sanissa Demure, Co- Commander, Driver (Cord Demure's younger Sister) Grief; TM IV Tarra Demure, Commander (Reno's Older Sister) Genie Fall, Primary Driver MTS-1, DLS 1.2-T FJ-123, FJ-124, FJ-125,...

2 years ago
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Shanthi my Sweet Neighbor

I am tempted to share all my sexual adventures with you all by the tremendous feedback I am getting from you all ISS readers. I take this opportunity to thank those who have sent mails to me to be my friend and to share “everything”.Today I have come here with what happened with the neighbor when I was working as a supervisor in the initial stage of my carrier. Her name is Shanthi and she was at her 25-26 age at that time. She had a big Boobs which any male will look twice when he happens to...

2 years ago
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Date Night

Date Night An Erotic Adventure Starring Kiki & Ty Blaze Special guest stars Handson1Marie had a great life. A wonderful home, and a c***d. Her husband Steve was not only a great provider and father, he was a good man, and a handsome one too. She had what many would call the picture perfect life. A life that many others would be happy...

4 years ago
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Josh MurdochChapter 6

Several more dry runs gave everybody the confidence they needed to believe in themselves. All three guards were sure that they could handle any foreseeable attack and Josh agreed with them. They were ready for their first run to Rio del Oro. The relay stations had been supplied with the needed mule teams for the gold coach and Beanpole had been able to familiarize himself with the danger points between Rio del Oro and Santa Rosa. It had been decided that, temporarily, Randall and Murdoch...

3 years ago
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Caught Parking Ch 05

Epilogue The weeks following the return from their Hawaiian honeymoon were busy ones for Jim and Alex. Their nights were filled with loving sex, but the days were, at times, hectic. Alex’s college classes were scheduled to start in just two weeks and she still needed to complete the admissions process. Following that, they paid a visit to the university book store. Even with his substantial financial standing, Jim had forgotten just how much college books and materials could cost. When the...

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The Roofer Returns by Theo

The job was completed within three days.  Most of the time I was at work and only got a few glimpses of a few of the good-looking guys upon my return home from work.  I wasn’t sure if Phil had ever shown up to inspect the work that was being done.  Even though I would have loved to play with him some more, I wasn’t holding my breath.      Another week passed and still no word.  I hadn’t gotten a bill either.  It was a Saturday morning and I decided to call Fico’s Roofers to find out when he was...

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My Sister is like me

My sister came on holiday with my wife Sue and i, we treated her to a holiday after she lost her job we thought it would be nice to give her a break. when we go on holiday we always go to Jamaica to paradise cos of our interest we have in black cock, but taking Lisa with us we thought we would have to not have our fun but just chill and take in the sun.when we got there we got our rooms and i told Lisa to get changed then give us a knock and we would hit the pool on the 1st day and just chill....

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crazy sex whit neighbor milf

I remember the exact moment that changed my life...for the better. My husband and I - he's named Stephen but everyone calls him Skip - were at a high school graduation party for one of our neighbor's sons. It was a beautiful June night, and there was a tent set up in their backyard, with white lights, a buffet and a bar. They had a DJ for the k**s, who would probably be up late dancing and sneaking a drink or two. Skip and I don't have k**s - that's a long story - but we knew most of the ones...

4 years ago
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Once in a Lifetime

 Once in a LifetimeI awoke one morning to find myself a single father of two sons. Both still in diapers. My ex-wife wasn't ready for the responsibility of motherhood, but to my surprise I was very ready to be a father. I had a good job for a guy with only a high school education, a foreman for an underground construction company. As good as my job was it wasn't good enough, the expense of raising two young kids alone was just too much, not to mention the physical demands of caring for two...

1 year ago
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Lost weekend

Chapter 1 The hands of the clock seemed frozen. Cheryl looked around at her classmates. Some were reading, some were staring into space. All were bored and impatiently waiting for the clock to finally hit three o’clock. The room was silent except for the occasional flip of a page or the shuffling of feet. She glanced over her shoulder toward the back of the room where her best friend Beth sat, two desks back and one row over. Beth caught her look and rolled her eyes as if to say “somebody...

Group Sex
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My first Time84

I got off work and met Miranda and a couple of friends at a place around the corner to grab a bite to eat and try and get into her pants! We spoke with each other just enough to understand that we both wanted to fuck our brains out. I suggested we go back to my house for a drink instead of the party so we could “talk” and get to know each other. She said ok and drove to my house. We got to my place and I quickly put on some music and opened some red wine. Our smiles did all the talking and soon...

4 years ago
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Wanna come over the a quickie

I'd been in a pretty serious relationship for a few years but we ended up calling it off. Shortly there after I quickly made sure I bumped into an old flame and started talking to her again. After a few hours on the phone, it was just like old times, even though we hadn't saw each other in two years. The conversation was pretty casual but we did bring up sex along the way. At the end of the night as we were about to hang up she said, "You wanna come over in the morning for a quickie?" Hell yes...

1 year ago
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Just a quick business trip

Kay puts the dildo down next to her on the bed and to my surprise reaches over to my bedside draw and pulls out the tube of lube and a condom, wow is Kay actually going to play with the new red dildo? Just a quick business trip Second story attempt I am Vernon and my wife is Kay, we are both in our late 50s and Kay is still as hot as the day I first met her, I actually spotted her in a local bar but that is another story. Since that time all those years ago and following the birth of our son,...

2 years ago
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Sex with my teacher

The name of my teacher is Fariha Jahan.She teaches Physics in our school.She is the hottest women in our school.She has big,massive boobs,and a huge ass.I had a crush on her for 3 years and I always wanted to have sex with her.She is 28 years old and unmarried.She is 5’8 and really beautiful.The way she walks would seduce anyone.I always liked her boobs and the way she moved her ass.While she teached us,I always imagined about sbe being nude in my bed,waiting to have sex with me.Everyday I...

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Forever And Always2

She opened it - Hads can’t make our run this morning. Sorry loves x – it was so like Holly to cancel on her last minute, she probably had a hangover from the night before, Hadley laughed to herself. Holly wasn’t really the running type she had only been with her once or twice and that was long ago when they were still in the 10th grade. She texted her back and was out the door. She climbed into her white Ford Fiesta and drove down to the beach, it wasn’t that far away from her house but...

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Hatching a Heroine Chapter 10

Hatching A Heroine Chapter 10 Written by Emilie Ember Edited by Talia Elliott Belser Melissa walked behind her guard in silence, largely staring at the ground as the dark furred rabbit guided her down a series of hallways. The guard, who looked menacing with a spear in their hands, eventually came to a stop in front of an unadorned wooden door. It was when the guard reached for the doorknob that Melissa noticed something that had escaped notice thus far. "You have...

2 years ago
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The Return of Lilly RoseChapter 2

7/26/2006 Late in the evening, his patience begins to wan. He begins to stand up, when he spots the lovely creature, Raveena Walker. She goes in to the place called Serenity. As he turns to walk away, he spies the one called Lilly going in to the same place. He hurries to the entrance of Serenity. He peeks in the window. Ms. Walker and Lilly are sitting together in the back of the restaurant. He decides to go and reintroduce himself. He walks in to the restaurant. A large roly-poly gentleman...

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Day 2 Sissy Hotel weekend

This is a continuation of the previous nights adventureI woke up a couple times in the night with painful sissy cramps in my chastity cage but managed to ride my large dildo till the annoyance passed. I was out of bed and into the shower by 9 the next morning... my brown daddy from the night before was coming at 10 so I quickly douched and shaved and got into my purple thigh highs and my tight purple t-shirt that says sissy on it in large pink letters, I wore a black wig and just had time to...

3 years ago
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One Long Dream 3 of 7

“Back in black, I hit the sack. I've been too long, I'm glad to be back. Yes, I'm let loose from the noose, that's” blared from Janet’s phone until she reached over and dismissed it. She turned over to face Jim and said, “Good Morning”. “Morning” Jim replied “AC/DC! Good song to wake up to. Aren’t you afraid it will get stuck in your head?” “AC/DC is always stuck in my head. I love those guys”. Janet then leaned over, reached down and grabbed his dick and gave Jim a small kiss....

4 years ago
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Wild Ride

BY LouisHoney This is adult fiction containing explicit sexual descriptions. If you are not over eighteen years old.... LEAVE! The package arrived in her office by special courier on a late Friday Afternoon. It came with a note attached that said not to open it until 9:00 am the next day. Her level of anticipation was on the rise and she was tempted to open it early, but she knew she wouldn’t because he had commanded that she not open it. All through the rest of the day, she could...

2 years ago
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Stinky Secretary

I knew hiring Jessica was going to be trouble, but at the time I didn't know quite how much trouble!Hiring a sexy 25 year old admin when you are a 40-something old guy like me could be seen as crazy or smart depending on your perspective. Jess was curvy in a way that made my whole body sit up and take notice. Her dark, Latina eyes seemed to bubble over with a bright youthful confidence untainted by worldly disappointment.The first 3 weeks were actually rather unremarkable. Until one evening I...

1 year ago
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ThatSitcomShow Eliza Ibarra Kiara Cole A Better Lover

Charlie and Alan are feeling pretty awkward after the previous episode, but their silence is interrupted by Charlie’s friend Rose pounding at the window. Charlie answers the door and Rose introduces her friend Kandi. With two hot girls on his doorstep, Charlie’s not afraid to invite them in to join Alan. Charlie asks Rose to have a talk with him in the kitchen, so they leave Alan on the couch with Kandi. In the kitchen, Charlie tells Rose she needs to call before coming over....

3 years ago
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Hot Wife Hotel Olivia Gets Hooked Part Fifteen

Olivia felt butterflies in her stomach. She was about to embark on a new adventure, and it was scary and exciting all at once. She’d had sex with women before. But she knew this was really not about sex. It was about being dominated by a woman and being used for sexual gratification.Debbie Angeles was a switch. With her husband, Darko, she was completely submissive. But when she played with women, she enjoyed being in charge. And she couldn’t wait to dominate Olivia, the sassy redheaded Hot...

4 years ago
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Hot Chick Part 2

The next day as I awoke to a beautiful surprise, she was rubbing my cock while her head rested on my chest. We were laying there naked and she was just caressing my cock with her fingers. I say good morning and she replies it gonna get better… She turns to me and kisses me while jerking my cock to get it hard. She kisses down my chest and engulfs my cock in one slow motion. Then all of a sudden stops and says we gotta get to class, that was just a taste of what to come. We both got up and got...

2 years ago
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The Purpose of the PrerogativeChapter 5 Busted

The early Christmas party was going on and everyone was having a good time, even the conservative Rene accepted a beer to celebrate the festivities. The only problem was that they were running low on beer, so a beer run was necessary so Bruce and Rene took off to the liquor store. The drive was mostly uneventful. Bruce, for the most part, contained himself and Renee was able to keep her clothes on, but did flash her boobs as they got into his car. Their problem came about a block before the...

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America Mein Bhabhi Ko Pattakar Choda

Hello everyone, how are you guys doing? This is flyerking and it is my first story hope you guys like it and it is a true story, which make sit a bit more interesting. If you girls want to message me message me at “” toh shuru karte hai Me 21 saal ka ladka hoon aur apne mami papa ke saath rehta hoon. Hamne niche basment mein ek nahi jodi ko floor rent pe di thi kuch 5 maine pehle, mein tubhi yaha nahi tah mein college mein tha kisi aur state mein. Woh ek 23 saal ki bhabhi thi aur unka pati 25...

3 years ago
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We walked into the big eat-in kitchen and ordered our breakfasts from Janet. Mamma and Mother were there seated at one of the smaller tables off to one side. Taking the bull by the horns I walked over, said “Good Morning,” and turned to Mamma. “Mamma, I’ve made arrangements for you to return to Naples a week from Friday—the day after our Thanksgiving. I’ll see to it that your clothes are cleaned, pressed, and packed.” “I would prefer to stay here with Bianca.” “I’m sure you would,...

2 years ago
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Birthday Celebration

My boyfriend had been asking me for weeks what I wanted for my upcoming birthday. After a few pleading attempts to at least give him a clue as to what I might like, I finally got up the courage to ask for something that I had been wanting for quite some time. A spanking. I told him that I wanted a birthday spanking, an actual spanking. Not just a few passionate swats during sex. I wanted him to give me an actual punishment. I had only been spanked a handful of times as a kid but for as long as...

3 years ago
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Little boy

I was always interested in the mysteries of sex. When I was about eighteen years old, I used to rub my breasts in bed, at night, imagining that Ankush, my younger brother, was doing it. The simple reason to imagine him was that he was the only one I could imagine to agree to do it. At that time I had no idea about other parts of my body. I had also no idea about the importance of the ‘moongphali’, as we called the penis at that time. My friends and I had seen only children naked in those days,...

4 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 8

Chuck This had been a busy day. We docked in Ireland this morning and have been busy all day. The kids demanded a lot of Lisa’s and my time, as they wanted the two us to help the Irish kids to learn what they had learned. The Irish kids were lucky to have Serene to teach them at home, since she was a lot more accomplished than I had thought. That was the fun part, and then there were Julie’s adult kids. Sue had made the call for me so they could take the ferry to Ireland, be here for the...

2 years ago
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Mother In Law2

On the night that Justin Timberlake pulled Janet Jackson's top off at super bowl half time, I had sex with mother in law. When wife traveled... my mother in law would stay and help with the kids.... big mistake! Wife was was in Arizona, kids with my folks, mother in law came to house to watch kids but they were gone (with my folks) . MIL didn't know but basically invited herself over. She was a tease. A big tease. My friends were in awe of this woman. She was a red headed devil... Once...

3 years ago
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My Love Jenna

Letter to Jenna I got home from work very late last night, and used my key to quietly open the door to your apartment in L.A. When I entered the room, my heart lightened as I was greeted by the fresh, clean scent of your perfume. I pulled off my shoes and left them by the door so as not to disturb you. I smiled when I heard the familiar clicking of the keyboard, and I knew that you were still awake. I walked up behind you, admiring how you looked, your silhouette aglow from the light of the...

3 years ago
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've been a single dad for quite a few years now, my daughter's mother simply wanted a divorce and didn't want anything else to do with me or Jenn. You can ask me why but I really have no clear explanation, that's just the way she wanted it.So, I became Mister Mom when she was five and, while it's been a strenuous job being a single parent, there have always been abundant rewards that have made it far more than worthwhile.Jennifer has always been both pretty and bright, I've never had to push...

3 years ago
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Hooked On Black Cock

"Well, dear. Have you thought about screwing a black guy?""Yes, I thought about it a few times. I just wondered if you were serious. I could if you gave your ok. I just wonder how we would pick someone. It's not like you can put an ad in the paper.""I know this guy at work. He is really a nice guy. Well educated and seems to have it all together. I'm pretty sure he's single. I seem to remember his wife died a few years back.""OK, if you want me to do it I'm game. Set it up. Maybe invite him to...

3 years ago
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Fifty Shades of Grey Encounter

I had taken the day off to run errands and catch up on things around the house. The only scheduled appointment was to have my teeth cleaned. My hygienist is tremendously sexy and really makes the experience wonderful. Even though insurance doesn't cover this, it is one healthcare item I never complain about - thanks to her. I arrived at her office, for a late afternoon appointment. Normally, I wear a suit, but today I was in shorts, sports shirt and flip flops. Very casual for me, but it is my...

3 years ago
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After Dark Part 2

Bill had said good night to his next door neighbor Crissy about an hour ago.Since she had left there was no need for silence anymore, so Bill slipped through the dark naked as deftly as a cat burglar. He had his long awaited ice cold beer and the night to himself. He was still naked as a jaybird, loving the dark, the slight breeze, the sounds of insects thrumming as a low backdrop.Bill's mind was churning from his experiences of the past couple hours. He had finally connected with Crissy,...

4 years ago
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The first day without my hubby

On Monday early morning my loving Victor woke up and we both had a nice breakfast. I was still on my period and then he could not fuck me for a last time before his business trip.Victor gave me a passionate kiss goodbye as he would be gone for at least two weeks. After I heard his car gone, I came back to bed for a short while.After eight I went to the bathroom where I ran myself a hot foamy bath to relax in for a while. Taking a new sex book that I Victor had recently given to me. I got in the...

3 years ago
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Bowling alley chic part 2

So I woke up before she did. I get up for work at 3:00 during the week for work, so sleeping until 5:00 is sleeping in to me. Looking at her as I got up was amazing! I was now sober. She was 19 but sure didn't look it. She was laying on her side with the blanket covering her from her chest down. Her one leg was out and her foot looked so cute. I didn't want to wake her so I was quit. After a show I cut up some fruit, and toasted some English muffins. By now it was about 7:00 so I woke her with...

2 years ago
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Schwules Internat 0816

Dritter Versuch es einzustellen.Jetzt wurde Toni hellwach „hab ich richtig gehört, ich darf vielleicht studieren, das hast Du mir noch gar nicht gesagt“ rief er aufgeregt.„Du hattest ja auch anders zu tun“ lachte ich.Toni wurde puterrot.Ich erklärte Frau Mair „der Toni hat sich ganz schnell mit den anderen Jungs angefreundet und fühlt sich augenscheinlich wohl in ihrer Gesellschaft. Wir blieben den ganzen Nachmittag im Hotel. Am späten Abend gab es dann einen tränenreichen Abschied von Mutter...

3 years ago
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ReconnectingChapter 4

Learning that my own father had penned the hottest pornographic novel I had enjoyed as a young boy was certainly a shock to my system. My mind raced as I held the discolored paperback in my hands trying to recall the storyline and details. All I could do was stand slack-jawed and stare at the cover illustration in all it’s 1970s stylistic glory. Dad understood the brain freeze that had overtaken me and broke the silence. “Yeah, that was one of my first attempts, and though it went through...

2 years ago
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Fogbound EncounterChapter 9

The Magirus-Deutz bus growled it's way along the new cement road. The awe-struck passengers pressed their noses to the windows, staring at the giant grey cigar. The 'cigar, ' though sported giant fins on which the peculiar symbol designed by Dr Albert Speer was painted, black in a white circle in a red square. This was the new Germany with a new flag and symbols. Just as the old empire had been swept away by the first world war, the economic disasters of the late '20's had dealt a body...

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