Angus Sold Me At A Cocktail Party free porn video

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“Doesn’t it bother you when he does that?” Whitfield discreetly whispered under the chatter of the surrounding cocktail party guests.

“Does what?” I asked, already knowing to what he was referring.

“Flirts with women like that!” answered my former physics professor turned friend and returning crew member for our most recent MI-6 assignment. “It’s rather salacious, don’t you think Deetz? I mean the whole Crown knows you and Angus are married some four years now. Won’t this give the appearance that there is ‘trouble in paradise’?”

Tad Whitfield, albeit older and certainly smarter than I when it came to science and engineering, was a complete idiot when it came to relationships – in part due to a descriptive diagnosis of Asperger’s – but I relished his concern. “For Angus, flirting is like Olympic fencing. And unlike an Errol Flynn movie, nothing real untoward is going to happen.” I put my glass of water and lemon on a nearby coffee table, only to straighten and to look down at Whitfield’s scrunched up nose. “Pardon my indelicacy old friend, but I hardly think Angus is going anywhere, particularly after the exploding orgasm I gave him this morning,” I whispered. I pointed at the one of the two ladies, one a giggling divorcee masquerading as last season’s debutante then added, “I think even in his most heterosexual of moments, I doubt Angus would waste his time with that. It is all just a bit of fun.”

“If you say so, Mate,” replied Whitfield as he took another sip of his vodka tonic.

I gave Whitfield an affirming smile and pat on the back before he left to join his wife who had just returned from the powder room where she was installing listening devices. They made an odd but striking pair – Whitfield a short, stocky Caucasian, female-to-male transgender person and Mishiko, a tall, fit cis woman of Japanese-African descent and a survivor of genital mutilation – but their union challenged the imagination only if you didn’t know their history, as I did. The pair of them along with my younger sister, Ciara, her husband Tom, Angus, and I made up a team of agents that investigated (or debunked) alien activities in service to the Crown – we were the X-Files for people who know the truth.

Angus Reese, the 12th Earl of Glamorgan, was my childhood sweetheart, not that he did anything with that information when we played as kids. My father was his father’s valet, as was the tradition in both families. Neither of us knew, until we reunited after an absence of nearly a decade from the family home, Morganwg, in Cardiff, Wales, that the relationship between the valets and lords of the estate – dating as far back as the mid-1600s – sometimes evolved into clandestine love relationships and even when romantic feelings did not arise between the two men, there was a strong bond of loyalty. That bond had been created by some rogue druidic priests long before. When Angus and I caught up with one another after our fathers’ untimely deaths, Angus would have considered himself “straight” and I, well, I had had sex with anything human, over the age of 21, who was breathing. Our relationship, grew despite my issues with intimacy and his rejection of the label “gay”.

Tonight, we were at Lord Trenton’s dinner party as part of an intelligence gathering operation. Trenton and Angus weren’t friends but served together in the House of Lords and this was the annual autumn party hosted by Lady Trenton – everyone in British society came including any foreign diplomats who happened to be about London at the time. It was all very lavish, chic, bejeweled, and boring. So now that Mishiko nodded to me indicating that all the devices were properly stationed, I sighed and joined Angus in hopes that the flirtatious exchange he was having with the remaining lady was about over. I was ready to go home and resume our activities from the early morning. “Hello!” I said cheerfully toward the lady. I touched Angus’s lower back, the palm of my hand targeting through his jacket at a certain spot between a sprawled eagle tattoo and the top of his ass. “And to whom do I owe the pleasure?” I grinned at him like a Chesire cat and gave the erogenous spot a slight rub, hoping doing so would encourage him to cut their conversation short.

Angus gave me that you’re-gonna-get-it-good-later smile. “Desmond Mac Innes-Reese, may I introduce you to Victoria Radcliff. Victoria, this handsome man in the kilt matching mine, is my husband.”

I bowed slightly, like in the movies, so my sarcasm wasn’t too obvious and said, “Charmed. My family and friends call me ‘Deetz’”. Seeing her up close, I realized she was younger and more attractive than I initially thought. Actually, she was rather cute, late thirties maybe early forties, long dark brown hair with natural reddish streaks tied in a conservative styled bun and a dark olive skin complexion. Underneath the colorful afghan that matched her light green eyes, I could tell she had nice curves and soft spots in all the right places. Well, my Angus always had very good taste.

“Wonderful to meet you, Deetz.” My name sounded like licorice coming from her mouth. She remained seated but offered her hand to shake. It was firm, almost like a businessman closing a deal in Shanghai. “Your husband has spoken a great deal about you. I understand you’re quite the old movie fan.”

What had Angus been saying to her? I gave him a quizzical look and he turned away ostensibly to exchange with the waiter his empty champagne glass for a full one. And here I thought he was flirting.

Victoria stood up, shaking her head. She patted my chest, just above the handkerchief pocket of my jacket. I’m clair-sentient. I can feel people’s thoughts and feelings sometimes through walls. And this woman was sending clear signals about who was the predator and who was the prey. “I need to call it an early evening gentlemen. However, it was a pleasure to meet you both.” She offered an inviting, sweet smile to both of us. “Hopefully, we can meet again in the future.” She might as well have slipped a business card in my pocket. We both watched that ass swish as she moved away, envisioning just how nicely those tits had to be matching the bounce in her walk.

“Wow,” was all Angus could say, looking like a thirteen-year-old with a beard.

“She’s an Israeli spy,” I said. “Likely she’s on the same path as we are in this investigation.”

He pushed his shoulder length hair from his face. “You got all that from just a touch?” he said finishing his glass then giving it to another waiter. 

“You wound me!” I smirked. “I thought it was my touches that captured your heart.”

Angus rolled his eyes. “Let’s go.”

He walked past me and I read his mind. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought he was thinking of cheating on me.


The primary accusation against bi or pansexual people is that we are untrustworthy - the political folks think we aren’t fully invested in queer rights and the rest think we will abandon them as soon as some heterosexual situation becomes available. These accusations were true of me. I could give a shit about anybody’s community and had no compunction about leaving after fucking anything that moved. Then came Angus and I found hope that someone would love me.

So, it was no wonder that after returned to our townhouse, Churton Place, I allowed him to rope my hands together, chain them to a hook on the wall above our bed, and blindfold me. Did I tell you I was naked too?

For a while, he didn’t touch me but I could feel him and smell his sandalwood cologne. He was watching me, gauging my reactions by how much my dick moved and how heavily I breathed. We’d sometimes go on like this for an hour. It was the way with us, the way we battled - the sub and his master – to determine who was really in charge. I was winning until Angus said, “I want to watch you fuck her.”

I temporarily broke character. “What?”

He didn’t hesitate, stayed in place. “I want to watch you fuck her.” He came close, let out a slow breath against my neck that chilled my titanium slave chain. “I know how it feels when you touch me but I can’t see myself when it happens. Mirrors are tacky. And we’d need a full camera crew to capture the feel of it all.” I could hear him scratch his balls but he was likely avoiding touching his dick as he was leaving that for me. I heard his chair creek when he sat back.

Again and as usual, my husband surprised me. I broke the scene again. I just had to ask. “I thought you wanted her,” my voice dripping with jealousy and insecurity like an anxious senior waiting to be asked to the prom. I guess elements of my abuse survivorship would never go away.

This time he came to sit on the bed next to me, put his hand against my chest. He was breathing heavily which let me know it was him who was losing control. “You deft cow!” Angus smirked. “I’ve been waiting, looking actually, for a woman that fits the description of the ones you’ve always said you liked screwing.” He took in a deep breath and continued, “I thought of hiring one of those ladybois from Thailand you always talked about but I could tell by the way we had sex afterwards, that it was the real . . . “

“You mean cis,” I corrected, feeling funny about doing so while I was in such a position.

“Yeah, cis. Anyway, you’ve always shown a penchant for slightly older, dark complexion, curvy girls. Ms. Radcliff seemed to fit the bill.”

A moment of silence and the idea of soft, warm tits rolled around my head like a pinball against bumpers. “You seemed to have this all worked out.”

“Your dick appears to like the idea.”

“Right.” I was blushing now. “I guess.” 

“You guess?” He was enjoying this. “Like seems a bit tame.” Abruptly he removed his hand and got up. He took his time and I followed his smell as he walked around the other side of the bed. He sat back down. “Bend your legs. Keep your knees apart.”

I waited again. Then the warm gel and the slight vibration from his prosthetic middle finger teased the entrance to my asshole. He had lost his left hand during our first MI-6 mission. This artificial limb was custom made to feel and move better than his natural one. Although it did not give him sensation, it made my butt nearly leap off the bed. You gotta love science. “Angus. Angus, please!”


“Please, your lordship.” The only time he really liked the whole title thing was when we played. “And what do you think you can beg of me?” He put half the finger in now.

I groaned and strained against my binding, “Can I cum for you?”

He smiled, “Only after you tell me, tell me what you’re going to do to her.” He put his whole finger in.

“I will please her like you please me, your Grace.” At this point, I would have told him I’d teach the woman how to tap dance and juggle at the same time if necessary.

“We’ll see,” he said before abruptly stopping, crawling over to lift my legs so far in the air you’d think I was signaling planes at Heaththrow. He pushed his cock into me harshly and there wasn’t much lube so it hurt a bit at first. But he came quickly, as did I.

He pulled the red silk scarf from my eyes and untied me, rubbing my wrist attentively. “I’m sorry to come at you so hard,” he said self-consciously. “You’re not mad, are you?”

I thought of admitting to my earlier jealousy but changed my mind. “No. But can I touch your heart?” 

He gave me a sidelong glance while putting my hand on his chest, “You couldn’t hear my feelings, thoughts before?”

The warmth and caring coming from him would have overloaded a surge protector. “One can never feel love often enough.”


Clos Maggiore was considered by many as the most romantic restaurant in London - lavender cushioned 2 and 3 chair settings surrounding white cloth tables, matching flowered branches hanging just below a glass roof that opened to the stars during warm evenings or remained closed to keep in the warmth from the hearth woodstove fire, and the sounds of a jazz quartet dancing along the atmosphere. We started with Chargrilled Sicilian Aubergine, Sweet Peppers and Corsican Ricotta with Crispy Seeded Flat Bread & Onion Jam. Victoria had the Slow Cooked Organic Irish Sea Trout in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, while Angus and I had the Oven Roasted Welsh Rack of Lamb & Slow Cooked Shoulder. The wine cellar featured 250 varieties from the finest vineyards in Europe so we shared a Chevalier over the meal and, instead of dessert, spritz, while Angus and I had espresso. Most of the time we laughed and talked about our childhoods, hers first in the States then Israel. All in all it was the weirdest place to have a business dinner where I was to be sold to a Mossad agent for the pleasure of my master. Welcome to my life.

“You do realize gentlemen that this changes nothing as it relates to our mutual mission,” she stated plainly before taking a sip from her drink. “My government, as I am sure you can understand Deetz, has a special interest here.”

“Right,” I nodded to her. “If this is the Ark, I’m sure the Crown would not hesitate getting it to its rightful owner.”

“Your government however has, how should I put it,” she answered with just a hint of an American accent, “a history of over promising when it comes to matters in the Middle East.”

She was referring to the fact that when the British took over, after the Great War, what was then called Palestine, they promised it to both the Arabs and the Jews – a land that at that time was nothing more than overused dirt and dusty forgotten artifacts. “Victoria, I am a religious man not Indiana Jones. If the Ark still exists, and I have my doubts about that, you have my word that it will be returned to where it belongs.”

“Deetz, I am not a religious woman and I hope your government will let you keep your promise.” As she said that, she leaned forward, the curve of her breasts slightly peaking over her soft cupped bra. Nothing like a bit of bra bulge I say.

Angus tapped the side of his cup with a spoon to call our attention. “There is the other matter.” He cleared his throat. “I hope my terms meet your approval.”

“Yes,” she said with a slight smirk. “The terms are highly satisfactory, if somewhat unusual. I’d hoped for a bit of entertainment while I was in London but this was not on my hotel concierge’s list of local attractions.”

“You don’t find him attractive?” Angus asked.

She looked me up and down like she was purchasing breeding stud. “I typically like my men huskier, with a bit more meat on them.”

“I assure you,” Angus answered matter-of-factly, “he is well cut and compact.” He drained the last of his espresso then added, “And he is nicely endowed, if that’s what you need.”

She waved him off, “Motion in the ocean and all that.” She looked me over again and this time my dicked twitched. She turned back to Angus. “I don’t do this normally.”

“Fuck strange men or buy them?” I asked.

“Touch individuals who are already, claimed,” she said pointedly. She turned back to Angus, “But seeing that you will be there and your ask was so earnest, I believe I am doing you both a favor.” She started to stand up and her little black dress repositioned nicely over those firm thighs. Angus and I stood immediately, as our mothers taught us to do when a lady rises. Victoria finished by saying, “I have a room at The Portobello. And Angus, remember the other part of our agreement; you cannot touch me.”

“Madam, I have no intention of touching you.”


The Portobello was a charming Notting Hill hotel with charming interiors and an accurate Victorian style. Many of the ‘rich and famous’ spent time there thus the staff know to turn a blind eye to the comings and goings of their guests, as well who their guests come and go with. Plus, since some winning Univision band stayed there, all the rooms now had sound reduction equipment. I could make this woman squeal at the top of her lungs and even the pigeons on the window sill wouldn’t hear her.

Arriving at the luxurious and spacious room, I realized that I hadn’t felt so awkward or silly since I was in college when I thought I had to take a girl out and spend globs of money on her to get a snog. I learned quickly that sufficient alcohol would do the same thing. Since that time, I hadn’t had any problems, except for those slappers who got ideas afterwards and they were easily pawned off on friends or acquaintances. Yeah, I was more of a cad than Michael Caine in Alfie (sorry, Jude Law’s 2004 version, in comparison, was way too tame). But now, I watched Angus and Victoria freely undress in what served as the living room, being careful to lay their expensive clothing neatly on a nearby chair. Only I, the presumptive piece of meat, remained fully dressed.

“Mate,” Angus said jovially, “you’re on. I can hardly get the sense of your rumpy-pumpy with you standing there holding the floor in place.”

“I think I told you before, the difference between sex with men and that between males and females is quite minuscule.”

He walked into the bedroom and tossed back, “Prove it.” Victoria followed right behind him, with those signature bouncy moves that seemed now to have even more impact. “There’s a full bar over there. Make us some of your specials, eh?” he commanded.

Okay, was I the servant too? I walked over to a bar better stocked than the one we have at Churton Place – full with only top shelve alcohol, the names of which I was surprisingly unfamiliar. Full size bottles lined up perfectly on aged maple shelving that matched the rest of the decor. All the fixings were there as well with a few stocked behind a small glass door refrigerator built into the wall. I was making two glasses of his favorite martini recipe. I learned it from a Zen master when I was traveling through Japan years before while learning various martial arts and getting numerous illegal tattoos – I considered both a form of harm reduction in response to urges toward self-mutilation. I poured the drink ingredients into the cocktail shaker and shook the concoction with irritation, not caring if it was my best work. I don’t drink – having learned a while back that addiction and childhood abuse make bad bed fellows - so what the fuck did I care how it tasted? I was pissed and considered stomping into the next room and demanding that this game was ended, calling my safe word, and reminding Angus that my slave contract expressively stated that any elements of humiliation were not done in public. But, as I carried the finished product closer to the bedroom, I sensed his thoughts – Angus had reasoned to rid my collywobbles by pissing me off. And it had worked.

I stopped shortly before the doorway, close enough to see them without them seeing me. Although naked, the two of them chatted comfortably, like a couple of friends at an outdoor restaurant on a nudist beach. My handsome man, tattooed extensively too but not as densely as I, sat in a tall dark brown cushioned chair that wouldn’t be misplaced in someone’s late 19th Century library. He was telling an amusing story about his last visit with the Israeli Prime Minister. Victoria was sitting on the edge of the maroon draped canopy bed, leaning against one of the poles, ready to laugh at my husband’s upcoming punchline. I finally took in those curves and skin tone of hers, realizing that Angus had chosen well – she was stunning and my dick wanted me to seduce her. 

“Here you go,” I said applying a deepened tone to my voice while handing them both their drinks. I turned to her first and added, “You’ll want to sip as the effects, I am told, accumulate in the background as the tastiness increases.”

“You’re not having one?” she asked.

“No,” I said handing Angus his taller glass, “I like both of my heads to be clear at moments like these.” I dropped a few condoms on the side table then looked up at the lighting adjustment opportunities while I started unbuttoning my shirt. I could feel Angus take in a breath.

“What’s that?” She was obviously noticing my Allwedd Derw, a Druidic symbol of an oak key, a raised brand on my back that, since puberty, lights in different colors in response to my emotions. Usually when I anticipated casual encounters, I didn’t take my shirt off to avoid awkward explanations. However, I was certain her home office had briefed her extensively about us and that her question was a simple ruse. “The sparks are harmless. Worry only if it turns black.”

I started looking at the lighting in the room again and began to adjust the atmosphere. I opened the floor length curtains to let the moonlight in and turned off the overhead lights. I found a lamp behind Angus’s chair and put a large, decorative white dolly over its stain glass shade. When I came around I stopped and gave him a kiss at his hairline and briefly ran my fingers through a lock that had defiantly fallen from his carefully fitted man bun. He considered me with curiosity but I gave him no heed. Instead, I walked over to the nightstand closest to where she was seated, turned on the lamp there and angled the cloth shade toward the wall. I looked at Victoria directly with what must have been a slightly fierce continence for she immediately sat back. I grinned, realizing that I’d finally cleaved onto an earlier me – the disinterested one, the one that made everything into some joke or game, the one Angus insisted I get rid of unless it was for the sake of a mission. I guess this situation was one of the latter. I took out my mobile and attached it to the radio speakers provided as a hotel amenity. I adjusted the volume so that my playlist – Frank, Ella, Coltrane, and the like – whispered sweet promises into the air like a flickering scented candle. Angus wasn’t the only one who could be planful.

I removed the belt from my pants, then undid the top button and got on the bed, crawling over Victoria to her left side, letting my breath caress her face as I moved by. “I want him to see what I do to you, how I lift you off this bed.” Goosebumps formed on her chest. 

She gave me a sidelong glance. “Mr. Mac Innes-Reese, I’m hardly some quivering virgin,” she said to hide her excitement.

“No quivering?” I drew small, slow circles on her left knee with the tip of my fingers as I settled next to her against the headboard. She pulled her left leg up in playful haughtiness while I watched the goosebumps travel there. “Not even a little?” I kissed her shoulder and she giggled softly in reaction to my lips. I let my hand fall a bit inside the thigh and she quickly closed her legs as if to push me away. “Really?” I said while I firmly pulled the legs apart again. “If you’re not a virgin, then don’t act like one.” That got a slight exhale.

Just like poker players, everyone has a tell. Women like to challenge you to find theirs while most men offer theirs upfront as they are rather impatient to get to the point of it all – I am still uncertain if the latter is an unfortunate side effect of heterosexism or a hormonal prerogative. Either way, I prefer fucking women only because sex with them tends to require at least some finesse and skill, that is if you are there for a reason other than self-stimulation. And my pleasure has always come first and foremost from the pleasing of others. I have also found that some women get off from being teased, while others like the game forced on them. And some women want to be petted, for you to stroke and tugged at their feline side. Victoria seemed to be from the latter camp and her reactions to my light touches told me that I had to start from the bottom and work my way up, from the outside inwards. “Close your eyes,” I said in a husky tone before continuing, “and stop thinking.” She complied but I waited a moment more before coming closer and returning my fingers to her knees, occasionally dropping down around her calves. I watched her face closely, noticing the subtle shifts in her expression, changes in her breathing, and feeling into her mind. She only let me in a little and closed a few doors when she realized I had seen she too had an inner child to protect. That was fine. For what I was doing, I didn’t need to delve into all her memories, just the secrets to what made her body responsive. When she started drifting into a dreamlike state and her shoulders dropped completely, I moved my hand up, drawing the sensations from the side to the top of her thigh. She was very relaxed now so I started kissing her neck, taking in the subtle scent of her perfume and tasting the light bit of sweat that had formed just below her ear. 

I did this for awhile until she started moving rhythmically against my hand, urging it to move up further. But instead, I removed my hand completely and pressed my still clothed but very hard cock against her thigh, adding a small groan against her neck for good measure. She started to turn around, likely to kiss me, but I put my hand on her soft belly and held her in place. Ah, and it was lovely, warm and round like a woman’s should be – those skinny bitches may look good on the catwalk or in somebody’s swimsuit commercial but give me curvatons. Mmm, maybe Angus is right and I do miss this – men are all straight lines and angles. Victoria must have noted my increasing amorousness because she tried to turn her head to kiss me again. This time, I slipped down in the bed and caught her left nipple in my mouth. I held it there until her breathing steadied again then started alternating between sucking and grazing my teeth against the harden nub. If Angus wasn’t pounding his meat already, he was soon about to.

I have a rule – when I sex up a lady, she has to cum at least three times, three different ways – it only seems polite as That-Which-Has-No-Name afforded them the opportunity for more orgasms than men and I’ve always thought to make up for the pain of putting up with us. Plus, I’m a giver like that. I left the nipple and sat up a bit so I could see her face and judge if she was ready for round one. Her eyes were half closed, her mouth half open with her tongue at the tip of her bottom lip. So I kissed her, lightly at first but she sat forward asking for more. We kissed opened mouth for a few moments before I dipped some of my finger inside her. She moaned a little when I scooped out some of the thick juices and began to slowly rub just underneath her clit. It took a while but I eventually found a speed she liked. I alternated between sucking then licking her bottom lip and soon she was quietly pleading for me not to stop and I felt her thighs quaking against my wrist. Gosh I love when they beg!

I didn’t let her swim in a post orgasmic state for too long though – you do that and they either fall asleep on you or get all uppity to hide their embarrassment about being so wanton. I sat up abruptly then moved down to her feet. She gave me a quizzical look and I smiled devilishly at her. “You didn’t think I was done, did you?” I grabbed her ankles and pulled her from against the headboard and flat on her back.

“Hrumph!” she exclaimed. “What are you . . . ?” 

By the time she got mid-sentence, I’d moved my face up to her dripping snatch and realized she dyed the hair on her head. “So nice of you not to shave but one shouldn’t be embarrassed by such a nice shade of red.”

She lifted her head and replied, “Teasing from childhood.”

“I can’t imagine many teased you and were left standing for long!” I positioned myself on my stomach, my arms beneath her thighs and hands gripping her butt. I shouldn’t have been surprised that those lovely curves and softness hid sets of tight muscles and likely an enormous amount of physical strength. “Now if you will excuse me, I have a mission to finish. I must make muscle turn to jelly.” I sank my mouth atop her mound, shaking my face a bit to burrow more closely against her lips. I licked inside a bit and was rewarded with a slight wiggle from her ass cheeks. I drew in a breath and took in a strange combination of what had to be heather and lilac. Yet, when I tasted her juices I could have sworn I was at some outdoor café in Jerusalem’s old city. Her hips shifted as if she was trying to escape my mouth, so I tightened my grip. Her clit was betraying her by poking out from its hood. Clits are greedy little dicks with foreskins that need a slow then speedy attention – lick a man’s head right, he’ll give you his fortune; kiss a woman’s pussy right and she’ll give you her soul. But, I wasn’t really after all that. I just wanted her to give my husband a show. And that she did – screaming and writhing those thighs around so hard she nearly dislocated my shoulders. I thought of going for another round after her shaking calmed down but was concerned that I’d need a medic afterwards.

I also considered diving in again because suddenly the thought of having to fuck her made me shrink to a rather tepid erection. Suddenly, I wouldn’t been able to fuck an over worked Vegas street whore. So, under the guise of giving her a moment, I kissed her thighs. Meanwhile, I reached underneath myself, pushed my pants down, and pulled out my cock. I rubbed myself like someone convincing a disinterested puppy to play catch. After a few moments, it worked well enough where I reckoned I would at least be able to get the condom on. Maybe once I’d fucking her, things will fall into order, I kept telling myself. I sat up on my knees and grabbed the rubber from the nightstand. I was trying not to understand why a man, such as myself, who just visited the other side of 30 would need Viagra. Typically, at this point, I would be holding things together to get inside in time. Instead my penis was wondering why I was bothering. I found myself wondering why it was disinterested in something that just moments ago was looking so luscious. Before things became embarrassingly impossible, I proceeded to lift her hips high and put a pillow underneath her butt. 

It was too bad, considering my cock’s lack of enthusiasm, that there was no real chance for anal ‘cause everything was looking warm and wet down there. Luckily her cunt was so open and inviting she did not seem to notice my whimpering puppy. I started moving what I had in and out slowly, thinking that would change things. But it was at about thrust #12 that I started considering a cover story – maybe I could say I had a flashback? Just then, something burning touched my ass.

It was Angus. “I said, I have no intention of touching her. You, however, are another story entirely.” He slipped a heavily greased up and commanding pointer finger fully in my ass. He moved in closer to me and used his other hand to rub my ass cheek. He whispered to me in Welsh, “What was it you said once? ‘The dick doesn’t lie’? I guess you were correct. But, I’m not going to let your reputation be tarnished by something as silly as your loyalty to me.” He took in a sharp breath then licked the back of my neck. “Now, I suggest you lean far into her ‘cause I’m, as they say, ‘coming up the rear’.”

I did what I was told and was rewarded with his wonderful cock sliding directly up my ass. Victoria let out a yelp, undoubtedly connected to my cock’s sudden expansive happiness, but she likely either didn’t notice or care initially about its cause. Within seconds my brand was sending sparks over our heads. Normally, I would have thought through the implications and complications surrounding this little escapade – I’m a philosopher after all – what does this mean? Does this change things? How will this . . . . ? But right now, I had a shift in my soul and what was initially simple mechanics had become something much more powerful.

Angus’s moderate but deliberate rhythm shifted which changed mine. Victoria was back to pleading, breathing rapidly, eyes closed tight as she dropped into the feeling. Angus kept himself deep inside of me and started that grinding motion I adore, which meant he was about to cum. Then he leaned toward my ear again and repeatedly whispered in Hebrew, “Beloved, you are made holy to me, for I love you as my soul.” His sperm was dripping down my balls before I realized she had orgasmed as well, my duty now complete.

After sleeping for a few hours, Angus and I woke up to find our third party gone. I told Angus that I’d earlier noted that there was no luggage or any semblances of someone previously occupying the room. We did find a note on the nightstand however, that said “A pleasure to have been with both of you tonight. One can only hope to have such a relationship with another human-being as you two obviously share. Enjoy the room until the morning.”

“Do you think Victoria is her real name?” Angus asked sitting up in the bed.

I shook my head and turned on the light on the other nightstand to survey the room. “Does it matter? It’s not like you have her number.”

Angus got up to walk to his pants to pull out his mobile and dial then turned on the speaker so I could hear the automated voice say ‘The number you have reached has been temporarily disconnected.’ “I guess I don’t,” he shrugged. He returned and dropped back on the bed. He looked forlorn. “I guess I’m feeling stupid.”

“Why?” I asked.

“You know.”

“Yes, but I want to hear you say it.”

He sighed heavily. “It isn’t about the sex.”


“Alright. I thought you’d be able to . . .”

“Yeah, well, that WAS about to be embarrassing. You rescued me and I thank you.”

“But that’s it, isn’t it!? It’s me. None of that, none of that fucking was real. At least it didn’t look real, not until I came up to you.” He moved closer but still looked off into blank space, still forming his thoughts. “You’re right, it isn’t about gender. It’s just me, you just love me. I am enough for you.”

“Aren’t I enough for you?”

He looked at me as if I had three heads. “Are you crazy? Of course you are! Don’t be daft. This isn’t about how I feel.” He took my hand, rubbed the fingers and played with my wedding ring. “If I was honest, really honest Deetz, you had me at our first kiss. It was shocking, exciting, and terribly real. It was the first time I’d had a feeling of love toward anyone except my parents. Up until then, I thought I’d just jet set around until my dick got tired. Screwing wasn’t much more than masturbation and I thought that was all I’d ever get, all that my life would ever be. With you, I have contentment, I’m settled.” He finally got the courage to look up at me. “You’d been the adventurer, the wanderer. I reckoned eventually I wouldn’t be enough.”

“Internalized biphobia.”


“It’s called internalized biphobia.”


I smiled. My husband was a great linguist, a brilliant venture capitalist, powerfully sexy and ridiculously kind but a rocket scientist he wasn’t. “Nevermind.” I lifted his hand and kissed the palm. “Your aunt said it’s destiny created by 17th Century druids, practicing their faith underground, hiding from church authorities. Why they did it we may never know but they united the lords of Glamorgan to their valets for all eternity. Some of us however, well, took loyalty all the way to the bedroom.”

“Do you believe all that?”

“Do you believe my clair-sentience, that I have a brand on my back that lights up like Chanukiah when you fuck me?”

“Point taken.”

“What I mean is stop fretting about the origins, the foundation of this relationship and let’s just live it.” I turn fully toward him and cupped his face. “We can adventure together.” I kissed his nose then sat back, considering whether to go back to sleep or look around the bar for some overpriced snack food.

“You didn’t cum, did you?”

I looked down at my cock, laying quietly to one side, its one eye opened and looking at Angus. “Does it matter?”

Angus put his hand flat against my stomach and held it there. The warmth from his palm in combination with his very dirty thoughts, hardened me immediately. “I haven’t done this in a while. Let’s see if he responds without you being tied up,” Angus said with a devilish tone. 

It wasn’t long before I was laying a generous trail along my lower and upper thigh and shivering violently, with him all the while whispering repeatedly, “You are my beloved and my beloved is mine”.

He smiled then hugged me. And I wondered if we would ever see Ms. Radcliff again.

Same as Angus Sold Me at a Cocktail Party Videos

3 years ago
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Cocktail Party

consutant in Washington D.C.. I was attending the cocktail party along with other political people and business executives. Karen put on her skin color thigh highs and garter belt. She had always preferred them over regular panty hose so that She wouldn't have to worry about tugging on them late into the evening. She threw over a sheer pink blouse that moved with her body and pulled up a gray pencil skirt that hugged her hips. And nice black heels to top it off. I put on my gray slacks...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 9 Scenes From A Cocktail Party

“I really appreciate this, guys,” commented Georgia for about the tenth time. Jeremy and Rusty smiled at each other and rolled their eyes. Moving Georgia Cummings’ outdoor bar system was a pain in the ass, but she was a nice lady otherwise. “Piece of cake, Mrs. Cummings!” replied Jeremy. “Are you going to the party?” asked Rusty. He was carrying a long water hose and a power cord and several blender pitchers, as Jeremy pushed the wheeled cart. Georgia’s duties seemed to consist of...

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Rachels Cocktail Party

Introduction: Rachel sat at her dresser, putting the finishing touches to her make up and admiring herself in the mirror Rachels Cocktail Party by anon y mouse Rachel sat at her dresser, putting the finishing touches to her make up and admiring herself in the mirror. Her husband, Edward had told her he was bringing three of his colleagues back from work for cocktails and snacks in the early evening and she was making sure she looked her best. She had put on a red party dress over matching...

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However, I have not watched him blow another man during our stay here. Though I want to, it will be a huge turn on for me. Perhaps we can share the same man? We both have strong sex drives and are gender fluid: he has no qualms about another man blowing him - as long as I watch. We have been invited to a cocktail party at five on the Saturday, an early start so people can pair off if they wish. “I want us to find a man for you tonight,” I tell him after lunch as we relax on the bed teasing...

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However, I have not watched him blow another man during our stay here. Though I want to, it will be a huge turn on for me. Perhaps we can share the same man? We both have strong sex drives and are gender fluid: he has no qualms about another man blowing him - as long as I watch. We have been invited to a cocktail party at five on the Saturday, an early start so people can pair off if they wish. “I want us to find a man for you tonight,” I tell him after lunch as we relax on the bed teasing...

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The Worlds Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party

episode 27 (This follows “Getting Nekkid With a Cheerleader”) The annual football game between the University of Georgia and the University of Florida is a very unique clash. Rather than alternating the game on each other’s campus, the two universities have met in Jacksonville, Florida since 1933. The tickets sold to the event are divided equally between the two universities, so that both teams fans show up in equal numbers. The crowd is enormous and the festive party atmosphere that surrounds...

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Cocktail Umbrellas and Other Things

Arriving home after a long shift, I almost don't notice a slightly bulky envelope among my mail. I glance at the return address and smile. Brushing aside my bills, I slit open the envelope. Out falls a single paper cocktail umbrella. I pick it up and twirl it around in my fingers. The sight of it brings a rush of memories. I tuck it behind my ear, sit down in my favorite chair, and let my mind wander.~~~~I remember clearly the first time I saw a cocktail umbrella. As a child, my family lived in...

Oral Sex
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The cocktail party

The evening began as a diner party between three couples at village 8 miles fromhome. Sharon and I went with our neighbours Ian and Diane, the men in DJ`s andthe girls in cocktail dress's. Sharon looked great in her blue dress, underwhich I knew she had new G-string and suspenders. The dress offered her 34D titsadequate support so she was braless. The food was good and the wine flowed. Theevening included lots of fun and games, including dancing with each other'spartners. The girls all looked...

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The Cocktail Waitress

The Cocktail Waitress Belladonna I shuddered as I looked at my reflection in the mirror as the stylist moved to touch up the makeup where my breast forms met my chest. "Looking good," Doug said as he gave me a thumbs-up from the seat that he had watched various bits and pieces of my feminization from. I shook my head in response before I gazed into the mirror and became transfixed by my reflection. What I saw made me sick to my stomach. From head to toe I looked every bit a...

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After Hours Sperm Cocktail

My phone buzzed, and glancing at it I saw I had a message from Jackson, a friend of mine, who had been telling me about a very intriguing experience that he had had that he thought I would find just as intriguing!The text read: R U STILL INTERESTED IN A SC? IF U R  U HAVE A CHANCE 2 NIGHT!The abbreviation 'SC' meant sperm cocktail! Apparently, according to Jackson, there was a group of like-minded guys in the area who would get together occasionally, and collectively, they would each contribute...

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The Sperm Cocktail Club

As I arrived at the Jackson's apartment, there were already a sizable number of other 'donors!' I counted six, but within a matter of about fifteen minuets, that number had grown to 10.Waiting to see if anyone else was going to show up, Jackson was his typical, excited and enthusiastic self! As I talked with a guy I recognized from the last time the group had gotten together, I saw that Jackson had the brandy snifter already out on the same small antique side-table that had been used the last...

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Rachels Cocktail Party

by anon y mouse Rachel sat at her dresser, putting the finishing touches to her make up and admiring herself in the mirror. Her husband, Edward had told her he was bringing three of his colleagues back from work for cocktails and snacks in the early evening and she was making sure she looked her best. She had put on a red party dress over matching red silk panties and a bra, the underwear she had chosen was brief, the panties little more than a thong, so it wouldn't show though her...

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Cocktail Party at Bill Michelles

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Ottos Special Cum Cocktail

His name was Otto. I found about his penchant for making sperm cocktails, and sperm soup (meaning, that he liked jacking off into a fancy, cut glass wine goblet, or into an antique soup bowl, for any interested party that might be so inclined; and I was that interested party!Through a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend sort of connection I decided to see if I might be able to have one of those for myself!"You've GOT to have one of those!" The guy who knew Otto, and who said he'd contact him to see...

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Sold! By Cassandra Morgan Beauty fades. Colors wash away. Passion ebbs. It is but a matter of time. Dreams die. Energy fades. Skies darken. You get used to life, until that which was exciting becomes routine. It is even so for those of us who refuse to live ordinary lives. There was a time when dressing like a maid was all that mattered in my world, when cleaning and cooking were highlights to my day. There was a time when the sound of my Mistress' raised voice thrilled me and...

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Cocktail Party Groping

Bree is invited to a cocktail party by some friends of friends of mine. The party is at the Dallas Country Club. There were between forty and fifty guests, which barely made a dent in all the space they had available in the ball room. She is wearing a mid-length fairly low cut black cocktail dress. As usual, that is all she is wearing. The dress had darts in the front so there is some support for her breasts. It is obvious to everybody that she wasn't wearing a bra. On a few occasions she...

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The Best Sperm Cocktail

Hello ISS readers. I am Deepti from New Delhi. This is my third story on this site. Thanks a lot for liking my second story “My Doctor ruined my pussy”. Big thanks for the great response and your love. This is also a true incident which happened with me. Hope you all like it. Sorry for mistakes if I did any. Your suggestions are always welcome. I am Deepti, 29 year old married lady, live in Pitampura, New Delhi. It’s been 4 years since I got married. I have one child. My husband’s name is...

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5ft6 115lbs 16yearsold unspoilt Sold Part I

A new story with a few new themes I wanted to explore. For those who know me somewhat, yes, she is a bit docile for my taste but Ill try everything once. Enjoy! By the way… I wanted to design this story in a way that I, as a writer, can get my kicks out of it too. For those who are not true sadists, like myself, youll find out that not every story is meant to please you. Part two will follow. Someday. Id like to get you all nice and anxious. Part I She sat in the garden silently gazing at...

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Kristi Sold and Bought

SynopsisBecause of her behaviour, her father sells her on a month’s trial as a slave to the owner of a store where she’s caused much disruption. She pays a painful price for it. More pain follows when she returns home before she is sold again.  Kristi, Sold and Boughtby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...

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George Isolde etc Ch VII

Chapter VII George had been sitting on the front stoop, nursing a bottle of Boh when Terry pulled up. He stood up and walked toward the car. Sticking out his hand, he said, “Hi. I’m George. Welcome. Bob said you were making hay today. There’s a hose ‘round back, if you wanna knock the dust off.” Terry shook hands and said, “Name’s Terwilliger, but everyone calls me Terry. A hose doesn’t do very well. I was thinking maybe I’d run over to Mago Vista and jump in the river.” He cocked his head...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XV

Chapter XV They were all sitting at the breakfast table, having a second cup of coffee, when Isolde spoke up. “I have an idea,” she said. “On those nights when I don’t feel like shutting one of you out, would you both mind coming to my bed with me, and just snuggling, and going to sleep that way?” George and Terry looked at each other. “I’m game, if you are,” Terry said. “Okay,” George said. “We can give it a try.” He wanted to say that things might be moving a little too fast, but he...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Pola Band Ch IV

Chapter IV When they got to the gig, Will, the drummer, was just setting up. He nodded to George and Isolde as he fiddled with his equipment. The bass player hadn’t arrived yet, but that was no surprise. He had told George three months ago that he was playing a wedding in Ocean City “on a Friday afternoon, for God sakes! Doesn’t anyone get married on a Saturday anymore?” he had rhetorically asked. “Maybe they got a three-day weekend special,” was George’s laconic reply. “Yeah. So now they are...

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Revolutionary Magic 102 Sold at Five

My Name is Nessa. Today I finished writing early. I want to write more so I'll tell -you who come after- about me. I don't remember where I was born or what my familiy was called and I'm the only Nessa around so never needed a nick. My familiy were serfs. Elder Brother was older than me. I think he was married. Sister was older than me but a lot younger than Elder Brother. Brother was younger than me and Mother was pregnant. When I was five Father took Sister and me to the fields...

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Sold As An American Bride

Sold as an American Bride By Jena Corso Michael and James were having a great time at their business conference in Moscow. After three days they had begun to make the business contacts they felt they needed if they were going to succeed in opening the Russian branch for the firm. On our fourth night they were beginning to adjust to the time difference and enjoying dinner and a few cocktails when Michael received an unexpected phone call. As Michael hung up the phone he stared at...

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George Isolde etc Chapters X XI

Chapter X George woke up full of welts, and itching all over. His back and neck were stiff from sleeping hunched over. He scrunched up his face, and could feel the dried salt on his cheeks. He rubbed his chin and cheeks with his right hand as he turned his left arm toward the light filtering through the front window, and peered at his watch. It said 3:15. He got up and walked into the house as he tipped the bottle up and chugged his now warm beer. He set the empty bottle on the kitchen...

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George ISolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch V

Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...

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George ISolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch V

Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...

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George Isolde etc Chapter VIII

 Chapter VIIISunday morning, after they had all had coffee, Terry and George took the canoe out to go fishing, and Isolde wandered around inside the house, exploring. She found the pull down attic stairway in the upstairs second bedroom, and went up in the attic, just to see what was there. She found several rolled up rugs, and assumed they were in storage until winter. There was an old Electrolux tank vacuum cleaner, and she hauled it, and it’s attachments down into the main house. Maybe I’ll...

4 years ago
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The Adjustment of Nicola JamesChapter 17 A Cocktail Party

Sometimes I like to arrange an evening with those that I have been lucky enough to help. It lets me keep in touch with my clients and, I like to think, provides some of them with the additional benefit of contacts with like-minded souls. It was with that in mind that I invited Meriel James and his wife to join me for cocktails on the evening of a Friday in late September together with a number of my other clients. It was hot; so different from the cold and damp Spring evening on which we...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVIII

Chapter XVIII Wednesday morning, they all three awoke at the crack of dawn. Isolde wondered if their new-found camaderie, or maybe love had recharged all of them, and made them want to wake up early, to be together.George spoke first, saying, “Good morning, you two. I love you guys.” Then, springing out of bed, and turning toward Isolde, he said, “If you don’t mind, I’m gonna hop in the shower first, so I can get my ass off to Glen Burnie.”“Are you sure you don’t want company?” Isolde asked,...

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White Woman Sold to Black Men at Auction

part 1 The story takes place at an underground auction in one of the depressed areas of a big city. The girl in question who's name is Deann has taken a large amount of money from a questionable black loan shark in order to help her her aging parents and is now unable to pay it back. She had agreed to be auctioned off to the highest bidder for sexual favors and will be used as a sex slave for the period of at least one month if she is unable to pay the money back. ...

5 years ago
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White Women Sold at Auction To Black Men

This is another of my wife's fantasy's about black men and most of her girls, the ones in her fantasy's get themselves into situations that require them to things that a proper lady would never do and for her this is how she rationalizes her way around the guilt! I do not know why it is such a turn on for some couples and especially females when it comes to black men. Is it just forbidden fruit? or is it their reputation for being big and providing prolonged rough sex. I think some...

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Sold to the Highest Bidder

The prospect was just too tempting not to investigate further. When Donald Meadows was sent an exclusive invitation from Mistress Veronique to an event that was described as a private, very real, and completely voluntary interracial slave auction, he first thought it might be a party or munch where people meet and greet but he certainly couldn’t believe that it was an authentic slave auction. He was intrigued, however, and he trusted the source of the invite so he started doing his research. ...

4 years ago
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Drugged raped sold revenge is a bitch

Erin and I have been together since we were in pre-school. First starting out as friends, then in high school, we began to experiment sexually with each other. This lead to us moving in together when we started college. At a party during the university days, there were a couple of cute guys, who kept hitting on us. We have always considered ourselves true lesbians, but we had been drinking along with some light d**g use, besides they were so cute - one thing led to another, before we knew what...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 17 Sold

Two large and robust looking men were positioned by the rostrum, obviously to keep order and to control the proceedings. As each prisoner was needed for auction, one of them would come behind the screen, collect them by name, and act as an escort to the stage. The men were auctioned first, starting with the least robust and oldest who were quickly sold for only a few credits. They all went through exactly the same routine as Kate had taught Jacqui and then Kate acted as auctioneer taking...

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Cocktail Party Wife

John's friend Jane Doe and her husband Jack Doe decided that they fancied having a cocktail party where they and all their friends could get dressed up to celebrate and have a proper party before everyone started getting pregnant or moving from their hometown. There was a few married couples there and my Ex-Girlfriend Jessica and a few other stragglers. Everyone knew everyone else as we'd all been either friends for years or had been at school with each other. Jane was a hottie who I had wanted...

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Ericas Adventures Anal Cocktail

The curtains were drawn in Ben's living room, ensuring any passers by in the village wouldn't be able to see the 9 naked men drinking, chatting and watching the old television set while they tugged on their pricks.It wasn't very often that his parents went away and left him alone in the house, and Ben, who was 23 and not too happy about living at home anyway, had decided to make the most of it and invite some friends around. He'd asked Mike, who knew a man who sold porno VHS tapes in the nearby...

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Taffy the Cocktail Waitress

Taffy the Cocktail waitress By Maya Micheals So groggy when the alarm when off- heading pounding- wow that was some party, had too many whiskey cokes. It was a pretty wild night-but then the all the parties at "The Pink Pussy Cat" always are. I can't help it I love Transgendered girls- today's women are too busy trying to prove that they are equal to man. T girls- are so much feminine- they are look so pretty- their dresses so frilly- they always wear spikey heels. Best of all they...

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Sasurji Ka Swadisht Virya Aur Peshab Ka Cocktail

Hi mera naam hai kanchan hai. Ye meri iss pe pehli hi lekin dhamakedar story hai jo apke lund aur choot ko pani chhodne pe majboor kar degi. Mai dikhne mein kafi khubsoorat hu. Gora chitta rang, unnat uroj aur sexy niyamb meri khasiyat hai. Mera figure 36” 26” 38” hai. Dekhne wale aur mere jankar muze aksar kahte hai ki mai asin ki tarah dikhti hu. Ab mai aapka jyada waqt jaya na karke sidhe story pe aati hu. Yeh baat tab ki hai jab meri shadi ko 2 saal ho chuke the Aur mai aur mere pati jo...

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An Afternoon Sex Cocktail

Nothing, but the worst guilt trip of her life, could have caused such a need to vomit up her soul as she now felt. Suddenly pulling her elegant appearing smokestone clear coat metallic colored 2009 Lincoln MKS to the side of the parking lot as the was beginning her drive home. Eleanor ‘Ellie’ Berkenstein stopped the dream of a vehicle she’d purchased, actually her husband had written the check for the $40,000 plus automobile, only three weeks previously. Before becoming sick...

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The Forbidden Cocktail

He is in a cool bar with their best friends. They're having fun and quite few drinks. He's having fun as well, but his mind keeps wander. They keep trying to get his attention and make fun of him he cannot hold his liquor as he used to when they were all younger. He lets them think that, hopes the one that knows him better than the rest don't suspect anything else. But it is not the alcohol. It is the aches he feels in his body missing the one he should not. The one who's not his. It's...

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The Bitch and the JerkChapter 5 The Cocktail

When we arrived at the Four Seasons Pierre function room where the Roger & Wilson's cocktail reception was held, there were already at least 200 people there. I saw Roger and Melissa. Roger gave me a hug, and so did Melissa. "Melissa, you're drop-dead gorgeous!" Melissa giggled. "Thank you, James. You look great, too. Nice tie you're wearing. It's much better than those napkins you usually wear." I glanced at Jennifer and saw her snickering happily. I introduced her to...

4 years ago
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George Isolde etc Chapter XVI

Chapter XVI While they were sitting out on the porch, George started having second thoughts again. He was sitting in one of the rockers, with his feet up on the crossbar, and suddenly sat forward, and planted both feet on the floor. He stood up and turning, said over his shoulder, “I gotta got to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” He went through the front door and down the hallway. After he left, Isolde said to Terry, “I think he is having some approach-avoidance issues with this whole...

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George Isolde etc Chap XIII XIV

Chapter XIII It was just 5:00 when Isolde pulled into the driveway and parked behind George’s VW. George and Terry came out of the house to greet her and she said, “Here – each of you grab a bag of groceries. Watch that one, Terry – it’s heavy.” She had bought several cans of soup, and some tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients for marinara sauce, and the store bagger had put all of the cans in one bag. “I forgot you were gonna have to rent a car,” said George. “We have to do something...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVII

Chapter XVII As he began to remove the sheets, George suddenly realized that it would be silly to take his standard sheets into Isolde’s bed, when it was a king-sized mattress. So he stopped pulling at the sheets, and simply picked up his pillow, and went back across the hallway to Isolde’s bedroom. He didn’t know exactly what he expected when he walked into the doorway, but what he hadn’t counted on was the musky smell of recent sex that permeated the room. He had a momentary pang of...

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Sold to the Highest Bidder

All the I’s were dotted and the T’s were crossed, avoiding the pesky little fact that the enslavement of real human beings is very much illegal, by virtue of the white men paying for the opportunity to be treated like actual slaves on an auction block. You can’t technically, or more importantly legally, be considered a slave if you have paid for the opportunity to be treated as such. And the fee was not at all insignificant; participants could choose from a menu of how long they wanted to...

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Mikayla Sold with Terri

Mikayla meets the newly captured Terri, and together they are thrust unwillingly onto the sales stage.. and sold like meat…Mikayla stood paralyzed with fear, which she had to, with her neck roped up so securely. It was also fortunate for the man kneeling at her feet and wrapping a thick piece a metal around her left ankle. He enclosed the two pieces and then threaded a large bolt thru the eyelet of the cuff’s closing flanges.Attaching a nut on to this bolt with some tools, he grinned up at the...

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My Nubie sold at Auction

Lke aIn the continuing story about my Nubie sub Stephanie. We received an email from a BDSM club in Washington that we have gone to a few times last year. They were having a BDSM slave auction and I said to my sub wife . I asked her think we should put Nubie Stephanie up for sale at the auction. My subbie wife said yes let's do it. I called Stephanie into the living room and told her that Saturday night you will be sold at a slave auction. She said what? I said yes you will be put up for...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band

Dedication This dedication is long and necessarily so. The book has taken me three decades to write, mostly because I didn’t start actually putting pen to paper, so to speak, until I had all my background ducks in a row. Putting ducks in a row is like herding cats; patience becomes the primary virtue. This book is Tom Woolfolk’s fault. Well, actually, Tom’s and Sheila’s jointly. We three commuted to work together for a few years in the early eighties, and during those long and boring rides,...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVII

Chapter XVII As he began to remove the sheets, George suddenly realized that it would be silly to take his standard sheets into Isolde’s bed, when it was a king-sized mattress. So he stopped pulling at the sheets, and simply picked up his pillow, and went back across the hallway to Isolde’s bedroom. He didn’t know exactly what he expected when he walked into the doorway, but what he hadn’t counted on was the musky smell of recent sex that permeated the room. He had a momentary pang of...

2 years ago
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sold into sissyhood

They were standing in a small group, drinking beer, smoking, and laughing. I could hear the rap music thumping aggressively from their boom-box. I could see them watching our car.It was late, well after midnight, and this particular park was no place for a white sissy to be at this hour. I've never been a physically or mentally strong person. Im very easily intimidated. And there I was in a tiny plaid mini and white pump sandals about to mince my way passed a group of young black street-toughs....

4 years ago
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College Guy Sold at Slave Auction

COLLEGE GUY SOLD AT SLAVE AUCTION Shortly after my 18th birthday, I enrolled at a university just north of Chicago. I'm not much into team sports but like cycling, skiing, and rock climbing. My stats are brown eyes and hair, 5' 11", 155 pounds, and good build. My main turn-on is bondage pictures and stories. I imagine myself as the one being bound and tormented. I'm not particularly interested in guys except as props necessary for my fantasies. I picked my school because I think Chicago would...

3 years ago
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The Diamonds Are Sold

THE DIAMONDS ARE SOLD (A sequel to ?The Diamond Sisters?? published previously) By Lewis Chappelle Dr. Sturges and his full time, kinky, submissive mistress, Sue Hurt, had conspired to develop a scheme to make millions of dollars almost 20 years earlier. The good doctor had adopted twin girls, who as it turned out were stunningly beautiful as they matured totheir late teen years. The eldest girl, born on April 30, he named April, the next, born on May 1, he named May. Their natural...

3 years ago
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Sold! Number 28 was standing in a cage with 3 other female slaves waiting for theirturn to be auctioned off. She could hear the auctioneer as he called out thebids on the slave taken from the cage a few minutes before. As number 28 stoodthere nervously, she reflected back on her path to this point in her life. She had been a relatively shy but normal 34 year woman. Long brown hair, nicesoft body with curves accented by a little extra weight. Her childhood wasnormal with loving parents and two...

4 years ago
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SOLDLast night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in thedictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if there is anysignificance to this particular night time vision. It seems a dream ofa black horse is a dream of passion. Considering all that has happenedin the past weeks, I am not surprised. ( (Witchie) Murray, 32, of Souris, Prince Edward Island, again thoughtshe was dreaming. But the hot Sudan sun and smells of the burning sand floorof the...

2 years ago
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George Isolde etc Chapter IX

Chapter IX Terry was in the bathroom when Isolde got to the top of the stairs. She rapped her knuckles on the door as she went by, and said, “I’m next.” She heard a muffled, “Okay.” A minute or two later, Terry came out of the bathroom, carrying and drying his hands on the towel. He handed the towel to Isolde, saying, “I guess you will want this.” He went into the bedroom, and lay down on his back on the bed. As he waited for Isolde to finish whatever she was doing in the bathroom (putting in...

4 years ago
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"Sold!" The word echoes in my ear suddenly. I wasn't expecting it, somehow thinking I'd be on the stage for longer. It's odd how quickly it happens. They lead you up on stage by a leash, totally naked, have you turn and give a show. Then there are a few numbers shouted, and then you're sold. You're an object to satisfy an owner. I barely even remember the name my parents gave me now. All I can remember is "slut" and "whore," occasionally "cunt." Training has been long and arduous. They drove...

3 years ago
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Male slave is sold to woman in yellow dress

I love being naked in front of a crowd of people. That is why I served as a sex slave for a year after I turned 18. Now I am going to do it again. This time I am worried. No one is looking at me. No one wants to inspect my naked body. I want to run after them and say look at me, but I am chained to a spot. Then one woman stands closely in front of me. She looks at me with those lovely blue eyes of her as she stood before me. I can tell that she is at least 15 years older than me and by her...

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