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7 kere boşaldım
O zamanlar Ankara Çankaya`da oturuyorduk. Eşimden boşanalı 2 sene oluyordu, 38 yaşında oğluyla oturan yalnız bir kadındım.. Emir, yaşamın bana sunduğu tek armağandı sanki.. onsuz düşünemiyor , konuşamıyor, hiçbirşey yapamıyordum. Onu herşeyden herkesden çok seviyordum. Arkadaş toplantılarında Emir`den başka birşey yoktu dilimde. Bu onları sıkıyordu biraz belki ama umurumda değildi. Biricik oğlumu canımdan çok seviyordum.
O sıralarda lisede resim öğretmeniydim. İşimi seviyordum, hemen hemen oğlum yaşında çocuklarla haşir neşir olmak, oğlumu tanımama da yardımcı oluyordu. Bununla beraber 16 yaşında bir çocuğun dünyasında nasıl fırtınalar koptuğunu hala tam olarak bilmiyordum. Ergenlik heyecanlarını onlarla paylaşmaya çalışıyordum mümkün olduğunca… Aramızda fazla bir mesafe olmamasına gayret ediyordum. Zaten geri kalan despot öğretmenler sayesinde çocuklar kendilerini yeteri kadar tutsak hissediyorlardı. Bari resim derslerinde dilediklerince özgür olsundular…
Ergenlikte anne – oğul ilşkisiyle ilgili kitaplar raflarımdan dolup taşıyordu. Anneyle oğlu arasında çok garip, her seferinde farklı yaşanan, aşkla, masumiyetle, saflıkla ve tutkuyla örülü kopmaz bir bağ vardı…
Çocuk, ergenlik çağında kendi bedenini ve dürtülerini tanıyordu. Karşı cinsle ilgili tanımlamalarını da ilk olarak annesiyle yapıyordu… Ve çoğu zaman ona karşı gizliden gizliye bir aşk, bir tutku besliyordu. Bunları okuduktan sonra aklıma bir tek soru takılıp kaldı:
Acaba Emir de bana aşık mıydı? Hem de öyle bir takıldı ki bir türlü aklımdan çıkaramıyordum. Bu düşünce bana pek çok şeyi birden yaşattı. Onun o masum bakışlarını düşündüm ve birden aklıma tuvalette mastürbasyon yaptığı düştü. Mastürbasyon yapıyordu muhakkak ki ama kim bilir neler düşünüyordu.
Beni düşünüyor muydu acaba? Hadi canım neremi görmüştü ki düşünsün?..
Yok onu doğuran bendim, onu emziren, beraber banyoya girip herbiryerlerini yıkayan yine bendim, beni defalarca çırılçıplak gördüğünde şimdi hiçbirşey hatırlamayacak kadar küçüktü… Yoksa o anılar o küçük belleğinde silinmez izler mi bırakmıştı? Yoksa heryerimi hatırlıyor muydu? heryerimi.. Bunları düşünürken yatakta sırtüstü döndüm, geceliğimin önünü çözüp göğüslerimi avuçlarıma aldım. gençliğimden beri kocamandılar.
Boyum 1.74`tü ve 68 kiloydum. Aynanın karşısnda durmuş göğüslerime bakıyordum.
Geceliği olduğu gibi çıkarttım.. Yan döndüm…
Popomu elimle destekleyip kaldırdım. Acaba Emir benimle ilgili neler düşünüyordu? Bunu kesin olarak öğrenmeye karar verdim, ama önce küçük öğrencilerim üzerinde bir deneme yapmam gerekiyordu. Geceliğimi giydim, yatağa uzandım. Sanırım monoton hayatıma kendi kendime renk katmaya başlamıştım…
Ertesi sabah yataktan sanki daha dinlenmiş, daha dinç, daha mutlu kalktım. Emir`in servisi çok erken geliyordu, o yüzden hemen odasına gidip onu öperek uyandırdım. Gözlerini ovuşturdu “Anne çok garip bir rüya gördüm” dedi. Yatağın kenarına oturdum “Çabuk cabuk anlat yoksa servisi kaçırırsın” dedim.
Hızlıca ve heyecanla anlatmaya koyuldu.
– Çok yüksek bir binanın tepesindeydik senle ben… Sen bir sandalyede oturuyordun ben de yıldızlara bakıyordum. Anne, ne kadar çok yıldız var di mi? diye sordum
– Evet oğlum- dedin sonra bana
– çorabımı giydirir misin?- diye sordun.
Elinde o okula giderken giydiklerinden ince siyah bir çorap vardı. Ben de ayaklarını tutup ayağına giydirmeye başladım sen de ayağını kaldırıp ağzıma sürdün”
Bir süre hiçbirşey söyleyemedim. O ise gözlerini kocaman açmış benden bir yorum beklercesine masum masum bakıyordu..”Bu kadar mı?” diyebildim. “Evet” dedi. “Hadi o zaman çabuk fırla! Annenin seni ne kadar çok sevdiğini anlatan bir rüya görmüşsün ama eğer servisi kaçırırsan annenin ne kadar kızabileceğini de görürsün hem de GERÇEKTEN!”.. Poposuna bir şaplak indirdim. Kıkırdayarak banyoya koştu…
Emir gittikten sonra yatak odama yöneldim. Yapılacak işlerim vardı…Okul eve yakın olduğundan dersten 15 dakika önce çıksam yetişiyordum. Eve de Emir`den çok önce geliyordum.
O yüzden bol bol zamanım vardı. Bir an gördüğü rüya aklıma düştü. Acaba ayaklardan ve bacaklardan mı hoşlanıyordu Emir? Acaba benim çoraplı ayaklarıma çaktırmadan bakıyor muydu? Acaba onları öpmek mi istiyordu? heyecan ve utanç duyguları bedenimde çarpışıyordu. Ama yine de bu düşünceler o günkü planımla ilgili bir fikir verdi…
Çorap çekmecesinden koyu siyah-kahverengi 40 numara külotlu çorabımı çıkardım. Onu elimle genişlettim. Yatağa serdim. Buruşma yapmasın diye bacaklarıma krem sürdüm. Külodumu çıkardım. Çorabı özenle giydim ve ayak bileklerimden belime kadar elimle iterek gerdirdim. Dolabımı açtım. İşte orada asılı dıruyordu: Senelerdir giymediğim derin yırtmaçlı bordo daracık mini eteğim.
Aceleleyle içine girdim. Fermuarı biraz zorlandı. Şişmanlamıştım. Ama aynanın karşısına geçtiğimde bunun o kadar da vahim bir durum olmadığını heyecanla gördüm. Etek vücut hatlarımı zorluyor, belimi, popomu, bacakları olduğu gibi gözler önüne seriyordu, hele popomun her bir kıvrımı gözüküyordu.
Omuzları açık bej renkli straplez bluzumu içime sutyen giymeye gerek duymadan üstüme geçirdim. Göğüslerim dışarı fırlamıştı sanki, koca göğüs uçlarımın çıkıntısı belli oluyor, biraz dikkatli bakıldığında koyulukları da görülüyordu.. 10cm topuklu parlak gül kırmızısı terliklerimi ayağıma geçirdim… Aynanın karşısına geçip dikkatle baktım. O güne kadar okula dizimin hizasını geçmeyen eteklerle, kalın gömlekler ve bilumum gayet kapalı elbiselerle gitmiştim… Ve şimdi tam anlamıyla bir kaltak gibi gözüküyordum..
Üstüme uzun lacivert pardösümü aldım önünü kapadım ve okulun yolunu tuttum…
Hademeye günaydın dedim. Umursamaz gözlerle başını salladı. Planım tıkır tıkır işliyordu. Pardösünün altında neler olduğunu bilse bu yaşlı hademe hemen oracıkta kalpten gidebilirdi ama hiçbirşey anlamadı.
Koridordan hızlı hızlı sınıfıma doğru giderken zil çaldı.. Bütün öğrenciler sınıfa girdikten sonra o bildik manzara; kapının hafifçe aralanması, meraklı bir çift gözün koridoru taraması sonra benim geldiğim görüp kapıyı kapatıp ” Öğretmen geliyor!” diye haykırması…
Sınıfa girdim. ayağa kalkan öğrencilere oturun der gibi başımı salladım. en öndeki sıranın önünde durdum “Günaydın çocuklar bugün dersimizde çok zevkli bir konu işleyeceğiz” dedim.
sınıftan neşeli bir uğultu yükseldi. Pardösünün kuşağını usulca çözdüm, önü kendiliğinden iki yana açıldı. “Kadın vücudu çizeceğiz” dedim. Ön sıradaki bir öğrencinin gözleri pardösünün içinde fırlamış göğüslerime takılmıştı. Bütün öğrencilerime tek tek baktım. kız mevcudu olmayan 26 kişilik bir sınıftı..”Bu gün size ben modellik yapacağım”
Pardösüyü çıkardım. Sandalyeyi sınıfın ortasına getirdim ve bacak bacak üstüne atıp oturdum.
Hepsi de müthiş heyecanlanmıştı ve ben de bu heyecanı onlarla paylaşıyordum. Tenim ateş gibi olmuştu ama oyunumu da sonuna kadar oynayacaktım.”Evet çocuklar” dedim “Hepiniz herhalde az da olsa kadın vücudunun neye benzediğini biliyorsunuz”
Kafalarını hayır anlamında iki yana salladılar. Hemen hepsi ben bakışlarımı başka yöne çevirdiğimde vücuduma dikkatle bakıyor sonra onlara döndüğümde bakışlarını kaçırıyorlardı. Utanmışlar ve acayip heyecanlanmışlardı. Ben de aynı durumdaydım ve bu gün içlerinde kopan fırtınalara ortak olmaya kararlıydım.”ayağa kalkıp yanıma gelin” dedim. Hepsi bir anda zil sesini duymuşçasına fırladılar. Etrafımda küçük erkeklerden ufak bir ordu vardı. Arkada kalanlar parmaklarının üstüne basıyor, birbirlerini ite kaka bana bakmaya çalışıyorlardı.
“Şşşşt itişmeyin. Bu gün herkes istediği kadar bakacak” dedim.
“Şimdi beni iyice incelemenizi istiyorum. Bazı kıvrımları anlamanız için dokunmanız gerekecek. Sonra altlıklarınızı ve kağıtlarınızı alıp çizmeye başlayacaksınız. Blok ders yapacağız teneffüs yok.”
Bunları söylerken bacağımı bacağımın üstünden indirip eteğimi popoma kadar sıyırdım. Bazıları kafalarını bir hayli yakınıma uzatmışlardı. İçlerinden birinin elini tuttum, bacağımı ileriye doğru uzatıp elini baldırlarıma koydum. Eli ince çoraplı bacağıma deyince bundan oldukça heyecanlanmış gözüktü. Pantolonunun önünde kocaman bir şişkinlik farkettim.
Daha sonra hepsini yerlerine oturttum.
Kağıtlarını altlıklarına kıstırdılar. Ben de öndeki sıranın üstüne sandalye koydum.
“Çocuklar yardım edin de şunun üstüne çıkayım” dedim.
Üçü yarışırcasına öne atıldı. Biri elimi tuttu. Diğer ikisi de az önce arkadaşlarına yaptığım şeyden cesaret almış olmalılar ki bacaklarımdan kavradılar. Hepsi de alttan açılmış olan eteğimden bacaklarımı ve popomu dikizliyorlardı. Hemen hepsinin önü kocaman olmuştu. Terlikleri ayağımdan çıkardım. Bacaklarımı olabildiğince araladım. Parlak çoraplı bacaklarıma baktıklarını gördükçe ateş gibi oluyordum, heyecanlanıyordum.
“Bacaklara dikkat edin” dedim.
“Ve göğüsler. Göğüslerimi rahatça görebiliyor musunuz? Kıvrımları belli oluyor mu?”
Göğüslerimi altlarından tutup kaldırdım. Tam o anda hafif hafif bir tenin tene vurma sesi geldi. pıt pıt pıt! Ritmi bazen hızlanıyor bazen yavaşlıyordu. Küçük haylazlardan biri mastürbasyon yapıyordu. Allahım bu yaptığım delilikti. O anda sınıfa herhangi biri girecek olsa okuldan bile atılabilirdim.
Birden kafama bir yumruk yemiş gibi bacaklarımı topladım. terliklerimi giydim. Sandalyeden aşşağı inip onu yerine koydum.
“Hocam daha bitirmedik” uğultuları yükseldi “Bu günlük bu kadar yeter çocuklar haftaya başka bir konuyla devam ederiz” dedim. Çizdiklerini kontrol ettim. Hiçbirininkinden birşey anlaşılmıyordu. Eğer doğru düzgün çizilmiş bir desen olsaydı hemen toplayacaktım.
Pardösümü giydim ve sanat tarihi kitabından konu anlattırarak abuk subuk bir ders işledim. Zil çalınca da yine hızlı adımlarla evin yolunu tuttum.
Straplez buluzumu ve eteğimi çıkardım. Sutyen takıp o her zaman evde giydiğim uzun basmalı elbisemi üstüme geçirdim. Çorap ve terlikleri çıkartmadım. Hemen yemek yapmaya koyuldum. Oğlum eve geldiğinde herşey hazır olmalıydı.
Birkaç saat sonra anahtar sesi geldi. “Meraba anne ben geldim” diye mutfağa daldı. “Merhaba bitanem nasılsın?” dedim. Ama ondan ses gelmedi. Kafamı çevirdim. Topuklu ayakkabılarıma ve ayaklarıma bakıyordu…
“Anne çorabın kaçmış” dedi. Ayağımı havaya kaldırdım. Çorap topuktan bileğe kadar kaçmıştı. Bu her zaman olabilirdi evet ama normal olmayan Emir`in bakışlarıydı. Gözleri açıktı ve sanki kalbi burnunda atıyordu. Hızlı hızlı soluyordu. Tanrım oğlum ayaklarıma bayılıyordu. heyecandan ölecek gibi bir hali vardı. Kafamı lavaboya çevirdim. Bir ayağımı terlikten çıkardım ve sözümona üstüyle diğer ayağımın topuğunu kaşımaya başladım. Oğluma çoraplı ayaklarımı olduğu gibi sergiliyordum…
Yemekten sonra sanki çok yorulmuş gibi kanepeye uzandım. Elbisemin eteğini dizlerimin üstüne kadar sıyırdım ve Emir`i çağırdım. “Ayaklarımı biraz ovsana canımın içi, çok ağrıyorlar” dediğimde onun hakkındaki düşüncelerimde yanılmadığımı farkettim. Ne yapacağını bilemedi, heyecanını bastırayım derken iyice batıyordu, çok şirindi…
Sağ ayağımı hafif hafif yoğurmaya başladı. İki elinin avuçlarıyla ovuyordu ayağımı. Sonra (sanırım) yavaş yavaş cesareti arttı. Parmaklarımı tek tek okşuyor, onların bittiği yerleri, ayağımın ortasındaki boşluğu özenle ovuyordu. Topuğumu iki eline alıyor, parmaklarının ucuyla daireler çiziyordu sanki hep bu anı beklermiş gibiydi. Harikaydı ve aman tanrım vajinam sulanıyordu, oğluma ayaklarımı ovduruyordum ve senelerdir hiç yaşamadığım şeyleri yaşıyordum.
Derinden derine bunun hayatımdaki dönüm noktalarından biri olduğunu hissediyordum… İki ayağımı da çılgınca ovmuştu ama hiç yorulmuşa benzemiyordu ” Aslanım! bundan sonra her akşam annenin ayaklarını ovar mısın?” diye sordum. Gözleri parladı. Ve sonra o ana kadar aklıma getirmemek için çok zorlandığımı şeylerin bir anda beynime hücum etmesine yol açan şeyi çekine çekine söyledi: “Anne, ayakların çok güzel kokuyor…”
Bütün gün ayaktaydım. Ayaklarım gerçekten kokuyor olmalıydı, ve bu onun hoşuna gidiyordu. Müthiş heyecanlanmıştım. “Çorap ve topuklu ayakkabı giymemden hoşlanıyor musun peki?” dedim, “Evet anne ayaklarını çok seviyorum özellikle de çoraplı ayaklarını” deyiverdi. “Peki o zaman..” dedim, ”
Odamdaki çorap çekmecesini aç ve ordan en beğendiğin çorabı kap da gel, şu kaçmış çorabı değiştirelim”. Hemen fırladı. O çıkar çıkmaz elimi ateş gibi yanan vajinama götürdüm, dudakları şişmiş ve sarkmıştı içinden oluk oluk sıvı geliyordu. Emir`in ayak seslerini duyar duymaz toparlandım…
“Anne hangisini seçeceğimi bilemedim” dedi.
Bir elinde gül kırmızısı süper ince külotlu çorabım diğer elinde de 30 numara siyah parlak ince gül desenli külotlu çorabım vardı. “Önce hangisini giyeyim?” dedim, kırmızıyı uzattı… Sandalyeye oturdum. Bacaklarımı yana doğru uzattım, popomu hafifçe kaldırıp çorabı aşağıya sıyırdım. İçimde külot olmadığından eteğimi siper ederek çorabı yavaş yavaş çıkarttım. Oğlum dikkatle beni izliyordu.. Kırmızı çorabı sıvayıp önce bir ayağıma, sonra da diğerine geçirdim. İki bacağımın dizlerine kadar giydikten sonra ayağa kalkıp çorabı tamamen giydim. Bunu yaparken kadınlığımı bir an için açıkta bırakmıştım, Emir`in bunu farkettiğini hemen anladım. Kaçamak bakışları, nefesinin birden hızlanması beni müthiş heyecanlandırıyordu.
Oğlum tarafından dikizlenmek muhteşemdi…
Çorabın buruşukluklarını düzelttikten sonra ağır adımlarla oğlumun yanına geldim, etrafında döndüm (Elbisemin alt kısmını elimle dizlerimin üstüne doğru sıyırmıştım)… Yine bedenim ateş gibi yanıyordu, kendimi fahişe gibi hissediyordum ve canım yavrum oracıkta bana bakıyordu, eşofmanının kabaran önünü eliyle kapamaya çalışıyordu…
Duygularıma hakim olamıyordum artık..
Aniden arkamı dönüp kalçalarımı dışarıya doğru çıkarttım ve elbiseyi belime kadar sıyırdım.. Annesinin külotlu çoraplı poposu olduğu gibi Emir`in gözleri önündeydi…Başımı çevirip omuzumun üstünden oğluma baktım…
Eliye önünü kapama gereği duymuyordu artık.. Ve penisi neredeyse eşofmanı yırtıp dışarı fırlayacaktı.. Sanırım oğlumun kocaman bir erkeklik organı vardı ve onun içime girdiği düşüncesi bütün bedenimi alev alev yakıyordu…
Emreden bir sesle” Eşofmanını ve külodunu çıkart!” dedim. Dediklerimi tereddüt etmeden yaptı. penisi flop diye fırladı, yaklaşık 16cm boyunda kocaman mor bir başı olan kusursuz bir yaraktı…
Çorabın vajinamın üstüne denk gelen yerini tırnağımla yırrtım, ellerim yemek masasına dayadım, belimi büktüm, popomu dışarı çıkarıp parmaklarımın üstünde hafifçe yükselerek ” Hadi Emir, işte hep hayal ettiğin şey yavrum, hadi sik beni” deyiverdim…
Penisi oğlumun elindeydi arkama doğru yaklaşıp vajinama bastırmaya başladı ama nasıl sokacağını bilemedi, bacakları titriyordu… penisini elime alıp dosdoğru amıma soktum, kalçamı da ona doğru bastırıp oğlumun yarağını köküne kadar içime kaydırdım… O anda yüksek sesle çığlık attığımı hatırlıyorum… Bu 3 senedir vajinama giren ilk şeydi ve o da oğlumun sert, sıcak yarağıydı. Oradan çıkmıştı ve tekrar oraya giriyordu…” Ohhh Emir becer beni oğlum, ohh çok güzel sikiyorsun, damarlarını hissediyorum, dibine kadar bastır, becer anneni” diye yalvarırken o ikinci kere soktu, artık bu işin nasıl yapıldığını öğreniyordu..
Sonra seri kalça hareketleriyle beni sert bir şekilde sikmeye başladı. Orada, salonun ortasında, yemek masasına dayanmış kendimi öz oğluma siktiriyordum..
Birden daha da hızlandı, hareketlerinden anladım ki yavrucuğum boşalmak üzereydi… Amımın dudaklarını kastım ve içindeki yarağı sıktım.. Emir inleyerek içime boşaldı…
Yaptığım şeyden kesinlikle pişman değildim.. Bu muhteşem bir deneyim olmuştu… Artık oğlumun orospusuydum, o ne derse yapıyor, ne isterse giyiyordum.
İzlediği porno filmlerindeki sahneleri benimle deniyordu, becerilmedik yerimi bırakmıyordu..
Hala Ankara`da oturuyoruz, eşimden boşanalı 7 sene oldu. İyi ki de boşanmışız, yoksa hayatımın aşkıyla asla beraber olma şansım olmazdı..

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Behind the curtains covering the wall stood a door. I knocked but the heavy wood muffled my sharp rap. I couldn't hear anything from the other side and just as I reached up to knock again the door opened. One of Chaos' studs stood there, blocking my view into the room. He was just shorter than me, bright blonde hair, a young face that couldn't be much older than mine and a tanned body that was glistening with sweat. Before I said anything, he stepped back and away as if he were a door...

4 years ago
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Finding ElvisChapter 2 Family Counseling

I shook myself out of my stupor and grabbed Kat, yanking her back. She fought and screamed imprecations at Gretchen. Ted and Lisa held Gretchen back after she took another swing at her step-mother. It looked like they had their work cut out for them. Gretchen was really straining hard. "Enough! Ladies!" I shouted, to no avail as they both continued to struggle against our restraint. Gretchen was finally pulled back by Ted and Lisa's combined strength. Kat turned to me and hissed, "Let...

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Bicurious roommates Ch1 Yeah I told you was a pretty hot video

As part of the ground rules of living together as two guys and with our loved ones far away, we agreed early on that we’d both need our private time to do you-know-what. We agreed that we’d just do it in our own respective bedrooms with the door closed and locked. No questions asked, no judgment. At first it was as we agreed, but as the days went by, my temporary roommate became more relaxed with the whole privacy thing. He’d forget his door slightly open or take “long squeaky showers”. I...

2 years ago
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Living the Dream part 4

Living the Dream Part 4 By: Malissa Madison Sophie had trouble sleeping, she was worrying about the placement tests, so I did what any loving caring Sister would do. I threw her on the bed pinning her down beneath me and gave her a full body massage until she fell asleep. Then I cuddled her in my arms, rocking gently back and forth until I too fell asleep. The morning sun streaming in the windows woke us up, it was only seven AM. But she was already nervous,...

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Fucked silly

My dad fucked me silly.My dad overheard me and my BFF and he fucked my brains out.It all started with my BFF Tina. We're going into our junior year of highschool.Tina came over to my house as usual. Today we're sunbathing in my backyard. She had the skimpiest bikini. It was white, tie at the side thong bottom that barley covered her pussy lips and only part of her bigger nipples. I guess it didn't really matter you could see through it and it was only going to be Tina and me.Tina is thin, long...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 8 Hot Slut Facials

Chapter Eight: Hot Slut Facials By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Clara had so many people she wanted to get back at. “God, that is so amazing,” she said, seeing the deep fakes of Mrs. Daniels getting gangbanged by her students. It was so good. “Though it's scary how amazing technology is.” Because they had to be deep fakes, even the videos that were made of the married teacher getting fucked. Clara was just making things up. If they weren't deep fakes, then Clara...

1 year ago
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A Pastors WifeChapter 2

Barbara Johnson knew something was wrong when Doug called and asked if Ali could stay with her for a few days. A situation in the church arose that he and his wife needed to deal with and that would leave no time for Ali. Over the years as a Pastor in a fairly large church there have been many times when some very bad things happened, none of them required their daughter out of the house. As she waited for their arrival, Barbara could not help thinking back to a time when she was in a very...

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The Crimson Scourge 2

As Captain Toris cast the front of her garment, the one thing still allowing her a shed of decency, into the air he covered her vaginal mound with his hand, disallowing a view of it by his men. Groping his hand, tightly, against it, he swore an oath to heaven, "May the saints protect me!" Thinking his captain was in grave danger, the scurvy mate instantly sprang to his side. "What be wrong, sir?" As the scurvy mate reached for his cutlass, the captain stopped his hand. "No need for that, Mister...

3 years ago
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A Night with an Angel

I was laying bed crying. When a voice spoke to me from across the room. A male voice, but not one that I know. "Why do you cry, little one?" I looked up tears still coming down. And there I saw the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. He was tall. Looking about 6 feet. His head nearly touching the ceiling. He had black messy, spiky hair. His the clearest blue pools you could ever see. His lips were slightly puffed but not enough to create a feminine look. He had a...

4 years ago
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Sperm Donation 2

Jack Makes Another DonationA few days after his first donationJack received another call for adonation appointment. On the appointed dayhe returned to the same non-descript officeAs before and was told to wait until he was called. He sat down and started idlyleafing through one of the magazines to passthe time.After waiting in the reception area for a fewminutes Jack noticed Mei approaching fromthe corridor where the examination andtreatment rooms were located. She was wearingthe same short...

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VeronicaChapter 21

The two youths, panting and gasping from the combined effects of exertion and eager animal anticipation, dragged her into the mouth of an alleyway, where one of them released his grip of her arms, leaving her, as he thought, in the safe hands of his partner in crime. As the eager, acne faced, evil smelling and priapic youth fumbled with his trousers Veronica kicked up at him with all her strength and had the sadistic and righteous satisfaction of watching him drop to the ground screaming and...

4 years ago
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First and last Time

I met this couple (we’ll call them Steve and Lisa) through an adult dating website. I was instantly attracted to Lisa when I saw her profile picture. A well-stacked, brunette BBW, she was kneeling up on a bed, hands behind her head, heavy breasts hanging down, and a curvy, soft plump belly jutting out impudently over a skimpy red lace thong. Steve and Lisa said they were looking for another guy to play with, and on the strength of Lisa’s picture, I got in touch straight away. We chatted on...

2 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 14 The First Test Part 1

I awoke the next morning with the scent of her hair in my nostrils, and knew that things must be right with the world. She was once again sprawled across my chest, with one of her arms around me, and one of her legs tangled with mine. She was breathing deeply and evenly, and I hoped that whatever dreams she might be having were pleasant ones. I had certainly grown accustomed to waking up this way, even without the added benefit of the occasional oral assault. The normal target of such...

3 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 19

Earth Spectre Base, Canadian Rockies August 14, 2019 12:58 PDT (15:58 EDT) As soon as the elevator reached the bottom floor, we separated, with my sisters going to continue their work, while I headed to my room to remove my armor again. I was leaving my room when I felt the familiar sensation that corresponded with Abi leveling up again. I took out my phone and looked at the time, realizing that it had been almost an hour and forty-five minutes since I had seen Abi. She said it would be an...

1 year ago
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Red The Stallion

She was eighteen and it was her first day on the job on the horse stud. Cathy, like most girls, loved horses, but couldn't afford her own so working with them was the next best thing. It was just after dinner and she thought she would go and give the stud stallion a quick brush and pat before going to bed. She went in to the box and Red was standing there quietly with a huge erection. Red was not like other stallions, who could only get a erection when they smelled the hormones in a mare’s...

2 years ago
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Vegas baby Day Two Later in the day

Having taken a nap, I woke up as Jen crawled into bed with me. She had just taken a shower, and her body smelled fresh and delightful. She was wearing a white lave thong, which was complimenting the curves of her hips and her luscious butt cheeks perfectly. Her huge boobs looked amazing as she laid down beside me. She kissed me, and her delicate little hand found my cock under the satin covers. She started stroking my cock gently. "Oh, I love your cock..." she said in a purring voice. "It feels...

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New Years Eve Birthday

My wife is our family's social secretary and planner, except for my incidental sexual encounters with young women. New Year's Eve festivities were no exception. "Harvey, dear, we've been invited to the Bangers' for New Year's." I looked up from the latest issue of my car magazine, where a bikini-clad woman was selling brake pads. "The Bangers? Who are they?" "Their daughter Wanda used to go to school with Anna, but they moved downtown. This is a reunion for the girls, and a chance...

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Your Fantasy Island

You don’t even know what you were doing out on a boat. It must have been a hell of a wild night. One of many. You’ve been laid off. Since you were a college dropout, you can’t get a lot of jobs and rent is coming up. You’ve pretty much just taken to downing your sorrows with alcohol. Something that you have to start reconsidering as you drift off into the ocean after falling off said boat with a life vest on. You’ve lost track of how long you’ve been floating out in the ocean. You’ve started to...

4 years ago
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Making DoChapter 2

Sonny gave Sandy a call at 10:00 the next morning. they spoke on the phone for about five minutes, flirting some, and then she agreed that she'd let him take her to dinner the next night after he had finished up with work. Rather than have him drive all the way over to West Covina, Sandy suggested that the two of them meet in Brea at the Red Lobster by the mall. They settled on meeting at 7:00 and then they hung up. Sonny was really excited at getting to spend an evening with her. He was...

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Raman and his wife

Anita and have a very exciting marriage. She’s a wonderful lover, friend and a very beautiful woman. Other men are often attracted to her, and one can see them looking and lusting after her whenever they are out in the evening. Raman finds this exciting and encourages her to wear revealing clothing and insists that she go braless as often as possible, especially at home, because nature has blessed her with a pair of the sexiest breasts possible; perfectly round and succulent capped by...

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A 'Power Broker' Story Part 1: Release The large steel door clanged shut with a bang that could be heard in the next street. As the sunlight speared from a clear blue sky into his eyes, the old man raised a hand to provide shade. Across the street, a long, sleek limousine gleamed blackly against the brick wall. The rear door opened, and a tall, elegant man, fortyish, and dressed in a smart dark blue suit climbed languidly out of the back. Hi Dad he shouted, running at a canter across the...

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Sunday Morning It was almost 2.30 in the morning when Lauren told me a cab would be waiting outside the Grant to take me home. How did she know? I hadn’t heard her make a call. I dressed, putting my skirt and blouse on over my stockings and collecting my coat. As I was about to leave she called me back into the bedroom of her suite and I found her standing. She took me in her arms and held me tightly to her and kissed the top of my head. ‘We’re going to be good together, babe. Call me on...

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The Truth Hurts

I ended up editing this story because, I wanted to change the title from 'Take Your Clothes Off And Finger Yourself 'to what it is now- 'The Truth Hurts'. What do you want mister?She was younger than he thought she'd be. It crossed his mind that the girl might be underage. He quickly dismissed the thought, having been told the females in this place were all legal. Feeling his dick stir, he traced her curves through the oversized secondhand dress she wore. Flashing a peak at her painted face, he...

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Lonely Mother Fucked By Cunning Son

Hi Everyone I am Shashank. This is the real story that happened in my life…. I am a regular reader of ISS. My favourite categories are virginity and incest. I used to read every story and try to seduce all the older ladies around my house including my mom. I used to come out from bath room without towel so show off my mom… and sometimes intentionally drop off my towels when any older lady comes to home and roaming without shirt all time in around my house…. But I never got any chance… Myself I...

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Delta OriginalChapter 19 Couples

Bear and Vera had enjoyed their rides on both the ponies and each other. Bear had directed her down the east forest past Sparky’s forest and down towards Sean’s little known about mine. They had found a lovely spot beside a creek, which had a grassy bank. Bear had stretched out on the bank and Vera had cuddled up beside him. He was sucking on a grass stalk with his hat tipped over his eyes and rubbing Vera’s back, totally relaxed. Bear had asked Lee the afternoon before if he could take the...

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Hardon Family 01 Seducing the Twins

SEDUCING THE TWINS John lowered himself into the hot, steamy tub. Mario had just left the house and John needed to clean his sticky, cum- and ass-juice covered cock. And the rest of him wasn't much cleaner. Mario was one hot stud! He was a big-dicked Italian, mar­ried, with four kids, and a mistress, but what he really craved was having stiff cock rammed up his butthole—the harder the bet­ter! And he wasn't any passive fuck, either. He loved starting out the fuck on his hands and knees,...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 8

The pungent sweetness of the hashish smoke hung heavy in the room. Ann could see the burning tips of the cigarettes in the darkness. The room was perfectly quiet now except for the occasional sound of deep inhalation or exhalation. A cough could be heard now and then from a smoker who pulled too deeply on the conscience killing weed. Dim lights appeared behind the thin curtains that covered the small stage. A large bed was visible in the center of a set dressed as a bedroom with a small...

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Play It Again SamChapter 7 Truth

"Are you angry at me?" I asked Clarity the next morning after we had both showered. "You mean just because my pussy lips are raw, and my nipples are sore as heck, and you made me climax with your tongue more times than I can even remember? Damn right I'm angry." But her impish grin told me she was talking in jest. "You may then flog me my queen for having angered you." I told her looking remorseful. "Flog you! Ha! I'm going to fuck you every chance I get. That was sooooo good last...

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Sissy slut training ends in 3 BBCs final chapter

Well after getting fucked in the car park on the front of the limo by the driver my arse is ready to be fucked by my three black bulls.I have been waiting a long time for this and now I am ready for to be fucked like a slut my arse is Gunna get stretched to it's limits by these black studs cocks .The limo pulls up outside the apartment and my heart starts pounding so hard with excitement I can't wait .We go upstairs and as soon as we get in the door I'm sorounded by all the guys they are...

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Full Of Black Seed

Max watched his pregnant wife roll off the couch and race into the bathroom to vomit. Morning sickness again. She was now 4 months pregnant with a black baby. Unbelievable. His friends back home would never understand but Max was cool with it all. Mainly because he had set the whole thing up.From the first his pretty young wife Haley had been excited and interested in the swingers life style. She was only 19 when they married and the thought of fucking just one man for the rest of her life was...

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Phone Sex Interruptus

Part 1 Fresh from an hot shower, nice and relaxed, and feeling extremely hot and horny... I walk naked from the bath to my bedroom. I'm so hot and needy. As I pass thru the house I massage my breasts, plucking at my nipples, feeling the electrical charge shoot straight to my clit! God I need a hard throbbing cock so bad! Living in the woods as I do, I never even think of closing my blinds or drapes, I love the feeling of having them open all the time. But as I walk thru to my bedroom I...

1 year ago
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Delhi Punjabi Wife made Exhibitionist slut by Hubby

Hi Friends, I hope you remember the Old incidents posted by me. I am 28 yr old guy from Delhi working in an Top IT Company. Lot of couples and husband had contacted me seeking inputs how to add spice in their routine and boring sex lives. I am sharing the real incident shared by a couple who was in contact with me and taken several measures to spice up their normal sex lives. It was the fantasy of husband who wants to see her Punjabi wife an exhibitionist and enjoy seeing her wife getting...

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Jennys UnclePart 7

Reina woke the next morning still in the clothes she'd dressed herself in the night before. The doorbell kept insistently ringing. When she answered it, she finally remembered that Ted was sending over some surprise for her for her afternoon appointment with him. She was so groggy that the delivery boy got to step inside the house before she realized that he was going too far. As she swayed herself awake she found some money to tip him and get rid of him. The package was enough to wake her...

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An English girl and what she8217s willing to do on her date

A young couple have sex in the car, but only after the girl makes a fool of the boy. “Don’t do that.” Jason’s hand paused on his passenger’s thigh, just below the hem of her white skirt. “Why not?” he asked, his North Atlantic drawl acquiring a slightly strangled hint of frustration. “Because it’s rude,” Jenny told him, frimly removing his hand. “Oh, God,” Jason groaned, sitting back and rubbing his forehead....

4 years ago
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My first anal

My knees sank into the sand.My chest sinks into the sand.He held me by Christian's ankles at shoulder level.I couldn't lift my hips any more; I couldn't offer it more.His hands were on my buttocks: He opened them anxiously, as if he wanted to enter my body completely.His testicles like two heavy steel balls hit my swollen clit. The moisture of our sex splashed with each blow, more and more, growing like the a****l madness displayed in his screams and in my moans that were a tool for me to...

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Im the Man of the House 2

I’m the Man of the House 2Following Mom’s bare butt to the bathroom, she got the shower started and adjusted the water temp, as I stopped at the toilet and peed, to relieve myself, and then Maryann stepped into the shower, and when I finished peeing, I flushed, then stepped over to the shower, and pulled back the curtain, and stepped in behind Maryann, then closed the curtain behind me, “You never take a shower this early of a morning babe.”Yes I know, but watching your little round sexy ass...

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Mom and girls outing

Kelly was walking through the woods with her mother, Emily, when they came upon a lake."Do you want to go for a swim?" Emily asked her daughter."Sure, just let me grab my bathing suit out of the bag... It's not here, I guess we can't go swimming"Emily gave a wry smile "Sure we can""What do you mean?" Kelly asked her mother."We can swim with our clothes on right?"Kelly responded "But we don't have anything to change into""Sure we do""What do you mean?"Emily asked "Well we're relatives right?...

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AjaChapter 3

The hostess led them to a table. “The decor is pleasant,” Jason remarked. He flipped open the menu. “Look at this menu.” “I’m looking,” Aja replied. “What do they mean, half plate?” “I don’t know.” Their server approached the table. “Can I get you anything from the bar?” she asked. “I think we’re fine for now,” Jason replied and looked toward Aja. “I’m fine,” she added. “Can you explain these prices?” The waitress pointed to the menu. “On this side we offer plates and half-plates. A...

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Productive Day With Secretary Payal In Husband8217s Absence

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10″ tall and muscular. My tool is 8.1″ long and 3″ thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the Middle East and India. I am located in Dubai, and I am a frequent traveler. This is a continuation of my previous story, “Milking My Secretary – Part 1.” I had mentioned in my previous story about my secretary. Her name is Payal. She is a Punjabi girl, 27 years old with a sexy and slim figure. Her...

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Devils Bargain

“How could I have ever done anything so stupid?” Angela Giordano asked herself, the question unanswered in the silence of the empty room. Not that the forty year old blonde really needed to ask the question. Her answer was as clear as the reflection in the mirror on the bedroom wall. She had allowed sentiment to overcome good judgment and made what was proving to be a disastrous decision. Last month, two days before he was supposed to deliver a check for their son’s tuition at Kingsbridge...

2 years ago
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Getting Lucky With Shalini Mam

Hi everyone I am Raj from Delhi. I am 22 years old. I am a big fan of this site. I am in the final year of my engineering. Today I am going to narrate a real incident which happened in my life a few months ago. I always had feelings for older women between the age of 35-45. I used to connect with older woman easily as compared to younger girls. In my college, there was a named Shalini. Her age was around 42-43. She was pretty hot and had a nice chubby body and big breasts. She was a fair...

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Political ReElection

Wendy walked around my desk to stand next to me. She reached down started rubbing my cock. I told her, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” I felt myself getting hard as she kept rubbing me. Then she looked up at me and asked, “Just how big are you?” I have to admit, I have always felt that I was well endowed, being just a little over nine inches long and real thick, almost as thick as a ball bat. I replied to her, “Let me show you,” and I pulled my pants down slightly and pulled my...

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Threesome With Aunt And Cousin

This incident happened a few months ago when I went to my cousins place for vacations. We were of the same age and had a liking for women. My cousin had fucked many girls and women before but I was not very lucky. He used to stay with his mom while his dad worked abroad. His mom worked in a nearby company I have always had a thing for mature married women and his mom was no exception. A nice plump lady of 45, she had nice breasts and a huge ass which would swing to and fro as she moved. I...

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EAGERTOThe Ladies Loo was outside, around the back. As i said, I'd waited til they all went home then got in and found the tin where she kept her dirty rags. I'd busted the hopeless little padlock to get in and they never bothered to replace it so I had no trouble sneaking in whenever I liked and jerking off great wads of spunk into her dirty pads. They were fantastic -- I would take off my pants and lie back on the toilet seat with a wet cuntrag pressed up between my legs and hold a sometimes...

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Game of LifeChapter 5 Lost and found

I was over in Denmark for a few days when Vivian disappeared, or I suppose I should say that it was noticed that she was missing. It wasn't a secret that she was going away on holiday, I believe Katie probably knew more details than most of us, because she had been at home the weekend before Vivian was due to go and had actually seen the tickets for the coach trip. Kate didn't panic that her mother wasn't home when she called until a fortnight later, because she assumed that she'd made a...

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The Reprimand

When you wake up 30 minutes late, your car won't start, and you show up to work soaked, you know it is going to be a bad day. I am totally irritated with this day! To make matters worse, I have to work with my uptight, boring, by the rules boss, Malcolm. I mean he is so uptight, that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, you would have a diamond in about 2 days. I trudge into the office, glaring at any and every body that dared to look sideways at me. Even my best friend, Valerie, stayed...

3 years ago
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Soup of the Day 190

John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt / Martin and /Rita Jerome Morris the director of vocational education for the Cleveland school system Bobbi James the radio personality Amos Hardee deputy sheriff Lori Moore deputy sheriff Marcus hostage taker Sara Thomas newspaper writer Everett Martin the current leader of the Cleveland meetings of Freebird. Mark and Happy Jones swingers. Jethro Morris murder victim. James Western the second murder victim. Sarah the cousin who sold him he land. I woke up in my...

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Nurse Higgins A New Assingment

Nurse Higgins: A New Assignment By Cheryl Lynn All standard disclaimers apply, not for the sweet/sentimental reader as it is a forced femininization story. This work of fiction may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use must have author's permission. Constructive comments/suggestions are welcome at [email protected]. Rachel Higgins was a mature fifty-three years old with graying chestnut hair. As a surgical nurse, while more than competent, looked down...

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The Moment

The road to Hell may be paved with good intentions but the road to my destination is littered with my clothes. Before you smile and think about something hot and wild like me stripping nude while driving and throwing my clothes out the window, it was more of a Murphy’s Law event than something sexy. Perhaps it was the universe foreshadowing, trying to prepare me for what was going to happenSylva pointed out that despite me fooling myself into thinking that I wasn’t going to spend the weekend...

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Filmed With DogsChapter 3

"You bitch!" Charlotte spat at the tall exquisite blonde petting her sleek, black Doberman. "YOU rotten bitch!" Felicia was smiling down at her, her whole body tingling, waiting for the subtle change to occur in Charlotte's behavior. "Don't be so nasty," she purred. "It's for your own good." Already Charlotte was beginning to feel the effects of the drug. "Why?" she sobbed, "why?" "Let's just say I have a desire to help people overcome their inhibitions so they can enjoy...

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A Hard Weekend At SchoolEpilogue

As I laid there under Jarvis, I felt his huge cock as it twitched and throbbed in my butt. I stroked his head while he nibbled on my ear and kissed/sucked my neck. I had almost drifted off when Jarvis raised his upper body from my back and begin to grind deep into my butt. His cock started to firm up again and his girth widen. I could feel his huge penile shaft as it took on the mass of a rock hard cock. Jarvis said from above 'David, you're just a cock slut'. I moaned as Jarvis worked his...

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MILF Tales No 1

This is one of many stories I have to tell from many years of experience and if this gets a thumbs up, there may be more.This is about something that happened almost 20 years ago and began some 30 years ago.I have been looking to write about it for almost as long.All names and locations are real as I'd love those involved to find this online,recognize themselves and maybe get in touch !!. So another women I knew (Shirley G.) and I had very very bad reputations. What set us...

1 year ago
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Becoming A Daddys Girl Chapter 1

I was raised by my mom and grandmother. I never knew my father. I am from mixed race parents and it seems my mother, after a one night stand with a white man, became pregnant with me. She decided not to tell him. When I turned 15, I started asking questions. I really wanted to know who my father was, what kind of person he was, what he looked like. One day, my mother walked in to my bedroom and told me that she had been talking to my father. It seems that she made contact with him and...

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