My Son Becomes My Master, Chapter 1 free porn video

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My name is Robin Perkins. I have to tell you a story that happened to me that completely changed my life.

You see, I grew up in a normal middle-class family. My father was a banker, and my mom stayed home and took care of us kids and the house. We had the "ideal" life; a nice three bedroom/two bath home, two cars, we even had the white picket fence! You couldn't ask for a more average American family!

The problem is that I didn't fit into that mold very well. I was the youngest of three kids - I had two older brothers and being the only daughter gave me a lot of advantages. I was the apple of my Daddy's eye - being the youngest and a girl gave me a "bye" on a lot of the more dirty and unpleasant chores. Plus when us kids got into trouble, all I had to do was bat my pretty green eyes and I got out of it!

Yeah, you could say I was spoiled, but this lack of responsibility had it's bad side as well. Since I could get away with anything, I tended to push that… just to see where the boundaries were I suppose.

One area in particular that I pushed a bit too far at times was with boys. Being so free on the leash, so to speak, made it hard for me to find a boy that would put up with my bratty side. I had lots of relationships over the years, but none of them seemed to work out.

I seemed to be the town bum-magnet… the guys I was attracted to either had no job, or they were stoners or drinkers, or they had several failed relationships in their past. Oh, the beginning of these relationships was great, I loved the idea of belonging to someone, the sex was fantastic and each of them seemed to be perfect. But soon these guys showed their true colors and it never seemed to last very long.

That is until I met David.

David was amazing. He was totally different than all the other guys I had met. He was different because he didn't chase me, he made me chase him! We met through a mutual friend at a barbeque one summer. I saw him sitting by himself by the tree in their yard. Everyone else was talking and laughing and having a great time, but David seemed to not be interested in the chatter.

I went over to him and introduced myself and he told me that it was all just a bit too chatty for his taste. He was more of a small group or loner kind of guy. So I asked to sit with him to talk some more. He kind of shrugged and said, "If you want to."

Well, that kind of coolness and disinterest sparked something in me, I wasn't used to being dismissed like that! I was the center of attention and this man wasn't showing me the proper recognition! So I began working on him and I guess it worked because after what would turn out to be a rather exhaustive effort, he finally agreed to start dating me regularly.

I should clarify that by saying we went out a few times just casually - out to dinner, to a movie, or something simple like that. But I kept working on him until one day when we were out for dinner. We had a nice time and he drove me home as usual. He walked me to the door and I asked him if he wanted to come in. Now I have asked him this several times and each time he made up some reason why he couldn't. And I had every reason to think he would turn me down again. But surprisingly he didn't this time.

"Sure I guess," he said when I asked him in. His reply shocked me and it took me a moment to realize he has said yes. We went inside and I told him to make himself comfortable and brought us both a beer.

I sat down next to him on the sofa and I started making polite conversation. Now that I had finally worn him down to the point of coming inside my home, I wanted to see how much more I could coax from him.

I had no idea.

I was busy chattering away like a pissed off squirrel when he turned to me. "Where is your bedroom?" he asked.

I stopped talking looking at him puzzled. I was talking about my new job, how I liked it, and how I was saving up to buy a car and he comes out of the blue asking me where my bedroom was!

"I-it's down the hallway," I said pointing down the hall to the right.

"Let's go," he said. It wasn't a question, and it wasn't a statement. It was a command. He said, Let's go." and he expected me to take him to my bedroom.

I was so stunned by his sudden and unexpected words that I must have gone into "autopilot". I didn't say anything, I just got up and took him to my bedroom. When we got there, he shut the bedroom door and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Take off your clothes," he commanded, as he sat there ready to watch me strip.

"But..," I started to protest his commanding me.

"Listen, Robin, you have been after me since the barbeque -you know it and I know it. Now I am here in your bedroom with you. Do you want to do this or not? Because if you don't, I can just get up and leave. But if I do, that's it. I don't play games, young lady. I am here and ready to fuck - are you?" he said. His tone and dominating presence overwhelmed me. I had never been talked to like that in my life. And I liked it - a lot!

That night he took control of me and before the sun came up the next morning, he owned me. Over the next few weeks, we saw each other several times and he spent a few nights with me. I learned that he was a Dominant - I thought he was a god myself and as I was to find out later he thought so too. But he taught me a lot about the world of domination and submission. He became my Master, and I was his willing obedient submissive, willing to do anything and everything he ordered me to do. I adored him.

Sex with David was amazing, the best I'd ever had. I was so happy, everything was going well. I was living the life I always wanted, but never knew existed. I had a hot boyfriend, he took me out to parties and showed me off like I was the Crown Jewels. We had sex all the time, day and night, and he was a good Master; strong and dominant, creative but not cruel. He knew just how far to push me and rewarded me well when I pleased him, which I really tried to do as much as possible.

We lived together as Master and sub for almost a year before it happened. I did something that did not please my Master at all. I was twenty-two, he was thirty at the time and we were having the time of our life. I loved my Master and my new life so much.

But I had to go and get pregnant. I was on the pill, and I thought I was being careful about taking it. But the party life we were living didn't lend itself to consistency. I guess I missed a few days, obviously. David was my Master and when he wanted sex, which could be anytime day or night but was guaranteed to be at least once a day, he got it. I would never dare refuse him and even if I did, he would probably just have taken me anyway.

David had told me on more than one occasion how he felt about children. He didn't want to have any right now because he said: "we were in a good place and didn't want anyone or anything to mess it up." Actually, he didn't want any kids because he wanted 100% of my time and attention. I was his submissive 24/7/365, and he didn't want to share me with anyone.

I was terrified to tell him, I thought he might beat the shit out of me. Although he had never hurt me in anger or beaten me, I had been in those kinds of relationships before. I certainly didn't want to lose him. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know yet what he was capable of if I was to ever make him really mad. Our sex was always rough and aggressive and while I loved that about him, I didn't know if that roughness was just for play or if he was really an angry, violent man.

So I didn't tell him, I needed to stall for some time to try so I could figure out what to do. So I continued to put on my subbie face and when we attended the many parties we went to, I just pretended to drink. My drink of choice was usually screwdrivers so I would say that's what I had, but actually, it was just orange juice. I sometimes changed it up and ordered a "rum and coke" but held back the rum. Anything to put on the airs that I was the same party girl/submissive I always was.

I got away with my charade for about three months, but I began to show my "baby bump," and David began giving me a hard time for putting on weight. He was starting to get suspicious about my behavior as well - morning sickness had kicked in and while I could blame it on drinking sometimes, I would get sick on mornings when we hadn't partied as well.

One night he confronted me. I guess he worked it out that I hadn't had a period in a while. I broke down in tears and confessed, telling him how much I loved him and that I wanted his baby. But tears never worked with him during Dom/sub sessions so why I thought they would now, I don't know.

He didn't hit me, but he was very angry at me. I tried to explain that it was an accident and I didn't mean to get knocked up. But he wouldn't hear my "pathetic excuses" (as he called them). He stormed out of the house and didn't come back that night at all. I cried until I didn't have any tears left and the next morning he called me up.

"Be at the pavilion at the park by the house in twenty minutes," he said, then the phone went dead. I quickly got dressed and got down to the park pavilion in ten minutes. Those other ten minutes waiting for him to arrive were agonizing. Finally, right at the twenty-minute mark, he showed up. My heart leaped when I saw him and I wanted to run into his arms. But he had a serious, no-nonsense look on him and I knew that would have been a mistake.

We talked for a bit and I told him again how much I loved him and didn't want to lose him. But he gave me a choice; either I get rid of "it" or move out. I was too far along to even consider an abortion and even if I wasn't, I really wanted my baby. So I gathered up my shattered heart, broken dreams, and very few possessions, and I left him.

I moved that week to a neighboring town - I stayed in the same general area because I wanted my son to have grandparents - and spent the next five years working; scraping by as best I could as a single mom and devoted all my time and energy to my son. I named him David because, despite all that happened between us, I still loved his father.

I didn't date for the first five years while David was a baby and would spend my nights writing in my journal while my son slept. I discovered that writing in my journal, putting down in words all my memories of the times I had with David was in a strange way cathartic, helping me to heal and get out all the feelings, thoughts, emotions, and dreams that I had inside me.

So I wrote and told my journal all about life with David. I described in minute detail all the parties, the sex, every nasty element of the things he would do to me and how it made me feel. I missed him a lot, but each time I looked at my beautiful son, I knew I had made the right decision.

The two things I missed most about my relationship with David were belonging to someone and the sex we had. I very much missed the feeling I had when I was with David, the feeling of belonging to him, of being owned by him. It gave me security and comfort that nothing else ever had. Sure I was part of my family, but that was just it - I was part of the family. With David, I WAS his family. I was everything to him and him to me. He didn't have a family - at least any that I knew of - so he focused on me. Being that connected to someone was nice.

I missed the sex too - the amazing, heart-stopping, fuck-me-till-I-can't-walk-away sex that we always had. He never failed to leave me a panting, cum-leaking mess, unable most times to speak and always unable to even walk to the bathroom to clean up. I had brought my vibrator and a few of my sex toys with me when I had left him, so, for now, I had my toys and my memories of my sexual adventures with him.

Those helped a lot on those many nights when I would be especially lonely and ended up masturbating while my son slept. David was kind enough to have the rest of my toys and things sent to my place about a month after I moved; the note said he didn't want them anymore because he couldn't look at them and remember us. I guess I understood his logic, although at the time it was like salt in an open wound.

Once my boy was almost five, I decided to move to a nicer place in a better part of town so that he could go to a good school that was closer to where we lived. I had gotten promoted at work and was making more money, so it was time to move up. I started dating again too… or at least trying to. But it seemed like my dating skills hadn't improved any with age. I still was a bum-magnet, drawing every loser and deadbeat within 100 miles!

Some of these ill-fated relationships lasted a few months before things hit the skids and some of them didn't last more than a date or two. But eventually, they all showed their true colors. I finally realized the guy wasn't what I needed in my life. I guess what I really wanted was a man like David, but that would accept a woman that already had a son. Which was a pretty tall order, and I didn't hold out much hope of filling it.

It didn't help that I lived in this small Arkansas town, either. Conway, Arkansas isn't exactly known as a dating mecca. I tried dating a few times, but when the conversation got around to what we liked in the bedroom and I told them my likes, they all seemed to be freaked out by it and that was the end of that.

There were times when I would go a year, sometimes longer, between relationships. I may have a date or two between relationships (I considered anything more than a handful of dates a relationship in my book!), but nothing more. Then I would swear off men for a while and just concentrate on my son and my job. But it never seemed to take very long before the next hopeless case stumbled into my life. And they always seemed to be just what I was looking for, my Mr. Right, and I would try one more time to find love and happiness.

Besides the fact I was sorely missing a sexual partner in my life, one that could be the man and Master that I needed, I was also hoping to one day meet someone that could be a good father for my son David. He was a really great kid; he always seemed really happy and was never any problem, but I just felt that maybe he needed a father figure. He had asked me about his father a few times over the years, and I had just told him that I loved his dad, but it had just not worked out. I didn't have the heart to tell him that his father didn't want him, at least not when he was young, maybe later when he was older and could understand things better.

The years slipped slowly by as time does. My son grew like a weed and my life wrapped around him. I threw myself into my work and raising David. My sex life dwindled to less than a trickle, and I wasn't getting any younger. I was beginning to lose hope of ever finding a suitable partner and seriously considered marrying my vibrator since it was the only one who understood me!

It wasn't that I was unhappy. I had my relationship with my son and that was wonderful… we were the best of friends, and even though he was now a teenager, he was never embarrassed to be seen in public with me. The two of us would go to the movies and shopping and do other things together. Once in a while, we would bump into one of his friends from school or something when we were out. But unlike a lot of kids his age, he didn't seem to mind being caught out on a date with his mother. He even introduced me to his friends as "his girl" - something that always made me smile and made my heart soar!

Looking back on it now, I feel like there were times when he wanted to feel like he was the man of the house and it was his job to look after me. I had never suggested it or put any kind of pressure on him to take on such a responsibility, but I think he felt he was getting older and it was time for him to step up. I admired him for wanting to take care of his mother that way, it was very grown up and mature of him. I wish there were more men that thought like that!

Almost before I knew it, my "little boy" David was 18 years old. I was starting to wonder when he was going to start dating girls and bringing them home to meet me. He was a good-looking boy, much like his father in a lot of ways… tall, dark and handsome. And with his charm and easy-going nature, he should be dripping with girls!

I hate to admit it, but sometimes on especially lonely nights, I lay in my bed with my vibe in my hand and my mind would go back to the days with my Master. I would remember how the sex was back then as my vibe did its best to replace him. In my artificially-induced lust, I would start to wonder if my son was well hung like his father too.

But as soon as thoughts like that entered my mind, I would growl at myself for having such wicked, un-motherly thoughts. Then read a few pages of my journal to bring back those memories of the bedroom games I used to play and masturbate before falling sleep.

I knew that David masturbated a lot too because of course, I did all his washing. But I just wrote it off as something boys his age did and didn't think much about it. The only thing I was curious about was who he was thinking about when he jerked off and whether he might ever bring this fantasy girl of his home to meet his mother.

I had no idea that, in fact, I was that fantasy girl of his masturbation fantasies.

It was puzzling, and a little troubling to me in fact, how, when I did my laundry I would often find some of my panties in there that I couldn't remember wearing that week. But it was a trivial thing and I passed it off at the time as I must be losing it… all those brain cells that I killed off during my hard partying days!

But other things starting happening as well… little things that individually didn't really mean a whole lot, but there was a definite pattern forming. However even though it was right in front of my face, I guess I couldn't see the writing on the wall…

David started to work out a lot and he wouldn't do it in the privacy of his room, he took his weights into the living room. He especially liked exercising when I was home in the living room with him. I would be watching the news or some program, and he would start "pumping iron" there where I could see him. He would do his exercises without a shirt on - in fact he very rarely wore anything on his top half while at home.

He would always want to show me how big his arms were getting, flexing his muscles, and of course, I would squeeze them and give him lots of praise. I figured he must be trying to impress some cute girl at school, but I didn't pry. I was so stupid, I did not know that all of this was for me. He wanted me to look at him, to notice he wasn't a little boy anymore.

When I was out shopping or at work, he would sneak in my room and look through my underwear and lingerie and sometimes he would sneak a pair of my panties to masturbate with. When I think back now at all the hints he was trying to give me, I must have been blind not to pick up on any of them.

David was constantly fantasizing about me, he would masturbate night after night and sometimes even leave his door open just a little. He was hoping that I might walk by his room and peek in on him. He would also leave the shower room door ajar too, with the same hope in mind.

He wanted me to see him not as my little boy, but as a man… as a potential sexual partner. But I never did look in on him during these times. I was always careful to give him his privacy. I never left my door open when I was masturbating, either. I found out later that sometimes he would listen at my closed door and hear me quietly moaning as I came. Without even realizing it, I was giving my lustful young son even more reason to go back to his room and masturbate over his mother.

Then came that fateful day when everything came into focus for me. I came home from work that afternoon as usual, and David wasn't home. This wasn't how things normally went - he was ordinarily home waiting to help me with dinner and ask me about my day. I wasn't too concerned at first, thinking he must have gone to a friend's house after school or something. But as time went by, I started to get worried.

It wasn't like him to not leave a note or give me a call to check in and let me know what was happening. I tried calling him on his cell phone, but I got no reply. Then I checked his room and it looked messier than usual (he normally keeps his room pretty clean to make it easier on me), and his dresser drawers were open. I was starting to think he had run away from home, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. Really concerned now, I went to my room and saw some of my drawers were open too. Baffled at this new wrinkle, I checked to see what if anything was missing.

That's when I saw it… my journal was gone! Oh my God! My journal! In a sheer panic I checked everywhere, under my bed, in every drawer, even under my pillow. Nothing! I knew where I had left it last night; under my panties in my bottom drawer right next to my vibrator like I always did. My vibe was still there, but he must have seen it when he took the journal.

Then another, even more, frightening thought entered my head, and I looked under my bed again and pulled out a small suitcase that I had stored all my sex toys and Dom/sub things in all these years. The lock to the suitcase had been broken open and nothing seemed to be missing, but it was obvious that someone had opened it and looked to see what I had been hiding.

I was devastated. I dropped to the floor and sat there sobbing into my hands, my broken into suitcase laying there open before me with all my sub things staring up at me. My son David will hate me; he will read all of the dirty, nasty, slutty things I did so willingly with his father and he is sure to think I'm some kind of sick perverted freak and I will probably never see him again. I sat on my floor with tears running down my face, feeling lost and hopeless.

Not only were all the most graphic details of my sex life with David in that book but also how David had wanted to me get rid of our baby and how he had kicked me out. All those years I had protected my son from the truth. And now this is how he had to find it out - all at once and I couldn't even be with him to comfort him when he found out the shocking truth about his father!

The only good thing in my writings, if there was a good thing in this mess, was that he will read how much I loved his father and even though he hurt me by throwing me out when I needed him the most, none of my journal entries did I ever write anything hateful about him.

I must have sat there on the floor of my room crying for about an hour before I got up. I looked out the living room window, which faced the street, hoping that I would see him coming home. But I didn't. It was getting pretty dark outside and I was really starting to get worried about my David now. I began making phone calls to every one of his friends I could remember meeting to see if anyone had seen him. No one had seen him since before I did that morning before I left for work.

I was just about to call the police, even though he hadn't been missing for 24 hours yet. I went back into his room once more to look around to see if maybe he had left me a note or anything and I missed it. I found no such note, but I did find a pair of my panties under his pillow. I picked them up thinking how strange it was they were in his room because I distinctly remember wearing that pair yesterday and I know that I had put them in the laundry hamper. So I knew they must be dirty. I smelled them just to check and not only did I get a whiff of my own scent but the strong odor of his cum too from this morning's masturbation session.

The realization of my find was just starting to sink in when my phone rang. I ran to it hoping it was David, but it stopped just as I picked it up. What if it was a wrong number? Or someone just wanting to chat? I would be on the phone when David tried to call me and I might miss his call!

I went back to my room and sat on my bed, trying to ring David again. It rang and rang, but there was no reply. I was just about to try all his friends again and was looking up their phone numbers in my directory when David walked into my room.

"I think you will find this a more interesting read than that phone book," he said sarcastically as he threw my journal book on my bed beside me.

I jumped up, excited to see that my boy was okay. "David! Oh, thank God you are all right! I was so scared something terrible happened to you!" I exclaimed, so happy to see him. I went to give him a big hug, but he pushed me back down to the bed, rather roughly.

"Sit down dammit! I will tell you when you can get up!" he scowled at me.

I was stunned; he had never spoken to me in such a tone before. I sat there looking up at him.

"I'm so sorry David! You were never supposed to read any of that stuff. I was going to tell you one day about your father, I really was," I sobbed as I tried to explain.

"Never mind all of that. Like I could give two shits about some asshole I never met!" His voice sounded angry and yet focused and determined. He had something to say and he was going to get it out. I paid attention to his words. "You are the one I'm interested in Mom, and now I know why nothing I ever do gets your attention. I've been going about it the wrong way," he stated. His tone sounded so unlike him. I was puzzled.

"What do you mean David?" I asked, confused.

"It's pretty simple Mom," he said, matter-of-factly, "from now on I'm going to be the Master around here, and you are going to belong to me."

I just stared at him in complete disbelief, shocked at what I was hearing from the lips of my sweet boy.

"Don't pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about Mom. I've read every word in your book over and over today, and I know what you like and how you like to be treated," he said in a wicked tone I'd never heard him use before.

"But David," I protested "Honey, you are my son, not my lover, you can't be my Master!" I was starting to freak out now as I stood up to confront him. Suddenly, and with the agility of a cat, he pushed me face first up against the wall. All those days and nights of weights in the living room were showing their effectiveness now as he held me firmly against the wall with my arms bent behind my back using hisTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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"Good morning, Miss Anderson," Crius said in a formal tone. "Please, call me, Linda," I replied. "Only if you call me, Crius," he answered. The Titan God smiled, but I detected no warmth to it. "Okay, Crius." I returned his smile with some reservation. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I didn't feel at ease with him. When he had asked me out to breakfast, I had been tempted to say 'no', but my curiosity had gotten the better of me. "So, what can I do for you?" "Nothing,...

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Andersonville 25 Dr Jensen I presume part II

I stood there in my black dress watching them slowly lower the casket into the ground. Standing next to me was my mother, who was weeping softly. Next to her was my sister Jennifer, and she seemed the saddest of us all. Perhaps she was remembering her own mother and father's funeral who had both died when she was just a young girl. On the other side of the casket I could see Crius standing next to Dennis with an impatient frown. He seemed so out of place, and the expression on...

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Andersonville 3 The Price of Revenge

Andersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...

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Andersonville 8 The return of Tom McClain

Andersonville 8 - The return of Tom McClain! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my good friend Darkside, who inspired me to reach beyond what I thought I was capable of writing. Fade in... "Would you like some desert Linda?" Dennis Butz asked politely. "No thanks," I answered suspiciously. The man had been acting way too nice to me today. It had been a pleasant lunch so far. Dennis had started out by asking how my brother was doing, and I could see that he...

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Andersonville 10 Boy trouble

"Come on out, Linda," Judge Herns told me. "I don't want to," was my reply back to her. "I look ridiculous!" "It can't be that bad," I heard Dr. Green say. "Yes it can," I responded through the closed door. "Why do I have to do this?" "Because it's part of your agreement for having me change you back into Linda," Judge Herns replied a little sternly. "Now come out here so we can see how you look." I reluctantly opened the door and stepped out wearing the ridiculous outfit...

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Andersonville 9 Never cry wolf

Andersonville 9 - Never cry wolf by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Gwendolyn Ann Smith for her, "Remembering our dead". It's a place dedicated to our TG brothers and sisters who were murdered at the hands of others due to hate and intolerance. On the average, one (1) TG person is murdered each month. Would you take a moment to visit the site, bow your head, say a prayer for our fallen brothers and sisters, and remember what we are fighting for - the right to be treated as any...

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Andersonville 22 The Awakening

Mike Stoner sat and watched as his boss read the report. Dennis Butz scanned through each page carefully, taking extra time to check out the psychological profile Mike had prepared. Satisfied with what he saw, Dennis placed the report down next to him. "Very thorough," he stated. "Thank you," Mike smiled. Dennis Butz was a good man to work for. "I think she is a very good choice for who you have in mind." Dennis nodded. "When can you move her?" "Tomorrow morning. I...

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Andersonville 27 What if

It was way too early for someone to be calling. Somewhere in the darkness of my room I could hear my cell phone ringing. Looking at the clock on my dresser I cursed - it was 3:30 in the morning. Moving my hand in the direction of the annoying sound, I found the phone and turned it on. "Hello," I said in a curt fashion. I wanted the person to know I wasn't happy about this early morning wake up call. "Good morning, Linda," Dennis Butz replied crisply. "I'm sorry to call you at...

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Andersonville 11 The God Slayer

There we were, two girls having lunch on a cool, April day - only that wasn't the case at all. Neither of us was who we really once were and only one of us was a girl. At least that's what I kept telling myself. As I began my second year as a citizen of Andersonville, there were times I regretted my decision to be turned back into Linda Anderson. It wasn't that I hated my life; I just didn't feel natural living as a woman. In all fairness, I most likely would have felt as...

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Andersonville 17 Childhood

Fade in... The town of Andersonville Larry Smith, Bill Maxwell, and Steve Anderson walked across the school grounds. They didn't have football practice today, but that didn't stop the boys from pursuing other types of sports. They were heading for the park to shoot some hoops. The three of them looked like a group of typical teenage boys, but there was nothing typical about them, or for that matter, anyone else in Andersonville. "Is Sally going to meet us there?" Larry asked....

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Andersonville 18 Love and War

There I sat shifting through the many piles of papers lying on my desk and wishing I were somewhere else. It was truly amazing how many reports passed through my hands to be filed or used to type up other reports. I knew that at least half of them would reach Judge Jasper's desk, where he would study them for a few minutes then put them in his out box to be filed by you know who. What surprised me was how much information Judge Jasper remembered. He would quote me numbers on the...

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I pushed open my bedroom door and a crowd of girls rushed me. “Master!” they all yelled in impatience. “Sorry, girls, sorry, I had to get our last member.” Neija, clinging to my arm, gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” We stepped into the bedroom, to find that the entire floor was covered in beds. Lean a few on the walls and we’d have a giant padded cell. “Ok, girls, are you all ready to play tonight?” “Yeah!” the cheered. “Momo wants to go first!” my cat demanded. “No, me!” shouted...

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Andersonville 26 Hate Crimes

Fade in - Somewhere in the Northwestern United States Leo knew he was in trouble the moment he came out of the portal. The place where he was supposed to have gone looked nothing like where he was. Instead of being in the Arizona desert, he was in a canyon surrounded by high cliffs and tall pine trees. On one of the rocky bluffs he caught sight of a herd of wild mountain goats walking along a precarious ridge. "Oh crap," Leo shouted, mostly out of a reaction to the fear he...

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Andersonville 24 Dr Jensen I Presume

"She's here," Leo said in a respectful tone. Crius grunted, and slowly rose from the chair in his tiny but comfortable study. His new accommodations, a single story house with two bedrooms, were smaller than what he was used to, but still better than what the Olympians had provided him with. He entered the living room, and waited for a woman in her early 60's to get out of the car. She walked slowly, with a limp, as she made her way up the entranceway. Leo ushered her inside,...

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Andersonville 29 Terror from the sky

Fade in -- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Cheyenne Mountain Command Center General Grim walked swiftly down the carpeted hallway flanked by two high-ranking Colonels who served as his aides. His mood matched his name. Anyone who dared wake him in the middle of the night had better have a good reason, and this one certainly fit the bill. Over the past two days his facility had tracked an object just beyond the orbit of Neptune. Normally it would've been...

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Andersonville 4 Fallen Star

Andersonville 4 - Fallen Star by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to the volunteers and workers of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other related, drug rehab programs. Fade in... I couldn't believe I was sitting here. Twelve years ago I was at the top of my game. 'Mack the knife' the fans use to call me. They gave me that name because I would slice through the defense of any team in the NFL. My team, the Cincinnati Bengals, was 14 and 2 going into the playoffs. We...

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stepson becomes moms sissy

Mark Peters let out a low moan that couldn’t be heard above the organ as it played "Here Comes the Bride." Although every other head in the church turned to glimpse the tall, dark-haired beauty imperiously making her way down the aisle, Mark kept his eyes fixed on his feet. Had anyone been paying attention, they would have seen a small tear escape Mark’s eye.It seemed like only yesterday that Mark’s mother and father had split up. Mark’s dad, Mark Senior, was a partner in one of the city’s...

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My Headmaster My Master

Once again, Holly walked down the school corridor, she was being sent to the headmaster’s office. This time it wasn’t even her fault, one of the other girls had thrown the paper airplane. She always got the blame. She walked past the toilets and decided it would be better to hide out in there. Sneaking in, she looked at herself in the mirror. Holly was a cute seventeen-year-old girl with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. She had a small nose and pretty mouth, perfect for sucking cock. She checked...

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My Masters Wish I wrote this for my master who

We'll as you know Master, I was up on Exmoor, it was a lovely weekend at my friends house with just her husband and c***dren, they are old friends of mine from uni and I was just going to chill out, walk on the moors (I could have lots of fun there) and sit by the fire with some was just what I needed but I couldn't get what you said out of my head...I'd been thinking about it all day on Friday and when we took the dogs off to the moors for a walk, I kept picturing myself tied up to...

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Andersonville 14 The Mailman

Flashback - Three months earlier... Judge Jasper opened up the chamber door with such great force that he almost ripped it from its hinges. Behind him followed Andrew Marshall (Mars), Pete Akins (Apollo) and Ashlee Gang. Jupiter slammed the crumbled note down on his desk in rage and faced his two sons. "This is intolerable!" he almost screamed. "A few months ago it was just one person, today it's two. What's he going to do the next time, bring in a busload?" "Father,"...

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Andersonville 20 The Cure

"Good morning, Crius," Dennis Butz said. "And to you - 'brother'," Crius replied with just a hint of sarcasm. The Titan God was seated on the back porch of his new residence having breakfast. He was dressed in his traditional long, white robe with an oversized hood that was common before the war with the Olympians. Nearby sat Lucus, who eyed the director carefully. Dennis gave him a frown and sat down. "Where's the suit I got you?" Dennis inquired. Crius grunted as he...

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Alyson is Addicted to Her Black Cock

Alyson couldn't stop thinking about the previous evening and Roger's big cock. She had trouble sleeping and although she had had so many intense climaxes the thought of it just kept making her more aroused. She woke early in the morning, reached over to Graham and rubbed his cock. As she got it hard she straddled him and it slid inside her so easily. Although she managed to make herself cum she was immensely disappointed with his size. Later on her way to work while driving in her Mazda sports...

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Alyson is ordered into The Room

Alyson is ordered into The RoomAlyson felt she needed to get away from home, she had lived with her mum and dad for long enough and now she was in her mid 20s she had to make the break.  As she worked in Durham it had to be fairly near so it was easy to get there and easy to get back to visit her mum and dad. She trawled through the local papers and found a first floor apartment to rent in a nearby village.She picked up the phone and called the number. A man answered and told her about the...

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Alyson is Ordered into The Room

Alyson felt she needed to get away from home, she had lived with her mum and dad for long enough and now she was in her mid 20s she had to make the break. As she worked in Durham it had to be fairly near so it was easy to get there and easy to get back to visit her mum and dad. She trawled through the local papers and found a first floor apartment to rent in a nearby village. She picked up the phone and called the number. A man answered and told her about the accommodation and she arranged to...

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Sonali become Panchali

I was in the library early one evening and as I finished my paper I noticed one of the girls working there was getting ready to leave. I had talked to Sonali before, during her break, but felt she was not attracted to me except as a friend. She was great looking with tremendous tits. Ever since the first time I had laid eyes on her I knew she was someone I needed to know better, if you catch the drift. She impressed me as being somewhat prudish but smart and had a relaxed personality. As she...

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Soniya ki piyar bhari kahani

Hi mera naam shabnam hai aur mera taaluq germany se hai. Main apni ek bahut hi khoobsurat saheli soniya(name changed) ki kahni us ki ijazat se pesh kar rahi hoon. Soniya aur main taqreeban class 10th se saheliyan bani. Who hi ek ghair mulki laarki thi jo meri class mein thi aur woh pakistan se thi. Bahut khoobsurat aur lambe qad ki malik aur lambe baal. Haqeeqat mein bahut khoobsurat. Hum donon bahut achchhi dost hain aur ekatthe hi hum ne a-level pass kiya aur soniya ne medical mein aur maine...

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Andersonville 28 Freedom Fighters

Author's notes: Permission to use the names of my fellow authors (and good friends) was obtained before this story was written. Any negative events that happened in this story were explained before consent was given. Fade in... There was no doubt they were in love. My brother was lying on Sally's lap while she ran her long, delicate fingernails through his hair. Steve's injuries were healing nicely, and the doctor had said that he should be able to walk without his crutches...

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This is my first story, so i hope you like it… If you dont please give me advice! thanks!! My name is Kelly and this is the story about me and my cousins best friend Jayson. I was headed over to my cousins house one Friday which was common for me. I was best friends with the girl, Stacy (16) and her older brother was just like a brother to me, Dakota (18). Dakota constantly had hot friends coming over which made their house a common hang-out place for me. But my by far favorite of his...

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Alyson and the black cock

Alyson’s desperate urge for a big black cockAlyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a  twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently.She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the...

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Alysons Urge for a Huge Black Cock

Alyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently. She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as...

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Alysons Urge for a Huge Black Cock

Alyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently. She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 10 Masters and Mastered

Ms Masters looked up from her laptop as she heard someone coming into the locker room. Normally this was her free period, so she had not been expecting anyone. In fact, she had just finished catching up on her email and was about to unlock her private directory, when she heard someone enter. Moving out into the main locker area, she saw Niki and her friend Cyndi by Niki’s locker, the blonde haired girl helping Niki out of her robe. “What are you two doing?” “Oh, um, Niki kinda made a mess...

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Allyson Ch 03

It was a terrible situation, but Allyson decided to make the best of it. She lost her room, her clothes, and all her status, such as it was, but she still believed in John, and if nothing else, she still believed in herself. She’d work harder than ever. She’d prove to John that she was worthy of his love. The next couple weeks were a continuous routine of cleaning, scrubbing, washing, ironing, serving, cooking, and her weekly humiliation at the hands of an old pervert. At first she was asked...

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Allyson Ch 07

The two women helped each other down the stairs. Both had a lot on their minds. The younger woman, Allyson, was recovering from a vicious beating. She didn’t actually need help, not in a physical sense, but her emotional situation was far different. At the moment she felt about as needy as she’d ever been in her entire life, and from the standpoint of a former foster child who’d spent her whole childhood shuttled from facility to facility much like a water bucket passed from hand to hand...

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Becoming a Master Chapter 2 Rerun

“Oh god………” I asked in a squeaky voice. I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was laying next to me caressing my chest and stomach. My cock was not even paying attention to what my brain was trying to tell it. It was rock hard and ready for more. “Hmm baby, seems like someone is happy to see me. Think I can get some more of that lovely cream from the source?” she asked as she started kissing her way down my chest and stomach. When she reached my cock head she kissed it and...

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Sondra Meets A New Lady Lover

My friends, both male and female all consider me an attractive woman, - despite or perhaps because of - my being in my early forties. Very much a lady, but certainly not a prude. After being married long enough for my two children to have left home, I have a lot of time on my hands during the week while my husband is at work.One morning after shopping, while sipping a short black in a coffee shop in a fashionable beachside suburb, a woman who I had met socially a few times came and sat beside...

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Allyson Ch 04

Having gotten word from Hannah that Paul had been to see Allyson John left work early. He had his suspicions. He thought somebody had been seeing her, and somebody had tipped over the apple cart regarding the judge. Who else but Paul? Yes Paul was a problem. He had to be dealt with. Meanwhile back at the house, after Paul left Allyson continued with her usual routines, cleaning, scrubbing, and just generally trying to keep busy. If what Paul had intimated was at all true then just maybe John...

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Andersonville 13 Three Finger Jack

It was a perfect Saturday morning in Peace River. It was warm, but not too warm, and I was out taking a stroll around the town trying to get a feel for everything here. Connie had offered to go with me but I declined, saying I needed some time alone. I hated to admit it, but I was missing my life back in Andersonville. As I walked past Shady Pine Cemetery, I spotted Ashlee Gang laying some flowers on a grave. She didn't seem upset, rather the look on her face was comforting, as...

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Andersonville 30 The Day Dennis Butz Died

Fade in - Andersonville Cemetery 50 years from now. Gently I placed the flowers on the grave of my beloved husband with much sorrow. Three long years had past since his death, and yet I missed him as much as the day he had died. Close by were the graves of my parents, also having long ago gone to their reward. The Anderson's hadn't been my biological parents, but I had called them my own just the same. Next to my parents was the final resting-place of my brother, Steve, AKA...

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Allyson Ch 02

Allyson involuntarily leaned back on the steps, her naked rear end on the edge of the third step from the bottom brushing up against the rough pile of the carpeted stairs. Her clothes were in a pile on the floor around her socked feet, her hands were tied behind her back with the shoes strings from the saddle shoes Hannah had bought her. Her hair was mussed, and had she been able to see, her lipstick was smudged. Standing in front of her were two young men, a third, the one who’d knotted her...

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Allyson Ch 06

At first the call from Audra caught the boys off guard, but they quickly recovered. While Wayne pulled the sleeping bags out of the tent and rolled to them up, Paul loaded the fishing gear and coolers. Aubrey soon had the tent down, and after a walk over to clean up any litter they were on their way. All three were tired so to keep awake they started to chatter. A number of things came up, but in the back of everyone’s mind there was only one topic that anyone cared about. ‘So she wants to...

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Allyson Ch 05

By mid-morning the Hanson’s had managed to get Allyson back to their house. Mrs. Hanson, Audra, helped her upstairs and back into Paul’s bedroom. Allyson had been given a heavy dose of antibiotics, a mild pain killer, and a sedative to calm her down. Audra was thankful the doctors had medicated her so heavily since it had made it easier to get her settled. All the way back Allyson tried valiantly to assert herself, she insisted she’d soon be OK and able to start back out on her own. Audra knew...

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Allyson my sultry little aussie devil

“Really?” she asks me with a curious smile. “That’s what some psychological studies have suggested”, I reply. A psychoanalytical suggestion that men are attracted to the female’s butt because it stands for the breasts seems to intrigue Allyson, my 19 years old Australian student. She is one of the most lively and vivacious girls amongst the 31 odds students from Italy, France, Chile, Argentina, US, India, Iran, Japan, Korea and Australia who are in the international graduate exchange programme...

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Sonal bhabhi ko bulsar mai khub choda

Hello Dosto kaise hai? Mai apni dusri stori ko lekar fir se apke samne aagaya hu. Pahle mera introduce to kara du mera name Rahul from valsad (Gujarat) my ID is guru4you.929 meri age 29 hai. Maine apni age ki stori mere boss ki biwi ki chudai ki stori likhi thi ajbhi mai usko jamkar chidta hu. Vo vaise haihi itni sexy ki usko dekhtehi mera land khada ho jata hai. Me jabbhi unke ghar jata hu to akeleme ragini bhabhi ko chode bina ata nahi hu. Meri dusri kahani bhi unke gharsehi start hui hai...

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Sonali amar Sahakarmini 4

Ami kono mote Sonalir ghorer chabi ta reception theke niye nilam aar taratari Sonalir ghore giye camera gulo khule nilam. Ami camera ta rewind kore ami dekhte laglam je kemon chobi eseche. Tar por ami taratari niche giye dekhlam je Sonali ekta sofa te boshe ache aar Mr. Sen anno karur songe kajer katha bolchen. Ami chabi ta chupchap Sonali ke diye dilam aar giye Mr. Sener songe katha bolte laglam. Ami Mr. Sen ke bollam, “hello Sir, ami Partho hochhee aar ami Productione kaj kori. Ami ekhane...

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Soniya ki piyar bhari kahani 2

Hello piyare doston main phir shabnam ap ki khidmat mein haazir hoon.aj main ap ko apne bare main bataoon gi ke kaise mera aur martin ka jismani taaluq huwa. Ye soniya ki shadi se taqreeban do hafte pahele ki baat hai. Main amooman university ke baad soniya ke ghar chali jati thi kiyunke soniya ki ammi ne kaha huwa tha ke main soniya ki shadi main un ka haath bataoon. Ye mere khiyal mein hafte ki raat thi aur martin ki aaj soniya ke ghar par dawat thi. Kiyunke derh hafte qabal martin ka...

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